1 minute read
Duck leg confit
gen melts and releases meat juices forming gelatine which complements the taste of the dish. Chestnut and sheep cheese enrich this delicacy.
“Enjoy the tastes of Zagorje while your view is attracted by the sky and Zagorje hills”, say the hosts.
Konfitirani pačji batak
s pireom od bijelog graha, prženim lješnjacima i sotiranim špinatom
Duck leg confit with white bean puree, roasted hazelnuts and sauteed spinach
1Duck leg, onion, white beans, pepper, thyme, hazelnuts
Season the duck leg and marinate for 24 hours. Cook it in oil at 95 °C for about 2 hours. Leave to cool in the fat. Blanch baby spinach and sauté it in butter adding smoked salt. Fry the onion in duck fat and add boiled white beans, seasoned with pepper and thyme.
Briefly roast the hazelnuts in hot pan and sprinkle over the dish. Decorate with fresh herbs.