1 minute read

Fried Summer Rolls

Pržene ljetne štrudlice

punjene mladim sirom, mladim grilanim tikvicama i špinatom, karameliziranim mladim lukom i čili papričicom, na ljetnoj salatici


Fried Summer Rolls filled with fresh cheese, grilled zucchini and spinach, caramelized spring onion and chili pepper, served on summer lettuce.

For 4 small rolls: Filo pastry, butter, oil, 4 tbsp fresh cheese, 2 tbsp parmesan cheese, fresh dill and spring onion, fresh chili pepper, 1 zucchini, 200 g baby spinach, 200 g mixed lettuce, salt, pepper.

For filling, fry zucchini in olive oil, mash it and mix with cheese, parmesan cheese, finely chopped dill, spinach, spring onion and chili pepper. Season well.

Butter 2 pieces of filo pastry and fill with filling. Make little rolls. Fry them in deep oil until golden.

Season the lettuce and place the rolls on it.

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