AV 04th January 2025

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Kumbh an occasion to foster unity,cohesion: PM Modi P25

strengthen security and defence collaboration with Gulf nations, reflecting the importance of

community The agreement will institutionalise bilateral cooperation in the area of defence, said the Indian government adding that key areas of cooperation will include joint military exercises training of defence personnel coastal defence maritime safety joint development and production of defence equipment

Continued on page 26

Preet Chandi strives for solo North Pole record

Preet Chandi MBE

The record-breaking British explorer Preet Chandi, renowned for her historic solo trek to the South Pole, is now setting her sights on a new frontier: the North Pole.

Nicknamed Polar Preet the 36-year-old

praise from the Princess of Wales for her “incredible” achievements

Continued on page 11

Dr Manmohan Singh
Dr Jitendra Singh, Union Minister
Sir Sadiq Khan

sou rces warn Shamima Begum, 25, a Br

h o joined ISIS in 2015, is cur-

Sy r i a n detention camp after fleeing east London While the UK government revoked her citizenship, concerns remain

t h a t s h e m ay a

m p t t o return following Bashar alAssad’s potential fall

A s o u r c e w a r n e d ,

“Allowing Shamima Begum to return could open the floodgates for 100 others

Security services are already m

Syrian camps with UK citizenship claims, but tracking them would require signif i-

cant resources due to the risks they pose ”

Reform UK outpaces Tories in membership, Farage claims

Tasnime Akunjee, said her chances of returning have been "bolstered" by Assad’s f a l l Me a nw h


Hermer, the new Attorney General and former advisor to Keir Starmer, called the revocation of Begum’s citizenship "draconian "

“We won’t be overturning

Off ice reiterated, “Our priority remains maintaining the safety and security of the UK ”

Police record significant rise in religious hate crimes

Figur es show a rise in r eligious ha te crimes across seve ral UK police forces over t he past 18 months, with in ci-

d e n t s s pi k in g a ft e r t he

H a ma s -Is r a e l c on fl ict in a u t u mn 20 23 a n d t he S outh port at t ack s in summer 2024 Forces such as Greater Manchester, West Midlands, and the Metropolitan Police

s a w a s h a r p r i s e i n a n t isemitic incidents following the outbreak of the Hamas-

I s r a e l c o n f l i c t i n O c t o b e r

2 0

o f fe n c e s s p i ke d a f t e r t h e

d e a d l y k n i fe a t t a c k a t a Taylor Swift-themed dance

c l a s s i n S o u t h p o r t i n Ju ly 2024, which also sparked viol e n t d i s o rd e r a c r o s s t h e country

Figures obtained by PA Media through freedom of information requests show t h a t Gr e a t e r M a n c h e s t e r Police recorded an average of 13 antisemitic offences per m o n t h f r o m Ja n u a r y t o September 2023, rising to 85 i n O c t o b e r a n d 6 8 i n November before decreasing Similarly, the force saw an average of 39 Islamophobic o f fe n c e s m o n t h l y u n t i l a sharp rise to 85 in August 2024, with numbers dropping again in September

In 2023, West Yorkshire Police recorded an average of six antisemitic offences per month, which surged to 44 in October before dropping Islamophobic offences averaged 39 per month in 2024, s p i k i n g t o 9 4 i n A u g u s t b e fo r e

Metropolitan Police, which c h a n g

o rd i n g method in Februar y 2024, logged an average of 54 antisemitic offences in 2023, rising to 517 in October and 411 i n No v e m b e r I n 2 0 2 4 , Islamophobic offences avera g e d 1 1 6 , r e a c

i n g 19 0 i n August

Tulip Siddiq under scrutiny over embezzlement claims

Tre as u r y m in i st er Tu l ip Siddiq has been questioned by th e Cabinet Off ice’s prop riety and ethics team after B an gla des h’s a nti -c o rr u p -

t io n c o m m i s si o n a c cu s ed h er and her family of em bezzling billions fo r a nu clear p ower plant

T h e L a b o u r M P, w h o denies helping broker a deal with Russia for the project,

r e p o r t e d l y t o l d a g o v e r nment off icial she was the victim of a “political hit job ” Whitehall sources conf irmed that Siddiq, responsible for tackling corruption in Britain’s markets, spoke

with the ethics team as part of a fact-checking process fo l l o w i n g t h e a l l e g a t i o n s , not a formal interview

They clarif ied that this does not indicate an investigation into the City minister, and the prime minister’s ethics adviser has opted not to launch one, though this c o u l d c h a n g e i f n e w e v idence emerges

Siddiq’s explanation of h e r i nv o l v e m e n t i n t h e £10bn Rooppur power plant project, reportedly given in her off ice, was “accepted at face value” by off icials

A C a b i n e t O f f i c e spokesperson reiterated that Si d d i q h a s d e n i e d a ny involvement

T h e p r i m e m i n i s t e r ’ s spokesman conf irmed Keir Starmer continues to have conf idence in Siddiq, who r e t

r i a l responsibilities When asked about potential conflicts of interest regarding the 2013 deal, the spokesman said, “I can’t speak to events before a minister’s time in government,” but assured that the “clear declaration process ” for ministers had been followed

It is also reported that Tulip Siddiq could face a £10,000 f ine for failing to s e c u r e a n E

(EPC) for her rental flat She is under scrutiny for not registering rental income and for not meeting legal landlord obligations for

Reform UK claims to h ave s u rp as s ed th e Conservative Party's members hi p, reach ing 1 31 ,68 0 o n Boxing Day-m atchi ng th e Cons ervati ves' m emb ers h i p w h e n Ke m i Badenoch w on the leadership in th e autum n In a stunt to mark the o c c a s i o n , R e fo r m U K released a video showing a message projected

Badenoch that Nigel Farage’s party was the “real opposition” to Labour

Badenoch responded, calling the membership counter “fake” and accusing Reform of manipulating voters She also criticised Farage's claim that his party had surpassed the Conservatives in membership but did not disclose her own party's numbers Farage f ired back, accusing Badenoch of being “bitter, upset, and angry ” that Reform h a d b e c o m e t h e s e c o n d-l a r g e s t p a r t y i n

British politics while the Conservative brand was failing under her leadership He offered to have membership numbers audited by one of the Big 4 f irms, challenging Badenoch to do the same Farage also claimed that whistleblowers had provided evidence of ballots being sent to expired or resigned members, calling it an “ open secret” that Conservative membership numbers were inflated Reform UK has gained popularity since the general election, with opinion polls showing Nigel Farage becoming one of the countr y's most popular politicians after f inally being elected as an MP

A new analysis suggests Labour's fortunes could rapidly decline due to the rising popularity of Reform UK A seat-by-seat study by t h i n k t a n k ‘Mo

Labour could lose almost 200 of its 411 seats, with Reform projected to become the thirdlargest party, winning 72 seats

The analysis also predicts the loss of s

L a b o u r c a b i n e t m e m b e r s , including Angela Rayner and Yvette Cooper, marking a dramatic shift in British politics

Parties refer MP misconduct investigations to independent body

Political parties are set to transfer the respo nsibility o f investigating allegations of bu llying, h arassment, and sexual m isconduct by MPs to Parliam ent’s independent investigator

A parliamentary committee is expected to endorse a proposal to refer complaints about M Ps’ m i s c o n d u c t t o t h e I n d e p e n d e n t Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS), moving away from the current practice where political parties handle such cases internally Sources within the modernisation committee, which is reviewing parliamentary procedures and standards, have indicated support for the change Notably, MPs on the committee are appointed by their party whips, unlike members of select committees

Under the proposed plan, political parties would no longer manage complaints of bully-

would be handled by the ICGS, which was established in 2019 following the #MeToo movement’s revelations about misconduct in Westminster Advocates of this shift argue that it will create a more consistent and transparent complaints process, helping to restore conf idence following a series of misconduct scandals involving MPs from both the Labour and Conservative parties in recent years

The ICGS is tasked with addressing allegations of bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct occurring on the parliamentary estate, within constituency off ices, or while MPs are performing parliamentary duties


Ministers have ordered detailed structural surveys of ageing, postwar school buildings in England amid growing concerns over hidden defects that could lead to structural failures Following the Raac crisis which led to school closures and widespread inspections the government is now focused on thousands of system-built schools that may pose safety risks A National Audit Office report last year identified 3,600 system-built school blocks out of 13,800 that may be more prone to deterioration After months of delays, contractors have been appointed to inspect buildings constructed between 1945 and 1990 which have exceeded their design life Experts warn that some schools may fail safety standards and need to close The revelation highlights the poor condition of public buildings in England, with thousands of schools, hospitals, and courts needing urgent repairs, some posing safety risks Experts attribute part of the problem to limited knowledge about the construction methods and materials used in the “system-built ” schools which were hastily erected after World War II with minimal records


Public health experts have warned of a “catastrophic ” rise in alcohol-related deaths, urging the introduction of minimum unit pricing in England The Alcohol Health Alliance has written to Health Secretary Wes Streeting, highlighting a 42% increase in alcohol-specific deaths since 2019 The Alcohol Health Alliance comprising medical colleges charities and treatment providers has highlighted the success of Scotland's minimum unit pricing (MUP) in saving lives contrasting it with the rising alcohol-related deaths in England The alliance warns that without action to reduce alcohol consumption the crisis will worsen Last year, 8,274 people died from alcohol-specific causes in England, though the true toll, including those where alcohol was a contributing factor, is likely higher "After decades of inaction, we urge you to make it your New Year ’s resolution to tackle this alarming trend and reduce the suffering of individuals, families, and communities In 2023, 8,274 died from alcohol-related causes, with the true figure likely three times higher This crisis is straining our economy and healthcare services "


Millions of homeowners will receive grants and low-interest loans to install solar power systems as part of the government s effort to meet its 2030 clean energy goal Ministers are planning to subsidise the cost of solar panels and batteries to encourage adoption, aligning with one of Keir Starmer s key priorities The £6 6 billion warm homes plan will fund the scheme, with details to be included in next year s spending review Fuel-poor households would receive upfront grants for solar panels and batteries, while wealthier households could access lowinterest loans to cover installation costs, repaid through lower electricity bills Ministers are also considering raising the amount households can earn from selling unused electricity back to the grid to encourage more homeowners to participate

Shamima Begum
Tulip Siddiq
Nigel Farage

Challenges and opportunities in 2025

Describing 2024 as an eventful year in British politics would barely capture the magnitude of its developments Labour secured a historic landslide victory in the general election, while the Conservative Party suffered its most significant electoral defeat in history In a surprising twist, Nigel Farage, the leader of Reform UK, finally won a seat in Parliament after seven unsuccessful attempts Meanwhile, the summer was marked by some of the most intense and violent street riots the country has witnessed in years

As 2025 begins, the UK finds itself at a crossroads The challenges are numerous, spanning sectors like healthcare, climate action, the economy, digital transformation, and social justice The National Health Service (NHS), in particular, is at a critical juncture Persistent workforce shortages, rising costs, increased patient demands, and the lasting impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic have left the healthcare system under immense strain

Public confidence in the new Labour government under PM Keir Starmer is also cautious at best Many Britons express concern over the government’s lacklustre start, citing the absence of transformative policy changes that could deliver immediate improvements to living standards While the electorate is eager for a renewed sense of momentum and purpose, tangible action remains limited However, there is optimism rooted in the UK’s capacity for self-reflection and reform If the government can channel this energy effectively, significant progress is within reach

PM Starmer has the opportunity to steer his administration toward fulfilling its promises of “change ” In a bid to

address the crisis in healthcare, the government recently launched Change NHS: Help Build a Health Service Fit for the Future This ambitious initiative aims to create a 10-Year Health Plan prioritising collaboration among healthcare professionals, patients, and the public At the heart of this vision is a commitment to transformative approaches, including the integration of digital technologies, expanded community care, and a stronger emphasis on illness prevention

Beyond healthcare, the UK faces the urgent task of economic recovery The lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, compounded by a severe cost-of-living crisis, have left many households struggling The government must prioritise creating a fairer and more resilient economy, fostering growth in high-potential sectors, and addressing inequalities Policies that support small businesses, retrain workers, and invest in green jobs are crucial for fostering long-term prosperity

On the global stage, the UK’s role in international diplomacy is more critical than ever With major conflicts continuing around the world, the country’s alliances and strategic partnerships could play a pivotal role in facilitating ceasefires and fostering peace The UK’s leadership in such efforts would not only reaffirm its global standing but also contribute to a more stable international order

The year has started on a hopeful note, with exceptional individuals recognised in the New Year Honours 2025, celebrating their contributions across various fields As the UK navigates the challenges and opportunities of 2025, there is a collective hope that it will be a year of progress, positivity, and meaningful change

Strained ties in South Asia

Relations between India and Bangladesh have soured drastically following the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, an event that, while lacking direct military involvement, effectively resembled a coup

Tensions have escalated following the political crisis, with rising anti-India sentiment, including the demolition of Hindu temples and prosecution of Hindu Bangladeshis This deterioration in relations has led to a decline in Bangladeshi tourists, f

Additionally, Bangladesh's government repeatedly requests for the extradition of ousted Prime Minister Hasina, who is staying in India, have further strained ties between the two countries

Amid ongoing diplomatic tensions, a new agreement between the Pakistan military and Dhaka is raising security concerns in New Delhi Starting in February 2025, the Pakistan Army will train Bangladeshi soldiers for the first time since the 1971 Liberation War There have been fears that Pakistani officers may promote anti-India ideologies India has long accused Pakistan of supporting terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab, with groups targeting India operating from Pakistan, including the 2008 Mumbai attack The Pakistan Army’s growing presence in Bangladesh could also heighten security risks for Northeast India, where Pakistan’s ally China is increasing military pressure

India's "Neighbourhood First" policy, championed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, seeks to strengthen ties with neighboring countries However, recent challenges have tested Indian diplomacy, necessitating new strategies In Sri Lanka and the Maldives, concerns over growing Chinese influence have emerged, but India has successfully fostered strong relationships with both nations

The Maldives has been central to India’s “Neighbourhood

First” policy due to its strategic location in the Indian Ocean However, the election of pro-China leader Mohamed Muizzu in 2023 posed a challenge In October 2024, Muizzu’s visit to India marked a significant step forward, with discussions covering financial support, trade, and defence cooperation The agreements reached aimed to strengthen ties, transforming their relationship into a Comprehensive Economic and Maritime Security Partnership

Sri Lanka’s relationship with India involves a delicate balance, as the island nation seeks India’s support for recovery

Dissanayake’s visit to India in December strengthened ties, focusing on economic cooperation, regional security, and defence, trade, and cultural exchanges The relationship with Nepal, rooted in cultural and historical ties, has faced chall

changes and the reappointment of Shankar Prasad Sharma as envoy reflect ongoing political flux Despite these challenges, both nations continue to engage in high-level exchanges, with the India-Nepal Economic Partnership Summit aiming to boost trade and investment India-Pakistan relations have long been in conflict, with no bilateral cricket since 2012 and India's refusal to travel to Pakistan for the 2025 Champions Trophy

Afghanistan’s Taliban over airstrikes in Paktika province, which killed 46, mostly women and children Once allied with the Taliban, Pakistan would have use it as a strategic tool against India, but this has backfired If tensions between Pakistan and

increase security risks for India, particularly through cross-border terrorism India must navigate diplomacy carefully to avoid a larger conflict, which could lead to a regional crisis

India celebrates growth, success, and change in 2024

The year 2024 was a momentous one for India, marked by significant milestones and achievements The nation voted for a new government, witnessed a thriving economy, and celebrated the historic inauguration of the Ram Mandir These events, among others, defined a year of progress and promise, setting an optimistic tone for 2025 and beyond India had a remarkable year in sports, ending a 13-year wait by clinching the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup with a thrilling seven-run win over South Africa At the Paris Olympics, India secured six medals: a silver from javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra and five bronzes, including two historic wins by shooter Manu Bhaker Shooters Swapnil Kusale and Sarabjot Singh, wrestler Aman Shehrawat, and the men ’ s hockey team also contributed to the tally In chess, 18-year-old Gukesh Dommaraju became the youngest-ever world champion, defeating China’s Ding Liren in a dramatic final, making him the 18th world chess champion

The inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, was a historic moment for India, drawing thousands, including global celebrities and politicians, to witness the consecration of Ram Lalla's idol in the newly built temple Equally spectacular was the grand wedding of Akash Ambani and Radhika Merchant, reportedly costing Rs 5,000 crore The days-long celebration featured lavish pre-and post-wedding festivities attended by Bollywood and Hollywood stars, cricketers, and business icons These events captured global media attention and became some of the year ’ s most talked-about moments The entertainment industry shone brightly in 2024, with remarkable achievements making headlines Acclaimed filmmaker Payal Kapadia made history as the first Indian to win the prestigious Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival for her groundbreaking film ‘All We Imagine as Light’ While

Bollywood struggled to meet expectations, relying heavily on nostalgia-driven re-releases and horror comedies, Telugu panIndian films dominated the box office, captivating audiences across the country and beyond India’s economy stood out globally, achieving an impressive GDP growth rate of 8 2% despite geopolitical challenges like the West Asia conflicts and the Russia-Ukraine war The Indian startup ecosystem matured significantly, with a focus on profitability and strong fundamentals New models like quick commerce, generative AI, and semiconductor innovations gained traction, attracting over $12 billion in funding Venture capital firms raised $8 7 billion, and six startups joined the unicorn club The year also saw a mix of successful IPOs, underscoring investor confidence in India’s growth story

The biggest event of 2024 was the Lok Sabha election According to the Election Commission, over 97 9 crore individuals were registered as voters, with 64 64 crore casting their votes The results were mixed, as the BJP-led NDA secured a historic third term with 293 seats, while the INDIA bloc won 234 seats Narendra Modi made history, becoming the first leader since Jawaharlal Nehru to serve as prime minister for three consecutive terms Meanwhile, the Congress party saw modest successes but faced significant challenges in its bid for political resurgence

Amidst these political milestones, the nation also experienced profound loss with the passing of several iconic personalities, including industrialist Ratan Tata, musicians Ustad Zakir Hussain and Ustad Rashid Khan, singer Pankaj Udhas,

Manmohan Singh Their contributions left an indelible mark on India, and their loss united the country in heartfelt tributes during a year of both celebration and mourning

Falling Into the Trap - How Extreme Voices Undermine Their Own Cause

Ment ioning Hindus for Huma n Right s (HfHR) in m y ar ticle un le ashed a stor m of v itriol on X The ir on y is str ik ing: r efere ncing an org anizat ion whet her or not one a gre es with it (and I don ’t) is not a defen ce of tha t gr oup Inste ad, it opens the door for me anin gful crit icism, be yond the r ant s on X (forme rly Twit te r) W hat’ s tr uly re vea lin g, howeve r, is the lack of st ra teg ic t hinkin g am ong some self-procla imed defen der s of Hind uism who re act with an ger and v itriol

Their emotional outbursts play directly into the hands of organizations they disagree with By reacting without subtlety or restraint, they confirm the very stereotypes that such organizations often want to highlight and make a narrative Shrill voices, through their angry rhetoric, serve as “useful idiots,” inadvertently amplifying the messaging of those they oppose

The Trap: How Vitriol Legitimizes Opponents

Organizations like HfHR thrive on controversy When you say you don’t want meat and alcohol at Diwali, they will attack you for being elitist When faced with hate-filled reactions, they can point to these reactions as evidence of the "extremism" they claim to oppose This dynamic serves two purposes:

• Validation of Narrative: Angry responses allow HfHR to argue, “Look, we told you they’re intolerant ”

• Loss of Credibility: Moderate observers, the majority of whom sit in the middle ground, uninformed, neutral, are alienated by the toxicity and unwilling to engage with a cause associated with anger and division

The Consequences: Dividing the Community

The lack of nuance among these reactionary voices does more harm than good Their hostility not only isolates them but also damages the very cause they claim to champion

• A lienating M oderates: Vitriolic attacks push the middle ground away, reinforcing a perception that Hinduism itself is intolerant an impression that extreme voices foster with their behaviour

• Turning on Fellow Hindu s: These voices often attack Hindus who don’t conform to their rigid standards of allegiance, undermining unity within the community So they multiply division More destruction of unity

• U seless to the C ause: By reducing the conversation to anger and invective, they fail to articulate a positive or strategic defence of their beliefs, rendering themselves irrelevant to any meaningful discourse I cannot blame them for being inarticulate We cannot articulate that which we cannot understand

A Call for Strategy

If these self-appointed defenders of the faith truly care about promoting Hindu values, they need to adopt subtlety, strategy, and grace Hinduism, is best not represented by loud and angry rhetoric PM Narendra Modi continues to win because he understands this He practices this Is ingenious at this

The fight for Hindu causes or any cause requires a calm, considered approach that engages the middle ground rather than setting fire to those who otherwise might have agreed with you Anger without strategy is not strength; it’s weakness Read the Ramayan Mahabharata and The Gita and it’s one of the clearest messages And the loudest voices, when fuelled by hatred, often do more harm to their cause than any external critic ever could

Asian Voice is published by Asian Business Publications Ltd

CB Pat el : Publisher and Editor

Rup anjana D utta

Starmer meets Indian business leaders to discuss UK-India trade growth

P rim e Minister Keir S tarm er

m et with I ndian investors and CEOs to discuss investm ent and economic gro wth o pp ortu ni ties between the UK and I ndi a, an of fi ci al statem ent said

T h

Minister Narendra Modi at the G20, where they agreed

t o a d

economic growth, security,

mate, health, and education

The delegation, supported by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), met with UK officials, including

and Foreign Secretary David Lammy, to discuss strengthening the UK-India partner-

Douglas Alexander also discussed opportunities within a potential UK-India trade deal

With trade valued at £42 billion and supporting over 600,000 jobs, both nations

Starmer said, "India is

vital partner, and we have huge

building on our strong relationship " Sunil Bharti Mittal MBE,

Enterprises, said, "This delegation comes at a crucial time, as India, the fastestgrowing large economy, is on track to become a USD 5 trillion economy by 2027

evolved into a strong part-

economic ties, and shared geopolitical interests "

He added, "The IndiaUK Free Trade Agreement offers significant opportunities for growth and cooperation We hope this delegation leads to successful business collaborations and will seek Starmer’s guidance on

cooperation "

Birmingham postmaster vows to reopen branch after scandal

R oo pr it G ill, a po st ma st er from Birmin gha m wrongfully prose cuted during the Post Office sca ndal, has vowed to r eope n he r former br anch

n t h e W a t t v i l l e

R o a d P o s t O f f i c e i n

H a n d s w o r t h w h e n s h e , along with many others, was accused or convicted of theft and fraud due to the faulty Horizon computer system


Rooprit Gill, cleared of

Office scandal, endured the death of her husband and a suicide attempt due to the ordeal She had taken over

t h e W a t t v i l l e R o a d P o s t Office from her father, one of the first Asian postmasters outside London After being

dismissed for alleged bookk e e p i n g d i s c r e p a n c i e s , s h e c o n t i n u e d w o r k i n g i n h e r family’s shop

Reflecting on the experience, she said, “I lost my reputation I had to face customers who saw everything in the newspapers and kept away from them ”

Rooprit Gill, determined t

become a postmaster again n o w t h a t


“My dad’s wish before he passed was for it to be ours a g a i n b

hadn’t taken the money, ”

Rooprit Gill

behind the counter with my head held high, saying I didn’t do it ”

The Horizon system led to widespread prosecutions of postmasters from 1999 to 2015, marking one of the m o s t s i g n i f i c a n t m i s c a rriages of justice in British history

Body of missing Indian student found in Scotland River

T h e b od y o f 22 -y e a r - ol d Indian studen t Santr a Saju, m i ssi n g si n ce e a r li e r t hi s month, has b een found in a

r i v e r n e a r N e wb r i d ge , Scotla nd

Saju, from Kerala, was

s t u d y i n g a t H e r i o t - W a t t

U n i v e r s i t y i n E d i n b u r g h

P o l i c e S c o t l a n d c o n f i r m e d the discovery, and while her family has been informed,

f o r m a l i d e n t i f i c a t i o n i s pending

Police Scotland reported that at 11:55 am, December 27, 2024, a body was found near Newbridge While formal identification is pending, the family of 22-year-old Santra Saju has been notified Authorities believe the death is not suspicious



SRI V. NARAYANSWAMY, S/o Late Venkataswamappa, aged about 76 years, Sarakki Agrahara Village, Bangalore South Taluk, now at No. 17, Subbarama Chetty Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore - 560 004. -BY SRI. A. BALAKRISHNAN ADV. RESPONDENTS:THE SPECIAL LAND ACQUISITION OFFICER, Bangalore Development Authority,Bangalore - 560 020. And others NOTICE UNDER ORDER V RULE 20 OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE ISSUED TO PROPOSED RESPONDENT No.3 NAMED BELOW:SRI N. LOKESH, S/O Late V. Narayanswamy, Aged about 49 years, R/At No.2, Woodfines, Essex PM11 3HR, United Kingdom.

Sara Sharif's murderers jailed for life

Sara Sharif's father, Urfan Sh arif, and stepmo ther, Beinash Batoo l, have been sentenced to life in prison for th e murder of their 10year-old daughter, after she endured years of abuse

Urfan Sharif will serve a minimum of 40 years, while Batool will serve at least 33 years

Sara’s uncle, Faisal Malik, was sentenced to a minimum of 16 years for causing or allowing the death of a child In a victim impact statement, Sara's mother, Olga Domin, who resides in Poland, described the perpetrators as "cowards" and "sadists," adding, "You are executioners "

The court heard that at the time of her death, Sara had sustained over 70 injuries,

described the cruelty of the abuse as "almost

Sara's injuries included broken bones, a fractured collarbone, and severe spinal damage

In addition to fractures, Sara suffered a serious brain injury shortly before her death and had two open burn wounds on her bottom, consistent with an iron found in the home The judge noted that the severity of these injuries would have required two people to inflict Sara was also subjected to physical abuse, including being tied up, beaten with a cricket bat and metal pole, and bitten in the weeks leading up to her death


emphasised the heartbreaking loss of a "lively and joyful" child, while Libby Clark, specialist prosecutor for CPS South East, highlighted the depth of Sara's suffering and the perpetrators' callousness after her death

Met receives additional funding for city policing

T h e s t a t e m e n t a d d e d that a report would be sent t o S c o t l a n d ' s P r o c u r a t o r Fiscal Saju was last seen on CCTV at an Asda store in Livingston on the evening of December 6 Police issued an urgent appeal, describing her as 5'6", slim, of Indian ethnicity, with short black hair

WHEREAS the above named Appellant has preferred I.A No 4/2018 praying this court for Impleading Proposed R2 to R6 the above Appeal against the Judgement/Award/Order passed on 11.02.2010 IN LAC 127/1998 on the file of II ADDL. CITY CIVIL AND SESSIONS JUDGE, BANGALORE (SCCH NO.17).Notice is hereby given to you to appear in this Court in person or through an advocate or through someone duly authorised to act for you in this matter on 30.01.2025 at 10.30 a.m, to show cause why the application should not be allowed. If you fail to appear, the application will be dealt with, heard and decided in your absence.Given under my hand and seal of this Court on 10th DAY OF DECEMBER 2024. BY ORDER OF COURT Registrar, Judicial, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore

Saju was wearing a black jacket with a fur-lined hood, beige earmuffs, and a black facemask, and had a black rucksack Police urged anyo n e w i t h i n f o r m a t i o n t o come forward

Inspector Alison Lawrie revealed that Saju picked up a black-and-white shopper

evening but was not carrying


Th e Metropolitan Police will receive an additional £65 millio n next year to cover th e cost of p olicing London, according to a Hom e Office minister

The increase, part of the 2025-26 police funding settlement, will boost the National and International Capital City grant to £255 2 million, up from £190 2 million in the 2024-25 settlement Policing Minister Diana Johnson confirmed the boost attributing it partly to the rise in protest activity in London in recent y

expressed gratitude for the increase, they h


The grant, which has not been raised in line with inflation for at least five years, aims to compensate the Met and City of London police for additional security and operational costs In response, the Metropolitan Police stated that they hoped the upcoming government spending review would address their long-term funding challenges and ensure sustainable future operations A spokesperson emphasised the need to work with the Mayor of London to find ways to manage services within budgetary constraints while maintaining safety in the capital

M e t C o m m i s s i

n e r S i r M a r k R o w l e y recently warned that without further financial support, the force could face cuts of 2,300 officers and 400 staff due to a £450 million shortf a l l H e a l s o n o t e d t h a t t o u g h d e c i s i o n s ,

including potential police station closures, might be necessary The final funding settlement will be determined by City Hall early next year


Starting in 2025 visitors from abroad will need to pay £10 to secure an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) to enter the United Kingdom The ETA will permit travellers to stay in the UK for up to six months for purposes such as tourism, visiting family, business activities, or short-term study It will also apply to transit passengers passing through the UK The introduction of ETAs will occur in two phases From January 8 2025 nonEuropean travellers including citizens of the United States Canada and Australia will need to obtain an ETA for entry or transit through the UK From April 2, 2025, this requirement will extend to European citizens as well The ETA is a digital authorisation designed to streamline entry processes while enhancing border security It will be mandatory for eligible travellers based on their nationality and the purpose of their visit


Royal Mail managers are facing serious allegations of instructing postal workers to falsify deliveries to ensure they receive Christmas bonuses

According to claims from several Royal Mail staff, customer operations managers have directed workers to mark undelivered items as “inaccessible” even when no delivery attempts were made These accusations have drawn the attention of Justin Madders the Minister for Postal Services who has expressed concern over the reports calling for an immediate investigation into the matter The managers are alleged to have engaged in this practice to secure mid-year bonuses which are reportedly tied to the volume of letters and parcels leaving depots The claims raise significant questions about the integrity of Royal Mail s delivery processes and have prompted calls for greater scrutiny to ensure that performance metrics are not manipulated for financial gain


The UK s plans to ban petrol and diesel car sales could see significant changes, with proposals aiming to bring the phase-out of combustion vehicles forward to align with the original 2030 target A new consultation seeks input from motor industry experts focusing on how the UK can expedite its transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) This includes proposed updates to the ZEV Mandate, which currently dictates the minimum percentage of zero-emission cars that manufacturers must produce annually Under the existing policy, at least 22% of cars built in UK factories must be zero-emission models, with targets set to rise incrementally each year However, meeting these requirements has proven challenging for many manufacturers, some of whom have been forced to slash prices to comply and avoid substantial penalties of £15,000 per non-compliant vehicle The consultation aims to address these challenges by exploring additional "flexibilities" within the mandate potentially easing the path for manufacturers while maintaining progress toward decarbonisation goals

Santra Saju
Urfan Sharif Beinash Batool and Faisal Malik

Celebrating the legacy of D R


During his time at Cambridge, he developed an awareness of the transformative power of politics in shaping human affairs, a perspective largely shaped by his influential teachers, British economist Joan Robinson and Hungarianborn British economist Nicholas Kaldor, who also served as an advisor to the UK Labour government

Later, he secured another scholarship to Nuffield College, Oxford, where he completed his doctorate in 1962 Even then, Singh was a visionary, critiquing India’s protectionist economic policies in his 1964 book ‘India’s Export Trends and Prospects for SelfSustained Growth’

Dr Singh, known for his signature blue turban, once revealed the inspiration behind the colour in a speech, attributing it to his alma mater, the University of Cambridge The connection came to light in 2006 when Prince Philip, Chancellor of Cambridge, noted the distinct blue of Singh’s turban while awarding him an honorary Doctorate of Law

“Blue is one of my favourites and often seen on my head,” Singh remarked with a smile, explaining how the light blue hue symbolised his

tion owes much to the vision and leadership of Manmohan Singh Under IMF-imposed conditions, Singh implemented sweeping reforms, including liberalisation, privatisation, and opening the economy to foreign investment He cut import taxes, privatised public sector companies, and transitioned India from a socialist to a market-driven economy, stabilising inflation and achieving high growth rates

In 2004, Dr Manmohan Singh became India’s first Sikh Prime Minister, cho-

fond memories of Cambridge His peers had even nicknamed him “Blue Turban,” a moniker that stayed with him long after his academic years Singh cherished these memories deeply, with the colour serving as a tribute to the institution that shaped him

Manmohan Singh's political journey began in 1991 as India's finance minister, a role he reportedly hesitated to accept, uncertain of Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao’s intentions At the time, India’s economy was mired in inefficiency, excessive regulation, and protectionism, with bureaucrats stifling enterprise and growth

Today, India stands as a dynamic, entrepreneurial, and globalised economy with a thriving business culture engaging the world on its own terms This extraordinary transforma-

New project to help migrants report abuse

A new initi ative has been launched in L ondon to h elp m i gra nts w i th “ i n se cu r e ” imm igratio n statuses report abu se and e xplo itati o n to authorities w ithou t the fear of th eir personal info rmation being sh ared with the Home Office

The two-year research project, led by the Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX) charity, has received £50,000 in funding from Mayor Sadiq Khan The ‘ secure reporting’ scheme is part of a broader £1 1m investment by City Hall to support migrants, refugees,

The village of Gah in Pakistan’s Punjab province, Manmohan Singh’s birthplace, observed a period of mourning for its most famous son Congress MP Shashi Tharoor expressed deep sorrow, recalling their close association dating back to Singh’s time at the United Nations “He, along with Sonia Gandhi, brought me into politics It’s heartbreaking that he’s no longer with us, ” Tharoor said He praised Singh’s leadership during India’s economic crisis, emphasising the success of his reforms Reflecting on Dr Singh’s 2014 words, "I honestly believe that history will be kinder to me than the contemporary media or the Opposition," Tharoor added, “Just ten years later, he is already being proven right ”

Even in his ailing con-

sen by Congress President Sonia Gandhi after she declined the role His 10year tenure saw landmark legislation, including MGNREGA, the RTI Act, the Food Security Act, the Forest Rights Act, and the Right to Education Act Under his leadership, India achieved its highest GDP growth of 9% in 2007 and became the world’s second fastest-growing economy Tributes poured in from around the world following the passing of Dr Manmohan Singh, with global leaders such as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, and many others offering their condolences Leaders from countries including the US, Canada, Afghanistan, and Russia also mourned the loss of the former Prime Minister

dition, Dr Manmohan Singh never missed a Parliamentary session In August 2023, he attended a Rajya Sabha session in a wheelchair to participate in the discussion on the "Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2023," which later became law, shifting control over Delhi's bureaucracy from the Aam Aadmi Party-led government

He also appeared in a wheelchair during the Winter Session of Parliament in December 2023 When Singh concluded his 33-year tenure in the Rajya Sabha in 2024, he received heartfelt praise from his successor, Modi

In tribute, Modi declared a week of mourning and a state funeral to honour Singh's enduring legacy

and asylum seekers in London

This initiative follows a promise made in Khan’s reelection manifesto earlier this year to protect migrant workers from exploitation and uphold their rights Research commissioned by City Hall last year highlighted that many migrant workers in London face bullying, discrimination, and issues with pay, including delays or non-payment Sexual harassment, particularly among women in the cleaning, care, and hospitality sectors, was also identified

as a widespread issue

FLEX aims to use this funding to better understand the barriers victims face when reporting crimes and interacting with services in London The research will involve focus groups and interviews with community organisations that assist migrant crime victims By the end of the project, FLEX hopes to create a practical framework for secure reporting and collaborate with various Londonbased partners to make it an established policy

Anita Rani accused of faking £850k home hunt on escape to the country

Coun tryf il e star Ani ta R ani , 47, has faced criticism from fans for allegedly "fak ing" her in terest in buyi ng a new home S he app ear ed on ‘ Cel eb r i ty Escape to the Country’ look ing f or a pr op ert y away fr om Hack n ey af ter h er m arri ag e split

Anita Rani explained her desire for a change, saying, "I have this urge to be somewhere different " On ‘Celebrity Escape to the Country’, she toured impressive properties in Hastings and Rye, finding a converted Scout Hut in Dungeness she loved However, when told the £850k price, her enthusiasm faded, leading viewers to accuse her

of faking her interest for the cameras

One viewer wrote, “There’s no way Anita Rani is genuinely interested in any of these homes It’s all for the show The fake enthusiasm is nauseating ” Another mocked her, commenting, “Great great great let’s buy it Well, what do you think?

Mmm maybe none of them?” A third added, “I’ve got a budget of £875k The house of her dreams is £875k I don’t know if I can afford it ” Anita was married to tech entrepreneur Bhupi for 14 years after they met at a London warehouse party and bonded over their love of music

They wed in a three-day Indian ceremony in 2009, which Anita called "bonkers," with 450 guests in Bradford Following their split, she described being single as "uncharted territory " With their busy careers contributing to the breakup, Anita moved back into her London flat, purchased 20 years ago

Anita Rani
Narendra Modi pays last respects to former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh at Nigam Bodh Ghat
King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck pays tribute to Dr Manmohan Singh
Tony Blair with Dr Manmohan Singh David Cameron with Dr Manmohan Singh

Over time, human needs and necessities have evolved significantly Today, wealth plays a crucial role in survival, providing access to essential resources such as food, shelter, healthcare and education In modern society financial status is often seen as a key to measure success, influencing not only personal opportunities but also social perception, power and influence.

The foundation of a prosperous civilisation is rooted in the wealth and the act of wealth creation is not just important but essential It is a cornerstone of societal growth and individual progress When earned rightfully, wealth serves as a powerful tool, empowering individuals to live fulfilling lives, support their families, celebrate milestones, and most significantly, contribute to the welfare of others and engage in philanthropy

However, the pursuit of wealth must be guided by ethics and responsibility It should not only serve personal desires but also be directed towards creating a positive impact in the community True prosperity lies in using wealth to foster happiness, justice and collective progress, ensuring a balance between self-interest and community welfare

This philosophy aligns with Acharya Chanakya's teachings in Kautilya’s Arthashastra, which highlights the elements that shape human society

Wealth, philanthropy and ethical leadership key to a better future

Rising success often risks downfall through arrogance or hypocrisy While selfcontrol is vital, its effectiveness depends on context and integrity must balance personal, professional and public dimensions: Ethical conduct and self-awareness in private life, accountability and fairness in professional duties, transparency and acting for the greater good By mastering Indriyajaya and integrating these dimensions, leaders build trust and resilience, ensuring sustainable governance

Ethical wealth creators, important for a community

Chanakya’s wisdom is a timeless reminder that wealth is not just for personal enjoyment but also for contributing to the welfare of others Ethical wealth creators and disciplined leaders are essential to building a community where governance, prosperity and morality come together to ensure sustainable happiness for all

In the human heart, there is always a soft spot for helping those in need and money plays a crucial role in turning that compassion into action In the United States, philanthropy reached over $550 billion last year However, this figure excludes contributions made for political gain or influence, such as the case of tech giant Elon Musk, who reportedly spent around $274 million during President Trump’s election campaign This was not philanthropy but an investment, which he has recouped manifold as his wealth surged by over $400 billion through his three companies Interestingly, even critics of Musk’s acquisition of Twitter (now X com) are now eager to align with him, reflecting his dominance in the market

Sukhasya Moolam Dharma : The root of happiness lies in dharma (righteousness)

Dharmasya Moolam Artha : The foundation of righteousness is artha (wealth) Arthasya Moolam Rajya : The root of wealth is rajya (governance) A wellgoverned society paves the way for prosperity by nurturing trust, security and opportunity Rajyasya Moolam Indriyajaya : The foundation of governance is Indriyajaya (self-control or victory over the senses) Self-control fosters integrity, a critical quality in governance that inspires confidence and leads to effective administration.

SFO charges two Axiom Ince partners, three executives

Pragnes h Modhwadia, C EO of Axiom Inc e, an d s oli citor Shyam M istry, along wi th three senior s taff mem bers, have been c harge d by the Serious Fraud Of fice (SFO) with a ran ge of of fences , i ncluding f ra ud, forgery, an d the destruction of docum ents

These charges stem from the collapse of the firm last year and the alleged improper use of over £60m of client funds

The SFO launched its investigation 15 months ago, making it one of the agency s quickest cases to

lead to criminal charges In November 2023, the SFO arrested seven individuals and conducted dawn raids at nine locations Modhwadia, who is the sole owner of Axiom Ince, and chief financial officer Muhammad Ali have been charged with two counts of fraud by abuse of position

They are accused of misusing client funds, which allegedly exposed thousands of the firm's clients to financial losses

Mistry, who was a director and head of personal injury and medical negligence, is also

Philanthropy should be driven by genuine compassion and the desire to make a difference, not by personal financial gain True philanthropy is pure and selfless, without any expectations in return Significance of community support

In the UK, the importance of community support extends to the media too One prominent media house with a significant corpus funds received millions in donations annually from readers and benefactors, emphasising the need for independent journalism in a democratic society

Indian philanthropists, including Shiv Nadar, Azim Premji, Ratan Tata, Mukesh Ambani, the Bajaj family, Kumar Mangalam Birla, Gautam Adani, Nandan Nilekani, Krishna Chivukula, Anil Agarwal, and others, have significantly contributed to the nation’s development and community welfare Their efforts have transformed lives and supported key sectors such as education, healthcare and rural development All these organisations and many individuals, have improved lives and driven positive changes, setting powerful example for future generations while also helping to build a better tomorrow

However, philanthropy also has its own issues and challenges In both India and the UK, some billionaires boast about their

G am

facing charges Along with Modhwadia, chief technology officer Rupesh Karawadra, and vicepresident of IT Jayesh Anjaria, Mistry is accused of conspiring to conceal, destroy, or dispose of documents relevant to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) investigation into the firm

All five defendants are charged with conspiring to mislead the SRA using false documents They are scheduled to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 15 January to face the charges

generosity, while their contributions mostly amount to mere tokens, compared to their immense wealth!

The Indian community in the UK, have been at the forefront of philanthropic initiatives Their active participation extends beyond just supporting charitable causes; they have made remarkable contributions to the social and cultural development Additionally, their economic contributions have significantly bolstered the UK's growth, showcasing the community's dedication to both their heritage and their adopted homeland Both myself and ABPL have been fortunate to play a small role in supporting and contributing to a range of social and welfare causes in both the UK and India through our Karma Yoga Foundation Through these efforts, we have aimed to make a positive impact on the communities we serve, working towards creating lasting change and improving lives

In the book No Full Stops in India, Sir William Mark Tully, KBE, a British journalist and former BBC Bureau Chief in New Delhi, highlights the deep-rooted tradition of communal support in rural India He observes that in these close-knit communities, when someone faces hardship or hunger, neighbours and community members step in quietly, offering food or financial support without hesitation This tradition of silently sharing what one has, whether its food, money or other resources, is deeply embedded in our Indian culture Across the world, individuals and organisations are known to continue to uphold this legacy, proving that generosity, when guided by sincerity and purpose, has the power to create lasting changes!

NHS reports doubling of gambling addiction cases

have doubled over the past year, w ith doctors linking the rise to predatory firms using “free Christmas bets” to lure individuals

The NHS has condemned the online betting industry for leaving mental health services to deal with the devastating impact on lives

In the past six months, 1,914 patients have been referred to NHS gambling addiction clinics in England, a sharp rise from 836 during the same period in 2023 The clinics are largely filled with young men addicted to online sports betting, many of whom face severe debts and suicidal thoughts Claire Murdoch, NHS national director for mental health, stated: “The NHS cannot bear the sole burden of addressing the harm caused by companies fueling addiction These firms must

seriously consider the human cost behind their profits

“Addiction is a devastating disease that can consume and destroy lives NHS England has nearly doubled the number of specialist clinics in the past year, so if you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, please seek help ” Boxing Day creates a “perfect storm” for harmful gambling, with major sports events like big horseracing fixtures and eight Premier League matches Popular betting firms exploit the occasion by offering free bets and “Christmas bonuses ” with extra winnings to lure gamblers Claire Murdoch

CB Patel

INS Tushil hosts Indian diaspora, local community in London

INS Tu sh il, the latest ad di-

ti o n to th e Ind i an Na v y's fleet, made its first port call to L ond on on Decem ber 21 as part of its m aid en operational deploym ent

Commodore Sanjay Pote

The ship was open to visitors, with many taking the opportunity to engage with the crew INS Tushil, commis-

During the visit, Commodore R Bellfield, Naval Regional Commander (NRC LEE), met with Captain Peter Varghese, Commanding Officer of INS Tushil, to discuss areas of mutual interest The Indian Navy shared details of the visit on X, highlighting the engagement between the two officers and the ship's role in strengthening ties

INS Tushil also welcomed members of the Indian diaspora and local community during its port call Among the visitors were India's Deputy High Commissioner to the UK, Sujit Ghosh, and

sioned on December 9 in a ceremony attended by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, is a multi-role stealthguided missile frigate It is the seventh ship in the Krivak III class of Project 1135 6 and is part of an upgraded series, with six ships already in service The ship's construction was closely monitored by Indian specialists stationed at Kaliningrad, Russia

This visit follows the second India-UK 2+2 Foreign and Defence Dialogue held in New Delhi on December 3, underscoring the growing defence cooperation between the two nations

Minister warns after British Sikhs report harassment

T h e U K g o v ern m en t h as firmly stated that it w ill not tolerate attemp ts by foreig n n ati o n s t o i n ti m i d at e o r h arass British citizens

This declaration follows complaints from British Sikhs who claim they have been targeted by or on behalf of the Indian government Dan Jarvis, the security minister, wrote to the Sikh Federation addressing concerns that some individuals have been stopped at UK airports and questioned about their views on India

In his letter, Jarvis also called on the Indian government to cooperate with Canadian authorities investigating the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh activist based in Canada, whose death is suspected to involve the Indian government He emphasised the UK’s commitment to ensuring the safety of its citizens, saying, “We do not tolerate

High Court fatwa ruling sparks concerns over sharia courts

A British sh aria council gained recognitio n fro m th e Hig h Cou rt w hen a judge relied on one of its fatwas to make a decision in a case

The Islamic Council, founded by hardline preacher Haitham alHaddad, issued a religious ruling forbidding a health trust from allowing a braindamaged child to die Secular campaigners argued that using fatwas in civil courts undermines liberal democracy

An investigation by The Times revealed that Britain has become a hub for sharia councils, also known as sharia courts Al-Haddad's council, which handles 900 cases annually, has expanded to Germany and North America He chairs

its fatwa committee, which issued a ruling in a case involving Tafida Raqeeb, a five-year-old suffering from irreversible brain damage

The child’s doctors at Barts Health NHS Trust in London recommended withdrawing treatment, which would have led to her death

However, her

Bangladeshi parents obtained a fatwa from the Islamic Council of Europe (now known as the Islamic Council) in 2019, which declared it “absolutely impermissible” to allow the removal of her life-support machine, describing it as a “great sin ” In the High Court, Justice Macdonald noted that the parents had presented a fatwa from the council and observed that continuing treatment was in line with the child’s religious upbringing Raqeeb was later flown to Italy for treatment in a Vatican-owned hospital Stephen Evans, CEO of the National Secular Society, condemned the use of fatwas in English courts, warning that it could erode

secular law and the liberal values of UK society AlHaddad’s council described the case as a “landmark” decision, emphasising the ethical and religious significance of the fatwa, which he said sought to protect the child's life while respecting Islamic principles

The ruling raised concerns among critics, including feminist writer Rahila Gupta, who questioned whether religious families were being given special treatment Al-Haddad's views on women have been criticised by Dame Sara Khan, former counterextremism commissioner, who branded them misogynistic

intimidation or threats to life any attempt by any foreign power to intimidate or harm individuals in the UK will not be tolerated ” Jarvis further expressed confidence in Canada’s judicial system and urged all nations, including India, to respect sovereignty and cooperate with the ongoing legal process Sikh community leaders have raised concerns about an increase in airport stops under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, where British Sikhs are being questioned on their beliefs about Sikhism, the partition of India, and the death of Nijjar

Recently, Labour MP Preet Gill also voiced her concerns to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper regarding the treatment of returning British Sikhs, highlighting growing anxiety about their fair treatment

Tafida Raqeeb
Cdre Rob Bellfield, Naval Regional Commander paid a visit onboard INS Tushil & interacted with Capt Peter Varghese, Commanding Officer
The Indian diaspora on board INS Tushil

AFH’s Christmas fundraiser secures £35k for tribal weddings

A sian Foundat ion for Help has been t ir elessly wor king t o r ai se fu nd s fo r w o r t h y causes all r ound the world for near ly 40 years now

The Charity is privileged to have been associated with the Samuh Lagna Project in D h a r a m p u

, n e a r V a l s a d jointly run with Lions Club of Kingsbury annually since 2007

F u n d s a r e r a i s e d b y arranging a Christmas Eve musical evening This year ’ s event was held at the Blue r o o m

n H a

o w w

t h a n attendance of over 200 and funds in excess of £35,000 were raised to facilitate one hundred eleven couples to get married These couples from the tribal regions are m a r r i e d w i t h f u l l H

n d u Sanskar and given the basic household items like clothi n


e n utensils etc to start their wedded life together on a firm footing Vinoo Kotecha, a Trustee of AFH explained the concept and importance of Samuh Lagna to all

A cheque for £13,500 was also presented at the event to C a n c e r R e s e a r c h U K , t h e proceeds of a fund raiser car-

ried out in Sept, 2024

Ketan Mehta on behalf of AFH thanked all donors for their generous support This year the charity successfully r

£400,000 for various causes

patients, Kisumu Eye hospit

, A

midday meals for UK children), Cow protection as well as an ECG machine for the Endocrinology Department at Northwick Park Hospital

This year also marked the completion of two years of “Project Sadavrat” at SGVP Ahmedabad where over 500 free meals are served daily to the poor and needy

12 00

Subhash V Thakrar honoured at Buckingham Palace with OBE

A prominent figure in the bu siness world, Subhash V Thakrar was honoured with an Officer of the Order of the Briti sh Empire (OBE) fo r his ou tstanding services to bu siness and investment i n Afri ca The prestigi ous acco lade was conferred on Wednesday, 18th December, at Buckingham Palace by Princess Royal

fostering trade relations between the UK and Africa

During his tenure, he led several trade missions to Africa, promoting collaboration and investment opportunities between the two continents Thakrar’s efforts also saw him joining trade missions with UK Prime Ministers Tony Blair,

A former Chairman of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Thakrar has long been a driving force behind

The Institute of Directors, India celebrates corporate excellence

The In sti tu

I n d i a , r e c e i v e d t h e I O D

D i s t i n g u i s h e d F e l l o w s h i p

2024 for visionary contributions, while Mr B V R Mohan Reddy, Founder Chairman of Cyient Technology, was hono u r e d w i t h t h e B u s i n e s s

L e a d e r s h i p A w a r d T h e

Rewiring Habits: Harnessing the Power of Neurons for Positive Change in 2025

"Board’s Str ategy for


ategies to navigate glob al cha lle nges

David Cameron, and Boris Johnson to India, further solidifying his role as a key player in international business diplomacy

Thakrar's dedication to fostering global business connections earned him further recognition in 2021, when he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales

At the ceremony, Thakrar was accompanied by his wife Rekha, son Ravi, daughter Kavita, and granddaughter Suri

IDEAL Award recognised Mr S a d a f S a y e e d , C E O o f Muthoot Microfin, and form e r U K M P M r V i

Sharma for ethical leadership and societal impact

Convention showcased inno-

Notable attendees included Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP, who unveiled the ‘IOD Convention Souvenir 2024 ’ , Baroness Verma, who delivered the welcome address,

Distinguished speakers like Dr Vivek Lall, Rt Hon Lord H

challenges, corporate governance, and sustainability

prestigious awards Mr Mohit Burman, Chairman of Dabur

Economic Affairs, highlighted the significance of the UKI

"With the 2030 roadmap, we are strengthening the UKIndia relationship, creating a more vibrant and prosperous future The government is committed to deepening this partnership and driving econ


Tristar Group's Sustainability Report launch, AI governance talks, and the Global Business Meet at the House of Lords Closing the event, Manoj K

Solidarity rally for Bangladeshi Hindus in Britain

A p ro tes t r es on ati ng w it h th e sou nd of co nch shells and traditional prayers was or gan i se d b y N o rth We st Bengali S anatanis, a traditional Hindu commu nity in Britain The dem onstrators gath

Ban gla des h E

n Man ch e st er and Birmingham, demanding an

H i n d u s i n B a n g l a d e s h , including violence, temple d e s t r u c t i o n , a n d f a l s e c h a r g e s a g a i n s t C h i n m o y Krishna Das Prabhu, a nonv i o l e n t l e a d e r a n d s p o k e s p e r


The protest was charged with passion as slogans like "

end to

and the release of Chinmoy

Krishna Das Prabhu

On Thursday, December

Bangladeshi traditional community from

and Rochdale convened in


end to the persecution of

It is often said th at learning is a lifelong jou rney E ach day and ev ery exper ience o ffers new lessons Yet, ho w often do we pause to understand th e int ricate mechanisms th at g overn learning within o ur bodies? The p rocess begins with neur ons, specialized cel ls that receive input s from the external world and r elay them to th e brain, wh ere th ey are processed and stor ed Over time, with repetit ion, neur ons adapt, bypassing t he brain’s conscious pro cessing and responding automatically This p heno menon underlies habit for mation Better h abits can make ou r lives more successful and meaningfu l Keeping th is in mind, let's try to change ou r habits, and neuron networks, to make the year mor e su ccessfu l fo r o urselv es.

Let's first understand the basics Canadian psychologist Donald Hebb famously summarized this process when he said in 1949 that, “ neurons that fire together, wire together ” His research demonstrated that groups of neurons coordinate to perform specific actions, a principle extremely relevant to the formation of habits H a b

actions performed without conscious deliberation For instance, the urge to smoke is rarely weighed for its merits or consequences; it’s an automatic act driven by a neural network conditioned to respond in a specific way The neurons associated with this habit “fire together” to create a seamless, habitual response

This understanding of neural networks is now being used beyond biology, influencing the field of artificial intelligence (AI) Nobel laureates of this year in physics, John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton, drew their inspiration from these networks to develop artificial neural networks, which are foundational to machine learning These networks enable computers to learn patterns and behaviours without explicit programming, mimicking the brain’s ability to form habits

With this knowledge, we realize that our brains can be trained If neurons can form networks that drive automatic behaviours, why not harness this capability to cultivate positive habits? Imagine replacing the automaticity of smoking with the habit of drinking water, swapping binge-watching with voracious reading, or training ourselves to pause and smile instead of reacting impulsively

The beauty of this transformation lies in its simplicity We don’t need an advanced degree in neuroscience to rewire our habits Instead, by consciously changing our actions and feeding our neurons with new, positive inputs, we can reshape their networks - wire them Over time, these new behaviours become ingrained, forming beneficial habits - making them fire together

Start small Identify one habit you wish to change, and consciously practice the new behaviour repeatedly With persistence, your neurons will rewire, and your actions will follow suit The science of change can be within our grasp ready to transform not just your habits but your life in this new year

(Expressed opinions are personal)

Upcoming events at The Bhavan

and "We

Prabhu" echoed through the streets Leaders highlighted

England The rally concluded with a memorandum subm

Bangladesh’s Chief Advisor,

address the protesters’ eightpoint demands

u Join Thamizhum Naanum' on Saturday, 15th February at 6:00 PM, presented by Blue Feather Studios This celebrated Carnatic music experience, led by renowned vocalist Sanjay Subrahmanyan, showcases Tamil Krithis Since its 2018 launch, the concert has captivated audiences with sold-out shows in Chennai and Bangalore, as well as successful virtual performances

u Experience ‘YATRA - Annual Youth Festival’, presented by The Bhavan, on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd February, starting at 4:00 PM The much-awaited Annual Youth Festival returns in 2025, showcasing emerging Indian Classical music and dance talent from across the UK.

u The Bhavan invites you to celebrate Shivaratri on Wednesday, 26th February, starting at 7:00 PM Join for a spiritual evening featuring Vedic Pooja, chanting, and performances of music and dance by students, all dedicated to honouring Lord Shiva.

Mr Naren Sonchhatra (Kingsbury Lions club Sec) and Ketan Mehta ( Trustee - AFH)
Receiving the honour of the Order of British Empire (OBE) from Princess Royal on 18th December
Subhash Thakrar OBE accompanied with his wife, Rekha (right), son Ravi, daughter Kavita and granddaughter Suri
Protestors at the rally
Dignitaries at the event

Krish Raval OBE nominated for life peerage in the House of Lords

Krish Raval OBE, Chair of t he Labour Indians diaspora coa lition a nd a prominent a dvocate for interfaith harmony, has been nominated for a l ife peerage in the House of Lords UK

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer included Raval a mong 30 Labour Party political peerages, which al so features Sue Gray, his for mer chief of staff

The nomination citation highlights Raval s dedication to fostering leadership and supporting the British Indian diaspora It reads, “Krish Raval is the Founding Director of Faith in Leadership (FiL), which runs Britain’s longest-standing leadership development programme for faith communities at Windsor Castle He coordinates its extensive alumni network across various sectors and institutions, encouraging collaboration throughout Britain and beyond

“He was a Director of the Churchill Leadership Fellows, a national residency programme for young changemakers Beginning his career in the private sector in Los Angeles, Raval transitioned to working with young people to support mental wellbeing and later focused on leadership development, advising businesses on decentralised strategies for the digital age

“As Chair of Labour Indians, he supports the British Indian diaspora He has held fellowships at the James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership at the University of Maryland

and the University of Oxford He has led projects at the University of Cambridge and maintains an affiliation with Dev Sanskriti University, India In 2018, he was awarded an OBE for services to leadership education and interfaith cohesion ”

Championing Interfa ith Leadership In 2007, Raval founded Faith in Leadership to equip faith leaders with the skills to lead inter and intra-faith initiatives that benefit wider society The organisation emphasises the crucial role of faith communities in societal and economic progress, advocating leadership guided by faithdriven values to serve people of all cultural and religious backgrounds

Reacting to the nomination, Raval expressed his gratitude and outlined his vision, “May I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Prime Minister and the Labour family for their trust and confidence in nominating me as a peer I am deeply humbled and eagerly look forward to advancing our vision for a renewed and dynamic


“The guiding principle of seva the Dharmic ethos of selfless service instilled in me by my parents, inspires my dedication to fostering community cohesion and championing international collaboration I am deeply committed to promoting leadership and relationships that create pathways to mutual understanding and economic opportunity

“This nomination is a testament to the brilliance, strength, and constancy of diverse communities and individuals Together, we can contribute to a brighter, more unified future ” A Changing House of Lords

The independent House of Lords Appointments Commission (HOLAC) will now vet the nominations, after which the Prime Minister will formally recommend them to King Charles Once approved, the new members will receive Letters Patent from the King, enabling them to take their seat in the House of Lords

Labour’s new nominations will help close the gap with Conservative representation in the Upper House The current composition stands at 273 Conservatives, 187 Labour members, 78 Liberal Democrats, and 184 crossbench peers

In addition to Raval, six Conservative Party nominees include former Deputy Prime Minister Thérèse Coffey, while the Liberal Democrats have nominated two new peers

Nigel Farage claims Musk will help Reform UK beat Tories

Nigel Farage has suggested that Elon Musk co uld p lay a key role in helping Reform UK secure the youth vo te a nd p o ten ti al ly be at th e Co nservati ves i n th e next general election

Farage described Musk as "an absolute hero figure" for younger generations and believes the Tesla and social m

b e instrumental in connecting with youth voters His comments come amid speculat i o n a b o u t a s i g n i

financial contribution from Musk to the party

In an interview with The D a i l y T

highlighted Musk’s appeal, pointing to his distinctive s t y l e " t h e s h a

bomber jacket, the whole vibe" as a major factor in making Reform UK "cool" to younger audiences Farage

youth vote is crucial for the

Reform UK treasurer Nick Candy, Elon Musk and party leader Nigel Farage

"Reform only wins the next election if it gets the youth vote The youth vote is the

tance of attracting voters of all ages, he emphasised that a surge of enthusiasm from younger voters could transform the party's prospects He claimed Reform UK was already making inroads with young people, but Musk’s

103rd Birth Anniversary commemoration of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, London, UK

The 103rd birth annivers ary of H is H ol in


h Swami Maharaj was celebrated on 14 and 15 Decem ber 2

twice over the weekend, drew

Maharaj through vibrant cu ltural performances,

with uplifting kirtans by chil-

dren, highlighting the noble virtues of Pramukh Swami Maharaj This was followed by a video presentation show-

n s , along with video testimonies from world leaders attesting to his widespread impact The theme, ‘Rediscover-

Maharaj,’ focused on personal observations and experie n c

Mahant Swami Maharaj, as detailed in his book, ‘Jeva me

nesses and

influence would make their efforts much easier

Rumours have circulated about a potential donation of up to $100 million from Musk to Reform UK, with Farage confirming discussions took place during a visit to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida He assured that any financial contribu-

Yogvivekdas Swami, Head Swami of Neasden Temple addressing the gathering, speaking on the noble virtues of Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Children performing kirtans
Krish Raval OBE

Impact of gambling on youngsters

The alarming rise in gambling addiction reported by the NHS demands urgent attention, particularly regarding its impact on our youth Today’s digital era has made gambling dangerously accessible, exposing even school-going students to online betting through their smartphones These platforms, combined with aggressive advertising, directly or indirectly target youngsters In the lure to make easy and quick money youngsters fall prey to such platforms

Initially, these platforms lure users with easy wins, fostering addiction Over time, as they start losing, the urge to recover their losses drives them deeper into gambling web, that ultimately benefits only the gambling industry

A distressing example comes from my own neighbourhood A young boy gained access to his mother’s credit card and used it for online gambling His parents only discovered the issue after noticing unusual transactions over ten days It was only then that he admitted to what had happened, leaving his family shocked and distressed

The consequences of gambling addiction for youngsters are severe It can lead to academic decline, mental health struggles such as anxiety and depression and strained family relationships This issue requires immediate action Stricter regulations on gambling advertisements, comprehensive education in schools about the risks and improved access to mental health support are essential steps

Parents and educators must remain vigilant, monitoring and guiding children to prevent them from falling victim to these harmful practices

The American story: MAGA & gun culture

Unnecessary arguments and inappropriate controversies have long been shrouding the United States of America [USA] for no fault Personally and proudly speaking, I have been a great lover/supporter of America since my school and college days in the 1990s in Tuticorin and Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu The USA has long been a great source of inspiration in all spheres of life

Just remember the Chicago speech given by the worldfamous disciple Swami Vivekananda – the world still remembers this great occasion Such great things as Vivekananda’s speech occurred only in America The Vivekananda Rock Memorial is a famous tourist spot in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, and I fondly remember the great days of Vivekananda’s teachings in my native areas like Tuticorin, Tirunelveli, and Kanyakumari in the 1990s These inspiring stories should have originated from the USA in the form of Vivekananda

It is perhaps time to literally display placards like "Don’t confuse America, don’t kill USA" across America The USA is the energy machine in the world today, and the international community should support America in the best interests of all countries The USA has been the hub of beauty, knowledge, inspiration, agriculture, science, big people, powerful technology, and Hollywood It is time for others to support and strengthen America

Being at the helm of the world’s richest country, Trump should be cautious while dealing with tech companies like Google America has been home to great technological advances, and people like Bill Gates and companies like Microsoft originated from America The USA is a sweet word when it comes to world technology I remember being inspired by Bill Gates in 1999, when I began my Master's in computer applications in Tamil Nadu

Technology has transformed the world in significant ways, and America should not harm its wealth and prosperity by cracking down on tech giants like Google Support for these companies will benefit the entire world

Regarding the frequent shooting incidents in America, the Donald Trump government cannot immediately stop the gun culture, but there are ways to do so Various reasons, including social factors like jobs and immigration policy, are being attributed to these incidents Trump should be cautious in his actions regarding gun violence and focus on cultivating responsibility among American youth The American educational system should instil a sense of responsibility in students, which will eventually lead America to a new path With attention to social issues, America can shift from its current difficult situation to a calmer, more beautiful environment

It may be recalled that the September 11 attacks in 2001 inflicted heavy casualties on the US As a college student then, I was shocked after reading the news in my native district of Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu The world knows how America emerged stronger from the September 11 attacks, tackling the perpetrators due to strict vigilance and strong strategies by previous US governments President Donald Trump should explore the past records and achievements of his predecessors and take action against the gun culture

During my time as a young professional in Hyderabad between 2005 and 2010, I encountered many incidents, including the 2007 Hyderabad bomb blast, which I shared with friends and family in Tuticorin

The media worldwide should create greater impacts through sensible coverage of incidents like terror attacks or climate change

A turning point for Chhattisgarh

“Give up arms or face the brunt: Amit Shah tells Maoist in Chhattisgarh” as reported in AV dated 21-27 December 2024 shows a clear-cut mindset that the government is not interested in any disturbances in India The government is tackl

Bangladesh as well as Pakistan just to name a few Peace and progress will go together A handful of people should not be allowed to take the region for a ride They must be dealt with firmly Successive governments might not have done enough to support their rehabilitation The present government is interested in peaceful resolutions for the outstanding issues so that the state can progress and exceed the expectations of the youth

When the government is offering a generous package for rehabilitation, Maoists should accept it and join the mainstream and contribute to the economic growth of Chhattisgarh

Peaceful negation is acceptable but killing innocent people, damaging public property or inculcating fear into the minds of the general public should not be accepted or tolerated Chhattisgarh as a region has abundant resources to offer to the tourism and manufacturing industry, the state has to harness its full potential for the benefit of its people

A legacy of heritage and hope

Just read the lovely article titled "A Journey of Legacy, Heritage, and Progress in Asian Voice (21–27 December 2025)

It's such a balanced and thoughtful write-up, beautifully covering several important aspects of life something we only experience once on this beautiful green planet of ours CB Patel has highlighted a brighter future for humanity, both here in the UK and in India It’s inspiring to see how India, after 75 years, continues on an upward trajectory

Minister, Shri Narendra Modi

We are incredibly proud of the incredible popularity and

Congratulations, and wishing you a Merry Christmas, a very Happy New Year, and continued excellent health

We’ll be in India from 28 December 2024 to 15 March 2025 and will miss Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar during that time

Vinoo & Shakoo Vadgam a

Dear Readers, As we step into a brand New Year we invite you to share your personal goals dreams and reflections

Whether it’s about improving your health boosting y

exciting travels or any other target, tell us about the aspirations you are chasing in 2025

• Also, looking back, what’s one mistake or regret from the past years that you have learned from and want to share?

By opening up about your goals and experiences, you may inspire others to take charge of their journeys Write to us at support@abplgroup com Selected entries will be featured in our upcoming editions

This year is a blank slate, let’s fill it together with positivity, ambition and shared wisdom

Ed u c a ti o n Se c r e t a ry

B r i dg e t P h i l li ps o n ha s called tax exemptions for pri vate sc hools "a luxury we cannot afford" ahead of the polic y's im plem entation

S h e e m p h a s i s e d t h a t very few families would be pushed out of the private sector as a result of the changes, which will revoke t h e c h a r i t a b l e s t a t u s o f i n d e p e n d e n t s c h o o l s

D e f e n d i n g t h e p o l i c y ,

E d

Bridget Phillipson argued it has support from middlec l a s s p a r e n t s w h o h a v e already been "priced out" of the private sector

She stated that the polic y , w h i c h r e v o k

s t a x breaks for private schools, w o u l d p r i o r i t i s e

Remembering Barbara Ann Wouhra

Ba r ba

, wife of Dr Tony Deep

Wo u h ra M B E D L , c o -

Ch airm an o


d away on 25th December, aged 79, aft er a yearl o ng ba


y mph om a, su rrou nd ed by her loving family Barbara’s role in East End Foods journey was p i v o t a l W h e n s h e m e t

her husband in the early 1960s, he was an immigrant with just £3, searching for work in the UK It was Barbara who introduced him to Pat Austin, whose farm of 800 hens provided stock for Tony to sell eggs door to door This was the start of East End Foods in the early 1970s Barbara played an integral role in the company ’ s early days, chop-

Born: 29th February 2024

Demise: 18th December 2024

Riaan Gopal, born on Leap Day and World Rare Disease Awareness Day, passed away battling one of the rarest genetic mutations in the world

Despite his short life, Riaan showed extraordinary strength, fighting valiantly against overwhelming odds His name, meaning little King, reflected his courage and the love he inspired in all who knew him

Honouring his life, Riaan’s parents said, “As parents of a terminally ill child, we learned the deepest form of love one that cherishes every moment, every touch, every breath Riaan, in his quiet presence, taught us the true meaning of vulnerability and unconditional love Although mito disease prevented us from experiencing life's ordinary moments, Riaan’s s p i r i t f i l

strength, and gratitude

Riaan’s life, though brief, was rich with purpose and love, and his impact on our lives will never fade

He was deeply loved, not only by his family but by a community whose hearts he touched

ping chickens and managing tills at the wholesale cash and carries

y Council warned that par-

afford private schools may struggle to find places for t h e i r c

, a s m a n y local schools do not accept Year 10 and 11 transfers T h

Schools Council (ISC) criticised Labour's "tax on education," warning it could s

lead to higher costs for the Treasury

n v e s tment in state schools to raise standards "Tax breaks for private schools are a luxury we cannot afford," she said, adding that the focus should be on improv-

B a r b a r a ’ s l i f e w a s m a r k e d b y m a n y m i l es t o n e s , i n c l u d i n g b e i n g one of the first English women to marry at the Guru Nanak Gurdwara in S m e t h w i c k i n 1 9 6 7 , a groundbreaking moment for its time Her love and d e d i c a t i o n t o f a m i l y , business, and community will be remembered by all who knew her

Family devastated after hospital violates Sikh beliefs

A family has expressed their devastation after a major hospital in west London violated the religious beliefs of a 91-year-old Sikh man by cutting his beard without their consent The incident occurred during a routine sponge bath while the elderly patient, who had recently suffered a mini-stroke, was in a vulnerable state The stroke had left him unable to communicate effectively or fully comprehend his surroundings, according to his family

A west London hospital has apologised for a "genuine mistake" after cutting the beard of a 91-year-old Sikh man during a sponge bath, violating Sikh beliefs that consider hair sacred Keisha Sethi, a family member, said she was "gobsmacked," describing her aunt in tears and her father "frustrated " She added her grandfather would be "furious" if he could react The man, hospitalised for four weeks, is visited by family daily Noting that the man had kept his uncut hair for over 90 years The family had refused permission to trim his beard but were told it was cut to remove food while they were outside the room

Hitesh Hingu
Barbara Ann Wouhra withson Roger Wouhra



Preet Chandi strives for solo North Pole record

South Pole in January 2022,

days and becoming the first woman of colour to complete a solo expedition to Antarctica A year later, she shattered the record for the

polar ski journey, skiing up to 15 hours a day on as little as five hours of sleep


stone) of kit and supplies, s

and temperatures as low as30 C, completing 922 miles in 70 days surpassing the previous record of 907 miles


Colonel Henry Worsley in 2015 Now, Chandi is training to become the first woman to travel solo and unsupported to the North Pole

Her journey, starting from Canada, will involve navigating treacherous sea ice, crossing open water, scaling

r o u g h i c e , a n d e n d u r i n g t e m p e r a t u r e s a s l o w a s -

50°C “Currently, no female

h a s t r a v e l l e d s o l o t o t h e North Pole,” Chandi shared o n h e r f u n d r a i s i n g p a g e

“There’s a slim chance I’ll make it, but wouldn’t it be incredible if I did?”

The physiotherapist and former British Army medical officer, who served for 16 years and rose to the rank of



” Indian family initially misunderstood her ambitions “Some thought I was talking a b o u t S o u t h a l l , n o t t h e South Pole,” she joked

After receiving her MBE in 2023, Chandi remarked, “Wherever we start from, we c a n a c h i e v e a

Forte College in Derby, the P r i n c e s s o f W a l e s l a u d e d

Chandi’s achievements, say-

you ’ ve done, being on your own As humans, we ’ re meant to connect, and being by yourself that long is so challenging ”

Chandi plans to begin

h e r N o r t h P o l e t r e k i n March, weather permitting

“When I reached the South P


, I wrote: ‘I don’t want to just

want to smash it into a million pieces,’” she shared on her GoFundMe page “I’ve

push boundaries But I want to show others that no barrier is too small to overcome

endurance challenges began

District, sparking her passion for adventure She later took unpaid leave from the A

Antarctic expeditions and is currently on a career break


deployed to Nepal, Kenya, and South Sudan, where she o

endurance event, completing the full challenge while


Reflecting on her journey, Chandi said: “Anything ambitious can feel out of

come If a Punjabi girl from D

Antarctica, you can achieve anything

Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice, the leading newsweeklies, are seeking an enthusiastic and energetic individual with excellent communication skills, to help expand newspaper distribution across London and the UK, focusing on areas with a larger Asian community presence.

w Visit shops to introduce and promote the sale of our newspapers w Build strong relationships with shop owners and managers

If you are eager to take on this dynamic role and join us in building stronger connections with the community while broadening our readership, send in your details at: cb patel@abplgroup com or call us at:

Women doctors surpass men in the UK medical field

Th e UK medical profession is poised for a h istoric shift,

outnu mber

in the com

Medical Council (GMC)

In 2022, women made up 49% of licensed doctors,


The steady rise in female

medical workforce, driven by a 60% enrollment rate among female medical stu-

dents From 2019 to 2023, the number of female doctors grew significantly, particularly in Wales (26%) and England (23%) Meanwhile, male doctors are leaving the profession at higher rates, with 54% of departures in 2023 attributed to men

the growing diversity within the workforce, with ethnic minority doctors now outnumbering white doctors It also notes a surge in internationally trained doctors, contributing to the fastest growth in licensed doctors

since 2011, up 6% in one year

However, many of these doctors are on non-permanent contracts with limited training Despite these positive trends, the GMC warns of challenges, including a stable departure rate of 4% and an increasing number of doctors planning to work a

Australia Experts empha-

requires not just more doc-

support, and working conditions

80 women killed by men in the UK in 2024, campaigners warn

In 2024, approximately 80 w o m

n i n t h e UK w ere al le gedl y ki ll ed b y m en, acc ording to fi gures from th e c am p a ig n gr o u p Counting Dead Women

The data, shared with T h e I




w s that a man has been charged in connection with each of these deaths

Campaigners have also reported 11 additional cases in 2024 where women died u n d

s p i c i o u s c i r c u mstances, but no charges have b e e n f i l e d K a r e n I n g a l a

Smith, founder of Counting Dead Women, warned that the true toll is likely higher

She highlighted that there may be cases where women were killed in recent days b u t n o t y e t r e p o r t e d , o r where bodies haven't been found Smith emphasised that the death toll "will almost d e f i n i t e l y b e a n u n

count," as some incidents are underreported or missed in media coverage

Ms Ingala Smith highl i g h t e d f i g u r e s f r o m t h e

Femicide Census, which she launched, showing that on average, a woman is killed by a man every three days in the UK

She stressed, "Until society confronts the reality of m e n ' s v i o

often those who were


women celebrating the New Year will not live to see the next one "

Preet Chandi MBE

Anusha Singh

A s we welcome the New Year with hope and opt imism for 2025, it’s essent ial t o remember t hat for a significant por tion of the UK’s popu la t i on i t s eld e r ly ci t i zens , including those living wit h dement ia t h i s t i m e o f yea r c an be u niqu ely ch alleng ing W h ile t h e

h o lid ay seaso n is o ft en syno ny-

m o u s w it h j o y, r efl ect i o n, and ant icipation, for individuals with d ementia and their caregiv ers, it

m a y br i ng o ng o i ng c on fu si o n, e m ot i o nal d i s t r es s, an d s ens o r y ov erload , even aft er t he fest ivities have ended

For some families, this period may also mark the first time they notice significant behavioural or cognitive changes in a loved one signs that could point to dementia Caregivers also face increased stress during the holidays, as they balance the demands of caregiving with the expectations of the festive season

In the last two years, the Alzheimer’s Society has seen calls to its support line through January grow by 15%, a growing trend at this time of year since 2022 contributed to by ongoing activity to raise awareness of the importance of an early and accurate diagnosis and dispelling the common myth that dementia is just part of getting old K at e L ee, C h i ef Exe cu t i v e

O ff ic er fo r A l zh ei m er ’ s So c ie t y said, “Dementia is the UK’s biggest killer with the realities often played out behind closed doors With one in three people born today developing dementia, it has never been more crucial to shine a light on the condition and bring it out into the open ”

The challenges are particularly heightened for individuals from ethnic minority communities, are at a higher risk of developing dementia compared to the white population Cultural differences, systemic barriers, and the stigma surrounding dementia within these communities exacerbate the situation For Asian dementia patients, the festive period can be even more difficult due to the frequent and culturally significant festivals celebrated in their communities These celebrations often lead to disruptions in their routines, causing increased confusion, overstimulation, fatigue, and a heightened sense of alienation or stress during the festivities

It doesn’t help that policy frameworks designed to address the needs of dementia-affected communities in the UK have often fallen short in practice Dementia remains the country’s leading cause of death, yet a significant portion of those affected including many within the Asian community go undiagnosed This lack of diagnosis denies them access to vital care, support services, and opportunities to participate in research Studies show that individuals from BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) communities often face delays in receiving a dementia diagnosis and encounter barriers when attempting to access services

D r A s h v in i K esh av an, who leads a team working on nationwide trials to develop accurate and rapid blood tests for dementia diagnosis previously highlighted the disproportionate impact of the condition on South Asians Recent research indicates that South Asians are typically diagnosed at a younger age and survive for a

shorter period after diagnosis compared to White individuals, often presenting with more advanced illness at the time of diagnosis

Dr Keshavan explained, “The reasons for this disparity remain unclear, with multiple factors likely contributing However, addressing these inequalities in access to accurate diagnoses is crucial Blood tests could play a transformative role by extending diagnostic capabilities beyond academic centres, ensuring earlier access to appropriate care and support for underserved populations ”

A 2023 study by University College London (UCL) predicts that by 2040, up to 1 7 million individuals in England and Wales could be living with dementia a 40% increase from earlier estimates As of February 29, 2024, NHS data recorded 478,822 patients with a dementia diagnosis Among these, approximately 3% around 25,000 individuals were from BAME communities as of 2022 This number is expected to double by 2026, with South Asian communities experiencing the most significant growth

Loneliness is a problem too

The plight of elderly is not limited to those with Dementia, many senior citizens also face loneliness Age UK Charity has released some heartbreaking new statistics that highlight the growing issue of loneliness among older people during the festive season

According to the charity, 1 million older people report feeling more isolated at Christmas than at any other time of the year Furthermore, a quarter of those over 65 approximately 3 4 million people won't be putting up decorations this year On Christmas Day, 1 4 million older individuals will be eating their dinner alone, and for 2 million older people, Christmas feels like any other day, with little to no special significance

In addition to these troubling figures, Age UK has presented new evidence showing the harmful effects of loneliness on older people's health Loneliness has been linked to an acceleration of frailty and an increased risk of both physical and mental illnesses Research indicates that loneliness contributes to a 29% higher risk of coronary heart disease, a 32% increase in the risk of stroke, and a 25% rise in the risk of developing


dementia These findings underscore the urgent need to address the health implications of isolation in older adults

Kashmir a Jya, 64 is disabled and wheelchair bound She highlighted the loneliness faced by many seniors in a previous interview with Asian Voice stating, “Due to Covid19, which forced many people to live in isolation also had drastic effect on the older people Since then, many elderly individuals report increased loneliness, leading to poor mental health and selfcare

Rashmi Shah, 60, had emphasised that loneliness stems from various reasons such as not being able to go out or lack of company She said, “Social interactions are increasingly digital, and essential services like day centres and transportation options like Dial-a-Ride are being cut or poorly managed This leaves many feeling isolated, especially those who rely on public transport and community services

Even young people working from home experience loneliness due to the lack of in-person interactions More community support and accessible services are needed to address these challenges and improve social connections ”

Speaking about how financial pressures can be tough to stay connected with others, S h ar d ab en Shah, 80, had said, “Loneliness is a constant challenge, especially for those who can't go out Even staying connected by phone can be costly, with landline bills rising significantly Adding to that, expenses for TV, broadband, and heating are also increasing Many people struggle to afford basic utilities and entertainment because the costs keep climbing ”

The issue of loneliness is not confined to the elderly; it also significantly affects their carers

Millions of unpaid carers across the UK grapple with isolation, loneliness, and a lack of adequate support New research highlights that nearly three-quarters of carers have unmet support needs, revealing a growing crisis in the unpaid care sector

A study by Carers First, a charity advocating for unpaid carers, identifies several key challenges faced by carers, including balancing

employment, managing finances, and safeguarding their own wellbeing These pressures stem from the difficulty of juggling caregiving responsibilities with personal and professional commitments

The strain on the UK’s 5 7 million unpaid carers not only jeopardises their health but also impacts the well-being of those they care for The financial burden is particularly acute, with many carers experiencing income loss, reductions in benefits, and the strain of soaring living costs

Wint er fuel p ayment s to dampen the new year

Cuts to the winter fuel allowance could have profound implications for vulnerable elderly, including those living with dementia Government analysis indicates that this policy change could push an estimated 100,000 pensioners in England and Wales into relative fuel poverty, with 50,000 affected as early as this year and an additional 50,000 by the end of the decade This development has intensified criticism of measures outlined in Labour’s first budget, as concerns grow over the well-being of the elderly population

For dementia patients, the repercussions of these cuts are particularly severe People with dementia often struggle to regulate their body temperature, making them more susceptible to the adverse effects of cold weather A lack of adequate heating can exacerbate their symptoms and lead to more frequent hospital admissions Moreover, many dementia patients rely on consistent environmental stability to maintain a sense of comfort and familiarity; cold, unheated homes can amplify their confusion and distress The caregiving burden also increases in such scenarios

Critics argue that these cuts disproportionately affect those already struggling with the cost-

of-living crisis, with campaigners urging the government to reconsider, pointing to the heightened risks for individuals with health vulnerabilities like dementia Advocacy groups have called for targeted support, such as subsidies for heating costs and increased outreach to ensure that the elderly and those with chronic conditions are not left in the cold Back in September, when these cuts were proposed, Asian Voice spoke to care homes and elderly to understand the major problems they will be facing J oan na Young, Chie f Exec utive at Ci tizens Advic e North Lanc ashire said, “ We know the Government is having to make some tough financial decisions, but we are asking them to consider those on the lowest incomes who are facing a tough, cold Winter We are urging the Government to support the most vulnerable and ensure benefits are in line with the cost of living ” Ras hm i Shah, said “My husband and I will need to make adjustments at home as we both feel the cold intensely Mr Shah, due to his disability and health issues, is particularly affected We avoid going out because of these concerns, and the cold exacerbates our discomfort As a result, we’ll have to make some difficult choices To manage expenses, we are forced to find ways to cut costs, such as reducing spending on food, clothing, or heating ” Shardaben also feels that elderly people are in a tough situation of not being able to go out and are stuck at home She said, “Without adequate heating, staying indoors becomes unbearable, especially in winter Many have severe leg problems like me, and the cold only makes it worse, causing stiffness and pain Without proper warmth and mobility, my quality of life will significantly decline, making it extremely difficult for me to manage daily tasks and stay comfortable Even if I manage to get out, if they cut the winter fuel allowance, the cold home will become unbearable If I can't go out due to the cold or can't afford to heat my home, it will be hard to manage daily tasks like cooking or shopping

“If I spend money on heating, I won't have enough left to pay for help, and vice versa If I can't afford to pay for cleaning services, I must manage on my own, and that’s challenging if it’s too cold

Indian-origin professor criticises low UK university salaries

Anant Su darshan, an Indian-o rigin professor at th e University of War w i ck ’ s De p art m en t o f Econom ics, has voiced concerns about the UK’s academic salary structure, p articularly for contractual staff

He warns that low wages are contributing to a brain drain, with talented academics increasingly choosing to work elsewhere Sudarshan shared on X that UK salaries have become so uncompetitive that he has lost potential hires to universities in India

"UK salaries are becoming an absolute joke, especially for contractual staff I’ve failed to hire

people eligible for the UK's special high-potential individual visa because a government university in India offers them slightly more in absolute terms," he wrote Despite the UK's purchasing power parity appearing favourable on paper, Sudarshan stressed that top academic talent is being lost "For the best people, the UK is now stunningly unattractive, especially in academia," he added Sudarshan clarified that although India's UGC pay scales are lower, some short-term project staff in India earn more in absolute terms than their UK counterparts

Ashvini Keshavan
Kashmira Jya
Rashmi Shah with her husband Pradip Shah

Navigating past and present in ‘The Magnificent Ruins’

Nayantara Roy is a talented storyteller, and a remarkable new vo ice in contemp orary fiction Her debut novel, ‘ The Magnificent Ru ins’, is a m asterf ul exp lora tio n o f c hi ldh oo d, secrecy, and the ways distance can illuminate hidden truths Born in K o l ka ta i n 1 9 8 5, N ay ant ara

k no w n a s T a ra m o ved t o t h e United States at 18, driven by a dream of working in television Today, she leads the acquisition and development of original scripted TV series at STARZ, a division of Lionsgate, and was recently recognised by ‘LA TV Weekly’ as one of the top 40 under 40 trailblazers in television

I n a n i n t e r v i e w w i t h A s i a n Voice, Nayantara spoke about her novel including themes of family, memory and identity, writing process and much more T he no vel intricately w eaves themes of family, m em ory, and identity How did you balance these elements in your storytelling?

The story is told entirely from Lila’s perspective, giving u s i n s i g h t i n t o h e r w o r l d However, it was important to me to ensure that the other key women, Maya and Geeta, were

a l s o g i v e n a g e n c y M e m o r y became a key tool in that pro-

c e s s , a l l o w i n g u s t o e x p l o r e

v e deeper into the past While we

s e e e v e r y t h i n g t h r o u g h L i l a ’ s e y e s , w e a l s o g a i n a m o r e

nuanced understanding of her mother and the other characters I wanted to create a story where the lines between good and bad weren’t so clear-cut, and memory was an effective way to achieve this Lila, as an unreliabl

n a r r a t o r , s h o w s h o w m e m o r can distort reality after all, the way I remember a situation is often different from how you recall it

Someone asked me at a book club event why I chose to make Lila 29 I felt she was at a pivotal age, standing on the cusp of a new chapter in life At the start of the b o o k , s h e ' s a

Brooklyn, grap-

be while struggling to leave behind who we ’ ve always been T his is you r debut novel Wh at w ere so m e of the biggest ch allenges and joys you faced during the w riting and pu blis hing process?

The challenges in writing this novel were significant, especially since it’s not a traditional story It’s sprawling, and I wouldn’t advise debut novelists to start with a 600page book I definitely made life harder for myself, but I had an a

o helped me whittle it down, followed by a supportive editor A major challenge was ensuring that all three women had agency and distinct voices a goal that took fine-tuning to get right Writing the novel in the first person was also tricky, especially when making a point-of-view shift toward the nd Representing class and outi d

This plays into the central conflict of the novel Identity also fascinates me; I juggle multiple identities I’m American, but very much Indian as well In America, I feel distinctly Indian, and in India, I’m treated as an outsider, which creates an odd, liminal space Lila shares this sense of being both an insider and an outsider, and it was important for me to explore that duality

L ila’s journey takes h er back to K olkata to co nfro nt her past and family How did you conceptu alise h er ch aracter, and wh at does sh e rep resent to yo u?

about her career and relationships

When a life-changing event thrusts her into a new world, she's completely unprepared but possesses a certain wisdom Lila is reckless putting herself in difficult situa-

marriage but her actions reflect the impulsiveness of youth To me, she represents a stage in life when we ’ re on the edge of “real life,” always waiting for a moment of clarity But without confronting the past or finding closure, it’s hard to move forward Lila represents between East and West, and the freedom to shape who we want to

urther complexity While these challenges weren’t always easy, writing itself is a joy The biggest reward has been seeing how the

When my agent read it for the first time, I could see the passion she felt, and my editor has been

today’s time, it’s crucial to have people who truly love your book to help it reach the readers who will connect with it and that’s e x a c t l y w h

t ’ s h a p p e n i n g , which is incredibly gratifying Are th e re an y les s o ns y o u learned from writing this book that you ’ d like to share with aspiring authors?

Writing a novel requires a deep love for the story you're telling, or a sense of urgency that compels you to write it’s a true labour of love Most writers aren’t in it to become billionaires, so persistence is key I’d advise any writer to choose a project that ignites a fire inside them As for more practical advice, even though I’m not sure it's always the best for a debut novelist, I found outlining to be incredibly helpful I've heard many writers prefer to write without an outline, allowing the story to unfold organically, but that approach doesn’t suit me I began without structure, but after a couple of years, I created an outline Even though it evolved over time, having a clear roadmap, especially for a large cast and a big novel, was crucial to seeing the bigg e r p i c t u r e b e f o r e d i v i n g i n t o chapters

Hundreds of theatres and museums face closure amid sector crisis

Hundreds of th eatres are at risk of clo sure, and over 50 0 mus eu ms h ave sh ut since the turn of the century, highlighting the severe threat facing Britain’ s cultu ral venues

Sector leaders are urgently calling for significant investment from the new Labour government as t h e y f a c e m o u n


underfunding, they have warned of the potential for "cultural waste-

Nandy urges YouTube and TikTok to improve children's content

UK Culture Secr etary Lisa N and y has urged video-shar ing platforms like YouTube and TikTok to promote more educational content for children

Recent data shows that child

p p e d over 70% in the past decade, with kids aged four to eight increasingly turning to platforms like YouTube and TikTok

Today programme, Nandy said the government aims to start


intervene if they don’t comply She expressed concern that, while UK broadcasters produce high-quality, educational content, more children are turning to video-sharing platforms like YouTube, where content often lacks the same quality

Guest editor Floella Benjamin described platforms like YouTube as a “wild west” full of inappropriate content

Nandy acknowledged the platf o r m s d e m o c r a t i s i n g e f f e c t b u t stressed the need for better-quality

c o n t e n t f

noted that while funding for children s TV has declined, previous attempts to invest in content failed to reach children who no longer watch TV

N a n d y d i s a g r e e d w i t h Benjamin’s claim that children’s TV is in crisis, calling it a "crown jewel" of UK media She emphasised the government's role in supporting and fostering it, despite its limited profitability

Jewish artists ‘excluded’ from UK cultural scene

A series of allegations suggest th at Br i tai n' s cu l tu ra l s ec to r is e xc lu di ng Jew ish creatives w h o re fu s e t o lab el I sr ael i actions in Gaza as ge no c id al Wh i le m a ny artists, w riters, and perform ers rem ai n a no ny m o u s du e to th e "chilling" clim ate, some have chosen to speak out A f i l m p r o d u c e r p l a n n i n g a major studio in Sunderland called the industry "institutionally antisemitic," while the UK Jewish Film F e s t i v a l o r g a n i s e r s a i d c i n e m a s w e r e m a k i n g i t


sion from festivals and readings

The art world is also affected, with Tate facing boycott threats over Israeli-linked sponsorship and a gallery embroiled in a dispute over a n

n I s r a e l badge

Jonathan Shalit, head of one of Britain’s largest talent agencies, said he was warned that supporti n g I s r a e l a n d

Literary figures reported being dropped by agents for refusing to use "genocide" and facing exclu-

Judaism would hinder his bid to become chairman of a major arts organisation

Concerns raised over authenticity of Indian art in university exhibition

The rem oval of four lots from a Christie’s auction in New Yo rk h as renewed attention on their loan to th e ‘ P ai nt i ng F r eed o m : I ndi an Modernism and its Rebels’ exhibiti o n at L o n do n' s S c h o o l o f Ori e nta l an d Af ri c an S t u di es (Soas)


T h e w o r k s a

lands," making a direct appeal to

Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy A r

Without substantial capital funding, 40 percent of these theatres could close within the next five years Currently, there are around 1,110 theatres operating across


The report also warns that £20 million is needed to prevent museums from shutting down, as 525

notable closures include London’s Jewish Museum, as well as the Simon Lee, Fold, and Darren Flook galleries in Mayfair and Fitzrovia Additionally, literary festivals are under threat, with the announcement in September that Chipping


e , Gaganendranath Tagore, and the Early Bengal School were withd r a w n f o r " f u r t h e r r e s e a r c h , " according to a Christie’s spokesperson The SOAS show, which ran from April to June, explored Indian Modern art, featuring key figures l i k e J a m i n i R o y , R a b i n d

u s scholarship on the output of these artists, amidst ongoing concerns about "fakes" in Indian art Around 85% of the ‘Painting F r e e d o m ’ e x h i b i t i o n ' s 1 0 0 - p l u s w o r k s a r e o w n e

Kumar, a Kolkata-born professor and art collector with homes in India, Singapore, and Switzerland

The rest are lent by a dozen private collectors Kumar, who has been collecting since the 1980s, owns one of the largest collections outside India of works by Roy, Mazumdar, and related schools

However, multiple experts, includi n g B r i t i s h a c a d e m i c C h a r l e s Greig, have raised concerns over the authenticity of several pieces in the show Greig, who estimates at least 15 works are copies, cites issues with materials, styles, signatures, and overall flatness

The most serious authenticity concerns in the ‘Painting Freedom’ e x h i b i t i o n i n v o l v e a g r o u p o f works attributed to Mazumdar Greig claims that many of these pieces are poor copies, and at least ten other works from the Early Bengal and Kalighat Schools are also later reproductions

Nayantara Roy

The 2025 New Year Honours List has been unveiled, celebrating the remarkable achievements of over 1,200 individuals across the UK for their contributions to society Honourees have been acknowledged for their roles as community champions and role models in fields including sports, healthcare, academia, and voluntary service

Among them, more than 60 British Asians have been recognised, including community leaders, campaigners, academics, and medical professionals Notably, at least 30 of these honourees are Indianorigin professionals

Among the Indianorigin awardees, notable recipients of the Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) include Purnima Murthy Tanuku, CEO of the National Day Nurseries Association, for her services to early years education; Dr Jalal Bagherli, Co-Chair of the Semiconductor Advisory Panel, for his work in the semiconductor sector; and Leena Nair, Global Chief Executive Officer at Chanel and former Global Chief Human Resources Officer at Unilever, for her services

to the retail and consumer sector

Those honoured as Officers of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) include Hina Bokhari, Co-Founder of the Naz Legacy Foundation, for her services to young people, charity, and interfaith relations; Professor Nandini Das, Professor of Early Modern Literature at Oxford University, for her contributions to interdisciplinary research in the humanities and public engagement; and Seema Misra, a campaigner for sub-postmasters, for her work towards justice

The Members of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) include Mohammed Younis Chaudhry, Owner and Founder of Regal Food Products Plc, for his

Mandy Sanghera

Mandy Sanghera has supported refugees and migrants in the UK and around the world for the last three decades

She played a pivotal role in rescuing over 400 Afghans after the Taliban offensive in 2021 and was involved in the evacuation of British nationals from Lebanon amid the ongoing Middle Eastern conflict

Her previous efforts included aiding individuals from Ukraine, Syria, Sudan, and Iraq

She receives her honour for working with government departments in resettling British nationals from Hong Kong Her partnership with local authorities across the country has been instrumental in providing support to asylum seekers

When asked about

her honour, she said “I’m incredibly grateful to be receiving an OBE My work has always been led by my values of Sikhi and standing up for justice, promoting equality and serving others For the last three decades I have been around the world advocating and supporting women and refugees, and it was an honour to support Afghans Sikhs escape persecution from the Taliban ”

charitable work with homeless and vulnerable individuals in Bradford, West Yorkshire; and Mohammad Fayyaz, Councillor at Chesham Town Council and Buckinghamshire Council, for his services to the community in Chesham

In a significant highlight, Sadiq Khan has been knighted after securing a record third term as Mayor of London Sir Sadiq

services to business and the community in Bradford; and Aman Sharma, Chief Executive Officer of Totus Digital, for his contributions to building and fire safety Among the Medallists of the Order of the British Empire (BEM) are Nazim Ali, Founder of the Creating Smiles Hospital Gifts Initiative, for his

expressed his gratitude, stating, “I couldn’t have dreamed when growing up on a council estate in south London that I would one day be mayor of London It’s the honour of my life to serve the city I love, and I will continue to build the fairer, safer, greener, and more prosperous London that all of the

Gian Singh Power

Gian Singh Power is the Founder and CEO of TLC Lions, a company committed to humanising workplaces through the power of storytelling Starting his career at Deutsche Bank, Gian later qualified as a Chartered Accountant at PwC Following a personal tragedy in 2015, he launched TLC Lions to create emotionally connected workplaces and inspire cultural change

Gian is also a board member of This Can Happen, the UK’s largest mental health conference, and a passionate advocate for workplace well-being and inclusion He received an OBE Gian said “Receiving this honour is very personal to me and I accept this award in memory of my father

capital’s communities deserve ”

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer also reflected on the importance of the Honours List, saying, “Each and every day, ordinary people go out and do extraordinary things for their communities They represent the very best of the UK and that core value of service which I put at the centre of everything this

government does The New Year Honours List celebrates more of these unsung heroes, and I thank them for their incredible contribution ”

Police officers, staff, and volunteers have also been recognised, with 43 police and law enforcement personnel from across the country being honoured for their

Ranjit Singh Power who taught me so much in my life and on behalf of everyone who has supported me on the journey It’s been my mission at TLC Lions to make the world more human and to raise awareness of the importance of mental health, because by speaking up, we can change and save lives”

exceptional contributions Gavin Stephens, Chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, remarked, “A huge congratulations and well done to all of those recognised for their service to policing in His Majesty the King’s New Year Honours List Police bravery and dedication to duty have been at the forefront this year, and I am so pleased to see so many officers, staff, and

volunteers awarded for their contributions to keeping our communities safe Policing is a job like no other, requiring a tremendous amount of commitment, dedication, and courage, and I am proud to see the recipients recognised in this way ”

Balbir Singh Khanpur

Balbir Singh Khanpur

Bhujhangy is a Punjabi musician and founder of the Bhujhangy Group, established in 1967 in Smethwick

Recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records as the longestrunning bhangra artist in the UK, he has been performing for over 55 years

Balbir's music blends traditional Punjabi sounds with modern Western influences, significantly contributing to the development of bhangra music in the UK

He received a BEM

Balbir said “I am truly humbled and honoured to receive the British Empire Medal for my contribution to Bhangra music Bhangra has been a lifelong passion, and it brings me immense joy to see it embraced on a


global stage I dedicate this award to everyone who has supported me throughout this journey, and I hope this inspires future generations to keep our traditions alive while continuing to innovate and share them with the world ”

Mohammed Younis Chaudhry with King Charles III
Ranil Malcolm Jayawardena Hina Bokhari Prof Nandini Das Chandni Kalpesh Vora

K nig htho ods

The Right Honourable

Ranil Malcolm Jayawardena –Lately Member of Parliament for North East Hampshire. For Political and Public Service.

The Right Honourable Sadiq Khan – Mayor of London. For Political and Public Service.

C omm anders of the Ord er o f the British Em pire (CBE)

Dr Jalal Bagherli – CoChair, Semiconductor Advisory Panel. For services to the Semiconductor Sector.

Dr Fazal Dad – Principal and Chief Executive Officer, Blackburn College, Lancashire. For services to Further Education.

Satwant Kaur Deol – Lately Principle and Chief Executive Officer, The Henley College, Oxfordshire. For services to Further Education.

Charles Pritam Singh Dhanowa OBE KC –Registrar, United Kingdom Competition Appeal Tribunal. For services to Competition Law.

Sehba Haroon Storey –Lately Principal Judge, Asylum Support Tribunal. For services to Diversity and Inclusion.

Professor Sneh Khemka –Surgeon, Business Leader, Investor and Chair, Qured, Habitual Healthcare and AllergyRhino. For services to Healthcare, to Science, and to Innovation and Technology.

Leena Nair – Global Chief Executive Officer, Chanel and lately Global Chief Human Resources Officer, Unilever. For services to the Retail and Consumer Sector.

Mayank Prakash –President, British Computing Society. For services to the Advancement of Technology Professionals.

Purnima Murthy Tanuku OBE – Chief Executive, National Day Nurseries Association. For services to Early Years Education.

Officers of the Ord er of the British Em pire (OBE)

Professor Sanjay Arya –Medical Director and Consultant Cardiologist, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Medical Director, Centre for Remediation, Support and Training. For services to Black and Minority Ethnic Doctors and Healthcare in North West England.

Hina Bokhari – CoFounder, Naz Legacy Foundation. For services to

Young People, to Charity and to Inter-Faith Relations.

Professor Nandini Das –Professor, Early Modern Literature and Culture and Tutorial Fellow, Exeter College, University of Oxford. For services to Interdisciplinary Research in the Humanities and to Public Engagement.

Darshini David – Chief Economics Correspondent, BBC and Author. For services to Economics

Tarsem Singh Dhaliwal –Chief Executive Officer, Iceland Foods. For services to the Welsh Economy, Retail and Charity.

Imtiaz Dharker – Poet, Artist and Video Filmmaker. For services to the Arts.

Jasmine Dotiwala – For services to Broadcasting, to Music and to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Sarwat Tasneem Ebbett –Behavioural Change

and Preventing Blindness.

Ushma Manhar Patel MBE –Prime Minister’s Diary Manager, Prime Minister’s Office. For Public Service.

Gian Singh Power –Founder and Chief Executive Officer, TLC Lions. For services to Mental Health.

Sravya Rao – Deputy Director, Economy and Strategic Analysis, Department for Business and Trade. For Public Service.

Ubaid-ul Rehman – Senior Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, College of Policing and Co-Founder, Imaan and Chair, Goslings Badminton Club. For services to Equality in the LGBTQ+ Community.

Mandeep Kaur Sanghera –Project Manager and Philanthropist, Coventry. For services to Refugee Resettlement.

Savraj Singh Sidhu –

Companions of the Order of the Bath Jaee Kamalnath Samant CBE – Director General, Public Safety, Home Office. For Public Service.

Overseas and international MBE

Sakeena Alam

Deputy Head, Counter Terrorism Department, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. For services to British Nationals overseas.


Nalini Sadai

Head, Murder and Manslaughter Case Team, Consular Directorate, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. For services to British Nationals overseas.

King’s Police Medal (KPM) Mohammed Osman KHAN Assistant Chief Constable, West Yorkshire Police.

Consultant, Thrive Foundation and Volunteer. For services to Faith and to Integration.

Abdul Karim Fatehi MBE –Chief Executive Officer, United Corporation. For services to International Trade.

Monica Kohli – President, Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association UK and Chair, Indian Maritime Association UK. For services to Promoting Diversity in the Maritime Industry.

Soumya Majumdar – Head of Unit, Proceeds of Crime Division, Crown Prosecution Service. For services to Law and Order.

Seema Misra – Campaigner for Subpostmasters. For services to Justice.

Professor Shahina Pardhan –Founding Director, Vision and Eye Research Institute, Anglia Ruskin University. For services to Optometry

Dalim Kumar Basu –Honorary Chair and Volunteer, British Computer Society, North, Central and South London Branches. For services to Young People and the Promotion of Science and Technology.

Mohammed Younis Chaudhry – Owner and Founder, Regal Food Products Plc. For services to Business and to the community in Bradford.

Professor Bhaskar Dasgupta –Consultant Rheumatologist, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust. For services to People with Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica.

Rabiyah Kauser Latif – Near Neighbours Coordinator, Thrive Together Birmingham. For services to Faith and Community Cohesion.

Ahsan Zameer Rafeeq –Deputy Head, International Marketing, Department for Business and Trade. For services to Investment and Marketing.

Ishaque Benny Aslam Rafiqi –Founder, Let’s Feed Brum and Tabor House. For services to Tackling Homelessness and to the community in Birmingham and the West Midlands.

Salma Bibi Ravat – Chief Executive Officer, One Roof Leicester. For services to Tackling Homelessness Soma Sara – Founder, Everyone’s Invited. For services to the Eradication of Sexual Abuse Against Women.

Assistant Head, Ukraine Task Force, Security Policy and Operations, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence.

Smruti Sriram – Chief Executive Officer, Supreme Creations (Bags of Ethics). For services to Fashion.

Professor Zaheer Raza Yousef – Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospital of Wales. For services to the Treatment of Heart Failure.

M em bers of th e Ord er of the British Emp ire (MBE) Usman Ali – Social Mobility Ambassador, Ministry of Justice, Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangement, HM Prison and Probation Service. For services to the Public and to the Civil Service.

Shagufta Parveen Asam –Foster Carer, London Borough of Redbridge. For services to Foster Care.

Kamran Ishaq Abdus Samad –Short Breaks Carer, Slough Children First, Berkshire. For services to Children and Young People with SEND.

Mirza Khudadad Ahmed –Immigration Officer, Home Office. For Public Service.

Nazim Ali – Founder, Creating Smiles Hospital Gifts Initiative. For services to Charity and to Homeless and Vulnerable People in Bradford, West Yorkshire.

Maira Shernaz Bana – Cofounder, SheCanEngineer. For services to Diversity in Engineering.

Sanjib Bhattacharjee – For services to the community in the London Boroughs of Newham, Redbridge and Waltham Forest.

Mohammad Fayyaz –Councillor, Chesham Town Council and Buckinghamshire Council. For services to the community in Chesham.

Alaa Mohammed Ali Habbooby – Owner, Café Noir. For services to the community in Thames Ditton, Surrey.

Hemandra Hindocha –Postmaster, Westcotes Post Office. For services to the Post Office and to the

community in the Midlands.

Jaswinder Kumar –President, Management Committee of Sri Guru Ravidass Sabha Bedford. For Charitable Services in Bedford.

Safeena Karen Mohammed –Foster Carer, Warwickshire County Council. For services to Foster Care.

Preshanthi Devarani Navaratnam – Executive Assistant, Department for Education. For Public, Voluntary and Charitable Service.

Asma Pandor – Lead Admiral Nurse, Dementia UK, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Nursing.

Kasim Mohamed Sharifi –Foster Carer, Warwickshire County Council. For services to Foster Care.

Dr Nana Siaw-Badu – Chief Executive Officer, Badu Sport. For services to Sport and Physical Activity.

Balbir Singh – Musician. For services to Bhangra Music and to Punjabi Culture in the West Midlands.

Patricia Hope Hewitt, Chair, NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board honoured for services to Healthcare Transformation

Imran Hussain Shah –Chair, Police Independent Advisory Group and Community Leader, West Yorkshire Police. For services to Policing and to the community in West Yorkshire.

Aman Sharma – Chief Executive Officer, Totus Digital. For services to Building and Fire Safety.

Professor Ajay Jaikishore Vora – Lately Consultant Paediatric Haematologist, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Childhood Leukaemia.

Chandni Kalpesh Vora –Chief Operating Officer, Vascroft Contractors Ltd. For services to Business and to Charity.

Medallists of the Order of the British Empire (BEM)

Aisha Younis Abdus Samad –Short Breaks Carer, Slough Children First, Berkshire. For services to Children and Young People with SEND.

Rt Ho n Patricia Hewitt has served as the independ ent chair of the NHS Norfolk an d Wav ene y In teg rat ed Care Board since July 2022, f o llo w i n g h er ten u re a s c h ai

lk & Wav eney ICS/ST P Her legacy in health policy includes serving as Secretary of State for Health from 2005 to 2007 under the Blair Government. During this time, she championed transformative initiatives such as introducing smoke-free legislation, launching the NHS Choices website, and leading the innovative public consultation Our Health, Our Care, Our Say, which laid the groundwork for themes later central to the NHS Five Year Forward View.

Hewitt’s political journey began in the 1970s when she emerged as a prominent left-wing figure and supporter of Tony Benn. Her activism drew the attention of MI5, which reportedly classified her as a communist sympathiser. She spent nine years as

General Secretary of the National Council for Civil Liberties before becoming press secretary to Neil Kinnock, where she played a pivotal role in modernising the Labour Party.

In 1997, Hewitt made history by becoming the first female MP for Leicester West, a safe Labour seat in the East Midlands. She represented the constituency for 13 years. Her ascent in politics continued when she joined Tony Blair’s Cabinet in 2001 as President of the Board of Trade and Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. Four years later, she was appointed Health Secretary, where she left a lasting impact on public health and the NHS.

The growing appeal of vegan living

Veganism, a lifestyle that excludes animal-based foods and products, has s een a s urge in popularity, driven by increasing c oncerns about climate c hange, animal welfare, and pers onal health

In the UK, veganism is rapidly growing, with an estimated 2 5 million vegans in 2024, making up 4 7% of the adult population While the popularity of veganism has spiked in recent years, it is not a new practice

Evidence of individuals avoiding animal products can be traced back more than 2,000 years The term ‘ vegan ’ was coined in 1944 by Donald Watson, who left his local vegetarian group to establish the world’s first Vegan Society

From 2014 to 2019, the number of vegans in the UK more than quadrupled In January 2022, a recordbreaking 700,000 people took part in the annual Veganuary challenge, pledging to follow a vegan diet for the month This marked nearly a threefold increase from 2019, underscoring the growing mainstream interest in plant-based living Veganuary, a global campaign encouraging people to try veganism for the month of January, began in the UK in 2014 and has since expanded worldwide, attracting millions of participants each year Its goal is to inspire individuals to adopt a plant-based diet, even if only temporarily, by providing support, resources, and guidance

Research from the University of Exeter shows that participating in Veganuary leads to lasting reductions in meat consumption and can even spark shifts in attitudes toward meat and one ’ s selfidentity as a meat-eater

The concept behind Veganuary is simple: live without animal products for 31 days During this period, participants are encouraged to explore a variety of vegan meals, from plant-based versions of traditional dishes to innovative new recipes Beyond personal benefits

like potential improvements in digestion, energy, and overall wellbeing, Veganuary also serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the environmental and ethical impacts of animal agriculture

Dr Toni Vernelli, International Head of Policy and Communications, said, “Whatever your hopes for 2025, trying vegan is a great way to start! Whether you ’ re aiming for a kinder world, a brighter future for our children, or a healthier way to fuel your body Veganuary can help you turn your hopes into action We provide all the free resources you need, from recipes and meal plans to nutritional advice and moral support Just visit Veganuary com to get started ”

The campaign offers a wealth of resources, such as meal plans, recipes, shopping guides, and discounts at vegan-friendly restaurants and stores For those new to veganism, Veganuary provides a supportive community, online tools, and social media groups to share experiences and tips

For restaurants, Veganuary presents an opportunity to showcase vegan-friendly menu items, attract new customers, and

promote sustainability

Many eateries offer exclusive vegan menus or specials during January, supporting the campaign and meeting the growing demand for plant-based food

However, the rise of veganism has sparked debate over its potential toxicity One issue is vegan policing, where individuals within the community criticise others for not strictly adhering to vegan principles or for occasionally consuming animal products This judgmental approach can alienate those trying to make ethical or healthconscious choices, undermining the compassion that veganism promotes

Social media also plays a role in the trend’s toxicity, with "performative veganism" creating unrealistic expectations Influencers often present idealised vegan lifestyles, showcasing picture-perfect meals and exaggerated environmental impact statistics This can pressure newcomers to meet unattainable standards, leading to feelings of failure Furthermore, veganism is sometimes commodified as a trendy accessory rather than a meaningful commitment to sustainability, animal welfare, or health

In this Veganuary feature, Asian Voice explores the health benefits of the vegan lifestyle, tips for sustainably adapting the practice, and a list of vegan restaurants and influencers, alongside some essential terms related to the lifestyle

People needed for Veganuary study at a Devon university


known as Veganuary

They aim to recruit 200 participants who currently consume meat and plan to

experience PhD researcher

Sophie Hearn noted that

developed "lasting habits" and significantly reduced their meat consumption

She added, "Our new study aims to help people f

making plant-based choice

Explore unique vegan dishes with these top influencers

V eg an f o o d i s be c om in g

u l ar as mo re people embrace plantbased lifestyles fo r health, ethical, and environmental reasons

If you ’ re new to veganism or considering transitioning to a vegan diet, it can be a bit overwhelming to figure out what dishes to try or how to create satisfyi n g , f l a v

Thankfully, there’s a wealth o

plant-based journey


specialising in vegan cuisine are a great source of inspiration, offering a variety of creative, tasty, and easy-tofollow recipes that can help you make the most of your plant-based meals Whether you're looking for savoury c o m f o r t f o o d , d e c a d e n t desserts, or quick weeknight d i n n e r s , t h e s e i n f l u e n c e r s can help you explore new and exciting vegan dishes t h a t w i l l k e e p y o u r t a s t e buds delighted! Here’s a list of Instagram

i n f l u e n c e r s w h o m a k e amazing vegan dishes and can help you create unique and delicious meals in no time:-

1) Anjali Harikumar: A d i g i t a l c r e a t o r b a s e d i n London and Paris, known by her Instagram handle ‘beextravegant,’ creates stunning vegan dishes with a twist

crafting plant-based meals t h a t m i m i c n o n - v e g a n f o o d s I n

culinary creations, she runs a book club where she has cultivated a space for likeminded individuals to come together, share their passion for stories, characters, and even recipes

2 ) S a n j a n a M o d h a :

Winner of the SHE Awards

Modha is


Indian cuisine, blending her British Indian heritage with her East African family background She is the author of ‘ S

Vegetarian and Vegan Indian Recipes to Feed Your Soul’, a cookbook showcasing a variety of delicious vegan recipes that reflect her unique culinary fusion

3) Jake Dryan: One of the prominent internet personalities in the plant-based food space, known by his Instagram handle ‘plantfu-

ture,’ shares a diverse range of plant-based recipes from all over India, as well as from various global cuisines With a

can be, he inspires his followers to embrace a healthier, sustainable lifestyle while exploring the rich culinary t


4) Julius Fiedler: A digital creator based in London, he specialises in crafting traditional plant-based dishes from cultures around the world His work delves into t i m e - h

recipes, drawing from the wisdom of ancient culinary traditions to inspire sustainable, plant-based living By

dishes, he highlights how they can be adapted to mod-

Additionally, he serves as an ambassador for Slow Food I


Veganuary turns meat-eaters away from meat, study reveals

Re se arche rs at t he Univer sity of Ex eter found t hat meate a t e r s wh o t a k e p

in Vegan ua ry a re more likely

w m e a t a s " d

sg u st i n g" afte r a month of ab sta in in g

The study also revealed that some participants identify less as meat-eaters after attempting to avoid animal products for January

The findings suggest that d i e t a r y b e l i e f s o f t e n a l i g n w i t h a c t i o n s , w h i c h c o u l d

h a v e b r o a d e r i m p l i c a t i o n s f o r t h o s e a t t e m p t i n g t o change other behaviors, such

as giving up alcohol for Dry January

"Typically, the goal is to change attitudes first, with the hope of shifting behavi o r , " s a i d D r N a t a l i a Lawrence, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Exeter "But if y o u e n c o u r a g e p e

change their behavior for a month, attitudes often follow " Lawrence, along with P h D

Medical Research Council

A study in ‘Frontiers in Nutrition’ tracked 40 participants during a month of abstaining from meat, finding that while most reverted t o e a t i n g m e a t a f t e r w

showed greater disgust for it

Additionally, a survey of 46 V e g a n u a r y p

a n c i n g the long-term effectiveness of Veganuary and similar i n i t i a t


t i c i p a n t s will complete a series of b r i e f s u r v e y s , r u n n i n g through May, as part of the research

Prof Natalia Lawrence

e m p h a s i z e

o a d e r s i g n i f i c a n c e o f r e d u c i n g meat consumption, stating, "It offers numerous benef i t s , i n c l u d i n g i m p r o v ements in health, environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and even personal finances "

A new study by no nprofit o r ga ni s a ti o n F a u n al yt i cs e xp lo r es h o w v eg an i s m spreads through social networks

D r a w i n g o n r e s e a r c h from smoking cessation, a b e h a v i o r i n f l u e n c e d b y peers, the study finds that romantic partners have the strongest impact People are 1 3 to 11 8 times more likely t o q u i t s m o k i n g i f t h e i r partner also quits While friends, coworkers, and siblings also influence behavior, their impact is less significant than that of romantic partners Longl a s t i n g c h a n g e s r e q u i r e

Hearn and colleagues, has conducted several Veganuary s

u d i e s f

d e d b y t h e

i c i p a n t s i n 2023, published in ‘Appetite’, revealed that they were significantly less likely to identify as meat-eaters after the month

Study explores how veganism spreads through social networks

c o m p l e x c o n t a g i o n repeated exposures through s t r o n g t i e s D e s p i t e t h i s , smokers often become nons m o k e r s o v e r t i m e T h e study suggests vegans could influence others to adopt plant-based diets by simply being close to them

However, unlike smoki n g c e s s a t i o n , w h i c h h a s become a social norm, veganism remains niche, limiti n g i

studies to better understand how veganism spreads S e v e r a l s t u d i e s h a v e explored how to encourage p e o p l e t o r e d u c e a n i m a l

product consumption and eat more plants While peop l e t e n

instructions, subtle strateg


psychology and economic theory, can influence their choices

Research suggests that simply using nudges such as placing ethical foods in visible spots may not be e n o u g h t o r e d u c e m e a t consumption However, a 2 0 2 4 s t u d y f o u n d t h a t encouraging reflection on these nudges led to more s i g n i


Dr Toni Vernelli
Anjali Harikumar (right) with her husband Sanjana Modha

Veganism beyond the trend: Adapting to a plant-based lifestyle sustainably

Anusha Singh

In a world where veganism has evolved from a niche lifestyle to a mainstream movement, Rohini Bajekal adopted the practice lo ng before it gained widespread recognitio n

Reflecting on over two decades of living as a vegan, she recounts the challenges of navigating a largely uninformed world, from misunderstandings about the lifestyle to the scarcity of resources during the early days of the internet Her transition to veganism was not just a dietary shift but an act of aligning her values of compassion and nonviolence with her everyday choices

A nutritionist and board-certified Lifestyle Medicine professional, Rohini is dedicated towards helping women with hormonal health issues and PCOS Rohini co-authored her first book ‘Living PCOS Free: How to Regain Your Hormonal Health with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome’ which was published in April 2022

In this article, she shares insights on embracing veganism sustainably, demystifying the misconceptions about plant-based eating, and empowering individuals to make mindful, healthconscious decisions What are so me strategies fo r begi nners to adopt veganism gradu ally and su stainably, witho ut going to extremes and risking bu rnou t, while also co nsidering their health?

I believe the key to adopting a vegan lifestyle is to transition gradually It can take several weeks for your gut microbiome to adapt, so there's no need to rush or feel like you have to make the change all at once Start by incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet over time For example, you could begin by swapping cow ’ s milk for soya milk at breakfast or experimenting with tofu and other plantbased foods Focus on the abundance of nutritious options available in a plantbased diet Focus on the variety of nutritious options available, such as soya, peas, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds all of which are great sources of protein

If you ’ re into strength training, you might also consider plant-based protein powders

Remember, protein isn’t a concern in a vegan diet plants offer plenty of variety and nutrition It’s also important to connect with your reasons for transitioning, as plantbased diets are often rooted

in ethics, health, or environmental concerns

Finally, a supportive community can make the journey easier and more enjoyable, so surround yourself with like-minded people

Do you think it s necessary to take su pplements for nutrients like calcium and iron, or is it possible to meet these needs witho ut su pplementatio n?

It’s essential to supplement wisely, as many people tend to take too many supplements, and the supplement industry is largely unregulated The notion that supplements are entirely harmless is inaccurate, so careful consideration is key For example, vitamin B12 is non-negotiable for vegans since it’s not naturally produced by animals but by microorganisms in the soil

Animals are injected with B12, which then enters the food chain, making B12 supplementation necessary for vegans and beneficial for non-vegans too Vitamin D is another important supplement, especially since many people, particularly those with darker skin tones, tend to have low levels of it

For iron, the need for supplementation depends on individual circumstances If you are menstruating, you may require more iron, but others can often meet their needs through plant-based foods like oats, beans, tofu, and leafy greens To enhance iron absorption, pair iron-rich foods with vitamin C sources Calcium supplements aren’t generally needed, as plantbased foods like calciumset tofu and leafy greens provide plenty of calcium Supplements should only be used when there's a specific need, not as a blanket solution Omega-3 fats, such as DHA/EPA, may also be beneficial The most important thing is to eat a variety of plant-based foods, ensuring a balanced, nutrient-rich diet that supports a healthy gut microbiome

Ho w practical is thi s approach for people with health concerns o r autoimmune diseases?

It’s crucial to make dietary changes under the guidance of your doctor, especially if you ’ re on diabetes medication like insulin Transitioning to a vegan diet can significantly reduce your insulin needs, and making this change too quickly could put you at risk A gradual approach is key However, the benefits can be remarkable For instance, my father

managed to reverse his type 2 diabetes and put it into remission after adopting a plant-based diet He lost 40 kg when he went vegan and has successfully maintained that weight loss for nine years thus far It’s important to understand that no health condition is immune to improvement through positive changes in diet and lifestyle While diet plays a significant role, other factors such as improving sleep, getting regular exercise, and managing stress are equally important However, what you eat at least three times a day can have a profound impact on your health Incorporating more plant-based foods can help ensure you ’ re consuming enough fibre , which is vital for improving overall well-being

What are some common mistakes people make when transitio ni ng to a vegan lifestyle?

Common mistakes when transitioning to a vegan lifestyle include not eating enough food, as plant-based options are typically lower in calories Many people unknowingly eat smaller portions, which can leave them unsatisfied It's important to consume larger volumes of food because plant-based meals are generally less caloriedense For example, you would typically eat a larger bowl of dal than you would chicken Failing to eat enough can lead to fatigue, weakness, and unintentional weight loss

Not incorporating enough legumes like beans, lentils, and soya is another pitfall These are vital sources of plant protein, iron, and calcium, providing energy and satiety Including them in daily meals is crucial for balance Avoid an "all-ornothing" mindset perfectionism can create unnecessary stress Lastly, carbohydrates shouldn’t be feared; focus on healthy options like starchy vegetables and whole grains for sustained energy and nutrition And remember to enjoy and include the occasional fun food or treat too so that this lifestyle is sustainable and joyful

Discover the best South Asian vegan restaurants in London

Lo ndon is a vibrant melting pot of cultures, and its Sou th Asian vegan scene is no excep tion

Whether you're a longtime plant-based eater or just beginning your vegan journey, the city's diverse range of South Asian restaurants offers a wealth of flavours and inventive

dishes to satisfy every craving From innovative takes on traditional curries to inventive plant-based twists on regional specialties, these veganfriendly spots prove that South Asian cuisine can be as delicious and indulgent as it is compassionate

Here are some of the best South Asian vegan restaurants in London, where you can enjoy rich, bold flavours while embracing a plant-based lifestyle

Babu r, Fo rest Hill

Babur is elevating Veganuary with a menu full of flavour, creativity, and surprises Known for its innovative take on Indian cuisine, the restaurant has crafted a plant-based menu that shows vegan dining

can be both indulgent and exciting From vibrant starters to irresistible mains and decadent desserts, this limited-edition menu celebrates the art of Indian cooking while embracing a modern, plant-based ethos

Available from January 9th to 30th, the Veganuary menu promises a delightful

experience for all Thenga Café, Kings Cross

Located within the YMCA’s yoga and pilates centre, Thenga Café offers a wholesome and community-driven lunch experience With a menu influenced by Indian and European cuisines, particularly Bengali heritage, the daily-changing offerings often feature a delicious Indian thali platter with lentils or rice for just £9 95 Vegan cakes and snacks are also available, making it the perfect spot for a coffee or tea break

En Root, Clapham

En Root offers generous portions of Gujaratiinspired plant-based comfort food From familysized thalis to spiced dosas,

their menu is packed with big flavours, wholesome ingredients, and seasonal produce The restaurant is run by cousins Nish and Harshil Modasia, who deliver satisfying, earthy dishes at great prices Dishoom , Soh o Dishoom’s vegan menu, available across its six

London branches, offers an irresistible blend of Bombay-inspired breakfasts and hearty lunches From oat milk chai and vegan sausage naan rolls to mushroom prepper fry and vegan raan, the dishes are packed with punchy spices and fresh ingredients The Rasoi, Farringdon The Rasoi serves flavourful, healthy vegan food with a focus on fresh ingredients and authentic spices Offering a variety of vegan options from North Indian, South Indian, Gujarati, and Central Indian cuisines, the menu features everything from spicy curries to crispy dosas and sweet puddings The Rasoi also caters to glutenfree, soy-free, and nut-free diets

Best vegan substitutes with creative names

The term "vegan" t races its or igins back to the 18 00s, bu t t he lifestyl e and its u nique vocabu lar y have evolved significant ly since then Beyond ju st the word itsel f, vegans have develop ed creat ive and meaningful terms t o describe p lant -based alternat ives t o t raditio nal animal p roducts Let’s delve into the histor y and insp iration behind these terms, explor ing how they cam e to define the vegan way of life

1) Pleather: The term "pleather," a blend of "plastic" and "leather," emerged in the 1990s as a vegan-friendly alternative to traditional leather Originally appealing to those seeking cruelty-free options or a more affordable substitute, pleather quickly gained traction Today, it's more commonly referred to as "faux leather" or "vegan leather," and advancements in materials have elevated its quality and appeal Modern vegan leather is designed to closely mimic the look and feel of genuine leather, shedding its plastic-like reputation As

a result, it has become a stylish, premium option with a price tag to match

2) To fu rkey: Combine "tofu" and "turkey," and you get "tofurkey" a plant-based meat alternative designed to resemble the taste and texture of turkey This clever term was coined in the 1990s by Seth Tibbott, a teacher from Oregon, and it has since become a Thanksgiving favorite among vegans Tofurkey has grown in popularity, offering a festive, crueltyfree option for holiday meals while maintaining the spirit of tradition

3) S heese: Vegans enjoy macaroni and cheese too, often referred to as macaroni and sheese when made with plant-based cheese alternatives The term "sheese" originated in 1988, initially spelled as "Scheese," to highlight its soy-based composition as a dairy-free option This clever play on words reflects the creativity of vegan cuisine, offering a delicious alternative for those seeking to avoid animal products

4) Too na: Made from a

blend of vegetables and soy protein, "Toona" is a plant-based alternative that mimics the flavor and texture of tuna minus the fish This clever name, introduced by Sophie’s Kitchen in the late 2000s, reflects the growing trend of creating seafood substitutes that are both sustainable and crueltyfree Toona has since become a popular choice for those seeking a veganfriendly option for their favorite tuna-based dishes

5) Jackfruit: Pulled pork may not be on a vegan ’ s menu, but jackfruit has stepped in as a popular plant-based alternative Known for its unique meaty texture, jackfruit is often used to replicate the look and feel of pulled meats Its name traces back to the 1800s, drawing from both Portuguese and Malayalam origins The Portuguese called it “jaca,” while in southern India, it was known as “chakka pazham ” Today, jackfruit has become a versatile staple in vegan cuisine, celebrated for its ability to adapt to savory dishes

Rohini Bajekal

Redefining vegan dining with authentic Gujarati flavours

Subhasini Naicker

Guja ra ti cuisine, roote d in th e weste rn sta te of Gujar at in Ind ia , is a tre asure t rove of vega n-frien dly dishes

Wit h it s focus on fre sh ve get able s, leg um es, gra ins, a nd ar omatic spice s, it n atur ally len ds it se lf to plant -ba se d cook ing

Puna m Va ja, chef and creative founder of Khao Suppers, began her culinary journey in 2017, helping a housemate host supper clubs Taught to cook at a young age, Punam was encouraged by friends to share classic Gujarati dishes like Ringra no Orro (burnt aubergine), Shaak (simple vegetable curries), and Tuvar Daar (Dal) Inspired by her family’s warm hospitality, she launched intimate supper clubs from her home in 2018, showcasing the simplicity and depth of Gujarati cuisine

Speaking to Asian Voice, Punam spoke about her Gujarati heritage influence on her menu, Veganuary event at Khao and much more

1)What make s Khao

Supp er s uni que in t he UK’s fo od s cene ? H ow d oe s yo ur Gujarati her itage influe nce yo ur m enu?

What makes Khao different on the UK food scene is my own personal journey and the influences of my heritage and the rich tapestry of cultures that make me who I am My parents are both from India and of Gujarati heritage but my father was born in East Africa and my mother was born in Mumbai

They both passed on and shared their own styles of cooking and food with me Mum passed on traditional recipes that evoke home and her Mumbai upbringing, adding vibrant street-food flavours Dad brought a carefree, instinctive approach to spice and balance, influenced by his East African roots, introducing ingredients like mogo and matoke alongside shaak rotli As a British Indian, I also embrace locally sourced ingredients Khao Suppers blends these rich culinary influences with a fresh twist and a big smile!

2)Veganuary has grown immensely popular in recent years How has Khao Suppers embraced this movement?

Due to cultural and religious influences, particularly Jainism and Hinduism, Gujarati cuisine boasts one of the most diverse vegetarian and vegan cuisines in India Many of the dishes are made with fresh seasonal vegetables and lentils, meaning there is a rich variety of dishes and

options for enjoying classic Gujarati dishes without compromising on flavour or taste It is also possible to adopt non vegan dishes like Kadhi and milk-based desserts to be cooked with plant-based ingredients

Veganuary is an opportunity to discover new cuisines, ingredients, and recipes many people may not have tried before and this also is the same for Gujarati food and by bringing these two together, I love spreading the word about Gujarati cuisine through Veganuary Personally, I love the challenge of recreating desserts that are classically made with dairy milk and seeing how far I can push the boundaries of retaining the original flavours without compromising on the joy of the original dish! Here at Khao, veganism and plant-based food isn’t just a month-long trend, we love to embrace this all year round with fully plantbased menus at nearly all of our supper clubs!

3)Gujarati cuisine is known for its diverse flavours and vegetarian options. Could you highlight a few dishes that are naturally vegan or easily adaptable to vegan diets?

Gujarati cuisine offers a variety of naturally vegan dishes like Shaak, a simple, stir-fry-style vegetable curry made with minimal ingredients and no heavy sauces, unlike typical curries Commonly prepared with potatoes, okra, or even Brussels sprouts, Shaak pairs beautifully with rotli, dal, and rice Another favourite is Mung, a protein-rich green lentil dish tempered with garlic, tomato, and curry leaves, served with rice and pickles These dishes highlight the simplicity, versatility, and rich flavours of Gujarati vegan cuisine

4)Last year, you hosted a special Veganuary event at Khao Suppers What were the highlights, and do you have any exciting plans or sneak peeks for this year’s Veganuary menu or themes?

Last year, we hosted Khao Nights, a two-seating vegan event showcasing our plant-based take on Pav Bhaji This fun, casual

Ayurveda meets vegan beauty

dinner highlighted the beauty of this Mumbai Street food, often misunderstood in the UK as a fritter rather than a flavourful vegetable curry Using plant-based butter, we crafted a rich bhaji served with bread rolls, just like in Juhu Chowpatty!

For Veganuary 2025, I’m thrilled to host my special supper club, Daar Dinners, celebrating Gujarati tuvar daar (dal) The evening will start with small sharing plates inspired by my East African and Mumbai food stories, followed by our indulgent homemade tuvar daar, also known as Lagan ni daar Unlike the familiar North Indian tadka dal or black dal, this rich and unique dish always surprises and delights guests!

5)How do you see Khao Suppers evolving in the future, especially with the rising interest in plant-based dining?

Khao Suppers continues to celebrate plant-based dishes and food traditions passed down to me through supper clubs and pop-ups in London and beyond With a whole breadth of dishes I’m yet to share, I am excited to continue to bring food experiences to our unassuming guests and open them up to the unique flavours that are a product of my multifaceted cultural background We’ve got plans for an array of suppers clubs, but also workshops and creative popups

I’m excited about the growing interest in plantbased cuisine and the willingness to explore diverse flavours from across India, beyond just Gujarati dishes The Indian subcontinent offers a rich variety of plant-based options, perfect for a wholesome, nutrient-rich vegan diet Through our events, we aim to showcase how innovative and diverse Indian food, especially Gujarati cuisine, can be for those seeking something unique when dining out

Ayurveda, th e ancient Indian system of h olisti c h ealth , p ro vides invaluable insights th at align seamlessly with a vegan lifestyle Rooted in p rincip les of balance and h armony with natu re, Ayurveda co mp lements veganism, enh ancing both its health benefi ts and alignment with ethical and ecological valu es Saach Organics, a skincare and haircare brand inspired by Ayurvedic principles, exemplifies this harmonious blend Dedicated to serving both the planet and its customers, the brand incorporates natural, sustainably sourced ingredients into its formulations For hair care, they use nourishing elements like hibiscus, primrose, amla, jojoba and almond oil, orange oil, green tea, cinnamon, tea tree, and lemon Their skincare range features revitalising ingredients such as mint, rosemary, aloe vera, and green tea, offering deep nourishment and rejuvenation

In an exclusive interview with Asian Voice, Harvinder Parhar, the founder of Saach Organics, discusses the thoughtful formulation of their products, the brand’s commitment to ethical standards, and its dedication to sustainable practices

Whatinspired you to create Saach Organics, and how did you decide to focus on Ayurvedic, organic, and vegan products?

Growing up, beauty was always something I loved

Being from an Indian family, some of my fondest memories were visiting India with my family and spending time with my grandmother and aunt, making natural beauty treatments together It was such a comforting and heartwarming experience using ingredients straight from nature, rooted in tradition

That connection sparked my interest in Ayurveda and the natural world I wanted to create something that brought that same sense of care and authenticity to others Saach Organics is my way of sharing these beautiful rituals with a global audience, especially in the Western market, while staying true to the natural and organic ingredients I grew up with I also wanted to make sure the products were safe for everyone free from harmful chemicals, vegan, and gentle, because hair care is such an important part of how we take care of ourselves

Howdoes Ayurveda influence the ingredients and formulations of your hair and skin products?

Ayurveda is central to everything we create at Saach Organics It’s a tradition that’s been around for over 5,000 years, and it’s such a rich source of wisdom about how to care for yourself using nature The ingredients we use-like neem, amla, and bhringrajare all native to India and have been trusted for generations for their

healing and nourishing properties When I think about our formulations, I want them to be a balance between this ancient knowledge and modern needs Ayurveda is all about harmony, and that’s exactly what we strive for in every product we make

Wheredo you source the ingredients for your products, and how do you ensure they meet your ethical standards?

Our ingredients come directly from India, and I take so much pride in making sure they’re sourced responsibly I’ve worked hard to build relationships with suppliers who share the same values as Saach Organics sustainability, fairness, and quality It’s really important to me that the people who grow and provide these ingredients are treated with respect and that we ’ re mindful of the environment every step of the way

What impact do you hope Saach Organics will have on promoting sustainability and ethical consumerism in the beauty industry?

I hope Saach Organics can show people that beauty doesn’t have to come at the expense of the planet or the people behind the products By choosing sustainable packaging, responsibly sourcing our ingredients, and creating products that are vegan and cruelty-free, I want to encourage consumers to think about where their products come from and the impact they have For me, it’s about creating something meaningful not just another beauty product, but something that genuinely cares for the earth, the people who make it, and the people who use it If Saach Organics can inspire others to make more conscious choices, then I feel like we ’ ve done something really special

Vegan food demand at UK quickservice restaurants soars 56% in 2024

Consu mer da ta rev ea ls a 56% increa se in ve ga n f ood ord ers a t quickserv ice re sta ura nt s in th e UK in 20 24 , accord ing to Vita Mojo

The findings, sourced from eateries like Leon, Gail’s, Wasabi, Yo!, Wenzel’s, and Subway, suggest a growing demand for plant-based options, countering the narrative of a decline in plant-based food trends

The data, analysing 9 8 million meal deal orders and 139 million food item orders, showed a 64% increase in demand for vegetarian options Nick

Popovici, CEO of Vita Mojo, noted that customers are seeking health-conscious and plant-based choices while also favoring comfort food at lunch

Additionally, reusable coffee cup usage surged by 111%, signaling a growing commitment to sustainability, with many quick-service outlets offering discounts for customers using their own cups to reduce single-use plastics

A recent report follows earlier findings that vegan food and drink purchases at UK airports have surged

this year Many restaurants have expanded their vegan offerings Subway now features meat-alternative fillings like the Plant Patty and Plant Picante, along with Vegan CheeZe and a Vegan Double Chocolate Cookie

Leon has become a vegan-friendly spot, offering options like the Love Burger, Bangin’ Bhaji Wrap, and Golden Glow Dhal rice box Wenzel’s has also popularized the vegan sausage roll, now available as an 18-portion platter on their website

Punam Vaja

Dear Financial Voice Reader, Alpesh Patel

Ten Stock Market Lessons fo r 2025 for my Asi an Voice Reader

As we close another year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on lessons learned and apply them to the year ahead The stock market is as much about discipline as it is about opportunity After decades of navigating markets, here are my ten most important lessons to help you achieve better returns in 2025

1.Focus on Quality Over Hype

In every bull market, there are stocks that grab headlines but lack substance Avoid chasing speculative fads Instead, invest in companies with strong fundamentals high profitability, low debt, and competitive advantages These are the businesses that withstand market turbulence and deliver consistent returns I will on my Telegram channel in 2025 continue proving such names and education www alpeshpatel com/links

2 Valuation Matters

Even the best companies can be bad investments if you overpay Buying at the right price is crucial Look for stocks trading below their intrinsic value, determined by earnings, cash flow, and long-term prospects Be patient and disciplined about valuations There are very few of these So when I buy and make money on momentum, I keep a closer eye and have a rule of selling X% if the stock drops Y% from the high from when I bought it

3. The Power of Dividends

Dividend-paying companies, especially those with a history of increasing payouts, tend to outperform over time Dividends provide income and can stabilize your portfolio during market downturns Reinvesting dividends compounds your wealth faster than you might think Most of my stocks pay dividends It also makes them more resilient against falls

4 Diversify, But Don’t Overdo It

Holding 20–30 well-researched stocks across sectors and geographies is usually sufficient Too much diversification can dilute your returns, while too little exposes you to unnecessary risks Balance is key And remember, a US company is usually diversified by selling globally

5 Stay Invested Through Volatility

Market timing is a fool’s game Some of the biggest gains occur immediately after major downturns If you sell out during a crash, you risk missing the recovery Instead, focus on the long term and stay invested through ups and downs I have what I call ‘exit into cash on a daddy bear’ These happen once in 5-7 years like 2022 I’ll keep you updated in this column if that happens Else the normal rule I have is to sell if it drops 25% from entry

6. Watch Global Trends

Keep an eye on macroeconomic factors like inflation, interest rates, and geopolitical events These will shape markets in 2025 For instance, the potential impact of China’s economic policy or the direction of US interest rates can influence sectors differently But most important is the company Sure my picks of the year are big in Quantum Computing, AI, Cyber

7 Leverage Technology

Today’s investors have access to powerful tools for screening stocks, analyzing data, and managing risk Use these to your advantage Many platforms offer insights once available only to institutional investors Again see my www campaignforamillion com for free resources

8 Mind Your Emotions

Emotional decision-making is one of the biggest threats to your returns Fear during a downturn or greed in a rally can lead to poor choices Stick to a clear plan and avoid reacting to headlines or short-term noise Read this column!

9. Learn From the Masters

Study successful investors like Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, and Ray Dalio Their principles focusing on value, staying patient, and thinking long term are timeless and continue to guide profitable strategies Buffett has lots of YouTube videos I am at 400k followers on TikTok

10 Invest in Yourself

The more you know, the better your results Read books, take courses, and stay curious Knowledge compounds, just like your investments A well-educated investor outperforms one who chases tips or acts on hunches

2025 will bring its own challenges and opportunities While no one can predict the future, applying these lessons can help you navigate uncertainty, minimize mistakes, and maximize returns Discipline and preparation are your greatest allies in the stock market Make them count

Empowering British Asian entrepreneurs for a brighter future

British Indian entrepreneurs are achieving great success in the UK, but gaps in support, resources, and representation still exist Bae HQ, founded by Amardeep Parmar and Gurvir Riyat, is addressing these gaps by building a community for highgrowth British Asian entrepreneurs, operators, and investors

In an interview with Asian Voice, Amardeep discusses his journey, the shifting business landscape for South Asians in the UK, and more Can you tell us about the journey that led to the creation of Bae HQ? What inspired the idea?

My journey has been quite unconventional Growing up in Ilford, a predominantly ethnic minority area, and later studying at Bath University, which was culturally the opposite, exposed me to a significant cultural shift After university, I worked at the Bank of England and later in tech consulting, but I realised it wasn’t my calling During this time, I began writing online, eventually building a vast network of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and investors However, I noticed a lack of support and community for Asian entrepreneurs in the UK, especially in the startup and high-growth tech sectors, unlike the strong networks for black and female founders My father, a significant influence in my life, encouraged me to leave my job and pursue my passion for creating a space for Asian startups to thrive Tragically, he passed away shortly before I could begin, but his values and encouragement became my driving force This initiative isn’t just about making a difference but also about building a community for Asian entrepreneurs who feel out of place in tech spaces

How does the Bae HQ aim to support British Asian entrepreneurs, operators and investors in their professional growth?

We build opportunities through four key pillars The opportunity pillar offers mentorship programs to help early-stage founders become investment-ready, along with student engagement initiatives like school visits and university talks We’re also launching a project to provide startup work experience for disadvantaged students The media pillar amplifies

underrepresented voices with over 200 podcasts, showcasing investors and startups, and providing free educational content The events pillar connects over 2,000 attendees, fostering collaborations and opportunities The funding pillar supports Asian entrepreneurs with later-stage funding to scale their businesses globally Our goal is to inspire students, guide them through education and entrepreneurship, and empower them to become leaders who give back to their communities, ultimately creating a cycle of innovation and progress

In your experience, how has the business and entrepreneurial landscape shifted for South Asians in the UK over the past few years?

Diversity programs often overlook Asians, focusing more on Black, female, and LGBTQ+ founders While figures like Rishi Sunak suggest widespread success, many Asians, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds, face significant challenges We've spotlighted entrepreneurs who overcame adversity, from council housing to building million-dollar businesses, shedding light on these untold stories and shifting perceptions Institutions are starting to recognise the untapped potential of Asian entrepreneurs While earlier generations prioritised stability, younger Asians are now embracing risk and innovation Despite making up 22% of London’s population, Asian founders have received only 5% of funding over the past five years a disparity driven by systemic gaps, not talent Our mission is to address this imbalance, pushing for proportional funding and support Even 20% of funding for Asian founders could be transformative, and with growing enthusiasm from young Asians and institutional backing, we ’ re seizing this pivotal moment to drive

British economy heading for ‘worst of all worlds’

Businesses are " battening down the h atches" as fears of economic downturn loo m over th e new year, with many blam ing the im pact o f Rachel Reeves’s Budget for th e bleak outlook

A recent survey by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) reveals that firms are planning to reduce both output and hiring, reflecting the wider economic uncertainty in the latter half of the year These findings, released alongside data from the Office for National Statistics showing a stagnant economy in the first quarter of the new Labour government Expectations for growth are now at their lowest point since the aftermath of Liz Truss's tenure as Prime Minister

The CBI pointed to the Chancellor’s rise in employer national insurance contributions, introduced in October, as a key factor behind the pessimistic outlook The hike is expected to generate around £25 billion annually Alpesh Paleja, the CBI’s interim deputy chief economist, warned that businesses expect a "worst of all worlds" scenario, with reductions in output and hiring, alongside increasing price growth expectations

As 2025 approaches, businesses are looking to the government for measures to boost confidence and encourage investment, such as reforming the apprenticeship levy, improving workforce health incentives, and revising business rates


What advice would you give to young, aspiring British Asian entrepreneurs looking to break into the business space?

Starting something new is about taking small steps Transitioning from a stable job to entrepreneurship can be overwhelming, but there's no need for drastic changes right away Start by experimenting attend events, listen to podcasts, and explore ideas People often fear judgment, but putting yourself out there often leads to more support Remember, even the most successful people started from somewhere Through over 350 podcast interviews, I’ve learned that everyone faces insecurities and challenges Success comes from consistent effort and a willingness to learn, not perfection Use free resources and programs to gradually build confidence and skills without financial risk Start small, learn along the way, and you'll be better prepared for bigger steps, like full-time entrepreneurship, with more confidence and support

How do you envision the role of Bae HQ in fostering long-term economic growth and collaboration among British Asian communities?

Bae HQ’s vision extends beyond our first two years In 2025, we aim to provide work experience to 100 students, with a goal of reaching 10,000 Our initiatives support young people and professionals transitioning into entrepreneurship We plan to expand beyond London into the Midlands and North, tapping into the untapped potential of British Asians with innovative ideas Take Dr Farzana Rahman, founder of Hexarad, as an example her AI innovations in radiology are saving lives and improving healthcare Supporting such innovators can lead to transformational advancements across industries Our dream is to empower life-changing ideas and foster crosscommunity collaboration Bae HQ isn’t just about Asians helping Asians; it’s about building bridges and supporting underrepresented founders, including women and Black entrepreneurs By connecting Asian founders to wider networks, we can unlock exponential growth and drive significant economic and societal change The potential is limitless, and we ’ re excited for the journey ahead

Mohsin and Zuber Issa, th e British petrol station moguls, are considering a £13 billion listing of th eir forecourt business, EG Gro up, on a US stock exch ange dealing a blow to th e London Sto ck Exchange

Sources suggest that EG Group, alongside its private equity backer TDR Capital, is eyeing a US listing as early as 2025, with the American market being particularly attractive due to EG’s strong presence there Founded in 2001 in Bury, Greater Manchester, EG Group has grown rapidly through high-debt acquisitions, expanding its network of service stations globally With EG Group's sizable US operations spanning 30 states, analysts believe the US listing could lead to a high valuation, in line with other companies like Ashtead and Flutter Banks linked to the potential float include Rothschild, Barclays, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan

Amardeep Parmar
L-R: Mohsin and Zuber Issa

India becomes Asia's top market for company listings

India ha s replaced China as Asia’ s top market for company list ings this year as buoyant stock price s spark a boom in initial publ ic offerings

Propelled by companies

i n c l u d i n g S w i g g y a n d

Hyundai Motor, India will


g market behind the US for the first time The National Stock Exchange of India is set to be the number one venue for primary listings by value - ahead of Nasdaq and Hong Kong Stock Exchange, KPMG figures show

The rankings herald

finance as a tightening of regulations leads to a rela-


have rushed to take advantage of high valuations following a multi-year rally in

Indian capital markets,” said V Jayasankar, a managing

Investment Banking

India, which had a large volume of relatively smaller

buoyed by companies seeking to raise funds while val-

Indian units of multinational groups such as Hyundai

They pulled more than $11bn out of Indian stocks in October, a record monthly exodus, as well as a further

However, bankers said the wider exuberance in primary and secondary listings in India was likely to be sustained into the new year

“Globally, we expect the IPO market activity to normalise in 2025 and we will see a pick up in volumes

Europe and possibly also out

McCartney, global co-head of equity capital markets at UBS “It would not surprise

grow though

Indian tech sector to grow to $350bn by 2030: Nasscom president

India’s tec h indus try is poised to expand to $ 35 0 billion by 2030, u p from $25 4 billion in t he 2 02 3- 24 f in an c

ea r, Nas sc om ’ s pres iden t Rajes h Nambiar said T

reflects a CAGR of 6 4% “We will work towards getting to about a $350-billion mark by 2030 Of course, the growth rate came down significantly in the last two years But even with all of that, we are seeing a lot of green shoots I believe t h a t w e a r e i n a p i v o t a l moment The emergence of GenAI has transformed the global landscape Our focus must transition from AI PoCs

return on investments that we can put together on the

board,” said Nambiar He succeeds his predecessor Debjani Ghosh, who completed her term in Nov Prior to that, Nambiar was chairman and MD of Cognizant India

N a s s c o

casted the tech sector’s revenues of $350 billion for FY26, d

advanced technologies such

as cloud computing and analytics However, the IT industry body had to reset these growth estimates, extending the timeline by five years to achieve the targeted figures The Indian IT services sector faces a significant slowdown in the last fiscal, with minimal expansion in both revenue and employment

Honda and Nissan join forces to take on China in cars

Sajjan J indal promoted JSW

E ne rgy a n no u n c ed a n al l cash deal to acqu ire green

e n er gy b u s in e s s o f O 2 Power, backed by Swedish private equ ity firm E QT and S i ng apo re ’ s s t at e i nv es t


£1 25bn

i s

The acquisition by JSW

o achieve 20 gigawatts (GW) generation capacity by April

2 0 3 0 a n d e x p e c t e d t o b e completed by May 26, subject to statutory approvals The deal will be carried out through JSW Energy sub-

s i d i a r y J S W N e o E n e r g y , w h i c h w


1 0 0 % interest in O2 Power Midco Holdings Pte and O2 Energy

SG Pte O2 Power was founded in November 2019 by three former ReNew Power execu t

, Peeyush Mohit and Rakesh Garg

In talks with China’ s Geely I n a n o t h

d e v e l o pment, JSW Group is in talks

with multiple auto majors f o r m o r e e

joint ventures According to sources, among the OEMs that JSW is in talks with is Chinese auto major Geely JSW, say sources, is betting aggressively on the Indian EV industry and is interested in launching multiple EV lineups including passenger


o looking to launch its own EV lineup,” said a top auto

When contacted, the company spokesman said “JSW will not comment on the story” When contacted MG I n d i a o f f i c i a l s r e f u s e d t o comment

Osamu Suzuki, who led Japanese automaker into India, dies at 94

O s am u S u zu k i w h o l ed

J a p an ’ s S u z u ki Mo to r fo r m ore th an fou r decades and p layed a key role in tu rning India into a flo urishing auto m arket, has died aged 94 He died on December 25 of lymp homa, said the comp any, w hich he steered ambitio usly, during his tim e as eith er ch ief execu tive or chairman, o ut of its prim ary market of m ini vehicles

The inexpensive, boxy, 660-cc cars specific to Japan benefited from generous tax

b r e a k s b u t d e m a n d e d a stringent reining-in of costs that proved to be a key part of the automaker’s DNA

became a massive hit, boost-

gaining power when it tied up with General Motors in 1981

Suzuki then took a big and risky decision to invest a year ’ s worth of the compan

a national car maker for India

Honda and Nissan plan to merge as t he t wo Japanese f ir m s s eek t o f ig h t bac k ag a ins t co m p et i t i on fr om t h e C h i nes e car i nd u st r y

Joining forces would cr eate one of t he wor ld's biggest car pr oducers along side Toyot a, Volkswagen, G eneral Motor s and Ford

The potentially multibillion dollar deal to combat "the rise of Chinese power" was a key driver behind the p l a n , s a i d H o n d a ' s c h i e f executive Toshihiro Mibe

Mibe said a plan to "fight back" needs to be in place by 2 0 3 0 , o r t h e y r i s k b e i n g "beaten" by rivals

T h e m e r g e r , w h i c h would include Mitsubishio f w h i c h N i s s a n i s t h e biggest shareholder - would allow all three companies to s h a r e r e s o u r c e s a g a i n s t other electric vehicle com-

petitors such as Tesla

The growing electric car market has been increasingly dominated by Chinesem a d e e l e c t r i c v e h i c l e s , including BYD, which have posed a threat to some of the w o r l d ' s b e s t k n o w n c a r firms

" T h e r e i s a r i s e o f Chinese power and emerging forces and the structure of the automobile industry is c h a n g i n g , " M i b e t o l d reporters at a press confer-

ence announcing the merger talks

Growing competition in C h i n a h a s l e f t m a n y c a r makers struggling to compete, as lower labour and manufacturing costs make local firms more nimble and a b l e t o p r i c e t h e i r g o o d s lower than foreign counterparts, making them far more attractive to buyers It has led to China becoming the world's biggest producer of electric vehicles

NRI deposits in Gujarat cross £10bn


as emerged as a relative haven, draw ing inves tm ents from no t o n ly

do m e st ic p layers bu t also no n-res ident Indians (NRIs)

until SepOct, which encouraged NRIs to invest, particu-

p p l y engines that met new emissions regulations, but which S



More success followed with the 1979 launch of the

In the 1970s, he saved the company from the brink o f c o l l a p s e b y c o n v i n c i n g T o y o t a M

His personal interest was motivated by a strong desire “to be number one somew h e

n t h e w o r l d , ” h e would later recall

At the time, India was an automotive backwater with a n n u


According to data from t h e S t


, N R I deposits in Gujarat crossed the £10bn mark in the Sep quarter of the 2025 financial year (Q2 FY25), 14% higher than Q2 FY 2024, rising to £10 1bn against £8 91bn

A senior SLBC Gujarat official, said, “Over the past

year, NRIs remitted significant sums to India This is driven by a mix of factors As global uncertainties heighten, many NRIs find parking

and other

Sajjan Jindal
Osamu Suzuki
Gautam Adani

in brief


Sunil Yadav, a notorious Punjab born drug smuggler wanted in multiple cases in Rajasthan, was killed in a shootout in California on December 23 Yadav, known for trafficking drugs into India via the Pakistan route, had previously been linked to a seized drug consignment worth £30mn The killing was claimed by gangster Rohit Godara a member of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang He alleged that Yadav had collaborated with the Punjab police to have their associate Ankit Bhadu killed in an encounter In a statement Godara said We have avenged him Sunil Yadav fled the country after his involvement in Bhadu s death was revealed In the US, he was sharing information about our brothers


The Indian Embassy in Berlin said it has been in close contact with all the seven Indians who were injured in an attack at the Magdeburg Christmas market in Germany last week A 50-year-old man drove his car into the crowd at the Christmas market last week, leaving at least five people dead and nearly 200 injured German authorities said India's ministry of external affairs said in a statement "We condemn the horrific and senseless attack Several precious lives have been lost and many have been injured Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims," it added


Kirtan Patel, 24, has pleaded guilty to attempting to entice a minor to engage in sexual activity Patel faces a minimum penalty of 10 years, and up to life, in federal prison The sentence date has not yet been set According to the plea agreement, Patel communicated online with someone whom he believed was a 13-year-old girl The child, however, was an undercover Homeland Security Investigations special agent Patel engaged in a sexually explicit conversation with the undercover agent Ultimately Patel was arrested when he traveled to a location in Marion County to engage in sexual activity with the child


Chennai-born 19-year-old Caitlin Sandra Neil, was crowned Miss India USA 2024 at the annual pageant held on December 15 in New Jersey Neil is a second-year Cognitive Science student at the University of California, Davis, with a focus on computational science The pageant, held at Royal Albert’s Palace in Fords, New Jersey, marked the 42nd edition of the prestigious event, making it the longest-running Indian pageant outside of India and is founded by New York-based Dharmatma and Neelam Saran under the Worldwide Pageants banner The event saw 47 contestants from 25 states competing in three categories The first and second runnerup titles in the Miss India USA category were awarded to Nirali Desia from Illinois and Manini Patel from New Jersey respectively


Hindu students in Ohio will be getting a holiday for Diwali and two other Hindu holidays per school year, an Indian American State legislator has announced A bill cosponsored by Indian American Senator Niraj Antani that was passed by State Legislation has now been passed by Ohio Governor Mike Dewine "Because of this law that I cosponsored, every Hindu student in Ohio will be able to take school off as a holiday for Diwali beginning in 2025 and then for the rest of history This is an incredible victory for Hindus in Ohio, Antani said

Bangladesh seeks Sheikh Hasina’s extradition from India

D HAK A: T he interim government in Bangladesh said th at it has sent a note verbale, o r an u ns i gne d d

nique, to India fo rmally seeking the extradition of fo rmer Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Affairs Adviser Touhid Hossain


power and forced to flee to India on August 5 amid widespread, student-led protests against her Awami League government She had been the prime minister of Bangladesh for 16 years Nobel laureate economist Muhammad Yunus took over as the head of B

ment on August 8

The interim government has s a i d i t p l a n s t o i n

Hasina in connection with alle-

killings and enforced disappearances of dissidents during the

regime in July and August A total of 51 cases have been filed

Bangladesh High Commission “At this time, we have no comment to offer on this matter,”

Affairs was quoted as saying Graft pro be against Hasina’s fam ily


Meanwhile, Bangladesh has l

179 killed as plane crash-lands in South Korea

data recorder and the cockpit

K orea crashed on arrival, sm ashing into a barrier and bursting i n to f lam es , ki l li ng eve ryo

a tte nda nts p lu c ked f ro m t h e w reckage

A bird strike was cited by authorities as the likely cause of the crash - the worst ever aviation disaster on South Korean soil - which flung passengers out of the plane and left it “almost completely destroyed”, according to fire officials

Video showed the Jeju Air Boeing 737-800 landing on its b e l l y a t M u a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l Airport, skidding off the runway as smoke streamed out from the engines, before crashing into a wall and exploding in flames

O n l y t w o p e o p l e - b o t h flight attendants - were rescued from the crash, the fire department said

Both black boxes - the flight

v o i c e r e c o r d e r - h a v e b e e n found, deputy transport minister Joo Jong-wan said at a briefing

All of the passengers were Korean apart from two Thais, with the youngest a three-year old boy and the oldest a 78-year old, authorities said The two s u r v i v o r s w e r e t r a n s f e r r e d t o separate hospitals in Seoul

The accident took place in a matter of minutes as Jeju Air Flight 2216 tried to land - with t h e c o n t r o l t o w e r i s s u i n g a warning of a bird strike, and the pilot soon after calling “ mayday”

Video shows the plane coming off the tarmac and hitting a w a l l , b u t o f f i c i a l s d i s m i s s e d speculation that the length of the runway was a factor in the crash It is the first fatal accident in the history of Jeju Air, one of South Korea’s largest low-cost carriers, which was set up in 2005

alleged $5 billion embezzlement connected to a Russian-backed nuclear power plant by ousted PM Sheikh Hasina and her family, the anti-corruption commission said Along with Hasina, t h o s

j e c t t o t

q u i r y include her son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy, and niece, Tulip Siddiq, a British lawmaker and govt minister

The allegations were raised by a writ seeking an investigation filed in the high court by H a s i n a ’ s p o l i t i c a

o p p o n e n t , Bobby Hajjaj, chairman of the N a t i o n

A statement from the commission said it had launched an i n q u i r y i n

g a t i o n s


t Hasina and family members had “embezzled $5 billion” from the Rooppur plant via “various offs h

Malaysia” It said its investigations were examining “question-

related to the overpriced construction” of the plant

Movement party “We seek justice through our court,” Hajjaj said Key allegations are connected to the funding of the $12 65 billion Rooppur nuclear plant, the country’s first, which is bankrolled by Moscow with a 90% loan

Afghan Taliban hit ‘several points’ in Pak in retaliation for attacks

K A B U L : A fg h an T al ib an forces have tar get ed “ sev eral p o int s ” i n ne ig h b ou r i ng

P aki s t an, A f g ha nis t an ’ s

Ministr y of Defense said , d ays after Pakistani aircraft carr ied o ut ae r ia l b om b ar d m ent s inside t he countr y T h e s t a t e m e n t f r o m t h e defence ministry did not directly specify that Pakistan was hit, but said the attacks were conducted “beyond the ‘hypothetical line'” –an expression used by Afghan authorities to refer to a border w i t h P a k i s t a n t h a t t h e y h a v e long disputed

“Several points beyond the hypothetical line, serving as centres and hideouts for malicious elements and their supporters who organised and coordinated attacks in Afghanistan, were targ e t e d i n r e t a l i a t i o n f r o m t h e s o u t h e a s t e r n d i r e c t i o n o f t h e country,” the ministry said Afghanistan has for decades rejected the border, known as t h e D u r a n d L i n e , d r a w n b y British colonial authorities in the 19th century through the mountainous and often lawless tribal belt between what is now Afghanistan and Pakistan

No details of casualties or specific areas targeted were provided The Pakistani military’s p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s w i n g a n d a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not immedi-


A security source said that at least one Pakistani paramilitary soldier was killed and seven othe r s w o u n d e d i n c r o

b o r d e r exchanges of fire with Afghan forces

Sporadic clashes, including with heavy weaponry, erupted overnight between border forces on the frontier between Khyber

Pakistan and Khost province in Afghanistan, officials from both c o u n

come after Afghanistan’s Taliban authorities accused Pakistan of killing 46 people, mainly women and children, in air strikes near the border this week Islamabad said it had targeted hideouts of fighters along the border, while Afghan authorities warned they would retaliate

territory have been launched from Afghan soil


Bangladesh orders probe into mutiny massacre of 2009

DHA K A: Bangladesh ordered

failed 2009 army m uti ny an d subseq uen t c rackdown, inc luding the role of alleged "fore ign" back ers, the in qui ry c hi ef s aid The violent mutiny sen t shock waves through the South Asian n a ti on

army crushin g the m utin eers, with sc ores arrested and sentenced to death

A previous official investigation into the mutiny which left scores dead blamed years of pent-up anger among ordinary soldiers, who felt their appeals for pay rises and better treat-

ment were ignored But that probe was carried out during the tenure of Sheikh H a s i n a , w h


d a s prime minister by a revolution in August, when she fled to India Since her fall, families of soldiers killed in the violence h

reopen the investigation

T h e y h

v e r e p e a t e d l y accused Hasina of orchestrating a plan to weaken the military to bolster her own power in a country prone to coups P

plot The claims are likely to

infuriate New Delhi, which did not immediately respond to the allegations

" W e a i m t o d

m i n e whether any foreign entity was involved in the carnage, as allegations of national and internat


The mutineers stole thousands of weapons in February 2009 from the headquarters of


spread, with thousands of sol-

pledging allegiance to the mutineers before it was quashed by the army

Thousands were rounded up and tried in special military courts in the aftermath of the massacre, as the then newlyelected government of Hasina

handed punishments ranging from death to a few years, with the United Nations criticising the process for failing to meet basic standards

Sheikh Hasina

Sunita's return to earth delayed further

CAPE CANAV E RAL: Nasa’ s tw o stuck astronauts just go t th eir sp ace mission extended again T hat m eans th ey wo n’t be back o n Earth until sp ring, 1 0 mo nths

a fte r ro c ke tin g i nto or bi t o n

Boeing’s Starliner capsule Nasa announced the delay in Indiano rigin Sunita's return to earth d ela ye d f ur th er an d B u tch

Wilmore’s ho meco ming

The two test pilots planned on being away just a week or so when they blasted off on June 5 on Boeing’s first astronaut flight to the International Space

Station Their mission grew from eight days to eight months after Nasa decided to send the company ’ s problem-plagued

Starliner capsule back empty in Sept Now the pair won’t return until the end of March or even April because of a delay in launching their replacements, according to Nasa A fresh crew needs to launch before Wilmore and Williams can return and the next mission has been bumped more than a month, according to the space agency

Nasa’s next crew of four was supposed to launch in Feb But SpaceX needs more time to prepare the brand new capsule for liftoff That launch is now

Kash Patel wants to reshape FBI via surveillance reform

W A S H I N G T O N : Ind i an A m er i c an Ka sh

P at el, Donald Tr ump's pick t o head FBI, shares the presid ent -elect's scepticism of t he nat ion's premier law enforcement agency Patel rev ealed over t he last year in inter views and his own book that t he centur y-old FBI should be r adically over hauled

Patel said in the interview that he would shut down the FBI Hoover Building on day one and reopen it the next day as a museum of the deep state Then he would take the 7,000 employees that work in that building and send them across America to chase down criminals

In a book last year titled, Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth and the Battle for Our Democracy, he proposed a more modest reform of having the headquarters moved out of Washington to prevent institutional capture and curb FBI leadership from engaging in political gamesmanship

“We're going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections," Patel said The same applies for supposed conspirators inside the federal government, he said

Patel himself has said that it's yet to be determined whether such a crackdown would be done civilly or criminally His book

includes several pages of former officials from the FBI, Justice Department and other federal agencies he's identified as being part of the Executive Branch Deep State Patel has been a fierce critic of the FBI's use of its surveillance authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and in his interview, called for major reform If confirmed, Patel would take over the FBI amid continued debate over a particularly contentious provision of FISA known as Section 702, which permits the US to collect without a warrant the communications of non-Americans located outside the country for the purpose of gathering foreign intelligence He has called for reducing the size of the intelligence community Patel has advocated cutting the federal government's intelligence community, including the CIA and National Security Agency

Trump appoints Indian American as policy adviser on AI

W AS H I N G T O N : U S P res i dentelect Donald Tru mp named Indian Am eric an entrepreneu r, venture

c ap it ali s t a nd a u th o r S r i ram

K rishnan as senior White House

p o l i cy a dvi s er o n Ar ti fi c i al Intelligence

“Sriram Krishnan will serve as the senior policy Adviser for artificial intelligence at the White House office of science and technology policy,” Trump said as he announced a number of appointments on artificial intelligence or AI Krishnan, who has previously led product teams at Microsoft, Twitter, Yahoo, Facebook and Snap, will work along with David O Sacks who will be the White House AI & Crypto czar

Sriram will focus on ensuring continued American leadership in AI and help shape and coordinate AI policy across government, including working with the President's Council of Advisers on science and technology Sriram started his career at Microsoft as a founding member of Windows Azure,” Trump said

scheduled for no earlier than late March NASA said it considered using a different SpaceX capsule to fly up the replacement crew in order to keep the flights on schedule But it decided the best option was to wait for the new capsule to transport the next crew

Nasa prefers to have overlapping crews at the space station for a smoother transition, according to officials Most space station missions last six months, with a few reaching a full year

Former US president Jimmy Carter dies at 100

G EO RG IA : Jimmy Ca rter , t he 100-yea r-old fo r m e r US

laur eate who rose fr om humble b eginnings in rura l Georgia to lead the na tion from 1977 to 1981, ha s died, his nonprofit foundat ion said Carter had been in hospice care since mid-February 2023 at his home in Plains, Georgia - the same small town where he was born and once ran a peanut farm before becoming governor of the Peach State and running for the White House Carter died "peacefully" at his home in Plains, "surrounded by his family," the Carter Center said in a statement "My father was a hero, not only to me but to everyone who believes in peace, human rights and unselfish love," Chip Carter said in the statement

Carter was the longest-lived US president - an outcome that seemed unlikely back in 2015 when the Southern Democrat revealed he had brain cancer But the US Navy veteran and fervent Christian repeatedly defied the odds to enjoy a long and fruitful postpresidency, after four years in the Oval Office often seen as disappointing

During his single term, Carter placed a commitment on human rights and social justice, enjoying a strong first two years that included brokering a peace deal between Israel and Egypt dubbed the Camp David Accords


A 25-year-old Indian origin man in Singapore was sentenced to one year five months and six weeks' jail after he pleaded guilty to one count each of assaulting his father and molesting a woman in separate incidents Arjune Ravi rained blows on his 64-year-old father and continued the assault, The Straits Times newspaper reported Police officers later arrested Arjune and the father was taken to hospital, where he was found with multiple injuries including a nasal fracture In an unrelated incident, Arjune had molested a 24year-old woman in the Little India enclave in November 2023


Indian tourists could soon enjoy visa-free travel to Russia with the new arrangement expected as early as spring 2025 This follows a series of consultations between Moscow and New Delhi, which began in June this year, to establish a bilateral agreement easing visa restrictions Currently, Indian travelers can visit 62 countries without a visa Russia, which introduced e-visas for Indian passport holders in August 2023, may soon join that list E-visas are typically processed within four days and have already strengthened tourism ties between the two nations


Seventeen houses of the minority Christian community were set ablaze in Notun Tongjhiri Tripura Para in Bangladesh s Chittagong Hill Tracts on Christmas eve Villagers told police that unidentified people torched their houses, but Bangladesh govt, citing preliminary investigation, claimed the arson could be linked to a “long-running rivalry between two groups of the (same) community” Four people were arrested over the incident, which took place when most of the villagers were attending the midnight mass at a church in a nearby village, Bandarban district officials said All 17 houses were gutted and two others partially damaged


“Working closely with David Sacks,

“For several years, Sriram has been an insightful thinker and influential commentator in the artificial intelligence realm His previous work blending public policy, international affairs, investing and technology will stand him in good stead as he serves the nation in this important role,” said Indiaspora's executive director Sanjeev Joshipura

But his administration hit numerous snags - the most serious being the taking of US hostages in Iran and the disastrous failed attempt to rescue the 52 captive Americans in 1980 He also came in for criticism for his handling of an oil crisis

In November of that year, Republican challenger Ronald Reagan clobbered Carter at the polls, relegating the Democrat to just one term Reagan, a former actor and governor of California, swept into office on a wave of staunch conservatism

Indians 2nd largest group to become US citizens

WASH INGTON: The allure of the United States continu es to d ra w I nd i an s i n s i gn i f i ca n t nu mbers , so li difying thei r plac e

a s o ne o f the la rges t gro u ps c o n t ri b u ti n g to U S naturalizatio ns

In fiscal year 2024, over 50,000 Indians became US citizens, making India the second-largest contributor to naturalizations after Mexico, which led with 13 1 per cent India accounted for 6 1 per cent

of all new US citizens, followed by the Philippines (5 per cent), the Dominican Republic (4 9 per cent), and Vietnam (4 1 per cent), according to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Several US states and cities with significant Indian American populations emerged as key hubs for naturalizations in FY 2024 California, Texas, and New York led the states, while cities like Houston,

Miami, and Los Angeles hosted large naturalization ceremonies

Women accounted for 55 per cent of all naturalized citizens this year, with over 37 per cent of new citizens aged between 30 and 44 1,7 00 Indian mi no rs caught Meanwhile, nearly 1,700 Indian minors attempting to cross over to US illegally has been apprehended between 2022 and Nov 2024, recent data from the US Customs and

Border Protection (USCBP) revealed

The statistics shed light on the growing number of vulnerable children taking dangerous migration routes charted by human smugglers In 2022, 409 were intercepted; in 2023, this figure jumped to 730; and in 2024, 517 were apprehended Nov 2024 alone saw 42 minors from India caught while attempting to cross the border

The Cour de Cassation, France s highest court, upheld former President Nicolas Sarkozy s conviction for corruption and influence peddling Sarkozy had appealed against the 2021 conviction for corruption and influence peddling in which he had been handed a 3year prison sentence Two of the years were suspended and Sarkozy would wear an electronic monitoring bracelet instead of going to prison for the last year Patrice Spinosi, lawyer for Sarkozy, said the ex-president would appeal to the European Court for Human Rights to challenge the ruling


Justice delayed but not denied That s the feeling Gisele Pelicot must be feeling after a court in France found her ex-husband, Dominique Pelicot, and 50 others guilty of carrying out a mass rape against her for over nine years of time The court has sentenced Dominique, who earlier admitted to drugging, raping her and allowing other men to rape her while she was knocked out, to 20 years in prison, which means that the 72-year-old man could spend the rest of his life in prison All 50 other accused were also convicted by the court, with no acquittals

Kash Patel
Sriram Krishnan
Sunita Williams
Jimmy Carter

ED probing role of 260 Canada colleges in human trafficking to US

Three years ago, a Gujarati family - 39-year-old Jagdish

P a te l , w if e Va isha li (35 ) , daughter (11) and son (3)froze to death on the USCanada b order in Manitoba w h ile t ry in g t o ill e ga ll y cross over to the US The traffickers had left the family alone in the middle of a snowstorm at -37 degrees Celsius

Three years later, a money laundering probe against the agents involved in the Patel family case has found an international syndicate of human traffickers that includes at least 260 colleges in Canada which issued student visas to “illegal migrants” to take the Canadian route to the US

Those who found the student visa route more

convenient, compared to the ‘donkey route’, paid around Rs 50,00,00060,00,000 each to the agents to arrange their student visa and travel to Canada before being “pushed” into the US The probe is still under progress on the transactions of the Canadian colleges and how much money they made

13 dead as Navy speedboat rams ferry near Gateway of India

Thirteen people died, and 99 o the rs w er e r es c ue d after a Navy craft crashed i nto a ferry off the Mumbai coast last week, the Navy said At about 4 pm, a Navy craft undergoing engine trials lost control and collided with the passenger ferry Neel Kamal off Karanja near Mumbai, the Navy said in a statement The ferry was carrying passengers from the Gateway of India to Elephanta Island, a popular tourist destination

Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis told reporters that 101 people were rescued “Deeply saddened by the loss of precious lives in the collision

between the passenger ferry and Indian Navy craft in Mumbai Harbour Injured personnel, including naval personnel and civilians from both vessels, are receiving urgent medical care," Defence Minister Rajnath Singh posted on X Fadnavis said 13 people, including 10 civilians and three from the Navy, were declared dead by naval doctors Two seriously injured personnel from the Navy are admitted to the naval hospital He said the Navy, Coast Guard, and Mumbai Police launched rescue operations immediately Four naval helicopters and 11 crafts were pressed into service

BJP and Cong spar over Rahul’s ‘Vietnam visit’

Claiming that Rahul Gandhi has left for Vietnam, BJP accused the leader of opposition of “exploiting” Manmohan Singh's death for his “expedient politics” and jetting off to a foreign destination for New Year celebrations when the nation was still mourning the former PM's demise Claiming that Rahul’s contempt for the former PM was unmissable, BJP IT cell head Amit Malviya said on X, “The Gandhis and Congress hate Sikhs Never forget that Indira Gandhi desecrated Darbar Sahib ”

Congress immediately responded, with party leader Manickam Tagore asking, “If Rahul Gandhi travels privately, why does it bother you? Get well in New Year ” He added, “When will the Sanghis stop this ‘take diversion’ politics?”

Significantly, Congress's official spokespersons who are quick to come to Rahul's defence did not weigh in for their leader Even Tagore explained that he had no idea of Rahul’s travel plans, adding that he only responded to BJP's attack BJP, however, escalated the attack by reiterating the charge that no Congress leader found time to be present at the immersion of Singh’s ashes “Congress doesn't care for Manmohan Singh They abused and insulted him during his lifetime They continue to do so now Yesterday, nobody went to collect his ashes,” party spokesperson Shahzad Poonawalla wrote on X

Tagore, in turn, accused the Modi govt of denying “Dr Saheb (Singh) a place for cremation on the Yamuna banks”, and said it was “shameful” for union ministers to have “ cornered” the former PM’s family at the cremation Rahul’s foreign visits have long been a subject of conversation in political circles, often generating concern in Congress quarters while providing fodder to BJP

from such “illegal migrants”

“Investigations reveal that to send Indians to the US illegally, the agents arranged their admission in colleges/ universities in Canada and sent them on student visas Once in Canada, instead of joining the college, they illegally crossed the USCanada border,” the ED said

On Dec 10 and 19, the ED carried out searches at eight premises across Mumbai, Nagpur, Gandhinagar and Vadodara on several agents who were involved in sending illegal migrants through these Canadian colleges

During searches, it was found that around 35,000

illegal migrants are sent abroad every year by just two agents, based in Mumbai and Nagpur,” the ED said The probe also found that around 1,700 agents/partners in Gujarat and around 3,500 across India were involved in this racket ED estimates that more than 800 agents are still active despite a multi-agency crackdown on them

The agency said its probe found that at least two such agents based in Mumbai and Nagpur have signed agreements with several universities and colleges abroad for admission of students on commission basis All potential illegal migrants are then prepared with required documentation for a student visa

China to build world’s biggest dam on Brahmaputra river

China has approved the construction of the world’s lar gest dam on the Bra hmaputra river in Tibe t close t o the Indian b or d e r , r a isi n g con ce r n s in r i pa r ia n s t at e s In d ia an d Bangladesh

The hydropower project is planned in the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Tibetan name for Brahmaputra, according to an official statement quoted by state-run Xinhua news agency The dam is to be built at a huge gorge in the Himalayan reaches where the Brahmaputra river makes a huge U-turn to flow into Arunachal Pradesh and then to Bangladesh India has expressed concerns as the dam, besides empowering China to control the water flow, the size and scale of it, could also enable Beijing to release large amounts of water, flooding border areas in times of hostilities India too is building a dam over Brahmaputra in Arunachal Pradesh The total investment in the dam could exceed one trillion yuan ($137 billion), which would dwarf any other single infrastructure project on the planet including China’s own Three Gorges Dam, regarded as the largest in the world China has already operationalised the $1 5 billion Zam Hydropower Station, the largest in Tibet The latest dam was part of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) and long-range objectives adopted by Plenum, a key policy body of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2020 India and China established the Expert Level Mechanism (ELM) in 2006 to discuss various issues related to trans-border rivers under which China provides India with hydrological information on the Brahmaputra river and Sutlej river during the flood seasons Data sharing of trans-border rivers figured in the talks between Indian and Chinese special representatives (SRs) for border question, NSA Ajit Doval and Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, in Beijing on Dec 18

Upon assuming the presidency, Patel announced a

As the West

frets, India and Russia strike US$13 bn oil deal

Cheap oil and geopolitics have brought India and Ru s s i a cl ose r toget her , with a US$13 billion energy pact cementing a partnership that’s as strategic as it is pragmatic, analys ts say For Mos cow, the deal represents a lifeline to a key buyer as it navigates economic isolation For New Delhi, it’s a strategic win, securing cheap energy to power its economy while asserting its independence from Western pressures

The 10-year agreement, brokered between Moscow’s state-owned oil giant Rosneft and India’s private refining powerhouse Reliance Industries, will see Russia supplying nearly 500,000 barrels of crude oil per day – equivalent to about 0 5 per cent of the world’s total oil supply – according to sources

Before its 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Russia accounted for less than 2 per cent of India’s oil imports Today, Russian crude dominates the South Asian nation’s energy portfolio, comprising more than 40 per cent of its imports as of June Western sanctions, imposed after Russia’s invasion, have forced Moscow to sell crude at a discount of US$3 to US$4 per barrel compared to global benchmarks India, heavily reliant on imported energy, has seized the opportunity

“The deal meets the criteria in that it is long-term and predicated on the fact that Russians are offering crude at a discounted price,” said Nandan Unnikrishnan, a Russia expert at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi

“So it is not surprising given where India is in terms of energy security and the pressures that exist on it ”

India’s gains don’t stop at cheap oil Indian refineries have also been able to export refined products made from discounted Russian crude to Western markets, multiplying their profits A recent report from the Centre for the Study of Democracy revealed that the European Union, despite sanctions, increased its purchases of oil from Indian refineries known to process Russian crude by 20 per cent this year compared to last

“The European economy is slowing down, so the ability to purchase refined petroleum products at reasonable prices is becoming extremely crucial,” Unnikrishnan said “Given that, I don’t think Europe is going to make too much noise about the origin of these petroleum products being Russian crude ”

Sudhir Shantilal Rawal, senior journalist and c

The official statement sought to allay concerns about earthquakes, saying that the hydropower project is safe and prioritises ecological protection According to a 2023 report, the hydropower station is expected to generate more than 300 billion kWh of electricity each year – enough to meet the annual needs of over 300 million people

At £93.1mn, Andhra CM Naidu is the richest, Didi poorest

Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu is the richest chief minister in India, with assets worth more than £93 1mn, while West Bengal counterpart Mamata Banerjee is the poores t, wit h j u st R s 15,0 0,000, a cc ord in g to a n Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) report

The report said the average assets per chief minister from assemblies and Union territories is £5 26mn

While India’s per capita net national income or NNI was approximately Rs 1,85,854 for 2023-2024, the average selfincome of a chief minister is Rs 13,64,310, around 7 3 times the average per capita income of India The total assets of 31 chief ministers are worth £163mn

Arunachal Pradesh’s Pema Khandu is the second richest chief minister, with total assets worth over £33 2mn Karnataka’s Siddaramaiah is third on the list, with assets worth more than £5 1mn Jammu & Kashmir CM Omar Abdullah, with assets worth Rs 55,00,000, ranked just above Banerjee, while Kerala’s Pinarayi Vijayan is third, with £118,000

With immense grief, we share about the sad demise of Shri Chandmal Kumavat, Chairman of Maneesh Media. He was a force of nature and the backbone of Maneesh Media. A formidable leader and mentor to many. He was also a devoted family man – a supportive husband, a nurturing father and a doting grandfather. The Kumawat family and Team ABPL stands united as an embodiment of his values of compassion, empathy and integrity. May his soul rest in peace.


BJP’s Annamalai vows to go barefoot

till DMK is ousted over rape case

C O I MB A T O R E : Ta mi l N a du B JP president K Annamalai vowed not t o wear footwear until the DMK govt was oust ed and publ icly flog himsel f six times in front of his Chennai r esidence to prot est police’s handl ing of the Anna University ra pe case

Annamalai’s announcement added to the political storm building up over a 37-year-old food vendor with a criminal record allegedly raping a second-year engineering student on campus three days ago He accused police of revealing the survivor’s name, phone number and other details in violation of laws guaranteeing privacy to girls and women targeted for sexual harassment

“How did the FIR enter the public domain? The FIR also shows the survivor in poor light ” he said, holding law minister S Regupathy accountable for the breach “Where did the Nirbhaya Fund (for safety initiatives) go? Why was there no CCTV camera anywhere near the crime scene on the Anna University campus?” Annamalai said He wrote


to National Commission for Women chairperson Vijaya K Rahatkar, alleging police made public the survivor’s identity as part of DMK govt’s attempt to malign her He slammed Regupathy for saying the state was peaceful for three months but became “disturbed” after Annamalai’s return from a trip to London The BJP neta said he was tired of the “dirty politics” in his state “No more public protest because you (police) arrest BJP cadres who gather and lodge them in a marriage hall So, from tomorrow, cadres will protest in front of their houses,” he said “In the second week of Feb, I am going to visit all six Arupadai Veedu (the deity Muruga’s six abodes) and complain about the situation in TN ”

O P Chautala, five-time Haryana CM, dies at 89

CHAN DI GARH : Fo rm er dep uty PM Devi Lal's son and five-time Haryana

CM an d In di an N at io n al L o k Da l

su premo Om P rakash Chautala, passed away in Gu rgaon last week Th e 89year-o ld Jat veteran, wh o had been battling prolo nged illness, died o f a cardiac arrest

Much before he lost his fight against cancer, Chautala stood diminished in the political arena He and his clan lost successive electoral bouts, with INLD being reduced to almost a bystander from the powerful presence it had in Haryana

The marginalisation would have looked improbable in the late 80s and early 90s when Devi Lal strode the political stage as a big farm leader, the giant ‘Tau’ who defeated Congress in the 1987 Haryana elections

With the promise of farm waiver, Chautala contributed to the governing


Yemen president approves Keralite nurse’s death sentence

KOCH I: In a major s etback

de nt Rashad Muham med al-Alimi approved her death s entence

N im is

as c on vi c te d of m urdering a Yemeni citizen, T alal Abdo M ahdi, in 2018

Nimisha, who hails from Kollengode in Palakkad, allegedly murdered Mahadiwith whom she started a health clinic in Sana’a and subsequently married - in July 2017, chopped his body, and dumped the body parts in a water tank Mahadi allegedly tortured Nimisha and illegally seized her passport, which led to the murder A trial court awarded a death sentence to her in 2018, and an appeal court later upheld it

As the President’s approval will lead to the execution of her death sentence within a month, the

party’s massive defeat in the 1989 Lok Sabha polls

It was Chautala’s stubbornness to take over as Haryana CM after Devi Lal moved to the Centre as deputy PM, and the accompanying controversies, including violence in Meham bypoll, which marked the first blow to the influence of the clan

Chautala got a second chance when the Haryana voter gave INLD a comfortable majority However, the favour could not be reciprocated because of the litany of scandals and tales of high-handedness that marked the tenure The result: a series of rebuffs from the jilted electorate who went back to Congress while Chautala ended up serving a 10-year sentence for corruption in recruitment of teachers

The conviction, which was upheld by Delhi HC as well as SC, marked a decisive end to his political career

BJP leader Suvendu promises probe into Sandeshkhali events

K O L K AT A : Be nga l’ s L e ade r o f Op position S uvendu Adhikari said the BJP when it comes to p ower in the state will set up a comm ission to probe the atrocities com mitted in S andeshkh ali and p u ni sh ch i ef m i n is te r Ma m ata Banerjee if found guilty o f conspiracy

In January 2024, an Enforcement Directorate team came under attack when it went to Sandeshkhali, one of the islands of Sundarbans, to arrest the then local Trinamul strongman Sheikh Shahjahan

Shahjahan’s escape and subsequent arrest took the lid off rampant allegations of land grab and sexual assault on women, carried out allegedly by two of Shahjahan’s henchmen Uttam Sardar and Shibaprasad Hazra

“Many people have fought for you They still want to fight for you You are not alone,” the BJP leader said at a public meeting in Sandeshkhali on Tuesday, a day after Mamata Banerjee visited and declared herself as the

“protector” of the people there

“I was stopped five times from visiting Sandeshkhali (earlier this year, when the people in the villages rose against the henchmen of the now suspended Shahjahan) You (Mamata Banerjee) may have forgotten, the people here won’t, nor will I,” said Suvendu

Adhikari said men and women from the BJP who fought for the victims of atrocities in Sandeshkhali were arrested and put behind bars

“When the BJP comes to power in Bengal a commission will be formed to probe the atrocities She will have to go to prison for sending to jail innocent women, ” he said

Adhikari declared that the BJP would wrest the Assembly seat of Sandeshkhali by 27,000 votes “In 2024, we had a lead of 7,000 votes but in 2026 we will win by 27,000, ” he said He predicted the BJP will also win the Hindu-majority seats of Hingalgunj and Basirhat South

Save Nimisha Priya Action Council and her family members will expedite their negotiation talks with the victim’s family and tribal leaders Nimisha’s mother, Prema Kumari, is presently staying in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, to negotiate on the blood money to be paid to the victim’s family NRI social worker Samuel Jerome is coordinating the activities of the action council there

The negotiations to secure Nimisha’s release had received a major jolt two months ago when the lawyer appointed by the Indian embassy for the talks demanded a pre-negotiation fee of over Rs 15,00,000

According to Nimisha’s advocate, Deepa Joseph, the second instalment of the prenegotiation fee was handed over via the Indian embassy last week, and talks with the victim’s family and tribal groups will continue

SC gives more time to Punjab to shift fasting farm leader to hospital

NE W D EL H I: Th e S upreme Co urt granted two m ore days to th e P unjab Government to com ply w ith its di re ct i o ns o n s h i ft i ng fa rm e r lea der J ag j it S i ng h

Dallew al - wh o is on fast-unto -death since November 26 – to a hospital

“Taking into consideration the totality of circumstances and keeping the interest of justice in view, we are inclined to accept the request to afford some more time for compliance with the directions issued by this court,” a Vacation Bench of Justice Surya Kant and Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia said, posting a contempt petition against the Punjab Chief Secretary and Director General of Police for further hearing on January 2, 2025

The order came after Punjab Advocate General Gurminder Singh submitted that negotiators had visited the protest site and efforts were made for implementing the court’s order by mobilising about 7,000 personnel Due to Punjab bandh called by farmers' organisations on Monday, there were traffic blockades

Iskcon devotees join in prayers for safety of Hindus in Bangladesh

K O L K AT A : Is k co n devo t ees j o i ned i n p ra yer s in Kolkata for the safety of Hindus in Bangladesh , where religious m inorities have been facing attacks since the fall o f the S heikh Hasina government

Hundreds of followers of Iskcon (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) chanted 'Hare Krishna' and sang songs to express solidarity with the Hindus in Bangladesh

Holding placards seeking the safety and security of Hindus in the neighbouring nation, the devotees joined in the prayers at the Albert Road centre, led by Iskcon Kolkata spokesperson Radharamn Das Bangladesh s minority Hindus, who constitute only about 8 per cent of the 170 million population, have faced hundreds of attacks in 50-odd districts of the country since the fall of Sheikh Hasina's Awami League government on August 5 Das had earlier demanded that the interim government in Bangladesh take strong action against the fundamentalists fomenting trouble in that country and arrest them so as to build confidence among the minorities

They have also demanded immediate release of jailed Hindu spiritual leader Chinmoy Krishna Das and other monks arrested in Bangladesh

NORTH-EAST 431 held as Assam steps up drive against child marriage

Assam resumed its crackdown on child marriage, arresting 431 people across the state as part of the third phase of the Himanta Biswa Sarma govt’s mission to eradicate the social evil by 2026 The previous two operations, conducted last year, led to over 4,000 arrests, most of them in the state’s minority-inhabited areas Police teams fanned out into areas of Lower Assam and Barak Valley with a significant minority population, arresting scores of men accused of marrying girls under 18 In several instances, parents were picked up, too The raids were spread across Dhubri, Golakganj, Agamoni, Gauripur, Bilasipara, Goroimari, Barpeta, Lahorighat, Bajali, Chirang and Sribhumi, officials said “Assam continues its fight against child marriage The arrested individuals will be produced in court,” CM Sarma said on X "We will continue to take bold steps to end this social evil!” The drive against child marriage commenced in Feb 2023


Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh has expressed deep regret and issued a heartfelt apology to the people of the state for the turmoil and violence that have gripped Manipur since May 2023 Speaking at a public event the Chief Minister described the year as very unfortunate and extended his condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and were displaced during the unrest Reflecting on the progress made in recent months, Singh expressed optimism about the restoration of peace "Seeing the progress of the last three to four months towards peace, I hope that with the coming year, normalcy and peace will be restored in the state," he said The Chief Minister urged all communities in Manipur to forgive past mistakes and embrace reconciliation Singh’s remarks come as Manipur continues its efforts to heal from the ethnic violence that erupted earlier this year The state government has been focusing on fostering dialogue between communities and initiating development projects to rebuild trust and stability


An FIR was registered in Meghalaya against a social media influencer after a video showing him and two companions chanting religious slogans at a church went viral The incident came to light after the influencer, Akash Sagar posted the video on his Instagram account, which boasts a following of over 1 5 million users The video shows Akash entering the Church of Epiphany in Mawlynnong, located in the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya The video, which has been widely shared on various platforms shows Akash engaging in actions perceived as desecrating the sanctity of the church and chanting religious slogans, including "Jai Shri Ram" In the video, Akash and his companions enter the altar area of the church, shout slogans and mockingly alter Christian hymns A Shillong-based activist lodged a police complaint at the Laitumkhrah Police Station, condemning the act as premeditated and deliberate The activist alleged that the influencer s actions were not only intended to insult the Christian faith but also to incite communal discord in a region known for its religious diversity and harmony

N Biren Singh

Kumbh an occasion to foster unity, cohesion: PM Modi

PM Narendra Modi urged the nation to embrace the upcoming Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj as an occasion for unity In his monthly radio address ‘Mann Ki Baat’, he emphasised the event’s potential to foster national cohesion and called upon people to take a resolve to eliminate division and hatred from society.

“If I have to say it in a few words, then I will say ‘Maha Kumbh ka sandesh, ek ho poora desh’ (the message of Maha Kumbh, let the whole country be united),” Modi said, encouraging devotees to share their selfies with the hashtag #EktaKaMahakumbh He further encapsulated his message with the slogan, ‘Ganga ki aviral dhara, na bante samaj hamara’ (like the uninterrupted flow of the Ganga, let our society be undivided)

His focus on unity appeared to be building on the ‘ek hain to safe hain’ theme he espoused during the Maharashtra polls

The Maha Kumbh, which marks its

occurrence after a 144-year cycle, is not only celebrated for its scale but also for its diverse congregation

Modi highlighted how this event brings together millions of people, including lots of saints, thousands of traditions, hundreds of sects, and many ‘akharas’, showcasing a vivid tableau of unity in diversity Scheduled from Jan 13 to Feb 26, 2025, in Prayagraj, this Maha Kumbh will also introduce a 'digital Maha Kumbh’

“Here, digital navigation aids will help visitors navigate to ghats, temples and akharas Additionally, an AI chatbot will offer information in 11 Indian languages, and AI-powered cameras will assist in locating lost individuals through a digital lost and found centre,” Modi said

The PM painted the Maha Kumbh not just as a religious gathering but as a profound symbol of unity and peace, hoping it would catalyse a broader societal shift towards inclusivity and harmony

He invited everyone to participate actively, not only in the physical act of taking a holy dip at the Triveni Sangam but also in the spiritual journey of unity that the event symbolises Modi also touched upon the 75th anniversary of the Constitution on Jan 26, 2025 He described this milestone as a matter of great honour, emphasising the Constitution's role as a guiding light He highlighted the ongoing activities commemorating Constitution Day on Nov 26, which include a dedicated website, constitution75 com

Eye on China, Indian Navy to induct 2 frontline warships, sub in January

In a major boost to Ind ia’s blue-water combat capabilit ies t o count er China’s ever-expand ing footpr int in the Indian O cean R egion and beyond, t he Navy is all set to commission t wo indigenous frontline warships and a d iesel-elect ric submarine next month, even as the new R ussian-built fr igat e INS Tushil also heads home

The biggest of the new warships will be the guided-missile destroyer Surat, with a displacement of 7,400 tonnes, followed by stealth frigate Nilgiri (6,670 tonnes) and submarine Vagsheer (1,600 tonnes), all of which are packed with heavyduty sensors and weapons for a deadly punch

Surat and Nilgiri were delivered to the Navy by the Mumbai-based

Mazagon Docks (MDL) last week On commissioning, the 164- metre-long Surat will join the first three such warships, INS Visakhapatnam, INS Mormugao and INS Imphal, constructed under the £3 5bn Project-15B at MDL

“Surat is also the Navy’s first AIenabled warship to enhance its operational efficiency manifold times,” an officer said With an indigenous content of 72% and an endurance of 4,000 nautical miles, the four destroyers are armed with BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles, Barak-8 medium-range surface-to-air missiles and anti-submarine weapons like rockets and torpedoes as well as 76mm super rapid guns

Nilgiri, in turn, is the first of the

seven multi-role frigates being constructed under Project-17A, four at the MDL and three at GRSE in Kolkata, at an overall cost of around £4 5bn

All these seven frigates, with requisite hull-shaping, radar-transparent deck fittings and other measures to make their detection by enemies difficult, are slated for delivery by late-2026

Vagsheer is the sixth and last of the French-origin Scorpene or Kalvari-class submarines built at MDL under the over £2 3bn ‘Project-75’ India and France are now in final negotiations for three more Scorpenes to be built at MDL for around £3 6bn, with the first slated to roll out in six years, followed by the other two at intervals of a year each

India, China agree on LAC peace roadmap

India and China took a significant step forward to wards fu rther normalisation o f ties as their special representatives ( SRs), NSA Ajit Doval and foreign minister Wang Yi, h eld talks for the first time under this fo rm at in five years in Beijing and, according to an Indian reado ut, positively affirm ed the imp lem entatio n o f the Oct 21 disengagement agreement, resulting in patrolling and grazing in “relevant areas ”

Significantly, they discussed ways to ensure peace on the ground so that border issues don’t hold back “normal development” of bilateral ties and,

according to Beijing, agreed on a “step by step” roadmap, which would entail addressing the easy issues first before moving on to those more contentious, for taking the relationship forward China described the “hard-won” talks as constructive, with Wang saying the SR engagement was an important and timely step towards the implementation of the consensus reached by PM Narendra Modi and President Xi Jinping in Kazan (Russia) in Oct

The Indian govt said Doval and Wang also provided “positive directions” for cross-border cooperation and

exchanges, including resumption of the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, data sharing on trans-border rivers and border trade The Chinese readout, however, did not mention either the yatra, which India wants to resume, or river data sharing issue, which is important for India as the lower riparian state

The Indian govt said Wang and Doval reiterated the importance of maintaining a “political perspective” of the overall bilateral relationship, while seeking a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable framework for settlement of the boundary question

India protests social media post by Yunus aide

India has registered “strong p rotest”

a gain st a no w -del eted s o ci al m e dia

p ost by th e interim Bangladesh go vernm ent’ s student adviser Mahfuz Alam, the Ministry of External Affairs said

In a Facebook post, Alam had used a map showing certain areas of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura as part of Bangladesh He had allegedly added that Bangladesh’s liberation struggle would remain unfinished unless the country was freed from its “trap of geography”, according to The Wire

The post that has now been deleted, was made on December 16, which is Bangladesh’s Victory Day that marks its 1971 Liberation War victory over Pakistan

“We would like to remind all concerned to be mindful of their public comments,” ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said, acknowledging that the Bangladeshi official’s social

Indian Diaspora’s preparation for the Mahā Kumbha Melā

The Mahā Kumbha Melā in Prayagraj, India, is the world’s largest and oldest cultural and spiritual gathering The Melā, which is being organised every 12 years since centuries, is next scheduled from 13th January 2025 The event is expected to see over 300 million participants in over a month, making it an unparalleled phenomenon in scale and significance For the Indian and Hindu diaspora in the UK, the Mela is not just a religious event but an opportunity to reconnect with their cultural heritage Several diaspora organizations are gearing up to ensure meaningful participation, offering programs that blend cultural immersion with academic insights

What is the Mahā Kumbha Mela?

Held every 12 years in Prayagraj at the confluence of the sacred rivers Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati, the Melā is rooted in Hindu tradition - symbolizing oneness with the cosmos [just like water inside a pot (Kumbha) is same as water in the river in which pot is dipped] The event also symbolises purification and renewal through ritualistic bathing and serves as a platform for spiritual reflection, philosophical discourse, and cultural exchange The sheer scale of the event, coupled with its profound spiritual and cultural significance, makes it a global marvel

Ascetics, scholars, and pilgrims have flocked to the Melā for centuries, drawn by its unique blend of ritual and intellectual engagement It is a testament to the enduring vitality of India’s cultural traditions

UK Diaspora’s Role and Preparations

For the Indian and Hindu diaspora in the UK, the Melā is a chance to engage deeply with their roots and also to communicate the richness of Indic culture to global friends Several organizations are leading initiatives to make this possible, providing structured programs that cater to diverse interests and age groups

One prominent effort is the Oxford Sanskrit Text Society’s 10-day study trip, led by Prof Diwakar Acharya, Spalding Professor of Eastern Ethics and Religions at the University of Oxford Scheduled from January 17th to 27th, 2025, the trip combines academic rigor with hands-on cultural experiences

The National Hindu Students’ Forum (NHSF UK) is collaborating to encourage young British Hindus to join the journey, while the International Center for Sustainability (ICfS), London, is focusing on the Melā’s sustainability practices After the event, ICfS plans to host an exhibition titled “Kumbha and Sustainability” at its London center, sharing insights from the Melā’s environmental management strategies

Activities Planned for Participants

The programs organized by UK-based diaspora organizations promise a comprehensive and enriching experience of the Mela Participants will engage in the study of Hindu philosophy and Indic traditions, guided by Prof Diwakar Acharya, through the reading and analysis of ancient Sanskrit texts The trip also offers unique opportunities for cultural immersion, allowing participants to witness sacred rituals, interact with practitioners, and absorb the vibrant spiritual atmosphere of the Mela

Workshops on yoga and spoken Sanskrit are designed to enhance personal growth and linguistic skills, making the experience both introspective and practical Walking tours are planned to help participants explore the expansive Melā grounds, gaining insights into its diverse facets and largescale organization Reflection sessions, held in groups, are planned to provide a space for participants to consolidate their learning and share experiences, ensuring a deeper understanding of the event's cultural and spiritual dimensions

media post had been deleted

“While India has repeatedly signalled interest in fostering relations with the people and the interim government of Bangladesh, such comments underline the need for responsibility in public articulation,” Jaiswal added

Diplomatic ties between New Delhi and Dhaka have been strained since Hasina fled to India, following which incidents of violence against religious minorities were reported in several parts of Bangladesh

The Oxford Sanskrit Text Society’s study trip offers a structured option to engage with the Mela Those interested can email oxfordsts studytrip@gmail com for details and registration These programs are open to scholars, students, and cultural enthusiasts, providing a rare chance to combine spiritual exploration with academic study

A Celebration of Heritage

As January 2025 approaches, the excitement within the UK’s Indian diaspora continues to grow The Mela is a cultural or religious event, and also a profound statement of the shared spiritual heritage of ancient-living civilizations For the diaspora, it is a bridge to their roots, offering an opportunity to contribute to and celebrate a tradition that has stood the test of time

With its unique blend of faith, culture, and sustainability, the Mela stands as a reminder of the enduring relevance of ancient traditions in today’s world The Indian diaspora in the UK is set to play a significant role in this global celebration, showcasing how cultural connections transcend boundaries and enrich lives

Randhir Jaiswal

India and Kuwait to elevate ties to strategic partnership

from page

terrorism in all its forms and

g cross-border terrorism and

g networks and safe havens,

appreciation of their ongoing bilateral cooperation in the area of security, both sides a

information and intelligence


laundering, drug-trafficking

security, health, education,

discussions with Kuwait PM

Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, looking

investment, energy, defence,

with Kuwait's highest civilian

Mubarak Al Kabeer', which is awarded to Heads of State,

families The Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad AlJaber Al Sabah, conferred the honour to the PM during his

invitation of Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah,

also met the Amir, Sheikh

Al-Sabah, and Crown Prince

Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled AlSabah AlHamad Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah

PM Modi honoure d

PM Modi was honoured

Isro's SpaDeX mission puts India in elite club

I n d ia we n t a st e p cl o se r t o b ecoming part of an elite group of n ations with space-docking t echnol ogy -the abil it y t o mate t wo spa cecraft - a fte r Isro put a pair of smal l sate llit es we ig hing 220k g each into orbit a s par t of its Spa DeX mission

The satellites lifted off on the PSLV-C60 from the first launchpad at the spaceport in Sriharikota They were placed in a 475-km circular orbit some 15 minutes later The first of the two satellites was separated 15 1 minutes after lift off, and the other happened at 15 2 minutes

M Sankaran, director of the UR Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), said the satellites - a “chaser” and a “target” spacecraft - would initially be released with a small relative v e l o c i t y b e t w e e n t h e m T h e s a t e l l i t e s , through a series of carefully choreographed manoeuvres, will create a distance between them over the next few days before Isro attempts to dock them

If Isro manages this successfully, India

w o u l d h a v e t a k e n t h e f i r s t s e r i o u s s t e p towards mastering the technology, some t h i n g o n l y t h e U S , R u s s i a a n d C h i n a currently have

“The rocket has placed the satellites in the right orbit The satellites moved one

about 20km over the next few days before we close the gap and attempt the docking

We are hoping to complete docking in the coming week

The nominal date for this is

Somanath said soon after the launch

The mission is crucial for

planned Bhartiya Antriksh Station (BAS), as confirmed by Somanath In addition to the


O E M )

carried 24 innovative payloads, including several groundbreaking experiments India’s first astrobiology payloads are among the

studying gut bacteria behaviour in space, and Amity University’s investigation of spinach growth in microgravity

Isro is also launching its own CROPS (Compact Research Module for Orbital Plant

S t u d i e s ) p a y l o a d t o d e m o n s t r a t e s e e d germination in space, a robotic arm designed to capture space debris and a sophisticated intersatellite communication system

Parliament adjourned amid uproar over Ambedkar

Both Houses of Parliament w ere ad jo u r ned w i th o u t transacting any business last w eek due to noisy p rotests

w it h C o n g re ss m em ber s s e eki ng an ap o l o g y f ro m h om e minister Am it Sh ah f o r all eg e d ly m a ki ng d isparaging remarks against B R Ambedkar

I n R a j y a S a b h a ,

T r i n a m o o l C o n g r e s s ’ s Derek O’Brien submitted a privilege notice against Shah under Rule 187

The notice quoted the home minister’s statement in the Upper House during his reply to a debate on 75 years of the Constitution

T M C a l s o d e m a n d e d a n unconditional apology from Shah in Parliament

As soon as Lok Sabha

p r o c e e d i n g s b e g a n , C o

Manickam Tagore and Hibi

Eden led the sloganeering

slogans of ‘Jai Bhim’ W h e n B J P m

adjournment with chants of

opposition replied in unison with “Jai Bhim”

Members of opposition parties stood at their seats in support of Congress Some members of the INDIA bloc were also in the well Leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi was present in the House along with his sibling and W a y a n a d M P P

Gandhi Vadra

Law minister Arjun Ram Meghwal sought to counter Congress, saying the party

d Ambedkar and ensured his

further sloganeering

discussions to further deepen the India-Kuwait ties

i o n c o m p r i s i n g t h e

K u w a i t i I n v e s t m e n t

A u t h o r i t y a n d o t h e r

stakeholders to visit India to

look at new opportunities in the fields of energy, defence, m e d i c a l d e v i c e s , p h a r m a , food parks, among others The leaders also discussed

c o o p e r a t i o n i n t r a d i t i o n a l

m e d i c i n e a n d a g r i c u l t u r a l

research They welcomed the recent signing of the Joint C o m m i s s i o n f o r C o o p e r a t i o n ( J C C ) u n d e r w h i c h n e w J o i n t W o r k i n g Groups in the areas of trade, i n v e s t m e n t , e d u c a t i o n , t e c h n o l o g y , a


up in addition to the

statement from the Ministry of External Affairs

Bhagwat’s mandir-masjid take draws dissent from seers

S eers ’ o rg ani sati o n A kh i l B ha ratiy a S ant

Samiti criticised RSS chief M ohan Bhagw at’s re ce nt re m ar ks c au ti o n in g a g ai ns t “ an u na c ce p tab le t ren d o f w a nna be Hi nd u leaders raking up temple-m osqu e disputes at v arious sites”

A K S S g e n e r a l s e c r e t a r y S w a m i

Jitendranand Saraswati said such religious m a t t e r s s h o u l d b e d e c i d e d b y ‘dharmacharyas’ (religious leaders) rather than RSS, which he described as a “cultural organisation When the subject of religion arises, it is for religious gurus to decide And whatever they decide will be accepted by Sangh and VHP,” Saraswati said H e s a i d d e s p i t e B h a g w a t ’ s s i m i l a r comments in the past, temple structures h a v e b e e n i d e n t i f i e d a t 5 6 n e w s i t e s , underscoring interest in these disputes He said religious organisations often act in response to public sentiment rather than political agendas

This marks the first time Bhagwat has faced dissent from within saffron ecosystem

R e l i g i o u s g u r u s l i k e J a g a d g u r u

Rambhadracharya believe that the Sangh should defer to spiritual figures in decisions related to religion

Analysts suggested the seer ’ s backlash r e f l e c

religious community over RSS’s influence in matters of faith

Bhagwat’s remarks came after Hindu

demolition of mosques they claim were built on temple sites, including the Shahi Jama M a s j i d i n U P ’ s S a m b h a l I n

Bhagwat warned that

will become

mosque disputes and spreading communal divide”

Rambhadracharya challenged the RSS chief’s authority, saying: “Let me make it c l e a r , M o h a n B h a g w a t i s n o t o u r disciplinarian, but we are ” He said the recent unrest in Sambhal, where a temple mosque dispute led to violence and five deaths, highlight the importance of judicial and democratic processes in resolving such issues

Mega panel of 39 MPs to take up one nation, one election bills

T he decks for a parliamentary scru tiny of the twin bi lls to ro ll ou t the one nati on, one election ( ONOE) project has been cleared wi t h t h e c o ns t i tu t i o n o f a jo i nt p arliamentary c ommittee (J PC) which will b e h ead ed by fo r mer l aw mi ni st er P P Chaudhary

Just before being adjourned sine die, Parliament passed the motion on formation o f t h e p a n e l w h i c h w i l l n o w h a v e 3 9 m e m b e r s t o e n s u r e r e p r e

maximum states The initial motion, which w a s t o b e m o v e d , h a d m e n t i o n e d 3 1 members

wished to be part of the exercise to examine the two draft legislations that seek to fulfil B J P ’ s l

simultaneous elections to Lok Sabha and s

s , including one requiring an amendment in the Constitution, lay down the mechanism to hold simultaneous elections and were introduced in LS after a debate

“Govt agreed that the matter is very important and it relates to reformation of the election process of our country, so we agreed to include most of the prominent p

Kharge sought an apology from the home minister for “insulting” the Dalit icon

They said the remarks w

Congress in a distorted way

expression of our sense of reverence ” for Ambedkar



h e opposition’s “insult” charge, but also accused Congress of having insulted Ambedkar

b o t h i n h i s l

i m e a n d after

Chaudhary is a third-time MP from Pali in Rajasthan A senior advocate in Supreme Court with a legal experience of over 45 years with specialisation in constitutional m a t t e r


d t h

parliamentary panel on data privacy

NDA has 22 members and 15 are from the opposition One MP each of BJD and YSRCP, which are not members of the ruling or opposition blocs, is also on the panel BJD is yet to spell out its stand on simultaneous polls while YSRCP has backed the move

L a w m i n i s t e r A r j u n R a m M e g h w a l moved the resolutions in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha separately amid protests by the opposition on parts of home minister Amit Shah’s remarks on B R Ambedkar

Sources said govt decided to increase the committee’s strength to 39 to cover more states and to accommodate parties which

minister Kiren Rijiju told reporters He said there was no limit on the size of JPC and

examining Centre-state relations had 51 members Among the 39 members , 16 are from BJP, five from Congress, two each from SP, TMC and DMK, and one each from Shiv Sena, TDP, JD (U), RLD, LJSP (RV), JSP, Shiv Sena (UBT), NCP (SP), CPM, AAP, BJD and YSRCP


submit its report to LS by the first day of the last week of the next session Rajya Sabha members nominated include Ghanshyam Tiwari, Bhubaneshwar Kalita, K Laxman and Kavita Patidar (BJP); Sanjay Kumar Jha ( J D ( U

Mukul Wasnik (Congress); Saket Gokhale ( T M C ) ; P

(AAP); Manas Ranjan Mangaraj (BJD); and V Vijayasai Reddy (YSRCP)

New Year celebrations around the world


w Year's cele brat ions around t he world in 2025 had a dazzling displa y of culture , tra dit ion, an d modern fe stivity From iconic fireworks in cities like London and Sy dney to unique regional customs, people a cross the globe will come togethe r to r in g in t he new y ear with e xcite me nt and hope for the fut ur e London Eye: At midnight, the annual celebration to usher in the New Year once again

saw the centre of London adorned in lights, fireworks and music to reflect on some of the biggest news and trends of the old year alongside optimism for the 12 months ahead This t i m e , t h a t i n c l u d e d a s e c t i o n w h e r e t h e London Eye – itself celebrating its 25th birthday – was cloaked in the distinctive shade of lime green that came to dominate 2024 ’ s Brat Summer, while the strains of the album’s track ‘Apple’ rang out Singapore Mar in a Bay : Jubilant celebrations took place across more than 23 locations in Singapore as

t h e c o u n t r y r a n g i n 2 0 2 5 with fireworks, d r o n e s h o w s and even a Kpop mass dance



works, many chose to celebrate closer to

jubilee The occasion also marks events to commemorate Singapore’s 60th birthday Mumb ai, India : Thousands of revellers flocked to Mumbai's bustling promenade facing the Arabian Sea They began the New Year with parties, cultural events, live music performances, and themed decorations In Delhi, famous spots like Hauz Khas, Connaught

Place, and Lajpat Nagar were filled with large crowds celebrating the New Year B ur j Khalifa: Dubai entered the New Year with an unforgettable celebration at

the tallest building in the world The skies lit up with

show, drawing residents and tourists

preparation led to

Light' lived up to its name with a dazzling fireworks display over Paris, thrilling hundreds of thousands of revelers The Arc de Triomphe on the Champs Elysées was transformed into a giant light show celebrating the city s landmarks S ydn ey , Aust ra lia: The self-proclaimed

“New Year's capital of the world” – sprayed nine tonnes of fireworks from its famed Opera House and Harbour Bridge at midnight More than a million Australians and others gathered at the iconic Sydney Harbor for the celebration British pop star Robbie Williams led a singalong with the crowd

Disabled Ahmedabad youth receives Children's Award from President

Om Jignesh Vyas, a 17-yearo l d di sa b l e d y o ut h fr om Ahmedabad, has been award-

e d t he Pr im e Mi ni st e r s National Chil dren's Award by President Draupadi Murmu Vyas has been confer red this national award for his unique achievements in the fiel d of art a nd cul ture In a ceremony organized in New Delhi on the occasion of Veer Bal Diwas, 17 children from different parts of the country

we r e a wa r de d th e P r ime Mi n ist e r 's N a t io na l Chi ld re n's Awar d for t heir extr aordinary achievements

C h i e f M


s t e r Bhupendra Patel has congratulated him for increas-

i n g t h e p r i d e o f G u j a r a t Vyas recently met the CM

i n G a n d h i n a g

s parents The Chief Minister was also impressed by his achievements and said that disabled children like Vyas

will become an inspiration for other disabled persons

specialty, who can't read or write, but has memorized about 200 Sanskrit verses, i

d Bhagavad Gita Vyas is only

songs and verses

A p a r t f r o m t h i s , V y a s has memorized Hanuman

C h a l i s a ,

Strot, Shiva Manas Pakaja,

Martial artists break dangerous record

Members of an Indian martial arts collective broke a bizarre Guinness World Record: Most slices of a cucumber held in a person's mouth with a chainsaw while blindfolded in one minute A video shared by Guinness World Records on social media shows a member of the Bir Khalsa martial arts collective donning a blindfold and wielding an electric chainsaw on the set of the record-keeping organization's Italian TV series, Lo Show Dei Record Another member of the martial arts group holds a cucumber in his mouth while the blindfolded man slices it A third member replaces the cucumber whenever it is cut down to the holder's lips The record was successfully achieved with 71 slices in one minute - and no one was injured during the attempt

Rs 1,000 a month, in name of Sunny Leone

Sunny Leone has been getting Rs 1,000 a month from Chhattisgarh govt under its Mahtari Vandan Yojana for married women Only this ‘Sunny’ is a man, and lives in Maoist-affected Bastar To add to the embarrassment of the administration - left red-faced by the shocking lapse - the Mahtari website lists the husband’s name as ‘Jonny Sins’, an adult film performer How this passed several levels of scrutiny is being probed Under the scheme to financially empower women, 70,00,000 married women receive Rs 1,000 per month through online transactions It’s believed to be one of the key promises that swept BJP to victory in the 2023 polls Bastar administration has had the bank account frozen, and police have detained the account holder, identified as Virendra Joshi, who claimed to be a victim of cyber fraud but has already withdrawn the full Rs 10,000 deposited in the account since its activation in March

Gathering of angels in the Philippines breaks world record

A municipality in the Philippines broke a Guinness World Record by gathering more than 2,000 people dressed as angels The town of San Rafael, Bulacan, announced its event at the Victory Coliseum was attended by a Guinness World Records adjudicator, who confirmed the record for the largest gathering of people dressed as angels had officially been broken An official count of participants at the record attempt has not yet been released, but organizers said over 2,000 angels were counted The previous record of 1,275 people was set in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in 2015

106-year-old woman's secret to stay young

A woman who celebrated her 106th birthday at her retirement home in Ohio credited her long life to a positive attitude - and a love of Fireball whiskey Florence Hackman, who was nicknamed "Fireball Flo" after her love of the liquor led to the manufacturer sending her complimentary bottles and merchandise for her 105th birthday "I just try to be nice to people and try to go one day at a time - that's all," Hackman said in a post on the Traditions of Deerfield Facebook page "If you get that one day in, then you can go on to the next one So that's what you've got to do - one day at a time - think what I've got to do today You've got to keep moving as long as you can " The retirement home said Hackman still attends daily happy hours with her friends and closely follows her favorite sports team, the Cincinnati Bengals

Lost lunchbox found at Virginia school after 42 years

A plumber working at a Virginia elementary school made a startling discovery: a Heathcliff lunchbox lost by a student more than 40 years earlier Roanoke City Public Schools said in a Facebook post that a plumber was doing maintenance at Fairview Elementary School and came across a metal lunchbox bearing images of the orange cartoon cat "Inside, we found a thermos that still smells like hot chocolate, an adorable drawing, and a tag with the student's name: Tracy Drain, who appears to have been in Mrs Curry's class in Room 30," district officials wrote "The lunchbox appears to have been made in the early 1980s " The post eventually came to the attention of the correct Tracy Drain, who lost her lunchbox during her 4th grade year in 1982 I think it s amazing, Drain told WDBJ-TV If I would ve been the person that found it, I would've put it on eBay, and it's finders keepers, losers weepers But it's very interesting to be able to see it As far as remembering it, I do not, but it has my mom's handwriting, which I'll treasure right here "

Australian influencer offers her breast milk

like Mari Hundi Akademo Maharaj, Shambhu Sharane Padi etc Vyas has memorized all this by just listening to


Records He was also awarded the National Divyangjan Award by the then President Ram Nath Kovind in 2017

Australian influencer Sarah Stevenson, known as Sarah's Day, has sparked controversy online with a recent video featuring a unique holiday tradition At a Christmas party, Stevenson offered breast milk to her colleagues, with some accepting and others declining The video also shows her sharing breast milk with colleagues while on a boat trip with her team Reactions to the gesture were mixed While some colleagues expressed enthusiasm and amusement, others appeared less receptive Stevenson's husband and older child both declined the offer "Are they really true friends if they don't try your freshly pumped breast milk!?" Stevenson who enjoy a massive 1 2 million followers on Instagram asked while sharing a video on Instagram

Girl’s scalp torn off in swing mishap

A 13-year-old girl’s scalp was ripped off in a bizarre mishap at a mela in MP’s Tikamgarh The girl, identified as Chahat, was enjoying a ride on a hand-operated swing when her hair, which was flowing in the wind, got entangled in the swing The force of the swing tore off a large portion of her scalp, leaving her critically injured Jaswant, the operator of the swing, tried to stop the ride He succeeded but fractured his leg Chahat and Jaswant were taken to the district hospital in Tikamgarh Both were referred to a hospital in Jhansi,where doctors performed a surgery to reattach her scalp It took 42 stitches Her condition has been stabilised Chahat’s father, Ramkumar Sen, voiced his concern over lack of safety measures at the fairground

Arc De Triomphe - Paris France
Fireworks explode above the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House
Burj Khalifa
The London Eye
Marina Bay Singapore

NHS launches AI trial for diabetes risk

The NHS in England is set to launch a groundbreaking trial of an artificial intelligence tool th at can identify individuals at risk of developing type 2 diabetes up to 13 years befo re th e co ndition ap pears

With over 500 million people worldwide affected by type 2 diabetes, and proj e c t i o n s s u g g e s t i n g t h a t number could reach 1 billion by 2050, early detection has

b e c o m e a c r i t i c a l g l o b a l

health priority Researchers have developed an AI tool that analyses electrocardiogram (ECG) readings from routine heart scans, detecti n g s u b t l e h e

t s i g n a l changes that are too small for the human eye to notice

This non-invasive, coste f f e c t i v

flag individuals at risk and enable early interventions,

NHS will trial the AI tool, c a l l e d A I -

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

global trial of the technology, with plans to expand its u s e w i t h i n E n g l a n d a n d internationally Developed by a team led by Dr Fu Siong Ng and Dr Arunashis Sau at Imperial, Aire-DM uses data from 1 2 million ECGs and the UK Biobank, w h i c h h o l d

500,000 participants

The tool maps unique E C G p a t t e r n s l i n k e d t o future diabetes risk, detecting early signs of diabetesr e l a t e d i m p a c t s o n

Initial tests show the tool predicts diabetes risk accur a t e l y a b o u t 7 0 % o f t h e time

Tea and coffee reduce mouth, throat cancer risk

D r i n k i n g t h r e e t o f o u r cups of coffee daily may reduce the risk of mouth and throat cancer, according to a new study

R e

U n i v e r s

U t a h s u ggests that tea consumption also lowers the risk of

h e a d a n d n e c k c a n c e r , though this benefit is seen

o n l y i n i n d i v i d u a l s w h o drink no more than one cup per day Published in

t h e j o u r n a l C a n c e r , t h e study supports the notion that both coffee and tea consumption are associated with reduced risks of certain cancers in the head and neck region

The analysis reviewed d a t a f r o m 1 4 s t u d i e s , encompassing 9,548 can-

c e r p a t i e n t s a n d 1 5 , 7 8 3 n o n - c a n c e r i n d i v i d u a l s F i n d

cups of caffeinated coffee daily correlated with a 17% l o w e r r i s k o f h e a d a n d neck cancer, including a 30% reduced risk of mouth cancer and a 22% reduced r i s k o f t h r o a t c a n c e r Additionally, three to four cups of coffee per day were linked to a 41% lower risk of hypopharyngeal cancer

Tea drinkers saw a 9%

n d a 2 7 % reduced risk of hypopharyngeal cancer when cons u m i n g u p t o o n e c u p daily However, consumi n g m o r e t h a n o n e c u p daily was linked to a 38% increased risk of laryngeal cancer

Exploring the benefits of rosemary

Rosemary is a fragrant herb known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and memory-enhancing properties It supports digestion, boosts immunity, improves circulation, and promotes hair growth. Rosemary can be incorporated into cooking, brewed as tea, used in aromatherapy, or applied topically as oil However, it’s important to use it in moderation, especially during pregnancy or if taking medication With its wide range of benefits, rosemary is a versatile addition to a healthy lifestyle

Mindful health and wellness resolutions for 2025

Truewell-being is rooted in balance A sustainable lifestyle, free from extremes, supports both mental and physical health, fostering stability and satisfaction


important that we take the opportunity to thoughtfully evaluate our current habits and identify ways to incorporate healthier practices into our daily routine instead of making ambitious resolutions, setting harsh or rigid goals While well-intentioned, such extreme resolutions can often be impractical and unnecessary

Instead of using January as a time to punish yourself for perceived past missteps, focus on resolutions that can boost immunity, improve time management, help achieve personal

holistic satisfaction to life There are key areas of your life that you can target in the coming year to promote long-term health and well-being

These practical steps are manageable and designed to help you lead a life free from frequent illnesses or chronic health issues:

1 Dri nk m ore wa ter: Aim for 8–10 glasses of water daily to stay hydrated, maintain energy levels, and support bodily functions

2 Ea t a b ala nced diet: Prioritise whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean pro-

teins, and healthy fats Limit sugary


3 Exerci se re gularly: Strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity weekly Include enjoyable activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, or strength training

4 Get adequate sleep: Ensure 7–9 hours of quality sleep each night to a l l o w y o u r b

maintain optimal health

5 Manage s tres s: Dedicate 10–15 minutes daily to stress-relieving activities like meditation, yoga, journaling, or deep breathing

6 Stay conne cted with loved ones:

scheduling regular interactions with family and friends, enhancing your emotional well-being

7 Tak e breaks and practic e self-

bonding with loved ones

9 Schedule regular health chec kups: Stay proactive with regular medi-

screenings to catch potential issues early and maintain overall health

10 Culti vate gratitude

ndfulness : Reflect daily on things you are grateful for and practice mindfulness techniques to nurture a positive outlook


commit to small, consistent changes that build up over time From the list above, start with one or two resolutions and gradually add more as you establish these habits By the end of 2025, you’ll have transformed your lifestyle in a way that is both sustainable and rewarding

Warning issued as norovirus cases surge across the UK

TheNHS has issued a strong "stay home" advisory as norovirus cases soar, warning that a common protective measure hand sanitisers will not be effective against this contagious stomach bug

The highly infectious virus, which spreads through close contact and contaminated food, saw a significant spike of 33 2% in cases over just two weeks, from November 18 to December 1, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Reports reveal that infection rates during this period were over double the typical numbers for this time of year, representing a staggering 114% increase

T h e U K H S A e s t i m a t e s t h a t l a b reports represent only a fraction of actual cases For every confirmed case, there are approximately 288 unreported cases, amounting to an annual burden of around 3 million cases in the UK

NHS Advisory for Pu blic Health

In response to the surge, the NHS has reinforced key guidance for managing norovirus:

S y m p t o m s a n d R e c o v e r y :

Norovirus causes diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, fever, and body aches, with symptoms typically lasting about two


• S ta y Ho m e : A v o i d w o r k , s c h o o l , h o s p i t a l s , a n d c a r e homes until 48 hours a f t e r s y m p t o m s s u bside to reduce the risk of spreading the virus

• Hydration is K ey: Rest and drink plenty o f f l u i d s t o c o m b a t dehydration caused by v o m i t i n g a n d d i a rrhoea

• H an dw as h i ng Cru c i al: W a s h hands thoroughly with soap and water, as alcohol-based sanitisers are ineffect i v e a g a i n s t n o r o v i r u s

Why Are Noro virus Cases Increasing?

The UKHSA cites several factors contributing to the sharp rise in cases:

• Imp roved T esti ng: The use of advanced PCR multiplex testing, capable of detecting multiple gastrointestinal pathogens, has likely identified more cases

• Post-COVID-1 9 Im pact: Changes in the virus’s behaviour following the pandemic may also play a role

• Em erging Variants: An unusual genotype of norovirus, GII 17, has been i d e n t i f i e d , r e s p o n s i b l e f o r 6 6 3 % o f

cases so far in the 2024/2025 season

This variant is being monitored but is not currently linked to more severe illness

For most people, norovirus can be managed at home with adequate rest and hydration However, extra caution should be taken for young children, older adults, and those with weakened immune systems who are more vulnerable to dehydration If symptoms persist or worsen, or if you ’ re concerned about a baby under o n e y e a r o l d , c o n t a c t N H S 1 1 1 f o r advice By following these precautions, the public can help limit the spread of this unpleasant virus during the winter months

New algorithm could prevent thousands of strokes

A new algor ithm developed

b y d oc


t housand s of st rokes annually in t he UK by identifying p atients at risk of at rial fibr illat ion (AF), a heart cond it io n t h at s ig nif i cant ly increases the likelihood of st roke

The tool uses machine learning to analyse millions of GP records, detecting red f l a g s f o r u n d i a g n o s e d A F , which affects around 1 6 million people in the UK Many others may be unaware they have the condition due to a lack of symptoms If detected early, AF can b

g stroke risk The algorithm assesses factors such as age,

Twinkle Khanna on moving to the UK with Nitara and Akshay Kumar’s support

At49, Twinkle Khanna decided to continue her education and moved to the UK After taking online courses during the pandemic, she chose to pursue academics full-time While applying to universities, she realised she'd be attending college alongside her son Aarav, though they ended up in different institutions It was also important for Twinkle to move with her younger daughter, Nitara Twinkle Khanna shared that growing up in an unconventional family meant she never had to ask for permission "There was no one to ask permission from," she said in a chat with FICCI FLO She then spoke about her supportive family, especially her husband Akshay Kumar, who readily agreed when she decided to move countries Twinkle added that even if Akshay hadn’t agreed, she would have gone ahead with it, though it would have been difficult and traumat

heartfelt note alongside a photo from the ceremon He wrote, "Two years ago, when you told me yo wanted to go back to studying, I wondered if yo really meant it But seeing you manage student lif home, career, and family so effortlessly, I knew I ha married a superwoman On your graduation day, wish I had studied more to find the words to expres how proud I am of you, Tina Congratulations and all my love

Sushmita Sen shares teenage crush story on Salman Khan


Vidhu Vinod Chopra reveals he almost ended his life after his first film flopped

Sen, who first worked with Salman Khan in the 1999 hit ‘Biwi No 1’, recently shared a nostalgic anecdote about her teenage admiration for the superstar.

Before they ever shared screen space, Sushmita was a huge fan of Salman, thanks to his debut film ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ Recently, she revealed that she spent all her pocket money on Salman’s posters, even having a picture of the kabootar from the film, just because it was from a Salman Khan movie

Sushmita Sen fondly recalled how her love for Salman Khan’s posters was so strong that she always completed her homework on time to keep them safe “My parents said if the homework wasn’t done, they’d remove the posters, so I made sure to finish it,” she said, laughing Salman’s role as Prem in ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ made him a household name, and years later, when they met on the sets of ‘Biwi No 1 ’ , Sushmita shared her teenage crush story with him

Sushmita Sen shared a fun memory of Salman Khan recalling a picture of her as a 15year-old with a ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ poster in the background When she mentioned it was her favorite film, Salman told director David Dhawan, “We have to make ‘Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya’ with Sushmita Sen ” The 2005 film, which also starred Katrina Kaif and Sohail Khan, became a box office hit, with their on-screen chemistry winning fans Sonu Sood turned down

Sonu Sood became a real-life hero during the Covid-19 pandemic, helping people with transportation and food as the lockdown halted daily life What began with arranging a few buses quickly grew to organising flights and other transport His humanitarian efforts led to offers from multiple political parties, including roles like Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister However, despite reports suggesting a political career, Sonu has firmly denied any such plans

Sonu Sood recently revealed that he was offered the position of Chief Minister and even Deputy Chief Minister, along with a Rajya Sabha seat, by influential figures in the country However, he declined, stating, “Politics is about power and wealth, which don’t interest me I prefer helping people freely without being accountable to anyone I value my freedom to assist others without strings attached ” He was offered perks like high security, a residence in Delhi, and a prestigious government role, but none of these appealed to him However, he didn't completely rule out politics for the future, saying, “Perhaps one day, after achieving everything in acting, I’ll consider other paths For now, my focus remains on acting and directing, which is where my heart lies ”


Vidhu Vinod Chopra recently opened up about a low point in the 1980s, shortly after his debut film ‘Sazaye Maut’ was released

Disillusioned by its reception, he n

Lonavala highway but was stopped by thoughts of his family Chopra, now p

o S e Restart’, which details the making of his 2023 hit ‘12th Fail’, reflected on how he had to "restart" his life from "zero" during that difficult time "Most don't believe it, but I was once on the brink of suicide The love of my family held me back," he shared Chopra went on to reveal that the incident occurred after the release of ‘Sazaye Maut’ and while he was writing his next film, ‘Khamosh’ Released in 1981, ‘Sazaye Maut’ was Chopra's first mainstream Hindi film, an adaptation of his FTII diploma project ‘Murder at Monkey Hill’, starring Naseeruddin S h a h H o w e v e r , t h e f i l m w a s a commercial failure "People who know me now might be surprised by what I went through," Chopra reflected "But it's important to say that it's okay You’re not born this way You fight your battles some you win, some you lose The joy isn't in the outcome, but in the fight "

AR Rahman reveals how a drunk guitarist’s criticism reshaped his music

Legendary musician AR Rahman recently recalled a pivotal moment in his early career when a guitarist in a band he was part of criticised his music for lacking originality

At 19, Rahman received a harsh review from the guitarist, who, while drunk, questioned why he was playing film music and challenged his creativity This incident in 1985-86 became a turning point for the Oscar-winning composer

Rahman later realised that the guit a r i s t ' s c r i t i c i s m w a s v a l i d H e acknowledged that he had been heavily i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e c o

e worked with, which led him to consciously distance himself from those influences It took me about seven years to identify my own style and completely detach from those influences," Rahman shared

He explained how the guitarist's remarks, despite being made while drunk, played a pivotal role in reshaping his music and career Rahman emphasised the power of certain feedback to inspire personal growth and how he now focuses on enhancing the essence of his music while avoiding

Nassar says son called for Vijay, not his parents, after 14-day coma
Shruti Haasan says her parents’ divorce taught her 'why women should be independent'


Haasan and Sarika married in 1988 but separated in 2002, finalising their divorce in 2004 Recently, their daughter, actor-singer Shruti Haasan, spoke about how their divorce taught her the importance of financial independence

Shruti Haasan spoke about the importance of financial independence, saying, “I was born into a beautiful, artistic, and comfortable family, but I saw the other side too When my parents split, everything changed That’s when I truly understood the value of financial independence and the importance of being self-reliant Seeing my mother walk out of the marriage taught me a vital lesson about a woman's need for independence ”

Reflecting on her parents’ divorce, Shruti added, “It hurts Not just for the children, but for the parents too Divorce is common in many homes today, but sometimes, staying together for the sake of society can cause more pain, as it's hidden behind a façade ”

Shruti Haasan, born in 1985 before her parents Kamal Haasan and Sarika married, has a younger sister, Akshara, who is also an actor Following their divorce, Shruti and Akshara were raised by their mother, Sarika Shruti was last seen in ‘Salaar: Part 1-Ceasefire’, alongside Prabhas and Prithviraj Sukumaran She will next star alongside Rajinikanth in ‘Coolie’, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, set for release in 2025

Actor Nassar opened up about the significance of actor Vijay in his life

He recalled how his son, Noorul Hassan Faizal, woke up from a 14-day coma and called out for Vijay instead of them

Nassar shared that his son is a huge fan of Vijay and even had the chance to meet the actor to express his admiration

Nassar shared that his son, Noorul Hassan Faizal, was once in a coma for 14 days due to unspecified reasons and was taken to Singapore for treatment W h e n

s s , instead of calling for his parents, he called out for Vijay

Initially, the family was confused, thinking he was referring to a friend named Vijay However, his wife, a psychologist, showed their son a picture of the actor, and his eyes lit up To help jog his memory, they played Vijay’s movies and songs for him

N a s s a r c o n t i n u e d , " W h e n V i j a y found out, he insisted on meeting my son, even after we told him it wasn’t necessary He didn’t just meet him once, but several times, spending quality time with him Vijay even gifted Faizal a ukulele, knowing he plays the guitar He has truly played a significant role in both my life and my son ’ s "

Dulquer Salmaan praises Rana Daggubati for prioritising excellence over stardom


star Dulquer Salmaan and Telugu actor Rana Daggubati recently set new standards of bromance on ‘The Rana Daggubati Show’ During a candid chat, Dulquer praised Rana's pursuit of excellence and recalled their first meeting, saying, "I was in ninth grade, and you must've been in eighth." Rana humorously responded, "No, I would've failed two years. I must've been in sixth."

Dulquer Salmaan fondly recalled Rana Daggubati’s visit to his Kochi home during the ‘Virata Parvam’ shoot, saying, "It was the first time he met my mom, and she loved him Rana ate a lot, and she connected with kids who enjoy food " He also praised Rana's debut in ‘Leader’, calling it a brave choice, and admired how Rana prioritises compelling stories and memorable characters over chasing stardom

Rana Daggubati praised Dulquer Salmaan s versatility and unique role choices, especially in Telugu cinema He said, "From the start, I knew Dulquer would do something special His storytelling approach and character portrayals have made a lasting impact " The actors also discussed their collaboration on ‘Kaantha’ and the challenges they faced during its making

Dulquer shared, "The making of this film took years, with many discussions, disagreements, and even fights, but we always hugged it out and kept moving forward " Rana added, "Producing and acting in ‘Kaantha’ together was an incredible journey, unlike anything we've done before It brought us even closer and reflects our friendship and passion for cinema "


Ajith to race again in 24h Dubai 2025 as team owner and driver


Ajith Kumar is set to make his racing comeback at the 24h Dubai 2025, marking a return to motorsports after a 15-year hiatus. He will participate as both a team owner and a driver, debuting

Racing’ The team will be support-

renowned European racing outfit They will compete in the Porsche 992 GT3 Cup class in both the 24h Dubai and t

Series Championship Ajith's driver lineup

Shweta Tripathi Sharma on

Shweta Tripathi Sharma is soaring high with ‘Mirzapur’ and ‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Aankhein’ returning in 2024 With ‘Mirzapur’ being adapted into a film and a third season of *Yeh Kaali Kaali Aankhein’ on the way, she’s set for an exciting journey ahead. In this interview, Shweta shares updates on these projects and reflects on her diverse career, from ‘Masaan’ and ‘Haraamkhor’ to her web series success. "2024 has been ‘bohot hi badhiya’ (truly great), full of learning that keeps me grounded as I build my career brick by brick," shares Shweta Tripathi Sharma Reflecting on the success of ‘Mirzapur’ and ‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Aankhein’ dominating global trends, she says, "Seeing myself on hoardings is surreal Coming from independent cinema, moments like these feel especially rewarding " She adds, "I love it and cherish it Popularity gives me the power to champion meaningful stories Hits like ‘Mirzapur’ and ‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Aankhein’ give me the leverage to push boundaries and instill confidence in producers to make films with me I’d do them again in a heartbeat "

Mirzapur film:
‘Set in a time when Munna is still…’

AP Dhillon won’t sell his music to movies, rejects multiple offers

Many music artists, like Diljit Dosanjh and Kanika Kapoor, have contributed to Bollywood soundtracks, but AP Dhillon takes a different approach In a podcast, the rapper-singer explained that he prefers releasing his own albums rather than "selling his music" to films

Currently working on a Hindi song, Dhillon clarified it’s not for a Bollywood movie, saying, “I’m away from films because I don’t want to sell my music I want to set an example for emerging artists Unless the business improves, I won’t be doing songs for movies ”

AP Dhillon acknowledged that while doing film songs might be a smart business move boosting marketing, budgets, and streams it doesn’t align with his identity as an independent artist Speaking to Ranveer Allahbadia, he explained, “From a business perspective, it makes sense, but I don’t want that to be my legacy I want to set an example for emerging artists, showing them that you don’t have to sell your music If I follow the trend, what will I tell the next generation? Sometimes, you have to sacrifice to create change ”

AP Dhillon shared that he has turned down multiple film music offers over the past two years to stay true to his art “I’ve rejected movie roles and record deals because I don’t want to follow the crowd,” he explained “At one point, the top 10 songs were Punjabi, proving you don’t need external promotion to succeed I’m not against working with films, but sometimes the business side doesn’t align with my vision ”

Shweta Tripathi Sharma expressed her excitement about the upcoming ‘Mirzapur’ film, currently in preproduction “Since Munna (played by Divyendu) is part of it, the story seems connected to season one, as we can’t bring back a character who died in season two It’s set in a time when Munna and Sweety (Shriya Pilgaonkar) are still alive We haven’t received a call from Excel to block dates yet, but I know it will be power-packed and full of swag the beast of the heartland Puneet Krishna, the writer of the series, is one of my favorites, and I’m eager to see what happens next in the

universe ”

Shyam Benegal dies at 90, celebrities remember him

Legendary filmmaker Shyam Benegal passed away at the age of 90, following a battle with chronic kidney disease, as confirmed by his daughter Pia Benegal His death has shocked the film industry, with celebrities like Shekhar Kapur, Kajol, Akshay Kumar, Chiranjeevi, and Manoj Bajpayee sharing heartfelt tributes and memories

Manoj Bajpayee expressed his grief on X, calling Shyam Benegal's death a "heartbreaking loss " Sharing a photo from the set of ‘Zubeidaa’, Bajpayee remembered Benegal as a visionary who reshaped storytelling and inspired generations He called working with him a transformative experience, grateful for the lessons learned

Akshay Kumar also shared his condolences, describing Benegal as "one of the finest filmmakers in our country" and a true legend Filmmaker Sudhir Mishra reflected on Shyam Benegal's work, noting the underlying sadness in his films and their portrayal of an imperfect world

Telugu megastar Chiranjeevi expressed his grief on X, calling Benegal "one of the finest filmmakers and intellectuals " He praised Benegal for discovering and nurturing India's brightest film talents, with his films forming a cultural treasure

Shekhar Kapur remembered Benegal as the creator of "new wave" cinema, highlighting his role in shaping stars like Shabana Azmi and Smita Patil

Archana Puran Singh talks about co-judges' reaction to her laughing at jokes

Puran Singh has been a constant in Kapil Sharma’s show for nearly five years. Previously, she was one of the judges on the Sony Entertainment Television show, Comedy Circus This is also the show that brought fame to comedians Kapil Sharma, Bharti Singh, Sudesh Lehri, Rajiv Thakur and Krushna Abhishek, among others The show saw many judges including Sohail Khan, Rohit Shetty, and Shekhar Suman. But, the one person who remained constant was Archana Puran Singh.

In a podcast with Bharti Singh, Archana Puran Singh shared how her co-judges disapproved of her laughing at jokes made about them “They’d say, ‘It lowers the dignity of judges,’” she recalled, admitting she didn’t even know what ‘dignity’ meant at the time She added, “Rohit Shetty laughed sometimes, but Shekhar stayed quiet ” Archana also revealed she enjoys being the target of jokes, saying, “I don’t mind when Kapil jokes about me I genuinely find it funny ” Her laughter, she explained, helped comedians improve “You guys were hesitant initially, but seeing me laugh boosted your confidence,” she said, noting that other judges often got upset

Previously, Archana admitted to fake laughing at weak jokes to help them land, but it backfired

“People thought I laughed at bad jokes, but it didn’t work,” she said Now, her laughter is genuine: “I laugh only if I truly find it funny ”


Champions Trophy: India, Pakistan to meet in Dubai on February 23

matches with at least 10 games scheduled in Pakistan R

Afghanistan and England

The tournament opener will be played in Karachi on Feb 19 when hosts Pakistan face New

Karachi will be the three hosting

second semifinal to be staged

Stadium in Lahore

“Lahore will also host the final on March 9, unless India qualify, in which case it will be

Rohit, Virat fail again as India lose fourth Test by 184 runs

Chasing a near imp robable

t arg et o f 340 , bo t h

S h a rm a an d V

f ai l ed t o ba ttl

h ei r tech nical frailties and mental cobwebs as India lost seven w ickets for 34 runs in just 20 4 overs in the final session to be all out for 155 in 79 1 o vers in Melbourne

Australia now lead the series 2-1 and unless India draw level in Sydney, a third successive World Test Championship final could become a distant dream

S a v e J a i s w a l , w h o s e controversial caught-behind in

w h i c h t h e t h i r d u m p i r e overruled technology to adjudge h i m o u t , n o n e o f t h e o t h e r batters performed well enough to save the team In case of Rishabh Pant, it was one bad


c o n c e n t r a t e d H e g o t a r a n k long hop from Travis Head but after a 103-ball vigil, it all came to a naught

Even Jaiswal's guts and grit

couldn't prevent a once highlyrated, but currently a trifle overr a t e d , I n d i a n b a t t

n g l i n e - u p from implosion with over-theh i l l s e n i o r s a n d y o u n g superstars unable to handle the pressure

The defeat could have severe repercussions as there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel for skipper Rohit As for Kohli, despite all his white-ball exploits, the problems outside the off-stump will stick out like a sore thumb

Save Jasprit Bumrah, who once again toiled manfully for 50 overs and took nine wickets, a n d f

h R e d d y , w h o s c

g r i t t y hundred, there are no positives to be taken from this defeat

Spin stalwart Ashwin calls it a day

India’s campaign in th e BorderGavaskar Troph y was jolted by th e sh o ck re tirem ent of sp i n stalwart Ravich andran Ashw in in th e middle of the series

The off-spinning allrounder

w a l k e d i n a l o n g s i d e c a p t a i n Rohit Sharma after the game to a n n o u n c e h i s i m m e d i a t e retirement from all forms of international cricket at the age of 38 Ashwin will leave the team and depart for home, captain

R o h i t s a i d , w i t h m a n y l e f t wondering at the manner of his r e t i r e m e n t a n d t h e r e a s o n s behind announcing the decision now

“This will be my last day as an Indian cricketer in all formats at international level,” Ashwin said, “I do feel there is a bit of a punch left in me as a cricketer, but I’d like to showcase that in club-level cricket I’ve had a lot

o f f u n a n d c r e a t e d a l o t o f memories alongside Rohit and several of my other teammates Even though I lost some of them

over the last few years, we ’ re the last bunch of OGs, if you can say that, left in the dressing room I’ll be marking this as my date of having played at this level ”

A s h w i n , t h e o n l y I n d i a n allrounder to score 3,000 runs and take 500 wickets, did not take any questions after a brief s t a t e m e n t , l e a v i n g R o h i t t o explain what had transpired Ashwin will be 39 by the time of India’s next big home series and likely felt there was no point hanging on if the team had moved on from him

played in Dubai Both the semifinals and the final will have reserve days,”



India will open their

before taking on Pakistan

against New Zealand on March 2

Group B action begins on Feb 21 when Afghanistan square

Karachi A big weekend then kicks off with rivals England and Australia clashing in Lahore on Feb 22

teams that finished in the top eight in the points table at ODI World Cup in India last year


announced after a deadlock over the hosting of the tournament

India’s games

ICC events in India till 2027

The hybrid arrangement will also apply to the 2025 women

ODI World Cup in India and the T20 World Cup in 2026 in India

extended to the 2028 Women’s T20 World Cup which Pakistan will host India had refused to travel to Pakistan for the event due to security concerns

Sadiq Khan announces London as 2025 capital of women’s sport

according to Mayor Sadiq Khan

The city will host a thrilling series of events, culminating in the Women’s Rugby World Cup

September 27 England will aim

champions New Zealand, with a warm-up in the six nations in the

final is expected to set a world record for attendance at a oneday women ’ s rugby event

In football, England’s team will prepare to defend their Euros title by facing world champions Spain in a Nations League match at Wembley on February 26 June will also see Queen’s Club in west

L o n d o n h o s t a w o m e n ’ s tournament before Wimbledon, marking the first time in over 50 years England's cricketers will take on India in a T20 international at The Oval on July 4 and a one-day international at Lord’s on July 19

T h e O v a l w i l l a l s o h o s t t h e

women ’ s T20 Blast finals day on July 27 “Alongside this, we’ll see t o p - t i e r w o m e n ’ s c r i c k e t , f o o t b a l l , n e t b a l l , h o c k e y , basketball, and athletics in the capital,” Khan said H e u r g e d L o n d o n e r s t o a t t e n d t h e s

Londoners to cheer

our top

in brief


Ace drag-flicker Harmanpreet Singh, who captained the Indian men s hockey team to a bronze medal-finish at the Paris Olympics 2024 has been recommended for the country’s highest sporting honour, the Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna award Harmanpreet joins para athlete Praveen Kumar, who won gold in the men’s high jump T64 class with an Asian record at the Paris Paralympics for the nomination, recommended by a 12-member selection committee, headed by retired Supreme Court judge, Justice V Ramasubramanian Strangely, ace pistol shooter, the Paris Olympics double medallist Manu Bhaker’s name is missing from the recommendation for India s highest sporting award While officials in the sports ministry claimed that the shooter didn’t apply for the award sources close to Manu’s family said that she had indeed sent in her application Manu may be honoured

Caught on the backfoot the sports ministry is now considering nominating her name for the country s highest sporting honour by using its executive powers vested in the provisions of the National Sports Day awards scheme The 22year-old from Haryana became the first Indian to achieve two medals at a single Olympic edition since India attained independence


Opener G Trisha made a doughty 50 before the left-arm troika of Ayushi Shukla Sonam Yadav and Parunika Sisodia spun web around Bangladesh batters as India scored a 41-run win to emerge champions in the inaugural Women’s T20 U19 Asia Cup in Kuala Lumpur On a spongy pitch, Trisha s 52 off 47 balls guided India to 117 for seven, but Indian spinners cut through the Bangladesh line-up to bundle them out for 76 in 18 3 overs The biggest partnership in Indian innings, in fact in the match itself, was between Trisha and her skipper Nikki Prasad - a 41-run alliance for the fourth wicket India batters struggled against pacer Farjana Easmin, who took four wickets


Super League Grand Final will take place at the O2 Arena on July 6, and female athletes will feature p

Athletics Meet on July 19

South Africa beat Pakistan, qualify for WTC final

South Afric a have bec ome the first team to qualify f or the World Tes t Champions hip final at Lord’s in Ju ne af ter beating Pakistan by two wickets in a dramatic cl imax to the f irs t Tes t in Centu rion

The hosts had been set a modest target of 148 to win but slumped to 99 for eight just before lunch before a- 51-run partnership between Marco Jansen, batting at No 8, and Kagiso Rabada, at No 10, saw them home Pakistan’s attack had been spearheaded by Mohammad Abbas, who was back in the side after a three-year absence, and the 34-year-old seamer took career-best figures of six for 54 in a mammoth spell of 19 3 overs but it was not enough to prevent his team from losing an eighth consecutive Test in South Africa

Despite the small target to defend, Pakistan sensed a chance of victory when they rolled through South Africa’s middle order in a thrilling morning session in which the hosts lost five for 37, including four wickets for three runs in 12 balls Jansen and Rabada, however, withstood the aggression to clock up their winning partnership in eight overs with Rabada in particular backing himself to play attacking shots, finishing unbeaten on 31 from 25 balls The win means South Africa, who have not played Australia or England in this cycle, will have the chance to win the ICC World Test Championship Mace in the final with a win percentage of 66 67 having played 11 Test matches Their opponents are yet to be decided with Australia and India vying for the second spot

Fired by Deepti Sharma’s excellent all-round show India women downed West Indies by five wickets and pulled off a 3-0 clean sweep in the home ODI series The flawless performance will help India, who now take on Ireland in a 3-match ODI series from Jan 10 next year in Rajkot, gear up for the 2025 ODI WC at home Brief scores: West Indies 162 all out in 38 5 overs (Chinelle Henry 61, Shemaine Campbelle 46, Aaliyah Alleyne 21; Deepti Sharma 6/31, Renuka Singh 4/ 29) lost to India 167 for 5 in 28 2 overs (Deepti Sharma 39 not out, Harmanpreet Kaur 32 Jemimah Rodrigues 29, Richa Ghosh 23 not out; Deandra Dottin 1-27) by five wickets

Indian batter Smriti Mandhana set the record for the most international runs in a calendar year in women s cricket across all formats scoring 91 runs against West Indies in a one-day international at Vadodra that took her tally for 2024 so

Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli
Sadiq Khan

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