Avenida Orinoco, Urbanización Las Mercedes, Caracas -1060, Venezuela. Teléfonos: +58 (212) 992 14 43 +58 (212) 993 78 46 www.galeriafreites.com
info@galeriafreites.com Galeria Freites R.I.F: J-00129814-2
Manolo Valdés 2013 Planta baja
Esta publicación proporciona una visión integral acerca de los bjetivos, actividades y artistas de la Galería Freites, con imágenes de sus principales exposiciones y obras de artistas representados. La Galería Freites se fundó en 1974, en una época de crecimiento cultural e institucional del país y, desde entonces, sostenemos un espacio de calidad y credibilidad, dedicado a la difusión del arte contemporáneo venezolano e internacional. En el curso de su trayectoria, la Galería Freites ha realizado muestras pioneras que permitieron ampliar las colecciones venezolanas con obras de la escultura inglesa de la posguerra, Víctor Vasarely, Alexander Calder, Arman, Archipenko, Henry Moore, Manolo Valdés, Jean Arp, Jacobo Borges, Henry Moore, William Turnbull, Robert Indiana, Lynn Chadwick, Jacobo Borges, Víctor Vasarely, Reg Butler, Fernando Botero, entre otros, y con la representación exclusiva de la obra de Baltasar Lobo, de quien se han realizado seis exposiciones y la reciente edición de un catálogo razonado su obra escultórica. La Galería desarrolla proyectos de investigación y publicaciones: además del catálogo razonado de Baltasar Lobo, hemos publicado la investigación sobre los Mickey Mouse de Manolo Valdés, el Arte Contemporáneo en la Colección Otazu, Baltasar Lobo en Venezuela, o El Bolívar de Torano del escultor Tenerani, que es el estudio específico de una valiosa pieza histórica. Las exposiciones se encuentran apoyadas con actividades paralelas de eventos de promoción de las artes y producción de catálogos de alta calidad en su edición y diseño gráfico, con textos y ensayos fundamentados en sólidos procesos de investigación, lo que permite promocionar la obra de los artistas, reforzando su conocimiento en el público venezolano y su ingreso en colecciones privadas e institucionales. Nuestros objetivos se refuerzan a través de la colaboración con préstamos a galerías y museos de todo el mundo, como el Museo Metropolitano de Nueva York, la Tate Gallery de Londres, la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango del Banco de la República de Colombia, el Museo Rufino Tamayo de México, el Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM) y el Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, entre otros. Asimismo, la participación en ferias de arte y otros espacios contemporáneos de promoción, permiten ampliar el espectro de nuestras actividades y el alcance de la difusión del trabajo artístico. Con ello contribuimos a un acercamiento efectivo entre el espectador y la creció contemporánea siempre en movimiento. Trabajar con la creación exige siempre reinventarse, investigar, observar y manejar con sensibilidad los desafíos. En este sentido, diseñamos estrategias significativas para afrontar los cambios drásticos que vivimos actualmente. Fortalecemos el empleo de recursos on-line para proporcionar una información adecuada de nuestras actividades. El contexto nos brinda claves importantes para generar innovadoras soluciones en los procesos de difusión de la obra de arte. Nuestro compromiso fundamental estará vinculado siempre con el desarrollo del arte y la cultura una vía de comunicación y transformación. Alejandro Freites Director
La Galería Freites se inauguró en noviembre de 1977 y su principal objetivo es promocionar el arte venezolano e internacional en diferentes manifestaciones. Así, cumple con su compromiso de brindar marcos integrales para la interpretación de la obra de los principales artistas contemporáneos, con rigurosas investigaciones y publicaciones. Desde su fundación ha organizado más de 140 exposiciones entre individuales y colectivas, de artistas trascendentales como Manolo Valdés, Baltasar Lobo, Jacobo Borges, Robert Indiana, Arman, Alexander Calder, Alexander Archipenko, Fernando Botero, y Víctor Vasarely.
Reg Butler 1992
Jacques Lipchitz 1988
Arman Pinturas sucias 1991
Ernest Trova 1989
Lynn Chadwick 1988
Julio González 1989
Archipenko 1991
Desde junio de 2006, funciona en su nueva sede: un edificio proyectado por el arquitecto y escultor Julio Maragall, donde sus cuatro pisos se organizan en torno a un pozo de luz natural. Además, cuenta con una terraza para exhibición de esculturas al aire libre. La arquitectura interior minimalista, con grandes y luminosos espacios, paredes blancas y pisos de piedra gris, permite otorgarles protagonismo a las obras de arte. Sabiendo comprender la necesidad de Venezuela de tener una galería que salga de las líneas tradicionales, su director el señor Alejandro Freites ha dirigido este espacio con la visión de abordar diferentes aspectos del arte en general. En este sentido, ha auspiciado la labor de artistas jóvenes y promovido a grandes maestros venezolanos en el exterior, mientras que ha introducido al mercado nacional las obras de artistas extranjeros. Además, Alejandro Freites es representante universal de la obra de Baltasar Lobo. La Galería Freites también ha colaborado con préstamos a diferentes galerías y museos del mundo, como el Metropolitan Museum de Nueva York, la Tate Gallery, la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, el Banco de la República de Colombia, el Museo Rufino Tamayo de México y el Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM), dando a conocer a las nuevas generaciones el legado artístico venezolano.
Manolo Valdés 2013 Planta baja
Robert Indiana Love 2001 Planta baja
Robert Indiana Love 2001 Piso 1
Escultura inglesa de posguerra. 2006 Planta baja
Fernando Botero Botero. Esculturas 2012 Piso 1
Sin título, 1993-94 Bronze, green patina and metal, 4/7 20,2 x 19,6 x 17 cm
Sin título, 1993-94 Bronze, green patina and metal, 4/7 20,2 x 19,6 x 17 cm
Baltasar Lobo Conmemorando el centenario de su nacimiento. 2010 Planta baja
Santiago Cárdenas Del mundo de los objetos al universo de la pintura. 2007 Piso 1
Jacobo Borges 2016 Planta baja
La política editorial de la Galería Freites se fundamenta en la edición de catálogos, folletos y publicaciones que reseñen la producción completa o períodos importantes de los artistas representados. Debido a que cada nueva exposición constituye una nueva propuesta, la galería ofrece una lectura de las distintas etapas de desarrollo de los artistas a través de rigurosas investigaciones. La producción editorial de la Galería Freites posee más de 150 publicaciones. Actualmente se mantiene operante para producir publicaciones de calidad y responder a su compromiso de promover la creación artística.
VOLUMEN I / Kosme de Barañano
Alexander Archipenko Anselm Kiefer Antoni Tapies Arman Auguste Herbin Baltasar Lobo Carlos Cruz-Diez Donald Sultan Fernando Botero George Seagal Henry Moore Jacobo Borges Jacques Lipchitz Jesús Soto Kenneth Armitage Lynn Chadwick Manolo Valdes Marisol Escobar Max Bill Reg Butler Sam Francis Santiago Cárdenas Tom Wesselmann Victor Vasarely
White Torso, ca. 1924 Silver plated bronze 183,4 in hight 46,6 cm hight
Die Himmelsplaste, 2002
Oil, emulsion, acrylic and lead on canvas 75,5 x 130,7 x 9,8 in 192 x 332 x 25 cm
Engolado, 1980
Mixed technique on wood 31,8 x 51 in 81 x 130 cm
Sin título, 1993-94 Bronze, green patina and metal, 4/7 20,2 x 19,6 x 17 cm
Cercle et jambe, 1992 Oil and sand on canvas 45 x 57,4 in 114,5 x 146 cm
Brushes, 1987
Brushes and oil on canvas mounted on wood 70 x 80 in 177,8 x 203,2 cm
Sin título,1989 Acrylic and painted tubes on canvas in 2 parts 72 x 110 in 182,9 x 279,4 cm
Desert Bike, 1991
Sicled bicycle brushes and acrylic on panel 51 x 76,7 x 11,8 in 130 x 195 x 30 cm
Baroquial, 1985
Bronze, brown patina, 2/8 78,7 x 27,5 x 27,5 in 200 x 70 x 70 cm
Sin título (Hombre con trompetas), 1996 Bronze with black and gold patina, 4/8 62,2 x 22 x 23,6 in 158 x 56 x 60 cm
Auguste HERBIN
Mer III, sin fecha Óleo sobre tela 99 x 79,5 cm
Baltasar LOBO
L’ile du levant agrandissement, 1986-1992 Bronze 48,03 x 52,36 x 26, 37 in 122 x 133 x 67 cm
Contemplative, 1988 Bronze 26,37 x 93,30 x 23,62 in 67 x 237 x 60 cm
Femme assise grande taille,1986-1992 Bronze 75, 59 x 54,33 x 36,22 in 192 x 138 x 92 cm
Les footballeurs III version,1987 Bronze 65,74 x 60,62 x 32,28 in 167x 154 x 82 cm 67 x 237 x 60 cm
Jeune fille se coiffant,1970-1990 Bronze 51 x 27 ½ x 27 in 130 x 70 x 69 cm
Moment de bonheur grand, 1990-1991 Bronze 53,14 x 55,51 x 34,64 in 135 x 141 x 88 cm
Au soleil, 1971 Bronze 70,86 x 70,86 x 29,92 in 180 x 180 x 76 cm
Piéce d’eau, 1971-1986 Bronze 57 ½ x 74 x 47 ¼ in 146 x 190 x 120 cm
Mère et enfant version definitive, 1987 Bronze 50,78 x 44,68 x 22,83 in 129 x 113,5 x 58 cm
Femme debout jambes croisées, 1991 Bronze 83,85 x 29,13 x 29,13 in 213 x 74 x 74 cm
Cromointerferencia espacial 50, 1964-2017 Cromatography on aluminum and elastic tape 31,4 x 94,4 in 80 x 240 cm
Black and White Lantern Flowers Dec 1 2012, 2012 Enamel, flock, tar and spackle on tile over masonite 35,8 x 72 in 91,4 x 183 cm
Double Blacks July 15 2013, 2013 Enamel, flock, tar and spackle on tile over masonite 36 x 72 in 91,5 x 183 cm
Red Poppies Sep 19 2013 Enamel, flock , tar and spackle on tile over masonite 36 x 72 in 91,5 x 183 cm
Red Lantern Flowers Jan 8 2013, 2013 Enamel, flock, tar and spackle on tile over masonite 72 x 72 in 183 x 183 cm
Fernando BOTERO
Donna sdraiata con pallina, 2014 Bronze, EA 1/2 20 x 44,9 x 20,4 in 51 x 114,2 x 52 cm
Pigeon, 2013 Bronze, 3/6 11,4 x 20 x 92,9 in 29,2 x 51 x 23,6 cm
Maternidad sentada, 2004 Bronze, 5/6 18,1 x 7,4 x 7,8 in 46 x 19 x 20 cm
Hombre a caballo mirando de lado, 2010 Bronze, black patina, E.A. 1/245,27 in 115 cm
Maternidad sentada, 2010 White marble 22 x 10,6 x 11 in 56 x 27 x 28 cm
Helen in corner, 1987 Painted plaster & wood 60 x 47 x16 in 152,4 x 119,4 x 40,6 cm
Three Quarter Figure: Lines, 1980 Bronze, 4/9 32,2 in 81,9 cm
PH.G.32, 2017 Duborcom 39,3 x 118,1 in 100x300cm
Serie 7M, 2016 Duborcom 78,7 x 78,7 in 200 x 200 cm
Desde el mar I, 2013 Oil on canvas 74,8 x 88,5 in 190 x 225 cm
Sueño N° 16, 2000 Oil on canvas 70 x 55,9 in 178 x 142 cm
La Libertad 2, 2019 Mixed technique, oil on canvas 59 x 59 in 150 x 150 cm
Encounter, 1929 Bronze, 7/7 9,7 x 4,6 x 3,2 in 24,8 x 11,8 x 8,3 cm
Woman Leaning on a Column: Maquette Nº 1, 1929 Bronze, brown patina 5/7 1,7 x 6,4 x 4 in 29,8 x 16,3 x 10,2 cm
Jesús SOTO
Grandes barres bleues et noires, 1965 Oil on panel with metal and nylon thread 61,73 x 42,12 x 10,23 in 156,8 x 107 x 26 cm
Modulation en bleu et noir, 1966 Acrylic on wood and metal 42 x 42,12 in 106,7 x 107 cm
Rideau Central, 2000 Acrylic on wood, with metal and nylon rope 49,2 1 x 72.44 x 9.44 in 125 x 184 x 24 cm
Rideau Central, 2000 Acrylic on wood, with metal and nylon rope 49,2 1 x 72.44 x 9.44 in 125 x 184 x 24 cm
Girl Without a Face (large version), 1958-1959 Bronze with a dark brown patina, 0/4 65,5 x 18,70 x 18,11 in 166,4 x 47,5 x 46 cm
Two Striding Figures- Version I, 1957 Bronze with a dark brown patina 45,86 x 47,24 x 15, 35 in 116,5 x 120 x 39 cm
Conjunction XVII, 1971 Bronze, 4/6 29,72 in 75,5 cm
Sitting Woman in Robes I, 1987 Bronze, 8/9 12,99 in 33 cm
Skyscraper, 1957 Bronze, 2/9 25,74 in 65,4 cm
Stranger VI, 1959 Bronze, 1/4 31,49 x 36,02 x 7 in 80 x 91,5 x 17,8 cm
Cloaked Couple V, 1977 Bronze, brown patina, 9/9 19,88 x 16,92 x 17,32 in 50,5 x 43 x 44 cm
El baño I, 1990 Oil on canvas 66,14 x 42,12 in 168 x 107 cm
El Reloj, 1998 Acrylic and collage on canvas 59,25 x 59 in 150,5 x 149,9 cm
Infanta Margarita, 1990 Oil, burlap and enamel 95,98 x 55,98 in 243,8 x 142,2 cm
Retrato con mancha ocre, 1992 Oil on burlap 79,13 x 70,86 in 201 x 180 cm
Reina con tocado rojo sobre fondo negro, 2016 Oil and collage on canvas 64,56 x 64,56 in 164 x 164 cm
Dama con espejo sobre fondo carrubio, 2016 Oil and glass on burlap 94,88 x 79,52 x 3,93 in 241 x 202 x 10 cm
Mickey sobre fondo amarillo, 2016 Oil on canvas 64,56 x 64,56 in 164 x 164 cm
Laurel II, 2013 Aluminum, 5/9 29,52 x 20,86 x 17,71 in 75 x 53 x 45 cm
Mesa con libros y osos, 2012 Wood 53,14 x 55,90 x 29,92 in 135 x 142 x 76 cm
Menina T, 2004 Terracotta, 7/15 43,30 x 37,99 x 26,18 in 110 x 96,5 x 66,5 cm
Reina Mariana, 2006 Wood 66,92 x 48,42 in 170 x 123 x 86 cm
Reina Mariana, 2010 Bronze 64,96 x 50,78 x 31,49 in 165 x 129 x 80 cm
Reina Mariana, 2013 Alabaster 35 x 25,98 x 18,11 in 89 x 66 x 46 cm
Mickey en madera, 2015 Wood, unique piece 70,47 x 49,60 x 30,51 in 179 x 126 x 77,5 cm
Minnie en madera, 2015 Wood, unique piece 61,41 x 27,95 x 24 in 156 x 71 x 61 cm
Couple, 1970 Diverse materials 32,48 x 12,40 x 7,48 in - 82,5 x 31,5 x 19 cm 31,02 x 8.46 x 5,98 in - 78,8 x 21,5 x 15,2 cm
Mi mamá y yo, 1968 Iron and aluminum, 3/8 79,76 x 56,49 x 55,74 in 202,6 x 143,5 x 141,6 cm
Radiazione Blue, 1972-1977 Oil on canvas 35,23 x 35,23 in 89,5 x 89,5 cm
Sin título, 1972 Oil on canvas 22,44 x 22,44 in 57 x 57 cm
Blauer Kern, 1960-69 Oil on canvas 18,30 x 18,30 in 46,5 x 46,5 cm
Manipulator, 1954-1956 Shell bronze and welded iron on a concrete base, Edition of 6 70 x28x20,5 in 177,8 x 71 x 52 cm (including concrete base)
Man and machine, 1963 Bronze, brown patina 5/8 Machine: 38,38 in / 97,5 cm Man: 15,98 in / 40,6 cm
Love,1966-2000 Painted aluminum, PA 2/4 17,71 x 17,71 x 7,08 in 45 x 45 x 18 cm
HOPE (Red/Blue/White), 2009 Aluminio policromado, IV/VIII 35,98 x 35,98 x 17,99 in 91,4 x 91,4 x 45,7 cm
HOPE (Gold/Blue), 2009 Polychrome aluminum, IX/IX 17,99 x 17,99 x 9 in 45,7 x 45,7 x 22,9 cm
Star of HOPE (Red/Blue/White/Gold), 2013 Acrylic on canvas 24,01 x 24,01 x 2 in 61 x 61 x 5,1 cm
Untitled (SFP86-54), 1986 Acrylic on canvas 48,03 x 131,29 in 122 x 335,5 cm
Untitled (SF75-1143), 1975 Acrylic on paper 35 x 49 cm
Bodegón con neón, 1997 Oil on canvas 67,71 x 50 in 172 x 127 cm
Caja blanca con luz, 1983 Oil on canvas 60,23 x 71,45 in 153 x 181,5 cm
Ave del paraíso, 2010 Oil on canvas 68,89 x 78,74 in 175 x 200 cm
Back to blue, 1998 Oil on aluminum 112 x 85,03 x 7 in 284,5 x 216 x 17,8 cm
Breuil, 1978-84 Oil on canvas 47,24 x 47,24 in 120 x 120 cm
Axo 66 (2136), 1969 Acrylic on panel 41,18 x 24,72 in 104,6 x 62,8 cm
Tridim - X, 1969 Acrylic on canvas 77,95 x 47,48 in 198 x 120,6 cm
Lator, 1989 Acrylic on canvas 48,42 x 48,42 in 123 x 123 cm
Pillango-2, 1971 Acrylic on wood 24,4 x 25,59 in 62 x 65 cm
La Hall, 1986 Oil on canvas 47,24 x 47,24 in 120 x 120 cm
This publication provides a comprehensive overview of the goals, activities and artists of the Galeria Freites, with images of its main exhibitions and works by represented artists. The Galeria Freites, was founded in 1974, at a time of cultural and institutional growth in the country and, since then, we have maintained a space of quality and credibility, dedicated to the dissemination of Venezuelan and international contemporary art. In the course of its trajectory, the Galeria Freites, has carried out pioneering exhibitions that allowed expanding the Venezuelan collections with works of postwar English sculpture, Víctor Vasarely, Alexander Calder, Arman, Archipenko, Henry Moore, Manolo Valdés, Jean Arp, Jacobo Borges, Henry Moore, William Turnbull, Robert Indiana, Lynn Chadwick, Reg Butler, Fernando Botero, among others, and with the exclusive representation of the work of Baltasar Lobo, of whom there have been six exhibitions and the recent edition of a reasoned catalog of his sculptural work. The Gallery develops research projects and publications: we have published research on the Mickey Mouse by Manolo Valdés, Contemporary Art in the Otazu Collection, Baltasar Lobo in Venezuela, or El Bolívar de Torano by the sculptor Tenerani , which is the specific study of a valuable historical piece. The exhibitions are supported by parallel activities of events to promote the arts and production of high-quality catalogs in their edition and graphic design, with texts and essays based on solid research processes, which allows promoting the work of the artists, reinforcing its knowledge in the Venezuelan public and its entry into private and institutional collections. Our objectives are reinforced through collaboration with loans to galleries and museums around the world, such as the Metropolitan Museum of New York, the Tate Gallery in London, the Luis Ángel Arango Library of the Bank of the Republic of Colombia, the Rufino Museum. Tamayo de México, the Valencian Institute of Modern Art (IVAM) and the Museum of Modern Art of Bogotá, among others. Likewise, participation in art fairs and other contemporary promotional spaces allow us to broaden the spectrum of our activities and the scope of dissemination of artistic work. With this we contribute to an effective rapprochement between the viewer and the contemporary growing up always on the move. Working with creation always requires reinventing yourself, investigating, observing and handling challenges with sensitivity. In this sense, we design significant strategies to face the drastic changes that we are currently experiencing. We strengthen the use of online resources to provide adequate information on our activities. The context gives us important keys to generate innovative solutions in the processes of dissemination of the work of art. Our fundamental commitment will always be linked to the development of art and culture, a means of communication and transformation.
Alejandro Freites Director
In November 1977, Galería Freites opened its doors and since then its spaces have been dedicated to the diffusion and projection of the most important national and international artists. Over 140 exhibitions have been organized ever since, becoming a cultural reference for the city of Caracas. its director Mr. Alejandro Freites has managed this space with the vision of taking in different aspects of art in general. Following this line, he has promoted the works of young new artists and the great Venezuelan masters abroad, while introducing the works of international artists in the national market. Galería Freites has also collaborated with loans to different world wide known galleries and museums, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Tate Gallery in London, the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango and Banco de la República in Colombia, the Rufino Tamayo Museum of Mexico and the Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM) in Spain, spreading the international artistic legacy to the new generations. Since June 2006, Galería Freites works in its new building, projected by the architect and sculptor Julio Maragall, where its four stories organize around a stream of natural light. In addition to this it has an outdoor terrace for the exclusive exhibition of big sculptures. The minimalistic interior, with broad and bright spaces, white walls and grey stone floors, allows the prominence of the art works. Through almost forty years Galería Freites has dedicated its career to the diffusion of plastic arts, opening to general public and offering solo and group exhibitions of paintings and sculptures of its artists.
The editorial policy of the Galería Freites is based on the creation of catalogs, flyers, and publications that present the whole production or the most important periods of the represented artists.Every new exposition establishes a new editorial proposal, the gallery offers different readings about different states of the artists´ development through deep investigation. The editorial production of the Galería Freites has more than 150 publications. It currently maintains in the process to produce quality publication y respond to the commitment of keep promoting the artistic creation
Lista de Obras
White Torso, ca. 1924 Silver plated bronze 183,4 in hight 46,6 cm hight
Die Himmelsplaste, 2002 Oil, emulsion, acrylic and lead on canvas 75,5 x 130,7 x 9,8 in 192 x 332 x 25 cm
Engolado, 1980 Mixed technique on wood 31,8 x 51 in 81 x 130 cm
Sin título, 1993-94 Bronze, green patina and metal, 4/7 20,2 x 19,6 x 17 cm
Cercle et jambe, 1992 Oil and sand on canvas 45 x 57,4 in 114,5 x 146 cm
Brushes, 1987 Brushes and oil on canvas mounted on wood 70 x 80 in 177,8 x 203,2 cm
Mer III, sin fecha Óleo sobre tela 99 x 79,5 cm
Sin título,1989 Acrylic and painted tubes on canvas in 2 parts 72 x 110 in 182,9 x 279,4 cm
L’ile du levant agrandissement, 1986-1992 Bronze 48,03 x 52,36 x 26, 37 in 122 x 133 x 67 cm
Desert Bike, 1991 Sicled bicycle brushes and acrylic on panel 51 x 76,7 x 11,8 in 130 x 195 x 30 cm
Les footballeurs III version,1987 Bronze 65,74 x 60,62 x 32,28 in 167x 154 x 82 cm67 x 237 x 60 cm
Baroquial, 1985 Bronze, brown patina, 2/8 78,7 x 27,5 x 27,5 in 200 x 70 x 70 cm
Jeune fille se coiffant,1970-1990 Bronze 51 x 27 ½ x 27 in 130 x 70 x 69 cm
Sin título (Hombre con trompetas), 1996 Bronze with black and gold patina, 4/8 62,2 x 22 x 23,6 in 158 x 56 x 60 cm
Moment de bonheur grand, 1990-1991 Bronze 53,14 x 55,51 x 34,64 in 135 x 141 x 88 cm
Au soleil, 1971 Bronze 70,86 x 70,86 x 29,92 in 180 x 180 x 76 cm
Black and White Lantern Flowers Dec 1 2012, 2012 Enamel, flock, tar and spackle on tile over masonite 35,8 x 72 in 91,4 x 183 cm
Piéce d’eau, 19711986 Bronze 57 ½ x 74 x 47 ¼ in 146 x 190 x 120 cm
Double Blacks July 15 2013, 2013 Enamel, flock, tar and spackle on tile over masonite 36 x 72 in 91,5 x 183 cm
Mère et enfant version definitive, 1987 Bronze 50,78 x 44,68 x 22,83 in 129 x 113,5 x 58 cm
Red Poppies Sep 19 2013 Enamel, flock , tar and spackle on tile over masonite 36 x 72 in 91,5 x 183 cm
Femme debout jambes croisées, 1991 Bronze 83,85 x 29,13 x 29,13 in 213 x 74 x 74 cm
Red Lantern Flowers Jan 8 2013, 2013 Enamel, flock, tar and spackle on tile over masonite 72 x 72 in 183 x 183 cm
Cromointerferencia espacial 50, 1964-2017 Cromatography on aluminum and elastic tape 31,4 x 94,4 in 80 x 240 cm
Donna sdraiata con pallina, 2014 Bronze, EA 1/2 20 x 44,9 x 20,4 in 51 x 114,2 x 52 cm
Pigeon, 2013 Bronze, 3/6 11,4 x 20 x 92,9 in 29,2 x 51 x 23,6 cm
Three Quarter Figure: Lines, 1980 Bronze, 4/9 32,2 in 81,9 cm
Maternidad sentada, 2004 Bronze, 5/6 18,1 x 7,4 x 7,8 in 46 x 19 x 20 cm
PH.G.32, 2017 Duborcom 39,3 x 118,1 in 100x300cm
Hombre a caballo mirando de lado, 2010 Bronze, black patina, E.A. 1/245,27 in 115 cm
Serie 7M, 2016 Duborcom 78,7 x 78,7 in 200 x 200 cm
Maternidad sentada, 2010 White marble 22 x 10,6 x 11 in 56 x 27 x 28 cm
Desde el mar I, 2013 Oil on canvas 74,8 x 88,5 in 190 x 225 cm
Helen in corner, 1987 Painted plaster & wood 60 x 47 x16 in 152,4 x 119,4 x 40,6 cm
Sueño N° 16, 2000 Oil on canvas 70 x 55,9 in 178 x 142 cm
La Libertad 2, 2019 Mixed technique, oil on canvas 59 x 59 in 150 x 150 cm
Rideau Central, 2000 Acrylic on wood, with metal and nylon rope 49,2 1 x 72.44 x 9.44 in 125 x 184 x 24 cm
Encounter, 1929 Bronze, 7/7 9,7 x 4,6 x 3,2 in 24,8 x 11,8 x 8,3 cm
Rideau Central, 2000 Acrylic on wood, with metal and nylon rope 49,2 1 x 72.44 x 9.44 in 125 x 184 x 24 cm
Woman Leaning on a Column: Maquette Nº 1, 1929 Bronze, brown patina 5/7 1,7 x 6,4 x 4 in 29,8 x 16,3 x 10,2 cm
Girl Without a Face (large version), 1958-1959 Bronze with a dark brown patina, 0/4 65,5 x 18,70 x 18,11 in 166,4 x 47,5 x 46 cm
Grandes barres bleues et noires, 1965 Oil on panel with metal and nylon thread 61,73 x 42,12 x 10,23 in 156,8 x 107 x 26 cm
Two Striding Figures- Version I, 1957 Bronze with a dark brown patina 45,86 x 47,24 x 15, 35 in 116,5 x 120 x 39 cm
Modulation en bleu et noir, 1966 Acrylic on wood and metal 42 x 42,12 in 106,7 x 107 cm
Conjunction XVII, 1971 Bronze, 4/6 29,72 in 75,5 cm
Sitting Woman in Robes I, 1987 Bronze, 8/9 12,99 in 33 cm
El Reloj, 1998 Acrylic and collage on canvas 59,25 x 59 in 150,5 x 149,9 cm
Skyscraper, 1957 Bronze, 2/9 25,74 in 65,4 cm
Infanta Margarita, 1990 Oil, burlap and enamel 95,98 x 55,98 in 243,8 x 142,2 cm
Stranger VI, 1959 Bronze, 1/4 31,49 x 36,02 x 7 in 80 x 91,5 x 17,8 cm
Retrato con mancha ocre, 1992 Oil on burlap 79,13 x 70,86 in 201 x 180 cm
Cloaked Couple V, 1977 Bronze, brown patina, 9/9 19,88 x 16,92 x 17,32 in 50,5 x 43 x 44 cm
Reina con tocado rojo sobre fondo negro, 2016 Oil and collage on canvas 64,56 x 64,56 in 164 x 164 cm
El baño I, 1990 Oil on canvas 66,14 x 42,12 in 168 x 107 cm
Dama con espejo sobre fondo carrubio, 2016 Oil and glass on burlap 94,88 x 79,52 x 3,93 in 241 x 202 x 10 cm
Mickey sobre fondo amarillo, 2016 Oil on canvas 64,56 x 64,56 in 164 x 164 cm
Reina Mariana, 2010 Bronze 64,96 x 50,78 x 31,49 in 165 x 129 x 80 cm
Laurel II, 2013 Aluminum, 5/9 29,52 x 20,86 x 17,71 in 75 x 53 x 45 cm
Reina Mariana, 2013 Alabaster 35 x 25,98 x 18,11 in 89 x 66 x 46 cm
Mesa con libros y osos, 2012 Wood 53,14 x 55,90 x 29,92 in 135 x 142 x 76 cm
Mickey en madera, 2015 Wood, unique piece 70,47 x 49,60 x 30,51 in 179 x 126 x 77,5 cm
Menina T, 2004 Terracotta, 7/15 43,30 x 37,99 x 26,18 in 110 x 96,5 x 66,5 cm
Minnie en madera, 2015 Wood, unique piece 61,41 x 27,95 x 24 in 156 x 71 x 61 cm
Reina Mariana, 2006 Wood 66,92 x 48,42 in 170 x 123 x 86 cm
Couple, 1970 Diverse materials 32,48 x 12,40 x 7,48 in - 82,5 x 31,5 x 19 cm 31,02 x 8.46 x 5,98 in - 78,8 x 21,5 x 15,2 cm
Mi mamá y yo, 1968 Iron and aluminum, 3/8 79,76 x 56,49 x 55,74 in 202,6 x 143,5 x 141,6 cm
Man and machine, 1963 Bronze, brown patina 5/8 Machine: 38,38 in / 97,5 cm Man: 15,98 in / 40,6 cm
Radiazione Blue, 1972-1977 Oil on canvas 35,23 x 35,23 in 89,5 x 89,5 cm
Love,1966-2000 Painted aluminum, PA 2/4 17,71 x 17,71 x 7,08 in 45 x 45 x 18 cm
Sin título, 1972 Oil on canvas 22,44 x 22,44 in 57 x 57 cm
HOPE (Red/Blue/White), 2009 Aluminio policromado, IV/ VIII 35,98 x 35,98 x 17,99 in 91,4 x 91,4 x 45,7 cm
Blauer Kern, 1960-69 Oil on canvas 18,30 x 18,30 in 46,5 x 46,5 cm
HOPE (Gold/Blue), 2009 Polychrome aluminum, IX/IX 17,99 x 17,99 x 9 in 45,7 x 45,7 x 22,9 cm
Manipulator, 1954-1956
Star of HOPE (Red/Blue/White/ Gold), 2013 Acrylic on canvas 24,01 x 24,01 x 2 in 61 x 61 x 5,1 cm
Shell bronze and welded iron on a concrete base, Edition of 6 70 x28x20,5 in 177,8 x 71 x 52 cm(including concrete base)
Untitled (SFP8654), 1986 Acrylic on canvas 48,03 x 131,29 in 122 x 335,5 cm
Back to blue, 1998 Oil on aluminum 112 x 85,03 x 7 in 284,5 x 216 x 17,8 cm
Untitled (SF75-1143), 1975 Acrylic on paper 35 x 49 cm
Breuil, 1978-84 Oil on canvas 47,24 x 47,24 in 120 x 120 cm
Bodegón con neón, 1997 Oil on canvas 67,71 x 50 in 172 x 127 cm
Axo 66 (2136), 1969 Acrylic on panel 41,18 x 24,72 in 104,6 x 62,8 cm
Caja blanca con luz, 1983 Oil on canvas 60,23 x 71,45 in 153 x 181,5 cm
Tridim - X, 1969 Acrylic on canvas 77,95 x 47,48 in 198 x 120,6 cm
Ave del paraíso, 2010 Oil on canvas 68,89 x 78,74 in 175 x 200 cm
Lator, 1989 Acrylic on canvas 48,42 x 48,42 in 123 x 123 cm
Pillango-2, 1971 Acrylic on wood 24,4 x 25,59 in 62 x 65 cm
La Hall, 1986 Oil on canvas 47,24 x 47,24 in 120 x 120 cm
Coordinación editorial
Abraham Tovar Anny Bello Texto
María Luz Cárdenas Damelis Villareal Traducción
Abraham Tovar Fotografías
Armando Armas Egon Koopmans Zachary Bako Allan Finkelman Carlos Lozada Antonio López Don Queralto © 2020 Christie’s Images Limited Diseño Gráfico
Rafael Gonzalez Retoque Digital
David Ladera
© de la edición: Galería Freites, C.A. © María Luz Cárdenas © Damelis Villareal Noviembre 2021 Avenida Orinoco con calle Jalisco de Las Mercedes. Caracas, 1060. info@galeriafreites.com contacto@galeriafreites.com
Galeria Freites www.galeriafreites.com R.I.F: J-00129814-2