2 minute read
The Enrolment Process
Start by speaking to your centre. ABE centres are working in partnership with ABE and UH to administer this programme. They are on hand to help and, whilst the teaching of the programme will be done through the UH portal, they can offer you invaluable pastoral and academic support.
Some centres may prefer to use ABE's online payment system and this is also useful for older alumni, who may have self-studied in the past or are unable to access their ABE study centre. In this instance, go to the ABE WUGlobalPay page for step 1 of the enrolment process. Here's the link: https://student.globalpay.wu.com/geo-buyer/abe?#!/ Learners from the Caribbean need to contact info@abeuk.com for their form.
Here's how the process works
Register and pay for your first semester through your ABE centre or WUGlobalPay (note the enrolment deadline on www.abeuk.com/BBAtop-up).
Your centre / ABE will then send you a unique ABE UH registration link. Use this to register your details with UH and upload ABE qualification certificates and evidence of English language qualifications - for language info see - www.abeuk.com/learners/ba-language for future details
If you cannot locate your ABE certificate please contact info@abeuk.com
You will receive an email from UH confirming your offer of a place. On receipt of your UH offer, you need to email online-degrees@herts.ac.uk with the words I ACCEPT as your subject heading and quote "offer-student number first name family name.
On receipt of the acceptance email, the UH Programme Administrator will ‘pre-register’ you and this will generate the three automated emails below:
1. University login account issued
2. University login account setup
3. New student registration (stage 1)
Finally, as part of your stage 1 registration, you will need to upload a photo ID and complete Stage 1 registration as per the guidance provided in the email. At the end of the process, you will become ‘Self-registered’ on the programme of study, which will generate the Confirmation of Stage 1 Registration email.
UH then complete stage 2, which is their internal process to confirm all the details provided are correct. You will be sent confirmation that you are enrolled on the programme and can start the next stage of your learning journey.

Start by speaking to your centre. ABE centres are working in partnership with ABE and UH to administer this programme. They are on hand to help and, whilst the teaching of the programme will be done through the UH portal, they can offer you invaluable pastoral and academic support.
Some centres may prefer to use ABE's online payment system and this is also useful for older alumni, who may have self-studied in the past or are unable to access their ABE study centre. In this instance, go to the ABE WUGlobalPay page for step 1 of the enrolment process.
Here's the link: https://student.globalpay.wu.com/ge o-buyer/abe?#!/
Learners from the Caribbean need to contact info@abeuk.com for their form.