A busy evening at Landmark City, Kota
Urban Design Studio M.Arch IIT Roorkee Urban Design Proposal By: Abhishek Palit 19510002
Content Page Factors that lead to Mental Stress in Urban Environments.......................................................2 Urban Design Interventions that reduce Mental Stress............................................................3 Chronology of Development of Landmark City.........................................................................4 Major features of Landmark City..............................................................................................5 Analysis of Streets, Open Spaces and Nodes at Landmark City................................................6 Urban Design Proposal and Interventions................................................................................7 Open Spaces/Parks/Garden Intervention Proposal..................................................................8,9 Streets Intervention Proposal...................................................................................................10 Overall Intervention Proposal at Landmark City.......................................................................11
High Density Housing
Social Isolation
High Noise Levels
Crime and Unsafe Environments
City Pollution
Natural Disasters Epidemics/Pandemics and Health Issues
Lack of Green Open Spaces
Traffic Accidents
High Density Traffic
Factors that lead to Mental Stress in Urban Environments
Lack of Physical Activities
Vibrant and Beautiful City
Provision of Basic Amenities
Social Interaction and Community Participation
Proximity to Locations/Spaces
Safety and Security
Resilience to Natural Disasters and Pandemics
Open Spaces/ Green Spaces
Pro Active Spaces
Factors that reduce Mental Stress in Urban Environments
Map Showing location of Landmark City in Kota
Development of Landmark City from 2004 - 2020
Introduction - Landmark City, Kota The Landmark City is loacted at the North Western side of Kota City on the opposite side of the river Chambal and covers an area of 4,56,950 sqm. The area is a major Student hub with two major coaching intitutes of Allen. There are around 400 to 500 Student hostels and PGs that accomodate around 10,000 students aspiring for higher education comeptitive examinations. The Landmark City was proposed by the Kota Development Authority in the year 2013. The Kota Development Authority by using Land Pooling developed the land for Landmark City. Two coaching intitutes of Allen which prepare the students for Medical entrance examinations setup at the major points of the Landmark City. By the year 2016, Landmark city saw a rising number of sstudents coming for the coaching institutes and settling for two to three years. This impacted the growth of the place and withing a year there were almost 300 new hostels and PGs that accomodated the students. Although the landmark City has all the adequate amenities for the students ranging from Coaching Institutes, Shops, Medical Hospitals, Restuarants, Parks etc, the Stress Level of the students is very high. During a survey it was found that the students rated a 7.5/10 avergae on stress level due to a variety of factors. It was also found that although having all amenities students do not have spaces for sports (indoors.outdoors), cultural activities, gaming and other recreation for destressing.
Stress Survey Analysis at Landmark City, Kota
Major features of Landmark City
Building Typology Map
Street Typology Map
The Building Typology at Landmark City is predominantly Residential which comprise of Student hostels and PGs. There are two coaching intitutes of Allen located at the center and the South of the Landmark City. The Landmark City, Kota has numerous restuarants, shops and eating places. which are majorly centred around the two coaching institutes which mark the major nodes of the place. And the mess and eating places near the Studnet Hostels and PGs. The major Streets of the landmark city connect the North to South and East to west of the Place. The Entrance locations being at the South and the East. These streets are 20m wide with vegetation and trees on both sides and with sufficient lighting. The major Open spaces at Landmark City are the Open Spaces beside and behind the two coaching Institutes. Other open spaces comprise of Parks and Gardens which are not well managed and very less used by the students. Green Spaces Map
Activity Mapping
Vision Statement : Create a vibrant, socially cohesive, safe, accessible, resilient and Sustainable urban morphology that promotes the mental health and well-being of individuals. Approach
The approach for Urban Design of Landmark City tends to majorly cater the Mental health and Wll Being of the individuals through Vibrant infrastructure that crates a sense of nnwness and positivity in the individuals. This can be done through design of Streets and Open Spaces through beautification and colors. Activity Spaces that promote Social interaction are to be designed at Streets and Open Spaces. These activity spaces also need to inculcate physical activities for an incentive or should attract individuals to indulge in physical activities. The Spaces need to be safe from Crime, Natural Conditions and Environments, Diseases. These spaces also need to be easily accessible and legible through accessibility planning and design and legible through signages and directions which redduce the stress of wayfinding in individuals. The Design of the Spaces also needs to be resilient to Natural Disasters like Heat Waves, Storms, High WInds, earthquakes, etc, which will ensure the safety of individuals and also longetivity of the project.
Intervention - Open Spaces
Intervention - Streets
Open Space - Located at South most end of Landmark City, beside Allen Coaching Institute Area - 12363 sqm Perimeter - 508 m Intervention - Student Facility Center, Garden, Green Open Spaces with Activity Zones Existing Scenario
Existing Scenario
Open Space - Located at South most end of Landmark City, West of Allen Coaching Institute Area - 1213 sqm Perimeter - 142 m Intervention - Green Pro Active Zone
9 Existing Scenario
Garden - Located at west of Allen Coaching Institute Area - 2553 sqm Perimeter - 228 m Intervention - Garden Redesign, Social Interaction Spaces
Existing Scenario
Oxy Zone - Located at South of Allen Coaching Institute Area - 11262 sqm Perimeter - 587 m Intervention - Garden, Zones for Different Activities, Buffer Zone, Lungs of Landmark
10 Proposal for Street Redesign The proposal for Streets redesign includes the Design of Bicycle friendly , Multi Modal Street Network of the Landmark City. The design of Streets will include the factors of Safety and Security. The beautification of the Streets through faccade design and furnitures and placement of green spaces is also included. The Street mark for the intervention include the Peripherial major street of the Landmark CIty that connects to the Highway, the internal major streets that connect the East West and North South Axis of the Landmark City. These streets are also the major paths that are taken by the students to reach the Coaching institues. The major shops, restuarants and other commercial activities are located along these streets.
Map of Landmark City marking the Intervention Area for Streets
Intervention Proposals at Landmark City Kota Educational City Well Being Plan
Garden Redesign Social Space Physical Activities
Oxy Zone Green Open Space Calming Space
Green Open Space Socail Interaction Space
Street Design Safety Vibrant Street Bicycle Oriented Mix of Economic Activities Street Beautification
Economic Activities
Student Facility Center Open Ground Sports Pro Active Open Spaces Green Space/Gardens