Tidings Summer 2009

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tidings academy of the h oly ange l s

s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame

a pu b lic ati on fo r alumn ae, par e nts and fr i e nd s



s um m er 20 0 9

What do all these girls have in common?

They made AHA their FIRST CHOICE high school. Find out why you should too! Be an


of the class of 2009 enrolled in A college or university.


colleges visit our campus annually.

Angel for the Day.


awarded to the class of 2009 in scholarships and grants.

S p o ns o r e d by th e S c h o o l S i st e r s o f N ot r e D a m e

315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest New Jersey 07627 tel 201.768.7822

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 4th, 11am For further information and to pre-register, visit www.holyangels.org


p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e


Four years ago we introduced a song that captured both the language and the spirit of the school theme for that year, With One Voice. We sang it for the first time at Mass for the Feast of the Guardian Angels on October 2, 2005 and we have been singing it ever since. Through repetition over the past four years, this song has come to life like no other song ever has. On Field Day, the entire student body assembled in the auditorium for the blessing of a linden tree which was to be planted in the front circle of the school in honor of the 175th anniversary of the founding of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. We concluded the blessing ritual with our song, With One Voice. Spontaneously, the girls rose to their feet and sang our song with all their hearts and souls, clapping in rhythm with the beat of the music. From the front of the auditorium, I turned to survey this wondrous sight and sound that epitomized all that we strive for at AHA: one mind, one heart, one voice!

With one voice we’ll pass the Word along; with one voice, bring justice to the world. And with all the angels we’ll spread the goodness of God. With all power and glory the Word of God shall reign.

As tears welled from my eyes, joy filled my heart to witness and to be one with the love that united us. I wish everyone could have been there to experience what has been growing within these amazing young women for as long as they have been at Holy Angels. The Class of 2009 was the first to grow up with this song. In a very true sense, it is their song. On Graduation Day we sent them forth with the words of this song as a prayer, as a blessing and as a promise that God will fulfill in their lives. Congratulations to the Class of 2009!

2009 Takes Flight! Commencement Ceremony


Bridging Cultures Mission Trip to Honduras


Spring Event Photos 2 Page Spread


Angel Athletes


Angels in the Arts


Angels Around the Halls

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Alumnae News In Memoriam

tidings V o l u me i I i , n u mbe r 1


Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends,


Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Chiandusse Director of Communications ahacommunications@holyangels.org


Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org

S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 President, Academy of the Holy Angels


graduation & baccalaureate

Commencement 2009 Graduation festivities began on Thursday night, June 4th, with the Baccalaureate Mass and awards ceremony. The entire class was commended for receiving over 10 million dollars in scholarships and grants, and volunteering 24,837 hours of community service. The 129th Commencement Exercises of the Academy were held on Saturday, June 6, 2009, and took place on the beautiful Angel Field of Dreams. The invocation was given by Victoria Lorenzo. The senior commencement speaker was Suzana Markolovic and the senior response was given by Claire Quinn. The closing prayer was led by Anna Maria Shaker. Anna’s sister, Sherry Shaker ’98, addressed the class of ’09 highlighting her recent service mission in India. Mr. Buddy Ajalat led the Vocal Ensemble in performing a beautiful rendition of Greg Gilpin’s Peace Song. Concluding the ceremony, the spirit of the Class of 2009 was evident as they sang the Alma Mater with enthusiasm and pride.


Baccalaureate Ceremony

Angel Colleges

“It is comforting to see this class graduate, because you girls are exactly what our world needs – more generous leaders. We will all find ourselves doing different things in the future, but our generosity and our ability to lead will connect us all.” –Suzana Markolovic ’09

Legacy Mothers & Daughters AHA gives special recognition to the families who have continued the Holy Angels legacy: Theresa Caldera Corcoran ’77 and Kristen Corcoran ’09, Ann DeAngelo ’83 and Michelle Samuels ’09, Stephanie Bille Donohue ’72 and Brianne Donohue ’09, Sofia Diamantides Fredericks ’80 and Christie Fredericks ’09, Barbara Scanlon Johnson ’70 and Nicole Johnson ’09, Jean Rutigliano Kawczak ’78 and Amanda Kawczak ’09, Laura Wescott Kraytem ’79 and Lina Kraytem ’09, Michele Martini Lasiw ’75 and Alexis Lasiw ’09, Tina Alaimo LoPonte ’74 and Mary LoPonte ’09, Lisa Raacke Malley ’74 and Rita Malley ’09, Nancy Maissen St. James ’81 and Catherine St. James ’09, Teresa McCarthy-Surless ’83 and Amanda Surless ’09, Tara Smith Oakley ’74 and Amy Oakley ’09, Anne Marie Ryan Ryan ’80 and Ellen Ryan ’09, Debbie Gansler Testi ’75 and Rebecca Testi ’09, and Christine Garip Varelas ’80 and Laura Varelas ’09.


Albright College Alvernia College Arizona State University Barnard College Belmont University Bergen Community College Boston College Boston University Br yant University Br yn Mawr College Bucknell University Catholic University of America College of Charleston College of the Holy Cross Cornell University CUNY – Brooklyn College Dartmouth College Fairfield University Fairleigh Dickinson University Fordham University Francis Marion University Franklin & Marshall College George Washington University Georgetown University Gettysburg College Har vard College Hofstra University Iona College James Madison University Johns Hopkins University Kings College Lehigh University Long Island University Loyola College in Mar yland Loyola Mar ymount University Manhattan College Marist College McGill University Monmouth University Montclair State University Mount Holyoke College Muhlenberg College New York University Northeastern University Pace University Philadelphia University Providence College Quinnipiac University Ramapo College of NJ Rensselaer Polytechnic University Rochester Institute of Technology Rutgers University Sacred Heart University Seton Hall University Siena College St. John’s University St. Joseph’s University St. Louis University St. Olaf College St. Peter’s College St. Thomas Aquinas College Stevens Institute of Technology SUNY – Buffalo Syracuse University The College of New Jersey Unity College University of Delaware University of Mar yland University of Missouri University of Notre Dame University of Pittsburgh University of Scranton University of Southern California University of Vermont Ursinus College Villanova University Virginia Tech Westminster Choir College Wheelock College William Paterson University

angel athletes

Track Teams Make History This has been an outstanding year in track at Holy Angels. The Indoor Winter Track team won the North Jersey invitational for the first time in school history. The Angels placed 3rd in the County Relays and 6th in the State Relays. The four mile relay team of Suzana Markolovic ’09, Katie Sylvester ’10, Jen Molke ’11 and Kaleigh Kenny ’10 qualified for the Eastern States Championship, and Marie Minasi ’09 was 7th in the Eastern States Triple Jump. In Spring Track, the Angels won the Bergen County Relay Championship for the first time in school history.

Marie Minasi ’09 was chosen as the outstanding field event athlete in the Meet, out of over 1,000 girls. Marie was also chosen as the Athlete of the Week by the Bergen Record. The team won the Comet relays for the first time and were 3rd in the County Individual Meet. Kaleigh Kenny ’10 won the County Group B Championship in the mile. The Freshman team finished second in the Freshman County Meet. All in all, this was one of the most, if not the most, successful seasons in school history in Track.



In January, the Fencing team participated in the prestigious Santelli Tournament, placing 3rd out of 48 participating teams in the state. In the very first Holy Angels Invitational Tournament, they also placed third. One week later at the NJSIAA State District Tournament, the Sabre and Foil Squads took third and the Epee Squad won their third district title. This enabled the team as a whole to capture its third State District title in the past 4 years. Kathryn Palazzoto ’09 earned the individual Sabre title, and Jackie Heath ’10 placed 5th in Foil. This qualified the team, all 3 squads and both individuals for the State Tournament. The results at this Tournament were impressive as Holy Angels was one of only two teams to have all 3 squads in the top ten. Sabre placed 8th, Foil 6th and Epee 4th. Kathryn Palazzotto placed 4th and Jackie Heath 7th in the individual competition. Overall the team placed 5th in the State.

Both the Varsity and JV Bowling teams did well this season. The JV team finished with a 13-3 record, led by Claire Quinn ’09 and Tammy Wong ’12. The Varsity finished with a record of 13-4, led by high bowler Olivia Yang ’09, who finished with a solid 160 average. Apollonia Colacicco ’09, Erin Scanlon ’09, Maddie Loh ’09 and Maura Oates ’11 all bowled well throughout the season. AHA finished in 2nd place in their division, 2nd place in the Holiday Challenge at Parkway Lanes and 4th place in the Bergen County Tournament. The team really came together at the end of the season, winning their State Group Sectional Championship for the second year in a row.


Softball The team had a tough season, playing 7 or 8 games in the cold, rain, and even snow. The Angels were steadfast and gave all they had in every game. In eleven of the losses, the girls only lost by a run or two. The last game of the season was the team’s best, finally a warm sunny day, and they played to a 4-3 win vs. Teaneck. They executed in every phase of the game and played as one. Senior Danielle Cuglietto led the team on the mound with 10 pitching victories and a team leading batting average of .452.


The Varsity Golf team had perhaps its finest season. The team finished with a record of 11-4. After losing the first three matches, they won their next 9 in a row. They finished in 2nd place at both the NNJIL tournament and the county tournament. What made this season very special was that for the first time in school history, the Golf team made the state finals. The team was led by Captain Catie Tobin ’09 and Phoebe O’Rourke ’11 who combined to make a very formidable 1-2 punch. Abigail Luhn ’10 and Mary Sullivan ’11 contributed greatly to the team’s success. The team is very young and we are looking forward to more success in the future.


The team started out slow, but by season’s end they had pushed the envelope. The Angels made a bold statement in the State Tournament, seeded low and slaying much higher seeds. After getting through the first two rounds, they played in the semi-final vs. Mt. St. Dominics who were ranked 9th in the state. Playing very well, the Angels defeated them by 7 points in their packed gym, and moved on to the sectional final vs. IHA. In a dramatic and emotionally charged contest, the game rocked back and forth, but a three-point shot with ten seconds left sealed the two point victory for IHA. The Angels played an exceptional game, and eagerly look forward to a re-match next season.



The Lacrosse team had a very successful season this year. The team finished with a record of 13-6 and made it past the first round of the state tournament, establishing themselves as a competitive program, not only in Bergen County, but in New Jersey. Eight different players finished the season with ten or more points. Christie Fredericks ’09 finished her career by smashing the Bergen County record with a total of 417 points and was once again named the Bergen Record Lacrosse Player of the Year. This team had a wonderful chemistry that enabled them to win hard fought victories against Pope John and Montville and tough losses in overtime to Northern Highlands and Ramapo. The team had excellent leadership from captains Heather Burke ’09, Amy Oakley ’09, and Christie Fredericks ’09, and from other seniors Rita Malley, Liz Mierswa, and Emily Ferrara. Many underclassmen made contributions that made the team well-rounded and show great promise for next season.

angels in the arts Spring Concert On Thursday, May 14, the Annual Spring Concert highlighted the many talented musical Angels. Handbell Choir, Academy Chorus, Vocal Ensemble, Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble performed classical, jazz and spiritual selections. The program included Fanfare in D Major by H. Hopson, Dance of the Reed Pipes by P. Tchaikovsky, Soul Boussa Nova by Quincy Jones, Alleluia by R. Thompson and selections from Oliver. The Chorus and Vocal Ensemble are under the direction of Mr. Buddy Ajalat, accompanied on the piano by Mr. Richard Fusilli. The Orchestra, Handbell Choir and Jazz Ensemble are directed by Mrs. Mariann Annecchino.

Angels & Crusaders

Mix it Up Musically

A music mixer with Bergen Catholic and Holy Angels was held on April 30th. The 24 members of the BC Jazz Ensemble joined the 60+ members of the AHA Jazz Ensemble and Orchestra for a pre-concert workshop, rehearsal and a pizza dinner with an opportunity to socialize. The evening concluded with a concert where musicians from both schools performed the following pieces: On the Trail, Soul Bossa Nova, Chameleon and a John Williams medley. The concert took place on the final day of Jazz Appreciation Month and was a great way to bring the celebration to a close! The parents’ group from Bergen Catholic joined AHA music parents and assisted with the “care and feeding” of our young musicians. BC Jazz Ensemble’s Parent Representatives included Nancy Zaccario Graziani ’76 and Caroline Angelica, mother Nancy Angelica ’08. All of this would not have been possible without the dedication of AHA Instrumental Music Director Mariann Annecchino and Music Teacher and Jazz Ensemble Director from Bergen Catholic, Peter Furlan.


Spring Musical The plot in this year’s Spring Musical, Thoroughly Modern Millie, takes place in 1922 in New York City. It tells the story of a small-town girl, Millie Dumont, who comes to New York City to marry for money instead of love – a thoroughly modern aim for that time, when women were just entering the workforce. The Holy Angels production was directed by Sister Rebecca Tayag, SSND, and starred Senior Veronica Polce as Millie Dumont (pictured at left) and Bergen Catholic Senior Steven Mowry as Jimmy Smith. Pictured at right is Senior Casey Pioli as Muzzy Van Hossmere.

Award Winning Angels Senior Margaret Dudasik won the 36th Annual Pop Music Student Scholarship presented by the Roy Meyer Swingers. Margaret sang Blues In The Night and What You Don’t Know About Women at the competition finals on April 20, 2009. She received a $2,500 scholarship to pursue undergraduate music studies. This jazz vocal group has granted more than 90 scholarships to outstanding Bergen and Passaic County students since its founding in 1967. Margaret is pictured at right receiving the award. The 11th annual Metropolitan Awards were presented at Peekskill’s Paramount Center for the Arts on June 8, 2009. AHA was presented with two awards: The Technical Merit Award (Creative) was awarded to student choreographers Cassie Faulborn ’09 and Jessica O’Hagan ’10. AHA was also recognized for Outstanding Lobby Display (Donna Faulborn, Barbara Johnson, Elaine Barett, Sherry DeLuca and Geraldine Cotter). The 2009 Rising Star Award ceremony was held at Paper Mill Playhouse on June 16, 2009. Holy Angels received two more honors for the 2009 spring musical Thoroughly Modern Millie. The 2009 Student Achievement Award for musical director went to Natasha Gonzalez ’09 and the award for choreography went to Cassie Faulborn ’09 and Jessica O’Hagan ’10.


angels around the halls ACADEMICS Holy Angels students competed in the JETS TEAMS Competition on March 16th. The competition was sponsored by the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) with the Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS). Holy Angels was represented by two teams of eight Angels each. These students were from AP Physics, HH Physics, and H Physics classes. All of the students were taught by Mr. Mike Mikhaiel. Each team of eight students participated in the one-day, two-part academic exam, applying problemsolving skills across several academic areas and working cooperatively as group members. The girls ranked as National Finalists.

LEADERSHIP Archbishop John J. Myers presented Girl Scout’s The Spirit Alive Award to Alicia Brizzolara ’12 and Meghan Gallo ’12 at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark on March 8, 2009. This award was presented following the completion of the requirements of the Archdiocese of Newark Catholic Committee on the Scouting Program in their age category. Brianna Santolli ’10 has been selected to serve as a Junior Commissioner on the Bergen County Commission on the Status of Women for 2009-2010.

HELPING HANDS Ms. Carol Fay and the Holy Angels’ Music Makers recently performed at the annual New Jersey Pax Christi meeting which was held at Felician College. They volunteered for this event and were applauded for their generous spirit and exceptional talent.

THE ARTS Christine Vuolo ’10 was selected by Carnegie Mellon from many applicants to participate in a prestigious Fine Arts Program in Music this summer. The program offers a unique view of the life of a music student at Carnegie Mellon in a supportive environment of study and performance. The students get to live on campus, take classes with conservatory professors, play, rehearse, perform and enjoy the freedom of college life.

Devon Ivey ’11 and Nicolette Holler ’09 play on the prestigious Bergen County traveling Volleyball club, DIGS. They recently won first place in the Bronze Flight in the GEVA Regional Tournament. They ended their season in 10th place out of 62 teams.

Angels Over Africa recently donated $1,000 to Arise and Walk Ministries Foundation to support their medical missions.

ATHLETICS Congratulations to our Juniors Christine LaStella, Samantha Hunt, Meredith Dominguez and Rose Lauricella, for recently coming in first place in the Junior Varsity Club Race for Rowing at Saratoga.


Blueprint, AHA’s

literary magazine, was recently selected to receive the rank of Excellent in the 2008 National Council of Teachers of English Program that recognizes excellence in student literary magazines.


to Ms. Jean Mullooly and all the Angels who worked so hard to produce such an exemplary publication!



Congratulations to Katherine Koo ’09 who was one of 10 students selected, out of 2,000 entries, as a finalist in a nationwide contest for America’s Greenest School. Katherine was vying for a $5,000 scholarship, a Plug-In Hybrid IC School Bus for AHA, as well as the title of America’s Greenest School! Nationwide voting took place from Monday, May 11th to Sunday, May 17th – not only did current students, parents and faculty vote, but alumnae were also invited to show their AHA spirit. Although we didn’t win the top prize, the entire community is proud of Katherine for bringing awareness to all of Holy Angels’ GREEN efforts!

Operation Smile is a not-for-profit organization,

created by Bill Magee and Kathy Soracco Magee ’63, that provides facial reconstruction surgery for children and adults in impoverished countries. Cleft-palates and cleft-lips are one of the many problems that are reversed by these facial reconstruction surgeries. These procedures are not solely cosmetic – these deformities can make it difficult for a child to speak or eat, and can be life-threatening. Effectively, Operation Smile is saving the lives of children all over the world by traveling to third world countries to provide these life-changing surgeries. Operation Smile also teaches the local doctors how to do this simple 45 minute procedure so that once they have completed the mission, lives will continue to be changed. In order to gain awareness of how common these problems are, Operation Smile added 3 unconventional positions on their mission teams. 2 Students and a Student Sponsor (chaperone) make up the Student Team of each Mission. Claire Lavers ’10 recently accompanied a medical team to Guwahati, India. Claire’s role on this mission was primarily educational. She visited local schools, orphanages and villages to educate the children on important topics such as dental hygiene, burn care and prevention, oral rehydration therapy and nutrition. Claire is a member of Holy Angels’ Operation Smile club, which helps raise funds and awareness to Operation Smile’s work but more importantly the quite prevalent problem of clefts in children and adults.

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farewell to...

faculty & staff news Leonard Carbone Science Ralph Carrara Social Studies Angela Connelly Religious Studies Lisa Marie Dybus Fine Arts Stephen Kriso Director of Technology Marta Yagos English

Please take time to view the latest Middle States update, by visiting www.holyangels.org/ middlestatesupdate

Ralph Carrara has retired after 3 decades at Holy Angels. He began his career at AHA in September 1980. Many students will fondly remember him as a teacher of US History, Economics, World Geography and even Freshmen Art courses, as Ralph is a talented artist. But many will remember his dedication as moderator of the Equestrian and Stock Market Clubs. Ralph married former AHA music teacher Catherine Stanzione and we look forward to welcoming them back soon when daughter Danielle gets her wings!

Congratulations to Sr. Eileen Casey, SSND, Fine Arts Department Chairperson – she celebrated her 50th Jubilee in April 2009 with members of the Holy Angels community. She is pictured above with her family.


The Science Department took Spirit Week to a whole new level by cloning themselves for “Twin Day”! Pictured are Pat Prucnel, Maureen Ferrara, Len Carbone, Nancy Brizzolara, Martha Weinstein, Mike Mikhail and Therese Kohl.

on the cover

Bridging Cultures

aha mission trip to honduras

On a wintry February day, a group of Holy Angels students boarded a flight to Honduras where they would spend nine days on a service mission working with the School Sisters of Notre Dame in their sponsored ministries in the region. The student participants were: Mary Rose Amoresano ’11, Christina Bivona ’10, Briana Ciccarino ’11, Christina Connell ’10, Sara Diaz ’10, Samantha Hunt ’10, Caitlyn Keane ’10 and Jenna Lee ’10 with Faculty Chaperones: S. Peggy McGaffney, SSND and Mrs. Kathy Sylvester.

This trip was an immersion experience, not just a service mission. Students come to realize the hardships of living in a developing country. They discover another culture, learn about what life is like for the people of Honduras, work with children in need, spend time with high school students in an SSND sponsored high school, build community with fellow Angels, taste the local foods and celebrate life Honduran style.

“Everyday of the trip was like another step in opening my heart. The love and hospitality we received in Honduras was unbelievable. I thought we were there to give, but in the end we received instead.” –Jenna Lee ’10 While in Honduras, the group stayed at the Notre Dame Retreat Center located on the campus of Instituto Notre Dame

“Throughout the mission, I have grown as a person and in my faith. I have a better perspective on life and realize that love and faith makes you strong. I hope to continue the mission I have started in Honduras and make it my lifestyle: take only what is necessary, love with all your heart wherever you go and keep faith in God – He is always there.” –Caitlyn Keane ’10

Caroline House - a tutoring center for elementary school children. The group also had the opportunity to take a few day trips to visit some of the local sites of interest. They shopped at a handicraft market; toured El Progreso and visited the parish church; spent time at a Caribbean beach and traveled overnight to a mission in Monte Verde located in the mountains. While in Monte Verde, the students assisted the Lenca, one of five indigenous groups in Honduras and the poorest people in Honduras. Sisters Mary Kennedy and Reina del Carmen Rodriguez, SSND, minister to 30 rural communities, consisting of 8,000 people dispersed over a mountainous terrain of roughly 150 square miles with no paved roads. The group proudly presented a check for $5,000 courtesy of the AHA Spanish Honor Society from their annual fundraiser Celebramos La Vida.

“The trip changed my life. I feel that I am now truly living in solidarity with them. I have also never felt as close to God.” –Mary Rose Amoresano ’11

High School in El Progreso, Honduras. The group assisted the SSND’s with their various projects in the following sites: a neighborhood childcare center; a local nutritional center for infants and children; COPPROME - a residential facility for needy children and teenagers and


philosophy Service Day Academy of the Holy Angels has been recognized as a National ServiceLearning Leader School by the Corporation for National Service. Servicelearning is incorporated into many aspects of the AHA school curriculum, and is made visible through the many hours of community service performed by the students. On May 7, the entire school community – students, faculty and administration – enacted that commitment to share its gifts with others by giving a day of service at organizations such as The Community Food Bank in Hillside, Teaneck Creek Conservancy, Babyland in Newark, St. Cecilia’s elementary school and several other groups. These organizations were chosen to help educate students to the needs of others and the necessity for systemic change to bring about a just society. Creating habits of mind and heart grounded in the gospel values of love, compassion and respect for the dignity and self worth of others is the essence of a Holy Angels’ education.

Awareness Day Awareness Day was held on March 31. This year’s theme was Making the Connections: Mind, Body and Spirit. The day began with a keynote entitled “Reviving Ophelia”, a dramatic presentation performed by a group from the Surflight Theatre. Students then attended workshops for the remainder of the day, which included topics that ranged from healthy food choices and stress reduction to healthy relationships and wellness information. The presenters of the workshops included professionals in the NJ area, many of which were AHA Alumnae, a Trustee from the Board, and even current AHA students!


spirituality Eucharistic Ministers This year’s Eucharistic Minister training was led by Mrs. Kathy Sylvester and S. Peggy McGaffney, SSND. Many girls apply yearly for the 20 Eucharistic Minister positions. Those chosen spent their first few hours of summer vacation in retreat and training to prepare for this ministry. The following girls were selected to serve: Bianca Bossbaly Alexandra Creange Chelsea DeFelice Francesca DiPaola Erika Faust Heather Fuhrman Emily Giannelli Amanda Keanna Elizabeth Kowalski Chelsea Lauber

Rose Lauricella Emily Liguori Anna Markolovic Courtney Mastrangelo Jennifer Monsalve Jessica Pallatta Caleigh Rice Mary Rizzo Theresa Sedlacek Katie Sylvester

Easter Liturgy & Grandparents Day Annually, grandparents or those in the lives of students that act as grandparents are invited to attend the Easter Liturgy and classes. During the Easter Liturgy, the AHA community raised their hands in blessing over all the grandparents present.


faculty corner

The E-portfolio: AHA Ahead of the Rest


any people are aware of an artist’s portfolio, an accumulation of an artist’s best art work that can be carried around in a large, sometimes cumbersome attaché. A portfolio is a way that artists can present themselves and their work to strangers, hoping to attract their interest and highlight themselves as the aspiring artist that they hope to be. A few years ago, administration and faculty began thinking about how portfolios could be developed for all of their students. Always ahead of the curve, this idea of a portfolio became entwined with the ever-evolving use of technology at AHA, and thus was born the e-portfolio. Simply put, the e-portfolio (or electronic portfolio) is an electronic accumulation of a student’s best work over her years at AHA. It is a mechanism that allows students to accumulate a diverse array of work prepared in various electronic formats. Works included can be anything that a student has submitted for assessment during her school years. These can include research papers, brochures, podcasts, studentproduced movies, drawings; anything that can be electronically formatted. Additionally, students have the opportunity to place a resumé and an introduction about themselves. The idea of the e-portfolio began about 4 years ago, when the administration and faculty began planning for the 2007-2008 Middle States Accreditation Process. At that time, the tablet had been fully incorporated into the curriculum, and we were looking for a way to expand its usability. Thus, the idea of the e-portfolio was formed.

What if we could create a central depository where each student could accumulate her best, graded works, along with a resumé and introduction about herself, and then present this portfolio as a link on her college applications? AHA faculty began working with a Learning Management System and the e-portfolio became a reality. Beginning with the Class of 2011, all students are introduced to the electronic portfolio during Freshman orientation. The portfolio is then created during Computer Applications, a required semester course for all Freshmen. During Computer Applications, the shell of the portfolio is formed. Students are taught the components of the e-portfolio, how to place work in the portfolio, and they begin working on their resumés and introductions. It is stressed that the e-portfolio that is created Freshman year is not the e-portfolio that is expected at the end of a student’s junior year. It is the student’s responsibility to update the e-portfolio, and teachers are always willing to help a student in deciphering which material would be best to include. Although the idea of the e-portfolio was embryonic just a few years ago, it seems that the concept is expanding. The New Jersey State Department of Education is considering including an e-portfolio as part of the core curriculum content standards for technological literacy. This exemplifies that an e-portfolio is just a few years away from being commonplace. As they are discussing how to implement an e-portfolio in their curriculum, our Angels are already flying along the electronic highway – with their e-portfolios only a click away!


alumnae association president


n behalf of the Holy Angels Alumnae Association, I would like to offer a warm welcome to our newest members, the class of 2009. It is my hope and expectation that this special bond as alumnae will bring you friendship, support and a lifelong connection to Holy Angels. October 23rd and 24th will mark Alumnae Weekend 2009, and plans continue for a number of fun-filled gatherings in and around the Academy. Friday will include a Foundation Day Assembly and a reception for the School Sisters of Notre Dame, as well as an opportunity for us to go back and walk the halls and even sit in on some classes. On Saturday, October 24th, we will have an Alumnae Mass, cocktails and dinner at the Demarest campus. Keep in mind that the festivities are not only for those classes ending in ’4 and ’9, as all alumnae are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you haven’t done so already, make plans to go. You won’t be disappointed! The Alumnae Association is also planning some very exciting events around the country, as we look to include more of our Angels, near and far. Not only are we exploring internship opportunities and a Career Fair, we are also planning more regional gatherings – from Hoboken, New York City and the Jersey Shore, to Philadelphia, Connecticut, Florida and in Bergen County. Call “the girls” and make plans to attend some of our upcoming events. You’ll be glad you did. I look forward to seeing you. Sincerely, Patti McGovern Hill ’78



director. All Angel bridge players and those wishing to learn are welcome at the Naples club. She hopes to meet many of you there!


After raising 3 children and having been a faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh for almost 30 years, John and I decided to revisit Bermuda. I had been there with my mother when I was just a sophomore at AHA. Wow, has it changed! Here’s to all us aging baby boomers.” Stephanie Lieblich ’98 with her sister Kathleen Lieblich ’09 at the 2009 Commencement Ceremony

Pat Johnson Duck ’69 writes: “As a member of the last class of 12 year Angels, it’s hard to believe it has been 40 years since I graduated from Holy Angels! I still remember Fort Lee, the tunnel to the cafeteria and convent, the pajama party with Sr. Anselm in 8th grade before the school closed, and that first bus ride from Dumont to a brand new school in 1965.


Jacqueline Rinaldi Altschuler ’63 has accepted a position as Manager of the Naples Bridge Center in Naples, Florida (www.naplesbridge.com). Jackie and her husband Stuart are relocating from the Boston area. After spending the last 13 years in the information technology field, Jackie has returned to a “prior life” as a bridge teacher and duplicate bridge club


Grace Gallagher Murphy ’64 continues to work as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She enjoys her 4 wonderful children and two beautiful grandchildren: Timothy Jake (5) in OKC and Emory Grace (2½) in San Diego, CA. She writes, “I travel whenever I can. Visited my last continent, Antarctica, in February 2008”.


Suzanne Gila Jayson ’66 has been volunteering in a Girls’ Youth Program called “Girls on the Run” for 4th and 5th graders in an Elementary School in Bethlehem, PA for 1 or 2 days a week. She also recently joined the Garden Club in her adult community.




Mary Frances Kingsley ’71 writes “I still value my AHA education and treasure those friends.” Margaret Pacheco ’71 writes, “I enjoyed the Washington DC Angels get together in February ’09. Thanks! Was able to reconnect with classmates of ’71 and meet new Angels as well!”


Linda Resotko Savino ’73 is proud to announce that her son Michael Savino was married to Allison Hammar on September 13, 2008.

’74 Hon. Donna J. Baboulis, J.M.C. ’74


Marilyn Fleckenstein Parks ’68 writes: “My daughter, Caitlin, graduated with honors from Rutgers College, New Brunswick in May, 2009. Caitlin was accepted into Rutgers graduate program, completing her undergraduate degree and starting her graduate classes in her senior year. She will graduate with a Master’s in Education in May 2010. Her father, brothers, sister and I are very proud of her.”


Elizabeth Kress Golub ’69 writes “I loved the pictures on the alumnae website with the old uniforms - brought back memories! I am currently serving as interim pastor of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in West Orange, NJ. It’s a wonderful challenge and although it’s been 40 years, my AHA education still empowers me.” Frances Gorman Pollak ’69 fondly recalls her first day of freshman year on a September morning in 1965. “We would be the first class to spend all four years at the Demarest Campus.”

Hon. Donna J. Baboulis, J.M.C. ’74 has been appointed Municipal Judge for the Borough of Park Ridge, NJ. She is enjoying the rewarding and challenging experience, which highlights her practice of law for nearly 30 years.


Joan D’Andrea-Bertussi ’86 and her family


Sumiko Yokoi ’89 and her husband welcomed a baby girl on August 19, 2008. Her name is Annika Ayako Yokoi Manjarrez.


Alison Fee Crane ’91 and her husband welcomed their son, Ryan Edward, on February 25, 2009. He joins big sisters Megan and Shannon.

Kimberly Rahill McDonald ’83 was appointed as a Warren County Superior Court Justice.


Heidi Eigenrauch Karpen ’84 is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children’s Hospital and practices Neonatology in addition to running a basic science laboratory. She has two children, Emily (9) and Matthew (6) who are avid swimmers. Her husband Saul is the Director of the Pediatric Liver Disease Center at Texas Children’s Hospital.


Joan D’Andrea-Bertussi ’86 and husband Tom welcomed Louis Bruno on May 6, 2009. He joins siblings Julia (8), Victoria (7), Thomas (5) and Isabelle (2).


Shannon, Megan & Ryan Edward Crane

Request for Prayers

Eileen McAdams Kearney ’84 asks for prayers for her six year old son Kevin. He was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in 2004. DMD is a horrible, fatal, muscle wasting disease.

Class of 1988 January 17, 2009 Cornerstone • Hillsdale, NJ

L to R: Allison Golczewski Passante, Geraldine LaSala, Laura Meyersburg Schliem, Casey Pascale Smith, Suzanne Rittereiser Anderson


Joanna Calabrese Ariyan ’95 and her husband Gregory welcomed their first child, Grace Anne, April 3, 2009. Melissa Fruhbeis Cornish ’95 and husband Chris welcomed their first child, William Christopher, on November 6, 2008. Suzette Del Giudice-Garcia ’95 and husband Pablo are expecting a second child this November. The baby will join big brother Máximo. Last November, Suzette hosted a bridal shower for Diana Rodriguez ’95 before she set off to Spain to get married, and many Angels attended.

Kerryn Mary Monohan

Grace Anne Ariyan

L to R: Sally Hur, Veronica Barry, Beth Finkeldie, Gina Lugo, Tracy Fennell, Adriana Wos-Mysliwiec


Susan Hofmann Bailey ’93 and husband Shane welcomed their second child, Colin Jackson, on March 11, 2009. Colin weighed 9 lbs. 4 oz. and joins his older brother Ian, who turned three on March 17th. Anne Ottomanelli Noble ’93 announces the birth of her third child, Benicio Patrick, in April 2008. He joins sister Josie (4) and brother Sonny (2).

L to R at Diana’s Bridal Shower: Nancy Rodriguez ’95, Elaine Garcia-Lanzillotti ’94, Michelle Del Giudice-Rendo ’90, Suzette Del Giudice-Garica ’95, Diana Rodriguez ’95, Rosie RodriguezMunoz ’95, Diana Valencia ’95, Aimee TorresLatorre ’96 and Elizabeth De La Riva-Velasco ’95.

Suzette, Máximo & Pablo Garcia

Kathryn Fahey ’95 recently became engaged to John Moody, a police officer of Carteret, where the the couple lives. They will be married on October 30, 2009. Kati received her BFA in Communication Design from Pratt Institute in ’99. She is currently working as a graphic designer in Clark, NJ. Kati is also a survivor of a rare small-cell ovarian cancer after being diagnosed in 2004. She thanks everyone for all of their prayers and support. Maura Glavey Monohan ’95 and her husband Dennis welcomed a baby girl, Kerryn Mary, October 14, 2008. Gayle Lever Shrader ’95 and husband Shane welcomed their second child, a boy, Sean, on January 1, 2009. Sean weighed in at 6 lbs. 5 oz. He was welcomed home by big sister Elizabeth. Maura Lamadore Spignesi ’95 and her husband John welcomed their first child, Jack William, on April 29, 2009. Patricia Thompson Vega ’95 received an Emmy (Outstanding new approaches– sports event coverage) for her work as an Associate Producer for NBC Sports–Games of the XXIX Olympiad: Beyond the Broadcast.


William Christopher Cornish


Elizabeth & Sean Shrade

Jack William Spignesi




Aimee Torres Latorre ’96 and her husband Alex were overjoyed to welcome their daughter, Sara Isabelle, on April 7, 2009.


Melissa Manganaro ’96 married Dr. Gregory Zaccone on October 11, 2008 at Saint Gabriel the Archangel Church in Saddle River. Their reception followed at The Ridgewood Country Club. Melissa received a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Scranton. She holds a Master’s Degree in Education Sara Isabelle Latorre from Saint Peter’s College and is currently the President of Head of the Class Tutoring, LLC. Gregory Maribel Florez ’97 was married to accepted his Jose Manuel Edwards on March 28, Doctorate and 2009. She and her husband met salsa Master’s of dancing while they were both attending Science in Harvard University in 2005. The Physical Therapy ceremony was held at St. Matthew’s from Columbia Cathedral in Washington, DC during University cherry blossom season. They have College of since moved to Temuco, a small city Melissa and Gregory Zaccone Physicians and in the south of Chile, Jose’s home Surgeons and a country, where Maribel is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training career in educational technology and Jose from the University of Delaware. is running for congressional office. The couple is residing in Edgewater. Megan Costa Perna ’96 and her husband Michael welcomed their son, Andrew Joseph, on February 6, 2009. Andrew joins his big sister Angela.

programs, etc. at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center. For further details, please contact Dorrie Voulgaris, Director of Alumnae at alumnae@holyangels.org or at 201-768-7822 ext 211. Suzanne Pappageorge-Meneilly ’97 threw a first birthday party for son George on May 8th and a few AHA alumnae attended with their children.


Maribel & Jose Edwards

Andrew Joseph Perna

A Fund has been established in memory of Erin Gorman ’97. The Erin Gorman Fund for Transplant Education will support the continuing education of nurses, social workers and physician assistants by providing clinically focused education for transplant staff through conferences, materials, grand round


L to R: Alexis Robinson ’97, Allison Kane-Sabo ’97 holding her son Matthew, Suzi holding the birthday boy George, Catherine Carpenter-Heron ’97 holding her daughter Sophia, and Carol Heron ’98


Jill Gogluicci LoFaro ’98 and her husband welcomed baby girl Ava on September 13, 2008. Alyce Porawski ’98 has been named a Woodrow Wilson Fellow for the 2009-2010 school year. Carrianne Preziosi ’98 married Ed Marcinek of Westwood on July 12, 2008. They were married at the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River, NJ and the reception was held at Round Hill House in Washingtonville, NY. Jennifer Preziosi Fidler ’96 served as matron of honor. The couple resides in Boston, MA where Carrianne is a school social worker. The couple are expecting their first child in November 2009.


Julie Clifford ’99 recently got engaged to Gerry Murray (Bergen Catholic ’98). A May 2010 wedding is planned. Danielle Pacicco ’99 graduated in May from Long Island University (Westchester Campus) with an M.S. Ed. in School Psychology.

Ava LoFaro

Margaux Peña ’99 married Jim Hufnagel (Bergen Catholic ’98) on Saturday April 18, 2009. Many Angels were in attendance including bridesmaids Julie Clifford ’99, Dana Assile ’99, Johanna Morrison ’99 and Marianne Rausch ’99. Angel wedding attendees also included ’99ers Mary Turk, Melissa Garville, Annemarie Madigan, Juliana Barno, Sarah Ahn, and Christin Hartwig, plus ’96ers: Robyn Assile Ziemba and Leslie Zito Carboneri. The couple is currently living in Hoboken, NJ. Angela Skeete ’99 married David Potter on August 18, 2007. The couple welcomed their first child, Kendall Michelle, into the world on May 5, 2009. The family resides in Alexandria, Virginia, where Angela is an Assistant Vice President in the Business Banking Division of M&T Bank and David is a Legal Analyst with the Department of Employment Services.

Angels at Kristen Quinn’s wedding

Kendall Michelle Potter

Kristen Balsamo ’01 married Kristian Kleinbach on October 25th, 2008, followed by a honeymoon in Hawaii. Adrianna Stipanov-Skibola ’01 was a member of the wedding party. Kristen is a forensic biologist at The Office of Chief Medical Examiner in Manhattan and Kris is an electrical and computer engineer for the Department of Defense. The couple recently bought a house in Paramus.


Ed & Carianne Marcinek

Margaux & Jim Hufnagel


Kristen Wieghaus Quinn ’99 received her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Virginia in May 2008. Kristen is now a scientific communications manager at AlphaBioCom in Radnor, PA, where she develops compelling and creative materials for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and works closely with leading physician experts from various medical specialties. Kristen married Sean Quinn on July 5, 2008, in the Princeton University Chapel. Karen Wieghaus Sills ’99 served as maid of honor, and Barbara Hitscherich Wieghaus ’71 is the mother of the bride. Other Angels in attendance included Mary McCarthy Murphy ’72, Therese Wynne Mastrangelo ’72, and Erin Fitzgerald Dziekan ’98. Following the wedding, Kristen and Sean toured northern Italy for two weeks on their honeymoon and now reside in Wayne, PA.


Jeanine Dargis ’02 is currently living and working on a farm in Shutesbury, MA and working as a farm apprentice. Prior to this, she spent three months in Chile living and working on several organic farms. This September, Jeanine will be attending the International Center of Photography program in Photojournalism in New York City. She will be working on a project where she photographs people involved in the local foods movement. Some of her preliminary photos are available at www.teenytinypress.net/blog.

“Holy Angels had so much influence on my decision to study abroad. I was always reminded and challenged to expand my views, be independent, and take part in the global community.” –Megan Emmich ’06




Ali, Bill & Melissa Quinn

This past October, three AHA family members walked to raise money for breast cancer awareness. Melissa Quinn ’02, Ali Quinn ’04 and their dad, AHA Coach Bill Quinn were part of “The Pink Ribbons” and raised over $6,000 of the group’s total $13,000 contribution. Melissa and Ali walked 39 miles over the two day event. Melissa, Ali and Bill are gearing up for the next walk that will be held on October 10-11, 2009. Tatiana Silva Sciancalepore ’02 and her husband Jimmy are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Evangeline Jane. Born on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 and weighing 6lbs. 11ozs. and 22 inches long – she’s a blessed new addition to their happy family.

Marie Finelle R. Torres ’02 graduated from New York University with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing in May 2006. Upon receiving her license as a Registered Nurse, she began to work at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center in the Surgical Stepdown Unit, where she provides care to pre and post-operative patients. While maintaining a full-time position at the hospital, she returned to NYU in 2007 to continue her Master’s education in the Adult Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (NP) program. Presently in her second year, she has started her clinical rotations and is expected to complete her studies in May 2010. Also, after 2 years of serving as an undergraduate resident assistant for freshmen students, Finelle was re-hired by NYU Residential Education and Residential Life department as a graduate resident assistant in the Murray Hill/ Gramercy area of NYC – where she currently resides.

L to R: Maria Theza Mateo ’03, Maria Fatima Torres ’03, Stephanie Sinon ’03, Katrina Guillermo ’03, and Nicole Rodriguez ’03

indigent of New York City in need of healthcare. In order to gain more experience with the profession and working with the public, Fatima continues to be a pharmacy intern for CVS/pharmacy. Although she enjoys the responsibilities of becoming a community pharmacist, once licensed, she will pursue a one-year post-graduate pharmacy residency program at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, NJ. Christine Constantinople ’04 is currently working on her Ph.D. in neuroscience at Columbia University. Her first research article has been published in The Journal of Comparative Neurology. Sara Donahue ’04 was recently promoted to Food and Beverage Manager for the BB&T Charleston – Wine and Food Festival in Charleston, SC. Sara spent the past year as Events and Logistics Coordinator for the Festival following an internship with the organization her senior year of college. The annual Festival has been praised as one of the top five food and wine festivals in the U.S. by Forbes Traveler. Jennifer Meier ’04 was engaged last August to Gregory Toole, a graduate of Westwood High School. The two met right before college and have been dating ever since and are both currently living in Tallahassee, FL. The two are pursuing advanced degrees, for Jen a Master’s in Media and Communication Studies and Greg a Ph.D. in Biomathematics. Their wedding took place on July 19, 2009.


Jimmy, Tatiana & Evangeline Sciancalepore

Maria Fatima R. Torres ’03 graduated cum laude from St. John’s University, Queens, NY, with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree on May 17, 2009. During the 6-year PharmD program, Fatima was an active participant of her class and served as an executive board member of Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society, and represented her university as a Student Ambassador and Parent Orientation Leader. She was also the recipient of the 2009 St. Luke’s/St. Martin de Porres Award for her unselfish service to the


Gregory Toole & Jennifer Meier


Alexa Allen ’05 has graduated from Roger Williams University with a degree in Business Management. Jenna Stuebe ’05 graduated summa cum laude with an undergraduate degree in Health and Science Studies and will be continuing on in the Doctoral Physical Therapy program. Danielle Yannotti ’05 graduated from The College of New Jersey with a BA in Communication Studies. She and partner Joan Tolentino ’05 are excited for the premier of the CW reality show “Hitched or Ditched”– they both spent a month on the road with Santa Monica 23 productions, working in the show’s production office. Danielle is planning to enter the TV/Film industry, and after a two year sabbatical, Joan will be returning to Temple University to finish her BA in Biology this Fall.


Dana Baines ’06 is currently a junior at Cornell University. Besides being on the Dean’s list, she is the captain of the Cornell fencing team. She has been a varsity starter for the past three seasons. With her leadership, the foil team has improved their position at the Ivy League Championships to sixth. Dana took part in the Cornell Design Fashion Show which is a big event for upcoming designers to show their collections. The show was featured in the April issue of Teen Vogue. Ann Marie Cariaga ’06 is a senior at Stony Brook University in Long Island. She is an active member of PUSO (Philippine United Student Organization) as a choreographer for both their hip-hop and ballroom dance teams. This past January, Ann Marie was nominated to represent her school in the District 3 Miss Philippines Pageant. She went against twelve other schools from NY and NJ and won the title of District 3 “Miss Philippines 2009”. She was also first runner-up in the RU-INIT Ballroom

Competition hosted by Rutgers University last year.

Megan Emmich ’06 studied abroad this past school year at Trinity College in Dublin. She is a Biology major and French minor with a pre-med concentration, and chose Trinity because of its excellent reputation in the sciences. She returns for her senior year at Holy Cross next fall. Throughout her year abroad, Megan blogged about her experiences – meemmi10.me.holycross.edu.

Ann Marie Cariaga

Stacey Cha ’06 spent May 21–June 7 traveling in Tanzania, Africa with the Catholic Student Association at Rutgers University. The group worked with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. Their journey took them to different places throughout the country including Dar Es Salaam, Dodoma, Morogoro, and Manyoni. The group helped build a new home for two orphans whose old house was made of mud and sticks. The group also taught cultural lessons to the students at St. Gaspar’s in Dar Es Salaam, visited the Missionaries of Charity (Mother Theresa’s community), and met girls from the Amani Secondary School, which is an all-girls secondary school in Manyoni. They went on a safari at Mikumi National Park Reserve, visited the amazing Village of Hope (center for HIV patients), and overall had an amazing time while meeting wonderful, welcoming people. The story of the mission was featured on EWTN on the show “Life on the Rock.”

Alexandra Gregorek & Eli Manning

Alexandra Gregorek ’06, a Senior at The College of NJ, capped off this basketball season with a trip to the Final Four in Holland, MI. This was the first time in the school’s and conference’s history that a team had advanced that far. Alexandra was named NJ Conference Athlete of the Week. She is also represented by the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency and has appeared in various ad campaigns and catalogs for Macy’s and Kohl’s, and even traveled to Hamburg, Germany. Currently, Alex is spearheading an effort to open a TCNJ chapter of “Operation Smile”, a non-profit medical charity she was introduced to while at Holy Angels. A huge Giants fan, she recently had the opportunity to meet one of her favorite players, Eli Manning, while getting ready for a casting call. Maya Saoud ’06 has been selected to represent Fordham University this summer at the 2009 National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference, being held at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska.


Stacey Cha in Tanzania, Africa


Michelle Yasay ’08 recently worked as the Graphics Coordinator for the New Jersey Folk Festival committee which was held at Rutgers on April 25. Michelle was one of 12 undergraduate students who organized this large-scale project that attracts over 15,000 people annually.

soaring angel

Sherry Shaker ’98 Student Council ~ National Honor Society ~ French Honor Society ~ SADD ~ Tomorrow’s Children ~ Voted “Class Sweetie”, Echoes ’98

Eleven years ago to the day, Sherry Shaker was celebrating her graduation day from the Academy of the Holy Angels and was selected by her class to deliver the response for the class of 1998. On Saturday, June 6, Sherry once again addressed an AHA graduating class, but this time it included her younger sister Anna Maria. Sherry’s journey since leaving Holy Angels is one filled with self-discovery and one in which she has shared her gifts with others. She has truly embodied the AHA philosophy in her life. Sherry graduated from NYU with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a minor in Chemistry. In January 2008, she received a Master’s also from NYU in General Psychology. Sherry spent 7 years working in the areas of public relations, health care and banking. But in January 2008, she decided to leave the business world and the comforts of home and follow a new path. Sherry shared with the class of 2009 “I remember sitting in Mumbai International Airport and looking up and reading the inspirational words of Mahatma Gandhi, ‘You must become the change you wish to see.’ I had read those words before, but never did they mean so much to me as they did then. I was still in shock and awe of what I had done. I had just left my security blanket of family and friends to come to an unknown world to find myself. So naturally, when I had mentioned to my family and friends that I wanted to resign from my job and to volunteer in India, they all thought I would never do it. Honestly, I did not think I would do it either, but something very strong inside urged me to challenge myself, take a risk and have a huge leap of faith that something better was out there for me.

This feeling gave me the inner strength I needed because at some point in my life, I had lost my path and almost forgotten what it was that made me happy.” Sherry spent 18 months volunteering in India and spent most of her time working with the Salesian Don Bosco at a youth hostel in the small village of Monvila in the capital district of Trivandrum in Kerala. The Salesian priests and brothers work with the common goal of the educational, psychological, spiritual, and physical improvement of these underprivileged and marginalized boys which numbered 80 in total. Sherry spent most of her time supervising their study hall, helping them with their studies, correcting their English assignments, doing chores with them, playing with them and basically spent time simply being with them. Her interactions with them were as an older sister/motherly way so that some even came to call her “Amachy” which means mother/ grandmother. Shaker shared “Holy Angels has given you the tools and the foundation to be better women and make a difference in the lives of others. You need not go to India or to some distant place to enrich someone’s life. Holy Angels has given you the wings, now you must take courage and fly. So, stay focused and never let anyone or anything defeat you because my dear Angels you are unstoppable! Be yourself, stay true to your heart, and do not only focus on your life. One of the Salesian priests shared with me how he loved the lotus flower because it rises above the dirty and muddy water and blossoms. So, be the beautiful lotus flowers and always rise above any obstacles and blossom.”

Holy Angels has given you the wings, now you must take courage and fly. –Sherry Shaker ’98


scholarships Merz Scholarships The Ellen and Ralph Merz Scholarship Program annually awards scholarships to graduates of Holy Angels. The scholarship covers partial tuition for one year in an undergraduate or graduate program, provided a minimum 3.0 average in studies is maintained. Ellen Merz, an educator, raised as a ward of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the Academy of the Holy Angels in Fort Lee, endowed a scholarship fund in 1984 to be used by graduates of the Academy. All graduates who are currently enrolled in a college or university or graduates who are planning to return to formal study in the next school year are eligible.

How do I apply? • Download an application at holyangelsalumnae.org/merzscholar and submit it by February 2010. • Outline your goals. Please explain how your college study will guide your future. Please also indicate any influence AHA had in directing you toward this goal. Include any service performed in your community and/or church, as well as relevant job experiences you might have had within the past five years. • Submit three written references (must be academic/professional in nature). • Attach a copy of your resumé. • Include the most recent Federal Income Tax Return that you have filed.

We are proud to announce the 2009 Merz Scholarship Recipients: Colleen Carris ’04 graduated in 2008 from the University of Vermont, where she is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Last year, Colleen traveled to Nicaragua as a volunteer and worked with a Physical Therapist and Doctor to treat patients at a free clinic. She also spends time on the slopes of Vermont with Volunteers in Action teaching individuals with disabilities to ski and snowboard. “My time at Holy Angels was spent not only learning in the classroom, but also on the field, the stage and in the studio. My most memorable classes and the ones that solidified my interest in pursuing an education in the sciences were AP Biology and Anatomy & Physiology.” Sally Casper ’03 graduated from Fairfield University in 2007. She is currently in her second year teaching science at Glen Rock High School and was chosen to develop the curriculum for two new courses: Forensics and Genetics, which will be added as new science electives. She is pursuing a Master’s in Biology with a concentration in Biology Science Education at Montclair State University. “Holy Angels taught me organization, hard work and dedication. There was no way to get through the work and meet the expectations without those three things. I feel that I am a well-rounded person because of those academic requirements, but also for the community service requirements. I hope to someday give back to Holy Angels because of the opportunities I was given throughout my life both professionally and personally.” Abigail Chua ’95 graduated with a BA in Law, Letters and Society in 1999 from the University of Chicago. She then completed a Master’s in Public Health at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University in 2004. She is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Abby is now a full-time student, but spent five years serving in many different capacities for the refugee relief and humanitarian organization International Rescue Committee in New York City. “As a student at Holy Angels, I had taken a Social Justice course. The course gave me my first exposure to the idea of human rights and its religious and philosophical underpinnings. I believe that the Catholic faith, and the education I received at AHA, has helped me to become the person that I am today. Maria Lee Kim ’90 graduated with a BA in Broadcast Journalism in 1993 from New York University. She then completed a Master’s in Early Childhood Education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 1998. She is currently pursuing classes that will complete her certification as a Bilingual Teacher at New Jersey City University. In the fall of 2009, she will be a full-time Bilingual Teacher in the Ridgefield, NJ school district. “With my strong educational foundation I received from Holy Angels, I was certainly able to apply all the skills I gained to my college education as well as professionally. I hope that I am an excellent teacher for my students as my teachers at Holy Angels were for me.” Jean Benzenberg Mullooly ’83 graduated with a BA in English with a minor in both Education and Communications in 1987 from Scranton University. She then completed a course toward her NJ certification at Ramapo College in 1998. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Organizational Behavior from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Jean returned to Holy Angels in 1998 and is currently teaching English, serving as the moderator of Blueprint (AHA’s literary magazine), Operation Smile and Snow Angels, and has been an active member of AHA’s Middle States Planning Team. “My experiences at Holy Angels have helped to determine my newfound goals. I learned so many wonderful, tangible lessons, through success and failures, and as both a student and teacher. I never cognitively acknowledged these lessons at their occurrence; however, they are the parts of me that, in reflection, undeniably bear the stamp of my education from the School Sisters of Notre Dame.” Suzana Saric ’07 is currently pursuing a BS in Civil Engineering with an Environmental Concentration from The Catholic University of America. She is active on her campus where she serves on the Executive Board of the Green Club. Last summer, she volunteered at the Tissue Bank at Hackensack University Medical Center, cultured ovarian cancer cells, made RNA and cDNA with the cells and used PCR to find potential biomarkers. “Holy Angels helped me to develop and build my leadership skills. What started blossoming at Holy Angels is now in full bloom. Holy Angels instilled hard work and leadership qualities during my four years, and is the foundation that will help me achieve my goals in the future.”



special alumnae events AHA President, Sister Virginia Bobrowski ’61 and AHA Director of Alumnae, Dorrie Voulgaris continued to gather Angels in regions outside of NJ/NY area that have a strong population of Angels.

DC Area Angels


On Sunday, February 8, 2009 a meeting was held in Bethesda, MD. We want to thank our hostess, AHA Board member Diane Oakley ’71 for her warm hospitality. Conversations flowed about AHA memories and what brought the Angels to the area. Five decades of Angels were present and we were honored to welcome some of our college Angels from Georgetown and George Washington Universities.

Boston Angels


On Sunday, March 8, 2009 a meeting was held at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. Alumnae from the New England area were present and represented four decades of Angels! We want to thank our hostess Patricia Mahaney Crowley ’84 – she and her husband run the café at the museum. Attendees were treated to a delicious lunch followed by a tour of the museum.


6 5

Tea Parties The annual Alumnae Tea party for young girls was held in March. The cast of Thoroughly Modern Millie stopped by to answer questions before the whole group went on to attend the play. The class of 2009 took an oath as they were inducted into the Alumnae Association on May 27th. President Patti McGovern Hill ’78 welcomed them and encouraged them to stay involved. Faculty alumnae were honored with roses and those celebrating their reunion this year were given bouquets. The ceremony ended with Grace Notes performing the Alma Mater.


angel network

Angel Network The Angel Network is a sub-committee of the Alumnae Association and is open to all AHA alumnae. The group focuses on networking events, professional development and will most importantly provide mentoring and internship opportunities for current or recently graduated Angels. And the best part is that your involvement can be as small or as big as you choose – you can either be here in the New Jersey area or as far away as California!

Eileen Dowling ’80 (second from right) addressed students at the NHS Induction Ceremony in May. She is pictured with (L to R) Maureen Ferrara, Suzana Markolovic ’09 and Anna Maria Shaker ’09.

Gabby Saiz ’00 with AHA College Counselor Joan Bogner at AHA’s Spring College Fair. Gabby was here representing Manhattan College.

WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO THANK: Lisa Raacke-Malley ’74 for speaking to the Anatomy/AP Bio classes in May. Lisa brought fresh cow hearts and stayed the whole day walking students through a dissection. Daryl Baboulis-Gyscek ’04 presented a virtual tour of her former workplace, the US Capitol Building, with the AP Government class. And a big thank you to our Awareness Day speakers: Stacey Antine ’86 who gave a presentation on healthy food choices, Gabrielle Brick ’92 who spoke about nutrition, Liana Barrata ’99 and Graziella Barrata ’97 who spoke about self esteem, and Lisa Raacke-Malley ’74 who presented wellness information for young women.

AHA graduate Jenice Diaz ’01 was the guest speaker at the World Language National Honor Societies induction ceremony (pictured with Dr. Samira Mady and S. Carole Tabano, SSND).

Are you LinkedIn?

Are you on Facebook?

No matter where you are in the world, you can network with other Angels! A special group has been created on the website LinkedIn that is specifically for AHA alumnae. Not yet a member of LinkedIn? It’s easy, just post your resumé and begin networking today!

There is an official Facebook.com group for AHA alumnae. We are currently at over 1,125 Angels and counting! Won’t you join us and find some new angel friends today? For more info, visit holyangelsalumnae.org!

ww w .h olya ngelsalumna e. o rg / a ng el netw o rk mem bers h i p Pictured on opposite page: 1, Diane Oakley ’71 and Maura Gidez Kilner ’84. 2, S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Anna Krueger Allen ’97, Emily Schmitt ’00 and Maribel Florez ’97. 3, Valasie Kolessides August ’68 and Cheryl Imperatore ’68. 4, S. Virginia, Carolyn Quinn Kilmer ’96, Kathleen Quinn Murphy ’98, Jillian DePaul ’96, Mary Ellen McNierney Hannigan ’80 and Patricia Mahaney Crowley ’84. 5, Patty Ryan Long ’85 , Maura Lamadore Spinesi ’95, Nancy Vargas ’81, Mariette Mulder Perdigao ’72. 6, Jane DuBois ’66, Jacqueline Rinaldi Altschuler ’63, Virginia Tay ’64, Patricia Colgan McNulty ’65 and Nicole Ferry Lacchia ’90.


Spring Sports Dinner

Senior Prom


Mother/Daughter Fashion Show

Arts Appreciation Dinner


a ng el ic e ve ning 2 0 0 9

The 12th Annual Angelic Evening was celebrated on March 28th at the Rockleigh Country Club in Rockleigh NJ. Thanks again to the amazing and creative efforts of co-chairs Lisa Raacke-Malley ’74 and Claire Keane ’75, the event was a tremendous success! Guests enjoyed fine cuisine and bidding in the silent and live auctions – reserved student parking spots were a hot item this year, as well as vacation packages to various destinations around the country. Please save the date for next year’s Angelic Evening – Friday, March 19, 2010!


October 23–24, 2009

Alumnae Weekend Including a reunion celebration for the classes ending in 4 & 9!

Please join us! october 23, 2009 foundation Day at AHA

october 24, 2009 alumnae celebration

• Join us for a special community gathering • Celebrate the SSNDs’ sponsorship of Holy Angels • Attend classes

• Mass & Dinner • Special recognition for reunion classes • Tours of the building


September 26, 2009 Shore Angels Gathering in LBI

December 2009 NYC Angels Gathering

September 22, 2009 Networking Event in Hoboken

November 2009 Orlando Angels Gathering

February 2010 Philadelphia Angels Gathering

For more information, visit www.holyangelsalumnae.org 31

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s p o n s ore o re d by t h e school si sters of notre d a me

in memoriam ALUMNAE

Catherine Di Paola

Patrick Miney

Margaret Schwarz Hausmann ’31

Mother of Diane Di Paola Woody ’73

Father of Maureen Miney ’64 and Patricia Miney ’69

Sister of the late Grace Schwarz Schwarz ’34 and Aunt of Katherine Schwarz Cowan ’63

Frank Dyer, Jr. Husband of Carol O’Shea Dyer ’57

Frances Monticelli

Justina Frasca Muller ’34

Jack Famularo

Mother of Mary Monticelli Aivazis ’74

Sister of Agatha Frasca Billington’37, Patricia Frasca Dukehart ’45, Roberta Frasca Fulford ’51 and the late Emma Frasca Billington ’41

Father of Donna Famularo Troop ’74, Lisa Famularo ’80 and Gina Famularo Springer ’82

Vera Moser

Winifred Hart Schopp ’34

Pedro Fernandez

Ernest Moser

Grandfather of Jennifer Santana ’06 and Stephanie Santana ’12

Grandfather of Alyssa Moser ’08

Anita Garinger

Mother of Elaine Murray Hamlin ’60

Mother of Winifred Schopp ’64 and Sister of the late Josephine Hart ’36

Grace Schwarz Schwarz ’34 Sister of the late Margaret Schwarz Hausmann ’31 and Mother of Katherine Schwarz Cowan ’63

Mother of Denise Jennings Gunter ’82

Gaetano Germinario

Grandmother of Alyssa Moser ’08

Germaine Labadie Murray William O’Reilly

Grandfather of Guilianna Germinario ’11

Husband of Judy Murphy O’Reilly ’60 and Father of Megan O’Reilly Foran ’95

Josephine Giuliano

Aludia Ossorio

Gaiana Swanson ’81

Mother of Nina Giuliano Cowell ’48, Diana Giuliano Bolcik ’53 and Ellen Giuliano ’60

Great Aunt of Amanda Morejon ’09, Alicia Morejon’12 and Elissa Acevedo ’11

Mary Ann Unanue ’77

Gerardo Gonzalez

Dr. Alfredo Recano

Sister of Mari Unanue ’76, Mimi Unanue Guggenheim ’78 , Maribel Unanue ’81 and Aunt of Danielle Norris ’98, Caroline Norris ’03, Ashley Norris ’06 and Courtney McVicar ‘11

Grandfather Stephanie Chan ’10

Father of Esther Recano Agbulos ’95

Michael F Granato

Belisa Restrepo

Father of Maria Granato Pellicone ’76 and Uncle of Maria Granato Jannicelli ’78, Jo Dina Pupo ’78 and Stephanie Louglas ’08

Great Aunt of student Jennifer Monsalve ’10

Elizabeth Tietjen Simermeyer ’47

Elda Flaim Watson ’66

Louise Jameson FAMILY & FRIENDS

Grandmother of Emily Jameson ’06

Stephen Berberich

Mary Lou Bonney Karp

Anne Rutigliano Mother of Jean Rutigliano Kawczak ’78 and Grandmother of Amanda Kawczak ’09

Frank Schopp

Brother of Karen Berberich ’76 and the late Kristen Berberich ’79

Sister of Jennifer Bonney Paige ’84

Husband of Winifred Hart Schopp ’34 and Father of Winifred Schopp McKelvey ’64

Richard Kinsky

Amelia Sleeper

Catherine Biasi

Husband of Annemarie Kinsky ’67

Mother of Barbara Sleeper Feeley ’62

Mother of Theresa Biasi ’72

Jack Mac Donald

Louis Sykes

Hillary Frasco Cavalier

Cousin of AHA Faculty member Kathy Sylvester and Katie Sylvester ’10

Father of Deirdre Sykes O’Neil ’72

Howard McGovern

Father of Jacqueline Walsh Connell ’83

Sister of Nancy Frasco Boitnott ’79 and Judith Frasco Edmonds ’83

David Denton Husband of Reena Raggi Denton ’69

Francis DeVito Husband of Mary Ann Duffy DeVito ’72

Father of Mary Beth McGovern Budra ’72 and Patti McGovern Hill ’78 and Grandfather of Lindsay Hill ’08 and Sheila Hill ’13

Frank Walsh

Academy of the Holy Angels has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, NJ 07627 or email at alumnae@holyangels.org.


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