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Other essential information
English language requirements
In addition to ABE qualifications, you will need sufficient English language skills to cope with the level of study necessary to complete the online top-up degree. Local English qualifications are accepted from many countries. You can see the full list on the URL: www.abeuk.com/learners/ba-language
If you do not pass a unit you will be allowed one extra submission at no charge.
How does this degree compare to a UH campus degree?
Your qualification certification will be the same as any other University of Hertfordshire degree certificate.
Technology requirements
Basic IT skills are a requirement for anyone wishing to study online. For example, confidence using an internet browser, communicating by email and using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) or equivalent.
Students will need access to a suitable computer and an internet connection. Here is a checklist:
Desktop or laptop computer
Display (min screen resolution 1024 x 768)
Headset with microphone (built in if using laptop)
Broadband internet connection (2mbps min)
Don't forget, ABE centres can provide academic and pastoral support so do speak to your local provider if access technology is difficult.
www.abeuk.com/BBAtop-up Email: info@abeuk.com Tel: + 44 (0)20 8329 2930