Little by little, we're seeing a shift in the way the world looks at and appreciates women, but let it be known that the road to true gender equality remains long When it feels like the odds are stacked against women and their fellow females, they lean on other strong women for much-needed encouragement and hope that brighter days are indeed ahead Every day, women keep chipping away at the ever-present glass ceiling. More women than ever hold political decision-making posts worldwide Continued on page
noble thoughts come to us from every side VOL 52 - ISSUE 43 9 - 15 MARCH 2024 Ramadan Special
Khan, Zoya
U K Achievers Honours by N I S A U-U K
PAGE - 07 SE E PAGE - 11 R
on page 23
Ambani and Radhika Merchant celebrate love and tradition at pre-wedding
Akhtar bag prestigious India
Shefali Saxena
in BJP's first
secretary Vinod
and other party
Photo Cred t PT
PM Modi, Shah
list for 195 Lok Sabha seats Continued on page 12 L-R: Shloka Ambani, Radhika Merchant, Anant Ambani and Akash Ambani BJP general
Tawde (middle)
Labour launches outreach to connect with British Indians
The UK's Labour Party h as i na ugu rat ed "L ab o ur Indians," a new diaspora outre ach i ni ti ati ve ai m ed at e ngagi ng w it h Br iti s h Indians and enhancing connections wi th India, especially in light of the upcoming general elections in both countries S h a d o w Fo r e i g n S e c r e t a r y D a v i d L a m m y launched the initiative at the Houses of Parliament complex in London, where he discussed his recent visit to India and outlined his vision for strengthening the IndiaU K p a r t n e r s h i p u n d e r a Labour government D e s c r i b i n g I n d i a a s a “ s u p e r p o w e r ” , t h e L a b o u r l e a d e r s t r e s s e d t h a t i t s strategic importance meant that the relationship trans c e n d s p a r t y p o l i t i c a l
divides “India is a superp o w e r w i t h a n entrepreneurial, innovative, s c i e n t i f i c , i n d u s t r i a l b a s e and a superpower-sized population,” said Lammy “Of course, India still has c h a l l e n g e s B u t I d o n o t doubt that in this geopolitic a l m o m e n t , i t ’ s h u g e l y i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e U K u n d e r s t a n d s t h a t I n d i a i s this superpower force in the world And, it should be the case that it doesn't matter who is the Prime Minister of
I n d i a , w h o i s t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r a t Nu m b e r 1 0 (Downing Street) because it’s s o i m p o r t a n t s t r a t e g i c a l l y that notwithstanding political position, we have a ver y strong relationship,” he said
When questioned about past instances of anti-India r h e t o r i c l i n ke d t o L a b o u r d u r i n g Je r e m y C o r b y n's t e n u r e , L a m m y a c k n o w le d g e d t h a t t h e p a r t y h a d undergone a transformation under the leadership of Keir Starmer
Police investigate alleged racist abuse outside important council meeting
Councillo r Simran Cheema
r epo rt ed b ei ng rac i al ly abused by protesters as she arrived to attend a cru cial meeting at Walsall Cou ncil House T h e i n c i d e n t a l l e g e d l y occurred as she walked past " p r o -Pa l e s t i n e p r o t e s t e r s " o u t s i d e t h e b u i l d i n g C h e e m a w a s a t t e n d i n g a resumed full council meeting to set the authority's latest budget, with the incident taking place shortly before 6 pm West Midlands Police h a v e c o n f i r m e d t h e y a r e investigating the matter
Attendees of the protest expressed astonishment at the accusation, emphasising that any racist abuse would
have been swiftly addressed had it occurred The meeting, initially scheduled for the previous week, was postponed due to an interruption in the public galler y by individuals urging members to address the situation in Gaza
L a b o u r 's C o u n c i l l o r C h e e m a , w h o r e p r e s e n t s
Willenhall South, said: "The protesters were outside and I was walking into full council and they were waving pieces of paper in my face, tr ying to get me to take one but I just brushed it aside B u t t h e n t h e y s h o u t e d 'shame on you, ****' and when I f irst heard it, I was thinking 'did they just say that?'
"But it was repeated several times as I walked into t h e b u i l d i n g I w a s a b i t shocked at f irst and thought I'd misheard I didn't turn around to look at them I'm assuming they said it to provoke a reaction from me but I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction
Tory MP warning of 'No-G o Areas' resigns
Paul Scu lly, the Tory MP for Su tt o n a nd Chea m, ha s announced his resignation from parliament fo llo wing c o nt ro ver sy o v er hi s remarks about "no-go areas" in London and Birmingham Expressing regret for his comment, Scully described himself as "slightly furious" for sparking the dispute He u r g e d h i s p a r t y t o a v o i d e x t r e m e p o s i t i o n s a n d re m a i n c o m m i t t e d t o t h e c e n t r e - g r o u n d a s h e p r e -
pares to step down at the next election
He said on X: “Fuelled by division, the party has lost its way and needs to get a clear focus which I hope the budget can start to provide “It needs a vision beyond crisis management which can appeal to a wider section of t h e e l e c t o r a t e i n c l u d i n g younger people “If we just focus on core v o t e , e v e nt u a l ly t h a t c o re s h r i n k s t o n o t h i n g Ta l k
more about housing; renting f irst because home ownership has drifted too far from so many Show a real c o n n e c t i o n a n d e m p a t h y with other generations ” I n a l e n g t h y t h r e a d , Scully reiterated his comm i t m e n t t
UK trade negotiators in India to expedite deal discussions
A team of British negotiators has departed fo r India to f inalise a multibillion-pound freetrade agreement (FTA), according to media reports Led by a civil servant, the team's mandate i nclu des reso lving c ontenti ou s i ss ues such as the goods and services chapters
T h e Su n a k a d m i n i s t r a t i o n i s ke e n o n securing the FTA with India, a burgeoning economy with 1 4 billion people, as it could b o l s t e r t h e C o n s e r v a t i v e p a r t y 's e l e c t o r a l chances However, they recognize the urgency of the situation, as trade talks will need to pause once India's general election process commences
According to a UK government off icial, following a recent visit by some members of the Labour party's shadow cabinet to India, there are indications that the Narendra Modi administration is optimistic about potentially securing improved terms on visas and social s e c u r i t y u n d e r a L a b o u r p a r t y r u l e L a s t month, Shadow Business Secretar y Jonathan Reynolds and Shadow Foreign Secretar y David L a m m y m e t w i t h I n d i a n Tr a d e M i n i s t e r
Piyush Goyal during a trip to Delhi
The Sunak administration is now worried that India may decide to hold out until after the UK general election, where opinion polls favour Labour India wants to secure more visas for Indian workers and ensure them social security payments while working in the UK
UK plans to bar entry of hate preachers and extremists: Report
UK to block entry of extremist Islamist hate preachers from countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Indo nesia
The British government is reportedly drafting plans to prevent the entr y of hate preachers with extremist Islamist views from nations such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Indonesia Concerns have arisen over a notable surge in extremist activity, prompting off icials to designate individuals deemed the most dangerous extremists from abroad to be included on visa warning lists Under the proposed measures, those listed will face automatic refusal of entr y to the UK This development follows British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's recent speech at 10 Downing Street, where he fer vently cautioned against the threat posed by extremists to the countr y's democratic and multi-faith values
“We will also act to prevent people entering this countr y whose aim is to undermine its values,” Sunak said in his speech “The Home Secretar y has instructed that if those here on visas choose to spew hate on protests or seek to intimidate people, we will remove their right to be here,” he said The British Indian leader had also appealed to demonstrators taking to the streets of the countr y to protest against the Israel-Hamas conflict to ensure their actions are not hijacked by extremists
“The time has now come for us all to stand together to combat the forces of division and beat this poison We must face down the extremists who would tear us apart,” he said, warning that “Islamist extremists and the far right feed off and embolden each other”
Charities warn that up to 900 000 single parents in the UK could be excluded from the Government's free childcare scheme due to eligibility criteria In a collective letter addressed to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, charities such as Save the Children and Disability Rights UK highlighted concerns over the scheme's limitations, particularly for single parents who are unable to work They claimed that this penalised single parents with a disability or who act as carers, and accused the Government of “failing some of the most vulnerable families” To qualify for the scheme, at least one parent in a couple must earn the equivalent of 16 hours pay per week based on the national minimum wage or living wage However this requirement remains unchanged for single parents In couples one parent must work a minimum of 16 hours weekly to qualify while single parents must meet the same criteria to access the scheme
Senior midwife Donna Ockenden did a review uncovering widespread instances of racist and discriminatory behaviour within maternity services at Nottingham hospitals, as reported by the BBC
Prompted by concerns surrounding 1,813 cases involving stillbirths maternal or infant deaths, or instances of harm, the investigation has expanded to include an additional 70 cases In a letter addressed to Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) NHS Trust CEO Anthony May, Ockenden outlined multiple instances of racism and discrimination recounted by service users within the maternity services Ockenden cited various examples including a mother who reported having a sheet thrown at her after requesting a change of a bloodied bed The maternity lead emphasised that several individuals reported instances where non-white patients received more disrespectful and dismissive treatment compared to their white counterparts in maternity units
Research suggests that children from low-income families in England are falling further behind their peers in maths compared to before the pandemic According to a study by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) and Renaissance Learning, the attainment gap for disadvantaged primary school pupils in maths has increased from an average of 6 9 months to 8 7 months Overall, outcomes in maths have declined for pupils across the board, with an average of four months of lost learning in secondary schools and two months in primary schools The study, which compared assessments from 2017-18 to 2022-23, highlights the significant impact of Covid on vulnerable children, exacerbated by previous cuts to their support services due to austerity measures
s e
i v e Pa r t y w h i l e r e f l e c t i n g o n h i s t i m e i n o f f i c e D e s p i t e e x p r e s s i n g
desire for the Tories to succeed in the next election, he acknowledged personal c h a l l e n g e s a n d l o s s e s , i n c l u d i n g t h e e n d o f h i s m a r r i a g e a n d t h e t r a g i c d e a t h s o f t w o c o l l e a g u e s S c u l l y 's a n n o u n c e m e n t coincides with a new Ipsos UK poll revealing a sharp d e c l i n e i n C o n s e r v a t i v e approval ratings, reaching a historic low of just 20% 02 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024 MORTGAGES Remortgages Buy to Let Residential ALFINANCIA PROTECTION Income Protection Critical Illness Life Insurance SERVICES 77 High Street, Wealdston Call: 020 8424 Mortgage Ad Dinesh S C Please conta om ~ ne, Harrow, HA3 5DQ 4 8686 / 07956 810647 dviser Shonchhatra act:
o t h
C o n
r v a t
David Lammy with other members at the launch of “Labour Indians”
Cllr Simran Cheema
Paul Scully
Rishi Sunak
Health deserves impactful conversations bringing changes
In the modern era, health and wellness have gained prominence among millennials Prioritising holistic well-being, they invest in healthy food, activewear, and home gym equipment, as per a Mintel study This reflects a cultural shift towards fitness as a lifestyle rather than a sporadic pursuit Exercise, now recognised for its mental health benefits, serves beyond weight management or disease prevention Millennials allocate resources to achieve balance and vitality, acknowledging health as a state encompassing physical, mental, and social aspects
Flexibility, however, is not just a gender-based need Virtual exercise routines, fitness apps and AI-based workouts that enable one to do their fitness routine at their convenience are becoming popular The proliferation of online fitness classes, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, has addressed the challenge of consistency, particularly among women students According to a report by British think-tank Resolution Foundation, a third of individuals aged 18 to 24 experienced symptoms of mental illness in 2021/22, up from a quarter at the turn of the millennium
Studies indicate a significant increase in symptoms of anxiety and depression, with a notable impact on academic p e r f o r m a n c e , e m p l o y m e n t , a n d o v e r a l l p r o d u c t i v i t y According to the World Health Organisation, depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide among young adults aged 15 to 24 Over the past two years, vulnerable populations, particularly women and children, have borne the brunt of the pandemic's impact Maternal health suffered as expectant mothers faced barriers like transportation and childcare, leading to missed check-ups and height-
ened risks This underscores the urgent need to prioritise women's health and preventative care to address gender disparities in healthcare effectively McKinsey's Future of Wellness survey highlights a historical neglect of women's health, now witnessing increased purchases across various care needs As we celebrate International Women’s Day, though menstrual care and sexual health products are popular, spending is the highest on menopause and pregnancy-related items Research on reproductive health receives minimal funding despite its significant impact Many women juggle home, work, and selfcare, yet face challenges Despite their efforts, not all receive compensation Statistics from the National Statistical Office reveal that 82% of women provide unpaid domestic services, compared to only 27% of men, highlighting a significant gender disparity in household responsibilities
The recent case of Zerodha CEO Nithin Kamath, in a 2024 post, revealed a "mild stroke," citing stress, poor sleep, and excessive exercise as contributing factors, challenging stroke perceptions It sparked a nationwide conversation in India, and this is one of the several cases of strokes in men t h a t h a v e i n i t i a t e d d i a l o g u e a r o u n d c a r d i a c h e a l t h However, women remain on the side-lines to still get society talking about their health, hence triggering a change Indian actor Poonam Panday was recently heavily critiqued for her stunt to promote cervical cancer awareness, but the campaign went south with negligible impact and more gossip Women’s health while neglected, doesn’t get the kind of vigour it deserves when it comes to having impactful conversations that bring change
The ongoing journey of the Ambani family
Ever since the date of the youngest member of the Ambani family, Anant’s wedding, was announced with Radhika M e r c h a n t ( d a u g h t e r o f I n d i a n b u s i n e s s m a n V i r e n Merchant), there has been a lot of buzz about the same Anant and Radhika, who got engaged in January 2023, will tie the knot in July Before the big day, the couple and their families hosted a three-day pre-wedding extravaganza in Jamnagar, Gujarat This location holds special significance for the Ambani family, being the birthplace of Anant's grandmother, Kokilaben Ambani, and the founding site of Reliance Industries by Dhirubhai Ambani Anant mentioned being inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call to 'Wed in India,' emphasising the importance of celebrating their roots Even Nita Ambani expressed her desire to honour their origins, particularly the role of Gujarat in their family history Gujarat holds sentimental value as it is where Mukesh Ambani and his father established the refinery, and where Nita began her career by transforming arid lands into a flourishing community
Nearly 1,200 people were invited which was attended by billionaires, heads of state, Hollywood and Bollywood royalty Among the esteemed invitees were luminaries like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Fink, Sunder Pichai, and Ivanka Trump, alongside Indian industrialists Gautam Adani and Kumar Mangalam Birla The guest list further boasted the presence of cricketing legends Sachin Tendulkar and MS Dhoni, alongside Bollywood stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, Aamir Khan, Rani Mukherjee, Salman Khan and Ranbir Kapoor Adding to the allure of the event, pop sensation Rihanna, illusionist David Blaine, and renowned Bollywood vocalists provided captivating enter-
tainment, ensuring a truly memorable celebration
Since childhood, Anant Ambani has faced numerous health challenges, notably severe asthma requiring extensive steroid treatments, which inadvertently led to weight gain, as revealed by Nita Ambani in a past interview Despite these adversities, during the pre-wedding festivities, Anant openly shared his journey of overcoming health obstacles, attributing his success to the unwavering support of his parents Reflecting on the profound impact of his siblings, Akash and Isha Ambani, he described them as invaluable advisors rather than competitors Anant emphasised the exceptional bond he shares with his brother and sister, highlighting their guidance as pivotal in his life Notably, he also followed in his brother's footsteps by attending the same Ivy League university in the US
Reliance, through its Reliance Foundation, has been actively engaged in charitable initiatives and community service To kick off the pre-wedding festivities, the Ambani family recently conducted the Anna Seva (community food service), a long-standing tradition, in villages surrounding Jamnagar This event provided meals to 51,000 local residents Additionally, Anant Ambani has launched Vantara, his ambitious wildlife conservation project Spanning 3,000 acres, it aims to rescue and rehabilitate animals globally, with the goal of becoming the world's largest zoo and rehabilitation centre Passionate about wildlife conservation and sustainable energy, Anant Ambani is at the forefront of Reliance's renewable energy project in Jamnagar, aimed at achieving Net Carbon Zero by 2035 In a recent media interaction, Anant has emphasised that the project is driven by seva (service) rather than monetary gains
India's electoral crossroads
Amidst the backdrop of global elections, the world’s largest democracy, India will also be deciding its representatives for the next five years The key faces of this election are Narendra Modi, leading a strong and steady Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) and Rahul Gandhi, leading a tumultuous coalition of the Indian National Developmental Inclusive (INDI) Alliance
The political parties are intensifying their efforts and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) taking a prominent lead, fuelled by the enduring "Modi wave" that continues to resonate with the electorate A prime example of the public support of Narendra Modi was seen when recently, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav made a 'family' remark aimed at Prime Minister Narendra Modi The BJP seized upon Yadav's remarks by incorporating "Modi ka Parivaar" (Modi's family) after their names and emphasising that the 140 crore people of India are part of PM Modi's family While the BJP is smartly marketing Narendra Modi towards victory, the many prominent faces of the INDI Alliance are yet to make any solid impact It seems that the phrase “Too many cooks spoil the broth”, analyses the coalition’s state accurately
Apart from Narendra Modi, what works for the BJP is the much-needed transformation that the party has undergone in the last ten years and the trust the party has built, becoming much more relatable for both the young and the old The current government has taken the infrastructure, economy and the quality of livelihood of the country to an
unexpected high The Indian Prime Minister has established himself as a global leader and India as a country with global importance The country now has the impact and respect that it has always deserved
Under the leadership of Narendra Modi, India has transformed from being counted among the "fragile 5" economies to becoming the fifth largest economy globally India's remarkable economic growth was underscored by IMF executive director Krishnamurthy Subramanian last week, who hailed it as the fastest-growing economy in the world The party has also worked over the years to introduce young leaders to politics and that can be seen in the party’s first list of 195 candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha election, where 33 new candidates were introduced while replacing sitting MPs This adds to the evolving perspective of the party
When it comes to Congress, however, one can see a pattern of repetitiveness The party doesn’t try to evolve or transform itself but finds solutions by forming coalitions time and again, whenever needed The party leader Rahul Gandhi has worked on his image in the past few years but that does not compensate for the fact that the coalition needs a better face at the forefront The prowess of many young and dynamic leaders within Congress is being wasted
Given all the factors, the BJP government has several pros on its side and evidently, the country’s support to win a consecutive third term in power The Congress will need a lot more than unstable coalitions to hope to make an impact
Thought for the week
Well done is better than well said
-Benjamin Franklin
Political Sketchbook
Alpesh Patel
India’s Science and Technology
Ret urning from Gujarat a couple of week s ago, the State is in t he news again This t ime thanks to the Ambani wedding But as world t ech leaders are in Jamnagar, I was at the Indian High C om mis sio n mo de r a t in g a p an e l se ss ion on t e chn olo gy b etween India and Wales with the First Minist er of Wales and t he Indian High Commissioner
As TV channels try to understand why the current Indian Government will have a massive landslide victory, they keep forgetting the old Clinton adage “it’s the economy, stupid” Whilst they obsess on “nationalist, Hindu, Muslim” as the answer to understand everything, they cannot accept Indians are as rational as Americans and Brits – “it’s the economy, stupid”
So I wanted to remind myself of the India’s tech prowess We often forget don’t we? Look at this
1 Space Exploration: Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan)
India's Mars Orbiter Mission, launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 2013, made it the first Asian nation to reach Martian orbit and the first in the world to do so on its first attempt This mission demonstrated India's advanced capabilities in low-cost space exploration The success of Mangalyaan placed India among the elite group of space-faring nations and showcased its ability to execute complex missions efficiently and cost-effectively
2 Digital Innovation: Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
India's Unified Payments Interface (UPI) revolutionized the digital payments landscape, facilitating instant real-time payments between two parties Launched in 2016 by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), UPI has become a world-leading digital payments platform, offering an efficient, user-friendly, and secure method of monetary transactions, significantly contributing to India's move towards a digital economy
3 Pharmaceuticals: COVID-19 Vaccine Development
India played a crucial role in the global battle against the COVID-19 pandemic by developing and mass-producing vaccines Covaxin, developed by Bharat Biotech in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), is an indigenously developed COVID-19 vaccine, highlighting India's capabilities in vaccine research and pharmaceutical manufacturing
4 Renewable Energy: Solar Power Expansion
India has made significant strides in renewable energy, particularly in solar power The country aims to achieve 100 GW of solar capacity as part of its ambitious target of 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030 The establishment of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) by India, in collaboration with France, underscores its commitment to renewable energy and its leadership role in global sustainability efforts
5 Information Technology: IT Services and Out sourcing India remains a global leader in information technology and outsourcing, with its IT industry contributing significantly to the global market Indian IT firms like Infosys, TCS, and Wipro are recognized worldwide for their software development, IT services, and consulting, driving innovation and efficiency across various sectors
6 Startup Ecosystem: Unicorns and Innovat ion
India's startup ecosystem has seen explosive growth, with numerous startups achieving 'unicorn' status (valued at over $1 billion) This boom is indicative of a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit and a robust ecosystem supporting innovation, particularly in fintech, e-commerce, and tech-driven sectors
7 Telecommunications: World s Second-L argest Internet User Base
India has rapidly expanded its telecommunications infrastructure, becoming the world's second-largest internet user base This achievement has not only democratized internet access but has also spurred a digital transformation across the economy, enabling growth in digital services, e-commerce, and digital education
8 Agricultural Inn ovation: Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)
India has been at the forefront of promoting sustainable agricultural practices, such as Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), which reduces farmers' dependency on loans and chemical inputs This innovative farming approach has gained traction for its potential to increase farmers' incomes and promote sustainability
9 Financial Inclusion: Jan Dhan Yojana
The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) initiative, aimed at expanding affordable access to financial services such as bank accounts, insurance, and loans, has been pivotal in promoting financial inclusion in India Launched in 2014, it has helped millions of unbanked and underbanked Indians gain access to financial services
10 Advanced Computing: Supercomputing Mission
India's National Supercomputing Mission aims to create a vast grid of high-performance computing facilities across the country This initiative has bolstered India's capabilities in scientific research, weather forecasting, and complex data processing, underlining its commitment to advancing computing and analytical capabilities
03 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www asian-voice com 9 - 15 March 2024
Birmingham doctor struck off medical register after lying about 'road rage' attack on NHS form
Dr Shah Ali, a Birmingham doc to r, has been remo ved f rom the medic al regi ster after falsely stating on an NHS form that he was n t u nder a fitness-to-practice i n ves ti ga ti o n f o ll o win g a 'road rage' incident
The 43-year-old GP was convicted of dangerous driving for intentionally hitting an 84-year-old pedestrian with his car during an altercation in 2018
The altercation occurred
in Highbury Park, Moseley, where Dr Ali's car and the victim's Volvo faced off on an access road Dr Ali, in a fit of rage, verbally abused the elderly man before driving his car toward him, hitting him with the wing mirror and causing him to fall Despite being found guilty and sentenced to nine months' imprisonment (suspended for two years) in April 2020, Dr Ali falsely claimed on an NHS form
that he wasn t under investigation
This dishonesty was discovered during his application for a back-to-work program amid the Covid pandemic The tribunal found Dr Ali's actions impaired his fitness to practice and amounted to professional misconduct, leading to his removal from the medical register He has the option to appeal this decision within 28 days
Michael Gove faces parliamentary investigation over VIP hospitality
Pa rl ia men t' s s tan dar ds watchdo g has revealed an i nves tigati on i nto Mic hael Gove concerning his register o f financi al interests The pr o be , c o nd uc te d by St an dard s Co mmi s s io n er D aniel G reen berg, i s kept confidential u ntil its conclusion and those under investigation are prohibited from discussing the allegations
The investigation stems from reports that Gove failed to register VIP hospitality at a football match with a Conservative donor whose firm he recommended for multimillion-pound PPE contracts during the Covid-19 pandemic
Gove was entertained at
a Queens Park Rangers match in 2021 by David Meller, whose company, Meller Designs, received six PPE contracts worth £164 million following Gove s referral in 2020 Gove acknowledged his failure to declare the complimentary tickets as an "oversight" and informed parliamentary
authorities MPs are required to register gifts, benefits, and hospitality exceeding £300 Gove is among six Conservative MPs under investigation, including Deputy Speaker Dame Eleanor Laing, Sir Bernard Jenkin, and Virginia Crosbie, suspected of attending a birthday event during the pandemic in breach of lockdown rules
The Metropolitan Police closed their investigation into similar allegations in December without action
Other MPs under scrutiny include Bob Stewart and Miriam Cates, facing claims of damaging the House's reputation
Barbican appoints Devyani Saltzman as Director for Arts and Participation
D e v y a ni Sa lt zma n , a Canadian wr iter and curator, h a s b e e n n a me d t he ne w
D i r e ct or fo r Ar t s a n d P a r t ici pa t io n a t B a rb i ca n , London She will a ssume the r ole in July, succeeding Will Gompertz, who departed to j oi n S ir J oh n S oa n e ’ s Museum
In a statement, Devyani Saltzman said, “We are living through such an important moment in which cultural institutions have the opportunity to enter into a new way of serving their people and the public I really believe this generation of leadership can envision not only the best of creative practice and programming, but embody a
healthier way of thinking and working, especially for the communities we serve and our own staff
“I’m honoured to be joining the extraordinary team at the Barbican I can’t wait to work with them and London’s many communities, to create a space that is both international and deeply local: daring, trustbased, politically relevant, and at the forefront of artistic practice I look forward to working with the team to present the most innovative and thought-provoking work that addresses and makes space for the issues we are collectively facing and ensures the Barbican is
authentically welcoming for all ”
Saltzman was most recently Director of Public Programming at the Art Gallery of Ontario, before which she was also Director of Literary Arts at the Banff Centre and a founding Curator at Luminato, Toronto
Galloway records victory in Rochdale
Geo rge Galloway, a s e as o ned po li ti c al pr o vo c ate u r, has he ra lde d a s e is mi c shift away fro m the Labour Party followi n g his re mar kab le t ri u mph i n the R o ch dal e b y- el ection
Despite being one of the most polarising figures in British politics, Galloway secured nearly 40% of the vote in a contest marred by turmoil and fuelled by the Gaza conflict During a victory speech punctuated by heckling at the Rochdale
leisure centre, Galloway directed his ire towards Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak A d d r e s s i n g Starmer, he declared, This is for Gaza You will face consequences for your complicity in perpetuating, promoting, and concealing the ongoing catastrophe in occupied Gaza, in the Gaza Strip " Galloway's landslide victory, garnering 12,335 votes representing 39 7% of the total, exceeded all
Downing Street criticises London Theatre's "Black Out" performances of slave play
Downing Street has criticised the decisio n of a Lo ndon theatre to organise two showings of a play about slavery exclusively for all-blacki den ti fy in g au d ie nc es " The No ël Co war d Theatre in the West End intends to ho st "Blac k Out perfo rmances" during its twomo nth run of Slave Play, a Broadway production exploring themes of race and sexuality
The move has drawn concern from officials, including a spokesperson for Rishi Sunak, who described it as troubling The spokesperson emphasised the importance of inclusivity in the arts, especially for venues receiving public funding, suggesting that restricting audiences based on race could be divisive and wrong While similar events have occurred in the UK before, such as for productions like Daddy and Tambo & Bones, the government is seeking further details on the theatre’s plans The statement reaffirmed a commitment to inclusive arts and suggested that public funding recipients should uphold these principles Producers of Slave Play defended their decision, citing a desire to make theatre more accessible They clarified that while "Black Out nights" would be included in the run, no one would be excluded from attending any performance This approach mirrors past efforts to provide specific spaces for Black audiences to engage with cultural events without the "white gaze "
Three men jailed for life for murder of East London man shot on doorstep
Three men received life sentences after the f ata l s ho o ti n g o f Ir o n M ia h, 40, o n hi s do orstep in East London Mohamed Moshaer Ali, 31, Antonio Afflick-McLeo d, 32, and Aaron Campbell, 32, were collectively sentenced to 101 years in prison
Miah had been receiving unsettling messages before the incident On the night of his murder, after a call from Mohammed Ali, he went outside and conversed with occupants of a Honda Civic, then messaged Ali "Viewing done" after the interaction While returning home, an assailant approached him from behind and shot him in the head The attackers fled in a Volkswagen Polo, which was never recovered Afflick-McLeod and Campbell were believed to be in the Polo Afflick-McLeod's arrest revealed a stash of drugs and a sawn-off shotgun at his home CCTV footage and a SIM card purchase linked him to the crime Ali also attempted to manipulate the investigation by bribing a prison officer The convictions brought closure to Miah's family after four years of legal proceedings Ali received a minimum sentence of 36 years, Afflick-McLeod 34 years, and Campbell 31 years
in brief
Financial experts warn HMRC continues to wrongly tax pensioners, resulting in unnecessary payments averaging £3,000 annually per person Since 2015, pensioners nationwide have paid a cumulative £1 billion in unjust taxes This issue arises from "pension freedom" rules, where retirees access lump sums from their pension plans HMRC applies an emergency tax code to withdrawals, assuming recipients will withdraw the same amount monthly throughout the year Clare Moffat from Royal London notes this leads to unexpected tax deductions, with some facing bills exceeding £50,000 after withdrawing over £200,000 Rosie Hooper of Quilter Cheviot highlights the frustration of waiting for tax refunds, suggesting the PAYE system needs streamlining While HMRC claims it automatically refunds overpaid tax due to emergency codes, individuals can request earlier repayments Despite reassurances, experts urge for a systematic solution to prevent further financial hardships for pensioners
Recent figures reveal that nearly 1 5 million appointments within England's NHS have been rescheduled due to ongoing strike actions spanning over a year, involving various healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, paramedics, and physiotherapists The most recent strike by junior doctors, occurring from February 24 to 28, led to the postponement of 91,048 appointments, operations, and procedures Since the commencement of strikes in December 2022, NHS England has had to reschedule around 1,424,269 inpatient and outpatient appointments Health Secretary Victoria Atkins urges junior doctors to return to negotiations with reasonable expectations, highlighting the adverse impact of strikes on patient care She acknowledges the dedication of frontline workers in providing essential cover during strikes and NHS leaders efforts to safeguard critical services NHS England's national medical director, Professor Sir Stephen Powis, acknowledges the strain on patient care due to strikes, with over 1,000 hours of routine care disrupted While the BMA junior doctors committee expressed willingness to negotiate, SAS doctors voted against a new pay offer, indicating the potential for future strikes
expectations, granting him a substantial 5,697-vote majority
Galloway pledged to challenge Angela Rayner's Ashton-under-Lyne seat, citing a significant support base of at least 15,000 supporters in the Greater Manchester constituency, which he believes is sufficient to overturn Rayner's approximately 4,000-vote majority Galloway emphasised that the forthcoming election would centre on Muslim concerns and the erosion of civil liberties in the country
Britain nearly doubles visas for health and care workers amid immigration pressure
In a bid to a ddress labour shortages in the health and ca re se ctors, Britain significa ntly increased the number of visas granted to fore ig n w or k e r s l as t y e a r , a ccord ing t o go ve rnme nt data released Thursday
T h e H o m e O f f i c e s t a t i s t i c s r e v e a l e d a 2 6 % rise in work visas in 2023 compared to the previous year, with a staggering 91% surge specifically in visas for health and care workers T h i s s p i k e , t o t a l l i n g
337,240 visas issued, underscores the ongoing chall e n g e f a c e d b y P r i m e Minister Rishi Sunak, who h a s p l e d g e d t o r e d u c e i m m i g r a t i o n a h e a d o f anticipated elections
Over 60% of the 146,477 visas in the health and care sector were designated for workers in residential care homes and those offering in-home care
Additionally, the sector accounted for 73% of the 279,131 visas issued to famil y m e m b e r s o f w o r k e r s
D e s p i t e t i g h t e n e d v i s a r u l e s i m p l e m e n t e d b y S u n a k ' s g o v e r n m e n t , i n c l u d i n g h i g h e r s a l a r y thresholds and restrictions on family migration, concerns persist as the care s e c t o r g r a p p l e s w i t h staffing shortages
The reliance on intern a t i o n a l s t a f f h a s a l s o raised alarm over potential e x p l o i t a t i o n , p r o m p t i n g calls for improved domestic recruitment strategies and better labour protections
04 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
Michael Gove
Devyani Saltzman
George Galloway
Shining light on a forgotten tragedy
Anusha Singh
Puri, an esteemed j o u rna li s t, ex ec u ti ve producer, and broadcaster at the BBC, has garnered acclaim for her work across various mediums No tably, she is the au tho r o f the hig hly prai s ed bo o k "Par titi o n V o ic es: Unto ld British Stories"
In her latest endeavour, Puri presents the documentary "Three Million," delving into the harrowing tale of the Bengal famine of 1943 This groundbreaking narrative is recounted firsthand by individuals who experienced it firsthand and features testimony that has never before been broadcasted, offering a fresh and illuminating perspective on this historical event Three Million is a collaborative effort cocommissioned by BBC Radio 4 and BBC World Service, available for streaming on BBC Sounds
Here, she talks about the documentary and shares a special message for women across the world What inspired you to create the BBC documentary 'Three Million'?
The deaths of at least three million people in the Bengal famine in British colonial India is not well remembered There is no memorial, museum or even a plaque anywhere in the world to the people who perished in the middle of World War 2 It's over 80 years on, and I was very aware that the moment to capture - through firsthand testimony - eyewitness and survivor testimonies would soon no longer be possible So there was a real urgency to capture these experiences before it is too late
How did you approach the topic of the wartime famine in Bengal, considering its historical and emotional weight?
You are absolutely
right, the Bengal famine is a hugely emotional topic It is also massively contestedthe causes and where culpability lies So much of the debate has been about that and these are of course important questions to discuss I wanted to do something different, shift the lens, and focus on the lived experience, to understand what it was like to live through and survive this humanitarian catastrophe, as well as what it was likein all walks of life - to live through I also wanted to explore how the decisions of everyday people could make the difference between life and death I of course give the broader context of war, empire and the decision-makers in Calcutta, Delhi and London, but the heart of the series are the people who were there at the time, in their voice, which has never been done before
How do you hope your documentary will contribute to the understanding and remembrance of this tragic event?
At least three million people died, an overwhelming number But behind every number is a story, and I wanted to give a sense of that While millions died, millions survived, and the Bengal famine continued to shape their lives In Britain, this is a story that is not well known The people who died were Indians, but British subjects in British India This is British history and part of the war experience - and I hope it will be
seen as that I also hope we can find a language to talk about the Bengal famine in a civil way, to understand what happened
What do you think are the lessons that today's generation can learn from the experiences recounted in 'Three Million'?
Having interviewed so many people it never ceases to amaze me the clarity
with which people can recall traumatic events from so long ago Nothing is forgotten The trauma can also be passed down the generations in different ways Starvation is horrific, inhumane and there is so much shame around it In the Bengal famine, the people who starved were fishermen, agricultural workers, artisans, and so many mothers and children They weren't beggars, they were people who could no longer access rice (the staple food) or afford it But it's not history, tragically we are still seeing starvation today
As we commemorate International Women’s Day, what message do you have for women across the world?
I would say, dream big and don't let anything stop you if there's something you want to do Live the life you want, you only have one shot at it Sometimes, when things don't work out, other good things can come out of it There is no one way of doing things Find your allies - and support them - they will be with you through the ups and downs
Sunil Bharti Mittal conferred with Knighthood
H M King Charles III has b est o wed an H o no ra ry K n ig h t ho o d (K B E) u po n S u ni l B h ar ti Mit t al , F o u nder & Ch air m an of Bh art i Enterpr ises, mar king him as the first Indian citizen to receive this pr estigious recognition Mittal's commendable efforts in advancing IndiaUK business relations have e a r n e d h i m t h e K n i g h t Commander of the Most E x c e l l e n t O r d e r o f t h e British Empire (KBE), one o f t h e h i g h e s t h o n o u r s b e s t o w e d b y t h e B r i t i s h Sovereign upon civilians T h i s d i s t i n c t i o n i s c o nf e r r e d u p o n f o r e i g n nationals in recognition of
their exceptional contributions E x p r e s s i n g h i s g r a t itude, Sunil Bharti Mittal stated, “I am deeply humbled by this gracious recognition from His Majesty, King Charles UK and India h a v e h i s t o r i c a l r e l a t i o n s , which are now entering a new era of increased cooperation and collaboration
“I remain committed to working towards strengthening the economic and bilateral trade relationships b e t w e e n o u r t w o g r e a t nations I am thankful to the government of the UK, whose support and keen attention to the needs of business has been critical in making the country an attractive investment destination ”
Previous recipients of the Honorary KBE from I n d i a , d u r i n g Q u e e n Elizabeth II's reign, include b u s i n e s s s t a l w a r t R a t a n T a t a ( 2 0 0 9 ) , r e n o w n e d m u s i c i a n R a v i S h a n k a r ( 2 0 0 1 ) , a n d i n d u s t r i a l i s t Jamshed Irani (1997)
We have planned an unforgettable program filled with love, laughter and appreciation for the incredible mothers in our lives You can share a heartfelt message with your mother while holding a photo in your hand or if she's present with you, you can convey the message live during the Zoom program while seated together.
10 March, 2024 3.00pm (BST)
Meeting ID:
Let's come together to honor and
For more details E: or call : 020 7749 4085
British South Asians need to continue to show solidarity for LGBT community
At a time when minorities are being pitted against one an oth er a c ros s p oli t i ca l sp her es , B ri t i sh S outh Asians need to continue to show s olidarity with other minori ties , and thi s must include the LGBT community
Speaking to Asian Voice, Saima Razzaq, Director of Change and Communications at Birmingham Pride, said, “I'm a British Pakistani who is also a Lesbian - had I been born in Pakistan, I am very well aware I would not be living my life so freely and confidently Living in Pakistan and being open about my sexuality would ultimately put my life at risk
“We need to understand that anti-LGBT legislation was bought into our home countries during British colonial rule Our communities did not discriminate against LGBT people before colonial rule, colonial rule that also led to partition and two civil wars, so then why are we allowing this colonial legacy to dictate how we
treat LGBT minorities?”
Razzaq asserts that British South Asians must continue to lead by example and understand the fight for equality is one that must be united with all minorities, both from within and outside of our communities “The probability will dictate that at some point in your life, a friend or family member might want to come out to you about their sexuality and/or their gender identity, and if you are to respond negatively, it will have a detrimental impact on the individual's well-being and mental health We are fast approaching Pride season in the UK and there couldn't be a better opportunity for you to show your solidarity
to the LGBT community I'm proud to work for Birmingham Pride which now hosts the largest Pride march in or outside of Europe Considering South Asians makeup almost half the population of Birmingham, I couldn't be prouder to be part of a Pride team that continues to boldly make history in one of the UK’s most diverse cities,” Saima told the newsweekly
Tens of thousands of people line the streets of Birmingham during their Pride march and she encourages South Asians who may not have experienced a Pride event before to come join us and see how important Pride is for the LGBT community
Birmingham Pride's march is set to take place on Saturday 25th May and will be followed by a star-studded festival weekend with headliners that include Moroccan Swedish singer Loreen, Heather Small and Sophie Ellis-Bexter You can find more information on our website
Indian-origin executives bolster UK competition authority
In a significant development led by the UK's Department f o r Bu s i ne ss an d Tra de, Dharmash Mistry and Cyru s Mehta, both of Indian origin, have been appointed to the b o ard o f the Co mpeti ti on and Market s Autho rity (CMA) This decision marks a pivotal moment in enhancing diversity and expertise within the UK's primary competition and consumer authority Mistry, a distinguished venture capitalist focusing on technology and finance, and Mehta, a former partner at the international law firm CMS specialising in competition law, are
poised to bring fresh insights to the CMA Their appointments come at a critical juncture as the organisation aims to expand its influence in safeguarding consumer interests and fostering a competitive business environment
As non-executive directors, they will play integral
roles in shaping the organisation's trajectory, establishing policy frameworks, and ensuring effective performance monitoring Their extensive expertise in law, finance, and technology positions them as valuable assets in guiding the CMA's efforts to promote fair competition and innovation across industries As Mistry and Mehta embark on their new roles, their contributions will be closely monitored by industry leaders and policymakers alike
05 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
824 6552 6830 Passcode: ma Mother’s Day Celebration MATRUVANDANA
celebrate the remarkable women who have shaped our lives with their love, wisdom, and strength
Kavita Puri
Sunil Bharti Mittal
Cyrus Mehta Dharmash Mistry
British cargo ship sinks in Red Sea after Houthi missile attack
A Bri t is h c arg o s hi p, the Rubymar, has sunk in the Red Sea after being stru ck by miss i le s fr om Y eme n ’ s H o u thi rebels, following days o f drifting and taking on water post-attack
o n February 18
This marks the first sinking of a ship by the Houthis since their campaign against shipping began in November The Rubymar, a British-registered vessel operated by a Lebanese company, was targeted while traversing the Bab el-Mandeb Strait linking the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden Two missiles hit the ship, damaging its engine room and prompting the crew of 24 to abandon the ship as it headed to Bulgaria from the UAE with over 41,000 tons of fertiliser The UK govern-
ment denounced the attacks as "completely unacceptable" and warned of potential environmental repercussions from the ship's cargo Environmental groups like Greenpeace have expressed concern over the potential spillage of fuel oil and fertiliser, urging swift action to assess and mitigate the environmental risks Meanwhile, the UK and US conducted missile strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen in response to increased attacks on shipping Defence Secretary Grant Shapps stated the strikes aimed to degrade Houthi capabilities threatening global trade and maritime security Despite international efforts, Houthi attacks have persisted, affecting shipping routes critical for UK exports
Sharp increase in Indians illegally crossing English Channel to reach UK
Data from the British governm ent r eveal ed a si gni fi c ant surge in Indians illegally entering the United Kingdom via the English Channel on small boats, reaching 1,192 in 2023, a staggering 59 3% increase from 2022's 748 arrivals
These statistics, part of the UK's "Irregular Migration to the UK" report for 2023, contrast with the mere 67 and 64 Indian arrivals in 2021 and 2020, respectively Notably, no Indians crossed over in 2018 and 2019
Predominantly, the arrivals consisted of men aged 18 to 39 Indians constituted the ninth-
largest group among undocumented migrants reaching the UK via small boats, with Afghan nationals topping the list at 5,545 arrivals Most Indian arrivals sought asylum and awaited decisions, with 57 asylum claims rejected between January and March 2023
The UK government proposed legislation in November to classify India as a "safe state," aiming to render asylum claims of undocumented Indian arrivals inadmissible, despite acknowledging the lack of apparent persecution risks for these individuals
Self-proclaimed “healers" prey on sick patients
S ic k pa tie nt s, i nc l u ding those with terminal cancer, are being e xpl oi te d by sel f-pr oc l aim ed "healers" who claim to cure canc er through bl ack magic spells, c ost ing vic t im s as m uc h a s £3,000
These charlatans often target vulnerable individuals through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram
However, experts in alternative medicine, like Edzard Ernst from the University of Exeter, condemn their practices as dangerous and baseless Despite this, individuals like "Pandith Ramdev" and "Pandit: Ganaphati Raju" continue to operate, offering supposed cures behind a facade of astrology and spiritual healing
"Pandith Ramdev" boasts of curing numerous health condi-
tions across various locations, while "Pandit: Ganaphati Raju" promotes his services in south London, offering a supposed cure for cancer through prayer sessions, charging exorbitant amounts In undercover investigations, both individuals were caught promising miraculous recoveries in exchange for large sums of money Dr Amanda Perren, a GP in south London, expressed deep concern over their actions, emphasising the vulnerability of cancer patients and condemning the exploitation of their desperation for financial gain She emphasised the necessity of evidence-based medical treatments like surgery and chemotherapy, cautioning against the false promises of these fraudulent healers
Fawziyah Javed's last words secure husband's conviction
F awz i yah J ave d' s fi na l wo rds became a powerful testament agai ns t her ab us i ve hu sba nd, Kashif Anwar, ultimately leading to his conviction
Anwar, who claimed his wife's fatal fall at Arthur's Seat was an accident, was found guilty of killing her and sentenced to 20 years in prison A Channel 4 documentary, "The Push: Murder on the Cliff," delves into the tragedy and the courtroom drama Lead prosecutor Alex Prentice emphasised the significance of Fawziyah's words, captured by witnesses
Tory MP Robert Jenrick's article sparks backlash over Islamophobia and extremism
Just days after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak u rge d u n it y agai n st di visi ve fo rces, To ry MP R o be rt J enr i ck faced backlash for his art i cl e o n I sl amo pho b i a and extremism
In his piece titled "Why does the Left consider it Islamophobic to want to expel the cancer of extremism from Britain?" Jenrick criticized the Left s stance and highlighted the alliance between the hard-left and Islamists He warned against ignoring the threat posed by Islamist extremism and advocated for action to curb mass migration, linking it to extremism This intervention follows controversies within the Conservative Party, including the suspension
of Lee Anderson for his remarks about Islamists and Sadiq Khan Former home secretary Suella Braverman also entered the discourse, accusing extremists of controlling institutions Meanwhile, Liz Truss's appearance with Steve Bannon, where he praised far-right figure Tommy Robinson, added to the contentious backdrop Sunak criticized Anderson s comments but stopped short of labelling them Islamophobic, prompting criticism Baroness Sayeeda Warsi accused the government of delaying action on tackling racism Jenrick's article stirred further criticism, with some pointing out the party's handling of the issue
Confusion over restrictions hinders Pharmacy First scheme implementation
Pat ie nts ar e ex per ie ncing setback s under the Pharmacy First scheme due to misunderstandings about its parameters, I've discovered T h e i n i t i a t i v e e m p o w e r s pharmacists to treat seven common conditions and prescribe antibiotics without a GP referral However, a month postlaunch, pharmacists report faci n g h o s t i l i t y f r o m p a t i e n t s unaware of restrictions, leading to confrontations like shouting and item throwing While supportive of the service, they advocate for clearer communication to manage patient expectations effectively
A l t h o u g h P h a r m a c y F i r s t a d d r e s s e s s e v e n c o n d i t i o n s , t h e r e a r e a g e - s p e c i f i c l i m i t ations For example, only individuals aged one to 17 can receive treatment for ear infections, and
women and girls aged 16 to 64 for uncomplicated urinary tract i n f e c t i o n s T h e s e r e s t r i c t i o n s have led to confusion and frust r a t i o n a m o n g i n e l i g i b l e p a t i e n t s s e e k i n g t r e a t m e n t
Pharmacist Taseta Severn highlights the need for better communication to avoid such misu n d e r s t a n d i n g s M e a n w h i l e , p h a r m a c i s t T h o r r u n G o v i n d notes an increase in aggressive b e h a v i o u r f r o m p a t i e n t s demanding immediate consultations She suggests rebranding t h e s e r v i c e a s a p p o i n t m e n tbased to alleviate pressure and e n h a n c e e f f i c i e n c y D e s p i t e challenges, pharmacists remain c o m m i t t e d t o m a k i n g t h e scheme successful, emphasising the importance of transparent communication and improved marketing to clarify restrictions and reduce wait times
Wave of break-ins rattles faith communities in East Leicester
in brief
NHS executives in the Western Isles are offering an enticing opportunity for family doctors a hefty salary of nearly £150,000 per year, 41 days of holiday, and the chance to work amidst the stunning landscapes of the Uists and Benbecula The recruitment drive comes in response to a severe shortage of GPs in rural Scotland exacerbated by soaring house prices and inadequate medical facilities on the islands To attract candidates the package includes a 40% enhanced rate on top of the standard pay range for Scottish GPs, an annual distant island allowance," and up to £8,000 in relocation expenses Successful applicants will also receive a £10,000 bonus after two years of service Dr Frank McAuley, the board's medical director, described the positions as an opportunity to escape the urban rat race and practice medicine in an idyllic setting The move reflects the seriousness of the rural recruitment crisis, with the British Medical Association highlighting years of underinvestment by the Scottish government Despite initiatives like golden hellos and bursaries for trainee GPs, addressing the shortage remains a significant challenge
Reports indicate that security officials have cautioned Members of Parliament about the heightened risk of a terrorist attack on UK soil due to the conflict in Gaza In private meetings officials disclosed that they intercepted a surge in messages from potential terrorists, comparable to levels seen after the 9/11 attacks The ongoing war in the Middle East has served as a recruitment tool for global terror organisations intensifying concerns Additionally security services anticipate increased extremist activity during Ramadan MPs described the level of extremist communication as unprecedented akin to the aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy Officials have conducted several confidential briefings with MPs since December, emphasising the elevated threat level Concerns include potential attacks reminiscent of the 7/7 bombings in London and the 2013 murder of soldier Lee Rigby With the official terrorism threat level categorized as 'substantial, authorities warn of the likelihood of an attack
before her untimely death Despite enduring months of abuse, Fawziyah courageously documented Anwar's threats and violence, providing crucial evidence for prosecutors Scotland's Procurator Fiscal for Homicide and Major Crime, David Green, commended her bravery, noting that her actions helped bring justice Fawziyah's meticulous preparation, including secretly recording Anwar's abusive behaviour, revealed the chilling truth behind her tragic demise on what was supposed to be a romantic getaway
divides Both Nagdi and George emphasized the installation of additional security measures in response Sgt Sian Harris-Ley assured the affected communities of thorough police investigations and urged anyone with information to come forward The incidents have not only resulted in material losses but also shaken the sense of security and sanctity cherished by worshippers from diverse backgrounds The violations serve as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and communal support in safeguarding sacred spaces
Police have struggled to solve any burglaries in nearly half of all neighbourhoods in England and Wales over the past three years, despite promises to attend every domestic break-in A Telegraph analysis revealed that in 48% of neighbourhoods, covering 1 000 to 3,000 people no burglaries were resolved In 2022, all 43 police chiefs vowed to address every break-in However, Home Office data showed that just 3 9% of reported burglaries resulted in charges, down from 4 6% in 2022 This failure has led to concerns from victims advocates and policing experts, who argue that burglary is effectively being decriminalized in parts of the country Dame Vera Baird criticized the pledge as an "empty gesture " emphasising that burglaries often cause significant trauma Harvey Redgrave highlighted the importance of restoring public confidence by improving crime resolution rates and addressing prolific offenders The data revealed disparities among police forces with some achieving higher charging rates than others
06 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
Fa i th le ad er s i n ea s t Le i c es t er l am en t th e recent string of breakins targeting places of worship Leicestershire Pol ice reported s even i n ci d en ts be tw ee n J a nua ry 2 1 an d February 26, affecting c hur c hes , m os q ues , and temples Reverend Sun n y G e org e ex pres se d de vas tati on over the violation, highlighti ng the l oss of c onf i den ce i n the affected community
the desecration of holy spaces, emphasizing the sanctity of places of worship as havens of peace and harmony He underscored the universal impact of the break-ins, transcending religious
Federation of Muslim Organisations, condemned
Suleman Nagdi
Robert Jenerick
Asma Khan, Zoya Akhtar bag prestigious India UK Achievers Honours by NISAU-UK
Rupanjana Dutta
C elebrated chef and coo kbook author Asma K han won an aw ard in the art and cultu re secto r at th e p restigio us India UK A chiev ers Hono urs o rganised by NISA U, U K’s largest students’ union for Indians
Asma runs the famous Indian restaurant Darjeeling Express in London, which boasts of an all women kitchen. She was born into a royal family
from Aligarh and grew up in Kolkata with two siblings.
Asma has also become one of the first to start precooked ready-made meals under her own name, to be distributed through Ocado, one of UK’s largest online supermarkets. The packaged ready meals cooked using Asma’s exclusive recipes are being prepared in the Bombay Halwa Limited (BHL) kitchen in Southall, which was started by the late L ord Gulam Noo n, famously known as the ‘curry king’.
Lord Noon was a pioneer of ready-meals and a renowned philanthropist. Currently Lord Noon’s daughter Zeenat Noon Harnal remains BHL’s Chairwoman.
Another award recipient at the India UK Achievers Honours was film director and screenwriter Zoya A kh tar, who also participated in the day long education conference that was organised by NISAU UK.
“ Achievers Hono urs show
the stro ng o utcom es th at can arise throug h the UKIndia partnership”: PM S unak
The Achievers Honours list is highly contested awards. It features former or current Indian students in the UK who have shown remarkable excellence in their fields and are an inspiration for those who aspire to follow their path.
Last year’s award recipients included actor Parineeti Chopra and MP Raghav Chadha who met at these awards for the first time, fell in love and got married thereafter.
Sanam A rora, Chair of the NISAU UK, who has conceptualised and led the delivery of the Achievers Honours said, “The Achievers Honours are a labour of love, delivered by passionate volunteers and enabled by a supportive ecosystem spanning governmental and nongovernmental organisations.”
“These achievers are not just recipients of a prestigious honour; they are the embodiment of the profound transformation that education and crosscultural experiences can engender in our societies,” added Arora who is also a commissioner of the UK
International Higher Education Commission.
UK P rim e Minister Rishi Sunak in a message to the award said, “First I would like to thank you for all that you are doing to champion the special UKIndia partnership.
“I am pleased to see that for the second year, you are showcasing exceptional Indian talent that has been developed in the UK.
“I am extremely proud of the UK-India partnership and the 2023 Achievers Honours highlights the strong outcomes that can arise through partnership.”
Lord Bilim oria said, “The progress and achievements of Indian students in the UK over the past year have been nothing short of remarkable. Their growing presence in the UK's universities is a testament to the enduring appeal of British education and the opportunities it offers. As we look to the future, I am confident that the relationship between the UK and India, forged through education, will continue to flourish, benefiting both our countries in innumerable ways.”
The India UK Achievers Honours 2024 was launched in the UK Parliament which was attended by Gareth Th omas M P, Shadow Minister, International Trade, UK; Rt Hon Lord Jo Joh nson, former UK Universities Minister, Lord Karan Bilim oria, Co-Chair of the International Students APPG and Chancellor of the University of Birmingham; Virendra S harma MP for Ealing Southall, Chair of the Indo-British APPG; Nav endu M ishra MP for Stockport; Simon Emm ett, Chief Executive Officer, IDP; Dav id Pilsbu ry, Chief Development Officer, Oxford; Sand y Bhang al of ETS Global and Sanam A rora, Chairperson, NISAU.
The session was moderated by Ruhi Kh an, Editor, Living Bridge- an annual souvenir magazine, launched and distributed at the
A year of ‘Wales in India’ launched in London and Mumbai
First Mi nister Rt Hon Mark Drakef ord and Mini ster for H ea l t h a nd S o c i al S er vi ce s El uned Mor gan la unc hed a year- long i ni ti ative si mul taneous ly i n Lo ndo n ’ s I nd i an H i g h Co m m i s s i o n a nd i n Mumbai resp ec tively, on 29 February 2024
Wales In India is a series of events for 12 months, celebrating the links between the two countries, especially across art and culture, education, health, business and human rights.
The First Minister highlighted about a Welsh delegation heading to India in May 2024 for Indo-Welsh Conclave, as Minister Eluned Morgan led a Welsh delegation to India, visiting Maharashtra and Kerala last week. The key focus for this Ministerial visit was reportedly progressive policies on LGBTQ+ rights and combatting gender-based violence.
Wales is already working closely with the government of the Maharashtra state in India. The Health Minister met Tata Steel’s global Chief Executive TV Narendran in Mumbai and also signed an agreement with the Government of Kerala to bring qualified healthcare professionals from India to work in NHS Wales.
Panel d is cussi on at Indi a Hous e
The event at the India
House kickstarted with a panel discussion moderated by Alpesh Patel OBE, as some key areas of cooperation such as technology, cyber security, aviation, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, football etc were highlighted. Panellists included, Prof. Jas Pal Badyal FRS, Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales, Prof. Paul Boyle, Vice Chancellor, Swansea University & Chair of Universities Wales Research & Innovation Network, Santosh Singh, Head of Business, Wockhardt UK and Dr Andy Sellars, CSA Catapult & Member of UK Semiconductor Advisory Panel.
Saluting the contribution made by Indians at the event, the First Minister said, “We have so many remarkable connections with India and the many Indian communities living in Wales. Throughout this year of Wales in India, we will deepen our mutual appreciation and understanding, showcasing our deep-rooted partnerships and forging new connections.
"The series of events and
visits we have planned have been designed to not only grow trade and investment, but to strengthen our cultural, academic, artistic and sporting connections, and to advance our healthcare and wellbeing ambitions.
"Wales in India really is a celebration of two nations of culture and innovation and I look forward to seeing the positive impacts this rich programme will have in 2024 and beyond."
HE Vikram Doraiswami, the Indian High commissioner to the UK said, “We celebrate this partnership as an opportunity to showcase what we can do for each other and what Wales can benefit from the rise of the Indian economy, and how India can benefit from Wales.
“Welsh businesses can sell everything Wales makes from wool to whisky and everything in between…But it isn't just about business. It's also about people. The Welsh have been hugely hospitable hosts to an Indian community in all its colour and all its dimensions.”
07 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
Asma Khan receiving her award
Seema Malhotra MP addressing the guests
Sanam Arora giving a speech as Alison Barrett MBE, Director India, British Council, film director Zoya Akhtar and Virendra Sharma MP look on
Lord Bilimoria giving a speech
Asma's ready-made meal
Prof. Jas Pal Badyal FRS, Prof. Paul Boyle, First Minister Mark Drakeford, Indian High Commissioner HE Vikram Doraiswami, Dr Andy Sellars, Santosh Singh and Alpesh Patel OBE at India House
Vibrant musical celebrates Diversity across all strands
Dhiren Katwa
B hangra N ation is an uplifti ng, moving and funny new m u si cal a b ou t f ri e n dsh i p, fami ly, rivalry and identity, b rought to life with boundless energy and joy, incredib le dance moves and a truly b h a ng i n ’ so un d tr ack
Ori ginally called Bhangin’ I t, this musical was premiered i n San Diego in 2022 A s t h e U n i B h a n g r a dance team wait nervously b a c k s t a g e t o f i n d o u t i f
they’ve made it to Nationals, t h e r e a l s h o w d o w n h a s already begun as team mates Preeti and Mary clash over what Bhangra really means to them Whilst Preeti, who i s 1 0 0 % S o u t h A s i a n , believes that the team needs to stick to tradition, Mary, who is bi-racial, is passion-
a t e a b o u t shaking things up to belong to today
W h e n a h u g e r o w c h a n g e s t h e t e a m f o r e v e r , students Mary a n d P r e e t i start on journeys of discovery into what they stand for and who they want to be
By focusing on the two students and their different i d e a l s o f d a n c e , B h a n g r a Nation explores how we see ourselves and how we view others
A t t h e c o r e o f t h i s approximately 150-minute
musical is a story about how you fit in, according to its Director, Stafford Arima “I think, no matter if you are B r i t i s h , S o u t h A s i a n , Canadian or whatever, we all struggle on so many levels on how to fit into the world these days,” he added A s k e d w h a t e x c i t e s h i m about this musical, “that we ’ re pulling from the community of Birmingham but a l s o i n t r o d u c i n g t o t h e community of Birmingham new faces and new voices
We’re making it a big kind of soup of different ingredients from different places ”
A house-full audience r e f l e c t i n g m u l t i c u l t u r a l B i r m i n g h a m , a t t e n d e e s
included director Stafford Arima, media representatives including Indy Deol, Satnam Rana, Amit Roy and Boy Chana, relatives of the cast and TV personality Dr Ranj At the end, the audience took to their feet to applaud the fabulous cast After the show, VIP guests were treated to drinks and food, the latter provided by Dishoom Hats off to The R E P ’ s C o m m u n i c a t i o n s T e a m , i n c l u d i n g A a l i y a h Collins, Samantha Lyster as well as Nada Zakula
Virendra Sharma MP calls for health and care heroes in Ealing for NHS Awards celebration
Ealing Southall MP Virendra Sharma is calling for nomi-
The NHS Parliamentary Awards offer a chance to celebrate NHS staff, carers and volunteers for all the hard work they do to provide excellent healthcare
Virendra is searching for outstanding nominees for the 2024 Awards who have innovated, impressed and made a real difference to how the health and care system provides care for patients
This year there are 10 award categories, including the Lifetime Achievement Award, and a new award, The Excellence in Education and Training Award, which
will celebrate new, innovative approaches to recruiting and retaining NHS staff from a range of backgrounds
The Parliamentary Awards 2024 launched on 29 February 2024, and all those who make the national shortlist will be invited to an award ceremony in Westminster to celebrate their fantastic achievements in July
Since the awards began in 2018, over 450 Members of Parliament have nominated an individual or organisation for an award In 2023 alone, over 280 MPs nominated over 750 individuals
and organisations for an award
Virendra Sharma MP is calling for potential nominations in the following categories: The Excellence in Healthcare, The Excellence in Mental Health Care Award, The Future NHS Award, The Nursing and Midwifery Award, The Health Equalities Award, The Excellence in Primary Care and Community Care Award, The Excellence in Urgent and Emergency Care Award, The Excellence in Education and Training Award, The Volunteer Award and The Lifetime Achievement Award
Politeness should not be mistaken for vulnerability
Rohit Vadhwana
Politeness is not synonymous with vulnerability, nor does a friendl y demeanor equate to susceptibil ity In nu m erous in sta nc es , i nd ivi dual s m igh t en coun ter sugg es tion s th at cl ash with their preferences or principl es In such cases, they might choose not to express outright rejection, sim ply out of courtesy This behavior, however, should not be misinterpreted as agreement or acceptance It is crucial to understand that declining to refuse a proposal instantl y does not imply consent Often, individuals opt for a polite response, hoping to avoid c onfron tati on until fac ed wi th s ome thin g unequivocal ly unacceptable
Consider a professional scenario where a colleague proposes that you undertake an additional project, one that neither aligns with your current workload nor your interests You might respond with politeness, aiming to avoid offense or tension, despite feeling internally uncomfortable with the suggestion This polite refusal to immediately decline should not be misconstrued as a sign of vulnerability or an implicit agreement to take on the task Instead, it reflects a choice to navigate the situation diplomatically, avoiding unnecessary conflict
When principles are at stake, it is imperative to exercise caution in making suggestions For instance, if an individual is subtly encouraged to undertake a task deemed inappropriate, or if a veiled hint at a bribe is directed towards a government official, their polite response should not be interpreted as a sign of acquiescence Such politeness may stem from a desire to avoid insistence or repeated requests, not from a willingness to engage in unethical behavior This approach is often a strategic effort to sidestep confrontation while upholding professional etiquette
The assumption that a lack of explicit refusal constitutes consent is fundamentally flawed Merely because an individual does not vocally oppose a suggestion does not imply they are an easy target or open to compromise It is possible to maintain strong personal boundaries while outwardly displaying openness and friendliness In various life situations, individuals are tasked with striking a balance between courteousness and adherence to personal boundaries and principles Recognizing that politeness is not indicative of vulnerability or a readiness to compromise one's values is essential While people may choose to respond politely for various reasons, including the desire to maintain peace, avoid conflict, or uphold professionalism, it is vital to respect others' boundaries and not equate their courteous demeanor with consent or agreement Promoting open and transparent communication fosters mutual understanding, preventing misunderstandings or false perceptions Ultimately, politeness should be regarded as a mark of respect, not an indicator of weakness or susceptibility.
(Expressed opinions are personal)
LCNL Link connects businesses and professionals with inspiration and valuable insights
The event spotlighted Reena Popat, Managing Partner of Carter Bond Solicitors, who shared her remarkable journey of establishing a successful law practice Her story resonated deeply with the attendees; a testament to the power of perseverance and determination in facing challenges
The event featured a distinguished panel of speakers, sharing their unique insights and experiences Reena Ranger OBE chaired the panel discussion George
Walker, Partner at Allsops, captivated the audience with his discourse on the property market and its current state, shedding light on key trends and developments shaping the industry Entrepreneur and TV
pundit Raj Somaiya regaled the audience with his family's journey through the highs and lows of business life, offering a candid account of
their resilience and eventual success with offices in London, Paris, and Dubai His anecdotes, including the infamous "oh no moment," provided valuable lessons in overcoming adversity and seizing opportunities
Ravi Sidhoo, Managing Director of Cynergy Bank and a veteran of esteemed institutions such as Shipley Private Bank and Coutts,
shared invaluable insights into the financial landscape, offering perspectives from his many years of experience in the banking sector
Reena Popat, lent her expertise and wisdom to the discussion, enriching the dialogue with her entrepreneurial spirit and legal acumen
In the welcome speech, LCNL President Meena
Jasani said, “The event would not have been possible without the efforts of the LCNL Executive Committee and tireless The Link SubCommittee, whose dedication and hard work ensured the success of the evening Their contributions, led by individuals such as Sanjay Rughani (Convenor & Compere for the evening), Jeet Rughani (Joint
Convenor), Amit Chandarana, Amit Karia, Dilipbhai Manek, Tulsi Tanna, Shivangi Karia and Vinod Thakrar and associate partners include Carter Bond Solicitors, partners Blue Alpine Property Agents, Forum Insurance, KLSA-PKF Chartered Accountants & KSEYE Specialist Property Finance
Compering the event
Sanjay Rughani said, “LCNL LINK Business and Professionals was not merely a gathering but a celebration of resilience, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in the face of changing business landscape ”
08 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
REP until 16 M a r c h R e c e i v e o n e f r e e t e e n ( a g e d 1 3 - 1 9 ) t i c k e t
Bhangra Nation
at Birmingham
when you book a full priced ticket for a Mon to Thu performance
Stafford Arima (Director) and Rujuta Vaidya (Choreographer)
C r e d i : C r a g S u g d e n C r e d t C r a g S u g d e n
Group shot of the ELU Wood Ducks
nees to
P ar li a me nt ar y A wa rds i n r ec og ni t i on of s ta f f who
enter this
’ s NHS
have gone above and beyond the call of duty
Virendra Sharma MP
L o hana Co mm u nity No rth L ondon (LCNL) organised a s p ec ial netw o rki ng even t' L in k fo r Bu si nes s and P ro f ess i on als ' on 1 M arc h 20 24 at Dhamecha
Photo Courtesy: Raj D Bakrania
Bhangra Nation Seated: George Walker, Ravi Sidhoo, Raj Somaiya and Nitin Jasani Standing: Sunny Ahuja, Reena Ranger OBE, Vinod Thakrar, Angelee Rathor Jeet Rathor and Meena Jasani
Asians in Tech launches
Impact Report at House of Lords
D i ve r si ty U K' s g ro un db reaking Asians in Tech initiative released its Impact R eport on 27 February 2024 a t a n exclusi ve House of Lords event, led b y longtime supporter Lord Jitesh G adhia It marks a decade of achi evements, including a n n ua l ly hon o ur i ng th e Top 100 Asian Stars i n UK Tech and hosti ng six Tech Showcases across key cities, f o ste r i ng con n ect i on s i n the tech community
Acknowledging a string o f a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s , t h e i n i t i a t i v e b o a s t s f i v e Chairman's Award winners, recognition for 121 Asian T e c h P i o n e e r s , t h r e e I n v e s t i n g i n W o m e n F o u n d e r s d e b a t e s , t w o D i v e r s i t y T e c h S u m m i t s , and compelling content like t h e A s i a n T e c h P i o n e e r s v i d e o a n d A I I n c l u s i o n P o d c a s t T h i s m i l e s t o n e r e f l e c t s t h e p r o f o u n d impact of Asian talent in the UK tech sector, promising insights into the future of diversity and innovation
L o r d G a d h i a , o n launching the report said, "I’ve been pleased to support Asians in Tech since its inception, having been a judge, speaker, and showcase panellist over the years
The turnover of UK tech b u s i n e s s e s h a s i n c r e a s e d from $195 billion in 2015 to over $1 trillion last year The l e v e l o f v e n t u r e c a p i t a l funding underpinning that growth has risen from $6 9 billion to $21 3 billion duri n g t h e p e r i o d B u t t h e growth has not been unif o r m l y s p r e a d : w e k n o w t h a t w o m e n f o u n d e r s attracted less than 2% of VC funding last year, and that
ethnic minorities often get overlooked, which is why i n i t i a t i v e s l i k e A s i a n s i n Tech are so important; in showcasing, inspiring, and c o n n e c t i n g f o u n d e r s a n d funders here in the UK and g l o b a l l y I c o n g r a t u l a t e Diversity UK for hitting this 10-year milestone despite the global pandemic, econ o m i c u n c e r t a i n t i e s , a n d funding challenges Their work is vital in maintaining the momentum created ”
Lopa Patel MBE, Chair of Diversity UK, who has helmed the initiative since i t s i n c e p t i o n s a i d , “Launched by Lord Vaizey in 2015, then Minister for the Digital Economy, we are delighted that this year marks the ten-year milestone Our mission is to i m p r o v e d i v e r s i t y a n d inclusion in Britain, and we were pleased to have hoste d t w o D i v e r s i t y T e c h Summits in the past decade to focus the attention of p o l i c y m a k e r s a n d t h e media on the challenges faced by ethnic minority t e c h e n t r e p r e n e u r s T h e sector has not only grown, making the UK the thirdlargest tech ecosystem in t h e w o r l d a n d f i r s t i n E u r o p e , b u t i n n o v a t o r s have focused on the most pressing global challenges; from climate change and
health tech to harnessing the power of Generative AI
“In autumn 2023, we c o m m i s s i o n e d a Cambridge Venture Project t e a m o f E x e c u t i v e M B A s t u d e n t s f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f C a m b r i d g e Judge Business School to a s s e s s t h e s o c i a l i m p a c t created by the Asians in Tech initiative Their findings highlighted that the Asians in Tech initiative i n s p i r e s , e m p o w e r s , a n d connects founders; helping them get funding and support The CVP team also narrowed their research on the health tech and life sciences sector, with nominees in the sector demons t r a t i n g t w o i m p o r t a n t positive economic indicators
“Firstly, the number of years before a (health tech) start-up receives their first funding has been reducing, and secondly, health tech start-ups have been hiring employees in addition to the original founders The CVP insights are illuminating in that they show the h a r d - t o - m e a s u r e i m p a c t and correlate it to a sector that is very important for the UK A feature we hope to build upon for this tenth e d i t i o n o f t h e T o p 1 0 0 A s i a n S t a r s i n U K T e c h list ”
Motherhood penalty reverses gender equality in UK: Report
A recent report has identified a trou bling setback in g end er eq u al it y ad van cement in the UK, citing the "motherhoo d penalty" and i n su f fi c i ent su ppo r t fo r w om en e xper i enc i ng menopause as key factors
The a nnu a l Wo men i n W o rk In dex by glo b al a cc o u nt i ng f i rm PwC u nveiled a no table widening o f the gender pay gap in B ri ta i n, re su l ti ng in the cou ntry's descent from 13th
t o 17 th pla ce a mo ng Organisation for E co nomic C o -o pe rat io n a nd D ev elo pm ent ( O EC D) nations
In 2022, the gender pay gap in the UK widened from 14 3 per cent to 14 5 per cent, exceeding the global average of 13 5 per cent The "motherhood penalty" is pinpointed as a significant factor in this setback, with women facing a 5 2 per cent pay gap early in their careers, which
escalates to nearly 13 per cent over time due to the effects of maternity leave on career advancement and overall lifetime earnings
Additionally, women in Britain encounter unequal childcare burdens, which impede their career progression The report highlights that, on average, women in the UK earn 90p for every £1 earned by a man, despite having similar personal and professional backgrounds
Father assaults wife after son's cricket career ends
C arpe nte r F a raq u at Hussain, a businessman, has been imprisoned for fracturing his wife s eye socket His mental health deteriorated when he discovered that his s o n' s pro m is i ng c ri ck et career in India was cut sho rt due to illness
Hussain, aged 37, had envisioned travelling to India to watch his son play, but his hopes were dashed when a hip infection prevented his child from partic-
ipating The disappointment over his son s halted cricket career reportedly triggered Hussain's mental health issues, culminating in an assault on his wife, as revealed in Wolverhampton Crown Court
In a violent assault, he punched his wife, leaving her terrified for her life
During sentencing, Judge Talog Davies remarked that Hussain poses a significant risk to his wife and labelled
UK Indian restaurant owner jailed for Covid loan misuse
The proprietor of an Indian re st au ra nt , who mi s u s ed funds from the UK government s Covid Bounce Back Lo an for personal purpo ses, has been sentenced and disq u ali f ie d as a c o mpan y director for two years
Zaman Shaa, the owner of Shaa Ventures Limited, which operates Chutneys Indian takeaway food restaurant in Salisbury, southern England, has been penalized for violating UK company law Despite his business being operational
in the preceding three months, Shaa applied to dissolve it before acquiring the loan At Winchester Crown Court last month, Shaa received a suspended 36week prison sentence under strict conditions for 18 months Additionally, he was banned from acting as a company director for two years Shaa was also ordered to pay GBP 6,000 in costs, to be paid at a rate of GBP 250 per month, during the hearing on February 23
Court records revealed that Shaa applied for a GBP 30,000 (USD 38,071) Bounce Back Loan in August 2020 while serving as the director of Shaa Ventures Ltd
However, he failed to notify creditors of his intent to dissolve the company
Further investigation by the Insolvency Service revealed that Shaa transferred loan funds into his personal accounts, sent portions abroad via a remittance service, and withdrew significant sums in cash
Grandmother's ashes taken from car
San j ee t Sharm a, ha il i ng f ro m D er by, is ma ki ng a heartfelt plea fo r assistance after her grandmother's cremated remains were sto len fro m a car parked at a service station
The unfortunate incident occurred when Sanjeet s parents halted at the M1 Toddington Services in Bedfordshire on their way to Heathrow Airport on February 20th They intended to fly to India to scatter the ashes of Resham Kaur Rai, Sanjeet's 87-year-old grandmother from Rushey Mead, Leicester, in her hometown of Punjab
Tragically, upon their return to the car, they discovered that their luggage,
Resham Kaur Rai
including the ashes, had vanished The theft has left the family devastated, especially as they were unable to give their beloved grandmother the dignified farewell she deserved
According to Sanjeet, her parents' belongings, which were securely locked in the car, disappeared between 3:00 PM and 3:30 PM GMT while they were briefly at the service station
The stolen items included three suitcases and an urn containing the cremated remains of their deceased relative This unfortunate turn of events forced her parents to cancel their flight, purchase new tickets, replace their luggage, and reschedule their journey, causing further distress and inconvenience Sanjeet expressed her hope for the safe return of her grandmother's ashes, emphasising that their sentimental value far outweighs any practical use to the perpetrators Bedfordshire Police are actively investigating the incident and have appealed to potential witnesses to come forward
him a dangerous offender
The judge also noted that West Midlands Police had responded to 40 domestic abuse calls between 2020 and 2023 The court heard that the attack occurred on May 15 last year when Hussain assaulted his wife in her home
He 'repeatedly' punched her to the face, fracturing her eye socket before wielding a knife during the assault
09 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
Lopa Patel MBE and Lord Jitesh Gadhia launching the Impact Report with others
Let us make a new world
Technology is playing an important role in our lives today Sometime back, countries and people had been in euphoria over the Y2K [Year 2000], then believed to cause problems to computer programs concerning the year format as a twodigit value Incidentally and interestingly, I had completed my postgraduate degree in MCA [Master of Computer Applications] almost at the time of the Y2K
Right now there have been reports of cyberattacks taking place across the world Ransomware [related to malware] has reportedly attacked computer programs across 74 countries, demanding dollars as ransom in return for restoring access to the computer programs
At this point, everything has been encoded in a computer program For instance, the entire IT [Information Technology] industry across the world has been built on computing This apart, almost all the business activities and education hubs depend on information technology Then just imagine the kind of/the magnitude of such cyberattacks!
In this context, it is also important to bring cuttingedge technology to the education/curriculum so that the youths today [especially the students] will take on the future challenges of the IT field I always encourage my students [some time ago, talking about my ex-pupils] located in Tuticorin, Tirunelveli, Nagercoil, Marthandam, Palayamkottai, Kaliyakkavilai, Tiruchendur and Kanyakumari, all in Tamil Nadu to show interest in learning the latest technology
Right now it is the responsibility of the countries under cyberattacks to think and work in tandem to tackle the latest threats to the IT field – the sooner, the better Finally, related ramifications can be greatly averted to the advantage of all relying on computer programs
P Senth il Saravana Durai
Women's Day reflections
March 8 marks International Women’s Day This day celebrates the achievements of women in different areas of life, coupled with serious conversations around critical topics that affect women of all backgrounds In recent months, we have seen several incidents of sexual and o t h e r k i n d s o f g e n d e r e d v i o l e n c e a g a i n s t w o m e n Furthermore, women are still discriminated against in employment, education and politics We need to ditch the mindset that women are worthy of protection because they are our mothers, sisters, wives or daughters and shift towards respecting women as equal and autonomous individuals
We cannot simply wait for the government to fix gender inequality; we must seize the initiative as citizens Call your representative and ask for increased federal funding for women, start a conversation with your friends and learn about and discuss the problems women of different backgrounds face We must begin by bringing together like-minded individuals who want to make a difference Meet with each other, collaborate and do what you can to solve the problem This is our country, our rights and our fight Let’s create a better future for women today
Jubel D'Cruz
Equal opportunity for children
I was deeply moved by the recent article "Children with Special Needs Helpless in Britain," which highlighted the challenges faced by families accessing support Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances This article highlighted the urgent need for systemic reforms, including increased funding and streamlined processes
It's important that we prioritise the rights and needs of children with special needs, and work towards a more inclusive and supportive society
Thank you for shedding light on this important issue
J ay Shah
A journey of resilience and adaptability
I am a regular reader of Asian Voice The article on Britain's oldest possible Indian woman, Dahiben Jivraj Karamshi Shah, celebrating her 109th birthday published in your 2 March edition was really inspiring The piece beautifully portrays her resilience, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to family
Dahiben s journey from Gujarat to Kenya and then the UK is a testament to her strength and determination Her ability to overcome challenges and thrive in new environments is truly inspiring
This article serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing our elders and the wisdom they impart
Kinjal Dave
Happy Mother's Day
Dear M um,
For 40+ years you dedicated your life to us, giving us the best of everything and all the love we could ask for Then just as we convinced you to slow down and let us look after you, Bobbi came in our lives and now you are the best mum in the world, again, for the third time!! Thank you for everything you do for us You give the best head (and belly) rubs Happy Mother’s Day We love you lots
Heeral, Varu n & Bo bbi
Soneri Sangat
Continuing its tradition of conducting unique initiatives to serve its readers, Gujarat Samachar launched a unique Zoom program series titled 'Soneri Sangat' on February 29, 2024 This one-hour programme is crafted with the aim of fostering a stronger connection with our audience while providing them with informative and engaging content tailored to their interests A comprehensive overview of this programme is published in this week's issue of Gujarat Samachar on Page 18
To view the first episode of this series, please visit ABPL Group's YouTube channel (@abplgroup8772) or scan the QR code
Asian Enterprise Live Empowering Asian Entrepreneurs
Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar launched a new netw orking and fireside chat p latform called 'A sian Enterp rise Liv e' with its first guest speaker Yogesh Mehta, Ch airman of P ic kf o rd s M o v e M ana g em ent L i m i te d o n M o nd a y 1 9 Febru ary 2024 at Sangat C entre Harrow w ith Kanti Nagda MBE as th e m oderator
In this series, Asian entrepreneurs will be sharing their success stories and insights, which aims to create a supportive and inspiring network for business owners and start-ups
The evening was well attended including by the Mayor of Harrow, Cllr Ramji Chauhan, and the Mayor of Ealing Cllr Hitesh Tailor among other dignitaries
Yogeshbhai is a philanthropist, managing business in the UK and 13 other countries Besides building wealth, he is well known as a generous donor to various charities He came to the UK with his family from Uganda in 1972
An excerpt of the conversation will be printed in 16 March issue of Asian Voice, especially keeping in mind those who could not attend the event and were eager to learn about it
In the meantime, if you can read Gujarati, refer to page 20-21 for a report in Gujarat Samachar
Kapil Dudakia
K A P I L’ S
Gall of Galloway
It seems leap year 2024 has delivered Galloway’s true love – public prominence, adulation from the faithful, and the opportunity to show case his oratory skills Yes folks, 29th February 2024 George Galloway wiped Labour off the face of Rochdale to become its Member of Parliament
I am not sure what this says about the people of Rochdale, but then, was this not also the place that tolerated the grooming gangsviolating white vulnerable girls?They kept voting for Labour for decades whilst this wholesale abuse of their own girls was taking place right in front of their noses
The debate thereafter has focussed on the Muslim vote and its power to dictate the outcome of elections Rochdale was based totally on Gaza, and the candidate that was willing to support the Palestinian cause, as well as the madness of the ‘hate marches’ was given the vote
Galloway was not shy He is never shy The gall of Galloway being that he openly stated this election was for Gaza That he stood for Gaza However, let’s dig a bit deeper and understand if there is anything of relevance that this election showcases before the General Election
Rochdale Results
Election Candidate Party Votes %
George Galloway - Workers Party of Britain 12335 0%
David Anthony - Tully Independent 6638 21%
Paul Simon Ellison - The Conservative Party 3731 2%
Azhar Ali - Labour Party 2402 8%
Iain Donaldson- Liberal Democrats 2164 7%
Simon Christopher Danczuk -Reform UK 1968 6%
The turnout was ONLY 39 7%, compared to a 60 1% turnout in the General Election
Let’s look at the profile of Rochdale itself as reflected in the 2012 census:
White 74%
Asian 19%
Black 4%
Mixed 2%
Other 2%
So Rochdale is predominantly a white area It forces one to conclude that it was this white area that elected George Galloway It was this white area that saw white girls being sexually abused by grooming gangs of Pakistani heritage It is this white area that has allowed a pro-Gaza candidate to win a by election and be their legal representative in Parliament
It seems to me the people of Rochdale need to hang their collective heads in shame for allowing this madness in their name There is no excuse for not voting The people of Rochdale cannot abdicate their civic duty by not taking part in such an important by-election and then claim they did not elect Galloway There is only one truth, Galloway won the election fair and square He became the MP for Rochdale because the people of that town elected him It is that simple How often in history do we have to remind people that often it is their silence and non-participation that allows the extremists and the unsavoury characters in our society to seek out a platform to promote hatred and discord
There are extremist Islamist groups in the UK have jumped on the bandwagon of the Rochdale election They claim that they will control more than 40 seats at the next General Election Whilst this extreme element is united, I am not sure the rest of the Muslim community will all ditch their allegiance to the Labour Party It will certainly fracture that vote giving us outcomes that are difficult to calculate
At the same time Galloway has stated his party will contest 60 seats The Reform Party is determined to contest every Tory seat and take votes away from them It seems GE24 will see minor parties who may yield enough clout to take away sufficient votes away from the major parties and put a significant number of seats in state of flux What you see in the polls might not be representative of what might transpire at the grassroots at election time
One thing is for sure, the outcome of the next election might be the make or break for Britain Do we go down the route of a government that is ready to side with the extremists across the world at the detriment of Britain? A government that may promote the ‘hate marchers’ with anarchy on our streets? A government that will pander to the illegals rather than those who wish to respect our laws Maybe GE24 will give this nation an opportunity to seriously think about its moralsand values, and how these will be respected by all our citizens That is the civic contract between state and the people
We are grateful to all letter writers for more and more versatile letters well within word limit. Please keep contributing as always. If you are new, then write to Shefali at shefali saxena@abplgroup com
10 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
Promoting inclusivity with Ramadan guidance
Anusha Singh
Dr Irfan Khawaja, a Senior Lecturer in Physical Education at Birmingham City University (BCU), has developed groundbreaking Ramadan guidance aimed at fostering a more inclusive school environment for Muslim students and staff participating in physical education (PE) activities during the Holy Month of Islam
This pioneering guidance, believed to be the first of its kind in the United Kingdom, provides practical advice to schools on supporting fasting Muslim students and staff, enabling them to continue engaging in physical activities both within the curriculum and in extracurricular settings
In an interview with Asian Voice, he details what the guidance is about and what more can be done
How did the idea for a comprehensive Ramadan guidance strike?
My initial motivation stems from personal experiences Reflecting on my dual roles as a teacher and former student, I realised the lack of support for fasting students and staff alike Attending school as a fasting Muslim and actively participating in physical education and sports, I encountered a notable lack of understanding and support from school staff during Ramadan In my role as a PE teacher across primary and secondary schools, I found it disheartening to witness students using fasting as an excuse to avoid physical activities This prompted me to challenge these notions and stress the importance of consistent class attendance irrespective of fasting obligations Moreover, teaching PE in sweltering conditions while fasting helped me understand the importance of schools prioritising the well-being of fasting staff members by implementing appropriate safety measures Furthermore, I’ve been attending research conferences that revealed a growing concern among head teachers regarding the support for fasting individuals within schools The increasing frequency of questions from staff members seeking guidance on best practices prompted me to take action and provide comprehensive resources to address their inquiries
Could you walk us through some key aspects of the guidance and how it aims to support fasting Muslim students and staff during Ramadan?
The most important aspect is prioritising educating about Ramadan as the first step Without a solid understanding of what Ramadan entails, it's challenging to effectively implement supportive measures During training sessions conducted over the past
month, I've consistently emphasised the fundamental aspects of Ramadan, as many attendees had misconceptions about fasting Moreover, understanding that Ramadan follows the lunar calendar and its duration varies is crucial The guidance delves into best practices for educational institutions, encapsulated in the acronym "RAMADAN " This mnemonic serves as a comprehensive guide for schools and universities to review, accommodate, modify, be aware, develop, ask, and network regarding Ramadanrelated considerations It's essential to ensure that curriculum plans are reviewed, activities are modified to include fasting students and staff, and awareness of their needs is heightened Furthermore, ongoing development of teaching practices and regular check-ins with fasting individuals are imperative The document also addresses common misconceptions surrounding Ramadan, such as using it as an excuse to avoid physical activities or mistakenly believing that water consumption is permissible
Has there been any progress in the knowledge and awareness about cultural diversity in educational settings?
I believe I've experienced both ends of the spectrum firsthand In my early schooling years, I was often in the minority as one of the few Asian students and there was a noticeable lack of knowledge and understanding regarding diversity Reflecting on those times, it's clear that there wasn't much awareness or understanding of different faiths in state schools across the UK However, I've observed a shift in recent years People today are more curious about learning about other faiths and cultures, aided by increased travel opportunities and global education As individuals explore different parts of the world, they return with stories, experiences, and insights, sparking conversations about diverse cultures, traditions, and practices I believe this shift is reflected in the national curriculum, which now seems more inclusive and representative of global societies and faiths However, I see this as just the beginning There's still much more to be done to foster inclusivity and awareness of various faiths and festivals We
need to continually assess and modify our approaches to education to ensure that all students feel represented and understood
next for this guidance? Are there any plans to evaluate the effectiveness of this guidance in supporting Muslim students and staff during Ramadan?
We operate within the Research Excellence Framework, which mandates submissions from universities to measure impact This assessment evaluates the implementation and success of initiatives across various educational institutions, including universities; and secondary and primary schools We aim to gauge the effectiveness of our guidance in these settings, assessing whether staff feel more confident and comfortable delivering physical education using appropriate language
Moving forward, I've been contacted by colleagues in various sectors, including the NHS, police service, and fire service, seeking guidance on supporting fasting staff during Ramadan The next step involves collaborating with national governing bodies such as the ECB, FA, and Lawn Tennis Association to develop tailored support strategies However, as the sole individual leading this initiative, I'll need assistance from a team to effectively manage these tasks This marks just the beginning of our efforts, and there's much work ahead
What more can be done to contribute towards raising awareness and understanding of Ramadan within school communities?
We need to engage line managers, heads of departments, and senior colleagues in businesses and organisations, asking them if Ramadan is on their radar Are they aware of fasting staff members? What reasonable adjustments are they making? How are they fostering inclusivity? These inquiries don't require much effort but can greatly contribute to a supportive work environment As a practising Muslim at the university, I don t need anything from senior management, but a simple check-in about Ramadan or Eid celebrations can go a long way This approach needs to be consistent across the entire workforce
Important advice as people living with diabetes prepare for Ramadan
Diabetes UK offers support and guidance to Muslims livi ng w i th di ab etes du ri ng Ramadan The holy month, s tarting around M arch 1 0, involves fasting from sunrise to sunset, as prescribed by the Qur'an Exceptions are m ade for those with medical conditions, such as diabetes Diabetes UK advises individuals with diabetes to consult
their h ealthc are team and Imam for guidance on managing their condition safely during Ramadan
Some people with diabetes choose to fast and Diabetes UK offers the following advice for those who do:
- If you are unwell, do not fast and call 111 or speak to your healthcare team
for further advice
- If you do choose to fast, before you start, include more slowly absorbed foods, such as basmati rice and dhal, in your meal along with fruit and vegetables
- During your fast, if you already check your blood sugar levels, monitor them more frequently If
Muslim Council of Britain unveils Ramadan guidance 2024
The M uslim Coun cil o f Br it a in ha s in tr od uce d i ts Ra m a da n 2024 gui de , designed to aid individuals observing this sacred month of th e Isla m ic ca len da r , which encompasses fasting, prayer, introspection, charity, and comm unal involvement
Expected to commence on March 11th pending moon sighting, this guide offers a thorough understanding of Ramadan's significance and rituals, along with practical recommendations for employers on accommodating Muslim employees Additionally, it furnishes essential advice for maintaining both physical and mental health during Ramadan, especially for those fasting while navigating work commitments
Incorporating new sections this year, the guide now includes tailored advice for educational institutions like schools, as well as tips for community engagement aimed at fostering unity Suggestions range from hosting an Iftar to participating in one, underscoring the importance of communal bonds during Ramadan
Zara Mohammed, Secretary-General of the
MCB, expressed her thoughts: “As British Muslims eagerly await the arrival of Ramadan, this guide advocates for a sustainable and eco-conscious Ramadan, encouraging mosques and community centres to adopt greener practices Now as a welcome fixture of the British calendar, we expect this Ramadan to be full of much engagement, with community iftars across the country in all venues, arenas and places of worship, inviting all in to share and celebrate the month We hope this guide will prove a useful tool in supporting others to better understand Ramadan and its importance to Muslims We also encourage Muslim communities to participate in a new campaign, pledging to make one permanent ecofriendly change this year ”
Open Iftar returns for Ramadan festival 2024 with new landmarks
Ram adan T ent P ro j ect , a renowned charity fou nded in 2013, is marking its second decade by bringing back its beloved Open I ftar events fo r th e R am adan F es ti val season These events, held across 1 0+ cities nationwide in clu di ng Lo ndo n, Bi rm in gha m , and
your blood sugars are above your target range, break your fast with some water and treat as you normally would If necessary, speak to your healthcare team
- When you break the fast, be mindful of portion sizes and keep oily, sugary or salty foods to a minimum
M anch es ter, ai m to uni te co m m u nit ies o f all fai th s and backgrounds to sh are food and m eaningful conversations during the month of Ramadan
With the theme "Heritage: Past, Present, and Future," the Ramadan Festival 2024 celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Islam and its ongoing impact on society This year, Open Iftar events will take place at eight Premier League football stadiums, including Manchester City FC and Brentford FC, fostering dialogue and community engagement while breaking the fast together
Omar Salha, Founder and CEO of Ramadan Tent
Project said: “For over a decade Ramadan Tent Project has connected and convened over a million people from all backgrounds through its annual Ramadan Festival and flagship initiative Open Iftar This year ’ s theme, ‘Heritage: Past, Present & Future’, aims to fulfil a deep understanding and appreciation of our shared cultural heritage in Britain The month of Ramadan is an embodiment of the rich Islamic culture, tradition and heritage that is observed by millions across the globe as a journey of selfreflection, spiritual sustenance, and mindfulness We are delighted to mark this blessed month and present our Ramadan Festival and series of landmark Open Iftar events highlighting the remarkable contributions and legacy the Muslim world has made to British culture and way of life across the centuries, underpinning the interconnectedness of our societies and communities ”
11 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www asian-voice com 9 - 15 March 2024
Open Iftar 2023 at VAM by Acacia Diana for Ramadan Tent Project
Dr Irfan Khawaja with students
Zara Mohammed
Continued from page 1
In 2023, the comedy film Barbie directed and co-written by Greta Gerwig and starring Margot Robbie shattered the glass ceiling by becoming the first movie solely directed by a woman to become the biggest hit movie of this year The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2023 to Narges Mohammadi for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all Roshni Nadar Malhotra, CEO of HCL Corporation & Chairperson, HCL Technologies, who is responsible for all strategic decisions for the $12 billion technology company, ranks number 6 on the list of youngest women in the Forbes’ World’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women
Women globally have come a long way To truly include women means to openly embrace their diversity of race, age, ability, faith, body image, and how they identify Worldwide, women must be included in all fields of endeavour
Inspire inclusion
The Women In Conversation is an annual panel discussion organised by Asian Voice in association with the Royal Air Force to celebrate International Women’s Day It will be held on 11 March 2024 at Edwardian I, Taj 51 Buckingham Gate This year ’ s theme is ‘Inspire Inclusion’ and the moderator and panellists will share their storiesexpertise, experiences, challenges they faced and practical tips on how to inspire and influence
In our annual International Women’s Day coverage, Asian Voice brings stories and glimpses from within the lives of some incredibly talented British Asian women Entrepreneur Rupa Popat talks about her entrepreneurial journey, investing in women and the need for diversity in the field Priya Guha MBE said it’s all about “innovation inspiring inclusion” While South Asian playwright and screenwriter, Sonali Bhattacharya spoke to us about mainstream depictions' lack the depth and complexity of brown women's experiences, Sushmita Pati, the Artistic Director and CEO of Kala The Arts, talked about Odissi's portrayal of femininity, challenges faced by men in classical dance, and the significance of supporting women in the field and Mamta Singhal MBE spoke about women in STEM Dr Shriti Pattani offered her insight into the issues faced by women in the workforce and all that can be done to support them Lubna Kerr explained the status of women in comedy, the stereotypes and challenges involved and what they bring to the table Sandeep Mahal, Interim Co-Executive Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) talked about leadership roles within the theatre industry (See P12-18)
While we say “the future is female” as a personal reminder to ourselves that each of us has a voice, and that we must own it We have heard critics of the Black
Lives Matter movement say “all lives matter”
Dr Nikita Kanani MBE, GP, St John’s Medical Visiting Professor, School of Medicine, University of Su nde rl and summed up the importance of inclusion on International Women’s Day and told Asian Voice, “As a GP, mother, and senior NHS leader, I am continuously inspired by the resilience and strength of women in navigating diverse challenges, from health disparities to socioeconomic barriers International Women’s Day serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of fostering inclusivity across all spheres of society In recognising the multifaceted impact of factors such as health, conflict, and economic dynamics on women, we reaffirm our commitment to empowering and advocating for gender equality Let us unite in amplifying women ’ s voices, dismantling barriers, and creating a more inclusive world where every woman has the opportunity to thrive and fulfil her potential ”
Gender parity is still far off
However, gender parity is still far off, according to the 2023 edition of the IPU-UN Women's Map of Women in Politics Going down memory lane, last year, according to UN Women, as of January 1, 2023, 11 3% of countries had women Heads of State and 9 8% had women Heads of Government, marking an increase from a decade ago Europe led with the highest number of countries led by women Women also held key roles in the environment, public administration, and education, but men still dominated economic, defence, justice, and home affairs portfolios The proportion of women Speakers of Parliament rose to 22 7%
Control over their bodies
France has become the first country in the world to explicitly include the right to abortion in its constitution In a message to the world, the nation announced, “We re sending a message to all women: your body belongs to you, and no one can decide for you ” President Emmanuel Macron described the move as "French pride" that had sent a "universal message" On the contrary, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, ending the right to abortion upheld for decades - the court's five-decade-old decision that guaranteed a woman's right to obtain an abortion Paradoxically, in India, a developing nation, where women still grapple for their safety, in a welcome move, the Nirbhaya rape case brought several anomalies in the legal system to light and led to significant changes The Criminal Amendment Act, of 2013 (AntiRape Act), introduced new offences like stalking, acid attacks, and voyeurism under the definition of rape
The world has progressed in how its women are viewed, included and treated, but we are far from an egalitarian dream Having access to safety and security, as well as control over their bodies, is
still subjective
Safety at stake, globally
The lead detective in the Sarah Everard murder case revealed to the BBC documentary, her shock upon discovering that the killer, Wayne Couzens, was a police officer Detective Chief Inspector Katherine Goodwin recounts the moment she broke the news to her boss This revelation is part of a new BBC documentary that aired on Tuesday Couzens, a serving Metropolitan Police officer, abducted, raped, and murdered Everard in London in 2021 Detectives uncovered his involvement in other crimes, including indecent exposure Goodwin's team confronted Couzens at his home in Kent, and as they prepared to question him, a startling revelation came to light, emphasising the magnitude of the case Couzens' heinous actions drew attention to the issue of violence against women and girls He received a whole-life prison sentence, ensuring he will never walk free
Priti Patel, Conservative MP for Witham and a former home secretary wrote in The Times, “We must treat this week as another call for action, to accelerate the delivery of reforms, to increase support for those affected by violence against women, and to galvanise us all to play our part to change attitudes in society, in our police and throughout our institutions There can be no better way to honour the memory of Sarah Everard and the lives of the many other victims of violence against women ”
But, when it comes to women ’ s safety across the globe, the paradox continues Economically empowered Indian women are reshaping the travel industry From solo adventures to exotic destinations, they demand tailored products and services Women now drive 80% of travel decisions, influencing a shift in attitudes towards female travel This trend led to a 230% increase in women-focused travel companies Yet, in an unfortunate event, the alleged gang rape of a Brazilian-Spanish tourist in India's Jharkhand state sparked widespread outrage The 28-yearold woman and her husband, on a motorbike tour, were attacked in Dumki district Four men were arrested, with three more sought The couple, having travelled extensively in Asia, posted a video detailing the assault on Instagram, which garnered significant attention Despite language barriers, they sought medical help, leading to an investigation supported by the Brazilian and Spanish embassies The chief of India's National Commission for Women, Rekha Sharma's response to a journalist's account of sexual aggression in India drew criticism for victim-blaming Amidst renewed conversations on sexual violence in India, solidarity poured in for the couple, highlighting the urgent need to address such atrocities globally
The coming of age of the Indian female traveller
Elizabeth Samuel
Bold and beautiful, economically independent Indian women are becoming a force to reckon with in the travel and tourism s ector From travelling solo to embracing exotic locations, they have evolved into a discerni ng customer group demandi ng its own range of products and services Today, Indian women are charting their own courses, venturing solo, exploring adventure travel, and redefining independence
Financial independence has given them wings to chart their own touristic trails As their financial prowess increased, Indian women decided to reshape their consumer identity From jetting off to the sandy beaches of Bali, historical cities in Europe to adventurous trekking in the Himalayas, they are making independent travel decisions
According to a recent survey, women have been a primary driver of growth in the travel and tourism business, since they make 80% of all travel decisions, whether solo or with partners, friends, and family
This change in the way Indian women now travel has also forced a change in attitude towards women's travel As more women step out of traditional roles and take on new challenges, there is growing acceptance of women travelling alone or in groups Furthermore, hen nights and solo trips to European destinations are becoming de rigueur
Increasingly, this is reflected in the growing number of femalefriendly accommodations and tourist attractions, which cater specifically to the needs and interests of female travellers
These accommodations and attractions primarily offer a safe and welcoming environment for women, providing a range of services that cater to their unique requirements No wonder, there has been about a 230% increase in the number of women-only travel companies in the past six years Travel companies such as F5 Escapes and Wander Womaniya Travel are cropping up to cater to their specific needs ‘Airbnb created ‘Solo Traveler’ - an in-app experience to better support safe solo travelling The product has also expanded to Hindi to increase its reach and use Thomas Cook, too, has launched a dynamic tool which allows solo women travellers to pick, choose and create their own itinerary
Innovative Indian states are also seeing an opportunity and offering secure destination visits , the Indian state of Kerala launched 'She Trips – a femalefriendly tourism project last year Kerala has an ambitious plan to declare the state as the first women-friendly travel destination in India
Embracing Adventure, exploring self
While they still embrace pilgrimages, Indian women are also increasingly seeking adventure travel experiences and exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations In recent times, there has been a clear shift in interest towards adventure activities such as trekking and wildlife safaris among travellers This trend reflects a movement towards experiential travel and a desire to challenge conventional norms
What many solo travellers are looking for is freedom, experience, exploration, and empowerment Solo trips are on the rise for ‘me-time’ and offbeat destinations The good news is that the industry is also responding well by catering to their needs and offering customised itineraries for solo women travellers Solo travel is typically associated with flexibility, compared to group tours that are seen as rigid Many prefer travelling solo as it also helps them meet new people and open their minds to unique experiences that inspire and enrich them
Digital Nomads
Furthermore, as the ‘live and work anywhere’ phenomenon has taken off among people who are able to work remotely, it has had a direct impact on the rise of Indian digital nomads According to Airbnb, approximately 30% of domestic and international bookings between Q2 2021 and Q2 2022 were by solo travellers from India Overall, solo domestic travel among Indians has grown by about 120% in Q2 2022, when compared to Q2 2019
The rise of remote work during the pandemic has opened doors for independent Indian women digital nomads They combine work and travel, exploring destinations while fulfilling their professional commitments Goa remains a favoured destination for those fleeing the madness of Mumbai
The evolution of Indian women's travel reflects a broader societal shift towards greater female empowerment and independence With their growing numbers, unwavering spirit, and increasing influence, it's clear that the future of travel holds exciting possibilities for the Indian woman who has spread her wings
12 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024 IWD 2024
Elizabeth Samuel
Aiding women's well-being in the workforce
Anusha Singh
Dr Shriti Pattani O BE is an accredited specialist in Occupational Heal th working for London North West University Hospitals NHS Trust as their Cl inical Director, overseeing the healt h and wel lbeing of staff across various rol es, from experienced consul tants to cleaning and portering staff
In a conversation with Asian Voice, Dr Pattani offers her insight into the issues faced by women in the workforce and all that can be done to support them
What are some common challenges that women face in the workforce, particularly in high-stress or demanding environments?
I believe women are still predominantly seen as caregivers, balancing a busy work life while ensuring there's time for personal advancement This poses a significant challenge as many women still feel pressured to choose between pursuing a career and raising children, which adds to the internal struggle and guilt they face Women also have to work harder to gain recognition or access leadership roles compared to men In addition to work-related challenges, women also grapple with various health issues that come with different life stages Monthly cycles and associated symptoms, pregnancy, menopause, perimenopause and other specific health issues present ongoing challenges that women must navigate while maintaining performance at work Each woman's experience is unique, adding another layer of complexity to balancing personal and professional responsibilities In another aspect, gender discrimination poses a challenge that women have to navigate as well This discrimination often leaves us feeling inadequate and unworthy, which is far from ideal This is perhaps why senior leadership roles remain predominantly maledominated It's unfair that women are often judged based on factors like potential maternity leave or family responsibilities, while men are not subjected to the same scrutiny
How can employers promote work-life balance and prevent burnout among female employees?
I believe that organisations can take practical steps to support their employees, particularly in terms of leadership development and coaching Often, there's a misconception that once someone reaches a leadership position, they no longer need guidance or support However,
all leaders, regardless of gender, require assistance and guidance to navigate their roles effectively This is especially true for women who often juggle multiple responsibilities and face unique challenges Offering coaching and leadership training tailored to women's needs can be incredibly beneficial Providing them with strategies to manage stress and prioritise tasks, both professionally and personally, can make a significant difference In my organisation, we have implemented various initiatives to support women, including women's health clinics, support groups, menopause support services, and leadership training programs Flexible working policies are also crucial in empowering women to make choices without fear of penalty and can greatly support working parents Additionally, male leaders within organisations need to recognise the importance of work-life balance and familyfriendly policies Just as they rely on support at home, they should advocate for similar support for their employees These initiatives aim to provide women with the tools and resources they need to thrive in their roles
How do systemic issues intersect with women’s health outcomes?
Women often grapple with impostor syndrome more than men and discovering that a male colleague earns significantly more for the same role can exacerbate feelings of undervaluation and erode confidence, especially among experienced women This impacts their willingness to pursue higher roles and contributes to the underrepresentation of women in top-tier leadership positions Research indicates that women tend to undervalue themselves when negotiating salaries, often underestimating their worth compared to their male counterparts Moreover, the stress stemming from these inequities can lead to reduced performance, exhaustion, and burnout, posing significant challenges on multiple fronts This situation is further compounded by the issue of menopausal symptoms in the workplace, which often leads experienced women to step
back from their careers
Recognising the importance of retaining these skilled individuals, employers must explore ways to accommodate and support women experiencing menopauserelated challenges
What steps can employers, policymakers, and healthcare providers take to prioritise women experiencing menopause?
In the UK alone, approximately 900,000 women per year opt to leave their jobs due to menopausal symptoms, resulting in a significant loss of talent and experience from the workforce In the workplace setting, I refer to menopause as "my pause," recognising that each individual's experience with menopause varies widely Therefore, facilitating discussions and accommodations tailored to individual needs becomes paramount This may involve providing time off for medical appointments, ensuring access to amenities such as fans or open windows to manage hot flashes, and maintaining supplies of sanitary products for those experiencing unpredictable floods Effective policy implementation is instrumental in supporting women through the menopausal transition
Educating employees about the multifaceted nature of menopause and equipping them with the skills to address these topics sensitively can significantly improve workplace dynamics
What guidance would you provide to women regarding sharing the challenges they encounter in the workplace?
I believe it's important for us not to settle for anything less than equal terms and conditions compared to our male counterparts We should assert ourselves professionally and objectively In the workplace, women are sometimes perceived as more emotional than men, so we need to learn how to communicate effectively in a way that resonates with the organisation Each organisation may have its dynamics, but remaining silent is likely the least favourable option My advice to women is that, if you feel hesitant about speaking up, seek coaching to refine your communication skills It's not always a natural inclination for most of us, and often, we tend to soldier on without speaking up However, there's no reason why we should If you're unsure about expressing yourself and being heard, take the time to familiarise yourself with the policies and your rights Additionally, consider seeking coaching to practice assertive communication confidently
Women in comedy: Laughing in the face of stereotypes
Lubna Kerr is a comedian and a familiar face on the Scottish comedy s cene wh os e hu mo ur d raws from her Asian heritage, blending wit with a playful exploration of stereotypes
In March 2018, Lubna premiered her debut show, The Asian Ellen DeGeneres , at the Glasgow International Comedy Festival Showcasing her talent for character comedy, the performance featured characters laden with Asian stereotypes infused with a rich Scottish sense of humour From the UK to occasional appearances across the pond in the States, Lubna's comedic journey has been one of breaking down and playing with cultural norms
Beyond comedy, Lubna is a versatile actor, gracing both stage and screen with her presence Notably, she starred in 'Still Game' at the Hydro in 2014 and has appeared in BBC1's 'Scot Squad' and 'Armchair Detectives' Her big screen debut came with the feature film 'Moon Dogs’, followed by a role in the film Christmas in the Highlands in 2019 Recently, she made a guest appearance in BBC One's 'Two Doors Down'
In addition to her creative endeavours, Lubna's literary prowess shines through with her published short story on 1960s Pakistani life in Glasgow, reflecting her deep connection to her heritage and the world around her
Here, she talks about women in comedy, the stereotypes and challenges involved and what they bring to the table
What inspired you to pursue a career in comedy?
Coming from a mixed-race background, I used to go to watch lots of Pakistani and Indian films at the cinema growing up The only thing that kept me going through six hours of films with music was knowing there would be some comedy in it Even from a young age, I could relate to the funny characters in the films, whether they were men or women Another thing was that my father had an amazing sense of humour
He allowed us to say things to people, unlike today where we have to be careful about what we say Back then, people knew what a joke was My brother also had a wicked sense of humour, so I grew up with that
Later on, as an adult, I watched comedians like Dave Allen and Billy Connolly and loved going to their shows I believe laughter is the best medicine, and I love making people laugh So, when my mom died in 2013, I needed something to distract me from the grieving process I had become an actress by then, and I found it difficult to get parts as a female Asian actor
I needed something to stand out, so I decided to try comedy I signed up for a comedy writing class during the Fringe festival, which turned out to be a gig I was
nervous, but I decided to give it a try, even fumbled, but I absolutely loved it It was a pivotal moment for me
What are some common misconceptions about women in comedy, and how do you challenge or subvert these stereotypes through your work?
The biggest misconception is that women aren't funny You want a woman on the bill? Oh, my goodness! Maybe if you pay a hundred times
The second one is about Asian women not being funny, especially, when you're an older woman of colour That glass ceiling you hear about in business? It's even higher in comedy You have to prove yourself a hundred times over But for an Asian woman, it's a thousand times and for older women, a million times harder, proving yourself to be funny and worrying about validation I don't care what people think and I don't care if I look stupid
The most important thing is, am I enjoying it? I want to do what I enjoy And the barrier, with most promoters being white, is that you don't fit their demographic So, I'm all for flying the brown flag because I think it's really important to give people of colour a chance I want to be a trailblazer for older brown women
What unique strengths or perspectives do women bring to the comedy stage, and how does this contribute to the richness of comedic storytelling?
First of all, we're funnier Women talk about their experiences, and they discuss real-life issues that are important in the world They're not just doing it to make people laugh; they're doing it to educate people
As we make up 50% of the world's population, we bring a different angle into comedy, making people think and leave energised with a feeling of belonging We're bringing so much more than just laughter
We're educating and empowering people, be it men or women or whatever you call yourself We bring in so many positives, and I think that's what frightens some people Women are trailblazers and so much more relatable I mean men are relatable too but they don't have all the different experiences I think as women, we experience more in life in everything
How has the comedy landscape evolved for women and what advancements do you envision for women in comedy moving forward?
I do think things have progressed I've been doing comedy for 11 years now, and at that time, there weren't that many women in the scene But now, many more women are coming through the system
You know, they take comedy courses, they attend open mic nights, and there's a lot more diversity The good thing is that most of them are young, but there are also a few older women trying their hand at it, and that's great Additionally, more women are setting up open mic nights, which is a positive change When I first started, there were no female promoters, no women-run open mic nights, and very few women on the scene So, it has definitely improved, and that's really great
13 9 - 15 March 2024 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly IWD 2024
Lubna Kerr
Dr Shriti Pattani OBE
Untold stories: Advocating diverse voices
Subhasini Naicker
Bh attacharyya, a dynamic So uth A sian p layw rig ht and screenwriter sh aping the theatre land scape With a passion for storytelling rooted in h er cu ltural h eritage, Sonali bring s d iverse narratives to life
Her award-winning works include Chasing Hares (Young Vic), Two Billion Beats" (Orange Tree Theatre), and "Megaball" (National Theatre Learning) Currently, Sonali is commissioned by Bristol Old Vic, Chichester Festival Theatre, Kali Theatre, and Fifth Word She also has drama series in development with Dancing Ledge Productions and Anagram
In an interview with Asian Voice, Sonali discussed the portrayal of diverse female characters in plays, audience reception to these characters, and the importance of investing in female voices in playwriting and screenwriting
What is the objective behind your portrayal of diverse female characters in your play? And how do you intend to empower or advocate for women through your work?
When considering the portrayal of women and girls, especially those from minority backgrounds like myself, I often feel that mainstream depictions lack the depth and complexity of brown women experiences As a brown woman, I've observed a dearth of narratives that reflect the diversity and intricacies of our lives It's not merely about shedding light on our existence as if we re anthropological subjects; rather, it's about responsibly sharing our stories and histories with one another
Being part of a minority group, particularly as a woman, necessitates a nuanced understanding of both our own culture and the majority culture in order to navigate society This unique perspective inherently offers insights and perspectives that may not be readily apparent from the majority viewpoint Therefore, I believe there's a responsibility to tell stories that capture this universality but from our distinct perspective
For example, in my play "Two Billion Beats," I sought to explore a narrative rarely seen before Coming from a British Asian, Bengali Hindu family, I experienced firsthand the divide within the South Asian diaspora following the events of 9/11
Sonali Bhattacharyya
The distinction between Muslim and Hindu identities suddenly became significant, altering dynamics within our communities This story, while deeply personal, also reflects broader societal shifts and divisions that continue to shape our interactions today
Are there any trends or shifts in audience reception towards works created by female playwrights or screenwriters?
There's still a glaring lack of representation for marginalised groups in the arts, as consistently revealed by surveys However, when it comes to work commissioned and produced by women writers, there s evidence of substantial audience engagement It's crucial to recognise this and move beyond viewing marginalised creators solely as demographics
For minority women, including those who are black, brown, or disabled, the emphasis should be on their merit as writers rather than reducing them to their identity This shift is essential, especially when their work is unfairly labelled as risky solely based on their demographic By acknowledging the audience appeal of their work, we can challenge such misconceptions and encourage broader representation in the arts
In theatre, diversifying voices is paramount to building a more inclusive audience base This means actively seeking out and supporting works from a variety of perspectives to resonate with a wider segment of the population
Similarly, in screenwriting, recent breakthroughs by British women writers highlight the significance of supporting diverse voices in film and TV
Why do you think it is crucial to invest in female playwrights and screenwriters? And how can the industry effectively support and foster this investment to create more inclusive and diverse narratives?
Several key obstacles hinder the entry and sustainability of playwrights, particularly
Embracing femininity: Sushmita Pati discusses gender dynamics and cultural narratives
Odissi d ance, a sym bo l of cultural richness, traces its roots back to the mystical land o f Odisha It has surv ived th roug h generations, sh owcasing graceful m ovements and intricate footwork that narrate stories of devo tion and sp irituality
those from working-class backgrounds The lack of adequate financial compensation within the industry poses a significant barrier, stemming from broader issues surrounding funding and support for the arts It's crucial to recognise that art and culture are not mere add-ons but integral components that enrich society and enhance quality of life
Even after breaking into the industry, women face challenges, particularly with career interruptions for caregiving responsibilities These breaks often lead to significant hiatuses, with limited support for re-entry as freelancers
I've faced a significant career hiatus due to bereavement and caregiving responsibilities, revealing the lack of support for individuals in similar situations There's a need for industry-wide initiatives to create a safety net for those stepping away temporarily Organisations like the Writers Guild are starting to address this issue, ensuring individuals, especially women and marginalised groups, don't face permanent exclusion due to life events
What advice would you give to aspiring writers and writers who are just starting out of their careers?
The key aspect of being a writer, which took me some time to grasp, is the importance of one's unique worldview and perspective No one else can replicate your take on the world, and this is what sets your writing apart While everything else about writing may be challenging, your individual perspective is something that cannot be taken away from you
While it's natural to seek validation and feedback on your work, it's essential not to compromise your unique perspective in the process Strive to maintain the authenticity of your voice while also being open to constructive criticism and opportunities for growth Ultimately, it's about honouring the initial spark of inspiration that ignited your journey as a writer and staying true to yourself amidst the challenges and pressures of the industry
In a recent interview with Asian Voice, we spoke with Sushmita Pati, the Artistic Director and CEO of Kala The Arts, about Odissi's portrayal of
those of traditional careers, the invaluable contributions made by individuals pursuing their passions are increasingly recognised and valued within our communities
Are there any specific themes or narratives in Odissi dance that you feel resonate particularly well, with a woman's experience or perspective? If so, could you provide any examples?
Odissi, a classical
femininity, challenges faced by men in classical dance, and the significance of supporting women in the field
How did your upbringing shape your perspective on success and unconventional career paths, particularly within the context of South Asian culture?
I consider myself fortunate to have grown up in an environment fostered by my open-minded parents Their attitude towards success was refreshingly different; there was never pressure to pursue traditional professions like medicine or engineering Instead, they instilled in me the importance of excelling in whatever field I chose As artists themselves, they embodied openness and acceptance, traits that permeated our family dynamic They were supportive of our aspirations, embracing our individual paths without reservation
However, I'm aware that within South Asian culture, there exists a stigma around unconventional careers and the perception of success solely tied to financial gain This became evident to me during an encounter with the Odissa Doctor's Association, where my profession as a dancer was met with skepticism, highlighting the prevailing mindset that equates success with high-paying professions
Despite these challenges, I believe attitudes are evolving as more individuals challenge societal norms and redefine success While the financial rewards may not match
participation in the arts, striving to create inclusive spaces where men feel comfortable expressing themselves through dance As a result, we've welcomed numerous LGBTQ professional dance artists into our fold, offering support and opportunities
temple dance form, has historically been dominated by female south Asian performers However, it has also attracted European dancers and enthusiasts who have embraced it as a profession The essence of Odissi often celebrates femininity, exemplified by its sculptural movements like Tribhanga, which celebrate women in their entirety The dance repertoire includes ancient classics narratives such as tales of Krishna, Draupadi, Sita, Radha, and Lord Jagannath, reflecting its roots in Orissa's rich cultural heritage In addition to classical themes, contemporary topics are also explored through Odissi, such as I am working on creating a piece using Odissi dance language on Mental Health, a taboo within the South Asian community and its awareness Another example is our exploration of environmental themes, highlighting our responsibility to nurture and protect the earth
Through Odissi, we endeavor to convey meaningful narratives that resonate with diverse audiences and address pertinent societal issues
From a female perspective,
how do you observe the historical trend of men being ridiculed or more for participating in classical dance forms? And what shifts have you noticed in recent times that challenge this gender stereotype?
In my experience, I've had the opportunity to dance alongside male performers in Odissa, many of whom have chosen dance as their profession I've been particularly passionate about promoting male
While it's true that there may be societal pressures and prejudices surrounding male dancers even now, I have not witnessed such incidents firsthand However, I understand that some families may hold reservations about sending boys to pursue dance Recently, we encountered a situation where a parent expressed concerns about their son's dance movements being perceived as too feminine during a Bollywood dance class In response, I emphasised the importance of allowing artists to express themselves creatively and facilitated a constructive conversation to address the parent's apprehensions
Through open dialogue, engagement with artists, visiting creative places and education, we were able to challenge and dispel misconceptions, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and understanding environment
Why is it crucial to invest in women in the dance industry? And what steps can organisations or societies take to offer better support and empowerment for women to excel in this field?
It's crucial for both male and female artists to be represented in the industry, as each brings unique perspectives, attributions, and dimensions to their craft Empowering women in particular not only creates job opportunities but also fosters leadership within the community By providing women with opportunities for growth and momentum, they can serve as role models for the younger generation, inspiring them to pursue their passions, develop skills, and aspirations and increase opportunities As a mother and a creative artist myself, I've seen the importance of empowering my daughter to explore her own interests, such as Odissi dance While it wasn't initially my intention to teach her, my mother's persistence in ensuring she learned the art form highlights the significance of artistic expression and its value in her life Through any arts, individuals can find a means to express themselves creatively and authentically, regardless of their chosen career paths
14 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
IWD 2024
Sushmita Pati (Centre)
15 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024 anager t Ops M Fligh tographer ar ir C A tions Specialist a e Oper ir and Spac A o eapons C W a c and Tr Air ystems) tions (S pera ir O A ol) O Contr tions ( pera ir O TIONS OPERATIONS SPACE & A ator ems Oper yst eapon S W ator ems Oper yst eapon S W cer ems O yst on S Weap ircraf ed A ilot ely P Remot ilot CREW P usician AIR M teward ound S ir & Gr A Chef Supplier Mover Driver cer gistics O o OGISTICS L haplain Y AINC C cer e O Intelligenc t Gunner egimen AF R R olice AF P R cer t O AF Regimen R cer e O olic AF P RESILIENCE & Y R t Nurse Studen tal Nurse Den echnician Technician Pharmac cientist Biomedical S Radiographer titionerrac t P tmen epar ting D Opera titionerrac tal Health P Environmen y T edic AF M R tal Health) (Men ed Nurse Register (Adult) ed Nurse Register cer tal O Den MSO Pharmacist ysiotherapist MSO Ph ) er (MSO c t O or al Supp Medic cer Nursing O cer al O edic VICESSER AL M torInstruc raining sical T Phy tions Specialist a edia Oper M cer tions O a edia Oper M tions Specialist a eople Oper P cer O raining ersonnel T P cer tions O pera eople O TIONS OPERATIONS PEOPLE P cer egal O L tion Specialist ommunica e C Cyberspac echnician Technician turInfrastruc Communications tronics) lec tions E (Communica e T cer YBERSPACE Engineer O Workshop echnician Technician General T echnician Technician quipment echanical E ehicle & M Vehicle V T t Specialist quipmen al E viv Sur tricianElec echnician Technician Weapon T (Mechanical) echnician Technician Aircraft T (Avionics) echnician Technician Aircraf (Aerosystems) t T cer Engineer O ROL OUR YOUR FIND Y ENGINEERING C LEGAL A MEDIC SECURIT INTELLIGENCE CHAPL L AIR A ole es r v eser N 2 0 2 3 0 8 2 1 4 6 2 8 6 ontroller cer ) O cer O r (Linguist) r ilot AS) P em (RP yst t S tions ali ca ecognised aining ful tr ftter rogression y and salar ed job af LE NS /rafrecruitment co Non- ecialisations ommissioned Sp C 6 0345 AF ch R ear S I I Photographer g AF_Recruitment @R ation. t at time of public orrec All information c R pprenticeship AF A R equired ee r Degr tions mmissioned Specialisa 5555 605 uitment F Recr Firefighter g p g nalyst e A ntelligenc st (Linguist) naly e A ntelligenc qua ain civilian-r G essfulsucc eedGuarant eer pr car ting salar t star Excellen M e s C R v i c e r e d i a S
Inspiring Inclusion at Women in Conversation
Women In Conversation is an annual panel discussion hosted by Asian Voice in association with the Royal Air For ce to celebrate I nternational W omen’s Day It will be held on 11 March 2024 at the Edwardian I, Taj 51 Buckingham Gate, London This year’s theme is ‘Insp ire I nclusion’ and the moderator and panellists will share their personal stories, expertise, experience and challenges with a view to inspire inclusion and celebrate diversity and empowerment. The following interviews and bios is a preview of what to expect on the day
Empowering women in entrepreneurship
Rupa Po pa t i s a n e nt repr ene u r an d t he dr ivi ng fo rc e be hi nd Ar āya V entu res, a ventu re c api tal firm dedicated to supporting visio nary fou nders who are r evo l u ti o ni s in g o u r wo rl d She is also an influential angel investo r in over 40 start-ups and venture capital funds
Beyond her professional endeavours, she is the founder of AVA Angels, a transformative initiative aimed at introducing more women to the world of angel investing Recognised for her outstanding contributions, Rupa has been honoured as one of Forbes' Top 15 Investors in Underrepresented Founders for 2022 and was a finalist for the UKBAA 2023 Angel Investor of the Year
Here, she talks about her entrepreneurial journey, investing in women and the need for diversity in the field What motivated your transition from building businesses to becoming a venture capitalist?
I really enjoyed building businesses and found them to be quite rewarding, However, after I sold my company, I felt a strong desire to give back and realised that mentorship, along with financial support was one way to do so As an investor with an entrepreneurial background, I believe I can provide valuable insights and guidance to the founders I invest in I was inspired by the many impactful businesses being built by talented entrepreneurs, I wanted to contribute to their success as well Moreover, as a female founder in 2013, I faced challenges in raising capital At that time, there were few female investors to be found and now, nearly a decade later, I am proud to be one of those women
What advice would you offer women entrepreneurs seeking funding for their ventures?
Firstly, I would strongly encourage you to pursue entrepreneurship if it's something you've been considering I was in banking for a long time before taking the leap, and looking back, I'm glad I did It's important to follow your passion and take calculated risks Secondly, I received some valuable advice a while back, which was to build my network before I needed it It is crucial to have a strong network of investors, fellow entrepreneurs, and mentors who can provide invaluable support, guidance, and opportunities If you're new to entrepreneurship, there are numerous accelerator and incubator programs offering mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities Lastly, not every successful business requires external investment, so assess your needs and resources carefully Explore alternative funding options, such as loans, angel investors, or bootstrapping
Why is it vital to involve more women in investing, and what strategies can empower more women to participate?
Over 70% of women are more likely to be asked about their weight than about their investments and part of the reason for this is that women tend not to discuss investments among themselves I believe it all starts with awareness We need to raise awareness that anyone can be an investor; everyone should be thinking about their financial future and considering which asset classes they want to invest in Secondly, education is crucial, which is why we've developed a course called "Angel Investing for All" to empower more women to learn about angel investing By providing accessible education, we can demystify investing and make it more inclusive Next comes collaboration and community
There are many opportunities for angel investors, regardless of gender, to join supportive communities that assist them in their investment journey,
Air Specialist 1 Mandeep K Golhar
Ma nde ep joined as an Avionics Engineer in the RAF af ter completing he r a p pr e nt ice sh ip pr ogr a m S h e w a nt e d th e chance to expe rience a variet y o f o pp o rt u nitie s t h at she wouldn’t have in any other job
helping them learn from one another and build confidence
What do you believe, can be done to support women's advancement in the business sector?
Firstly, the government's tax relief programs, such as the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme and the Enterprise Investment Scheme, offer phenomenal incentives for investors supporting early-stage companies These initiatives encourage investors to participate and recently saw increased tax relief thresholds, making them even more attractive
Secondly, the government's efforts in providing resources and educational support for aspiring entrepreneurs are commendable steps in the right direction, most recently with their launch of the Help to Grow hub However, to truly address the funding gap for women entrepreneurs, we need a fundamental shift in how capital flows While existing venture capital programs are valuable, more investment in diverse funds managed by diverse managers is crucial Research shows that diverse fund managers are three times more likely to invest in diverse entrepreneurs, therefore we need to accelerate capital and support to emerging diverse managers This will impact the flow of funding to women entrepreneurs and other underrepresented groups
What are your aspirations for your role in fostering innovation and diversity within the startup ecosystem?
Personally, my mission revolves around two key initiatives Firstly, with Arāya Ventures, our fund strives to channel more capital into the hands of diverse entrepreneurs In an industry where only 2% of venture capital typically goes to female founders, our portfolio has already allocated over 60% to female entrepreneurs While we invest in all entrepreneurs, our approach is underpinned by a commitment to diversity
Secondly, through the AVA Angels course and community, I aim to bolster diversity among investors, ensuring a more inclusive investment landscape in the UK
Mandeep has a desire to travel and see new places, meet a diverse range of people, earn whilst learning on the job and acquire many new skills that will prepare
her for any situation
Having only been in the RAF a few years, Mandeep’s highlight so far has been to be chosen to go to Crete for a month with her aircraft Squadron, work hard in the sunshine, have some time to view the attractions in C r e t e a n d h i t t h e b e a c h afterwards Mandeep stated, “Every day is different and I’m so grateful for the journey to get to where I have so far ”
Flt Lt Margaret Welton BSc (Hons) MIET
Her Military career began in the British Army in Mar 2003 after enlisting into the Corps of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Upon passing her trade training, she become an Aircraft Technician and has been posted to various aircraft operating Regiments in the UK and abroad She
has trained, maintained, or managed 10 types of Air systems operated by the three Services
These include aircraft, helicopter and Unmanned Aerial Systems In Oct 2019, she commissioned as an
Aerosystems Engineer Officer in the RAF, from her final rank of SSgt in the British Army
She was deployed on Operations, UK and overseas Exercises, where she supported the maintenance of Air assets, led personnel and managed resources Her Aviation Engineering profession in the military has gained her a Incorporated Engineer with the British Engineering Council
She is an advocate for Diversity & Inclusion and is studying level 7 Strategic Leadership and Management She welcomes ongoing challenges in her role
"We must make the most of the opportunities we have"
San dee p Ma hal i s t he I nte ri m Co - E xe cu t iv e
D i rec to r o f the R o ya l Shakespeare Company(RSC)
With over 20 years o f experience in the arts, literature, and libraries sector, Sandeep j o i ne d the RSC ’ s Sen i o r Le ade rs hi p Team as a Le ade rs hi p As so c i at e (E xecutive) in January 2022 She comes from a humble background where her parents immigrated from Punjab, and settled in Derby finding employment opportunities in the foundries, where they worked tireless labour-intensive shifts
Growing up, she was immersed in a tight-knit South Asian community comprised of immigrant families and despite financial limitations, this upbringing had a huge impact on her Sandeep has held diverse leadership roles and beyond that, she currently serves on the advisory board of Warwick Arts Centre and the boards of Women's Prize Trust, World Book Day, and Jaivant Patel Dance
Can you share with us your journey into the world of art and theatre?
My journey began with a deep passion for reading and books We did not own any books at home, but the local library was conveniently close to my house and I immersed myself in borrowing and reading books Leaving school with few qualifications, I attended
university much later, as a mature student and a mother I landed my first job as a library assistant in a mobile library Working in this role, I fell accidentally and passionately in love with the work of libraries My passion for making a difference grew from working in multicultural communities with significant social deprivation and limited cultural opportunities I strongly believe in the transformative power of literature and storytelling to foster understanding and empathy among people My personal experience with reading inspired me to bring literature to communities and empower them to utilise library services effectively In your opinion, what are some of the most significant barriers that women still face in the theatre industry today?
I believe the main barriers lie in the lack of opportunities for women in the industry While we have many skilled women, they often struggle to find the
16 AsianVoiceNews 9 - 15 March 2024 AsianVoiceNewsweekly
Rupa Popat
Fli ght Li eu t ena nt Margaret
(Maggie) Welton, is an Aerosystems E n gi nee r Of f ic er in the Royal Air Force She is curr ent ly po s te d to Ai rb or ne D el i ver y Wi ng as the E x ec u ti ve Of fi c er i n the A ir bo rn e E n gi nee ri ng Sq u adr o n at R AF St ati o n Brize No rton
IWD 2024
Sandeep Mahal MBE
Inclusion inspires innovation
Priy a G u ha MB E i s a V en tu re P art ner a t Merian Ventu res, investing in wo men - led i n no va ti o n, a n Advisor to K heiron Medical Tec hno l o gi es and Gal lo s Technologies, a member of the Investment Governanc e Bo a rd at F u tu re Pla ne t Capital, a NED at Reach PLC, UK Research & Innovation, Herald Investment Trust, the Di gi ta l Ca tapu l t & GB Ba dmi nt on and A dj u nc t Faculty at the Ashridge Hult Bu siness School She was previously GM fo r RocketSpace, lau n chi ng t hei r UK o pe rations
Priya used to be a career diplomat, most recently as British Consul General to San Francisco and previously in India and Spain She sits on the Royal Academy of Engineering International Committee, Althea Foundation Board and Global Tech Advocates Advisory Board She is a Trustee at TechSheCan Priya was awarded an MBE in 2021 for services to international trade and women in innovation
Here’s her exclusive Q&A with Asian Voice:
take about 4-5 readings of your bio for a layman to process your multitalented personality and to understand the inspiring body of work.
When you look back from where you started, what do you think you did right as a woman to reach where you are today?
For me, it's just about
support, mentorship, and nurturing needed to advance There indeed is a growing number of mentors and sponsors willing to help, but the challenge lies in connecting them with aspiring women
Platforms like the one Asian Voice is creating on International Women's Day are essential for fostering ongoing conversations about women's issues and breaking down barriers It's crucial to consistently centre women's voices and address the challenges they face Personally, I've been fortunate to negotiate flexible working arrangements that accommodate my family responsibilities However, not everyone has this privilege, and employers need to be more open to flexibility to attract and retain talent
As a woman in a leadership role within the theatre industry, what challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?
For me, it's about courage As a South Asian woman, navigating an honour and shame-based culture, the stakes were high While we're more progressive
opportunities when they present themselves, even if you don't know where they'll lead to And, make sure you do jobs that you enjoy We're all likely going to be working till we're past 70 years of age So it's important to enjoy your work and you get that sort of fulfilment from your work
As an expert in the innovation sector, how can innovation inspire inclusion and help break stereotypes?
I think it's not about innovation inspiring inclusion For me, inclusion inspires innovation If you have diverse voices at the table, you'll get different perspectives and you'll get different ideas and you'll get different products and different companies or innovations coming out of that discussion So actually, I believe, innovation only really happens when you have inclusion
To bring a balance in gender and diversity, what do you think is the key factor that could drive us towards an egalitarian society?
I think sadly we are still some way off being a fully inclusive society There are lots of things that need to happen for us to get there But one of the biggest opportunities is tackling unconscious bias Because that is so all-pervasive, and it affects how women and other underrepresented groups can
now, there was a time when those stakes were even higher It can be challenging for those outside my culture to grasp the significance of honour and shame The idea of choice becomes complex in such restrictive circumstances Initially, there was tension between my cultural expectations and my aspirations when I entered the daunting world of publishing and the arts Coming from a background where I didn't know anyone in those fields, it was intimidating, especially in an industry so different from what I was accustomed to What made the difference was taking a leap into an unknown industry and the embrace and support I received Despite moments of impostor syndrome, I realised the importance of staying at the table and finding my voice This journey taught me the value of nurturing environments that empower women to be authentic and confident in their own skin It s about finding the courage to be yourself and speak up with influence, even in spaces where you feel like you don't belong Women need to have the platform and opportuni-
succeed in their personal and professional lives
How important will be the role of women in innovation and trade in the coming years in the global economy?
It's fundamental If we don't have women at the table, then we won't have the breadth and range of ideas and contributions to create innovation perspective We also won't have the economic productivity of having women fully participate in the economy So it's fundamental to have women fully involved
If a woman or a young girl were to be like you - where you are today as a professional, what advice would you give them?
I think the advice I would give them is to think about what your core values are And to live your values in everything you do Because ultimately, that's the way you will stay true to yourself, and be fulfilled in whatever you end up doing in your career
ties to be their authentic self
What advice would you give to young women aspiring to leadership roles in the arts and theatre industry?
My advice would be to practice, practice, practice I've invested so much in selfdevelopment Going to university after marrying young was my way of seeking education and the hunger to learn grew within me The more I practised, the more confident I became So don't be afraid and just go for it Do the things you really want to do Consider how you can practice and seek out opportunities to do so Only through learning and doing will you gain confidence Additionally, I've been fortunate to benefit from mentorship by other women I've also mentored other women, and I understand the value of finding the right mentor It's about shared values and finding someone who can help you achieve your goals Seek out mentors and be generous with your time, skills and knowledge, especially with the next generation of leaders who give hope for the future We must make the most of the opportunities we have
“We need amazing men as allies”
Mamta Singhal MBE i s an advocate for diversity in STEM fields With a remarkable array of qualifications including a BEng, MSc, MBA, CEng, FIET, and FWES, Mamta's credentials speak volumes about her expertise and dedicati on to her craft
Mamta's journey in engineering began as a graduate engineer at Dyson in 2003, later transitioning to roles at global giants like Hasbro Ltd, Mars Chocolate Ltd, Mattel Inc, and CocaCola European Partners Plc
In addition to her professional achievements, Mamta has been advocating for increased representation and opportunities for underrepresented groups Her efforts in this regard were duly recognised when she was awarded an MBE in the 2022 New Year's Honours for her services to engineering
Here, she talks about her journey, women in STEM and the need for diversity in the field
What are the key challenges in promoting diversity in engineering?
Engineering is a global profession, truly international and it is key we have representation of all types of people at the table Businesses that don’t have senior engineers and technical people who are of diverse backgrounds are truly missing out on fantastic opportunities and are likely to fall behind I think the challenge lies in the lack of senior people from a diverse background at the Senior Manager, Director and VP levels It is only recently that we are seeing people of colour, different backgrounds and thinking styles coming up the ranks but they have faced, at times, barriers and challenges It is key that we keep pushing and readdressing the issue It is indeed forums that help showcase the often ‘silent voice’ Finding role models, the right company culture and a general network are a few methods of addressing the challenges that are out there
What are some key challenges that dissuade women from a career in STEM?
Women are juggling a lot – family, children, ageing parents, work, running a home and there is a lot of pressure South Asian Women do have additional challenges in that they are managing cultural expectations, challenges of race, and ‘fitting in’ We are
raised as Indian women often in a semi-traditional environment– we aren’t taught to be big and bold we are expected to be the quiet ones – times are changing At the moment, approximately 15% of the engineering profession is female and 5% are from ethnic backgrounds Big steps have to be taken to ensure that we see the right people in the right seats and future is looking much brighter We need amazing men as allies, we need to think globally, and we need to be more multicultural while still valuing our environment
Why, in your experience, some women may feel intimidated or discouraged from pursuing careers in STEM?
Overall, I have had a lot of support but I still think people are taken aback when I tell people I have 20 years of experience in engineering and manufacturing and am a chartered engineer The stereotype of engineering being for white males in the UK is there but there is a lot of work being done via charities and communities to redress this I have younger women approach me, needing help through the maze and we need that sisterhood It is also unclear to many women and young ladies what STEM is about and it is key they see that these roles are in high demand – STEM is key for progression We are future thinkers and dream makers addressing sustainability challenges, launching new technology, developing new products and finding cures to everyday issues
What role do schools, families, and communities play in encouraging young girls to pursue STEM fields?
The engineering institutions are doing a lot to redress the challenges but it needs to go beyond that Parents and families must see how powerful a STEM degree can be The future revolves around STEM, from new apps to finding solutions to the climate crisis - STEM experiences are very much needed
When I graduated 20 years ago, it was tough to get access to the roles but now companies really want to get top talent and are active in calling for STEM graduates For women in the field, there are many competitions, mentoring systems, support groups and conferences, I see a very promising future for women in STEM I do personally try and use social media to showcase the fun, exciting and technical work that I do and have done for many years so that other people can see what STEM experts do
How has dyslexia and your general learning style shaped your career, and what advice would you give to fellow individuals with dyslexia pursuing STEM careers?
I have a spiky IQ and am classified as dyslexic but have an above-average IQ and excel in areas that are great for engineering I see things in pictures and shapes - seeing patterns and connections like method and process which is a very useful skill to have in a technical and manufacturing world I don’t notice my dyslexia that much but I know fully well how I was impacted as a child I focused on what I was good at which was Maths, Science and Art, so it was natural for me to become a design engineer
It is key that we play to our strengths My advice to those who are dyslexic would be that STEM is a great avenue as it is a creative, visual and collaborative area which is growing – language won't be a barrier to success
What advice would you give to young individuals, especially women and minorities, who aspire to pursue careers in engineering and STEM fields?
Please do it For me, it has given me direction and purpose plus an amazing community that is dynamic, global and forwardthinking I have built an independent and exciting career because of my passion for STEM subjects It is a growing and indemand field so it is key that we have the right women at the table and have their voices heard STEM is everywhere and with advances in technology, challenges with environmental issues and the need for new ideas, STEM is an amazing avenue Allowing for with a such a variety of job roles plus it is an international and wellrespected career
17 9 - 15 March 2024 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly
Priya Guha MBE
Mamta Singhal MBE
IWD 2024
Artist Parul Baliyan celebrates womanhood and cultural identity
Parul Baliyan, originally from a small town in northern India, has found her artistic inspiration in the cultural richness and simplicity of her childhood memories Now based in the UK for nearly two decades, she brings the fusion of her upbringing to life in her paintings
As a self-taught artist and mother of two, Parul draws inspiration from the everyday imagery around her, capturing the essence of people, landscapes, and lifestyles Her upcoming exhibition called “Six Yards of Elegance” will be showcased at the Nehru Centre in London next week after International Women’s Day 2024 on March 8, and showcase many of these inspirations
The exhibition celebrates the essence of womanhood According to Parul, “Each painting is a heartfelt tribute to women, who have left indelible mark in our lives I chose sari as the thread which intertwines all my paintings Indian women have a very deep-rooted relationship with the sari, which plays a significant role in my identity as an artist My fascination with this graceful garment
Parul Baliyan
began in my childhood when observing my mother donning a sari for work every day and I was providing a little help to perfect her pleats
landing mission, these incidents strongly illustrate the remarkable achievements a woman can attain while draped in a SARI All the subjects I have covered have gracefully donned sari, transcending the physical or social challenges with resilience ”
The British Asian Trust supports acid attack survivors in Bangladesh
culture on a global stage It's a momentous occasion that aligns perfectly with my artistic journey and aspirations ”
“A Sari is not just a sixyards cloth; it's a symbol of the cultural identity of an Indian woman The stereotypical image of a woman and Sari as a symbol of constraints has been crossed by many brave women, for centuries From Draupadi's resilience who stood up for the respect of women despite the loss of her family, to the recent celebration of women scientists in Sari in the Chandrayaan moon
About hosting the exhibition at the Nehru Centre, she said, “I always aspired to unveil this collection of work at the Nehru Centre on International Women's
Day As an artist, this opportunity holds immense significance for me
“The Nehru Centre stands as a vibrant bridge between India and the United Kingdom, an ideal platform to share my vision through art As my work primarily focuses on Indian themes, there couldn't be a more fitting venue for me to showcase the richness of Indian
Talking about hosting the exhibition on International Women’s Day, she said, “For me International Women's Day is a perfect occasion to pay tribute to the countless women whose contributions often go unnoticed, who are not celebrated as heroes or afforded privilege My tribute is to these unsung heroes, the foot soldiers who tirelessly navigate and overcome unimaginable challenges, steadfastly fulfilling their roles in society ”
Talking about International Women’s Day, she said, “For me, International Women's Day is a perfect occasion to pay tribute to the countless women whose contributions often go unnoticed, who are not celebrated as heroes or afforded privilege My tribute is to these unsung heroes, the foot soldiers who tirelessly navigate and overcome unimaginable challenges, steadfastly fulfilling their roles in society,” she added
Cancer patients and survivors take to the runway
In its much anticipated annu al retu rn on 8 th M a rch , ( I nter nati o nal W om en ’ s D ay) ; Th e Fashion Brunch, established by Anisha Vasani ( Creative Director) has extraordinarily deviated f ro m th e e stab li sh ed norms of fashion shows a nd b eau ty p agean ts, c o ngrega tin g wo m en f ro m di ffe rent b ac kgrounds and faiths, emp owering them to be proud of their diversity
With the IWD 2024 theme ‘inspire inclusion’, the runway spotlight will be succeeded by 10 courageous women battling cancer and cancer survivors, inspiring others with their resilience
The women will exhibit stunning designs by Nikaza Asian Couture and Deesh London, sharing inspirational and powerful stories about their challenges, struggles and courage
One of the incredible survival stories is that of Kreena Dhiman, who was diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer aged just 33 In 2016, aged 36, Kreena was diagnosed with life-threatening chemotherapyinduced acute heart failure She also suffered cancerinduced fertility and lost the ability to carry a pregnancy, but never lost faith There is often a negative stigma
attached within the South Asian community, surrounding cancer, infertility and anything deemed as weak or flawed, but with four children born through IVF and Surrogacy, Kreena is just one of the incredible women sharing her story on the day
“We know that black and brown people face inequalities when it comes to cancer care South Asian Supernovas was established to close the cancer care gap through education, awareness and representation Through the South Asian Supernovas community, a space has been created to allow patients to be seen and heard throughout their cancer experience,” Kreena Dhiman - Founder of South Asian Supernovas - breast cancer survivor said Veronica Mehta is an influential household name within the South Asian community The London-born
R&B/ Bhangra artist, a big name on the Asian music circuit, was diagnosed with breast cancer, in 2016 She withdrew from her public life, to concentrate on healing Only just returning with a new single called ‘Gone’
Coasting into its 5th year, this annual celebration of women's empowerment has seen women from all walks of life coming together for an elevation of acknowledgement With Anisha’s ‘Bold & Beautiful - plus size’ concept last year winning the ‘Best Creative Campaign’ award for her visionary and ground-breaking accomplishments, she continues to break through the ideological norms of beauty “International Women’s Day is a celebration of strength, resilience, and empowerment, and as the Creative Director of The Fashion Brunch event which I have been curating for the past 5 years, celebrating empowering women, it’s my honour to champion the incredible journey of ten courageous cancer warriors Through this event, we aim to showcase their beauty, grace, and unwavering spirit,
The British Asian Trust is su ppo r ti ng s o me o f the most vu lnerable women in Bangladesh with vital mental health support The UK bas ed chari ty, fou nded by His Majesty K ing Charles III ( when he wa s H i s Ro y al Hi ghn es s The Pr i nc e o f Wal es ) , is s teppi n g u p efforts to help support acid and burn violence su rvivors with life-changing su pport There is a dire lack of mental health services and profe ss i o na ls a vai l ab le i n Bangladesh
Acid and burn violence is primarily a form of gender-based violence in South Asia There are around 4,000 acid attack survivors in Bangladesh, nearly twothirds of them are women Although acid attacks have reduced over the years due to more stringent legislation and punishments, an acid attack is life-changing for the survivors
Physical disfigurement via acid attacks are often targeted at the victims’ face As well as having physical scars to remind them of the attack, survivors also have emotional and mental trauma to overcome This can lead to struggles to integrate back into society Severe depression, suicidal tendencies, social anxiety are common amongst survivors Emotional and mental health support is critical at almost every stage of their lives
to offer specialised counselling and psychotherapy services to survivors in Bangladesh ”
The British Asian Trust is implementing a new and improved approach with partner Acid Survivors Foundation in order to provide mental health support to acid and burn violence survivors in Bangladesh
The Trust has co-developed a specialised training model focused on trauma counselling that takes into account biological, psychological and social factors for survivors This model will train and support counsellors at the community level These trained individuals, who themselves are acid survivors will offer emotional and mental support to fellow survivors of acid and burn violence
This project is supported via vital funds raised at the British Asian Trust’s 2023 annual Iftar event, held in the month of Ramadan
highlighting their inspiring stories of survival and hope It’s more than just a fashion event; it’s a platform to uplift and celebrate the indomitable spirit of women everywhere I am immensely proud to witness the growth of The Fashion Brunch, knowing that we ’ ve created a platform where 300 women will gather to celebrate their worth,” says Anisha Vasani (Founder and Creative Director)
Whilst inclusion and diversity are the pinnacle objectives, this event continues to celebrate women ’ s economic, social, cultural and political achievements
Taking place at the stunning venue ‘Courtyard by Marriott’, London, The Fashion Brunch will be joined by successful influential household names, esteemed celebrities and motivational speakers, a wonderful celebration of empowered women
Partnering with ‘RecommendAsian’, a platform of 75,000 women supporting and uplifting one another was a natural and easy execution for Anisha, with both platforms sharing the same values
Highlighting the importance of this wonderful celebration of inclusion is the Founder of Recommend Asian, Zamiha Desai
British Asian Trust Ambassador Konnie Huq said, “This is a hugely important area of work to support Bangladeshi women who have suffered greatly due to acid attacks and related violence Services to support their mental health during this period can help transform their lives
Women who have suffered such violence often find it difficult to reintegrate I am proud to support the British Asian Trust in their latest Mental Health programme
This is the latest initiative in The British Asian Trust’s Mental Health programme in Bangladesh and follows on from the Trust’s project work with Primark supported by SAJIDA Foundation, to provide mental health first aid to garment factory workers
The British Asian Trust’s work in South Asia aims to reduce stigma, build awareness, increase access to mental health services, drive systemic and policy change and support the vulnerable through trauma rehabilitation and counselling
LCNL to organise 'Women Can Do Anything’ on 17 March
Providing more infor-
LCNL President Meena Jasani said, It would
unique opportunity to
in discussions on women's empowerment and connect with like-minded individuals The theme is
Inclusion The event is open to all communities and genders, this free event is a must-attend
The speakers on the day will be Sujata Din, Women Health Coach, Uma Cresswell (nee Thakrar), NED on a number of boards including English Football League Trust, Reena Ranger, Co-Founder of Women Empowerment and Co-Chair of CFindia and Jay Rughani, Transformational Mindset and Energy Expert
Here is the registration link for people who wish to attend- https://lcnl org/iwd/
18 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024 IWD 2024
London (LCNL) and Young Loha na Soc ie ty (Y LS) a re or gan isin g a pione er ing e ven t- 'W ome n Ca n D o An yt hing ' to r e cog nise International W omen's Day on 1 7 M ar c h 2 024 at Dha m ec ha Loha na Ce nt r e, South Harrow from 11 am to 2 pm Entry is free for everyone
Community of North
be a
Dear Financial Voice Reader,
Alpesh Patel
I dreamt I was Jack Nicholso n s character in a F ew Good Men last night Here's the ico nic speech re-imagined
"You wake up every morning to a world that, beneath its calm surface, is swirling with financial currents and undercurrents, markets that move with a volatility that can be as unpredictable as the weather
You live in this world, but you want more than just to navigate it; you want to thrive, to ensure that your hardearned money grows, that your future is secure
You want peace of mind, knowing that while you sleep, there's someone on that wall, someone keeping a vigilant eye on those unpredictable markets, ensuring that your investments are not just safe but are poised for growth
You want the truth? You might think you want the truth, but here's the truth: The world of finance and investment is a battlefield It's not for the faint-hearted
It's a realm where fortunes can be made or lost in the blink of an eye, where the difference between success and failure often hinges on having the right information at the right time and making the right decision based on that information
That's where I come in I stand on that wall for you Not just to protect, but to proactively seek opportunities for growth, to navigate the complexities of global markets, to sift through the noise and distill what matters
My years of experience, my understanding of economics and politics, my ability to anticipate market movements these are the weapons I wield in this constant vigil
I do this, so you don't have to stay awake at night, fretting about your investments I do this because it's not just my job; it's my calling Y ou want to question the metho ds?
My approach? In the world of investment, like in any domain that requires vigilance and protective oversight, there are decisions that need to be made Decisions that are not always easy or straightforward
Decisions that, to the untrained eye, might seem counterintuitive or even risky But these decisions are informed by a deep understanding of market dynamics, a nuanced grasp of geopolitical developments, and an unwavering commitment to the interests of my clients
So, yes, you sleep easy at night because men like me are watching the markets You thrive because we pore over the data, engage with the theories, challenge the status quo, and always, always keep your best interests at heart This is not just about investments; it's about trust, about knowing that someone is tirelessly working to ensure your financial well-being
Remember, in the realm of financial markets, as in many aspects of life, the margin for error is slim But know this: On my watch, you can rest assured that every possible step is being taken to secure and grow your investments
Because at the end of the day, your peace of mind is the true measure of my success "
UK Government in talks with brokers to help market NatWest shares
T h e U K g o v ernment i s reportedly engaging in discussions with brokers such as AJ Bell and Hargreaves L ansdown to facilitate the m arketi ng of sh ares in NatWest to retail inv estors
This mov e comes as the governm ent exp lo res v ari ou s options for reducing its stake in the bank Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced in his autumn statement last November that the government would "explore options" to divest its remaining stake in the British banking group, currently standing at just below 33%, and intends to invite the public to purchase shares
The government has opened early talks with a number of brokers about helping to sell the shares to retail investors and has asked firms to sign non-disclosure agreements, according to Bloomberg, which first reported the development
In November, the chan-
Bank accounts of more than 140,000 small businesses shut
According to data published by a parliamentary committe e, m ore tha n 14 0,0 00 bus i n es s e s ha d th ei r accounts closed by the UK’s bi ggest banks last year The lenders’ reas ons for closing the accounts of small and medium enterprises included concerns over financial crime and fraud, customers’ failure to provide requested information and the banks’ risk appetite The closures are equivalent to about 2 7 per cent of
the 5 3 mn accounts held by small and medium enterprises with the eight banks that provided data to the House of Commons treasury select committee as part of an inquiry into
Tata firm to build UK's biggest EV battery plant in Somerset
Agratas, the global battery business of the Tata Group, has officially confirmed plans to construct Britain's largest electric vehicle battery manufacturing facility in Somerset, located in south-west England
This giga factory, which was announced last year, is set to be established on the Gravity Smart Campus near Bridgwater in Somerset, with a community-centric approach that involves local residents in understanding and participating in the project
The company said the 40 GWh factory is set to contribute almost half of the projected battery manufacturing capacity required for the UK automotive sector by the early 2030s
"Our multi-billion-pound investment will bring state-ofthe-art technology to Somerset, helping to supercharge Britain's transition to electric mobility whilst creating thousands of jobs in the process, said Tom Flack, CEO of Agratas
"We care deeply about the communities we operate in, so it's imperative to us that we work with, and listen to, our new neighbours as we build our factory in Somerset That's why we'll be holding an event for local residents very soon, so we can share more about our plans and introduce our team to the community, he said
Agratas has announced its collaboration with local and regional partners, such as Somerset Council, Bridgwater and Taunton College, and the broader Gravity Smart Campus, to develop tailored education and training initiatives in the area This endeavour aims to generate employment opportunities for the local community, emphasising a commitment to hiring locally
cellor said he would look at options for a retail share offer within 12 months, although it would be “subject to supportive market conditions and achieving value for money ”
During his speech, Hunt drew parallels to the mass privatisations of the 1980s, recalling the iconic advertising campaign for British Gas shares with the slogan "If you see Sid tell him " Addressing MPs, he stated, "It's time to get Sid investing again " There is increasing speculation that Hunt will use next week's budget to unveil additional details of a public share sale, with UK Government Investments suggesting earlier this month that this could potentially occur as early as June
smaller businesses’ access to finance
The banking sector has come under increased scrutiny on account closures since the con- troversy over the “debanking” of politician Nigel Farage in July, which led to the resigna- tion of NatWest chief executive Dame Alison Rose
The incident has led to broader questions about the reasons banks close
accounts of indi- viduals and smaller businesses Lenders were asked in December by the committee to state how many SME accounts they hold, the number of closures in the past year and the reasons
The figures are based on the responses it received from the Big Four - Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds and NatWest - as well as Handelsbanken, Metro, Santander and TSB
Hunt may propose cuts in income tax, National Insurance
Ch an cel l o r Jer emy H unt is schedul ed to deliver his budget to the House of Commons o n Ma rc h 6 (We dnes day )
Simultaneously, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) will release updated forecasts for the economy and public finances
The forecasts provided by the OBR for the broader economy significantly influence the projections in public finance Key economic indicators such as inflation and the overall size of the economy play crucial roles in forecasting tax revenues and certain areas of expenditure, such as welfare and debt interest Ahead of the budget, speculation has centred around potential tax reductions proposed by the Chancellor Both the Prime Minister and Chancellor have indicated their inclination towards implementing tax cuts Reductions in personal taxes like income tax
and National Insurance contributions have been deliberated as potential measures
Tax cuts must adhere to the Chancellor's objectives for government borrowing and underlying debt (excluding the Bank of England's net debt) These targets are primarily centred on the fifth year of the forecast, anticipated to be 2028/29, and were both being achieved in the OBR's November 2023 forecast
Since the onset of 2022, the UK economy has experienced stagnation, witnessing a decline in GDP during the final two quarters of 2023 However, there is optimism regarding a modest return to growth in 2024, primarily driven by an improving outlook for inflation In its assessment in early February, the Bank of England projected GDP growth of 0 25% for 2024 and 0 75% for 2025
Issa brothers deny rumours of 'rift'
Blackburn's business giants the I s sa bro t hers ha ve denied rumours that there is a rift at the heart of their empi re Mo hs i n I s s a ha s ru bb i she d c la i ms the re i s bad bloo d between him and business partner Zuber In a rare interview, he said the pai r “get o n exceptio nally well”
Speaking at the opening of Asda’s 1,000th store in Stevenage he said: “We talk to each other probably two or three times a day We’ve been very, very privileged We have been on a journey
and we have got a long way still to go ”
The Blackburn-born brothers, who founded their business empire with a single petrol station in Bury in 2001, bought Asda – the
UK’s third biggest supermarket –three years ago
Recently the chain has faced a series of strikes over pay and conditions while it is under competition pressure from discount rivals Aldi and Lidl Mohsin is in charge of Asda while Zuber runs the brothers’ Blackburn-based EG Group empire which includes some 6,000 convenience and petrol stations
across 10 different countries Despite £5 billion debt incurred by the purchase of the supermarket chain, Mohsin said he was “here for the long haul” He also revealed he was carrying out a “reset” at the grocer before appointing a chief executive to take over its day-to-day management
The brothers were listed 40th on the Sunday Times’ Rich List last year with a net worth of £5 05bn Mohsin said: “We’ve not done bad to be honest It surpassed our dreams and visions ”
UK house prices rise for first time in a year
In Fe b ruar y, U K h ouse prices surpassed expectations by rising more than anticipated, marking their firs t a nn ua l in c rea se in over a year, as reported by le nde r Nati onw ide This growth adds to signs of a market rebound, supported b y eas ed mortg age rates
Compared to February of the previous year, the
average house price saw a 1 2% increase, following a s l i g h t 0 2 % d e c l i n e i n
January Economists surveyed by Reuters had projected a month-on-month increase of 0 3% and an annual increase of 0 7% Prices rose 0 7 per cent from January, taking the average property price to £260,420
R o b e r t G a r d n e r ,
N a t i o n w i d e ’ s c h i e f e c o n o m i s t , s a i d : “ T h e decline in borrowing costs around the turn of the year appears to have prompted an uptick in the housing market ”
The data contributes to mounting evidence indicating a recovery in the p r o p e r t y m a r k e t , w h i c h had been constrained by elevated borrowing costs
a f f e c t i n g h o m e b u y e r s throughout the previous y e a r A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Bank of England, mortg a g e a p p r o v a l s s u r g e d b e y o n d e x p e c t a t i o n s i n J a n u a r y , r e a c h i n g t h e highest level since October 2 0 2 2 A d d i t i o n a l l y , B o E data revealed a continued decline in mortgage rates from their peak levels in the summer of 2023
19 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
Issa brothers
India's GDP growth at 8.4% in 3rd quarter, fastest in 1.5 years
the f a s t e s t g r o w i n g m a j o r economy in the world
N S O h a s r e v i s e d u p w a r d s t h e s e c o n d a n d first quarters while revision to 2022-23 quarters also led to a favourable effect GDP growth for FY23 was revised to 7% from the earlier 7 2% T h e O c t - D e c g r o w t h
was also higher than R B I ’ p r o j e c t i o n o f
6 5 % T h e c e n t r a l bank had revised its
G D P g r o w t h projection to 7% for
2 0 2 3 - 2 4 f r o m t h e earlier 6 5%
R o b u s t 8 4 % GDP growth in Q3
2 0 2 3 - 2 4 s h o w s t h e strength of Indian economy and its potential Our efforts will continue to bring fast e c o n o m i c g r o w t h w h i c h s h a l l h e l p 1 , 4 0 0 m i l l i o n Indians lead a better life and create a Viksit Bharat,” PM M o d i p o s t e d o n microblogging site X after the data release
T h e f i n a n c e m i n i s t r y said India continues to be an o u t l i e r a n d r e m a i n s t h e
f a s t e s t - g r o w i n g m a j o r e c o n o m y i n t h e O c t - D e c 2023 quarter and it builds on t h e m o m e n t u m o f t h e p r e v i o u s q u a r t e r I t s a i d g r o w t h w a s b r o a d - b a s e d , driven by robust investment demand
T h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g sector recorded a doubled i g i t g r o w t h o f 1 1 6 % compared to a contraction o f 4 8 % i n t h e y e a r - a g o quarter, while construction grew 9 5% compared with similar expansion in the year e a r l i e r p e r i o d T h e f a r m s e c t o r r e m a i n e d a w o r r y with a contraction of 0 8% compared to an expansion of 5 2% in the third quarter of the previous year, largely i m p a c t e d b y p a t c h y monsoon rains
Government clears 3 semiconductor manufacturing projects worth £13 billion
The u ni o n g o vern men t c le are d pr o po sa ls fo r th ree se mi cond u ct or manufacturing units worth £13 billion, i n cl u di ng the co u nt ry ’ s f ir st f ab manu facturing plant by Tata Gro up a nd Tai wan es e Po werc hi p Semi co nduc tor Man ufa ctu ring Co rp ( PSMC) in Gujarat
This will be a big push to India’s electronics manufacturing set-up as t h e c h i p s w i l l b e m a d e w i t h i n t h e country for the first time The Cabinet n o d , w h i c h a l s o i n c l u d e s a p r o j e c t involving Japanese Renesas Electronics, f o l l o w s £ 2 2 b i l l i o n t e s t i n g a n d packaging unit project of US company Micron, that was approved in June last year (production is expected to happen by close of this year)
“India has taken a giant leap today in gaining a foothold in the coveted
chip manufacturing eco-system With t h e s e u n i t s , s e m i c o n d u c t o r manufacturing and its ecosystem will g e t e s t a b l i s h e d i n I n d i a , ” c o m m u n i c a t i o n s m i n i s t e r A s h w i n i
Vaishnaw said Tata Electronics will set up a £9 1 billion semiconductor fab project with PSMC at Dholera in Gujarat The plant will have a capacity to produce 50,000 wafers per month PSMC is renowned
combination of equity and/ or e q u i t y - l i n k e d i n s t r u m e n t s
for its expertise in logic and memory foundry segments
M i n i s t e r o f s t a t e f o r I T & electronics Rajeev Chandrasekhar said a slew of new proposals are in the pipeline and added that govt expects a total investment outlook of nearly £22 b i l l i o n C a b i n e t h a s a l s o a p p r o v e d s e m i c o n d u c t o r u n i t o f T a t a S e m i c o n d u c t o r A s s e m b l y a n d T e s t (TSAT) in Assam at an investment of £2 7 billion Renesas Electronics and T h a i l a n d ’ s S t a r s M i c r o e l e c t r o n i c s ’ s project in Sanand in Gujarat at an investment of £760 million has also got green signal Govt is close to approving a £ 9 b i l l i o n p r o p o s a l o f I s r a e l ’ s chipmaker Tower Semiconductors Vaishnaw said all the units will create nearly 26,000 direct jobs and another 100,000 indirect ones
NCLT approves Hinduja's bid to buy Reliance Capital
a revival It will finally kickst ar t inv estment s fo r net wo rk expans ion and l au nc h ing h ig h sp eed 5G s er v ices t o co mp et e wit h bigger rivals Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel
T h e c o m p a n y h a d b e e n promising to drive in massive i n v e s t m e n t s f o r l a s t n e a r l y three years, but had failed to m a t e r i a l i s e a c r e d i b l e a n d s u b s t a n t i a l f u n d i n g r o u n d , despite support from govt that went ahead to acquire a 33% e q u i t y i n t o t h e c o u n t r y ’ s third-largest telco in lieu of f u t u r e i n v e s t m e n t p a y o u t s towards it
The board of directors of Vodafone Idea, which is run b y a m a n a g e m e n t s p e a r h e a d e d b y o r i g i n a l promoters Aditya Birla Group ( o f K u m a r M a n g a l a m B i r l a ) a n d V o d a f o n e o f U Kapproved the funding where £ 2 b i l l i o n w i l l c o m e v i a a
The board also approved an a d d i t i o n a l £ 2 5 b i l l i o n o f investment, which would be m a n a g e d t h r o u g h a c o m b i n a t i o n o f e q u i t y a n d debt “The promoters will also p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e p r o p o s e d e q u i t y r a i s e , a s c o m m i t t e d earlier,” it said, without giving out further details
The move will be a relief for govt, which wants to have a t h r e e - p l a y e r p r i v a t e t e l c o market, as well as millions of Vodafone Idea’s customers (it h a s n e a r l y 2 2 3 m i l l i o n c u s t o m e r s d e s p i t e m i l l i o n s p o r t i n g o u t ) a n d f i n a n c i a l i n v e s t o r s , w h o h a d b e e n waiting to see the company get into an investment mode
“The equity and debt fundr a i s i n g w i l l e n a b l e t h e company to make investments towards significant expansion of 4G coverage, 5G network r o l l o u t a n d c a p a c i t y expansion These investments will enable the company to i m p r o v e i t s c o m p e t i t i v e positioning and offer a better c u s t o m e r e x p e r i e n c e , ”
RIL to merge Viacom18 with Disney’s Star in $8.5 billion deal
Rel i anc e I ndu s tr ie s and glo b al m edi a maj o r Wa lt D is n ey signed a binding pact to merge their media operations in India in a $8 5-billion deal, creating a behemoth with 120 TV channels and two digital OTT platforms
RIL-owned Viacom18 will be merged with Walt Disney’s local arm Star India, strengthening the Reliance’s hold over the country’s $28-billion media and entertainment industry Reliance, along with Viacom18, will own 63% in the merged entity, while Disney will hold the remaining 37%
Reliance will infuse $1 4 billion (£1 15 billion) in the m e r g e d c o m p a n y t o f i n a n c e i t s g r o w t h p l a n s a n d consequently, the transaction will value the new entity at $8 5 billion (£7 03 billion) The announcement comes after Japan’s Sony Corp terminated a $10-billion merger between its local arm and Zee Entertainment Enterprises
N i t a A m b a n i , w i f e o f R e l i a n c e c h a i r m a n M u k e s h Ambani, will lead the merged company ’ s board, while Uday Shankar, co-founder of Bodhi Tree Systems, will be its vice chairperson Nita’s appointment comes nearly six months after she quit RIL’s board to focus on philanthropy
The development marks Shankar’s return to Disney, where he was chairman of Star India After quitting Disney, Shankar joined hands with British-American businessman James Murdoch to set up Bodhi Tree Bodhi Tree, in which Qatar Investment Authority and NBC Universal & Sky-owner Comcast are also shareholders, own about 13% in Viacom18
GST collection surges to nearly £17 bn in February
Gross GST revenue rose by 12 5% year-on year to £16 8 billion in February, sustaining the strong momentum in the receipts as growth remains robust Average monthly gro ss GST collection for 2023-24 is £16 7 billion, exceeding the £15 bi ll i o n fo r 2 02 2- 2 3, ac c o rdi ng to a f in an ce m in i st ry statement This was the fourth highest mo nthly collection
The growth in Feb was driven by 13 9% rise in GST collection from domestic transactions and 8 5% increase in GST mop-up from import of goods GST revenue net of refunds for Feb 2024 was over £15 billion, a growth of 13 6% over same period last year
The statement said that gross GST collection reached £184 billion for 2023-24, up 11 7% year-on-year It said that GST revenue net of refunds as of Feb 2024 for the current fiscal year was £164 billion, which is a growth of 13% over the mop-up for same period last year “Overall, the GST revenue figures demonstrate continued growth momentum and positive performance,” according to the statement
Several measures taken by the government have helped p l u g l o o p h o l e s a n d r a i s e d c o m p l i a n c e , w h i l e r o b u s t economic growth has also helped in strong performance Experts said the trend in collection reflected the strong consumption momentum “Coming on the back of robust GDP numbers for the third quarter, the impressive GST collection figure is reflecting the broad-based consumption increase across sectors as GST is a consumption tax,” said M S Mani, partner at consulting firm Deloitte India
Tata Motors to split cars and commercial vehicle business
Tata Group is splitting its automobile business into two listed entities, separating its commercial vehicle (CV) unit from its passenger vehicle (PV) arm, which will house the money-making Jaguar Land Rover (JLR)
Once the restructure comes into effect, the group will have four entities from the automotive space listed on the bourses Apart from the CV and PV entities, the other two liste d
t o m o b i l e Corporation of Goa Current listed entity, Tata Motors, will continue to retain the CV business and its related investments such as Daewoo while the other company will house the PV business and its related investments including JLR There is no clarity whether the other company will be an operating or holding entity of the PV business Currently, the different segments of the PV business, such as the domestic electric cars, the domestic internal combustion engine four wheelers (Harrier) and international luxury products (Jaguar, Range Rover) are subsidiaries of Tata Motors Since 2021, the India CV and PV businesses as well as the international luxury vehicle unit, JLR, has been run independently under separate CEOs Tata Motors posted its first profit in five years in FY23, benefiting from the strength of its JLR business
20 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
my a
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the economy g r e w b y a f a s t e r - t h a nexpected 8 4% in the OctD e c q u a r t e r , h i g h e r t h a n upwardly revised 8 1% in the previous quarter and above 4 3% in the third quarter of 2022-23 N o w , N S O e s t i m a t e s 2 0 2 3 - 2 4 G D P g r o w t h a t 7 6%, above earlier estimate of 7 3%, making India
Indian economy grew at i t s f as te st pac e i n s i x quarters in the three months t o D ec , l ed by r o bu s t m anu f ac tu r in g an d
n sector
The st ro ng gr o wth has boosted govt's track record
f ha ndl in g t he e co n o
gai n st the ba ck dro p o f glo bal challenges ahead o f
he u pc o mi ng gen era l
ns D a t a r e l e a s e d b y
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National Company Law Tribunal has approved th e £9 65 mil l ion r e sol ut io n p l a n su bmit te d by Hind u ja ’ s Ind u sInd Int er na t io nal H ol d ing s (promoter of IndusInd Bank) for bankrupt Reliance Capital IIHL will bring in upfront £965 million in cash within 90 days of approval of the resolution plan This will give the company control of Reliance Capital, which has functioning subsidiaries in life and general insurance, as well as entities in securities broking and wealth management Of the £965 million IndusInd Holdings will bring, secured financial creditors who voted in favour of the resolution plan will receive £924 7 million - 43% of their admitted claims of £2 21 billion Of the remaining amount, unsecured financial creditors will receive around 4% of their claims, while operational creditors will receive nearly 4 4% of their claims Most of Reliance Capital’s creditors are investors in the company ’ s bonds They include LIC and EPFO The Hindujas will have to file an application with Irdai for a change in ownership of Reliance General Insurance and Reliance Nippon Life Insurance They have already applied for a change in ownership of Reliance Securities, Reliance Wealth Management, and Reliance Capital Two registered valuers placed Reliance Capital’s average liquidation value at £1 31 billion and the average fair value of the corporate debtor at £1 66 billion after lender to Reliance Capital initiated the corporate insolvency resolution process in Dec 2021 Vodafone Idea board approves £4.5 billion funding infusion Cash-strapped Vodafone Idea m o v ed ah ead wit h a m eg a funding round, after years of l o ss es, h ig h in ter es t o u t g o, heavy debt, and announced a fund-raise to the tune of £4 5 billion through a mix of equity and debt as the company looks to work out
after end
Vodafone Idea said
p a n i e s a r e T a t a T e c h n o l o g i e s a n
c o m
A Sikh musician, who was a part of a kirtan group in the US, was shot dead by armed miscreants outside a gurdwara in Alabama The incident took place on February 23 Raj Singh alias Goldy, a resident of Tanda Sahuwala village in Uttar Pradesh s Bijnor district, had gone to the gurdwara to perform kirtan He had been in the US with the group for the past one-and-a-half years After performing the kirtan with his group, Goldy was standing outside the gurdwara when unidentified miscreants shot him dead Goldy was the eldest in his family and the sole breadwinner His father, Dheere Singh, died five years ago He leaves behind his mother, two sisters and a younger brother The family has urged the government to make arrangements to bring the body back home for his cremation
Minita Sanghvi officially clinched the Democratic nomination for New York s 44th State Senate district Both the Saratoga County Democratic Committee and the Schenectady County Democratic Committee have endorsed her candidacy The 44th State Senate district encompassing Saratoga County Niskayuna and the City of Schenectady currently under Republican incumbent Jim Tedisco who has held the office for four decades, has witnessed a shifting political landscape While traditionally Republican, a surge in registered Democrats, outnumbering Republicans by nearly 6 000, signals changing demographics President Biden's clear triumph over Donald Trump in the 2020 election within the district further emphasises this pattern
A British-Indian couple faced charges in a London court for allegedly smuggling unapproved medical drugs from India to the US They are fighting the US government's bid to get them extradited Kiranjit Ghuman, 45, and Sukhijit Singh Ghuman, 46, who lives on a 23acre estate in Nottinghamshire England, were taken into custody last year based on a US extradition request Their extradition hearing is scheduled for three days starting September 16 As part of their bail conditions the couple must remain at home from midnight to 6 am Their passports US green cards and Kiranjit's Indian ID card have been confiscated by police
At least 36 people were killed and 41 others injured as heavy rains and snowfall lash different parts of Pakistan from Feb 27 till March 3 Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said The deceased included 21 children nine males and six females the NDMA mentioned in a situation report The northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province was the worst-hit region, where 27 people were killed followed by Balochistan province with five deaths, while four deaths were reported in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, it added A total of 469 houses were fully or partly destroyed and an estimated 61 livestock animals have perished, according to the report
Government data has revealed that the number of babies born in Japan last year declined for the eighth consecutive year, reaching a historic low According to the Health and Welfare Ministry there were 758 631 births in Japan in 2023 marking a 5 1% decrease from the previous year This figure represents the lowest number of births recorded since Japan began compiling statistics in 1899 A top official has emphasised the urgency for the country to reverse this trend within the next six years
Shehbaz takes oath as Pak PM, directs team to talk with IMF
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's Shehbaz
Sharif took the oath to officially become prime minister for a second time, nearly four weeks after an uncertai n national election caused delays in the formation of a coalition government Sharif, 72, officially took up office at a swearing-in ceremony at the presidential office in the nation's capital, Islamabad, a day after parliament elected him prime minister despite protests from lawmakers aligned with jailed former premier Imran Khan
His first meeting after the ceremony was with his finance
team, a statement from the prime minister's office said, adding that he directed them to begin talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on an extended funding facility The current agreement expires in April
"We got a mandate to improve country's economy and that's our government's top priority, the statement said
The Feb 8 election was marred by a mobile internet shutdown, arrests and violence in its build-up and the unusually delayed results triggered accusations that the vote was rigged Candidates backed by Khan gained the most seats but the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) agreed to form a coalition government
The PML-N is spearheaded by Shehbaz Sharif's elder brother,
three time premier Nawaz
Sharif, but he decided not to take the prime minister's post Economists, investors and foreign capitals would now be watching closely for an announcement by Sharif on the cabinet, especially the important finance portfolio The next finance minister will have to lead tough talks with the IMF to get a new multi-billion dollar funding agreement Former four-time finance minister Ishaq Dar remains the top contender though several other candidates were being seriously considered
Delay recognition of new Pak govt, lawmakers urge Biden
W A S H I N G T O N : C i t i n g “ st rong e vi den ce ” of ele ct ion rigging in Pakistan, a group of influential lawm akers, including Muslim legislators, belonging to ruling Democratic Party urged US President Joe Bi den to withhold “recognition” of a new govt in Islamab ad until a transparent and credible investigation i s conducted The Feb 8 general election, m a r r e d b y a l l e g a t i o n s o f widespread rigging, resulted in
a hung Parliament with independents backed by jailed former PM Imran Khan’s PTI winning over 90 seats in the 266m e m b e r N a t i o n a l A s s e m b l y
Lanka awards energy deal to India, scraps Chinese company's tender
CO LOMB O: Sri Lanka awarded the constructi on of three solar and wind hybri d power generation faciliti es to an Indian company after scrappi ng a tender won by a Chines e fi rm India has long been concerned about growi ng Chi nes e influenc e in the is lan d na tion , whi ch si ts near key global shipping lanes and which India c onsiders to be withi n its sphere of influence
T h e p r o j e c t , i n i t i a l l y f i n a n c e d b y a n A s i a n Development Bank (ADB) loan, was temporarily shelved two years ago after India raised concerns over China's involvement Sri Lanka's energy ministry said that the project had been revived and was now fully funded by an $11 million Indian gov-
ernment grant It added that renewables firm U-Solar from Bengaluru had been awarded the building contract
India's assistance "unders c o r e d t h e s i g n i f i c a n c e N e w Delhi attached to bilateral energ y p a r t n e r s h i p " , t h e I n d i a n embassy said in a statement
The three facilities will have a combined 2,230 kilowatts of renewable energy capacity and be located on islets near the northern city of Jaffna, not far from India's southern coast China and India have been competing for major infrastruct u r e p r o j e c t s i n S r i L a n k a , w h i c h i s c u r r e n t l y e m e r g i n g from its worst economic crisis s i n c e i n d e p e n d e n c e f r o m Britain in 1948
E x - p r e m i e r N a w a z S h a r i f ’ s
PML-N bagged 75 seats and former foreign minister Bilawal B h u t t o ’ s P P P g o t 5 4 s e a t s Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan won 17 seats In a joint letter to President Biden and s e c r e t a r y o f s t a t e A n t o n y Blinken, lawmakers expressed concerns about “pre-and postpoll rigging in Pakistan’s parliamentary elections” and urged U S C o n g r e s s t o “ w i t h h o l d recognition of a new govt in
P a k i s t a n u n t i l a t h o r o u g h , transparent, and credible investigation of election interference has been conducted” Islamabad is a long-standing ally of Washington and it is in the interest of the US to ensure that democracy thrives in Pakistan and that election results reflect the interests of the Pakistani people, not the interests of the Pakistani elite and military, the letter sent to Biden said
46 killed, 75 injured in Bangladesh building fire
D H A K A : A ma ssi ve fir e i n Bangladesh that raged through a si x -st or e y b uil di ng hom e t o restaurant s where many families with children wer e dining has k ille d a t l ea s t 4 6 pe op le , t h e health minister said At least 75 other people were injured, fire officials said Fire authorities said a gas leak or a stove could have caused the blaze in the capital, which spread quickly after breaking out in a biryani restaurant, and was only brought under control following two hours of effort by 13 units of firefighters Witnesses said the building had one staircase and elevator, with no emergency exit, making escape difficult Some people trapped inside jumped from higher floors, they said Hospitals were treating 22 people with burns, health minister Samanta Lal Sen said “All 22
Indian businessman donates £250,000 to free 900 prisoners in UAE
DUBAI : An Indian businessman and ph il anthro p is t d o nated 1 m il lio n dirhams (approximately £250 ,00 0) to secure the release of 900 prisoners from jails across th e Gulf nation since the beginning of 2024 He aims to get 3,000 prisoners released this year
Firoz Merchant, 66, owner of Pure Gold Jewellers, donated 1 million dirhams to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) authorities He is based in Dubai This is a message of humility, humanity, forgiveness and kindness ahead of Ramzan, Firoz Merchant's office said
Merchant, known for his 'The Forgotten Society' initiative, has already facilitated the release of 900 prisoners since the beginning of 2024
This included 495 prisoners from Ajman, 170 prisoners from Fujairah, 121 prisoners from Dubai, 69 prisoners from Umm Al Quwain, and 28 from Ras Al Khaimah, according to Maagulf news portal Merchant also paid their debts and provided airfare for them to return home, aiming to reunite families and offer a second shot at life, according to Maagulf, an online news portal for the Telugu community residing in the Gulf His goal for 2024 is to help over 3,000 prisoners go free
In conjunction with the Director Generals of Police at the Central Jails across the UAE, Merchant's initiative has helped over 20,000 prisoners over the years, earning him accolades from government officials and prisoners alike
people are in critical condition,” Sen said after a visit to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital
The fire could have originated from a gas leak or stove, said Brigadier General Main Uddin, a fire service official “It was a dangerous building with gas cylinders on every floor, even on the stairs,” he said, adding that it had a single staircase, lacking ventilation, an emergency exit and other safety features “The cause of the fire is being investigated,” he said The govt has set up a five-member panel to investigate the incident
Two Pakistanis charged over calls for Dutch far-right leader's murder
THE HAGUE : Dutch prosecu tors have anno unced that two Pakistani nationals will stand trial for inciting the mu rder of anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders They have requested legal assistance from Islamabad regarding the matter Last September, judges sentenced Pakistani cricketer Khalid Latif to 12 years in priso n for urging individuals to kill Wilders
This came after Wilders organised a competition for cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed The Public Prosecution Service is pursuing charges against two Pakistani nationals, aged 55 and 29, identified as a religious leader and a political leader respectively, for encouraging their followers to assassinate a Dutch Member of Parliament
"This was done both during meetings and on social media through video and text messages," it said in a statement
The religious leader allegedly called for Wilders' murder as his followers would be "rewarded in the afterlife", while the political leader said since Latif's conviction it was "up to his own followers to carry out the task"
The trial of the two men is scheduled to take place at a heavily fortified courthouse near Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on September 2nd
21 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
in brief
Shehbaz Sharif
Joe Biden
Haley wins District of Columbia's Republican primary
COLUMB IA: Ni kki Haley has won the Republican primary in the District of Columbia, notching her first victory of the 2024 campaign
Her victory on Sunday at least temporarily halts Donald Trump's sweep of the GOP voting contests, although the former president is bound to pick up several hundred more deleg a t e s i n t h i s w e e k ' s S u p e r Tuesday races
D e s p i t e h e r e a r l y l o s s e s , Haley has said she would remain in the race at least through those c o n t e s t s , a l t h o u g h s h e h a s declined to name any primary s h e f e l t c o n f i d e n t s h e w o u l d win Following last week's loss in h e r h o m e s t a t e o f S o u t h C a r o l i n a , H a l e y r e m a i n e d
Nikki Haley
a d a m a n t t h a t v o t e r s i n t h e places that followed deserved an alternative to Trump despite his dominance thus far in the campaign
Washington is one of the most heavily Democratic jurisdictions in the nation, with only a b o u t 2 3 , 0 0 0 r e g i s t e r e d R e p u b l i c a n s i n t h e c i t y Democrat Joe Biden won the
district in the 2020 general election with 92 per cent of the vote H a l e y h e l d a r a l l y i n t h e nation's capital before heading back to North Carolina and a series of states holding Super T u e s d a y p r i m a r i e s S h e j o k e d with more than 100 supporters inside a hotel ballroom, “Who says there s no Republicans in D C , come on ”
"We're trying to make sure that we touch every hand that we can and speak to every person," Haley said A s s h e g a v e h e r s t a n d a r d c a m p a i g n s p e e c h , c r i t i c i z i n g Trump for running up federal deficit, one rally goer bellowed, "He cannot win a general elect i o n I t ' s m a d n e s s " T h a t p r o m p t e d a g r e e m e n t f r o m
Indian origin accused in US of evading duties worth millions of dollars
NEW J ER SEY: An Indian jeweller based out of Mumbai and New Jer sey ha s been indicted on allegations of illegally evading cust oms duties on millions of dollars' worth of jewe llery import ed into the United States He is a lso facing accusations of r unning unlicensed mone y tr ansfe r ope rations
Monishkumar Kirankumar Doshi Shah, 39, was nabbed over the weekend and brought before US magistrate judge Andre M Espinosa in Newark federal court on February 26 He managed to secure release on a $100,000 bond but with strict conditions, including home detention and location monitoring
The charges against Shah include one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of operating an unlicensed money transfer business
According to the court documents, it is s t a t e d t h a t b e t w e e n J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 a n d
September 2023, Shah schemed to dodge customs duties on jewellery shipments from Turkey and India to the US
According to court documents, Shah sent goods from Turkey or India, which would have attracted a 5 5% duty if sent directly to the US, to one of Shah's companies in South Korea
Shah's partners in South Korea allegedly tweaked the labels on the jewellery to make it appear as if they originated from South Korea, thus avoiding the duty These altered shipments would then be sent to Shah or his customers in the US
In addition to this, Shah stands accused of creating fake invoices and packing lists, and instructing his customers to do the same, to falsely claim that the jewellery was ordered from Turkey or India by his South Korean companies
Indian tycoon in US told to pay £2 billion to 4 brothers
LOS ANGELE S: A United States jury ordered a hefty multi billion-dollar sum in damages in a l egal feud involving five Indian-origin brothers
The verdict came in a 21-year-old land dispute wherein Haresh Jogani was ordered to pay his four brothers over £2 billion in damages and further divide up shares of t h e i r p r o p e r t y e m p i r e i n S o u t h e r n California, as per a report The property empire includes about 17,000 apartments worth billions of dollars
The 2003 lawsuit, which finally came to a head with a jury awarding billions and property division, had undergone 18 appeals, generations of attorneys and five judges in the Los Angeles Superior Court The trial began o v e r a l l e g a t i o n s t h a t H a r e s h J o g a n i h a d breached a long-standing partnership with his siblings As per reports, the hearing on
punitive damages is listed , and it could see an addition to the existing £2 billion award
The case has also drawn parallels from some lawyers to the fictional Victorian-era p r o b a t e c a s e t h a t t h e f a m o u s C h a r l e s Dickens wrote about in his novel - Bleak House Jogani v Jogani is the new Jarndyce v J a r n d y c e , b u t w i t h a t w i s t , B l o o m b e r g reported
"At the end of the book (Bleak House), there was no money, hence the name That is not the case here There are billions here that remain to be distributed," the report quoted one of the attorneys representing Chetan and Rajesh Jogani The Jogani brothers, natives of Gujarat, erected a fortune in the global diamond trade, with a presence in E u r o p e , A f r i c a , N o r t h A m e r i c a a n d t h e Middle East
Envoy thanks for assisting Indians in quake
TO KYO : India’s Ambassador to Japan reaffirmed New Delhi’s solidarity with the quakehit Ishikawa Prefecture and thanked its governor for extending assistance to the Indian community there
The 7 6 magnitude earthquake, which struck Japan’s northernmost peninsula of Noto on January 1, killed 241 people, 15 of whom died due to indirect causes, according to The Japan Times newspaper
A m b a s s a d o r S i b i G e o r g e m e t t h e Governor of the Ishikawa Prefecture, where the Noto peninsula is located, and expressed condolences for the loss of lives caused by the earthquake
“Ambassador @AmbSibiGeorge visited
# I s h i k a w a P r e f e c t u r e & m e t H o n ’ b l e
Governor, Mr Hiroshi Hase Expressed his condolences for (the) loss of lives due to (the) N o t o P e n i n s u l a e a r t h q u a k e , ” t h e I n d i a n Embassy in Japan said in a post on X “ T h a n k e d f o r a s s i s t a n c e e x t e n d e d t o Indians in #Ishikawa and reiterated India’s solidarity to Ishikawa and Japan,” it said External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar is scheduled to visit Japan next week for talks with his counterpart and other leaders
The Indian Embassy in Japan had set up an emergency control room for Indians who wanted any assistance following the series of strong earthquakes that jolted the country’s western coastline
Haley, who argues that she can deny Biden a second term but Trump won't be able to W h i l e c a m p a i g n i n g a s a n avowed conservative, Haley has tended to perform better among m o r e m o d e r a t e a n d i n d e p e ndent-leaning voters
Four in 10 Haley supporters in South Carolina s GOP primary were self-described moderates, compared with 15 per cent f o r T r u m p , a c c o r d i n g t o A P VoteCast, a survey of more than 2,400 voters taking part in the R e p u b l i c a n p r i m a r y i n S o u t h Carolina, conducted for AP by N O R C a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Chicago On the other hand, 8 in 10 Trump supporters identified as conservatives, compared to about half of Haley's backers
UK airline employee allegedly helped Indians enter Canada illegally to claim asylum
OT TAWA: A report from media stated that a former British Airways employee has reportedly fled to India after being arrested for allegedly aiding Indian citizens in bypassing immigration laws to claim asylum in Canada
T h e i n d i v i d u a l , w h o w o r k e d a t Heathrow airport in London, UK, allegedly facilitated individuals lacking proper docum e n t a t i o n t o b o a r d f l i g h t s t o C a n a d a , where they intended to claim asylum upon arrival It's claimed that he charged £25,000 per person or approximately $43,000 for this service The alleged scheme is believed to have generated £3 million or over $5 1 million
A c c o r d i n g t o t h e T i m e s o f L o n d o n , Canadian immigration officials raised concerns after noticing an influx of people flying to Toronto or Vancouver without proper documentation, and claiming asylum
Typically, airline staff are responsible for verifying passengers' eligibility to travel to their intended destinations However, leveraging his position at British Airways, t h e 2 4 - y e a r - o l d r e p o r t e d l y m a n a g e d t o deceive authorities by falsely asserting that his victims possessed the necessary documentation for travel to Canada Allegedly, t h e f o r m e r e m p l o y e e ' s m o d u s o p e r a n d i involved ensuring that prospective immigrants approached his check-in desk at the airport Subsequently, during the boarding process, he purportedly met them again and falsely arrested for the second time that they possessed the required documents
Nobel laureate Yunus granted bail in graft case
D HAK A: A co urt in Bangladesh granted bail to Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus in a $2 3 million embezzlement case
Yunus, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for pioneering the use of microcredit to help impoverished people, was sentenced to six months in prison in January on a separate charge of violating labour laws He was granted bail in that case too and has appealed Prosecutor Mir Ahmmad Ali Salam said the embezzlement case involves a workers welfare fund of Grameen Telecom, which owns 34 2% of the country’s largest mobile p h o n e c o m p a n y , G r a m e e n p h o n e , a s u bsidiary of Norway’s telecom giant Telenor
“The charges involve the embezzlement of over 250 million takas and money laundering The accused gave the money to trade union leaders instead of the workers This way they deprived the ordinary workers of their rightful earnings,” Salam said
in brief
A media report that China has agreed to extend the repayment period for a $2 billion debt on the same terms after initially pushing for an increase in the price This development comes as Pakistan s strategy of bolstering foreign exchange reserves through deposits from three countries is proving expensive due to a significant 118% rise in interest costs The agreement with Beijing entails extending the maturity of the $2 billion loan, which is due on March 23, coinciding with Pakistan Day According to sources, China had initially proposed raising the interest rate on the $2 billion debt Currently, Pakistan is paying an interest rate of 7 1%
Sri Lanka’s national airline blamed a rat for grounding a plane for three days sparking chaotic delays and fears it will scare off investors for the cash-strapped carrier The stowaway rodent was spotted enjoying the Sri Lankan Airlines Airbus A330 flight from Lahore, triggering a search to ensure it had not chewed through critical components An official said the plane has now resumed flights but the grounding had a knockon effect “The plane could not be flown without making sure that the rat was accounted for It was found dead The state-owned airline which had accumulated losses of over $1 8 billion has three other aircraft grounded for over a year out of a fleet of 23 The carrier has no foreign exchange to pay for mandatory overhauling of the engines
An Iranian singer who won a Grammy presented by US first lady Jill Biden has been sentenced to over three years in prison over his anthem supporting the 2022 protests over the death of Mahsa Amini Shervin Hajipour posted on Instagram, the same day Iran held its parliamentary election what appeared to be part of the judgment against him It said Hajipour received a three-year eight-month sentence “for the propaganda against the system” and “encouraging people to protest ” The court issued its sentence in part because it found he hadn t properly expressed regret over the song It imposed a two-year travel ban and ordered him to create a song on US crimes ” and post about those crimes online
Satirical French newspaper La Bougie du Sapeur only comes out on Feb 29 It’s a leap year-only publication, filled with cringe-worthy puns and commentary on events of the past four years The 2024 edition includes an article suggesting France doesn t need schools anymore thanks to AI Another floats the idea of dismantling Eiffel Tower during Paris Olympics to curb security risks - and having IKEA produce a manual for rebuilding it Some friends started the newspaper as a joke in 1980 naming it after a comic book figure who was born on Feb 29 The last edition - in 2020 as the world went into Covid-19 lockdownssold 120,000 copies Its revenue goes mainly to a charity for people with disabilities
France took a step closer to enshrining access to abortion in its constitution, after senators backed a bill to include it as a guaranteed freedom Before the constitutional amendment becomes official it must receive approval by three-fifths of all lawmakers in a special meeting called a congress which is planned and considered to be a rubber stamp since both houses have already supported the bill While many politicians consider the move natural for the country that produced the universal rights of man, they also conceded the trigger came with US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade
22 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant celebrate love and tradition at pre-wedding fete
The highly anticipated wedding of Anant Ambani, youngest son of Reliance chairman Mukesh Ambani, to Radhika Merchant, daughter of industrialist Viren Merchant, commenced with a star-studded pre-wedding extravaganza in Gujarat's Jamnagar. The opulent celebrations, spanning from March 1st to 3rd, captivated attendees and onlookers alike.
Jamnagar, a city nestled in the arid landscapes of Gujarat and boasting a population of approximately 600,000, holds deep attachment to the Ambani family as their ancestral hometown and the location of the flagship oil refinery of Reliance Industries. The wedding festivities also included traditional ceremonies held at a temple complex, adding cultural richness to the occasion.
The scale of the event was unprecedented for Jamnagar, with the city experiencing a surge in flight movements due to the influx of guests. According to airport officials, a record-breaking 70 flights, including 14 international ones, landed during this period, reflecting the grandeur of the occasion.
The celebrations commenced with a heartfelt 'anna seva' ceremony in Jogwad village near Reliance Township, where the Ambani and Merchant families, along with esteemed guests, served traditional Gujarati cuisine to over 51,000 local residents. Mukesh Ambani, Anant Ambani, Radhika Merchant, and her family actively participated in the event, fostering a sense of community and generosity.
Nita and Mukesh's pre-wedding festivities reportedly cost £120 million, with the catering contract alone rumoured to be around £20 million. Day 1, dubbed 'An Evening in Everland,' featured elegant cocktail attire, with American floral designer Jeff Leatham overseeing intricate flower arrangements. On day 2, 'A Walk on the Wildside' took place at the Ambanis' animal rescue centre, Vantara, with junglethemed decor. The final day, 'Maha Aarti,' showcased India-inspired decor with abundant white floral strings and lighting.
Billionaires to Bollywood royalty attended the pre- wedding
The pre-wedding festivities attracted nearly 1,200 guests, including esteemed figures ranging from billionaires to Bollywood royalty. Among the notable attendees were Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, global sensation Rihanna, and musician Adam Blackstone.
Bollywood power couple
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone made a highly anticipated appearance, marking their first public outing since announcing their pregnancy. Other prominent Bollywood figures, including Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Rani Mukerji, graced the event alongside political leaders like Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Aaditya Thackeray and Amruta Fadnavis. The guest list also included luminaries such as Bill Gates, Indian tycoons Gautam Adani and Kumar Mangalam Birla,
as well as cricketing stars and global business leaders.
The extravagant three-day prewedding celebration transformed into a Bollywood spectacle, with each day offering unique highlights. Day one dazzled with romantic dances and a mesmerising performance by global icon Rihanna. Day two embraced a wildlife theme, accompanied by cultural celebrations and an electrifying dance by the iconic Khan trio. The grand finale on day three featured stellar musical performances by Shreya Ghoshal, Arijit Singh, Akon, and Lucky Ali, leaving guests in awe. Additionally, heartfelt sentiments
were conveyed through handwritten letters, adding a personal touch to the festivities.
I see my father in Anant: Mukesh
In an emotional address that invoked the Indian tradition of ‘Atithi Devo Bhav’ and family values, Mukesh Ambani told his assembled guests, “As Anant and Radhika embark on a journey of a lifelong partnership, your blessings will yield a perennial harvest of good fortune whose abundance will
never diminish.”
“Today, my father Dhirubhai is also showering his profuse blessings from high up in the heavens. I am sure he is doubly happy because we are celebrating this joyous day in the life of his favourite grandson, Anant, in Jamnagar,” said Ambani.
“Jamnagar became the karma bhoomi for my father and me… a place where we found our mission, passion, and purpose. It was totally barren land 30 years ago. What you see now is the realisation of Dhirubhai’s dream. Jamnagar became the turning point in the history of Reliance. It continues to be a place where we launch futuristic
businesses and unique philanthropic initiatives… In all humility, I say that Jamnagar will give you a glimpse of the rise of a New India
that is vibrant, optimistic, and full of self-confidence.”
Complimenting the young couple, Ambani said, "Anant means infinite. I see infinite potential in Anant. I see my father Dhirubhai in
him…..his name ‘can do, will do, nothing is impossible' attitude. And in Radhika, he has found an ideal life partner. She is a reservoir of immense creative energy, a quiet fountain of love and care. Quite aptly, Radhika is the name of Lord Krishna’s favourite consort. Radhika and Anant... Yeh to rab ne bana di jodi!”
Vantara, the 3000-acre animal shelter launched by Anant Anant Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries, has announced the launch of his ambitious wildlife preservation project, which is all set to become the world's largest zoo and rehabilitation centre. Named 'Vantara,' meaning 'Star Of The Forest,' this initiative spans 3,000 acres within Reliance's Jamnagar Refinery Complex, renowned as the Green Belt Of Gujarat. A brainchild of Anant, Vantara aims to serve as a haven for abused, injured, and endangered animals, offering comprehensive rehabili-
tation rather than mere zoo facilities.
Supported by Reliance Industries and Reliance Foundation, Vantara collaborates with esteemed organisations like
IUCN and WWF. The facility boasts state-of-the-art healthcare, research, and academic amenities, focusing on global animal rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Since its inception, Vantara has saved over 200 elephants and numerous critical species, with collaborations expanding globally to centres in Mexico and Venezuela.
Anant, the visionary behind Vantara, sees the project as both a monumental conservation effort and a beacon of hope for global biodiversity. Rooted in the philosophy of 'jeev seva' or caring for animals, inspired by Swami
Vivekananda, Vantara aims to protect critically endangered species native to India and restore vital habitats.
AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan
Rajnikanth with his family
Bollywood actors (L-R): Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone
Sadhguru Salman Khan
Ex cricketer Sachin Tendulkar with his wife Anjali
Ivanka Trump with her family
META CEO Mark Zukerberg with his wife Priscilla Chan
Microsoft Co-founder Bill Gates with his girlfriend Paula Hurd
Pop sensation Rihanna
Shah Rukh Khan with his family
Spirtual Guru Rameshbhai Oza (Right)
(L-R): Mukesh, Anant and Nita Ambani
Bomb threat mail claims blast to rock Bengaluru, demands $2.5 million
B E NG A LU RU : K a rna t ak a c hie f minister Siddaramaiah and several c a bi net m in iste rs on T u esd ay received a threat mail According to r epor ts, t he ema il w as sent b y a person named Shahid Khan, who has c laimed that an explosion will rock Bengaluru at 2:48 pm on Saturday
"What are your thoughts on t h e m o v i e t r a i l e r ? I f y o u d o n ' t provide us with 2 5 million dollars, we will cause large explosions on buses, trains, temples, hotels and p u b l i c a r e a s t h r o u g h o u t Karnataka," the mail read
We want to show you one m o r e t r a i l e r W e a r e g o i n g t o explode the next one in the Ambari Utsav bus After the Ambari Utsav b u s b l a s t , w e w i l l r a i s e o u r demands on social media And will upload screenshots of the mail sent to you on social media We will tweet information about the next explosion," it stated
The email has threatened that the explosion will take place at
b u s y p l a c e s l i k e r e s t a u r a n t s , temples, buses or trains, targeting CM Siddaramaiah, deputy CM DK Shivakumar, state home minister and the Bengaluru top cop, the report added
According to the report, the email demanded a ransom of $2 5 m i l l i o n d o l l a r s , o r r o u g h l y £ 2 million to refrain from bombing the city A case has been registered and investigation is underway O n t h e b o m b t h r e a t m a i l , Shivakumar said: “We don’t know whether it is bogus, fraud, true, false or blackmailer We have sent it to our police officers They are on the job ”
PM Modi flays DMK over 'China flag on Indian rocket' ad
CHE NNAI: PM Narendra
M o di a cc u s ed Tami l N adu ’ s go v ern in g par ty DMK of neglecting India’s achievements in the space s e ct o r a ft er an advertisement placed by a state minister in a lo cal n ews pap er s ho wed a rocket with a Chinese flag on its nose cone
“DMK is a party that doesn’t do much work, but is always ready to take false credit We all know that DMK tries to take credit for our schemes This time, they’ve crossed all limits,” he said, addressing a public gathering in Tirunelveli His remarks followed his participation in the foundation stone-laying ceremony for a new space vehicle launch complex at Kulasekarapattinam in Tuticorin district “DMK’s advertisement today is hilarious They have insulted Indian science and Indian space sector, for which they must apologise,” the PM tweeted later S t a t e f i s h e r i e s m i n i s t e r A n i t h a R a d h a k r i s h n a n , w h o represents Tiruchendur constituency where the space complex is coming up, had placed the advertisement on the event It showed images of Modi and CM MK Stalin against a backdrop of rockets One of the rockets prominently displayed a Chinese flag, while others featured Chinese lettering Radhakrishnan could not be reached for comment
D M K M P K a n i m o z h i a t t r i b u t e d t h e m i s t a k e t o a r t i s t r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a r t w o r k S h e a l s o r e f e r e n c e d M o d i ’ s 2 0 1 9 meeting with Chinese premier Xi Jinping in Mahabalipuram “And, moreover, China was not declared our enemy, ” she said
HC directive to Haryana govt on granting parole to Dera chief
CH AN D I G A R H : Pu n j ab an d
Haryana high court has directed Haryana govt “not to consider” an y appli cati on for paro le b y Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet R am Rahi m “ wit ho u t pe rmi s s io n o f thi s co u r t” K hattar’s govt has been facing c ri t ic i sm fo r be in g le ni en t towards the controversial Sirsa preacher by frequently releasing him on parole and furlough
“We would like Haryana to furnish an affidavit as to how m a n y p e r s o n s h a v i n g s u c h c r i m i n a l a n t e c e d e n t s a n d
sentenced in three cases have been granted this benefit In the meantime, the respondent (Dera chief) may surrender on March
PM Modi slams TMC for Sandeshkhali violence
AR AM BA G ( HOO G HL Y): Prime
M ini ste r N arend ra M o di
l aunch ed BJ P’ s L ok Sabh a c amp ai gn i n Bengal f rom Ho o gh ly’ s A ramba g, us ing Sandeshkhali as a metaphor for every alleged wrong in the state, and telling women and Muslims th at C M Mam ata Banerj ee ’ s T ri na mo ol C o ngres s w as working against their interest
Much of Modi’s 29-minute speech focused on Sandeshkhali, which arrested TMC strongman Sheikh Shahjahan allegedly used to lord over, and was peppered w i t h a p p e a l s t o “ B e n g a l ’ s mothers, sisters and daughters” n o t t o v o t e f o r T M C " W h a t Trinamool did to Sandeshkhali's sisters and daughters crossed all l i m i t s T h e m a s t e r m i n d w a s a r r e s t e d a f t e r n e a r l y t w o months," the PM said T h e P M w a s r e f e r r i n g t o Shahjahan being traced from a hideout near his troubled turf after being on the run for 55 days “Someone must have been there to protect him,” Modi told the crowd
“The country is sad and angry at what Trinamool has done in Sandeshkhali Rammohun Roy, who did so much for women's
empowerment, would have wept had he witnessed what happened t h e r e W i l l y o u f o r g i v e T r i n a m o o l ? W o n ' t y o u t a k e revenge for what it has done?" P o i n t i n g t o M L A S u v e n d u A d h i k a r i a n d s t a t e B J P c h i e f Sukanta Majumdar on the dais, the PM said that all this while, his party's Bengal leadership braved police's baton charge "to protect Sandeshkhali’s women ” "Police w e r e f o r c e d t o a r r e s t t h e S a n d e s h k h a l i m a s t e r m i n d , " h e said M o d i a l l e g e d t h a t B e n g a l under Trinamool had "plumbed t h e d e p t h s o f c o r r u p t i o n a n d crime" "They have created a new m o d e l o f c o r r u p t i o n F r o m t e a c h e r s ' r e c r u i t m e n t t o municipality appointment, from land grab to chit funds to cattlesmuggling, Trinamool is deep in scams The piles of cash seized from their leaders' homes have not been seen even in cinema "
10 , ” HC said A c c o r d i n g t o reports, Dera chief had remained out of jail for 232 days in the past two years He is on parole at present and will have to report back to jail on March 10 following the 50-day tenure okayed on Jan 20 A d i v i s i o n b e n c h comprising acting chief justice G S Sandhawalia and Justice Lapita B a n e r j i , p a s s e d t h e s e o r d e r s while hearing a plea filed by
S h i r o m a n i G u r d w a r a P a r b h a n d h a k C o m m i t t e e (SGPC) A f t e r g o i n g t h r o u g h a detailed chart of Dera chief’s release at different times, HC said it made interesting reading, keeping in view the background and antecedents of Dera chief, who has been released for 91 days each in 2022 and 2023
I n F e b 2 0 2 3 , S G P C h a d a p p r o a c h e d t h e H C s e e k i n g c a n c e l l a t i o n o f t h e 4 0 - d a y parole granted by Haryana to the Dera chief at the time
Bengal refuses to hand over Shahjahan to CBI, goes to Supreme Court
KOLKA TA: The Bengal government has refused to hand over custody of Sheikh Shahjahan - the former Trinamool str ongman accused of extort ion, land gr ab, and sexual assault in Bengal's Sandeshkhali - to the CBI despite a Calcutta High Cour t's order on Tuesday to the police's criminal investigation department, or CID
The court had directed the police to transfer custody of Shahjahan, as well as case materials, by 4 30 pm At 7 30 pm a CBI team left the police HQ in Kolkata empty-handed The reason - the state has approached the Supreme Court, and so refused to release Shahjahan till the top court's ruling The Bengal government had asked for an immediate hearing, but it was turned down The Supreme Court directed senior advocate Abhishek Singhvi, appearing for the state, to mention its plea before the Registrar-General, in accordance with the rules
Earlier on Tuesday the High Court held the state police to be " t o t a l l y b i a s e d " a n d c a l l e d f o r a " f a i r , h o n e s t , a n d c o m p l e t e investigation" into the allegations against Shahjahan "There can be no better case than this which requires to be transferred (and) to be investigated by the CBI," it observed
A High Court bench led by Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam set aside an earlier order setting up a special investigative team - of CBI and state police officials - and transferred the case to the central agency
Both the Enforcement Directorate and the state moved separate challenges to that order; the ED wanted the case to be given to the CBI only, while the state wanted the police to handle the probe
Shahjahan had been on the run since January 5, when a team of Enforcement Directorate officials were attacked by a mob of his supporters while en route to conduct raids The ED said it had provisionally attached movable and immovable assets worth £1 27 million in connection with the Shahjahan case
The attack and Shahjahan's disappearance sparked a huge political row; the ruling Trinamool was targeted by the BJP, which accused Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's party of protecting him
in brief
The anti-terror federal probe agency NIA has taken over the probe into Bengaluru s The Rameshwaram Cafe blast as it has registered an FIR of its own following a direction given to it by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) officials said The officials said the case has been handed over to the NIA by the MHA after a team of the federal anti-terror probe agency visited the blast site last week This development also comes a day after Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said his government might consider handing over the probe to the NIA if the need arose The suspected act of terror (low-intensity blast) took place at the cafe on March 1 in Bengaluru s Whitefield area, where several people were injured in the explosion that took place during the busy lunch hour The police had also found a suspect in the CCTV footage, who kept a bag inside the cafe As per the initial investigation conducted by the police, an IED device with a timer was used to carry out the explosion
The Supreme Court pulled up Tamil Nadu minister Udhayanidhi Stalin for seeking either quashing or clubbing at one place of six FIRs filed in five states for his alleged hate speech for eradication of ‘Sanatan Dharma’ A division bench SC tersely told Udhayanidhi – “You abuse your right under Article 19 (guaranteeing free speech) and Article 25 (freedom to practice and profess any religion) and then come to us invoking Article 32 (right to approach SC directly for breach of fundamental right) ” An FIR each has been lodged in UP Maharashtra Karnataka and Jammu and Kashmir while two were filed in Bihar against the TN minister who is son of CM M K Stalin Justice Datta said You (Udhayanidhi) is not a layman You are a minister You know the consequences of your utterances
The Budget session of the Punjab Assembly resumed with pandemonium prevailing in the House as Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann along with AAP MLAs engaged in heated arguments with the opposition legislators Unruly scenes broke out in the Assembly after CM Mann handed over a lock and key to the Speaker asking him to lock the Opposition MLAs inside the House so that they don’t walk out during a discussion Leader of Opposition and Congress MLA Partap Singh Bajwa along with other party MLAs strongly objected to Mann s statement Later, a heated argument took place between the AAP and Congress legislators in the House
Calcutta High Court Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay - who confirmed his resignation - has said he will join the Bharatiya Janata Party possibly on March 7 Speaking to reporters he also praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whom he called a "very hardworking man", and ripped into the ruling Trinamool, which he declared had "inspired" him to enter politics "Trinamool is imploding it means corruption PM Modi is a very hardworking man and he is trying to do something for this country he declared and took swipes at the other opposition parties, "I believe in God and religion, but CPIM does not and the Congress is the zamindari of one family " There is speculation he could contest the Tamluk seat, which has been a bastion of the ruling Trinamool Congress in recent elections; the party has held it since the 2009 election The seat was held by Suvendu Adhikari (between 2009 and 2016, when he quit), who was widely seen as Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's right-hand man till his switch to the BJP
SOUTH INDIA 24 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly
9 - 15 March 2024
MK Stalin & Narendra Modi
Narendra Modi
Gurmeet Ram Rahim
UAE's first Hindu stone temple draws over 65,000 visitors
The UAE's inaugural stone Hi nd u tem pl e w elco m ed ap p roxi m ately 6 5, 0 0 0 pi lg ri ms o n its fi rst S u nday open to the public Following its inauguration by Mahant Swami Maharaj in the presenc e o f P rim e M ini ster N arnd ra M od i , the BA P S Hindu Mandir saw approximately 40,000 visitors in the morning and another 25,000 i n th e e veni ng , to tali ng 6 5,000 by day's end
Appreciating the crowd management, Sumant Rai, o n e o f t h e v i s i t o r s s a i d , " N e v e r h a v e I s e e n s u c h amazing order in the midst of thousands of people I was worried I would have to wait for hours and not be able to do darshan peacefully, but we had amazing darshan and w e r e e x t r e m e l y s a t i s f i e d Hats off to all the BAPS volunteers and mandir staff," he added
Highlighting the architecture of the temple, Louis f r o m M e x i c o s a i d , " T h e
a r c h i t e c t u r e a n d i n t r i c a t e d e t a i l s i n t h e s t o n e s a r e amazing I really appreciate getting to see the cultural h e r i t a g e o f I n d i a P e o p l e , come join!" Pointing out the d i p l o m a t i c s i g n i f i c a n c e o f the temple, US-based Piyush said, "The opening of this Mandir is a testament to the UAE's commitment to divers i t y a n d i n c l u s i o n I t ' s a beautiful representation of unity among different com-
munities "
To celebrate the weekend visits to the Mandir, the U A E g o v e r n m e n t i n t r oduced a new bus route (203) f r o m A b u D h a b i
Inaugurated in the presence of PM Modi on February 14, the Abu Dhabi-based temple saw the presence of UAE's Minister of Tolerance and C o e x i s t e n c e , S h e i k h N a h a y a n M a b a r a k A l Nahyan
After asking India to withdraw troops, Maldives signs defence pact with China
China inked a defence cooperation agreement with the Maldives o n March 5 This pa c t o f f ers fre e mi li ta ry a s si s tan ce to the is la nd nation, strengthening bilateral ties between the two c o u nt ri es The agr eeme nt c o me s j u s t we ek s a ft er M ald iv ia n Pre si de nt Mohamed Muizzu requested the withdrawal of a conti ngent o f I ndi an military personnel statio ned there
The Defence Minister of t h e M a l d i v e s , M o h a m e d G h a s s a n M a u m o o n , m e t with Major General Zhang Baoqun, Deputy Director of the Office for International M i l i t a r y C o o p e r a t i o n o f China, to discuss enhancing d e f e n c e c o o p e r a t i o n between the two countries They later “signed an agreement on China’s provision of military assistance gratis
to the Republic of Maldives, fostering stronger bilateral ties," the Maldivian defence m i n i s t r y p o s t e d o n i t s X handle T h e d e t a i l s o f t h e defence cooperation agreem e n t w e r e n o t p r o v i d e d Meanwhile, China has also gifted 12 eco-friendly ambulances to Maldives In a ceremony held at the Ministry o f H e a l t h o n S u n d a y , C h i n e s e A m b a s s a d o r t o Maldives, Wang Lixin, presented the letter gifting the a m b u l a n c e s t o t h e
Maldives, it said T h e v i s i t o f t h e Chinese military delegation took place days a f t e r M a l e a l l o w e d
Xiang Yang Hong 03, a h i - t e c h C h i n e s e research ship, to make a p o r t c a l l f o r t h e “rotation of its personnel and replenishment " O n J a n u a r y 5 , S r i Lanka, while denying entry to the same ship, said it had declared a moratorium on f o r e i g n r e s e a r c h s h i p s entering its waters for a year amid concerns from I n d i a o v e r C h i n e s e research vessels docking in its neighbourhood and coll e c t i n g d a t a f r o m t h e o c e a n s , i n c l u d i n g i n t h e Indian Ocean Region, for military purposes, especiall y f o r s u b m a r i n e operations
Delhi-born economist Geeta Batra named as first woman director of World Bank's GEF
G ee ta Ba tra , a n In di an economist, has been named as the new Director at the I n depe nde nt E val u ati o n Office of the World Bank's Global Environment F acility ( GEF) , making her the firstever wo man from a developing country to ho ld the coveted post
Batra, 57, is currently the Chief Evaluator & Deputy Director for Evaluation at t h e G E F ' s I n d e p e n d e n t E v a l u a t i o n O f f i c e ( I E O ) , affiliated to the World Bank Her name was unanimously recommended for the coveted position at the 66th GEF c o u n c i l m e e t i n g h e l d i n Washington on February 9 a n d w a s a n n o u n c e d l a s t week "My top priorities will
be to deliver sound evaluative evidence on the results a n d p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e GEF, provide leadership to ensure that the GEF IEO s t a y s a t t h e f o r e f r o n t o f e n v i r o n m e n t a l e v a l u a t i o n a n d s t r e n g t h e n t h e I E O teams and invest in skills," Batra said from Virginia, US She will also build partn e r s h i p s w i t h m u l t i l a t e r a l and bilateral agencies, foundations and networks, and s h a r e k n o w l e d g e o f w h a t
3 TV News channels fined, ordered to take down content that spread hate
The News Broadcasting and Digital Standards Authority
( NB D SA) has ta ke n s ter n action against three prominent television news channels – News18 India, Times No w Nav bha rat, and Aaj Ta k, o r der in g t hem to re mo ve vi de os o f s ev era l shows aired o ver the past two y ea rs The di re ct iv e comes in response to complaints over the disseminati on o f co ntent that promo tes hatred and communal disharmony, deemed to be in violation of bro adcasti ng st and ards a nd e thi cs gu idelines A m o n g t h e c h a n n e l s p e n a l i s e d , N e w s 1 8 I n d i a f a c e d a f i n e a n d r e m o v a l o r d e r f o r t h r e e s p e c i f i c s h o w s T h e s e s h o w s , t w o anchored by Aman Chopra and one by Amish Devgan, were found guilty of comm u n a l i s i n g t h e S h r a d d h a Walker case, labelling it as
" l o v e j i h a d " T h e N B D S A imposed a fine of Rs 50,000 on the channel and mandate d t h e r e m o v a l o f t h e offending videos
The NBDSA order stated that the “term ‘love jihad’ should not be used loosely a n d s h o u l d b e u s e d w i t h great introspection in future b r o a d c a s t s a s r e l i g i o u s s t e r e o t y p i n g c a n c o r r o d e t h e s e c u l a r f a b r i c o f t h e c o u n t r y , c a u s e i r r e p a r a b l e harm to a community and create religious intolerance or disharmony ”
The regulatory body also i m p o s e d a f i n e o f R s 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 o n T i m e s N o w N a v b h a r a t f o r i t s s h o w , hosted by Himanshu Dixit, on “love jihad” which was aired on May 31, 2023
“It appears that at the very beginning of the broadcast, the anchor has concluded that men from a cert a i n c o m m u n i t y l u r e d
women from another community by hiding their relig i o u s i d e n t i t y a n d t h e n committed violence or murd e r s a g a i n s t s u c h w o m e n and every such violence or m u r d e r c o m m i t t e d o n women of a certain community related to love jihad,” it said A a j T a k c a m e u n d e r scrutiny for a show hosted by Sudhir Chaudhary The NBDSA found Chaudhary's use of terms such as "Tukde Tukde Gang," "Khalistani in P u n j a b , " a n d " P a k i s t a n i Supporters" during a discuss i o n o n f o r m e r P r e s i d e n t Barack Obama's comments c o n c e r n i n g I n d i a t o b e inflammatory and violative of objectivity and neutrality s t a n d a r d s A f i n e o f R s 7 5 , 0 0 0 w a s l e v i e d o n A a j Tak, coupled with an order to either expunge the objectionable remarks from the video or remove it entirely
Air India fined Rs 30,00,000 after 80-year-old passenger’s death at Mumbai airport
The Direct orate General of C iv il A v ia t io n ( D GC A ) i mpo se d a fin e o f R s 30,00, 000 on Air India after a n 8 0- y ea r - old p a sse n ge r died at the Mumb ai airport while walk ing to clear immigration O n F e b r u a r y 1 2 , B a b u P a t e l a n d h i s w i f e Narmadaben Patel arrived at M u m b a i ’ s C h h a t r a p a t i Shivaji Maharaj International Airport from New York on an Air India flight The couple h a d o p t e d f o r w h e e l c h a i r assistance while booking the flight
D u e t o a n i n c r e a s e d demand for wheelchairs, Air India staff had asked the coup l e t o w a i t f o r a s s i s t a n c e Following this, Narmadaben Patel was provided with a wheelchair and Babu Patel d e c i d e d t o w a l k a l o n g s i d e her He collapsed on the way and was rushed to a hospital, but was declared dead On F e b r u a r y 1 6 , t h e D G C A issued a show cause notice to the airline The aviation regular, in a statement, said that
the airline had responded to i t s s h o w c a u s e n o t i c e o n
February 20 Air India said that Babu Patel had decided to walk with his wife instead o f w a i t i n g f o r a s s i s t a n c e , according to the DGCA
The regulator said that the airline had failed to comp l y w i t h C i v i l A v i a t i o n Requirements by not providi n g B a b u P a t e l w i t h a wheelchair “ F u r t h e r , A i r I n d i a d i d not inform about any action taken by the airline against the erring employee (s) and the airline also failed to subm i t a n y c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n s taken to prevent the recurrence of such incidents in the future,” it said “Accordingly, a f i n a n c i a l p e n a l t y o f R s
30,00,000 has been imposed on Air India as per Aircraft Rules, 1937 for violating the provisions of the aforement i o n e d C i v i l A v i a t i o n Requirements ”
The DGCA also issued an advisory to all airlines “to e n s u r e t h a t a n a d e q u a t e number of wheelchairs are available for passengers who r e q u i r e a s s i s t a n c e d u r i n g embarking or disembarking from the aircraft during their journey” After the regulat o r ’ s n o t i c e , a n A i r I n d i a spokesperson had said that the airline has a “clearly laid d o w n p o l i c y t o o f f e r w h e e l c h a i r a s s i s t a n c e t o every passenger who requisitions for it during reservations”
works, where and why Born in New Delhi, Batra studied at the Villa Theresa High School (1984) in Mumbai, t h e n c o m p l e t e d h e r Economics from the Stella M a r i s C o l l e g e , C h e n n a i (1984-1987), followed by an MBA in Finance from the NMIMS, Vile Parle (1990) in Mumbai After her MBA, she was inspired by one of her p r o f e s s o r s , H a
Mankad, to go to the US (August 1990) to pursue a PhD in Economics Armed w i t h a d o c
worked for a couple of years
Senior Manager, Risk, at
HC issues notice to authorities over alleged gang rape of Spanish woman
Jharkhand high court took suo motu cognisance and issued noti ces to authoriti es regardi ng the allege d
outcry, lead-
husband, who was also assaulted dur-
released a photograph of one of the suspects on social media Police said the woman, who also holds Brazilian citizenship, and her husband are on a world biking tour She was gang-raped while
area in a village within the jurisdiction of Hansdiha police station, around 300km from Ranchi They were
Nepal from Bengal Authorities didn’t dis -
would be allowed to leave or i f p
s t e d them to stay as the investigation is ongoing
An HC division bench observed the seriousness of the crime against a foreigne r a n d a p p o i n t e d s e n i o r advocate Ritu Kumar as the amicus curie HC scheduled the next hearing for March 7, by which time the state is expected to provide all relevant case details
25 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
made their way patiently to the Mandir for darshan
A m e r i c a n E x p r e s s , b e f o r e j o i n i n g t h e W o r l d B a n k ' s Private Sector Development Department in 1998
r k a
t o
a t
Geeta Batra
g ra pe of a S pa n i sh
st w e e k
q ue of R s
A l t h o u g h t h r e e m e n were
c i o n , p o l i c e h a v e y e t t o identify any of the seven s u s p e c t s S D P O S a n t o s h K u m a r s a i d s e a r c h e s a r e b e i n g c o n d u c t e d T h e woman
t h e y w e r e r e s t i n g i n s i d e tents at a
c l o s e w h e n t h e c o u
l e
o l i
d r e
g an
woman in Dumka di strict l a
T he ca se ha s sparked global
i ng distri ct authoriti es to p ro
d e a che
10,00,000 to her
ing the attack
picked up
en route
c e h a
PM Modi, Shah in BJP's first list for 195 Lok Sabha seats
Pr ime Minister Narendra Modi, v y ing fo r a t h ir d t er m, h as confirmed his candidacy for the L o k Sa bh a el ect i on s fr o m h is Varanasi constituency Similarly, Home Minister Amit Shah and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh w il l se ek re-
Additionally, former Madhya
ministers including Jyotiraditya Scindia, Bhupendra Yadav, and Smriti Irani are among the
c approach ahead of the elections
Names were announced for U P ( 5 1 ) , M P ( 2 4 ) , G u j a r a t ( 1 5 ) , West Bengal (20), Rajasthan (15),
K e r a l a ( 1 2 ) , C h h a t t i s g a r h ( 1 1 ) , J h a r k h a n d ( 1 1 ) , A s s a m ( 1 1 ) , T e l a n g a n a ( 9 ) , D e l h i ( 5 ) , U t t a r a k h a n d ( 3 ) , J a m m u a n d Kashmir (2), Arunachal Pradesh
Kovind panel set to endorse one nation, one election plan in report
The seven-member committee led b y f or mer Pres i dent R am Nat h K ovind loo ks set to endorse the idea of one nation-one electio n in its report to be submitted to the govt in the next few days S o u r c e s i n d i c a t e t h a t t h e report, nearing its finalisation, is expected to propose appropriate amendments to the Constitution a n d t h e R e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e P e o p l e A c t T h e s e a m e n d m e n t s a i m t o f a c i l i t a t e t h e synchronisation of Lok Sabha polls with state assembly elections by 2029 The recommendations will encompass safeguards to prevent d i s r u p t i o n s t o t h i s s y n c h r o n i z a t i o n d u e t o c o n t i n g e n c i e s s u c h a s a h u n g H o u s e , g o v e r n m e n t c o l l a p s e
Ram Nath Kovind
following a no-confidence vote, or minority status due to defections Lok Sabha and assembly polls were held together until 1967, but t h e s i m u l t a n e i t y w a s b r o k e n because of the collapse of coalition g o v t s i n s t a t e s a n d f o r m e r P M
Indira Gandhi's decision to call general elections in 1971, one year before they were scheduled
T h e c o n c e p t o f s i m u l t a n e o u s e l e c t i o n s h a s f a c e d o p p o s i t i o n f r o m p r o m i n e n t o p p o s i t i o n p a r t i e s , i n c l u d i n g C o n g r e s s ,
CPM, CPI, DMK, TMC, A A P , a n d A I M I M Conversely, the BJP has c o n s i s t e n t l y a d v o c a t e d for it in its manifestos since the 1980s Notably, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has b e e n a s t a u n c h s u p p o r t e r , contending that frequent elections a n d t h e p e r i o d s o f i n a c t i v i t y mandated by the model code of conduct hinder rapid progress He argues that consolidating elections w o u l d a l s o r e s u l t i n s i g n i f i c a n t savings for the exchequer
PM Modi tells ministers to exercise restraint while speaking
D u ri n g a n i n ter ac ti o n wit h s ec retari es of ce ntral mi ni stri es and his council of ministers, Prime M in i st er Mo di ur ged the m to pr i o ri ti ze the pre para ti o n o f a blueprint for a "developed India," e mphas i s in g t he i mp or tan c e o f continuing the progressive agenda o f deve lo pme nt de spi te t he c o u ntr y s po li t ic al pr eo c cu pa ti o ns E xpr es si n g c o nf i den c e i n se c ur i ng a th ir d t en ur e, Mo di em phas i se d the necessity of o ngo ing work on the f u ll Bu dg et s c hedu l ed f o r presentation in June, emphasizing its transfo rmational potential
The PM told his ministers, “ J e e t k a r a a o ( c o m e b a c k a s
winners) ” He advised them to exercise restraint while speaking, in what appeared to reflect the l e a d e r s h i p ’ s c o n c e r n a b o u t a pattern of provocative utterances deflecting attention from Modi’s focus on development and senior members letting themselves be b a i t e d i n t o m a k i n g a l l e g e d l y divisive remarks
P M M o d i s a i d , “ E l e c t i o n s d o n ’ t m e a n a b r e a k f r o m
governance The goal of turning India into a developed country is a non-partisan goal which will r e m a i n a n a s p i r a t i o n e v e n a s governments come and go ” T h e c o u n c i l o f m i n i s t e r s m e e t i n g , s p a n n i n g o v e r e i g h t
h o u r s , w a s d i v i d e d i n t o t w o s e s s i o n s T h e i n i t i a l s e s s i o n i n c l u d e d m i n i s t e r s a n d a l l s e c r e t a r i e s , w h i l e t h e s e c o n d s e s s i o n c o n s i s t e d s o l e l y o f
ministers The PM spoke about how BJP has encouraged many m i n i s t e r s w h o a r e m e m b e r s o f Rajya Sabha to be in the Lok Sabha
fray The first list released has 34 ministers PM’s advice to ministers to exercise caution while speaking came a day after the party benched f i r e b r a n d B h o p a l M P S a d h v i Pragya as well as Ramesh Bidhuri a n d P r a v e s h V a r m a , b o t h t w otermers from Delhi, for making statements that many considered to be hate speeches
Seven more Indians forced to fight in Russia seek government help
deceived into joining the m ilitary in Russia and subsequently deployed to fight in the Ukraine conflict In a concise 105-second video shared
appealed for aid, recounting their initial trip to Russia on December 27 to celebrate the New Year under a 90-day visa However, they later journeyed to Belarus
“An agent here offered to take us to Belarus we were not aware we needed a visa When we went to Belarus (without a visa) the agent asked us for more money and then abandoned us The police caught us and handed us over to Russian a u t h o r i t i e s , w h o m a d e u s s i g n documents,” Gagandeep explained Further adding, “Now they (Russia)
( 2 ) , G o a ( 1 ) , T r i p u r a ( 1 ) a n d
Andamans (1), Daman Diu (1)
Nearly 20 % of incumbents dropped U n i o n M i n i s t e r J o h n B a r l a from Alipurduar in West Bengal has been excluded from the list of c a n d i d a t e s N e a r l y 2 0 % o f t h e incumbents have been replaced, with 47% of the nominees being under 50 years old, indicating the p a r t y ' s e m p h a s i s o n y o u t h A m o n g t h e c a n d i d a t e s a n n o u n c e d , 2 8 a r e w o m e n , comprising 14% of the total
The BJP's focus on the OBC c o m m u n i t y i s e v i d e n t , a s a majority of sitting MPs from this b r a c k e t , p a r t i c u l a r l y i n U t t a r Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh, have been retained,
accounting for 57 nominations Notably, the party has nominated o n e M u s l i m c a n d i d a t e , A b d u l S a l a m f r o m M a l a p p u r a m i n Kerala, marking the first time a M u s l i m c a n d i d a t e h a s b e e n fielded by the BJP in Lok Sabha polls since 2014 F o r m e r U n i o n m i n i s t e r s m i s s i n g f r o m t h e l i s t i n c l u d e
Harshvardhan (Chandni Chowk), a n d J a y a n t S i n h a , w h o announced his decision to opt out of the contest in the morning t o f o c u s o n f i g h t i n g c l i m a t e change The fate of others like R a m e s h P o k h r i y a l N i s h a n k remains uncertain as the party h a s n o t c o n f i r m e d h i s n o m i n a t i o n f o r t h e H a r i d w a r seat
Sweeping change: Cracker culprits clean up in suits and boots
Following their first-place ranking in the country's cleanliness survey, the residents of Surat have shown increased awareness Recently, the municipal corp oration imposed a fine of Rs 5,000 when firecrackers w ere se t o ff du ri ng a we ddin g procession in Katargam S u b s e q u e n t l y , t h o s e responsible, clad in suits and boots, were seen clearing the road with brooms in hand These incidents h a v e g a r n e r e d w i d e s p r e a d attention on social media and have become the topic of conversation in town
Bursting of firecrackers caused paper waste on the road
The individuals from Varghoda i n A m b a T a l a v a d i , K a t a r g a m , i n i t i a l l y i n d u l g e d i n s e t t i n g o f f firecrackers with great enthusiasm
However, they did not overlook t h e i r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y D e s p i t e t h e paper litter strewn across the road f r o m t h e f i r e c r a c k e r s , t h e y diligently cleaned it up, adorned in suits and boots
Awareness after p unitive action of municipal authorities
During the ongoing wedding season, numerous grooms can be observed in various parts of the city, often leading to the dispersal of a substantial amount of waste due to the bursting of firecrackers
To address this issue, the Surat M u n i c i p a l C o r p o r a t i o n h a s implemented punitive measures, i m p o s i n g f i n e s a m o u n t i n g t o thousands of rupees Recently, two such instances resulted in fines of R s 2 , 0 0 0 a n d R s 5 , 0 0 0 respectively
After long drama, WTO meet adopts outcome document
The WTO meeting, which extended into the sixth day due to significant differences in positions, concluded early last week following a prolonged saga in Abu Dhabi
After multiple extensions and well into overtime, ministers convened for the closing ceremony around 11 PM (local time) to adopt the outcome document This document was finalized after India acquiesced to the UAE's request for an extension of the customs duty waiver on e-commerce, encompassing services such as Netflix movies, for an additional two years While India, Indonesia, and later Brazil initially sought an end to the exemption, Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal agreed to the proposal after a meeting with UAE Trade Minister Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi Just when organisers had started shifting sofas to the side rooms and water dispensers had disappeared as the meeting was about to end, Indonesia sprung a surprise, refusing to accept the outcome document, citing its reservations on the extension, though over 160 members were already on board At the WTO, the outcome document cannot be accepted unless all countries support the text
are forcing us to fight in the war against Ukraine ”
According to a report in media, Gagandeep’s family has contacted the Ministry of External Affairs Amrit Singh, his brother, explained that the men felt pressured because t h e y c o u l d n ’ t u n d e r s t a n d t h e documents they signed “They were m a d e t o j o i n t h e a r m y t h e r e because the papers they signed in B e l a r u s w e r e i n R u s s i a
documents said they had to either go to jail for
join the Russian army, ” Amrit said
m e n t a t i o n D r i v e ( P R A S A D ) A d d i t i o n a l l y , P r i m e Minister Modi will inaugurate the
s k i d r a g l i f t a t S o n a m a r g i n Ganderbal district, with the aim of enhancing tourist influx to the r e g i o n B o t h p r o j e c t s w i l l b e inaugurated by the Prime Minister t h r o u g h v i r t u a l m o d e Furthermore, Modi is set to unveil 4 2 n e w t o u r i s t d e s t i n a t i o n s , launch nine tourism projects, and i n t r o d u c e t h e ' C h a l o I n d i a ' campaign for the Indian diaspora worldwide, as per officials I n a d d i t i o n , o f f i c i a l s m e n t i o n e d t h a t t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r w i l l d i s t r i b u t e appointment letters to 1,000 job s e e k e r s a n d e n g a g e w i t h beneficiaries of various schemes at the district level through virtual means
26 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
el ect io n fr o m G andh in ag ar an d L uc kno w
P r a d e s h C M S h i v r a j S i n g h C h o u h a n a n d s e v e r a l U n i o n
n a m e s a n n o u n c e d b y t h e B J P
Kota in R a j a s t h a n O v e r a l l , t h e l i s t c o m p r i s e s 3 4 U n i o n m i n i s t e r s , r e f l e c t i n g t h e p a r t y ' s s t r a t e g i
Notably, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla will contest from
PM Modi to inaugurate development of Hazratbal Shrine project O ff i c i al s ha ve an no unc e d t ha t Pr im e Mi n is t er Mo di i s s e t t o i na ug ura te th e i nt eg ra te d de ve lo pme nt p roj e c t o f the H az r at ba l s hri n e an d the Sonamarg ski drag lift during his upc om i ng v is i t t o Ka s hmi r on Thursday The inauguration of the Hazratbal shrine project will take pl ac e f rom B ak s hi St ad i um i n Srinagar on March 7, according to the officials T h e y s t a t e d t h a t H a z r a t b a l , among the most esteemed Muslim shrines in Jammu and Kashmir, u n d e r w e n t d e v e l o p m e n t u n d e r the Pilgrimage Rejuvenation And S p i r i t u a l A u g
A co ho rt o f you ng m en hailing f ro m H os h ia rp ur , P u nj ab, h as rea ch ed o u t to th e governm ent s eeki ng a ssi stanc e, allegi ng th at
d e p i c t e d w e a r i n g m i l i t a r y - s t y l e
in a confined
n v i r o n m e
g a n d e e p S i n g h
o n e o f t h
r o u p m e m b e
they were
seven individuals are
n t G a
e g
r s , elucidated their predicament and
n T h e
No immunity for MPs and MLAs in bribe-for-vote, says SC
The Supreme Court shattered a 2 6- year-old s hi eld from prosecution available t o M Ps a nd ML As w ho accepted bribes for voting or a s ki n g q ue s ti on s i n Parliament and assemblies
The ruling stated that elected representatives involved i n bri be ry would n ow b e subject to the rigours of the P rev en ti on of Cor rupt io n
A ct, as the c onst ituti ona l i mmunity attac hed to their speech and vote in a House does not extend to protecti ng illegal acts
In a unanimous decision, a seven-judge bench led by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud and including Justices A S Bopanna, M M Sundresh, P S Narasimha, J
B Pardiwala, Sanjay Kumar, and Manoj Misra overturned the April 17, 1998 ruling of a 5-judge bench in the P V Narasimha Rao case This earlier ruling had granted immunity to MPs and MLAs from prosecution if they had accepted bribes in exchange for voting in Parliament or assemblies
However, paradoxically, it allowed for the prosecu-
tion of elected representatives who had accepted bribes but did not vote
Chief Justice Chandrachud, in writing the unanimous 135-page verdict, emphasised that the intent behind Articles 105 and 194, which confer immunity on MPs and MLAs for their actions in the House, was to enable them to participate in debates, ask questions, and cast votes without fear or favour, thereby enhancing the democratic process
The Supreme Court's ruling allows for the prosecution of JMM MLA Sita Soren, who was charged by
the CBI under the Prevention of Corruption Act for accepting bribes in the 2012 Rajya Sabha elections Soren had previously relied on a 1998 Supreme Court verdict to defend against the case
The Chief Justice-led bench also addressed the irony in the 1998 ruling, which stated that the constitutional immunity of Articles 105 and 194 did not extend to those who accepted bribes but did not vote The Court emphasised that accepting bribes cannot be considered part of the duties and functions of elected representatives and cannot be protected by Articles 105(2) and 194(2)
BJP launches ‘Modi ka parivar’ campaign to counter Lalu’s jibe
P rime Minister Modi's declaration at a Telangana rally that all 1 4 billion Indians are h i s fa m il y s p arked a widespread 'Modi Ka Parivar' campaign led by top BJP officials This initiative was seen as a robust response to L alu P rasad's com ment in Patna, w h er e h e rem ark ed th at M odi has no family
Following this, Home Minister Amit Shah, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, BJP President JP Nadda, and other leaders added 'Modi Ka Parivar' to their social media profiles,
pushing back against the opposition Lalu's jibe was made during an INDIA bloc rally, where he criticised Modi's campaign against nepotism, stating that Modi has no family This display of unity among BJP leaders ahead of the Lok Sabha elections echoed a similar campaign launched before the 2019 general elections, where 'Main Bhi Chowkidar' was added to their names to counter attacks from Congress leaders
The campaigns highlighting the Prime Minister's
perceived honesty and anticorruption stance proved to be highly successful, particularly in light of Congress's attempts to target him over alleged corruption in the Rafale fighter aircraft deal
Despite these efforts, the BJP, under Modi's leadership, secured more seats in the 2019 elections than it did in 2014 In support of this narrative, BJP chief ministers and senior party leaders, along with numerous other functionaries, joined the campaign Additionally, many social
media users who support Modi also made similar changes to their pages
At a press conference, BJP spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi said the opposition parties have been launching personal attacks against Modi for the last 1617 years “In that series, yesterday (Sunday), at a rally in Patna, once again such petty remarks were made against the PM by Lalu Prasad in the presence of INDI alliance leaders This is sad and painful,” Trivedi told reporters
ISRO to put first astronaut on Moon by 2040
Followi ng the success of its C han dra yaan-3 lunar mi ssi o n , I SR O i s go i n g f ul l t hr ottl e wi th its plan s to send Indian astronauts to the Moon by 2040, I SRO Chairman S Somanath said T he space age ncy is currently working on the country's maiden manned missi o n , 'G a ga n y a an ' , wh i ch a i m s to s en d a st ro n au ts i nto a Low Earth Orbit and b ring them back safely to earth
F o u r p i l o t s f r o m t h e Indian Air Force are underg o i n g t r a i n i n g a t t h e Astronaut Training Facility in Bengaluru, the top scien-
tist said
In an exclusive article, t h e S e c r e t a r y o f t h e Department of Space said, “Looking ahead, ISRO aims to take the next step in space exploration with the G a g a n y a a n p r o g r a m m e , planning to launch a crew of 2 to 3 Indian astronauts into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for up to three days before safely returning them to a pre-defined site in Indian waters "
The inaugural manned mission involves developing c r i t i c a l t e c h n o l o g i e s , i n c l u d i n g a h u m a n - r a t e d (capable of safely transport-
ing humans) launch vehicle ( H L V M 3 ) , a n O r b i t a l Module comprising a Crew Module (CM) and Service Module (SM), and life support systems T w o i d e n t i c a l u ncrewed missions (G1 & G2), besides Integrated Air Drop Test, Pad Abort Test, and Test Vehicle flights will precede the manned mission CM is a habitable space with an Earth-like environment in space for the crew, and is designed for safe reentry Safety measures also i n c l u d e a C r e w E s c a p e System (CES) for emergencies, a statement said
India to open second naval base in Lakshadweep
The Indian Navy is scheduled to inaugurate a new base, INS Jatayu, near the Maldives on March 6, situated on the Lakshadweep island of M inicoy This development coincides with impending troop withdrawal from the Maldives As per a statement released by the Indian Navy, the new base will enhance India's operational surveillance capabilities in the region
INS Jatayu will be located about 258 km closer to the Maldives than the Indian Navy’s existing base – INS Dweeprakshak – on the Lakhshadweep island of Karavatti, media reported “Minicoy is the southernmost
island of Lakshadweep which straddles the vital sea lines of communications,” the Indian Navy said
Media reported that Naval Detachment Minicoy, a temporary base of the Indian Navy, is already established at Minicoy near the 9 Degree Channel, a bustling global shipping route The Maldives' defence ministry announced that the first Indian team of civilian technical personnel arrived in the country last week They are tasked with replacing the Indian military personnel responsible for operating aviation equipment stationed there
LeT intelligence chief Cheema, 26/11 key conspirator, dies in Pak
LeT’s intelliegence chief Azam Cheem a (70) died following a heart attack in Faisalabad But his death still stoked speculation galore in Pakistan’s jihadi circles, especially in the wake of mysterious killings of several Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) operatives in recent months
Pakistan has accused Indian agencies of being behind the killings of a number of LeT operatives, a charge denied by India Though New Delhi maintained that it doesn’t keep any such ‘killing list’, if indeed there were one, Cheema would have been on top along with JUD chief Hafiz Saeed and JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar
Cheema was among the chief conspirators of 26/11 terror attacks and July 2006 Mumbai train bombings besides many other terror strikes in India
For Indian agencies, the news of his death only confirms the presence of a designated terrorist on Pak soil and brings out Islamabad’s repeated denials Intelligence sources described Cheema as an elusive Punjabi-speaking, bearded and well-built LeT operative who spent the early 2000s in Bahawalpur in Pakistan where he lived with his wife and two children
“He was often spotted moving around in a Land Cruiser with six bodyguards It was Cheema who had once brought former ISI chief general Hamid Gul, brigadier Riyaz and Colonel Rafiq to brainwash jehadis undergoing arms training in Bahawalpur camp He would occasionally visit Karachi and Lahore training camps as well,” said a source
Cheema was working as the LeT commander for Bahawalpur in Pakistan in 2008 when he was appointed as an operations advisor to Lashkar’s senior functionary Zaki-UrRehman Lakhvi and participated in the planning and execution besides training of recruits in the 26/11Mumbai attacks
The US department of treasury describes him as a ‘key commander’ in the operations of Lashkar-e-Taiba which it adds had links to Usama bin Laden’s al-Qaida network LeT was designated by the US as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation in December 2001, and by the UN Committee in May 2005
Kerala man killed, 2 others injured in missile attack in northern Israel
A Kerala man was killed and two others from the state were injured in a missile attack at a moshav, a collective agricu ltural community, in northern Israel on Mo nday, sources said
The first development flight of the Test Vehicle (TV-D1) was launched on October 21, 2023, and it successfully demonstrated the in-flight abort of the Crew Escape System, followed by Crew Module separation, and its safe recovery from the Bay of Bengal by the Indian Navy
“The success of this test flight was crucial for subsequent unmanned missions, a n d t h e u l t i m a t e h u m a n space mission, expected to be launched in 2025, ” said S o m a n a t h , w h o i s a l s o C h a i r m a n o f t h e S p a c e Commission
The deceased was identified as Nibin Maxwell, 31, a native of Kaikulangara in Kollam municipal corporation, Kerala He had moved to Israel two months ago to work on a farm The injured were identified as Joseph and Paul Melvin
“The incident happened on Monday evening Around 4 pm (IST), Nibin spoke to his father and shared his concern about the volatile situation in the region He told his father that they (the Kerala natives employed on the farm) were planning to move to another location The missile attack happened later in the evening,” a relative in Kollam said, adding that Nibin’s elder brother Nivin also works in Israel
“Initially, we were told that Nibin was injured in the missile attack Nivin later confirmed the death of his brother,” the family source said
According to a report, the anti-tank missile was fired from Lebanon and struck the orchard near Israel’s border community of Margaliot The attack is believed to have been carried out by the Shiite Hezbollah faction in Lebanon The deceased is survived by his wife and a child, who live in Kollam
Four IAF units to get President’s Standard and Colours
The President’s Standard and Colours will be presented to four top IAF units, including two fighter squadrons, a signals unit and a base repair depot, all of which have been crucial in the country’s war- fi ghting efforts over the years
President Droupadi Murmu, who is the supreme commander of the Indian armed forces, will award the honours at the Hindon airbase on the outskirts of Delhi on March 8
“This will be the first time in the history of IAF that four units will be awarded President’s Standard and Colours together It’s the highest military honour for any unit of the Indian armed forces,” Western Air
Command chief Air Marshal P M Sinha said
The units to be awarded are 45 ‘Flying Daggers’ Squadron, which currently flies the Tejas fighters, and the 221 ‘The Valiants’ Squadron, which has the Sukhoi-30 MKI jets
The other two are the 11 Base Repair Depot, the only fighter overhaul depot of the IAF, and the 509 Signals Unit, which functions as an air defence direction centre in Meghalaya “The selected units are recognised for the meritorious services rendered by them during the past 25 years The award is an acknowledgment of the operational excellence, dedication and proven contribution of these units both during peace and war, ” Air Marshal Sinha said
27 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
How can a fit person be affected by stroke?
Ze rod ha f oun de r a n d C EO N i thi n Kamath recently revealed he had a mild stroke nearly six weeks ago He tweeted about “having a big droop in the face” whi le he suffered from the stroke
“Around 6 weeks ago, I had a mild stroke out of the blue Dad passing away, poor sleep, exhaustion, dehydration, and overworking out -any of these could be possible reasons, ” he tweeted “I've gone from having a big droop in the face and not being able to read or write to having a slight droop but being able to read and write more From being absent-minded to more present-minded So, 3 to 6 months for full recovery, ” he wrote on the social media platform adding, “I wondered why a person who's fit and takes care of himself could be affected The doctor said you need to know when you need to shift the gears down a bit ”
Kamath ended his tweet by saying, “Slightly broken, but still getting my treadmill count ”
But genuinely, this question arose in me as well How can a fit person be affected by stroke? To clear the cloud
of questions, OnlyMyHealth team connected with Dr Vipul Gupta,ChiefNeurointerventional Surgery & Co Chief Stroke Unit at Artemis Hospital Gurugram
Answering this question, Dr Gupta said, “Certainly, even individuals who maintain a healthy lifestyle and prioritize fitness can be susceptible to stroke While factors like age, family history, and genetics play significant roles in stroke risk, lifestyle-related factors and
Positive dinner habits that can transform your health
In today's context, prio riti si ng on e's health a nd fi tn es s i s paramo unt A signific an t po rti o n o f the po pu l ati o n gra pple s wi th c o nditio ns su ch a s hi gh cho l es ter o l, fatty liver, diabetes, o r high b lo o d pres su re The f o o d cho ices you make, particul arl y du r in g di nn er, c an have a pro fou nd impact on managing these conditions
work extra hard while sleeping and gets the time for relaxation and rejuvenation
Opting for an early and light dinner, rather than a heavy and late one, could prove transformative in your wellness journey It aids in weight management and helps regulate blood sugar levels and other chronic conditions
Incorporating a leisurely stroll post-dinner into your routine ensures proper digestion and primes your body for bedtime There are ways to maximise the health benefits of your dinner:
Early dinner: Traditional wisdom and modern science have long been trying to convince us of the wonders early dinner can have on our digestion and metabolism It ensures the body doesn’t have to
Avoid oily and fried food: Keep your last meal of the day light and easy to digest During dinner, fat digestion may be less efficient due to reduced bile production, as the liver is in the anabolic phase, focusing on glycogen synthesis
Hydrate well: Adequate hydration through warm soups with dinner helps aid digestion and if consumed with fibre-rich vegetables, it helps nourish the gut flora
Incorporate milletbased food: Millets are abundant in micro-nutrients and serve as an excellent source of dietary fibre, promoting a healthy gut microbiome This not only supports overall physical health but also contributes to improved mental wellbeing and enhanced sleep quality
triggers can also contribute to this risk ”
Dr Gupta further said, “High blood pressure or hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke Despite efforts to manage blood pressure through regular exercise and a healthy diet, genetic predispositions or other underlying health conditions can still lead to hypertension, thereby increasing the risk of stroke ”
Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption also add up to the risk of getting strokes
E l a b o r a t i n g , D r G u p t a s a i d , “ F u r t h e r m o r e , c e r t a i n u n d e r l y i n g heart conditions like atrial fibrillation or patent foramen ovale (a hole in the heart) can increase the risk of blood clots traveling to the brain and causing a stroke, even in physically fit individuals ”
Adopting a healthy lifestyle definitely mitigates the risk of stroke but other factors such as genetics and underlying condition remain influential It is advisable to go for regular medical check-ups to avoid any such situation
Ayurvedic tips to manage joint and muscular pain
Breaking free from Perfectionism
Psychologist Mamta Saha
Dear Readers,
Today, I want to dive into a common struggle many of us face: perfectionism Have you ever found yourself hesitating to start a project or endlessly changing it because you're afraid it won't be perfect? Perfectionism can be a significant obstacle to reaching our full potential and experiencing fulfilment in our tasks
This struggle with perfectionism is particularly dominant in the Asian community, where there is often a lot of pressure to excel in every aspect of life From academic achievements to societal expectations, there s a cultural expectation of perfection that can weigh heavily on individuals For example, students may feel enormous pressure to achieve top grades and attend prestigious universities Whilst other individuals to feel the need to constantly outshine their peers in social settings Whether it's hosting the perfect dinner party, maintaining an perfectly clean home, or projecting an image of effortless success on social media, there's an unspoken competition to always present oneself as flawless and in control
This relentless pursuit of perfection can lead to burnout, anxiety, and a fear of failure
However, there are effective strategies to overcome it and embrace imperfection as a tool for growth Let s explore these strategies together
I n Ay ur ve d a, join t a n d muscula r pain a re understood as reflections of i mb a la n ce s wit h in t he b o dy ' s doshas, specifica lly Vata, Pitta, and K a pha A cco rd i ng t o A y ur v e di c t eachings, an accumulation of Vata dosha, responsible for mobility, can r esult in dryness, stiffness, and pain in t he joints and muscles Pit ta aggr ava tion may in duce infla mmat ion a nd wa rmth, intensifying discomfort, while Kapha imbalance can prese nt as stiffness and heaviness in the affected regions Following are some Ay urvedic tips for ma naging joint and muscular pain
Balanced diet: Ayurveda places significant emphasis on the necessity of maintaining a diet that balances aggravated doshas Opting for warm, nourishing foods like cooked grains, soups, and herbal teas can assist in alleviating Vata imbalances Incorporating anti-inflammatory spices like turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon can help mitigate aggravations in Pitta and Kapha doshas
Herbal remedies: Ayurvedic herbs possess potent antiinflammatory and analgesic properties Ashwagandha, Triphala, Shallaki (Boswellia), and Guggulu are renowned for their ability to reduce joint pain and inflammation Herbal formulations like Maharasnadi Kwath and Yograj Guggulu are commonly prescribed to alleviate musculoskeletal discomfort
Abhyanga (oil massage): Engaging in regular self-massage using warm herbal oils like sesame or Mahanarayan oil can effectively lubricate the joints, enhance circulation, and alleviate stiffness Employing gentle, circular motions to massage the affected areas not only provides physical relief but also soothes the mind, fostering overall relaxation
Lifestyle modifications: Ayurveda underscores the significance of cultivating a harmonious lifestyle that fosters overall well-being Prioritising sufficient rest, engaging in consistent exercise, and implementing stress management practices are crucial for both preventing and managing joint and muscular discomfort
Side effects of too much Vitamin B intake
Although the i deal approach t o ob ta i ni n g vi t am i ns i s through a balanced diet rich i n n at ura l s ou rc es , ma ny indivi duals opt for Vitamin B complex supplements due t o the i r w at er -s o lub le nature These supplements are widely used to support e ss e nti a l bodi l y fun ct i ons such as metabolism, energy production, and the upkeep of th e ne rv ous s ys t em
However, while the regular intake of vitamin B is crucial, excessive consumption can lead to concerning side effects
T h e B - c o m p l e x v i t amins constitute a cluster of
w a t e r - s o l u b l e n u t r i e n t s comprising B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 ( f o l a t e ) , a n d B 1 2 ( c o b a lamin) Individually, these vitamins play distinct roles i n c e l l u l a r f u n c t i o n , m e t a b o l i s m , a n d n e r v o u s s y s t e m h e a l t h H o w e v e r ,
excessive intake of vitamin B can lead to five potential consequences
Skin rash: An overdose o f v i t a m i n B c a n c a u s e flushing, hives, and acnel i k e b r e a k o u t s , r a n g i n g f r o m m i l d r e d n e s s t o s e v e r e w e l t s a n d
widespread pimples
Gastrointesti nal i ssues: Excessive consumption of vitamin B can disrupt the digestive system, manifesting in symptoms such as indigestion, nausea, or mild diarrhea Individuals with pre-existing stomach issues may experience more severe s i d e e f f e c t s , i n c l u d i n g
intense diarrhea and stomach cramps
Insomnia: Vitamin B is a n e n e r g y - b o o s t i n g v i t amin, and too much of it, particularly B12, can interfere with your normal sleep cycle and make it hard for you to unwind at the end of the day
Mood swings: Excessive vitamin B intake may lead to restlessness or depression, especially if one has pre-existing mental health i s s u e s T h e s e e f f e c t s c a n exacerbate paranoia, confusion, or cognitive impairm e n t , h i n d e r i n g c l e a r thinking
Understanding Perfectionism: Perfectionism often stems from a fear of failure or a desire for everything to be flawless This fear can lead to behaviours like procrastination, harsh self-criticism, or avoidance of challenging tasks – traits that many of my clients share when they come to me for guidance For example, some may wait until the last minute to start a project because they're afraid it won't be perfect, while others might criticize themselves relentlessly for any supposed mistakes However, it's important to realize that perfection is an impossible standard Recognizing this truth is the first step towards freeing oneself from the pressure of perfectionism
Challenge Your Inner Critic: When your inner critic starts demanding perfection, it's essential to challenge those thoughts Ask yourself questions like, "What's the worst thing that could happen if this isn't perfect?" or "Am I setting unrealistic expectations for myself?" For instance, imagine you're hesitant to start a new project because you're afraid it won't meet your high standards By questioning these thoughts, you may realize that even if the project isn t flawless, you ll still gain valuable experience and learn from any mistakes along the way Remember, making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process Instead of focusing on them, view them as opportunities for growth and improvement
Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would a friend Acknowledge your efforts and accomplishments, even if they don't meet your expectations of perfection For instance, if you've worked hard on a task but it doesn't turn out exactly as planned, recognise, and celebrate the effort you put in Remind yourself that you are worthy of love and acceptance, regardless of your achievements By practicing selfcompassion, you can cultivate a more positive and nurturing relationship with yourself overcoming perfectionism is not about striving for flawlessness but rather embracing imperfection as an essential part of the journey By challenging your inner critic, and practicing self-compassion, you can break free from the restraints of perfectionism and unleash your full potential Remember, it's okay to be imperfect – that's where the magic happens
If you, your family, community, or business need support in working through this then reach out and explore workshops and coaching I’d also love to know how you get on, reach out on Linked in: MamtaSaha and IG: Saha Mamta Download my free e-book: www mamtasaha com Sending you all the luck
Benefits of drinking Aloe Vera
28 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly Health Views Disclaimer: The information provided is for general knowledge only and not a substitute for professional medical advice
Drinking aloe vera juice offers numerous benefits, particularly when consumed on an empty stomach. It aids in detoxification by removing toxins from the body and promotes digestive system cleansing
Nithin Kamath
9 - 15 March 2024
Life comes a full circle: Arjun Kapoor on playing villain in ‘Singham Again’
Actor Arjun Kapoor is all set to portray a villain in the multi-starrer ‘Singham Again ’ He recently shared his first look in the film In the poster, he is seen drenched in blood and clad in black attire
Talking about his inspiration and thanking filmmaker Rohit Shetty for the opportunity, Arjun said, “I started my career in the industry by playing characters with negative shades like Ishaqzaade, Aurungzeb and after all these years, here I'm, playing a villain in Singham Again! While Aditya Chopra saw it in me to play characters that are flawed, now I'm thankful to Rohit Shetty for having the belief that I could play an outand-out villain in his ambitious and much-loved cop universe film Rohit Shetty instilled faith in me and has been a guide at every step of the way ”
"Both of these people have been true mentors in my film career and I'm grateful that a hit-machine filmmaker like Rohit Shetty believes that I could surprise people by playing a villain in Singham Again," he added
Arjun also revealed how excited he is to play the villain in Shetty’s film, as it gave him the chance to experiment as an actor too He stated, “I have always wanted to experiment on screen and give audiences something different to look at So playing an arch-enemy of the cops in Singham Again was a thrilling opportunity for me ” He continued, “As I said, it feels like a full circle in my career when I'm on the sets of Singham Again I got a lot of love by playing characters that were negative early in my career and I wish to get the same and more with Singham Again ”
‘Singham Again’ also stars Kareena Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff, and Ranveer Singh in the lead roles The third instalment of the super-hit franchise is scheduled to have a theatrical release in August 2024, coinciding with India’s Independence Day
Deepika, Ranveer confirm pregnancy, baby to arrive in September this year
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have confirmed that they are expecting their first child together. The two actors shared an adorable announcement on their Instagram handles and announced that the baby will arrive in September this year
There was speculation that Deepika and Ranveer are expecting their first child, especially after she made her appearance at the BAFTA awards in a saree and hid her midriff The two, however, maintained silence
Deepika had earlier said that she and Ranveer love children and were ‘looking forward to the day when we will start our own family’ She had said in an interview, “In this industry, it’s easy to get carried away by fame and money But no one treats me like a celebrity at home I am a daughter and a sister first I don’t want that to change My family keeps me grounded and Ranveer and I hope to inculcate the same values in our children ”
Deepika and Ranveer dated for six years before tying the knot on November 14, 2018, at Lake Como in Italy The two met on the sets of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film ‘Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela’ and fell in love They have worked together in 'Finding Fanny', 'Padmaavat' and 'Bajirao Mastani' The two celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary last year in Belgium
Taapsee Pannu to marry coach Mathias Boe soon!
Actress Taapsee Pannu, who was last seen in ‘Dunki’ along with Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan, is set to tie the knot with her longtime partner Mathias Boe The couple are set to exchange wedding vows in a grand celebration which will reportedly be a blend of traditions of Sikhism and Christianity.
The couple will get married in March this year in an intimate ceremony in Udaipur While the two like keeping a low-key about their relationship but h b
dating for over a decade now Mathias, who hails from Denmark, is a badminton player-turned-coach He made his international debut in 1998 He rose to world number 1 in doubles and currently coaches the Indian team in doubles He won the men ’ s doubles silver medal
‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ to stream on Netflix
Good news for all the Kapil Sharma fans He has an upcoming comedy show on Netflix. On February 29, Netflix shared a video that they captioned, “Aapke ghar ka raasta, hasee se hokar jaata hai. The Great Indian Kapil Show arrives at 8 pm every Saturday from 30 March, only on Netflix.”
It features comedians Kapil Sharma, Krushna Abhishek, Sunil Grover, Kiku Sharda, and Rajiv Thakur and actor Archana Puran Singh discussing how to make a grand announcement of the title of their upcoming show
The Great Indian Kapil Show’s official logline reads, “India’s most loved comedian finds a home on Netflix and brings along his crazy but loyal cast of characters! The Great Indian Kapil Show is a variety chat show set in the bustling confines of an airport and features prominent celebrity guests every week” After a major fallout, Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover are to unite once again for the comedy extravaganza
29 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly
Vignesh Shivan puts an end to divorce rumours with wife Nayanthara
TheAR Rahman charms his fans with a surprise metro visit in Kerala!
country for the website launch event of the Prithviraj Sukumaran starrer 'Aadujeevitham' ARR composed the musical score for the mostawaited film
A recent viral video shows Rahman posing for pictures with fans in a metro while the fans are going gaga over him He was there along with director Blessy and the team to shoot promotional material for the movie ARR's surprise metro visit delighted his fans who took photos with him as they went on a cloud nine Photos and videos of the same are rocking the internet 'Aadujeevitham' is one of the longest film projects in India Based on a novel, the idea of adaptation sparked for director Blessy back in 2008 but the film started rolling only in 2018 This movie is made on a massive scale in extreme conditions As 'Aadujeevitham' is slated to hit the screens on March 28, the film's audio launch will happen on March 10
lovebirds, Vignesh Shivan and Nayanthara, have been setting relationship goals for the fans for a long time. They are one of the most adorable couples in the film industry. The two tied the knot in an extravagant ceremony in June 2022. They welcomed their twin babies later that year
A few days ago, reports broke out on the internet that Vignesh is not found on Nayanthara's followers list on Instagram Also the Lady Superstar shared on he story, "She’s gonna forever say g this even with tears in her eyes " Following this, it was heavily rumoured that the couple is like to part ways Notably, Vignesh a Nayanthara are in a relationship for a decade
Now, Vignesh puts an end to the rumours by sharing a story about an award won by Nayanthara's skincare brand We hear that Nayanthara's side clarified that Vignesh's name didn't appear on Nayanthara's followers list because of a technical glitch Vignesh's name is now back on Nayanthara's list This news is now doing rounds on the i t t
Varalaxmi Sarathkumar gets engaged to art gallerist Nicholai Sachdev
Varalaxmi Sarathkumar got engaged to art gallerist Nicholai
Sachdev on March 1 in the presence of her loved ones in Mumbai Industry tracker Ramesh Bala shared the news on X and intimate pictures from the engagement ceremony Ramesh also shared a note revealing their love story The note reads, “Actor Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and gallerist Nicholai Sachdev got engaged in an intimate ceremony in the presence of family and close friends held in Mumbai on the 1st of March Varalaxmi and Nicholai who have known each other for the past 14 years exchanged rings with the blessings of their parents The couple is excited to plan their wedding scheduled to take place later this year ”
At the engagement ceremony, Varalaxmi looked radiant in an ivory and
gold silk saree She paired the saree with a bright fuschia blouse with gold motifs, apart from diamond jewellery She put her hair up in a bun, adorning it with flowers Nicholai opted for a matching panache kattu in shades of ivory and gold The couple’s families also dressed in matching outfits, with Sarathkumar and Radhika grinning wide in the pictures shared by Ramesh on X Congratulatory messages poured in for the actor and her fiance on X
Varalaxmi was recently seen in Prasanth Varma’s Teja Sajja-starrer, Telugu film ‘HanuMan ’ She was recently roped in to star in Dhanush’s Tamil film ‘Raayan,’ which also stars Kalidas Jayaram, Sundeep Kishan and SJ Suryah She will also be seen in the Malayalam film ‘Colours,’ apart from a Telugu film titled ‘Sabari ’
Yatra, Dhanush's son, makes a debut in 'Rayaan' as a cinematographer
The Kollywood film industry has been witnessing a ray of new-found talent, with many star kids making their debuts and doing so well that they almost touched the sky A newcomer has captured everyone's attention not just because he is a star kid, but also due to the unique way he entered the film industry
Yatra, son of Dhanush, would be making his debut in 'Rayaan,' a film directed by the legend, and was also taking on the mantle to act in it The first look posters released by Dhanush created a buzz on the i n t e r n e t T h a t ' s Y a t r a s e t t i n g h i m s e l f unique not just the usual actor debut but instead giving a surprise in the roles played by his debut film, which is as a cinematographer
Yatra, though introduced as an actor, had no interest in acting Rather, he has decided to explore his passion for cinematography and has entered cinematography through 'Rayaan ' The team had earlier kept the name of the person who would be heading cinematography, but it has now come to be known that Yatra has undertaken this most responsible position
With such an unconventional debut, surely fans and many people from the respective industries are curious about this exception and would love to see how else he is going to allure viewers on the big screen "Rayaan" marks the beginning of what promises to be an exciting journey for Yatra in the world of cinema
30 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024
of Madras AR Rahman charmed his fans with a surprise public appearance on a metro train in Kochi, Kerala He was in God's own
Paul Gaultier showed up on ‘Race’ sets, requested for Katrina’s time
Choreographer Bosco Martis recently opened up about his close bond with actress Katrina Kaif In an interview, he recalled the time when she was dismissed as a “zero dancer” when she was starting, which is what made her put everything into improvement Talking to Siddharth Kannan, he recalled a story from the sets of the film ‘Race,’ highlighting Kat’s dedication as an actor and dependability as a human being.
Bosco said that he was unwell at the time and needed two days to complete the song ‘Race Saanson Ki ’ But none of the other actors were available to shoot “Bipashu Basu was busy, Ameesha Patel was busy I needed two days from an actor to film the song Kat said, ‘You take three days, but we will rehearse’ ”
Bosco continued, “One day, I was on set and wanted Katrina to be there Her manager c o m e s u p t o m e a n d t e l l s m e , ‘ T h e r e ’ s a gentlemen here, he wants to speak to you ’ This gentleman was standing there, and he was like, ‘This is so exciting, I’m so excited to see this Sorry, I’ve just come to ask your permission to take Katrina for three hours’ ” B o s c o w a s c o n f u s e d , a n d t h e n K a t r i n a ’ s manager told him who the man was “That was Jean Paul Gaultier Jean Paul Gautier had p e r s o n a l l y c o m e t o s e e k p e r m i s s i o n f o r Katrina, he said he would make sure she’s back in a couple of hours ”
T h i s , B o s c o s a i d , h i g h l i g h t s K a t r i n a ’ s “dedication ” “She really enjoys dancing,” he said, adding that they shot the song ‘Teri Ore’ in six hours Bosco also praised the actress for the way she handled being called a ‘ zero ’ on the set of ‘Partner ’ “Actors are fragile, and the job of the choreographer is to comfort them and make them feel safe I had that connection with Kat ”
Priyanka Chopra announces new film opposite Karl Urban
Priyanka Chopra has announced her new film, ‘The Bluff,’ alongside Karl Urban Taking to Instagram, she shared a screenshot of an article from Deadline com While she didn’t caption the post, she just added a quote by Mark Twain It read, “Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates - Mark Twain ” She also shared the post on her Instagram Stories with a red heart and folded hands emojis
Pri’s husband and singer Nick Jonas reshared her post on his Instagram, tagged her and added fire emojis Reacting to the post, a fan wrote, “You’re on fire, my queen @priyankachopra I am so proud of you, lets conquer it all way to go love always proud ”
A comment read, "Pri Chopra should play Wond Woman " A person said, " excited for this Priyanka " Instagram user said, "Om Urban!! Yes, go girl!!" Ano fan wrote, "This is very co So happy for you, Priyank
According to the repo by Deadline, ‘The Bluff’ will be directed by Frank E Flowers and produced by AGBO Studios and Amazon MGM Studios Frank also co-wrote the screenplay for the movie with Joe
Ballarini Set in the 19th-century Caribbean, ‘The Bluff’ follows a former female pirate (Priyanka) who must protect her family when the mysterious sins of her past catch up to her
Jeetu Joseph’s Mohanlal-starrer 'Drishyam' to be remade in Hollywood
After numerous remakes in Indian regional languages and a Chinese adaptation, Jeetu Joseph’s ‘Drishyam’ is all set to get a Western adaptation The 2013 Malayalam film starring Mohanlal, Meena, Ansiba Hassan and Esther Anil in the lead roles will now get an English remake
Kal Penn to star in film on Anna Nicole Smith
Actor Kal Penn has been cast in the lead role as Dr Sandeep Kapoor in the upcoming film “Trust Me, I’m a Doctor.” The movie will delve into the final days of Anna Nicole Smith’s life, nearly three weeks after the 17th anniversary of her tragic death.
B a s e d o n D r S a n d e e p Kapoor’s 2017 book of the same name, the film follows the pain m e d i c a
e takes a tumultuous turn during the wrongful death trials of the former Playboy centerfold The narrative unfolds a g a i
accidental drug overdose, attributed to a combination of chloral hydrate and other prescription drugs
Thane Economou is set to direct the film, having also written the script Kal
According to the report, the film will be available to stream on Prime Video It is likely to have a spring production in Australia The producers include Priyanka, AGBO’s Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Angela Russo-Otstot and Michael Disco; Cinestar Pictures’ Cisely Saldana, and Mariel Saldana Executive producers are AGBO’s Kassee Whiting; Cinestar Pictures’ Zoe Saldana; Rocket Science’s Thorsten Schumacher; Ballarini; and Frank Thi i the second tion of Priyanka with MGM Studios and er last year ’ s global ‘Citadel ’ Following its lease, the spy thriller iyanka and Richard den became Prime ideo’s second mostwatched new original series outside the US and fourth mostwatched worldwide Season 2 of the series will begin production this year, with Joe Russo serving as director and AGBO executive producing
Trade analyst Ramesh Bala wrote on X, “The cult franchise #Drishyam is all set to go global after garnering massive success in the India and China markets Producers Kumar M a n g a t P a t h a k a n d A b h i s h e k P a t h a k announced the Korean remake of the thriller franchise at the Cannes Film Festival 2023, and n o w t h e y a n n o u n c e t h e f r a n c h i s e ’ s n e w milestone ” He added, “Panorama Studios have joined hands with Gulfstream Pictures and JOAT Films to make Drishyam in Hollywood, a first for an Indian film!”
Sreedhar Pillai too took on X that the i n t e r n a t i o n a l r e m a k e r i g h t s h a v e b e e n a c q u i r e d f r o m t h e o r i g i n a l p r o d u c e r s “ P a n o r a m a h a s a c q u i r e d t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l remake rights to Drishyam 1 & 2 from the original producers, Aashirvad Cinemas ”
The original Malayalam film was a huge success and was followed by several remakes It was remade in 2014 as ‘Drishya’ in Kannada and ‘Drushyam’ in Telugu, with Ravichandran and Venkatesh in the lead roles, respectively In 2015, it was remade in Tamil as ‘Papanasam’ and in Hindi as ‘Drishyam’ with Kamal Haasan and Ajay Devgn, respectively I n 2 0 1 7 , i t w a s r e m a d e i n S i n h a l a a s ‘Dharmayuddhaya’ with Jackson Anthony and in 2019 as ‘Sheep Without a Shepherd’ with Xiao Yang in Mandarin Different directors took over different languages, with Jeetu only directing the Tamil version Indonesian and Korean remakes are already in the works
A sequel of the original, ‘Drishyam 2, ’ which was released in 2021, was hailed as a worthy sequel in a rare event The film picked off where the former left, with Mohanlal’s character Georgekutty and his family dealing with the aftermath of a crime The sequel was remade in Telugu, Kannada and Hindi also
Warner music group signs Nora Fatehi
Actress Nora Fatehi, who was recently seen in the Vidyut Jammwal film ‘Crakk’, has been welcomed by Robert Kyncl, the CEO of the Warner Music Group, after she inked the deal with the global record company.
The ership promote ra ’ s globa sic career, working th teams in the US nd across the world
cross-cultural superstar whose music reflects the rich diversity of her ckground Her passion and mbition are infectious, and we ’ re excited to help her reach new audiences, places, and heights across the globe ”
Nora will remain signed with T-Series for her Bollywood projects The actress, who is based India, was born in Canada to a family of Moroccan heritage She went on to become the first Arab African artist to hit one billion views on a single music video on YouTube
Nora is a part of his MENA (Middle East and North Africa) expansion plan Robert Kyncl said, “Nora is an raordinary talent, ctric performer, and
Talking about the partnership, Nora had earlier said: “I’ve enjoyed great success in my career so far, but this deal is a significant step forward in my musical journey, a new chapter in my international career! My ambition is to be a global music star and performer, connecting with fans all over the world
31 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly CROSS-PLATFORM 9 - 15 March 2024
h e b a c k d r o p o f A n n a N i c o l e ’ s
t i o n
t o
a s h i s l
n s t t
P e n n w i l l a l s o s e r v e a s a n e x e c u t i v e producer
commence in Toronto this spring, and the casting for the role of Anna Nicole is currently in progress T h i s m a r k s t h e s e c o n d r e c e n t m o v i e c e n t e r e d o n A n n a N i c o l e S m i t h , w i t h “ H u r r i c a n a ” h a v i n g r e c e n t l y w r a p p e d production
Filming is slated to
Shreyas Iyer, Ishan Kishan dropped from list of centrally contracted players
Sending a strong message that not playing in the Ranji Trophy u nless yo u are on national duty o r are unfit will not be tolerated, t he BCC I ex cl u ded I ndi a ’ s middle-order batter Shreyas Iyer and wi cketkeeper-batter Ishan K i s han f ro m the l i st o f 30 centrally contracted players
Iyer missed the last league match and the quarterfinal of the Ranji Trophy, citing back pain He has made himself available for the Ranji Trophy semifinal against Tamil Nadu from March 2 at the MCA’s ground in BKC in Mumbai Kishan, on the other hand, came back midway from India’s tour of South Africa due to ‘personal reasons ’ last year The explosive ’keeper-bat missed the Test series against England and didn’t play in the Ranji Trophy
for Jharkhand Earlier this month, BCCI secretary Jay Shah said that all the contracted players were obliged to play in the Ranji Trophy for their domestic teams, unless they were on India duty or were recovering - from injuries - at the National Cricket Academy (NCA)
Middle-order batsmen KL Rahul, Shubman Gill and pacer Mohammed Siraj have all been elevated to the Grade A category while ‘keeper-bat Rishabh Pant, who has been out of action since January 2023 while recovering from a horrific road accident, finds himself in Grade B
Bumrah back for fifth Test; Rahul yet to recover from injury
KL Rahul will continue to sit out of the I n di a - Eng la nd s er i es b ut pa c er J a s pr it Bumrah - who was rested from the seriesdecidi ng fourth Test in Ranchi - will rejoin the India squad ahead of the fifth Test in D haramshala from March 7
Bumrah, who has had an extraordinary series so far, was rested as part of Team India’s workload-management protocols given that the T20 World Cup will follow the IPL He is currently the-second highest wicket-taker in the series with 17 scalps from three Tests at an average of 13 64 England spinner Tom Hartley with 20 wickets leads the list For the Test in Dharamshala, which may favour the faster bowlers, India also have Mohammed Siraj, Akash Deep and Mukesh Kumar in the squad
As for Rahul, he has officially been ruled
out of the Test and may head to London to help him fully recover from the pain in his right quadriceps “The BCCI medical team is closely monitoring him and coordinating with specialists in London for further management of his issue,” the Indian cricket board (BCCI) said Rahul underwent surgery for the same injury in 2023 after the IPL
Meanwhile, Washington Sundar has been released from the squad and will join Tamil Nadu for their Ranji Trophy semifinal against Mumbai starting March 2 He will rejoin the India squad after the completion of the game
The BCCI statement also mentioned that Mohammed Shami, who successfully underwent surgery on Feb 26 for a rightheel issue, is recovering well and will soon head to the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru for rehabilitation
India's TT teams make Olympics cut for first time
Indian men ’ s and women ’ s table tennis teams created histo ry by qualifying for team events at t he u pco mi ng Pari s Oly mpic s Whi le they co u ldn ’t mak e the cu t fro m the W or ld Championships, it is their wo rld rankings that helped them clinch the spots for the first time in Olympics While the men ’ s team is currently ranked 15th, the women are on 13th spo t A total of 16 teams will be taking part in the men ’ s and women ’ s events respectively
Sharath Kamal, who has represented India at four Olympic Games, was ecstatic about India’s qualification “It is a surreal moment, as we will be competing for the first time in the team event at the Olympics On a personal front, this is a significant achievement for me as this will be my final appearance I have played in the singles event four times, but have always wanted to qualify in the team event (which was introduced in Beijing in 2008) For the last two years, my focus has been solely on contributing to the team’s qualification and we have finally done it Moreover, winning a tie in the Olympics would mean that we will move into the quarterfinals and that in itself will be a huge achievement for Indian TT,” Sharath said
Organisers keen on cricket in 2026 Asian Games
The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) is eager to have cricket at the 2026 Asian Games in Japan and is explo ring the idea o f co nverting a b as eb al l st adi u m in N ago y a fo r thi s purpo se Cricket administrators perceive multisport events like the Asian Games as an opportunity to boost the game, which will return to the Olympics at Los Angeles 2028 after a 128-year gap
Cricket featured in the Hangzhou Games in China last year but wasn’t part of the 2018 Games in Jakarta and Palembang in Indonesia “We are still working on the sports programme for the 2026 Games but yes, we would want cricket to be part of it,” OCA acting president Randhir Singh said
The lack of cricket facilities in Japan, however, remains an issue
There is an international cricket stadium in Tochigi prefecture, north of Tokyo, but the OCA prefers a facility in or around Nagoya, the capital of Aichi prefecture where the Games will be held The Tochigi stadium would be a three-and-a-half hour drive from Nagoya, said OCA deputy director general Vinod Kumar Tiwari, who visited Japan last month with an OCA coordination committee to oversee preparations “We are working with the Asian Cricket Council on this,” Tiwari said
The programme for the 2026 Games will be finalised at an OCA General Assembly in April
List of contracted players
G rade A +: Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, Jasprit Bumrah and Ravindra Jadeja
G rade A : R Ashwin, Mohammed Shami, Mohammed Siraj, KL Rahul, Shubman Gill and Hardik Pandya
Grade B: Surya Kumar Yadav, Rishabh Pant, Kuldeep Yadav, Axar Patel and Yashasvi Jaiswal
Grade C: Rinku Singh, Tilak Verma, Ruturaj Gaekwad, Shardul Thakur, Shivam Dube, Ravi Bishnoi, Jitesh Sharma, Washington Sundar, Mukesh Kumar, Sanju Samson, Arshdeep Singh, KS Bharat, Prasidh Krishna, Avesh Khan and Rajat Patidar
Fas t Bo wli ng c ontrac ts: Akash Deep, Vijaykumar Vyshak, Umran Malik, Yash Dayal and Vidwath Kaverappa
Smriti, Perry star in RCB’s win over UP Warriorz
The su ppo r t o f the Ro y al Chal le nge rs Bangalore fans at the stadium has been a hi ghl ig ht in the s ec o nd ed it i on o f the Women’s Premier League
Monday was no different and they were treated to a spectacle with Smriti Mandhana (80) and Ellyse Perry (58) putting on a show to help RCB register a 23-run win over UP Warriorz to end the Bengaluru leg of the competition on a winning note Put in to bat, RCB, who lost their previous two matches, posted a commanding 198/3 in 20 overs Warriorz, despite skipper Alyssa Healy’s fine effort (55), could only manage 175/8
Gu jarat Giants lose again
The Delhi Capitals secured a comfortable 25-run victory over the Gujarat Giants to go top of the Women’s Premier League Having been sent in to bat first by Beth Mooney, the Capitals posted a very competitive 163 for eight with captain Meg Lanning striking a 41-ball 55 In reply, Jess Jonassen and Radha Yadav each claimed three wickets to restrict the Giants to 138 for eight Lanning was imperious with the bat, striking six boundaries and a six, while receiving support from Alice Capsey (27) and Annabel Sutherland (20)
MI hand RCB a drubbing
The Women’s Premier League has been closely contested in the second edition After the first eight games, four of the five teams were on four points each – with only the net run rate grading them - making Saturday’s contest between Mumbai Indians and Royal Challengers Bangalore The former came up with an all-round show to secure a seven-wicket win and go on top of the table with six points Mumbai, who were without their regular skipper Harman preet Kaur once again, decided to bowl first after winning the toss It worked as the home team was restricted to 131/6 in 20 overs
Easy win for UP Warriorz Gujarat Giants came up with their highest total of the season but their 142 was below par as UP Warriorz handed them their third consecutive loss in the WPL Friday An unbeaten 33-ball 60 blitz from Grace Harris ensured the Warriorz vaulted to a six-wicket win with 26 balls to spare Like their first win, it was Grace and Deepti Sharma who steered the Warriors home, this time with an unbeaten 29-ball, 53-run stand
After a disastrous season in 2023, when they finished bottom of the heap with four wins from 14 league games, Sunrisers Hyderabad rung in a slew of changes The 2016 IPL champions named Australia s Pat Cummins as their skipper, Daniel Vettori as their coach and James Franklin as their pace bowling coach While Australia’s World Cup winning captain Cummins replaces Aiden Markram as the skipper Vettori replaces Brian Lara and Franklin comes in for Dale Steyn who sought a break from IPL duties this season
The change in captaincy was on the cards ever since the Sunrisers went all out to bag Cummins for £2 05 million at the auction in December last year when the Australian became the second costliest player in IPL s history Cummins had earlier plied his trade with Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) and Delhi Daredevils (DD) now Delhi Capitals It will be his first stint as captain in the T20 league, however He became the first player in IPL history to breach the £2 million mark at the auction for the 2024 season, only to see KKR acquire his teammate Mitchell Starc for £2 47 million
It seems Indian badminton coaches are in heavy demand in the United States now After Shlok Ramchandran B Sai Praneeth and Mohammed Siyadath Ullah are also moving to the US soon While Sai Praneeth will join Triangle Badminton Academy in North Carolina Siyadath will join Oregon Badminton Academy Former doubles specialist Shlok has been main coach at the Synergy Badminton Academy, California for the last three years Shlok was also one of the US coaches during the 23rd BWF World Junior Championships, held in Washington last year Tokyo Olympian Sai Praneeth formally announced his retirement from competitive badminton last week The 31-year-old will be shifting to the US with his family for a new role within a fortnight
New Zealand opener Devon Conway is all but ruled out of the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) due to a left thumb injury that will take eight weeks to heal, dealing a blow to his franchise Chennai Super Kings Conway sustained the injury during the T20I series against Australia last month The 32-year-old will undergo a surgery on his thumb which got injured on Feb 23
India’s latest batting sensation Yashasvi Jaiswal advanced towards a top-10 spot in the ICC rankings for Test batters by climbing three spots to 12th while his compatriot Dhruv Jurel leapfrogged 31 places to 69th Jaiswal who started the series in 69th position, continues his ascent to the top after scores of 73 and 37 in the fourth Test
Dhinidhi Desinghu produced a record-breaking swim to clock the Best Indian Time in the girl s 100m freestyle on way to a fourth place finish at the 11th Asian Group Aquatics Championships in Philippines Dhinidhi broke the previous record of 57 35s set by Kenisha Gupta, clocking a new Indian best time of 57 33s
in brief AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 9 - 15 March 2024 32
Shreyas Iyer & Ishan Kishan