Bright Ideas

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Full name: Team name: Team members:

Worksheet 1 - Introductions Before you start learning more about your subject and creative discipline next week we want to find out what you already know! Subject: Can you tell us 3 things you already know about your subject? 1.



Creative discipline: Can you tell us 3 things you already know about your creative discipline? 1.



Questions Think about what you would like to find out about your subject and creative discipline in the next few weeks. What are 2 questions you have about your subject? 1. 2.

What are 2 questions you have about your creative discipline? 1. 2.


Worksheet 2 - Mood-boards At the end of week 3 in the library we would like each team to make two A4 moodboards based on your subject and creative discipline. This will give you a visual aid to help with your further research into your subject and for helping to plan how your animation/comic/game will look! If you can’t finish them in week 3 you can continue your research at home and finish them at the start of week 4. Below are some pointers to get you started.

Subject - What area of your subject are you most interested in? Gather some pictures that represent that. - Are there any people who work in your subject that you look up to? Find out more about them and what research they’ve done. - Think back to week 1 when we discussed how your subject is represented in the media (tv, film, games) - add some picture of that too!

Creative Discipline - Find some artists/designers that inspire you then choose your favourite pictures of their work. - What artistic styles do you like? 2D or 3D? Realistic or cartoony? Abstract or figurative? Gather examples of a style that you are interested in. - Think of the mood of your animation/comic/game. Is it sad or happy? Fast-paced and exciting or dreamy and relaxing? How will you potray this mood in your story? Look for examples of how atmosphere is conveyed, paying particular attention to colour. Make your mood boards on the computer in the library. Make sure to tell your mentor when you are finished and they will print them out for you to use as a reference in week 4.


Final Project - Planning Worksheet What is your project called? Make it catchy!

What is your game/animation/comic about?

What part of your subject is your project focusing on? Make sure to check facts with your subject mentor!

Who are lead characters? E.g. shop assistant, scientist, school pupil, criminal, doctor

Sketch the characters. What do they look like? What are they wearing?

Where does your game/animation/comic take place? E.g a city, factory, forest, concert, beach, a lab

Sketch the setting of your project. What are the most important objects/features in the setting?

Games and Psychology What kind of experience do you want the player to have? E.g. fun, scary, serious, intriguing

What is the objective of your game?

What challenges will the player face? E.g. obstacles, puzzles, enemies

What sounds do you need in your game?

Before starting to make your final game think about what roles each member of the team will take on. Who will be focusing on the art? The sounds? The production? Work out where your team members strengths lie and use this to your advantage!


Comics and Forensic Sciences What kind of atmosphere do you want the comic to have? Eg. fun, scary, serious, intriguing

How do you convey the storyline through words? E.g thought balloons, captions, speech bubbles, onomatopoeia (BLAM! SNAP! POW!)

There will be 6 panels in your comic - what happens in each panel? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Before starting to make your comic make a test comic with sketches of each panel. Plan the text, layout and size of each panel. Think about what roles each member of your team will take on. Who will be focuding on the drawing? The colouring? The storyline and text? Work out where your team members strengths lie and use this to your advantage!


Animation and Marketing What kind of atmosphere do you want the animation to have? Eg. fun, scary, serious, intriguing

You will be using lego to make your stop-motion animation. What important pieces of the set will you need to build?

You can decorate the background of your set. How are you going to decorate it?

Before starting to make your animation draw out a storyboard and plan each scene on a big bit of paper. Think about what roles each member of your team will take on. Who will be focusing on making the set and the characters? Who will be directing it? Who will be controlling the camera? Work out where your team members strengths lie and use this to your advantage!


Worksheet 4 – Promo your project! In preparation for showing your work in Week 6 we need an amazing title for your project and a catchy and exciting description! Think about what makes you want to try a game when you read an advert or what interests you when reading the blurb of a book. You want people to be queuing up to play your game, read your comic or view your animation!

Project Title: _______________________________________________________________

Description (50 Words Maximum) This description will be displayed on the wall at the showcase next week.


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