AFSEP Specialty Camps 2010

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specialty camps

“My son had the best time this summer. I wish I had found AFSEP sooner” -Parent

Tennis Camp (Ages 10-17) June 21 – 25 $250 (9am-12pm) This week long camp offers a wonderful opportunity for young tennis players to hone all areas of their game. If you want to work on the strokes and strategies of tennis this is the camp for you. All the strokes of tennis will be worked on: baseline, volleys, and serves as well as analyzing your opponent’s game for strengths and weaknesses and how to take advantage of them. Instruction will be individualized for each camper. You can work on your overall game or a specific part. The week will end with a tennis “tournament” that will test the variety of skills worked on over the week.


Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)(Ages 10-14) June 21 – 25 $450 (9am-3pm)

AFS Chess Challenge (Ages 9-13) June 21 – 25 $250 (9am-12pm) Recent studies have concluded that children reap many benefits from learning and playing chess. Chess is known to: · Strengthen problem solving skills, teach how to make difficult and abstract decisions independently · Enhance reading, memory, language, and mathematical abilities · Foster critical, creative, and original thinking · Provide practice at making accurate and fast decisions under time pressure, a skill that can help demonstrate the importance of flexible planning, concentration, and the consequences of decisions. Given these educational benefits, it’s a clear conclusion that chess is one of the most effective teaching tools to prepare children for a world increasingly swamped by information and tough decisions.

Using computers, synthesizer keyboards, and sequencing software, campers learn how to create musical works, scores, and soundtracks. Whether beginner, intermediate, or advanced there are many projects to fully acquaint campers with the equipment. Our instructors will teach campers “tricks of the trade”, compositional skills and help them develop their musical ideas so that others can hear them! There will also be instruction on the technique of recording and mixing acoustic instruments using a 4-track recorder, microphones, and DAT/cassette mixdown decks. By the last day of camp, campers will have a working knowledge of a MIDI computer system, and an understanding of basic compositional skills. Parents must provide lunch and snack.

Trip Camp (Ages 7-14)

specialty camps continued…

Goin’ Fishin’ (Ages 8-14) June 21 – 25 $450 (9am-3pm) Grab a fishing rod, grab your book, pack a lunch and off you go to a new location every day until noon. Return to AFS and spend your afternoon relaxing by the pool. There are going to be some great fish stories after this week. Parents must provide lunch and snack.


June 21 – 25 $475 (9am-3pm) During our one-week Trip Camp, campers spend each day traveling to and enjoying a different adventure. In the past we’ve visited places like The NJ State Aquarium, Ride the Ducks, bowling & laser tag at the Brunswick Zone, painting pottery at the Mermaid Art Studio, The Franklin Institute, and the Battleship NJ. If you like something different every day, Trip camp is for you! Parents must provide lunch and snack.

Robotics Academy (Ages 10-13) June 28 – July 2 $450 (9am-3pm)

Youth Theater Program (Ages 10-15) June 28 – July 30 $2,275 (Campers must attend the entire 5 weeks.) The youth theater program at AFSEP is truly a unique opportunity for campers who are interested in theater. Campers improve upon existing skills and develop new ones through a combination of movement, voice, and improvisational exercises. In addition, campers gain a working knowledge of the technical aspects involved in producing a play including set design, light design, costumes, and make-up. Mornings are spent in workshop classes where new skills are developed and our afternoons are spent in rehearsals for our blockbuster, end-of-summer performance. During these rehearsals campers are taught by theater, music, and technical professionals to create a production all campers will be proud of. When time allows campers will take a dip in the pool or participate in camp electives. As our goal is to create the best production possible, enrollment for all five weeks is required. Don’t miss out on this top-notch program for all young actors and actresses. Snack and lunch are provided. After viewing our year end show, a young actor attending a very well known center city summer theater program best summed up the quality of our YTP: “Wow! This set was awesome, my show tomorrow is not going to be half as good as this.”

Developed by the National Robotics Consortium at Carnegie Mellon University, this program is specifically designed to use the motivational effects of building robots to teach math, science, and engineering concepts to middle school students. Activities include designing and building robots, learning programming and presentation software, working in teams, mastering tasks, and sharing in robotic challenges with their fellow campers. In the afternoons campers will have the opportunity to join a variety of traditional camp activities, such as swimming, archery, sports, board games, computers and more. Snack and lunch are provided.

Construction & Deconstruction (Ages 8-10)

specialty camps continued…

Rocketry (Ages 10-13) July 6 – July 9 $450 (9am-3pm) Rocketry enables youngsters with no modeling experience to become seasoned rocketeers. Along the way they learn some basic physics, a little rocketry history, and have a lot of fun! Our campers build, craft, creatively paint, and launch their rockets under the careful eye of our staff. Our rockets are similar to rockets you find in a good craft store, with parachutes and small solid fuel engines. They come in all shapes and sizes and are launched from a safe distance with an electric signal from a control pad. In the afternoons our rocketeers will have the opportunity to join in our traditional camp activities. Snack and lunch are provided.


July 12 – 23 $900 (9am-3pm ~ Two Week Program) What goes up must come down. In this camp you will learn how things go up, such as bridges and rockets, and you will learn how things come down. Whether caused by an earthquake, volcano, avalanche, or man’s own doing, the science of destruction will be examined along with the science of construction. In the afternoons campers may have the opportunity to join a variety of traditional camp activities, such as swimming, archery, sports, board games, computers, and more. Snack and lunch are provided.

Junior Great Books (Ages 8-11) June 28 – July 2 $250 (9am-12pm) We are excited to introduce our JGB Discussion Group. The goal of the program is to instill in children the habits of mind that characterize a self-reliant thinker, reader, and learner. Great Books programs are predicated on the idea that everyone can read and understand excellent literature—literature that has the capacity to engage the whole person, the imagination as well as the intellect. The reading list might include selections from: Mr. Singer’s Nicknames (Selection) Lewis Carroll

Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland James Krüss

Thank You M’am langston Hughes

The Water-horse Of Barra Scottish Folktale As Told By Winifred Finlay

The Story Of Wang Li Elizabeth Coatsworth

The Elephant's Child Rudyard Kipling

Vasilissa The Beautiful Russian Folktale As Told By Post Wheeler

Cedric Tove Jansson

Fresh Philippa Pearce

The Enchanted Sticks Steven J. Myers

Computer Animation (Ages 10-13)

Writing Workshop

July 26 – 30

August 2 – August 13

$450 (9am-3pm)

$475 (9am-12pm ~ Two Week Program)

Campers will learn and apply computer animation techniques to take ideas from an initial concept to a storyboard to a complete (but modest!) internet viewable animation. They will learn to tell a story or make a point through the use of animation. The focus will be to have fun while developing the foundations for a deeper exploration of animation. Using the Macromedia Flash program, campers will cover animation basics, such as creating shapes, tweening, incorporating sound, layering, importing graphics, registration, and communicating through motion.

Ever wonder if you might be the next great American novelist, like F. Scott Fitzgerald or Toni Morrison? Maybe you’ve considered the possibility of writing essays in the company of David Sedaris or Nancy Mairs? Perhaps you think of yourself more as a poet—a brooding Emily Dickinson or exuberant Billy Collins, the United States Poet Laureate. Or maybe you just want to improve your writing skills in a variety of genres. If any or all of these statements describe you, then you are invited to attend the Abington Friends School Summer Writing Workshop to experience great literature and perfect your writing skills. A snack will be provided.

(Grades 6-8)

Snack and lunch are provided.


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Abington Friends

Summer Enrichment Program Sculpture Camp I

Math Camp

(Ages 11-14)

June 28 – July 2

June 21 – July 2

$250 (9am-12noon)

$250 (9am-12noon)

$900 (9am-3pm, two weeks) If you like making stuff with your hands and getting your hands dirty, then you'll enjoy Sculpture Camp. We will create projects out of a variety of unusual materials. We will create plaster molds to make clay tiles, sculpt critters out of clay, make pop-up sculptures out of paper and soft sculptures out of old sweaters. And wait until you see what you can make using chair caning! Discarded and found objects will provide us with the makings of... wherever your imagination takes you. To get us outdoors, we'll take a trip to view the outdoor sculpture at the Abington Art Center, and looking at Andy Goldsworthy’s sculpture will provide you with the inspiration to create on-site outdoor sculpture. Let the ruckus begin!

AFS Golf Camp (Ages 11-14)

Do you enjoy mathematical puzzles? Do you love the challenge of probability problems? If a train leaves Philadelphia at 8:00 am traveling north, heading for Mathtown, do you want to be on it? This is a program for motivated, math-oriented kids entering grades 6-8. We will willingly boggle our minds with mathematical conundrums and paradoxes. We will look at great mathematical concepts including Pascal’s Triangle, the Fibonacci Sequence, combinatorics (and probability), magic squares, and more. GREAT FOR STUDENTS INTERESTED IN MATHCOUNTS AND MATH OLYMPIAD!

Kids Computer Camp Students will use the computer as a tool for education, learn skills for better study habits, plus have a little fun.

June 28 – July 2 $275 (9am-12noon) You’re guaranteed a tee time! Can you think of anything better than spending your summer mornings out on the golf course with a few friends? Come spend a week with AFS golf coach Jon Harris getting the expert instruction to help improve your game. Even if you’re just a beginner, this is your chance to learn to play this great game, one that you can enjoy all your life. When you’re finished on the greens, you can enjoy a dip in one of our two pools relaxing and anticipating your next tee time.

July 12 – 16 (Age 9-11)

June 28 – July 2 (Age 6-8) $250 (9am-12noon) This technology camp will include the use of the internet to enhance reading skills as well as math skills. We will learn the basics of desktop publishing including type and design, as well as how to create cards and flyers. Students will learn how to create computer images and insert into documents. Projects will be geared toward the grade level in each session.

This technology camp will include the basics of graphic design techniques used for publishing. Students will use digital photography and images to create art and learn how to incorporate them into a publication document. Students will be instructed on using computer tools and internet research skills to create better outlines for study guides. Projects will be geared toward the grade level in each session.

July 19 – 23 (Age 12-14) $250 (9am-12noon) This technology camp will include the use of internet programs to create personal web pages. We will include digital photography and art images using an image editing program. Students will create a personal PhotoStory by incorporating photography, art images, and inserting music files. Instruction will include how to use creative graphic design techniques to make your projects stand out. Students will be instructed on using computer tools and internet research skills to create better outlines for study guides. Projects will be geared toward the grade level in each session. (over)

See our brochure for all of our exciting summer camp programs!

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Hikes & Bikes (Ages 11-14) July 6 – 9 $440 (9am-4pm) Hikes and Bikes is a four-day program during which we will explore some of the best hiking and biking in our region. Hikes will include: Hawk Mountain (where we will climb the extraordinary North Lookout), and Fairmount Park (where we will hike around Forbidden Drive). Biking trips will include the Schuylkill River Trail and our culminating Friday trip to Jim Thorpe for mountain biking.

Jazz Camp (Ages 11-14) July 12 – 16 and July 19-23 $450 (9am-12noon, two weeks, mornings only) All instrumentalists are welcome to this two-week jazz intensive program. The accent will be on IMPROVISATION as we make music together in a fun learning environment where everyone will be given a chance to shine. (Please note: jazz camp is for musicians of intermediate level and above. Individual teaching on instruments is not what this is about! This is for young musicians with some years of experience who would like to make music with others. Some sight-reading ability is essential.)

The Quest for Leadership I (Ages 13-15) July 12 – 16 $600 (9am-4pm) This unique camp will have several dimensions to it. Campers will be leaving campus every day on a new adventure. The week may include mountain biking, rafting, rock climbing, horseback riding and hiking. Campers will be challenged to develop their leadership skills through a series of problem solving activities. Campers will be given the opportunity to lead as well as support each other in achieving the goals of the day. Journal

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writing will be an integral aspect of the leaders quest as each camper will be asked to reflect upon his/her daily experience. This program has limited availability, as we will accept only 8 campers to ensure the best possible experience for all.

Gadgets, Games & Gizmos (Ages 6-9) July 26 – 30 $250 (9am-12noon) Come have fun learning how to create a wide variety of projects. Not only will you have fun creating these projects, you can share them, wear them, play with them and admire them. Projects will include a tic tac toe game, tye-dying, and a frame, just to mention a few. We will use a variety of materials including, but not limited to, paint, clay, paper, fabric, yarn, items found in nature and recyclable objects. Creativity and imagination required!

Big Tree, Tiny Bug (Ages 8-10) August 2 – 6

Make a Book (Ages 8-10) August 9 – 13 $250 (9am-12noon) Have you ever made your own book? Now is your chance! We will look at handmade books, and gather materials from home, from outside in nature, and from the Mystery Box to create unique and personal keepsakes. Our books will include photos that we will take and decorate, collage, and poetry that we will write. Our poems can be silly or serious–anything goes! There may be an opportunity to share our creations with the whole camp. Campers who attend “Big Tree, Tiny Bug” may bring their journals and art to use in their book in this camp.

Clay Workshop I (Ages 6-9) August 2 – 6 $250 (9am-12noon) Students will learn clay hand building techniques to create lively animal figures, embellished vessels and expressive ceramic faces. All projects will be glazed and fired

$450 (9am-3pm)

Clay Workshop II Maybe you like to read and write stories, but you also like to be outside in the summer. Get the best of both in this camp, where we will read about the hugest trees and the smallest creatures we can see. Find out who is pitted against the Whomping Willow, and why we sing the Garbage Song. We will explore the school grounds and find what's in the stream. One day will take us to the neighboring Abington Art Center's wooded and landscaped sculpture park, and another will include a hike and picnic at Alverthorpe Park. We'll even visit Morris Arboretum's wonderful Out on a Limb tree exhibit. There will be time to journal, write about, and share our adventures.

(Ages 10-13) August 9 – 13 $275 (9am-12noon) Students will design and create their own artwork while exploring clay hand-building techniques from around the world. Students will explore ancient Egyptian pinched forms, coil vessels from ancient China, and the concept of wabi-sabi from Japan. Students will design and inscribe their own clay stamps for embellishment. Using pinch, coil and slab methods, students will create unique, inspired works that are figurative, abstract, functional and non-functional. All projects will be glazed and fired.

For more information visit us on the web: or call 215-576-3996

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