Anesthesia, intensive care, pain management
A Practical Guide to Portable Pupillometry
Larson, Merlin D. | University of California, San Francisco
A practical, easy-to-use book describing the use, applications, and advantages of portable pupillometry, explaining the meaning of the various parameters that they provide for healthcare professionals. Summarizes newly collated information about the pupil accumulated over 30 years, since the introduction of this technology.

Nov. 2024 9781009436298 Paperback GBP 45.99 / USD 59.99
eISBN 9781009436274
BASIC Essentials
A Comprehensive Review for the Anesthesiology
Second edition
Patel, Dharti | Mount Sinai West and Morningside Hospitals, New York
A comprehensive yet practical board review book for students studying for the Anesthesiology BASIC exam. Mirroring the exam requirements, chapters cover clinical anesthetic practice, pharmacology, physiology, anatomy, and anesthesia equipment and monitoring. An essential preparation resource written by anesthesiology residents for anesthesiology residents.
Critical Care EEG Basics
Rapid Bedside EEG Reading for Acute Care
Jadeja, Neville M. | University of Massachusetts Medical School
Easy to understand and richly illustrated, this essential guide introduces the basics of critical care EEG, including continuous EEG monitoring, to acute care providers of all backgrounds and skill levels, enabling them to harness the full potential of this technique for the benefit of patients.

Mar. 2024 9781009261166 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99
eISBN 9781009261159
Dr Podcast Scripts for the Primary FRCA
Second edition
Leslie, Rebecca | Royal United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bath

Jan. 2025 9781009334808 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781009334792
Core Topics in Paediatric Anaesthesia
Second edition
Ip, James | Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London
A comprehensive and user-friendly guide to paediatric anaesthesia written by practising experts. Thoroughly updated to reflect current clinical practice and now covering advances in interventional practice, neonatal anaesthesia, and the effects of anaesthesia on the developing brain. An ideal resource for both trainees and practitioners.

A fully updated second edition revision aid for Primary FRCA preparation and success, containing the scripts of the individual podcasts from the Dr Podcast Primary FRCA collection. Including advancements in anaesthesia and changes in practice, it covers the entire syllabus providing exam-style questions, model answers, and tips for exam success.
Apr. 2025 9781009016322 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009025072
Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care
An A-Z Guide
Volume 1
Seventh edition
Paw, Henry G. W. | York Hospital, York

Jan. 2025 9781108845304 Hardback GBP 89.99 / USD 115.00
eISBN 9781108955409
CPET Made Simple
A Practical Guide to Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
Lawson, Tom | Swansea Bay University Health Board
A practical, clinical introduction to cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) for trainees and nonexperts in a wide array of healthcare disciplines. Outlining the basic physiological principles and offering a step-by-step approach to conducting and interpreting a CPET, together with case studies to consolidate learning.
Apr. 2024 9781009412889 Paperback GBP 19.99 / USD 25.99
eISBN 9781009412896

A seventh edition practical guide providing key information on the medications used in critical care, in a concise and compact format. Thoroughly updated and featuring new drug monographs, it continues to provide critical care professionals with the latest and essential information on drug therapy in the intensive care unit.
Jan. 2025 9781009429696 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99
eISBN 9781009429702
Hemodynamic Monitoring and Fluid Therapy during Surgery
Joosten, Alexandre | University of California, Los Angeles

This guide for the practicing clinician provides a rapid yet comprehensive overview of current fluid management and hemodynamic therapy concepts. Covering everything from the basics and clinical guidance through to updates on recent developments and controversial topics. Essential reading for all anesthesiologists, intensivists, and surgeons.
May 2024 9781009226868 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009226899
Moderate and Deep Sedation in Clinical Practice
Third edition
Urman, Richard D. | Ohio State University
A practical, user-friendly handbook presenting all the information needed by busy healthcare practitioners to stay informed of the latest guidelines, regulations, drugs and techniques in the area of moderate and deep sedations. Thoroughly updated with the most current, evidence-based information for all medical and surgical professionals.

Dec. 2024 9781009233316 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009233293
Obstetric Anesthesia and Uncommon Disorders
Third edition
Gambling, David R. | University of California, San Diego
A practical and essential textbook for practitioners on the anesthetic management of the parturient with an unusual medical or surgical condition. Thoroughly revised and improving upon the success of the second edition with updated figures and references, including five additional chapters and contributions from an international line up of authors.
Adult Patient with Intraventricular, Paraventricular and Pineal Region Lesions
Dablouk, Mohamed | Cork University Hospital and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
This Element describes the management of patients with lesions in the ventricular system and pineal region. Careful assessment of the clinical and radiological features of each case can help to narrow the differential diagnosis in this heterogenous group of tumours.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery

Feb. 2024 9781009319768 Paperback GBP 59.99 / USD 74.99
eISBN 9781009070256
Robinson & Hall’s How to Survive in Anaesthesia
Sixth edition
Fawcett, William | Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford and University of Surrey
A fully updated go-to reference providing trainees with rapid access and assimilation of information on anaesthesia, pain Medicine and intensive care. Features new chapters on ultrasound and reducing risk and covers a range of elective and emergency procedures and techniques, following patient management throughout the entire perioperative pathway.
Apr. 2025 9781009421263 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 44.99
eISBN 9781009421294
Emergency Medicine
Acute Spontaneous Posterior Fossa Haemorrhage
Harris, Lauren | National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Non-traumatic posterior fossa haemorrhage accounts for approximately 10% of all intracranial haematomas, and 1.5% of all strokes. This Element offers a brief overview of posterior fossa haemorrhage. It looks at the anatomy, aetiology, management, and surgical options, with a review of the available evidence to guide practice.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery
Feb. 2024 9781009456500 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Feb. 2024 9781009456487 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009456456

Dec. 2024 9781009487283 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Dec. 2024 9781009487320 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009487306
Cranial and Spinal Tuberculosis Infections including Acute Presentations
Shetty, Veekshith | Manipal Hospital, Bangalore
This Element offers an algorithmic approach to managing referrals of suspected tuberculosis, incorporating pertinent clinical information to facilitate effective decision-making.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery

May 2024 9781009388733 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
May 2024 9781009517324 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009388764
Management of Seizures in Neurosurgical Practice
Woodfield, Julie | Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Seizures are a presenting feature of many neurosurgical disorders, and can arise as a result of neurosurgical treatment or its complications. In this Element the authors describe seizure diagnosis, emergency and ongoing management, and considerations in neurosurgical conditions.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery

May 2024 9781009487245 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
May 2024 9781009487252 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009487238
Mass Gathering Medicine A Guide to the Medical Management of Large Events
Brady, William J. | University of Virginia

The first textbook examining all aspects of mass gathering Medicine from basic medical staffing to complex risk management. Covers specific types of events and adverse events such as terrorism, sever weather, and civil disobedience. A resource for Emergency Medicine and EMS professionals, large event planners, venue organizers, and administrators.

Apr. 2024 9781009101950 Paperback GBP 89.99 / USD 115.00
eISBN 9781009105156
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury including Concussion
Parker, Thomas D. | Imperial College London
Most traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases are considered mild. Prognosis in mild TBI is generally good, but disabling persistent symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, affective and cognitive issues are common. A focussed assessment tailored to each individual symptom is crucial for management.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery
Jan. 2024 9781009380096 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Jan. 2024 9781009476058 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009380089
Models for Delivering High Quality Emergency Neurosurgery in High Income Countries
Boissaud-Cooke, Matthew A. | University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Emergency neurosurgery encompasses serious and high-risk cranial and spinal conditions across all ages. The authors provide an overview of the changes occurring within emergency surgery to meet the challenges provided from unscheduled care.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery
Feb. 2024 9781009366106 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Feb. 2024 9781009478830 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009366113
Observation Medicine
Principles and Protocols
Second edition
Mace, Sharon E. | Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Ohio

Spinal Discitis and Epidural Abscess
Veljanoski, Damjan | University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Spinal infections (SIs) affect intervertebral discs, vertebral bodies, and surrounding tissues, commonly in the lumbar region. Symptoms are non-specific, causing diagnostic delays. Clinicians must suspect SI early. This Element presents two real cases, reviews core knowledge, highlights diagnostic challenges, and outlines treatment options.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery
Oct. 2024 9781009409407 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Oct. 2024 9781009494823 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009409391

Spontaneous Intracranial Haemorrhage Caused by a Non-aneurysmal Brain Vascular Malformation
Kirollos, Sherif R. W. | The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN)

Emergency management of intracranial haemorrhage due to AVMs, DAVFs, and cavernomas involves addressing both the haemorrhage consequences and the underlying vascular lesion. Clinical evaluation and diagnostic workup identify factors necessitating urgent intervention and define the vascular lesion.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery
Jan. 2025 9781009439374 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009439367

A comprehensive new edition covering successful practices in observation Medicine, with new chapters explaining how to deliver the latest cutting-edge medical care in a cost-effective manner that is patient/family centered and benefits the provider, hospitals and healthcare systems. For all healthcare professionals working in an acute setting. 816pp
Jan. 2025 9781316510643 Hardback GBP 99.99 / USD 130.00
eISBN 9781009039215
Ruptured Supratentorial Cerebral Artery Aneurysm with Large Intracerebral Haematoma
Hall, Samuel | University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
The ruptured aneurysm with an intracerebral haematoma is a commonly encountered neurosurgical emergency. This Element will discuss the differences between subarachnoid haemorrhage with or without an intracerebral haematoma including presentation, imaging and outcomes.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery

Dec. 2024 9781009424806 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Dec. 2024 9781009517317 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009424837
Epidemiology, public health and medical statistics
Contemporary Islamic Perspectives in Public Health
Aboul-Enein, Basil H. | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Comprehensively reviews public health from an Islamic perspective offering evidence-based guidance for clinical, community and population health practice. Discusses Islamic principles, beliefs and practices, including the Holy Qur’an and Prophetic guidance, covering physical, social, environmental and cultural aspects of public health.
Feb. 2025 9781009231251 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781009231268
Essential Epidemiology
An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals
Fifth edition
Webb, Penelope | QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
Essential Epidemiology is a clear, engaging and methodological introduction to the subject of epidemiology, fully integrated with the concepts of public health. Now in its fifth edition, the text has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research and data.

Jan. 2025 9781009415361 1 Paperback, 1 Online resource GBP 54.99 / USD 69.99
eISBN 9781009415323
Essential Lifestyle Medicine
Pinder, Richard | Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
With an emphasis on practical guidance, this is a thorough overview of Lifestyle Medicine covering the 6 pillars of mental wellbeing, social connection, healthy eating, physical activity, sleep and minimisation of harmful substances and behaviours. Complex clinical skills are explored and sample scripts and clinical assessments included.

Apr. 2025 9781009391580 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 41.99
eISBN 9781009391573
Realist Trials and Systematic Reviews
Rigorous, Useful Evidence to Inform Health Policy
Bonell, Chris | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Describing an innovative approach to the evaluation of complex health interventions, this book allows reader to assess what interventions work, how and for whom. Proposing how realist evaluation methods may be incorporated within trials and systematic reviews, this approach provides useful evidence to inform policy and scientific advancement.
Feb. 2024 9781009456609 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781009456616
Understanding Obesity
Ulijaszek, Stanley | University of Oxford
Written for a general audience who are interested in or are concerned about body weight, fatness, or obesity, either personally or professionally. It unpacks the complexity of obesity, and why it has proven impossible to fix, using perspectives from biology, social science, public policy, Medicine and public health.
Understanding Life

One Angry Worm
Baimas-George, Maria | Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte
An informative and enjoyable book explaining appendicitis to children and their families, providing comfort, hope, and key information. Featuring easy to understand language, helpful facts and fun color illustrations, this book is part of the innovative series The Strength of My Scars by surgeon, Maria Baimas-George. The Strength of My Scars
Feb. 2024 9781009441001 Paperback GBP 9.99 / USD 12.95
eISBN 9781009441018
Approaches to Spread, ScaleUp, and Sustainability
Papoutsi, Chrysanthi
Outlines how spread, scale-up, and sustainability can be approached in healthcare improvement to increase the reach and long-term success of interventions. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare

Jan. 2024 9781009218214 Paperback GBP 14.99 / USD 19.99
eISBN 9781009218184
General Medicine
A Clinician’s Brief Guide to the Coroner’s Court and Inquests
Pendlebury, Gabrielle
This is a practical guide for medical and other healthcare professionals who have been called to an inquest or are supporting colleagues at an inquest. It explains the processes and advises how to prepare, give evidence, and aid the coroner and the families of the deceased determine what happened.
A Clinician’s Brief Guide

Nov. 2024 9781009450096 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99
eISBN 9781009450102

Feb. 2024 9781009326032 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Feb. 2024 9781009462617 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009326049
Broken Bones
Mei and the Monkey Bars
Baimas-George, Maria | Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte
An informative and enjoyable book explaining the experience of breaking a bone to children and their families, providing comfort, hope, and key information. Featuring easy to understand language, helpful facts and fun color illustrations, this book is part of the series The Strength of My Scars by surgeon, Maria Baimas-George. The Strength of My Scars
Feb. 2024 9781009440899 Paperback GBP 9.99 / USD 12.95
eISBN 9781009440912
Cystic Fibrosis
Wacky Juice Machines
Baimas-George, Maria | Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte
An informative and enjoyable book introducing the condition Cystic Fibrosis to children and their families, providing comfort, hope, and key information. Featuring easy to understand language, helpful facts and fun color illustrations, this book is part of the innovative series The Strength of My Scars by surgeon, Maria BaimasGeorge.
The Strength of My Scars

Feb. 2024 9781009440813 Paperback GBP 11.99 / USD 14.95
eISBN 9781009440837
Design Creativity
Jun, Gyuchan Thomas | Loughborough University Design creativity describes the process by which needs are explored and translated into requirements for change. This Element examines the role of design creativity within the context of healthcare improvement. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare
Jun. 2024 9781009325332 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009325318

Fuel Me Up
Baimas-George, Maria | Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte
An informative and enjoyable book introducing gastrostomy tubes to children and their families, providing comfort, hope, and key information. Featuring easy to understand language, fun color illustrations and helpful instructions, this book is part of the innovative series The Strength of My Scars by surgeon, Maria Baimas-George. The Strength of My Scars
Feb. 2024 9781009442855 Paperback GBP 9.99 / USD 12.95
eISBN 9781009442817
Handbook of Dental Therapeutics
Teoh, Leanne | University of Melbourne
Dentists require a comprehensive understanding of drugs used in clinical practice in order to safely prescribe and manage medication use in their patients. Handbook of Dental Therapeutics provides practical coverage of drugs in dentistry, with commentary tailored for students to use throughout their degree and into their professional practice.

Navigating Communication with Seriously Ill Patients
Balancing Honesty with Empathy and Hope Second edition
Arnold, Robert M. | The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh
Essential guide for clinicians on how to communicate better with seriously ill patients and their families. This book deconstructs communication challenges and offers tools to help the reader enhance their skills and teach others. A must-read for all clinicians seeking to improve communication with patients.
Apr. 2024 9781108925853 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99
eISBN 9781108921107

Mar. 2024 9781009060059 Paperback GBP 69.99 / USD 94.99
eISBN 9781009057950
Health Economics
Street, Andrew | London School of Economics and Political Science
Economists advocate regulation and tailored incentives to stimulate improvement activities. Such activities should be adopted if their benefits outweigh their costs. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare
Jan. 2024 9781009325981 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Jan. 2024 9781009454209 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009325974
Measurement for Improvement
Toulany, Alene
Outlines the principles underpinning measurement for healthcare improvement, emphasising the importance of using multiple measures and approaches to gathering data. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core. Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare
Jan. 2025 9781009326056 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009326063

Principles of Medicine in Africa
Fifth edition
Mabey, David | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
This book is for medical officers working in Africa. It provides up to date, practical information on the pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all the diseases they are likely to encounter in an easily accessible format.

May 2025 9781316511435 Hardback GBP 195.00 / USD 255.00
eISBN 9781009052733
Single Ventricle
My One Pump Train Station
Baimas-George, Maria | Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte
An informative and enjoyable book explaining single ventricle heart defects to children and their families, providing comfort, hope, and key information. Featuring easy to understand language and fun color illustrations, this book is part of the series The Strength of My Scars by surgical resident, Maria Baimas-George. The Strength of My Scars
Feb. 2024 9781009436496 Paperback GBP 11.99 / USD 14.95
eISBN 9781009436519
Statistical Process Control
Mohammed, Mohammed Amin | University of Bradford

Explores the role of statistical process control in offering an intuitive, practical, and robust approach to supporting efforts to improve healthcare. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare

Mar. 2024 9781009326803 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Mar. 2024 9781009521291 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009326834
Supply Chain Management
Williams, Sharon J. | Swansea University
Introduces key principles of healthcare supply chains, with practical insights into their design, operation, and application as an improvement approach. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core.
Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare

Nov. 2024 9781009325288 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009325271
Bev Gets Her Superhero Shots
Baimas-George, Maria | Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte
An informative and enjoyable book explaining vaccination and its importance to children and their families, providing comfort, hope, and key information. Featuring easy to understand language, helpful facts and fun color illustrations, this book is part of the innovative series The Strength of My Scars by surgeon, Maria BaimasGeorge.
The Strength of My Scars
Feb. 2024 9781009440936 Paperback GBP 9.99 / USD 12.95
eISBN 9781009440943
Values and Ethics
Cribb, Alan | King’s College London
Examines the ethical considerations and wide range of values underpinning healthcare improvement work, enabling more rigorous reflection and discussion. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare

Mental health, psychiatry and clinical psychology
The Body Image Book for Life
Markey, Charlotte | Rutgers University, New Jersey
Packed with Q&As, evidence-based information and real-life stories, Adultish is the ultimate guide to taking-on adulthood with confidence and body positivity. Empowering Gen Z with knowledge on everything from social media and self-image to nutrition and mental health, this book promotes self-acceptance for life.

May 2024 9781009325202 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00 eISBN 9781009325233
Welcome to the NICU
Baimas-George, Maria | Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte
An informative and enjoyable book introducing the neonatal intensive care unit to children and their families, providing comfort, hope, and key information. Featuring easy to understand language and fun colorful illustrations, this book is part of the innovative series The Strength of My Scars by surgical resident, Maria Baimas-George.
The Strength of My Scars
Feb. 2024 9781009436571 Paperback GBP 9.99 / USD 12.95
eISBN 9781009436588
Infectious disease
Accelerating Diagnostics in a Time of Crisis
The Response to COVID-19 and a Roadmap for Future Pandemics
Schachter, Steven C. | Harvard Medical School

Sep. 2024 9781009228961 Paperback GBP 15.99 / USD 19.95
eISBN 9781009228978
An Improbable Psychiatrist
Lawrence, Rebecca
A leading psychiatrist narrates her personal journey from patient to psychiatrist and how she has coped with severe mental illness. Covering her experience on a psychiatric ward, ECT, and psychiatry training, this book aims to reduce stigma surrounding mental illness and will appeal to mental health professionals, and general readers.

Nov. 2024 9781009515061 Paperback GBP 14.99 / USD 19.99
eISBN 9781009515078
Building Recovery Resilience
Addiction Recovery and Relapse Prevention Workbook – An I-System Model Application
du Plessis, Guy | Utah State University
The first manual for individuals progressing through the Recovery Resilience Program for a sustainable and successful addiction recovery. Presenting practices that enhance recovery resilience to assist in preventing relapse. A valuable workbook for individuals in an addiction recovery process and professionals providing treatment.

By presenting chapter-specific roadmaps, this book offers a behind-the-scenes chronology of the response to COVID-19 and provides a rubric for future pandemic response. Targeted at lay and scientific audiences, reflections and lessons learned grant the reader an opportunity to leverage this knowledge and improve the outcomes of future pandemics.
Mar. 2024 9781009396981 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99
eISBN 9781009396998

May 2024 9781009378819 Paperback GBP 19.99 / USD 24.99
eISBN 9781009378772
Case Studies: Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology
Children and Adolescents
Volume 4
Strawn, Jeffrey R. | University of Cincinnati, Ohio
The fourth volume in Stahl’s Case Studies series describing the approach, diagnosis, and treatment of children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders. Demonstrating core principles that allow clinicians to individualize treatment and engage families, creating the best outcomes. Essential reading for mental health professionals and students.
Feb. 2024 9781009048965 Paperback GBP 45.99 / USD 59.99
eISBN 9781009049719

Case Studies: Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology
Volume 5
Radonjić, Nevena V. | State University of New York Upstate Medical University

The fifth volume in Stahl’s Case Studies series by Schwartz and Radonjić describes the approach, diagnosis, and treatment of people with psychiatric disorders. Demonstrating core principles that allow clinicians to individualize treatment and aim for the best outcomes. Essential reading for mental health professionals and students.
Jun. 2024 9781108463614 Paperback GBP 54.99 / USD 69.99
eISBN 9781108623872
Clinical Case Studies in Long-Term Care Psychiatry
Navigating Common Mental Health Challenges in Geriatric Care
Gibfried, Matthew | Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Missouri
A compilation of compelling real-life cases on the psychiatric care of older adults in the long-term care setting. Cases cover the various common psychiatric disorders alongside more complex cases on psychiatric multimorbidity and psychotropic polypharmacy. Essential reading for healthcare practitioners who work regularly with older adults.
Coping with Psychosis and Schizophrenia
Family Stories of Hope and Recovery
Onwumere, Juliana | King’s College London
A series of short personal accounts from family carers supporting a relative living with psychosis and schizophrenia. This book will appeal to families of relatives with mental health problems and will also serve as an excellent resource for psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, social workers, GP’s and students.

Nov. 2024 9781108722322 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781108630344
Clinical Reasoning and Decision-Making in Psychiatry
Goldberg, Joseph F. | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York
A practical, user-friendly book providing clear strategies to help psychiatric practitioners reason through therapeutic and management options, construct back-up plans, incorporate shared decision-making, and devise personalized treatment algorithms using all therapeutic modalities. Featuring summary tables and illustrative case vignettes.
Jun. 2024 9781009181556 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781009181549
Clinical Textbook of Mood Disorders
Young, Allan | Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London
This practical handbook provides a comprehensive overview of mood disorders, including diagnostic and therapeutic features as well as recent research findings on their causes. It will be invaluable to psychiatrists and psychologists, clinicians, general practitioners, and specialist mental health nurses dealing with mood disorders.

May 2024 9781911623694 Paperback GBP 14.99 / USD 19.99
eISBN 9781911623700
Essential Neuroscience for Psychiatrists
Agrawal, Niruj | St George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London
Relevant, clear, and concise information on neuroscience with a strong emphasis on clinical relevance. The book is aimed at trainees in psychiatry, psychology, and allied fields to inform them about complex neuroscience topics in a practical format. Established clinicians will also find the text helpful.

Dec. 2024 9781911623076 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781911623083
Everything You Need to Know About Hoarding
Drummond, Lynne | South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust
Examining all aspects of hoarding and its treatment, this book utilises case studies to demonstrate terms and how people may seek help. Written primarily for people with hoarding disorder and their loved ones, this book will also appeal to GPs and mental health practitioners.

May 2024 9781108978279 Paperback GBP 59.99 / USD 79.99
eISBN 9781108973922

Mar. 2025 9781009466097 Paperback GBP 12.99 / USD 16.95
eISBN 9781009466134
Fish’s Clinical Psychopathology
Signs and Symptoms in Psychiatry
Fifth edition
Casey, Patricia | University College Dublin
An exploration of the signs and symptoms of mental illness commonly seen by psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and GPs. Presented in a clear and concise manner suitable for clinical practice, this edition has been updated throughout and covers new diagnostic classifications systems such as the ICD-11.
Feb. 2024 9781009372695 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 34.99
eISBN 9781009372688

Fundamentals of Clinical Psychiatry
A Practical Handbook
Sanches, Marsal | Baylor College of Medicine, Texas
A concise handbook offering a succinct and accessible overview of the different aspects of mental health disorders. Covering key topics across psychiatry including the suicidal patient, dementias and depressive, bipolar, anxiety, and psychotic disorders. Essential reading for medical students, trainees in psychiatry and mental health.
Jan. 2025 9781009334747 Paperback GBP 46.99 / USD 59.99
eISBN 9781009334730
Handbook of Old Age Liaison Psychiatry
Tadros, George | Aston University, Birmingham
A unique and complete overview of the mental health challenges facing older people in hospital. Offering a practical guide to the assessment and management of the impact of the hospital on the medical, social and psychological wellbeing of older people. An essential and accessible resource for acute hospital clinicians across all specialties.
Apr. 2024 9781108408516 Paperback GBP 44.99 / USD 59.99
eISBN 9781108292252
How to Talk to Your Child About Drugs
Bowden-Jones, Owen | University College London
A clear and accessible guide for parents, detailing what drugs are, how they cause harm, and how to reduce the risk of their child experiencing drug problems. Provides practical advice on detecting drug use and accessing help, empowering parents to have supportive conversations with their children about drugs.
Feb. 2025 9781009374811 Paperback GBP 14.99 / USD 19.99
eISBN 9781009374798
Improving University Mental Health
Morris, Jane | University of Aberdeen
An exploration of the key issues impacting the mental health of university students, and what can be done with regards to support and improvement. This book will appeal to mental health professionals, GPs, support workers and counsellors, as well as parents, academic staff, and students.
Feb. 2024 9781911623830 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99
eISBN 9781911623847
Journey to the Centre of the Self
Exploring the Lived Experiences of South Asian Psychiatrists in the UK
Arya, Rina | University of Hull

Major Incidents, Pandemics and Mental Health
The Psychosocial Aspects of Health Emergencies, Incidents, Disasters and Disease Outbreaks
Williams, Richard | University of South Wales
Examines the psychosocial and mental health aspects of preparing for and responding to emergencies, major incidents, terrorist attacks, disasters, epidemics, and pandemics. Important for mental health practitioners, people working in trauma and emergency care and humanitarian care, public health practitioners, and experts in emergency planning.

Feb. 2024 9781009011211 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009019330
Mental Health Research and Practice
From Evidence to Experience
Fiorillo, Andrea | University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Naples
A comprehensive handbook covering current, controversial, and debated topics in psychiatric practice. Providing a global overview on a range of key topics in mental health, from personality disorders to ICD-11 and telemental health, this book is essential reading for mental health professionals seeking to improve their everyday clinical practice.
Feb. 2024 9781009065979 Paperback GBP 59.99 / USD 77.99

eISBN 9781009067287
Orthorexia Nervosa
Current Understanding and Perspectives
Brytek-Matera, Anna | University of Wroclaw, Poland
The first clinical book to cover orthorexia nervosa, this text brings together all current research on the topic. It defines its clinical presentation, explores its social, cultural, and psychological basis, and discusses treatment options. It is a valuable resource for psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers, and students.

This book explores the lived experiences of South Asian psychiatrists in the UK through reflective accounts. Discussion covers the negotiation of distinctive cultural identities in their bearing on belonging, identity and marginalisation. It will appeal to readers interested in the unique insights into mental health that these psychiatrists bring.
Oct. 2024 9781316514597 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009085649

Nov. 2024 9781009216418 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99 eISBN 9781009216432
Out of Her Mind
How We Are Failing Women’s Mental Health and What Must Change
Gask, Linda | University of Manchester
Despite advances in mental healthcare, women remain disproportionately disadvantaged. Drawing on the lived experiences of women, Dr Linda Gask examines why women’s mental health is not being adequately addressed and how society, psychiatry and even feminism have failed women. She outlines what must change, and how we can get there.
Oct. 2024 9781009382465 Hardback GBP 20.00 / USD 25.95
eISBN 9781009382441

Practical Ethics in Suicide Research, Policy and Clinical Decision-Making
Mishara, Brian L. | Université du Québec à Montréal
A practical book using ethical paradigms to understand contemporary challenges in suicide research, practices, and policies. Covering topics like medical assistance in dying, helpline rescue policies and suicide promotion over the internet, it is essential reading for people working in suicide prevention, ethics, law and philosophy of suicide.
Feb. 2024 9781009414906 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781009414890
Prescriber’s Guide
Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology
Eighth edition
Stahl, Stephen M. | University of California, San Diego and Riverside
The latest edition of Prescriber’s Guide features seven new compounds, updates to the profiles of the entire content and collection, and data on new injectable and transdermal formulations, as well as updated warnings and indications. A must-have manual for everyone who is prescribing in the field of mental health.
Jun. 2024 9781009464758 Paperback GBP 79.99 / USD 99.99

Seminars in ConsultationLiaison Psychiatry
Third edition
Thomasson, Rachel | Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences
This updated edition provides a practical guide to consultation-liaison psychiatry, covering clinical topics, service development, and a suggested scaffold for research and audit. It will be of practical value to doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals who encounter people with mental health problems complicating physical healthcare.
College Seminars Series 472pp

Jun. 2024 9781009464734 Spiral bound GBP 89.99 / USD 110.00
eISBN 9781009464772
Guide –Children and Adolescents
Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology
Second edition
Stahl, Stephen M. | University of California, San Diego
This extensively updated new edition on psychotropic prescribing for children and adolescents provides guidance on developmental pharmacology principles, expertly reviews common medications and featuring tips, tricks, metabolism/ pharmacogenetics, and side effects. A must-have manual for anyone prescribing in the field of mental health.
Jun. 2024 9781009267502 Paperback GBP 69.99 / USD 89.99
eISBN 9781009267526
Psychiatric Intensive Care
Third edition
Dix, Roland | Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, Gloucester
A third edition offering a comprehensive insight into the challenges of running a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) ward, providing guidance on how these challenges can be dealt with and overcome. Thoroughly revised with new content, a valuable resource for all mental health professionals responsible for treating PICU patients.

Jan. 2024 9781911623540 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781911623533
Seminars in Forensic Psychiatry
Second edition
Davoren, Mary | Broadmoor Hospital and West London NHS Trust

This updated edition is a practical guide, addressing forensic practice in multiple settings including prisons, secure hospitals, and community clinics. An invaluable resource for qualified and trainee consultant psychiatrists, medical students, mental health professionals, and those interested in this growing area of practice.
College Seminars Series 484pp
Jun. 2024 9781911623816 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781911623809
Seminars in General Adult Psychiatry
Third edition
Kingdon, David | University of Southampton
Fully updated throughout, this third edition of Seminars in General Adult Psychiatry provides a highly readable and comprehensive account of modern general adult psychiatry. This is an essential text for psychiatric trainees studying for their MRCPsych exams, and is a source of continuing professional development (CPD) for psychiatrists.
College Seminars Series 847pp

Mar. 2024 9781108972376 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781108976770

Apr. 2024 9781911623854 Paperback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99
eISBN 9781911623861
Stahl’s Illustrated
Pharmacological Treatments for Psychosis
Third edition
Stahl, Stephen M. | University of California, San Diego
An illustrated guide to treatments for psychosis for mental health providers. Updated with the newest indications, formulations, recommendations, and safety data. Visual learners will find that this book makes the concepts easier to master and non-visual learners will appreciate the clear, shortened text on complex psychopharmacological concepts.
Stahl’s Illustrated 248pp
Jun. 2024 9781009485043 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009485050

The Art of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Williams, Jonathan | Barnet CAMHS
Covering the practical aspects of working in children’s mental health, this book includes valuable guidance on meeting the child and family, planning treatments, and working successfully in a multidisciplinary team. Aimed at clinicians of all stages, from trainees to experienced professionals, it is a major supplement to existing texts.
Feb. 2025 9781108720564 Paperback GBP 74.99 / USD 97.99
eISBN 9781108767200
The Clinician’s Guide to Cognitive and Behavioural Therapeutics (CBTx) for Insomnia
A Scientist-Practitioner Approach
Espie, Colin A. | University of Oxford, UK

Toxic Stress
How Stress Is Making Us Ill and What We Can Do About It
Wulsin, Lawson R. | University of Cincinnati
How does stress contribute to illnesses like heart disease and diabetes? What can we do to protect ourselves and heal from toxic stress? Explore the fascinating mysteries of our hidden stress response system and learn how to prevent stress from turning into illness.
Apr. 2024 9781009306584 Paperback GBP 14.99 / USD 19.95
eISBN 9781009306577

A comprehensive guide to assessing and treating insomnia using evidence-based cognitive and behavioural therapeutics (CBTx). With detailed instructions on treatment formulation and delivery, alongside practical examples, the book equips clinicians to select the most appropriate CBTx for each patient and implement treatment in everyday practice.
Dec. 2024 9781108984560 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781108989480
Prescribing Guidelines for People with Intellectual Disability
Fourth edition
Branford, David M. L. | Independent Pharmacy Consultant
This book provides comprehensive guidance on prescribing for people with intellectual disability, as well as general information on the clinical care of this population. It is a key reference for anyone involved in the clinical care of patients, including psychiatrists, other professionals, patients, family members and carers.

Nov. 2024 9781009430722 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781009430715
The Lithium Handbook
Stahl’s Handbooks
Meyer, Jonathan M. | University of California, San Diego
A highly illustrated and clinically oriented handbook exploring the use of lithium for mood disorders, and management of treatment related issues. Providing a unique and modern reappraisal of lithium’s renal risks and detailed rationales for treatment management. An important text for mental health professionals worldwide.
Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology Handbooks
Feb. 2024 9781009225052 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781009225069

Neurology and clinical neuroscience
Brain Boost
Healthy Habits for a Happier Life
Sahakian, Barbara J. | University of Cambridge
This book is for anyone seeking a happier, healthier life. Learn how lifestyle factors, including exercise, diet, and kindness impact your physical and mental health, and wellbeing. Discover practical tips to enhance brain health and cognition. Embrace simple strategies to boost your brain for a more fulfilling, vibrant life.
Jan. 2025 9781009548434 Paperback GBP 14.99 / USD 19.95
eISBN 9781009548427
Casebook of Dementia
A Reference Guide for Primary Care
Wong, Gloria HY | The University of Hong Kong
This practical guide provides 99 case examples of typical and atypical cases of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, along with useful tools for early identification and post-diagnostic support. Emphasising a collaborative approach between medical and social care, this is a vital resource for those on the frontline in primary care.

May 2024 9781108984492 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99
eISBN 9781108989336
Clinical Neurorespiratory Medicine
Groß, Martin | Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg Diseases of nervous system and muscles often impair breathing, coughing, and swallowing. To interpret and treat these conditions is demanding for healthcare professionals as it requires profound knowledge. This comprehensive text explores clinical diagnosis & therapy for the complete spectrum of neurological conditions with respiratory impairment.
Feb. 2025 9781009394642 Hardback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99
eISBN 9781009394628

Clinical Priority for Common Emergency and Urgent Conditions in Neurosurgery
Lilo, Taha | Royal Preston Hospital
Emergency Neurosurgery is a constantly evolving specialty, resulting in ever increasing challenges posed on the higher specialty trainee. The focus of this Element is to guide the reader on the application of robust and easily applicable management strategies whilst dealing with the most challenging aspects of their professional workload.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery
Apr. 2024 9781009440639 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Apr. 2024 9781009486026 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009440615
Dispatches from the Land of Alzheimer’s
Gibbs, Daniel | Emeritus of Oregon Health and Science University
Daniel Gibbs is a retired neurologist who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease in 2015. This book presents a hopeful and humane collection of essays written over the past two years about his own experience of navigating the disease and advances in research.
Feb. 2024 9781009430050 Paperback GBP 16.99 / USD 22.95
eISBN 9781009430067
Emergency Scenarios in Functional Neurosurgery
Manfield, James | John Radcliffe Hospital
Functional Neurosurgery modifies CNS circuits to effect change within or outside the nervous system. This Element overviews some more common emergency scenarios which may be encountered comprising suspected malfunction of intra-thecal drug delivery devices, deep brain and spinal cord stimulators.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery
Jan. 2025 9781009439428 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009439411
Fine-Tuning Life
A Guide to MicroRNAs, Your Genome’s Master Regulators
Henshall, David C. | RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences, Dublin
Uncover the groundbreaking world of microRNA in this captivating book. Follow their discovery, delve into their unique purpose within cells, and explore their applications in Medicine and healthcare.
Perfect for students of neuroscience, life sciences such as biochemistry and genetics and the curious public alike.
Jun. 2024 9781009466424 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99
eISBN 9781009466400

NEW IN PAPERBACK From Loss to Memory
the Discovery of Synaptic Pruning
Huttenlocher, Anna | University of Wisconsin, Madison
An engaging story of the discovery of synaptic pruning and the discoverer. From childhood in wartime/post-war Germany through to a US career in Medicine and science, Peter Huttenlocher lived an inspiring life. Scientific discovery is brought alive throughout, including explorations of current work on autism, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s.
Sep. 2024 9781009267069 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99
eISBN 9781009267038

A Case-Based Approach
Second edition

Hoogendijk, Jessica E. | University Medical Center Utrecht 66 adult and paediatric neuromuscular case vignettes are structured like a clinical consultation starting with history taking and neurological examination. Highly illustrated with tables of differential diagnoses and videos of clinical features, cases describe state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, treatments and other management options.
Dec. 2024 9781108744188 Paperback GBP 54.99 / USD 69.99
eISBN 9781108881593

Neuroprognostication in Critical Care
Greer, David M. | Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center
Neuroprognostication in patients with primary neurological diagnoses is increasingly complex, as the focus of the field moves from survivorship to improving quality of life. With guidance on choosing the right management strategy for a range of diseases and exploring new frontiers such as machine learning, this is a key resource.

Nov. 2024 9781108708272 Paperback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99
eISBN 9781108762489
Neuroscience for Neurosurgeons
Akter, Farhana | Harvard University, Massachusetts Highlighting the principles of basic neuroscience and its application to neurosurgical disease, neurological conditions are broken down into current academic themes and advances. This book outlines key animal models and clinical principles of common conditions, helping clinicians design and conduct appropriate research projects to improve prognosis.
Jan. 2024 9781108831468 Hardback GBP 64.99 / USD 84.99
eISBN 9781108917339

Neurosurgical Handovers and Standards for Emergency Care
Lammy, Simon | Institute of Neurological Sciences
One of the biggest challenges as a neurosurgical trainee is to master the handover. This requires developing an organisational efficiency to concisely relay relevant patient information to a suitably qualified person to execute a given task.
Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery
Jan. 2025 9781009548458 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00 eISBN 9781009548496
SCN2A-Related Disorders
George, Jr., Alfred L. | Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
This Element provides a review of the clinical features, genetic basis, pathophysiology, pharmacology and treatment of these genetic conditions authored by leading experts in the field and accompanied by perspectives shared by affected families. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Elements in Genetics in Epilepsy

The Neuroanatomy Riddle Book
150 Fun and Challenging Neuroanatomy Riddles
Dolbow, James | University Hospital Cleveland Medical Center
150 engaging riddles provide a fun and refreshing alternative method of learning and reviewing neuroanatomical structures, which is otherwise an often dry subject for students. Each riddle is accompanied by a complete description of the structure along with history of the structure, clinical correlation and more key information.

Nov. 2024 9781009530378 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
Nov. 2024 9781009530330 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009530361
The Idea of Epilepsy
A Medical and Social History of Epilepsy in the Modern Era (1860–2020)
Shorvon, Simon D. | Institute of Neurology, University College London
This is a definitive and scholarly history of epilepsy in its modern era, between 1860 and 2020. It covers not only the medical aspects of the condition, but also its scientific, societal and personal themes. It is of interest to a broad readership, both medical and non-medical.
Jul. 2024 9781108829519 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 44.99
eISBN 9781108903684
The Movement Disorders
Prescriber’s Guide to Parkinson’s Disease
Chaudhuri, K. Ray | King’s College London

Nov. 2024 9781009527415 Paperback GBP 19.99 / USD 24.99
eISBN 9781009527422
The Neurology Riddle Book
150 Common and Rare Neurological Diseases in Riddle Form
Dolbow, James | University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
150 engaging riddles provide a fun and refreshing alternative method of learning and reviewing neurological syndromes, conditions and diseases, an often dry subject for students. Each riddle is accompanied by an explanation of the history of the disease, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment and prognosis.

Dec. 2024 9781009527361 Paperback GBP 19.99 / USD 24.99
eISBN 9781009527378
Women with Epilepsy
A Practical Management Handbook
Second edition
Bui, Esther | Toronto Western Hospital
A practical handbook reviewing the gender-specific effects of epilepsy in women throughout their life. Covering new anti-epileptic drugs, fertility management and the effect of hormones on epilepsy, this updated second edition is a key resource for general practitioners, obstetricians and general neurologists caring for patients with epilepsy.

This concise, yet authoritative, reference guide fulfils the needs of clinicians, pharmacists and allied health professionals who prescribe drugs for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders in clinical practice. An essential resource for quick-reference reading, featuring comprehensive prescribing information for 55 drugs.
Jan. 2025 9781009222617 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99
eISBN 9781009222648

Dec. 2024 9781009009072 Paperback GBP 44.99 / USD 59.99
eISBN 9781009006903
The Neuropsychology of Dementia
A Clinician’s Manual
Gerhand, Simon | Hywel Dda Health Board, NHS Wales
An accessible clinical guide to dementia or mild cognitive impairment for healthcare professionals, covering both diagnosis and intervention. Featuring essential background information alongside the latest advances in diagnostic technology and treatment options. A comprehensive and valuable resource for all working in working in dementia services.
Oct. 2024 9781009012348 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781009025911

Obstetrics and gynecology, reproductive Medicine
Caesarean Section Delivery
Dahlke, Joshua D. | Nebraska Methodist Hospital and Perinatal Center
Caesarean section delivery (CD) is the most common surgical operation performed in the world.
This Element discusses aspects of CD, including the Robson 10 group classification system, an evidence-based approach to surgical techniques, recommendations of the major guidelines and recommendations concerning trial of labour after previous caesarean.
Elements in High Risk Pregnancy: Management Options
Jan. 2025 9781009479479 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009479493
Caring for the Female Cancer Patient
Gynecologic Considerations
Mckenzie, Laurie J. | University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston

Mental Health Disorders in Pregnancy and the Early Postpartum
Schofield, Zena | Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Mental health disorders are common in pregnancy and after childbirth with over 10% of women manifesting some form of mental illness during this time. Maternity services will encounter women with symptoms that vary from mild self-limiting to potentially life-threatening. These conditions carry risks for both the woman and the fetus/newborn.
Elements in High Risk Pregnancy: Management Options
Jan. 2025 9781009518109 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009518123
Multiple Pregnancy
Hamer, Jack | Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS

A comprehensive reference for the gynecologic care of women who have been directly impacted by cancer. Covers common gynecologic concerns for all cancer patients as well as gynecologic considerations based on specific cancer sites. Patient vignettes and bulleted ‘take home points’ allow for rapid information access.
Oct. 2024 9781009279857 Paperback GBP 69.99 / USD 90.99
eISBN 9781009279864
Diabetes in Pregnancy
Ryan, Lee Wai Kheong | KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common and important medical complications affecting pregnancy and resolves once the pregnancy has ended. However, about 3 per cent of women with a diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus have type 2 diabetes diagnosed for the first time in pregnancy and therefore it persists after the pregnancy is over.
Elements in High Risk Pregnancy: Management Options
Jan. 2025 9781009507158 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009507189
Because We Can Stop Cervical Cancer
Eckert, Linda | University of Washington
A passionate call to action to eliminate needless deaths from cervical cancer, by combatting healthcare inequities women face. Dr Eckert weaves together survivors’ stories with her own expert, evidenced-based information. By breaking down cultural and political barriers, we can work together to eliminate the world’s most preventable cancer.
Jan. 2024 9781009412650 Hardback GBP 20.00 / USD 24.95
eISBN 9781009412681

Multiple pregnancy affects 0.9-3.1% of births worldwide. Prevalence rates vary significantly due to differences in dizygotic twinning rates and use of assisted reproduction (AR). Both maternal and fetal/neonatal complications are more common in multiple compared to singleton pregnancies.
Elements in High Risk Pregnancy: Management Options
Jan. 2025 9781009526104 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009526142
Pregnancy Complications
A Case-Based Approach
Schnatz, Peter F. | The Reading Hospital, Pennsylvania
This book offers comprehensive, clear clinical discussions of case presentations, making it the ideal resource for obstetrician-gynecologists, midwives, and family Medicine specialists who perform obstetrical care. Through clinical vignettes, readers will obtain vital knowledge of how to recognize, prevent and manage obstetrical complications.
Apr. 2025 9781009413794 Paperback GBP 74.99 / USD 97.99
eISBN 9781009413787
ROBuST: RCOG Assisted Birth Simulation
Course Manual
Second edition

Attilakos, George | University College London

Written to accompany the RCOG Assisted Birth Simulation Training (ROBuST) course, this book provides guidance on the only RCOG-approved, evidence-based techniques for when and how to perform assisted vaginal births and complex caesarean sections. Essential reading for healthcare practitioners assisting women experiencing complications in labour.
Jun. 2024 9781009011266 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99
eISBN 9781009019446
Spontaneous Preterm Labour and Birth (Including Preterm Pre-labour Rupture of Membranes)
Hezelgrave, Natasha L. | King’s College London
This Element contains the most up to date evidence regarding the aetiology, epidemiology and management of pregnancies at risk of, or complicated by spontaneous preterm birth and preterm prelabour rupture of membranes, concentrating largely on those aspects potentially amendable to preventative intervention.
Elements in High Risk Pregnancy: Management Options

Dec. 2024 9781009508919 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00
eISBN 9781009508940
Textbook of Contraception, Sexual and Reproductive Health
Bitzer, Johannes | University Women’s Hospital, Basel
A comprehensive evidence-based resource for ensuring high standards of care in contraception and sexual and reproductive health that follows the curriculum of the joint EBCOG and ESCRH examination in Contraception and Sexual and Reproductive Health. Text focuses on key information, providing advice on how to practice patient-centred care.
Jan. 2024 9781108958622 Paperback GBP 59.99 / USD 79.99
eISBN 9781108961097
The Handbook of DOHaD and Society
Past, Present, and Future Directions of Biosocial Collaboration
Pentecost, Michelle | King’s College London

Pathology and laboratory science
Clinical and Diagnostic Virology
Second edition
Wreghitt, Tim | Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Comprehensive up-to-date guide to clinical and diagnostic virology. Individual chapters cover viruses from A-Z, which are then grouped under syndromes. Liberal use of tables and algorithms enable quick access to key information. An ideal introduction for interested trainees and a practical reference for more experienced hospital clinicians and GPs.
334pp 24 colour illus.
Apr. 2024 9781009334419 Paperback GBP 59.99 / USD 79.99
eISBN 9781009334389
Multiparameter Flow Cytometry in the Diagnosis of Hematologic Malignancies
Second edition
Porwit, Anna | Lunds Universitet, Sweden

A useful handbook to guide laboratory staff in mastering the techniques of flow cytometry in diagnosing complex hematological malignancies. Practical and current, it presents comprehensive information, from instrument settings and panel construction to data interpretation. Will support users in recognizing relevant immunophenotypic abnormalities.
Jan. 2025 9781009419093 Paperback GBP 120.00 / USD 155.00
eISBN 9781009419086

An accessible introductory text for students in DOHaD, epidemiology, medical anthropology and global public health, providing an overview of the field, key concepts, and cutting-edge examples of interdisciplinary collaboration in a growing area of postgenomics research. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Jun. 2024 9781009201728 Hardback GBP 69.99 / USD 89.99
eISBN 9781009201704
Why Mothers Died and How their Lives are Saved
The Story of Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths
Drife, James Owen | University of Leeds
Explores how the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths reduced the maternal mortality rate and improved safety in pregnancy in Britain. Chapters cover how leading causes of maternal death were identified and resolved, from sepsis to safe abortions and more recently, social and ethnic disparities in healthcare.
Apr. 2024 9781009218795 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99
eISBN 9781009218825

Pediatric Pathology of Hematopoietic and Histiocytic Disorders
Liang, Xiayuan | Children’s Hospital of Colorado
A practical guide to hematolymphoid and histiocytic diseases in pediatric patients, covering pathological and genetic features, diagnosis and treatment of a range of conditions and newly recognised entities. Highly illustrated with annotated colour images, this book is for busy clinicians and trainees in pediatric pathology and hematology/oncology.
Diagnostic Pediatric Pathology

Feb. 2024 9781009105019 Print/online bundle GBP 150.00 / USD 195.00
eISBN 9781009105002
Postgraduate Paediatric Orthopaedics
The Candidate’s Guide to the FRCS(Tr&Orth) Examination
Second edition
Alshryda, Sattar | Al Jalila Children’s Specialty Hospital, Dubai Academic Health Corporation, Dubai UAE
This essential revision guide for the paediatric component of the FRCS (Tr and Orth) gives step-by-step guidelines to common operations and includes tips and tricks to guide trainee orthopaedic surgeons to success in their exams. This new edition has been fully updated and expanded, and includes details of the new examination format.
Feb. 2024 9781108970617 Paperback GBP 69.99 / USD 89.99
eISBN 9781108989879

SBAs for the FRCS (Tr&Orth) Examination
A Companion to the Postgraduate Orthopaedics Candidate’s Guide
Second edition
Banaszkiewicz, Paul A. | Queen Elizabeth Hospital and North East NHS Surgical Centre (NENSC), Gateshead

This newly revised edition contains high-quality orthopaedic exam questions using the single best answer format. Now containing updated topics and questions, this useful text encourages higher order thinking and judgement. Orthopaedic trainees will find it an invaluable revision tool to prepare for FRCS (Tr&Orth) examination.
Nov. 2024 9781009287920 Paperback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99
eISBN 9781009287883
The Complete Guide to Core Surgical Training Interviews
Skan, Oliver | London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
This book takes candidates through the CST interview process, covering all of the clinical, ethical, and leadership components that an applicant can expect to be tested on.

Nov. 2024 9781009520102 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99
eISBN 9781009520096
Wilcox’s Surgical Anatomy of the Heart
Fifth edition
Anderson, Robert H. | Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University
Now in its fifth edition, this book covers surgical approaches to the heart, surgical anatomy of the cardiac chambers, and systems for circulation and conduction with the heart. Useful for cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, surgical pathologists, radiologists, anaesthetists and healthcare professionals who need to understand detailed cardiac anatomy.

May 2024 9781009387392 Print/online bundle GBP 180.00 / USD 230.00 eISBN 9781009387408