Concerns grow over public services' ability to handle assisted dying P12
Government announces new measures to support small businesses P16
Trump names Kash Patel to be next FBI director P21
At 36, Jay Shah becomes ICC’s youngest chairman P32
Concerns grow over public services' ability to handle assisted dying P12
Government announces new measures to support small businesses P16
Trump names Kash Patel to be next FBI director P21
At 36, Jay Shah becomes ICC’s youngest chairman P32
Violence against Hindus in Bangladesh is escalating, with attacks on temples and individuals. The arrest of monk Chinmoy Krishna Das and the persecution of ISKCON have sparked global protests, calling on governments to urge Bangladesh to protect minority rights. Asian Voice has gathered insights from community and political leaders on the need for justice for Hindus in Bangladesh
Subhasini Naicker
Since the ousting of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, violence against Hindus in Bangladesh has surged, with frequent reports of temple vandalism, assaults, and attacks on individuals The Hindu minority in Bangladesh comprises 8% Over 200 incidents have been reported across more than 50 districts.
The arrest of Hindu monk Chinmoy Krishna Das, a former member of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), for advocating minority rights in Bangladesh highlights the Yunus government's alleged Hinduphobia
Sixty-three ISKCON monks travelling from Bangladesh to India for a religious ceremony were stopped by the Bangladeshi government, suggesting a coordinated anti-Hindu campaign by fundamentalists with government support
The interim government in Bangladesh is labeling ISKCON as a cult, despite the organisation’s global impact with nearly 1,500 temples promoting multiculturalism and aiding those in need
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar briefed Prime Minister Modi on the situation, including the recent attacks on Hindus and the arrest of ISKCON leader Chinmoy Krishna Das
The Ministry of External Affairs expressed concern over his denial of bail and urged Bangladesh to ensure Hindu safety In response, Bangladesh dismissed the issue as an "internal affair," accusing India of misrepresenting facts and undermining bilateral relations
the national interest lies in collaborating w ith both
stressed that the UK would continue to value its longstanding relationship with the US, which has been central to the countr y ’ s security
a n d p ro s p e r i t y fo r o v e r a centur y However, Starmer also underscored the importance of "resetting" Britain’s relationship with Europe, its largest trading partner, following years of neglect after Brexit
He stated that the idea of having to pick between the two allies was fundamentally wrong, citing historical f igures like Clement
A t t l e e a n d W i n s t o n
Churchill, who maintained strong ties with both the US and Europe His comments come amid concerns that, u n d e r a p o
c o n d term for Donald Trump, the UK could be pressured to c h o o
America and the European
trade tariffs
their ability to handle the
Trump administration, with Starmer’s team having built relationships over the years to prepare for such an eventuality In a major foreign policy speech, Starmer reaff irmed the UK’s role as a "c
actor" on the global stage,
expected to disrupt global affairs, particularly in conflict zones
d efforts to rebuild Britain’s relationship with European p
cooperation on issues like security, without revisiting
like freedom of movement or the customs union
Britain c om mitted to inve sting £1 98 bill ion ($2 5 bill ion) o v er t hr e e ye a r s in t o t h e Worl d Ba nk's Int ern at ional
D e v e l op m e nt A s s o c ia t io n ( IDA) f un d, aim e d a t s upporting t he worl d’s poores t c ountries
T h e i n v e s t m e n t w i l l focus on projects that pro-
m o t e e c o n o m i c g r o w t h , combat poverty, and address climate change, according to a government statement The IDA fund , which primarily
offers grants and low-interest loans to the most impoverished nations, is replenished e
h a pledging conference set for December 5-6 in Seoul Wo r l d B a n k P
n t A j ay B a n g
i s t a r g e t i n g a record funding amount, surpassing the $93 billion raised in December 2021, to meet g r o w i n g d e m a n d s f r o m countries facing heavy debt burdens, climate disasters, and conflicts US President
Joe Biden also pledged $4 billion to the IDA fund last week While Britain previously allocated 0 7% of its GNI to foreign aid, the form e r Co n s e r v a t i v
g o v e r nment reduced this to 0 5% in 2021 due to the pandemic’s impact
T h e L a b o u r g o v e r nment, led by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, has vowed to restore the aid budget but has not set a specif ic timeline
T h e U K g o v ern m ent h a s announced plans to develop a national strategy to tackle m en ’ s health issues, following Men’s Health Awareness Mo nth
He a l t h S e c r e t a r y We s Streeting revealed the initiative at a summit hosted by
A r s e n a l Fo o t b a l l C l u b , i n
c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h Movember and the Premier League The strategy aims to address key challenges dis-
Th e Rwand a deportation scheme has cost the U K £715 million, accord ing to a detailed breakdow n of expenses
This includes £290 million paid to Rwanda’s government, £50 million for flights, escorting, airf ield preparations, and police ser vices, and £95 million for detention and reception centres between 2022 and June 2024 Additional costs, such as for new IT systems, legal fees, and staff ing, amounted to £280 million
Yvette Cooper
Home Secretar y Yvette Cooper revealed these f igures while making a statement in the House of Commons
She pointed out that despite the £700 million investment over two years, only four volunteers were sent to Rwanda, with no deportations or reductions in Channel crossings Cooper criticised the scheme, noting that 84,000 people had crossed the Channel during this period, despite the substantial expenditure The Rwanda plan was scrapped earlier this year when Labour came into power, with ministers claiming that ending it would save £750 million
Some of these savings are being redirected to Labour's new border security initiatives, while staff previously working on the Rwanda plan have been reassigned to immigration enforcement
Rachel Reeves is set to appoint Tom Hayhoe a seasoned health service and regulatory expert and former Conservative cabinet adviser, as her Covid Corruption Commissioner Hayhoe s role will focus on recovering billions of pounds lost to fraudulent contracts during the pandemic The chancellor believes the Treasury can recover £2 6bn from waste, fraud, and poorly executed contracts signed during the crisis Hayhoe will work with HMRC, the Serious Fraud Office, and the National Crime Agency to investigate an estimated £7 6bn worth of Covid-related fraud He will begin his work by reviewing £674m in contracts previously written off by the Conservative government with the goal of returning funds to taxpayers He will also evaluate the recovery efforts in other major Covid loan schemes such as furlough bounce -back loans and business support grants
Men in the UK die near-
l y fo u r y e a r s e a r l i e r t h a n women on average and are more likely to suffer from preventable illnesses such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes They also account for three-quarters of suicides
p r o p o r t i o n a t e l y a f fe c t i n g m e n , i n c lu d i n g h e a r t d i sease, prostate and testicular cancer, mental health issues, and suicide prevention
“P r e v e n t a b l e k i l l e r s l i ke heart disease and prostate cancer are being caught far too late Suicide remains the biggest killer for men under 50, ” said Streeting, emphas i s i n g t h e u r g e n c y fo r action
The plan will focus on prevention, closing the life expectancy gap, and explori n g n a t i o n a l s
options for prostate cancer Currently, men over 50 can request a prostate-specif ic antigen (PSA) test, but no n
gramme exists due to the lack of a reliable early detection method
This announcement follows the 2022 launch of
and is part of the Labour government’s proposed ten-
Polling data rev eals that nearly half of U K v oters are calling for another g eneral election within the next six m onths, reflecting a lukew a rm as se s sm e nt o f t h e L ab o ur Government's perform ance so far
A sur vey by BMG Research, conducted exclusively for The i Paper, shows that 47% of respondents want to recast their votes in a new election, while 24% oppose the idea Support for a second election is particularly strong among Reform and Conser vative voters, with 81% and 77% of respondents backing the suggestion, respectively
In contrast, the idea of another election within a year received the lowest backing from Labour and Liberal Democrat voters, though around a third of respondents from both parties still supported it, with 34% of Labour voters and 33% of Liberal Democrat voters in favour
The call for a second general election has gained traction recently, partly driven by an online petition that has garnered nearly 3 million signatures While the likelihood of an election before 2029 remains slim, the surge in support signals growing dissatisfaction with the Government’s early performance
In London, this sentiment is echoed by a signif icant shift in voter sentiment More than a quarter of Londoners who backed Labour at the last general election now say they regret their vote, according to a new poll by Savanta for the Mile End Institute at Queen Mar y University of London
The sur vey found that support for Labour in the capital has dropped “dramatically” since Sir Keir Starmer’s landslide victor y on July 4
Living Without Abuse (LWA), a domestic violence charity, is helping to raise awareness about the impact of abuse across Leicester and the wider county As part of the 16 Days of Action Against Abuse campaign, LWA is working alongside local organisations to highlight the suffering of those affected by domestic violence The campaign, running until December 10, includes an exhibition called Expression of Freedom, located at Leicester ’s Highcross shopping centre Curated by Leicestershire County Council’s Family Help Service and LWA the exhibition features works created by around 100 survivors and young people who collaborated with local artists The exhibit showcases the emotional and transformative journey of survivors, with the aim of raising awareness and offering hope The campaign will culminate in an event at Leicester's Clock Tower on December 10, where the public can engage with staff from LWA , Leicestershire Police, and other organisations
Labour has postponed its pledge to provide free breakfast clubs in all primary schools in England, citing concerns about schools capacity to implement the scheme Initially planned for rollout in September 2025 the programme is now delayed until at least April 2026 with potential further postponement to the following academic year The decision follows widespread concerns from schools about inadequate staffing, resources, and clarity The New Britain Project, a think tank , warned the initiative risks being rushed without the support needed to succeed, echoing fears of financial and operational strain
Currently, 7 7% of primary schools offer breakfast clubs, but only 13% do so free of charge Labour had intended to begin with pilot programmes in 750 schools next year before nationwide implementation, but the extended timeline reflects a cautious approach to avoid replicating the challenges seen in other education schemes
It’s often said that a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none, but that old adage doesn’t tell the whole story In today’s dynamic world, having multiple talents and skill sets might not make you a singular master, but it can open up countless career opportunities and pathways to success Career diversification, the practice of cultivating varied skills and income sources throughout your working life, is gaining recognition as a smart strategy for personal and professional growth Rather than focusing on a singular career trajectory, diversification allows individuals to broaden their professional horizons, adapt to changing industries, and mitigate the risks associated with relying on a single source of income It’s a forward-thinking approach to career development, emphasising adaptability, resilience, and innovation
T a k e S h a b i r J o b a n p u t r a , M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r o f
Relentless Records, as an example Over the past 40 years, he’s navigated nearly every aspect of the music industry
From DJing on a pirate radio station in London during his teens to founding his first label, Outcaste, in 1994, and later establishing Relentless Records in 1999, Jobanputra has shown how diverse experiences can build a rich and fulfilling career He even served as president of Virgin Records in the late 2000s, showcasing the rewards of versatility Neel Sachdev provides another compelling example Known as one of the UK’s leading corporate lawyers, Sachdev is currently the global co-chair of finance and capital markets
The quintessential model of mastering multiple disciplines is Lord Karan Bilimoria Recently stepping down as c h a i r m a n o f C o b r a B e e r , t h e c o m p a n y h e f o u n d e d , Bilimoria’s achievements span business, academia, and public service A qualified Chartered Accountant and Cambridge law graduate, he has earned honorary doctorates from numerous esteemed universities, including Birmingham, Cranfield, and Heriot-Watt
Bilimoria has also contributed significantly to policy and education as the former President of the UK Council
on International Student Affairs (UKCISA) and co-chair of
International Students This brief overview highlights only a fraction of his achievements His career stands as a powerful example of how diverse expertise can fuel personal success while making meaningful contributions on a global stage
Other notable figures who embody versatility in their professional lives include Riz Ahmed, the British-Pakistani actor, rapper, and activist, celebrated for winning an Emmy Award and earning a Golden Globe nomination Similarly, Meera Syal CBE FRSL stands out as a multi-talented comedian, writer, playwright, singer, journalist, and actress, among her many accomplishments
Diversification and an unwavering resilience have long been defining traits of South Asians across the globe These qualities have propelled them into leadership roles at some of the world’s most influential organisations and their approach offers a blueprint for thriving in an unpre-
Alphabet Inc, Satya Nadella at Microsoft, Leena Nair at Chanel, Ajay Banga at the World Bank, and Shantanu Narayen at Adobe Inc among many others Their journeys reflect not only exceptional talent but also a shared history of colonisation and expulsion which instilled in them a drive to succeed through adaptability and perseverance
For these global leaders, diversification has been more than a strategy; it is a passion-driven approach that has allowed them to explore and excel in fields they are genuinely passionate about In today’s world of rapid techno-
evolving workplace dynamics, career diversification has transcended from being a strategy to becoming a necessity
By cultivating a diverse skill set, building multiple income streams, and embracing lifelong learning, professionals can not only secure their careers against uncertainties but also create lives that are richer, more dynamic, and deeply fulfilling
In Bangladesh, the current anti-Hindu sentiment is no longer subtle it is overt and abrasive!
The Hindu community in the country urgently needs attention and support before their numbers dwindle further Bangladesh's minority Hindu community, comprising approximately 8% of the country's 170 million population, has reportedly endured over 200 attacks across more than 50 districts following the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government R
o n a l S o c i e t y f o r K r i s h n a Consciousness (Iskcon) in Bangladesh has garnered significant attention following the arrest of Chinmoy Krishna Das, a former associate of the Hindu religious organisation The incident has sparked widespread protests across the country, leading to clashes between the minority Hindu community and security forces Reports also indicate the arrests of other Hindu priests, intensifying tensions Iskcon spokesperson in Kolkata, Radharamn Das, has expressed concern, stating that atrocities against religious minorities continue unabated, even after 100 days
The interim government led by Muhammad Yunus exhibits a clear anti-India stance, neglecting the critical need for fostering positive bilateral relations Yunus's repeated and unfounded criticisms of Sheikh Hasina and her advisers, including attributing issues like floods to India, undermine the essence of good neighbourly ties and risk further straining relations between the two nations
While Muhammad Yunus has downplayed attacks on Hindu minorities in media interviews, he has also acknowledged the need to address communal violence in private discussions with colleagues Despite debates over the scale of post Hasina violence, it is undeniable that many Hindus continue to suffer from organised attacks by Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat cadres
Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering microcredit and micro-finance concepts in Bangladesh However, it is ironic that a man recognised globally for fostering peace has been criticised for failing to promote harmony and allegedly making unfulfilled promises aimed at protecting minority rights
Hindus in Bangladesh have staged numerous protests to highlight the escalating atrocities they face, highlighting their plight and demanding justice Targeted oppression has no place in any society The sweeping of allegation under the carpet, calling the status of minorities safer than before when the reality is starkly different is nothing but sheer and blatant “eyewash” The government needs to establish a clear agenda and provide direction for this journey
India has consistently been a reliable ally to Bangladesh,
fostering ties with various parties, and facilitating access to Indian cities for medical care through visas and flights This goodwill underscores India's commitment to friendship despite anti-India rhetoric persisting in Bangladesh, which risks straining ties Moreover, India exemplifies peaceful coexistence among diverse communities, unlike Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan, where minorities often face persecution By 2050, India is projected to have the world’s largest Muslim population, with Hindus ranking third globally This demographic harmony reflects India's pluralism, offering a model for multi-religious unity
Recently, there have been calls to declare Bangladesh an Islamic state During a recent high court hearing, the coun-
"socialism and secularism do not reflect the realities of a nation where 90% of the population is Muslim " Analysts have drawn comparisons between Bangladesh's current trajectory and the political landscapes of Afghanistan and Pakistan, both of which have faced significant instability in recent years
Following Israel’s attack on Hamas in Gaza, Britain witnessed large pro-Palestinian protests calling for action against Israel Meanwhile, many believe that the Hindu community in Britain has remained silent about the ongoing atrocities in Bangladesh While pro-Palestinian demonstrations have turned violent, the Hindu and Indian communities in Britain have consistently stayed within the law Is it not the responsibility of the British Hindu community to raise its voice, within legal limits, for the suffering Hindus in Bangladesh?
Britain holds significant influence, and voices raised here echo internationally MP Bob Blackman, a staunch friend of India and Hindus, has strongly condemned the persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh in the House of Commons Despite hundreds of Hindu organisations in Britain, a very few reached out to support the suffering Hindus in Bangladesh While the situation of Hindus in Pakistan is dire, the conditions in Bangladesh, once considered a haven for Hindus, are rapidly deteriorating due to rising fundamentalism If this trend continues, Bangladesh could soon face a situation like Pakistan Considering this, the British Hindu community must voice their concerns unitedly
Several MPs had called on the Starmer government to impose strict conditions on aid to Pakistan to prevent further atrocities against its Hindu community If political leaders can take such action, British Hindu organisations must break free from the constraints of caste divisions and unite in a strong, collective voice to support Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan, ensuring their message resonates globally
“There is no substitute for hard work ” Thomas Edison
We cannot care for things only because we have something in common with the people suffering But that is the way of the world and if we do not, then who will, for too few care for those not like them. So with the persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh, as the ISIS mentality of radicalisation takes hold, just the way the head of MI6 fears Islamist extremists will use Palestine to radicalise. But how to be effective. Shouting in an echo chamber or an empty rant on X is not effective.
Here are 10 effective, low-effort, high-impact strategies that Hindus in the UK could employ to respond to the arrest of a Hindu priest in Bangladesh, the massacre of Hindus in Bangladesh, aimed at influencing public opinion, policymakers, and diplomatic narratives:
1 Leverage Social Media to Question British Diplomats' Claims
Use platforms like X and LinkedIn to tag British diplomats and embassies in posts questioning their
Bangladesh, linking it to the broader issue of Hindu safety Comment on their statements seeking British businesses to do business in Bangladesh Make clear it is not safe Call for a boycott of British businesses doing business in Bangladesh Bangladesh is an unsafe failed State It’s only a matter of time before another military coup or Pakistan/China alliance runs the puppet regime
Example: "If Hindu priests are unsafe in Bangladesh, can we trust British businesses are? @UKinBangladesh @FCDOGovUK time to reconsider your narrative?" Don’t appeal to them to love Hindus, appeal to their self-interest; trade and terrorism
2 Engage British MPs Representing High Hindu Constituencies
Write concise, pointed letters or emails to MPs (like those in Leicester, Harrow, or Wembley) asking them to raise this issue in Parliament, framing it as a human rights concern that resonates with their voter base This is working
3. Highlight Inconsistencies in Trade and Aid Policies
Post on platforms like LinkedIn or write to newspapers about how the UK’s significant trade and aid commitments to Bangladesh could be reevaluated given t
4. Create and Share Viral Hashtags Launch hashtags such as #SafeHindusInBangladesh or #UKBangladeshDiplomacyFail, ensuring they are used across tweets and posts to build online momentum
5 Join Hands with Americans
Trump, Tulsi, Vivek, Usha, Kash Find your connections in the US through sister organisations and get them to stand up and shout I’ve seen Tulsi and Trump send the message out The others will They’re not weak If it was Bangladeshis doing this to American’s the US market would be closed to them and the 7th fleet in the Bay of Bengal by now The Republicans get it You point to them the Christians are being attacked It’s how they got the Russians out of Afghanistan Think smart You’re appealing to their self-interest
6 Engage Influential Think Tanks
Write to organizations like Chatham House or the Henry Jackson Society, framing the issue as a case of religious freedom erosion in a Commonwealth nation, which could impact regional stability
7 Petition the UN Human Rights Council
Submit an online petition addressed to the UNHRC and publicize it widely Stress how such incidents violate Bangladesh's obligations under international human rights treaties Although remember what Israel thinks about UNHRC!
This New Year, share the gift of knowledge and connection with your loved ones through our special combo subscription offer for Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar. For more details, see page: 11
Louise Hai gh has resign ed as Transport Secretary
af te r it was re ve ale d that s he has a f ra ud c on viction related to mi sleadin g the police about a stolen m ob ile phon e
In a letter to Prime Minister Keir Starmer released on Friday, Haigh described the 2014 incident as a “mistake,” but acknowledged that “whatever the facts of the matter, this issue will inevitably be a distraction from delivering on the work of this government ”
She has been replaced by Heidi Alexander, the Labour MP for Swindon South, who previously served as Deputy Mayor of London for Transport under Sadiq Khan
The resignation follows
a Sky News report revealing that in 2014, Haigh was convicted for providing misleading information to the police after a mugging in 2013 She had mistakenly included her mobile phone on a list of stolen items, later discovering it was in
her home Haigh pleaded guilty under legal advice, though she emphasised that the incident was a genuine mistake and resulted in no personal gain The conviction is now spent
In her letter to Starmer, Haigh expressed regret over her departure but stated, "I take pride in what we have done" and pledged to continue representing the people of Sheffield Heeley
Responding to Haigh, the Prime Minister thanked her for her contributions to the government's transport agenda, including efforts to bring rail back into public ownership and investments in bus services and motorist costs
A group of Sri La nka n T ami ls s tran ded f or over thr ee ye ars on the remote I ndi an Ocean is lan d of Di ego Garcia has been b rought to the UK
They are allowed to remain in the country for six months, with financial support from the Foreign Office, according to documents reviewed by the BBC Their arrival in the UK marks the end of a long and complex legal battle over their fate, though their long-term future remains uncertain
The group, which consists
of around 60 migrants, had been living in a makeshift camp on Diego Garcia since October 2021, becoming the first individuals to file asylum claims there The island is home to a strategic UK-US military base
A government spokesperson called the move a "one-off," made due to the "exceptional nature" of their cases and the need to address their welfare "This government inherited a deeply troubling situation that remained unresolved
under the last administration for years," the spokesperson said
Tessa Gregory, a solicitor from UK law firm Leigh Day, which represents some of the migrants, described the relocation as the "only sensible solution" to end the humanitarian crisis She emphasised that the group, including 16 children, had endured 38 months in squalid conditions and hoped they could now seek safety and begin rebuilding their lives
A county lines d rug d eale r who fled the c ountry to avoid justice h as finally b een s entenced to pris on Mohamm ed Ramza n, 48, was the leader of a n organised c rim e group res ponsib le for the s upply of class A drugs in and a round Te lford
In March this year, Ramzan was found guilty of several drug-related charges, including conspiracy to supply heroin and cocaine, being involved in money laundering, and dangerous driving Despite failing to attend court, he was sentenced to 16 years in his absence Ramzan, of Princess Avenue in Arleston, appeared before Shrewsbury Crown Court on November 27, where he was taken into custody to serve his sentence
Detective Sergeant Stephen Dakin from West Mercia’s Serious
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Please contact: Phone: 07884262602 / Email: starnat46@gmail.com
A gro up of Gen Z Labou r M Ps is ad vocating for a th ree-d ay week in P arliament as part of an effort to shake up traditional parliam entary practices
Currently, MPs work four days a week in W e s t m i n s t e r , d e d i c a t i n g F r i d a y s t o c o nstituency work and surgeries However, these new MPs want to condense the four days into three, allowing them to spend more time in their constituencies and with their families
“There’s a group of young new MPs railing against the system,” said one Labour MP “Many of them have young families or are planning to start one, but the current schedule can be a nightmare especially if their constituency is far away ”
The MPs argue that eliminating time-consuming practices, such as "bobbing" the act of standing to catch the Speaker’s eye in order to ask a question could help streamline parliamentary business and save valuable time “We spend hours bobbing,” the MP explained
In addition to the three-day week proposal, some MPs are calling for a more relaxed dress code, including the option of not wearing a tie in the Chamber Despite these efforts, government sources have shown little interest in changing MPs' sitting hours
Meanwhile, Labour staff are also pushing for a four-day working week These proposals are being presented to the newly established M o d e
Government, which is tasked with reviewing potential reforms to parliamentary practices
A co nv icted kid napper w ith a history o f serious crimes has been jailed for lau nd ering more than £3 m illion w ith the help o f his ex-wife, a former HMRC wo rker
Mohammed Ramzan
and Organised Crime Unit commented, "Ramzan was directly in control of others involved in the supply of class A drugs in Telford Even though he fled the country to evade justice, we remained determined to ensure he faced the consequences This should send a strong message that we will continue targeting county lines drug dealers and disrupting criminal activity in our communities "
Britain's largest relationship counselling charity, Relate, is facing insolvency after a significant drop in funding from NHS, school, and local authority contracts The charity has entered administration and has been given four to six weeks to secure a buyer or merger partner in order to remain operational However, the 26 independent local branches of Relate are unaffected There are concerns that hundreds of clients may face session cancellations following the immediate redundancy of 80 staff members including 40 counsellors which represents a third of the central workforce
The police watchdog for England and Wales has urged action to end the “adultification of Black children by officers, but campaigners argue the updated guidelines fall short of addressing the issue The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) defines adultification as a racial bias where Black and minority ethnic children are perceived as more “streetwise,” “grown-up,” and less innocent or vulnerable than their peers The IOPC’s revised guidelines, released this week, emphasise the need for officers to recognise how this bias can lead to the unjust treatment of children While campaigners welcomed the IOPC’s acknowledgment of the harm caused by adultification they stressed the need for a deeper transformation in how children are treated by police
received a six-year sentence for money laundering related to a £3 3 million scheme that spanned 2015 to 2018 His ex-wife, Kuldip Badesha, also 46, from Kent, was sentenced to 14 months, suspended for 18 months, for misc o n d u c t i n a p u b l
ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work and five days of rehabilitation
Badesha’s extravagant lifestyle, which included leasing a Bentley and taking luxury vacations, led to her arrest by HMRC’s anti-corruption unit in 2018 She was dismissed from her position in 2019 Judge Adam Hiddleston described Singh’s actions as involving “significant planning and sophisticated offending” and criticised his use of bogus companies to facilitate the crimes
Badesha, who married Singh during his weekend prison release in 2013, assisted him by providing false documents, including fake National Insurance numbers and forged lett e r s f r o m H M R C T
remorse and lack of personal financial gain but emphasised that her actions undermined public trust in HMRC
HMRC revealed that Singh began laundering money during day release and continued a f t e r h i s r e l e a s e o n l i c e n c e i n 2 0 1 4 B e n
Rollins, head of anti-corruption at HMRC, condemned Badesha's breach of trust, stating she had used her position to enable her exhusband’s criminal activities
Brits are being urged to stay home if possible as cases of norovirus, a bug causing vomiting and diarrhoea surge across the UK The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) reported a 31 6% rise in norovirus cases from November 4 to 17, with hospital outbreaks increasing by 19 4% Cases are currently double the usual levels for this time of year, with the spike starting earlier than expected Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea fever, abdominal pain and aching limbs Vulnerable groups including young children and the elderly are at risk of dehydration To prevent the spread the UKHSA advises thorough handwashing with soap and warm water and cleaning surfaces with bleach-based products as hand sanitiser alone is ineffective
Britain plans to review long-term funding for the BBC and explore alternatives to the TV licence aiming to secure its future amid competition from streaming giants and changing viewer habits Currently, the BBC is funded by a £169 50 annual TV licence fee charged to all households watching live TV However, the number of households paying the fee has declined as more people shift to online content The Department for Culture, Media and Sport announced it would use the review of the BBC's Royal Charter to consider alternative funding models for the broadcaster which employs 21,000 people Culture Minister Lisa Nandy stated, "We will have an honest national conversation about the broadcaster’s future, ensuring sustainable funding that supports its vital work and remains fair to payers "
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graph and fingerprints as part of this process, but you’ll be gerprints s but you’ll be
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ould I do?
eVisas r e c o r d s o y o u need physical documents. They have a nu s, uctions on what Once you’ve ur eceive a UKVI ess re e the benefits as?
are a digital ’ l l n o l o ng e r al documents. umber of ben-
efits, as an e lost, stolen or damaged. You can prove your rights instantly, ac securely, while the necessary information with anyone who requests it. revent unnec eVisa can’t be ve curately and e only sharing ystatus easily with your landlord or employer via the “ prove” service. S o t ak e gov.uk/eVisa.
An eVisa is an o record of your immi gration status in the allowing you to view and p r o v e y o u r i m m i g r status, including your li Visa. It’s important you do g access
y y r via the “view and vice. a c t i on n o w a t isa. straightforward. make international travel passp your to account you i n l ca you and ical documents you have UK. It replaces the p k or study in the nk to live, work internation l e v a r t o t e p ’r you if y l r a l u c i t gration status, par i m m i delays in proving your y r a s this to avoid unneces
Go to gov.uk/eVisa and create a UKVI account. Don’t worry, your immigration status won’t ed If y
ov.uk/eVisa ate a UKVI worry, your s won’t ou
eVisa. It’s importan to port UKVI have - phys in the th their be sho you immigr who uses a physical guardian of a child you’re a parent or and do so ge
It will also prevent unnec
An eVisa will u d cal ment, e action on
31 De your account by l hou s have a BRP, you nally. ng ni lan - us, par ing - nneces t ld c re at e ccount ecember, et ahead o it now. If a parent or an of a child es ation docu ould take half too. rights e your to prov e it easier mak
be asked to provide a photo an NTL application. You might Yo d W Get access Q s to y What if I h ocumen ou shoul pplication
your eVisa at gov have paper nts? d still make n. de photo-
Over a quarter of L ondoners w ho voted L abour in the last g eneral election now regret their ch oice, according to a new poll
A Savanta survey for the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London revealed a significant drop in Labour's support in the
Starmer's landslide victory
o n J u l y 4 D e s p i t e t h i s decline, the party remains 12 percentage points ahead of its competitors in the city
were held tomorrow, 36% of
Labour, compared to 24% for the Conservatives The L i b e r a
Greens each stand at 12%, while 13% support Reform U K T
decline from Labour's 22-
Conservatives in the 2024 g
Labour secured 43% of the
Conservatives 21% Labour has faced tough budget choices since taking o
Rachel Reeves citing a £22 billion "black hole" left by the previous Tory government A survey revealed that
would now vote differently,
left-leaning and right-leaning parties
A m an who brutally murd
nd by p
tenced to life in p rison, with a minimum term of 21 years
Raj Sidpara, 50, was conv i c t e d o f m u r d e r i n g
Tarnjeet Riaz, also known
b y h e r m a i d e n n a m e Chagger, at Leicester Crown Court last week The court heard that Riaz was found u n r e s p o n s i v e a t S i d p a r a ’ s home, suffering from severe facial trauma, multiple broken ribs, and brain bleeding
Judge Harbage described Sidpara’s attack on Riaz as "savage and merciless " "You p u n c h e d , k i c k e d , a n d stamped on her in a sustained assault," he told the
defendant "Your complete lack of remorse throughout the case is striking You have refused to explain what you did or why " Sidpara, who h a s b e e n d i a g n o s e d w i t h a l
Sidpara was accused of attacking and killing Riaz in the early hours of 6 May after a night out Initially, he told police she had fallen w h i l e d r u n k A f
assault, he went to bed and
When he called emergency services later that afternoon, Riaz was already dead The court heard that the couple had been together for about
was known to have "outbursts of anger " He had 24 previous convictions for various offences, including violence, threats t
William Hagu e, form er for-
e i g n s ec ret ary a nd
C o nserv ati v e P arty lead er, h as been elected as th e new ch ancellor of the U niv ersity
o f Oxford
A 1 9 8 2 g r a d u a t e o f
M a g d a l e n C o l l e g e , L o r d Hague will be formally inaugurated into the ceremonial role in the new year, succeeding Lord Patten as the 1 6 0 t h p e r s o n t o h o l d t h e position in the university's 800-year history
"I regard being elected as the Chancellor of our university as the greatest honour of my life," Lord Hague said
The 10-year chancellor role is elected by Oxford’s
ters Lord Peter Mandelson and Dominic Grieve were eliminated in earlier rounds, while Baroness Jan Royall,
Lord Hague, who led the ballot at every stage, won
1,600 votes He said, "My
Oxford, and I will dedicate myself to serving the university I love " He added, "What happens at Oxford in the next decade is crucial to the success of the UK "
L o rd K a ran B i li m o ri a step ped dow n as chairman o f C o bra a fte r rep a yi ng almost all of the com pany ’ s former cred itors
B i l i m o r i a f o u n d e d Cobra in 1989, but the business collapsed in 2009, leaving 340 creditors owed over £70 million He later teamed up with Molson Coors to rescue the brand through a pre-pack administration
The peer took a 49 9% stake and became chairman after the joint venture with Molson Coors, initially set for 10 years, was extended in
May 2019
The former CBI president committed to repaying all creditors from his share o f f u t u
ments In 2019, he vowed to honor that pledge “for as long as it takes,” although some investors with insurance were excluded
B i l i m o
a h a s n o w repaid 99% of the £72 mil-
profits over the past 15 years
He stated that the repay-
A n Ind ian restaurant has plead ed guilty to 1 3 food safety vio lations, inclu ding failing to control p ests and ensure food was pro tected fro m contam inatio n that c ou ld rend er i t unsafe or unfit for consump tion
Luthfa Tandoori Ltd, owner of Tandoori Mahal Restaurant in Wallasey, pleaded guilty to 13 food safety violations under the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013, including issues with cleanliness, pest control, food protection, handling, and staff training Two related cases are also being
Ajmol Ali, of Wallasey, has also pleaded guilty to 13 charges under the same regulations
The guilty pleas include failures to implement proper pest control procedures, supervise food handlers, and maintain cleanliness
design, and size, which hindered effective food hygiene practices, including pest control and protection from contamination
Elkas Moh am med, former v ice p rincip al at Brampton Manor Academy in east London, has been struck off fo r lying about a degree on his CV and faking invoices fo r the sch ool's Year 11 prom
claimed attending Lancaster University and submitted fraudulent invoices for a DJ, memorabilia, and food
Mohammed submitted fake invoices in 2019 for £1,550 of memorabilia, £250 for a photo booth, £650 for a DJ, and £1,425 for food for a cultural diversity event
He was caught after the DJ confirmed the i n v o i c e w a s f a k e , a n d M o h a m m e d l a t e r admitted to fabricating the sweets and photo booth invoice
While he claimed to have paid the DJ in cash and then submitted an invoice, the panel found this unlikely and determined that the promised items never materialised
The panel heard that Elkas Mohammed lied about attending Lancaster University’s St Martins College when applying for a role at Forest Gate Community School He also provided false references for subsequent jobs
The panel noted the repeated and complex dishonesty, including fabricating invoices, using different bank details, and creating fake email addresses for false references
New pro posals for th e C ity’s tallest skyscraper have been criticised for creating an “environm ent o f surveillance” in the heart of the Square Mile
Lord Karan Bilimoria
Developer Stanhope faced backlash from objectors, who argued that even with design changes made by lead architect Eric Parry, t
Undershaft scheme remain unacceptable T
largest private pension fund, has reaffirmed its objection to the 74-storey 1 Undershaft skyscraper It strongly opposes plans for a seven-metre-high digital screen at the base of the building in St Helen’s Square, citing concerns over the added security measures needed to prevent vandalism and misuse
In a letter to City planning authorities, advisers from Deloitte, representing USS, argued that the need for robust security measures around the proposed seven-metre-high digital screen would create a "surveillance environment," undermining the goal of a welcoming, accessible public space
The government s efforts to address the NHS dental care crisis are failing, with patients still unable to access treatment, warns the National Audit Office (NAO) Its damning assessment of the "dental recovery plan" has raised alarms among patient groups, who say the growing issue of decayed teeth poses a serious public health threat The government's pledge to provide an extra 1 5 million NHS dental treatments in England this year is in jeopardy, with key elements of the plan unmet A National Audit Office (NAO) investigation found that no mobile dental vans have been deployed and the £20 000 “golden hellos” to attract dentists have only added one new hire Despite the plan’s goal to ensure everyone can access a dentist by 202425 the NAO concluded it is unlikely to meet targets Even if it did NHS treatments would still be 2 6 million fewer than pre-pandemic levels
MPs have approved plans to make it illegal for anyone aged 15 or younger to ever purchase cigarettes in the UK The proposal, initially put forward by Rishi Sunak's Conservative government, was carried forward by Labour after previous legislation failed to pass before the July general election The new Tobacco and Vapes Bill cleared its first Commons hurdle with a strong majority winning 415 votes to 47 However some Tory and Lib Dem MPs voiced concerns about its potential impact on civil liberties The bill will undergo further scrutiny from MPs and peers but is expected to pass into law Conservative and Liberal Democrat MPs were allowed a free vote, meaning they were not bound by party lines Notable figures such as Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch and former Home Secretary Suella Braverman were among the 35 Tories who voted against the bill, while 23 supported it Additionally seven Liberal Democrats and four Reform UK MPs opposed the legislation
Bookmakers and casinos will be required to fund NHS services for problem gambling through a new “statutory levy ” The government is set to approve a £100m annual fund for research prevention and treatment of gambling harms including a cap of £2 on online slot machine stakes The Department for Culture Media and Sport confirmed the plans which include a £5 stake limit per spin for online casino customers over 25 and £2 for those aged 18 to 24 Currently, stakes are unlimited Gambling minister Baroness Twycross said the new levy would help tackle gambling harm by funding research, raising awareness, and providing support In 2022, the Betting & Gaming Council opposed the levy, but it has since backed it, noting that its members contributed £50m last year to address gambling-related harm
Lo c al c o u nc i ls ac ro s s th e country, includ ing in Essex, K ent, Surrey, and Hertfordsh ire, are set to u nd ergo significant ch anges as part of a promise from W h i teh a ll to p ro v i d e increased funding
England has 21 county councils, supported by 164
such as transport and social care, while district councils handle tasks like waste collection and day-to-day planning permissions
Ministers are reportedly
c o n c e r n e d
local government structures are inefficient, with district councils accused of accumulating cash reserves instead of investing in public services They are also viewed as obstacles to growth, often blocking housing developments
G o v e r n m e n t s o u r c e s stated that they had "extensively" consulted with councils about the changes and were focusing on areas that
a c t i v e l y s u p p o r t t h e r e f o r m s M
e d t e n regions that are receptive to t h e p r o p o s e d c h a n g e s , w h i c h w i l l f o r m t h e f
wave of reorganisation
The two-tier local gov-
e r n m e n t s y s t e m w i l l b e replaced by larger unitary a u t h o r i t i e s , e a c h s e r v i n g
p o p u l a t i o n s o f a t l e a s t
5 0 0 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e A w h i t e paper on English devolution is expected to be published in the coming weeks
C ounty lead ers discuss ambitio us d ev olution plans amid u ncertainty
Speaking to Asian Voice,
N o r f o l k C o u n t y C o u n c i l l e a d e r C o u nc i ll o r K ay
M ason Billig said: “Norfolk has always been a forward t h i n k i n g a n d a m b i t i o u s c o u n t y a n d w a s r e a d y t o embrace a level three county devolution deal under the previous Government We w
Government to bring new powers and funding for our
county has the most efficient and effective form of local government It is premature to speculate on what t h a t c o u l d m
n f o r t h e shape of local government i n N o r f o l k , a s a b u s i n e s s case would need to be developed ”
C o u n ci ll o r Ke v i n
B en tle y, L e a d e r o f E s s e x County Council, said: “We are ambitious for our resi-
dents and businesses, and w a n t b e t t e r s e r v i c e s a n d
which is why we are enthusiastic about the potential of a devolution deal for Essex We are awaiting the details in the White Paper on local government reorganisation, b u t w e l o
o working with the government and our partners on d
plans and doing so at pace ” Leader of Lincolnshire County Council, C ouncillor M artin Hill said: “The devo-
with the government does not include any local government reorganisation of
white paper from the gov-
authorities moving forward When this comes out, we’ll work with our district council colleagues to understand what the implications are for Lincolnshire, continuing our focus on campaigning
across the whole county
T h e L o h a na C o m m u ni ty North London, LCNL, hosted th e first of its kind, a d edicated eye care ev ent attracti n g n ear ly 2 50 att en d ees
T h e ev e nt h el d to ra is e awareness about eye health, w as org anised by Prof Bhik
K o t ec h a an d M r B h ar at Ru g h ani ( M oo rfield s ), and featured an eng aging p rog ramm e of exp ert lectures, interactiv e d iscu ssions, and com prehensiv e eye screening
The event commenced with an inspiring introduction and welcome by LCNL
P r e s i d e n t , M r s M e e n a b e n Jasani, who emphasised the importance of proactive eye care in maintaining overall
h e a l t h a n d w e l l b e i n g
Attendees were then treated to a series of informative l e c t u r e s b y l e a d i n g e y e
experts Dr Meera Radia, Mr
, including Eye Emergencies, G
and Cataracts
The screenings assessed vision, eye pressures, retinal health, cornea and eye lids health, dry eye issues and blood pressure, carried out by twelve specialists
F e e d b a c k f r o m t h e attendees was overwhelmi n g l y p o s i t i v e , w i t h m a n y praising the quality of the lectures and the professionalism of the eye screenings One commented “It was an e y e - o p e n i n g e x p e r i e n c eboth literally and figurativel y I n o w
e r equipped to take care of my
eyes and vision”
E x e c u t i v e c o m m i t t e e members, Jeet Rughani and S a n j a y R u g h a n i e x p r e s s e d their gratitude to the community for their enthusiastic participation and reaffirmed LCNL’s dedication to promoting health and wellness within the community
As part of its ongoing commitment to community health and charity, LCNL made a generous donation
vital work in advancing eye care research
Grav esend , K ent, is walking 160 m iles from London to Card iff to raise funds for
days completing the
to the Welsh Parliament
This will be Mr Sandhu's second long-distance charity walk, following his previous journey from London to
Mind, inspired by alarming statistics: one in five young people suffer from mental
thirds receive no help, with two million on NHS
10-year-old prodigy beats Einstein with IQ of 162 Krish A ro ra, a 1 0- year-o ld
London, is
music, and m ore Recently, he scored 162 on an IQ test, surp assing his h ero A lbert Einstein by tw o points His rem ark
h i m a p la c e in Mensa, know n for its intellectual and soc ial co nnections
K r i s h A r o r a ' s a c h i e v e -
m e n t s g o b e y o n d h i s I Q
score He aced all his 11-plus exams, including a perfect score in mathematics, and will join Queen Elizabeth’s
"too easy," Krish found prim a r
standard curriculum of mult i p l i c a t i o n a n d s e n t e n c e writing
K r i s h ' s t a l e n t s e x t e n d beyond academics A passionate chess player, he regularly beats his mentor and is set to compete in tournam e n t s s o o n H i s f a t h e r , Nischal, shared, "He usually beats his teacher " In music, Krish mastered the piano in j u s t t w o y e a r s , a c h i e v i n g grade 7 and earning a spot o n T r i n i t y C o l l e g e o f Music’s ‘hall of fame’ after completing four grades in six months He plays from memory and has won competitions in West London, c o m p e t i n g a g a i n s t o l d e r contestants Krish Arora
F ound ed in 198 3 by C hand u M att ani , S h r u ti A
ng g ro u nd
breaking m usic prog rams for o v er 4 0 ye ars , br in g i ng renow ned artists like Zakir H u ss ain , Ja g ji t S i ng h , and Nusrat Fateh A li Khan to the U K
Yogeshbhai Joshi and the team selected the episodes a n d c h h o p a i i s , a
drama team was formed in L e i c
Thakore Desai tasked with preparing the dance group T h e c h o r u s s i n g e r s , totalling 40 in Leicester and
Shruti Arts launched a new project in 2024, ‘Shri
R a m a – T h e P r i n c e o f
A y o d h y a ’ , c o i n c i d i n g w i t h the global celebrations surrounding the opening of the Ayodhya Mandir Inspired by t h e o c c a s i o n , t h e t e a m decided to create an innovative fusion of music, dance, and drama featuring local UK talent The concept was proposed to Alap Desai, who w a s e a g e r t o t a k e o n t h e challenge and compose original music for the production
I n p r e p a r a t i o n f o r t h e
N o v e m b e r c o n c e r t s , D e Montfort Hall in Leicester and the Harrow Arts Centre in London were secured as v e n u e s A l a p D e s a i b e g a n composing the music, while
G a r g i V o r a a n d S u r e s h Tiwari worked on the vocals and lyrics
3 0 i n L o n d o n , w e r e a l s o r e c r u i t e d D e s p i t e i n i t i a l challenges, the team worked t o g e t h e r s e a m
Navratri, the Shruti team, led by Yogeshbhai and supp o r t e d b y P r i t i M a t t a n i , P r a d e e p b h a i
and others, united to finalise preparations
The team worked hard to ensure the success of the production On November 10, the sold-out show at De Montfort Hall, attended by MP Shivani Raja, was a huge hit, with many requesting an additional performance F
took place, with the performance held on November 17
singers Phot o c red it : Bhas ker Solanki
- The Prabhupada Book Marathon, taking place from November 29 still December 24, 2024, is an annual event that encourages individuals to distribute the spiritual knowledge found in Srila Prabhupada’s books throughout the winter season
- Sadhu Sanga with Sacinandana Swami on December 11, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM, which includes talks, kirtans and a reading of Bhagavad-gita
- Gita Jayanti Maha Yajna on December 28, 2024, from 8 AM to 2 PM at Sri Krishna Haveli Sponsor Bhagavad-gitas and participate in the recitation of the entire Gita, accompanied by a fire yajna and chapter summaries by S B Keshava Swami.
For o ver 4 0 years, the Vanik Council has organised matrim o ni al g ath e ri ng s , n ow known as Speed Dating , to p ro v i d e yo u n g J ai n s and Hindus with th e o pportunity to m eet and find potential partners
Many people have found their partners through our events, and we ’ re committed to offering more opportunities for this
The next event will be held on May 18, 2025, and is open to all Gujarati Jains and
This year, in collaboration with NCGO, the event w
y , November 17, 2024, with 157
demand, we closed boy registrations five weeks before the usual deadline, leaving many disappointed At the
grouped by age and given the opportunity to speed date with 50-60 others
Hindus of all ages This year, i n p
T h e Hi g h C o m m i s s io n o f Ind ia in L ond on o rganised a special pho to exhibitio n at the Neh ru C entre, celebrating th e lif e and leg acy of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
teachings for humanity The Centre, the only one of its kind in the UK,
T h e t h r e e - d a y e x h i b ition, inaugurated by Indian High Commissioner to the U K , V i k r a m D o r a i s w a m i , highlighted the inclusive and t i m e l e s s m e s s a g e o f G u r u Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the Sikh faith
D r O p
Director of the Centre for Sikh and Panjabi Studies at t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Wolverhampton, shared her insights on the lasting rele-
d , w i t h a n
h e National Council of Gujarati Organizations (NCGO), each participant was able to select u p t o 3 0 i n d i v i d u a l s t o receive their contact details A total of 1,315 contact details w e r e r e q u e
a g e o f o v e r 8 p e o p l e requesting each participant’s contact This ensures that e v e r y o n e h a s
c h a n c e t o find a partner
Institute o f Jainology organis e d a n ‘ I n te rn at i o
25th No vember 2024 Th
on a Jain perspective to care for the earth, the poor and t h e m o s t v u l n e r a b l e D r Marie-Hélėne Gorisse presented a paper on Diversity and Inclusivity from a Jain perspective
State Bank of Ind ia U K (SBI UK ) achi eved a s ig nific ant milestone with the o pening of its new City of London branch on King S treet The inauguration cerem ony was attend ed by SBI Ch airman C S S ett y, L o rd M ayo r Alderm an Alastair K ing DL , se ni o r m an ag e m en t, and over 50 v alued custom ers Setty commented, “The opening of our new City of London branch reflects SBI’s strategic focus on expanding our services in the UK and our strong commitment to our customers This location will provide our clients in the heart of London’s finan-
cial district with easy access t o p r e m i u m b a n k i n g s e rvices, offering tailored solutions to meet their needs ” Sudhir Sharma, CEO of S B I U K L t d , s t a t e d , “ W e recognise the importance of a p h y s i c a l p r e s e n c e a n d ensuring accessible in-pers o n b a n k i n g T h i s n e w branch reflects our commitment to serving local comm u n i t i e s w i t h i n n o v a t i v e , exceptional, and customerfocused banking services ” Located near the historic Guildhall in central London, t h e n e w b r a n c h o f f e r s enhanced accessibility and convenience C e d t X @ H C I L o n d o n
et wee n Ch ristians and Jains to build a better future for ou r world C
P r o f G a e t a n o S a b e t a a n d P r o f A m b r o s i a B o n g i o v a n n i p r e s e n t e d
papers from a Christian perspective
30%, this was
Francis which is generally accorded to Heads of State
The Jain Delegation had representation from the UK, USA, India and Oman
P r o f S
n i A m a l Pragyaji presented a paper
In his closing remarks, Rajeev Shah, founder of the online Jain resource - Jain Treasures, emphasised the p r o f o u n d s i m i l a r i t i e s
b e t w e e n C h r i s t i a n i t y a n d Jainism He highlighted how t h e s e s h a r e d v a l u e s c a n inspire mutual dialogue and promote a shared commitment to global peace, diversity, and inclusivity
graced by notable dignitaries, including Mr Entrepreneur Ashwin Kumaraswamy, Mrs
Wing of the
Nagaraj, CEO of
Policy Labs In addition, the event witnessed heartfelt felicitations from Dr Neeraj Patil, former Mayor of Lambeth, Mr Abhijeet Salimath, and
and Kannada communities
The city of London came alive as Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care (SRLC) hosted a stunning Gala in support of SRLC Miss ion Af ric a Attended by over 200 philanthropists, thought leaders, and changemakers, the
for fellow philanthropists to learn more about the
The event was graced by
g h t e n e d
Master, spiritual visionary, a n d h u m a n i t a r i a n l e a d e r , Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji
The Gala evening featured a captivating keynote address by Atmarpit Nemiji,
Vice President of Shrimad R
Mission Africa’s grassroots
adoption of 55 schools in M
children daily and the creation of 2,000,000 litres of w
Chairman of Advisory Board of SRLC Mission Africa and
Advisory Board Member of SRLC Mission Africa, shared stories from their personal experiences in Africa
The event featured the
African children's paintings, along with immersive experiences like a water walk and uji tasting Captivating per-
illusions and an electrifying a cappella set by the Gold
Founder of London Town G
admired the evening’s message
Samachar, CB Patel was also present in the event
Institute of Jainolo gy o rg an-
i s ed a n ‘ I nt ern ati o n al Delegatio n of J ains’ to have a p riv ate aud ience with His H ol ines s P o p e F ranci s o n 25th No vem ber 20 24 T he aim w as to have an interrelig io u s d i al o g u e b etw e en C hristians and Jains to build a bet ter f u tu r e fo r o u r w orld
C o n s i d e r i n g t h a t J a i n s are less than 0 1% of the w o r l d p o p u l a t i o n a n d
C h r i s t i a n s a r e m o r e t h a n 30%, this was an unpreced e n t e d p r i v a t e a u d i e n c e
w i t h H i s H o l i n e s s P o p e Francis which is generally accorded to Heads of State
The Jain Delegation had representation from the UK, USA, India and Oman
Com munity's Diwal i cele bration wa
nd he artwarming event that b rought f amilies t ogether to honour this joyous f estival of lights
The celebration featured a stunning Rangoli display,
with its intricate designs and
props were used to educate children about the significance of Diwali, blending fun and learning in a meaningful way
Dear Readers and Supporters,
We are pleased to announce that our 26th December Soneri Sangat will feature a special tribute segment, offering you the opportunity to remember and honour your loved ones who are no longer with us This is a heartfelt moment to pay tribute and keep their memories alive
To participate, please share a high-quality photo of your loved one, along with the following details: their name, date of birth and demise, place of birth and place of demise and a short message of up to 25 words by 21st December, 2024 via email at : support@abplgroup.com. During the programme, we will showcase these photos and details, allowing us all to come together and honour the lives of those who have left us.
This unique opportunity is a beautiful way to remember and honour your loved ones, giving them a lasting place in our collective hearts We look forward to your participation in this meaningful tribute
Stay tuned for more details about this Zoom programme, and thank you for being a part of this meaningful event
P r o f S a m a n i A m a l Pragyaji presented a paper on a Jain perspective to care for the earth, the poor and t h e m o s t v u l n e r a b l e D r Marie-Hélėne Gorisse presented a paper on Diversity and Inclusivity from a Jain perspective
In his closing remarks, Rajeev Shah, founder of the online Jain resource - Jain Treasures, emphasised the
Jainism He highlighted how
P r o f G a e t a n o S a b e t a a n d P r o f A m b r o s i a B o n g i o v a n n i p r e s e n t e d papers from a Christian perspective
inspire mutual dialogue and promote a shared commitment to global peace, diversity, and inclusivity
S hri C hhaganlal Jagatia from Eg ham, Su rrey w ill be h ono ured w ith a bravery award at Bucking ham P alace on Decem ber 1 1, 20 24, for h is h
th life of an derly woman d uring a d ev astating w ild fire in Greece In 2018, he risked his life to rescue his 95-year-old sabled relative the wildfire,
which claimed 85 lives and left hundreds homeless While staying at a hotel with his family at the time, Jagatia used his fire safety training to help evacuate guests and ensure his family's safety He then bravely returned to rescue his daughter-in-law’s grandmother and stayed with her until help arrived
It is disturbing to read “Gautam Adani indicted in New York for fraud, briber” (AV dated 30Nov – 6Dec 2024) Every Indian / Gujarati knows that he is a very successful businessman To establish businesses in different areas from port to airport is not possible without clean vision, dedication and honesty
Statements like “Without the PM’s blessings which country will give its contracts to Adani when there are so many reputed companies in India” not only tarnish the image of the country but also show a lack of knowledge that all Indian businesses are successful in the world outside India are due to their merits and purely because they are more competitive
I think Gautam Adani, a businessman and philanthropist is paying a price of reputational damage due to his personal popularity and proximity to Narendra Modi, because both of them are from Gujarat and they have known each other for long We need to remember that firstgeneration businessmen are successful only if they have a very strong foundation and their fundamentals are rock solid Undoubtedly, he is a very successful businessman Let the court decide what is right and wrong and follow the
Committee) and not allow parliament to do its business is absolutely unacceptable Demanding the arrest of Gautam Adani by Rahul Gandhi shows they do not respect the hard work and dedication of the person Irresponsible statements are more damaging than the facts
Time will prove whether Adani is right or wrong but at present, the losers are small investors having a “herd mentality” The gainers will be big investors and other institutional investors who are waiting to buy shares at a lower price because of this indictment Proud Gujaratis who have seen the progress of Gujarat and India know the contribution of the Adani Group and Gautambhai as an individual
Hitesh Hingu
AIDS is one of the most fatal and deadly diseases the world is facing Many of our AIDS cases can be found in rural areas due to the lack of awareness of the disease Hence, World AIDS Day is observed on December 1 every year to show solidarity with the people living with AIDS The people at risk in our country include blood donors, drug addicts, prisoners a n d
organisations should jointly raise awareness on its causes, symptoms and diagnosis Moreover, it is the government’s duty to build more rehabilitation centres for drug addicts, carry out free nucleic acid tests to determine its presence, and rescue, rehabilitate and provide job opportunities to commercial sex workers
Jubel D’Cruz
T he BBC has decided to canc el its pl anned M aster Ch ef C hristmas sp ecial s foll owing a llegatio ns of inapp ro priate beh aviour agains t p resenter Gregg Wallac e Wallace, 60, faces accusa-
t i o n s f r o m 1 3 i
spanning 17 years across various shows, with more people coming forward since the init
B B C cooking show while Banijay
U K c o n d u c t s a n e x t e r n a l review of the historical mis-
c o n d u c t c o m p
Wallace s lawyers have denied the accusations, stating that the claims of sexual harassment are "entirely false " The BBC had previously announced two festive spe-
heartfelt appreciation for your Diwali magazine
The Diwali issue of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar for Vikram Samvat 2080 is truly beautiful Your focus on preserving values and traditions is truly appreciated My connection with the paper started in 1988 through Gujarat Samachar Over the years, I have been a loyal reader of both Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar My children have also learned about Indian cultural values and traditions through Asian Voice I have been collecting your Diwali and special editions as cherished mementoes
Like every year, the beautiful cover of your Diwali magazine perfectly reflects the rich content inside I really appreciate your inclusion of English content, which is especially helpful for family members, particularly the
Gujarati Those of us over 50 can speak, read, and write Gujarati well It is inspiring to see the British Indian community's efforts to preserve their mother tongue Equally important is ensuring that our customs, traditions and culture are understood and appreciated by the next generation
The articles in English, including responses from Prime Minister Starmer, various MPs, and Ameet Jogia's insightful piece on Diwali with former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, were truly remarkable Additionally, the features on India's evolving art cafes, Indian textile history, Sisterhood, Khel Gharana, the world of Indian cuisine, podcasting, the power of short videos and the thoughts of the younger generation were truly commendable The content brought fresh perspectives and ideas, making it both engaging and enlightening to read
The Gujarati section features some remarkable articles, including the opening piece "Shubh Swagatam –Samvat 2081" by Sadhu Premvatsaldasji Other highlights include articles on the Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir, Indian explorer Nain Singh Rawat, Gujarat's 500-year culinary history, Jyotsnaben Shah’s exciting Bali travelogue and tips for staying youthful longer The Gujarati article about "Does Your Diet Have Vitamin P?" beautifully teaches the art of mindful eating Stories by Rohitbhai Vadhwana, Tinaben Doshi, Sudhaben Kapasi, and Jay Kant were a delightful literary treat The poetry section added a special charm, while the health articles offered lasting value
The real joy of this section, however, was in the mouth-watering descriptions of sweets and spicy snacks With this issue, you haven’t just served 32 delicacies, but an endless array of literary delights, making the reading experience even more enriching
This Diwali issue is so special that even when our relatives come to visit, we won’t show it to them What if it ends up slipping out of our hands? Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar have upheld the tradition of offering something unique to its readers and I will never break my tradition of collecting Diwali issues
R ajni Shah
O ne mont h fr om t oday Ex -Pr esiden t Don ald Trump will r eta ke t he Whit ehouse to become the Preside nt a gain Like it or n ot, t his will star t a n e ra of unpre ce den te d ev ent s un folding in the USA , a s we ll a s globally His first 100 day s will be come the most dyn amic, the most cont rove rsial, the most life cha ngin g, the most impa ctful, and the biggest r oller coaste r ride of huma n emot ion s y ou ca n ev er ima gine Trump 2 0 will be a g ame chan ger in Amer ica n polit ics Whet her this will be for t he good , or wh ethe r it will ultimat ely br ea k Amer ica for g ood, only time will t ell
I should not be too surprised if during the first few days in office he begins to issue presidential orders to address:
1 Closing the southern border
2 Launch the largest deportation program in American history
3 Fire special counsel Jack Smith
4 Free most of those in jail for January 6thprotests
5 End the Green New Deal Instigate ‘drill, drill, drill’
6 Ban trans women from women ’ s sports
7 Dismantle the ‘deep state’ of government workers
8 Impose tariffs on imported goods
9 Cut federal money for any school “pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto the lives of our children ”
10 Pardon himself
The list is much longer and within those first 100 days, every aspect of American life and society will be affected Trump 2 0 has learnt from his first term that he has the power, but he needs to dot the i s and cross the t sto ensure his roadmap is not undermined by the ‘deep state’ that has already started to work in the sewers of Washington to hamper his presidency
From the people he has already appointed, it seems he has learnt something from his past mistakes, but maybe there are still gaps in his grasp of Washington He has big brains like Elon Musk on his side He would be well-minded to listen to them and temper his usual bombastic trigger-happy approach with a bit of targeted ingenuity
In my opinion he has made a fatal error in attacking the BRICs nations In a post on ‘X’ he said, “We require a commitment from these countries that they will neither create a new Brics currency nor back any other currency to replace the mighty US dollar or they will face 100% tariffs and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful US economy ” This is not only foolish, but by now he should have recognised, a threat nations like India or China will not bode well for America Afterall, if the US D o
President be so terrified of competition? Someone in his core team needs to make some strong coffee quickly before they go down a route that will end in disaster
cials Celebrity MasterChef
e Extravaganza for BBC One and iPlayer However, a BBC spokesperson has confirmed, “The celebrity Christmas specials are a different type of show, and in the current c
accused of making inappro-
, including one that reportedly left a former contestant i n t e a r s T h
MasterChef Christmas special, which was to feature stars like Amy Walsh, Shazia M i r z a ,
d M a x G e o r g e , alongside Wallace and copresenter John Torode, will no longer air
A new re port la unched in Parliament today is urging imm ediate political ac tion to addres s the ris ing cas es of he patitis B, a m ajo r c aus e of l iv er ca n ce r , t o m e et the Worl d H ea l th Organis ation’s (WHO) goal of el im inating the diseas e by 2030
An estimated 268,000 people in England live with hepatitis B, yet over half remain undiagnosed, according to UK Health Security Agency data The British Liver Trust warns that without action, the growing crisis could drive a surge in liver cancer, the fastest-growing cause of cancer deaths in the UK
The report, Hepatitis B: Breaking the Silence, outlines essential steps, including expanding opt-out blood testing for hepatitis B, C, and HIV across all UK emergency departments and community settings in high-prevalence areas It also emphasises the need for timely access to treatment, peer support networks, and improved NHS data-sharing systems to ensure patients remain connected to care
A public health campaign targeting at-risk communities and healthcare professionals is also recommended to combat stigma and increase awareness
Pamela Healy MBE, CEO of the British Liver Trust stated, “To achieve the 2030 elimination target, we must implement these measures now Stigma and inadequate care have left many in fear of discrimination Everyone deserves timely, lifesaving treatment ”
outlets, asking why this human rights issue hasn’t received coverage and encouraging them to investigate This paper is campaigning and has pull What about the others Too
Hindus in politics, business, or media to speak publicly about the matter, connecting it to concerns of safety for Hindu communities globally Baroness Verma has written to the leadership of
I am also getting word that Elon Musk might be contemplating giving Reform UK USD100 millionparty donationsto kick start a national campaign for a massive change in British politics Ultimately to put Nigel Farage in Number 10 Remember, Reform UK was responsible for Labour winning the last election with such a massive majority The way our politics work with the ‘First Past the Post’ (FPTP) system, Reform UK will need a massive majority in all seats targeted, and not just an overall national poll lead Will USD100m buy them this majority, only time will tell For the UK, 2029just got interesting
Trump 2 0 can be a power for good by diminishing the power of the American ‘deep state’ that is not just responsible for the madness in America, but also how it has created a mess right around the world He has two years to put his plans in place with another two years to see as many of his policies to final fruition And if the Republicans really want to change America for good, they will need to ensure they remain in power for at least another two terms For that to happen, the average American must feel better in their pocket and be empowered
Controversy will follow this new presidency no matter what they do How they manage the narrative and not get tangled up in the gutter of Washington politics will be the key that opens the bandwidth for change Biden’s legacy is of an old man who has lost his marbles and who pardoned his own son What will Trump’s legacy be?
This New Year, share the gift of knowledge and connection with your loved ones through our special combo subscription offer for Asian
The Hig h Com missions of Australia, India, and Singapore to the United Kingdo m, in co llaboration with the International Institute for Strateg ic Studies ( IIS S), ho sted th e second Indo-P acific Conference in London on No vember 25, 20 24
Building on the success of its inaugural edition in 2023, the event brought together leading experts and policymakers from the UK and the IndoPacific region to explore strategies for enhancing resilience, security, and prosperity in the region
Catherine West, th e U K's M inister for th e Indo-Pacific at th e Foreig n, Com monwealth , and Dev elopm ent Office (FC DO), delivered a keynote address outlining the UK's strategic priorities in the Indo-Pacific She underscored the region's significance to the UK in three critical areas: fostering economic growth, tackling climate change, and strengthening both national and global security West reaffirmed the UK's commitment to long-term engagement with the Indo-Pacific, rooted in shared interests and adherence to a rulesbased international order
the UK; HE The Hon Stephen Smith, Australian High Commissioner to the UK; HE Teck Hean Ng, High Commissioner of Singapore to the UK; Admiral (Retd) Karambir Singh, Chairman, National Maritime Foundation; Mohua Mukherjee, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies; Pramit Pal Chaudhuri, Head of South Asia Practice, Eurasia Group; Rahul RoyChaudhury, Senior Fellow, South and Central Asian Defence, IISS
Ind ian Hig h
Co mmissioner to the UK, His Excellency V ikram Doraiswami, stressed the interconnectedness of the Indo-Pacific and EuroAtlantic regions, noting the conference's pivotal role in fostering cooperation
surpassed the UK as the world’s fifth-largest economy, and our trading relationship is worth nearly £50 billion, with the UK ranking as ASEAN’s thirdlargest partner in financial services But we can and must go further ” She emphasised the UK's respect for ASEAN centrality and its role as a dialogue partner, stating, “We are working in partnership with ASEAN to support its priorities, whether in economic integration, climate and energy, education, health, or women ’ s peace and security ”
“For us, this is a generational mission, a long-term strategic posture not just a shortterm shift for the sake of soundbites," she stated "We want a free and open Indo-Pacific underpinned by the rules-based international system Because rules matter They matter for trade and growth, good governance, and our collective security ” West highlighted four guiding principles for the UK's engagement in the region: Promoting peace and security in the IndoPacific, supporting economic growth and creating opportunities for all, advancing the clean energy transition And achieving the Sustainable Development Goals while building resilient economies
On the UK's partnership with ASEAN nations, West remarked, “The [ASEAN] bloc has
Her speech set the stage for in-depth discussions on geostrategic and economic engagement, military and defence dynamics, and climate change critical issues impacting the long-term stability and sustainable development of the IndoPacific
Held at three iconic locations India House, Arundel House (IISS), and Australia House the event underscored the strong collaborative ties between the host nations Except for the welcome remarks and keynote address, the sessions were conducted off the record to encourage open and constructive dialogue on these pressing topics
The conference featured a distinguished lineup of speakers, including HE Vikram Doraiswami, High Commissioner of India to
“Developments since our inaugural Indo-Pacific Conference last year have only further underlined the interdependence of these regions This year ’ s conference is a timely opportunity to explore these linkages and consider our collective strengths and challenges, he said Doraiswami welcomed the inclusion of Southeast Asian perspectives and the collaboration of the Singapore High Commission, adding, “We share a vision of a free, open, and inclusive IndoPacific region, with mutually beneficial cooperation underpinned by international law and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity We see this dynamic region not as a theatre of rivalry but as a potential super-connector for global cooperation ”
Rahul Roy-Ch aud hury, IISS Senior Fellow for South and Central A sian Defence, Strategy, and Diplomacy, underscored the significance of the event, now elevated to a ministerial-led ‘track 1 5 ’ dialogue He noted, “Strong UK ministerial and official participation signals the commitment of the new Sir Keir Starmer government to deepen partnerships with key countries of the IndoPacific region Hosting the conference in partnership with the High Commissions of Australia, India, and Singapore builds upon the IISS’ annual Shangri-La Security Summit in Singapore and our annual defence, security, and technology workshop in New Delhi ”
The conference provided a platform for meaningful exchanges on the evolving challenges and opportunities in the IndoPacific, strengthening partnerships and paving the way for greater regional collaboration
During the G20 S ummit in B raz i l, I nd
announced the opening of
General in Manchester T he mo ve follow s a cam paign by l
Rayner, w ho raised the issue with Ind ia’s External A ffairs M inister, Dr S Jaish ankar, du ring her visit to Delhi in February 2024
Rayner highlighted the growing Indian community in Greater Manchester, who faced challenges accessing c
l services such as visas and passports, while also supp o r t i n g l o c a l b u s i n e s s e s trading with India Rayner also raised the need for a d i r e c t f l i g h t f r o m Manchester Airport to India, a l o n g - s t a n d i n g r e q u e s t from the community
Rt Hon Angela Rayner, MP for Ashton-under-Lyne, said:
" T h e o p e n i n g o f t h e I n d i a n C o n s u l a t e i n Manchester is a significant m i l e s t o n e f o r t h e I n d i a n c o m m u n i t y i n G r e a t e r Manchester For years, residents have had to travel to B i r m i n g h a m f o r p a s s p o r t renewals and visa applications This new Consulate will ease the process for my c o n s t i t u e n t s a n
Ward commented:
England and Wales are one s te p c lo s er t o le g al is i ng
a s si s ted d y i ng af ter M P s approv ed a land mark bill to change the law In a d ecisi ve v ote, the Hou se of C omm ons p assed the bill by 3 30 to 275, allowing term inally i ll p ati ents to receive assi stance from d octo rs to end their liv es T he vote followed an emotional fiv e-ho ur debate that div ided all m ajo r political p arties
PM Keir Starmer supported the bill, alongside 15 cabinet ministers,
Under new gov ernment proposals, stalking victim s w ill gain "peace of mind" by being info rm ed of th eir abuser's identity, according to the m i ni s ter f o r sa fe
Phillips explained that the proposed "right to know" statutory guidance aims to provide victims with the identity of their abuser at the earliest possible stage "It's the
might not know who their stalker is, leaving them at risk of encountering them in public without any warning," she told the Today programme
i n c l u d i n g C h a n c e l l o r R a c h e l Reeves and Home Secretary Yvette Cooper However, the government has maintained a neutral stance, i
practicalities of the law change
Not all Labour members were in agreement, with 234 MPs voting in favour, while 147 voted against, in a free vote Eight government ministers opposed the bill, including Deputy Prime Minister Angela R a y n
Shabana Mahmood The government has promised to carry out a full impact assessment on how the law change would affect the NHS and the courts before the final vote takes place
Among the Conservative MPs, 92 voted against the bill, including p a r t y l e a d e r K e m i B a d e n o c h However, 23 MPs, including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Chancellor
J e r e m y H u n t , a n d S h a d o w Chancellor Mel Stride, supported
i t S i x t y - o n e L i b e r a l D e m o c r a t s backed the bill, but 11, including party leader Sir Ed Davey, opposed it
T h e S c
change does not apply to Scotland
The Green Party was the only nonNorthern Ireland party to unanimously support the bill, with all four MPs voting in favour Even the five MPs from Reform UK were divided, with leader Nigel Farage opposing the bill and deputy leader Richard Tice in support
C a m p a i g n e r s s u p p o r t i n g t h e bill have hailed it as a significant step toward giving people more control over their end-of-life decisions However, the bill still faces s e v e r a l s t a g e s b e f o r e b e c o m i n g law, and supporters anticipate that assisted dying may not be available to those with a terminal diagnosis for at least three years
If the bill is enacted, Health
S e c r e t a r y W e s S t r e e t i n
m o o d w i l l b e t a s k e d w i t h overseeing the implementation of assisted dying The process will
require each patient's case to gain approval from two doctors and a judge How d id So uth A sian MPs v ote
As reported by Asian Voice last week, the proposed assisted dying bill has sparked significant debate, particularly among various faith communities In South Asian cult u r e s , l i f e i s
f t e n r e g a r d e d a s sacred and not to be interfered with
Ahead of the vote, a coalition of 29 faith leaders came together to oppose the legislation, marking the largest religious intervention on the issue to date They expressed concerns that the bill could create societal pressures on vulnerable i n d i v i d u a l s , p o t e n t i a l l y m a k i n g them feel obligated to end their lives to avoid being a burden on their families or the NHS The coalition warned that a "right to d i e " c o u l d d a n g e r o u s l y s h i f t toward a "duty to die "
With the votes now in, it is evident that many ethnic minority
M P s s h a r e s i m i l a r r e s e r v a t i o n s
Over half of the MPs voted against the bill, with Muslim MPs comprising a significant proportion of the opposition Even before the vote, Muslim MPs faced scrutiny, with some allegedly being "singled out" for their stance against the legislation The controversy intensified when Lord Charlie Falconer, a member of the House of Lords and former Labour cabinet minist e r , a c c u s e d J u s t i c e S e c r e t a r y Shabana Mahmood of "imposing her religious beliefs on everybody else" by opposing the bill Sikh MPs also played a notable role in opposing the legislation, with a majority voting against it
On the Conservative side, Shivani Raja, MP for Leicester, opposed the b i l l , w h i l e t h e f o r m e r P r i
Satvir Kaur, Valerie Vaz, Apsana Begum, Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi,
Sultana, and Priti Patel
Conversely, Labour MPs Uma Kumaran, Lisa Nandy, Kanishka N
Tulip Siddiq were among those who supported the bill The divis i o n
beliefs, cultural values, and politi-
this contentious issue
Big question: How w ill the NHS and co urts co pe?
vately expressed concerns that the
ment’s priorities and strain the country’s already struggling public s
system and the NHS Despite the landmark parliamentary vote, ministers have yet to commit to funding the cost of assisted dying within the NHS Health Secretary Wes Streeting has cautioned that allocating NHS resources to assisted dying could detract from other critical areas of
McFadden stated that no decisions have been made regarding how to finance the process The government has not yet conducted a full assessment of the proposed law’s impact, which mandates approval by at least two doctors before an application can proceed to a court hearing The NHS may also be tasked with organising and funding the end-of-life process Concerns are mounting over the readiness of public services to handle such a profound legal shift Some criticism has been directed a
Secretary, for allegedly obstructing
ahead of the second reading of the assisted dying bill Both Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood and Wes Streeting, who voted against
commission an impact assessment to evaluate the potential effects on the health and justice systems
MPs on both sides of the assisted dying debate have united in
ments to palliative care, emphasising its importance regardless of
y decides to legalise assisted dying They argue that enhancing end-oflife care is essential to ensure dignity and support for terminally ill patients and their families, irrespective of the outcome of the legislative process
This change is part of the government's broader plan to enhance protections for stalking victims in
Secretary Yvette Cooper has vowed to use "every tool available" to strip power from abusers
Official figures show that one in five women aged 16 and over in England and Wales have been victims of stalking at least once The
Thorp, whose stalker is currently serving a 30-month prison sentence, in developing the new protections Thorp had been unaware of her stalker s identity until he appeared in court
expanded availability of Stalking Protection Orders, which can prohibit alleged stalkers from contacting or approaching their victims Under the revised system, courts
can impose these orders even after a conviction, without the need for one to be in place before trial, as is t h
will also be barred from contacting v
Home Office stated
If an accused person is acquitted, courts can still apply protection orders if there is sufficient evidence to suggest they continue to pose a risk Cooper remarked that victims have suffered "debilitating and vicious abuse" from stalkers who "use any means necessary" to control their lives "These measures are an important part of our cross-government mission to halve violence against women and girls in a decade," she added These policy changes follow a m
watchdogs in September, which f
England and Wales are not receivi
m police, leaving some at serious risk
Ke i r S t a r me r ha s co m mi t
deploying 13, 000 a ddit iona l police officers on the st reet s by the nex t e l ec ti on a s pa r t of h is pl a n fo r change
However, he has faced criticism from Labour MPs for not making a m
r e a m b i t i o u s c r i m e - f i g h t i n g pledge Starmer will announce the first phase of a £360 million fund to begin recruiting officers in a speech on Thursday, outlining several targets for his government to achieve before the next election
The Times has learned that the Home Office is still in discussions with the Treasury regarding the specific funding commitments for this pledge, which will determine
when the full 13,000 neighbourhood officers will be deployed Starmer’s promise to restore neighbourhood policing will form part of a set of "tangible" goals he aims to deliver by the next election, e x p e c t e d i n 2 0 2 9 H o m e O f f i c e sources have confirmed that the plan for change will not include a specific target for addressing violence against women and girls
Last month, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper acknowledged that Labour’s pledge to halve violence against women and girls within a decade was “ambitious,” and that the government was still determining how the measure would be quantified
L o nd o n ’ s p u bs , w h i c h e m p lo y more young p eop le than ever, are bracing for d ifficu lt choices follow ing the recent Bud get, warns th e B ri ti sh B eer a nd P u b Association (BBPA ) N e w d
d Economics reveals that over half (50 9%) of London’s pub workforce
26,040 in 2019 Nationwide, the National Insurance Contributions (NICs) for under-25 workers previously cost the sector £82 million annually Post-Budget, maintaining this workforce will cost £153 million, placing a significant burden on businesses
The BBPA highlights pubs as v i t a l e n t r y p o i n t
ment, offering young people flexi-
NICs and wage costs may force pubs to halt recruitment, reduce staffing, or increase prices to stay afloat The association is urging the government to reconsider the timing of these changes to help b
manage costs
Emma McClarkin, BBPA CEO, said, “Our industry offers more than jobs it builds skills, funds e
n g people through life’s challenges T
these employment costs and deliv-
reforms to ensure pubs remain a cornerstone of our communities and the economy ”
Dhiren Katwa
Karendip Phull is an em erging star in the entertai nmen t world , m akin g waves as a profe ssion al perform er from Birm ingham C urren tly playing the role of Caroline in A Christm as C arol: A Ghost Story at the Bi rmin gham REP until January 5, Karendip, pictured, is part of an i mpress ive 19mem ber ca st, which als o inc ludes si x juni ors
Her passion for performance started early, as she fondly recalls entertaining her family throughout her childhood A pivotal moment came when she watched a Brittany Murphy film as a teenager, feeling a sudden, deep sense of purpose She also discovered that her family's creative background runs deep her baba’s brother was a playwright in Punjab, an insight that made her feel that acting was in her blood
While Karendip never sought permission from her parents to pursue her career, her determination has led them to fully embrace her choice in recent years She shares a lighthearted moment when her father, once hesitant, now asks her how to send her BBC Doctors episode to his friends on WhatsApp
For th e first t ime, fe male doctor s in t he N HS ar e s e t t o ou t n um be r their ma le colleag ues Accor ding to t h e G e n e r a l M e d i ca l C ou n c i l (GMC), women comprised 49% of licen se d d oct ors in 2023 , and this figu re is ex pe ct e d t o t ip in to a majorit y soon W omen a lso domina t e me d ica l scho ol a dm issi on s, accoun ting for 6 0% of ne w studen ts in the UK
Over the past decade, the prop o r t i o n o f f e m a l e d o c t o
“I want t o leave a lega cy of work defined by my val ues, good story tell in g and my love for the art of a cting”
– Kirandip Phull
Born in Winson Green, Birmingham, Karendip comes from a Sikh family who emigrated from Punjab in the 1980s She attended Shireland School and struggled through sixth form, later realising this difficulty stemmed from undiagnosed ADHD During her GCSE studies in Triple Science, she often wondered, “why am I here?”
Her role models include the talented actresses Melissa Barrera and Ambika Mod, as well as the British actor Daniel Kaluuya Karendip emphasises
the importance of good representation in the arts, saying, “You need good representation ” Her passion for acting is clear she loves the magic of performing on stage and the powerful reactions from the audience Looking ahead, Karendip aspires to perform in a Shakespeare or Arthur Miller production, aiming to leave a legacy defined by her values, exceptional storytelling, and deep love for the craft of acting Her theatre credits include Anita & Me,Santi & Naz, Discovery and Sky's Hijacked Flight A Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens in 1843, is one of the most beloved Christmas stories It teaches that true success is not found in wealth and isolation but in service to others and the friendships we build This timeless message is at the heart of the production Karendip is currently part of, ensuring audiences experience both the spirit of Christmas and the transformative power of generosity
Birmingham Rep is the oldest building-based theatre company in the UK In October this year, West Midlands’ former mayor Andy Street CBE was appointed the new Chair of the Board of The REP
F or th e first tim e in its 1 79-year h istory, Deloitte h as app ointed a w oman to lead its UK aud it and assurance bu siness A llee Bonnard, 4 7, will take ov er the role from P a u l S t ep h en s o n o n Ja nu a ry 1 , m arking a historic m ilestone for the Big Four firm
Founded in 1845 by William Welch Deloitte, the firm has long been a cornerstone of the accounti n g i n d u s t r y B o n n a r d , w h o described herself as “hugely proud” to be the first woman in the UK to hold this position, emphasised the i m p o r t a n c e o f g e n d e r e q u a l i t y “While we have made significant strides, there’s still more to do to ensure all of our diverse talent are given the opportunity to thrive,” she said W o m e n c u r r e n t l y r e p r e s e n t about half of the Big Four’s workforce but hold less than a third of partner roles a number that is gradually increasing Deloitte pro-
Allee Bonnard
jects that by next year, women will lead the audit work for half of its F T S E 1 0 0 c l i e n t s , a s i g n i f i c a n t jump from the 9% figure recorded five years ago
lows EY’s decision earlier this year to name Anna Anthony as the first w o m a n
Ireland operations, highlighting a broader shift in leadership diversity across the industry
s h a s steadily risen, growing from 44% in 2013 to 49% in 2023 In its annual workforce report, the GMC noted that this trend toward gender parity has slowed recently but continues Last year, 52% of doctors join-
ing the register were women, while 54% of those leaving were men However, gender distribution varies by location and medical specialty The GMC emphasised the importance of addressing disparities in doctors’ working lives to ensure all practitioners can thrive The report also highlighted a milestone in diversity, with doctors from ethnic minority backgrounds now outnumbering white doctors on the UK medical register O
f licensed doctors grew significantly in 2023, reaching 313,829 a 21% increase since 2019 and the fastest growth rate since records began in 2011
Information about induced labour risks improved, with 74% receiving a p p r o p r i a
o yee s, Anjna Tiwari and Bandi Gayatri, hav e been nam ed in Women in Mining U K’s (WIM UK) 2024 list o
Wom en in Mining ”
Department, brings with her an impressive 28 years of experience, including service in the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and as the first female member of
19,000 women who gave b irth in Fe bruary
support, they also reveal persistent c
maternity care, with some areas showing a decline in satisfaction over the past five years
The 2024 survey of NHS maternity services reveals both progress and persistent challenges Mental health support showed improvem
‘definitely’ asked about their mental health during antenatal checku p s , u p f r o m 7 5 % i n 2 0 2 3
Postnatally, 93% reported midwives inquired about their mental health Access to mental health support
d u r i n g p r e g n a n c y r o s e t o 8 9 % , compared to 88% in 2023 and 85% in 2022
Positive interactions with staff remain a highlight Most respondents felt spoken to in an understandable way (88%), treated with respect (87%), and listened to (83%)
, 6 3 % reported their partner or companion could stay post-birth as much as they wanted, up from 56% last year
Despite these gains, trust in staff has declined Confidence in antenatal staff dropped to 70% in 2024 from 71% in 2023, while trust during labour and postnatal care also fell Pain relief remains a concern, with 14% feeling support was inadequate Subgroups, including Indian, Pakistani, and White ethn i c
reported poorer experiences, highl i g h
u i r e urgent attention Nicola Wise, CQC’s Director of S e c o n d a r y a n d S p e c i a l i s t C a r e , acknowledged the mixed findings “It is encouraging to see improvements in mental health support, b u t d i s a p p o i n t i n g t h a t s o m e aspects of care fall short There’s a clear need for national action and investment to ensure consistent, high-quality care for all mothers and babies ”
New A I s o f tw a re, ni c kn am e d Lizzy, is set to assist po lice in predicting when victim s of d omestic abuse are at greatest risk of ph ysica
ns into th e tool, w hich uses artificial intellig ence to forecast th e likely trajectory of an abusive relationsh ip With an accuracy rate of 84%, L
existing risk assessment tools used by British police, which achieve about 54% accuracy Described as “the most accurate risk-assessment tool globally” by Lucy Trafford, an Oxford University PhD candidate
Lizzy has been operational in eight German states since August
Babatunde Williams, CEO of Frontline the German tech comp
ongoing discussions with two UK p
tool Profits from the initiative will support charities Williams
decision-making, repeat domestic violence decreases by 50% ” The tool focuses on broader indicators, such as financial control, which it associates with an 80% likelihood of physical abuse Lizzy predicts abuse risk within
months with current tools Built on a robust, nationally representative data set via YouGov, Lizzy minimises biases commonly seen in police samples, ensuring
Frontline’s chief data scientist, Ba Linh Le
Group (SPG) At Tata Steel, she broke barriers by becoming the first woman to lead security oper-
alloys plants and chrome mines in Odisha Her work in community welfare and stakeholder engagement has earned her deep respect in both the local community and industry B
n Tata Steel’s Mining Division, made history as the first female underground mining engineer at Jharia coalfields, India’s oldest coal mine An IIT BHU graduate and recipie n t o f t h e R o b e r t o n M e d a l , Gayatri has led key initiatives in shaft dressing and ventilation systems She is also a strong advocate for the Women of MEAI initiative, which promotes inclusivity and knowledge-sharing in the mining sector T h e 2 0 2 4 W I M 1 0 0 l i s t received 570 nominations from 41 c o u n t
t diverse edition since its inception in 2013
A 27-year-old m an from Bradford has beco me the first perso n in the U K t o b e a rre s
v e r v id eo s filmed w ithou t consent of wom en on nights out, so me of wh om were in v ulnerable states The man was taken into custody on suspicion of stalking and harassment following reports of
and harassed in Manchester city centre The videos, which were posted on social media, featured
described the experience as “disgusting” and said they felt violated after discovering the videos had been viewed hundreds of thou-
misogynistic comments
This arrest is believed to be the first of its kind in the UK, linked to viral videos of women filmed while drunk or alone on the street
Chloe Abrahams
Chloe A braham s is a S ri Lankan-British artist and film maker wh ose debu t non-fiction film , “The Taste o f
M an g o ” , p r em i er ed at Tru e/False 20 23 , wh ere it was ranked the #1 film by Sigh t & Sound
The film received critical acclaim, winning the Audience Award fo Documentary at the
B F I L o n d o n F i l m
F e s t i v a l a n d t h BIFA for Best Debu
D i r e c t o r – F e a t u r
I n a n i n t e r v i e
w i t h A s i a n V o i c
C h l o e d i s c u s s e s h inspiration that led making the docume tary, role of art an storytelling in brea i n g c u l t u r a l t a b o and much more
What inspired yo to create ‘The Taste of Mango’, and how did you decide t explore the relationships betwee three generations of women in your family?
C r e d i t A l i c e A e dy
by Subhasini Naicker
I believe part of the reason these topics are so heavily stigmatised is that w e d o n ’ t
examples of people in simi l a r s i t u a t i o n s o p e n l y a d d r e s s i n g t h e m Sometimes, all it takes is a few role models or success stories to inspire change
Historian Jo ya Ch atterji has b een aw a rd e d th e p re st igio us Wolfson History Prize 2024 fo r her g roundbreaking book S had ows at Noon: Th e So uth A sian Twentieth C entury
The announcement was made at a ceremony in cent
with £50,000 The other five
received £5,000 in recognition of their work Shadows a
, w
c h
open the door to new poss i b i
hope and change Art and film, in particular, have a unique capacity to inspire and support people navigating challenges, making them invaluable mediums empathy and transmation
It all began with a deep desire to reconnect with my maternal grandmother, someone I didn’t have a r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h A l l I could sense was the lin-
g e r i n g r e s e n t m e n t a n d f r u s t r a t i o n m y m o t h e r carried from years of try-
i n g t o c o n v i n c e h e r t o leave Sri Lanka and join us
i n t h e U K a m o v e m y grandmother never wanted to make Around the s a m e t i m e , m y p a t e r n a l grandmother had passed away, leaving my mom s mother as my last living grandparent I was in my
e a r l y t w e n t i e s , a t i m e when I was introspective, t r y i n g t o u n d e r s t a n d
m y s e l f a n d m y r o o t s I realised that part of that journey required looking back through generations and addressing any lingeri n g w o u n d s I t f e l t l i k e something I was meant to do a calling to heal and rediscover
What role do you think films like yours play in fostering conversations around abuse, particularly within South Asian or immigrant communities where such topics are often stigmatised?
m o m a n d I h o p e d t o achieve to show others that we ’ ve navigated this journey, and maybe, just maybe, it’s okay for them
t o t a k e t h a t s t e p t o o Through this film, I hope to encourage people who feel burdened by unspoken issues to start those d i f f i c u l t c o n v e r s a t i o n s within their families It’s possible to address these m a t t e r s i n a w a y t h a t d o e s n ’ t l e a d t o b r o k e n relationships but instead fosters understanding and l o v e T h e r e ’ s a w a y t o stand up for what’s weighing on you while preserving the bonds that matter most
What do you believe is the role of art and storytelling in breaking cultural taboos around difficult subjects like these?
I b e l i e v e f i l m b o t h d o c u m e n t a r y a n d f i ct i o n i s a n i n c r e d i b l y p o w e r f u l t o o l I t a l l o w s audiences to step into perspectives and experiences they may never have considered before, encouraging them to imagine a diff e r e n t w a y o f l i f e Imagination, I think, is a p r o f o u n d f o r c e i t c a n p
Did you have concerns about how your mily members would l about their lives ng portrayed on een? How did they spond to the idea?
My mom has always e
ory, standing up for h a t s h
s ght She has wanted o s h a
or a long time, so she was genuinely excited o collaborate with me
me and was eager to t
were certain aspects she was clear about not wanting to include in the film, and we were more than happy to respect her wishes, focusing on a small, specific part of her story
Of course, I was concerned It’s such a deeply personal and difficult subj
ious about how the wider family would perceive it
In South Asian cultures, t
g expectation to keep family issues private and to present a perfect image to the world We were all a little apprehensive about how
o u r e x t e n
d f a m i l y would react
E v e n n o w , w h e n a family member attends a screening, I feel nervous
But time and again, I’ve been pleasantly surprised
tude and support, often saying this is a story that deserves to be told and shouldn’t remain hidden It’s been incredibly validating and heartwarming to see their reactions
The book explores everyday aspects of South Asian life, such as food, cinema, and family dynamics, alongside
been longlisted for the 2024 W o m
s P r i z e f
N o nFiction and shortlisted for t h e C u n d i l l H i s t o r y P r i z e 2024, challenges traditional narratives that focus on the differences between India, P a k i s
n d B a n g
s h Instead, it emphasises the shared history and connections between these nations and their people
C h a t t e r j i ’ s a c a d e m i c work blends personal reflections on her upbringing in India with a conversational and thematic writing style
discussions of politics and nationhood This approach allows the cultural vibrancy of the region to emerge, providing readers with a deeper, more nuanced understanding of South Asia
The 2024 judging panel, w h i c h i n c l u d e d d i s t i ng u i s h e d h i
selected Shadows at Noon for its exceptional combina-
and accessibility to a general audience
Chatterji’s work, stating, “A captivating history of modern South Asia, full of fasci-
lives of its peoples Written with verve and energy, this book beautifully blends the personal and the historical ”
L a ur a C u m m i n g ’ s Thunderclap: A Memoir of Art and Life an d Sudden De at h has b ee n c ro wn ed B o ok of th e Y e ar at Sc o tla n d’ s N a ti on al B ook Awards T h e m e m o i r , w h i c h also won the Non-Fiction Book of the Year award, d e l v e s i n t o t h e D u t c h
Golden Age and its connection to art, life, and mortality Cumming reflects on h e r l a t e f a t h e r , S c o t t i s h p a i n t e r J a m e s C u m m i n g , alongside the lives of the e r a ' s g r e a t a r t i s t s J u d g e s p r a i s e d t h e b o o k f o r i t s d e p t h , s t a t i n g , “ O n f i r s t r e a d i n g , i t f e l t e l e g a n t l y detached; on reading again, t h e h
n s t
t i t s core stood out It’s a work w e ’ l l r e t u r n t o t i m e a n d again ” Other winners included Ajay Close’s What Doesn’t K i l l U s , n a m e d F i c t i o n Book of the Year, and Ruin, Blossom by the late John B u r n s i d e , w h i c h w o n Poetry Book of the Year
UK artists' earnings down 40%, gender gap persists
A n ew r ep o rt b y t h e U niv ersity of Glasg ow has shed light on the stark economic challenges faced by U K artists and rev eals significant pay disparities acro ss demo graphics
T i t l e d t h e ‘ U K V i s u a
A r t i s t s ’ E a r n i n g s a n d Contracts Report 2024 ’ , the s t u d y h i g h l i g h t s t h a t t h e average income for visual artists in the UK stands at j u s t $ 1 5 , 6 0 0 a n
$25,000 in 2010 The find-
inequalities: female artists
t s , w h i
d i s a b l e d a r t i s t s r e p o r t a n average annual income of less than $5,000
In comparison, today’s a v e r a g e i n c o m e f o r U K artists is 47% lower than the median earnings of full-time m i n i m u m w a g e w o r k e r s , w h o m a k e a p p r o x i m a t e l y
$29,800 a year The report, c o m m i s s i o n e d b y t h e Design & Artists Copyright Society (DACS), is based on a survey of 1,200 artists and aims to advocate for better p r o t e c t i o n s , f a i r p a y , a n d higher royalties for artists
W h i l e n e a r l y h a l f o f respondents indicated their a r t i s t i c p r a c t i c e w a s t h e i r
sole occupation, many others are compelled to take on supplementary work due to l o w e a r n i n g s T h o s e w i t h m u l t i p l e j o b s a v e r a g e around $22,000 annually still far below the UK minimum wage
Christian Zimmermann, C E O o f D A C S , e x p r e s s e d concern over the findings, stating, “Most visual artists are freelancers and, despite being essential to the UK’s visual arts sector, they are among the lowest-earning w o r k e r s i n t h e c r e a t i v e industries Over 80% of all visual artists surveyed said their sources of earnings are unstable, or very unstable The widespread low pay and precarity artists face today pushes talent out of the sector and limits the creativity of our artists
“This report shows us in n o u n c e r t a i n t e r m s t h a
visual artists need greater support and protections to navigate the challenges of
that’s Generative
costs of
The findings align with the recommendations out-
DACS and 26 arts organisations to the UK government in June 2024 The manifesto calls for fairer
Ketan Dattani
In the UK, South As ian
com muniti es bri ng a wealth of c ultural a nd reli gious teac hings that s tron gly emphas ise
e nvironm ental
s ustain abili ty Thes e tea chings , rooted i n di verse trad itions, s hare
c ore values s uch as res pect f or n ature , s tewardshi p of the Earth, a nd the prin ciple of k arma Thes e princ iples
res onate wi th the global c all for sus tainab le livin g, off ering ti meless wi sdom to add re ss contemporary e nvironm ental
c hallenges
Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism all part of the broader family of Vedic or Dharmic traditions convey profound teachings that encourage living in harmony with nature These faiths deeply integrate interconnection, reverence for life, and responsible action into their philosophies
Hinduism teaches that karma ensures every action has consequences, both in this life and future reincarnations
The principle of ahimsa (non-violence) extends to all living beings, discouraging harm to nature through pollution or wastefulness Hindus believe that respecting and conserving natural resources generates positive karma and fosters a harmonious existence
Sikhism reveres the Earth as the "great mother," whose sanctity must be preserved The Sikh scriptures remind followers, “ we shall reap the results of the seeds which we sow, ” advocating sustainable living and mindful actions For Sikhs in the UK, this may involve adopting renewable energy, reducing waste, and practising ecoconscious farming
Jainism upholds interdependence, the belief that all elements of nature are interconnected Its cornerstone, ahimsa, extends to all life forms
Jains practise sustainability through recycling, composting, and reducing consumption, aligning their lifestyles with environmental respect and spiritual growth
Buddhism encourages compassion and mindful living, fostering deep respect for nature
Two key precepts refraining
How South Asian Culture and Religious Teachings
Promote Environmental Sustainability: A UK Perspective
from taking life and refraining from taking what is not given promote environmental preservation Buddhists in the UK strive to avoid overconsumption, reduce waste, and protect natural habitats, aligning spiritual practice with ecological responsibility
Islam views the Earth as a sacred trust from God, with humans as khalifas (caretakers) This responsibility translates to conserving water, minimising waste, and using resources judiciously In the UK, these principles encourage Muslims to embrace sustainable practices like reducing plastic use and supporting renewable energy
Zoroastrianism, one of the world’s oldest religions, teaches followers to act as guardians of seven creations sky, water, earth, plants, animals, humans, and fire The belief in restoring the Earth to its pristine state aligns with modern concerns like climate change and biodiversity loss Zoroastrians in the UK often support conservation projects and adopt eco-friendly lifestyles
Practi cal A pplic ations for Sustain abili ty
South Asian religious teachings provide clear guidance for sustainable actions in everyday life For example:
Reducing waste: Using reusable coffee cups and water bottles instead of single-use plastics
Sustainable diets: Increasing plant-based meals to lower the environmental impact of meat consumption
Energy conservation: Turning off lights, taking shorter showers, and boiling only the needed amount of water to reduce energy use and costs
A C olle ctive Path to Sustain abili ty
By integrating these timeless teachings into daily life, South Asians in the UK can play a vital role in global environmental efforts while honouring their cultural and spiritual traditions Small, collective actions inspired by these values can make a significant impact, fostering a sustainable and harmonious future for generations to come
Sir Keir Starmer has vo wed to t ig h ten i m m ig rat io n rules, stating that th e recent fig ures rev ealing net mig ration reached nearly one million last year “shou ld shock all of us ”
The Office for National S
( O
revised data showing that net migration hit a record 906,000 for the year ending in June, 166,000 higher than p
728,000 in the year ending in June this year, primarily due to new restrictions on foreign students and health
Conservative government
The Prime Minister held
immigration figures, vowing
cantly reduce migration He admitted to being “shocked” when he first saw the numbers, which he described as “off the scale,” but emphasised his goal of reducing immigration in the coming
years However, he rejected calls from within his party f
a n i m m i g r
o n c a p , arguing it would not meaningfully curb migration
The ONS attributed the revision of migration numb e r s t o a m
u r a t e counting system and a shift in trends, notably internat i o n
u d e n t s s
i n g longer in the UK Starmer criticised the British economy for becoming “hopelessly reliant” on immigration, especially while 2 8 million people remain out of work due to long-term sickness, and one in eight young peop l e a r e n o t e n g a g e d i n employment, education, or training
The government plans
to live and work in the U K
s their e-v isas, leaving them with out a way to prov e their immig ration status
Human rights advocates warn that these issues could
Windrush-like proportions, p
dreds of thousands of people Those impacted include i n
demonstrate their right to
despite being legally permitted to remain in the UK
The transition to a fully digital immigration system w
e n d e r m o s t p h y s i c a l documentation, such as biom e t r i c r e s i d e n c e p e r m i t s , i n v a l i d H o w e v e r , T h e
Guardian has reported that some migrants, including a significant number of indiv i d u a l s o n t h e H o m e Office's demanding 10-year
v i s a r o u t e , a r e u n a b l e t o access their e-visas despite meeting eligibility requirements
This visa route disprop o r t i o n a t e l y a f f e c t s l o w -
income individuals, particularly people of colour, who must pay substantial renewal fees every two-and-a-half years Renewals are often delayed by a year, during which applicants are placed on "3C leave," granting temp o r a r y r i g h t s t o w o r k o r rent
M a n y a p p l i c a n t s attempting to access their ev i s a s f a c e s y s t e m e r r o r s
While one screen may confirm their status, another displays an error message: "We cannot show you proof of your status This might be because your status is not ready to view in this service yet " Owing to this, ministers have decided to delay the f u l l t r a n s i t i o n t o e - v i s a s next month due to concerns that UK residents may face difficulties returning home because of system glitches
A W h i t e h a l l s o u r c e c o nfirmed that the full rollout, i n i t i a l l y s c h e d u l e d f o r January 1, will be postponed
Officials are also exploring the possibility of allowing physical documentation in certain situations to avoid further complications
reforms to the points-based immigration system These reforms will require employers to hire foreign workers only if they are also training domestic workers Starmer emphasised that companies’ access to visa routes would come with new expectations for domestic worker traini n g , a d d i n g , “ M a r k m y words this government will turn the page ”
The Prime Minister also p
Conservative Party, accusi
“open-borders experiment” through post-Brexit immigration policies that were intentionally liberalised He pointed to the stark contrast between 2019 ’ s net migration figure of 184,000 and t h e c u r r e n t 9 0 6 , 0 0 0 , attributing the surge to policies under the previous government
Chris Philp, the shadow home secretary, responded by criticising Starmer’s past support for EU freedom of movement rules, as well as
his repeated opposition to previous government measures aimed at curbing illegal immigration Philp told The Times, “Mr Starmer is Mr Open Border; he voted 134 times in the last parliament against measures to tackle illegal immigration On his watch, boat crossings are up 23%, and he’s put an extra 6,000 illegal migrants i n t o e x p
h o t e l s despite promising to close them ” P h i
Home Office showing that the number of asylum seek-
since Labour took power By September, 35,651 migrants were housed in hotels, up from 29,585 in June, though still far below the peak of 5 6 , 0 4 2 i n S e p t e m b e r l a s t year
The total cost of the asylum system has risen by 36% over the past year, with taxpayers now shouldering a £5 4 billion bill for 2023-24, up from £4 billion in the previous year
Em ployers who violate visa ru l es c o u ld f ac e s tri c ter penalties, including extended bans on hiring foreign workers, under new g overnm e nt m e as u re s a im ed at curbing abuse and exploitation
The proposed changes, outlined in the Employment Rights Bill currently before P a r l i a m e n t , w o u l d d o u b l e the sanctions period to two years for serious breaches such as failing to pay the minimum wage or repeatedly breaking visa regulations
Employers displaying signs
o f n o n - c o m p l i a n c e w o u l d also face enforceable action p l a n s , w h i c h w o u l d n o w apply for one year instead of three months During this period, businesses would be restricted from hiring overseas workers M
sised the government’s comm
h o l d i n g r u l eb r e a k i n g e m p l o y e r s a c c o u n t a b l e “ W o r k e r e x p l o i t a t i o n i s u n a c c e p table,” she said, highlighting i s s u e s i n t h e c a r e s e c t o r where international workers often face debt and inse-
curity “This must end ” To address these con-
employers bear
care sector sponsor licences have been revoked since July 2022, with efforts underway to support affected workers
changes will target
of the targets set by communications regulator Ofcom Second-class mail performed slightly better, with 93% delivered on time, but this was still below the 94% achieved in the previous quarter T h i s d r o p i n d e l i v e r y performance comes as the
, adding pressure on its leadership Royal Mail is under investigation by Ofcom for missing delivery targets in t h e y e a r e n d i n g M a r c h 2024, with the regulator’s standards requiring 93% of first-class post to be delivered within one working day and 98 5% of secondclass post within three days
The U K
Govern ment has introduce d a range of initi atives desi gn ed to s trengthen s mall
b usine sses and stim ulate
e conomic growth,
a li gnin g with Sma ll
B usin ess Sa turday
The measures address critical issues such as late payments, expanding opportunities for disabled and female entrepreneurs, and combatting retail crime, reaffirming the government’s commitment to supporting the foundation of the British economy
As of January 1, 2023, the UK had approximately 5 6 million private sector businesses, reflecting a 0 8% increase from 2022 Among these, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) accounted for around 5 5 million, making up over 99% of the total business population
Ta cklin g Late Paym ents w ith the Fair Pay ment C od e
In the introduced initiatives, a new Fair Payment Code has been introduced to combat the persistent issue of late payments, which research shows costs small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) an average of £22,000 annually
Overseen by Small Business Commissioner Liz Barclay, the code incorporates a gold, silver, and bronze rating system to reward good payment practices and guide SMEs toward reliable business partners
The initiative seeks to improve cash flow for small firms, which is vital for their survival and growth Businesses can register for the code starting today The move builds on the government’s earlier consultation to address late payments and provide solutions to strengthen SMEs
Small Busin ess C om mi ssi on er, Li z
Barc la y commented, “The Fair Payment Code is a robust approach to fostering a culture of timely payments, benefiting businesses of all sizes and ensuring vital supply chains are protected ” Em pow ering di sab le d entrepreneurs and boosting female- led busin ess es
Recognising the untapped potential of disabled entrepreneurs, the government has launched the Disability Finance Code for Entrepreneurship in collaboration with major banks, including Barclays, HSBC UK, Lloyds Banking Group, and NatWest This initiative aims to improve access to financial products, mentoring, and representation for disabled business owners
According to the Lilac Review, improving opportunities for disabled founders could unlock an additional £230 billion for the UK economy Banks involved in the scheme have committed to showcasing disabled success stories and providing tailored support to entrepreneurs
Additionally, a new partnership between Female Founder Finance and UK Export Finance has also been announced to support women-led businesses This initiative will provide free services to help female entrepreneurs access finance, grow their networks, and scale their ventures
Ad dre ssing re tail crime and su pport ing growth and sta bility
To support high street businesses, the Home Office convened the first Retail Crime Forum today, bringing together senior law enforcement officials, trade associations, and retailers to tackle threats against retail workers and crime on high streets
The government has
The Prime Mi nister joi ned NH S workers, military personnel, and members of the p ol
D owning Street Christmas lights
were invited to Number 10 to celebrate the countdown to Christmas ahead of the
committed to introducing a specific offence for assaulting retail workers and removing immunity for theft under £200 A £7 million investment in policing over three years will further support efforts to curb retail crime
With small businesses accounting for 99 8% of UK enterprises and employing over 60% of the workforce, the government has prioritised measures to ensure their resilience
The Budget has protected a million small firms from National Insurance increases, extended business rates relief, and permanently lowered taxes for the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors Additionally, the Employment Allowance has been increased to a record £10,500
In the lead-up to the Autumn Budget, Asian Voice had spotlighted the concerns of small businesses across the UK, many of which sought stability from Labour’s first budget Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) called on the government to tackle pressing challenges, with 33% prioritising relief from high energy costs
Additionally, 28% urged reductions in regulatory red tape, while 27% advocated for increased tax incentives to drive innovation
As businesses continue to navigate challenges like inflation and rising costs, these initiatives create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and small firms across the UK Small Business Minister Gareth Thomas said, “Unleashing the potential of entrepreneurs is key to driving economic growth These measures remove barriers and provide targeted support for small businesses to thrive ”
Qa ta r has pledg ed £1 billion t o supp or t climate te chnology in the UK, str eng then ing t he coun tr y ’ s posit ion as a cle an e ne rgy super power
The investment, part of a new UK-Qatar clean energy p a r t n e r s h i p , w i l
e thousands of jobs in both countries and fund projects to advance climate-friendly technologies
by a meeting between the Prime Minister and the Amir of Qatar in Downing Street
The investment will also support start-ups in the UK and Qatar focused on energy efficiency, carbon managem e n t ,
e r
UK for this global partnership, with the £1 billion commitment marking a significant step forward Qatar and R o l l s - R o y c e ’ s w o r k i n c l imate technology aligns with our goal of becoming a clean e
highlights the UK as one of the best places to develop s
British engineering firm R o l l s - R o y c e w
from investments aimed at improving energy efficiency, developing sustainable fuels, and reducing carbon emissions The deal was marked
During Qatar's State Visit, Prime Minister Keir Starmer and His Highness The Amir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, will offic i a l l y m a r k t h e £ 1 b i l l i o n
that Qatar has chosen the
fulfilling our promise to prioritise growth by strengthening partnerships with forw
and creating thousands of skilled jobs in the industries of the future ”
Striking posters designed by young Lo nd oners encourag ing passengers to give up their seats to tho se in need are now on disp lay across the Transport for L ondon (TfL ) netw ork Th is initiativ e marks International Day of Persons with Disabilities and hig hlig hts the im portance of accessibility and consideration on p ublic transpo rt
passengers to offer their seats to others
Priority seats, available on all TfL buses, Tubes, trains, and trams, are clearly marked for those who need them, including individuals with non-visible disabilities During Priority Seating Week in September, TfL launched a competition for children aged 6-14 to create posters promoting awareness and encouraging
The winning designs were chosen by members of TfL’s Independent Disability Advisory Group (IDAG), a panel of 13 professionals who provide insights to improve TfL's services for disabled customers The competition winners Cecilia Lewis (8), Lily Watkins (11), and Ayaan Hoque (13) impressed the judges with their creative entries As part of their reward, the winners
received family tickets to Merlin London attractions Runners-up Diani Dodia, Georgina Joseph, and Ayah Abrahams, along with highly commended entrants Harrison Steele, Willow Bear, and Sophia Croall, also impressed judges with their creative designs Each received tickets to the IFS Cloud Cable Car or the London Transport Museum as recognition for their outstanding efforts These posters aim to foster a more inclusive travel experience while celebrating the creativity of young Londoners who are helping to make public transport more accessible for all
Fo rm er Lo rd
Ch an c el lo r an d
Secretary of State for J ustice, Alex Ch alk KC, h as p ropo sed a radical so lu ti on to the gro wing crisis in th e Crown Courts, as th e backlo g of cases in E ngland and Wales is p ro jected to exceed 8 0, 000
He proposes creating a third tier of criminal courts
b e t w e e n t h e m a g i s t r a t e s ' and Crown Courts, effectively a subsidiary of the latter Magistrates would handle minor offences, while
t h e C r o w n C o u r t w o u l d continue overseeing serious cases like murder, rape, and fraud
C h a l k p o i n t s o u t t h a t convicted offenders in mag-
y have an automatic right to appeal to the Crown Court, where a judge and two lay magistrates sit He suggests this bench structure is ideal
f o r h i s p r o p o s e d r e f o r m , though there is debate over whether the right to appeal
s h o u l d r e q u i r e p r i o r approval
T h e f o r m e r L o r d
C h a n c e l l o r s u g g e s t s t h a t
a d d i n g a n e w c o u r t t i e r
c o u l d r e d u c e t h e C r o w n
C o u r t b a c k l o g , w h i c h h e insists must drop to around 40,000 to ensure timely trials Experts warn that delays in trials contribute to prison overcrowding, as remanded
d e f e n d a n t s o c c u p y c e l l s , recently prompting a con-
t e n t i o u s e a r l y r e l e a s e
s c h e m e f o r c o n v i c t e d offenders
W h i l e m a n y e x p e r t s view the proposed reforms as a positive step, there are
s t i l l c o n c e r n s a b o u t w h o will handle the cases and w h e r e t h e f u n d i n g w i l l come from Asian Voice has c o n s u l t e d s e v e r a l l e g a l experts to assess whether this reform will succeed or fall short Jury trial removal will h urt eth nic minorities mo st Mary P rio r KC, Chair of t h e C r i m i n a l B a r Association and member of the 36 Crime Group, raised concerns about the potential removal of the right to a
j u r y t r i a l f o r c e r t a i n offences carrying sentences of two years or less She noted that this measure is being considered as a cost-
s a v i n g i n i t i a t i v e a i m e d a t reducing the growing backlog in Crown Courts
“With a national shorta g e o f c r i m i n a l s o l i c i t o r s a n d b a r r i s t e r s , a s w e l l a s l e g a l a d v i s e r s i n t h e M a g i s t r a t e s ’ C o u r t s , i t i s u n c l e a r w h o w i l l h a n d l e these cases, ” she remarked To illustrate the scale of the issue, Mary highlighted that in 2023, 1,436 trials in the Crown Court were rendered i n e f f e c t i v e d u e t o t h e absence of either a prosecu-
tion or defence advocate, or b o t h a n a l a r m i n g r i s e compared to just 71 ineffective trials in 2019
M a r y s t a t e d t h a t t h e removal of the right to a jury trial is likely to disproportionately impact ethnic m i n o r i t i e s S h e s a i d , “ W e k n o w t h a t c u
P r o s e c u t i o n S e r v i c e ( C P S ) accept that there are racial disparities in the decisions to charge and in the manner i n w h i c h s t a t e m e n t s a n d reports are written which mean that those with ethnic backgrounds are not treated as fairly as white people
“We know that there is a concern that the Judiciary i m p o s e s l o n g e r s e n t e n c e s on those with ethnic backgrounds than white people No motive has been found within the research for any o f t h e s e d i f f e r e n c e s b u t there is also no evidence based explanation for these disparities However, what we do know is that people w i t h a n e t h n i c m i n o r i t y background are not treated differently from white people by juries,” she further added
She said, “In the 2017 L a m m y R e v i e w i t w a s r e v e a l e d t h a t t h e r e w a s g r e a t e r d i s p r o p o r t i o n a l i t y in the number of Black people in prisons here than in the United States The disproportionate numbers represent wasted lives, a source of anger, mistrust and a significant cost to the taxpayer Any change to remove the right to a jury trial currently available for defendants who are charged with a range of serious offences n e e d s t o b e c o n s i d e r e d w i t h i n t h e c o n t e x t o f a recently published report by t h e C r o w n P r o s e c u t i o n Service, ‘Dispropo-rtionality’, which identified racial disparities in the legal decision making of the CPS at t h e c h a r g i n g s t a g e T h e CPS’s role is to make fair and objective decisions free of any bias That goal is not being met ” New cou rt tier won’t solve justice c risis
Senior Partner of Kangs
S o l i c i t o r s , H am ra j K an g said, “If the stated aim of the possible introduction of a t h i r d t i e r o f c r i m i n a l courts, positioned between Magistrates’ Court and the
Crown Court, is to lessen the current huge backlog of c a s e s , t h e n t h i s d e m o nstrates flawed thinking Any argument that such a new r e g i m e w o u l d l e a d t o increased access to justice or improve specialisation in the courts is unlikely to be convincing when set against the backdrop of funding
H e a d d e d , “ W h a t t h e c r i m i n a l j u s t i c e s y s t e m needs is more resources, not another tier of administration The current two tier c r i m i n a l c o u r t s y s t e m i s more than capable of dealing with the cases that arise in England & Wales The Magistrates’ Court and the C r o w n C o u r t n e e d m o r e ‘ s i t
s court buildings have closed, meaning there is less ‘court time’ devoted to cases H a m r a j
courts be located, and how
d funded? The current twotier system is already under-
another layer is unlikely to
tion On the contrary, it will
resolving them
Hamraj argued that the idea of reducing caseloads in the Magistrates’ Court and the Crown Court merely shifts the problem rather than resolving it He added, “ T
cases, we need more courts sitting and for that we need Judges, barristers and solicitors to be available to play their part in ensuring the court system runs smoothly However, we are facing
solicitors There are simply not enough of them due to
sector of the law for many
approach needs to be taken
investment in the ‘criminal justice system’ as a whole and for all constituent parts of it Without that, adding a third court to the current system is not going to be the
makers are wishing for
A new gov ernm ent-backed repo rt, ‘Our Future Homes: Housing th at Pro motes Wellbeing and Co mmu nity for an A geing Population’, hig hlights the need fo r ageappropriate, cultu rally sensitiv e, and d em entiainclusiv e hou sing for the U K’s growing and d iverse ageing p opulation The repo rt stresses the urgency of creating hom es th at supp ort the wellbeing, independence, and social eng ag em ent of older people, as the number of those aged 65-79 is set to increase by a third and those aged 80 + w ill more than dou ble by 20 40
The report highlights the urgent need for culturally sensitive housing for the UK’s ageing population, with 18 6% of
people over 65 and a growing number born abroad There is a critical shortage, with 30,00050,000 homes needed annually, but only 7,000 are built Many older people live in unsuitable homes, with limited accessibility and few affordable options
The Taskforce calls for agefriendly, culturally inclusive housing that meets both physical and social needs
The report calls for culturally sensitive, dementia-inclusive, and faith-aware communities with homes that support religious practices and multigenerational living It recommends staff cultural competency training, language support, and tailored health care
Developers should involve
diverse communities in housing design, using models like co-housing to ensure older people’s needs are met
Paavan Popat, Member of the Taskforce, Hertsmere resident and CEO of TLC Care & Founder of Trulocom, said: “This report makes clear that if we are to meet the needs of an ageing population, we must go beyond traditional housing solutions We must create homes that are not only safe and accessible, but culturally sensitive and inclusive Older people deserve communities where they can live with dignity, celebrate their cultural identities, and enjoy the support they need in later life; living with people they can relate to ”
Th e UK ’ s missing worker issue h as been o verstated du e to unreliable labour market statistics, according to the Bank of England’ s chief economist Huw Pill, a member of the Bank’s monetary policy committee, noted that the Bank’s internal assessment aligns with new research showing higher employment and lower economic inactivity than official data suggests “We believe labour force
participation is now aligned with its natural level,” Pill told the House of Lords economic affairs committee
The Office for National Statistics has reported a 1% increase in labour force inactivity since the pandemic, a trend not seen in other advanced economies, prompting policymakers to focus on encouraging more people to return to work
The ONS’s labour
market survey has faced accuracy issues for the past two years due to low response rates, casting doubt on its estimates of employment, unemployment, and inactivity Last week, the Resolution Foundation reported that alternative data from HM Revenue & Customs showed no rise in inactivity and revealed that employment had been underestimated by 930,000 since 2019
Joh n Tinnisw ood, the wo rld's old est man, d ied at 11 2 in his Southpo rt care hom e Bo rn in Liv erpool on A ugust 26, 191 2, fo ur mo nths after the Titanic sank, he becam e the w orld's oldest living man in Ap ril and was the fourth old est British man in history
A retired accountant for 52 years, is survived by his daughter, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren His family described him as
intelligent, decisive, brave, and a great conversationalist When asked about his longevity,
Tinniswood credited no special secrets, only following the simple tradition of fish and chips on Fridays During World War II, Tinniswood served in the Royal Army Pay Corps, handling administrative duties that included locating stranded soldiers and organising food supplies After the war, he worked as an accountant for Shell and BP, retiring in 1972
Bri tain m us t embrac e a "new n uc le ar age" to m eet the energy dem ands of artifi cial i ntelligence, ac cordi ng to a think ta nk
The Tony Blair Institute (TBI) argues that building new, small nuclear power stations is essential for unlocking AI's growth potential
The claim comes ahead of a report this week from the government’s AI adviser on the UK’s
strategy for the technology
As AI data centres grow, their power demands are rising sharply, with National Grid forecasting a sixfold increase in electricity demand over the next decade To meet this need, big tech companies, like Microsoft, are turning to nuclear power, with plans to restart the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania to supply
energy for its data centres
The TBI argues that Britain could lead in nuclear power due to its expertise, but hasn't connected a new reactor to the grid in nearly 30 years By 2028, Sizewell B may be the only operational plant
The think tank urges the government to adopt small modular and advanced modular reactors to meet net-zero goals and power AI
Dear Financial Voice Reader, Alpesh Patel
T ime to sort your pensio n for 20 25 For m e it’s simple
The U S stock market is poised to outperform the U K market in 2025, driven by several key factors:
1 Economic Growth and Corporate Earnings
The U S economy is expected to experience robust growth, leading to significant corporate earnings increases Goldman Sachs projects the S&P 500 to reach 6,500 by the end of 2025, reflecting a 9% price gain from current levels and a 10% total return including dividends This growth is anticipated to be supported by an 11% increase in earnings in 2025 and a 7% rise in 2026 GOLDMAN SACHS
2. Monetary Policy and Interest Rates
The Federal Reserve's recent shift toward interest rate
enhance corporate profitability Historically, such monetary easing has led to positive stock market performance Following the Fed's rate cuts, the S&P 500 has historically shown a median return of 10% in the subsequent 12 months
3. Technological Innovation and Market Leadership
The U S market continues to be a global leader in technological innovation, with major tech companies driving market gains The so-called "Magnificent Seven" are forecasted to report earnings growth of 18% in 2025, compared to 14% for the other 493 companies in the S&P 500
4 Fiscal Policies and Deregulation
Anticipated fiscal policies, including potential corporate tax cuts and deregulation, are expected to bolster business investment and profitability These measures are likely to enhance investor confidence and contribute to stock market growth
5 Global Economic Conditions
The U K stock market faces challenges such as slower economic growth and uncertainties related to Brexit While the FTSE 100 is forecasted to reach approximately 9,399 by October 2025, this represents a more modest growth trajectory compared to U S indices
In summary, the U S stock market's anticipated outperformance relative to the U K in 2025 is attributed to stronger economic growth, favourable monetary and fiscal policies, technological leadership, and a more dynamic corporate earnings environment Investors should consider these factors when making investment decisions, keeping in mind the inherent uncertainties and risks in financial markets
T yph oo, the h istoric British tea brand , has been acquired by S upreme, a m aker of vapes and batteries, in a £1 0m rescue d eal after the com pany entered adm inistration
The 121-year-old brand, founded in Birmingham in 1903, was at risk of disappearing after a series of financial strugg l e s , i n c l u d i n g d e c l i n i n g s a l e s a n d s i g n i f i c a n t d e b t s Supreme, which had been in talks to rescue the company, agreed to pay £10 2m, covering the brand’s stock and trade debts, which total £7 5m
Typhoo, known for being the first pre-packaged tea in the UK, had faced mounting challenges, including a break-in at its Wirral factory in 2023 that caused extensive damage and forced a costly closure Additionally, the company reported a £38m pre-tax loss for the year ending September 30, partly due to exceptional costs
The new owner plans to operate Typhoo with a “capitallight, outsourced manufacturing model” in an attempt to turn around the business The administration follows a trend of declining tea consumption in the UK, with younger consumers increasingly preferring coffee, energy drinks, and bubble tea A Statista survey revealed that for the first time, coffee surpassed tea as the most popular hot drink among Britons
The acquisition aligns with Supreme’s strategy to diversify beyond vaping products, having already acquired Clearly Drinks earlier this year Supreme CEO Sandy Chadha expressed confidence that Typhoo would thrive under the new ownership, benefiting from the company ’ s market reach and expertise in building brand loyalty
The Bank of England has issued a stark warni ng over the gr ow i
th e UK’s financ ial sy stem, citing esc alating trade wars, ge opolitical ins tability, an d ri sin g governm ent debt
The warning comes as
global fragmentation and the potential fallout from a looming trade war, particu-
and Canada
highlighted the UK s vulnerability, given its "open
Bailey, the Bank’s governor, acknowledged the heightened uncertainty in global markets, stating, "We are
more uncertain on a number of fronts " The Bank’s financial policy committee said it would continue to monitor these risks closely
The UK is also grappling with high levels of government borrowing, a problem shared with many o
the US The committee’s f
related to geopolitical tensions, fragmentation, and
ingly uncertain
Concerns are also rising about the so-called “shadow banking” sector, which has grown since the 2008 f
regulations pushed certain activities away from traditional banks This sector, encompassing private equity firms and hedge funds, is
opaque, raising alarms following recent market dis-
In response, the Bank conducted a stress test of the UK's financial system, marking the first such exer-
This boost helped the FTSE 100 edge in to positiv e ter ritory
261¼p, while Tesco gained
Morgan's analysts indicated that next year, the sector will shift into stockpicker territory" with divergent market outlooks They noted that, unlike the broader European market, the UK food sector is expected to remain "rather rational "
The analysts also highlighted that UK grocers will benefit from industry-wide cost inflation pass-throughs, s u c h a s r i s i n g w a g e s a n d national insurance contribut i o n s H o w e v e r , n o t a
retailers saw positive movement Online grocer Ocado d r o p p
d b y 6 ½ p ( 2 % ) t o 318½p in the FTSE 250, after M o r r i s o n s a n n o u n c e d i t would
o m Citigroup and BNP Paribas Exane The FTSE 250, which includes more UK-focused c
points (0 78%) to 20,762 78 Renewi, the waste and recycling group, soared by 259p (46 8%) to 813p after
In broader market movements, the FTSE 100 gained just 6 47 points (0 08%) to 8,281 22 At the top of the index, Spirax Group saw a 260p (3 8%) rise to £71 60 fol-
manager Macquarie
Labour’s tax-raising budget, rais ing conc erns about hiring and risi ng c osts R
growing pessimism among UK households and businesses, particularly in the
h accounts for three-quarters of the economy According
households are
m b e r d e s p i t e t h e
C h r i s t m a s s e a s o n Households reported only a slight improvement in their personal financial situation post-budget
In the services sector, c o n f i d e n c e f e l l s h a r p l y , m a r k i n g t h e s t e e p e s t decline in two years, ending a n i n e - m o n t h s t r e a k o f
o p t i m i s m T h e
C o n f e d e r a t i o n o f B r i t i s h
I n d u s t r y ( C B I ) a t t r i b u t e d
Nat ion wide Buildin g Society has re port ed a n une xpe ct ed £ 2 3 billion accountin g gain from its acquisition of Vir gin Mone y UK, despite a 24% dr op in un der ly ing int erim pr ofits
The UK's largest mutual society, with 16 million members, attributed the gain to acquiring Virgin for £2 8 billion, a price significantly below its book value and fair value assessment For the six months ending September 30, Nationwide's underlying profits fell to £959 million as it passed on higher savings rates to customers, influenced by base rate changes However, member benefits such as better savings and mortgage rates rose from £885 million to £950 million
CEO Debbie Crosbie confirmed that Nationwide is on track to pay its "Fairer Share Payment" to core customers next year, following a £100 payout to 3 85 million members previously Crosbie highlighted the society's strong performance, citing record half-year net lending of £6 billion and new deposits of £8 3 billion She also announced 500 new jobs to integrate Virgin Money into Nationwide’s operations
Despite the gain, Nationwide's core capital ratio dropped from 28 4% to 19 6% due to increased risk-weighted assets f r o m t h e V i r g i n a c q u i s
Nationwide as the second-largest mortgage provider in the UK and expanded its presence in credit cards and business banking
Credit quality remains strong, with only £7 million set aside for future defaults, down from £54 million previously However, Nationwide expects an additional £15-20 million annual cost from the recent national insurance hike
t h i s d r o p t o r i s i n g w a g e
costs and the government’s planned increase in national insurance contributions for employers, expected to raise £16 billion to £20 bill i o n a n n u a l l y T h e C B I ’ s
Alpesh Paleja warned that t
tions reflect concerns over the impending tax rise
Retail sales also declined by 0 7% in October, ahead
o f t h e b u d g e t , s i g n a l i n g broader economic unease
The BRC reported a twop o i n t
£7 billion increase in costs due to the national insurance hike, which could l
reduced investments in jobs and stores
The national insurance increase may also hamper the recovery in private sector hiring, according to the R
u i t m e n t a n d Employment Confederation (REC), which urged the government to focus on supporting business growth
The Bank of E ng land has w arned that half of all m ortgage holders ov er four million hom eow ners will see their bills increase over the next th ree years d ue to ong oing h igh interest rates
This comes as more homeowners face the prospect of refinancing their mortgages at higher rates Around 1 to 1 5 million borrowers will need to refinance for a second time by 2027, having already adjusted to higher rates that began rising in late 2021 For others, it will be their first experience of increased mortgage costs
According to the Bank, 37% of fixed-rate mortgage holders, or approximately 2 7 million homeowners, have yet to refinance since rates began climbing three years ago These borrowers will transition to deals above 3% for the first time, with monthly payments for some 420,000 borrowers rising by over £500
Overall, around 4 4 million mortgage holders are expected to refinance at more expensive terms in the next three years, although 2 4 million homeowners who have already moved to higher rates will benefit from cheaper deals before the end of 2027 Mortgage rates have risen as the Bank's base rate increased from 0 1% in 2021 to 5 25% in 2023, as part of efforts to control inflation However, rates have since been reduced to 4 75% following a cooling of inflation
The Bank is closely monitoring the impact of these changes, including potential increases in business bankruptcies and broader financial instability
G oods and services t ax (GST)
c ol l e ct i on r o se 8 5 % t o £18 22bn in Nov, the four th highest since the ne w r egime k icked in over seven ye ars a go
T h e g r o w t h i n N o v , based on transactions in Oct,
w a s d r i v e n b y d o m e s t i c consumption, rising 9 4% to j u s t u n d e r £ 1 4 b n , w h i l e imports saw a 5 9% increase, according to latest monthly numbers While integrated GST on imports grew around
6 5 % , c e s s o n
luxury goods declined over 17% The numbers indicated
m a y have increased, although at a moderate pace
S o f a r t h i s y e a r , g r o s s
c o l l e c t i o n s h a v e i n c r e a s e d
9 3% to £146bn
The numbers come amid s i
5 4% during the Sept quarter, t
growth of 7% in FY25 augurs well for GST collections in the remaining four months o
considering the fact that the collections in the first eight
months of FY25 have exceeded that of FY25 b
and are ahead of the
single-digit growth in some large states like Haryana (2%), Punjab (3%), UP & MP (5%), Tamil Nadu (8%), Telangana
growth in Rajasthan (-1%)
, Chhattisgarh (-1%) would be an area of concern as these
manufacturing presence and
consulting firm Others also pointed to the need to boost collections
Every attack makes us stronger, says a defiant Adani
executives of his Adani Green Energy subsidiary and former
e m p l o y e e s o f a C a n a d i a n pension fund in connection with a scheme under which US federal prosecutors allege t h a t m o r e t h a n $ 2 5 0 m n i n b r i b e s w
2 4 t o obtain lucrative solar power contracts in five Indian states and territories
His group has rejected the
complaint, as “baseless” The news knocked billions
companies’ share prices and
Hindenburg Research, which
manipulation and accounting
The Tata Group-owned airline, which has embarked
Campbell Wilson
strength of Air India Group, including Air India Express, is around 300 aircraft
During a media briefing, W
market share of around 29 per cent and 55 per cent on the metro to metro routes “We had hoped to start retrofit of 787s and 777s by n o w U n f o r t u n a t e l y , t h e
global supply chains in some areas are still recovering and s e a t s i n p a r t
r e a challenge Once it (retrofit) starts in 2025, we will be d
v e r y month until the full legacy 4 0 w i d e - b o d y
f t a r e completed," Wilson said About growth for 2025, h e s a i d i t w i l l p r i m a r i l y c o m e f r o m d o m e s t i c a n d s h o r t - h a u l i n t e r n a t i o n a l flights as most of the aircraft t h a t a r e c o m i n g i n a r e narrow-body ones "We are also taking the aircraft for the refit programme So, the n u m b e r o f w i d e - b o d y aircraft available will shrink a little bit," he added
G oo g l e ’ s r e g u la t o r y p r o b le m s in I n d i a a r e com poundin g Afte r facin g s t i ff p e n a l t i e s by t he C ompet it ion Commission of I n dia ( CC I) ov e r abu se of d o m i n a n t p o si t i on w i t h
r ega rds to its Play St ore an d
t he Andr oid mobile de vice
e cosy st em in 2022, the US
t ech g ia nt now fa ce s an other in vest ig ation by th e fairp lay r egulat or over a complaint
f i le d by g a m i n g c om p a n y W inZO
that Google’s app aggregator Play Store restricts hosting of gaming applications that o f f e r R
A m id g r owi n g f ea r s of p r ot e c t io ni s m in t he U S, c o m m e r c e a n d i nd us tr y m inis ter Piyus h Goya l sa id t h at Am e r i c a n Pr e s i de n te l e c t Do n al d Tr um p i s a
“ f r ie n d of In d ia ” a n d he
e xpe c te d b il at er al re la ti ons t o onl y bl oss om a nd grow f urther
“We need not jump the gun We should let the new govt (in the US) come and take charge and express their formal and official views But t o t h e b e s t o f m y u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e s i t u a t i o n a n d m y o w n experience in working with
the Trump administration I do not foresee any problem w h a t s o e v e r , ” h e t o l d reporters
D u r i n g h i s e l e c t i o n c a m p a i g n , T r u m p h a d
flagged concerns about high tariffs in India and had kept it and Brazil just one notch below China, against which he has announced his intent to act Goyal asserted that Modi h a s w o r k e d w i t h t h r e e administrations and “ we will again work with the Trump administration” and ties have only improved “Trump is a friend of India, a friend of PM Narendra Modi and I am sure this friendship will only c o n t i n u e t o b l o s s o m a n d grow further as is evident from the various comments he has made so far ”
India's GDP growth slumps to 5.4% in
I ndia' s ec onomic growth in J u l y- Se p t q u ar t e r o f t h e cu rrent fiscal year s lowed to a s even qua rter lo w , dra gged d o w n by s l o w in g
in the year earlier three month period The mining
n g l y , the commission directs the director general to cause an i n v e s t i g a t i o n , ” t h e C C I b e n c h , c o m p r i s i n g c h a i r p e r s o n R a v n e e t K a u r and three members, said W h e n c o n t a c t e d , a s p o k e s p e r s o n r e p r e s e n
Google did not comment on the matter
WinZO, an online digital g a m i n g p l a t f o r m , a l l e g e d
F i n d i n g a p r i m a f a c i e c a s e , C C I o r d e r e d i t s i n v e s t i g a t i o n a r m t o l o o k into the matter and file a report within 60 days “On a holistic consideration of the facts and circumstances of t h e p r e s e n t c a s e , t h e commission is of the prima f a c i e v i e w t h a t G o o g l e appears to be in violation w h i c h w a r r a n t s d e t a i l e d i n v e s t i g a t
unreasonable and restrictive policy, all apps offering real m o n e y g a m
only available for download from their website (a process called sideloading),” it told CCI, adding that when users r e a c h W i n Z
tarnishes its image
WinZO said display of warning lacks any merit or r e a s o n a n d i s “ c o m p l e t e l y illegal”, adding that it leads to loss of business
m a nu f ac t u r in g an d a co ntrac tio n in mining, wh ile th e servic es s ector rem ained s tabl e and the farm segment s taged a rebo und D a t a r e l e a s e d b y t h e N a t i o n a l S t a t i s t i c s O f f i c e ( N S O ) s h o w e d g r o s s domestic product (GDP) grew by 5 4% in the three months to Sept, slower than the 6 7% in the April-June period and below the 8 1% recorded in the second quarter of 20232 4 I t w a s a l s o b e l o w t h e Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI)
p r o j e c t i o n o f 7 % f o r t h e three-month period ending Sept and the central bank has retained its forecast of 7 2%
g r o w t h f o r 2 0 2 4 - 2 5 G o v t expects the economy to grow in 6 5%-7% range T h e s l o w d o w n i n t h e second quarter was sharper than expected and pointed to w e a k n e s s i n c o n s u m p t i o n a n d i n v e s t m e n t T h e slowdown, which has been anticipated, has been linked to several factors, including weather-related events such as excess rainfall that hurt electricity, coal and cement s e c t o r s , m u t e d c o r p o r a t e earnings and the impact of stubborn inflation on overall d e m a n d C h i e f e c o n o m i c a d v i s e r V A n a n t h a Nageswaran said, “Real GDP growth print of 5 4% is on the l o w e r s i d e a n d i t i s disappointing but there are some bright spots ” T h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g sector slowed sharply in the s e c o n d q u a r t e r t o 2 2
A BU DH A BI: The IGF Lead ers' D i nn er, h o s ted at th e B A P S
Hi ndu Mand ir in A bu D habi, brought to gether d istinguished l ea d ers f ro m I nd i a a nd t h e M idd le East for an ev ening of m eaningful dialog ue, co llaboration, and curated netw orking
The Mandir has become a celebrated landmark and a testament to the vision of strengthening ties between nations The event was honoured by the presence of His Excellency Sunjay Sudhir, Ambassador of India to
t h e U A E ,
BAPS Mandir
Speaking on the occasion, Brahmavihari Swami remarked: "Each and everyone of you are leaders in your own space, but I ask all of you to pause and give space to your heart and more importantly listen to its calling -
through this practice you will rise even higher He added that this Mandir is a shining example of what can b
trust and harmony Its vision was inspired by the prayers of
boundless generosity of Sheikh M
through the steadfast integrity of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi S
the Mandir's cultural and spiritual significance, stating: "This temple is not only one of the most visited sites in the UAE but also a symbol of harmony and visionary leadership, brought to
8 PTI workers killed as Imran supporters chased out of Islamabad
IS L A M A BA D: A t least eig ht
s u p p o rt ers o f P ak is ta n T eh reek-eIns af ( PT I) w ere killed and d ozens of o thers injured in Islam abad following what the party said was a s w e ep i ng c ra ck d o w n b y security forces to d isperse p r o tes ter s d em an d i ng t h e release o f jailed form er PM and PTI chief Im ran Kh an F o l l o w i n g t h e c r a c kdown, Imran’s party ended i t s a g i t a t i o n b u t K h y b e r P a k h t u n k h w a ’ s P T I c h i e f minister Ali Amin Gandapur addressed a presser in his province saying the protest would go on “Until Imran Khan’s call, this sit-in will go on ” , he said without elabor a t i n g w h e r e i t w o u l d b e
held T h o u s a n d s o f d e m o nstrators, led by Imran’s wife Bushra Bibi, and Gandapur, had gathered in the capital vowing to stage a sit-in until t h e i r d e m a n d s w e r e m e t , i n c l u d i n g t h e r e l e a s e o f p o l i t i c a l p r i s o n e r s K h a n and many other PTI members have been in jail for over a year on charges that t h e y c l a i m a r e p o l i t i c a l l y motivated Security forces launched a massive crackdown after f a i l i n g t o s t o p p r o t e s t e r s f r o m m a r c h i n g t o DChowk, a public square in I s l a m a b a d ’ s h i g h - s e c u r i t y r e d z o n e I n t h e e v e
rounding stores, cafes and markets to shut and then p
darkness by switching off s
about 2 hours, forced the PTI supporters to retreat PTI claimed eight of its
feared to have been killed
paramilitary troops and one
n c
the PTI launched its protest Islamabad’s police said that more than 900 people had
which there were dozens of Afghan nationals
S E O U L : So u t h Ko r e a 's
P r e si d e n t Yo o n S uk Ye o l decla red emergen cy mart ia l l aw, accusing the opposition of b e i ng " an t i- st a te fo rc es inte nt on over throwing the re gime" amid parl iamentar y wran gling ov er a budget bil l
"To safeguard a liberal South Korea from the threats posed by North Korea's communist forces and to elimin a t e a n t i - s t a t e e l e m e n t s plundering people's freedom
a n d h a p p i n e s s , I h e r e b y
d e c l a r e e m e r g e n c y m a r t i a l law," Yoon said in a live televised address to the nation
"With no regard for the livelihoods of the people, the opposition party has paralysed governance solely for the sake of impeachments,
s p e c i a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n s , a n d shielding their leader from justice, he added
T h e s u r p r i s e m o v e
c o m e s a s Y o o n ' s P e o p l e Power Party and the main opposition Democratic Party continue to bicker over next
y e a r ' s b u d g e t b i l l
Opposition MPs last week
from Yoon's proposed 677 t
budgets for Yoon's office, the
prosecution, police and the state audit agency
"Our National Assembly has become a haven for criminals, a den of legislative dictatorship that seeks to paralyse the judicial and administrative systems and overturn o u r l i b e r a l d e m o c r a t i c order," Yoon said
life through the shared aspirations of PM Modi and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan " M a n o j L a d w a , founder and chairman of I G F , e m p h a s i z e d t h
theme of trust: "Trust is
Mandir It represents the h
b e t w e e n humanity and nature that both nations aspire to uphold "
The evening also featured engaging discussions on holistic health, leadership, and community well-being, with contributions from notable figures such as Faisal Kottikollon, founder of Tulah, cultural and leadership expert Suhel Seth, and tennis legend Leander Paes
D H AK A: Bangladesh high co urt acquitted all th e accu sed in th e Au g 2 1, 2004, grenade attack cases, including BNP acting chairperso n T arique Rahman and fo rmer state minister Lutfozzaman Babar
The ruling has sparked renewed hope among BNP supporters for Rahman’s return from London after overcoming remaining legal issues
Rahman is former PM Khaleda Zia’s son and could become Bangladesh’s next PM if Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is voted into power
The 2004 attack targeted an anti-terrorism rally organised by the Awami League at Bangabandhu Avenue The Awami League claims that the primary target was Sheikh Hasina, who was the leader of the opposition at the time, under the BNP-Jamaat alliance govt The attack claimed the lives of
Rahman, who was also the wife of late President Zillur Rahman Over 300 others were injured, and Hasina, though surviving
The high court also annulled a lower court’s verdict, which had convicted 49 individuals in connection with the attack The court declared the trial court’s 2018 decision illegal, noting it had been delivered in an improper manner
C OL O R A DO : The Uni versi ty of Colorado Denver annou nced the es t ab l i s h me nt o f t h e B h agw a n Suparshvanatha End owed Chair i n Jain Stud ies Th e members of the Jain co mmu ni ty US provid ed the f un d i n g r eq ui re d t o el e va te a n exis ting endowed profess orship i n Jai n S tu d i es , wh i ch t h ey e st ablish ed in the C ollege of Li beral Arts and S ciences (C LAS ) i n 2021 CU Denver al so continues to p artner with local communiti es , l ike the Jain S amaj of Colo rad o, whi ch i s als o very supp orti ve of th is positi on
With its focus on the history and practice of non-violence and human rights, the Jain Studies programme at CU Denver has already
become a vital force on campus Since its establishment, students h a v e d e m o n s t r a t e d s
i f i c a n t interest in the programme ’ s courses, through which they gain a deeper understanding of Jainism and non-violence as well as knowledge and tools that help them to consider creative, non-violent solutions to c o n
, remarked CLAS Dean Pam Jansma
The Endowed Chair will develop an interdisciplinary Jain studies curriculum, offering a wide range o f u n d e r g r a d
courses, including thesis supervision for master’s degree students, helping students to connect with Jain scholars around the world This work will not only continue to
A student from Telangana was shot dead by armed men at a petrol pump in the US city of Chicago The victim was identified as 22-yearold Sai Teja Nukarapu, who was an employee of the petrol pump, according to BRS leader Madhusudan Thatha Thatha said that he visited the parents of the victim at their residence near Telangana's Khammam district The parents revealed that Sai Teja was not on duty when he was shot dead but was rather helping a friend who had requested him to stay on According to reports Sai Teja completed his graduation in India but went to the United States to pursue an MBA He was working at the petrol pump as a part-timer to survive in the US
Peel Regional Police have arrested and charged a 22-year-old Indian man from Brampton Arshdeep Singh in connection with the sexual assault of three women earlier this month Singh faces multiple charges including kidnapping sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon, and robbery The incidents occurred on November 8 and November 16 in Brampton and Vaughan Police allege Singh posed as a ride share driver, targeting women at bus stops and luring them into his black sedan
Sectarian feuding in northwest Pakistan killed 13 more people, a local govt official said, as warring Sunnis and Shiites defied repeated ceasefire orders in recent conflict claiming 124 lives Pakistan is a Sunni-majority country, but Kurram district -– in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province near the border with Afghanistanhas a large Shiite population and the communities have clashed for decades Fresh fighting broke out when two separate convoys of Shiite Muslims travelling under police escort were ambushed, killing more than 40 Since then 10 days of fighting with light and heavy weapons has brought the region to a standstill with major roads closed and mobile phone services cut
Nepal said it is not in a position to take loans for projects under China s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and will instead primarily rely on grants, moving forward based on mutual consensus among all stakeholders Speaking to reporters at Tribhuvan International Airport upon returning from a three-day visit to China, foreign minister Arzu Rana Deuba sought to clarify Nepal’s position on the implementation of BRI projects BRI is a pet project of Chinese President Xi Jinping to further the global influence of China with investments to build infrastructure projects
enhance our academic offerings but also open new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration across CLAS and with the universit y ’ s s e v e n s
, Pam Jansma said I
Chair will establish an on-campus lecture series to help people learn more about Jainism and Jain communities, and to explore how Jain ethics can contribute to the most p
s s i n g i s s
s w e f a c e i n t h e world today These events will provide the university community and the broader public with deepe r i n s i g
s principles of non-violence, social justice, and support for climate change and animal rights
Indian American technology entrepreneur Jay Chaudhry and his wife Jyothi have made a transformative $4 million donation to the University of Cincinnati (UC) aimed at supporting first-generation college students The pledge will establish the Chaudhry Family Scholarship Fund, which will provide scholarships to approximately 150 Pell-eligible students beginning in the fall of 2025 The funds will benefit students living in UC s Gen-1 1MPACT House, a living-learning community designed specifically for first-generation college students
JJ Singh has emerged as the Democratic nominee for Virginia’s 26th House District special election, securing a decisive victory in a crowded primary Singh garnered 745 out of the 1,839 ballots cast, outperforming four other candidates, including Sam Nandi (425 votes), Ibraheem Samirah (323 votes), Loudoun County School Board Vice Chair Arben Istrefi (280 votes) and Lakesha Gorham-McDurfee (66 votes) In the January 7 special election Singh will face Republican nominee Ram Venkatachalam The election was called following the resignation of Del Kannan Srinivasan
China says it has discovered the world’s largest known deposit of gold estimated to be worth over £63bn The deposit at the Wangu goldfield in central China could yield more than 1,000 tonnes of gold, the Geological Bureau of Hunan was quoted as saying by Chinese state media The bureau announced the detection of 40 gold veins, which are long and narrow openings in rocks filled with the metal, around a mile deep in Hunan province s Pingjiang county These rocks alone may have 300 tonnes of gold and there could be more reserves at deeper layers, geologists said
Three American citizens imprisoned for years by China have been released and are returning to the US the White House said, announcing a diplomatic agreement with Beijing in the final months of the Biden administration The three are Mark Swidan, Kai Li and John Leung, all of whom had been designated by the US government as wrongfully detained by China Swidan had been facing a death sentence on drug charges while Li and Leung were imprisoned on espionage charges The release comes just two months after China freed David Lin a Christian pastor from California who had spent nearly 20 years behind bars after being convicted of contract fraud
US District Judge Arun Subramanian denied a third attempt for bail by hip hop star Sean “P Diddy” Combs citing serious concerns over the safety of the community and evidence of misconduct In his decision the judge stated The court finds that the government has shown by clear and convincing evidence that no condition or combination of conditions will reasonably assure the safety of the community Combs defense team proposed multiple bail packages, however, Judge Subramanian dismissed these suggestions outright telling the defense team, “That is not going to work ”
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he had an excellent conversation” with Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago club after the president-elect’s threat to impose significant tariffs on two of America’s leading trade partners raised alarms in Ottawa and Mexico City It was unclear, as Trudeau headed back to Canada from Florida, whether the conversation had alleviated his concerns
A person familiar with the details of the leaders’ hastily arranged meeting said it was a “positive wide-ranging dinner that lasted three hours ” The official said topics included trade, border security, fentanyl, defence, Ukraine, Nato China, the Mideast and pipelines as well as the G7 meeting in Canada next year
Presi dent-elect Do nald Trump named Kash Patel to be the next director of the FBI, calling him “ a brilliant lawyer, investig ator, and ‘Am erica First’ fighter who has sp ent h is career exp osing co
people ” R
role” Patel played in uncovering what Trump calls the “Russia H
described his nominee as “ an advocate for truth, accountability, and the Constitution”, who would “end the growing crime epidemic in America, dismantle the migrant criminal gangs, and stop the evil scourge of human and drug trafficking across the border to bring back fidelity,
Trump’s first term in the White H
from an obscure prosecutor to the post of FBI director Critics
said Patel’s main qualification for the powerful post appeared to be unstinting loyalty to Trump and his pledge to be a hatchet man for the politics of retribution that he has promoted I
e d interview segments, Patel made
f o r reprisals against what he calls the “deep state” that sought to put Trump in the dock, includ-
Bannon in one podcast, “We’re g o i n g t o c o m e a f t e r y o u , whether it’s criminally or civilly - we’ll figure that out ”
So horrified were sections of the media that the Huffington Post reported the story under the headline “Trump names nut for FBI” while one critic called h i m “ a
matters He is considered to be very close to the Republican Party and Donald Trump
e R e p u b l i c a n s
d MAGA loyalist ” Calls went out t o m o d e r
Senators to block his confirmation K a s h P a t e l ' s f u l l n a m e i s Kashyap Pramod Patel and he is 44 years old His family hails f r o m B h a d r a n i n c e n t r a l
Gujarat Patel's paternal ancestors lived in Moti Khadki, while his uncle, Arunbhai was from Dharmaj Over time, his parents
s e t t l e d i n U g
moved to the United States in the 1970s His family also lived in Canada for a brief period
Patel was born in 1980 in G
studied law and graduated from R
United States After completing h
state attorney in Florida in 2005 In 2015, he joined the Trump
Patel takes great pride in being Gujarati In an interview, he clearly stated that he can p
" Patel has also been a strong supporter of the construction of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya His statement on this issue attract-
media discusses the 50-year history of Ayodhya, they may not know that the history of the
years! He believes that the historical significance of the Ram
acknowledged Patel has consistently supported the construction of the Ram Mandir, and
strongly responded
Indian American doctor to head top US health institute Biden pardons his son Hunter reversing his past promises
U S President-elect Donald Trump na
Pro fessor at Stanford Sch ool of M ed icine and of Indian origin, as d irector of the National Institutes of Health
Bhattacharya said he will reform scientific institutions so that they're 'worthy of trust' again "Bhattacharya is a professor o
University, a research associate a
senior fellow by courtesy at the Stanford Institute for Economic P
Freeman Spogli Institute, and
n f o
d ' s
r f o r Demography and Economics of Health and Aging His Research focuses on the health and wellbeing of vulnerable populations, emphasizing the role of governm
innovation, and economics Jay i
t h o r o f t h e G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n D e c l a r a t i o n , a n alternative to lockdowns prop o s e d i n O c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 H
p e e r - r e v i
d r e s e a r c h h a s been published in economics, statistics, legal, medical, public health, and health policy journals He holds an MD and PhD i n e c o n o m i c s f r o m S t a n f o r d U n i v e r s i t y , " t h e s t a t e m e n t added Trump's campaign said that B h a t t a c h a r y a a n d h i s t e a m would make 'America healthy again', a play on Trump's catchp h r a s e' M a k e A m e r i c a G r e a t Again'
"Together, Jay and RFK Jr will restore the NIH to a gold standard of medical research as t h e y e x a m i n e t h e u n d e r l y i n g
c a u s e s o f , a n d s o l u t i o n s t o , America s biggest health challenges, including our crisis of c h r o n i c i l l n e s s a n d d i s e a s e Together, they will work hard to Make America Healthy Again!"
T ORONT O: A C anad ian court g av e p ro h i bi to r y or d er s i n a m o v e to p re v en t K h al i st ani pro testers fro m potentially disturbing consular access to elderly Ind ian-origin peo ple at the Laxm i Narayan M andir Hindu C ul tural So ci ety i n T o ront o's Scarborou gh, a statement by the temple said
T h e c o u r t o r d e r e d a n injunction for Laxmi Narayan M a n d i r , p r e v e n t i n g a n y protestors from gathering within 100 metres of the temple
" C o n s u l a t e o r g a n i s e d t h e last Consular Camp of the season at Laxminarayan Mandir, Scarborough Close to 250 life certificates were issued to the elderly Though there are no
more scheduled camps in this season, Certificates will continue to be issued at the Consulate d
said in a post on X T
f Justice in Toronto, Ontario has issued an interlocutory injunct
activities, including physically preventing, or interfering with access to within 100-meter dist
b o r o u g h o n November 30 This order aims to ensure the safety and sanctity of the temple premises and indiv
y s a i d i n a statement
WAS HINGT ON: P resid ent Joe Biden pardoned his son, Hunter, s p ar in g t h e y ou n g er Bi d e n a p ossible p rison sentence for federal felo ny gun and tax convict io n s a nd r ev e rs in g h i s p a st p rom ises no t to use the extraord inary pow ers o f the presidency for the benefit o f his family
T h e D e m o c r a t i c p r e s i d e n t had previously said he would not pardon his son or commute his sentence after convictions in the two cases in Delaware and C a l i f o r n i a T h e m o v e n i g h t c o m e s w e e k s b e f o r e H u n t e r Biden was set to receive his punishment after his trial conviction in the gun case and guilty plea on tax charges, and less t h a n t w o m o n t h s b e f o r e
President-elect Donald Trump is set to return to the White House
It caps a long-running legal saga for the younger Biden, who publicly disclosed he was under f e d e r a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n December 2020 - a month after his father’s 2020 victory - and casts a pall over the elder Biden’s legacy Biden, who time and again
pledged to Americans that he w o u l d r e s t o r e n o r m s a n d respect for the rule of law after Trump’s first term in office, ultimately used his position to help h i s s o n ,
would do no such thing
In a statement, Biden said, “I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I a
c s h a s infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice ” T h
pardon covers
just the
committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1,
H OU ST ON : A 53-year- old I ndi anorigi n neurosurgeon in the US was fi ned ov er $ 2 mi llion for med icare fraud after falsely claimin g to perform surgeri es to implan t electroacup un cture devi ces Dr Rajesh Bindal from the H o u s t o n a r e a w a s f i n e d $ 2,095,946 after being accused of d e f r a u d i n g M e d i c a r e a n d t h e F e d e r a l E m p l o y e e s H e a l t h Benefits Program (FEHBP), US A t t o r n e y A l a m d a r S H a m d a n i said According to federal investigators, Bindal billed for invasive procedures typically requiring operating rooms, yet no such s u r g e r i e s w e
Instead, the devices were merely taped behind patients' ears, often falling off within days
I n s o m e c a s
h e p r o c edures were performed not by Dr Bindal himself but by a device sales representative or a physician assistant at his clinic, Texas S p i n e & N e u r o s u r g e r y C
n t e r P A , rather than in a proper surgical setting A n
between real surgery and sticking a device behind someone's ear," said US Attorney Hamdani "Despite being among the highest-paid specialists in medicine, h e c h o s e p e r s
integrity and patient care " "This type of fraud not only wastes taxp a
and critical programs like Medicare
7 Maoists killed in exchange of fire with police in Telangana P
“Their anger
significant shift where the
disregarded,” Modi said
“Their aim is to mislead the public and seize power
t t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n
face a big challenge” Modi
s h a r e d h i s e x p e r i e n c e o f witnessing various aspects
o f p o l i t i c s w h e n h e w a s
G u j a r a t C M “ D i f f e r e n t opinions can exist on any
d e c i s i o n , a n d p o l i t i c a l
p a r t i e s h a v e t h e r i g h t t o present their views to the public However, in recent
t i m e s , t h e r e ’ s b e e n a
S i n c e I
, a group has been exploiting the nation, and they want another chance to loot,” the PM said
T h e M a h a r a s h t r a a n
initiated this, followed by Haryana and Maharashtra, showcasing the strength of BJP and our workers ”
Despite the opposition’s
against BJP govts, the public, witnessing the govt’s work,
example of Odisha Political experts had dismissed BJP in Odisha months before the
significant force on its own, he said, adding that once the results came out they were surprised that the Naveen Patnaik-led BJD’s 24 years in govt had come to an end
h a recognised the work of the
Seven M aoists, including a key leader of th e ou tlawed group with a Rs 20,0 0,0 00 bounty on his h ead , w ere killed in an exch ange of fire with the police in Mulugu district of Telang ana, police said Among those killed was K u r s a m M a n g u a l i a s Bhadru, a Telangana state committee member and the
committee secretary of the banned CPI (Maoist), along with a woman cadre, they said, adding that six of the s
v e n s l a i n M a o i s t s w e r e natives of Chhattisgarh
T h e e x c h a n g e o f f i r e took place during a combing operation in the Chalpaka forest area of Eturnagaram m a n d a l , i n v
n g Greyhounds, an elite antiN
As Indian asylum seekers surge in US, govt says it denigrates nation
T h e M i ni s tr y o f E xt ern al
A ff ai rs ( M E A ) in fo r m ed
P a rl ia m en t th at In d i an asylu m seekers “denigrate” the nation and society for “ p e rs o na l g a in ” T h i s s ta tem ent f o ll o w ed d a ta
revealing that ov er 4 1,0 00 Indians applied for asylum
i n th e U ni ted S tat es las t year, an 855% increase from 20 121, w ith nearly half from Gujarat
In FY 2023, 5,340 Indians received asylum, with 2,710
a f f i r m a t i v e a n d 2 , 6 3 0
d e f e n s i v e c a s e s , m a k i n g I n d i a t h e f i f t h - l a r g e s t
n a t i o n a l i t y f o r d e f e n s i v e
asylum grants
According to the 2023 Asylees Annual Flow Report by the US Department of H o m e l a n d S e c u r i t y , released in October, 41,030
I n d i a n n a t i o n a l s s o u g h t asylum in 2022 Responding t o a q u e r y i n t h e R a j y a Sabha, the MEA noted that I n d i a , a s a d e m o c r a t i c n a t i o n , p r o v i d e s l e g a l a v e n u e s f o r a d d r e s s i n g grievances but claimed that asylum seekers undermine t h e c o u n t r y ’ s r e p u t a t i o n w h i l e s e e k i n g f o r e i g n
Bypolls to 6 RS seats to be held on Dec 20
T h e E le ct i o n C o m mi s si o n a n n o u n c e d bypolls t o six Ra jy a Sa bha seat s - t hre e from A ndhr a Pra desh a nd one ea ch from O disha , W est Beng al a nd Hary an a Polling will be he ld for the sea ts, r en der ed vacan t due to r esigna tion of the re spe ct ive MPs, on De c 20 T h e t h r e e s e a t s i n A n d h r a b e c a m e v a c a n t a f t e r Y S R C o n g r e s s P a r t y M P s representing them - Venkataramana Rao Mopidevi, Beedha Masthan Rao Yadav and Ryaga Krishnaiah - resigned in Aug and Sept and switched loyalty to TDP
In Odisha, Sujeet Kumar had resigned from the Rajya Sabha in Sept after he quit BJD and joined BJP The vacancy in West Bengal was caused by ex-bureaucrat Jawahar Sircar’s resignation in Sept In Haryana, the
s o l e v
Panwar’s resignation from the RS following his election to the assembly
The US asylum process requires applicants to meet the definition of a refugee, which is someone unable or unwilling to return to their h o m e c o u n t r y d u e t o p e r s e c u t i o n o r a w e l lfounded fear of persecution based on factors like race, religion, nationality, social group, or political opinion
T h e H o m e l a n d S e c u r i t y r e p o r t h i g h l i g h t e d a dramatic rise -nearly 855%in asylum applications from Indians over the past three years
From Moon to Venus, Isro sets its aims high
In d i a ’ s sp a ce j o u rn ey i s s et f o r a transform ative leap, with the Union gov t ap pro ving two ground breaking projectsthe Venus Orbiter Mission (S hukrayaan-1) an d t h e c o n st ru ct i o n o f t h e Bh a rat iy a Antariksha S tation (BA S), India’s own space station These announcem ents were m ad e by Isro SAC d irector Nilesh Desai d uring a st ak eh o ld ers ’ m
Ind ian Meteorolog ical Dep artm ent (IM D) in Gandhinag ar
The space station will serve as a crucial w a y p
including the nation’s first human Moon landing planned for 2040 “It will not be as big as the ISS but will have five modules We will launch the first module in 2028, and India’s space station will be ready by 2035 As a part of Prime Minister’s call to land on the M o o n b y 2 0 4 0 , o
function as a transit facility en route,” he said
He added, “The Indian govt has recently g i v e n a n o d t o S h
y a a n I
e launched in 2028 The idea of Chandrayaan 4 h a s b e e n p r o p o s e d a s a f o l l o w - u p t o Chandrayaan 3, where we will land not only on the Moon but also return with soil and rock samples,” Desai said
Police, and the Maoists " S e v e n M
, including a key leader, were
Shabarish said, adding that
among the weapons seized from the scene The armed CPI (Maoist)
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted searches at m u l ti p le lo c ati o n s a cr o ss
U t tar P r ad e sh , i nc l u d i ng
K an p u r, G o rak h p u r, an d
K u s h i nag ar, as w ell a s 1 1 s i tes in M u m bai , i n co nnectio n w ith a m o ney l au nd e ri ng c as e in v o lv i ng
R aj Ku n d ra , h u sb an d o f
B o lly w o o d ac tr es s S h i l p a
Sh etty T he case relates to alleg ations o f po rnograph y production and distribution throu gh d igital p latforms
T h e E D h a s a l r e a d y
s e c u r e d S h e t t y ’ s J u h u
p r o p e r t y , a s s e r t i n g t h a t
Kundra utilised proceeds of c r i m e f o r p u r c h a s i n g
p r o p e r t i e s T h e E D h a d
i n v e s t i g a t e d t h e f l a t purchase deal which Kundra had sold to his wife and had a t t a c h e d i t i n t h e c a s e
S h e t t y ’ s l a w y e r P r a s h a n t
Patil clarified: “There is no
r a i d o n S h i l p a S h e t t y Kundra as she has nothing to do with any offence of whatsoever nature
” T h e p r o b e c e n t r e s o n a l l e g a t i o n s t h a t K u n d r a facilitated streaming adult v i d e o s t h r o u g h H o t s h o t s app, which has since been r e m o v e d f r o m m o b i l e p l a t f o r m s b y A p p l e a n d Google Operating from his V i a a n I n d u s t r i e s o f f i c e , Kundra reportedly managed t h e U K - b a s e d c o m p a n y
Indian diplomats in Canada told they are under surveillance
i nf o rm e d b y C a nad ia n auth orities that they were, and continue to be, under au d io an d v i d eo surveillance, and th at their “ p riv ate com municatio ns ” are being intercepted , the U n i o n g ov ern m en t info rmed P arliament
“Government of India l o d g e d a s t r o n g p r o t e s t with the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi on this issue as these actions were a flagrant violation of all diplomatic provisions,” M i n i s t e r o f S t a t e f o r E x t e r n a l A f f a i r s K i r t i
Vardhan Singh said in the Rajya Sabha
This came in response to a n M P ’ s q u e s t i o n a b o u t i n c i d e n t s o f c y b e r surveillance, or other forms o f s u r v e i l l a n c e , t a r g e t i n g Indian diplomats in Canada Diplomatic ties between New Delhi and Ottawa have b e e n s t r a i n e d s i n c e
S e p t
Justin Trudeau said that his
c o u n t r y ’ s i n t e l l i g e n c e a g e n c i e s w e r e a c t i v e l y p u r s u i n g “ c r e d i b l e allegations” tying agents of the Indian government for t h e k i l l i n g o f K h a l i s t a n s e p a r a t i s t H a r d e e p S i n g h N i j j a r i n S u r r e y , n e a r Vancouver
Nijjar was a supporter of K h a l i
s o u t o f India He was the head of the Khalistan Tiger Force, w h i c h i s d e s i
n a t e d a terrorist outfit in India
At the time, New Delhi rejected the allegations as “absurd and motivated” and
said that they were a n a t t e m p t b y O t t a w a t o d i v e r t a t t e n
India’s sovereignty The Ministry of External Affairs had confirmed that some
Ottawa that they had been under surveillance
“By citing technicalities, the Canadian government cannot justify the fact that it is indulging in harassment and intimidation,” ministry
environment of
and violence This action of the Canadian government aggravates the situation and i
W it h t he £3 23 b n co nt r a ct
wit h the US for 31 arme d
M Q -9 B ‘ Pr e d a t o r ’ d r on e s
d on e a nd du st ed , I nd ia is
n ow firmly on course to sign
t w o m or e m e g a d e fe n c e
d e a l s w it h F r a n ce f or 2 6
R a f a l e - Ma r i n e f ig h t e r je t s
a n d t hr e e a d d it i o n a l
Scorpene sub ma rines, colle ct iv ely worth around £10bn
“ B o t h t h e d e a l s f o r
Rafales & Scorpenes are in final stages We should be able to sign them by next month, if not earlier,” Navy
c h i e f A d m i r a l D i n e s h K
Tripathi said, adding recent induction of second nuclear
- p o w e r e d b a l l i s t i c m i s s i l e
s u b m a r i n e ( S S B N ) I N S Arighaat has strengthened the country’s underwater leg
of the “nuclear triad”
Speaking ahead of Navy Day, he said the nuclearcapable K-4 missile, with a strike range of 3,500 km, was test-fired from INS Arighaat in the Bay of Bengal on Nov 27 “The launch was successful, and the agencies concerned are examining the trajectory (and other parameters) we will soon know t h e r e s u l t s , ” h e s a i d I N S Arighaat will join the first SSBN, INS Arihant, which is
armed only with the 750-km K-15 missiles, on “deterrent patrols” on completing her trials The third SSBN will b
N S Aridhaman early next year O n t h e c
n t i o n a l warfare front, the first of the t w o 9 , 8 0 0 - t o n n e n
rpowered attack submarines (SSNs), cleared by the PM headed cabinet committee on security (CCS) for £4bn
induction by 2036-37, fol-
lowed by the second one a couple of years later T
, has 63 ships & vessels under construction in Indian shipyards, apart from two guided-missile frigates built in Russia, in tune with India’s continuing quest to build a stronger blue-water force
The over 130-warship Navy, with 150 aircraft & 130 helicopters, also has ‘acceptance o f n e c
s i t y ’ ( A o N ) f o r another 31 warships
The Navy, however, will reach a force-level of just about 155-160 warships by 2030, given the slow pace of construction in Indian shipyards as well as the progress i v
o f older warships
Fi ji's d eputy pri me
e xpres sed stron g in teres t in s tren gtheni ng cooperati on , pa rticula rly by tappi ng in to Guja rat's ex pertis e
courtesy visit to chief mini s
Gandhinagar Kamikamica
Gujarat and Fiji in sectors
l i k e A I , i n f o r m a t i o n a n d communications technolo-
g y ( I C T ) , c y b e r s e c u r i t y , and dairy The two leaders had a comprehensive discussion on the remarkable d e v e l o p m e n t o f G u j a r a t u n d e r t h e l e a d e r s h i p o f
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi Kamikamica recalled PM Modi's visit to Fiji for the first time in 2014 P a t e l h i g h l i g h t e d G u j a r a t ' s l e a d e r s h i p i n r e
r o d u ction, mentioning the ongoi n g c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h
renewable energy park in Kutch Besides, Gujarat has introduced a waste to energ y p o l i c y t h a t p r o m o t e s biomass, biogas, and biofuel production in the agriculture sector Kamikamica also expressed interest in collaborating with Gujarat
given Fiji's significant sugarcane cultivation
CM Patel invited Fiji's delegation to visit Gujarat to explore the state's policy-driven approach and its n
r i o u s i n d u s t r i e s and emerging sectors The Chief Minister assured that Gujarat would provide supp o r t i n a r e a s w h e r e F i j i requires guidance and collaboration
The CM conveyed optimism that the visit would s t r e n g t h e n t h e b o n d
b e t w e e n I n d i a a n d F i j i , Gujarat, fostering a mutually beneficial partnership Patel also updated the the delegation on the growth of GIFT City as a global financial hub
In a security scare, a man
s p l as h ed so m e l iq u i d o n
A rv ind K ejriwal during h is ‘ padyatra’ in so uth Delhi’ s M alv iy a N ag a r, w i t h A A P claim ing that it w as sp irit and the “attacker” wanted to set the p arty supremo afire
While police said water was thrown at Kejriwal during the public event that was organised without their per-
m i s s i o n , t h e B J P s t r o n g l y r e f u t e d C h i e f M i n i s t e r
Atishi’s accusation that the accused was a worker of the saffron party
AAP lashed out at the BJP-led Centre for the incid e n t a n d s a i d t h i s
s t h e third “attack” on Kejriwal in the last 35 days
According to the police,
A s h o k J h a , a s e r v i n g b u s marshal at Delhi Transport
C o r p o r a t i o n ’ s K h a n p u r Depot, has been detained “Further examination of the person is in progress to find out the reasons behind this act,” a statement from the Delhi Police stated Sources claimed that Jha (41), during interrogation, said that he was frustrated as he was not getting his salary for the past six months
Jha claimed that during
A Sam ajw ad i Party delegation that included MPs and s en i o r fu n ct io n ari e s, o n t
S ambhal to “collect inform ation and meet th e victims”, were stopped in different p arts of U P by the local adm inistrations Some of them were d etained wh ile o
“h ouse arrest” S P c h i
x - C M
Akhilesh Yadav accused BJP
with the people Yadav said, “ O u
stopped by police How long will they keep doing this? At least allow them to meet the victims' families in Sambhal They are deliberately blocking the routes ” His party on Saturday a n n o u n c e d R s 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 compensation for families of those who died in the widespread violence during a court-monitored survey of the Mughal-era Shahi Jama Masjid in the UP town At least five people died due to the unrest
S a m b h a l M P Z i a - u rRahman Barq, who was part of one of the delegations (he has also been named “prime accused” in the FIR on the
Nov 24 violence case), said, “Democracy is being undermined in the state Police and administration want to cover up their wrongdoings We've been stopped unawfully We want the truth to come out those who were a c t u a l l y
how (they planned the viol e n c e ) P e o p l e
being made against them They deserve justice I was in Bengaluru on the day of incident, there is no justification for FIR against me ” Kairana MP Iqra Hasan, who was stopped in Hapur, s
unfortunate, and so is the fact that we cannot meet our people there ” Nearly 1520 people were stopped and
Sambhal, said additional SP (Hapur) Vineet Bhatnagar H
returned Heavy police force has been deployed at the toll plaza ” In Lucknow, leader of the opposition in UP assemb
, said, “ We'll talk to the SP chief and decide the next date for going to Sambhal There should be an impartial investigation ”
SC halts trial court proceedings in Sambhal mosque survey
the formation of AAP, he gave a donation to the party, but was upset with its “fake promises”, the sources said The AAP national conv e n e r w a s h o l d i n g t h e p a d a y a t r a i n t h e S a v i t r i Nagar area Police said that Kejriwal was shaking hands with some followers standing behind a cordon when J h a a t t e m p t e d t o t h r o w w a t e r o n h i m H e w a s immediately caught as the p o l i c e s t a f f w e r e n e a r b y , they said
The Suprem e Cour t directed the Sam bhal district adminis tration t o m aintain peace and harmony in the c om muna l l y c h a r ge d ar e a a nd ordered the trial court, whic h had ordered a s urvey of Shahi Jam a Mas jid on the Hindu side’s s uit c laiming it to be Harihar temple, not to proc ee d f urt he r t il l Al l a hab ad high court heard the mos que m a n ag e m e n t c om m it t e e ’ s pl ea Five people had died in violenc e in the wake of survey on Nov 24
Importantly, a bench of Chief Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justice Sanjay Kumar refused to accede to senior advocate Huzefa Ahmadi’s p l e a o n b e h a l f o f t h e mosque committee to halt the survey of the mosque b e i n g c a r r i e d o u t b y a n a d v o c a t e c o m m i s s i o n e r , who was entrusted with the t a s k o n t h e N o v 1 9 However, it asked the trial c o u r t t o p u t t h e s u r v e y report in sealed cover It also faulted the mosque committ e e f o r b y p a s s i n g H C t o move SC directly
After the bench said it w o u l d k e e p t h e m o s q u e c o m m i t t e e ’ s s p e c i a l l e a v e p e t i t i o n c h a l l e n g i n g t h e Nov 19 order pending in SC while giving liberty to it to m o v e H C f o r a p p r o p r i a t e relief, Ahmadi said the advocate commissioner may file
his survey report before the trial judge in the interregnum “He should be directed not to file his survey report,” he pleaded T h e C J I K h a n n a - l e d bench said, “That is something different We will not restrain him from filing the survey report If the report is submitted by the advocate c o m
, i
l l b e kept in sealed cover and will not be opened by the trial court ” Ahmadi said the order of the trial court could cause “great mischief” across the country, which was witnessing a new trend “To my knowledge, there are at least 10 similar suits filed across India claiming rights over mosques In many cases, the m o d u s o p e r a n d i i s t o appoint a surveyor on the
B E N G A L U R U : T h e M u sl i m
com munity is mounting pressure on K arnataka g ovt to restore the 4%
r es er v ati o n w h i c h th e y w ere
p r ev i o u s ly e nti tl ed to , e sp e ci a lly since v oting patterns in last year ’ s assem bly electio ns and the bypolls to three assembly seats this m onth s h o w t h e c o m m u n it y h a d consolidated behind C ongress
The quota was scrapped by the
e v i o u s B J P
pending in SC which had stayed the move It remains a contentious issue especially since the apex court, in a 2023 observation, called the move to abolish the quota as “prima facie shaky and flawed”
However, there is no clarity on if, and when, the quota would be restored The scrapping of the quota became a key issue for Congress in the 2023 assembly elections, with the party returning to form the govt
t h a n
y Shivajinagar Congress MLA Rizwan Arshad was certain the quota would b e r e s t
community’s “right” “We too have b
socially and educationally Courts
scrutiny It cannot be snatched from us overnight ” Congress sources said restoration of the quota is nearly final, but govt is waiting to get the
delayed action on the issue as govt feared it would alienate Lingayat and Vokkaliga voters, who received
revised BJP quota means there is no immediate trouble for Muslims, we will soon meet the chief minister to push for restoration of the quota,” said a Muslim legislator
C HE NNA I: Tamil Nadu and Pud ucherry witnessed heavy rainfall and g usty winds under the influ ence of C yclone Fengal A t least th ree people w ere electrocuted in d ifferent incidents in Ch ennai, th e go vt said, add ing there were no rep orts of m ajo r damage
The storm made landfall close to Puducherry, additional general director of IMD’s regional meteorological centre S Balachandran said Heavy rains affected public transport, including bus, train and flight services, and people from vulnerable areas were moved to safe shelters by authorities
Operations at the Chennai airport were suspended for the day following inundation of two runways and a taxiway
Official sources said 55 flights were cancelled and 19 others diverted The services included domestic and international flights According to estimates from official sources, over 10,000 people were affected by the disruption of services TN CM MK Stalin and his deputy Udhayanidhi reviewed the plan being implemented and made spot inspections
Record rain in Pud ucherry
Cyclone Fengal triggered rainfall in Puducherry broke a 30-year record The town recorded 48 4 cm of rainfall in the 24 hours on Sunday The cyclone crossed northern Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts near Puducherry, with wind speeds up to 90 km/h The cyclonic storm is expected to gradually weaken into a deep depression, IMD said Indian Army rescued over 100 people in the affected
Battalion, were called in by Puducherry district collector to assist in rescue efforts in the flooded areas
Akal Takht holds Badal, former Akali ministers guilty of religious misconduct
Priests headed by A kal T akh t
Jath ed ar Gian
p u ni sh m ent ) t o S A D e xpresident Sukhbir Bad al, former Akali ministers and the party’s co r e c o m m i tte e m e m b ers holding them g uilty of religious m i sc o nd u ct fo r t ak in g contro v ers ial d eci sio ns d uri ng SAD's tenure from 20 07 to 201 7
G i a n i R a g h b i r S i n g h a d d r e s s e d t h e ' g u i l t y ' A k a l i s from the podium of the Akal T a k h t , a s k i n g t h e m t o w e a r plaques around their necks with a message of their admittance of guilt
T h e A k a l T a k h t h a s a l s o withdrawn the Fakhr-e-Quom title, conferred on late Parkash Singh Badal, keeping in view t h a t h e w a s t h e s t a t e ’ s c h i e f m i n i s t e r w h e n t h e m i s t a k e s were committed that led to a dent to the Sikh Panth and its
K OL K A T A : S e v en p eo p le were sentenced to death by a
co u r t i n Wes t Be ng a l’ s Ho o g h ly d is tr i ct in co n ne ct io n
murder case in which a 23year-old m an w as abducted , st ran g le d an d h is bo d y chopped into six pieces
“The killers didn’t stop even a f t e r c h o p p i n g h i s b o d y i n t o p i e c e s T h e y l a u g h e d a n d slapped the severed head and put a price tag on it The body parts were dumped in ponds and along the Delhi Road It was one of the rarest of the rare cases The murder had sent a shockwave in the society,” said special public prosecutor Bibhas
C h a t t o p a d h y a y a f t e r a c o u r t pronounced the verdict
P o l i c e s a i d t h e v i c t i m , Bishnu Mal, was abducted near his residence by Bishal Das, who w a s i n v o l v e d i n m u l t i p l e c r i m i n a l c a s e s , a n d h i s associates Das was angry with h i m b e c a u s e h e w a s i n a relationship with a woman who had rejected his overtures, and
m a s t e r m i n d e d t h e m u r d e r
Bishnu Mal’s body pieces were dumped in different locations
O n e o f t h e n i n e a c c u s e d arrested in the case turned into an approver and testified against h i s a s s o c i a t e s C h a t t o
y said the court sentenced Das and six others to death while the eighth accused, who was roped in to dispose of the body, was s e n t e n c e d t o s e v e n y e a r s imprisonment
B i s h a l D a s , t h e p r i m e accused who had tattooed the woman ’ s name on his arm, had fled after the gruesome murder b u t w a s l a t e r a r r e s t e d i n connection with a shootout in South 24 Parganas over 120km away The prosecutor said they produced 34 witnesses against the accused
The working committee was asked to accept Sukhbir's resignation and report back
t o t h e A k a l T a k h t w i t h i n three days
O n A u g u s t 3 0 , S u k h b i r was declared 'tankhaiya' as p a r t o f ‘ r e l i g i o u s punishment’ Keeping in view his health as he recently suffered a hairline fracture in his leg, Sukbhir was asked to serve at t h e e n t r a n c e o f t h e G o l d e n Temple wearing a guard's dress while sitting on a wheelchair
S u k h d e v D h i n d s a w a s a l s o awarded a similar punishment
owing to his old age and health concerns
They were also directed to perform sewa at Guru Ram Dass Jee Langar Hall
M e a n w h i l e , o t h e r s w e r e asked to clean up washrooms of the Golden Temple complex for an hour, followed by washing d i s h e s a n d c l e a n i n g s h o e s o f devotees for an hour each
T h e T a k h t t e r m e d t h e ' m i s t a k e s ' a s s i n s , a n d a
Sukhbir to answer its queries, p
g t h e party's rule from 2007-2017, in either 'yes' or 'no'
period The investigations into the huge scam naturally will t a k e t i m e a n d h e n c e t h e accused could be released on b a i l a f t e r i m p o s i n g s t r i n g e n t conditions,” the bench said
Man ipur chief minister N Biren Singh said t hat Manipur ’ s hist or ical significance spans 2,000 ye ars, dist in guishin g it fr om Mizora m ’ s r ela tively r ece nt administr ative history a s a former dist rict of Assa m Singh’s statement followed a series of recent exchanges between the Manipur govt and Mizoram’s opposition party MNF, as well as Mizoram CM Lalduhoma
Speaking at a event for construction of infrastructure to relocate Assam Rifles from the premises of the historic Langthabal Old Palace in Imphal, Singh sai, “Manipur is not like Mizoram We have a written history of 2,000 years while Mizoram was once just a district in Assam Manipur merged with the Union of India as a single entity in 1949 Our boundaries were not newly created but we
boundaries ” Reacting to Lalduhoma’s recent remarks, Singh said, “As a mature CM of any state, one should not incite hate or interfere in the internal affairs of another state It is very unfortunate ” Singh said that Assam Rifles has been stationed in the state for more than 100 years for security purposes “Assam Rifles is here to s
adversaries,” he said
The CM said the conflict since May 3 last year is not due to maladministration by govt but because of measures taken to protect the original inhabitants of the land and address the distorted histories of the state
National Investigation Agency (NIA), acting on directions of home ministry, launched probe into three cases relating to the recent ethnic violence in Manipur, including the abduction and killing of six women and children by armed militants in Jiribam district, by sending its teams to the crime spots on Nov 21 and 22 The other two cases relate to the Nov11 attack on a CRPF post at Jakuradhor Karong and Borobekra police station , following which 10 militans were neutralised in retaliatory fire, and the Nov7 rape and murder of a woman by militants NIA had re-registered FIRs in all three cases on Nov13, after MHA ordered their handover by the state police The reasons cited include the gravity of the offences committed amid escalating violence in the strifetorn state NIA further said the primary aim was to unearth the larger conspiracy “The NIA teams visited the spots on Nov 21-22 and started the probe The process of handing over case documents from local police to NIA is currently underway said an NIA spokesperson
deprived of appointment due to placement of many undeserving candidates in those posts in lieu of huge amounts of bribes, “the fact of the matter is that the investigations into such a large
u l d t a k e t i m e a n d hence there is no chance of e a r l y c o n c l u s i o n o f t h e t r i a l against the accused persons ” The case is being probed by CBI “Keeping in view the well settled principles of criminal j u r i s p r u
be kept in jail
Additional solicitor general Rajkumar B Thakare, appearing for CBI, said the right of the accused to get bail is one thing, b u t t h e c o u r t m u s t a l s o consider the fact that hundreds of deserving candidates’ right to l i v e l i h o o d w a s v i o l a t e d b y Ghosh
When it became apparent that the bench was inclined to grant bail to Ghosh, the ASG said he should be barred from holding any political post as he w a s a n i n f l u e n t i a l p e r s o n i n g o v e r n i n g p a r t y c i r c l e s a n d there was a likelihood of him tampering with evidence and influencing witnesses
The bench said it could not b a r G h o s h f r o m h o l d i n g political posts However it said, Ghosh shall not hold any public post
Bangladesh owes £13 5mn to Tripura in electricity dues as per the power trade agreement made through NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd The state has sought the immediate realisation of pending dues The decision comes amid the growing “anti-India activities” in the neighbouring country The recent alleged attack on an Agartala-Kolkata bus travelling via Dhaka in Brahmanbaria district of Bangladesh, following an accident involving a truck and an autorickshaw, appears to be the latest trigger Although there were no casualties a group allegedly threatened the passengers and shouted anti-India slogans Tripura s power minister Ratan Lal Nath said “Though £13 5mn is outstanding Bangladesh has been making the payments regularly For each unit of power we are charging Rs 6 65 which is a decent rate compared with the one we get from domestic connections Tripura requires about 250mw of power daily Nath said, The state generates over 600mw of power every day, but we can t use all of it and sell about 100mw to Bangladesh from the state s allocation
India is learnt to have tested
a nu c lea r- ca p ab le s u bm arine-launched ballistic missile (SL BM ), designed for a
subm arine INS A rig haat
There was, however, no official word on the missile
Visakhapatnam in the Bay of Bengal Sources said it was the solid-fuelled K-4 missile
6,000-tonne INS Arighaat
The K-4 has so far only been t
pontoons over the last several years
whether the missile firing was actually a success and m e t t h e l a
objectives and parameters, the sources added A few days ago, India
h a
warning and notice to airmen (NOTAM) for an intermediate range missile test
over a 3,490-km flight corridor in the Bay of Bengal between Nov 27 and 30 INS Arighaat, the count
ered submarine with nuclear tipped ballistic missiles (called SSBN in naval par-
d on Aug 29 The submarine
unlike her forerunner INS
A r i h a n t a r m e d o n l y w i t h
750-km range K-15 missiles India plans to induct the third SSBN, with a displacement of 7,000-tonne, as INS Aridhaman early next year
M aidan and PM Modi will a tt end it “The wa it for t his histor ic swea ring
Meanwhile, the suspense over new CM is expected to end Wednesday when BJP’s state legislature party elects its new leader at a meeting in Vidhan Bhavan All newly elected MLAs have been told
t o a t t e n d t h e m e e t i n g U n i o n f i n a n c e m i n i s t e r
N i r m a l a S i t h a r a m a n a n d
f o r m e r G u j a r a t C M V i j a y Rupani will be present at the meeting as central observers
Devendra Fadnavis has emerged as the frontrunner to lead the state govt, while S e n a h a s d e m a n d e d t h a t Shinde be allowed to continue as CM Sources said the c e n t r a l l e a d e r s h i p w i l l decide on who will be the party chief in the legislature
N C P c h i e f A j i t P a w a r reiterated that there would be two deputy chief ministers, one from NCP and the other from Shiv Sena However, Sena would, in
a d d i t i o n t o s e e k i n g t h e deputy CM’s post, keep up i t s d e m a n d f o r t h e h o m e portfolio and for retaining all the nine ministries it held i n t h e S h i n d e - l e d g o v t , a Sena functionary said These include the industries and urban development departments
A s k e d a b o u t S e n a ’ s demand for the home portfolio, Ajit Pawar said, “It’s t h e C M ’ s p r e r o g a t i v e t o decide portfolios There is
n o t u g - o f - w a r r e g a r d i n g portfolios ” Will back any d ecision taken by M odi, Shah: Shinde
Meanwhile, Shinde, who returned to his Thane resid e n c e a f t e r s p e n d i n g t w o days under medical observat i o n i n h i s h o m e t o w n i n Satara due to a respiratory t r a c t i n f e c t i o n a n d v i r a l f e v e r , r e i t e r a t e d t h a t a n y
d e c i s i o n r e g a r d i n g
Maharashtra’s CM taken by PM Narendra Modi, Union home minister Amit Shah
a n d B J P c h i e f J P N a d d a would have his full support H e n e i t h e r c a t e g o r i c a l l y stated that he was conceding the post to BJP nor said that he was still staking claim to the chair Shinde said that he w o u l d m e e t F a d n a v i s a n d Ajit Pawar to discuss issues regarding power sharing ”
RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat warned that social groups with bi rth rates b elow 2 1 could face exti ncti on, while hi g hl i g ht i n g t he i mp ortance of maintaining populati on levels for the survi val of c ommunities and cultural identi ties
C i t i n g I n d i a ’ s p o p u l ation policy, he said it recommends a birth rate of not less than 2 1 “This means there needs to be at least t h r e e c h i l d r e n , ” h e s a i d “The numbers are important because of the need to exist, no matter if it is good or bad Analysis on other things can happen later ”
T h
ethos: “Our culture accepts everyone The world, which i s w i t n
f a n a t i c i s m , a n d s e l f i s h interests, needs to emulate the culture ” H e s t r e s s e d t h a t d i scrimination on the basis of caste has no place in Indian religious scriptures
Amid show of strength by INDIA bloc, Soren takes oath as Jharkhand
Hem ant Soren was swor n in as the 14th CM of Jharkhand i n a
Ra nc hi’ s M or ab
round , with prom ine nt INDIA bl
m embers attending the open air event in a s how of unit y Gove rnor Santosh Gangwar a d m in is t e re d t he o a th of offic e to the 49 -year -old CM , wh
The coalition govt, comprising 34 MLAs from JMM, 16 from Congress, four from RJD, and two from CPI-ML, is expected to induct six ministers from JMM, four from Congress, and one from RJD
that includes the CM This
majority govt in Jharkhand’s history, with 56 members in the 81-member assembly
s doesn’t occur due to external annihilation; it simply f a d e s a w a y e v e n w i t h o u t encountering any catastrophe ”
B h a g w a t a l s o e m p h asised unity despite differ-
P o p u l a t i o n s c i e n c e s i n d i c a t e t h a t a n y s o c i a l group with a low birth rate eventually disappears from
ences, drawing parallels to family dynamics “There are differences even in a family, but the members share a common bond Two brothers may not get along well, y e t u l t i m a t e l y t h e y s t a n d united ” B h a g w a t u n d e
On the origins of the term Hindu, Bhagwat said it was a later development “When the scriptures were written, it was mentioned as Manav Dharma (religion o f h u m a n i t y ) T h i s i s because we did not have the need to have a separate religion, for us, everyone is the same ”
Russia eyes India as hub for train manufacturing
R ussi a is eager to invest in and expand the manufacturi ng of trains and their
c o m pon e n ts
meet i ts domestic requirem ents, a ra ilway min istry offici al sai d Russian railway maj or TM H had express ed i nterest in this plan In response to a question on Russian investment
domestic requirements and for that they want to set up m
here They want to get these supplies from India ” The CEO of TMH, Kirill Lipa told a group of Indian journalist at the company
“The current interest rate in India is very different from other countries So, we are
which are capable of providing certain components and we think some of them
Russian market as well
Mentioning that Russia currently has several supply contracts from India, Lipa said, “We have a historically
A court in Rajasthan’s Ajm er issued notices to the Union m inistry of minority affairs and A SI on a law su it filed by a Hindu o rganisatio n laying claim to the site of the d arg ah o f K hwaja M oinud din
C h is h ti , ci ti n g “ h i s to ri c al evid ence ” of the existence of a S hiva tem ple there before the wh ite marble shrine to the 1 3th-century S ufi saint w as built over his tomb
The Ajmer munsif criminal and civil (west) court will next hear Delhi-based Hindu Sena’s civil suit on Dec 20 The Dargah Khwaja Saheb committee, a statutory body constituted by the minority affairs ministry, is the third respondent in the case
A d v o c a t e Y o g e s h
S u r o l i y a , o n e o f H i n d u
S e n a ’ s t h r e e c o u n s e l , s a i d the legal team submitted to the court a copy of former judicial officer and academician Har Bilas Sarda’s 1911 book Ajmer: Historical and Descriptive, which purporte d l y m e n t i o n s t h a t r e m -
nants from a “pre-existing” Shiva temple at the site were used in building the dargah “We informed the court that there were continuous religious rituals at the temple t
p Bishnoi said Vijay Sharma, the third counsel, sought a survey by ASI of the premises to verify the petitioner’s contention that the dome of the dargah contains “pieces of the temple” and that “there is evidence of the presence of a sanctum sanctorum in the basement” The lawsuit is similar to the Gyanvapi case, i n v o l v i n g m u l t i p l e H i n d u plaintiffs who contend that the mosque in UP’s Varanasi was built over the remains of a destroyed temple ASI h
c t e d a court-ordered survey there The Krishna Janmabhoomi
another one, pertaining to a dispute over the ownership of the land where the Shahi Idgah now stands
7 - 13 December 2024
Continued from page 1
W e s t B e n g a l C h i e f M i n i s t e r
Mamata Banerjee called for a UN peacekeeping force in Bangladesh
a m i d o n g
ensure their safety, condemning the recent arrest of three Hindu m
Banerjee stressed that India could not tolerate attacks on its citizens in Bangladesh and appealed for
taking the issue to the UN for peacekeeping support H
plight of Hindus in Bangladesh
I n s i g h t U K h a s l a u n c h e d a c
humanitarian crisis and violation
campaign stresses that the UK, as a key trade partner and financial s u p p
, h
significant influence, particularly in the textile industry It calls for l e v e r a g i n g t h i s r e l a t i o n s h i p t o demand an end to violence and persecution of minorities, respect for religious freedoms, and the protection of organisations like I S K C O N T h e U K g o v e r n m
n t m u s t m a k e h u m a n r i g h t s p r o t e c t i o n s a c o n d i t i o n f o r continued trade and aid and stand firm against religious persecution a n d t h e e r o s i o n o f d e m o c r a t i c principles
B a n g l a d e s h i H i n d u s i n Montreal protested in solidarity with ISKCON Bangladesh, urging t h e C a n a d i a n g o v e r n m e n t t o
p r e s s u r e B a n g l a d e s h ’ s i n t e r i m government to protect minority rights Protesters chanted slogans calling for the safety of minorities Hindus in the UK are also
p l a n n i n g a s i m i l a r p e a c e f u l
p r o t e s t , u r g i n g t h e H i g h Commissioner of India to the UK, H E V i k r a m D o r a i s w a m i f o r further help from India’s Ministry
o f E x t e r n a l A f f a i r s ( M E A ) , a s c o n c e r n s g r o w o v e r s a f e t y o f H i n d u s , i n c l u d i n g f a m i l y a n d friends settled in Bangladesh
Hindu monk’s arrest draws concern
H i n d u m o n k C h i n m o y Krishna Das Brahmachari, a leader of the Sanatan Jagaran Mancha,
B r a h m a c h a r i w a s c h a r g e d w i t h sedition for raising a saffron flag during a protest of nearly 200,000
H i n d u s d e m a n d i n g m i n o r i t y p r o t e c t i o n s , i n c l u d i n g l e g a l reforms
Critics argue the charges aim t o s i l e n c e a d v o c a c y , a s h i s movement has consistently upheld national values, often displaying the Bangladeshi flag during events
This incident highlights a broader p a t t e r n o f s u p p r e s s i n g H i n d u a c t i
communal tensions
deferred after lawyers refused to r e p r e s e n t h i m i n c o u r t , c i t i n g threats and restrictions According
t o t h e B a n g l a d e s h S a m m i l i t S a n a t a n i J a g r a n J o t e , o
r i have been named as defendants, w h i l e o t h e r s f a c e i n t i m i d a t
effectively barring legal support for his case
Brahmachari have faced violent attacks in recent days Advocate
Ramen Roy was brutally assaulted, his home ransacked, and his office vandalised, according to ISKCON Kolkata spokesperson Radharamn
Das Roy is now hospitalised in critical condition, highlighting the escalating hostility toward those advocating for minority rights in Bangladesh
ISKCON Kolkata has advised followers in Bangladesh to avoid wearing saffron clothes, hide tulsi b
amid escalating violence against Hindu minorities and monks
unidentified individuals after they discovered he was a Hindu from India
Relations between India and Bangladesh hit a new low India and Bangladesh, once
strained relations The Exporters
through the Sutarkandi land port Meanwhile, BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari announced an "indefinite
trade restrictions would escalate u n l e s s B a n g
government addresses the attacks on Hindus
Flights between Bangladesh and Kolkata dropped from 205 in J
passenger numbers halving Truck traffic has also plunged, with daily c
o s
d a n g a a n d Petrapole land ports falling from 350-400 to around 150-200
Tensions between India and Bangladesh have escalated, with T r i p u r a ’ s h o s p i t a l i t y s e c t o r banning Bangladeshi tourists after p
mission in Agartala Bangladeshi tourist numbers to India dropped from 2 12 million in 2023 to 1 29 million by August 2024 Hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala have also s t o p p e d t r e
i n g B a n g l a
s h i patients, citing ongoing attacks on Hindus, threatening the medical t o u r i s m s e c t o r , w h i c h s
visitors in 2023
At a private practice in Siliguri, a T r i c o l o u
d with a message in Bengali urging "especially Bangladeshi patients" to offer "pranam" to the flag before
entering Recently, several doctors in W e s t B e n g a l a n d a h o s p i t a l i n Kolkata have announced they will
Call for urgent action
A spokesperson from ISKCON told Asian Voice exclusively, “On Sunday, December 1, 2024, a global prayer and kirtanvigil was held at ISKCON temples and other Hindu temples around the world, to offer p
initiative, led by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (
remarkable outpouring of support
continents The ISKCON services included repetition of a shared p
kindly bless and protect all the
minorities in Bangladesh
lasting harmony be established in the land of Bangladesh ” “ T h e G o v e r n i n g B o d y C o m m i s s i o n ( G B C ) E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e o f I S K
gratitude for the global prayers,
Bangladesh remains sensitive The
underscores the power of unity, faith, and prayer in challenging times,” the spokesperson added Alpesh Patel OBE, Chair, City H
columnist said, “Make sure you tell B r i t i s h d i
t s a d v o c a t i n g British businesses are safe doing business in Bangladesh, that it’s simply not true – reply to them on social media which they personally read Counter the FCDO narrative about Bangladesh being safe It is not It deserves at best a boycott from British business At worst, well, if it were Americans it was happening to, Trump would have stationed the US Seventh Fleet off t h e B a y o f B e n g a l G e t h o l d through your American contacts with Tulsi, Vivek, Kash, Usha And
r e a c h o u t t
Christians and show them what’s h a p p e n i n g t o C h r i s t i a n s t h e r e
Light a fire Be smart ” (Refer to page 3, Political Sketchbook) C
i e s i n B a n
c o m m
d e s h represent a deeply shocking and unacceptable violation of human r i g h t s I t i s c r u c i a l f o r u s , t o amplify awareness through social
media, and leveraging all available diplomatic channels to urge the B a n g l a d e s h g o v e r n m e n t t o safeguard its citizens and uphold justice We hope for a peaceful and c a l m r e s o l u t i o n t o t h e v o l a t i l e situation in Bangladesh over the longer term ” M P f o r H a r r o w E a s t , Bo b Blackman CBE said, “I am hugely d i s a p p o i n t e d t h a t t h e U K
Government Minister responsible has repeatedly failed to condemn the violence against Hindus taking p l a c e i n B a n g l a d e s h T h e
Government refused to put out a statement, forced only to answer an Urgent Question on the matter I t i s w h o l l y u n a c c e p t a b l e t h a t religious minorities are persecuted anywhere in the world and thus this behaviour in Bangladesh must b e s a n c t i o n e d i m m e d i a t e l y Hindus in Bangladesh are under direct attack whether in temples, homes or businesses In particular the attacks on the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) are an outrage and the U K s h o u l d u s e e v e r y n e c e s s a r y action directly with Bangladesh, at the UN and with our friends in India to prevent this attempt at ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Bangladesh ” W h i l e a d d r e s s i n g t h e U K Parliament, Blackman condemned t h e p e r s e c u t i o n o f H i n d u s i n Bangladesh, stating their homes a n d t e m p l e s a r e b e i n g b u r n e d , w i t h s o m e f a c i n g d e a t h H e h i g h l i g h t e d t h e a r r e s t o f ISKCON’s spiritual leader and an attempt to ban the organisation in Bangladesh Blackman called for action, stressing that the UK has a responsibility due to its role in B a n g l a d e s h ’ s i n d e p e n d e n c e a n d cannot accept the persecution of religious minorities, urging more than just a written statement from the FCDO L o rd N av n it D h o la k ia OB E said, “Bangladesh, the former east Pakistan, was established after a bloody war It was no small effort on the part of India which assisted militarily to intervene and took o v e r 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 p r i s o n e r s o f w a r from the Pakistani army There was massive bloodshed and scores o f p e o p l e , p a r t i c u l a r l y r e l i g i o u s citizens, lost their lives With the recent departure of the former president Sheikh Hasina to India I w a s n o t s u r p r i s e d a t t h e reemergence of violence against
Indian temples bore the brunt of violence and despite promises of protection from the government
temples have borne the
minorities must stop We need
“India has assisted Bangladesh to move from one of the poorest
enjoyed It is time the world knows what is going on there It is time for everyone to speak and endorse
religious minorities and protect the religious temples supported by the Hindu community there,” he added
Shadow Foreign Secretary and MP for Witham, Dame Priti Patel DBE said, “These senseless acts of
Bangladesh is deeply concerning and my thoughts are with all of those affected The targeting of
Hindus will be feeling frightened and fearful especially given the
robust action
taken to protect
safeguard religious freedoms and I have called on the UK government to do all it can to support that work ”
Parliament, Priti emphasised the significance of the arrest of an ISKCON leader, calling it a grave issue, especially given the attack o n
p S h e expressed deep concern over the escalating violence in Bangladesh, describing it as uncontrolled and spreading widely Priti extended h
diaspora community in the UK
and law and order
Trup ti P atel, President of the
said, “Hindus are the
invaders and others to settle on their land, mass religious
innocent Hindus happened in the last thousand years Everyone is shocked and as horrified as most sane people in the UK, with the state of security in Bangladesh for
damage to the Hindu community Places of worship, Hindu Mandirs, have come under attack with no
afforded to the community by the state ” She continued, “The
Bangladeshi heritage in the UK, the conflict in Bangladesh could potentially also have ramifications here in the UK ”
Tat a Son s, in par tner ship with The New Yor k
A cade my of Scien ces, ha s an nounce d th e winne rs of the 2024 Tata Tran sformation Pr ize, recognizing thre e In dia n scie ntists for t heir innovat iv e work in addre ssing pre ssing n ational chall enges
The Tata Transformation Prize honors scientists whose research has the potential to make a significant impact on India’s Food
S e c u r i t y , S u s t a i n a b i l i t y , a n d H e a l t
sectors This year ’ s winners were selected from 169 nominees across 18 states by an international jury of experts from diverse fields Each winner will receive $240,000 and will be celebrated at a ceremony in Mumbai in December
The recipients are:
S e c u r i t y ) - C S I R - N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e f o r Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Dr A n a n d
malnutrition and diabetes The rice, which has a low glycemic index, is engineered using an advanced spray drying technique to deliver e s s e n t i a l n u t r i e n t s H i s r e s e a r c h a i m s t o c o m b a t t h
deficiencies and chronic diseases, impacting millions in India and worldwide
A m a r t y a M u k h o p a d h y a y , P h D
Technology, Bombay Dr Mukhopadhyay is
advancing sodium-ion (Na-ion) batteries as an affordable and eco-friendly alternative to lithium-ion batteries His work focuses on d
cheaper, safer, and more environmentally sustainable, with the potential to address e n e r g y
Raghavan Varadarajan, PhD (Healthcare) – Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Dr Varadarajan is developing a cost-effective vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV),
particularly in children and the elderly His approach aims to provide broader, longer-
significantly reducing manufacturing costs,
vulnerable populations
established in 2022, aims to support the
scientific research in India The goal is to drive impactful innovation that can address critical societal challenges and improve the quality of life for communities in India and beyond The winners were selected by a distinguished jury of scientists, clinicians, and experts from institutions such as Apple, IBM Research, the Bill and Melinda Gates
Management Bangalore
A number of univ ersities in the U S have asked foreign stud ents, includ ing Ind ians, to r etu r n f ro m t h ei r w i n ter bre ak be fo r e Donald Tru mp ’ s presidential inaug uration o n Jan 20 Ad visories issued to the stud ents say this is to avoid potential travel bans and increased scrutiny
Students said the university authorities were concerned over Trump’s threat during the election campaign of carrying out the largest deportation of illegal migrants in US history Although this is unlikely to affect Indians with valid visas, it is best not to take c h a n c e s , u n i v e r s i t y a d m i n i s t r a t i o n s h a v e said The concerns have been raised when I n d i a h a s s u r p a s s e d C h i n a i n s t u d e n t enrolments in the US for the first time Between 2023 and 2024, 330,000 Indian students made it to US campuses compared to 270,000 Chinese students
Some institutions have even adjusted
their academic calendars to ensure students returned well before the inauguration A p o s t g
Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, said that his classes typically begin a week after New Year This time, however, the academic schedule starts on Jan 2
“Our professors said it would be risky to come after the first weekend of Jan, even though the inauguration is on Jan 20 The stress is palpable,” the student said
separate session to address students’ doubts “This was only to avoid any potential issues at airports or in terms of flight bookings,” a
University of Massachusetts, shared he had originally booked his return tickets for Jan 10 but was forced to rework his plans
Canada rolled back its standard o perating p rocedu res for extra screening of travellers flying to India, days after the move was i mp lemented " ou t o f abundance of caution"
The revised measures, that come amid souring ties between India and Canada, mandating that travellers to India will not be subject to extra screening
C a n a d a ' s T
Anand, had earlier said that the "temporary additional security screening measures" may cause passengers some delays
The back-and-forth comes at a time a diplomatic crisis plagues India-Canada ties a
Trudeau accused "agents" of Delhi of being
A three-year-old female golden tiger at a zoo in Thailand is making waves on the internet for its cuteness The photo of the tigress, named Ava, was shared by Chiang Mai Night Safari in northern Thailand on its Facebook page, and it amassed thousands of likes and shares within days Ava s photo was released three weeks after the online debut of its sister Luna Both were born on February 16, 2021 The animals are giving tough fight to baby pygmy hippo Moo Deng South China Morning Post (SCMP) said that the parents of Ava and Luna were brought to the safari park from the Czech Republic and South Africa in July 2015 Golden tigers are a rare variant of the Bengal tiger characterised by a recessive colourchanging gene The SCMP report said that only 30 golden tigers exist in captivity in the world, fewer than white tigers that number 200 Zoo authorities describe Ava is playful and sociable and is friendly towards children, in stark contrast with its predator image
Indian spends Rs 1.4mn on Louis Vuitton
An Indian CEO has set social media abuzz after reportedly spending a whopping Rs 14,00,000 on a Louis Vuitton accessory for his pet The extravagant purchase, believed to be a designer dog suitcase has left the internet divided, with reactions ranging from astonishment to criticism Ajay Thakore, CEO of Doctor Multimedia, documented the buying process in a video, which he shared on Instagram In the video, Thakore is seen entering a Louis Vuitton store, saying, "I think my dog has something to pick up " He then showcases the extravagant dog suitcase called Bone Trunk, a hard-shelled, bone-shaped suitcase complete with a varnished wooden tray and two bowls Social media platforms were flooded with mixed reactions Some users admired the CEO's ability to pamper their pet, calling it a display of love and privilege Others, however, deemed it excessive, pointing out the stark contrast between such spending and pressing issues like poverty and inflation
Many also questioned the practicality of such an indulgence
Mysterious 'pillars of light' illuminate the sky in Alberta
Residents of Central Alberta in Canada recently witnessed a breathtaking atmospheric display as light pillars illuminated the night sky These dazzling columns of light seem to emanate from ground-level sources, stretching upwards into the sky and creating an otherworldly, mirror-like illusion Often misconstrued as paranormal phenomena, these light pillars are in fact a striking natural optical illusion formed by specific winter conditions
These vertical beams of light are created when light, usually from artificial sources such as streetlights, reflects off hexagonal ice crystals, typically measuring 0 02 mm, suspended in the atmosphere These plate-shaped crystals behave like tiny mirrors, reflecting light from ground-based sources such as streetlights, building lights, or other artificial illuminations
As the light bounces off the ice crystals, it creates a dazzling, shimmering pillar that appears to stretch high into the sky, producing a breathtaking visual display
Delhi man’s hilarious response to Zomato notification
A Delhi man's witty response to a Zomato notification has made him the latest sensation on the internet Rishabh Kaushik, a visual effects artist, received a notification from the food delivery giant that read: "Akansha is on leave So today, I'm asking you to order lunch - Shefali, marketing team " Instead of brushing it off, as most users would, Kaushik turned it into an opportunity for some playful banter He shared a screenshot of the notification on X and wrote, “Hello @zomato, can you please tell Shefali that I m on leave as well, and she can let me know if Akansha doesn't have any plans for the day, we can go on lunch together ” Zomato, known for its quirky marketing strategies, has yet to respond to Kaushik's amusing suggestion, but the internet was quick to join in on the fun A user commented, “Since Shefali is urging so much, can you ask Shefali to pay for the lunch Thanks ” Man spends 20 years to build ramshackle tower
Passers-by stop and stare at the ramshackle, hand-built concrete tower that looks like it has been lifted right out of a Japanese animation and dropped onto a real-life Tokyo street Its creator, Keisuke Oka, spent almost 20 years making the distinctive four-storey Arimaston Building With its wobbly lines and weird, wonderful ornamentation, the 59year-old Oka’s building has been compared to the animated Studio Ghibli film “Howl’s Moving Castle” Growing up, he felt buildings in Japan’s towns and cities looked “ very sad and devoid of life”, as if they were “all designed on a computer” “I thought I would try to think and build together at the same time ” Oka started construction in 2005 Apart from the help of a few friends, he made the entire building himself by hand “We need to start making things at a slower pace, ” he said
2,000 male students registered as females in Agra
Singh Nijjar in Vancouver in June last year
He claimed "credible information" had been shared with intelligence partners, including the US T
Indian diplomats and in a tit-for-tat move,
d'Affaires Stewart Wheeler and five other
"I think it is obvious the Government of India made a fundamental error in thinking they could engage in supporting criminal
Canadian soil Whether it be murders or
absolutely unacceptable," Trudeau said
In a major scam uncovered in the ongoing semester exams at Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar University in Agra, around 2,000 male students were found fraudulently registered as female students to take exams at three private colleges affiliated with the university University examination controller Om Parkash said the anomalies were spotted at Major Angad Singh Mahavidyalaya, SBD College of Science and Education in Mainpuri, and Gulkandi Lalaram Mahavidyalaya in Mathura These colleges were designated as ‘selfcentres’ - the university allows colleges having more girl students to have self-centres for exams where the colleges can have their own staff members as invigilators The irregularity came to light when significant variations in student numbers were noticed across the first, second, and third shifts
Chinese pizza with deep-fried frog on top
Pizza Hut in China has introduced an unusual menu item: a pizza topped with deepfried bullfrog David Henke, a global food trend expert, shared a photo of the unique offering on X showing an advertisement for the limited-edition pizza He wrote, "In proof that other countries/cultures prefer different types of proteins, Pizza Hut is offering a pizza topped with a frog for a limited time in China - and the frog is trending " The pizza features a thick crust, a red sauce base, a bed of parsley, and a whole fried bullfrog as the centrepiece To add to its striking appearance, the "eyes" of the frog are created using two halves of hardboiled eggs topped with black olives The availability of this protein-packed pizza remains
collaboration with Dungeons and Dragons and is named Goblin Pizza, inspired by one of the game s characters
Arecent study reveals that women in their forties and fifties exercise more regularly than those in their twenties, with many prioritising healthy aging as they approach menopause
The research, conducted by Vitality UK, found that 27% of women aged 40 to 59 exercised at least five times a week, compared to just 19% of women aged 20 to 29 The study also high-
health issues, such as anxi-
women from engaging in physical activity
78% of women in their
held back by body image issues, compared to 62% of
women in their forties and fifties, and less than half of those over 60 As women age, their motivations for exercise shift While weight management is a key factor for younger women, older women are more likely to exercise to prevent heart disease and maintain mus-
with age, from 4% in their twenties to 15% in their seventies
Experts stress the need to "rebrand" exercise, shifting the focus from weight loss to overall health They
workplace initiatives such
walking meetings, as well as encouraging women to engage in regular physical
term health outcomes
Obesity ac celerates memory loss in men, with its effec ts appearin g a decad e e ar l i e r t ha n in w o me n , a c c o rd i n g to r e s e a rc h fr o m I m p e ri a l Co
The study focused on middle-aged adults with risk factors for dementia, i n c l u d i n g
blood pressure, and type 2
a n s
r e v e a l e d t h a t m e n a r e
m o r e v u l n e r a b l e t o t h e
a d v e r s e e f f e c t s o f p o o r c a r d i o v a s c u l a r h e a l t h , l e a d i n g t o e a r l i e r
A l z h e i m e r ’ s o n s e t I n o v e r w e i g h t m e n , b r a i n v o l u m e a n d f u n c t i o n began to decline between ages 55 and 74, compared to 65 to 74 in women
The findings, based on d a t a f r o m 3 4 , 0 0 0 U K
Biobank participants aged 45 to 82, showed that high-
er belly fat levels correlate w i t h r e d u c e d b r a i n v o lume, with the effect being more pronounced in men
L e a d r e s e a r c
P r o f e s s o
E d i s o n e m p h
s e d e a r l y i n t e rv e n t i o n t o p r e v e n t dementia, suggesting that GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro, used for weight loss and diabetes, could be repurposed for Alzheimer’s treatment
Dr Sheona Scales of Alzheimer’s Research UK called for stronger public health measures, including routine heart health checks and weight man-
n With dementia affecting one million people in the U K , s h e s t r e s s
d t h e importance of prevention in easing NHS pressures and saving lives
Taking a moment each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for can have a profound impact on your mental wellbeing. By shifting your focus to the positive aspects of life, gratitude helps reduce stress, elevate your mood, and build resilience. Whether you incorporate this practice into your morning routine or reflect before bedtime, cultivating gratitude fosters a sense of happiness and nurtures a calmer, more content state of mind.
Vitamin D is essential for maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and muscles by regulating calcium and phosphate levels in the body
phosphorus, which are critic
strength Without adequate
brittle and prone to frac-
weaken A deficiency in this crucial vitamin can result in severe health issues, such as rickets in children causing
osteomalacia in adults, leading to bone pain T
advises that everyone consider taking a daily vitamin
winter months when sun-
light exposure is limited and is insufficient for the body to produce enough vitamin D
From late March to early September, most people can obtain sufficient vitamin D
duces vitamin D when skin is exposed to direct sunlight outdoors However, during the colder months, the lack of strong sunlight makes it difficult to maintain adequate levels
While sunlight is the primary source, certain foods provide vitamin D, including:
• Oily fish (salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel)
• Red meat
• Liver (not recommended for pregnant women)
• Egg yolks
• Fortified foods (some
Individuals with minimal outdoor exposure, such as the housebound or residents in care homes, people who wear clothing that covers most of their skin and
tones, including individuals
Caribbean, or South Asian descent, as their skin synthesises less vitamin D are
Brain discovery could lead to 'yoga pill'
Agroundbreaking discovery by researchers at the Salk Institute may lead to new treatments for anxiety and stress disorders, with the potential for a pill that mimics the calming effects of yoga.
The study, published in Nature Neuroscience, identifies a brain circuit that l i n k s v o l u n t a r y b r e a t h i n g to emotional regulation in m i c e T h e r e s e a r c h e r s
Oranges are a refreshing winter fruit with a tangy, citrusy flavour and a subtle sweetness when fully ripe They come in different varieties, each offering a unique balance of sweetness and zest, making them a perfect choice for the colder months
B e y o n d t h
l i c i o u s taste, oranges offer numerous health benefits Rich in Vitamin C, they support a strong immune system by protecting cells from damage and aiding in collagen production for healthy skin
source of potassium, which
explored the connections b e t w e e n c o m p l e x b r a i n regions and the brainstem’s b r e a t h i n g c e n t r e , w h i c h helps coordinate breathing w i t h e m o t i o n a l s t a t e s
While breathing is usually
a u t o m a t i c , h u m a n s a n d s o m e a n i m a l s c a n c o nsciously slow their breath t o s e l f - s o o t h e , a p r a c t i c e central to mindfulness and yoga
Despite being aware of s u b c o n s c i o u s b r e a t h i n g mechanisms in the brainstem, scientists knew little about how the brain con-
sciously regulates breathing in response to emotions In their study, the team analysed a brain connectivity database and discovered a pathway that connects the anterior cingulate cortex (a frontal brain region) to the brainstem, which ultimately connects to the medulla, the brain area that triggers breathing
When this pathway was a c t i v a t e d i n m i c e , t h e i r breathing slowed, and they e x h i b i t e d c a l m e r b e h a v i o u r H o w e v e r , i n a n x i e t y -
weakened, and the mice’s
This discovery of a brain circuit that links emotional regulation with breathing presents new possibilities for treating anxiety, stress, and panic disorders
Researchers believe that drugs targeting this pathw a y
calming, meditative state, potentially offering
those suffering from these conditions
plays a vital role in maintaining heart health Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases
You can enjoy oranges in
meals and provide essential nutrients
Oranges are also
re ducin g hospit
by 30% in a groundbreaking cl inical trial
L e d b y K i n
that the drug outperformed standard steroid treatments f
m o n a r y d i s e a s e ( C O P D ) a t t a c k s R e s e a r c h e r s e s t imate it could be used to t
e a t t w o m i
s e s annually in the UK Benralizumab, a monoclonal antibody that targets white blood cells to reduce l u n g i n f l a m m a t i o n , i s already used in low doses for s e v e r e a s t h m a T h e t r i a l demonstrated its effectiveness at higher doses during acute attacks
smoothies, or
also make an excellent addition to heart-healthy dishes like citrus-infused salads or
Incorporating oranges into your diet can enhance your
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine published results involving 158 patients treate d a t N H S h o s p i t a l s i n O x
L o n d o
P a r t i c i p a n t s w i t h "eosinophilic exacerbations" were split into three groups: those receiving benralizumab, standard steroid care, or a c o m b i n a t i o n A f t e r 9 0
d a y s , t h o s e t r e a t e d w i t h b e n r a l i z u m a b h a d s i g n i f ic a n t l y f e w e r r e l a p s e s a n d
better quality of life
Dr Mona Bafadhel, the lead investigator, described t h e f i n d i n g s a s " g a m echanging," noting that asthm a a n d C O P D e x a c e r b at i o n s c a u s e 3 8 m i l l i o n deaths globally each year Asthma and Lung UK’s Dr Samantha Walker welc o m e d t h e b r e a k t h r o u g h b u t c r i t i c i s e d t h e u n d e rf u n d i n g o f l u n g h e a l t h research
Kay Kay Menon
Actor Kay Kay Menon, who was recently seen in web shows like ‘Citadel: Honey Bunny’ and ‘Murshid’, believes nepotism in Bollywood hasn't hindered talented actors He shared that nepotism is a reality in every field, not just in films
Menon explained, "Nepotism is common in any industry, not just films Like in family businesses, children often take over Established actors want their children in the industry too As a selfmade actor, I believe talent is what ultimately matters If you're consistent and talented, you'll be noticed and get opportunities
Personally, I've never lacked good roles in my career "
Kay Kay, known for his roles in ‘The Ghazi Attack’ and ‘Haider’, shared, "I come from a completely non-filmy background Though it took time to find my footing, I eventually earned recognition for my work I still enjoy acting, and that s why things have fallen into place The day I stop enjoying it, I will quit " He added, "I consider myself lucky I’ve never faced prejudice or been replaced for a star kid I’ve always received great roles and made the most of them "
Kalki Koechlin says "I’m less successful than people think, just make ends meet"
Kalki Koechlin, a popular actor known for her remarkable performances in several hit films, has earned a dedicated fan base over the years. While she humbly acknowledges that she may not belong to the A-list league of Bollywood, her talent and versatility have made her a household name. Interestingly, Kalki reveals the irony of her life: despite her fame, she leads a simple lifestyle and often earns just enough to get by
In an interview, Kalki Koechlin reflected on the contrast between her public image and reality "People think I’m more successful than I really am I’m famous, but I live a simple life, spending a lot of time at home, now in Goa, raising my child It’s a choice I focus on theatre, producing and performing for the love of art, not profit People are often surprised to see me on public transport without bodyguards," she shared Since her debut in 2008, Kalki has starred in hits like ‘Yeh
Jawaani Hai Deewani’, ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’, and ‘Gully
Boy’ Yet, she admits theatre isn’t financially rewarding "I sell tickets and fill houses, but just make enough to cover costs and pay my actors There’s no profit, she added
Vikrant Massey calls it 'a day to remember,' clarifies retirement announcement
In the early hours of Monday, the 37-year-old actor shocked fans by announcing his retirement from acting on social media Later in the day, he described it as “a day to remember for the rest of my life,” but not for retiring
The screening of his latest film, ‘The Sabarmati Report’, was held at the Balyogi Auditorium in Parliament, New Delhi, attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, and other MPs Bollywood stars, including veteran actor Jeetendra, also joined the event
After the screening, Vikrant expressed his excitement to the media, saying, “Watching the film with the Prime Minister, all cabinet ministers, and several MPs was a special
experience I’m so happy I can’t fully put it into words
This is the highest point of my career, to watch my film with the Prime Minister ” He also shared photos from the event on Instagram, writing, “A day to remember for the rest of my life
Eternally grateful to Hon Prime Minister @narendramodi Ji for taking the time to watch our movie
Your words of appreciation will never be forgotten ”
A day after hinting on social media that he might retire from acting after 2025, Vikrant Massey clarified that his statement had been “misunderstood ” In an interview, the actor explained that he intends to take a break, not retire, as he is feeling “burned out” and grappling with health issues, though he did not disclose any specifics
Arjun Kapoor states he is proud to have Janhvi and Khushi by his side
Actor Arjun Kapoor believes the notion that he is solely the protective brother to his sisters, Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor, is misplaced In an interview, he revealed that there have been times when they have supported him, holding his hand and helping him through his vulnerable moments
Arjun Kapoor opened up about his bond with sisters Janhvi and Khushi
K a p
e y ’ v e supported him during tough times "It’s not always me taking care of them Janhvi has seen my vulnerable side questioning life, choices, and if it’s all worth it especially when negativity in o u
overwhelming," he said Janhvi and Khushi are his step-sisters from Boney Kapoor and Sridevi’s marriage
Arjun Kapoor reflected on his bond with sisters Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor, saying, "I’m better off for having them in my life I love and care for them deeply, and I’m so proud of how well they’ve turned out "
During the interview, Janhvi joined via call and spoke fondly of Arjun, a c k n o w l e d g i n g h i s r e s i l i e n c e S h e shared, "I’ve seen him waiting in the wings these past two years It hasn’t been an easy journey, but he’s put up a brave front I’m so proud of him and all he’s accomplished "
Jason Sanjay, the 24-year-old son of actor-politician Vijay, is set to make his directorial debut Lyca Productions shared the first motion poster of his upcoming film, though the title has yet to be revealed
The film stars Sundeep Kishan in the lead role, with music by S Thaman The motion poster features a library filled with cash, both inside and outside, ending with Jason and Sundeep sitting in director and hero’s chairs surrounded by piles of money
Jason Sanjay’s directorial debut, tentatively titled ‘Jason Sanjay 01 ’ , will soon begin production under the banner of Lyca Productions, with Sundeep Kishan in the lead role and music by S Thaman The film, reportedly a sports drama, is produced by Subaskaran Lyca Productions' GKM Tamil Kumaran praised the project, saying, "Jason’s fresh narrative, focused on ‘searching for what you ’ ve lost in its original place,’ has the potential to attract pan-Indian attention With Sundeep Kishan’s strong appeal in Tamil and Telugu markets, we believe this collaboration will offer a unique cinematic experience
Jason Sanjay completed his schooling in Chennai before pursuing a Film Production Diploma at Toronto Film School and a BA (Hons) in Screenwriting in London He made his screen debut with a cameo in the 2009 film ‘Vettaikaran’, starring his father Vijay, appearing in the song ‘Naan Adicha’
ActorDhanush has filed a civil suit in the Madras High Court against Nayanthara and her husband, filmmaker Vignesh Sivan, for allegedly using visuals from his production ‘Naanum Rowdy Dhaan’ in Nayanthara's Netflix documentary without permission
Dhanush’s Wunderbar Films has filed a suit against Nayanthara, Vignesh Sivan, and their Rowdy Pictures for using visuals from ‘Naanum Rowdy Dhaan’ in the Netflix docu-drama
‘Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale’ without permission The suit also seeks permission to sue Los Gatos Production Services India LLP, Netflix's content
investment arm in India The adras High Court has granted permission, noting the case falls within its jurisdiction, and Nayanthara is expected to respond at the next hearing
The suit comes after Nayanthara accused hanush of strong-arming her over footage from ‘Naanum Rowdy Dhaan' in her documentary She claimed that after editing the film to exclude the footage, Dhanush sent a legal notice demanding ₹10 crore for using "three seconds" of behind-thescenes content The two actors, who are no strangers to the industry, notably ignored each other at a recent wedding in Chennai
reveals that he decided never to do a Bollywood movie
Tamannaah Bhatia says women feel replaceable if they ask for what they deserve
Arjun’s recent National Award win for ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ marks a major milestone in his career Reflecting on the achievement, Arjun credited his success not onl to his efforts but also to his team, especially director Sukumar
"Before ‘Pushpa 1’, I told Sukumar garu I wanted to aim for the Best Actor award and push for a National Award," he shared during a press conference f ‘Pushpa: The Rule’ in Mumb
Allu Arjun expressed deep gratitude to director Sukumar for his role in h i s N
, "Sukumar garu promised he would do his best to help me earn the award He said, 'We’ll make a film where everyone believes your performance deserves the National Award ' It’s especially meaningful as no Telugu actor has won this honor in 69 y e a r s T h i s a c h i e v e m e n t i s t h a n k s t o Sukumar "
Arjun also reflected on his long friendship with music director Devi Sri Prasad, who won a National Award for w o r k o n ‘ P u s h p a : T h e se ’ He recalled their cone r s a t i o n s a b o u t H i n d i films, where he had once told Devi it was difficult f o r h i m t o w o r k i n Hindi cinema Devi, in turn, encouraged him t o t r y , s a y i n g , “ W h y d o n ’ t y o u d o a H i n d i ilm, and I’ll join you ” Reflecting on his jourA l l u A r j u n e x p l a i n e d , g a Hindi film was once such a distant dream We never imagined we’d make one or two in our lifetime From that mindset to standing here today is a huge achievement for me To think t h a t b o t h D e v i S r i P r a s a d a n d I w o n National Awards and delivered a national superhit album for the same film it’s the most precious thing that has ever happened to us, ” he said, highlighting the significance of their shared success
shared her views on how women can drive change in the film industry She emphasised the importance of seeing oneself as a person first, rather than through a gendered lens According to Tamannaah, the perception of women as "lesser" is often self-imposed and must be overcome for true equality She believes that change starts internally, with women viewing themselves as equals to inspire broader societal shifts.
Tamannaah Bhatia emphasised the importance of active participation and perseverance in driving change in any industry She urged women to be "in the game" instead of critiquing from the sidelines, noting that success often requires setting aside ego and embracing collaboration Addressing the issue of hierarchy, Tamannaah explained that many women hesitate to ask for what they need due to fear of being replaceable She encouraged women to overcome this limiting mindset, embrace their capabilities, and confidently take on their roles without self-doubt
Tamannaah shared how she overcame societal and industryimposed conditioning, saying, “My mindset has never been a victim mindset I can never feel bad for myself ” She values pursuing the work she loves without feeling undermined For Tamannaah, being productive, achieving goals, and contributing to society are what truly matter
Shalini Passi has gained attention with her screen debut in ‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’, thanks to her viral moments and captivating lifestyle. However, in a recent interview, she revealed a side of herself that reflects her benevolent heart.
Shalini Passi shared, "I often ask myself, why was I born here? What is my purpose? As a human being, I try to do my best All my acting fees go to a village in Bihar through UNICEF, and all my earnings go to charity " She also revealed her efforts to create shows focused on women's voices and Indian culture, though she faces challenges due to limited audience interest and the high production costs "I'm ready to showcase India’s culture and the power of women, but the audience needs to be ready too," she said
Shalini Passi, an art collector and philanthropist based in South Delhi, is married to Sanjay Passi, Chairman of the Pasco Group They have a son, Robin A fitness enthusiast, Shalini founded The Shalini Passi Art Foundation and MASH India to support emerging Indian artists She is also a longtime friend of Gauri Khan, interior designer and wife of Shah Rukh Khan, dating back to their Delhi days before marriage
Sherawat, known for hits like ‘Murder’ and ‘Kis Kis Ki Kismat’, recently addressed the issue of ageism in the industry. Responding to critics who claim her career is over, the actress dismissed their remarks, stating, “I don’t listen to nonsense.” She confidently added, “All these new faces basking in their so-called stardom will fade, but I’ll still be here 20 years later, looking exactly the same with the same body and the same face.”
Mallika Sherawat also shared why she turned down the role of Ishaan Khatter's mother in ‘The Royals’ She explained, “I was promised something, but what I saw on paper felt lame I felt cheated and let down, so I decided not to be a part of it ”
In the same interview, the actress discussed her decision to never undergo cosmetic procedures “I look exactly the same as I did in ‘Murder’ with the same body, intensity, and enthusiasm, and I’m proud of it,” she said “I haven’t had plastic surgery or Botox I lead a disciplined life sleep on time, don’t drink, and don’t smoke I don’t see the need for fake injections or harmful chemicals I don’t judge those who choose it, but I would never do it ”
Vir Das’ emotional moment with
Comedian Vir Das received praise for his heartfelt gesture toward a fan from Vadodara, who had waited over two years to see him perform live The fan, a student, had previously reached out during his Wanted tour, expressing a desire to attend his show
A screenshot shared from the fan’s Instagram direct message to Vir Das read, Hey Vir, big fan from Vadodara I’ve always wanted to attend one of your shows, and this Wanted tour was the only hope I had "
The fan explained his financial struggles, writing, "Unfortunately, I’m not earning yet, so I begged my father, but due to financial constraints, he had to deny I’m a student and will be leaving for Canada in July for further studies I’ll start earning then and will be able to attend your show if you perform in Toronto or nearby For now, that’s the hope I’m holding onto Good luck with the rest of the tour, Vir, always rooting for you "
The fan later shared an update, excitedly announcing she would finally attend Vir Das’s ‘Mindfool’ tour in Toronto "Hi Vir, I started earning, and I’ll be attending your show in Toronto So, so, so excited!"
In response, Das offered the fan free tickets, writing, “Hey, kid If you see this before the show, my team has DMed you Your tickets are on me I’m so proud of you ”
In his caption, Vir Das mentioned his team had been trying to reach the fan without success, urging her to respond “If you see this, I’m proud of you You waited over two years to see me and made the sweetest promise You’re NOT paying Please respond to my team,” he wrote
Later, Das shared an update saying he met the fan, who refused the free tickets He showed respect for her dedication, gifting her a piece of cake Alongside a photo with her, he wrote, “Finally met the kid after my show she’s studying psychology, and her dad is very proud ”
The fan also brought him a diary, prompting Das to commend her parents for raising such a strong individual
He also became the first Indian to host the International Emmys in New York, has responded to the viral reaction to his opening monologue On X, he expressed gratitude, writing that he worked hard on the speech and was "happy some people liked it " In his monologue, the 45-year-old actor subtly took jabs at Donald Trump's presidency, Elon Musk, Hollywood, and even referenced Will Smith's infamous Oscar slap incident
In a follow-up post, Vir Das credited Delhi-based designer Shubhangi Bajpai, his official stylist for the Emmys "We launched a new young designer She created a tailored bandhgala chikankari shirt, a black tie blazer, and pleated 'lungi inspired' pants Her name is Shubhangi Bajpai from Lucknow and a
Mumbai experienced a magical night as global pop icon Dua Lipa headlined the Zomato Feeding India Concert The Grammy winner dazzled the crowd with a vibrant performance, highlighted by a mashup of her hit "Levitating" with Shah Rukh Khan's classic "Woh Ladki Jo" from ‘Baadshah’.
Videos of the moment have gone viral, capturing the crowd’s ecstatic reaction to DJ Ruchir’s mashup Held at Mumbai’s Bandra Kurla Complex, the event drew a star-studded audience, including Radhika Merchant, Anand Piramal, Ranvir Shorey, Namrata Shirodkar, and Neha Sharma
Dua Lipa’s admiration for Shah Rukh Khan shone through, recalling their meeting during her last visit to India Shah Rukh had shared their encounter on Instagram, praising her as a “charming and beautiful young lady” with an incredible voice In a playful touch, he joked about teaching her Bollywood dance moves, adding, “Dua, if you can, try the steps I taught you on stage ”
about credit for ‘Woh Ladki Jo’ In an Instagram story, he emphasised that the song is “not about SRK” but is the creation of his father and composer Anu Malik
Jay Shah
politician Sharad Pawar, lawyer
industrialist N Srinivasan have
women ’ s game
“This is an exciting time for the sport as we prepare for the LA28 Olympic Games and work to make cricket more inclusive a n d e n g a g i n g f o r f a n s worldwide,” Shah said
“We are at a critical juncture with the coexistence of multiple
included leveraging the sport’s
immense potential globally, and I l o o
f o r w a r d t o w o r k i n g closely with the ICC team and member countries to seize these opportunities and take the sport to new heights ”
After a month o f back-and-fo rth
d i s cu ss i o n s o n th e I C C
C h a mp i o ns T ro p h y ve nu e , h o s ts P a ki sta n Cri ck et Bo ar d ( PCB) climbed down to agreeing to a h ybrid mo del in whi ch Indi a will play th ei r match es in Du bai i n F eb - Ma rc h Ho we ve r, th e P CB h as p u t ac r o s s a f e w
d em an ds be fo re th e
I nte rnati o nal Cri ck et C ou nc i l ( IC C) wh i l e p a y i ng h ee d t o
I ndi an cri cke t bo ard’ s ( BCC I)
d ec i s i o n to n o t p l ay I nd i a ’ s m at c h e s i n P a ki s ta n d u e t o
secu rity reasons
s o l u t i o n t o s u b s e q u e n t I C C t o u r n a m e n t s t o b e p l a y e
India is supposed to host three m e n ’ s I C C t o u r n a m e n t s a n d one women ’ s ICC World Cup in this period India will co-host the T20 World Cup with Sri Lanka in 2026 and Bangladesh will be co-hosts for the ODI World Cup in 2031 The ICC Champions Trophy in 2029 will be solely hosted by India The women ’ s World Cup is due to be held in 2025 “Cricket should win, that’s
Sources said that PCB has asked for a hybrid-for-hybrid
S h u b m a n G i l l d i s p e l l e d a l l
d oub ts a bout his thumb in jury
w i t h a s t y l i s h 5 0 e v e n a s
s ki pper Rohit Sharma kept hi s
c a r d s c l os e t o h i s ch e s t b y comi ng i n at No 4 in In dia’s p i n k - b a ll w a r m - u p g a me
a gain st Prime Min is ter’s X I i n
C a n b e r r a on S u n d a y T h e
v isi tors won the match b y s ix w ickets
I t w a s a 4 6 - o v e r s - a - s i d e a f f a i r , w h i c h I n d i a w o n b y chasing down an easy target of
2 4 1 i n 4 2 5 o v e r s , b u t t h e y carried on batting till the end of the final over For Australia, Test hopeful Sam Konstas’ 107 off 97 balls went in vain
T h e I n d i a n t e a m management was tactical in its
c h o i c e s a s V i r a t K o h l i a n d
J a s p r i t B u m r a h d e c i d e d o n facing each other at the nets
I n t e r e s t i n g l y , R A s h w i n , who didn’t play the Perth Test, was seen at the nets, mostly
b o w l i n g t o K o h l i R a v i n d r a Jadeja, however, got a few overs and also batted for some time The biggest piece of news
for India was Gill’s batting A cracking square cut first up off
s e a m e r M a h l i B e a r d m a n indicated that his fractured left thumb has completely healed
He looked pretty comfortable against Scott Boland, whom he faced during his second spell Gill punished the pacers and s p i n n e r s a l i k e w i t h s e v e n boundaries before he retired after facing 62 balls
Jaiswal (45 off 59 balls) and Nitish Kumar Reddy (42 off 32 balls) threw their bats around a n d g o t s o m e r u n s I n t h e bowling department, Harshit Rana picked four wickets to s t r e n g t h e n h i s c r e d e n t i a l s further
Brief Scores: Australia PM
X I 2 4 0 i n 4 3 2 o v e r s ( S a m
Konstas 107, Hanno Jacobs 61, Jack Clayton 40, Harshit Rana 4/44, Akash Deep 2/58) lost to I n d i a 2 5 7 f o r 5 i n 4 6 o v e r s (Shubman Gill retd 50 no, KL
R a h u l r e t d 2 7 n o , Y a s h a s v i
Jaiswal 45, Nitish Kumar Reddy 42, R Jadeja 27, Washington Sundar 42 no)
w i t h respect for all We are going to d o w h a t ’ s b e s t f o r c r i c k e t Whichever formula we go for, it would be on equal terms,” PCB c h a i r m a n M o h s i n N a q v i responded to a query if they have agreed to the hybrid model and thought of boycotting travel to India in future
“My effort is to ensure that there is no one-sided system It shouldn’t be that we travel to India and they don’t come to our country The idea is to settle i t o n c e a n d f o r a l l o n e q u a l terms,” he added
It is learnt that PCB has also suggested a bigger share from ICC revenue as a compensation
Currently, BCCI gets 38 per cent of ICC revenue share while PCB g e t s l e s s t h a n s i x p e r c e n t
However, it is learnt that ICC h a d o f f e r e d a c o m p e n s a t i o n v a l u e o v e r a n d a b o v e t h e hosting fees It is unlikely that the ICC will agree on increasing P C B ’ s r e v e n u e s h a r e j u s t o n account of agreeing to hybrid model Other countries’ boards will not agree to cutting their s h a r e a n d i t w o u l d h a v e t o borne by BCCI alone
P V S indh u cl aimed h er thi rd S yed Modi World To ur Sup er 3 00 b ad mi n to n cr o wn S h e claimed the crown after over t wo y ea rs La k sh ya S en , th e m en ’
000 p rize money event, edging p ast fo urth -seeded Singapo rean Jia H eng Jas on T eh in jus t o ver h alf-h our, winning 21- 6, 21-7 “I am really happy with the way I prepared and played the match I have some time now till the new season, which will allow me to train and focus on the upcoming events,” he said
W u Luo Yu in a 47-minute match, 21-14, 21-16 The former world
m e Olympic medallist dominated
t h e f i r s t g a m e , t a k i n g a commanding 11-9 lead at the b r e a k A f t e r a l l o w i n g h e r opponent only five more points, Sindhu comfortably claimed the first game In the second game, though Wu levelled the score at 5-5 and took a narrow 11-10 lead at the break, Sindhu staged a
strong comeback with precise smashes and drop shots to seal the win
The 29-year-old, in the final
s t r e t c h o f
i n g t h a t t h e 2 0 2 8 L o s A n g e l e s
Games remains at the back of h e r m i n d “ T h i s w i n w i l l
d e f i n i t e l y g i v e m e a l o t o f c o n f i d e n c e B e i n g 2 9 i s a n a d v a n t a g e i n m a n y w a y s b e c a u s e I h a v e a l o t o f e x p e r i e n c e B e i n g s m a r t a n d
e x p e r i e n c e d i s k e y , a n d I ’ m definitely going to play for the next couple of years ” Second-seeded Indian duo
T r i s h a J o l l y a n d G a y a t r i Gopichand Pullela became the first Indian pair to clinch the w o m e n ’ s d o u b l e s , b e a t i n g China’s Bao Li Jing and Li Qian
2 1 - 1 8 , 2 1 - 1 1 i n a 4 1 - m i n u t e match In mixed doubles, sixths e e d e d T h a i p a i r D
Taerattanachai defeated India’s
D h r u v K a p i l a a n d T a n i s h a Crasto 18-21, 21-14, 21-8
A controversial refereeing decision sparked violence and a crush at a soccer match in southeast Guinea killing 56 people the government said The fatalities occurred during the final of a tournament in honour of Guinea s military leader Mamady Doumbouya at a stadium in Nzerekore, one of the West African nation s largest cities Fans threw stones triggering panic and a crush, the government statement said, promising an investigation A witness, who had attended the match, said a disputed red card in the 82nd minute of the match kicked off the violence “The stone throwing started and the police joined in, firing tear gas In the rush and scramble that followed, I saw people fall to the ground,” Amara Conde said over phone The crowd rushed to leave, leading to a dangerous scrum at the exits, a police source said
Shuttler PV Sindhu is all set to tie the knot with software engineer Venkata Datta Sai on Dec 22 The wedding ceremony will be held in Udaipur and the reception will be in Hyderabad on Dec 24 The two families knew each other but it was only a month ago that everything was finalised This was the only possible window as her schedule will be hectic from January,” Sindhu’s father, PV Ramana said Sources said that Sindhu and Sai have been seeing each other for over a year The 29-year-old Sindhu, currently a deputy collector with the Andhra Pradesh government, started her career under the tutelage of Pullela Gopichand She shot into limelight by becoming the first woman to win a medal at the World Championships in 2013 Later she went on to win the World Championship in 2019 In 2016, she became the only Indian shuttler to win a silver at the Olympics In 2021 she won bronze at the Tokyo Olympics, becoming the only Indian woman to win two medals at the quadrennial Games
Jasprit Bumrah toppled Kagiso Rabada and Josh Hazlewood to regain the top spot in ICC Test bowling rankings on the back of his match-winning spell against Australia in the first Test at Perth Yashasvi Jaiswal meanwhile has leaped to second spot with career-best 825 points behind England s Joe Root (903 points) in the rankings for batters Virat Kohli too improved nine spots to reach 13th spot
Eight-year-old Divith Reddy of Hyderabad added to India’s growing reputation in the world of chess by becoming champion in the Under-8 World Cadets Chess Championship The Telengana boy secured 9/11 points, same as his compatriot Sattwik Swain but the former clinched the gold based on his tiebreak score