Thesis _ the Role Of jingles In Advertising

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‘ JINGLE ’ all the way !!

Abhinandan Khanna



The advertising, from the time being has changed its appearance, style of appealing the masses as well as the way they promote the brands. But the most common factor which has sustained in these long days is “Jingle”. Jingle has always played an important role in sustaining an idea in consumer's mind. In the era of audio-visual effects it has became necessarily that not just visual imposition is sufficient but more than that the long lasting and much more appealing support is necessary. Whatever may be the nature of product, its taste, usability and the target consumer, it has became very important that how that product is being presented or being “launched” in the consumer's mind more that the actual market. Once the product is “launched” in consumer's mind, half of the advertising goal is achieved. This important activity is played by the ear-catchy jingles in the advertising. Because the instructive nature of sound, combined with repetitions and impressions over a long period of time, cause the message to be permanently embedded in the long term memory of the recipient, causing a real and significant potential for change in beliefs and behaviors. Being one of the oldest supporting media, as well as media in itself, jingle has its own importance in advertising world. Many creative people and thoughts are being worked out behind this 30 sec. musical tune. The jingle has its targets the largest number of the consumer area, as least interested person who listens any tune related to any product gets used to it when he hears it repetitively and his unconscious mind recalls the information provided by the jingle and this activity helps in actual sale of the product. i.e. Jingle becomes the identity of the product.



Although jingles are old media form, but due to the latest trends in music, which changes constantly, will help to maintain the importance of jingles. People like music; they like to sing. They associate music and singing with happiness, excitement, and fun. There is no faster way to create a positive impression for your product or business than to place its name in the line of a well-crafted jingle. From the pulse and rhythm found in our heartbeat, breathing and movement, to the melody that is created in our laughing, crying, screaming or singing, music is such an intrinsic part of who we are. The whole range of our emotions can be held and expressed within the rhythms and harmonies of our personal different musical styles and idioms A jingle, a clear message put to great music is the strongest, most reliable way to get your message remembered. The jingle keeps working even after the 60 second spot is over. No jingle will be successful with weak lyrics, and then comes music; if it is not catchy it will not be able to do justice to the lyrics. But what is even more important is what the lyrics are saying, the main theme, and the basic idea. It has to be giving true entertainment value, for people to take notice and remember it. In the form of radio advertising, Jingles and tunes plays the role of individual and strong media. As radio is the most powerful and mass catchy media. Catchy slogans as well as the famous songs from the latest films in the form of parody are mostly used as jingle in order to catch the audience. The radio advertising is supposed to be the cheaper advertising media, similarly in order to reach the largest medium of consumer; radio advertising is the best media. Jingles in radio and those in television although has different roles, but works almost the same way. The television jingles have overcome the limitations of the radio jingles and has benefitted the television media, in order to target the uninterested consumers.




It most easily understands media as it directly tells the message to the consumer. And thus with these functionalities, it has became the mass appealing media, right from the urban areas to less populated village areas. The format, style and the language changes according to the consumers throughout the county. Many jingles have become the identity of the product and have helped the product develop and maintain in the market. Thus I have chosen to study on the impact and importance of jingles on the minds of the consumers in Brand Creation, Brand Promotion, Brand Sustaining procedure and ultimately actual Sale.

Hypothesis & Summary


Jingle plays vital role in establishing, promoting, maintaining and developing brand identity of product or any service.



Summary and Explanation of Hypothesis: Establishment of brand:

The brand in order to get launched needs more attention in the market. There are many other aspects like who are the available competitors of the specific product. For which it is necessary to observe the USPs of the product. If the USPs are general, i.e. similar to other available products, then what are the PPDs of the product? i.e. Perceptible Point of Difference. The uniqueness of the product which makes it stands different from similar available product. In order to promote these type of products, Jingles plays the prominent role. For eg. The products like Coke, Pepsi and many more other similar products are available which are almost same. i.e. their USPs are almost same. But they have stood different from each other with the PPDs they have presented. Coke has maintained its class with the cultural factor. It claims that we make families together. Similarly Pepsi is promoting the brand with the youth attitude. i.e. favorite drink of youth. “Yeh hai youngistan meri jaan� is the line they are promoting. Mountain Dew promotes the fear factor and Thumps Up promotes the Urge and strength of the product. Although they all use different PPDs for promoting their brands, the main thing we can see here common is that they all are creating jingles which are promoting their brands more than anything. Promotion and maintenance of Brand: Promoting brand is the routine process in advertising. It is necessary to promote the created brand, or else products are forgotten by the consumers. This is lengthy and continuing process and thus more expensive. Thus most advertisements are edited in this case. . Visuals are brought down to the core idea. Jingles are the backbone for these ads in order to make consumer remember the actual message in cheaper way.



The same strategy is followed in the maintenance of the brand, where again jingle has its own importance. Jingle in any stage of advertising has to be powerful, because that is the thing which is most remembered by the consumer. Eg.: Products like Maggi, Titan, Coke, etc., which are set brands in the market. But they promote their products with the help of jingle which is supplementary to the visuals. Many government projects such as Forest Conservation, Save Tree, AIDS, POLIO, CANCER awareness, Female education importance, etc. are mostly promoted through jingles because it is easy to promote the concept throughout the country with cheaper way. Jingles created for such activities have become famous. Development of Brand: This is the stage which comes after the settlement of any brand. The product is famous, well known, and in terms of sales also it is achieving its returns. But then comes the stage of stagnation. i.e. the brand gets tucked in this stage. Everything gets stagnation. Sales as well as the demand of the product cannot go further its limit. This is the time where development of brand is necessary. There are many other aspects which are studied in this process. Mainly the reasons for stagnation are studied and according to that the strategies are designed. The reasons could vary from product to product. It could be the lack of freshness or the development in the product according to time, in increase in competitors. Then it is necessary to change the product according to time.



For eg. Maggi: Maggi was the only product which was offering easy and fast food at cheaper price and in less time. But after certain stage many other products came up with the same concept and maggi too was offering the same thing. So maggi has now launched its product with different refreshing flavors. In order to consider the health factor, they have also launched the Ata Noodles. They have also launched the product called cuppa noodles, which is just little process and ready to eat, which actually supported their tagline – “food in just 2 minutes�. These concepts are more prominently done by jingles. It is also observed that the thing which is said loudly is supposed to be truth. And if there is more competition, then it is necessary to sell your brand with loud voice. Jingles here plays important role. The catchier the jingle is, the more people get attracted towards it. In order to understand the various aspects of jingles and its importance in advertisements it is necessary to know what exactly jingle means?



What Jingle means? A jingle is a short tune used in advertising and for other commercial uses. The jingle contains one or more hooks and lyrics that explicitly promote the product being advertised, usually through the use of one or more advertising slogans. Ad buyers' use jingles in radio and television commercials; they can also be used in non-advertising contexts to establish or maintain a brand image. For example, a disk jockey at a pop music radio station or chain of stations may sing a jingle for station identification purposes. Jingles are a form of sound branding. The jingle had no definitive debut: its infiltration of the radio was more of an evolutionary process than a sudden innovation. Product advertisements with a musical tilt can be traced back to 1923, around the same time commercial radio began in the United States. If one entity has the best claim to the first jingle it is General Mills, who aired the world's first singing commercial. The seminal radio bite, entitled "Have You Tried Wheaties?", was first sung over the air on Christmas Eve of 1926 in the Minneapolis-St. Paul radio market.[2] It featured four male singers, who were eventually christened "The Wheaties Quartet", singing the following lines: Have you tried Wheaties? They're whole wheat with all of the bran. Won't you try Wheaties? For wheat is the best food of man. They're crispy and crunchy The whole year through, The kiddies never tire of them and neither will you. So just try Wheaties, The best breakfast food in the land. In 1967, the first Indian commercial was aired on Vividh Bharati and later in 1978; the first television commercial was seen. Various companies now started advertising on television and sponsoring various shows including Humlog and Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi.



As the jingle and its functions are directly related to Branding right from giving recognition to brand till making it sustained in the market, it's important to know what Brand means, and what is branding. Branding: A TRUE WORKING DEFINITION OF BRANDING Branding is a complex process, but its goal is simple. It is the creation and development of a specific identity for a company, product, commodity, group, or person. It is carefully designed to present qualities that its creators believe will be attractive to the public, and it is meant to be developed and perpetuated for the long haul. An ad campaign launches a product. Branding, when it's done right, creates an institution. Branding brings about so many benefits it reminds me of the saying, “You can count the number of seeds in an apple, but you can't count the number of apples in a seed.� Brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or company (name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of them) and how it relates to key constituencies: Customers, Staff, Partners, and Investors etc. Some people distinguish the psychological aspect, brand associations like thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and so on that become linked to the brand, of a brand from the experiential aspect. A brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that consumers connect with, by identifying the name, logo, slogan, or design of the company who owns the idea or image. Branding is when that idea or image is marketed so that it is recognizable by more and more people, and identified with a certain service or product when there are many other companies offering the same service or product.



For instance it is easy to differentiate all the soft drinks from each other because of their logos, tag lines, or designs. For e.g. ads of Mirinda where in Hollywood actresses is been indorsed and there tag line is 'Orange dekha to mu bola mirinda ' Through such lines we can easily associate with mirinda with its fun n jolly image. Advertising professionals work on branding not only to build brand recognition, but also to build good reputations and a set of standards to which the company should strive to maintain or surpass. Branding is an important part of Internet commerce, as branding allows companies to build their reputations as well as expand beyond the original product and service, and add to the revenue generated by the original brand. Branding is also a way to build an important company asset, which is a good reputation. Whether a company has no reputation, or a less than stellar reputation, branding can help change that. Branding can build an expectation about the company services or products, and can encourage the company to maintain that expectation, or exceed them, bringing better products and services to the market place. Almost every business has a trading name, from the smallest market trader to the largest multi-national corporation. Only a minority of those businesses however, have what could be classed as a 'brand' or a 'brand name'. Branding is a word commonly referred to by advertisers and marketing people, but what does it actually mean? There are many different definitions of a brand, the most effective description however, is that a brand is a name or symbol that is commonly known to identify a company or its products and separate them from the competition.



A brand creates an image in the mind of the consumer. It says something is different at your firm, something worth more than business as usual. If your firm is a commodity, your customers will choose you solely on the basis of price or getting something for free. If you've got a brand, you're selling a lifestyle and you can sell anything you want The main benefit of branding is that customers are much more likely to remember your business… If your business sells products that are often bought on impulse, a customer recognizing your brand could mean the difference between no-sale and a sale. Even if the customer was not aware that you sell a particular product, if they trust your brand, they are likely to trust you with unfamiliar products. If a customer is happy with your products or services, a brand helps to build customer loyalty across your business. Branding is not just taking the name of a successful product and slapping it on the box of a new product to “expand the brand.” Diversification is only possible when so much goodwill and trust have been established with the consuming public that the name will be followed wherever it goes. And even then, the product must deliver what it promises, or the brand name itself will be diminished, not enhanced. That is the polar opposite of what a Branding campaign sets out to do, yet it happens on an alarmingly regular basis. Ten best reasons for BRAND IDENTITY Establishing Business. ? Go beyond competition. ? Add the WOW factor. ? Create creditability. ? Increase in sales and revenues. ? Stand out from rest. ? Produce the bigger look. ? Easy Recognition. ? Attract more clients. ? Keeping up with time. ?



Role of Jingle in BRANDING Jingles played along with the TVCs make impact on the consumer's unconscious mind and good jingle is imposed on his mind for long run, which creates an impression about any product in that consumer's mind. This is the stage where brand recognition is done. Further repetition of jingle and the actual performance of the product help that brand develop and further sustain in market. It is very important for any brand to create its positive image in consumer's mind. Jingle helps for that. Other than potential consumers neglect the advertisements still in their un conscious minds there is an impact of specific product. This impact is made with the help of jingles. Consumer might not purchase the product, but will certainly promote it if his conscious mind likes the jingle. And when time comes to purchase the product he will opt for the same. So Jingle plays important role in converting general consumer into potential consumer, which helps branding. Role of Jingle in MARKETING PROCESS Marketing, from the time being has changed its definition and can be defined as process of all activities which are involved in the movement of goods from manufacturers to final consumers. There are different types of processes involved in marketing which differ from product to product. There are also many other purposes for the marketing activity. Re launching of the brand, re positioning of the brand as well as changing or increasing the consumer's area could be the motives of marketing. Such motives are satisfied with the help of jingles. The product which has achieved its expected sales, the product is also regular sale returns, but still the growth of that product becomes stagnant.



In such cases Jingles used with the old context or any old theme in order to maintain the continuity or even the fresh piece of jingle can make the revolutionary change in the sales as the product has achieved the new class with the help of refreshing and ear catchy jingles . The Cadburys Dairy Milk earlier was the product which was supposed to be consumed by children or the target audience was children but after the establishment of the brand the target audience coverage was increased and the adult and teenagers were also included and now the situation is that anyone right from kid to old person, easily and with taste eat those chocolates. Jingle has played the vital role in creating the new consumer market for chocolate as the ads created were jingle based. INDIAN ADVERTISING: ASPECTS AND PSYCHOLOGY Indian consumers have their own stand in the world of Advertising worldwide. Due to the globalization and the technical advancements in India, foreign producers are getting serious about Indian market. And therefore they are coming up with their products specialized for Indian consumers. Eg. Audi, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Adidas, Reebok, Coke, Levis, Jockey, etc. For promoting these brands they had to tune up with the Indian customer's psychology. Indian Consumer’s Psychology India, the country having lots of religions and languages is emotion based country. We Indians do care about our parents, neighbours, our belongings, our friends, even our celebrities who has directly no connection in our life, and we don't feel the botheration or disturbance of anyone who cares for us because we have the feeling of belongingness, which is completely opposite to the western culture. Although we are marching towards western culture, we are still having the 'family' atmosphere in our self.




It is observed that there are mental as well as physical walls between two 'close' people living together which is termed as 'space'. Emotions are not having much importance in their lives. The same psychology is reflected in Indian advertising. Therefore Indian Advertisements are emotion based which appeals more to the consumers. Jingle plays Vital role in INDIAN ADVERTISING You've probably experienced how annoying it can be to have a song stuck in your head. But when was the last time that you were annoyed because you couldn't get the sound of someone speaking a sentence out of your head? You've probably never experienced that annoyance. Why not? Music, unlike daily speech, is a memorable form of sound. As we walk, music walks with us, adding rhythm to our steps; and as we drive down the road, the linear progression of a song coincides with the passing scenery. Moreover, there are numerous little "instigators" that can turn our brain into a music box when we least expect it, which companies that produce "jingles" understand very well. One of the key areas of focus in audio branding is jingles (some of the others being ambient sound, signature tunes, web sounds, mobile sounds and the like). Jingles appeared on the radio in the '20s and played a major part in product advertising for the next six decades, reaching their peak in the West around the economic boom of the '50s-'60s. In India jingles stayed with us in a big way on radio till the '80s. The jingle was an advertising phenomenon that everyone in the family could hum in unison and in their own spaces. Even as TV became commonplace, it did nothing to damage the popularity of the jingle.



Advertising jingles are the most simplistic form of advertising on the market. But they're also one of the most successful forms of advertising. Once your company's jingle becomes embedded in someone's mind, they'll end up thinking about your products at the oddest times: during a walk through a sunny park, while driving in silence down a lonely highway or while raking leaves in a back yard. Any sense of cohesive movement has the propensity to release music that's been stored in our brains. So, what's the advantage of having someone think about your locksmith services as they walk through a park? At that precise moment, there isn't an advantage. But every time that a person hears your jingle, your company's presence in the marketplace is reinforced. When the person needs a locksmith, there's an excellent chance that your company will come to mind. Jingles work like other forms of advertising; the oftener one encounters them and the cleverer that they are, the more memorable they become. Successful jingles have three characteristics: they are short, easy to understand and easily recognizable. If a jingle doesn't possess these qualities, it is almost certain to be forgotten. With these things in mind, developing a successful jingle usually involves consulting with an experienced media company. Like all forms of advertising, developing a good jingle involves analyzing your target market to arrive at what style of jingle works best. For example, if your target market is the elderly, using a jingle that has an ultra modern dance beat probably isn't the best idea. In addition to choosing the right music, you'll also have the chance to communicate verbal appeals that speak directly to your audience. In the case of a locksmith service, such an appeal might be general. But if you're marketing something that deals with self-image or personal goals, the verbal appeal might need to be more specific.



In addition to producing sales, one of the greatest monetary advantages of having a jingle is that you can use it in more than one form of advertising. Jingles are commonly used in radio and television. But you can also use your jingle on your website. Most forms of advertising require constant renewal, but a good jingle can last for decades, keeping your company on people's mind and encouraging sales. In low environment hierarchy, the consumer engages in passive learning and random information catching rather than active information seeking. Such passive uninterested consumers may focus more on non message elements such as music, characters, symbols or slogans or jingles than actual message content. The advertiser capitalizes on this situation by developing a catchy jingle, which is stored in consumer's mind without any active cognitive processing and becomes salient when he/she enters into the actual purchase situation. The attractive and 'ear' catchy jingle remains long lasting in the uninterested consumers mind also, which intentionally or unintentionally creates an impact on consumer's mind. This promotes brand and makes it ultimately long lasting. Even today, with multiple interactive avenues in advertising, role of jingle is unquestionable. Though jingles started for radio advertising, they still form an important part of marketing mix even in age of online gaming. Jingle of Parachute oil – “Pyaar mein… Gorgeous Hamesha'” was not just aired on TV and radio, was hosted on their website, on portals, on YouTube and hosted as ringtones across many sites. On Reliance Mobile World, this jingle was deployed under the Romantic Hits category. I have heard my friends listen to this time and again on their laptop!


Slogans and Jingles form an essential part of the advertising industry. The main role of an advertising slogan or radio jingle is to create an identity for the brand. Once the catchy slogan or jingle becomes popular, it further leads to brand recognition and services as a reminder for the target audiences. A lot of effort goes into brainstorming and creating an advertising slogan / tag line / jingle for a brand / product. The creative tag line must fall in place and gel with the overall marketing efforts and corporate identity of the brand being advertised and promoted. Over the years, it has been seen that certain advertising campaigns have been a huge hit with its target audiences. People, till date, relate to the brand through its catchy and creative ad slogan, jingle. Such is the power of creativity! Other such famous brands are Bajaj, Nirma, Airtel, Titan watches, Vicco Turmeric cream, Frooti, etc. Creativity has been the definitive issue in advertising, and ways and means have been devised to make advertising effective. One of the prominent, integral and powerful instruments of successful advertising has been jingles. If recalled, some of the old jingles that resound even today are those of Bajaj Lights, Nirma, Cadbury's, Titan and many others. As jingles become a trend, another recent observation is the incorporation of music tracks in TVCs. Differentiating the aspects of a jingle and a music track in a TVC, most creative players agree that traditionally, the definition of jingle has been a conventional song with lyrics, while the use of music track is largely restricted to instrumentals. A jingle is basically the strategy in rhyme; while music tracks works like those from feature films enhance the mood that the TVC attempts to create, to convey messages that visuals alone cannot.



Music in Advertising There are usually four ways in which music is used in advertising today. Brand signature tunes: They are very short, usually not more than five to six notes. These are difficult to hum (with the exception of Intel that forces you to join in). Any musician will tell you that this is probably the most difficult composition challenge. However, in recent times, there have been attempts at longer 15-30 second signature tunes with repetition for greater stickiness (Airtel, being a case in point). This makes them almost like a jingle without words. Jingles/Songs: Jingles are what consumer brands have used for most part of last century and many of them still echo in our heads. The use of songs is getting more popular these days. The distinction between a jingle and a song is that a song does not have a 'praise the brand' section. The Hutch song or Close-Up's Paas aao naa, Cadbury's Khush hai zamana', Lux's recent Sohne se bhi sohna lage, are examples of songs. Background track: The background track's role is to simply accentuate the messaging and no one is supposed to remember the track. Sign-off track: A sign-off track is one where the play is on the brand name and sometimes the tagline. It is used in one part of the track - usually at the end. Gillette and Nescafe have used the sign-off track very effectively over the years.





Categories of Consumers and Jingles associated to them

Jingles are categorized according to the consumer class for whom it is made. The contents and the music of the jingles changes according to the consumer. Following are the categories under which we can differentiate the contents of jingles. Children (Age 6-14): This type of category is very important in terms of advertising. Effective ads for children often utilize music as a key component. Each and every thing about the product is supposed to be explained and made clear in order to get the product famous. The advertisers might think that the idea could be childish but the same concepts are loved by children. Similar is the thing about the jingles. Simple, melodious and easily understanding jingles are the success point of children advertising. It is also important point to remember that the jingle is not spreading any negative message or any harmful message which can spoil the psychology of children. Children have the nice grasping power, thus they can remember the jingles very easily, which likely turns into actual buying of that specific product. Therefore it is very important to have jingle in advertising the brands which are related to children.



Amul Butter: Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul Butter ads presented their product with the mascot named 'moppet' which means the little cute girl. The product was promoted with the baseline cum jingle Utterly Buttery Delicious Amul ! These ads were telecast long ago, with the new comic touch of animation, which was very new and almost unknown thing to Indians. The cute cartoons were moving on television was the great wonder to the children and along with that the tagline was jingled which became so famous that it is still the brand identity of the Brand AMUL. Amul Butter

Bournvita Tan Ki Shakti, Mann ki Shakti : Bournvita – Bournvita is also the pioneer of the flavored milk concepts. The children mentality is like to avoid milk in any circumstances, but after Bournvita came in market it was fun drinking milk, especially with the yummy chocolate flavor. The jingle seems to be inspired from the legendry song ' humko manki shakti dena' which is used as prayer in many schools. The same lyrical and musical touch is used in order to attain the popularity. The title song became famous and was further used as a tagline too. Tan ki shakti Mann ki shakti : bournvita. The ad shows the group of children standing in front of the huge Bournvita bottle and singing the song. This ad had launched the jingle.




Dhara : Jalebee The most innocent and cute ad I have ever seen on television. The innocence of the children has been perfectly captured. The way he gets angry, and leaves home, But when he meets his 'ramu kaka' and gets to know that at his home his favorite Jalebee is prepared, he rushes towards home and innocently accepts his mischief and eats Jalebee. The title music for the whole sequence is played by the dhara jingle. Dhara Dhara, Shuddha Dhara, in musical form. But the jingle plays important role in conveying the importance of the emotions. And The product plays the important role in such emotional and innocent scene. This ad is supposed to be the legendry ad in the history of Indian Advertising.




Vodafone This service was earlier owned by Hutch. The Vodafone followed the same concept of using pug understanding the popularity of the older Hutch ads. The ads presented the pug Dog who follows the sweet girl everywhere. And there slogan was 'Wherever you go, our network follows you' There were the series of such ads in which the innocence of the dog and that girl was shown. These ads were much popular in children. Although the product was not made for children, the innocence used was powerful to attract the customers. Two different jingles were used in these ads U & I, In this beautiful world‌‌ Every day I want to Fly, stay by my side, every day I want to dream, stay by my side. These jingles were playing softly and were creating the atmosphere for the visuals.



Teenage (Age 15-24) Teenagers are supposed to be the potential consumers as they are the one who are connected to media, to the market and have more social life. The music loved by this section of society is generally loud music with fast pace and they are tend to accept more of fast things. Emotions play vital role in their lives. Thus emotional ideas too are accepted by them. There are therefore many commercials which emphasizes on such advertisements, which are targeted to the youth. There Jingles used are based on current trends in music or the latest famous movie songs. This category is having most of the jingle oriented ads along with children. Cadbury's Dairy Milk : Kuch Khas hai.. This type of products actually are supposed to be liked by the children, But in order to increase the target consumer, The Cadbury's advertisers focused on teenagers who covers up the largest quota of consumers. They focused on the emotions and the funny moments in life which makes you and your life partner or friend feel special. And in thus enjoy your specialness with Dairy Milk. The Jingle is also very melodious. It says – Kuch khas hai hum sabhi main, kuch baat hain hum sabhi main, baat hai, khas hai, kuch swad hai... kya swaad hai jindagi main..... The lyrics explains that we all are special and enjoy the specialities, different things in you with us, with Dairy Milk. There is series of ads published with the same concept using various visuals. - Girlfriend dancing intensely after the victory of her boyfriend, similarly in other visual, boyfriend trying funny things to make his girlfriend laugh. And so on. The all visuals displayed the purity of relations and the taste of life. Cadbury’s Dairymilk



Close Up : Kya Aap Close up karte hai.. Close up, very common product with lots of competitors available in market always looks up for something different things or concepts in advertisements in order to make their product stand differently from others. The initial campaign of close up was promoted with the jingle 'Kya aap close-up karte hai ? Ya dooniya se darte hai ? The jingle promoted the thought that by using close-up toothpaste, whoever you are and whatever you look like, the level of confidence is high in you, and which is more important to impress your beloved more than the physical exposures and the capacities. The whole ad was narrated in very funny way showing the confidence of the skinny guy who takes away the girl in front of two macho men. Just because of closeup confidence. Close-up

Limca : Boondo main... The lemon flavoured cold drink is very popular amongst the youngsters. Especially in the summer season, it is sort of relief from the heat. The same concept is shown in the ad where the young people are feeling thirsty and then comes the limca with a watery effect and makes everyone feel fresh. The jingle is narrating the joy of life in water. “Boondo main... boondo main... jindagi thirak keg aye boondo main... geet chalak si jaye boondo main... nach ki hai muskuraye boondo main.. are dooba ha re dooba manwa boondo main.....�



The visuals are really complimentary to the jingle showing the water splashes after drinking the Limca. In the future ads of limca, same concept is followed that unnatural flows of water due to limca. Limca

Vodafone Blackberry : we're the blackberry boys.. The blackberry was supposed to be the office phone which was generally used by the office people. But blackberry has also covered the youth due to its attractive looks and fantastic features. The jingle of this ad narrates the addition of the consumers from only office people to other class of the society. We wear cool suits, we wear shiny shoes... we're the blackberry boys ! We're special, we're clever, we're very very clever.. We're the blackberry boys... We do chat.. And we do mail.. We do surf.. We do all on the move.. Cos we're the blackberry boys... In this ad it is shown that first few lines are sung by officials who think that they are the only who use blackberry.. but gradually others who have started using blackberry and who are “cool� start appearing and the official people are side casted in that rush. It is symbolised that this phone is not just for officials now, cool people also use it. Vodafone : Blackberry




Adults (Age 25-55) The category of this type of consumers is sort of settled and of matured intellectuals who have their responsibilities and duties towards their families and other factors of society. Thus their choice of advertisements goes much towards serious advertising. i.e. more focus is given on the product durability and either relative elements. The presentation of advertisements also plays important role but it works supplementary along with the actual quality and sustainability of product. Therefore the advertisements and the jingles used for this category of consumers are more of feature base with maximum possible creativity. More of social advertisements, Public welfare as well as educational campaigns are also considered for this type of category who has the sensibility and the importance of the respective advertisements. Idea: What an Idea Sirjee ! The product similar to the above example is very common product which is used by every second person and doesn't have any different feature available in the similar services. In order to promote this product, It was necessary to come up with some different concept. Thus Love Lintas had came up with many different issues like political disputes in country, Religious disputes, Language barriers and many more. The solution was indirectly promoted with the idea cellular. I.e. everyone should be recognised with their telephone numbers, or the use of cell phone by politician to ask the majority of the public, or save trees and instead simply SMS or use telephonic services. All these campaigns were huge success in the Indian advertising. These all campaigns had one thing in common, i.e. the jingle played in the background which always showed the continuity and the brand identity of the service.


Idea : What an Idea Sirjee !

Hero Honda: yaari ki gadi ! The latest advertisement of hero Honda promoted the emotional aspect of friendship. The kids separated in their childhood unite again and share their friendship the way they used to in their childhood. The Jingle though newly launched plays important role in promoting the brand. Yaari bula rahi hai, Raheen dikha rahi hai, kuch to bata rahi hai, yu chalte hum jo bhichde to yeh gadi mila rahi hai.... The jingle focuses on the relationship and the role hero Honda bike has played in that come true. Hero Honda

Nerolac Paints: Jab ghar ki raunak badhani hoo.. Very melodious jingle being created for the simple product like wall paints. There are no special USPs as such for the product. Still the jingle plays important role explaining the importance of colouring the house. The importance of colours is explained perfectly in this jingle.



“Jab ghar ki raunak badhani ho... diwaron ko jab sajana hoo.. Nerolac Nerolac... Rangoo ki dooniya main aao... rangeen sapne sajao... Nerolac.. Neronac.. har roop har rang behtar.. Nerolac.” The jingle was promoted for many years and was the identity of the brand, currently they have remixed the same jingle and presented it in the modern way adding the special fast track in order to match the current choices of the consumers. Nerolac

Lifebuoy: Lifebuoy hai jaha.. tandurusti hai waha… Tough soap for tough men is the identity if the soap. Therefore specific category of people opts for lifebuoy. It has strong fragrance and the soap physically looks strong and long lasting. The soap is popular among sportsmen and the adventurers. “tandoorusti ki raksha karta hai lifebuoy… lifebuoy hai jaha. Tandoorusti hai waha. Life buoy….. The jingle was very popular and thus became the brand identity of the product. Currently lifebuoy has added the look and the consumers they have. They have made the soap antiseptic which kills the germs similar to Dettol. They have added the USPs to their product in order to sustain in the tough competition. Lifebuoy




Housewives: This is yet another major consumer, and has all the features of above mentioned class as the housewives are supposed to be the bone of family. All products which are mentioned above are related to this class directly or indirectly. Housewives many times work as mediator between the other classes of consumers. Eg A woman works as mediator between son and father. The product range for this quota is also different from the others and has more range of similar products available. Therefore advertisements done for this class are mostly testimonial ads which are proved and tested ads. Similarly the advertisements which are related to their lives are mostly liked by them. The melodies in jingles are loved by this quota. The actual buying process is mainly conducted by this type of consumer, and hence it is more important that ads are accepted by this class. Nirma : Washing Powder Nirma This is one of the most popular jingles in the history of Indian advertising. This is supposed to be one of the long lasting products working successfully since many years. The product has similar features which are available in the other competitor products. But Nirma stands different from the others just because the advertisements they have created. The jingle has the maximum share of the success of the actual sales of the product. Nirma, Nirma, Washing Powder Nirma.. Doodh si safedi, nirma se aayi rangeen kapda bhi khill khill jaye... sabki pasand nirma... washing powder nirma.. NIRMA !! The above mentioned jingle has its own magic in it. It could be due to the simplicity in the formation as well as the melodious touch it has. The jingle straightway narrates the features of Nirma in such a melodious way that it has created the impact in the consumer's mind.



Parachute hair OIL – Gorgeous hamesha ! The product very familiar to the female quota, which is in the regular use of them, is being portrayed in such a way that the female should feel confident about herself. The jingle describes the various moods of woman in which she looks gorgeous, not sometime but always. The beauty of hair is described in the visuals. But the jingle plays the important role. Parachute

Lux : Sone se bhi sona lage... This ad from its history has used the celebrity star in brand promotion. But the new thing which was here this time was the jingle, which explained the beauty of that film star and her ambience. Sone se bhi sona lage... salona mera yaar hai.... the fragrance of the soap makes her husband mad and he follows her like anything. The impact of the jingle in this ad was so powerful that there were sequels of this ad and with two different celebrities. The jingle has indeed become the brand identity.





Liril : Musical Tune The jingle of the Liril soap is non verbal jingle. The ads of this product have primly focused on the lady taking bath in natural waterfall and dancing freely and freshly. The tune has become so popular that after many years of the product being launched the advertisers are still on the same tune with latest technological touch to it. It could be the start of an era where mere tune become the brand identity of the product. i.e. the product was being recognised just by the tune. Liril


Non Verbal Jingles:

Jingles which are supported just by tune are non verbal jingles. These jingles play the same role as of the other jingles. But it works prominently in brand development as the tune itself becomes the brand identity and further the product is identified with mere tunes. Such type of jingles should be unique in terms of the compositions and the melody, so that the freshness and the ambience of the product are felt. In such jingles, it is obvious as there are no lyrics; the importance of the tune presented limits to the background track only. But here too, the tune plays important role of reminder of ads as it is observed that human remember what he listens in musical way. TITAN The famous, renowned and the most successful brand of watches; could be the perfect explanation of the brand. Titan although very common product now a days, but in initial phase, it was prestige to owe a wrist watch. So being a status symbol, the product was promoted in such a stylish way. The tune which is played as a background tune was such a famous tune that it has now become a legendry tune in the advertising world. The tune has indeed become the identity of 'TITAN' as a brand. Further as time passed, the status of wrist watched reduced and it became common object, but still Titan was a leading company in wrist watches. There were many sequels of the ads using many emotional scenes and concepts, of course with the same tune. Today Titan has shifted towards technological enhancements and so does the jingle. The more of digital and modern instruments rather than mere flute are used for playing the back ground sound track. Titan



DOCOMO It was little wearied brand name launched by Tata Indicom. It was the prepaid service from TATA Indicom. But the way they promoted and advertised their brand, very sooner, the brand became famous and was on everyone's mouth. It was easy to remember, No lyrics, No message through jingle, mere tune that too using the brand name 'DOCOMO'. The visuals for this ad were mere animation forms of the symbol DOCOMO. Advertisers further covered many aspects and the issues of society, through their advertisements. But the main factor in the advertisement was always the tune played. DOCOMO

AIRTEL Telecom industry is currently the faster and the maximum of competitors in the market. The functionalities, durability as well as the type of services and its quality are almost same of all companies. But in order to make their service stand out differently, advertisers have to take out more of USPs and more that that PPDs of the product / service. Same Fundamentals were used by all telecom companies and launched their ads in some different and creative way. Airtel launched the tune composed by famous music director/singer/composer Mr. A.R.Rahman. The tune was very much popular throughout the country. Airtel started the trend in telecom service to add the tune for the advertisement.



RELIANCE Being one of the topmost companies in India, Reliance industries introducing telecom services was indeed great news. But the available competition in the market had to make them too the branding of the service they provided. Reliance also introduced the jingle tune, which was the identity of their service. This was helpful in order to sustain their existence in the strong telecom competition. Reliance

KING FISHER The brand Kingfisher is more active in many areas. Right from airlines to Soda. The owner himself is very cool and that reflects in his products and services. Thus the Jingle created for kingfisher too is very cool. Although the consumer class or the kingfishers may not be middle class, but due to the tune created, the brand became aware amongst masses. This helped out in promoting other products and services under kingfisher banner. The brand is being promoted by many sports persons. The advertisements are completely focused on the tune. And thus the tune became very popular. Kingfisher



Radio Advertising

Though the modern young generation and the maximum people are addicted to the television, there is also the major class in our country who still are connected to radio. It is still the medium of entertainment, information and knowledge. The small towns and villages are still having radios and are regular listeners of it. After the launch of Radio Mirchi on FM band, urban crowd and the youth have also connected with radio. But there are the advertisements which are still popular on radio and are running successfully till date. The Aakashwani band and Vividhbharti band promotes many such bands which are not seen on television and are meant for the village crowd. In radio advertising, Jingle has to be powerful as it works as an individual media in itself. Thus more focus on lyrics and the quality of music is necessary in order to maintain the long life of brand identity. DSK Vishwa : Gharala Gharpan Denari Mansa... The most favourite jingle on radio since last decade still runs on radio successfully every morning. “gharasathi kadi kadi jamawtat mansa... Tumdar swapnat rangtat mansa... chan chan gharat rahtat mansa... jewha bhetat.... gharala gharpan denari mansa....” Jingle written by famous poet and copywriter Mr. Sandeep Khare was the combination of perfect words and the perfect music. The jingle presented on radio has to be very clear in their message, as there is no visual. And the music itself plays the role of creating visuals in front of listeners. FINOLEX : Finolex ne anla pani... sheta pikli sonyawani... The target consumer of this ad is farmer and the one related to the agricultural side. The jingle describes the functions of the pipe in melodious way. “Zul Zul pani.. Khelwa Pani... Anaycha koni... Sangto Rani... Finolex ne anla pani... Sheta pikli sonyawani...”




Again most popular tune on radio, still due to the limitations in the expenditures and the limitation of the productive buyer, the style and the nature of advertisement is same since many years. But it is the brand identity of the product in Maharashtra as the ad is regional ad. The special rural touch in language of lyrics is added in order to make it closer to the village people.


Social awareness through Jingles

This is one of the major effective uses of jingle other than brand promoting. It is the social responsibility of the advertisers or the media persons to educate the people. Media person has the most powerful armature in this war. War could be against many social issues. It could be child education, Girl education, sexual discrimination National Unity, and many more. The Jingle here too is powerful media because the jingle presented is more memorable. Thus if the message is conveyed through jingles it is easily spread in society. In late 90s there were many serious issues in which made aware. Jingle played important role to promote those ads. Those ads were completely jingle based. Similarly, recent ads which other than promoting brands do promote many social issues in considering the youth of India. There are many products that use their titles for social awareness and create the rebel and the social awareness. There is also a point of view that if the brand promotes any social issue, the vision of the consumer towards that product changes and it helps to get new customer category to the product or service. Social Awareness could be the PPDs of the product in the competition of the brands where the USPs are almost similar. In such case, PPDs work prominently. Doordarshan being the only channel available in 80s and early 90s, this was the only media through which advertisements and endorsements were promoted. Therefore qualitative stuff has passed through this channel. Following are the examples of such endorsements which were promoted for social wellbeing.



Mile Sur Mera Tumhara The famous jingle cum song promoted for the unity in diversity throughout the nation was the landmark of the Indian jingles. The song became the national identity and even after decades of its promotion, is still famous and adored by the people. This song has many celebrities, sportsmen, artists and many more famous personalities promoting the national unity. Legendry Singer Lt. Shri. Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Kavita krishnamurthi, Lata Mangeshkar and many more singers sung this song. The song contents different languages used in India. Filmstars like Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini, Tanuja, Sharmila Tagore, Shabana Azmi etc also appeared in this song. This song achieved such a level of popularity that recently Phir Mile Sur tumhara song was also released with the latest music touch and with latest celebrities. Mile Sur Mera Tumhara

National Anthem – Desh bhakti ki koi bhasha nahi hoti... The commercial film produced by Big Cinema gives the clear message that there is no need of any language to express your love towards nation. The film starts with the girl rushing towards the prayer hall waiting for her to start the prayer and then the national anthem in musical form is started and then we get to know that the school is of dumb and deaf students.



The way they express the national anthem with their hand moments is really heart touching. The tune here plays such an important role in order to promote their expressions. It really proves that really, there is no need of any language to express your patriotism. It should be from heart. National Anthem : Desh bhakti ki koi bhasha nahi hoti...

Ek Anek This short film cum commercial expresses the power of Unity. Animation film tells the examples of ek and anek and the advantages of unity. The film is produced by Centre for Educational Technology, New Delhi. The film contains simple animation and the effective lyrics of Pandit Vinaychandra Maundalya. Ek Anek



Purab Se Surya Uga – The ad film produced by 'Rashtriya Saksharta Mishan' has the very powerful jingle “Purab se surya uga, faila ujiyara... jagi har disha disha... jaga jag sara...” The story is about the child who becomes literate with the help of one old age man and makes him proud. Mere one minute commercial expresses the emotions with the help of melodious song sung by Kavita Krishnamurthi. Purab Se Surya Uga..

School Chale hum – Sarva shiksha abhiyan The advertisement directed by Kanika and Bharatbala is promoting the importance of education by giving importance to the fun and enjoyment in the school. The schools are the places where children come together and apart from studies and education they get an exposure to their likes and hobbies. They get new friends and a free atmosphere to groom them. The same concept is presented in the lyrical commercial School Chale hum... The slogan of this ad is “sab padhe, sab badhe”. School Chale Hum



“savere savere.. yaron se milne.. ban than ke nikle hum... savere savere.. yaron se milne.. ghar se door chale hum... Roke se naa ruke hum...marzi se chale hum... Badal sa garje hum... sawan sa barse hum... Suraj saa chamke hum... School chale hum... Iske darwajese duniya ke raaz khulte hai... Koi aage chalta hai... hum piche chalte kyu... Diwaron pe kismet aapni likkhi jati hai... Isse jine ki humko wajah milti jati hai...� The music composed by Shankar Eshaan Loy of the jingle is very refreshing and the most of all that, the lyrics by Mehboob are very inspiring which touches the hearts of listeners. Idea Cellular – What an Idea Sirjee Although the advertisement is for promoting the brand, they have conveyed many social messages through their ads. They promoted the power of democracy, the comic solution for the religious wars in country, the importance of education and again not practical but the solution through their product promotion. It proves that along with the commercial aspect it is necessary to have the social responsibility to the advertisers. And Idea Cellular campaigns have proved it from time to time. These all ad campaigns are narrated with the idea cellular tune and the powerful line, What an Idea Sirjee. Idea



Tata Tea – Jaago re The product with very basic USP, i.e. Tea supposed to be drunk after getting up, has changes the concept of 'getting up' term. The promoted the brand for getting up from your various types of sleeps. Lack of social awareness, Lack of responsibility towards Election and ultimately the principles of Democracy of India, lack of confidence to fight against corruption or getting habitual to the corruption and become the part of that evil practices. Tata Tea promotes to get up against these problems, and Tata Tea will give you the courage for this. The advertisers not only 'advertised' in this way but they actually worked for the awareness about the voting by giving the information and helping the candidates to get themselves registered for voting. They started this campaign during the election days in order to get the civilians aware. These are the social responsibilities of the advertisers towards Society. And the base ling jaago ree... is used powerfully as back ground music. Tata tea : Jaago re

Tata tea : Jaago re


Campaigns built merely on Jingles



Campaigns Built Merely on Jingles

Jingle being the important part of advertisement, has worked for the product in terms of sales and getting known in the market. But there are various ad campaigns of the various products / services which are built merely on the basis of Jingles they have used. The success of the jingles used was so powerful that the sequels of the jingles, with different visuals were made. The Jingles in these ads have played like anything and have made the brands reach to the height they have never expected. The Jingle or the tune itself became the identity of the product. And these products lived long in the minds of the consumers. There are also currently going products which are coming up with melodious jingles which are creating the magic in the consumer's mind. These beautiful and melodious jingles not only attract people towards them but actually turn out the process of advertisement into actual sales. Jingles turn out to be the most remembered media in advertising ever because it is very rare that any person remembers the product brand after few years in terms of relating the advertisement to that specific brand. The models are also not much recognised in the advertisements unless they are celebrities. The only thing which is sustained in any specific advertisement is the jingle of that respective ad. Of course there are many tunes which have passed away with time, that because of the commonness in them. But that too are remembered. There are other factors too for becoming the advertisement campaign legendary huge success. The concept, visualisation, and the rendering techniques of any advertisement too plays vital role in making the advertisement huge success. But the ultimate result of any advertisement is seen correctly when its jingle gets famous. And thus that is the major thing which is considered one of the most success gainer media. Following are the examples of the ad campaigns and their jingles which became huge success.


Limca This is supposed to be one of the oldest cold drink brands in India. The lemon flavoured cold drink focused on the youth of the country. The advertisements they have done till now are thus focused on the young generation consumers. The initial campaigns focused on the celebrity endorsements and therefore Salman Khan was promoting the brand. The Tagline before was “lime and lemonade Limca !” But after that recently there was a ad campaign created with the very powerful jingle Boondon mein.. In which they presented Limca with new concept having the un-natural water flows because of Limca, which suggested that the Limca makes you feel cool like you are in water. After the successful promotion of this ad, they came up with the same concept of watery Limca. But this time they came up with yet new jingle with refreshing music and lyrics. Two unknown drinkers of limca chasing each other and teasing each other with the flashes of Limca are shown. The funny commercial also expresses the emotions and affection in this ad. The jingle of this song has become so popular that it is heard as an individual song also by the consumers. Phuware ... bauchare... Nazare chura lo naa... Kuch Boonden chooraloo naa... Thaki si jindagi se... rukisi jindagi se... kuch lamhe chura lo naa... 2 minutes commercial jingle was the most popular jingle in cold drink products. There was also one jingle in which Deepika padukone was shown. Same concept of thirst and the importance of water were there. “Pao se sar tak.. sarsarahat hai... kaun si rut hai... kiski aahat hai... jaane booondon main kaisa nasha hai... Limca : Lime n Lemonade



It can be observed that jingle plays very important role in generating new consumers for the product. There were sequels of every jingle they created. And every jingle was memorable. Limca : Boondon Main

Limca : Boondon Main

Limca : Haseen Lamhon ko chura lo

Limca : Haseen Lamhon ko chura lo




Cadburys The oldest brand of chocolates in India! The only chocolate I am hearing and liking since my childhood is Cadburys. Therefore this product personally is very close to my heart and therefore endorsements promoting this product were favourably closer to my heart. The advertisements were supposed to be the bench mark in Indian Advertising. Right from the girl dancing in stadium for her boyfriend's victory in cricket match to the Boy playing tricks to please his girlfriend. All ads were emotion based and most of all full of melodious jingle. The Cadburys were having one jingle for similar visuals. But that jingle played differently and with kept the freshness of the advertisement. Kuch khas hai hum sabhi main, kuch baat hain hum sabhi main, baat hai, khas hai, kuch swad hai... kya swaad hai jindagi main..... The same jingle was used throughout the ad. The Jingle expressed the happiness and positive attitude towards life. There was innocence in throughout the ads of Cadburys. As the competition in the market raise, the advertisers and the company owners had to give something refreshing, more youthful. And they came up with the tune and with slogan, Shubh Aarambh, Kuch meetha ho jaye... The background music played is very cute and the thoughts presented in advertisements too are very cute. The innocence of minds is the main PPD of Cadburys. And that is being followed throughout the ads. Apart from these PPDs, Jingle has always played vital role in promoting the brand. The jingle not only promoted this brand but developed it, made it sustain it in market. And when situation came where the product has became stagnant, again came the jingle with the refreshing music. Dairy Milk was endorsed by Mr. Amitabh Bachchan.


This proves that not only youngsters and children are the consumers of the product but all possible consumers are potential consumers of this product. And they have become successful for this. Cadbury’s Dairymilk : Kuch Khaas hai..

Cadbury’s Dairymilk : Kuch Khaas hai..

Cadbury’s Dairymilk : Kuch Khaas hai..

Cadbury’s Dairymilk : Kuch Khaas hai..



Close-up Paas aao... Paas aao... Paas aao naa... Initially this was the only jingle promoting the brand. No more lyrics. But after the huge success of this jingle cum slogan, Advertisers came up with different lyrics and various style of music keeping the original fragrance of the jingle alive. Meri season main samao... paas aao naa... This was the second jingle launched by advertisers and further they came up again with new jingle “ Dooriyoun Ko aab mitaao.. paas aao naa...� This the best example for the single ling lyrics jingle which has became successful and creating the new brand identity of the product it is endorsing. Close up was having the history of jingle based ads since many years. They had came up with the funny jingle, kya aao close up karte hai? Ya dooniya se darte hai ? The jingle promoted the thought that by using close-up toothpaste, whoever you are and whatever you look like, the level of confidence is high in you, and which is more important to impress your beloved more than the physical exposures and the capacities. The whole ad was narrated in very funny way showing the confidence of the skinny guy who takes away the girl in front of two macho men. Just because of closeup confidence. Similarly they also did follow the celebrity endorsement policy by using brand model Deepika Padukone, who was still a model in those days. Actually this product is as similar as any other product available in market. But the jingles and the endorsement policies made them stand different from the others. Close-up : Kya aap close up karte hai ?



Close-up : Hasoo to khulke

Close-up : Paas aao naa..

Close-up : Paas aao naa..

Close-up : Paas aao naa..



Vicco The similar product to the above mentioned product but was treated differently as they had endorsed themselves as completely herbal and Ayurvedic product. Vicco was the only company which claimed their products to be hygienic and 'vegetarian', and this was the USP of their products. There jingles also promoted the same concept with melodious way. The product range of this company was from toothpaste to face cream. They covered all the hygienic activities in which there products can be used. But as observed, the potential consumer of this product is typical middle class families and the poor families in urban areas. And most of the potential consumer is located in village. And thus they do not investment more into advertisement. The initial advertisements and those respective jingles are still working. But the jingles they have created are bench marks in themselves and are famous all over. Just music is enough to recognizes the advertisement though they do not telecast the advertisements regularly on television. Close-up : Paas aao naa..

Close-up : Paas aao naa..




Idea : What an Idea Sirjee The product is very common product which is used by every second person and doesn't have any different feature available in the similar services. In order to promote this product, it was necessary to come up with some different concept. Thus Love Lintas had came up with many different issues like political disputes in country, Religious disputes, Language barriers and many more. The solution was indirectly promoted with the idea cellular. I.e. everyone should be recognised with their telephone numbers, or the use of cell phone by politician to ask the majority of the public, or save trees and instead simply SMS or use telephonic services. All these campaigns were huge success in the Indian advertising. These all campaigns had one thing in common, i.e. the jingle played in the background which always showed the continuity and the brand identity of the service. Famous film maker and ad director Mr. R. Balki has worked no these concepts. The initial campaign was the religious dispute in the village and the “Sirjee� giving the solution on these conflicts that no one will be recognised by his name, but by his cell number. Practically this may not be the proper solution for such problems. But the creativity of endorsing the product is really superb. Then there was a campaign promoting the democracy of India. i.e. The fight of honest politician with the help of his PA ( Again Sirjee ) against the corrupt and mean politicians. This was the superb concept and execution. Any important decision related to the public is always taken with the audience poll through the SMS. There was a campaign promoting the importance of education throughout all the classes and masses in India. The father of school ( Sirjee ) feels that he can't help the poor man and his daughter because he can't give her admission in the school and then he comes up with an idea of making schools available through telephone. Again with an innovative concept the endorsement became huge success.



Save Tree, save paper was the next initiative taken by the advertisers. In promoting all such social activities, they were making advertisements of their service smartly. Save paper save trees and how can you do this? Just use idea cellular service and use it often and save paper. The character of tree here was again Sirjee. The main thing was common in these all advertisements, and that was Sirjee and the tune playing on background. Any cell phone number can become a successful jingle is really hard to believe. But Idea has made it possible. 9822 nanana nanana.... was the jingle they promoted. Abhishek Bachchan is the Sirjee throughout the ads promoting these ads. They also came up with walk and talk jingle which was also very famous and refreshing. The jingle just conveyed the message that walk when you talk and stay fit. Idea : What an idea sirjee..

Idea : What an idea sirjee..


Idea : What an idea sirjee..

Idea : What an idea sirjee..

Idea : What an idea sirjee..

Idea : Walk and talk



Bajaj : Humara Bajaj Yeh jameen ye aasmaan... humara kal... humara aaj... Booland Bharat Ki booland takdeer... Humara Bajaj... Oldest jingle I have known in the history of Indian Advertising. Bajaj launched the scooter in India and it became the part of every Indian. And the same concept is presented in the jingle and the videos associated with it. More than anything cultural aspect is embossed in this commercial. The future of India, The present of India are having the cultural responsibilities and bonding. Emotion plays important role in every Indian's life. And the scooter is connected with that emotional aspect. The product very close to the life style of people was promoted with very creative way and on the top of that the jingle was bench mark in Indian advertising history. Recently the production of Bajaj Scooter was closed and a hurting feeling came from deep inside that something is going to be lost. What it was is very hard to tell, might be the bonding with that vehicle, or to the company. But it is crystal clear that this advertisement created the space in every Indian's heart. Due to increase in competition, they had to come up with the new range of bikes and scooters. And to promote them they took the same jingle with refreshing look, with new lyrics describing the humara kal and humara Aaj. They expressed that whatever boldness we show or how much modern we become, but we haven't forgot our customs and traditions. This advertisement took people to the advertisement they created initially. Wherever we go, whatever we do in future, we still are same, was the core concept of this ad.

Bajaj : humara Bajaj




Bajaj : humara Bajaj

Bajaj : humara Bajaj

Bajaj : humara Bajaj


TITAN The famous, renowned and the most successful brand of watches; could be the perfect explanation of the brand. Titan although very common product now a days, but in initial phase, it was prestige to owe a wrist watch. So being a status symbol, the product was promoted in such a stylish way. The tune which is played as a background tune was such a famous tune that it has now become a legendry tune in the advertising world. The tune has indeed become the identity of 'TITAN' as a brand. Further as time passed, the status of wrist watched reduced and it became common object, but still Titan was a leading company in wrist watches. There were many sequels of the ads using many emotional scenes and concepts, of course with the same tune. Today Titan has shifted towards technological enhancements and so does the jingle. The more of digital and modern instruments rather than mere flute are used for playing the back ground sound track. The advertisements again took the help of emotions, which are the most powerful tool in Indian advertising to make the ad successful. There are many sequels of these ads, and in all of that there was the tune. It became so habitual that whenever the advertisement of titan would be telecast, listeners wait for jingle to play. Precious gift from father to his to be married daughter, a gift from husband to his newly married wife; emotional visuals with tune was the success formula for titan.








Happydent Chewing Gum – tera man raushan... It is fact that just because of this advertisement the sale of this product raised to record braking numbers and therefore the company had to stop telecasting the advertisement. The award winning commercial was the real example of perfect combination of creative concept and melody “tera dil raushan tera man raushan... to jaha raushan... muskurale...jagmagale...” was the jingle which was made semi classical way and the creative concept was put forth. The importance of smiling white teeth was shown creatively. Happydent White


LUX Lux : Sone se bhi sona lage... This ad from its history has used the celebrity star in brand promotion. But the new thing which was here this time was the jingle, which explained the beauty of that film star and her ambience. Sone se bhi sona lage... salona mera yaar hai.... the fragrance of the soap makes her husband mad and he follows her like anything. The impact of the jingle in this ad was so powerful that there were sequels of this ad and with Katrina Kaif and Aasin. The jingle has indeed become the brand identity of the product now. The product famous for beauty has attained the popularity that the favourite of film stars because right from beginning they have used celebrities as their brand endorsers. But this time they too had to come up with the melodious jingle. It proves the raising importance of jingles in advertising. Lux




Amul After the success of the mascots created by Amul, The advertisers also focused on jingle based advertisements. Amul, is supposed to be one of the largest milk based products company in India. The milk from small villages and in pure form is supplied and used by Amul. They claimed these things through their jingle. Amul, The taste of India. “ Jarasi hassi, dular jarasa... Jarasi aanban, pyaar jarasa... Amul, The taste of India Banade har paal ko... har paal masti ka... Amul, The taste of India Yahi to Amul Bhaiyya... Swaad India ka... Amul, The taste of India� Amul : The taste of India

Amul : Utterly Butterly Delecious



There are many other jingles which made their respective product or service recognised and made them successful. Few of them are Alpenlebe jee lalchaye... raha naa jaye.. Zandu Balm Peeda hari balm, Sardi sardard pida ko pal main door kare... Sundrop Sundrop ki dooniya main sehat sabhi ki... the healthy oil for healthy people... Special jingles to be mentioned here are Madhya Pradesh Tourism These jingles have innovatively described Madhya Pradesh in very less time. Hindustan ka dil dekho!, MP ajab Hai and Hindustan ka dil dekha...! Wonderful Doodh The song promoting the importance of doodh (Milk) sung by Kunal Ganjawala was the popular jingle on television. NECC The advertisement of an organisation making awareness among the people about eggs was the favourite amongst youngsters. “Sunday ho yaa Monday... Roz khao Ande... ! “ Pan Parag Pan Parag, Pan Masala Pan Parag... Famous jingle in early 90s. Featuring Shammi Kapoor and Ashok Kumar.





Madhya Pradesh Tourism

Madhya Pradesh Tourism



Madhya Pradesh Tourism

Pan Parag

Wonderful Doodh

Above mentioned jingles were popular and thus benefited the service or product they are endorsing. After taking into consideration these several campaigns which were merely built up on the basis of jingles, that jingle do play important role in brand endorsement as well as sustaining the product life long in market.


Jingles based on Film songs.


Jingles adapted from the famous songs from films This is main category of jingles. Because the jingles adapted from any popular song benefits the advertisers and manufacturers ultimately. Because there less risk of failure because the jingle i.e. song is already famous in masses. It is just that they are going to relate the product with that song and that song gets different meaning. Alpenlebe Chocholety laila is the latest advertisement of the alpenlebe chocolate toffee. They have used the famous hindi song “ laila main laila” In chocolaty laila term. Similarly, Dairymilk had endorsed the product with the song din hai suhana aaj pehli tarkh hai... meetha hai khana aaj pehli tarikh hai... ! Latest Coca Cola ad is from such old film song. “AAj ki raat...” Alpenliebe

Cadbury’s Dairymilk : Din hai suhana



65 Manforce Condom

Occasional Jingles


Occasional Jingles

The Jingles created for any specific occasion or for festival purpose is known as occasionally jingles. These jingles though have short term life, but there are responsibilities on these jingles to create atmosphere. In India, there are mainly two occasions where products are endorsed more. 1. Diwali and other one is Cricket. Diwali is the peak time for sales discounts and advertisements. Lots of colours lots of music and lots of sounds are heard during these occasions. The advertisers also take the benefits of these festivals of India. There are many products which regularly advertise on such occasions. Mainly cold drinks are the products which are advertised more in these days. In diwali families come together and celebrate. And to make celebrations they promote their family packs. Similarly in cricket fever, these companies do sponsorship for matches, in order to attain the youth and their energy for the sports. Thus they create special ads for such festivals. May it be World cup, Or ICC IPL League or Diwali. These advertisements are always there. Coca Cola have been advertising specially diwali since last many years. Last year they made the mowgli the jungle boy ad. “ bula rahi hai life... paas jaake dekho... dilo main deep tum... jara jalake dekho... Coca Cola. And similarly this year they came up with the warli art advertisement. The guy waiting for Delhi bus is missing his family. The moment he opens up the Coke bottle, The warli characters appear and celebrates diwali with him and makes his moment light full. The Jingle in background is very melodious “ Jaata kaha hai diwane... sab kuch yaha hai sanam... jab honge hum sath tere... khushiya chale sang sang... oh raja. Tu aja.. humare sang aja.. tu jhum le jara......!



All these ads gave the message of celebrations and happy life. Along with that they conveyed the affection towards family and the bonding towards them. That is what Indian advertisements stand different. Pepsi is promoting the world Cup with the funny concept. They are claiming that the special shots and styles of famous cricketers are taught by the pepsi fans throughout India to their favourite cricketers. Cadburys are promoting the celebrations pack on various festivals such as diwali, raksha bandhan etc. They create the special jingles for such occasions in order to make those relations different. Coca Cola

Coca Cola



Indirect media & Latest trend



Jingles working as Indirect Advertising support the brand endorsement

Due to the technical advancements, cell phones have changed their looks. They are also used to hear the music, play games, chit chat, surf net, etc. Many times when cell phone rings up with the jingle of any advertisement, listener do remember the product. He, at that situation may not be the potential consumer, but in future he might be one. Thus here that cell phone owner didn't mean to advertise that specific product. He just played that tune because likes it. But it works for the company without paying a single rupee. Such indirect advertising is many possible only with jingle and catchy slogans. Such mouth to mouth or you can say “cell to ear” advertising also helps in brand promotion. Latest Advancements and Future forms of Jingles After the super hit song “Zandu Balm hui... Darling tere liye”, There are tight chances of getting such trend in Indian advertising. To promote any product, just see forward that your brand name appears in any film song. Then the success of that song will decide the profit you earn from that song. If song gets fail, you can claim the losses occurred because of miss use of name. And if the song gets hit, your product is advertised for no cost. So in both ways you will be in profit. Zandu Balm earned many profits after the song release. And they even signed Malika Arora Khan as a brand ambassador of Zandu Balm. There will be more songs coming with same formula.

Expert's Opinion


No, we don't hear too many jingles anymore and I think that's a sign of an evolving industry. We are beginning to score for a film, rather than just slapping on a jingle, which is usually out of sync with the visual in terms of tone and emotion and nothing more than a sales pitch set to music. There were a few jingles that lifted the emotional tone of a film to another level altogether. Hamara Bajaj Yeh Zameen Yeh Asamaan being the best example. But for the most part, all I can say is thank God the days of Washing Powder Nirma, Doodh si Safedi, Nirma se aiye are over! Maia Katrak Executive Creative Director, The Republic

Jingles aren't passĂŠ yet. We just haven't seemed to crack newer expressions, tunes, melodies or compositions. Music and jingles are the things that keep coming back to us, and easily and effortlessly keep reminding us of brands and products. Personally I love the Madhya Pradesh Tourism jingle. That's pretty new. What about Nakka Mukka for The Times of India Chennai, Happydent film, Nike traffic jam film, Vodafone dog track, the Limca track, the recent Samsung metro and Samsung Diwali film? With radio coming back as a strong advertising medium, you couldn't ask for something better to rejuvenate jingles. There are newer ideas and newer interpretations that keep coming up. It's a pity that we now look at more sound design than music within commercials. Somehow, a jingle also has an unfortunate, 'dated' feel to it. Jingles are not out of favour. It's just that there's no room or need for them in the kind of films that we make today. For a great jingle to come through, you'd ideally need all of 30 seconds to build the tune.



Most of the current commercials are story- and ideabased commercials. There's also another trend that's catching on. Where popular sound tracks and chartbuster songs are bought and films are cut to those. Remember Jai Ho and Congress? Prathap Suthan National Creative Director, Cheil Worldwide

For me, personally powerful jingles like Nirma, Bajaj, I love you Rasna, Only Vimal, You fascinate me and many more, are irreplaceable with the signature tunes. The ones I have mentioned tell me about an emotion in a lyrical manner. I've grown up with these and often used them in my lingo. It's like our Hindi film songs we have a memory with each of the classic songs and often dip into it. Hence jingles will continue to be my favourite over signature tunes. Nita Kapoor Executive Vice-President, Godfrey Phillips India

Let's recall Mark Twain's statement, "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated" before concluding that jingles are passe. True, jingles are less common - but maybe baselines change so often that there is no opportunity for longlasting 'brand songs'. Coke and Pepsi have changed several baselines in recent years. But several brands do continue to use jingles: MDH masalas, Nirma and Close-Up. The use of fewer rhymes in brand sign-offs – with or without music, reflects today's more conversational, casual style of speaking. But consider some recent TVCs: DoCoMo's 'Friendship Express', Aishwarya and Abhishek for Lux, Fevicol's Moonchwali and Limca.



All use music but not as a classic jingle but as a signoff couplet incorporating the brand name and promise. And finally, let's remember the goal of advertising is not to create jingles, but to create memorable, differentiated brands. In this, music remains a powerful tool. Airtel, Britannia, Titan, even Intel have created memorable audio signature properties. And become brands that I recognise even with my eyes shut! Anand Halve Director, Chlorophyll

Music and humour are two essential ingredients for any ad and hence it can never go out of favour. With an enviable repertoire of jingles in the past - Nirma, Bajaj, Maruti and others - today the task is no longer easy. The challenge is to cross the benchmark that has already been set in the past. Hence more effort is required to churn out clutter breaking jingles. Music being the core of any ad, we see jingles being effectively replaced by signature tunes and songs. The recent examples being Airtel, Coca-Cola, Limca, Alto and our Jeetay Raho signature song. However, in a nascent category like life insurance it is more important to establish the category and bring out the features effectively. Further, with the increase in the number of players in the category and share of voice, retaining salience in the consumer's mind by differentiating one brand from the other is a real challenge. Today, the emphasis is more on consumer insight to develop communication messages. Sujit Ganguli Senior Vice-President and Head - Marketing, ICICI Prudential Life



Since the Tata DoCoMo theme and the Close-Up, Paas Aao Na jingle are two of the most recent themes I'm responsible for, I have to say that the jingle hasn't died. It has reinvented itself. Nowadays, music plays a crucial part in the brand identity and offers great value for money. Fortunately, advertising has evolved to the point where we don't have to stuff a jingle into the brand identity. We are now in the age of the 'Brand Sound'. We can now design a sonic palette as a broad template for a brand. This serves as a blueprint that keeps the brand identity intact while letting the sound of the brand evolve along with the brand itself. Also, in today's digital age, where new media are constantly evolving, avenues for the usage of music have multiplied. In such a scenario, a singular jingle becomes tedious, repetitive and irritating. While the DoCoMo theme is based on graphic sound (one layer at a time), the palette we created for Close-Up is cool, young and urban. These are both jingle-based tracks. A jingle is now part of the 'sound' of the brand and the entire better for it! Ram Sampat Music Composer





In order to understand the mind set of masses I conducted the following questionnaire. In the following sets of questions I tried to understand the curiosity and the interest in advertisements from the consumers. As we had distinguished the consumers in four categories, I chose the representatives of those classes and conducted the questionnaire with them, where I asked them few questions about advertising, Jingles. The questions were as follows : 1. Do you intentionally watch any advertisement ? 2. Which advertisement you remember most? 3. What sort of advertisements you liked / trusted most ? 4. Can you relate any jingle with its respective product ? 5. Which jingle you liked most ?



Following were the reactions from the respective representatives of the specific class of consumer Children Simran D. Khanna Age : 10 years Studying in St. Helena’s School, Pune After the conversation, I observed that more than advertisements and any technical things, she was more focused on the colors and the melody of advertisement. She loved the sunfeast ads because her favorite film star Shahrukh Khan was endorsing the promotion. She mostly watches the cartoon network and related channels, and mostly avoids watching any advertisement. But when I asked her about any specific advertisement jingle, she prominently told about the coca cola ad. With the warli animation. And most of all Cadburys. Because she likes chocolate much. Teenage Abhishek Khatri age: 16 years. Studying 1st Year Engg. Diploma. This type of consumers are most productive and potential consumers. I therefore focused on knowing the mind set of him in terms of advertisements. The products he believes and are trust worthy in his terms. Teenagers, as their age reflects are in flashy world, and therefore he too believes more of show type products, or the branded cool products.



therefore the advertisements he watch or likes are mostly of cold drinks. They have ‘cool’ music. and most of all they are focused on sports and adventures. He personally likes the mountain dew ads, which makes him thrill. In terms of jingles, he didn’t notice them much, but when I insisted with few examples, he was more with the fast track music jingles. He too liked the coca cola diwali special jingle. Jata kaha hai diwane.. When I asked about relating any product by hearing its jingle, he was more accurate with the product list. I therefore concluded for him and this class of consumers that though they do not intentionally watch advertisements, it do affects him when it comes to actual purchasing of goods. Jingles do get stored in a small section of your un conscious mind and you can relate them easily, even though you didn’t hear it seriously. Adult Shubadha Khatri Age: 24 years. Completed B.A. in music. She was very interesting during the questionnaire session as she was more keen about jingles as she was the student of music. She believes that most of emotion based ads are loved by her. And she joined her statement with few examples like that of Vodafone Little girl ad, Airtel Small kid ad, etc. When asked about jingles, she started with the list of her favorite jingles which included Nirma, Cadbury’s Dairymilk and Humara Bajaj.



She even insisted to send me the collections of jingles I have so that she can hear them often, and missed the few old ones. Her act again proved my statement about indirect advertising true. Housewife Mrs. Chitralekha D. Khanna Age : 36 Years. Housewife She was more of into testimonial ads which shows what the product has and believes in what is truth. When I asked about any specific ad she liked, She stated few examples of Idea cellular ads and the Nirma ads. Her favorite jingle was Nirma, and she believes that it does affects which product is advertised more in the time of shopping. Non advertised or un known products are avoided or not trusted. So she believes that advertisements are necessary although they do interrupts between her favorite T.V. Serials. Its really irritating when the ads are bombarded.




CONCLUSION In order to get any conclusion, I had studied the questionnaire and the Expert’s opinions about jingles. This really helped me in stating my conclusion. I found out in my study that the topic jingles in advertising was not only fascinating to me but many other curious ad lovers and the seniors with whom I had discussions and conversations. The jingles are thus major factor in advertisements. While studying about the jingles and its various types, it was observed that each type of jingle does works individually and differently on different classes of consumers. Kids are loving most of funny and melodious jingles, with an ignorance towards its actual contents, i.e. lyrics. The most important factor in their terms are how the product is shown and how the music is. Other contents of ads also do bother to them like, who’s indorsing the product. Some times ads not meant for them are also loved just because their favorite hero is endorsing the brand. Teenagers love the fast track jingles with more of modernism in it. i.e. loud, fast music, the flashy colours and most importantly the brands. Adults do like more of serious type of ads which are based on some serious notes. Idea cellular ads are liked by most of them as it has a social message also. Jingles do play important role because they are the one who can relate most of the products with their jingles and vice versa.



With the above mentioned points and the detail study of this subject, I can here conclude that yes, Jingles do play important role in branding process, i.e. right from brand recognition to making it successful after its stagnancy stage. Jingles do endorse the brand with cheaper way as it many times works in indirect advertising which is costless. Apart from the sales and the profit side, jingles are loved as an art form also. The melodious jingles are remembered by consumers for longer period. Jingles also helps in social awareness as it has impact on consumer’s mind, and due to its nature of being remembered for long time, helps to convey the message and sustain it for longer period. Taking into consideration the nature of jingle and its flaws too, I would like to state hereby that Jingle is an important tool in advertising and brand promoting activities.


Acknowledgment & Bibliography




I, Hereby would like to my friends and the staff members Mr. Parag Sabnis and Mr. Buwa Shete , who helped me out in studying the various details of advertising and jingle. Many aspects were made known to me during the discussions and chats with them.





‘ JINGLE ’ all the way !!

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