Disability Simulation Experience of a day - Case of a Wheelchair User

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Submitted by: Abhishek Palit Enrollment No.: 19510002

Subject Code: AR 632 Universal Design and Accessibility Planning Subject Coordinator: Prof. Gaurav Raheja


MARCH 2020 i

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1:Map of Area for Simulation ............................................................................................. 2 Figure 2: Cautley Bhawan Entrance Map ....................................................................................... 3 Figure 3: Cautley Bhawan Entrance Section .................................................................................. 3 Figure 4: From left to right, top to bottom - Sequence of assessment for barrier at the Cautley Entrance .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 5: From left to right: Access route assessment of Cautley Bhawan .................................... 5 Figure 6: From left to right: Access assessment of Ramp .............................................................. 6 Figure 7: Assessment for Access to Cautley Bhawan Park ............................................................ 6 Figure 8: Cautley Bhawan Corridor ................................................................................................ 7 Figure 9: Toilet Entrance ................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 10: Wash Basin and Hand Wash Reach .............................................................................. 8 Figure 11: Access to WCs............................................................................................................... 8 Figure 12: Access to the Bath Pods ................................................................................................ 9 Figure 13: Assessment of Hostel Rooms ....................................................................................... 9 Figure 14: Access Route to Cautley Bhawan mess ...................................................................... 10 Figure 15: Cautley Bhawan Mess - External Ramp...................................................................... 10 Figure 16: Entrance to cautley Bhawan Mess .............................................................................. 11 Figure 17: Fingerprint Attendance Machine - Out of Reach ........................................................ 11 Figure 18: Cautley Bhawan Mess Toilet Assessment.................................................................. 12 Figure 19: Hostel Mess Reception Counter .................................................................................. 12 Figure 20: Hostel Mess Food Counters assessment ...................................................................... 13 Figure 21: Hostel Mess Seating Assessment ................................................................................ 13 Figure 22: Access Path to the Central Library .............................................................................. 14 Figure 23: Assessment of External Ramp of Central Library....................................................... 15 Figure 24: Assessment of External Exit Ramp of Central Library .............................................. 16 Figure 25: Entrance to the Central Library ................................................................................... 16 Figure 26: Central Library Corridor ............................................................................................. 17 Figure 27: Information Desk Computer and Keyboard ................................................................ 17 Figure 28: Assessment for access to Upper Floor Book Shelves at Central Library .................... 18 Figure 29: Lower floor Bookshelves ............................................................................................ 18 ii

Figure 30: Reading Tables at central library................................................................................. 19 Figure 31: Assessment of Central Library Toilets for Access ...................................................... 19 Figure 32: Assessment of Elevator for Wheelchair Access .......................................................... 20 Figure 33 :Book Issue and Information Desk assessment for accessibility .................................. 20


TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ ii INTRODUCTION – UNIVERSAL DESIGN ................................................................................ 1 AIM ................................................................................................................................................. 1 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................. 1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................ 1 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 1 AREA FOR SIMULATION ........................................................................................................... 2 CAUTLEY BHAWAN ................................................................................................................... 3 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTS ............................................................................................... 3 1.1.1

Cautley Bhawan Entrance ......................................................................................... 3


Access Route ............................................................................................................. 5


Level Change – Ramp ............................................................................................... 5


Cautley Park .............................................................................................................. 6

INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTS ................................................................................................ 7 1.1.5

Access Corridor ........................................................................................................ 7


Toilets ....................................................................................................................... 7


Hostel Rooms ............................................................................................................ 9

CAUTLEY BHAWAN MESS ..................................................................................................... 10 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTS ............................................................................................. 10 1.1.1

Access Route ........................................................................................................... 10


External Ramp ........................................................................................................ 10

INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTS .............................................................................................. 11 1.1.3

Entrance .................................................................................................................. 11


Fingerprint Attendance Machine ............................................................................ 11 iv


Toilet ....................................................................................................................... 12


Reception Counter .................................................................................................. 12


Mess Food Counters ............................................................................................... 13


Seating..................................................................................................................... 13

CENTRAL LIBRARY.................................................................................................................. 14 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTS ............................................................................................. 14 1.1.1

Access Path ............................................................................................................. 14


Level Change - Entrance Ramp .............................................................................. 14


Level Change - Exit Ramp ...................................................................................... 15

INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTS .............................................................................................. 16 1.1.4

Entrance .................................................................................................................. 16


Access Path ............................................................................................................. 17


Book Information Desk........................................................................................... 17


Book Shelves .......................................................................................................... 18


Reading Table ......................................................................................................... 19


Toilets ..................................................................................................................... 19

1.1.10 Vertical Access – Elevator ...................................................................................... 20 1.1.11 Book Issue Counters ............................................................................................... 20


INTRODUCTION – UNIVERSAL DESIGN Universal Design is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. An environment (or any building, product, or service in that environment) should be designed to meet the needs of all people who wish to use it. This is not a special requirement, for the benefit of only a minority of the population. It is a fundamental condition of good design. If an environment is accessible, usable, convenient and a pleasure to use, everyone benefits. By considering the diverse needs and abilities of all throughout the design process, universal design creates products, services and environments that meet peoples' needs.

AIM The study aims to assess the Built environment for potential barriers through physical assessment.


To identify the zones for assessment of built environment.

To assess the selected built environments for physical barriers.

To identify and analyze the physical barriers.

SCOPE The scope of the study is to identify the physical barriers in the built environment. The study is done for a wheelchair user. Primary physical assessment of the built environment is carried out and the potential barriers are identified and analyzed.

LIMITATIONS The study is limited to Physically disabled – Wheelchair user. The study is carried out for the IIT Roorkee campus and the identified zones in the campus. The study is limited to assessment of barriers based on primary user experience.


AREA FOR SIMULATION The simulation of disability for assessment of built environment was carried out for the External and Internal Environments at the following locations: a. Cautley Bhawan Hostel (Residential Building) b. Cautley Bhawan Mess c. Multi Activity Centre (Entertainment Hub) d. Central Library

Figure 1:Map of Area for Simulation



1.1.1 Cautley Bhawan Entrance The entrance of the Cautley Bhawan has an uneven surface. The surface has different levels with grating in between, this makes the access unfriendly for the wheelchair. There is a downward slope that starts from the road surface, and at entrance, the surface bulges upwards with gratings and becomes uneven. This causes the wheelchair to first gain speed and the front wheels get stuck near the gratings, causing the rear wheels of the wheelchair to slip. Due to which the wheel chair gets stuck. There is a requirement of additional force or support from other individuals to enter the Cautley Bhawan premises.

Figure 2: Cautley Bhawan Entrance Map

Figure 3: Cautley Bhawan Entrance Section


Figure 4: From left to right, top to bottom - Sequence of assessment for barrier at the Cautley Entrance

The entrance of the Cautley Bhawan has been found to be highly inaccessible for the wheelchair users. The front wheels tend to get stuck at the gratings and the rear wheels slip, causing difficulty in maneuvering the wheelchair.


1.1.2 Access Route The access route of the Cautley Bhawan is wide enough for easy passage of the wheelchair with the pedestrian and cycle movement alongside. The surface of the access route is however uneven, causing bumps in the wheelchair movement.

Figure 5: From left to right: Access route assessment of Cautley Bhawan

1.1.3 Level Change – Ramp The Ramp provided at the level change has the optimum slope for easy movement of the wheelchair. There is also handrails provided at two different level, making it easy for the wheelchair user to access. However, there are cycles parked near the ramp, which create hindrance for the wheel chair user to access the ramp.


Figure 6: From left to right: Access assessment of Ramp

1.1.4 Cautley Park The Cautley Bhawan Park is located at the centre of the hostel. The Park does not have any soft or hard paved trail for wheel chair or any disabled access. The wheelchair tend to slip in the grass causing difficulty in maneuvering.

Figure 7: Assessment for Access to Cautley Bhawan Park



1.1.5 Access Corridor The corridors are 2 meters wide, making it accessible for the wheelchair movement. Also, the surface of the flooring is even and stone tiles are used that creates good friction between the wheels of the wheelchair and the floor, and making it easy for movement.

Figure 8: Cautley Bhawan Corridor

1.1.6 Toilets Entrance door of toilet is wide enough for easy entry of the wheelchair.

Figure 9: Toilet Entrance


The Wash Basin is at the optimum height for the reach of the wheelchair user. However, the Hand Wash Soap is not at the optimum location for the reach.

Figure 10: Wash Basin and Hand Wash Reach

The WC Toilet is not accessible to the wheelchair user. The door size is not optimum for easy entrance and there is a lack of space for the wheelchair user to transfer to the WC. Also, there are not Grab bars for support.

Figure 11: Access to WCs


The doors of the Bath pods at the toilet are not in adequate size for the entrance of the Wheelchair.

Figure 12: Access to the Bath Pods

1.1.7 Hostel Rooms The Hostel Rooms have adequate door sizes for easy entrance of the wheelchair. The room sizes are also adequate for easy movement of the wheelchair. There are also adequate Tables provided for reach of the wheelchair user.

Figure 13: Assessment of Hostel Rooms



1.1.1 Access Route The Access route to Cautley Bhawan is the Road, this has a even surface and easy for wheelchair movement.

Figure 14: Access Route to Cautley Bhawan mess

1.1.2 External Ramp The external ramp is at an adequate slope with even surface. The ramp also has handrails at two levels, which provide easy access to the wheelchair user.

Figure 15: Cautley Bhawan Mess - External Ramp



1.1.3 Entrance The entrance of the Cautley Bhawan mess has a adequate width for easy access of the wheelchair user. Also, there is no uneven surfaces.

Figure 16: Entrance to cautley Bhawan Mess

1.1.4 Fingerprint Attendance Machine The machine for fingerprint scanner for Mess attendance is not at optimum height and is out of reach for the wheelchair user.

Figure 17: Fingerprint Attendance Machine - Out of Reach


1.1.5 Toilet The entrance door of the toilet is of adequate width, with easy passage of the wheelchair inside the toilet. The Wash Basin is at adequate Height of the wheel chair user. The Hand Wash Soap and Towel is also placed at adequate height for easy reach of the wheelchair user. The Mirror is not placed at adequate height. There is also no provision of WCs for the wheelchair user of any disabled access.

Figure 18: Cautley Bhawan Mess Toilet Assessment

1.1.6 Reception Counter The reception counter is at adequate height with ease of hand placement and interaction on both sides.

Figure 19: Hostel Mess Reception Counter


1.1.7 Mess Food Counters The mess food counters are accessible but visibility of the food counter from the wheelchair height is less. Also, the reach for putting food to the plate is difficult.

Figure 20: Hostel Mess Food Counters assessment

1.1.8 Seating The seating furniture of the Hostel mess has adequate leg space for the wheelchair user. Also, the height of the Table is adequate for the reach of wheelchair user and the chairs are movable.

Figure 21: Hostel Mess Seating Assessment



1.1.1 Access Path The access path of the Library has uneven surface which causes bumping in the wheelchair. Also, the access starts from the road, which make is unsafe for the wheelchair user.

Figure 22: Access Path to the Central Library

1.1.2 Level Change - Entrance Ramp The external ramp of the Central Library has a very steep slope. This makes it extremely difficult for the wheelchair to move up. Also, there are no handrails provided for support. This makes the ramp extremely dangerous for the wheelchair user. The wheelchair tends to move backwards gaining speed, and the slope is in a curved geometry. The wheelchair tends to go backward due to slope, there is a danger to hit the wall behind or the wheelchair to move upside down, due to the steep slope and the curved geometry of the ramp.


Figure 23: Assessment of External Ramp of Central Library

1.1.3 Level Change - Exit Ramp The Exit ramp is at a steep slope, making it dangerous for the wheelchair user to go downwards. Due to the steep slope, the wheelchair gains speed. There are also no handrails provided, which makes the ramp extremely dangerous for the wheelchair user. The ramp leads on to the front road, which has a fast movement of heavy traffic. There is no space between the ramp and the road. The speeding wheelchair from the ramp enters the road, and poses a risk of accident.


Figure 24: Assessment of External Exit Ramp of Central Library


1.1.4 Entrance The entrance of the Central library has a adequate door width. The access to the entrance for the wheelchair user is optimum.

Figure 25: Entrance to the Central Library


1.1.5 Access Path The internal corridor of the central library are adequate in width for easy movement of the wheelchair.

Figure 26: Central Library Corridor

1.1.6 Book Information Desk The Book Information Desk computer has an optimum height of the keyboard. However, the computer screen has an angle, which makes if less visible for the wheelchair user.

Figure 27: Information Desk Computer and Keyboard


1.1.7 Book Shelves The Book Shelves at the upper floors of the Library are partially accessible for the wheelchair user. The lower shelves are accessible. However, the top shelf is beyond the reach of wheelchair user.

Figure 28: Assessment for access to Upper Floor Book Shelves at Central Library

The ground floor bookshelves are optimum in height for easy access to the wheelchair user.

Figure 29: Lower floor Bookshelves


1.1.8 Reading Table The reading table is at optimum height and also has optimum leg space for the wheelchair user.

Figure 30: Reading Tables at central library

1.1.9 Toilets The toilet entrance has adequate door size for the easy entrance of the wheelchair user. The WC’s are not accessible for the wheelchair users. There is no provision of disabled accessible toilets in the central library.

Figure 31: Assessment of Central Library Toilets for Access


1.1.10 Vertical Access – Elevator The elevator of the central library does not have adequate space for the wheelchair user. The entrance to the elevator is possible but the interior space is not optimum. Also, the button panel is not at adequate location for the reach of the wheelchair user.

Figure 32: Assessment of Elevator for Wheelchair Access

1.1.11 Book Issue Counters The book issue and information counter have optimum height for the wheelchair user to interact with the person on the other side of the counter. However, there is a less access while taking and giving books. There is need for lowering the height for more easy access.

Figure 33 :Book Issue and Information Desk assessment for accessibility



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