Updated Jan 25 Annual Report for Web

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Abington Friends School

annual report of gifts

contents 3

Letter from Head of School


Letter from Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement


Letter from Clerk of School Committee



10 Donor Profile 13 Financial Summary 15 Annual Giving 16 18 20 22 26 31 33 33 34 37 38 39 40 42 43

Vision in Action Leadership Society Lifetime Donors Parent Giving by Class Alumni Giving by Class Gifts from Parents of Alumni Gifts from Friends Gifts from Grandparents First Time Gifts Faculty and Staff Support Student Annual Fund Callers Gifts in Memory Gifts in Honor The Light Keepers Legacy Society Gifts in Kind

44 Endowed and Restricted Gifts 46 46 49 50

Matching Gifts PA ETIC Roo Fest and Auction Hank Faulkner Golf Outing

52 Ways of Giving

Dear Friends, With educational accountability such a political dilemma, it is increasingly clear to me that the single-most important and transformative element of an AFS education is the culture we create for children and teachers alike. At the close of our recent 10-year accreditation process, the 16-member visiting team lifted up the vitality of our culture of learning, exploration and growth as most visible to them. Paul Lacey, professor emeritus at Earlham College and leading voice on Quaker education, often remarks that it is the ethos of Friends schools, how we interact and learn together each day that creates the unique strengths of Friends school students. At AFS we very intentionally create an environment of engagement, leadership, initiative, passions pursued and appreciation and respect for each other to encourage the development of uniquely strong kids. As head of school, I find myself paying attention to three essential layers of our school culture. First is our culture of learning. Do we have a passion for learning, for coming to know ourselves and the world in new ways, for the discourse of the academic disciplines and the way each illuminates our lives in distinct ways? Do we put ourselves in the way of transformative experience? Do we lean into complexity and challenging problems? Are we honing our skills for inquiry, challenging our own assumptions, refining our ideas? Are we curious and alive to opportunities for new knowledge and skill? My daily experience is that we are and that this learning culture is a creative and self-sustaining force for teachers and students alike, continually drawing us into new territory, questions and growth. The second layer I pay attention to is our culture for spirit and nurture of inner life. Do we create time for reflection, for paying attention to the quieter voices, for listening for that which is below the surface, for gaining perspective? Are we cultivating humility, openness, reverence? Are we learning to tame the distractions and anxieties in our lives in order to be fully present to the work that we are doing? Are we a community of deep roots and rich connections? Are we open to being changed by what we learn from each other and from reflection? Earl Ball, chair of our accreditation visiting team and long-time leader in Quaker education, was struck by the depth of the spiritual community of our school, by the openness with which we talk about and nurture inner life. The spiritual dimension of our school provides an essential set of roots and values to ground our busy and ambitious daily lives. The final layer I focus on is our culture of commitment, care and participation as a community. Abington Friends School is created each year, each day by the contributions of teachers, students, parents, staff, School Committee, alumni and Meeting members. We are the collective strength of all those who share their ideas, talents, hard work and resources to create an extraordinary learning environment for this generation of children growing up in a world of enormous challenge, complexity and promise. Our Annual Report on Gifts reflects the broad and committed support of so many who love this school and are committed to our mission and spirited work. I am truly grateful for all who strengthen, encourage and sustain this community with their support.

Rich Nourie




Dear Friends, While there is no doubt that we are living in challenging philanthropic times, our Annual Report of Gifts suggests that our community is strong and resilient. We set a new record for our Annual Fund and were one of the very few schools in our region that actually surpassed its Annual Fund goal. Additionally, we received some strong gifts toward our $4M goal for our Campaign, Vision in Action. My hope is that we can close out the Campaign long before the three year completion date of June 30, 2011. This year, we have moved to an online version of our Annual Report in order to be good stewards of our financial resources and of the world in which we live. If you would like a paper copy of the full report please contact the Development Office and we will be happy to provide one.

“Abington Friends School is an incredible school with an important mission. Your support helps the School get better and better.”

As I talk to friends and alumni of the school, I am often asked why our Campaign is critical now and why we feel it is so necessary to press forward even in this tough economic environment. The answer lies in the quality of the interactions between our students and our teachers. If we want the optimal learning environment for them, we need to allocate our resources accordingly. Our Campaign does just that. The three initiatives of Vision in Action focus on making our academic program superior, our faculty salaries competitive and our cafeteria and student commons flexible and dynamic. It is a compelling blueprint and please don’t hesitate to call me if you would like to discuss it in more detail. To those who are listed on this report, I want to thank you for your generous stewardship of Abington Friends School. Your donations are an expression of your faith in the school. My wife and I support the school to the best of our ability because I am awed daily by the level of professionalism and dedication I see from our teachers, staff and administrators. I see this in the hallways, in the cafeteria, in assemblies and in my role as an 11th Grade advisor and part-time coach of tennis and golf. Abington Friends School is an incredible school with an important mission. Your support helps the School get better and better. Before I close, I want to thank those who help us in other ways as well. To those friends who see to it that our scholarship program is supplemented by donations through the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (PAEITC) program, thank you very much. To those friends who gave more to our Annual Fund so that we could meet the E.E. Ford Challenge Grant for the purpose of designing multi-racial curricula, thank you very much. To those who supported the Hank Faulkner Golf Outing and have helped us raise over $40,000 to date for general scholarship, thank you very much. And to those who have had the wonderful foresight of including the school in your wills or planned giving, thank you very much. We have much to give thanks for and for all of us in the Development Office, please know that we appreciate every dollar of your support! With Regards,

Jon M. Harris Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement





Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to write to you every autumn and share my latest thoughts about Abington Friends School. This year, despite a rocky economic climate, there is excellent news to report. • Enrollment is up and solid in all divisions. • Because of careful planning by the Administration and the Finance Committee the school is in a position to continue to support our full program and our families in need during this difficult time. • The Capital Campaign recently celebrated surpassing the halfway mark. • The ’08–’09 Annual Fund exceeded its goal and hit an all time record.

“I am grateful for this remarkable community we all share…I give thanks for each of you and what you give to AFS.”

The School Committee continues to enjoy a rich and satisfying working relationship with the School and the Meeting. Each year, in addition to attending regular meetings, School Committee members share a working retreat, spend time visiting classrooms, and serve on various subcommittees. This year we welcome Margaret Sayers who, as AFS parent, clinical child psychologist, Meeting member, and board member of Building Blocks Child Development Center, brings a wealth of relevant experience to her work on the School Committee. We are sorry to say goodbye to Marcia Boraas, Anne Ewing Burns, Peter Kollros, Marc Perry and Frances Smith. We thank these colleagues for their many contributions and we wish them well in their future endeavors. In a world of great change I find it a comfort as much as it is a privilege to be part of a community where core values and beliefs do not change but serve as guide posts for all major decision making; where ideas are not pigeon-holed but are always open to examination; and where, among the many constituencies of the school, a central constant is a comfort level with the very fact of change. As families gather to celebrate the holidays I am grateful for this remarkable community we all share. I give thanks for the gift of each AFS graduate well prepared to engage in thoughtful and thought-provoking work. I give thanks for each of you and what you give to AFS: the nurturing support from home that underpins the work of teachers in the classrooms; your gifts to the Annual Fund that in many cases represent real sacrifice on a yearly basis; your volunteer hours; and, in the broader community of neighborhoods and houses of worship, your goodwill towards AFS that circles home to enrich us all. With best wishes for a wonderful year,

Peter Schorsch, Clerk of School Committee






committees 2008-2009 School Committee Members

The Development Committee 2008-2009

The Parents Committee for the Annual Fund

Kenneth Ahl Mitchell Alden Steven Berman Marcia Boraas Allison Boyle Anne Ewing Burns ’75 Dave Campbell Herbert Fisher Carol Frieder Mark Garrison Benjamin Hoyle Peter Kollros Margaret McGlynn Patrick Mutchler Marc Perry ’85 Mitchell Sargen Peter Schorsch ’75, Clerk Bradley Sheares Frances Smith Bruce Stewart

Mitch Sargen, Clerk Su Axelrod Steve and Ilene Berman Marcia Boraas Alison Boyle Gwen Campbell Herb Fisher Carol Frieder Mark Garrison Karen Hanson Janet Israel Michael Kashon Lynne and Burt Mass Margie McGlynn Marc Perry Peter Schorsch

The Parents Committee for the Annual Fund (PCAF) is an enthusiastic group of parents from all school divisions that have established a new model of supporting our school—building community through stewardship. We are grateful for the enthusiasm and support of the parents and friends who participated in the Parents Committee for the Annual Fund last year:


Karen Hanson, Co-Clerk Mike Kashon, Co-Clerk Gabrielle Giddings, Director of Annual Giving Karen Cheney Karen DeCesare Janice Jakubowitcz Suzanne Kahn Michelle McConnon Kristine Robinson Bonnie Schorsch Liz Soltan Michael Sperger Rhoda Fuchs-Morton




How did you first become an AFS parent?

Brad Sheares and Adrienne Simmons

Brad: It started with my oldest daughter, Adrienne. She was in middle school in Central Bucks. It was a good school system but she was falling through the cracks. At parent teacher meetings it was clear the teachers really didn’t know my kid. They weren’t reaching into her soul. We thought she can do better and we can do better. We made the normal round of schools in the area. We came to AFS and met faculty and staff, as well as students. You could see the focus on the individual and bringing out the best in the individual, and we liked what we were hearing about Quaker values, where everybody has something to contribute. We sent her here and she blossomed. After a couple of years we sent Alicia, and Anita said, ‘I want to go, too.’ They all have very different personalities but all of them have been able to find themselves at AFS. For one it might have been sports, for one taking advantage of AP courses, honors classes or other extracurricular activities.

What inspires you as a philanthropist?

School Committee member and AFS father Brad Sheares and his wife Adrienne Simmons are energetic supporters of the School. As well as contributing to the ECCO Program (Exploring, Connecting, Committing to Opportunity), they have established a scholarship fund to increase access to the School for qualified minorities. Brad’s oldest daughter, Adrienne, graduated from AFS in 2005 and attended Spelman College. Alicia took the same path in 2008 and youngest daughter Anita is set to graduate next summer.

Brad: Adrienne and I recognize how fortunate we are. One of the things that has allowed us to have the opportunities is the families we grew up in. Another is the education we received. I grew up in a family that valued education. My great grandfather went to college and for somebody who was black in Louisiana before the turn of the century that was a big deal. If I go back in the family to see who had success and opportunities, way before there was a Brad in the world, it was always those who had educational opportunities and took advantage of them. It was especially important in the black community where by law or practice there was such rampant discrimination. Ever since I was a little boy it was stressed that you’re going to college, that’s the key to success, the key to overcoming injustice, and my life has borne that out.

When we think of activities we’d like to be involved in and invest in, that’s what drives it for us. We’re particularly interested in kids and trying to make a difference for children. We’ve taken the approach that there is a lot of need out there and we don’t have the ability to change everything for everybody so we like to make a difference for a kid here, a kid there. We’re involved with the Support Center for Child Advocates, the Boys and Girls Club, Fisk University, Spelman College, Purdue University and AFS.

Adrienne: Brad and I realized when we talked about where we wanted our funds to go that we both had a commitment to children. All of my volunteer activities are centered around children, and that’s not a coincidence. I think the light bulb went on as to where we should exclusively direct our funds when we established our foundation. There are a lot of people who need support and it does become difficult for us to turn down other worthy causes. But for us it is always going to be about young people and fostering their cultural, social and educational development.

“We want to not only encourage others like ourselves to give but also to encourage the students we help when they are in their 30s, 40s, 50s to look back and extend a hand to someone else, pay it forward. We’re always encouraged when we receive notes from people we’ve helped who say thank you and we can’t wait to do it for someone else.”

Your support of AFS and your commitment to increasing accessibility has been extraordinary. Can you talk about that? Brad: I’m very inspired by Rich’s leadership for the School. He gets it. He has a vision for the School and the School is taking on a forward looking vision in the world. I’d like to help that in different ways: through serving on the School Committee and making contributions that enable a student to go to the School who otherwise simply because of financial means might not be able to go. To allow that to happen is very important to me. We have a real passion around it. We’re really committed to it. At first we wanted to support the School in general but we wanted to do more than that. Adrienne: We think it’s important that we don’t just provide for a child to go to AFS for one year. It’s the value of consistency of being in the AFS community that’s key. So when we decide to support a child we have made a commitment to support them until they graduate. We can’t have them start their education here and not be able to finish.

How does it work in a practical sense? Brad: The School works with experts, such as those at Steppingstone and a number of other programs, to identify good students who are prepared and ready to go. That’s the student in whose life we want to make a difference, and why we established an endowed scholarship fund to support these children.

What do you see as the long term impact of your support? Brad: If we look at kids our fund has supported and see the contributions they’ve made to the AFS community and how beloved they are, what other students and faculty have learned, this is not charity on my part. This is providing an opportunity for an individual student but also to the whole AFS community. Having these students in the AFS population will enrich the experience for every student in this school. Adrienne: We have made a commitment to support African American students in particular, and are looking for ways to get more minority students into the program. One of the other reasons we do this is because it will hopefully encourage other people to support the things they’re passionate about. There are many people who have things they’re passionate about, and if everybody does their part it builds up the entire community. Hopefully people will look at the things we do and lend their support. For those of us who have been fortunate, it’s important to give back. We want to not only encourage others like ourselves to give but also to encourage the students we help when they are in their 30s, 40s, 50s to look back and extend a hand to someone else, pay it forward. We’re always encouraged when we receive notes from people we’ve helped who say thank you and we can’t wait to do it for someone else. They’re not going to forget there was someone who took an interest in them. That’s really critical. It’s extremely important to us that these students see there are members in their community that look like them, care about them, are in a position to help them and do help them.




financial summary Revenue and Other Support Tuition Less: Tuition Remission Financial Aid Grants Net Tuition Summer, After-school and Preschool Programs Contributions and support Endowment income designated for current operations Investment Income (loss) Other Income Assets Released from Restriction Total revenue and other support

Expenses and Losses $13,177,246

Educational Services Summer, After-school and Pre-school programs Auxiliary Services Administrative and general Development and fundraising Buildings and Grounds Depreciation Expense Total expenses and losses

($584,300) ($2,375,700) $10,217,246

$1,797,938 $2,250,599

$6,706,828 $1,312,337 $74,543 $4,108,845 $479,897 $1,437,508 $870,676 $14,990,634

Net Change from Operations $199,411 $54,416 $382,916 $0 $14,902,526


Financial Position Assets Current Assets Fixed Assets Other Assets Total Assets

$5,665,867 $13,048,145 $9,950,461 $28,664,473

Liabilities and net assets Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets


$4,502,637 $10,745,370 $13,416,466 $28,664,473





annual giving This Annual Report of Gifts recognizes those who support the important work we do every day at Abington Friends School as we guide and nurture the students in our care. These donations help us develop our students into purposeful citizens who are supported in their learning passions by exceptional faculty. They leave AFS prepared to take on the challenges of a complex world. The support we receive from parents, alumni and friends is essential to the daily life of the school. We are truly thankful for the ongoing generosity of everyone whose name appears on these pages.





annual giving vision in action gifts to date We are grateful to the members of our community who have made pledges to the Vision in Action Campaign, a $4M Campaign that accelerates the School’s ability to have an immediate impact on every student on a daily basis by investing in our faculty, empowering our students and connecting our community. This listing reflects combined gifts and pledges to both the Capital and Annual Fund portions of the Campaign.

Vision in Action Campaign Committee Ann Thompson and Pat Mutchler, Co-Chairs Naomi and Skip Atkins Marc and David Berman Jill and Randy Bown Gwen and Dave Campbell Patty and Rob Delany Ricki and Steve Fisher Herb Fisher Heather and Mark Garrison Suzanne ’85 and Keith Hodges Janet and Jim Israel Suzanne and Jeff Kahn Margie and Kevin McGlynn Paula and Marc ’85 Perry Tracey and Rod Sandmeyer Beth and Mitch Sargen Bonnie and Peter Schorsch ’75

$100,000 to $200,000 Anonymous Mark and Heather Garrison Susan Salesky Rudin ’57 and Jack Rudin Patrick Mutchler and Ann Thompson Kevin and Margaret McGlynn Peter ’75 and Bonnie ’75 Schorsch

$50,000 to $100,000 Anonymous (2) David and Gwen Campbell Steven and Ricki Fisher Jeffrey and Suzanne Kahn

$25,000 to $50,000 Steven and Ilene Berman Eugene Lugano and Marcia Boraas Robert and Patricia Delany James and Janet Israel Robert and MaryAnn Watson

$10,000 to $25,000 $200,000 and above Rodney and Tracey Sandmeyer Sheares Family Charitable Foundation Bradley Sheares and Adrienne Simmons

Anonymous Robert and Naomi Atkins Scott Erman ’86 Robert and Lisa Henske Benjamin and Karen Hoyle

Charles and Barbara Kahn Peter Kollros and Barbara Konkle Donald and Dawn Salmon Diane Vernon E.S. Webster Foundation Jon and Cynthia Harris

$5,000 to $10,000 Rick Bedrick and Amy Brantz-Bedrick Brad and Andrea Heffler Salvatore Rotella and Maria Kiernan Richard and Robin Nourie Mitchell and Beth Sargen

$1000 to $5000 Suzanne Alston Hodges ’85 and Keith Hodges Carol and Sam Frieder Kristine Long Joel Sweet and Orit Netter

All Other Gifts Charles and Darlene Adams Katharine Bertolet John and Ellen Casey Brian Cassady Steven and Rhonda Keefer Michele and Bruce Lockman David and Susan Wolk

Simplicity is a central testimony of Quakerism. In keeping with the manner of Friends, personal and professional titles have been eliminated from this report. Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009





annual giving annual fund: the AFS leadership society AFS relies on leaders within the Annual Fund to help build a strong financial base for today and the future. The Leadership Giving categories listed below acknowledge those donors who have made substantial gifts in support of the Annual Fund. We are grateful for their support.

The John Barnes League ($20,000 and above)

Fourth Century League ($10,000 to $19,999)

Founders’ Society ($2,500 to $4,999)

Anonymous Faulkner Family Foundation Gail Faulkner and John Oyler Henry Faulkner ’00 Juliet Faulkner ’95 Jocelyn Faulkner Casey ’97 and James Casey Lucinda Friedman ’98 and Scott Friedman E. Kevin and Margaret McGlynn Peter Schorsch ’75 and Bonnie Dawson Schorsch ’75

David and Gwen Campbell Edwin S. Webster Foundation Jon M. and Cynthia Harris Mark and Heather Garrison Myrna Goodman and Hilary Goodman ’99 Patrick Mutchler and Ann Thompson The Rhode Island Foundation Margaret and Andy Zuccotti Rodney and Tracey Sandmeyer Irvin and Anita Schorsch Sheares Family Charitable Foundation Bradley Sheares and Adrienne Simmons

Kenneth and Diane Ahl Mitchell and Kathleen Alden Anonymous Glenna Bingham ’61 and Leroy Bingham Anne Ewing Burns ’75 and James Burns Michael and Maureen Caulfield Robert and Patricia Delany James and Carol Gross James and Janet Israel The Korein Foundation Jonathan Korein and Jane Rovins David Mulvey and Patricia Mulvey Carol Palmer and Debbie Stauffer James and Eileen Pettit Eric and Maria Rieders Mitchell and Beth Sargen Irvin and Marilyn Schorsch Robert and Debra Staples Robert and MaryAnn Watson Wesley Wolf and Catherine Hunt ZS & M Foundation Inc. Jane Wilf ’84 and Mark Wilf

Heritage Society ($7,500 to $9,999) Jeffrey and Suzanne Kahn

Oak Tree Society ($5,000 to $7,499) Anonymous Abington Monthly Meeting of Friends Steven and Ilene Berman Steven and Ricki Fisher Samuel Frieder ’82 and Wendy Frieder Susan Salesky Rudin ’57 and Jack Rudin

1697 Circle ($1,697 to $2,499) Anonymous Lucille Dean ’33 Scott Erman ’86 and Nancy Erman Elizabeth Gadsden ’71 Brad and Andrea Heffler Peter Kollros and Barbara Konkle

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009


Scott Krase ’85 and Christie Krase William and Susan Lockwood Eugene Lugano and Marcia Boraas James McNamara and Judith Melick Richard and Robin Nourie Robert Silverman and Randi Leavitt Diane Vernon

Head of School Circle ($1,000 to $1,696) Robert and Naomi Atkins Tom Avril and Karen Cheney Edward Bedrick and Amy Brantz-Bedrick Allison Berg ’89 and Larry Berg John Binswanger Jeffrey Cohen and Shirley Powell-Cohen Milton Coll and Andrea Becker Rebecca Coyne ’89 Edward and Emily Daeschler Paul and Lisa Dougherty Mary Lynn and Paul Ellis Shawn and Michelle Gee Matthew and Audra Gurin Jon M. and Cynthia Harris Michael Hecht ’89 and Jennifer Hecht Benjamin and Karen Hoyle Charles and Barbara Kahn Justin Kaplan and Diana Brody Michael and Stacy Kashon Stefan Keller and Donna Bleznak-Keller K. Mathai and Mary Kurien Lynne Koolpe Mass and Burton Mass Kevin and Halie O’Shea Geoffrey Porges Salvatore Rotella and Maria Kiernan Benjamin and Rebecca Roter Mitchell and Amy Russell Donald and Dawn Salmon Frederick Schwager and Maria Boltz Frances Smith Michael and Chelsea Sperger William and Sherrie Spiegel Bruce Stewart and Andra Jurist Margaret Sullivan Trustees of Abington Monthly Meeting Stephen Venetianer and Susan Ulrich-Venetianer Howard and Barbara Weitz Peter Wellhofer and Joanne Lahner




annual giving annual fund: lifetime donors The Lifetime Donor categories listed below acknowledge those donors who have provided consistent long-term support of the School. We are grateful for their ongoing generosity and loyal giving to AFS.

20 or more years Kathy Adams-House ’65 and Jeff House Kenneth and Diane Ahl Mary Buckman ’74 Anne Ewing Burns ’75 and James Burns Marsha Cohen ’82 and Peter Lubowitz Anne Schreiber Collins ’48 and Richard Collins Anita Scott Duke ’41 and Frank S. Duke Miriam Eyre Gail Faulkner and John Oyler Sindy Paul Friedman ’75 and Oren Friedman William and Susan Lockwood Richard and Molly Logan Janet Wilson Malcolm ’35* Dana O’Brien ’70 and John Oshea Diane Benson Reed ’49 and Lowell Reed Victoria Decker Rosskam ’71 Debbie Stauffer and Carol Palmer Diane Vernon Christine Washington Sue Zurn Collins ’68

15 or more years Marjorie Adams Alexander ’54 and F. Knight Alexander Ann and Scott Botel-Barnard James Burke and Cynthia Gawron-Burke Arthur and Marcia Chernoff Laura Conkey ’69 and Bob Brakenridge Lucille Prock Dean ’33 Suzanne and Merrill Detweiler Christine Lapp Donahower ’56

Joseph and Marsha Dratch Mary Lynn and Paul Ellis Mary Eno and Dan Wagner Scott Erman ’86 and Nancy Erman Penny Grossman Fox ’49 and Robert Fox Carolyn Flax Frieder and Samuel Frieder Judith Chestnut Fuss ’63 Cathy High Harris ’64 and Christian B. Harris Margaret Williams Kelly ’49 and Frank Kelly Margaret L. Livingston King ’35* and Allen King Jonathan Kroser ’89 and Jennifer Kroser Charles and Clarabon Logan Virginia Martin and Robert Comis Lynne Kookpe Mass and Burton Mass Elizabeth Mayers ’63 Carolyn A. Anderson McGuckin ’53 and William McGuckin Elizabeth and Keith Mosley Patrick Mutchler and Ann Thompson Jason Pizzi ’93 Patricia Lapp Radey ’54 and Frank Radey Judy Schatz and Robin McEntire Irvin and Marilyn Schorsch Peter Schorsch ’75 and Bonnie Dawson Schorsch ’75 Alan and Ruth Smith Margaret Maddock Sullivan Alfred and Elayne Toizer Lisbeth Lorenz Wagner ’59 and Albert Wagner Linda Hano Weintraub ’55 Joan DePaul West ’55 and Leonard West Brent Whitman ’80 and Aimee Whitman

Susan Yannessa ’71

10 or more years Robert and Naomi Atkins Michael Basch and Ann Isaacs Steven and Ilene Berman David and Gwen Campbell Joan Geiger Doyle ’50 and Joseph Doyle Robert and Doris Fanelli Anne Fields Mark and Heather Garrison James and Carol Gross Melissa Dreidink Grossman ’87 and Steven Grossman Victoria Hartung ’58 Nancy Abel Hoffenberg ’65 and Hank Hoffenberg Jane Stone Horn ’47 and Irving Stone Jean O’Neill Huntington ’44 and Thomas Huntington Justin Kaplan and Diana Brody Keith Levinson and Paulette London William Lockwood ’92 Raymond and Eileen Longstreath Kathryn Lopez Michael and Hilary Love Eugene Lugano and Marcia Boraas Jane and David McVeigh-Schultz Ferne and Phillip Moffson Sandra Scott Mraz and Dave Mraz Charles and Ruth Peterson Anne MacFarland Plusch ’34 and Herman Plusch Mimsey Peterson Potts

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009


Margaret Hassold Rohs ’48 Corinne Romig Roxby ’53 and William Roxby Mitchell and Beth Sargen Cesar Silebi and Donna Visioli Robert Silverman and Randi Leavitt Robert and Beverly Sitrin Dolores Ballantyne Smith ’47 Jane Smith ’80 and Jeff Ginsberg Deirdre Rhoads Snyder ’62 and W. Lloyd Snyder Thomas and Carolyn Spencer Susan Gerlitz Tam ’64 and H. Tam Nicole Toizer ’89 Marianne Mayer Toombs ’52 and Bryan Toombs Mary Hutchinson Tucker ’56 and Frederick Tucker Joseph and Leslie Ward David and Susan Wolk

5 or more years Lisa Shaffer Anderson ’58 and Dudley Anderson Mitchell and Kathleen Alden Jackie and Robert Arnold Barbara Berger Aronson ’70 and Theodore R. Aronson William and Adrienne Avery Joseph and Jane Bagley David and Patricia Baron Franklin and Elaine Barrett Edward Bedrick and Amy Brantz-Bedrick Marc and David Berman Christopher Biehn ’83 and Julie Biehn John Birnhak ’75 and Rita Birnhak David and Nina Bisbee Jeffrey Bond Jeannetta Burpee ’66 Irene and R. David Campbell Jordan Campbell ’02 Michael and Maureen Caulfield Margaret Christian Norman and Linda Cohen Kristin Bornholdt Collins ’90 and Guy Collins Joseph Conahan and Jeanne McMindes Brad Coren ’92 and Elise Coren Holly Corn ’71 and Jonathan Kaufeltf Marc and Janet Crespi Edward and Emily Daeschler Kreszentia Duer ’67 and Brian Barger

Lucinda Edgerton and Louis Krause Andrea Emmons and Won Yoon Maureen and Robert Esposito Juliet Faulkner ’95 Robyn Schwartz Felzer ’78 and Jordan Felzer Joseph Fischgrund and Nancy Beck-Fischgrund Frank Fisher ’79 and Margaret Guerra Steven and Ricki Fisher Molly McDonald Foley ’92 and George Foley Samuel Frieder ’82 and Wendy Frieder Elizabeth Sears Gadsden ’71 Gabrielle Giddings Sharon Gimpel ’71 Anthony and Amy Godwin Debra Green and Lisa Schultz Rodney Griffith and Moira Rosenberger Donna Haines Jennifer Bornholdt Hammond ’86 and Craig Hammond Barbara Handler Katharine Essick Harms ’48 Michael Hecht ’89 and Jennifer Hecht Edward and Cheryl Hennigan Dorothy Hess and William Bachmann Leslie Hirsch and Nancy Garber Suzanne Alston Hodges ’85 and Keith Hodges Carol and Mark Honigman Clifford Hudis ’77 and Jane Hudis Tiel Pooley Ingersoll ’62 and George Ingersoll Janice Jakubowitcz Joyce Leonard Johnson ’60 Jeffrey and Suzanne Kahn Donald and Sarah Kaplan Jill Smith Klieger ’84 Jonathan Korein and Jane Rovins Marlis Kraft-Zemel and Martha Butler K. Mathai and Mary Kurien Wayne Kurtz and Lisa Treadway-Kurtz David Leeser ’88 and Jodi W. Leeser Michael Livingston and Anne Weiss Charles and Karen Lockyer Kristine Byrne Long P. Todd and Susan Makler Lawrence Mass and Christine Hunter Kevin and Margaret McGlynn Ian MacInnes ’83 James McNamara and Judith Melick Marianne Wehner Mebane ’48 Edward and Kathryn Messina Charles Meyer ’77


Rosanne Mistretta and Steven Miano Alan and Marcy Nadel Hank and Jill Narrow Seth Newman and Bethany Perry Deborra Sines Pancoe and Craig Pancoe James and Eileen Pettit Joseph Piscitello and Marissa Perrone Joseph and Lynn Pokrifka Jeffrey Purcell ’79 Doris Drummond Pyle ’49 Russell and Linda Regalbuto Jane Foster Rhein ’40 Steven and Marcella Ridenour Helen Scott Robinson ’49 Daniel Rodriguez and Barbara Argeros-Rodriguez Jorge Rogachevsky Judith Scott Romig ’58 Linda Madle Rosario Salvatore Rotella and Maria Kiernan Michael Rubin ’90 Andrew and Heather Rutledge Rodney and Tracey Sandmeyer John and Holly Schmidt Ralph and Deborah Schrager David and Barbara Seidenberg Russell Shaw and Shira Stutman Bradley Sheares and Adrienne Simmons Ora Sheares Nikolai and Anna Simonova Michael and Chelsea Sperger Robert Spiller and Susan Walla Robert and Debra Staples Judith Tompkins Steel ’50 and Russell Steel Joseph and Priscilla Testa Oung and Leela Thain Robert Topkis ’87 and Jamie Topkis Stuart and Zelda Topkis Frances Conkey Trafton ’66 and Peter Trafton Lucretia High von Kleeck ’53 and B. Wade von Kleeck Elizabeth Wang Howard and Barbara Weitz Jane Frieder Wilf ’84 and Mark Wilf Wesley Wolf and Catherine Hunt Robert Wolpert and Oksana Odintsov Michael and Linda Zaslav James and Jennifer Zega Mary Rabe Zubaly ’53 and Robert B. Zubaly Marianne Zurn ’66 and Daniel Duffy




annual giving annual fund: parent giving by class We are grateful to the 56% of parents in our community who chose to support AFS in the 2008-2009 fiscal year with a gift to the Annual Fund. Their participation is a tangible measure of the value they place on our teachers, the program and mission of the school.

Class of 2010

Senior parent gift

66% Participation, $61,104

The Parents of the Class of 2009 raised over $44,000 in honor of AFS and the many individuals who helped shape and guide their graduating seniors. Our thanks go to Class Gift Clerk Suzanne Kahn and the tireless parent volunteers who helped make this gift possible and to the 67% of class parents who participated in the campaign. Norman and Alysse Aamodt Angelo and Sonia Adams Michael Basch and Ann Isaacs Frank and Mary Anne Benner Max Bezahler and Amy Celentano Yale and Lori Bohn James and Marti Bondelid Joseph and Barbara Breitman Paul Butler Michael and Maureen Caulfield Jeffrey Cohen and Shirley Powell-Cohen Jerry Coleman and Joan Mondress Mary and David Contosta John and Florence Creevey Marc and Janet Crespi Mark and Karen Dorsey Lucinda Edgerton Steven Feingold Jenny French and Michael Theophano Alan Greenberg and D’vorah Horn-Greenberg Brad and Andrea Heffler Edward and Cheryl Hennigan

Elliot and Susan Holin William and Linda Judd Jeffrey and Suzanne Kahn Randy and Francine Kirsch Marlis Kraft-Zemel and Martha Butler Louis Krause Michael Livingston and Anne Weiss Mark and Ann Manta Kevin and Margaret McGlynn John McVeigh LuAnn Fox Merritt Rosanne Mistretta and Steven Miano Sandra Scott Mraz and Dave Mraz Roberta Penniman Wayne and Jill Pinover Jeffrey Rotter and Julie Coopersmith Robert and Debra Staples James Tisdall Elizabeth Tisdall Chaim and Sima Waks Jerry and Donna Wilus Wesley Wolf and Catherine Hunt

Carol and Bruce Beaton Aldwin and Roma Bernard Colette Botts William and Marjorie Burke Milton Coll and Andrea Becker Jeanne Collins Christopher and Bernice Diggles Andrea Engel Maureen and Robert Esposito John Ferris Chae and Mi Goh Daniel and Jill Green Karen J. Hanson and McWelling Todman William and Mary Clare Higgins Oscar and Lucia Katz Steven and Rhonda Keefer Larry and Shirley Kessel Wayne and Karen Kirwin Mathai and Mary Kurien Raymond and Eileen Longstreath Eugene Lugano and Marcia Boraas Mark and Ann Manta J. Arch McNamara and Judith Melick Lawrence and Deborah Nicolais Richard and Robin Nourie James and Eileen Pettit Vincent Philiponis and Patricia Ciaramella Carlos and Ines Rios Benjamin and Rebecca Roter Judy Schatz and Robin McEntire

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009


Peter and Bonnie Schorsch Ralph and Deborah Schrager Serge Schremmer and Azucena Cristaldo Frederick Schwager and Maria Boltz David and Barbara Seidenberg Bradley Sheares and Adrienne Simmons Cesar Silebi and Donna Visioli Richard and Elizabeth Soltan Robert Spiller and Susan Walla Carla Stinnette Robert and Suzanne Williams Byron and Cynthia Wilson Michael and Linda Zaslav

Class of 2011 53% Participation, $124,532 Anonymous Joseph and Jane Bagley Michael Basch and Ann Isaacs Stephen and Suzanne Beletz Katharine Bertolet Colette Botts David and Gwen Campbell John and Cheryl Carney Thomas and Terri Clark Mary and David Contosta Robert and Patricia Delany Cheryl DeStefano Steven and Ricki Fisher Marni Gangel Carmen Gonzalez Debra Green and Lisa Schultz Paula Greenberg and Joyce David Michael and Debra Harding Fred and Diane Herr

Carol and Mark Honigman Charles Kallenbach and Alison Rosenberg Seth and Diane Komitzky Cynthia and Lance Krupnick Keith Levinson and Paulette London Wade and Marianne Luquet Deepak and Anuradha Madan Kevin and Margaret McGlynn John and Margaret McMenamin Evan Meyer and Nancy Morrow Jeffrey and Amy Miller Patrick Mutchler and Ann Thompson Jonathan Ostroff Howard Popper Geoffrey Porges Vladimir Ratskevich Russell Regalbuto Eric and Maria Rieders Jeffrey and Geraldine Sammak Rodney and Tracey Sandmeyer Anthony and Mary Savarese Dawn Segal and Nancy Wasser Paul Sosnowski and Nazie Dana Steven and Salome Vaughn Robert and MaryAnn Watson Howard and Barbara Weitz James and Jennifer Zega Linda Ziman Barbara Ziv

Class of 2012 57% Participation, $39,195 Lee Adler and Karel Kovnat Marilyn Amento Robert and Naomi Atkins

Deane Bartlett Joseph and Barbara Breitman Gregory and Maria Burrell Georges and Joanne Buzaglo Paul and Lisa Dougherty Dennis Durbin Steven Feingold Joseph Fischgrund and Nancy Beck-Fischgrund Dayle Friedman Mark and Heather Garrison Tirthankar and Sreemati Ghosh Andrew and Cecilia Godwin Jose and Maria Gonzalez-Heres Norman and Ellen Graulich Matthew and Audra Gurin Elliot and Susan Holin Cynthia and Raymond Hyland James and Janet Israel Yusuf and Elissarh Jackson Steven Jacobson and Irene Haralabatos Jeffrey and Suzanne Kahn Jody Smith Long ’83 and Benjamin Long Christine and Christopher McPeak Craig and Shawn Miller Rosanne Mistretta and Steven Miano Michael Morton and Rhoda Fuchs-Morton Emmett Peabody and Catherine Broach Conrod Robinson and Richa Chauhan Simon and Kim Rosen Henry and Meredith Russell Sally and Robert Salon Serge Schremmer and Azucena Cristaldo Edward and Amy Tress Kevin and Dawn Williams

Parent Participation by Class 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2010


















parent giving by class Class of 2013 56% Participation, $44,812 Marilyn Amento Randy and Jill Bown Edmund and Colleen Bowman Joseph and Barbara Breitman Rosemary Coleman Joseph and Lorine Cotroneo Steven and Ricki Fisher Herb and Wendy Fisher Leonard and Kathleen Garza Kevin Gingrich and Joan Sedei-Gingrich Robert and Elizabeth Gray Michael and Debra Harding Skender and Evelina Libohova Eugene Lugano and Marcia Boraas Robert and Cathleen Malerman Mark and Ann Manta Kathleen McEwen Richard and Robin Nourie Joseph Piscitello and Marissa Perrone Cindy Rubin and Mary Mulderrig Tracey Russell Peter and Bonnie Schorsch Frederick Schwager and Maria Boltz Lynn Spiro and Pamela Smith-Warner Paul Trapido and Jude Ray Steven Winokur

Class of 2014 63% Participation, $15,145 Angelo and Sonia Adams Charles and Darlene Adams Lee Adler and Karel Kovnat Christopher and Alicia Agoglia Mitchell and Kathleen Alden John and Karin Borgmann-Winter Peter Brown and Patricia Hooven-Brown Francis Chmelko Joseph and Lorine Cotroneo Robert and Patricia Delany Carolyn Esposito Leonard and Kathleen Garza Daniel and Kathryn Guest Matthew and Audra Gurin Michael and Debra Harding Cynthia and Raymond Hyland Sara and Daniel Kleiner

John Knapich and Jean Sachs Wayne Kurtz and Lisa Treadway-Kurtz Paul and Lolita Lebedev Michael and Hilary Love Tyrone and Michelle Lynch Stephen and Helen Mallon Christine and Christopher McPeak Fern Moskowitz David and Patricia Mulvey Donna Newman Simon and Kim Rosen Robert Solms and Liz Alperin-Solms Jacob and Irina Stepansky Joseph and Priscilla Testa James Vouros and Christina Gruccio Richard Wegryn and Anna Florio Peter Wellhofer and Joanne Lahner Robert and Suzanne Williams William and Janet Woods

Class of 2015 58% Participation, $8,817 Norman and Alysse Aamodt Rick Bedrick and Amy Brantz-Bedrick Gregory and Maria Burrell Maureen and Robert Esposito Leonard and Kathleen Garza Jose and Maria Gonzalez-Heres Jenny and Craig Hammond Judy and Doug Hill Megan Bellwoar Hollinger and Michael Hollinger Michael and Stacy Kashon

Jonathan Korein and Jane Rovins Jody Smith Long ’83 and Benjamin Long Joseph Piscitello and Marissa Perrone Joseph and Lynn Pokrifka Glenn and Martha Ross Henry and Meredith Russell John and Holly Schmidt Michael and Chelsea Sperger Erin B. Sundell-Sio and Carter Sio Stephen Venetianer and Susan Ulrich-Venetianer Greg and Jill West Kevin and Dawn Williams

Class of 2016 68% Participation, $9,334 Charles and Darlene Adams Christopher and Alicia Agoglia Randy and Jill Bown William and Adrienne Avery Tom Avril and Karen Cheney David and Nina Bisbee Mary and James Carpenter James and Davis Bette Gambrill-Markovitz Anthony and Amy Godwin Amy Goldman Alan Greenberg and D’vorah Horn-Greenberg Margaret Guerra and Frank Fisher Delbert and Jeanette Hausman James and Janet Israel Steven Jacobson and Irene Haralabatos

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009


Donald and Sarah Kaplan Sara and Daniel Kleiner Joseph Pohubka Mitchell and Amy Russell Steven and Margaret Sayers Gary and Maria Cristina Smelcer Oung and Leela Thain

Class of 2017 44% Participation, $2,342 Robyn and Jordan Felzer Rodney Griffith and Moira Rosenberger Hernan and Elizabeth Guaracao Jenny and Craig Hammond Rhonda Haston Michael and Stacy Kashon Lawrence Mass and Christine Hunter Bernard and Mary Grace Panzak Martin and Cheryl Pieretti Joseph and Lynn Pokrifka Ross and Lori Shanken Matthew and Antoinette Slagter Gary and Maria Cristina Smelcer Donna Wray

Class of 2018 68% Participation, $2,998 Susan and Fernando Arteaga Matthew Born and Diana Jordan Mary and James Carpenter Robert and Susan Collings Joseph Conahan and Jeanne McMindes Joseph and Lorine Cotroneo Anthony and Amy Godwin Suzanne and Keith Hodges Wayne Kurtz and Lisa Treadway-Kurtz Moo and Sung Lee Robert and Cathleen Malerman Michelle and Thomas Podulka Eric and Kristine Robinson Gerald Roche and Sabina Mauro Daniel Rodriguez and Barbara Argeros-Rodriguez Steven and Margaret Sayers Gilda Smith Michael and Chelsea Sperger Oung and Leela Thain A. Raymond and Deloris Thomas Marjorie Tillmann Vikki and David Toomer Toni Vahlsing and Antony Dugdale Zelda Weisman

Class of 2019 41% Participation, $21,813 Marc and David Berman Lori Baskin Crissy Cáceres and James Cox David Esterkin Scott and Jodi Gratson Donald and Sarah Kaplan Seth Newman and Bethany Perry Carla Patton Martin and Cheryl Pieretti John and Tara Rison Vikki and David Toomer David and Carina Urbach Felecia Wilson

Crissy Cáceres and James Cox Karen Carrero Kevin Cox and Felicia Parker Kevin Gingrich and Joan Sedei-Gingrich Jacob and Kendra Goldbas Wayne Kurtz and Lisa Treadway-Kurtz Margaret LaCava Kevin and Susan McCoy Seth Newman and Bethany Perry Douglas Pearce and Lisa Laura Broderick and Christine President John and Tara Rison Michael and Chelsea Sperger

Class of 2022 36% Participation, $2,125

Class of 2020 72% Participation, $27,010 Marc and David Berman William and Adrienne Avery Lori Baskin Janet Bradley and Carmelina Lewis Cynthia Carter Steven Cohen and Renee Turchi James and Davis Mitchell and Lucy Fineman Jerry Fluellen and Loyda Camacho Jovan Goldstein Massa Gray-Cassell Nicole and Kenneth Greene Suzanne and Keith Hodges Sheree Jackson Lawrence Mass and Christine Hunter Thomas and Jennifer Natalini Joseph and Lynn Pokrifka Salvatore Rotella and Maria Kiernan Irvin G. and Marilyn Schorsch Ross and Lori Shanken Russell Shaw and Shira Stutman Michael and Colette Tomeo Toni Vahlsing and Antony Dugdale George Wagner and Deborah Jacobs-Wagner

Class of 2021 56% Participation, $2,270 Robert and Kathleen Amato Susan and Fernando Arteaga Tom Avril and Karen Cheney Janet Bradley and Carmelina Lewis


Alicia Fernandez and Elda Perez Thomas and Jennifer Natalini Kevin and Halie O’Shea Jonathan Shandell and Robin Shane Russell Shaw and Shira Stutman

Early Childhood 34% Participation, $4,200 Brian Ash and Anne Richtarik Frank Bowen and Victoria Myers Jenny Burkholder and John Flak Crissy Cáceres and James Cox John DeCesare and Karen Green-DeCesare Andrea Emmons and Won Yoon Alicia Fernandez and Elda Perez Marc and Desrene Freeman Shawn and Michelle Gee Seth and Jennifer Goldberg Scott and Lynn Harker Megan Bellwoar Hollinger and Michael Hollinger Stefan Keller and Donna Bleznak-Keller Cynthia and Lance Krupnick Terrance and Susan Lohr Brian Pinaire and Emily Baird Donald and Wendi Rank John and Tara Rison Andrew and Heather Rutledge Jonathan Shandell and Robin Shane Russell Shaw and Shira Stutman Dale and Kristen Stirzel Andy and Margaret Zuccotti




annual giving annual fund: alumni giving by class Alumni gifts to the Annual Fund are an important endorsement of the value of an AFS education. We are grateful to the 17% of alumni who chose to give back to AFS last year with a gift to the Annual Fund.




100% Participation

18% Participation

45% Participation

Lucille Prock Dean 16

Anita Scott Duke 24 Emilie Walker Oppenheim 4

Elizabeth Clark Miller 11

Anne Schreiber Collins 20 Katharine Essick Harms 8 Norma Alesbury Kelley Mary Gilmour Mann 3 Marianne Wehner Mebane 5 Margaret Hassold Rohs 13



25% Participation

45% Participation

1934 75% Participation Natalie High Loomis Anne MacFarland Plusch 9 Edith Sullivan Silvers

1935 33% Patricipation Janet Wilson Malcolm* 24

1938 50% Patricipation

1943 50% Participation

Barbara Plumly Bacon Jean O'Neill Huntington 12 Elizabeth Waterer Miller 3


Penny Grossman Fox 15 Margaret Williams Kelly 16 Doris Drummond Pyle 8 Diane Benson Reed 23 Helen Scott Robinson 7 Barbara Brisbin Welch 4

Kathleen O'Neill MacInnes Virginia Masland Stetser 21

13% Participation Nancy Goldman Koenigsberg 3




15% Participation

50% Participation

50% Participation

Deborah Bernstein Silver

Elaine Kates Coate 2 Suzanne Huntley Haselton Doris Semisch Shearer 3 Mary Strang

1940 100% Participation Jane Foster Rhein 5

Joan Geiger Doyle 11 Judith Tompkins Steel 9 Claire Rosenthal Weiner 9

1952 17% Participation Deborah Smith Onken Geralyn Winner Roden 3 Marianne Mayer Toombs 10

1947 18% Participation Jane Stone Horn 14 Dolores Ballantyne Smith 3

Former Head of School / * Deceased / Superscript # = consecutive years of giving / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009




42% Participation

44% Participation

Carolyn Anderson McGuckin 16 Corinne Romig Roxby 13 Barbara Farrier Snyderwine 2 Lucretia High von Kleeck 8 Mary Rabe Zubaly 5

Elizabeth Cobourn Cole 13 Carolyn Parry Decker 4 Gwendolyn Gehring Sigrid Wasum Gilbert 10 Judith Hawley Hughes Diana Post Susan Salesky Rudin 14 Anne Thompson

1954 27% Participation Marjorie Adams Alexander 18 Patricia Lapp Radey 18 Jane Cobourn Riley 11

1955 28% Participation Janet Silverman Hano 19 Sandra Albertson McMillan 3 Barbara Danehower Schnur Linda Hano Weintraub 16 Joan DePaul West 16

1956 20% Participation Christine Lapp Donahower Mary Hutchinson Tucker 11


Gwen Armour Vickers Lisbeth Lorenz Wagner 19 Martha Yoder Deborah Tyson Zimmerman

1960 12% Participation Joyce Greenawalt Fleming 4 Joyce Leonard Johnson 5 Judith Tompkins Steel 4



20% Participation

8% Participation

Lisa Shaffer Anderson 5 Victoria Hartung 12 Judith Scott Romig 7

Marsha Lonsdale Gates 2 Lynn Schneider Wilkinson


32% Participation

77% Participation

Susan Mertz Allen 3 Joan Diesinger Hendriks Tiel Pooley Ingersoll 6 Susan Peterson Maxfield 4 Rebecca Phillips Morehouse 3 Deirdre Rhoads Snyder 14

Diane Morton Arbaugh Sherin Dunham Clark Arlene Wattis Gates Shirly Goetz Suzanne Sachs Hunter Joanna Gillies Jong Carolyn Lindig Laumer 3 Sandra Cherksey Long Bonnie Dayton Masland Kathryn Lindig Moser Gail McDowell Peake Doris Wilson Perry Elizabeth Smith Petersson



1963 33% Participation Alice Atkinson Christie 2 Judith Chestnut Fuss 16 Pamela Greenwood Barbara Hutchinson Hartman 4 Elizabeth Mayers 16 Susan Pollack 2




alumni giving by class 1964


30% Participation

20% Participation

Lynn Biester Elliott Susan Fox 2 Janet Atkinson Gottshall Cathy High Harris 18 Molly Zindel Hoyle 4 Marcia Mount Martin Susan Gerlitz Tam 13


1965 23% Participation Kathy Adams-House 20 Carol Margolis Coleman Nancy Abel Hoffenberg 13 Cornelia Miller 2 Anne Peterson Ogan 2

1966 33% Participation Jeannetta Burpee 5 Nancy Salkin Cooper Lynn Des Prez 4 Jane Fleming Evans 4 Beverly Floyd Johnson 4 Diane Pieritz 4 Frances Conkey Trafton 6 Marianne Zurn 7

1967 26% Participation Kreszentia Duer 5 Susan King Jones 3 Louise Schutz Marquis 2 Susan Burich Redding 2 Darcy Clark Rowell Christine Ward Schmidt


Bonnie Dawson Schorsch 17 Peter Schorsch 17

Robin Becker Laura Conkey 19 Jennifer French

1976 15% Participation

1970 21% Participation Wendy Zurn Allen 2 Barbara Berger Aronson 5 Dana O’Brien 22 Ruth Rech 2

1971 32% Participation Holly Corn 5 Elizabeth SearsGadsden 6 Sharon Gimpel 7 Victoria Decker Rosskam 20 Susan BarnesWhyte 4 Susan Yannessa 16

1972 13% Participation Eileen Terry Dunkleberger 2 Karen Hanson 5

1974 53% Participation Jill Berger Nancy Zurn Bernardini 4 Amy Lock Buchan Mary Buckman 23 Patricia Balestrini de Sanchez Paula Webster Grant Alexandra Hanson Carol Breinig Johnson Donna Worrell Layden Melanie Evans Shechtman

25% Participation Dana Stott Cohen 2 Sue Zurn Collins 22 Barbara Breinig Hyde 4 Ann Fleming Reid 4


Julia Kittross Lisa Kaplan O'Brien Patricia Scott Peter Taylor 2

1977 17% Participation Tomas Bernardino 3 Clifford Hudis 6 Joel Kahn Charles Meyer 7 Kenneth Pearlstein

1978 8% Participation Robyn Schwartz Felzer 5 Pamela Heacock Patricia Rosenau Ziplow 3

1979 16% Participation Joseph Alahverde Carol Fine Frank Fisher 6 Beth Golden Frieder 4 Jonathan Frieder 4 Ellen Kahn 3 Jeffrey Purcell 5

1980 14% Participation Susan Greene Cynthia Russell Hyland Jane Smith 12 Brent Whitman 16


20% Participation John Birnhak 7 Anne Ewing Burns 20 Sindy Paul Friedman 23 Pamela King Gertie Mark Kahn 4

15% Participation Joshua Goldman Andrew Rosenau 2 Marjorie Tillmann 4 Jane Rech Toll 3

Former Head of School / * Deceased / Superscript # = consecutive years of giving / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009





6% Participation

8% Participation

5% Participation

Marsha Cohen 23 Samuel Frieder 8

Melissa Dreidink Grossman 14 Melissa Jacoby Robert Topkis 7

Kristina Denzel Jason Pizzi 16

1983 20% Participation 6

Christopher Biehn Mary Carr ' Timothy Chu Doray Gurkaynak 2 Miriam Laver 2 Jody Smith Long 4 Ian MacInnes 5 Sally Rubin Salon 2

1984 23% Participation Nicholas Achterberg Nathan Balsham 2 Jill Smith Klieger 6 Joyann Kroser Laura Lundy Elyse Adler Stoner 3 Gordon Watts Jane Frieder Wilf 4 Rebecca Zaslow-Lowe 12

1985 19% Participation Arzu Gurkaynak Chu Howard Delfiner 3 Mark Green 3 Suzanne AlstonHodges 5 Lisa Reeves Jones Scott Krase Aaron Rubin 4 Brynna Levin Sibilla 3

1986 18% Participation Marc Brog 4 Christopher Cantley 3 Jeanie Engelbach Scott Erman 16 Jennifer Bornholdt Hammond 5 Michelle Ferman Simmens



5% Participation

13% Participation Laurie Toll Franz 4 Sara Dworski Kleiner 3 David Leeser 5 Emily Thalheimer Reiner Lisa Vogel 3 Robb Whinney


Julie Feldman O’Connell Shana Washington

1995 11% Participation Mychael Askew 2 Jesse Benner Jennifer Hurvitz Burbine Juliet Faulkner 6

16% Participation Allison Kanofsky Berg 4 Rebecca Drees Coyne 2 Michael Hecht 6 Renee Kashuba Jonathan Kroser 18 Wendy Wills Leon Elizabeth Shope 2 Nicole Toizer 12

1996 5% Participation Heather Grafstrom Matthew Silverstein

1997 9% Participation Jocelyn Faulkner Casey 3 Rebecca Gerrity 2 Jared Solomon 3

1990 10% Participation Kristin Bornholdt Collins 5 Jarred Kirsch Margaret Lockwood 16 Michael Rubin 7

1991 3% Participation David Fields 4

1992 13% Participation Brad Coren 6 Molly McDonald Foley 5 William Lockwood 11 Jason Neifield 4 Trent Scott





alumni giving by class 1998



11% Participation

8% Participation

20% Participation

Benjamin Conrad Timothy Ellis Mary Faulkner 3 Cindy Gorn 3 Stewart Rodes

Scott Berman Katherine Gross Andrea Highbloom Jonathan Hills Jeffrey Israel Rachel Jakubowitcz Jacquelyn Kahn Laurel Kramer Cara Liuzzi Geoffrey Middleberg Morgan Pfost Emily Shaeffer Elizabeth Soltan

Whitney Estrin Lucinda Faulkner Friedman 3 Alison Richards 3 Katherine Stark 2 Alexandra Sullivan Julie Ufberg 2

1999 15% Participation Jennifer Arnold 3 Jordan Gatenby 4 Hilary Goodman 9 Elaine Faulkner McMahon 3 Mary Ridenour 4 Joshua Siegel 2 Laura Zingle

2000 13% Participation Harry Faulkner 3 Lydia Keaney Abraham Kruger 3 Cherine Morsi Jordan Perlson Lauren Bronstein Weinberg Betsy Gultanoff Widelitz


2004 7% Participation Jeffrey Attix Brian McCracken Keith McKnight 2

2005 9% Participation Richard Ahl Matthew Ball 3 Andrew Baranak 2 Ayla Haig 4 Brian Lackman 3 Maryrose Myrtetus 3 Christopher Salata 2

Class of 2009 Senior Class Gift Members of the Class of 2009 made their gift in memory of Rosy Montgomery, who holds a special place in the Class’ heart as an advisor,


teacher and friend. Their gift is a quilt

5% Participation

wall hanging for the Faulkner Library

Alexander Hills Drew Hoffman Nicole Husbands 3 Caleb McEntire

along with a plaque dedicating the quilt in Rosy’s memory. We are grateful for this first gift to the school from our newest class of AFS alumni.

13% Participation David Ahl Rebecca Ball 2 Colin Ellis Erica Grill 3 Russell Nadel Missy Green Present Joshua Sargen 2

2002 10% Participation Marissa Block 2 Jordan Campbell 6 Michael Domsky Amanda Gulla 3 Simon McEntire 2 Benjamin Roth

2007 22% Participation Jonathan Atkins 2 Rachel Chizkov 2 Amanda DePaul Jane Esslinger Lindsey Garrison 2 Robert Keefer Andrew Mason 2 Logan McGill 2 Michael Mutchler 2 Elizabeth Myrtetus 2 Ryan Samson 2 Rachel Spiegel 2 Samuel Taterka 2 Michael Wolk 2

Former Head of School / * Deceased / Superscript # = consecutive years of giving / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009



annual giving annual fund: gifts from parents of alumni Gifts from parents of AFS alumni are a meaningful endorsement of the lasting value of an AFS education. We are thankful for their support.

Gerry and Richard Adelman Kenneth and Diane Ahl John and Lynn Apfelbaum Jackie and Robert Arnold Robert and Naomi Atkins Joseph and Jane Bagley David Ball and Debra Schaeffer David and Patricia Baron Franklin and Elaine Barrett Michael Basch and Ann Isaacs Frank and Mary Anne Benner Fred and Bryna Berman Steven and Ilene Berman Ruth Bornholdt Olsson Ann and Scott Botel-Barnard James Burke and Cynthia Gawron-Burke Renie and David Campbell Joseph and Susan Canale Christine Carson Arthur and Marcia Chernoff Christopher and Edetta Churchill Norman and Linda Cohen Jeanne Collins Alice Conkey Karen Consalvi Paula Cohen Corbman T. Frank and Helen Decker Marsha and Joseph Dratch Joseph and Mary Dunn Robert and Vicki Dworski Mary Lynn and Paul Ellis Scott and Susan Esslinger

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009





gifts from parents of alum Robert and Doris Fanelli Gail Faulkner Harvey and Patricia Fingeroff Joseph Fischgrund and Nancy Beck-Fischgrund Joseph and Bonny Forbes Phyllis Ford Carol and Sam Frieder William and Phyllis Gallagher Mark and Heather Garrison Marc and Helene Gordon Michael and Susan Gorn Alan Greenberg and D’vorah Horn-Greenberg James and Carol Gross Donna Haines Barbara Handler Peter Handler and Karen Singer Robert Harman Kevin and Ann Harris Robert and Elizabeth Henske Dorothy Hess and William Bachmann Robert and Charlene Hills Leslie Hirsch and Nancy Garber Elliot and Susan Holin Benjamin and Karen Hoyle Cynthia ’80 and Raymond Hyland James and Janet Israel Janice Jakubowitcz Jeffrey and Suzanne Kahn Justin Kaplan and Diana Brody Steven and Rhonda Keefer Peter Kollros and Barbara Konkle Christine Leidy Michael Levin and Caryl Levin Keith Levinson and Paulette London William and Susan Lockwood Karen Loder and Stephen Duffy Charles and Clarabon Logan Richard and Molly Logan Wade and Marianne Luquet George and Polly Luskus Kathleen O’Neill MacInnes ’38 Linda Madle Rosario Todd and Susan Makler Richard and Sandra Malkin Stephen and Helen Mallon Carl and Marla Manstein

Virginia R. Martin Stewart S. and Sally McCracken Kevin and Margaret McGlynn Jane and David McVeigh-Schultz Rudolph Menna Edward and Kathryn Messina Ferne and Phillip Moffson Richard and Deborah Montalbano Ara Moomjian Sandra Scott Mraz and Dave Mraz Patrick Mutchler and Ann Thompson Alan and Marcy Nadel William and Hilda Notley James and Cheryl Pierson Russell Regalbuto The Ridenour Family Eric and Judith Rodes Jorge Rogachevsky Jeffrey Rotter and Julie Coopersmith Edward and Michelle Ruby Donna Russo Robert Sanchez Rodney and Tracey Sandmeyer Mitchell and Beth Sargen Judy Schatz and Robin McEntire Barbara Danehower Schnur ’55 Ralph and Deborah Schrager Frederick Schwager and Maria Boltz

Bradley Sheares and Adrienne Simmons Burton and Barbara Siegel Robert Silverman and Randi Leavitt Robert and Beverly Sitrin Alan and Ruth Smith Richard and Elizabeth Soltan William and Sherrie Spiegel Robert and Debra Staples Debbie Stauffer and Carol Palmer Jules and Barbara Stein Andy and Wendy Stern Virginia Masland Stetser ’38 Bruce Stewart and Andra Jurist Carla Stinnette Margaret Maddock Sullivan Marianna and Michael Sullivan Louise Tillmann Alfred and Elayne Toizer Stuart and Zelda Topkis Elizabeth Townsend Ekkehard and Debra Unverdruss Dean and Audrey Wallace Joseph and Leslie Ward Christine Washington Howard and Barbara Weitz Byron and Cynthia Wilson David and Susan Wolk Robert Wolpert and Oksana Odintsov

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009



annual giving annual fund: gifts from friends AFS is fortunate to enjoy the support of many friends in the community who value the mission and vision of AFS. Your generous gifts help us sustain our community. Thank you.

AFS Home & School (Parents’ Association) Abington Monthly Meeting of Friends Brent and Kelly Asplundh Susanna K. Bush Manstein and Margery Bush Richard and Elaine Coren Marta Dabezies Carlos and Marta Dabezies

Miriam Eyre George and Gretchen Graham Victor Johnson David Jordan Joan Kahn Allen King Hank and Jill Narrow Anita Lynne O’Donohue

Charles and Ruth Peterson Philadelphia Area Orff-Schulwerk Association Alice Ridgway Tom and Carolyn Spencer Walter and Barbara Swierczynski Trustees of Abington Monthly Meeting

annual fund: gifts from grandparents of students and alumni Each year, AFS hosts Grandparents and Special Friends Day, a wonderful exchange among students, their visiting friends and family, teachers and staff. This year, gifts were made by the following grandparents:

David and Phyllis Baskin Jordan and Deanna Berman John Binswanger Hannelore Carpenter and Donald Boutilier Suzanne and Merrill Detweiler Frank and Glenna Follmer June Godwin Howard and Karen Goldman Yale and Davida Hirsch Arnold Horn Stephen and Marion Hunt

David Jordan Charles and Barbara Kahn Lewis and Rosemary Lloyd Harry Longenbach Warner and Lois Love Patricia and Joseph Macrina Lynne Koolpe Mass and Burton Mass Alan and Randee Moldoff Judith Romig ’58 David Sachs and Romayne Sachs Ora Sheares

Alan and Ruth Smith Dolores Smith ’47 James and Grace Spano Enid Stone Reisa Sweet Louise Tillmann Richard and Rachel Vojir James and Emma Wilson Emanuel and Joan Winokur

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009





annual giving annual fund: first time gifts Thanks to the following supporters who have started the tradition of investing in the future of AFS. This year’s first-time donors gave over $50,000. It’s never too late to make your first gift to the Annual Fund. Thank you!

Richard Ahl ’05 Joseph Alahverde ’79 Robert and Kathleen Amato Anonymous Anonymous Diane Arbaugh ’59 Brian Ash and Anne Richtarik Jeffrey Attix ’04 Ilyabeth Ayala David and Phyllis Baskin

Erin Bengtson Scott Berman ’08 Max Bezahler and Amy Celentano John and Karin Borgmann-Winter Frank Bowen and Victoria Myers Silvia Brown Amy Buchan ’74 Jennifer Burbine ’95 Margery Bush and Susanna Manstein Paul Butler

Karen Carrero Cynthia Carter and Jovan Goldstein Francis and Joan Chmelko Arzu Chu ’85 and Timothy Chu ’83 Sherin Clark ’59 Ernest Cohen and Julie Mann Steven Cohen and Renee Turchi Carol Coleman ’65 Jeanne and Stephen Collins Carlos and Marta Dabezies Marta Dabezies James and Sheila Davis Patricia de Sanchez ’74 John DeCesare and Karen Green-DeCesare Amanda DePaul ’07 Bruce and Geri Dillard Michael Domsky ’02 Sharon DuPree Dennis Durbin Robert and Vicki Dworski Edwin S. Webster Foundation Lynn Elliott ’64 Jeanie Engelbach ’86 Carolyn Esposito David Esterkin Alicia Fernandez Mitchell and Lucy Fineman Stephen and Karen Ford Dayle Friedman and David Ferleger Lee Friedman and Tracie Letterman Rhoda Fuchs-Morton and Michael Morton Bette and Julie Gambrill-Markovitz

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009


Arlene Gates ’59 Wayne and Allison Gifford June Godwin Seth and Jennifer Goldberg Janelle Golden Jovan Goldstein and Cynthia Carter Jose and Maria Gonzalez-Heres Paula Grant ’74 Scott and Jodi Gratson Daniel and Jill Green Pamela Greenwood ’63 Katherine Gross ’08 Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa Hernon and Elizabeth Guaracao Daniel and Kathryn Guest Scott and Lynn Harker Robert Harman William and Mary Clare Higgins Andrea Highbloom ’08 Alexander Hills ’06 Jonathan Hills ’08 Suzanne Hunter ’59 Jeffrey Israel ’08 Sheree Jackson Yusuf and Elissarh Jackson Melissa Jacoby ’87 and W. Mark Weidemaier Carol Johnson ’74 Victor Johnson Lisa Jones ’85 Joanna Jong ’59 William and Linda Judd Charles and Barbara Kahn Jacquelyn Kahn ’08 Joan Kahn Lydia Keaney ’00 Robert Keefer ’07 Stefan and Donna Keller Larry and Shirley Kessel John Knapich and Jean Sachs Seth and Diane Komitzky Laurel Kramer ’08 Margaret LaCava Paul and Lolita Lebedev Skender and Evelina Libohova Cara Liuzzi ’08 Lewis and Rosemary Lloyd Terrance and Susan Lohr Sandra Long ’59 Christian and Evdoxia Lucarini Rachel Malloy-Good and Daniel Arauco Bonnie Masland ’59

Peter and Hannah Mazzaccaro Kevin and Susan McCoy Caleb McEntire ’06 Geoffrey Middleberg ’08 Jeffrey and Amy Miller Christopher Milligan and Amy Fernandez Alan, Randee and Nathaniel Moldoff Fern Moskowitz Phillip and Shakita Nash Thomas and Jennifer Natalini Anita Lynne O’Donohue Kevin and Halie O’Shea Jonathan Ostroff Emmett Peabody and Catherine Broach Gail Peake ’59 Jordan Perlson ’00 Elizabeth Petersson ’59 Morgan Pfost ’08 Phillip Pillar and Patricia Garber Brian Pinaire and Emily Baird Michelle and Thomas Podulka Peter and Sherry Puchek Shawna Ralston Donald and Wendi Rank John and Tara Rison Conrod Robinson and Richa Chauhan Gerald Roche and Sabina Mauro Stewart Rodes ’03 Benjamin Roth ’02 Shira Rudavsky Mitchell and Amy Russell David and Romayne Sachs


Lori Saidi Anthony and Mary Savarese Garneth and Kia Scott Dawn Segal and Nancy Wasser Jacqueline Sergio Emily Shaeffer ’08 Jonathan Shandell and Robin Shane Ross and Lori Shanken Melanie Shechtman ’74 Frances Smith Elizabeth Soltan ’08 Lynn Spiro and Pamela Smith-Warner Jacob and Irina Stepansky Dale and Kristen Stirzel Alexandra Sullivan ’98 Reisa Sweet Walter and Barbara Swierczynski A. Raymond and Deloris Thomas Paul Trapido and Jude Ray David and Carina Urbach Gwen Vickers ’59 Richard and Rachel Vojir Chaim and Sima Waks Jonathan Waldman and Coleen Young Todd and Lisa Wallach Richard Wegryn and Anna Florio Lauren Bronstein Weinberg ’00 Peter Wellhofer and Joanne Lahner Felecia Wilson James and Emma Wilson William and Janet Woods Martha Yoder ’59





annual giving annual fund: faculty and staff support Faculty and staff gifts to the Annual Fund demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to AFS. Close to 90% of our faculty made a gift to the Annual Fund, which speaks volumes about dedication to the School. Faculty and staff members make manifest the School’s mission in countless ways on a daily basis. We are grateful for their financial support. Susan M. Arteaga Ilyabeth Ayala David A. Benfer Erin Bengtson Frank Benner Jeffrey L. Bond Katherine E. Boose Ann Botel-Barnard Silvia Brown Jordan M. Burkey Jenny A. Burkholder Christopher B. Buzby Crissy Cáceres Irene Campbell Brian Cassady Felix Chen Margaret E. Christian Tamara D. Clark Mary E. Contosta Paula Corbman Paula M. Curry Kristina Denzel ’93 Lisa Dougherty Sharon DuPree Lucinda Edgerton Mary Lynn Ellis Andrea M. Emmons Mary M. Eno Susan Esslinger Alicia Fernandez Anne A. Fields David O. Fields ’91 Peter Gaines Gabrielle R. Giddings

Anthony Godwin Debra L. Green Nicole A. Greene Margaret E. Guerra Nora Guyer Donna Haines Jennifer Hammond ’86 Barbara S. Handler Jon M. Harris Emily Hill Judy Hill Suzanne Hodges ’85 Megan Hollinger Niall Hood Rachel F. Kane Donald L. Kaplan Hossein Kholghi Christine A. Kochersperger Wayne Kurtz Christine E. Leidy Kristine B. Long Kathryn M. Lopez Christine Hunter Doris H. Mattioli John McCabe Alison McCormick Rosanne Mistretta Ferne Moffson Sandra S. Mraz Shakita Nash Richard F. Nourie Emily Paar Carol Palmer Deborra S. Pancoe

James W. Pierson Michelle K. Podulka Shawna R. Ralston Russell Regalbuto Catalina Rios John Rison Shira N. Rudavsky Donna Russo Andrew Rutledge Lori Saidi Martha Scache Loann Scarpato Randy J. Schwartz Jacqueline Sergio Russell Shaw Heidi Shore-Brown Matthew J. Slagter Debbie L. Stauffer Debra Still Erin B. Sundell-Sio Erin A. Timmer Elizabeth Townsend Leslie Tran Lisa Treadway-Kurtz Nancy Trent April Tvarok Julie S. Ufberg ’98 Toni Vahlsing Angela Wagner Elizabeth Wang Clarence Wilkins Robert Wolpert

Former Faculty and Staff Jackie Arnold Adrienne Avery Laurel A. Bowers Mary C. Carpenter Alice Conkey T. Frank Decker Patricia Delany Cheryl DeStefano Steve Duffy Frank Fisher ’79 Carolyn F. Frieder Jordan Gatenby ’99 Ellen Kahn ’79 Scott D. Krase ’85 Karen A. Loder Kathleen D. MacInnes ’38 Lynne Koolpe Mass Christine McPeak LuAnn Merritt Elizabeth S. Mosley Maria Peters Grace L. Potts Jeanne Quarles Helen Scott Robinson ’49 Victoria Rosskam ’71 Judy Schatz Elizabeth J. Shope ’89 Doris Spike David C. Zimmerman Laura Zingle ’99 Patricia Ziplow ’78

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009





annual giving student annual fund callers You may have spoken with one of our twenty six student callers during our Annual Fund Calling Nights. Their enthusiasm for AFS coupled with your generosity generated over $15,000 for the Annual Fund last year!

Angie Adams ’09 Kalia Baker ’09 Nadia Belghali ’09 Shana Judd ’09 Natalie Rusinko ’09 Latanya Smalley ’09 Alyssa Warsh ’09 Shane Bernard ’10 Ciara Cipriano ’10 Mariah Dillard ’10

Greg Wilson ’10 Jasmine Woods ’10 Nic Botts ’10 Ag Manta ’10 Adrian Hill ’10 Sabrina Diggles ’10 Genesis Feliz ’10 Martin Greenberg ’11 Shaquille Vaughn ’11 Emily Delany ’11

Reeci Botts ’11 Alexis Anderson ’11 Cecilia Ziman-DeStefano ’11 Jesse Dougherty ’12 Anna Miano ’12 Anya Hutter ’12 Naja Ali ’12 Dustin Hill ’12

gifts in memory A gift made in memory of a loved one or a friend is a lasting way to honor a person’s spirit and impact they have had on our lives. The entire AFS community is grateful for gifts bestowed in memory of the following people:

In Memory of Anita Rusinko Christine and Christopher McPeak

In Memory of Barbara Pastor Gerry and Richard Adelman

In Memory of Carl Brehmer Susan Greene Donna Worrell Layden

Pamela King Gertie ’75 Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa James and Janet Israel Victor Johnson Joan Kahn Ilah and George Salverian Frederick Schwager and Maria Boltz Bruce Stewart and Andra Jurist

In Memory of Jan Koopman Joseph and Susan Canale

In Memory of Jane Wehner Rech Wendy Zurn Allen ’70 Marianne Zurn ’66

In Memory of Joan Williams ’51 Diane Benson Reed ’49

In Memory of Elisabeth W. Biester In Memory of Charles Emmons

Lynn Biester Elliott ’64

Andrea Emmons and Won Yoon

In Memory of Lila Stein Kroser, MD Jonathan Kroser ’89

In Memory of Esther Mass In Memory of Charles K. Logan

Lynne Koolpe Mass and Burton Mass

Charles and Clarabon Logan

In Memory of Louis Wojciechowski Walter and Barbara Swierczynski

In Memory of Evan Gordon In Memory of Christina McDonald Molly McDonald Foley Matthew McDonald

Marc and Helene Gordon Hank and Jill Narrow

In Memory of Miss Lib (Elizabeth Smith) Glenna Renegar Bingham ’61

In Memory of Evelyn Finzimer In Memory of Claire Woltman Michie ’46

Lynne Koolpe Mass and Burton Mass

In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Albertson

Suzanne Huntley Haselton

In Memory of Fred Bornholdt

Sandra Albertson McMillan ’55

Ruth Bornholdt Olsson

In Memory of Deborah Parry Clancy ’67

In Memory of Grace Duer

Carolyn Parry Decker

Kreszentia Duer ’67

In Memory of Doris M. Diesinger

In Memory of Greg Salmon

Joan Diesinger Hendriks

Bruce and Michele Lockman Alan, Randee and Nathaniel Moldoff

Mark Kessler John and Laura Salmon Bruce Stewart and Andra Jurist James Burke and Cynthia Gawron-Burke Ferne and Phillip Moffson

In Memory of Edith Dawson Davis

In Memory of Hank Faulkner

Brent and Kelly Asplundh Susanna K. Bush Manstein and Margery Bush Renie and David Campbell Kristin Bornholdt Collins ’90 Carlos and Marta Dabezies Marta Dabezies

Susan Yannessa ’71

In Memory of Dorothy Weston

In Memory of Nancy Bailey Adams Neely Anita Scott Duke ’41 Mimsey Peterson Potts

In Memory of Roberta Campbell Peter Schorsch ’75 and Bonnie Schorsch ’75

In Memory of Rosy Montgomery Erica Grill ’01 Russell Nadel ’01 Anita Lynne O’Donohue

In Memory of Harry Roter

In Memory of Sandar & Egon Borgmann and Cora Winter

Benjamin and Rebecca Roter

John and Karin Borgmann-Winter

In Memory of Herbert Smith

In Memory of Tom Punnett

Jules and Barbara Stein

Peter Handler and Karen Singer

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009





annual giving gifts in honor Making a gift in someone’s honor is a marvelous way to show your respect, gratitude or affection for a person who has made a difference in your life. The following people had gifts made in their honor in the last year:

Abington Friends School Faculty and Staff Evan Aamodt ’09 Aftercare Staff Susan Arteaga Adrienne Avery Ilyabeth Ayala Matt Ball and Rebecca Ball Danny Basch ’09 Alisa Ruby Bash Dave Bass Drew Benfer Erin Bengston Crissy Benner ’09 Andrew Berman ’20 Daniel Berman ’19 Lauren Betz Alex Bezahler ’09 Andrew Bickford Rachel Bohn ’09 Jeff Bond Liz Bondelid ’09 Kate Boose Gus Born ’18 Ann Botel-Barnard Laurel Bowers Sandi Lizerbram Brand Ilana Breitman ’09 Sylvia Brown Bruce Brownell Jordan Burkey Jenny Burkholder Rita Burrows Mariah Butler ’09

Miles Butler ’09 Chris Buzby Crissy Caceres Jeanne Calloway Renie Campbell Mary Carpenter Tricia Cassidy Steve Chadwin Felix Chen Marnie Christian Tamara Clark Club staff Paula Cohen Elena Coleman ’09 Joanna Coleman Alice Conkey, Former Faculty Mary Contosta Linda Conway Rebecca Coyne Jonathan Crespi ’09 Paula Curry Sabrina Diggles ’10 Caitlin Dankanich Kristina Denzel EC Chipmunks teachers EC Caterpillar teachers Cinda Edgerton Karolyne Eldridge Mary Lynn Ellis Andrea Emmons Susan Esslinger Every Person for Peace Anne Fields

Dave Fields Brian Ford ’97 Adam Ford ’01 Janet Frazer Carol Frieder Sylvia Gabis Peter Gaines Tony Godwin Marsha Goldblatt Cindy Gorn ’03 Zella Grant Debbie Green Gabe Greenberg ’09 Diana Gru Margaret Guerra Nora Guyer Barbara Handler Norman Hauser Beverly Haynes Chris Hennigan ’09 Emily Hill Max Garber Hirsch ’08 David Holin ’09 Megan Hollinger Niall Hood Tony Houston Christine Hunter Tanisha Jones Fabricia Joseph Shana Judd ’09 Jeff and Suzanne Kahn Rachel Kane Don Kaplan

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009


Pam Kirsch ’09 Joe Krause ’09 Wayne Kurtz Jacob Lerner ’09 Ben Livingston ’09 The Loder Family Kristine Long Alison Love ’14 Regina Lynch LS Faculty and Staff Nick Manta ’09 Ed Mass Samantha Matlock John McCabe Alison McCormick Jeanette McLaughlin Jane McVeigh-Schultz Andrew Miano ’09 Rosanne Mistretta Ferne Moffson Sandy Scott Mraz MS Faculty and Staff Carol Palmer Sarah Parker

Jim Pierce Deb Pizzi Michelle Podulka Rachel Powell-Cohen ’09 Jeanne Quarles Shawna Ralston Rusty Regalbuto Catalina Rios Lindsay Roberts Donna Russo Andrew Rutledge Loann Scarpato Roseanne Sessa Russell Shaw John Silver Cyndi Silverman Lori Simpson Erin Sio Matt Slagter Mark Smith Evan Parker Smith Lisa Spiller ’10 Ben Staples ’09 David Staples ’05


The Stauffer/Palmer Family Mrs. Frannie Stein Debbie Still Vivian Still Mike Theophano ’09 Marc Thompson Erin Timmer Betsy Townsend Leslie Tran Lisa Treadway-Kurtz Nancy Trent US Faculty and Staff Angie Wagner Omer Waks ’09 Dr. Robert and MaryAnn Watson Beverly Weems Lisa Weiser Lori Whetstone Larry Wilkins Gregory Wilson ’10 Keith Wilus ’09 Bob Wolpert Bonnie Zobel




annual giving the light keepers legacy society By establishing the Light Keepers Legacy Society, AFS hopes to encourage members of the School community to plan for the future and to benefit from the many tax advantages available through giving to this remarkable School during their lifetimes. The Light Keepers Legacy Society honors those who have arranged to support AFS through a planned or estate gift. Individuals who make a provision for AFS in their wills, name the School in their wills, name the School as beneficiary of a life insurance policy or individual retirement account (IRA), or establish trusts to benefit AFS are welcomed into the Society. With deep appreciation, we list the following individuals whose legacy gifts ensure that AFS continues its work educating young people and nurturing the light within every student now and for the future:

Mary Helen Bickley* Christopher Biehn ’83 Allison Boyle Sally Goldschmeding Branch ’64 Carl Brehmer* Herbert and Alice Doerr Jane G. Dudley* Nathan Gaskill* David Goodman* Marion Graham* Alexandra Hanson ’74 Robert and Charlene Hills Peggy Hurst ’42* Julia Cheyney Knickerbocker ’38* Donald Knight*

Peter Kollros and Barbara Konkle Eugene Lugano and Marcia Boraas Elizabeth Mayers ’63 Anne Peterson Ogan ’65 Regina Hallowell Peasley* Jane Cobourn Riley ’54 Elizabeth Smith* Marian Sullivan* Marshall Sullivan ’31* Herbert Taylor ’19* Anna Taylor* Evelyn Tyson ’17* Natalie Tyson ’14*

If you have made a provision for AFS in your estate plans, please share this information with us so that your generosity can be acknowledged. For additional information on making a planned gift to support AFS, please contact Jon Harris, Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement at 215-576-3956.

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009


gifts in kind Our thanks to those who contributed to AFS last year with generous donations of books and other non-cash gifts: Marilyn Amento David and Nina Bisbee Ned and Caren Borowsky Joseph and Lorine Cotroneo John DeCesare and Karen Green-DeCesare Robert and Patricia Delany Cheryl DeStefano Elaine Dorsey Kreszentia Duer Brian and Lisa Edmonds Janet Frazer Marc and Desrene Freeman

Matthew and Audra Gurin Beverly Haynes Fred and Diane Herr Carol and Mark Honigman Michael and Stacy Kashon Todd and Susan Makler Candice and Samuel Mangel Carl and Marla Manstein Doris Mattioli Sandra Scott Mraz and Dave Mraz David and Patricia Mulvey Patrick Mutchler and Ann Thompson


Richard and Robin Nourie Dale and Gertrude Pfost Joseph and Lynn Pokrifka Howard and Penelope Schutkofsky Cynthia and Jerry Silverman David and Deborah Simon Richard and Elizabeth Soltan Joseph and Barbara Timoney Hayley Witter Wesley Wolf and Catherine Hunt




endowed & restricted funds

AFS receives ongoing support through the generosity of those who established and those who continue to contribute to the following endowment funds. A named endowment fund creates a lasting tribute and can be established for a minimum of $25,000. If you would like to discuss setting up an endowment fund or if you would like to learn more about any of the above funds, please contact Jon Harris, Assistant Head of School for Advancement, at 215-576-3956.


AFS Speakers Fund Trustees of Abington Monthly Meeting

Class of 1998 Travel Fund David and Gwen Campbell

ECCO Program Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation

Faculty Salary Endowment Fund Abington Friends School David Campbell and Gwen Campbell

Faculty/Staff Professional Development Fund Anonymous

Lower School Science Department of Environmental Protection

Lynne Koolpe Mass Talented & Creative Teacher Fund Lynne Koolpe Mass and Burton Mass Jules Stein and Barbara Stein

Sheares Family Charitable Foundation Scholarship Bradley Sheares and Adrienne Simmons

Susan Salesky Rudin ’57 Scholars Susan Rudin ’57 and Jack Rudin

The Greg Salmon Scholarship Award Honoring Citizenship and Service Anonymous Spencer and Ann Louise Galt Mark Kessler Wayne and Dorothy Patterson Bruce Stewart and Andra Jurist

Williams Salary Endowment Trustees of Abington Monthly Meeting




endowed & restricted funds matching gift and corporate support Each year, AFS receives donations from institutional and family foundations and corporations that help to support our scholarship and educational programs. Additionally, many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable gifts made by employees. We are grateful for their support: AIG Black & Decker Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Fidelity Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation GoodSearch Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa iStar Financial Inc.

Merck Partnership for Giving Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. PNC Foundation Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Sandmeyer Steel Company SAP America Inc. SPX Foundation

Target Towers Perrin United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania White and Williams LLP Wyeth and Company

Elizabeth G. Smith Scholarship Trust Haverford Quarterly Meeting Masland Foundation, C.H. & A.R Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Sheares Family Charitable Foundation Elizabeth Taylor Distribution Fund

gifts to scholarship Abington Monthly Meeting of Friends Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting Doylestown Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) The PA EITC program provides companies with up to a 90% tax credit when they make a contribution to a qualified scholarship organization like AFS. For more information about how your company can participate in the PA EITC program, call Jon Harris, Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement at 215-576-3956. Our thanks to the following companies for their generous gifts to scholarship through the PA EITC Program: Benjamin Obdyke Incorporated Bux-mont Hematology-Oncology Faulkner Cadillac Faulkner Chevrolet-Cadillac-OldsmobileSubaru, Inc. Faulkner Harrisburg Inc. Faulkner Honda/ Paxton Associates, Inc. Faulkner Pontiac-Buick-GMC

Faulkner Toyota/Scion Montgomeryville Acura PEI-Genesis, Inc. Philip Rosenau Co, Inc RB Distribution, Inc. Saturn of Trevose

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009





endowed & restricted funds roofest and auction Roo Fest and Auction proceeds benefit Faculty Professional Development in a variety of ways ranging from advanced coursework in their respective disciplines to summer fellowship opportunities. More than 250 parents, students, alumni, faculty and staff helped to raise more than $15,000 this past year. A special thank you to parent volunteers Robyn Felzer, Adele Golden, Marilyn Amento, Patty Delany, Joann Krutainis, Geri Dillard, Debbie Harding, Michelle McConnon, Karen DeCesare and the numerous parents, faculty and staff who came out and helped on the day of the event for all of their efforts! Special recognition and thanks go to The Strata Companies for donating design and printing, Culinary Concepts for underwriting the sponsorship dinner, and to Stacey Checchio for donating the ever popular key box prize.

Sponsors ($500) Kathy & Mitch Alden Ricki & Steven Fisher Heather & Mark Garrison Delores Miller Ann Thompson & Pat Mutchler Bonnie & Peter Schorsch Irvin & Anita Schorsch

Patrons ($250) Edward Bedrick & Amy Brantz-Bedrick Nina & David Bisbee Jill & Randy Brown Lisa & Paul Dougherty Joe Fischgrund & Nancy Beck-Fischgrund Jennifer French and Michael Theophano Chae & Mi Goh Audra & Matthew Gurin Stacey & Michael Kashon Rosanne Mistretta & Steven Miano Kevin & Margie McGlynn Patty & David Mulvey Halie and Kevin O’Shea

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009





endowed & restricted funds Hank Faulkner memorial golf outing For over two decades Hank Faulkner worked tirelessly, with selfless dedication and unwavering vision to help Abington Friends School best achieve its mission. The Hank Faulkner Memorial Golf Outing honors his legacy by providing financial support to the AFS Tuition Assistance Program. We are grateful to the 50 participants who provided over $20,000 to this worthy program in its inaugural year.

Event Sponsors ($5,000) Pat Mutchler and Ann Thompson

Blue Sponsors ($2,000) Steve Benner Northwood Construction, Co, Inc Faulkner BMW Joseph Faulkner, Faulkner Ford/Mercury Judy Faulkner, Faulkner Chevrolet MaryAnn and Bob Watson

White Sponsors ($1,000) Anonymous Gail Faulkner and John Oyler Harry Faulkner Mark Garrison, Reviewnet J.C. Henry, III, E.P. Henry Matthew MacNaughton David Loder, Duane Morris Eileen and Jim Pettit, Locks Law Firm Mitch Russell, Russell Law Group Gerri Sammak, The Strata Companies Rod Sandmeyer, Sandmeyer Steel Company

Hole Sponsors ($500) Frank Drigotas, III Arthur J. Gallagher & Co HRH of Philadelphia Bonnie and Peter Schorsch

Former Head of School / * Deceased / All gifts listed in this Annual Report were made between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009





ways of giving Cash, Check and Credit Card

Life Insurance

The School accepts gifts made by check, cash, credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express). Gifts can be made using our secure online donation form, by mailing or dropping off a check to the Development Office.

If you have a life insurance policy which you no longer rely on, consider putting the money to work for AFS. This can be done in two ways. You can take an existing policy and amend it so that the beneficiary is AFS; or you can take a policy on which you have paid some premiums, but not all, and give it to AFS.

Securities and no-load mutual funds AFS welcomes gifts of appreciated securities. You may avoid capital gains tax and take a charitable deduction for the full value of the stock. For instructions about this simple transaction, you or your broker may call the Development Office at 215-576-3956.

Bequests A bequest to AFS is a gift that can truly be made by almost everybody. It involves no immediate loss of capital or income, and tax benefits minimize the ultimate cost to one’s heirs. If you would like to inquire about how to go about making a bequest to benefit AFS, please call the Development Office at 215-576-3956.

Retirement Assets You may be able to designate AFS as a beneficiary of your IRA or other retirement plan. This can help to reduce income and estate taxes.

Personal Property You can make an outright gift of your residence or other real estate to the school and qualify for a charitable deduction. A gift in this form enables you to avoid a capital gains tax on the appreciation of the property, just as with gifts of appreciated securities.

For information on giving to AFS, please contact Jon Harris at 215-576-3956 or jharris@abingtonfriends.net. AFS provides support for a full range of charitable gift planning options and services. We strongly urge prospective donors to consult with their attorney, financial advisor, estate planning professional, accountant or other appropriate professional when making decisions about estate planning.

Development Office Contacts Jon Harris, Assistant Head for Institutional Advancement 215-576-3956 / jharris@abingtonfriends.net Gabrielle Giddings, Assistant Director of Development 215-576-3957 / ggiddings@abingtonfriends.net Lisa Dougherty Coordinator, Special Events and Parent Volunteers 215-576-3968 / ldougherty@abingtonfriends.net Jenny Hammond ’86, Director of Alumni Affairs 215-576-3966 / jhammond@abingtonfriends.net Liz Wang,* Development Office Manager 215-576-3967 / ewang@abingtonfriends.net *Please contact Liz Wang with any corrections or changes to this document.





Abington Friends School 575 Washington Lane, Jenkintown, PA 19046 p: 215-886-4350 / f: 215-886-9143 admissions@abingtonfriends.net www. abingtonfriends.net

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