Graduate Thesis | Mixed Use Design

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MIXED-USE DESIGN { graduate thesis } abigail zohner interior architecture and product design kansas state university

what is mixed use? “In a broad sense, the definition of a ‘Mixed-Use Building’ is any urban, suburban development or single building that merges residential, commercial, cultural, industrial, institutional uses whose functions are physically and functionally integrated.”


welcome to trinity groves Trinity Groves, in West Dallas, has an over abundance of restaurants and not much development of anything else. There are old homes and ignored roadside warehouses. The main road, Singleton, runs directly off the Margaret Hunt Hill bridge from downtown Dallas through the Trinity area and on. If the site can live off the main road and slow down the traffic of hurried Texans and get them to visit or even stay then the project will be a success. By getting more businesses and residents to the neighborhood it will start to build a community. People will gather and grow in Trinity Groves.

site context

singleton blvd dining residential warehouse/garage park

goals + objectives


Select the location and design the building to an appropriate scale.


Amplify the personality of Trinity Groves.


Grow the community of Trinity Groves.


Appeal to the other communities and the City of Dallas as a whole.


mockingbird station _Mixed Use Development Area (including three or more uses) _Located in Dallas, Texas _Designer Architects Credited - RTKL Associates, Inc. in Los Angeles, Selzer Associates, Inc. in Dallas and Environdesign _Clients - Any and all of the general public _Completed + Opened in 2001 _Square Footage - 10 acres _Amenities - Retail, Office, Restaurants, Luxury Housing, Loft Housing, Transit Station, Cinema, Structured Parking _Fun Fact - Mockingbird Station won one of the industry’s highest awards, the Urban Land Institutes Global Award for Excellence.

the east village _Mixed Use Building (including three or more uses) _Located in Austin, Texas _Designer Architects Credited - Bercy Chen Studio _Clients - Any and all of the general public _Completed + Opened in 2010 _Square Footage - 2,591 square meters _Amenities - includes 11 retail stores and offices, 20 residential condominiums of which 20% are affordable housing, and roof top decks accessible by all residents. Proximity to public transit.

marthal rotterdam _Mixed Use Building (including three or more uses) _Located in Rotterdam, Netherlands _Designed by MVRDV; in collaboration with INBO Architects, Royal Haskoning DHV, Peutz and Techniplan _Developed by Provast _Mural art by Arno Coenon and Iris Roskam _Open to General Public, and Private Residents _Design Competition Start in 2004; Completed + Opened in 2014 _Square Footage - + 40 meters tall _Amenities - 100 Fresh Produce Units, 15 Food Shops, 8 Restaurants, 228 Apartments and 1,200 Parking Places

artist residency “Artist-in-residence programs and other residency opportunities exist to invite artists, academicians, curators, and all manner of creative people for a time and space away from their usual environment and obligations. They provide a time of reection, research, presentation and/or production. They also allow an individual to explore his/her practice within another community; meeting new people, using new materials, experiencing life in a new location. Art residencies emphasize the importance of meaningful and multi-layered cultural exchange and immersion into another culture.â€?


Mindless rushing back and forth, every day, every month They do not stop as they drive past abandoned lots And lonely homes They hurry faster This place forgotten Ignored A new life will grow in the midst of the rush Sparking interest Curiosity will slow the crowd for only a moment To sneak a peek The moment will pass But that moment is enough to remember The New will not attack the crowds It won’t come on a frontal attack It will come softly To draw in the mindless A silent touch to reach out And give pause the constant moving They will remember They will pause Returning to the quiet New To live And work And play This place no longer forgotten No longer ignored

generative intent + concept Trinity Groves is a forgotten place in West Dallas. People race down Singleton boulevard, back and forth, ignoring their surroundings. There is an opportunity to create a moment of pause to break this rushing and make users more aware. This thesis will strive to create this pause at different scales through the site and building design. With a successful moment of pause, or a moment of curiosity, enlightenment, and inspiration, the users may return for more. By drawing in more curious minds, the thesis will continue to thrive, sparking inspiration for new growth for the neighborhood.

theories theories considered theory of place attachment theory of phenomenology idea of schema; creating a mental map desire lines zen philosophy community building theory of place making related readings ‘eyes of the skin’ -juhali palassima ‘image of the city’ -kevin lynch ‘the partition of space’ -shirley ardner ‘mixed methodology approach to place attachment and consumption behaviour’ -maria ryan ‘relocation of design, housing and apparel to the armoury’ -students of minnesota ‘physical and virtual environments: meaning of place and space’ -david seamon ‘shaping interior space’ -roberto rengel ‘the interior plan’ -roberto rengel

mixed-use program

roof - rooftop terris (not in scope) third to fifth floors - ‘residential’ space, specifically small apartment living second floor - ‘office’ space, specifically foundation office with flexible art studio first floor - ‘retail’ space, specifically gallery spaces for artist residency






site considerations a. mass and void b. threshold moments of pause c. hierarchy of circulation d. public to private e. sun path f. site programming


urban art park Urban art is a style of art that relates to cities and city life often created by artists who live in or have a passion for city life. Street art is visual art created in public locations, usually unsanctioned artwork executed outside of the context of traditional art venues. By amplifying the already eclectic style of Trinity Groves, the artist residency program will build a new public park space for the community of Trinity Groves to share with Dallas. While smaller scale artwork may be displayed on the first floor of the building, larger scaled projects will be housed in the ‘front yard’ for the general public. This new green space will bring people together and spark interest in new styles of art.








building inspirations a. â€œďŹ‚oatingâ€? warehouse b. corrugated metal panels c. vine cables d. industrial curtain wall e. private balconys, push/pull f. shipping container units


b. east facade


west facade

a. vertical + horizontal patterns, east face b. vertical circulation, south face c. vertical + horizontal patterns, west face

a. a.

first floor key

e. h.



d. g.



e. a.*


e. b.

public a. gallery space a.* project scope gallery semi public b. workshop c. lanai d. lounge e. back of house private (service) f. janitorial g. unisex bathroom h. electrical i. mechanical

moments of pause primary threshold change secondary lounge space gallery space vertical circulation tertiary wall graphic



second floor key j. public a. reception and conference

g. h.

semi public b. communal studio c. printing and etching shop d. exible studios e. restrooms



private (service) f. private studios g. break room h. electrical i. mechanical j. foundation remote office



f. c.


moments of pause primary entry to reception main conference private studios secondary break room soft seating communal studio tertiary transition to office

lobby + conference

open office

break room

communal studio



third floor key

(1) (3) h.

semi public a. ‘family room’ private (service) b. service elevator 1/2/3 room apartments



h. electrical i. mechanical

(2) (3)

b. (1)



moments of pause primary family room studio apartment



secondary vertical circulation tertiary apartment balcony

family room

studio apt

met goals + objectives


Select the location and design the building to an appropriate scale.


Amplify the personality of Trinity Groves.


Grow the community of Trinity Groves.


Appeal to the other communities and the City of Dallas as a whole.

moving forward...

special thanks to vibhavari jani jill ibison vessels nichole finke sarah swaim rachael mayhill kurt greishbach carolyn glenn joey valliere stephen park dustin headley aaron bisch brain graham amie keener

elizabeth amirahmadi dave ritcher o’connell neal hubbel morgan stafford kendra ordia kathy ankerson jon hunt alex plamer ryadi adityavarman dave ritcher o’connell rod troyer madelyn mitchell

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