Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
We can do it
Our Esteemed Readers, As we recover from the harrowing effects of the pandemic, the season of Diwali is an appropriate time to reflect on the events by and gone contemplate the impact they have had on our lives. Collectively we are trying to move ahead, despite the emotional, personal, and fiscal losses we’ve all experienced. I believe that the need of the hour is compassion, kindness and generosity towards our fellow beings. After all, to shed light where there is darkness is the very essence of Diwali. It was heartening to witness our community organisations, temples, mosques, and gurudwaras join hands in unity by providing free food, converting their premises into vaccination centres and providing solace to those undergoing emotional trauma during the pandemic. Faith united us all. At the time of writing this comment, COP26 is the headline in the media and rightly so. Deforestation, investment in renewable energy, protecting and restoring our ecosystems are some of the burning issues of our times. Celebrating Diwali responsibly is one of the ways we can demonstrate our commitment to preserving our planet, and our ancient books and scriptures lay great emphasis on mankind’s stewardship of nature. The prosperity of our future generations is inextricably linked to how urgently we address the scourge of climate change. On the economic front, the UK economy is at its crossroads and there are many indications in Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Autumn budget that we are heading in the right direction. There is general agreement among experts that we will witness a gradual reform and economic recovery. So, there is more cause for celebration this Diwali. While it is open to interpretation and perspectives, I was deeply moved to read an article by two of our young contributors. The sisters said, ‘Wearing a mask is an act of kindness’. A thought so pure and so innocent makes me happy that the heart of our future generation is in the right place. The magazine will give you glimpses of fierce bravery, tremendous patience, and some exciting developments during the pandemic which we came across during our interactions with political diplomats, climate change crusaders, women running start-ups and opening small businesses. As strategic partners, India and the UK played an important role in the vaccine rollout. I am overwhelmed and extremely proud of the Indian government to have administered over 1 billion doses of the Coronavirus vaccine.
India, which is headed towards its 75th anniversary as an independent country next year, and with the collective goals of the ‘Roadmap 2030’, upcoming summits like G20, and the ongoing COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow, will witness the UK-India partnership to achieve further promising milestones. The eight-point action plan that aims to synthesise solar and hydra energy, as well as craft strategic missions on energy efficiency and exchange of knowledge, is going to set a global example for countries to learn from this partnership. Kindness came in all forms and sizes to us. A report from the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, coconvened by the World Health Organization and World Bank, concluded there was “scant evidence” that the right lessons were being learnt from the coronavirus crisis, despite the deaths of nearly 5m people worldwide. It mentioned that the world is ‘woefully unprepared’ for the next health crisis. Dear readers, it is our duty to remain united and prove this theory wrong by adapting to sustainable living methods and taking the right lessons from the pandemic by being kind to others, but first, by being kind to ourselves. We have done it before; we can do it again. I wish all our readers and members of the community, a very happy and prosperous Diwali, and an even happier new year! Om Namah Shivay CB Patel Publisher/Editor
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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i n g yo u h e a l t h h s i W and happiness
t h i s D i wa l i
Best wishes from Yakult this Festival of Lights. The little bottle filled with unique bacteria, on a happy mission to reach the gut alive!
Best Wishes for Diwali
Rt Hon Priti Patel MP, Secretary of State for the Home Department & Member of Parliament for Witham
I would like to wish the Indian community both here in the UK, and around the world, a very happy Diwali. Every year, Diwali marks an auspicious time when families and friends come together to celebrate, and the spiritual significance of these celebrations of hope over despair, light over darkness and good over evil is something that has been embraced across the country. I know that the Diwali celebrations last year were very different and much smaller in scale than usual due to the coronavirus pandemic, but thanks to the continued success of thevaccine roll-out, this year we will once again be able to pray, feast and celebrate together with family, friends and loved ones. Homes, Mandirs and Gurdwaras will be once more be filled with happiness and joy as we recall the inspirational story of Rama and Sita, the strength of their unity and friendship and the defeat of Ravana. We also take time to honour Lakshmi, celebrate the goddess Kali, and commemorate Lord Krishna’s victory. Diwali represents a time where we reach out to those less fortunate, alone and isolated, and over the past eighteen months, it has been heartening to see our communities make every effort possible to keep in contact with and to support those in need. It is also a period for us to reflect on and celebrate the fantastic contributions that the Indian Diaspora continues to make to live here in Britain, and the historic ties between the UK and India. British Indians continue to play a leading role in communities across the country, and their contributions grow from strength to strength each year. I wish everyone celebrating the Festival of Lights a happy and peaceful Diwali, and convey my best wishes to all for the future.
Rt Hon Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London
“I want to send my warmest wishes to all those celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights, in London and around the world. As our communities come together to share hospitality and remember the story of Rama and Sita, I am delighted to welcome the return of Diwali festivities in Trafalgar Square. Our experiences over the past 18 months have reinforced the importance of the themes at the heart of Diwali: the symbolic victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. The spirit of this vibrant festival brings us all together and embodies the diverse and welcoming spirit of our great city. From my family to yours, I wish everyone a Happy Diwali.”
Lord Navnit Dholakia
A happy Diwali and a prosperous New Year to all your readers. We are all emerging from a difficult lockdown due to coronavirus. It has taken a toll on our community. There have been fewer opportunities to meet and socialise. Even the identity of individuals is blurred due because of the mask covering half of our faces. But let us hope that all of us will emerge fit and well and the past experiences will not be repeated. This is the message to all our community. Good over evil means conquering the evils of the virus and emerging safe and well. Let us hope this Diwali will bring all the joy the event holds for us and I wish a prosperous New Year for all our hardworking community. 6
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Lord Rami Ranger CBE
Diwali is the most important, grandest and immensely popular Indian festival, which is now celebrated worldwide. Diwali is celebrated at the residence of the Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, at the House of Commons, with cross Party Parliamentarians joining in the celebrations as we are today. Diwali at Trafalgar Square is attended by thousands of people, including tourists visiting the capital who are mesmerized to see the colourful pageant of music, dance and food. Diwali day is the only day when the world's three great religions, Hindus, Sikhs and Jains, celebrate this day jointly and for different reasons. Hindus celebrate the return of Lord Rama with his wife and brother to his Kingdom of Ayodhya after an exile of 14 years. The streets and towns were lit up with Diwas (candles) to welcome them home during his return. The Sikhs, on the other hand, celebrate Diwali as 'Bandhi Chhorh Day'. On this day, their 6th Guru, Guru Hargobind Sahib, arrived in Amritsar after being released from Gwalior prison by the then Mughal King, Jahangir. Guru refused to leave the prison unless 52 Hindu princes who were also in prison were also released. The Jains celebrate Diwali as Lord Mahavira, the last Jain Tirthankaras, achieved Nirvana at a Pavapuri. Sri Gangadhar Gautam Swami also gained absolute wisdom on this day. This is what makes Diwali a wonderful day for so many. As a matter of fact, behind these celebrations, there is a serious message of preserving self-respect, family honour and sacrifice for others. Lord Rama also demonstrated that if one path was righteous, even the cleverest and most powerful Kings with massive armies could be defeated. The message of loyalty was shown to the world by wife Sita and brother Laxman too. The values Lord Rama demonstrated have become even more critical in our world where greed and selfishness have become rampant. Happy Diwali to all.
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Lord Dolar Popat
Lord Jitesh Gadhia
Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo It gives me great pleasure in wishing the readers of Asian Voice a very Happy Diwali and a prosperous New Year. This year’s Diwali coincides with COP26. Hosted by the UK, the conference is the first time that countries are expected to commit to enhanced ambition since COP21. The conference is a stark reminder of the negative impact we have had on our planet. But it also signifies hope. Hope that we can create good and do something positive for the world.
As we emerge from the pandemic, which has dominated our lives in the recent past, we can look forward to the future with greater hope and confidence. The vaccination programme, implemented over the past 12 months, offers the prospect of a more ‘normal’ Diwali season, celebrated with family and friends, instead of the restrictions we faced last year. This year, Diwali also falls in the middle of a crucial global summit to tackle climate change – COP26 – which is being co-hosted by the United Kingdom in Glasgow. Safeguarding the environment is an issue that transcends race, religion and nationality, providing a common purpose behind which we can all unite. Indeed, for Hindus, the protection of Mother Earth is a core part of our belief system, captured perfectly within the Ramayana through the story of Goddess Sita. She represents the epitome of dedication, self-sacrifice and purity. Consistent with these virtues, Sita eventually returns to Earth once her life’s mission is accomplished. Drawing on this inspiration, I hope that this Diwali we can all reflect on the changes necessary to secure a more sustainable future for the whole of humankind. Wishing the readers of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar a very happy Diwali and a healthy, peaceful and prosperous year ahead.
Cllr Ameet Jogia and Cllr Reena Ranger OBE CoChairs, Conservative Friends of India The Conservative Friends of India are delighted to wish the readers of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar a very Happy Diwali and a prosperous New Year. We have been proud to have weathered the impact of the pandemic to continue to strengthen bilateral relations between the United Kingdom and India. It is also a matter of great pride that Britain has negotiated an enhanced trade deal with India , which remains the largest global partner and market. This Diwali, with the help of the British Indian diaspora, we look forward to supporting the negotiations of a free trade agreement as the governments seek to double the value of trade between the nations within the next 10 years by 2030. Best wishes to all at this most auspicious time.
Preet Kaur Gill MP From my family to yours, I would like to wish everyone celebrating Bandi Chhor Divas and Diwali a very happy and auspicious occasion to you. As we light candles and divas in our homes, both occasions are a reminder of hope, peace and prosperity for all. The last eighteen months have provided a challenging time for many and last year, it was not possible for us to celebrate in Gurdwaras and Mandirs as we would have ordinarily. While Covid-19 cases begin to rise once again, I hope everyone can celebrate together with their families and friends but ensure they do so as safely as possible.
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Lord Raj Loomba CBE The year 2021 has been a challenging one with the pandemic continuing to have a disruptive impact on society. As we celebrate Diwali, perhaps in a relatively subdued manner, my thoughts will be with those who bear the brunt of the pandemic - the NHS staff, key workers and all those who work tirelessly, often in extreme conditions, straining every sinew so that we can lead normal lives. During this auspicious season let us endeavour to spread the true message of Diwali peace, love, hope and joy. A very happy and prosperous Diwali to all readers of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar.
Happy Diwali And Happy New Year To All Our Reades
Happy Diwali Best Wishes from London’s Leading Cash & Carry
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Poor air quality affects young children who have stunted lungs, says Mayor Sadiq Khan M Shefali Saxena
ayor of London, Sadiq Khan organised this year’s ‘Diwali on Trafalgar Square’ at the Westminster on Saturday 23rd October to celebrate the cultural diversity in London. With this, he reinstated the faith and importance of cultural diversity at a crucial time during the festive season, where togetherness and community spirit are paramount. It was also the first time that the traditional and heritage rangoli artwork of Bengal, known as ‘alpana’ was presented by Heritage Bengal Global’s (HBG) Vice President Ms Mahua Bej, at Trafalgar Square. The Mayor of Kolkata, Firhad Hakim connected live during the event. In an exclusive interview, Mayor Sadiq Khan addressed some prime topics related to the climate emergency and the Ultra-Low Emission Zone in Central London. He told us, “We feel twin challenges, which is the climate emergency and the air quality crisis. In the first two years before the pandemic, we reduced the toxic air by almost half in Central London, for all our members to benefit from clean air. “I don't know this issue of social justice as the poorest Londoners least likely to own a car, who suffered the worst consequences. And by expanding the universe, 18 times bigger than the previous years, it covers a population twice the size of Paris. “This is an issue that affects young children who have stunted lungs, adults with a whole host of health issues from asthma, from cancer to dementia of heart disease. That's why this policy is so important and we hope it'll make a big difference.” The new zone is 18 times the size of the central London zone and now 10
covers 3.8 million people. Measuring 380km2, it covers one-quarter of London and is the largest zone of its kind in Europe. It will bring the health benefits of cleaner air to millions more Londoners, both inside and outside of the newly expanded zone. The scheme will operate 24 hours a day, every day of the year (except Christmas Day). The ULEZ expansion, alongside tighter London-wide Low Emission Zone (LEZ) standards for heavy vehicles that were introduced in March 2021, is expected to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from road transport by 30 per cent across London in 2021. The ULEZ is also a crucial step towards the Mayor’s ambitions to tackle the climate emergency and put London on the path to being a net-zero carbon city by 2030. It is also an issue of social justice, with
the poorest Londoners, and Londoners from ethnic minority backgrounds, being least likely to own a car but also the worst affected by toxic air. The Mayor has provided £61 million in funding for grants for small businesses, charities operating minibuses and low-income and disabled Londoners to scrap their older, more polluting vehicles. The Mayor also touched upon the burning topic of women’s safety in the UK amid rising cases of brutal murders, deaths and mishaps. When asked what he thinks about these (also as a father of two daughters), Khan urged that “we tackle the issue of the epidemic of violence against the girls” and that “misogyny should be a hate crime; harassment of women in a public space should be a criminal offence”. He stated that the police also needs to invest more than ever to safeguard citizens.
Sadiq Khan
'Alpana' at Diwali celebrations at Trafalgar Square on 23 October 2021
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Empowering and Inspirational nita Goyal’s Voices from Gujarat is the second book in a trilogy which follows on from the first book, Voices from Punjab. There are plans for a third book which focuses on Rajasthani women. Empowering and inspirational, Voices from Gujarat captures the stories of twenty-one prominent and influential Gujarati women. Speaking to Asian Voice Anita said, “After the tragic loss of my husband back in 2011 when I was just thirtyeight-years old, I am no stranger to grief. During that period of my life, I could never have foreseen the achievements that I have made in the past decade or that I would have had the honour of interviewing great women with phenomenal rich heritage. “As the CEO of the Hemraj Goyal Foundation, I have always been passionate about celebrating the strength and voices of women. Despite my hopes to avoid the mention of COVID19, the disproportionate impact that the pandemic has had on the BAME community is unavoidable.” Voices from Gujarat recognises the phenomenal stories of twentyone Gujarati women. From OBEs, to pioneering broadcast journalists, through to doctors, chefs and authors, this range of prominent women are brought together through their shared values of culture, language and upbringing. They are women who take charge of their happiness, recognise the power of resilience and hard-work, and who strive to overcome the expectations placed upon them by society to achieve their dreams. In a collection of interviews, these prominent women share stories of their careers and achievements whilst reflecting on their upbringing within the Gujarati community in the UK. Although each story is distinct and personal, as readers follow the extraordinary lives of each of these women, they will come to see that they are in fact united in many ways. Many of the stories touch on the expectations of women within the Gujarati community, whether that is in their career or their personal life. The women reflect on the values instilled by their families and how their upbringing in a mixed Gujarati-British culture has shaped their approach to life, empowering them to break new ground and encouraging others in the process. Dealing with the complexities of a dual identity and maintaining a work-life balance, their stories also serve to show the sacrifices made by these women and those who came before them to pave the
Anita Goyal MBE way for future generations. Opening a window into their lives, the reader will accompany each woman on their journey as they prevail over gender stereotypes, cultural differences and the limited narratives written for them by stereotyped cultural attitudes in the Gujarati community. Voices from Gujarat will leave you with twenty-one new role models and the self-belief that you need to drive change, succeed against the odds and defy expectations. About the author Anita Goyal is the CEO of the Hemraj Goyal Foundation as well as a renowned author, award-winning philanthropist, a chair and trustee of many charitable organisations and foundations and the host of the podcast Relight Your Fire. Married to Avnish Goyal who is the Chair of Hallmark Care Homes, Anita’s work in the third sector extends beyond the Hemraj Goyal Foundation. She sits on the Board of Trustees of the Hallmark Care Homes Foundation, holds the position of Vice President of Barnardo’s and is an ambassador of the Alzheimer’s Society alongside her involvement with a number of other related charities. In 2014, she launched Ultimate You, an organisation delivering educational workshops and seminars, with her husband. Anita is continually looking for new ways to empower and educate communities all over the world and, under her guidance, the foundations she runs have had a huge impact in the charity and social care sectors. Her passion for helping people has helped shape and deliver countless initiatives and programmes and her vision for social change is set to drive many more. The book will be released in December 2021 and will be available on Amazon. Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
India’s ‘resurgent’ postCovid international profile
Rahul RoyChaudhury Senior Fellow for South Asia The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London
India’s most important foreign relationship is with the US, with which it has now signed the four key ‘foundational’ defence agreements; the US is now India’s largest source of arms and weapons after Russia. he Covid pandemic has hit hard lives in India, Alongside a new ‘2+2’ foreign and defence ministerial having the highest number of cases after the US format with the US, India is also a member of the and the third highest number of deaths worldwide. strategic-minded Quadrilateral security dialogue ‘Qaud’ Livelihoods also suffered greatly with a 7.3% contraction group of countries with Japan and Australia. The UK’s in India’s $2.95 trillion economy - the third largest in Asia post-Brexit foreign policy has begun tilting towards the after China and Japan and the sixth largest in the world Indo-Pacific region, where India retains considerable - in 2020-21. This resulted in India’s first annual recession diplomatic and political heft. The success of the UK’s new since 1980. But the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ‘Global Britain’ campaign will, in large part, rest on its predicts India’s economy to grow by 9.5% in 2021-22, prospective trade and security relations with India. Prior which will make it again the fastest growing major to their virtual summit in May 2021, both leaders, economy in the world. Along with economic growth, Narendra Modi and Boris Johnson, sought a “quantum India’s pro-active diplomacy provides the basis for India’s leap” in bilateral relations. Starting tomorrow, high-level ‘resurgent’ ties with the US and the UK and an elevated UK visitors to India include the new Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, the Chief of Defence Staff global profile, amidst critical and the Chief of Navy; the UK’s challenges in the neighbourhood. Carrier Strike Group, led by the India has abandoned its aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, will traditional rhetorical position of nonbe in an Indian port in the next few alignment, preferring to focus on days. Modi is likely to attend the ‘issue-based alignments’. It aspires climate change summit in Glasgow. to becoming a ‘leading’ rather than The British Indian diaspora remain a just a ‘balancing’ power with greater key factor in the UK’s outreach to international reach and influence. It India. is now widely considered to be one Yet, closer to home, India has, for of a handful of countries that can the first time, multiple security make a real difference to the three threats amidst a bolder and more ‘C’ priorities for most of the assertive – and domestically democratically-governed popular – series of actions. The international community - Covid violent Galwan clash with Chinese (countering the pandemic), climate troops in the summer of 2020 change and China (countering an resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian assertive and authoritative super Rahul Roy-Chaudhury soldiers, marking the first casualties power). on the India-China border in 45 India is now also willing to shoulder greater regional and global responsibilities. years; tensions continue. In response to a PakistanThis was demonstrated through India’s ‘vaccine maitri’ backed terror attack in Jammu & Kashmir in February (friendship) from January to April 2021 through the 2019, India carried out an air strike against Pakistan manufacture and export of more than 66 million proper - for the first time in nearly 50 years. Tensions with Covishield (Oxford-AstraZeneca) doses to 95 countries; Pakistan were further exacerbated in August 2019, when this will resume shortly as India’s own Covid situation India revoked the special ‘semi-autonomous’ eases. As the President of the UN Security Council in constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir and divided August 2021, India made substantive contributions on it into two separate union territories. The new Talibanmaritime security, peacekeeping and counterterrorism; Haqqani regime in Afghanistan has also made India more as also on the fast-evolving security situation in insecure in relation to Kashmir, in terms of potentially Afghanistan through Resolution 2593 of 30 August. India greater radicalisation, terrorism and Pakistani is also a ‘net security provider’ to littoral and island states intelligence support of anti-India jihadi terrorists. Yet, in of the Indian Ocean in terms of being the ‘first responder’ an attempt to ease somewhat the latter situation, India’s for maritime disasters, maritime domain awareness and powerful National Security Advisor Ajit Doval will host in maritime security cooperation. In 2023, India will host for November a regional meeting on Afghanistan, with China and Pakistan invited. the first time the G20 Summit of world leaders.
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
US vaccine contributions are not based on politics
Shefali Saxena
The next few months are going to be instrumental in shaping world politics for the next decade or two, especially amid Cop26, G20 and nations looking forward to economic recovery after a massive slump. The US and the UK and India have always worked together towards many initiatives and continue to seek cooperation in all sectors for collective growth. While vaccines, Zed Tara climate change issues and protected. Because if you don't do economic recovery are paramount, that, you're going to be left with Taliban’s take over of Afghanistan Covid-19 outbreaks all over the has also brought these countries world, and that's not anyone's under the spotlight because of the interest.” contribution of their soldiers and From the lens of the US, the relief efforts to save Afghans over 20 biggest lesson learned during the years. pandemic is to have “international We exclusively spoke to Zed mechanisms in place for Tarar, US Spokesperson coordination for any future pandemic Hindi/Urdu, in London, who because it isn't a one-country addressed these talking points one problem.” He insisted that this at a time. requires transparency in order to Pandemic top global identify new viruses quickly and priority right now prevent them from spreading Describing the current sentiment throughout the world. of the United States as the world is Afghan crisis trying to get back on its feet after He called the Afghan crisis and mass vaccination, Zed said, “The the role of the US as a “complex Biden administration sees the situation”. He explained that the pandemic as the top global priority United States along with the Security right now. Vaccine distribution Council is addressing the crisis at throughout the world is the number G20. “We are united on its focus on one priority. Afghanistan, and showing that “I want the Asian community in people in Afghanistan are safe, that the UK is to know that our vaccine their fundamental rights and contributions are not based on freedoms are protected, that anyone politics, or on favours. It's just based who wants to leave is allowed to do on where the vaccines are needed, so,” the US diplomat told us. and what makes the most sense and “Some of our senior officials met where they can be distributed. The in Doha met the Taliban key here is that it's not meant to be a representatives. The scope of that political favour. Because the truth is was focused on practical steps and that if we want to move past this on ensuring that the Taliban live up chapter, globally, we need to make to their international obligations and sure that the global population is their promises. 14
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
“In terms of the United States, individually, we're looking to continue our humanitarian support. We're doing that through established mechanisms. We hope to have more details soon on exactly what that will look like. But we're already talking about hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance that's flowed into Afghanistan, just in this last year. We're looking at continuing to do as much as possible on the humanitarian side because that's really key is to alleviate those humanitarian issues that we're seeing,” he added. The United States Armed Forces completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 2001–2021 War in Afghanistan. When asked if the soldiers in Afghanistan fought for a lost cause, Tarar said, “It was a planned withdrawal of forces in consultation with NATO. Now, parts of it clearly did not go as smoothly as plans have hoped. But President Biden himself has admitted that despite these plans, realities on the ground, interfere.” President Biden said this in his speech a few months ago that the US went into Afghanistan for a single purpose, and that was to seek justice for 911. That task had been accomplished, over 10 years ago with the operation against Osama Bin Laden, and it was time to bring that chapter to a close. Today, for the first time in over 20 years, the United States is not actively participating in-ground fences. So we can turn our attention now fully, to existential crises like climate change and pandemic disease.
Zed pointed that the Biden administration is seeing COP26 as
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values that are foundational to the United States, including that we are a nation of immigrants. Our Vice President (Kamala Harris) herself, is an immigrant. I don't think there's any real doubt on that in terms of practically when things are going to get closer to what they look like in 2019. That's something that we're looking at closely. But I don't have any, unfortunately, any deadlines for you.”
The way forward
India is the third-largest emitter after the United States and China. He explained that any hope of meeting climate commitments and The Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi greets US Vice President Kamala avoiding more than to see global Harris at the White House in Washington DC, the USA on September 24, 2021. warming is going to involve India. is climate change, because again, an “opportunity to increase our The US is keen on working closely like pandemics, climate change isn't climate ambitions.” He said, “This is with India on climate change and a single country's concern and no going to basically shape the next vaccines. He said, “India is very country can really hope to hide from decade,” and that climate change much intertwined in both. I think the effects of climate change. So it's isn't a single country's concern and ultimately, that's what we're trying to really incumbent on us to cooperate no country can really hope to hide do is deliver better results for people internationally.” from the effects of climate change. everywhere.” Commenting on the future of “The administration looks at this Zed further added, “There is a immigration - students and job as our opportunity to really increase very wide range of sectors where the seekers the Hindi/Urdu our climate ambitions. This is going US is cooperating pretty closely with spokesperson told us, “As the to basically shape the next decade. India. But just to go back to climate science permits, I think the This is also going to be our change for a moment, and to the administration is committed to opportunity to avoid the worst pandemic, India is the third-largest reopening and reconnecting with the effects of climate change. So we're emitter after the United States and world as quickly as possible. I don't talking about mitigation and China. So clearly, any hope of think there's any doubt that this reducing emissions globally and meeting our climate commitments administration is committed to the increasing our ambition. But we're and avoiding more than to see also talking about climate global warming is going adaptation as well so that to involve India. Clearly, we're better prepared for we need to work together the eventual effects of on that front and on climate change, as well as vaccines. India, of course, the increased effects that is a global vaccine our models are telling us supplier and a massive we're going to feel in the part of that equation. next few years. Together, we are going to “The United States has work with India to upped its ambition in produce vaccines. And terms of funding to hopefully by the end of developing nations to this year, apparently, as make to meet their own we heard in the quad, the climate commitments and summit just a few weeks their pledges and their ago, India will begin nationally determined exporting once again, contributions. We've, of Covid-19 vaccines. So if course, increased our own you look at just these two NDC as well, going into most immediate priorities, Cop 26. That's how this India is very much administration sees this, intertwined in both. I think after Covid-19. And after it ultimately, that's what comes down to the most we're trying to do is The Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi arrives at the White House immediate emergency of deliver better results for for a bilateral meeting with the President of the United States of America, people everywhere.” that pandemic, the priority Mr Joe Biden, in Washington DC, the USA on September 24, 2021. 16
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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17 Young Climate Change Leaders
ith increasing concerns of global climate change, the future of our youth is uncertain. While it may be too late for the older generations to take charge of the situation, the youth had become instrumental contributors to climate action. The United Nations in India announced the launch of its climate campaign, ‘We The Change’, which showcased climate solutions initiated by young Indians as a celebration of India's climate leadership. We exclusively spoke to some of these youth climate activists about their initiative. Garvita Gulati, the Water Girl of India said, “I saw wasted water as a resource. By using Why Waste? application, you can calculate your Water Footprint. This, in turn, helps you make simple habit changes to save at least 100 litres of water daily. Wastewater requires more
energy to clean; so, resorting to reducing and reusing must be the priority. This is especially in a time and space where we are trying to de-carbonize our economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” Sanju Soman, founder of SUSTERA, a foundation that contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 had identified two major catalysts that could create change. i. Young individuals who had scaled up existing solutions and developed new solutions for solving the climate crisis with the right knowledge and exposure. ii. Local self-government institutions and community groups have immense potential in leading adaptation efforts and scaling locallevel mitigation efforts. “Thus, we worked with them and hosted the first Climate Leadership Program in Kerala. We also hosted Disaster resilience leadership programs through which we trained
a cohort of leaders who were capable enough to act at the time of a disaster. We are now planning to scale up these activities to other regions in the coming years,” Soman said. Soumya Ranjan Biswal protects Olive Ridley Turtles on the Odisha coast. Soumya explained the key points as follows: Awareness: Every year, we wear turtle costumes and travel the entire coast from Ganjam to Balesore district, creating awareness among local vendors to stop using lights at night to make the beach-habitat risk-free for nesting. Artificial Hatchery Management: We had teached sea turtle volunteers to trace, collect and relocate turtle eggs carefully, and maintain conservation efforts in the artificial hatchery to ensure better survival. Night Patrolling & Sporadic Nesting Protection: We closely monitored the Devi river-mouth
Garvita Gulhati
Sanju Soman
Soumya Ranjan Biswal
Aditya Mukerji
Archana Soreng
Heeta Lakhani
Ganesh Kumar
Hina Saifi
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
(Continued to
Kriti Tula
Akhilesh Anilkumar
Medha Priya
Sarath KR
Neha Naikwade
Siddhartha Sharma
Sneha Shahi
Varsha Raikwar
through night patrolling and conservation activities. (It is the third most important mass nesting site of Odisha after Rushikulya and Gahiramatha.) Constant Monitoring on illegal trawler movement in sea turtle congregation area: Lakhs of Olive Ridley sea turtles arrive at the coast with their male partners to have their mating ritual and nesting. Government has strict strategies to protect their congregation and mating habitats, but due to the movement of illegal trawlers, this process gets disturbed. Thousands of these Schedule-I Endangered Marine Migratory Animals were killed by fishing nets of illegal trawlers. Coastal Clean-up: We had a dedicated youth network through which we clean the Arribada Site (mass nesting site), and the mouths
of the Rushikulya and Devi rivers. We clear fishing nets and plastic waste to ensure safe nesting for turtles. We also work on sensitizing the river-adjacent villages and fishery-community villages to not throw garbage into oceans. Aditya Mukarji, who believes ‘Refuse If You Cannot Reuse’ to leave the world a little better than you found it, said, “I volunteered for Delhi-based Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group that works on waste segregation and environmental solutions and undertook the initiative to eliminate 25 million plastic straws and other single-use plastics from the ecosystem.” Archana Soreng, who belongs to the Khadia Tribe of the Sundergarh district of Odisha said, “It is very crucial to ensure that tribal communities are an integral
part of the climate action discourse. As they are most adversely affected by the impacts of the climate crisis, through cyclones, forest fires, hurricanes, floods and so much more.” Respecting the rights of tribal communities over their territories and ensuring their participation is critical to achieving the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals. Heeta Lakhani said, “The Paris Agreement Work Program (the Rulebook), which was supposed to be finished at COP24 in Poland must be completed in COP26. This Rulebook is the guiding mechanism for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and there are a few bits that are yet to be tied up. I would like to exhort all countries to treat the climate crisis seriously and move beyond negotiating to take action.”
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Climate Actions by India
ndia’s commitment to climate action is inspired by the vision from the Prime Minister himself. At the Climate Adaptation Summit on 25 January 2021, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasised that India will not just arrest environmental degradation but reverse it; and not just create new capacities but make them an agent for global good. During his Independence Day speech on 15 August 2021, Prime Minister said that environmental security is getting the same importance in the world as national security. Today India is a vibrant voice of environmental security, whether it is biodiversity or land degradation neutrality, tackling climate change or recycling waste, organic farming or biogas generation, energy conservation or clean energy transition. Prime Minister said that India is also emphasising Mission Circular Economy. Despite its huge developmental challenges, India is taking ambitious action on expanding clean and renewable energy, energy efficiency, afforestation and bio-diversity.
The Paris Agreement
India has set ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) goals for the post-2020 period under the Paris Agreement, which are 2 degrees Celsius compatible. These include a reduction in the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 per cent by 2030 from 2005 level, as well as achieving 40 per cent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030, with the help of the transfer of technology and lowcost international finance, including from Green Climate Fund. India is on track to achieve these targets and is clearly the best performer among the G-20 countries on climate action. As per the Climate Change Performance Index 2021, India is among the top 10 performers in the world.
Initiatives and small victories
Even for the pre-2020 period, where India had no mitigation obligation, India achieved a 24% reduction in emission intensity of its GDP by 2016 over the 2005 level, in line with its voluntary declaration. India is pursuing a target of 450 GW of installed renewable energy capacity by 2030. India has already achieved the earlier target of 100 GW mark of installed renewable energy capacity and is on track to achieve the revised renewable energy target of 450 GW. Globally, India has the 4th largest Renewable Energy installed capacity, 4th largest Wind installed capacity, and 5th largest Solar installed capacity. Asia’s largest Solar Power Project is in Rewa in Madhya Pradesh. This has been accompanied by the Green Energy Corridor Project, which aims for evacuation of large-scale renewable energy, as well as setting up smart grids under the National Smart Grid Mission. The World’s largest renewable energy park of 30 GW capacity solar-wind hybrid project is under installation in Gujarat. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was awarded with the Champions of the Earth Award 2018, the United Nation’s
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
highest environmental honour, for pioneering the International Solar Alliance and taking the unprecedented pledge to eliminate single-use plastic in India. A comprehensive National Action Plan on Climate Change is being implemented across various Ministries. Other initiatives include an Adaptation Fund, Clean Air Programme, Disaster Management Plan, promoting sustainable consumption and production, urban transformation, watershed management, etc. In addition, there is a special focus on water through the National Water Mission and the Namami Gange river rejuvenation project. Water conservation is one of the most important adaptation measures. Jal Jeevan Mission has helped connect over 50 million households with tap connections in two years.
“Go Electric” Campaign
India is giving a massive fillip to E-Mobility and ZeroEmission Vehicles, which provides an excellent opportunity for new areas of investments. India is one of 16 member countries of the Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI), a multigovernment policy forum dedicated to accelerating the introduction and adoption of electric vehicles. Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for manufacture of Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) has the potential to make India the fourth largest production hub for lithium-ion cells. A “Go Electric” Campaign has been launched to raise awareness about the adoption of Electric Vehicles and Electric Cooking appliances. A programme has been launched for providing electricity connections to all unelectrified households. The Ujjwala scheme, to provide clean cooking fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas to rural households, has been transformative The National Energy Efficient Fan Programme aims to accelerate the replacement of conventional ceiling fans with energy efficient fans.
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A new voluntary Vehicle Scrapping Policy to phase out old and unfit vehicles has been launched. It was also decided to leapfrog from Bharat Stage-IV to Bharat StageVI vehicle emission norms, and advance the date from 2024 to April 2020.
a Climate Change Knowledge Portal ( which captures sector-wise adaptation and mitigation actions.
Global initiatives
India has been promoting global initiatives to address Net Zero Emissions by 2030 climate change. These include the International Solar Indian Railways has committed to Net Zero Emissions Alliance (jointly with France), The Coalition for Disaster targets by 2030, making it the Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) and world’s first ‘Green Railways’. It is The Leadership Group on Industry “While India will continue to take also targeting full electrification of mitigation and adaptation measures Transition (LeadIT – jointly with broad-gauge routes by 2023. to address climate change, the issue Sweden). India has launched a National India has ratified the Kigali of concessional financing, as well as Amendment to the Montreal Hydrogen Energy Mission, which aims to make India a global hub technology transfer by the developed Protocol on Substances that for the production and export of world, remains woefully inadequate, Deplete the Ozone Layer for green hydrogen (hydrogen from phase-down of HFCs. notwithstanding repeated green energy sources). India is advocating for IPR commitments. Further, the overall Affordable LED bulb regimes that will enable global deployment under the Unnat Jyoti carbon space available to developing R&D collaborations for the scheme, to promote energy- countries continues to shrink rapidly. development and transfer of clean efficient lighting with the attendant technologies. India is also looking The issue of sustainable lifestyles, benefits of reduced energy to develop technologies to enable which is at the core of addressing consumption, has been a great low carbon growth with a special climate change, also remains success. This has been focus on technologies for clean unaddressed.” complemented by National Street generation from fossil fuels, Lighting Programme to replace energy management and storage conventional streetlights with smart and energy-efficient systems for renewable energy. LED streetlights.
Climate Change Knowledge Portal
At COP 14 of the UNCCD in 2019, India announced commitment to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality and Restoration of 26 million hectares of degraded land by 2030. India had restored 9.81 million hectares of forests in 5 years between 2012 and 2017. India’s efforts in the environment are giving results today, which is evident in the increase in forest cover, a number of national parks, increase in the number of tigers and Asiatic lions. International eco-label “Blue Flag” has accorded the Blue Flag Certification for 10 Indian beaches. India has launched
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
The buck stops with developed countries
India’s per capita emissions are 60% lower than the global average (0.6 tons of oil equivalent compared to 1.8 tons globally). It has also made negligible contribution to global emissions that have caused climate change. Despite having around 18% of the global population, India has consumed only 3.5% of the overall emissions prior to 1990, and since then 4.84% till 2017. India's historical emissions (~ 4% over 1850 to 2017) and current annual GHG emissions (~ 7%) remain very low.It uses only around 6% of the world’s primary energy. Since India needs to cater to an aspiring population whose per capita income is still low,it is imperative that carbon space must be provided for countries like India. From the viewpoint of global collective action, India expects developed countries to take the lead and demonstrate that their cumulative emissions targets are compatible with the 1.5 degrees temperature target. This is in line with the internationally accepted principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities. Nevertheless, India’s cumulative emissions will not exceed its fair share of the global carbon budget. India had communicated in its NDC, that it seeks to achieve about 40 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel based energy resources by 2030 with the help of transfer of technology and international finance, including from the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
‘There is no force more powerful than an empowered woman’ British Asian Trust to use £2m match funding from UK government for post‐Covid recovery efforts in Pakistan.
he British Asian Trust is investing £2m (Rs 46 crores) of match funding from the UK government – received in support of the Trust’s “If I Can, She Can” Appeal – into its Women’s Economic Empowerment programme to help Pakistani women whose livelihoods have been impacted by Covid-19. The Women’s Economic Empowerment programme equips Pakistani women with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to find a job or start their own business in a post-Covid world. In an exclusive interview with ABPL, Kamyla Marvi, Pakistan Director of the British Asian Trust shared her views on the ongoing pandemic. Here are a few excerpts:
hoping to see thousands of women across Sindh and Punjab increase their incomes or become entrepreneurs and as a result, have greater control over decision making and household resources.
- What challenges id Pakistani women face during the pandemic? Women make up less than 30% of the Pakistani workforce. Estimates say that over a quarter of Pakistani women have been laid off or suspended from their jobs in different sectors due to the pandemic. In addition, women had to bear the brunt of additional unpaid labour that came with family members being at home as a result of unemployment or working from home. With schools closed, additional childcare responsibilities and support for studying from home also fell on women. Women were caught in a cycle of domestic chores, child-rearing, providing emotional support and additional responsibilities of their own employment. This has significantly set women behind their male counterparts at work while some lost their jobs or suffered pay cuts. Though cases of Covid were almost
- What are the plans to rehabilitate, support and sustain the lives of widows, girls and elderly women in Pakistan? There is no force more powerful than an empowered woman and we believe that economic independence is an important factor in achieving that. The program covers a wide age range of women from 15-50 years old from poorer segments of society in Sindh and Punjab. Women will be provided skills, financial literacy, job placement and market linkages so that they can earn a sustainable income. An economically empowered woman will undoubtedly impact the lives of those around her. As she gains control over decision making in her household, she is more likely to send her children —specifically her daughters -- to school. - What is the biggest lesson that the community has learnt from the pandemic? We’re proud that women are at the core of this program because as the pandemic proved, women are more effective leaders in times of crisis. We saw this in our projects too as women played a key role in our communities to identify and provide support to vulnerable homes. The pandemic was truly a shared humanising experience for a country that is often divided by contesting beliefs. We saw the public and private sectors come together in many ways to support those whose lives have been devastated by the pandemic.
Kamyla Marvi
3 times higher amongst men in Pakistan (perhaps due to less testing available for women), women bore the brunt of taking care of the sick at home, in particular caring for the elderly who were more vulnerable to the impact of Covid. Worldwide, we also saw an unfortunate increase in cases of domestic violence against women. In Pakistan too, government officials reported a 25% increase in incidents in Eastern Punjab province during the lockdowns. - How much of that will be taken care of by this fund? The British Asian Trust’s Women’s Economic Empowerment programme equips Pakistani women with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to find a job or start their own business in a post-Covid world. So far, it has helped more than 9,800 women increase their income, placed more than 3,400 women in paid internships and employment opportunities, and supported over 7,000 women in starting their own enterprises. This fund aims to empower women by providing them vocational skills training and work placement, thus bringing more women into the workforce, offering them an opportunity to become financially independent. By the end of this program, we are
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
LEGAL ADVICE FOR YOU AND FOR YOUR BUSINESS Let us help you with: Private Weealth Management ment Commerciial Property peer y Residentiaal Conveyancing Con y ncin ngg Crime - white itt collar, col fraud and regulatoryy b bre breaches Family Law Business Immigration and Immigrration Law Resolution and Litigation Wills Will and d Probate P b Employment Law
D iwali ggreetings g from f Freemans Solicit S l tors t
THE SHANTA FOUNDATION Bringing light, hope and healing
Pujya Shantaba The inspiration behind The Shanta Foundation
r. Bhikhu and his brother Dr. Vijay Patel OBE, both born in Kenya, have been influenced by their strong cultural heritage and inspiration from their mother, Shantaba. Together, the brothers have formed The Shanta Foundation in her memory. Through the Foundation, they have undertaken several philanthropical projects related to healthcare,
water supply and education in Africa, India, and UK. These include poliocamps, eye camps in the state of Gujarat, drilling of borewells for potable drinking water in villages of the state, setting up the Waymade Eye Hospital, a school and college in Wankaner (near Rajkot, Gujarat), Waymade College at Vallabh Vidyanagar University as well as establishment of scholarships at Bristol University, Leicester and De Montfort University, Leicester from where Bhikhu and Vijay graduated, respectively.
Dr. Bhikhu Patel (L) and Dr. Vijay C. Patel OBE (R) visiting patients at The Waymade Critical Care Centre. 28
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
THE WAYMADE CRITICAL CARE CENTRE Bhikhu and Vijay supported the Charutar Arogya Mandal to the tune of Rs 10 crores for the establishment of a 102 bed Waymade Critical Care Centre at the Shree Krishna Hospital located in Karamsad, Gujarat, India. The full-fledged Critical Care Centre became functional in 2019 and has since been utilized for treatment of critical care patients of the region. The Waymade Critical Care Centre is fully equipped with lifesaving equipment such as Ventilators, Defibrillators, Dialysis machines,
Multipara Monitors and Paediatric Fibreoptic OVERCOMING THE COVID CHALLENGE Bronchoscope. After the first surge of covid, the hospital was ready The Shree Krishna Hospital is a multi-speciality with 280 beds in different categories to counter the teaching hospital and is today considered to be one of challenge with homecare and consultations for homethe most well-equipped healthcare providers in rural quarantine of asymptomatic patients. However, the Gujarat. It is equipped with state-of-theart facilities. It has been able to serve the community and live up to the credo, "Solace for the Suffering", envisioned by its founder Chairman. This has been made possible mainly due to the generous support of Trusts, Foundations and donors who have assisted the growth of the institution at every stage and through sound governance. Today, the hospital is considered one of the most well-equipped rural health-care centres in Gujarat. The covid pandemic struck 216 Critical covid patients awaiting admission near The Waymade Critical Care Centre countries world-wide including India in early 2020. Being the largest charitable months of March-April 2021 brought forth a formidable private hospital in the Charutar region located between task for the corona warriors at the hospital. As the fury Ahmedabad and Vadodara, the Shree Krishna Hospital of the second surge of the covid pandemic raged across along with The Waymade Critical Care Centre is the state, high numbers of covid patients required managed by the Charutar Arogya Mandal and has been hospitalization. identified by the state health authorities as a designated Due to critical cases and a high number of patients covid district hospital, treating covid patients since April requiring oxygen support, patients and their relatives 2020. across the state had a difficult time coping with the When the first surge hit the state and as patients demands for resources such as injections and oxygen began coming in, the Waymade Critical Care Centre was supply. Through advance planning and significant donor utilized to its full capacity, and soon a need arose to add support, Shree Krishna Hospital and The Waymade more infrastructure and equipment to cope with the Critical Care Centre were up to the challenge. No patient increasing number of patients. Several beds, Monitors, was ever refused admission, even when other hospitals Ventilators, Hi-flow Oxygen Therapy units etc. were in the state refused to take patients. This was accomplished through determination as well as strategic procured and installed with the support of donors. Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
planning and proper allocation of resources for the patients. The molecular lab set up in December 2020 for covid testing met the requirement of patients. To increase the number of ICU and stepdown beds, some of the wards were converted by running oxygen supply lines and addition of ACs and other The Trauma & equipment. Emergency Centre was converted into a 30 bed ICU. When ambulances were lined up at the hospital from across the state, a 50-bed field hospital was set up with doctors and nurses working 24x7. Free food was provided for patients and relatives who were awaiting admission. Local NGOs contributed free oxygen cylinders. Patients no longer had to queue in ambulances and other vehicles. They had less anxious moments as a panel of doctors assessed the condition and took in serious patients on priority. In a short span of about 45 days when the second surge peaked, around 4,000 covid patients were treated, with a daily peak of 600 patients, with more than 100 on ventilator support. Since April 2020, a total of over 9,000 covid patients, and have been treated here. All this was possible due to the generous and timely support received from individual donors and The Shanta Foundation, UK. RAISING FUNDS THROUGH Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar As all this was unfolding, Bhikhubhai and Vijaybhai took a unique initiative. The Shanta Foundation ran a campaign through the UK’s leading newsweeklies Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar offering to match every pound donated by readers. In June 2021, a total amount of Rs 524.9 lakhs was donated by The Shanta Foundation to the Charutar Arogya Mandal towards strengthening covid infrastructure at the hospital. As the mandal prepares for the next surge, the fund is being utilized for: • Procuring and installing key equipment for covid treatment; • Strengthening of its mother & child care facility - as experts opined that the next surge could affect children; • Creating covid treatment facility in the wards adjacent to the Critical Care Centre;
Attending to patients at the field hospital 30
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Monitoring patient condition in covid ICU
Creating covid treatment facility at its recently vacated laboratory and blood bank area;
NATIONAL AWARDS AND RECOGNITION The work that the hospital and its staff performed has also received local and national recognition. While the patients who were treated lauded the efforts of the mandal and hospital teams, in January 2021 Shree Krishna Hospital Karamsad and The Waymade Critical Care Centre were honoured with the 'Health Care Icon 2021' award by the Times of India for its noteworthy and exemplary contribution to healthcare services. Dr. Vinod Rao, Education Secretary & OSD Covid -19, Government of Gujarat gave away the award. In July 2021, the mandal received the prestigious 'Pride of Charotar' award which was given jointly by Nav Gujarat Samay and the Ahmedabad Mirror at a function presided by Shri CR Patil, MP. The mandal was honoured for providing healthcare and health education to the people in the Charotar region over the last several years, as also for adhering to its mission of providing 'Solace to the suffering' and uniform treatment to all without any discrimination. In October 2021, the Economic Times Healthcare award for Excellence in Hospital Management during covid-19 at the national level was received by the mandal at the India Healthcare Leaders Awards wherein the hospital was recognized as one of the three top hospitals of the country for their efforts and innovations. The recognition was based on a set of parameters for effective, efficient and excellent management of the covid 19 pandemic.
E Empo wer a bright b ighte er futur e futu u e Ja aspar Foundation is the non-profit arm of the Jaspar Group set up in 2009 by founder Raj Pankhania to fulf u ill a dream of giving bacck and helping his comm munityy..
Supporting ing charities s is s ourr wa ayy of showing a small act of kind dnes ss, s, wher h re ew we e hope hope man m nyy indiv i divvidu vidualls s who arre e less s ffortun ortunate e,, can beneffit. it. Giving back to the commun nity has s been a corre e part of Jaspar Grro oup A Anup Pankhania, and it is everything veryything Jas spar parr Foundation stands s for f r.. Trustee, Ja Trustee aspar Foundation
Having see een elderly people roam th he streets in Harrow, sitting on park benche hes, Raj felt inspired to o set up a charitable group available for elderlly people p which would promote health, wellbeing, cultural activit ivities and companionship. This led to the idea of a central, permanentt h hub which hi h was lacking ki in i the th Harrow area. In 2013, through Jaspar Jasp Foundation, Raj set up Jaspar Centre - a day centre in Harrow, in loving memory of his parents, Jasodaben and Parshottambhai Pankhania. For 6 years, Jaspar Centre was a meeting point for the local al elderly population to unite through wellbeing, spirituality and an culture. Over these years, many individuals enjoyed the sociall activities, the inclusion and happy community spirit of the Centre, completing Raj’s vision and mission. In 2019 Raj and the trustees of the Foundation decided to selll the Centre to another charityy.. Jaspar Foundation felt the need d to spread the reach of the Foundation furtherr,, nationally and internationallyy.. Jaspar Foundation also wanted to make a greater impact: a commitment to support across several sectors, including health & wellbeing, elderly & disabled, homelessness & poverty, and emergency relief.
w www .jas j parffound d ti .org dation jaspar_foundation
Jaspar Foundation on d i jasparfou undation
In June 20211,, the Queen een rrecogn eccognised Raj’’s s commitment to the elderly d community and awarrded ded him m wi with the British h Empirre e Medal in the Queen n’’s s Birthd Birthda da ayy Honours s List. t R Raj’ aj’s sB BEM EM awarrd d ffor or his services to ollder people and th he community in North h London is s a true tru ue tribute and testament to his vis sion, ion,, determination and dedication edication to the Jaspar Foundation ovver the llast ast decade e. This s prrestigio estigious aw warrd d reinffor orrces rces Raj’’s s philanthr lanthrropic op pic vis sion ion and th he Foundation’’s s missio on of imprro ovving welllbeing being and en nhancing liffe e opporttunities s ffor or those in ha arrds dship.
Since 2020 0, the Foundation has supported those in extre eme poverty in the UK and abroad with food donations, I T equ uipment, school uniiforms and also funded bore hole projects in Kenya, giving the local population daily access to fresh waterr.. TThe Foundation n donated to NHS frontline workers during locckdown and collab borated with Sewa to send oxygen concentrators rs to India in a huge h emergency relief effort, during the heightt of the pandemic. Hunger g is a barrier to education: a hungry child become omes sa teenager who w does not learn and an adult who alwa alw ys stays in povertyy.. Jas Ja aspar Foundation and in particular Raj, care deeply about brea aking down these barriers to educ ucation and supporting nutrition. H Having sponsored education forr children and adults in East Africa a, India and around the world,, Raj wants to encourage the ripple effect – educating communiti ties, overcoming poverty an nd positively impacting generations e to empower a brighter fu uture. More rece entlyyy,, Jaspar Foundation do entl onated a large sum of furniture tto New Hope homeless charity in Watford to use in their temp porary accommodation and d the main centre, giving it a fresh new look and a more welcom me feel, promoting social inclusion and a encouraging positive mental m health. Collaboratting with Landaid, the UK pr p operty industry charity in providing funds for accommodation for young homeless individuals and supporting Sense In nternational for the deafblind communit com ity in Kenya has provided vital funding at a time when charities es h have struggled during the Covid-19 crisis.
The Foundation has supported many initiativ iatives and impaccted mor mo e than 32,000 lives around the world. TTo o learn m more about u Jaspar Fo oundation please ‘like’ and ‘follow’ us s on socia al media and visit our u website e.
400 MILES CLIMATE JUSTICE WALK Kunjal Zala ushpanath – ‘Push’ – Krishnamurthy, a British citizen, will be turning 70 in January. He walked 400 miles from London to Glasgow to raise awareness of climate change ahead of COP26. The climate change activist is particularly keen to shine a light on the world’s poorest, who will be the ones most affected by climate change. Originally from Bangalore, India, he resides in Cambridge, UK. Highly inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, his call is to ‘be the change you want to see in the world. He worked with Oxfam for nearly 29 years, and witnessed the direct impact of the climate crisis on communities, particularly on women. Recently, Push has
Push beside Mahatma Gandhi's Statue in Parliament Square
Push having conversation with his supporters
been campaign manager for a youth health project at Results UK, mentoring, coaching, and enabling youth leadership development in three countries in Africa. He is a trainer, motivational speaker, and climate campaigner. In December 2009, Push embarked on his first walk of 595 km ‘Walk for Climate Justice’ – from Oxford, UK, to Copenhagen, Denmark, to raise awareness of the issues of climate change and poverty in advance of the UN conference on climate change in Copenhagen, COP15. In 2011, he again walked for Climate Justice in the southern Indian state of Karnataka which was supported by the Karnataka Growers Federation (KGF) and Centre for Social Markets (CSM) and reached 30,000 people directly, and through radio, he was able to reach a million listeners a day. He started his walk from Mahatma Gandhi’s statue on Parliament Square on October 2; Push is being supported by Cambridge City Council and the goodwill of his many fans and supporters around the globe. In an exclusive interview with us, he shared his view regarding the COP26 and climate change. re the actions we take today, enough to forestall the impacts of climate change?
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
People are having enough knowledge, technology, understanding, and various practical experiences that ensure that we can prevent climate catastrophe. It has to be from individuals to communities of all the nations. We have to and we will solve, as adaptation is key to overcome the impact of warming. We do have a window of opportunity but it is very clear evidence that emissionsdriven growth has made the whole world very unequal. It has also plummeted our planet into extreme danger and created huge amounts of turmoil. It’s the darkest paradox of our time that the people who contributed the least to the problem are the ones suffering the most. o you think, doing what needs to be done to combat climate change all comes down to political will? It is not just political will but a need for visionary leadership. The COP 21 of Paris showcased what can be achieved if there is a shared vision despite different, compelling, and competitive expectations. But this time as we face civilization and planetary crisis, there is a necessity for a stalwart leadership. However, communities and councils are also doing much including exceptional businesses. n what ways, is COP26 different from previous summits? What are your expectations from the same? I believe, Hope is spark and spark is hope. I must say that for every leader to internalise that, in this time the darkest paradox of our time is those who have contributed to the problem are paying the most with life and livelihoods shattered. This can and must change. Around 3.2 billion people contribute only 7 per cent of the emissions and they live in poverty.
What it Takes to be a Leader from an Ethnic Minority
“You don't have to be a manager of people to be a leader” ishi Chopra, a senior executive and business commented on the difference between managing people leader in the pharmaceutical industry, recently and being a leader, and how he made that transition. offered his insight and advice on leadership as Rishi shared his view on the importance of personal someone from an ethnic minority perspective in an online branding, embracing one’s own contribution to event for the University of Westminster Alumni Event workplace diversity, and why authenticity has been his anchor throughout his career. Series. Rishi also provided insight on how building strong Rishi’s parents are from India and he was born in the UK. Chopra’s father is a self-made man and his mother professional relationships, good mentors and mentoring is a PhD. His family never took the corporate ladder. He has been so beneficial for his career development and lives in Hounslow Central where he lives with his wife progression. Sharing his experiences of and son. Speaking about workplace diversity as a member belonging to an ethnic minority, he of the ethnic minority community, said, “Hounslow was a place Chopra said that the honest where the ethnic minority in the answer lies in the experiences we majority. But I grew up in a melting have while growing up. Lessons pot of cultures and stereotypes. related to empathy and There were other cultures that you harnessing as well appreciating grew up with. But it was ‘who I am’ is imperative to survive. predominantly an Asian The London based business community. So Hounslow has leader also believes that you changed now. For good, actually climb the career ladder absolutely. It's changed because by “influencing planners”. there is even more diversity in According to him, the postterms of the community that's pandemic work culture is going to there, but as a big influence in change. “All around the world, it's terms of my background, and my been proven that people can work outlook, on life, but also my remotely where they are, in terms professional career.” Rishi-Chopra of challenges, which can still be Rishi has worked at many of the major pharmaceutical companies, including Roche, circumvented one way or the other, to get around that. Janssen Inc. and GSK. At Biogen, he manages a But the breadth of opportunity is huge, in my opinion, is culturally diverse team across more than 30 countries a lot more trust in the workplace,” Chopra added and around the world, and this includes talent recruitment, continued to explain that companies will focus beyond retention and development. Serving as a member of the growth hacking from now on. However, he agreed that remote work has its own global pharmacovigilance (PV) leadership team and UK site leadership team at Biogen, he holds accountability challenges. Rishi said, “Being able to collaborate for the strategic and operational management of post- virtually, comes across the screen is a big change in how marketing PV for all Biogen affiliates and international we communicate with each other. The danger is that what you don't want to do is because you're working partners across all geographic regions. Rishi contributes to communities in a range of virtually copy face to face, people tend to slip into an capacities, including providing mentorship to children in email, but there is still a battle happening.” He quite aptly articulated that “you don't have to be an educational context (specifically STEM) and working with not-for-profit organisations. He is proactive in a manager of people to be a leader”, and added, “If championing diversity, inclusion and BAME issues, and you're asked to ask questions, find out about other has served on his company’s global D.I. committee. departments that don't necessarily work. We think there He about how he leveraged his lived experience as might be a potential interest. Make the connections that a senior leader from an ethnic minority background to will help you to direct yourself to areas that you might present his personal career journey since completing his love the most. Good leaders recognise and never stop education at the University of Westminster. He also learning.”
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Nitin Palan
Deepavali – the most popular Hindu festival celebrates the post-harvest festival in which the deities in all Hindu mandirs are surrounded by offerings of hundreds of food delicacies. For Hindus, it is also celebrating and remembering that it was on the day of Diwali that Bhagwan Shri Ramchandra along with Sitaji and his brother Lakshman returned to Ayodhya - a well known historical fact. Most of us remember this event as goodness triumphing over bad - and as such, we light lots of divas in our household so that the darkness of ignorance may be diminished. It is an opportunity to forgo the accumulated misunderstandings in our hearts over the last year regarding our relationships with others.
Through our bhakti and seva, we can obtain knowledge of Bhagwan and the guru. Then there will never be darkness. Knowledge gives us enlightenment; where there is knowledge, there is never darkness. If we have bhakti, through the grace of Bhagwan, we remain forever illuminated. A divo can go down when ghee or oil is depleted, but if we take protection of Bhagwan and the guru, our divo is never extinguished. HIS HOLINESS MAHANT SWAMI MAHARAJ IN LONDON- 19 OCTOBER 2017 Satsang is the route to salvation and removes one from the entire cycle of reincarnation. Our body is the most valuable asset, yet without Satsang it is wasted. Satsang is the most precious thing that one can have. Our swabhavs – inner instincts – are the biggest barrier to understanding the truth. Constantly being aware of the risks of swabhavs taking over our behaviour requires us to look within. We should spend 90% of our time introspecting by looking within and only 10% looking out. We all have expectations to be recognised. Everyone wants “maan”and if we do not get what we believe we deserve, weeasily
We say goodbye to any grudges and start afresh with exchange of sweets, hugs and the blessings of elders. Let me share with you the blessings of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj and His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj that they bestowed upon us as the essence of this light of knowledge during their visits to celebrate Diwaliat the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London. HIS HOLINESS PRAMUKH SWAMI MAHARAJ IN LONDON –21 October 2006 The real knowledge is understanding the glory of Bhagwan and his presence on earth through a true guru. We should not be absorbed in the pride of our body and our achievements, but instead be absorbed in the full knowledge of Bhagwan’s gift to us–this life and its purpose. We have the shelter of Bhagwan and blessings of our guru. Since we have taken protection of Bhagwan, there is no need to fear darkness. We need to read and constantly educate ourselves so that we never remain away from the light of knowledge. We should fill our house with love and respect for each other and perform daily rituals such as arti, puja and regular ghar sabha. This will bring us together and also keep us together.
get upset. Understanding what our identity is as the atma, why we are here and doing seva is essential. Otherwise, we do not appreciate what we have and therefore bad qualities like ego always come in the way of worship, love and devotion. Many pranams and Jay Swaminarayan and Jay Siya-Ram to all readers of this article. To book a day for Diwali darshan during the 4 days of Diwali, New Year and the weekend, please visit
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
Temple Leicester &
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Exclusive: The making of a culturally relevant gold bar The Royal Mint did their homework.
■ AFTER THE SUCCESS OF THE ROYAL MINT’S POPULAR 1 AND 5 GRAM BRITANNIA BARS IN HENNAINSPIRED PACKAGING IN TIME FOR THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS IN 2020, IT WAS DECIDED THAT A MORE BESPOKE AND CULTURALLY RELEVANT PRODUCT WITH BE LAUNCHED ON DIWALI 2021. Shefali Saxena he Shree Swaminarayan Temple in Cardiff was initially approached by The Royal Mint when they were searching for a creative person in the community and the responsibility of designing the Royal Mint’s gold bar this Diwali was presented by the Temple to Nilesh Kabaria. We are told that owing to the success of how well this project has been received by the Hindu community, there are plans to potentially release further bullions and coins in the near future as part of the Royal Mint’s larger plans to celebrate diversity and inclusion. In an exclusive interview Graphic Designer, Nilesh Kabaria took us through the process of designing this prestigious gold bar. Following some video calls with the senior members of the team, the initial stages were researched and a series of mood boards presented by the precious metals team at The Royal Mint with some rough sketches put forward. Nilesh had the opportunity to provide his feedback both from a design viewpoint and also to ensure the cultural accuracy of the designs. Speaking to us, Nilesh said, “Being Hindu and also a Graphic Designer with a keen eye for detail, the process was fairly straightforward for me and together with Emma Noble, a member of The Royal Mint team, the design quickly started coming to life. There were around 3-4 variations of the bar from the initial design and we then fine-tuned elements – the bindi made exactly round, more jewellery added, sari was redesigned to be more elegantly set, Lakshmi’s hair draped
Nilesh Kabaria
in the background and the addition of the haveli arches and pillars to really give it a traditional twist and to finish of the composition.” He went on to explain that having
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
the lotus flower feature on the front and including the elephants, elaborate crown, jewellery really made it an exquisite piece. “We knew, the reverse also had to be as detailed as possible and flow with the lotus and water elements so it was decided that this should also be the feature on the reverse. The water ripples and lotus birds-eye detail and leaves floating made it a really well-finished design,” Nilesh explained and he also mentioned that he was given the chance to his own stamp on the design. The final Lakshmi bar really captures the master craftsmanship of The Royal Mint and everyone involved in the project. When asked what are the challenges of collaborating with a team that was culturally different from him and yet, get the design and brief right, the gold bar designer said, “I have to give credit to the team at The Royal Mint as they researched the subject matter very well and this cut out a lot of the initial time in planning. They also have the advantage of having a non-executive director in Shimi Shah who is Hindu on the panel so this made the process much more streamlined. “An organisation this well-known with renowned history (the oldest company in the UK and only second oldest in the world), the willingness to bring communities together to celebrate diversity and inclusion is a testament to what they are trying to do in the UK and worldwide. For me, they are really looking to involve people locally and nationally and to bring in their expertise to help the success of
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any product they design and develop. They really did their homework before launching projects and this should be applauded in their approach.” The project had quite a tight deadline and it can take up to three years to develop a new product, and this was communicated to Nilesh at the start. Nilesh and the Royal Mint engaged towards the end of July and had a good idea of where we were going by midAugust in order to have the gold bar ready by Diwali. Talking about the timeline, Nilesh said, “We had around four revisions of designs and a gold 3D render of the final design in which a few small alterations were done. Once everyone was happy, it Nilesh Kabaria holding the finished Gold Bar for The Royal Mint then went into production at the Royal satisfying for the graphic Mint’s headquarters in designer, both from a Llantrisant Wales. To personal level as well as produce these bars, two from a British Hindu highly polished dies were viewpoint. “As a designer, you precision laser cut, striking dream of this kind of the specially prepared gold project and it’s one of ingots with around 500 those moments where I’ll tonnes of pressure. Each bar is then inspected and look back in years to come and say, “Wow”. individually numbered.” Nilesh Kabaria and It’s a story I look forward Rakesh Hirani from the to sharing with my Temple were invited to children again and again come and view the and look forward to telling my grandkids manufacturing process. that moment To design of the Lakshmi when Bar was immensely happens,” he signed off.
Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Cardiff 44
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
UK gets its own Bengali restaurant‐ Chourangi “It’s not a glamour industry. In fact, it’s a backbreaking industry”
Rupali Shinde
mongst many other sectors, the hospitality sector suffered the most. Many had to shut down their restaurants. However, few were affirmative that this shall pass. One of them was the Indian restaurant tycoon Anjan Chatterjee, renowned Indian hotelier and founder of the Speciality Restaurants Limited. He, along with his partner Aditya Ghosh was all set to launch their new restaurant named Chourangi in London, by 4th April 2020, but the plans came to standstill due to the pandemic. However, both the partners were keen on launching the restaurant and finally, they fulfilled their commitment. “We know what kind of product we have it was a matter of time that people will bounce back, be there on our side. There couldn’t have been another better space that we could have got here, which is diagonally
opposite the Marble Arch and we stood our course that this is the same way we would like to continue and every dish has to be unique,” Anjan Chatterjee told us.
Chourangi it is!
As the name had to represent the essence of Calcutta, ‘Chourangi’ was finalised owing to its iconic connection with Calcutta. It is also known as ‘Chowringhee’. Explaining that, Chatterjee said, “Chowringhee Square has been a part of many things and even today as we speak a lot of people know about Chowringhee, there has been a movie, 36 Chowringhee Lane. And, therefore, we thought this would be the most appropriate name.” He saw an opportunity of introducing the food and flavours of Calcutta, which none of the other restaurants serves in London. According to the hotelier, “London has so many of the Indian restaurants
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
which are very good and respected. But at the same time, most of them belong to a North Indian or a Mughlai legacy which is from Punjab- the old Northwest Frontier. So, the differentiated offering of regional Indian food from the city of Calcutta and Bengal.” Speaking on the palate of Britons, Chatterjee said, though the Britishers have learnt to adjust to spicier food, in the beginning, during food trails, they made food mild and did not give too much of Kasundi (Bengali Mustard sauce) or green chillies. However, to their surprise, the British diners were game for more spice. The restaurant has toned up the spice level, but have maintained the level.
Challenge of opening a Bengali restaurant in the UK and India
For Chatterjee, introducing Bengali cuisine and opening a
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Restaurant tycoon Anjan Chatterjee
dedicated restaurant in India was nothing but a challenge. However, he is very happy with the positive response he has received for ‘Oh! Calcutta’. Recently, they launched their branch in Chandigarh. In London though, it was easier for him to introduce Londoners to Bengali cuisine. Anjan told us, “The city appreciates to adventure into Indian food- ‘honest Indian food’. So, it was slightly better for us to get the resonance. While, Oh! Calcutta has taken so much time, but people swear by it today. But this was an easier bet because they were waiting for a differentiated product which stays with the unique flavors, which no other restaurant in London serves.”
“It’s not a glamour industry. In fact, it’s a backbreaking industry”
Chatterjee, who is known as the pioneer of the Indian Restaurant, believes in three words that his father told him, “Passion, Hard work and Discipline”. He believes that if anyone is in the business of food and beverage, one needs to be ‘totally passionate’. It is not a glamour industry. In fact, it’s a back-breaking industry, according to Chatterjee. Too many things go into making a fine restaurant. Sharing his mantra, he said, “Don’t go overboard. Start small. Grow with time. Don’t be in a hurry because today’s millennials are very bright, but for them, everything needs to be ‘insta’ including Instagram. Everything is instant gratification, but in this business, the most important aspect is to have patience and they need to be loving 48
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food and hospitable to people, being able to feed them and do everything in such a style that everybody around starts appreciating.”
“Opportunities do not run out”
Chatterjee is now focused on operating Chourangi ensuring that everything falls into place. He elaborated, “As we did in India, we opened a small restaurant from there we established that one after the other. So, at this point in time as you know the vision is not very clear. The pandemic is still looming over us, so we rather consolidate our position and watch Chourangi operate for a critical period of 6-8 months, understand the whole gambit and pitch. Because it is a new place, a new team and therefore we must ensure that everything falls in place and then bank on the next opportunity. Because in my humble understanding opportunities do not run out. You only need to be patient to ensure exploit it at the right time.”
A Box of Stories Shefali Saxena
Where do unread books go?
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BOOKS THAT NEVER GET SOLD, BUT HAVE HUNDREDS OF COPIES LYING AROUND? WHO READS THEM? DOES ANYONE ATTEMPT TO MARKET THEM AFTER ALL? WE SPOKE TO AASHA CHAUHAN, COFOUNDER OF A BOX OF STORIES, AN INITIATIVE THAT HELPS SELL BOOKS THAT WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. asha told us that the idea came over coffee with her publisher friend who was off to pulp / destroy half a million books. “We dug some more and discovered that every year about 220,000 titles are produced, but only 17% received any marketing budget, meaning that the other 83% are just lying around and hoping that they’re lucky enough to get picked up. This leads to approximately 77 million being destroyed every year in the UK alone,” Aasha told ABPL. Her idea was to test if a Surprise Box would help overcome the bias of a reader not wanting to pick up a good book that hadn’t got the hype. Aasha said, “We quickly put together a really rushed website, built a basic algorithm with the help of some friends in tech. We launched off a friend’s wedding in Italy on World Literacy Day in September 2018. Back then we had 2 boxes. Fiction & Mixed. A year later we had been funded by Founders Factory and soon we were one of the U.K’s most popular book subscriptions for heavy book readers.” How is ‘A Box of Stories’ put together? Explaining the process of procuring the books and making them reach their potential reader, Chauhan said that it starts by acquiring lists of books that have been returned unsold, rejected by wholesalers because they’re not bestsellers and books that are headed for pulp because they didn’t sell. “We feed this list to our Algorithm nicknamed Foxy. Foxy scores the internet looking for blogs, reviews websites featuring these books and creates a weighted score for every title. We arrange these books by scores and how strong the positive feedback has been for the title. This is how we acquire books,” she added. Once an order has been placed, Foxy customises each box of 4 books to the shopper based on feedback on genres that the shopper definitely doesn’t want to read. The next box you order from A Box Of Stories picks
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
up from where you left it. Aasha makes sure you don’t receive the same book twice and ensure you’re always discovering new authors and subgenres. In a world of Kindle and iPads, what is the importance of a hard copy of a book? Aasha said, “Kindles and Ipads will never smell like a new book. Data doesn’t seem to suggest that digital and physical are competing with each other. In fact, ebooks have seen continuous degrowth over the past 5 years. Rapid and sometimes forced digitization of our lives means we are always looking for screen downtime. To give our brains a break and escape. Based on what our readers say, that is why they’re still reading books voraciously in 2021.” When asked how difficult it is to sell books that may not have appealing covers but make for a compelling read, Aasha told us, “It’s almost impossible. This is why our surprise boxes override a book lover's bias in the
Dhruv and Aasha
process of book discovery. One common thread in most of our business reviews is how they loved books that they would otherwise have never picked up themselves. When a reader buys a box from us they are by default opening themselves to the possibility that we at ABoS know what we’re doing and give the books a go and find themselves
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surprised to no end when they enjoy the books.” Explosive growth in the business during the pandemic A Box of Stories has seen “explosive growth in the business”. With bookstores, libraries and charity shops shut, their daily volumes doubled and have grown by about 10X since the start of the pandemic. Sharing her experience further, Aasha said, “It was quite weird from a motivation point of view for the team at times as well. We’re a team of 13 plus we work with 4 agencies, all of us together are located across 5 cities and 4 countries. Late last year the situation in India was relatively normal while the UK locked down. Then in March this year, the UK was just opening up when India was going through the worst phase of the pandemic. It is a challenging situation when you’re locked in at home while some of your colleagues are planning a staycation.” 65% of readers who subscribe to A Box of Stories, are under the age of 35. They’re based all over
Only 17% of books receive any marketing budget
83% of books are just lying around
Approximately 77 million unread books are destroyed every year in the UK
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
the U.K. They’re corporates, professionals, students, school teachers with an appetite to discover books beyond the obvious bestseller. Aasha has a continuous digital feedback loop from the time a reader opens their box with a spot survey called ‘First Impressions’ to a review of the box once they’ve read the books and we feed this back into their reading profiles. “We’re now at the stage where we’re working with some incredible data that we’re getting ready to share with publishers. Data about books and authors that they’ve both probably written off in the past but are worth re-visiting and with the capability to become a decent commercial success. Who knows, in 2021 we might just collaborate on an interesting experiment with publishers with some of the authors that have received a strong positive response from our community,” she signed off.
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Kunjal Zala
ome charities focus their efforts on a variety of environmental issues, from protecting earth’s resources to advocating for stronger policies and indirect actions. Go Dharmic, a charity organisation started in the UK is an exceptional example of a social business, Good Karma Store where every purchase has a social connection to a cause. Speaking about the challenges faced during the initial days of Go Dharmic, Hanuman Dass, Founder and Chairman of Go Dharmic told Asian Voice, “The early days of Go Dharmic were challenging because not only do you need others to believe in your vision, you also need to believe in yourself. Go Dharmic does not represent a single cause or a single faith, and this is something people challenged. Dharma is Love and welfare for all living beings and we had to walk on a different path. People found it difficult to accept that we can be rooted in Hinduism and absolutely universal at the same time, but I have always maintained and was drive by the fact that the highest religion is helping others from the heart. As Martin Luther King rightly said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" “Now with much wider acceptance, we work on lots of campaigns related to
the environment, food distribution, disaster relief and wherever dharma can be best expressed,” he added. Go Dharmic hosted 'Ahimsa and the Environment', on 31 October ahead of COP26, which according to Dass is the most crucial world meeting of our lifetimes as there will be the participation of global politicians, business and spiritual leaders, policymakers and most of all ordinary people giving their views on why Ahimsa, non-violence is the critical call of our times. COP26 President Alok Sharma and members of Mahatma Gandhi's family also joined the event. Go Dharmic has multiple social action campaigns which help reduce impact to the environment but they all lead back to Ahimsa. It believes that non-violence is the way to save our planet. We cannot engineer a clever solution to the untold damage and suffering we are causing to our one home. In the last 70 years alone, 50% of all species
Go Dharmic volunteers donating food
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Hanuman Dass, Founder and Chairman of Go Dharmic
have gone extinct. We are destroying our planet’s biodiversity by the way we live. We cannot continue to this fast pace of waste and consumption. Go Dharmic brings people together to spread happiness through different humanitarian activities and a social business, Good Karma Store for the community. The store operates with a twist- as all the items within the store do not have prices. The Store would like customers to find an item they love and decide what they would pay for it and make an offer. If the offer stands to be reasonable, Good Karma Store will accept it and the item goes with the customer. All the proceeds raised from the store will help in feeding the most vulnerable in the UK through food distribution. Many volunteers within the local community have come ahead with Go Dharmic and are offering their time to help support important causes and help a lot of families across the UK and the world. Beyond taking individual actions, an effective way to work towards a more sustainable future is to support non-profit organisations that are actively working to solve some of the world’s most crucial environmental problems.
■ Shefali Saxena
he Covid-19 pandemic has brought two massive changes with it - one, is the consciousness among people about nutrition and healthy food, second, having a second source of income, which is not necessarily a monetary affair, but in fact a passion project. Many people left big cities, moved back to their hometowns and started their own small businesses or finally gave wings to their dream project.
Curry Leaf Podi
Some got the chance to take a step back, reflect and plan better for their future and enhance their business strategy. We spoke to two women who run their own businesses to know how they navigated through the pandemic and what makes their effort worth our investment. Gobble Wobble is a brand that makes millet-based food for children that is not just healthy but delicious too. Its founders Vandhana and Nandini grew up in millet eating households, so they were trying to explore ways to get their own kids to enjoy the benefits of these wonderful grains. “For us, it had to check the ‘health and nutrition' boxes, for the kids it had to check the ‘exciting & interesting food’ boxes,” Nandini told ABPL. Nandini mentioned that Gobble Wobble started with a core team of four and now are slowly expanding. Gobble Wobble currently has one product, Millet Munchies (Chocolate flavour). It comes in a 200g box & a 56
Subha J Rao
20g pouch. It can be consumed as a breakfast cereal or anytime snack. (200g = Rs 200/- 20g = Rs 20/-) What makes them different from other brands in the industry, is that they are a millet-based food brand primarily for children. Nandini said, “We’ve taken the task of using these nutritious grains pretty seriously. We don’t use them just for namesake but have taken care to use a whole variety of millets in our products because each variety of millet is unique and comes with its own nutrition and health
Horsegram Podi
benefits. Also, our products do not contain refined flour, additives, artificial colours or preservatives.” Nandini specified that her team was working on products for a year and a half prior to the pandemic. The pandemic itself caused a lot of delays in starting the business, but now with slowly easing restrictions things are looking up. “We are working on expanding our product range at the moment and you
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
can expect to see more products by the end of the year,” Nandini said. Senior journalist Subha J Rao who writes for Gaon Connection English, The News Minute, Firstpost, The Hindu, HuffPost, became a Covid volunteer during the pandemic. Speaking to ABPL, she said, “I was volunteering meals for those with
Vandhana and Nandini
Covid and those recovering and handling calls for oxygen and Remdesivir requests. It got very stressful because you were really not able to help the way you wanted to. Even at work, I was editing copies of the Covid situation, which was very dire. Everything was out of control and I desperately wanted to do something where I could control the outcome. My requirement was that basic. “I've always been fond of cooking and decided to retail my idli podi, after three precious friends (Saee, Shriya Shetty and Megha Polali) suggested I do that. We began with idli and then slowly expanded to nine podis. I work directly with farmers to source my raw material and have got them tested for purity too. What I love best is the feedback that the podis remind them of home and childhood. This enterprise marries my love for cooking with my fascination for organic farming. I pay the farmers a very fair price (above Mrp) and compensate them for every extra bit of work.”
A Time of Transition
For a fifth time, I've been invited to viewing it as unfriendly write on my life as a British graduate competition. The Raghuvamsha student studying Indian languages at tells the story of multiple the University of California, Los generations of Rama's family. I Angeles. This series started in 2016, read the section describing King during my first year in LA. Now, in Dilipa and his wife Sudakshina's 2021, the period I've always known struggle to have a child. Advised to was coming (without ever quite propitiate a wondrous cow, believing in) has arrived: the Dilipa courageously defends sixth and last year of my PhD. It's her after a lion attacks. The a time of change not only for me, lion turns out to be an illusion but for the world, as people on created to test his resolve; both sides of the Atlantic the cow praises Dilipa's piety cautiously resume a more normal life after and Sudakshina becomes pregnant. I was the restrictions and anxieties of the darkest moved by both the beautiful poetry and hours of the pandemic. Many UCLA classes the dramatic story. After my summer (including all I was involved in) were Sanskrit reading, data collection for the conducted remotely from March 2020 all the dissertation is finally complete. All that's way through the last academic year. I didn't left is to finish writing up the actual prose. see any of my professors in person during It seems straightforward, but as always that time or until returning to LA after the there are plenty of other calls on my time, summer. Many more classes and events are so I need to budget it wisely. One of my being conducted in person this autumn, most important responsibilities is teaching although others remain online. I've been undergraduates. I'm teaching Latin this enormously enjoying catching up in person term, mostly to students who already with everybody, finally being able to took two terms of Latin last year socialise with my colleagues in a relatively (although, due to the pandemic, some of unrestricted manner and being back in Anahita loves nothing better than reading! them are physically on campus for the physical classrooms, although having to first time!). Although they're still wear a mask indoors can be annoying, especially when I'm learning important points of grammar, they now know the one teaching. enough to read extended passages; I'm really enjoying My most important objective for this year is to finally guiding them through this. finish my dissertation, which is about verbs in Sanskrit and I'm also taking a few language classes myself, including Middle Indic (a group of ancient and medieval languages, Avestan and Hindi. Avestan, the language in which the related to Sanskrit but less archaic than it; they include Pali, Zoroastrian scriptures are written, is an ancient Iranian Maharashtri and Apabhramsha). Over the last few years, I've language closely related to Sanskrit and particularly similar built up several spreadsheets containing hundreds of verbs to the language of the Vedas. For these reasons, I think from different texts, languages and time periods. My gaining proficiency in Avestan is an important part of my completed dissertation will use this data to describe education. I haven't had the opportunity to become as good changes in verb usage from Vedic times up to the early at Avestan as Sanskrit, but I'm happy to have had the second millennium AD. Although collecting the data was opportunity to take a few classes in it over the course of my tedious sometimes, it gave me the opportunity to read many PhD. I hope I'll be able to read some Avestan texts this year. delightful literary works and practise my language skills. At I started taking Hindi, slightly over a year ago, because the beginning of 2021, I read the latest text that I'm using, after reading so many texts in Sanskrit and Middle Indic I an Apabhramsha story written in Gujarat by the Jain author wanted to add a modern Indian language to my repertoire. Somaprabha. It is part of the Kumarapalapratibodha (Unfortunately, Gujarati is not taught at UCLA.) This was my ('Instruction of Kumarapala'), a collection of stories supposed first attempt in at least eight years to learn to speak a to have been told to King Kumarapala by the Jain teacher language, since although I'm constantly learning languages Hemacandra, the king's respect for whom was legendary. I usually stay in the safe zone of 'dead' languages. This Not surprisingly, the Apabhramsha contains many words allows me to avoid the struggle of navigating conversations with close parallels in Gujarati. in real time. I have to admit that speaking and understanding I also enjoyed reading parts of three much earlier Hindi is much harder for me than reading and writing, but I Sanskrit works, the Ramayana, Ashvaghosha's hope to continue taking classes for a full second year while Buddhacarita and Kalidasa's Raghuvamsha, over the finishing up the dissertation, which should give me plenty of summer. I was of course already familiar with Rama's story practice. I'm also enjoying learning about Indian culture and had read the entire Ramayana in translation, but the while working on my language skills. This term my instructor other two poems were new to me as well as very interesting. is introducing us to the works of Premchand, which I find Ashvaghosha is said to have been a brahmin who converted fascinating. Times of transition and uncertainty are always to Buddhism and became a Buddhist monk. His poetic treatment of the life of the Buddha, written in elegant challenging, but I'm doing my best to prepare for the next Sanskrit, was intended to show that the Buddha's teaching stage in my life and hopefully looking forward to new was actually the final completion of brahmin learning and adventures. May the year to come bring Asian Voice that therefore brahmins should embrace it rather than readers, too, prosperity and success in all their undertakings!
Anahita Hoose's Sanskrit Studies in Los Angeles draw to an end
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
fflicted with polio from a young age, Arun Patel’s life as a boy is full of challenges, both physical and mental. With the influence of his demanding father and loving mother, Arun manages to survive and thrive despite the disability that would otherwise define his life. By meeting his father’s pressure to excel head-on, he succeeds in school and finds his way to London for an accountancy profession. When his family
follows, after being forcefully expelled from Uganda, he again rises to the occasion and takes over as breadwinner for his entire family. With his ability to focus on the positive and reframe life’s difficulties as “opportunities disguised as challenges,” he goes on to take advantage of every chance for an extraordinary life. In Out of My Way, Polio! Arun Patel navigates an unusual journey certain to intrigue anyone who wonders about or faces life with physical handicaps. He narrates numerous minor incidences often laced with witty and humorous streak which subsequently turn out to be big building blocks for optimising his talents in academics, sports, professional, travel and spiritual pursuits. Ultimately founding two charities for the benefit of children with polio as well as other underprivileged children, Arun finds ways to give back while sharing his story of positivity, hope, and struggle. Arun has imbibed Sadhguru’s wisdom to guide him for the remainder of his life’s journey : “Make sure that your work touches the lives of others, else just sit and meditate.” He has no plans to just sit and meditate. It is Arun’s sincere hope and desire that his life’s stories and experiences will inspire all readers,not just the disabled or the professionals or the meditators,and help at least some of them to overcome their challenges.
The book has received more than 50 five star reviews within the first six weeks of publication. Here is what some of them have to say: • "This is an engaging, inspirational and splendid read which I cannot recommend too highly. Read now and get a more positive perspective on life's trials and tribulations and perhaps stop feeling sorry for one's lot….." - George • "This page turner is a story of grit, a deep desire to succeed and what became a Herculean effort to serve others…" - Nick • "This book is for students, businessmen, family heads, the physically challenged and anyone seeking success in a life full of insuperable hurdles. Read, Enjoy, Learn & Share.……." - Steven • "Reading for a 2nd time……." - Amyn • "No time in the book does Arun reflect any sign of self-pity, a truly admirable quality throughout his life, we can all learn from that…….." Razia
You can order your copy of Out of My Way, Polio! by visiting: Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
Keeping the saree alive From supporting traditional Indian weavers to preserving Indian heritage
■ WHILE WE ALL SAT IN OUR PYJAMAS AND COMFORTABLE CLOTHES FOR ALMOST 18 MONTHS DURING THE PANDEMIC, SOME RESORTED TO ONLINE SHOPPING, MANY DIDN’T SHOP AT ALL. THERE WERE NO WEDDINGS TO ATTEND, PARTIES TO FLAUNT NEW DRESSES, AND FESTIVALS WERE SOBER BECAUSE WE ALL WERE GOING THROUGH OUR OWN SHARE OF PANDEMIC GRIEF. Shefali Saxena ne day, Atrayee Bandhyopadhyay, founder of Indian Handloom Saree boutique TuliRekha rang the weavers in India to place orders, but all of those calls went unanswered. She was in a bit of a shock after not being able to connect with them. It was only later that she realised that most of them were out of jobs and low on income because no one was buying or ordering handwoven sarees. Some of those weavers had taken up other daily waged jobs in India to feed their families. Explaining what it takes to source handloom sarees from India to the UK, Atrayee said, “It takes a long time to work with the weavers since I live far away. Tele-communication is less effective than face to face especially since there are language and dialect barriers. A lot of discussion goes into making a single saree. It takes 3-6 months in making and a further couple of weeks to ship them to the UK. Atrayee mentioned she keeps a very low-profit margin to encourage people to buy authentic fabrics, handwoven and handcrafted Handloom products.” “The knowledge about fabrics and sarees in the UK among British Indians is disappointing. Misinformation is predominant. This was one of the main reasons I was inspired to hold exhibitions and provide know-how through my social media pages,” she added. During TuliRekha’s initial years, Atrayee focused a lot
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Fusion Saree, ensemble of all Bengal weaves, featuring Dhakai, Kantha, Baluchori, Tant, Gamchaa
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Roshni Mukherjee in her Diwali saree
more on authentic Silks and Tussars. “India is the only country that currently produces all four types of natural silk, I try to collect all kinds,” she said. Explaining her passion project, Atrayee said, “TuliRekha caters to those comfortable with understated sophistication and authenticity. Our clientele represents class, elegance and simplicity, inspired by the 70s and 80s style of block prints, intricate hand-embroideries and exquisite quality fabrics! We keep only handwoven (Handloom) products hence our customers are inclined towards heritage weaves and traditional style. Many of our clients are from US and India; in the UK we are gaining popularity among the South Indian community and of course the Bengali community.” Prices at TuliRekha range from £40-£200 depending on the fabric and embroidery. South Indian Silks and Tussars are the most desired, closely followed by South cotton and silk cotton. Roshni Mukherjee, a full-time banker - Head of Operations of ICICI Bank in the UK, formed Myosutra in 2017. The name Myosutra is derived from her love for Buddist chanting, which means ‘mystic source’ or ‘mystic sutra’. She told us that during those times, Indians, normally went to India to shop for the entire year. What they bring becomes the fashion of that moment and the next day it probably goes out of trend. Roshni believes that there are not many options in the UK besides one corner of Green Street or some online shops based in India that ship worldwide. Shipping charges were extraordinarily high. “I thought that there should be something that should bridge this gap for the Asian community. My intent was like if in Kolkata, we go to New Market to do our shopping during the Pujo, the Diwali or our Navaratra show or for any 62
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other locations, for the Asians here, it should be very easily accessible, and they should be able to do with some festival advice. I even wanted to promote the various fabrics of India, which are not known. So people only know about Banarasi or Kanjeevaram because they are widely worn. They are well-marketed sarees. Whereas, Dhakai, Kantha, Baluchori, Tant, Gamchaa, are such good heritage of our country, but because they're not very well marketed people or the non-Asian diaspora do not know about it. So these are the goals that I always had in mind when I started,” Roshni explained. There was no looking back after that for Mukherjee. She has a huge client base in the UK, but also ships worldwide. Roshni supports traditional weavers and marries contemporary designs with heritage fabric. Her Harry Potter saree is very popular with the teenagers in this country because and the other product is her very popular design of the London skyline. Roshni also models herself for her work at Myosutra. The next time you think you know all about sarees and online shopping, remember our weavers back home, who need support from people like us to keep the tradition alive.
Atrayee Bandyopadhyay
Wishing everyone a very happy, healthly, peaceful and prosperous Diwali and New Year “Making quality healthcare an affordable and accessible reality throughout the world” | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
Make way for sustainable fashion
It is believed that textiles can take up to 200+ years to decompose in landfills.
Rupali Shinde
job at the bank, or the flip side of being at home, in a saree or salwar kameez. Our designs are heavily influenced by the classic shirts and blouses of the 70s and 80s,” Shilpa told ABPL. “I founded the label with my love for making, which was inherently a learnt skill from a childhood of having clothes made for myself by firstly, grandparents and then my mother. She is the one that taught me how to sew, and by this, I mean really use a dressmaking pattern, and operate the domestic sewing machine. How to pin the fabric, and how to cut. All before I hit 10 years old might I add,” she
added. When she decided to launch her hile many labels are busy label, she always knew how it is going producing worrisome textile to be. Her journey began by creating waste, ‘House of Bilimoria’ designs in her childhood using her is advocating sustainable fashion. mother’s sarees, using resource items According to a study in Europe, the that were not being used. UK is the fourth-largest producer of Reincarnation Programme textile waste. Most of the developed The best part of House of countries discard their clothes which Bilimoria is people can return their end up in landfills and it is believed items instead of dumping them. that textiles can take up to 200+ Shilpa and her team believe in years to decompose in landfills. recycling the cloth than creating a Having the same concern, Shilpa brand new one. She said, “We Bilimoria decided to bring in a label actually luxury upcycle, or what we that will not only make its mark call 'luxcycle', second hand, heirloom owing to its unique designs but will and vintage textiles. We take this to be environment friendly. the next level, even after Shilpa’s main the purchase with our objective in launching a 'Reincarnation Programme' label was to pay homage where customers can to her parents. She was return their items once born and raised in Surrey, done and we offer them a BC, to Gujarati parents, 30% voucher towards their with her mother born in next item, and we take on Kenya, East Africa and the responsibility of the her father in Mumbai, and previous garment.” now in Greater London as Though many are still their home. Her family unaware of the need for heritage and legacy is sustainable fashion, Shilpa where her journey into finds it relieving that this world of textiles and people are becoming sustainability began. more aware and Celebrating family conscious of their choices, legacy but it still has a very long Shilpa who comes way to go. from a family of tailors Currently, House of has an innate skill of Bilimoria has launched creating designs. She 'Shirt Stories', where they looks up to her mother are inviting like-minded whom she saw create and audiences to tell them tailor her whole life. “She about a special shirt that is the one who taught me they have or have been how to use a traditional touched by in their lives. dressmaking pattern. She Interested can give their always used to dress submissions via social elegantly, whether it was media or email. Shilpa sporting her new collection 'Shirt Story' a power suit for her day
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Diwali and New Year
from The Mehta Family
Introducing India’s only and first ‘Master of Wine’
Breaking the glass ceiling with exquisite taste
48-year-old Sonal Holland is India’s only and first master of wine. She believes that hard work, perseverance can take you places. Before earning the title, Holland worked in the corporate sector. However, she always wanted to do something unique and that led her to the wine industry. Speaking exclusively to ABPL, Holland said, “My journey started 14 years ago when I decided to switch my corporate career with something unique which will allow me to showcase my talent and skill set. I looked at many industries and the wine industry caught my eye as it was very nascent at that point in time, there was a handful of wine producers making wine, but there were limited wines available in India and an absolute dearth of wine professionals. I thought if India had to have a thriving wine industry, then there would come a day when there would be a need of qualified wine professionals, then I decided to study about it and build a career in this industry.” When Sonal began her career, she had no clue about the industry. She proudly mentions that it was her husband who introduced her to the idea of becoming a master of wine. She said, “My husband told me to read about the master of wine Jancis Robinson, who is the world’s most prolific wine writer and the most influential wine voice. When I read about the Master of Wine, I realised that it is the world’s most respected title in the world of wine, and it is a difficult title to earn because there are many exams to pass.” However, it was challenging for Holland because there were no proper means to study wines in India. Her only opportunity was in London because it is considered as Mecca of wine education. 66
Sonal Holland
Sonal pursued wine courses at Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) in London. “It took me 10 years to become master of wine, had to complete basic foundation level studies, then completing my two years of diploma, then applying to the institute of masters of wine and then becoming first Indian to even being accepted in the program, then further five-six years to earn the master of wine title. It was lots of hard work, lots of perseverance, lots of setbacks, lots of reminding myself that I can do this
hospitality leaders and tried to convince them to educate their employees about the wine education program. Today, she has trained hundreds and thousands of people. She launched India Wine Awards in 2017, a one-ofits-kind wine competition, which ranks the best domestic and international available wine in India.
and should not give up,” Sonal elaborated. While she was studying for the title, in 2009, she launched Sonal Holland Wine Academy two years after she started her own wine studies. “I felt that we needed proper wine education in India, as not everyone can’t afford to travel to London and study about wine, and study about the industry. In the early days, it was not easy to convince people to take up wine courses,” Sonal told ABPL. She recollects how she met hoteliers and general managers and
go for the title. “Not only men but women too doubted me, one of them said, you are married to a great family, why do you need a career?” she said. Sonal is now the owner of wine retail stores - three in Mumbai and two in Bangalore by the name Wine2Wine. She has also started importing wines, creating her own portfolio, which goes by the name Sonal Holland Master Select, where she chooses a handful of award-winning worlds recognised wineries from around the world of brands that she could represent here in India.
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Like others, Mrs Holland too had her moments when she was judged for her choice and considered as young to
Nitin Mehta MBE
The Beatles in India
fter two devastating World Wars Britain entered an optimistic era in the 1960s. The wartime hardships were coming to an end. Food rationing had been phased out and compulsory conscription to the army came to an end. A new generation of young adults was eager to taste the fruits of freedom. Young people began to stand up for their beliefs, feminism became a powerful force spearheading women's rights. Music was the driving force that gave release to the young people longing for a life of fun and carefree existence. The stage was set for the appearance of the most famous Rock Band the Beatles to appear on the stage. Four young men namely John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star and George Harrison formed the Band in Liverpool in 1960 and became the most famous Musicians in History with 600 million records sold. An era of free love, drugs and counterculture spread like wildfire. Songs like, 'All you need is Love'(1967) and 'Give Peace a Chance'(1969) articulated the feelings of millions of young people. John and Yoko Lennon's, 'Give Peace a Chance' became a national anthem for those opposing America's war with Vietnam.
To add to these extraordinary times there arrived a spiritual Guru from India by the name of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Maharishi was giving a talk at the Hilton Hotel, Park Lane on 24 August 1967. Encouraged by Pattie Boyd, the spouse of George Harrison, all four Beatles went to listen to the Maharishi. According to Pattie they were spellbound by the talk. Maharishi invited the Beatles to a retreat he had organised in Bangor, Wales. They attended the retreat for a weekend. In 1968 at the height of their worldwide fame George Harrison persuaded John, Paul and Ringo to go to India and visit the Maharishi's ashram in Rishikesh on the banks of the Ganges. Also present at the Ashram were actress Mia Farrow who had just had a divorce from Frank Sinatra, Mike Love of the Beach Boys and folk singer Donovan. The Beatles spent their time in Rishikesh eating vegetarian food, learning Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation as well as writing and composing songs around forty of them. From the time he started preaching in 1959 Maharishi had talked about the Vedic derived TM which could bring about a peaceful world. He claimed that world peace would come if as 68
rich, but what was it all for. Paul has been a passionate campaigner of vegetarianism and along with a vegetarian diet he does his favourite Yoga posture of Headstand to keep healthy. Amongst the very famous people practising TM are Oprah Winfrey and Hedge fund billionaire Ray Dallas.
The arrival of another spiritual giant from India
Nitin Mehta
little as 1% of the world population practised TM. In 1975 the results of the first scientific research on TM were announced. There was a statistically significant reduction in crime rates in 12 American cities when the threshold of 1% of each city's population practising the TM technique was reached. According to Paul McCartney TM helped wean the Beatles from LSD and inspired them to write new songs. In 2009 Paul commented that TM was a gift the Beatles had received from the Maharishi at a time they were looking for something to stabilise them, At another time Paul had said that it was great to be famous and
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On Sunday, September 19, 1965, at the age of 69 Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada arrived in New York with the aim of bringing the whole of India's spiritual and cultural heritage to Americans and to all of the world. After years of struggle, Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan movement gathered pace and he instructed some of his devotees to go to London and start a preaching centre. In 1968 three American married couples, Gurudas and Yamuna Devi Dasi, Syamsundara Dasa and Malati Devi Dasi(along with their baby daughter Sarasvati) and Mukund Dasa and Janaki Devi arrived in London to fulfil the wishes of their spiritual master. Syamsundara was able to make contact with George Harrison and
(Continued to
he invited the devotees to record the Hare Krishna Mantra in his studio. The Mantra became a big hit and was featured in the then very famous programme, ' Top of the Pops'. Hare Krishna's became a household name in the UK! George Harrison asked Dhananjay Das, who happens to be my friend, to find a big place on the outskirts of London so as to start a big centre for the growing movement. A 17 acre Manor House was bought in 1973 in Hertfordshire. George Harrison gifted the Manor to the Hare Krishna movement. At one time George Harrison chanted nonstop while driving from France to Portugal. Before his death, Swami Prabhpada gave his finger ring to George Harrison in recognition of his great service to the movement.
The Fight to Save the Manor
Beginning from 1981 the local Hertsmere Council began to put restrictions on the Manor which accelerated to the point that they wanted the Manor shut down. I was
privileged to be on the first committee formed to save the Manor under the leadership of the then president of the temple Akhandadhi Das. Frank Ward, a Hertsmere Councillor who was also on the committee became one of the most outspoken supporters of the campaign. The immediate concern was to raise funds to fight the campaign. I suggested a charity walk which would serve three purposes. It would mobilise the Hindu community, it would bring awareness of the issue to many more people and raise funds. A very successful walk took place and a substantial amount of money was raised. At times it looked like the campaign to save the temple will not succeed and the devotees were dejected. On one such occasion, the devotees went to meet C.B Patel publisher of the Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar. CB said giving up cannot be an option for followers of Krishna and gave them his full backing and the publications took up the cause which brought
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life back to the campaign and galvanised the community. Devotees still remember CB for his unflinching support. A huge number of other people helped the campaign whom I am not mentioning here as the topic is different except Pranabandhu Das and other devotees who fasted for days outside the headquarters of the Liberal Party and the 38,000 people who took part in a demonstration to save the Manor. Many of the brave devotees courted arrest In 1996 the Manor won the campaign to save the temple and a road was built to bypass the village of Aldenham which was the centre of contention for the local villagers. The Hare Krishna movement has now spread all over the world and the devotees are eager to bring the chanting of the holy names to every village, town and city as desired by Swami Prabhpada. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi also wanted the Transcendental Meditation to be practised in every village, town and city and his disciples are also working at it.
VALLABH YOUTH ORGANISATION he last 18 months have been like no other. With T the COVID pandemic making the work of charitable organisations such as VYO established by HDH Shri Vrajrajkumarji Mahodayshri even more important. Social, humanitarian and medical support for communities in need is at the core of VYO’s work and at the start of the pandemic, the demand for such help skyrocketed. As a result, VYO committed to a number of initiatives to support many communities that needed critical help. Through a Seva Sankalp drive, food parcels were sent to many townships in India, Kenya, USA and in the UK hot food was served to the homeless and low-income families. The pressure on the NHS staff was unprecedented at this time and by way of our gratitude for their dedication VYO supplied parcels filled with chocolate, fruit and water to hospitals for distribution to all staff members. Balham Mandir run by VYO South London has diligently been serving the community through several activities throughout the pandemic. Since May 2020, hot meals, as well as hygiene kits, have been provided at Croydon Nightwatch supporting the homeless people. The local food banks have been replenished, Christmas goodie bags provided to the people suffering from domestic violence as well as fruits etc supplied to the local hospitals such as St George’s Hospital in Tooting, Croydon University Hospital in Croydon and Queen Elizabeth Hospital in London borough of Lewisham. Further, free tiffin meals to the vulnerable people in South London have been delivered with Sewa Kitchen. This sewa activity by Balham Mandir continues. VYO prides itself on being able to adapt quickly to the needs of our communities and with the help of our volunteer teachers we were able to quickly move our VYO education classes to be continued by zoom. At this difficult time, it was particularly important for the mental wellbeing of the students and their families that we provided additional support and they were therefore encouraged to participate in freely provided singing, art and yoga classes. They took part in online workshops competitions and performances. We invite all the children to join the free education classes on Hinduism that take place in Harrow, Wembley, Finchley, Balham and Leicester. Regular satsangs for the wider community continued virtually, through the Prabhu Padhramni drive. One benefit of having to take these initiatives online was the added international participation. VYO also ensured major spiritual functions such as Holi, Janmashtami, Diwali and Bhai Beej were celebrated online whilst also hosting an Akhand Yamunastak Path at Balham Mandir.
Besides regular online satsangs, Balham Mandir has also run much appreciated interactive cooking shows and bhajans by various artists. VYO’s attempt to support the mental wellbeing of our members during these difficult times resulted in our sponsoring a 10-day Katha to be shown on television. In India, VYO responded quickly when hospitals were overwhelmed by the dramatic rise in Covid cases. Our supporters in the UK helped to raise funds for 4 oxygen plants to be installed in hospitals in Vadodara, Rajkot and other cities in Gujarat. In total VYO installed 29 oxygen plants. This type of long-term medical assistance will provide support to these communities’ postpandemic. More recently, our spiritual leader HDH Shri Vrajrajkumarji Mahodayshri resolved to enhance the quality of life of 100,000 visually impaired people in India. This call was responded to with astounding speed and generosity. Here in the UK, VYO supporters have so far provided funds for 4,960 smart sticks whilst globally VYO has collected sufficient funds for over 50,000 smart sticks. We look forward to continuing our spiritual and charitable work in the future. For more information or to volunteer please contact VYO UK on the email address
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
A scene from "Strangers on a (Dublin) Train"
Shefali Saxena
Can Bollywood pull off a Modern Love?
odern Love is a series that most often isn’t watched to be critiqued. It’s like Chicken Soup For The Soul for your late 20s and 30s and 40s, that you read in your preteens. Unlike Season 1, Season 2 of Modern Love on Amazon Prime Video which is based on the real-life stories published in the New York Times, has something for every age group. Modern Love is a reminder that true cinema lovers watch films and shows for catharsis and they tend to find answers and solutions to their real-life problems, howsoever unrelated they may be to the anthology. Modern Love is that therapist who comes once in a year with eight stories to wake you up from slumber, nudge your complacency when it comes to loving people and loving yourself, and then leaves you all triggered and almost in an epiphany to buck up in real life (which anyway is stuck in 2019 or 2020 for most people in the world since the pandemic began). It’s a show in the disguise of goal setting. For the unaware, Modern Love is an eight-part series with 30 minute short films strung together to tell stories of
modern love. It is streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Modern Love is like a supermarket where you get all you need. You just have to find it. Here’s a review of each of the eight parts, but with a comparison to what we see in Indian films and TV.
"On a Serpentine Road, With the Top Down"
This story is about a woman who doesn’t want to part ways with her old sports car because that’s the only way for her to reconnect with her deceased husband. This is perhaps the most beautiful and the best story of the eight-part anthology. The USP of the story is the conversation she shares with her second husband who wants her to sell off the car, tells him how she still loves and misses her first husband and how they both surrender to each other in what you may call the most maturely warm confrontation between a married couple that doesn’t end up in a riot but opens up a huge room for understanding between people who may not always agree with each other. I cannot recollect any particular film or show like this in Indian cinema. The closest this comes to is Kapoor&Sons’
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scene where Ratna Pathak Shah slips her feet into her husband’s slippers after he passes away. That’s the most we can do in Hindi films to remember a deceased husband. We’re yet to see a widow remarried in Indian films where the husband embraces his wife’s past. Perhaps we’ve got a long way to go to reach the serpentine road in Bollywood.
"The Night Girl Finds a Day Boy"
What happens when two polar opposite people fall in love at first sight, only to realise later that they are in fact totally different from each other, and one person cannot change themselves for the other due to a medical condition. This story is about how you make reasonable and unreasonable compromises to keep the fire burning in a relationship despite logistic nightmares and how it is but natural to give up at some point of time when one person is a night person (not by choice) and the other has a day job. Bollywood has in fact made the exact opposite of what this version is. Films like Abhimaan (starring Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan), and to some extent Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (the
sexuality, commitments and friendships. This is Ae Dil Hai Mushkil (Ayan-Alizeh) lite version. As youngsters discover their sexuality and love interests, they somewhat remind you of Student of The Year and other cliche high school films with young love, broken hearts and a parle of confusing events that eventually lead to wisdom. A scene from "In the Waiting Room of Estranged Spouses"
"Strangers on a (Dublin) Train"
SRK-Preity pairing).
Jon Snow meets a girl on the train in a perfect ‘Before Sunrise’ theme. More than their forcefully staged chemistry, there are other little moments that stand out. What it does highlight is the onset of the pandemic and how many people thought they’d meet after a twoweek lockdown, which eventually ended up being implemented for more than a year in most countries. This part inevitably reminds you of Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’s scene at King’s Cross St Pancreas Station between SRK and Kajol, Bachna Ae Haseeno, Jab Harry Met Sejal and all rosy Yash Raj films that involve a journey.
"A Life Plan for Two, Followed by One" and "Am I...? Maybe This Quiz Game Will Tell Me"
These two somehow fall in the same category where teenagers and young love navigate through their
"In the Waiting Room of Estranged Spouses"
Imagine Sanjeev Kumar and Jaya Bhaduri ending up falling in love after meeting up at a therapy clinic in Silsila together. This short film is that. When you end up dating your spouse’s boyfriend’s ex-wife (read it again), only to later know that both your cheater wife and her boyfriend aren’t together anymore? Sounds twisted, but Modern Love crew detangles this knot, one thread at a time. It’s better on screen than on paper.
Indian TV producer, they’d have only introduced you to a lead character by the end of the 29th minute by showing their eyes or shoes with freeze frame and a cliffhanger at the 30th minute with dramatic sound. Fortunately, god be with us, this story tells the tale of a love affair, a passionate one night stand between two gay men (a black and a white man) until they finally cross each other’s path in the end like strangers who were once together. The USP of this story is that the director shows both perspectives, by repeating the same scene twice from the lens of both the characters. They play with your judgement till the end and leave you baffled, but rightly so.
"Second Embrace, With Hearts and Eyes Open"
If you believe in reconciliation or marrying your ex-husband or ex-wife is
"How Do You Remember Me?"
You’re holding hands with your current potential love interest and walking down the street when you spot someone you have a past with. Someone you developed feelings for and Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, had a passionate one night stand Sanjeev Kumar and Rekha in Silsila with them. The writers of Modern Love Season 2 use this distance of on your mind, then this one’s for you! about 100 metres and turn it into a 30It’s about those little details that only minute long story with utmost finesse. If spouses remember about each other the same plot were to be given to an and about testing times when no matter how bad the past was, you need that person to embrace you, by your side. Bollywood will end up making history if it attempts such a movie. Modern Love Season 2 is embalming for the times we live in. For those who are averse to the idea of happy endings and warm love stories in 2021, keep your hand on your heart and ask yourself, ‘Don’t I need a hug?’ Modern Love Season 2 is that.
DDLJ: Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol at King's Cross Station
Directors: Andrew Rannells, Celine Held, Logan George, John Carney Streaming on: Amazon Prime Video
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
Hula Hoop queen @ 70 Get off the sofa and workout at least 30 mins a day
Pritpal Kaur aka Hula Hoop Kaur doing her favourite workout
ge is just a number that aptly fits for 70-year-old youngster Pritpal Kaur who at this age has become an internet sensation. She is now known as ‘Hula Hoop Kaur’ for her love of hula hooping. When the lockdown began and gyms were shut down, she started doing the hula hooping and then there was no looking back. She considered doing the workout at home by watching YouTube videos, but most of them involved jumping, which was not good for joints. Wife of Rajinder Singh MBE, who is popularly known as ‘Skipping Sikh’, Kaur also got inspired by her daughter Minreet, who by profession is a journalist with hula-hooping skills. She recalls picking up her daughter’s hula hoop when the latter was a child. After spending few weeks learning it, she got a hang of it, and she realised that she was getting pretty good. She could feel her core strengthening and her cardio fitness improving. Later, she switched to a fitness ring that weighs 1.4kg, which was an upgraded version. Every day she started working up to an hour trying to balance the hoop. She learned some hula hoop tricks, like swinging it around arms or neck. Helping Afghan women Along with the need to stay fit and created awareness about the same, mother, daughter also wanted to raise some funds for Afghan women who were suffering due to Taliban crises. To aid Afghan women, both initiated a hula hoop
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
challenge and were able to raise around £138. “It was a one-day event where we held this at the Nuffield health gym where lots of members came and joined in,” said Minreet Kaur. She further added that they are looking to do something else at Christmas for a kid’s charity where they will conduct the hula hoop challenge. No excuses Mrs Pritpal never makes an excuse when it comes to visiting the gym, praying, and staying active. She also motivates herself by praying every day morning and night, she meditates as well. Along with this, she always carries a positive attitude and loves spreading smiles. She loves and enjoys doing things that challenge her, she doesn’t shy away from learning the same. Apart from learning the hula hooping, she learnt to ride a bike and skipping as well. Many people now have started recognising her at the gym as they see her on social media. Pritpal’s daughter Minreet added such is her energy, that many approach her for hula hoop training. In a message for youngsters, Mrs Pritpal told ABPL, “Get off the sofa, get active, don’t be lazy and workout at least 30 mins a day. Useless social media and do sports activities.” She not only believes in the mantra of ‘health is wealth’, but she also encourages everyone to hula hoop and says everyone can learn to hula hoop if they give it a go.
Kindness in the time of Corona Wearing a mask is kindness in the pandemic Mahisatvika Bhamidipati & Priya Swapnika Bhamidipati Ernesford Grange Community Academy, Coventry
Kindness is a type of behaviour presenting generosity, consideration for one another. It is an act that doesn’t require a reward or prize, yet kindness doesn’t cost anything in order for it to be performed. During the pandemic showing kindness was very tricky as not only did people had to look after each other but there was all this confusion in the atmosphere. As simple as a smile was masked away, besides everyone looked after each other trying to end and put the pandemic to bed. The overwhelming messages for the key workers was just the correct type of kindness needed. This motivated those who weren't motivated to find the motivation and strive through the earth's crisis. Yet there were so many limitations. What kept us going was the kindness shown from person to person. The spread of these simple things is what made it a better place. Kindness is a thing we shouldn’t let anyone take it away from someone and it should not ever change because kindness can potentially make someone's day. If the world is in a global pandemic or the world is ending, sometimes kindness is all we ever need and without it, life will be negative and people will not look the same way. An example of kindness is wearing a mask even in the pandemic, wearing a mask prevented the spread and looking after us and each other was the most kindness anyone could possibly have shown and demonstrated. Even though the pandemic was a big problematic problem finding ways and showing kindness towards one and another was one of the most important things. Kindness is important more than anything.
‘People will never forget how you made them feel’ Vilina Ananya, Sanskruti Centre for Cultural Excellence
Pandemics can take a huge toll on individuals, could be due to physical factors of a disease or the mental issues that accompany it. The Covid19 pandemic has been overwhelming for many and for them, a simple factor will completely change their world – kindness. When somebody needs help during a pandemic, the first place they are likely to look for help are among their loved ones, family members or community and the reason for this is the kindness that is guaranteed there. A simple smile can do so much for a person and completely change their mood as if the smile is contagious, if people are being kind this unconsciously makes us respond with positive thoughts and good vibrations because as human beings, we heavily rely on others and tend to follow especially when in need. So when someone offers support during tough times this act of kindness lets people look for the light in the darkness. We need to spread the importance of kindness during these hard times before this amazing human value starts diminishing. Kindness is such a simple idea that costs nothing apart from being friendly, generous and considerate. Many people mistakenly think that during a pandemic, the best course of action is to stockpile supplies at home. However, this could lead to low stock in supermarkets for those people who really need it especially medicines, food and daily essentials. Deliberate uses of kindness have an immense impact on others and the overall mood improves, Research suggests that when people at work are treated with kindness their energy levels are increased and biological markers of stress such as blood pressure are lowered also people feel more satisfied with their job and this leads to more productivity which is good for the company, the team and the individual. As the saying goes in the words of Maya Angelou ‘People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel’. 76
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Be compassionate
Aarna S Talegaonkar, The Green School for Girls, Isleworth The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic can be overwhelming but also vary from person to person. For some, the virus barely registers and for others, the impact is devastating to their day-to-day lives. As we move forward through these difficult times, you can see more anti-social people as they do not go outside as much as they used to because of the fear of catching this deadly virus. People got so used to texting and emailing that they forgot how to be confident. Therefore, we need to be more kind to people as it will help them be more social and not be shy. You could compliment someone. ‘You look really nice today!’, ‘Wow, that bracelet is really nice! ’ or ‘Great work!’ Little things like this would mean a lot to a person. During Covid, people were stuck at home and had no company, vulnerable people couldn’t leave their homes. It is important to be kind and help these people by having regular conversations, assuring everything will be fine and helping them in buying daily groceries, medicines. Being kind to people during these difficult times helped them reduce stress, eased their anxiety and bought them happiness and made me even happier and gave me a sense of satisfaction. When we help others, they also feel that it’s their moral responsibility to help others going through hard times. This way we get even more helping hands, and everyone understands how important it is to contribute back to the people in need. If you are kind to people around you, you naturally become a lot more compassionate. It is easier for you to understand what others are going through, and you are in a better position to empathize. Kindness brings with it an ability to not be judgmental, which instantly makes you better suited in any social situation.
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
Special thanks to NHS workers
Avani Mishra, Chesham Grammar School
In life, kindness plays an important role in helping everyone out, but since Covid, kindness has been life-changing for many. A little kindness can go a long way. In the Covid-19 crisis, there are many people who have been unable to leave their house due to the restrictions; others have helped these people by tending to their needs; grocery shopping, picking up medicines and making/delivering food. In Covid, it is important you protect yourself and others in every way possible. At the beginning of the pandemic, everyone was rushing to stores to stock up on different items of food and other household items. Soon things got serious and most shops were fully emptied out, unable to get as much as was being purchased. The government had to put in a rule of rationing the items that were running out so everyone could get what they needed. Showing thoughtfulness. Some people’s families live far away and they were unable to meet up, but they compromised, video calling friends and family to make sure they didn't feel lonely. Other people who did live with their family took their time in covid to connect with family members and get into different hobbies/interests. Kindness can be shown differently for each individual and spending time with those who care about you in hard situations can help. So far we have talked about what everyone was doing to help, but we must give a special thanks to the NHS workers. They put their needs aside and helped thousands of people each day, barely getting any sleep. Even when there was little room for patients the NHS devised a way to help everyone they could. We wouldn't have been able to survive through the pandemic without the pure kindness and selflessness of the NHS.
Nothing reflects better than kindness Samyukta Megeri, Llanishen High School, Cardiff
The word Covid-19 itself is not very pleasant to hear because it affected and still affecting our lives in many ways. I had to miss my school days, trips and other activities. We couldn’t meet our friends and family, couldn’t celebrate festivals and celebrations like birthdays together. Some people experienced illness, and some lost their loved ones. The effects of the Covid-19 varied from person to person. There were good things as well as bad things. But we learnt to do many good things like growing our vegetables, going on walks, helping friends etc. Helping others or getting help was not easy because of the lockdown. Most of the people suffered in many ways and sometimes we had to rely on the kindness of friends, family members and strangers. Communities come together to help neighbours and friends with shopping, cooking food and collect medicines etc. All of these are simple acts of kindness. Everyone like doctors, nurses, taxi drivers, supermarket workers, bus drivers, delivery people and teachers played an important role in helping people who were in need of help. I liked clapping for key workers every week to say thank you for their kindness. When we act with kindness, we may feel it is a simple thing. But it could be of great help for the person who benefited from our kindness. If you are in a position to help anyone please offer help. It is not necessary that you expect something in return, but it can help someone significantly. Even simple gestures go a long way. It not only makes you happier but also shows others the strength of kindness. Nothing reflects better than kindness. This pandemic showed us a new way of life. I had to do homeschooling. I missed my year 6 school trip. Although I was disappointed for missing trips, holidays and other fun things, I felt being safe is important. Taking precautions helps me to protect myself and my family members and friends. In way it is showing kindness by sacrificing a few of the fun things. Being kind doesn’t only benefit other people. It helps us too. So be kind to others and offer help when you can. 78
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Smile at least once Vihan Pandey, Dr Challoner’s Grammar School, Amersham
Despite most people being kind to each other during this pandemic, there are still some people who are ignorant during these troublesome times. To start off, one should always be nice to people in general, even without the pandemic because kindness always has a way of coming back to you. People appreciate and remember every kind of thing that you do to them and in return they also become kind. A lot of people have become very stressed and anxious during a pandemic; therefore, one should always show compassion and care to them e.g. Some might have lost a loved one due to the covid pandemic or some other illness/misfortune happened to them, therefore, we should support them as it can really help them to know that they are not alone. It is also possible that some haven’t seen a family member in a long time due to the travel restrictions and they miss their family a lot so one should tell them how important and special they are as it can help them a lot more than some people may think. Another possible scenario is that they have lost their job and are now struggling to pay their rent/bills so, if possible, we should charity with what they need. There are many key workers working day in and day out and maybe they are stressed, being kind to them goes a long way to help them cope. In conclusion, pandemic affecting people’s everyday lives, being kind to one another and respecting others makes the world a better place. I hope that you will be nicer and just a tiny bit more positive throughout your day and that you put a smile on at least one person’s face every day.
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
Be kind to yourself
Bhavishya Kala Chilukuri, Plashet Girls School- Eastham Being kind is extremely important at all times, pandemic or not. However, during the pandemic, it has become increasingly necessary. Many people have started suffering from panic attacks and/or anxiety attacks. It is important that we treat these people with care because one day we could be just like them. You may think that you- just one person might not be able to make a difference by being kind. On the contrary, one person being kind just once will set off a chain reaction which will lead to the receiver of that kindness to then show kindness to someone else and this will keep going as proven in science. Another reason to be kind is that your body will release 3 feel-good chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin. Here are 3 ways we can show kindness: Awareness – we must be aware of the opportunity to be kind by being open-minded. Non-judgmental - Do not judge someone for anything they do, instead accept them as one of your own. Action – we must act in a friendly, generous and considerate manner to the person in front of us. If you give kindness out, you will definitely get it back in return. On that note, you should also be kind to yourself as you cannot be kind to others if you are not kind to yourself. Here are a few ways you can do so: Self-awareness Being kind to yourself starts by building your self-awareness, listening to your internal voice with a sense of curiosity. What are you telling yourself, how often are you being negative or hard on yourself? Generosity - Be generous with yourself. Give yourself time, disconnect from technology for a few hours and get out into nature. Avoid comparison Beware of the danger of comparisons. Don’t fall into the trap of comparison because this is one route to lots of negative self-talk and critique, the very opposite of kindness. Recharge If you’re an introvert, as apparently 70% of us are, remember that after working or socialising with other people, after giving yourself to others, you’ll need quiet time alone to rest and recharge. This isn’t selfish, it’s necessary. And doing so means you are being friendly, generous, and considerate to yourself.
Support and encourage people
Akshar Jha, St. Elphin’s CE Primary School, Warrington In a pandemic, millions across the world get affected. In such a situation, it is very important to show kindness as it gives hope and a reason to smile. Kindness is important, but even more so in a pandemic, because people who are suffering need lots of support. The affected ones are vulnerable, physically and mentally, especially those who have lost their loved ones. You have to be kind and generous enough to show care and concern for anyone to whom you can offer support. No act of kindness is big or small. During the devastating COVID pandemic, in the United Kingdom, Captain Sir Tom Moore, 99 years old, decided to walk a hundred laps in his garden to raise a thousand pounds for our NHS warriors. But people were generous and kind enough to contribute millions of pounds. Kindness does not actually keep a record of wrongs, it is not a favour that you do to someone. When you tell a family member that you love them and appreciate them in tough times, it shows you do care about them. There are simple things you can do to show kindness to those affected by the pandemic. For example, call them, prepare food, help with chores, and spend time with people who are having a difficult time in the pandemic. In conclusion, I would like to say that kindness is really important and more so in a pandemic when human life has suffered physically and emotionally. It is really critical to support and encourage people who are not only suffering but also afraid of the pandemic. I encourage you to support others and stay safe in the Covid pandemic that the world is facing now.
Now more than ever is a time to be kind Nihir Gupta, Herschel Grammar School- Berkshire
People around the world have gone into depression because of Covid-19. Some have lost their jobs. Many have lost their family members. Being kind to someone might seem small but has a big impact on their day to day life. Kindness can help a person to move out of depression and have positive thoughts. The challenges of the pandemic have given us a chance…now more than ever is a time to be kind. Simply sending a friendly note to a faraway friend, shovelling snow from an elderly neighbour’s driveway, or agreeing to an afternoon of free babysitting for a busy parent can make a huge difference in someone’s day. Kindness is important as it keeps everyone positive. It helps you and them as it decreases the tension and pressure in the brain. In short, if you do good u get good. How can I show kindness? We can cheer them up by showing them an act of kindness like: 1. Send a motivational text. 2. Watch a movie together. 3. Help someone around. 4. Play outdoor games “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” —The 14th Dalai Lama. 80
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
Small acts of kindness
Shreyashwini Gunda, Sanskruti Centre for Cultural Excellence
The quality of being friendly, generous or even supportive, Many aspects that fives strength to families and friends. A small act of kindness can lighten and brighten someone's mood and during the harsh and painful pandemic, many aspects of kindness were lost. Families were disturbed with the loss of loved ones, but with the kind gesture of many nurses, doctors and all frontline workers, families have got back to their feet. Kindness was and is important during the pandemic and the recovery as everyone has been affected by it, none has been spared. We have all struggled, and we are all working together to get better together. Therefore, a little bit of kindness can make the ride a bit more enjoyable. The coronavirus has taken a toll on everyone's mental and physical health. During such unpredictable times, we need to show indiscriminate kindness, how we can be kind while protecting ourselves and our families.Kindness is not only an aspect but also an act, a small act of kindness from anyone can brighten the mood of the person for the rest of the day. To save humanity and mankind on this planet, every human being must show some kindness to other people, animals and finally to mother nature.
The Power of a Plush Toy
Paras Morjaria
Everyone has a favourite soft toy! A best friend, a safe keep, a form of protection and a confidant no matter where you are. Mine, and I’m not ashamed to say it, was Scooby Doo, a big brown startled looking cartoon dog that went with me everywhere I went, and truth be told is still somewhere in the loft gaining nostalgic wisdom at best! I always wondered what if we had something a little more meaningful? Something, my older self would be proud of that unknowingly as a child, fulfils a deeper purpose whilst instilling confidence in our identity and culture. Parenting done right We certainly didn’t have anything relatable at our young age, but there is no reason why the youth of today and the next generation cannot have this. With the emergence of technology, research and science, children are (respectfully) a lot brighter, sharper and engaged with the world of today – the toys of yesteryear, whilst still applicable and engaging, are no longer enough to support the developmental needs of kids in today’s world. The new generation of parents are a lot more conscious of utilising the vast tools and resources available today to provide the utmost care and support for their kids than the older generation had at their peril. Needless to say, both parenting eras are just as effective, as my mum would say ‘You turned out just fine didn’t you’ – thanks mum if only dad shared the same sentiment (joke!) Generations of fun revolutionised Taking it all into account, having a toy that revolutionises the concept of fun for kids, whilst incorporating mindfulness and meditational practices that are so deeply embedded within our Hindu culture, is priceless. Imagine having a baby Krishna plush that creates a multi-sensory experience for children of all ages, aiding their spiritual journey from their very first steps (or second or third), an invaluable keepsake indeed. This would just about beat the Scooby-doo I had, but then again why not have both! 82
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Aryana Raval
Happy Diwali Everyone, my name is Aryana. I wanted to share how I and my family are going to celebrate Diwali this year. First of all, we’re going to go to our local temple and pray to god. Then, I and my mom are going to cook lots of different types of snacks and hope that my brother doesn’t finish them in a week. After that, we will go to my aunt and uncle’s houses and have dinner together, and do lots of fireworks. My favourite ones are those sparklers. I love Diwali so much and it is my favourite festival of the year. This is because I and my family read the story of Rama and Sita. I love the part where Hanuman lights all go Lanka on Fire with his tail. It is very funny. I also love Diwali because I get to take a day off from school. But I miss my family in India. I couldn’t go to India because of Covid-19. However, I will definitely video call my nana, Nani and Baa, Dada and celebrate Diwali with them. Once again, wish you a very happy Diwali and a happy Indian new year.
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Kenton Park Parade, Kenton Road, Kenton, Harrow, HA3 8DN; Tel 020 8907 9371
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Radha Krishna Mandir Shyama Aashram 33 Balham High Road London, SW129AL Charity Reg. No.: 276335
We wish all the readers Happy Diwali & Prosperous New Year!
Diwali: 4-11-2021 THURSDAY Darshan Time Morning : 8.30 TO 13.00 Evening : 4.00 TO 8.00 Aarti Shreeji Diwandandi Darshan in the Evening
Annakut Darshan and Goverdhan Puja 5-11-2021 Friday 12.00 13:00 13:30 14.00 15.30 21.00 22.00
Radha Krishan Annakut Darshan Opens & Aarti Govardhan Pooja Govardhan Pooja & Aarti Shreenathji Annakut Darshan Open Bhai Beej Satsang 6-11-2021 SATURDAY Shreenathji Annakut Aarti Darshan Time Morning : 8.30 TO 13.00 Radhakrishan Aarti 13.00 to 16.00 Yamunastakam Path & Lotiji Utsav Shreenathji Annakut Darshan Closes Tulsi Vivah 15-11-2021 Monday For more information please ring Balham Mandir Tel. : 020 8675 3831 OR Contact Purviben on : + 44 7801 350 171 OR Devyani Patel on : + 44 7929 165 395
We encourage younger generations to understand, enjoy and value our culture heritage and improve their spiritual strength
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Desire to bring Jalaram Bapa’s Sadavrat to every corner in the UK n March 2020 when the pandemic lockdown struck, Praful Bhatt was running the busy Santosh day care centre for vulnerable people. Lockdown began, and the service users were left high and dry. Praful immediately set up a scheme for delivering tiffins to people at home. Luckily, he had both staff (from the Santosh Centre) and large premises. Praful said: “I had taken over the Glen Street Rooms with the aim of establishing a lunch club and hall hire. A large commercial kitchen had just been installed. My wonderful chef, Deviben Mistry, whose lunches are the highlight of Santosh day care, moved her team to the new kitchen. We already had several minivans for transporting the Santosh service users, so we started using them for tiffin delivery”. Born in Bhanvad India, the beggar boy known as “Papu” went hungry and cold. His family was large but poor. He started working at the age of 8, not able to go to school due to poverty. But his faith in Maa Santoshi turned his life round, just like the story of the film Jai Santoshi Maa (Friday Katha). He and his team are now feeding hundreds of people every day in Leicester by sending tiffins in the name of Jalaram Sadavrat. He says: “We have just completed 50,000 meals since the pandemic started. Initially the meals were free, but the pandemic con-
tinued so we had no choice but to make a small charge. At its highest we were delivering 220 meals per day free of charge, seven days per week.” Jalaram Sadavrat has created 12 new jobs employing local people. The Sadavrat team works really hard to make the project work in the best way possible, to alleviate the difficulties faced by many vulnerable people in obtaining nourishing meals. All the staff are paid a living wage, and some do extra unpaid hours for Seva on a daily basis. This is Praful’s message: “Please support our work for Jalaram Bapa’s Sadavrat and I will endeavour to bring Sadavrat to every town and city in the UK. Our moto is “Feed others before you eat”. These are difficult times for travel, so we cannot go to Virpur. I feel that Jalaram Bapa has nominated me to do his work to feed the needy, vulnerable and disabled people. I am so honoured to be able to do this on your behalf and am grateful to all the people who support the Jalaram Sadavrat Trust Leicester UK. I will remain indebted to you all and continue to do this work as long as my health is intact.”Please donate to HSBC bank: sort code 40 - 28 – 06, account number 05089093. Your donations keep the cost of the service down!
Once the pandemic is over or under control, Jalaram Sadavrat lunch club will start seven days per week from 12 to 2pm. All will be welcomed to Narandas Adatia hall. Members will pay £3.50 for a nourishing meal (non-members £5.00). Like the tiffins, it will be freshly cooked, with a variety of dishes every day.There will be exercise classes for ladies over 50 and Zumba classes for all who wish to keep fit. Yoga classes for ladies and men will also be available. Hanuman Chalisha every Saturday - times and dates to be confirmed.“You can sponsor tiffins in loving memory of someone special for £15.00 per month” said Praful.“In return we will celebrate at your request a birthday, anniversary or Tithi and any special occasion you tell us about by feeding Gau Mataa in India and preparing a menu of your choice for all tiffin recipients. You can also attend our centre and serve the food yourselves to all.”
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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With best wishes from Nakoda Plast Industries Pvt Ltd., Daman
DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
Glimpses of Lord SHIV in Golders Green Crematorium
Wishing Everyone Happy Diwali and A Happy and Prosperous New Year
Glimpses of SHIV MURTI pooja at Golders Green Crematorium on Saturday at 2pm on 18th July after {22 years}, in the presence of affiliated organisation members and distinguished guests. The SHIV pooja was carried out by Shastreejee Niteshbhai Mehta and was concluded at the end with vote of thanks and Prasad. Key messages were delivered by MP Bob Blackman and Member of the London Assembly (GLA), Krupesh Hirani. Rt Hon Bob Blackman MP was very pleased that such an important Shiv Pooja was organised by Hindu Council Brent. The blessings of God Shiv gives peace to the departed soul, specially all those who tragically passed away during the recent Covid 19 pandemic. Bob Blackman MP mentioned that Golders Green crematorium has a special memory for him as his late father was also cremated there . In his message Bob Blackman MP informed that there will be a HINDU CREMATORIUM in the very near future. A site has been looked at in Denham, and they were working on it. Cllr Krupesh was also very pleased with Hindu Council Brent Committee organising Shiv Pooja and invited all Brent Cllrs to be part of it. He stated that this was a very significant event for the community and Hindu Council should be commended for undertaking this. Amongst the guests present were Cllr Krupa Sheth, Cllr Bhagwanjibhai Chohan, Cllr Anita Thakkar. with Golders Green Crematorium General Manager Mr Neil Austin. Hindu Council Brent Committee members present were Chairman Ashwin Galoria, Secretary Manubhai Makwana, treasurer Mahendrabhai Pattni, PRO Rupalben Pandya, Upendrabhai Solanki, Nirmalaben Patel, Bharatbhai Patel, Sumantrai Desai.
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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2 Nov 2021 nd
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4 Nov 2021 th
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Time : 6.00 pm onwards
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5 Nov 2021 th
Time : 10.00 am onwards
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11th Nov 2021
Time : 12.00 Noon onwards
Time : 6.00 pm onwards
Tel: 020 8902 8885; 07956 863 327; 07946 304 651; 07791 050 220
DONATIONS BY DIRECT DEBIT HSBC Bank, Account No. : 21677721 Sort Code: 40-04-06 Account Name : Shree Jalaram Jyot Mandir
SHREE JALARAM JYOT MA AN NDIR, W WA ASPS RUGBY GROU UN ND, REPTON A AV VENUE, SUDBUR RY Y,, WEMBLEY MIDDLESEX, HA0 3DW Y W,, T: 0208 902 8885, Email : IIN NFO@JALAR RA AM MJ JYOT.CO.UK | Opening time: 8.00 am to 7.00 pm (Thursday 8.00 am to 9.00 pm)
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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Seaview Building, Opposite Splott Market, Lewis Road, Cardiff, CF24 5EB.
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Name of the Account : SDM & HCC,, Account : 29754402 Sort Code : 56-00-41 NatWest Bank, St Mary Street Branch, Cardiff
¾²Ь ¸Ц╙Ã¯Ъ ¸Цªъ Âє´ક↕њ ĴЪ ╙¾³ђ±·Цઈ ÂЪ. ´ªъ» њ 07890 986 428 Email : ╙¾¸»Ц¶Ãщ³ ´ªъ» (MBE)њ 07979 155 320 Email :
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2021
⌡ Diwali Messages from Parliamentarians 6 ⌡ Poor air quality affects young children who have stunted lungs, says Mayor Sadiq Khan 10 ⌡ India’s ‘resurgent’ postCovid international profile 12 ⌡ US vaccine contributions are not based on politics 14 ⌡ 17 Young Climate Change Leaders 18 ⌡ Climate Actions by India 22 ⌡ ‘There is no force more powerful than an empowered woman’ 26 ⌡ 400 MILES CLIMATE JUSTICE WALK 34 ⌡ What it Takes to be a Leader from an Ethnic Minority38 ⌡ Exclusive: The making of a culturally relevant gold bar 42 ⌡ UK gets its own Bengali restaurant Chourangi 46 ⌡ A Box of Stories 50 ⌡ Nonviolence is the way to save our planet 54 ⌡ MEET THE PANDEMICPRENEURS 56 ⌡ A Time of Transition 58 ⌡ Keeping the saree alive 60 ⌡ Make way for sustainable fashion 64 ⌡ Introducing India’s only and first‘Master of Wine’ 66
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