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NEW TITLES 6 Environmental Management 6 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 7 Understanding Environmental Pollution Fourth Edition 7 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything 7 Energy: Supply and Demand 7 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, TECTONICS AND GEODYNAMICS 7 Structural Geology: A Quantitative Introduction 7 Structural Geology Second Edition 7 Geodynamics Third Edition 7 Advanced Geodynamics 7 MINERALOGY, PETROLOGY AND VOLCANOLOGY 7 An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology Second Edition 7 Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Third Edition 8 Earth Materials: Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology Second Edition 8 Essentials of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Second Edition 8 Ore Deposit Geology 8 Minerals: Their Constitution and Origin Second Edition 8 GEOCHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 8 Ecotoxicology 8 Geochemistry: An Introduction Second Edition 8 Using Geochemical Data: To Understand Geological Processes Second Edition 8 SOLID EARTH GEOPHYSICS 9 Essentials of Geophysical Data Processing 9 Introduction to Seismology Third Edition 9 Geophysics for the Mineral Exploration Geoscientist 9 The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics Second Edition 9 Looking into the Earth: An Introduction to Geological Geophysics 9 Principles of Seismology Second Edition 9 Practical Seismic Data Analysis 9 Fundamentals of Geophysics Third Edition 9 Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis 10 Fundamentals of Rock Physics 10 ENGINEERING, PETROLEUM AND MINING GEOSCIENCE 10 Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment Second Edition 10 Earth Science for Civil and Environmental Engineers 10 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING 10 An Introduction to Python Programming for Scientists and Engineers 10 GEOMORPHOLOGY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 10 Geomorphology: The Mechanics and Chemistry of Landscapes 10 Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology, Second Edition 10 Physical Geography: Great Systems and Global Environments 10 SOIL SCIENCE 12 Introduction to the Biogeochemistry of Soils 12 Soils: Genesis and Geomorphology Second Edition 12 HYDROLOGY, HYDROGEOLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES 12 Hydrology Second Edition 12 Irrigation Engineering 12 Essentials of Hydraulics 12 Water Resources and Hydraulics 12 Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues Second Edition 12 Hydrology: An Introduction 12 River Mechanics Second Edition 13 River Networks as Ecological Corridors: Species, Populations, Pathogens 13 Contents

Ecohydrology: Dynamics of Life and Water in the Critical Zone 13 River Dynamics: Geomorphology to Support Management 13 Coastal Hydrogeology 13 The Global Cryosphere: Past, Present, and Future, Second Edition 13 ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE AND METEOROLOGY 13 Weather: A Concise Introduction Second Edition 13 Essentials of Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics 13 Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions Second Edition 14 Space Physics: An Introduction 14 Air Pollution: Concepts, Theory, and Applications 14 Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and Large-Scale Circulation Second Edition 14 Modeling of Atmospheric Chemistry 14 Global Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling 14 CLIMATOLOGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE 14 Introduction to Modern Climate Change Third Edition 14 The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate Third Edition 14 Climate Mathematics: Theory and Applications 15 Principles of Planetary Climate 15 Essentials of the Earth’s Climate System 15 Physical Oceanography and Climate 15 Urban Climates 15 Climate Analysis 15 The Changing Flow of Energy Through the Climate System 15 Statistical Methods for Climate Scientists 15 OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE SCIENCE 16 An Introduction to the Chemistry of the Sea Second Edition 16 Chemical Oceanography: Element Fluxes in the Sea 16 PLANETARY SCIENCE AND ASTROBIOLOGY 16 Planetary Geoscience 16 Fundamental Planetary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Habitability 16 An Introduction to the Solar System Third Edition 16 An Introduction to Astrobiology Third Edition 16 Cosmochemistry Second Edition 16 PALEONTOLOGY 16 Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History Fourth Edition 16 Flexible. Cambridge.Affordable. We believe in making textbooks accessible to all students. Our titles are available in a range of formats, including digitally for institutional access. HB = Hardback PB = Paperback EB = eBook HE = digital institutional subscription access from the Higher Education website CO = digital institutional perpetual access from Cambridge Core ManagementEnvironmental Concepts and Practical Skills Marc RichardLameMarcantonio A textbook and manual on environmental management that provides theory and practical skills needed to address current issues and September 2022trends. 246 x 189 mm c.400pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-00-911206-2HE Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99 X

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Higher Education | Earth and Environmental www.cambridge.org/earthsciencetextbooksSciences 7 SCIENCEENVIRONMENTAL PollutionEnvironmentalUnderstanding Fourth edition Marquita K. Hill Thoroughly updated new edition of this undergraduate textbook examines environmental pollution from our homes to the global July 2020environment.276 x 219 mm PB,105 b/w illus. 44 tables 327 exercises 466ppHB,EB,HE978-1-108-43610-6Paperback£49.99 / US$64.99X 100% EverythingandRenewableClean,EnergyStoragefor Mark Z. Jacobson Textbook on the science and methods behind a global transition to 100% clean, renewable energy for science, engineering, and social science October 2020students.279 x 216 mm c.450pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-79083-3HE Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99 P Energy: Supply and Demand David B. Rutledge Explores trends and projections in energy supply and demand using real-life case studies and modeling December 2019techniques. 246 x 189 mm 556pp 450 colour illus. 41 tables 64 exercises HB, EB, 978-1-107-03107-4HE Hardback £39.99 / US$51.99 X STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, TECTONICS GEODYNAMICSAND Structural Geology A Quantitative Introduction David D. Pollard and Stephen J. Martel A pioneering HB,July 2020structures.quantitativebalancesundergraduatesingle-semestertextbookthatdescriptiveandanalysisofgeological276 x 219 mm450ppEB,HE978-1-107-03506-5Hardback£49.99 / US$64.99X Structural Geology Second edition Haakon Fossen This market-leading textbook has been updated to include a chapter on joints and veins, additional examples and stunning new photos. March 2016 276 x 219 mm 524pp HB,illus. 2 tables 210 exercises 6 b/w illus. 557 colourEB,HE978-1-107-05764-7Hardback£49.99 / US$65.99X Geodynamics Third edition Donald Turcotte and Gerald Schubert A fully updated third edition of this classic textbook, containing two new chapters on numerical modelling supported by online MATLAB® codes. June 2014 253 x 203 mm 636pp PB,illus. 28 tables 285 exercises 456 b/w illus. 23 colourEB,HE978-0-521-18623-0Paperback£57.99 / US$86.99X GeodynamicsAdvanced The Fourier Transform Method David T. Sandwell Augments and extends the classic textbook Geodynamics by Turcotte and Schubert, presenting more complex and foundational math approaches.January 2022253 x 203 mm 282pp HB, EB, 978-1-316-51962-2CO Hardback £49.99 / US$64.99 P MINERALOGY, PETROLOGY AND VOLCANOLOGY An Introduction to PetrologyMetamorphic Second edition Bruce Yardley and Clare Warren A new edition of a classic text introducing metamorphic rocks and how they form, in full colour and thoroughly updated. February 2021 246 x 189 mm 344pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-45648-7HE Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99 X

The new edition of this popular textbook once again provides an indispensable guide for the next generation of mineralogists. 246 x 189 mm 640pp 525 b/w illus. 181 colour HB, EB, 978-1-107-51404-1HE
illus. 100 tables PB,
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Peter V. Hodson Pamela M. Welbourn
October 2016
Higher Education | Earth and Environmental www.cambridge.org/earthsciencetextbooksSciences 8 Principles of Igneous PetrologyMetamorphicand Third edition Anthony R. Philpotts and Jay J. Ague Fully updated new edition features a new introductory chapter and more end-of-chapter questions, guiding students to a mastery of January 2022petrology. 280 x 216 mm c.700pp HB, EB, 978-1-108-49288-1HE Hardback £64.99 / US$84.99 X Earth Materials Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology Second edition Cornelis Klein and Anthony Philpotts Designed specifically for onesemester courses, this beautifully illustrated textbook explains the key concepts in mineralogy and December 2016petrology. 276 x 219 mm 616pp 1076 colour illus. 30 tables 360 exercises PB, EB, 978-1-316-60885-2HE Paperback £45.99 / US$59.99 X Essentials of Igneous PetrologyMetamorphicand Second edition B. Ronald Frost and Carol D. Frost A concise introduction to the mineralogy and petrology of igneous and metamorphic rocks for all Earth Science students. October 2019 276 x 216 mm 362pp PB,275 b/w illus. HB,EB,HE978-1-108-71058-9 Paperback £45.99 / US$60.99 X Ore GeologyDeposit John Ridley This book systematically describes and illustrates major ore deposit types, and links deposits to geological settings and the processes behind their formation. July 2013 246 x 189 mm HB,185 b/w illus. 6 tables 30 exercises 409ppEB,CO978-1-107-02222-5Hardback£51.99 / US$66.99X Minerals Their Constitution and Origin Second edition Hans-Rudolf Wenk and Andrey Bulakh
Peter G. C. Campbell

Higher Education | Earth and Environmental www.cambridge.org/earthsciencetextbooksSciences 9 SOLID GEOPHYSICSEARTH Essentials Geophysicalof Data Processing Clark R. Wilson Concise, self-contained survey of data processing methods in geophysics and other sciences, for upper level science and engineering October 2021students. 253 x 203 mm c.350pp PB, EB, 978-1-108-93100-7HE Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99 X Introduction to Seismology Third edition Peter M. Shearer Offers a concise and accessible introduction to seismic theory, with a focus on the mathematical fundamentals of global seismology. May 2019 246 x 189 mm 442pp PB,243 b/w illus. 12 tables HB,EB,HE978-1-316-63574-2Paperback£50.99 / US$65.99X Geophysics for the Mineral GeoscientistExploration Michael Dentith and Stephen T. Mudge A state-of-the-art overview of geophysical methods for mineral exploration, demonstrating practical application and interpretation supported by real geophysical data April 2014examples.276 x 219 mm 454pp 330 colour illus. 15 tables HB, EB, 978-0-521-80951-1HE Hardback £63.99 / US$88.99 X The Solid Earth An Introduction to Global Geophysics Second edition C. M. R. Fowler A fully up-dated edition of this acclaimed undergraduate geophysics PB,illus. 31 tables 143 exercises 728ppDecember 2004textbook.246 x 189 mm384 b/w illus. 31 colourEB,HE978-0-521-89307-7Paperback£52.99 / US$86.99X Looking into the Earth An Introduction to Geological Geophysics Alan E. Mussett M. Aftab IllustratedKhanbySue Button Comprehensively describes the principles and applications of ‘global’ and ‘exploration’ geophysics for introductory/intermediate university December 2000students. 279 x 215 mm 492pp illus. 100 tables 275 exercises 437 b/w illus. 8 colourPB, EB, HE 978-0-521-78574-7 Paperback £51.99 / US$75.99 X Principles Seismologyof Second edition Agustín Udías Elisa Buforn This new edition features a completely new chapter on digital seismic data processing, numerous examples and 100 problems. December 2017 246 x 189 mm 558pp HB,290 b/w illus. 10 tables EB,HE978-1-107-13869-8Hardback£56.99 / US$72.99X Practical Seismic Data Analysis Hua-Wei Zhou A modern introduction to seismic data processing in exploration and global geophysics, demonstrating practical applications through real data and HB,illus. 11 tables 11 exercises 496ppJanuary 2014examples.246 x 189 mm350 b/w illus. 31 colourEB,HE978-0-521-19910-0Hardback£53.99 / US$85.99X ofFundamentalsGeophysics Third edition William AndreasLowrieFichtner A thoroughly reworked third edition featuring new data acquisition technologies, research developments and computational exercises in Python. January 2020 276 x 219 mm c.425pp PB,420 b/w illus. 38 tables HB,EB,HE978-1-108-71697-0Paperback£50.99 / US$65.99X

Higher Education | Earth and Environmental www.cambridge.org/earthsciencetextbooksSciences 10 Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis Jack andBrendonBakerBradleyPeterStafford An overview of the essential principles of seismic hazard and risk analysis, including advanced topics, worked examples and problem sets. October 2021 253 x 203 mm c.600pp HB, 978-1-108-42505-6CO Hardback £59.99 / US$79.99 P Fundamentals of Rock Physics Nikolai Bagdassarov Introducing the physical principles of rock physics, this upper-level textbook includes problem sets, focus boxes and MATLAB exercises. December 2021 254 x 178 mm 562pp HB, EB, 978-1-108-42210-9CO Hardback £59.99 / US$79.99 P ENGINEERING, PETROLEUM AND MINING GEOSCIENCE Mineral theEconomicsResources,andEnvironment Second edition Stephen E. Kesler Adam C. Simon Written for students and professionals, this revised textbook surveys the mineral industry from geological, environmental and economic October 2015perspectives.276 x 219 mm 446pp 255 b/w illus. 51 colour illus. 51 tables HB, EB, HE 978-1-107-07491-0 Hardback £57.99 / US$79.99 X Earth Science for Civil EngineersEnvironmentaland Richard E. Jackson Introduces the fundamental principles of applied Earth science needed for engineering practice, with case studies, exercises, and online January 2019solutions. 276 x 219 mm HB,320 b/w illus. 2 maps 59 tables 99 exercises 492ppEB,HE978-0-521-84725-4Hardback£47.99 / US$63.99X SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING An Introduction to Python Programming for andScientistsEngineers Johnny Wei-Bing Lin Hannah Aizenman Erin Manette Cartas Espinel Kim JoanneGunnersonLiu Textbook that uses examples and Jupyter notebooks from across the sciences and engineering to teach Python programming. July 2022 246 x 189 mm 766pp PB, EB, HE 978-1-108-70112-9 Paperback £54.99 / US$69.99 X GEOMORPHOLOGY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Geomorphology The Mechanics and Chemistry of Landscapes Robert S. Anderson Suzanne P. Anderson A modern, quantitative, processoriented approach to geomorphology and the role of Earth surface processes in shaping landforms, starting from basic principles. June 2010 276 x 219 mm PB,578 b/w illus. 10 tables 185 exercises 651ppEB,HE978-0-521-51978-6Paperback£58.99 / US$81.99X Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology Second edition Robin ChrisBernardDavidson-ArnottBauerHouser Grounded in current research, this second edition has been thoroughly updated, featuring new topics, global examples and online September 2019material. 253 x 203 mm 536pp PB,430 b/w illus. 11 tables HB,EB,HE978-1-108-43986-2Paperback£45.99 / US$60.99X Physical Geography Great Systems and Global Environments William M. Marsh Martin M. Kaufman A systems-based approach to physical geography written in an easy-to-understand narrative style that is closely integrated with clear, single-concept illustrations. August 2012 276 x 219 mm 720pp 900 colour illus. 20 tables 300 exercises HB, EB, 978-0-521-76428-5HE Hardback £56.99 / US$79.99 X

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May 2022
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of Hydraulics Pierre Y. Julien Concise yet thorough look at hydraulics and hydraulic engineering. Includes many worked examples, case
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Higher Education | Earth and Environmental www.cambridge.org/earthsciencetextbooksSciences 12 SOIL SCIENCE Introduction to ofBiogeochemistrytheSoils Ronald Amundson The first process-based textbook on how soils form and function in biogeochemical cycles, for advanced undergraduate and graduate June 2021students. 246 x 189 mm 230pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-93275-2HE Paperback £44.99 / US$59.99 X Soils Genesis and Geomorphology Second edition Randall J. Schaetzl and Michael L. Thompson This expanded, fully updated second edition of the leading textbook in pedology and soil geomorphology is invaluable for anyone studying soils, landforms and landscape change. June 2015 253 x 203 mm 795pp HB,539 b/w illus. 89 tables EB978-1-107-01693-4Hardback£60.99 / US$89.99X HYDROGEOLOGYHYDROLOGY, AND WATER RESOURCES Hydrology An Introduction Second edition Wilfried Brutsaert Revised and updated, this classic textbook introduces the fundamental principles of hydrology for advanced students and September 2022professionals. 253 x 203 mm 650pp HB, EB, 978-1-107-13527-7HE Hardback £49.99 / US$64.99 X EngineeringIrrigation Principles, ManagementProcedures,Processes,Design,and Vijay P. Singh and Qiong Su Covering climate, soils, crops, water quality, hydrology, and hydraulics, this textbook offers a perfect overview of irrigation engineering. July 2022 280 x 216 mm 604pp HB, EB, 978-1-316-51122-0HE Hardback £64.99 / US$84.99 X
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River Mechanics
River Networks as Ecological Corridors Species, PathogensPopulations, Andrea Rinaldo Marino Gatto Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe
Jimmy Jiao and Vincent Post Offers a comprehensive volume discussing groundwater problems in coastal areas, spanning fundamental science to practical water 418pp HB, EB, 978-1-107-03059-6CO
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Amilcare Porporato Jun Yin Rigorous yet accessible textbook on ecohydrology for advanced students, and a reference for researchers, professionals, and February 2022engineers. 254 x 203 mm 396pp HB, EB, 978-1-108-84054-5HE Hardback £49.99 / US$64.99 P
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Higher Education | Earth and Environmental www.cambridge.org/earthsciencetextbooksSciences 14 Air Pollution and Global Warming History, Science, and Solutions
the fundamental principles,
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This book
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Second taking a on T. Russell J. G. Luhmann and R. J. of from to of
edition Mark Z. Jacobson A new edition of this full-color introductory textbook, for students
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methods and applications
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the Sun
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The Changing Flow of Energy Through the Climate System
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