Abstract Divali Volume 2 - Issue #2

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ivali, one of the biggest and brightest Hindu festivals, serves as a great reminder that good always prevails over evil. In fact, the very essence of Divali derived from an array of mythical stories with the central theme being good over evil, light over darkness. Although the sacredness associated with this auspicious occasion is revered by many, it has not prevented misconceptions to be formed around this celebration. Therefore, this article, serves to highlight both aspects, the mythological stories that are said to have inspired Divali celebrations and some of the misconceptions that have been formed over the years. HINDU MYTHOLOGY Rama vs Ravana One of the more popular mythological stories surrounding Divali is the return of King Rama after his victory over Ravana. Prior to this great victory, he was exiled by his father Dashratha, the King of Ayodhya, along with his wife Sita and his younger brother Lakshman. The King’s wife's (Rama’s stepmother) insisted that Rama be sent away since she was jealous of him and his absence also meant her son would become the heir. In the end, Lord Rama returned to his Kingdom Ayodhya after 14 years of exile, having defeated the demon Ravana of Lanka… A victory symbolizing good over evil. The people of Ayodhya cleaned their houses


Divali: The Mythos and

The Misconceptions written by Daniela Nandlal

and placed oil lamps (deyas) to light the path in anticipation of their return. This marked the start of Divali celebrations. Krishna vs Narakasura It is believed that Lord Vishnu in his 8th incarnation as Krishna destroyed the demon Narkasura, who was causing great distress amongst the people of the world. Narkasura was believed to be a demon of filth, covered in dirt. He kidnapped beautiful young women and forced them to live with him. Eventually, their cries to be rescued were heard by Krishna. His first battle was with a five-headed monster that guarded the demon's home which he defeated. Once the battle was over and Krishna succeeded, the women were freed and Narakasura’s death was celebrated. As with the story of Rama and Ravana this too is a reminder for many Hindus that good prevails over evil. It is also believed that after the battle with the demon, Lord Krishna took a bath in oil to clean the splattered blood from his body. In some regions, rubbing oil on the body or having a special oil bath is part of the Divali celebrations.

Krishna and The Mountain This story in particular influences the tradition of the offering of food on Divali. It is believed that in the village of Gokula, many years ago, the people prayed to the God Indra as this was the God who sent the rains, which made their crops, grow. However, Krishna came along and persuaded the people to worship the mountain Govardhan, since the land around it was fertile. This angered Indra greatly and resulted in him sending thunder and torrential rain on the village. The people cried to Krishna for help. He answered the villagers by lifting the top of the mountain with his finger. The offering of food to God on Divali is a reminder to Hindus of the importance of food and it is also a time for being thankful to God for the bounty of nature. MISCONCEPTIONS OF DIVALI Divali is NOT the Hindu New Year There is a common misconception that Divali celebrations mark the start of a new year for Hindus. This is in fact, incorrect. The Indian New Year

actually falls in April. Divali is simply a celebration of the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. There must be a feast in order to celebrate Divali Although there is great significance behind offering food on Divali as mentioned in one of the mythical stories, it is dependent on the socio-economic status of the household. In addition to this, some Hindus prefer to take the simplistic route in their celebrations. While generally the more fortunate families are encouraged to feed the poor or purchase new clothing for this day. Divali is NOT only celebrated by Hindus Despite Divali being a Hindu celebration in Trinidad and Tobago, it is celebrated by other religions such as Sikhs, Jains, and some Buddhists worldwide. Despite the varying mythical stories and misconceptions surrounding this auspicious occasion, the truth remains. Divali is a true representation of light over darkness and good over evil.

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he Chinmaya Mission of Trinidad and Tobago is a non-profit, charitable organization based in McBean Village, Caroni. The organization, which was founded in 1997, presently governs 13 schools: seven (7) PreSchools; five (5) Primary Schools and one (1) High School. The Mission’s main agenda is to foster spiritual awareness and growth to anyone who is so desirous, regardless of nationality, creed, religion or ethnic background. A number of spiritual programmes, events and activities are therefore consistently conducted on the premises. There, persons are guided in an exploration of discourses such as Satsangs, Upanishad and Bhagavad Gita as well as participation in relevant rituals. There is also the opportunity to enroll in Sanskrit and music classes or purchase spiritually themed merchandise. Additionally, the compound houses renunciates (persons who have opted to renounce all aspects of secular life) in a seminary type environment and system. Swami Prakashananda is directly involved in teaching and management at the Mission and is a household name amongst devotees. The Swami took time from his extremely busy schedule to chat with us about Trinidad and Tobago’s upcoming Divali celebrations as well as some other related issues. AD: What is the Chinmaya's Mission? Swami Prakashananda: Chinmaya Mission is a worldwide organization that is involved in teaching both spiritual knowledge through Ashrams (seminaries) and secular knowledge through Pre, Primary and High Schools. AD: If you had to describe Swami Prakashananda in 3 words ... which 3 would you choose? Swami Prakashananda: Spirituality.

Teacher of

AD: What roles do Swamis play in the Hindu Community? Is it different from the role that Pundits play? Swami Prakashananda: Swami are engaged in teaching the Philosophy of Hinduism as opposed to the rituals which are done more by Pundits. AD: Do you think that there is room 2

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An Interview With Swami Prakashananda written by Dr. A. Martin

for more unity within the Hindu community? Swami Prakashananda: Given the special socio-political culture of Trinidad and Tobago I feel we have sufficient Hindu unity under the circumstances. AD: Do you think that the economic climate in Trinidad and Tobago has affected the way in which Trinbagonians celebrate Divali? Swami Prakashananda: Not at all. Many of the celebrations will be bigger this year. AD: What underlying value emphasized at Divali is relevant for all of Trinidad and Tobago at this time? Swami Prakashananda: We value knowledge. Ignorance is the root of evil. AD: What is your Divali message to

the Hindu community? Swami Prakashananda: Strive to increase knowledge through the scriptures and the Gurus. AD: What do you and your family look forward to doing the most on Divali day? Swami Prakashananda: deyas of course.


AD: What's your favorite childhood Divali celebration memory? Swami Prakashananda: My favorite memory is of my mother’s baking. AD: Of all the culinary delicacies associated with Divali, what is your favorite? Swami Prakashananda: Dhalpuri and Curry Bhaigan.


The History And Significance Of Deyas


written by Clare Anne ows of earthen lamps, popularly known as Diyas (spelt deyas in T&T), line streets and homes during Divali. This sight is synonymous with this auspicious occasion in Trinidad. Flames flicker brightly, penetrating the darkness adding immense significance to this festive celebration. Diya is the Sanskrit word for a lamp and its history revolves around the popular belief from the kall of Ramayana. In northern India, the tale tells about the holy lord Rama’s return from 14 years of exile. In order to celebrate the return of their beloved hero, people of Ayodhya lit these earthen lamps in every single corner of their home with the intention of inviting happiness and prosperity. While in southern India the ancient story talks about Lord Krishna’s triumph over the evil king Narakaasura. It is believed that the evil king used to kidnap beautiful young women and imprison them. It is said that this misfortune fell on some 16,000 celestial princesses. The cries of the princesses led to Lord Vishnu arriving in the form of Krishna to save them. This triumph signifying good over evil, light over darkness and it is represented in the form of a lit Diya. Each element of the Deya 4

has a specific purpose as it is believed that the oil in the Deya lamp represents the dirt in one’s mind such as greed, jealousy, hatred, lust and the like that humans tend to nurture. The cotton wick is symbolic of the Atma (self ). Thus, in order to attain enlightenment and unite with the Brahman (the supreme power), one must get rid of materialism. Hindu philosophy or belief further states that after the realization of Atma, one must learn to love and serve others unconditionally. The idea of Atma entails the notion of the self as a spiritual rather than material being which emphasizes detachment from the material world Furthermore, external materialistic rewards are only illusions. Hence, as a part of purification on Divali, many Hindus seek to make an effort to make one’s Atma purer. Thus the lighting of the Deya plays an important role in this process. In addition to the purification element the Deya serves, it also symbolizes knowledge. It is said that darkness symbolizes ignorance. Hence, when a Deya is lit it signifies the removal of ignorance through knowledge. Also, it is believed by many Hindus that a house decorated with Deyas invites wealth and prosperity. Hindus desire par-

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ticularly during this time to be blessed by Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. And since the belief is Lakshmi will not enter a dark house, the oil lamps are significant here in providing enough light to enable a visit from the Goddess. Additionally, the light emitted from these lamps also seeks to rid of evil spirits and forces which are said to gain power and become active in darkness. Thus, deyas are lit in every corner of the house to weaken those evil forces. Since Divali is celebrated on the darkest night of the year, many Hindus resort to Deyas to protect themselves from these unwanted spirits and forces making their way into their homes and lives. In addition to lighting the Diyas, a sloka (a couplet of Sanskrit verse, especially one in which each line contains sixteen syllables) is sometimes recited. शुभं करोति कल्याणं | आरोग्यं धन संपदा || शत्रु बुद्धि विनाशाय |्योतिर्नमोस्तुते ||

Subham Karoti Kalyanam Arogyam Dhana Sampadah Shatru Buddhi Vinashaya Dipa Jyotir Namostute “I fold my hands before the light that brings prosperity, auspiciousness,

good health, an abundance of wealth and destruction of the enemy’s intellect.” Despite the popularity of earthen deyas and is significance over the years, many variations have come into existence within recent times. Some of the more popular ones are: Terracotta deyas or The Decorative deyas: These deyas are typically regarded as more aesthetically pleasing and are usually made of terracotta. They come in various intricate designs and are sometimes intricately painted. The other differentiating factor is the bowls of these deyas are filled with wax instead of oil. Electrical deyas: This particular deya has started gaining momentum and it is regarded as the safer choice. These deyas usually have silver or gold color fixtures and looks like a real lit deya. There’s no doubt that Deyas, whether traditional or modern, have a more in-depth purpose than adding character and décor to a place or space. In many ways it serves a reminder that light will always triumph over darkness. Shubh Divali!


Six Steps To Becoming A Better Hindu


induism is an Indian religion or way of life that has grown over millennia to become recognizable in almost every corner of the world. It is often referred to as the oldest religion in the world, with its ancient origins tracing back to the Vedic period (1500 – 500 BCE). Hinduism contains an expansive range of philosophies linked by shared concepts and recognizable rituals based on various Indian cultures and traditions. Over the years, an amalgamation and synthesis of these ethea would shape Hinduism as we know it today. With that said, even now there is no one way to practice Hinduism. There are many paths which can lead one to spiritual enlightenment along their Hindu journey. However, there are some things which can refine that spiritual excursion and along the way make one more equipped for their journey. Here are tips to potentially improve yourself as a Hindu.

Prayer/Worship - Hinduism is all about respect. Hinduism respects the fact that religion is a deeply personal thing and won’t force you to into a path. How6

ever, once you select your path – whether Bhakti, Gyana, Karma, Japa, Yoga etc - stick with it, remain disciplined and keep practicing. This will lead you toward your spiritual goals as constant practice of these forms prepares you to follow Satya, Brahmacharya, Ahimsa and Asteya.

Seek Satya - Always seek truth. Seek spiritual knowledge and discernment of the truth and seek truth within yourself. Be truthful in your thoughts, words and actions. Let there be no separation between them so your nature will be whatever you think, you say and do. The very core of the universe lies in Satya which is the only reality. According to the Vedas, Truth is One, but the wise express it in a variety of ways. Read Scriptures - A good Hindu learns the scriptures. This is not for the purpose of winning religious arguments, but for conquering your inner demons. The Puranas, the Bhagvad Gita and the Upanishads are prime examples of the texts you can read to acquire knowledge from. Do not just read, but seek righteousness through understanding and application of the

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text. In it, you will find the tenets required for overcoming sins such as Kaam (lust), krodh (anger), lobh (greed), maya (materialism) and abhimaan (ego). If you do not overcome these you cannot attain salvation (Moksha). Keep the Faith - The constant reading of text can make you feel insignificant in the universe’s grand scheme. However, in order to be a better Hindu, you must never lose faith. Faith is yours to have and you cannot expect someone to restore it or fix it in you once you have lost it. Things will not always go as planned, but being clear about your values, beliefs, and purpose in your life will help you immensely in dark times. There will be dark times, but despite the negativity and suffering in the world, do not lose faith. Remember, your spiritual path is for you only. Grow your faith and your spirit will grow as a result. You can make this growth your Dharma.

Be Cognizant of Karma - As your Dharma develops, you will find that you are more in tune with Karma. This is important to note because Karma is

a Hindu principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. Hence, you are responsible for whatever wrong you do, and you will be punished unless you repent sincerely. However, good karma brings good reward and you can change your karma by your works. After all, God is all-forgiving and all-merciful.

Refine your chakras - The physical being also plays a role in the development of the soul. Thus, maintaining physical and environmental cleanliness can improve your goal. Apart from that, a strong physical helps your mental to perform optimally. When the mental is working, then one can truly explore the chakras. There are 7 Chakras, or energy centers, located throughout the body and connected to one’s spirit. Believers can purify or open up their Chakras through yoga mediation. These six steps can prove pivotal in your quest for spiritual fulfillment and moksha. Overall, one must also live with a pure mind, free of violence and most importantly, full of love for one’s fellow man.



DIVALI DÉCOR IDEAS written by Daniela Nandlal

he festival of lights is fast approaching and that means many Hindu households are going the extra mile to ensure their homes are ‘Divali ready’ to commence this auspicious celebration. If you’re one of the many persons looking for inspiration for further making your home bright and beautiful this Divali, you’re in luck. Below are a few easy ways to do just that.


Get creative with Rangolis Traditionally, Rangolis are created with flowers or Rangoli powder. To further enhance this, placing designer deyas and other handicrafts around it can seek to enhance the beauty and modernize the traditional decoration.


Marigold Flowers These brightly coloured flowers can be used to enhance your rangoli décor. Even better, it can be dangled around the house or placed in a vase with water, adding colour and beauty to your home.


Candles Sticking with the theme of light over darkness, candles are the perfect creative addition


the theme you are following for your home decoration.


Deyas Use earthen Deyas to further add a splendid festive touch to your decorations. You can do this by decorating them with glitter and acrylic paints. Try creating traditional patterns or just let your creativity flow.

to add to your décor. The versatility of these objects means it’s easy to go with everything. Find the perfect colour and shade and place in safe spaces throughout your home. Not only would it add a beautiful aura to the surroundings with its soft light, it will also provide a distinctive touch to the décor. You can even fill bowls of water and place some floating candles in it. Add some decorative items at the bottom or add some colour to the water for a unique flair.


Colourful Upholstery Switch out your decorative cushion covers and curtains with brightly coloured patterns or solids. This colourful touch, although simple to achieve, will have a major effect on your décor. It will definitely brighten

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up your space and also create a unique look and feel.


Glass jar fairy lights This is definitely DIY friendly and a perfect project to get the entire family involved in creating. Add battery powered fairy lights in empty jars. Be sure to remove any previous labeling. You can opt to decorate outside the jars using twine or colourful ribbon.


Torans Torans also known as Bandanwar can add a different essence to your decor. They are also considered an auspicious decor element for Divali. You can hang them outside your main entrance along with lights to give a festive and bright touch. Be sure to choose a toran or make one keeping in mind


Paper Lanterns Get creative with this Oriental style of paper lanterns this Divali for that delicate, colourful and unique look.


Artificial flowers Fresh flowers are always a good idea to add to your décor, but if this option is unavailable, artificial flowers can certainly be used to enhance your décor and add elegance and style. Another option would be to get flowers that are symbolic with the festival such as lotus flowers. These are just a few ways in which you can get creative with your Divali decorations. However, the most important thing on your to-do list should be to have fun creating a space you are proud and happy with as you prepare to celebrate the triumph of ‘Light over Darkness.’


10 Unconventional Cleaning Tips To Ready Your Home For The Holiday


ousecleaning can be difficult especially with tough stains and uncomfortable scents that don’t go away even when you use those expensive products you see on the TV. With Divali here, we know house cleaning is in prime gear for many of us as we prepare to welcome divinity into our homes. With that said, there are some strange alternatives to cleaning for those of us who are not into the heavy chemicals or just don’t have the money to purchase a bunch of specialized products. Use these common everyday items found in most homes to spruce up your abode. These peculiar tips can save you time, money and your sanity.


Use rice to clean inside vases, bottles or hard to reach areas by mixing rice with a water/vinegar solution, shaking vigorously and rinse out (rice is also good for putting into your salt pot to protect from moisture)


To remove mineral stains from glass built up by dishwashers or hard water areas rub with freshly peeled potato skins and buff.

holder out and turn it upside down. The wax will fall out.


Spray a bit of perfume on the light bulb in any room to create a lovely a light scent in each room when the light is turned on. Be sure the light bulb is cool before spraying it. Also, wait for the perfume to fully dry before switching the light back on.


Banish children’s finger tip marks from your wall by rubbing with slightly moist, stale white bread. We told you these tips were weird.



Clean a bathroom mirror with shaving cream, then wipe with a soft cloth. It helps defog the mirror after showers.

Clear the sink drain by dropping three Alka Seltzer tablets down the drain followed by a cup of White Vinegar. Wait a few minutes and then run hot water into the sink. This will save a load on plumbing costs.


Shine small copper items by rubbing gently with a cotton swab dipped in ketchup. Rub off with a cotton cloth and they'll gleam.


WD-40, can serve double duty as a cleaner, as well. It can be used to remove the pesky glue that's so hard to get off when you peel labels or price tags off of plastic items. Just spray it on and rub it back

off. It works like a charm, without harming the plastic itself.


To remove old wax from a glass candle holder, put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then take the candle


Baby wipes are great for quickly cleaning phones, sticky purse linings, and dirty hands. Also, for a sink touch-up, use baby wipes for spiffing up faucets and sinks. Please note that they're not safe for use on marble or granite.

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Show off your true beauty with the help of traditional Indian wear and a Kundan jewelry set.

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Kundan jewelry meets lehenga choli and evening eyes for this stunning look. 12

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A light touch is all that is needed to achieve this youthful look.

Bold lips, amazing accessories and a hint of mehendi take this look to another level.

You would be all smiles too if you had your festival makeup done like this.


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This beautiful Indian brunette embraces a Bollywood style look. www.amgtt.com 2018 ABSTRACT DIVALI



Deepavali Décor Ideas

Function meets fragrance as scented candles add light to a dark room. www.amgtt.com 2018 ABSTRACT DIVALI



Flower petal rangoli with a deya as its centerpiece adds light and colour to the occasion.


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This large floor lamp can be the perfect statement piece for your Deepavali gathering. www.amgtt.com 2018 ABSTRACT DIVALI



Indian textiles and eccentric Asian-inspired lamps provide a decorative light source for this space.


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Delightful Divali Dishes

ivali is a delightful time to be a Trini. Even non-Hindus gleefully celebrate the atmosphere and lights during this religious festival. However, it is no secret that much like Christmas, many Trinis enjoy this occasion for the food. Devotees regularly invite family, friends and the less fortunate to partake in sumptuous vegetarian meals nearing the end of the festival. While some simply lay out a host of Trini-inspired options, others go all out with odes to traditional Indian cuisine. Here are a few options for you to try.

5 pods green cardamom, crushed, or more to taste 7 saffron strands, or more to taste 2 ripe bananas 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup semolina flour 7 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk 2 teaspoons ground fennel seeds 1 pinch salt 1 pinch baking soda 3/4 cup sunflower oil 4 tablespoons ghee (clarified butter) 8 slivered almonds, or more to taste 8-10 raisins


Directions Heat milk in a small saucepan over medium heat until it begins to bubble. Remove from heat and keep warm.

Ingredients 1 cup milk 2 cups white sugar, divided 1 1/2 cups water 22

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Bring 1 1/2 cups sugar and water to a boil in another saucepan. Add cardamom and saffron. Boil until syrup is thick and sticky, 4 to 7 minutes. Pour syrup into a bowl and place it over warm water to keep warm. Blend warmed milk, remaining 1/2 cup sugar, bananas, flour, semolina, condensed milk, fennel, salt, and baking soda in a food processor until smooth, not be too thick or too runny. Cover and let rest, at least 30 minutes and up to 4 hours. Heat oil and ghee in a nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low. Drop 1 large spoonful of batter into the center to make a 2-inch pancake. Cook until edges turn golden brown, about 2 minutes. Flip and fry until both sides are golden, 1 to 2 minutes more. Re-

move with a slotted spoon and let cool. Repeat with remaining batter. Dunk cooled pancakes into the syrup, one by one. Garnish with almonds and raisins.


Ingredients 2 cucumbers - peeled, seeded and thinly sliced 2 cups Greek yogurt 3 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint 1/2 teaspoon white sugar 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt Directions Stir together the cucumber, yogurt, lemon juice, mint, sugar, and salt in a bowl. Cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours, preferably overnight.



Ingredients 1/2 cup cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup raisins, finely chopped 2 tablespoons minced peeled apple 1 teaspoon medium curry powder, or to taste 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice 8 stalks celery, or as needed, cut into thirds Directions Mix cream cheese, raisins, apple, curry powder, and lemon juice until smooth. Spread onto celery.


Ingredients 1 cup basmati rice 2 cups water 1/4 cup roasted peanuts 1 tablespoon margarine 1 onion, sliced


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1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger root 3/4 cup grated carrot Salt to taste Cayenne pepper to taste Chopped fresh chadon beni Directions Combine rice and water in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low, cover with lid, and allow to steam until tender, about 20 minutes. While rice is cooking, grind peanuts in a blender and set aside. Heat the margarine in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onion; cook and stir until the onion has softened and turned golden brown about 10 minutes. Stir in ginger, carrots, and salt to taste. Reduce heat to low and cover to steam 5 minutes. Stir in cayenne pepper and peanuts. When rice is done, add it to skillet and stir gently to combine with other ingredients. Garnish with chopped chadon beni.



Ingredients 1/4 cup olive oil 4 cloves garlic, pressed 1 medium onions, minced 1 (14 ounce) package extra firm tofu, diced 1 (16 ounce) can coconut milk 1 tablespoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon hot pepper sauce 6 cups tomato sauce 1 1/2 cups frozen peas, thawed 1 1/2 cups chopped carrot Directions Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir in garlic, onion, and tofu; cover, and cook, stirring occasionally for 5 to 10 minutes. Stir in coconut milk, cumin, curry powder, ginger, salt, and red pepper paste; bring to a simmer.

Add tomato sauce, peas, and carrots; simmer, covered, about 30 minutes.


Ingredients 3 tablespoons butter 1 medium onion, chopped 1 pound sliced fresh okra 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Salt to taste Directions Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion, and cook until tender. Stir in the okra, and season with cumin, ginger, coriander, pepper and salt. Cook and stir for a few minutes, then reduce the heat to medium-low, and cover the pan. Cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally until okra is tender.


Ingredients 1 quart vegetable oil for frying 4 small eggplants, halved lengthwise 1/2 cup ghee (clarified butter) 1 large onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons ground coriander 2 teaspoons curry powder (optional) 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon salt Directions Scoop the inside out of the eggplant halves, leaving 1/4 inch of flesh attached to the skin. Roughly chop the removed eggplant, and set the shells aside. Heat the ghee in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook and stir the onion and garlic until the onion has softened and turned translucent, about 5 minutes. Stir in the coriander, curry powder, chili powder, and salt;

continue cooking 2 to 3 minutes until the spices are very fragrant. Stir in the chopped eggplant flesh, and cook until very soft, mashing as you go. Pour in a little water if needed to keep the eggplant from burning. Keep the mashed eggplant hot over low heat. Heat oil in a deep-fryer or large saucepan to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Deep fry the eggplant halves in the hot oil until crisp, about 5 minutes. Drain upside-down on a paper towel-lined plate. Once drained, spoon in the reserved filling, and serve hot.


Ingredients 1 cup pigeon peas 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon olive oil 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 (3 inch) piece fresh ginger, finely chopped, or to taste

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1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 large tomatoes, chopped 10 sprigs fresh cilantro 1 green chile pepper, finely chopped 1 lemon, juiced Directions Place pigeon peas in a mesh colander and rinse in warm water. Transfer to a saucepan. Cover with 2 cups water and salt; bring to a boil. Cook, covered, over medium heat, until tender, about 40 minutes. Heat olive oil in a skillet. Add cumin; cook until cumin swells and turns golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes. Add onion, ginger, and turmeric; cook and stir until onion is softened, about 5 minutes. Add tomatoes, cilantro, and green chile; cook and stir until softened, about 10 minutes. Stir

in the dhal. Simmer, covered, until flavors combine, about 10 minutes. Stir in lemon juice.


Ingredients 1/2 lb ghee 2 cups flour 1 cup granulated sugar 3 cups water 1 cup evaporated milk 1 tin condensed milk (14 oz) 1 tsp cardamom seeds 1/2 cups raisins Almonds as needed Directions Melt ghee in large pot and add flour. Cook on low heat until flour gets very loose and brown. Then, remove from heat. Set aside. Bring sugar and water to a boil, creating a syrup.

In a separate bowl, combine evaporated milk and condensed milk. Add liquids (syrup and milk) to flour mixture over medium heat. Stir briskly until light and fluffy. Add cardamom, almonds and raisins and mix in.


Ingredients 3 cups all-purpose flour 2 cups thickened yoghurt (curd) 1/2 cup ghee 3 cups sugar 5 strands saffron 1/2 teaspoon powdered green cardamom 1/2 cup corn flour 1 1/2 pinch baking soda 2 cup sunflower oil 3 cup water 4 drops rose essence 1/2 teaspoon edible food color

Directions Mix flour, corn flour and baking soda in a bowl. Add ghee and orange food colour to the mixture. To make batter, add curd and water. Mix well until it is thick, but has a pouring consistency. Keep it aside for 8 hours or overnight. 8-10 hours. To make the sugar syrup, heat water in a pan over medium flame. Add sugar and mix until fully dissolved. Simmer the syrup until it attains one string consistency. Add saffron, cardamom powder and rose essence. Stir well. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat for deep frying. Fill the jalebi batter in a muslin cloth and pierce a small hole in the cloth. Squeeze the muslin cloth to make concentric circles. Move

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DIVALI DELIGHTS from inside to outside to make perfect circles. Fry till jalebis are crisp and golden. Soak the jalebis in sugar syrup for 2-3 minutes. Ensure that the sugar syrup is warm and not very hot. Now remove from the syrup and place on a tray lined with paper or foil to drain.

mersion blender for a smooth texture. Pour turmeric tea into a mug and top with ground turmeric and cinnamon.



Ingredients 1 (1 1/2 inch) piece fresh turmeric root, peeled and grated 1 (1/2 inch) piece fresh ginger root, peeled and grated 1 tablespoon honey 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 pinch ground turmeric (optional) 1 pinch ground cinnamon (optional) Directions Combine turmeric root, ginger root, and honey together in a bowl, crushing the turmeric and ginger as much as possible. Heat almond milk in a saucepan


over medium-low heat. Once small bubbles begin to form around the edges, reduce heat to low. Transfer about 2 tablespoon milk to turmeric mixture to allow mixture to soften and honey to melt into a paste-like mixture. Mix the turmeric paste into milk in the saucepan; raise temperature to medium-low and cook, stirring continuously, until fully combined. Blend with an im-

ABSTRACT DIVALI 2018 www.amgtt.com

Ingredients 1 1/2 cups water 1 (1/2 inch) piece fresh ginger, chopped 4 whole cloves 1/2 cinnamon stick 5 pods green cardamom pods, crushed 1 pod black cardamom, split open 2 black tea bags 2/3 cup milk 2 tablespoons white sugar Directions Bring water to a boil in a small pot. Add ginger, cloves, cinnamon stick, green cardamom, and black cardamom; simmer until flavors infuse, about 5 minutes. Add tea bags; simmer for 1 to

2 minutes. Add milk and sugar; bring back to a boil. Strain tea into mugs.


Ingredients 1 large mango - peeled, seeded, and diced 3 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint 1 teaspoon freshly ground star anise 1 teaspoon freshly ground cardamom 1 tablespoon lime juice 2 cups plain yogurt 3 sprigs fresh mint for garnish Directions Blend the mango, brown sugar, chopped mint, star anise, cardamom, lime juice, and yogurt in a blender on high speed until smooth. Pour into glasses and garnish with fresh mint sprigs to serve.




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Abstract Divali Is Published By Abstract Media Group, Premium Commercial Complex, San Juan, Trinidad, W.I. • Tel: (868) 638 1156/9 • Fax: (868) 638 1160. Printed By The Office Authority - Printing Division And Distributed By AMG

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