Language & Linguistcs_Web

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Language and linguistics

African, Caribbean language, linguistics


A History of the Hausa Language

Reconstruction and Pathways to the Present

Newman, Paul | Indiana University

Written by the world’s leading expert on Hausa, this book provides a lucid and comprehensive linguistic history of the language, highlighting changes in phonology, tonology, morphology, grammar, and lexicon. It is an invaluable resource for specialists in African and Afroasiatic languages, as well as general historical linguists and typologists.


Aug. 2024 9781009124300 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99

eISBN 9781009128070

Applied linguistics and second language acquisition


A Practical Guide to Second Language Teaching and Learning

Loewen, Shawn | Michigan State University

This book is an essential resource for individuals entering the field of second language (L2) teaching. It provides a complete set of instructional materials and is written in easy-to-understand language. It provides concrete examples of activities for the L2 classroom, along with the theories and research that support them.


May 2024 9781108748315 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 38.99

May 2024 9781108490238 Hardback GBP 79.99 / USD 110.00

eISBN 9781108780520

Assessment for Language Teaching

Phakiti, Aek | University of Sydney

This Element reviews the key foundational concepts, beliefs, and practices underpinning approaches to assessment in English Language Teaching. It offers theoretically informed descriptions and explanations of the affordances and limitations of assessment approaches.

Elements in Language Teaching


May 2024 9781108928779 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

May 2024 9781009468152 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781108934091

Authorship Analysis in Chinese Social

Media Texts

Zhang, Shaomin | Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

This Element explores the sentiment and keyword features in both authorship profiling and authorship attribution in social media texts in the Chinese cultural context. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Elements in Forensic Linguistics


Apr. 2024 9781009324250 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Apr. 2024 9781009494632 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009324298

Children’s Online Language and Interaction

Tudini, Vincenza | University of South Australia

Drawing on cutting-edge research, this book uses Conversation Analysis (CA) techniques to better understand the language that children use online, and the implications for their language development. Addressing a highly topical area, it is essential reading for students and researchers of applied linguistics, communication, education and sociology.


Jan. 2025 9781009010870 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 35.99

Jan. 2025 9781316519684 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00

eISBN 9781009024969

Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Theories

and Applications

Wu, Shu-Ling | Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Including sample lesson plans and classroomready activities, this book shows how to use key cognitive linguistic concepts to analyze the Chinese language and to advance L2 Chinese teaching and learning. It is ideal for language instructors, as well as academic researchers and students in Chinese linguistics and language pedagogy.


Feb. 2024 9781009186728 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009186711


Creating Effective Blended Language Learning


A Research-Based Guide from Planning to Evaluation

Mizza, Daria | The Johns Hopkins University Based around a four-phase framework, this book provides a practical guide for designing blended learning courses, and an overview of the key issues in language pedagogy and instructional technology. With practical examples, and stepby-step instructions, it will help teachers creating courses, as well as graduate students in language methodology.


Mar. 2024 9781108430883 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108355285

Critical English Medium Instruction in Higher Education

Mirhosseini, Seyyed-Abdolhamid | University of Hong Kong Including contributions that cover diverse settings, this book situates EMI within wider sociopolitical contexts of knowledge and language. It addresses issues of ideology, policy, identity, justice, and the politics of English in EMI, making it essential reading for researchers and students of applied linguistics and English language education.


Jan. 2025 9781009386470 Hardback GBP 100.00 / USD 130.00

eISBN 9781009386456

Language and linguistics


Curriculum Integrated

Language Teaching

CLIL in Practice

Bower, Kim | Sheffield Hallam University

Informed by research carried out by the authors, this book addresses the issues of developing CLIL in Anglophone-dominant countries, making it of interest for policy makers, researchers and teacher educators. Its global perspectives on CLIL present a pedagogical approach, which motivates students and gives meaning to their language learning.

233pp 15 b/w illus. 11 tables

Mar. 2024 9781108729734 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108687867

Decoding Terrorism

An Interdisciplinary Approach to a Lone-Actor Case

Kupper, Julia | Independent Researcher

This Element is an interdisciplinary analysis of language evidence from a lone-actor terrorism attack in Halle, Germany, involving Stephan Balliet. It uses a multi-method approach, including genre, text linguistics, appraisal, and uptake, to elucidate data and provide a review of the assailant’s background, warning behaviors, and red flags.

Elements in Forensic Linguistics

Jan. 2025 9781009495721 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jan. 2025 9781009495745 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009495738

Discourse and Ideologies of the Radical Right

van Dijk, Teun A. | Centre of Discourse Studies, Barcelona

This Element first summarizes the authors theory of ideology and extends it with a new element needed to account for the ideological clusters of political parties. Then a systematic analysis is presented of the discourses and ideologies of radical rights parties in Chile, Spain, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Elements in Critical Discourse Studies


Jan. 2025 9781009549912 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jan. 2025 9781009549936 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009549929

Emoji in Higher Education

A Healthcare-Based Perspective

Petcoff, Omonpee W. | Tarrant County College

Presenting the findings of a study of emoji use in health profession courses, this book explores emoji literacy across a range of public health education contexts. This title is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available Open Access. Check our website Cambridge Core for details.



English Language Teaching and Teacher Education in East Asia

Global Challenges and Local Responses

Tsui, Amy Bik May | The University of Hong Kong

Written by local specialists, this book covers the impact of globalization on language policy, English language teaching and teacher education in ten Asian jurisdictions. It will be an invaluable resource for students, teachers and researchers interested in English language education, teacher education, language policy and sociolinguistics.

Cambridge Education Research


Mar. 2024 9781108790598 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108856218

Ethical Global Citizenship Education

Bosio, Emiliano T. | Toyo University

The Global Citizenship Education (GCE) focuses on cultivating the values and knowledge essential for students to evolve into well-informed and responsible global citizens. This Element conceptualises an ethical GCE framework grounded in critical, cosmopolitan, humanistic, value-creating, and transformative principles.

Elements in Intercultural Communication


Jan. 2025 9781009326759 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jan. 2025 9781009565219 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009326742

Extensive Reading

Zhou, Jing | Zhejiang International Studies University

This Element explores Extensive Reading (ER), a language learning approach that encourages learners to read diverse materials across various educational levels. It provides theoretical insights, analyzes benefits, addresses challenges, and proposes strategies. It also reviews recent trends and developments in ER.

Elements in Language Teaching


Jun. 2024 9781009254007 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009253994

Nov. 2024 9781009474177 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Nov. 2024 9781009474184 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009474153

Forensic Linguistics in China

Origins, Progress, and Prospects

Chuanyou, Yuan | Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

This Element is an examination of forensic linguistics in China. It traces the origins of the field in the 1980s and 1990s, and highlights the progress made in the 2000s. It discusses the development of Discourse Information Theory, the Principle of Goal, Functional Forensic Discourse Analysis, and Legal Discourse as a Social Process. Elements in Forensic Linguistics


May 2024 9781009162531 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

May 2024 9781009478533 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009162548


Fundamental Principles of Corpus Linguistics

McEnery, Tony | Lancaster University

How might evidence of language use – writing and speech – be used as a way of studying language?

This book explores a number of key issues that are fundamental to corpus linguistics, critically evaluates how these issues are tackled, and proposes a set of best practices for future research.

325pp 7 b/w illus. 12 tables

Mar. 2024 9781107624689 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781107110625


Truscott, John | National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

This Element shows the concepts related to input and research exploring its nature and its role in second language learning. Implicit inputbased learning is the heart of second language acquisition. This suggests two options for teaching: (a)trust the natural implicit processes; (b) direct those processes to selected features of the input.

Elements in Second Language Acquisition


Jun. 2024 9781009065313 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jun. 2024 9781009500890 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009063609

Intercultural Communication and Identity

Darvin, Ron | University of British Columbia, Vancouver

This Element asserts how identity enables a critical awareness of how speakers position themselves and are positioned by others in intercultural encounters. It shows how inscriptions of identity can help critically examine the dynamics of situated intercultural encounters and how such encounters can index different ideologies.

Elements in Intercultural Communication


Feb. 2024 9781009206730 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Feb. 2024 9781009478571 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009206754


Introducing Second Language Assessment

Ockey, Gary J. | Iowa State University

Focusing on the key concepts and principles of second language assessment, this textbook offers an up-to-date, accessible, and transparent introduction to the topic. It explores how to select, create, score, and analyze language assessments within various sociopolitical, cultural, and educational contexts.

Cambridge Introductions to Applied Linguistics


Inventing Languages

A Practical Introduction

Gonzalez, Carolina | Florida State University

Grounded on world building and the variation displayed by the world’s languages, this book is an engaging, step-by-step guide to language invention. It presents a creative, interdisciplinary approach to conlanging that can be of interest to readers interested in language invention, particularly those without a previous background in linguistics.

Apr. 2025 9781108799416 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 35.99

Apr. 2025 9781108836166 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00

eISBN 9781108864015


Language and Online Identities

The Undercover Policing of Internet Sexual Crime

Grant, Tim | Aston University

Drawing upon a unique forensic linguistic project on undercover policing of online sexual crime, in this book the authors develop a novel theory of linguistic identity. The exploration of language and identity will appeal to students and researchers of forensic linguistics, and in sociolinguistic work more widely. 213pp 14 b/w illus. 18 tables

Mar. 2024 9781108720038 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108766425

Language as Hope

Silva, Daniel N. | Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil

Drawing on original research into marginalised communities in Brazil, this pioneering book illustrates what language can teach us about what it means to hope and foregrounds the real-world effects of the study of language. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core.


Nov. 2024 9781009066051 Paperback GBP 27.99 / USD 35.99

Nov. 2024 9781316512487 Hardback GBP 80.00 / USD 105.00

eISBN 9781009067461

Feb. 2024 9781009306522 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009306508

Language Assemblages

Pennycook, Alastair | University of Technology, Sydney

What are languages? This book raises this question in order to develop practical ways of thinking about language. The idea of assemblages helps us understand how languages are constantly under construction, and why it is better to start with an understanding of social action than an assumption about pre-given languages.

Key Topics in Applied Linguistics


Jun. 2024 9781009348621 Paperback GBP 25.99 / USD 34.99

Jun. 2024 9781009348652 Hardback GBP 80.00 / USD 105.00

eISBN 9781009348638

Language and linguistics


Language Awareness in Business and the Professions

Darics, Erika | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands

Through empirical examples from a variety of professions, this book demonstrates that language awareness and discourse consciousness are key for critical thinking and communication in professional contexts. It is essential reading for researchers and students in applied linguistics, business and management studies, and communication studies.


Mar. 2024 9781108735964 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108696159


Language Learning and the Mother Tongue

Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Greaves, Sara | Université d’Aix-Marseille

Drawing on research by French authors, this book introduces a major new concept, the (M)other tongue, and shows its relevance to language learning and pediatrics in a multicultural society. It is for students and lecturers in languages, linguistics, translation studies and education, and for child psychologists, psychiatrists and speech therapists.


Legal-Lay Discourse and Procedural Justice in Family and County Courts

Grieshofer, Tatiana | Birmingham City University

Focusing on adversarial legal settings, this Element explores discursive practices in court proceedings which often involve unrepresented parties – private family proceedings and small claims cases. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Elements in Forensic Linguistics


Apr. 2024 9781009377997 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Apr. 2024 9781009486927 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009378031

Mar. 2024 9781009014243 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781009029124

Language Learning beyond English

Learner Motivation in the Twenty-First Century

Lanvers, Ursula | University of York

This Element concerns language learning in the age of Global English. Learning just English fails to achieve the desired results. It proposes a new matrix of rationales for language learning, advocating an interconnected, socially embedded justification for language learning. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core. Elements in Language Teaching


Nov. 2024 9781009388818 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Nov. 2024 9781009486958 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009388795

Learner Language, Discourse and Interaction

A Corpus-Based Analysis of Spoken English

McEnery, Tony | Lancaster University

How do language learners interact with speakers of the language they are learning? This book explores three corpora to demonstrate the dynamics of discourse construction, making it essential reading for researchers and students of applied linguistics and corpus linguistics. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core.

Studies in English Language


Multilingual Environmental Communications

Language Accessibility Matters

Ji, Meng | University of Sydney

Using real-life case studies, this book illustrates new research methods to increase the accessibility and translatability of critical environmental information. It is essential reading for both academic researchers and students in applied linguistics and translation studies.

Cambridge Studies in Language Practices and Social Development

Apr. 2025 9781316512463 Hardback GBP 100.00 / USD 130.00

eISBN 9781009067386


Multilingualism and Education

Researchers’ Pathways and Perspectives

Prasad, Gail | York University, Toronto

Bringing together short biographies of leading scholars working at the intersections of language and education, this novel book shows how their individual life experiences have led to and informed their research. It is essential reading for students, teacher educators, and researchers interested in the impact of multilingualism on education.


Jan. 2025 9781009208956 Hardback GBP 100.00 / USD 110.00

eISBN 9781009208932

Mar. 2024 9781009017053 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781009037075


Multilingualism and Identity

Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Ayres-Bennett, Wendy | University of Cambridge

With reference to a variety of languages and contexts, and working from different theoretical and methodological outlooks, world-leading scholars offer insights into multilingual identity. The book is aimed at scholars, graduate students, teachers and policy-makers interested in multilingualism, the negotiation of identity and interdisciplinarity.

Cambridge Education Research


Mar. 2024 9781108748285 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108780469

Narrative and Religion in the Superdiverse City

Pihlaja, Stephen | Aston University

This Element shows how narrative is used to construct religious identity in superdiverse contexts, considering how people talk about their own religious identity, and the religious identity of others. It also shows how conflict emerges and is resolved in spaces where people of different faiths and no faith interact.

Elements in Applied Linguistics


May 2024 9781009406987 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

May 2024 9781009475983 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009406994

Native-Speakerism and Trans-Speakerism

Entering a New Era

Hiratsuka, Takaaki | Ryukoku University, Japan

Introducing the liberating concept of transspeakerism, this book challenges prevailing linguistic biases and advocates for inclusive designations to foster equitable education, and empower language practitioners and researchers. By valuing diverse linguistic backgrounds, it shows how to cultivate a fair language education landscape.


Oct. 2024 9781009512923 Hardback GBP 100.00 / USD 130.00

eISBN 9781009512916

New Public Governance as a Hybrid

A Critical Interpretation

Cataldi, Laura | Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale

Amedeo Avogadro

This Element focuses on New Public Governance as one of the major administrative narratives of our times. It develops a new interpretation of NPG, unveiling elements and reasons for continuity amidst change, and discusses the challenges that NPG, as a hybrid, poses.

Elements in Public and Nonprofit Administration


Feb. 2024 9781009418928 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Feb. 2024 9781009454032 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009418904

Peer Assessment in Writing Instruction

Yu, Shulin | University of Macau

This Element traces the evolution of peer assessment in writing instruction and illustrates how peer assessment can be used to promote the teaching and learning of writing in various sociocultural and educational contexts.

Elements in Language Teaching


Apr. 2024 9781009429993 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Apr. 2024 9781009475662 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009429979


Phraseology and the Advanced Language Learner

Vetchinnikova, Svetlana | University of Helsinki

Phraseology - the study of multi-word units - is a hot topic in second language acquisition, processing and use. Drawing on different fields of linguistics and cognitive sciences, Vetchinnikova builds a comprehensive account of how the right words come to mind and what is special about second language use in this respect.

284pp 6 b/w illus.

38 tables

Mar. 2024 9781108731621 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108758703

NEW IN PAPERBACK Pragmatics in English Language


Halenko, Nicola | University of Central Lancashire, Preston

By focusing on a range of international learners studying English as a target language, this volume expands current theoretical and methodological approaches to L2 pragmatics training. Researchers and language teachers will discover innovative techniques for investigating spoken and written pragmatic competence inside and outside the classroom.


Mar. 2024 9781108794930 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108894241

Pragmatics, Grammar and Meaning in SLA

Ahern, Aoife K.| Universidad Complutense, Madrid

This Element is a comprehensive, state-of-thescience treatment of L2 acquisition with different language combinations. It discusses facts critically from various theoretical perspectives, explores teaching and pedagogic practices, and confirms that interface-conditioned semantic and pragmatic competence is acquired later.

Elements in Second Language Acquisition


Apr. 2024 9781009011822 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Apr. 2024 9781009507349 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009026888

Professionalising English Language Teaching

Concepts and Reflections for Action in Teacher Education

Cirocki, Andrzej | University of York

In order to promote the professionalisation of English Language Teaching, this book presents a comprehensive model of language teacher education and competences for the 21st century. It proposes that teachers engage in professional learning through collaboration and shows how teacher educators and classroom practitioners can develop their practice.


Nov. 2024 9781009350198 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 35.99

Nov. 2024 9781009350242 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00

eISBN 9781009350235

Language and linguistics

Programming for Corpus Linguistics with Python and Dataframes

Keller, Daniel | Western Kentucky University

This Element offers intermediate or experienced programmers algorithms for Corpus Linguistic (CL)programming in the Python language using dataframes and provides core skills that can be applied to a range of CL research questions, as well as to original analyses not possible with existing corpus software.

Elements in Corpus Linguistics


Jun. 2024 9781108822589 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jun. 2024 9781009486781 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781108904094

Protecting the Public’s Health during Novel Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Cummings, Louise | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

This Element examines the emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in British cattle and the COVID-19 pandemic. It contends that a group of arguments called the informal fallacies functioned as cognitive heuristics and facilitated public health reasoning during both crises. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Elements in Health Communication


Oct. 2024 9781009342636 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Oct. 2024 9781009478762 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009342667

Reflective Practice for Early Career Language Teachers

Farrell, Thomas S. C. | Brock University, Ontario

Based on a range of detailed case studies, this innovative book provides a model for early career language teacher development, consisting of four essential and highly connected conditionsreflection, support, resilience, and well-being - that will enable educators to survive and thrive in the profession.


NEW IN PAPERBACK Second Language Speech Learning

Theoretical and Empirical Progress

Wayland, Ratree | University of Florida

A state-of-the-art survey of second language speech research, this book presents revision of an influential model in the field, alongside proposed new methods, a progress review and new empirical data. It is an essential resource for academic researchers and students of second language acquisition, applied linguistics, and phonetics and phonology.


Mar. 2024 9781108814614 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108886901

Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Developmental Education

Poehner, Matthew E. | Pennsylvania State University

Sociocultural Theory (SCT) is distinct among traditions in the field of second language (L2) studies in its commitment to praxis. This Element offers a synthesis of foundational concepts and principles of SCT and an overview of two important areas of praxis in L2 education: Concept-Based Language Instruction and Dynamic Assessment. Elements in Language Teaching


Jun. 2024 9781009189415 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jun. 2024 9781009507554 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009189422

Nov. 2024 9781009423236 Paperback GBP 25.99 / USD 34.99

Nov. 2024 9781009423229 Hardback GBP 80.00 / USD 105.00

eISBN 9781009423250

Researching English Medium Instruction

Quantitative Methods for Students and Researchers

Curle, Samantha M. | University of Bath

Dive into this pioneering guide on quantitative research methods in English Medium Instruction (EMI). Expertly curated, it bridges East and West, with insights from diverse educational levels and cultural contexts. Essential for scholars, educators, and policymakers desiring robust, adaptable research strategies in the ever-evolving field of EMI.

Cambridge Applied Linguistics


Spoken Threats from Production to Perception

Tompkinson, James | University of York

This Element is designed to address the questions of how listeners infer traits such as how threatening speakers sound and whether phonetic aspects of speakers’ voices can play a role in shaping these evaluations, alongside key differences between written and spoken threats. Elements in Forensic Linguistics


Jan. 2024 9781009293013 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jan. 2024 9781009494496 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009292986

Mar. 2025 9781009425414 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99

Mar. 2025 9781009425377 Hardback GBP 90.00 / USD 120.00

eISBN 9781009425407

Teaching English as an International Language

Selvi, Ali Fuad | University of Alabama

This Element offers a comprehensive account of the unprecedented spread of English as a global language by taking historical, sociolinguistic, and pedagogical perspectives. It is done by synchronic-diachronic symbiosis, an overview of major analytical paradigms and trends, and future directions.

Elements in Language Teaching


Feb. 2024 9781108821230 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Feb. 2024 9781009462495 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781108902755


The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism

De Houwer, Annick | Universität Erfurt, Germany

The ability to speak two or more languages is a pervasive human experience. A comprehensive survey of research into bilingualism throughout life, from the first six years to late adulthood, this is an ideal work of reference for students and researchers, as well as anyone interested in bilingualism.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics

680pp 3 b/w illus.

Jun. 2024 9781316631225 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781316831922


The Cambridge

Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching

Nassaji, Hossein | University of Victoria, British Columbia

Bringing together state-of-the-art chapters

written by leading scholars, this volume provides a comprehensive reference on theory and research of corrective feedback. It will be a key resource for researchers, graduate students, teachers and teacher educators who are interested in the role of feedback in second language teaching and learning.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics



The Cambridge Handbook of Translation

Malmkjær, Kirsten | University of Leicester

Translation is a rapidly developing subject of study, especially in China, Australia, Europe and the USA. This Handbook offers an accessible and authoritative account of the many facets of this buoyant discipline, intended for students, teachers and scholars of translation studies, modern languages, linguistics, social studies and literary studies.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Jun. 2024 9781108450577 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781108589789



Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching

Ahmadian, Mohammad Javad | University of Leeds

Written by leading international experts, this handbook provides an accessible resource to task-based language teaching for teachers, as well as academic researchers. Chapters in the volume are presented in a reader-friendly style, with ideas made accessible through case studies, questions for discussion, and suggested further readings.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Jun. 2024 9781108727358 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781108616119


The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language

Schwieter, John W.

Bringing together cutting-edge research from a global team of experts, this Handbook provides an overview of the role of working memory in first and second language acquisition, processing, impairments and training. It is essential reading for researchers and students of language sciences, language teaching and learning, and cognitive science. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Jun. 2024 9781108811934 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781108868327


Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and


Stockwell, Glenn | Waseda University, Japan

With contributions from a global team of leading experts, this handbook provides an overview of technology in language teaching and learning. It showcases the diversity and complexity of the field in a comprehensive yet approachable manner, making it essential reading for both graduate students and teachers in various global contexts.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Jun. 2024 9781108958110 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781108955638


The Language of Inequality in the News

A Discourse Analytic Approach

Toolan, Michael | University of Birmingham

Aimed at students of applied linguistics, English language, media studies and journalism, this book explores how wealth inequality is represented in centre-right newspapers, with a particular focus on changes that parallel the growth in wealth inequality itself over the past forty-five years.


Apr. 2025 9781009294805 Hardback GBP 120.00 / USD 155.00

eISBN 9781009294850

Mar. 2024 9781108464208 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108565172

The Language of Romance Crimes Interactions of Love, Money, and Threat

Carter, Elisabeth

Uncovering the criminal world of romance fraudsters through their devastating interplay of love, money, sextortion and threat. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core. Elements in Forensic Linguistics


Apr. 2024 9781009272995 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Apr. 2024 9781009500418 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009273008

Language and linguistics

Towards Game Translation User Research

Deckert, Mikołaj | University of Lodz

This Element takes the initiative to highlight the audiovisual translation research centring on users of video games. It offers an overview of possible relationships between translation and its experiencers. The interplay between the reception research in user experience, facets of translated games, and facets of game users is seen.

Elements in Translation and Interpreting


May 2024 9781009385817 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

May 2024 9781009509800 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009385824

Translation in Analytic Philosophy

Ervas, Francesca | Università di Cagliari, Sardinia

This Element aims to introduce the different definitions of translation provided in the history of analytic philosophy. It explores the philosophicalanalytic notions used to explain translation from Frege and Wittgenstein onwards. It focuses on translation equivalence, translating into another language, and the analytic philosophy of language.

Elements in Translation and Interpreting


Jan. 2024 9781009351324 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jan. 2024 9781009454292 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009351294

Trans-studies on Writing for English as an Additional Language

Sun, Yachao | Duke Kunshan University

Writing for the Reader’s Brain

A Science-Based Guide

Douglas, Yellowlees

Presenting a science-based guide to writing, this practical, how-to book offers principles for writing anything, from an email to a research project. The 5Cs of writing – clarity, continuity, coherence, concision, and cadence – enable writers to control precisely how readers will perceive and recall their sentences and paragraphs.


Dec. 2024 9781009221849 Paperback GBP 23.99 / USD 30.99

Dec. 2024 9781009221832 Hardback GBP 70.00 / USD 90.00

eISBN 9781009221818

Asian language, linguistics

Chinese Signs

An Introduction to China’s Linguistic Landscape

Zhang, Zheng-sheng | San Diego State University

Highlighting stylistic and rhetorical characteristics, this book explores the written form of Mandarin Chinese in a range of everyday settings, fully illustrated with pictures of the signs throughout. Authentic and up-to-date, it is ideal for students learning Chinese, as well as researchers interested in the linguistic landscape of China.


This Element charts the development of transconcepts in writing studies and scrutinizes the discussions surrounding translingual and second language (L2) writing. It serves as a resource for EAL (English Additional Language) writing educators by providing a comprehensive understanding of the potential benefits and challenges of transpedagogies.

Elements in Applied Linguistics


May 2024 9781009336697 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

May 2024 9781009532853 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009336659

Worse Than Ignorance

The Challenge of Health Misinformation

Schulz, Peter J. | University of Lugano and Nanyang

Technological University

This Element presents a systematic picture of how health communication failures pose risks for patients and healthcare professionals. The problem brings us back to a perennial question—what are good reasons for knowing one is right? This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Elements in Health Communication


Apr. 2024 9781009289528 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Apr. 2024 9781009467902 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009289542

Mar. 2024 9781108969697 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

Mar. 2024 9781108839068 Hardback GBP 70.00 / USD 90.00

eISBN 9781108979603

Modern Linguistics in Ancient India

Lowe, John J. | University of Oxford

An accessible and relevant introduction to the ancient Indian linguistic tradition, this book assesses the influence of Indian linguistic thought on Western linguistics. It is essential reading for scholars and students of theoretical and historical linguistics, as well as those interested in Indian languages, and Indian/South Asian Studies.


Mar. 2024 9781009364508 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00 eISBN 9781009364522

Cognitive linguistics

Applied Cognitive linguistics and L2 Instruction

Llopis-García, Reyes | Columbia University, New York

This Element is valuable and of interest for (Cognitive) Linguistics researchers and linguists and language instructors and professionals looking for a comprehensive and innovative access to ACL from the direct point of view of applied L2 Language Pedagogy.

Elements in Cognitive linguistics


Feb. 2024 9781009124317 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Feb. 2024 9781009468282 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009128094

Cognitive linguistics and Language Evolution

Pleyer, Michael | Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

This Element gives an overview of the current state-of-the-art of language evolution research and discusses how Cognitive linguistics and research on the evolution of language can cross-fertilise each other. This title is also available as Open

Access on Cambridge Core.

Elements in Cognitive linguistics


Mar. 2024 9781009384988 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Mar. 2024 9781009476065 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009385022


Construction Grammar

A Usage-Based Approach

Dunn, Jonathan | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

This Element introduces a usage-based computational approach to Construction Grammar that draws on techniques from natural language processing and unsupervised machine learning. The computational experiments are important for testing the learnability, variability, and confirmability of Construction Grammar as a theory of language.

Elements in Cognitive linguistics


Jun. 2024 9781009233767 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jun. 2024 9781009507608 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009233743

Language, Image, Gesture

The Cognitive Semiotics of Politics

Hart, Christopher | Lancaster University

Drawing upon a range of real-life case studies, this book provides a comprehensive overview of Cognitive Critical Discourse Analysis (Cognitive CDA), extended to language, image and gesture in contemporary political discourse. It is essential reading for academic researchers and advanced students interested in the semiotic dimensions of politics.


The Cambridge Handbook of Gesture Studies

Cienki, Alan | Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

Bringing together a team of leading scholars in the field, this Handbook provides a full overview of gesture studies, combining historical overviews as well as current, concise snapshots of state-ofthe-art, multidisciplinary research. It is essential reading for academic researchers and advanced students in linguistics and cognitive sciences.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Apr. 2024 9781108486316 Hardback GBP 120.00 / USD 160.00

eISBN 9781108638869

Computational linguistics

Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing

A Gentle Introduction

Surdeanu, Mihai | University of Arizona

A clear, accessible introduction to deep learning for natural language processing (NLP), this book is ideal for readers without a background in machine learning and NLP. It covers the necessary theoretical context using minimal jargon also covers practical aspects, using actual Python code for the neural architectures discussed.


Feb. 2024 9781009012652 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99

Nov. 2024 9781009257541 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009257572

Signed Language and Cognitive Grammar

Wilcox, Sherman | University of New Mexico

This Element introduces a Cognitive Grammar approach to signed language grammatical phenomena. It explores the history of sign linguistics, Stokoe’s phonology, the duality of patterning, and CG principles, constructs, and models, and analyzes signed language constructions in CG and the controversial role of gesture in grammatical constructions.

Elements in Cognitive linguistics


Dec. 2024 9781108949934 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Dec. 2024 9781009486842 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781108951326

Feb. 2024 9781316515662 Hardback GBP 90.00 / USD 120.00

eISBN 9781009026222

Discourse analysis


Antiracist Discourse

Theory and History of a Macromovement

van Dijk, Teun A. | Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Antiracism is a global and historical social movement of resistance and solidarity. This book provides a theory of antiracism, and a history of discourses against slavery, racism and antisemitism. It is essential reading for anyone interested in how racism and antisemitism have been critically analysed and resisted in antiracist discourse.


Mar. 2024 9781108958356 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108956079


Demagoguery and the Decline of Democracy

Chilton, Paul | University of Warwick

This critical investigation explores Brexit in the context of the nationalist populist wave in Europe, arguing that manipulative rhetoric was a key factor in the 2016 referendum result. It probes Brexiter propaganda through the lens of linguistics and cognitive science, showing how ethnocentric attitudes and emotions were mobilised.


Dec. 2024 9781108744027 Paperback GBP 23.99 / USD 30.99

Dec. 2024 9781108840811 Hardback GBP 75.00 / USD 95.00

eISBN 9781108892681

Language and linguistics


Introducing Practical Discourse analysis

Jenks, Christopher J. | Utrecht University, Netherlands

This textbook provides students with an accessible, comprehensive overview of Discourse analysis and all the skills and knowledge needed to become capable discourse analysts. Through pedagogical features students are taught how to identify established theories and methodologies, including conversation analysis, critical Discourse analysis and more.

Cambridge Introductions to Language and linguistics


Dec. 2024 9781009250542 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99

Dec. 2024 9781009250535 Hardback GBP 79.99 / USD 104.00

eISBN 9781009250498

Manipulation, Influence and Deception

The Changing Landscape of Persuasive Language

Rüdiger, Sofia | Universität Bayreuth, Germany

Bringing together an internationally acclaimed team of scholars, this volume provides different perspectives on the ever-changing realm of persuasive language. It is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the power of language, including linguists, sociologists, psychologists and researchers in the field of media and internet studies.


Dec. 2024 9781009098724 Hardback GBP 110.00 / USD 140.00

eISBN 9781009105194

NEW IN PAPERBACK Narratives of

Domestic Violence

Policing, Identity, and Indexicality

Andrus, Jennifer | University of Utah

Using empirical examples of domestic violence, this book applies critical Discourse analysis to interactions between victims and police officers. It will be of interest to researchers and students of Discourse analysis, applied linguistics and forensic linguistics and those wishing to know how power and ideology are circulated in discourse.


Mar. 2024 9781108813280 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108884280



Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies

De Fina, Anna | Georgetown University, Washington DC

Aimed at equipping a new generation of scholars and students with the essential tools for analyzing discourse, this handbook provides an overview of key research fields and an introduction to the various methodologies, concepts and areas of investigation in discourse.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics

764pp 21 b/w illus. 5 tables

Jun. 2024 9781108441223 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781108348195

The Cambridge Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis

Robinson, Jeffrey D. | Portland State University

Bringing together research from a team of experts in the field, this is the first Handbook to provide a dedicated overview of the methodologies of Conversation Analysis. It is essential reading for academic researchers and advanced students in a wide range of disciplines, including Linguistics, Sociology, Anthropology, Communication and Psychology. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Nov. 2024 9781108837941 Hardback GBP 150.00 / USD 195.00

eISBN 9781108936583

The Language of Violent Jihad

Baker, Paul | Lancaster University

Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, this book analyses over two million words of texts produced by violent jihadists to show how they use language to persuade people to carry out violent acts. It will be invaluable for researchers in corpus linguistics, as well as religious scholars.

244pp 40 b/w illus. 52 tables

Jan. 2024 9781108431378 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108363365

English language, linguistics (general)


Gender in World


Bernaisch, Tobias | Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany

Based on authentic English-language material, and backed by the latest statistical methods, this book explores the impact of gender on linguistic choices in English-speaking countries worldwide, considering local social realities. It is essential reading for researchers and advanced students with an interest in language, gender and World Englishes.

Studies in English Language 251pp

Mar. 2024 9781108710640 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108696739


Narratives Online

Shared Stories in Social Media

Page, Ruth | University of Birmingham

Aimed at researchers and students interested in language and new media studies, this book explores how stories are created and consumed online. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the way stories circulate through contemporary media.

243pp 4 b/w illus. 25 tables

Mar. 2024 9781316505557 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781316492390



Second edition

Jeffries, Lesley | Lancaster University

Now in its second edition, this textbook provides a practical introduction to stylistics, grounded in theories of language. It has been updated to cover every aspect of the discipline, from its origins to state-of-the-art research. It is essential reading for students and researchers interested in this exciting field of study.

Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics

349pp 15 b/w illus. 5 tables

Jan. 2025 9781108441872 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 44.99

Jan. 2025 9781108425339 Hardback GBP 99.99 / USD 130.00

eISBN 9781108603232


German Phonology

An Optimality-Theoretic Approach

Féry, Caroline | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Am Main

Using an optimality-theoretic framework, this book provides a comprehensive overview of German phonology. Starting with speech sounds and their allophones, it addresses all constituents of the prosodic hierarchy. It is essential reading for students of linguistics and German, as well as scholars seeking a one-stop resource on the topic.


Jan. 2025 9781009277983 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99

Jan. 2025 9781009277969 Hardback GBP 120.00 / USD 150.00

eISBN 9781009277976


The Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics

Putnam, Michael T. | Pennsylvania State University

The first comprehensive overview of the structure of modern Germanic languages. Written by a team of internationally-renowned experts, it is a vital resource for students and researchers investigating the Germanic family of languages and dialects, covering key topics such as phonology, morphology, syntax, heritage and minority languages.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics

888pp 34 b/w illus. 7 maps 52 tables

Jun. 2024 9781108434386 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781108378291


The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics

Ledgeway, Adam | University of Cambridge

With contributions from world-renowned scholars, this Handbook explores what we can learn about linguistics from the study of Romance languages. It is essential reading not just for Romance linguists, but also for linguists interested in insights that a knowledge of Romance languages can provide for general issues in linguistic theory.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


The Cambridge Handbook of Slavic Linguistics

Šipka, Danko | Arizona State University

With contributions from a global team of authors, this Handbook provides a systematic review of cutting-edge research in Slavic linguistics, covering all the key linguistic features of Slavic languages. Comprehensive yet accessible, it is essential reading for both academic researchers and students interested in this rapidly growing research area.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


May 2024 9781108832670 Hardback GBP 130.00 / USD 170.00

eISBN 9781108973021

Evolution of Language

The Evolution, Acquisition and Development of Syntax

Adone, Dany | Universität zu Köln

Bringing together scholars from the fields of language evolution, language acquisition and development of young languages, this book explores current debates on syntax, focusing particularly on Creole languages. Shedding light on the relevance of syntax, it is essential reading for researchers and students in a wide range of linguistic disciplines.


Nov. 2024 9781009221948 Hardback GBP 110.00 / USD 140.00

eISBN 9781009221900

Grammar and syntax

Can Construction Grammar Be Proven Wrong?

Cappelle, Bert | Université de Lille and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris Construction Grammar has gained prominence in linguistics. This Element serves as a cautionary note against complacency and dogmatism. It emphasizes the enduring importance of falsifiability as a criterion for scientific hypotheses and theories.

Elements in Construction Grammar


Feb. 2024 9781009343206 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Feb. 2024 9781009478786 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009343213

Jun. 2024 9781108454506 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781108580410


Landau, Idan | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel This Element presents findings and theoretical advances in Control, describing different types of control and profiles in various languages. It shows that Obligatory Control features are not universal and should be in its core definition. Comparing lexical meaning postulates with embedding of speech acts provides deeper insights into OC properties.

Elements in Generative Syntax


Nov. 2024 9781009243117 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Nov. 2024 9781009532815 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009243124

Language and linguistics

Copilots for Linguists

AI, Constructions, and Frames

Torrent, Tiago Timponi | Federal University of Juiz de Fora

AI can assist the linguist in doing research on the structure of language. This Element illustrates this possibility by showing how a conversational AI based on a Large Language Model can assist the Construction Grammarian, and especially the Frame Semanticist.

Elements in Construction Grammar


Feb. 2024 9781009439220 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Feb. 2024 9781009475907 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009439190

German Syntax

A Structure Removal Approach

Müller, Gereon | Universität Leipzig

Exploring the major syntactic phenomena of German, this book provides an outline of key aspects of Chomsky’s Minimalist Program, as well as a comprehensive, state-of-the-art minimalist study of German syntax. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the syntax of German, syntactic theory, the Minimalist Program, and grammatical theory.

Cambridge Studies in Linguistics


The Cambridge Handbook of Construction Grammar

Fried, Mirjam | Univerzita Karlova

Bringing together a global team of scholars, this volumes provides an overview of current issues and applications in Construction Grammar. It includes innovative research alongside stepby-step introductions to the theory, making it essential reading for both researchers and students working in functional and cognitive approaches to linguistics.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Dec. 2024 9781009518031 Hardback GBP 105.00 / USD 135.00

eISBN 9781009518048

Salience of Information in Japanese

Discourse and the Syntax–Pragmatics Interface

Shimojo, Mitsuaki | State University of New York, Buffalo

Featuring a wide range of authentic language examples, this book uses the framework of Role and Reference Grammar to explore how ‘salience’ is conveyed in Japanese. It is essential reading for researchers and students of syntax and its interfaces with pragmatics and discourse, as well as linguists of Asian languages.


Feb. 2025 9781316511176 Hardback GBP 130.00 / USD 170.00

eISBN 9781009049139


The Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Syntax

Goodall, Grant | University of California, San Diego

Providing an up-to-date overview of a growing field, this Handbook is intended for students and researchers interested in using experimental methods to study syntax. It shows how to conduct experiments, surveys research results so far, and discusses how the increased use of experiments will impact the future of linguistic research.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Apr. 2024 9781009421829 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009421805

The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Syntax

Barbiers, Sjef | Universiteit Leiden

Bringing together a globally representative team of scholars, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in comparative syntax, the study of universal and variable properties of grammatical structures in natural languages. It is essential reading for researchers and students in linguistics.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Apr. 2025 9781009179386 Hardback GBP 125.00 / USD 165.00

eISBN 9781009179362

Feb. 2024 9781108465496 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781108569620


The Compositional Nature of Tense, Mood and Aspect

Volume 167

Verkuyl, Henk J.

Written by a well-known expert in the field, this book presents a universally applicable model of how natural language speakers deal with time in natural language, by combining semantic building blocks into larger wholes. It will be essential reading for researchers and advanced students in syntax and the syntax-semantics interface.

Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 167


Feb. 2024 9781108970570 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108989732

Interfaces and Domains of Contact-Driven Restructuring

Aspects of Afro-Hispanic Linguistics

Volume 168

Sessarego, Sandro | University of Texas, Austin

Approaching creole studies from contrasting standpoints, this pioneering study casts new light on the nature of the Afro-Hispanic Languages of the Americas. It provides original theoretical and methodological perspectives for a more integrated approach to the study of contact-driven restructuring across language interfaces and linguistic domains.

Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 168


Feb. 2024 9781108987189 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108982733

The Discourse of History

A Systemic Functional Linguistic Perspective

Hao, Jing | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Including texts in English, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, this book uses a Systemic Functional Linguistic approach to explore how language builds knowledge about the past and gives value to historical events – shaping contemporary culture. It is essential reading for researchers concerned with literacy, Discourse analysis and language description.


May 2024 9781316519653 Hardback GBP 105.00 / USD 135.00

eISBN 9781009024884

The Merge Hypothesis

A Theory of Aspects of Syntax

Hornstein, NorbertC | University of Maryland, Baltimore

This book locates the Minimalist Program (MP) in the larger Generative enterprise. It shows how MP follows from this larger Chomskyan program and extends it by adopting a principle, the Fundamental Principle of Grammar, that requires all grammatical dependencies be Merge Mediated. It should amuse anyone interested in contemporary syntactic theory.


Feb. 2024 9781009415774 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

Feb. 2024 9781009415743 Hardback GBP 70.00 / USD 90.00

eISBN 9781009415750

The Philosophy of Theoretical Linguistics

A Contemporary Outlook

Nefdt, Ryan M. | University of Cape Town

Drawing on perspectives ranging from generative syntax, optimality theory, Computational linguistics, sign language phonology, and language evolution studies, this book explores the current philosophical issues in theoretical linguistics. It is an essential read for linguists, cognitive scientists, and philosophers working in language studies.



Universal Grammar and Iconicity

Li, Yafei | University of Wisconsin, Madison

This book integrates the core insights of two major models of language, the formal and the functional, into a single interface theory. A groundbreaking work, this is essential reading for academic researchers and postgraduate students in linguistics, as well as scholars in related disciplines such as psychology and cognitive science.


Aug. 2024 9781108794626 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99

eISBN 9781108885935

Word Grammar, Cognition and Dependency

Duran Eppler, Eva | Roehampton University, London

Based on a range of novel theoretical positions and case studies, this book explores the key ideas of Word Grammar when applied to different levels of language, typologically different languages and language change. It is essential reading for researchers and students interested in English syntax, morphology, phonology and linguistic theory.


May 2024 9781316514252 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00

eISBN 9781009082853


Third Factors in Language Variation and Change

Van Gelderen, Elly | Arizona State University

This pioneering book makes an important contribution to linguistics by explaining syntactic variation and change within the most recent version of minimalist syntax. It focusses on the mechanisms necessary for syntactic computation, and suggests that these are general cognitive principles rather than principles specific to the language faculty.


Dec. 2024 9781316517062 Hardback GBP 100.00 / USD 130.00

eISBN 9781009037051

Historical linguistics


Linguistic Contact and Language Change

An Introduction

Millar, Robert McColl | University of Aberdeen Speakers of different languages come into contact; their languages influence each other. This textbook investigates this reality in modern and historical contexts. Each central theme introduces an in-depth, real-world case study, key concepts are clearly defined, and end of chapter exercises and research tasks encourage autonomous learning.


Feb. 2024 9781108926409 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108923408

Nov. 2024 9781009069090 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99

Nov. 2024 9781316512739 Hardback GBP 75.00 / USD 99.99

eISBN 9781009071093


The Lingua Franca

Contact-Induced Language Change in the Mediterranean

Operstein, Natalie | University of California, Los Angeles Whose name is hidden behind the anonymity of the key publication on Mediterranean Lingua Franca? What linguistic reality does the label ‘Lingua Franca’ conceal? These and related questions are explored in this new book on an enduringly important topic, creating new avenues for multi-disciplinary research on Mediterranean languages and history.

Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact 423pp

Feb. 2024 9781108999854 Paperback GBP 23.99 / USD 31.99

eISBN 9781009000161

Language and linguistics

Wilhelm von Humboldt and Early American Linguistics

Resources and Inspirations

Drechsel, Emanuel J. | University of Hawaii, Manoa

Comprehensive yet engaging, this book uncovers Humboldt’s contribution early Americanist linguistics, and provides a historical perspective on his influence on subsequent generations of linguists. Shining a light on one of the early innovators of linguistics, it is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of the field.


Feb. 2024 9781108833042 Hardback GBP 105.00 / USD 135.00

eISBN 9781108966801

History of the English Language

Intensifiers in Late Modern English

A Sociopragmatic Approach to Courtroom


Claridge, Claudia | University of Augsburg

Drawing on a rich bank of data from the Old Bailey Corpus, this groundbreaking book provides the first full study of intensifiers in Late Modern English. It shows how usage varies for a wide variety of reasons, making it essential reading for scholars and advanced students in English Historical linguistics.

Studies in English Language


Mar. 2024 9781108428668 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00

eISBN 9781108560627

Methods in Historical

Corpus Pragmatics

Epistemic Stance in Early Modern English

Landert, Daniela | Universität Heidelberg

Drawing on an extensive corpus-based study, this book explores theoretical and empirical discussions of stance research applied to data from Early Modern English. It also presents a new method for the study of pragmatic phenomena, making it essential reading for researchers and students in both historical pragmatics and corpus pragmatics.

Studies in English Language



Syntactic Change in Late Modern English

Studies on Colloquialization and Densification

Smitterberg, Erik | Uppsala Universitet, Sweden

Resolving the stability paradox of Late Modern English, this book gives a new framework for language change, which includes corpus linguistics methodology. The framework is applicable to any language making the book essential reading for academic researchers and advanced students in Historical linguistics, corpus linguistics, and sociolinguistics.

Studies in English Language


Feb. 2024 9781108463973 Paperback GBP 23.99 / USD 31.99

eISBN 9781108564984

Verbal Medicines

The Curative Power of Prayer and Invocation in Early English Charms

Arnovick, Leslie K. | University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Drawing on a wide range of sources, this book explores the function of charms in Early English by situating them in the historical and cultural environment of the period. It is essential reading for researchers and students of Old English, Medieval English, English Historical linguistics, Pragmatics, and early Religious Studies.

Studies in English Language


Feb. 2024 9781009237413 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009237369


Politeness in the History of English

From the Middle Ages to the Present Day

Jucker, Andreas H. | Universität Zürich

Based on detailed case studies of literary texts, this book traces the development of politeness from Old English to the present day. Politeness is shown in its ambivalent and multi-faceted nature from a variety of perspectives, making this essential reading for politeness specialists, cultural historians and historical linguists alike.


Nov. 2024 9781009423144 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009423120

Latin American language, linguistics


The Cambridge Handbook of Spanish Linguistics

Geeslin, Kimberly L. | Indiana University

Written for both researchers and advanced students, this Handbook provides a state-of-the-art survey of the field of Spanish linguistics. Balancing different theoretical perspectives among expert scholars, it provides an in-depth examination of all sub-fields of research in Hispanic linguistics, with a focus on recent advances.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics

793pp 52 b/w illus. 23 tables

Mar. 2024 9781108730945 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108589147

Jun. 2024 9781316626764 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781316779194



Creativity in Word Formation and Word Interpretation

Creative Potential and Creative Performance

Körtvélyessy, Lívia

The book presents an interdisciplinary examination of how we use creativity to form and interpret new words. Pioneering in its scope, it combines theoretical and experimental research conducted with over seven hundred participants. It will pave the way for new research amongst linguists, psycholinguists, sociolinguists, and psychologists.


Aug. 2024 9781009054423 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99

eISBN 9781009053556


On Bilinguals and Bilingualism

Grosjean, François | Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland Professor François Grosjean is a recognized world expert on bilingualism. In this fascinating book, he surveys the many contributions he has made to the field, gives follow-up comments, reviews how the field has responded, and stresses how important it is to inform the general public about bilingualism and biculturalism.


Feb. 2024 9781009210416 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009210409


Teaching for Linguistic Diversity in Schools

Student Wellbeing and Achievement

Moloney, Robyn | Macquarie University, Sydney

Teaching for Linguistic Diversity in Schools: Student Wellbeing and Achievement explores the linguistic landscape of Australia, including English, Indigenous languages, community languages and school-taught modern languages, to help teachers recognise the extent of children’s language knowledge and to reflect on its implications for the classroom.


Jun. 2024 9781009374958 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 69.69

eISBN 9781009374965


The Adaptive Bilingual Mind Insights from Endangered Languages

Adamou, Evangelia | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris

By applying advances in the field of bilingualism to the study of endangered languages, this groundbreaking book makes typologically rare data accessible to readers from the field of bilingualism, while making experimental methods accessible to those studying endangered languages. It is essential reading for scholars in both fields.


Translingual Practices

Playfulness and Precariousness

Dovchin, Sender | Curtin University, Perth

Based on a wide range of global ethnographic studies, this unique book expands current work on translingual playfulness through an exploration of the multiple dimensions of precarity in trans-perspectives. It is essential reading for academic researchers and students in bi- and Multilingualism, sociolinguistics and language teaching and learning.

Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact 272pp

May 2024 9781316513514 Hardback GBP 105.00 / USD 135.00

eISBN 9781009072779

Other languages, linguistics

The Balkan Languages

Friedman, Victor A. | University of Chicago

Covering the full extent of the languages in the Balkan convergence zone, this groundbreaking volume provides the first comprehensive, booklength survey on the Balkan languages in English. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the Balkan languages. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core.

Cambridge Language Surveys


Feb. 2025 9780521553490 Hardback GBP 150.00 / USD 195.00

eISBN 9781139019095

Phonetics and phonology

NEW IN PAPERBACK A Phonological History of Chinese

Shen, Zhongwei | University of Massachusetts, Amherst

A comprehensive account of the phonological history of Chinese, exploring the development of its standard phonological systems over the past 2500 years. It will be a key reference work for historical linguists and phonologists in general, as well as being of particular interest to students and scholars of Chinese/Asian languages and their history.


Jul. 2024 9781316501658 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99

eISBN 9781316476925

Phonetics in the Brain

Söderström, Pelle | Lunds Universitet, Sweden

Mar. 2024 9781108813273 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108884266

This Element outlines how we perceive speech and explores what the auditory system needs to achieve to make this possible. It traces a path through the system and discusses the mechanisms that enable us to perceive speech as a coherent sequence of words. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Elements in Phonetics


Mar. 2024 9781009161121 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Mar. 2024 9781009507448 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009161114

Language and linguistics

Phonological Drift and Language Contact

The Northwest European Phonological Area

Iosad, Pavel | University of Edinburgh

Despite typological differences, the languages of northern Europe share unusual sound patterns. Using the latest advances in theoretical linguistics, the study of sound change, and language variation, this book offers insights into the development of these features and what they tell us about past cultural and linguistic contacts.



The Cambridge Handbook of Phonetics

Knight, Rachael-Anne | City, University of London

With contributions from a team of world-renowned authors, this handbook presents thorough coverage of the many subdisciplines of phonetics. It provides postgraduate students and academic researchers with a state-of-the-art knowledge of the field, and suggests how this knowledge can best be applied to teaching the next generation of phoneticians.

Apr. 2025 9781108497381 Hardback GBP 100.00 / USD 130.00

eISBN 9781108608855

Social Factors and L2 Phonetics and phonology

Hansen Edwards, Jette G. | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

This Element provides readers with a detailed overview of the social factors that affect second language (L2) phonology acquisition and use. It answers questions through a state-of-the art synthesis of key findings in research on social factors and L2 phonology.

Elements in Phonetics


Mar. 2024 9781108932028 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Mar. 2024 9781009468169 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781108943062

Stress and Accent

Hyde, Brett | Washington University, St Louis

Connecting metrical stress theory to music, attention and timing, this book provides a comprehensive conceptual framework and an up-to-date toolkit for the formal analysis of stress and accent in natural language, from a range of perspectives. It is essential reading for advanced students and academic researchers in Phonetics and phonology.

Key Topics in Phonology


Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Feb. 2024 9781108448598 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781108644198

The Phonetics and phonology of Heritage Languages

Rao, Rajiv | University of Wisconsin, Madison

Bringing together research from an international team of scholars, this is the first book-length treatment of the Phonetics and phonology of heritage languages. It analyses a diverse range of bilingual dyads through a variety of theoretical tools and methodological orientations, providing inspiration to researchers for future work in the field.


Mar. 2025 9781107096707 Hardback GBP 105.00 / USD 135.00

eISBN 9781316156377

The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Phonetics and phonology

Amengual, Mark | University of California, Santa Cruz

Bringing together novel research from a global team of experts, this Handbook is a one-stop resource for bilingual Phonetics and phonology, covering all aspects of the sound systems of adult and child bilinguals. Comprehensive yet accessible, it is essential reading for anyone interested in this rapidly developing interdisciplinary research area.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Feb. 2024 9781108833103 Hardback GBP 105.00 / USD 135.00

eISBN 9781108966986

The Phonology and Morphology of Australian Languages

Baker, Brett J. | University of Melbourne

Synthesising a wealth of data, this is the first booklength overview of the phonology and Morphology of Australian Indigenous languages. It highlights the importance of Australian languages for current theoretical approaches, making it essential reading for scholars and students in phonology, phonetics, Morphology, speech science, and typology.


Nov. 2024 9781009098601 Hardback GBP 130.00 / USD 170.00

eISBN 9781009105767

Mar. 2025 9781107126985 Hardback GBP 135.00 / USD 180.00

eISBN 9781316411469

Psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics


First Language Acquisition

Fourth edition

Clark, Eve V. | Stanford University, California

Now in its fourth edition, this textbook provides a well-illustrated account of how young children acquire language. Drawing on diary records and experimental studies from leaders in the field, it documents different stages and aspects of what children master, based on their conversational interactions with more expert (adult) speakers.


Jun. 2024 9781009294522 Paperback GBP 37.99 / USD 47.99

Jun. 2024 9781009294492 Hardback GBP 99.99 / USD 130.00

eISBN 9781009294485


Sentence Comprehension as a Cognitive Process

A Computational Approach

Vasishth, Shravan | Universität Potsdam, Germany

Rooted in decades of research in cognitive psychology and AI, this book presents an empirically grounded evaluation of the leading computational model of retrieval processes in sentence processing. It is essential reading for researchers in cognitive science who want to carry out their own research in this exciting field.


Feb. 2024 9781107589773 Paperback GBP 23.99 / USD 31.99

eISBN 9781316459560

Research methods in linguistics

The Cambridge Handbook of the Dictionary

Finegan, Edward | University of Southern California

Bringing together cutting-edge research from a team of experts, this Handbook provides an allencompassing account of dictionaries in context.

It considers the cultural, social, intellectual and book history of dictionaries, as well as why they are made, and how they are edited, designed and published.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Oct. 2024 9781108836241 Hardback GBP 130.00 / USD 170.00

eISBN 9781108864435

Semantics and pragmatics

Connectives and Discourse Relations

Zufferey, Sandrine | University of Bern, Switzerland

Illustrated with a wide range of examples, this book provides an introduction to the meanings and functions of connectives, and the discourse relations they communicate. This title is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available Open Access. Check our website Cambridge Core for details.

Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics


Feb. 2024 9781108832991 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781108966573

Leveraging Relations in Diaspora

Occupational Recommendations among Latin Americans in London

Reiter, Rosina Márquez | The Open University, Milton Keynes

This Element expands the horizon of sociopragmatic research inquiry into the sociocultural norms that underlie the establishment and maintenance of interpersonal relations in a diasporic context. It offers new insights beyond the dyad in a globalised context of social inequality.

Elements in Pragmatics


Modality in Mind

Nuyts, Jan | University of Antwerp

Drawing on twenty years of research, this book provides a functionally and cognitively motivated analysis of the field of modality. It is essential reading for researchers interested in the semantics of modality, as well as in the implications of this domain for understanding the cognitive infrastructure for language and thought.


Dec. 2024 9781009447225 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009447201


Naming and Indexicality

Bochner, Gregory

This book offers a uniquely accessible, comprehensive, and critical synthesis of theories of linguistic reference and meaning in the 20th century - from Frege and Kripke to the various forms of contemporary two-dimensional semantics - for advanced students as well as mature researchers in semantics, pragmatics, and philosophy of language.

Key Topics in Semantics and pragmatics


Feb. 2024 9781108449687 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781316999073

Natural Language Ontology and Semantic Theory

Liefke, Kristina | Ruhr University Bochum

This Element gives an introduction to the emerging discipline of natural language ontology. This is an area at the interface of semantics, metaphysics, and philosophy of language that is concerned with which kinds of objects are assumed by our best semantic theories.

Elements in Semantics


Dec. 2024 9781009307802 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Dec. 2024 9781009539272 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009307789

Pragmatic Inference

Misunderstandings, Accountability, Deniability Elder, Chi-Hé | University of East Anglia

This Element investigates the role that inference plays in pragmatic models of communication, bringing together a range of scholarship that characterises inference in different ways for different purposes.

Elements in Pragmatics

Mar. 2024 9781009206624 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Mar. 2024 9781009507486 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009206617


Mar. 2024 9781009005708 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Mar. 2024 9781009500838 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009036672

Language and linguistics

Pragmatics, (Im)

Politeness, and Intergroup


A Multilayered, Discursive Analysis of Cancel Culture

Blitvich, Pilar G. | University of North Carolina, Charlotte

This Element shows the basis for pragmatics/ (im)politeness to become intergroup-oriented to be able to consider interactions in which social identities are salient or are essentially collective in nature, such as Cancel Culture.

Elements in Pragmatics


Feb. 2024 9781009184380 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Feb. 2024 9781009494830 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009184373

Pragmatics, Utterance

Meaning, and

Representational Gesture

Wilson, Jack | University of Salford

Reduction and Unification in Natural Language Ontology

Liefke, Kristina | Ruhr University Bochum

This Element investigates which ontological categories (such as individuals, properties, events, degrees, and kinds) are minimally required to provide a semantics for natural language. It yields insights into the requirements on minimal semantic ontologies for natural language and the challenges for semantic ontology engineering.

Elements in Semantics


Jan. 2025 9781009559652 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jan. 2025 9781009559645 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009559683

Semantics and Deep Learning

This Element helps understand the role of gesture in communication by answer the following questions positively: Do gestures communicate? Do people produce gestures with an intention to communicate? It uses evidence from experimental and neuroscientific studies to argue that people produce gestures because doing so improves such predictions. Elements in Pragmatics


Feb. 2024 9781009013796 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Feb. 2024 9781009454407 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009031080

Speech Acts

Discursive, Multimodal, Diachronic

Jucker, Andreas H. | University of Zurich

This Element outlines issues in the study of speech acts. Discursive approaches shift the focus to interaction and interactional sequences. Multimodal approaches show that the speech act needs to be extended to cover the multimodality of communicative acts. Diachronic approaches focus on the historicity of speech acts.

Elements in Pragmatics


Oct. 2024 9781009421492 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Oct. 2024 9781009532969 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009421461

The Dark Matter of Pragmatics

Known Unknowns

Levinson, Stephen C. | Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

This Element tries to discern the known unknowns in the field of Pragmatics, the ‘Dark Matter’ of the title. It thus offers a brief review of some central areas of pragmatics, and a survey of targets for future research. This title is also available as Open

Access on Cambridge Core.

Elements in Pragmatics


Apr. 2024 9781009489638 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Apr. 2024 9781009489591 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009489584

Abzianidze, Lasha | Utrecht University

This Element covers the interaction of two research areas: linguistic semantics and deep learning. It focuses on three phenomena central to natural language interpretation: reasoning and inference; compositionality; extralinguistic grounding.

Elements in Semantics


Jan. 2025 9781009542364 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jan. 2025 9781009542395 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009542340


The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language

Stalmaszczyk, Piotr

Bringing together a team of world-renowned scholars, this handbook is a comprehensive guide to contemporary research into the relationship between language, philosophy, and linguistics. It is essential reading for philosophers interested in Language and linguistics, and linguists interested in philosophical analyses.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Feb. 2024 9781108729307 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781108698283


The Stylistics of ‘You’

Second-Person Pronoun and its Pragmatic Effects

Sorlin, Sandrine | Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier Including examples from a broad range of sources, this book explores the pragmatic functions and effects of ‘you’ across time, genre and medium, to provide an encompassing theoretical framework for the second-person pronoun. With its unique inter-disciplinary perspective, it will interest students and scholars of both linguistics and literature.


Aug. 2024 9781108964043 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99

eISBN 9781108966757

Sign language

Improving Your British Sign language

A Guide to Proficient Use

Lerose, Luigi | University of Central Lancashire, Preston

Written by a BSL teacher with years of experience, this book will aid BSL learners in identifying and correcting errors in their sign accuracy to improve their productive skills. It is highly illustrated and includes a range of practical exercises to help students develop effective use of the creative lexicon.


Dec. 2024 9781009124355 Paperback GBP 23.99 / USD 30.99

Dec. 2024 9781009123129 Hardback GBP 75.00 / USD 95.00

eISBN 9781009128179


The Impulse to Gesture

Where Language, Minds, and Bodies Intersect

Harrison, Simon

Based on the phenomenon of negation, this book combines gesture studies and Cognitive linguistics to illustrate the multimodality of grammar in language use in social and professional interactions. It explains not only when and how we gesture, but also why we gesture. Ideal for researchers and graduate students in linguistics and cognitive science.

251pp 111 b/w illus. 5 tables

Mar. 2024 9781108404693 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108265065



Accent in North American Film and Television

A Sociophonetic Analysis

Boberg, Charles | McGill University, Montréal

A guide to film and TV accents for linguists, media scholars, actors, and dialect coaches. It shows how pronunciation has changed since the 1930s, and how it continues to reflect the regional background, gender and ethnic ancestry of actors today, while also exploring the relationship between on-screen and off-screen speech.


Feb. 2024 9781316604892 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781316579817


Action Ascription in Interaction

Deppermann, Arnulf | Universität Mannheim, Germany

Bringing together a team of global experts, this is the first volume of its kind to focus on the ways in which meanings are ascribed to actions in social interaction. It will be essential reading for academic researchers and students interested in the relationship between language, behaviour and social interaction.

Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics, 35


Before the Word Was Queer

Sexuality and the English Dictionary, 1600–1930

Turton, Stephen | University of Oxford

This book uncovers how same-sex acts, desires, and identities have been represented in English dictionaries in Britain from the early modern to the interwar period. In doing so, it responds and contributes to established traditions and new trends in linguistics, queer theory, literary criticism, and the history of sexuality.


Mar. 2024 9781316518731 Hardback GBP 105.00 / USD 135.00

eISBN 9781009006804


The Journey of a Word

Stollznow, Karen | Griffith University, Queensland

Bitch is a bitch of a word. It used to be a straightforward insult, but today it’s not always entirely clear what it means. From its humble beginnings, bitch has become a modern phenomenon. This book traces the colorful history and ever-changing meaning of this powerful and controversial word.


Jun. 2024 9781009392365 Paperback GBP 19.99 / USD 24.99

Jun. 2024 9781009392327 Hardback GBP 70.00 / USD 90.00

eISBN 9781009392358

Dementia and Language

The Lived Experience in Interaction

Muntigl, Peter | Universiteit Gent, Belgium

Bringing together a range of innovative research, this book explores how people with dementia interact with others in a variety of social contexts, from everyday to clinical. It is ideal for scholars and students of Sociolinguistics, interactional linguistics and conversation analysis, as well as professionals in clinical and care environments.

Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics


Nov. 2024 9781108424530 Hardback GBP 105.00 / USD 135.00

eISBN 9781108339377

Dialectology and the Linguistic Atlas Project

Burkette, Allison | University of Kentucky

This Element explores dialectology, a subfield of linguistics, focusing on regional variation in vocabulary and pronunciations. It provides an introduction to dialectological study, highlighting the North American Linguistic Atlas Project and its materials. It also discusses the LAP’s evolution to meet contemporary sociolinguistic study needs.

Elements in Sociolinguistics


Jan. 2025 9781009378581 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jan. 2025 9781009539388 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

Aug. 2024 9781108465076 Paperback GBP 25.99 / USD 34.99

eISBN 9781108673419

eISBN 9781009378567

Language and linguistics

Emoji and Social Media


Zappavigna, Michele | University of New South Wales, Sydney

Including a wide range of fascinating examples taken from social media, this unique book provides a comprehensive framework for analysing how we use emoji to convey meaning, and how emoji function in social bonding. It is essential reading for anyone wishing to investigate the role of emoji in digital communication.


Feb. 2024 9781009179805 Paperback GBP 25.99 / USD 34.99

Language Ideologies and Identities on Facebook and TikTok

A Southern Caribbean Perspective

Wilson, Guyanne | University College London

This Element examines how Caribbean content creators use elements of Caribbean Englishes and Creoles in their performances of identity in memes and TikTok videos, and the ideologies that underlie them. Social media content is underpinned by the tension between the acceptance and rejection of standard language ideologies.

Feb. 2024 9781009179812 Hardback GBP 80.00 / USD 105.00

eISBN 9781009179829

Feminism, Corpusassisted Research and Language Inclusivity

Formato, Federica | University of Brighton

This Element presents an investigation into the use of the gender inclusive strategy schwa in a corpus of tweets. The corpus is read through a triangulation of two frameworks: Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies and Feminist Critical Discourse analysis. The new linguistic strategy is a viable and powerful replacement for generic sexist language.

Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality


Mar. 2025 9781009236362 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Mar. 2025 9781009517140 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009236379

Heritage Languages

Extending Variationist Approaches

Nagy, Naomi | University of Toronto

Reporting a large-scale project, this is the first book to investigate heritage language variation and change across 3 generations, in 8 underdocumented languages spoken in Toronto, with homeland comparisons. It introduces new methods for multilingual data collection, curation, quantitative analysis and interpretation of spontaneous speech.


Jun. 2024 9781316518229 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781108983624

Language Activism

The Role of Scholars in Linguistic Reform and Social Change

Cutler, Cecelia | City University of New York

Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, this book explores the role of language researchers in language activism. It is essential reading for anyone considering the need for scholarly engagement with the public and the communities in which they work, and the impact that this activism can have on society.


Elements in World Englishes


Jun. 2024 9781009350761 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jun. 2024 9781009494809 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009350808

Language in Britain and Ireland

Third edition

Fox, Susan | Universität Bern, Switzerland

Now in its third edition, this book provides an up-to-date overview of all the major spoken and signed varieties of language used in Britain and Ireland today, and issues related to them. Comprehensive yet accessible, it is essential reading for academic researchers and students of Sociolinguistics and education.


Oct. 2024 9781108708579 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 44.99

Oct. 2024 9781108477321 Hardback GBP 105.00 / USD 135.00

eISBN 9781108769617

Language Policy in Action

Savski, Kristof | Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

Based on real-life case studies, this book examines how people act within institutions and communities to try and control the language of others. Introducing a framework for analysing language policy in different contexts, it is essential reading for researchers and students of applied linguistics, Sociolinguistics, education, and policy analysis.


Dec. 2024 9781108833165 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 120.00

eISBN 9781108973168

Dec. 2024 9781009385121 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 35.99

Dec. 2024 9781009385114 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00

eISBN 9781009385138

Legal Categorization of ‘Transgender’

An Analysis of Statutory Interpretation of ‘Sex’, ‘Man’, and ‘Woman’ in Transgender Jurisprudence

Tao, Kimberly | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

This Element analyzes the foundational frame of legal reasoning when courts interpret the ‘plain language’ and ‘ordinary meaning’ of terms such as ‘sex’, ‘man’ and ‘woman’. It analyses nine decisions related to transgender people in United States, United Kingdom, and Hong Kong. Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality


Mar. 2024 9781009221207 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Mar. 2024 9781009494397 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009221221

LGBTQ+ and Feminist Digital Activism

A Linguistic Perspective

Zottola, Angela | University of Turin

This Element focuses on the linguistic and discursive practices employed by digital citizens to promote their causes on social media, that is to engage in digital activism, drawing attention to the growing importance of this phenomenon about gender identity and sexuality issues.

Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality


Jun. 2024 9781009114158 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jun. 2024 9781009507417 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009122962

Literacies of Migration

Translanguaging Imaginaries of Innocence

Smith, Patriann | University of South Florida

Centering race across geographies, this book paints imaginaries about how Black Caribbean immigrant and transnational youth use translanguaging and semiotics to reflect a broad range of literacies. Scholars, teachers, librarians and parents can better understand and address the urgent needs of these youth through the compelling narratives.


Queering Sexual Health Translation Pedagogy

Toto, Piero | London Metropolitan University

This Element presents students’ approaches to sexual health translation, using language as a vessel for change and striking a balance between clients’ expectations, translation industry best practices, and socio-educational needs. The data analysis of the students’ experiences will help embed queer pedagogy approaches into the curriculum.

Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality


Jan. 2024 9781009220989 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Jan. 2024 9781009467834 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009221023

Nov. 2024 9781108839037 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781108979542

Making English Official Writing and Resisting Local Language Policies

Flowers, Katherine S. | University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Contributing to the field of language policy, this book offers readers a window into the little-known history and strategies behind the English-only movement in the US. This title is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available Open Access on Cambridge Core.


Jan. 2024 9781009278027 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781009278058

Queering Language Revitalisation

Navigating Identity and Inclusion among Queer

Speakers of Minority Languages

Walsh, John | University of Galway

This Element aims to understand how Multilingualism, second language acquisition and minority language revitalisation have overlooked queer sexual identities. The marginalisation of queer subjects in these strands of linguistics can be traced to the Fishmanian model of ‘Reversing Language Shift’ (RLS).

Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality

Nov. 2024 9781009590990 Paperback GBP 17.00 / USD 22.00

Nov. 2024 9781009591027 Hardback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781009591034

Ritual and Language

Kádár, Dániel Z. | Dalian University of Foreign Languages, China and Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics

Illustrated with numerous in-depth case studies, this pioneering book provides a cutting-edge introduction to ritual language use, a fundamental aspect of communication in everyday life. Offering a new framework for the pragmatic study of ritual, it is essential reading for both researchers and students in pragmatics and applied linguistics.


Mar. 2024 9781108460828 Paperback GBP 25.99 / USD 34.99

Mar. 2024 9781108472968 Hardback GBP 80.00 / USD 105.00

eISBN 9781108624909


Social Meaning and Linguistic Variation

Theorizing the Third Wave

Hall-Lew, Lauren | University of Edinburgh

The first of its kind, this groundbreaking book gives an overview of third-wave variation research and theory, an approach centered on social meaning. It examines several components of dialects, including pronunciation, grammar, and meaning, and considers language use in a wide variety of cultural and linguistic contexts.


Mar. 2024 9781108458061 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781108578684


Sociolinguistic Variation in Children’s Language

Acquiring Community Norms

Smith, Jennifer | University of Glasgow

Aimed at sociolinguists and researchers of child language acquisition, as well as psychologists and educationalists, this book analyses the development of dialect in preschool children, in interaction with their primary caregivers.

Studies in Language Variation and Change


Mar. 2024 9781316624289 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99

eISBN 9781316779248

Language and linguistics

Speech and the City

Multilingualism, Decoloniality and the Civic University

Matras, Yaron | Aston University and the University of Haifa

Drawing on research in multilingual spaces in Manchester, this book discusses the role of cities in constructing notions of belonging that are based on linguistic pluralism, how academics can support such processes, and the limitations they face. It is essential reading for anyone concerned about protecting linguistic and cultural pluralism in our society.


May 2024 9781108485708 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781108757959

States of Language Policy

Theorizing Continuity and Change

Albaugh, Ericka | Bowdoin College, Maine

Based on case studies from a wide range of countries, this book explores how language policies are chosen and subsequently evolve, looking at patterns of stability and change in state action, and incorporating both colonial and postcolonial contexts. It is essential reading for researchers and students in Sociolinguistics, language policy.


Nov. 2024 9781009264723 Hardback GBP 100.00 / USD 130.00

eISBN 9781009264747


The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics

Montrul, Silvina | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

With contributions from world-renowned experts, this is a pioneering survey of heritage languages, focusing on issues ranging from individual language knowledge to broader societal, educational and policy concerns in a global context. It will be welcomed by researchers and language professionals in a wide range of fields.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics


Feb. 2024 9781108719995 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99

eISBN 9781108766340


The Cambridge Handbook of Language Standardization

Ayres-Bennett, Wendy | University of Cambridge

Surveying a wide range of languages and approaches, this Handbook is an essential resource for all those interested in language standards and standard languages. It not only explores the standardization of national European languages, it also offers fresh insights on the standardization of minoritized, indigenous and stateless languages.

Cambridge Handbooks in Language and linguistics 818pp


of Immigration

A Serial Narrative Ethnography of Language Shift

He, Agnes Weiyun | State University of New York, Stony Brook

Drawing on the experiences of different speakers of Chinese as a heritage language, this book explores current theoretical and typological issues surrounding heritage language development. This title is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available Open Access.

Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact 230pp

Jan. 2025 9781108490221 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00

eISBN 9781108780506


Literature and Art as Cognitive Objects

From a Poetics of Language to a Poetics of Action

Kolaiti, Patricia | University of Brighton

Bringing together ideas from a range of disciplines, this book introduces a groundbreaking theory of literature and art as a cognitive and natural kind. It revolutionizes the interplay between literature, art and mind, and sketches new directions for the interaction between literary/art study and the empirical and cognitive sciences.

May 2025 9781316517086 Hardback GBP 100.00 / USD 130.00

eISBN 9781009037099

Jun. 2024 9781108458528 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 43.99

eISBN 9781108559249

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S-10-01B, Level 10, First Subang, Jalan SS15/4G, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Phone: (603) 8800 9117


16F Frabelle Corporate Plaza

129 Tordesillas Street Salcedo Village Makati City 1209 National Capital Region (Manila)


Phone: +63 (2) 8865 7000



2F, 42, Yanghwa-ro 11-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04035, South Korea

Phone: (82) 2 547 2891 Fax: (82) 2 547 4411


103 Penang Road

#05–06/07 Visioncrest Commercial, 238467, Singapore

(New address from March 2025) 16 Raffles Quay, #16-04/05 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581

Phone: +65 6323 2701 Fax: +65 6323 2370


Room 311, 12th Floor, 51 Hengyang Road, Taipei, Taipei City 100, Taiwan Phone: (886)2 2570 0508


54 BB Building 1705 Sukhumvit 21 (Asoke), Wattana, Bangkok, 10110, Thailand

Phone: (66) 2 204 1451

Fax: (66) 2 204 1452


5F, YOCO Building

41 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai District 1 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Phone: +84 (98) 8068727

Fax: +84 (98) 9141748

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