Statement of Intent for Final Year

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Statement Of Intent Abi Haigh S.L.U.T

(Striking, Liberating, Unconvetional , Talent)

20th May BA (Hons) FMC L6



What contents

What Wow

Throughout my dissertation research it has become apparent that we are starting to become more aware of the issues around objectifying and sexualising our bodies. It is apparent that 2020 is the year of acceptance, as we see ourselves flourish in our home environments. The key aspects within my case study are, objectification and the exploitation or empowerment of women in fashion media. I chose to focus my final project on our image, touching on empowerment, gender, femininity, and embracing one’s self and sexuality. To determine this, I have researched into a multitude of different avenues, and gained a greater understanding of how I can apply the current societal and climate issues into my work to create relevance and awareness. Whilst I have defined the pros/cons that surround my dissertation

subject through surveys, and interviews, it has allowed me to explore what will be the future version of ourselves through image making. In addition to this, I am looking at what I can give as a creative, in order to spread empowering and euphoric imagery to inform and educate my audience that there is more to an individual than they see. The purpose is to influence, inspire and inform, to enter into an open minded and a wider perspective for ourselves under change to our new society. Although the awareness is increasing on this topic through outlets such as media and the fashion industry, I am able to use my concept to consider a variety of innovate options on how to portray a powerful message on how this can positively affect us today.


I am interested in the interpretation of how we, as women, are portrayed through image making. Therefore, I want to question and create whether we can show fulfilment, strength, and empowerment through image making. Are we confident to express ourselves on camera? Body image, exploitation and empowerment has been a president issue for decades and for some, consumes us. My intentions are to create a positive and inspiring imagery, forming a series to compile into a publication. It is clear that 2021 will be the year of expressing who we found as ourselves in 2020, through creative outlets as we are challenged with thinking outside of the box. My final outcome will consist of a publication built up on interviews, photoshoots, and an exploration into artistic expression. This will co-inside with a fashion film which will be a behind the scenes/ trailer esque introduction into the meanings and workings of the publication. I will be launching S.L.U.T, as an inclusive, fashionforward and empowering publication, based entirely around identity, and self-expression. I would like the publication to also be an opportunity to work with creatives who work with the same ideology in arts, music and fashion to collaborate as a collective to create something fierce and convey the message through visually enticing imagery. My main responsibilities as creative director is to ensure my concept is realised, as I’m acting as stylist, trend forecaster, imagemaker ,curator and social media manager. There will also be hints of branding and concept by designing the brands core image, logos and brand values. The concept of the publication will be a solution to

promoting self-acceptance and empowerment. Along with focusing on advertising the image of expressing one’s true individuality and independence, carrying the main focal point throughout which is maintaining a comfortable stature when expressing sexuality and femininity within their own style. This has always been a controversial topic, some feeling that it can be objectifying, aggressive and not relevant, whilst others feel they are empowered and desired. An overwhelming majority feel that they want women to be seen for who they are, over being labelled on their image. There is often friction between feminists and non, but we are all fighting for the same thing and to be seen as equals. Many people, evident in my research embrace, and admire their sexuality and use their confidence to inspire others, whereas the opposing find it complicated to understand self-acceptance and adapt to a non- judgemental mindset, which I aim to abolish in my work. I want to share the importance of empowerment. Current efforts to spread the awareness of the positive impact that self acceptance and empowerment has on us, involves using strong images to inspire and provoke the industries ideals and traditional norms into a 21st century mentality/ perspective. Playing with the identity norms and self acceptance as a form of advertisement for embracing sexuality and individuality is what drives this publication to be out of the ordinary. Working closely with independent, creative businesses who likewise share a passion in positivity and spreading their appreciation for the female body and form. I will place heavy focus on promoting an empowering and creatively expressed ideal with relevant styling, and creative pieces to channel my ideas into a creative outlet, in order to engage with my consumer. I hope in its final stages that the publication will act as a powerful collaborative document that is a hub for like minded creatives to reflect and embrace the raw individuality slash expressiveness through image making.

The aim for my final project is to develop my research into a series of photoshoots to be collated into an evolving publication. I want it to be relevant to the current issues between the power, status and wealth divide in men and women within society, to bend the rules and shape a new norm. I want this to resonate with my audience and allow us as individuals to feel inspired, enlightened and bring awareness to the stigma surrounding sexuality.


Visuals - Experiment with Len’s and gels on digital camera to create texture and visually stimulating photography based the reflection of my research and personal interests. Publication- My intention is to create a publication which I can utilise and enhance my skills with styling and photography. I would like to print my publication to correlate with my passion for printed and handmade visual books. I intend to incorporate other artists and creatives work as a collaboration and formulate interviews with indivisuals passionate on this subject.

Through variety of technologies and medias, my aim is to execute a visually stimulating and informative publication that appeals to those who are interested in inclusivity and fashion forward imagery. I hope to change opinions and break down the stigma surrounding my topic and embrace the positives that come from the exploitation and the empowerment of men and women. I want my project to overcome the psychological barriers that currently limit us to our subconscious freedom of self-expression. Being yourself shouldn’t come at a cost of unhappiness at the judgement from your peers, it should be a right to freely express yourself through style and beauty without the fear of being judged for being an individual. Objectification and judgement are not something which can be abolished by continuing with the majority of societies current mindsets. Therefore, I wish to create this publication as a means to promotes living carefree, and to feel empowered by the way we choose to present ourselves. In hopes to tackle the issues surrounding negative outlooks opinions and judgements so i can ensure I inspire my audience to strive forward to being positively content. As a result, we as a society will hopefully in time, conform to the idea that freedom of expression through our appearance is the knew ‘norm’ and we don’t have conform to mainstream choices. This ideology will hopefully be made easy to see the fulfilment in loving yourself and the creative fun in being yourself in this publication; so viewers see, think, and adapt on the visual knowledge to see what it is like for us who are content, to become free.

My final outcome will highlight the positives and clearly present freedom of expression through my publication and how much we should value this platform as a stance to stand out from the crowd. I want to innovatively show that moving forward with this mentality is an advantage to our mental well-being and a positive long term solution for both the fashion industry and becoming a better and more accepting society. To promote positivity, empowerment and freedom is this the only trend which should be coming into 2021 with us?




It is imperative to understand the influential people revolved around my topic which my publication stands for. Collaborating with other creatives will help my viewers gain a wider understanding that there is more to self expression than just our appearance. In terms of inspiration, independent businesses on Instagram and posters on Pinterest have helped me to form exactly what my vision is capable of producing. I’ve taken inspiration from the following brands, creatives, and photographers of which have similar passions and attributes, to which I intend to produce an implement these ideas in my own way into my image content. These drivers also produced strong connotations of femininity, power, and sexuality which factors are important to the message I’m creating, to pinpoint the core values of the publication. As at the present time the industry does not accurately represent an equal portrayal and genders or in inclusivity or openly cater for freedom of expression.



S.L.U.T is fuelled directly by indulging in creative minds and expressions; therefore it shall be driven by the need to share this ideology into society. Although the publication has a specific representation of my message there is freedom to analyse and interpret imagery as individuals see fit. There is also an all-inclusive target market. As this is the first issue, it is imperative that I contact and work with insightful and passionate individuals who can radiate to the same energy into the publication to gain the necessary visual output.


To create a strong message and brand image, I need to display the correct skills, ideas, and attributions to effectively visualise the message I’m trying to convey to do this I need to build on my current Adobe suite skills and tailor the software skills to my vision to finalise a professional body of work. I need to work on my film and premiere pro skills. Due to favouring the creative and hands on aspects of my work I want to challenge myself creatively and use a variety of creative mediums to convey messages in an unconventional an innovating way to appeal to the relevant audience. These will be the practise of digital, physical skills and manipulations by playing with materials, colour, lighting, and texture. I will create the most thought-provoking series of images, which I would like to be a reflection of my personal passions and to see the relation within my research on these subjects on for being a visual content creator. Fashion is an art form, which for centuries has evoked identity, creative expression, status and celebration. Therefore, my vision is to celebrate the calm and the chaos in the celebration of self-expression in a way which is unorthodox, and stimulates our minds to recognise our self-worth, happiness, and freedom at its core.



Wisdom What I intend to produce, will demonstrate viable positivity, innovation, and bring awareness to the ongoing issue of objectification and exploitment through highlighting and empowering all individuals by utilising my skills within image making and styling. Hoping it will bring attention to this under researched topic, the publication is created to empower and inspire all genders, to be expressive, true to themselves and their identity and take control by embodying their personality. My final project is a current social and political issue. The publication will demonstrate positivity through creative and visually aware images, and the impact which seeing powerful and positive images can have on us. I want people to understand that as an industry which is heavily based on judgement of appearance, that we are entitled to be creative and free with how we choose to express ourselves. S.L.U.T will enter an almost taboo sector on the publication market, which is underexplored and drastically under spoken about. Whilst there are photo shoots and individuals who are passionate about the topic exist, there is next to none who collate and collaborate extensively to portray free thinking, creativity, and powerful images, as most lack what I have to offer. By demonstrating an innovative an authentic way creating brow raising images by sharing the reality an fun behind being who you are. My fashion project S.L.U.T will offer vital insight into how empowering it is to be creative with self expression through visual identity. I will explore aspects of the male gaze and female on female gaze and whether this exploits are empowers us, looking at open minded and creatively cultured individuals for inspiration. I hope to create pages which speaks volumes on this subject through realness, innovation, colour and playfulness. I aspire for my publication to spread a positive message of inclusivity blur gender lines and identity. I would like to breakdown toxic masculinity walls and tackle the stigma around femininity in fashion within genders. I want people to take back their sexual identity.

S.L.U.T has a post submission life span, as this project truly embodies a strong brand image which is establishing the prevalent theme in the visuals. I must use this time to develop a core brand image which is clear and different from those currently on the market. I believe the success of the publication could lead to future possibilities on the release of further issues. Each time pushing the boundaries and challenging myself further as well as challenging the norms in society. It will continue to be relevant as self-expression becomes more prevalent in our future lives and grow by collaborating with other creatives to expand my horizons. Ultimately S.L.U.T will be recognised as a necessary platform to see creative minds express freely and become a topic of discussion. I hope to emphasise the importance of the message I am creating by continuing with the publication post submission, which will continue to inspire and create innovative projects and shoots. This will hopefully be made possible by creating community through making society aware through printed copies digital and emphasis on shoots that social media which continues the widespread of awareness slash topic to be spoken about. I’ve considered its future success through collaborating with a range of stakeholders, and copies to be available exclusively in independent magazine retailers such as MAGMA, and to be sold via the Instagram page.

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