Foundation Art & Design Assignment Brief Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art & Design (QCF) Student Name: Tutor/s Name:
Didi Baldwin Fine Art Critical Practice
Unit 5: Personal Experimental Studies in Art and Design Unit 6 : Extended Media Development in Art and Design
Project Title:
Say it Loud
Date set:
14/01/11 – 21/01/11
2 week project.
Interim assessment: 21/01/10 Assessment Date:
Jenny Holzer
Project Brief, Aims & Objectives:
"Art belongs to the masses, not only in galleries or museums. I take my art to the street in order to make my voice heard by all people, regardless of race or gender. Art plays a subversive role in society, offering an alternative narrative to the dominant culture. With this project, as with all of my art works, I hope to initiate a dialogue in the community, not only about political issues, but also about the assumption that art and politics do not mix." Karen Fiorito Aims: To explore direct ways to communicate a large scale message through the manipulation of text and image. On completing this project you will have gained insights in how to communicate a message through visual means Objectives: Produced a finished outcome in the form of a collage presented as a colour photocopy, or computer print out.