Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design STUDENT NAME
Nigel Daniels
Unit 5: Personal Experimental Studies in Art and Design Unit 6 : Extended Media Development in Art and Design
Get Grumpy - Protest Campaign
Monday 10th Jan
Monday 31st jan
Easter Assessment point
Foundation Team
The Brief
Protest Campaign The project is intended to demonstrate the many ways a visual thinker can have an impact on the planet through visual problem solving and innovative thinking. The aim of this activity is to allow you to research an issue that concerns you and then subsequently produce visual communication to inspire your generation to action / involvement / change. ( see list of possible issues/topics to consider). You will need to read newspapers, magazines, use the library, watch the news, search the web…. Get angry about something and then find out as much about the issue as possible before starting to design your Protest Campaign against it ! ( browse the Watch section too ).
Propaganda & Persuasion Propaganda presents information for the purpose of gaining or maintaining power and control. It may offer a distorted view of reality and of generally accepted truths but, as with all messages, depends on interpretation and point of view. Persuasion encourages people to reconsider their attitudes, engage in self-reflection, or take action. Persuasion can also inform and enlighten. Persuasive advertising can raise awareness about an issue and change peoples actions ( as well as sell a product of course ).
Part 1 You will need evidence that you have researched your issue thoroughly and understood the background to it, current facts / thinking, impact on society, public opinion, potential audiences, message you want to convey, other organisations/action groups etc. Produce one A1 research worksheet on your chosen issue/topic. Presume the person looking at it knows nothing about the issue/topic you have chosen. This worksheet can be a combination of found imagery, photos, words, facts, statistics, items, textures, artefacts, symbols…. This sheet should allow you to visually brainstorm and think through all the factors to consider before starting any design ideas. From this worksheet produce a spider diagram to further expand ideas for your issue in a sketchbook. ‘Mood boards’ like this are often used in Ad/design agencies to help a designer to think through a problem. ( and are used in client presentations too ). Research a wide variety of Artists and Designers who produce protest art & imagery of dissent. ( there are a few on the brief to get you started ). This research can be in your personal sketchbook/moleskine ( visual examples + annotation ). You should also research into creative advertising campaigns that deal with issues ( rather than products ), particularly less mainstream methods – guerrilla advertising, viral advertising… Part 2 Only when you have completed Part 1 and can evidence a full understanding of the Issue/topic you can begin to explore a variety of ways to visually protest against it. Your campaign can take on any format/s – Poster, T-Shirt, Logos, Video, Stencils, Badges, Fanzine, Photographic, Illustrative, Typographic…. Etc. But your choice of format and medium should compliment the concepts contained within your work. The choice of media and technology can have a powerful effect on the meaning and resonance of the message. The more direct, or cruder methods of image making ( handwriting, stencil, photocopying… ) can provide immediacy and a strong emotional impact. Silkscreen can also be effective for its boldness and its bite ( not to mention economy and low tech convenience ). New technology possesses its own in-built visual language – electronic colours, pixellation, bitmapping… which conjure up different emotions – big brother, surveillance, information overload, future, augmented reality… Explore a range of media to discover which is best for your concept/message. All Final solutions/outcomes should be presented on worksheets. Research Designers : Alexander Rodchenko, John Heartfield, Shepard Fairey, Tibor Kalman, Banksy, Jonathan Barnbrook, Yossi Lemel, Vladimir Kozlinsky, Willie Bester…. Books Liz McQuiston Graphic Agitation 1 Phaidon press Liz McQuiston Graphic Agitation 2 Phaidon press Protest T-Shirts Graffito books Williamson J Decoding Advertising Marion Boyars Annual series British Design & Art Direction Laurence King Steven Heller & Lita Talarico Graphic. Inside the sketchbooks of the world’s great graphic designers Thames & Hudson D&AD The Art Direction Book Rotovision 1997
Some Issues/topics you could consider : Consumerism, Racism, Sexuality, Animal testing, War, Vandalism, Homelessness, Global Warming, Deforestation, Guns, Bull fighting, Religious fundamentalism, Rubbish/Litter, Human rights, Advertising, Whaling, Politicians, Brands, Cloning, Child soldiers, Buy nothing day, Land mines, Oil, CCTV cameras, Turn off your TV week, Sweat shops / Child labour, Size Zero, McDonalds, Hunting, Poverty, Freedom of speech, Lazy Designers, Nuclear power, No cars day, Junk food, Fur coats, Greed, Celebrity, Beards..... etc etc Magazines Adbusters magazine Colors magazine Time magazine The Economist magazine New Scientist Private Eye The Spectator
Watch www.adbusters.org www.youtube.com/user/adbusters www.buynothingday.co.uk/ www.colorsmagazine.com/issues/53/ www.colorsmagazine.com/money/ www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaMz8pgua_0 www.greenpeace.org.uk www.oxfam.org.uk www.bbc.co.uk www.peta.org.uk/ www.league.org.uk www.banksy.co.uk www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo&feature=fvsr www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-nXT8lSnPQ&feature=fvsr www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEbsCYLx2TI&feature=related www.thedetroiter.com/nov05/disneydemolition.php Materials
Lots of different media - paint, pencils, pens, paper, cardboard, glue, scissors, craft knife, Digital camera, print credits, photocopy card…
Work to be submitted for assessment
• Part 1 – A1 Research W orksheet/M ood board on chosen issue/topic. • Research into a wide variety of Artists / Designers in sketchbook / m oleskine. • Part 2 – W orksheets with final design outcom es for the Protest Campaign. • Also a range of rough ideas and concepts explored in sketc hbook.
Assessment Criteria In order to pass this unit, you need to demonstrate that you can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade (below) describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit. Unit 5 - To achieve a pass grade you must show that you are able to: Covered in this brief P1 explore materials, processes and techniques safely [IE] √ P2 record experimental outcomes [IE, CT] √ P3 evaluate creative intentions [CT, RL] √ P4 research materials, techniques and processes [RL] √ P5 prioritise own work and meet deadlines. [SM] √ Unit 6 - To achieve a pass grade you must show that you are able to: Covered in this brief P1 research and select appropriate media [IE, EP] √ P2 utilise selected media development of own work [IE, CT, EP] √ P3 produce outcomes which confirm and extend own ideas [CT, RL, SM] √ P4 use selected media to explore and express a creative intention [IE, CT] √ P5 use an extended range of media, techniques and processes safely [IE, CT] √ P6 use media, techniques and processes to a professional level [SM] √ P7 analyse and reflect on progress of ideas, experimental work and technical processes. √
[RL] PLTS (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills): This summary references in the brackets the elements of the personal, learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate effective application of the referenced elements of the skills. Key IE – independent enquirers RL – reflective learners SM – self-managers CT – creative thinkers TW – team workers EP – effective participators Get Grumpy - Abingdon Foundation Brief 2010-2011