Tidings Fall-Winter 2009

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tidings academy of the h oly ange l s

s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame

a p ub licat ion fo r alumn ae, pare nts and fr i e nd s

fa ll • wi n t er 20 0 9





all alumnae, parents and friends are cordially invited to attend

the 13th annual

friday, the nineteenth of march two thousand and ten 6:00pm – cocktails & dinner

rockleigh country club


rockleigh, new jersey

silent & live auctions, tricky tray and 50/50 raffle all proceeds to benefit the educational programs at AHA

For more information, contact the Angelic Evening Committee at 201.768.7822 x225.


p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e


New Orleans Mission

Alumnae Weekend Recap 13 with full page photo spread! 23

Annual Report to Investors


With the celebration of our 130th anniversary, Holy Angels continues to reap the rewards of its dedication to academic excellence. Three seniors achieved semifinalist status in the National Merit Scholarship Program, joining the elite rank of the top 1% of the 1.5 million students who took the PSAT’s in 2008. Eight seniors were honored as commended students on this same test. Thirty two graduates in the Class of ’09 and sixteen current Seniors earned Advanced Placement Scholar awards for scoring three or higher on at least three AP Exams, taken in May 2009. 64% of the student body attained honor roll for the first quarter. Excellence extended itself beyond the classroom to the athletic field when our Cross Country Varsity Team captured League, County and State Championships, came in third in the Tournament of Champions and was named “Team of the Year” in Bergen County. Go Angels! Holy Angels 2008-09 Annual Fund weighs in with mixed results: the number of donors increased yet the dollars decreased. Alumnae giving increased by 123 first-time donors! Yet we need to do more. Currently, only 8% of the alumnae give to the Annual Fund. Our goal over the next three years is to raise alumnae participation to 18%.

We know we can count on you! I thank so many of you who have been faithful and generous every year over many years in contributing to the Annual Fund. Your continued support is essential! If you are among the majority of alums who have yet to make a donation, I encourage you to become a first-time donor. Every dollar you donate expands Holy Angels capacity to offer a priceless education that empowers each young woman to reach the fullness of her potential. May the love of God, made flesh in Christ Jesus, be with you and guide you through the New Year. Gratefully,


Angels Around the Halls


Alumnae News


In Memoriam

NEXT ISSUE Angels Networking Fall Sports Recap Shore Angels Event Fall Drama – Humbug High

tidings V ol u me I I I , n u mber 2


Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends,

Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Chiandusse Director of Communications ahacommunications@holyangels.org Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org

S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND, ’61 President, Academy of the Holy Angels


angel scholars

National Merit Scholars

The students pictured at left were honored in the 2010 National Merit速 Scholarship Program. Those named as Semifinalists represent less than one percent of U.S. High School seniors. Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2010 competition. National Merit Semifinalists: Stephanie Chan Allison Hojsak Katherine Prendergast Commended Students: Colleen Allen Jacqueline Heath Kaleigh Kenny Natalie Lin Abigal Luhn Nicole Onderdonk Lauren Pincus Katherine Russo National Hispanic Recognition* Scholar Stephanie Chan Kelly Cunningham * Stephanie and Kelly were two of the 5,000 high school students selected from a pool of over 200,000.

Sister Mary Nonna Dunphy Scholarship Each year, six scholarships are awarded to current students, in memory of the foundress of the Academy. These partial scholarships are based on academic excellence, leadership, character, service, an interview with the scholarship committee and an essay. Class of 2010 Finalists: Sherin Pathickal Katherine Prendergast Semi-Finalists: Heather Fuhrman Kerrin Meseck Class of 2011 Finalists: Elizabeth Bentivegna Susan Piersa


Class of 2012 Finalists: Kayla Gentile Karen Singh Semi-Finalists: Rebecca Lawlor Maria Nabong

AP Scholars Holy Angels offers 14 AP (Advanced Placement) courses to students in either junior or senior year. All students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes at Holy Angels are required to take the National Exam in that subject area in the spring. In the 2009-10 school year, a total of 117 students will be taking 221 exams. The group is comprised of 69 seniors (55% of the senior class) and 48 juniors (36% of the junior class).

AP courses offered at AHA:

Biology Latin Poetry Chemistry Art History English Literature Studio Art US History Physics B Government & Politics Statistics French Language Calculus AB Spanish Language English Language and Composition

AP Scholars with Distinction

Alyssa Antropow ’09 Talin Baghdadlian ’09 Maura Barrett ’09 Kaya Furuta ’09 Katherine Lawlor ’09 Rita Malley ’09 Suzana Markolovic ’09 Emma Meyers ’09 Stephanie Pagan ’09 Deborah Robertson ’09 Serafina Spink ’09 Michelle Tang ’09

AP Scholars with Honor

AHA is proud to announce that we have 47 AP Scholars in 2009. This is an increase of 4 students from our former record of 43 scholars in 2008, and up from 30 scholars in 2007. 122 students took 243 exams, of which 85% passed.

Margaret E. Klett Literary Scholarship This scholarship was established in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pakosh (Kathleen Klett Garrett ’68) in memory of her mother, Margaret E. Klett. It is awarded annually in October on the Feast of the Guardian Angels. Our recipient this year is Katherine Prendergast ’10 (pictured at left with President S. Virginia Bobrowski and Principal Jennifer Moran). A quote from Katie’s scholarship application is highlighted below.

“Although ‘Building Solidarity’ is our theme this year, it is one that has been a focus of our school since its foundation. At Holy Angels, building solidarity is as much a part of the curriculum as English or Math.” 5

Heather Burke ’09 Analisa Cotter ’09 Megan DeTura ’09 Katrina Hayes ’09 Ciara James ’09 Katherine Koo ’09 Caroline Lennon ’09 Amandah Loh ’09 Elizabeth Mierswa ’09 Marie Minasi ’09 Amanda Morejon ’09 Anna Maria Shaker ’09

AP Scholars

Victoria Bittner ’10 Alexandra Creange ’10 Kelly Cunningham ’10 Margaret Dudasik ’09 Bernadette Flanagan ’09 Jacqueline Heath ’10 Allison Hojsak ’10 Amanda Kawczak ’09 Kaliegh Kenny ’10 Brielle Kilmartin ’09 Chelsea Lauber ’10 Natalie Lin ’10 Catherine Menta ’09 Kerrin Meseck ’10 Nicole Onderdonck ’10 Sherin Pathickal ’10 Lauren Pincus ’10 Rachel Pincus ’09 Katherine Prendergast ’10 Katherine Russo ’10 Caitlin Wood ’10 Sylwia Zieba ’10

angels abroad


July 8th through 17th, AHA students traveled

through Italy and Greece led by Mr. Robert Kopil and Mrs. Nancy Brizzolara. The first three days of their journey were spent in Rome where they visited the Vatican, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museum, the Coliseum, the Forum and the Pantheon. There was also time to browse the shops and have some gelatos and cappuccinos at the sidewalk cafes. On the 4th day they left for Southern Italy where they spent time in Naples. They spent one day in Capri where they took the funicula half way up the mountain and shopped, had lunch, and took lots of pictures. They then took a cruise around Capri to see the monoliths in the water and the mountaintop caves. Next stop was Sorrento where they spent the night in a hotel built into a cliff overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. The following day they toured Pompei and then took a bus trip across the beautiful Apennines to Bari, where they caught the Superfast, a ship that brought them overnight to Patras, Greece. They then traveled East along the Bay of Corinth with the beautiful scenery filled with “spirit houses”, olive trees and vineyards. That night, they arrived in Delphi and spent time at the Oracle at Delphi and the museum. They then left for Athens where they spent two days touring the Acropolis and Parthenon, shopping at the Plaka and eating amazing Greek food.



angels around the halls THE ARTS Congratulations to Jenna Bacci for illustrating the cover of The Index, Book 1: Mages, by Katherine Gilraine.

In November, a group of four Holy Angels musicians made the trek to the SSND Mother House in Wilton, Connecticut to provide music for the SSND Eastern/ MidAtlantic Donor Reception. Senior violinists Amy Park and Jenna Lee, Junior harpist Mary Sullivan, and Freshman violinist Olivia Mauro, under the direction of Mariann Annecchino, gave up their Sunday to be “musical ambassadors” to Wilton by providing background music for the reception. The girls also had the opportunity to listen to messages of the Sisters who spoke and share in conversation with attendees.

SPORTS The Don Bosco Cheer Team attended several camps over the summer. At UCA Cheer Camp at Gettysburg College, they were awarded overall Camp Champions. Seniors Sara Diaz, Christy Lynn Korman, Katie Moran and Caleigh Rice, and Junior Olivia Tricarico, all made the “All-Star” team. Caleigh was also chosen among 3 girls camp-wide for the opportunity to apply for a UCA Instructor position for Summer 2010. At the Universal Dance Association Elite Camp at Monmouth University, one of the most difficult and competitive camp experiences, the team received a “superior” rating in all categories and qualified to compete at Nationals in Disney this February. They were selected to receive the UDA 110% Award for giving their best effort and energy each day, and also received the “Spirit Stick” which recognizes their positive attitude and sportsmanship. Captains Caitlin Gallagher and Liz Kowalski were selected as “All Americans” based on very strong performances in individual routines. The girls were also given the “Full Out” award for original choreography in the team routine, which was choreographed by Caitlin and Liz. Sophomore Chandler Smith won first place in the individual Drill Down competition.



Brianna Santolli has been selected to serve on the Bergen County Commission on the Status of Women Junior Commission for the 2009-2010 year.

The History Society collected over $900 for Breast Cancer Research. Thank you all for your generous support in this national effort!

Priscilla Branda, Morgan Buckey, Jacqueline DiGiulio, Kelly Glenn, Anna Kohli, Eleni Kyriacou and Alexandra Weiss recently received the Girl Scout Silver Award. The Silver Award is the highest honor that a Cadette Girl Scout can receive and requires over 55 hours of leadership and community service. Priscilla, Morgan, Jacqueline and Kelly completed their project helping NJ Veterans Organizations while Anna, Eleni and Alexandra supported the Shelter Our Sisters Organization.

The Angels recently received a big thank you from the Interreligious Fellowship for Homeless Families (IRF) for their participation in the Meat the Challenge Food Drive. They collected and donated a bounty of meats, stews, chilis and other meat products for families in need.


NEXT ISSUE: Cross Country Angels win State Championship!

faculty news

Welcome to... Mr. George Ballane Director of Technology

Ms. Katherine McSherry ’04 English Long Term Sub

Ms. Rita Ungaro College Counseling Long Term Sub

Ms. Christine Wraga Art

Congratulations to... Christina Astorino and husband Sam on the birth of their son Brayden Robert on September 2, 2009. Tara Nordsvan and her husband Marty on the birth of their daughter Keira on October 25, 2009. Carolyn Barrett and her husband Kieran on the birth of their second son Ryan John on November 16, 2009. Jennifer Wrocklage on her marriage to Tom Trubac on August 8, 2009. Casey Gray on her marriage to Jack Sharkey on October 23, 2009.

Ryan John Barrett

The SSNDs attended a New York Mets baseball game at the new CitiField over the summer. They were surprised when the message above appeared on the big screen, honoring them for their 175th anniversary!

Brayden Robert Astorino


Keira Nordsvan


Haiku Haiku, a learning management system with many exciting online features, was introduced school-wide this September. Teachers are now able to post a calendar with assignments, announcements and grades. Students can then access this information and submit work in the online drop box. There is a communication system similar to email that can also be used to disseminate information that is secure and spam free. Haiku provides an opportunity for discussion groups, journals and blogs. Many students have begun study groups through Haiku in preparation for the mid-year exams. Teachers can also embed websites for students to visit in preparation for class work. The most impressive feature is the ability for each student to create her e-portfolio as she prepares for her college applications!

Microscopes Due to the generosity of last year’s Angelic Evening attendees, the science department was able to acquire stateof-the-art microscopes. They are high quality, par focal, precision microscopes with three levels of magnification by Flinn Scientific. The LED illumination system gives off very little heat and provides up to 100,000 hours of usage! This optical system provides quality color images with enhanced resolution. All of the features and versatility of this microscope affords comfortable viewing for all levels of life science courses at AHA.

Angel Scientists

Each Fall, AP Biology and AP Chemistry students spend time at the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) and conduct experiments that involve the collection of area water samples. They then analyze and submit the results to local environmental agencies. 2nd Sopranos


on the cover

: project SSND BUILD

aha mission trip to new orleans

The unique opportunity to help rebuild New Orleans enabled AHA students to work in solidarity with women from the College of Notre Dame in Maryland. Angel participants were Brigit Baines ’12, Elise Chaffiotte ’11, Dakota DeBellis ’11, Caitlin Gallagher ’10, Amanda Keanna ’10, Emily Liguori ’10, Nicole Onderdonk ’10, Siobhan Parnow ’12, Gianna Puzzo ’11 and Caleigh Rice ’10, with faculty members Mrs. Kate Chambers and Ms. Carol Fay. In addition to Holy Angels’ group, there were seven students and three adults from the college. As the Angels began preparations for this trip, they decided to design a t-shirt that they could present to their new friends from the College of Notre Dame and that they could wear as they worked.

“The community I experienced with the other young women was profound; We worked very hard together, both striving to make a mark in St. Bernard Parish in a mere five days of volunteer work.”

jig saws, an air compression nail gun, and drills. Some of them were even fortunate enough to meet the families whose houses they worked on. Dakota DeBellis ’11 recalls an emotional moment on the trip: “What touched me most was when we were fixing the home of a woman named Robin, and we were sweating like crazy. It was so hot and we had been working all day. Robin came home and asked what she could do to help. She starting working with us and we told her about ourselves and about our experience so far with the St. Bernard’s Project, and in turn she shared her story with us. As she shared this horrific experience, we all paused our work and listened to this amazing woman and her incredible journey. When she finished her story she had tears in her eyes and told us that we were an inspiration, and that it was amazing that young people like us, who could be enjoying our summer at the beach, were instead in New Orleans,

–Caitlin Gallagher ’10

The week began with a bus tour of all different affected areas in New Orleans. They were able see firsthand the devastation and after effects of Hurricane Katrina. The SSND Build group worked with the St. Bernard Project which is located in the St. Bernard Parish. The young women were split into four clusters and worked at the same site all week. They completed tasks that included removal of the brick facing on a house with sledge hammers, putting vinyl siding on an entire house, laying laminate flooring, digging a French drain, sanding and spackling, painting and building closets and bunk beds. The students learned how to use power circular saws,

sweating bullets and being eaten alive by bugs, helping people like her. She told us how appreciative she was and how she wishes she could be more like us! This strong woman who had overcome so much in her life and is a single mom,


was telling us we were ‘amazing’. We were so honored. It was the most touching experience I had on my trip to New Orleans.” The group stayed at The Depot House, a guest house, where they all lived together and prepared meals. One evening they hosted two SSNDs who live in the area and were able to listen as they shared their experiences of living in post-Katrina New Orleans. Another evening was spent in the French Quarter, with a stop at Cafe DuMonde for beignets and coffee. Each day began with breakfast together in an outdoor dining area, and lunches were packed to take to work. Each evening after dinner they gathered together to reflect on the day and to pray. Carol Fay recalls, “I was most struck by the local couple, John and Celie, who came to talk to us while we were on our lunch break one day. Their families had been in St. Bernard Parish for generations and had weathered a number of storms. They were well on in years and had lost everything from the aftermath of Katrina. Both had stories of waiting days for rescue and months for help. When asked if they felt abandoned by their country, their response was immediate: ‘If the government did abandon us, the American people never did.’ They continue to be overwhelmed by the numbers of people and organizations that continue to be with them and assist in ways that really do make a difference. What a wonderful lesson in solidarity!” Another trip is scheduled for Summer 2010.


Feast Day 2009

On October 17, Father Stephen Carey, pastor of Madonna Parish in Fort Lee, presided over the 48th annual Father-Daughter Liturgy. Afterwards the dads and daughters enjoyed dinner together.

This year we celebrated our 130th anniversary at Feast Day 2009. It is the Feast of the Guardian Angels, the day the Academy was founded in 1879. On this day we pray for our Guardian Angels to guide and protect us. We also pay tribute to the vision and courage of our foundress, S. Mary Nonna Dunphy, SSND. Her legacy is reflected in the students who are honored with scholarships in her name and in the 20 seniors who were commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers (pictured below). Father Leonard Gilman, O. Carm, led the school in the Feast Day Liturgy.

Father-Daughter Liturgy We Give Thanks

by giving of our abundance to those in need...


sponsored the annual drive at Thanksgiving to support an SSND sponsored ministry. This year donations of office and household supplies were collected for Caroline House, an educational center providing literacy and life skills training to economically disadvantaged immigrant women and children in Bridgeport, CT. In addition to items donated, $1,225 was collected for the purchase of English as a Second Language materials. At our Thanksgiving Prayer Service on Nov. 24, S. Ann Moles ’48, Exec. Director of Caroline House, accompanied by one of the mothers who attends classes at Caroline House, spoke to the AHA community about the mission and ministry of the center.


Annual Bring a Turkey to School day 259 turkeys collected for NJ Food Bank; Sophomores awarded spirit points for bringing in the most turkeys.

middle states

AHA launched a new website

on 9.9.09!

The new design is much easier to navigate – hover over each tab to reveal the menu beneath. See the boxes below for an easy- to-follow guide! Be sure to setup your login to access all pages in the online community – any questions contact Jackie Dorney at 201.768.7822 x228.

About Us Calendar Development Directions Giving News

Angel for the Day

College Counseling








Student Handbook



Coop Prep Course Fall 2009


Awareness Day

Summer Reading




Campus Ministry

FAQs How to Apply Open House RSVP

Personal Counseling Clubs & Activities Technology

Navin Express Student Handbook

Service Learning

Summerfare at AHA

online store The AHA Clothes Closet is now online! All purchases will be processed securely through PayPal. A full selection of Angel gear and gifts are available now! Visit the school store today at holyangelsalumnae.org/store. Current students and parents can still purchase store items in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at major school events.

*Note: All online purchases will include shipping charges, based on location. Shipments can only be made within the Continental United States.


foundation day


his year’s SSND Foundation Day celebration coincided with Alumnae Weekend. In addition to the entire student body, alumnae and area SSNDs gathered for a community prayer service and a vow renewal ceremony for the sisters. The guest speaker for the event was Sister Susan Czaplicki, SSND. She expanded on the theme of the internationality of the SSNDs and the work of the SSNDs around the globe. Sister Susan had just completed a program where she participated and lived in an international community of SSNDs in Rome. This international program is nine months in length and enables the younger members of the order to realize the richness and challenge of living out the SSND charism in an international and cross-cultural reality. After the service, alumnae attended a class or toured the campus. They all then gathered in the Library for a special luncheon and time to meet and greet faculty.

“Just being with my classmates; praying with the current AHA community; the inspiration provided by the Prayer service and guest speaker; the feeling of gratitude for being part of continuing tradition which has enriched me and so many others and continues to do so– spiritually, socially, academically.” –Angelina Rispoli ’59 ’64 and Sister Carole Tabano, SSND ’59. Margaux Peña Hufnagel ’99 and Melissa Garville ’99 presented the gifts and Marylou Stuart Gutmann ’64, Patricia Modrys Hourigan ’59 and Laura Wescott Kraytem ’79 were Eucharistic Ministers. The Music Makers comprised of current Angels provided the music for the liturgy and were led by Ms. Carol Fay. Campus Ministers Sister Peggy McGaffney, SSND and Mrs. Kathy Sylvester organized the mass. The service ended with a singing of the alma mater.

Sister Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 welcomed alumnae as they gathered in the AHA Auditorium to celebrate Mass. The celebrant was Rev. Walter F. Modrys, SJ, brother of Patricia Modrys Hourigan ’59. During the mass, classmates prayed for those not able to attend, for those who have passed away and especially for the SSNDs who continue to empower young women. Sister Katherine King, FSP, ’59 gave the response. Readers for the mass were Judy Devaney ’59, Janet DeLeo DeFlora ’64, Barbara Burns O’Hara

“In the sight of the angels, I will sing your praises God.” 13

Alumnae W T

his annual event was moved to the fall this year at the request of alumnae. On Friday, alumnae were invited to celebrate Foundation Day and to take a trip down memory lane by attending classes. Saturday night’s Reunion Event began with mass followed by a welcome reception and an opportunity to tour the campus. The presentation of the classes was done just prior to dinner. Sister Virginia Bobrowski ’61, AHA President, reflected on the years gone by with the attendees – remembering the years under the dome and the move to Demarest. It has been a tradition that Angels receive yellow roses to commemorate special milestones. The class of 1984 was called forward as they were recognized for their 25th anniversary and were presented with yellow roses. The class of 1959 followed as they were honored for their 50th – this was their first reunion since graduation! The classes of 1954, 1950 and 1942 were also recognized. After dinner, classes were called to have class photos taken. Yearbooks and photos were strewn on the tables as everyone took the opportunity to reconnect. The DJ played music that crossed the decades and the class of ’59 led the way to the dance floor. Soon everyone was up dancing and teaching one another the “Stroll” and “Electric Slide”!

Please join us for the next

Alumnae Weekend including a reunion of the classes ending in 0 & 5 – October 22-23, 2010!

“It did my heart good to be with Angels of all ages – my family of sisters with whom I’ve shared happy times and a superb education. “ –Barbara Dunn Starrett ’69


October 23-24, 2009

“It was amazing to see how our connection as Angels never fades even after 10 or 50 years.” –Michelle Velasquez ’99 “I found the evening inspirational and renewing. Old friends made the experience wonderful.” –Ellen McShane ’64

alumnae association president


t is with sincere good tidings and eternal hope for peace and prosperity in these trying times that I wish you all a Happy 2010! For those of you who attended this year’s Alumnae Weekend, I know you experienced the wonderful community that Holy Angels continues to be, and I thank you for bringing your energy and spirit to our events. The tradition of our combined reunion has become a wonderful event that, by bringing multiple graduation years together, truly enhances our Angel connections through the generations. As the saying goes, “once an Angel, always an Angel”; and when we Angels get together, anything’s possible. Thanks to so many of our alumnae who submitted recipes for our first-ever AHA Cookbook. (Who would have thought those Home Ec classes so many years ago would have produced such wonderful cooks?) We look forward to having finished cookbooks for sale in the Spring. Plans are also underway for some new and exciting alumnae events, such as a Facebook workshop and an alumnae letter-writing party. More details will follow. I hope to see you there! Sincerely, Patti McGovern Hill ’78

soaring angel

Alice Decker Reilly ’28 Alice Decker Reilly is our most senior Angel. In 1924, Alice learned that she had been accepted to the Academy and would also be a scholarship recipient, since her family could not afford the $340 4-year tuition. Alice never complained that she had to rise so early each day for the commute to Holy Angels in Fort Lee from West New York, NJ on the trolley. During her senior year, the Academy celebrated the 87th birthday of S. Mary Nonna Dunphy, SSND, foundress of Holy Angels. On a recent visit to Holy Angels, Alice shared her memories of life under the dome. She was amazed that the Angels today were allowed to speak in the hallways and student commons. During her time, they were to remain silent. S. Mary Theophista, SSND was the Principal at the time and she ran a tight ship. Alice’s favorite classes were in science and she was thrilled to see the labs used by the Angels of today. After graduation from Holy Angels, Alice attended and graduated from Jersey State Normal School and received her New Jersey State Teaching Certificate. She married Howard Reilly in 1932. They had three sons: Robert, Richard and Raymond. When her children were young, Alice

was a substitute teacher in the public and Catholic Schools in the West New York area. After her children had grown, Alice taught the Eighth Grade in the West New York, NJ Public School system for 23 years. Howard and Alice retired in 1976 and moved to South Jersey. They enjoyed traveling and were very active in the Little Egg Harbor community as well as in their parish, St.Theresa’s. Howard passed away in 1992 after 60 years of marriage. Alice has always been an avid reader. Although she is not a big TV fan she does enjoy the challenge of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, as well as watching the cable religious station EWTN. Alice continues to be an active member of the Rosary Alter Society at St. Theresa’s Church. She enjoys being with her family who are now located in Northern New Jersey and Kentucky. She visits North Jersey on a regular basis for family functions and to see her 10 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren and 3 great-great grandchildren. She still enjoys the independence of owning her own home. Alice just celebrated her 99th birthday in December.




Anne Smith Hall ’69 (L) and Gerardine Cirino Benedetto ’69 (R) visited Holy Angels this past summer. Anne lives in Melbourne Australia and would love to hear from classmates: hallfam@bigpond.net.au.

Lorain Meola Clarke ’54 and husband Tom will be married for 50 years this May. They have four sons Tom (48), Dennis (47), Marty (43) and Graham (39) and three grandchildren Matt (15), Kate (13) and Lucy (10). Margaret Rutz Grande ’54 has been living in Vermont for a number of years and enjoying every day of retirement. Mary Jo Sturges Hatala ’54 is still maintaining her good health, sense of humor and her husband of 51 years. The two enjoy spending time with their 20 grandchildren. Maria Doto Olmo ’54 has been married to husband George for 39 years. The couple enjoys spending time with their Yorkshire Terriers Sophie and Toby.


S. Helenann Nelson ’57 celebrated her 50th jubilee as an SSND this past year.


Marie Zenorini Canepa ’45 spent last summer with her husband on an Exodus tour. The tour followed Moses’ trail from the time he led the Jews out of Egypt, across the Sinai desert, through Jordan to the Holy Land.


Anne Billings Brazill ’47 is recovering well from a broken hip last January, with the aid of her eight children.


Anne Haviland Arnold ’54 shared that her husband Bob, of almost 51 years, passed away September 20, 2009. Holy Angels friends came to the service and she feels so blessed. Anne takes great delight in her 4 grandchildren: Kristin, Georgia, Ginger and Jackson. Jeanne Pirnat Aversa ’54 proudly announces that her daughter Tracy Andersen Iorio ’81 graduated from CW Post University with a Master’s in Mental Health and School Counseling, with honors. Carole Brown ’54 was recently in Zambia checking off another item on her bucket list–an African Safari!

S. Helenann Nelson with her siblings


Dee Nelson Carletta ’58 hosted a mini-reunion for the ’57 and ’58 Angels at her home on Long Beach Island in July 2009. Present from the class of ’57 were: S. Helenann Nelson and S. Janice Algie and from the class of ’58 were: Joan Marie Weber Ambrose, Rosemary Gottuso Amendola, Joyce Torre Anton, Mary Billings Burke-Kimball, Dee Nelson Carletta, Claire Gareau, Mary Goodman Garrahan, Carol Infante, Pat Jesuele Kowalski, Mary Murphy, Kathy Habig McCarthy, Peggy Alberse McIrvin, Josephine Diagonale Mulverhill, Cindy Smith Nelson, Judy Broderick Schall, Lois Studley Thomsen and Donna Ferris Vincent.



Marilyne Hughes Armstrong ’59 writes “When I think about Holy Angels I have many thoughts running through my head. There were many good friends and lots of laughter. Singing Christmas carols in the rotunda and of course a good education. And then there were coward loafers with stockings and socks. The dreaded starched gym uniforms we had to wear. It still brings a smile to my face remembering how we all survived and are the better for enduring it all.” Pamela Baldi Devine ’59 was sorry that she missed out on the fun of the reunion. She lost her beloved Don (high school sweetheart) to cancer 5 years ago. They were married for 41 years and had a very good life together. She has since moved to Minnesota to be near her daughter and 6 grandchildren. Susan Roth Fischer ’59 has four daughters, four granddaughters and 1 grandson. She was a healthcare administrator for 30 years. Susan is now retired and enjoys traveling, cooking, photography and yoga. Carol Ann Grece ’59 is a Physical Therapy Educator and Research Coordinator at St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Center/Cystic Fibrosis Center. She also serves on the Adjunct Faculty at NYU in the Physical Therapy Doctoral Program. Carol is also a member of the Democratic Committee for District 1 in Teaneck and the Greenwich Village Singers. Patricia O’Brien Humbert ’59 is a registered nurse and has been married for 45 years. Her husband is still working as a city planner and is president of his company. They have 2 daughters Suzanne, a VP

in an International Fashion Company, and Pamela, a lawyer in NYC, and 3 grandchildren: Corinne (11), Sean Patrick (9) and Maggie (8). The couple snow bird in Florida, travel and spoil their grandchildren. Joann Guido Jacob ’59 would love to hear from classmates, her email is chouchouj@aol.com. Marianna Russo Jayson ’59 and husband Michael have been married for 47 years and have lived in Houston for 30. They have 3 children, twins Jeffrey and Cheryl and a younger son Gregory. Both Marianna and her husband love to travel and spend time with their grandchildren. Marianna is retired, having owned a personal care home business which specialized in the elderly. Michael is still an active CPA. Maureen Kelly Rutigliano ’59 and her husband have been married for 48 years. They have 3 sons, who are all married, and 9 grandchildren (5 boys and 4 girls.) The couple spends time in Tenafly and Hawley, PA at their vacation home and in Massachusetts where two of her sons and grandchildren live.


Mary Lou Sciarrillo ’62 and her 50+ basketball team “The Dreamers” competed in the Senior Games Tournament in California.


Kathy Soracco Magee ’63 and husband Bill were featured in the November 2009 issue of US News and World Reports as America’s Best Leaders. They were honored for their 27th year of service since the founding of their charity Operation Smile, which has helped more than 135,000 children worldwide.


Maureen Gilchrist Andriole ’64 attended Marymount College in Boca Raton, FL after graduating from AHA. She has been married for 41 years and has two sons (grown and married) with 5 grandchildren (4 boys and 1 girl). Maureen is retired, but her husband is still working. Maureen Good Dalton ’64 is a barbershop singer in both a chorus and a quartet. She lives in Salem, MA and retired from WR Grace after 39 years. Her daughter Meghan is in her last year at BC Law and is an Irish step dancer. Maureen is looking forward to more travel on bicycle and hiking trips. Jo-Anne Dee Field ’64 is finishing her second decade in the classroom as an elementary teacher. She and her husband of 38 years are the lucky parents of two children: a daughter, Anne, who is an attorney and married, and a son, David, who is a teacher. Susan Dorney Guild ’64 is married with three grown children. She lives in Annapolis, MD. Her husband is a museum director and she works as a nurse practitioner/Asst. Director of Child Health Program/UMDNJ/DYFS. Marylou Stuart Gutmann ’64 was recently named Professor Emerita, at Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A&M Health Science Center. S. Jane Halligan, SSND ’64 writes “Regretfully I was unable to participate in the reunion festivities. Due to the “aging” hip and surgery I am not too mobile. I remember our class of ’64 to be very spirited and frisky. The memories are all fond and fun. May all “Angels” living and deceased, continue to make our world a more peaceful and greener place to live.”


Eileen McMahon Eschbacher ’69 and husband Bob have been married for 36 years and welcomed their first grandchild Russell Brian Eschbacher on November 30, 2008. France Hines Falk ‘69 enjoys gardening, reading and her annual visits to


Rhode Island. She would love to hear from you, her email is fran.falk@pearson. com. Regina Ivory Lupo ’69 writes works for Omaha Public Schools as the Computer Help Desk Lead. Her husband of 36 years, Vic, still teaches at Creighton University. The two have raised 4 sons, all working in the computer field. They have twin grandsons who keep them very busy. She asks that classmates e-mail her at regina.lupo@ops.org or visit on Facebook! Fran Gorman Pollak ’69 is in her 12th year of teaching at Academy of our Lady of Good Counsel HS in White Plains, NY. She and husband, Stephen, have been married 34 years. Their oldest son, Stephen, is living in Los Angeles and pursuing an acting career, and youngest son, Michael, is a pilot and is getting married in August 2010.

Mary Zenorini (C) flanked by her mother-in-law Helen and husband Chris.

Mary Zenorini ’69 proved that it is never too late – on June 13th, 2009, she graduated from Maryhurst University, 40 years after her graduation from Holy Angels! Mary obtained an Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts degree and an undergraduate certificate in Gerontology. In September, she will start the Master of Social Work program at Portland State University in Oregon. Mary’s goal is to work with the elderly and the terminally ill of all ages. She was inspired to pursue this path when she became the caregiver of her parents, Mary and Joseph Zenorini. She said that “caring for my mom and dad at this most sacred of times was a great honor and privilege in that they trusted me to respect their wishes; we shared many wonderful times together and I am grateful to have had such a rich experience with them.” Mary is currently working at Oregon Health & Sciences University at the Layton Aging and Alzheimer’s Research Center.




Mary Power ’71, a physical therapist, has been named Director of Rehabilitation and Wellness at a 400-bed Continuing Care Residential Community in Lakewood, NJ.


Mary Campagnolo ’74 has been practicing family medicine in Burlington County, NJ since 1987. Her practice was acquired by Virtua Health system in 2008 and she is now primary care medical director of a 115 physician group (Virtua Medical Group) and Chief of the Department of Family Medicine at Virtua Memorial Hospital. Mary went back to school at the Rutgers Camden School of Business and graduated with an MBA in May 2009.


Maureen Fennessy Bousa ’79 and her husband Edward just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They have 4 children: Marina is at Williams, Eamon is a junior at Wellesley High, Bridget is a freshman at Groton and Monica is in seventh grade at Wellesley Middle School. Anna Krajna ’79 would love to hear from classmates; her e-mail is annakrajna@yahoo.com. Cyndi Shalhoub ’79 is currently a personal chef in the Nashville area and specializing in healthy and organic cooking. She cooks for a lot of country music stars like Clint Black, Alan Jackson and Brad Paisley, gold medal skater Scott Hamilton, William Shatner and many others.

Send us your news for the next issue of Tidings by February 1st, 2010!


Mary Cahill Clarke ’84 is married with 2 beautiful boys, Thomas (6) and Patrick (11 months). They are currently living in New York. Maura Gidez Kilner ’84 and family are living in Potomac, MD. Her husband, Mark, works for Cox communications. The couple has 3 children. Their eldest son, Christopher, is a sophomore at Gonzaga College High School in DC and rows on their crew team. Brian (11) and Meaghan (8) both attend St. Elizabeth School. Maura keeps busy as CEO of the Kilner household, volunteering at the schools.

Laura Meyersburg Schliem ’88 announces the birth of her son Owen Richard Schliem born Feb 9 2009 who joins big brother Kevin.


Mary Rizzotti Horoszowski ’89 and her husband recently moved to Pleasantville, NY with their 18 month old daughter. Mary works in the Global Consumer Products Division at Sesame Workshop. Sumiko Yokoi ’89 is living in California (the Bay Area) and working at Stanford Graduate School of Business, where she runs the Global Experience Requirement within the MBA curriculum. It is meant to give students a broader perspective by sending them overseas and giving them business exposure and experience. She and her husband Eli have a daughter, Annika Ayako Yokoi Manjarrez.


Several Angels from the class of 1985 got together for 80’s dance night at Fatso Fogarty’s. Those in attendance were Cathy Balchunas Mascis, Adele Seco Boras, Olenka Wos Kimball, Terry Alasio, Teresa Humaran, Stacey Bailey, Maureen Davis Havlusch, Karen Entricken Vardaro and Jeanette Hur.


Sharon Discorfano ’88 has recently launched a new web service called LettersToPushkin.com. This site offers people an opportunity to use letter writing as a constructive tool in coping with the loss of a loved one, whether animal or human. The site was inspired by her own experience after the loss of her beagle, Pushkin. It’s Sharon’s hope that LettersToPushkin.com will be a valuable resource for others who are going through a grieving process.


Ann Mrkic Zgonena ’90 and her husband Robert (MIT ’93) announce the birth of their 3rd child, Nicholas Tesla Zgonena. Niko joins sisters Kate Amanda (6) and Emma Claire (4).


Meagan Fitzgerald Bennett ’91 and her husband John are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kieran Michael on May 13th, 2009. Kieran joins big brother Nolan.


Kathleen Abel Shea ’92 graduated from Monmouth University in May 2009 with a Master’s in School Counseling. Four weeks later she and husband Dave welcomed their first child, Jackson David, on Father’s day (June 21, 2009.)


Susan Gallé ’94 and family stopped by to visit AHA over the summer.

Nancy Gallagher and fiancé Adam

Nancy Gallagher ’94 is engaged to marry Adam Auferio on the waterfront at The Mallard Island Yacht Club in Long Beach Island, NJ on April 30, 2010. The couple resides together in their home in Morris Plains, NJ with their dog “Clark Kent”. Nancy is an attorney specializing in medical malpractice defense and Title 59 law at a firm in Springfield, NJ.

Kelly Hannon ’94 and friends Lynn Byrne ’94, Andrea Muro ’94, Amy Sutton Mahoney ’94 and Jane Jalil Smith ’94 celebrated her marriage to John Potter on August 8, 2009.

Jackson David Shea Katie Schreiber (L), daughter of Lauren DePaul Schreiber ’94 and Sabrina Dennehy (R), daughter of Sheri Avella Dennehy ’94 had a lot of fun at the beach together this summer.


Jill Damato Aller ’95 and her husband Brad welcomed their first baby, Ashton Thomas Aller on May 10, 2009. He was an awesome Mother’s Day surprise! Denise Nash Downing ’95 and husband Brian, welcomed future Angel Lily Ann into the world on May 27th, 2009. Lily weighed 6 lbs 7oz and was 19 inches long. Rosanna Legarda Pasquale ’95 and her husband Stephen welcomed a baby boy, Ryan Vincent, on August 9, 2009. They currently live in Natick, MA. Ryan’s godmother is proud aunt Diana Legarda-Addison ’93.


Ashton Thomas Aller

Lily Ann Downing

Kimberly Dexheimer Fleming ’98 and her husband Matthew happily welcomed their first child, Wyatt Jackson Fleming on April 9, 2009. Alyce Porawski ’98 recently became engaged to Cullen Myers of Lafayette, Indiana. The wedding is planned for May 29th, 2010 in Monticello, IN.

“Returning to Holy Angels allowed me to experience the warmth and love of the Angel Experience – as well as allowing me to appreciate my education once again.” – Kathleen Feulner Marquet ’64 at Alumnae Weekend 2009


Ryan Vincent Pasquale The Fleming family





Esme Neuenschwander ’98 married Michael Woody on April 18, 2009 at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, Florida. The bride and groom met when she re-located from New York City to south Florida in 2004. Fellow Angels who attended the wedding included Maid of Honor, sister of the bride, Bryn Neuenschwander ’98 and bridesmaids: Erin Fitzgerald Dziekan ’98, Tara Fitzpatrick ’98, and Jillian Kay ’98.

Morrisson ’99. Dolores is currently a litigation associate at Proskauer Rose LLP, specializing in soft intellectual property and false advertising. David is the Assistant Commissioner for operations in the Community Affairs Unit of the Office of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg in New York City.

Dolores DiBella and Angel friends

Erin Donohue ’99 married Frank Misischia (Bergen Catholic ’97) on October 2, 2009 at the Skyland’s Castle in Ringwood, NJ. Angels in the wedding party were mother of the bride Stephanie Bille Donohue ’72 and bridesmaids Kaitlin Donohue ’04, Brianne Donohue ’09, Erin McCue ’99, Tara Heffernan Kelly ’99, Molly Breslin ’99, Kathleen Marzolla ’99. L to R: Tara Fitzpatrick ’98, Bryn Neuenschwander ’98, Esme Neuenschwander Woody ’98, Jillian Kay ’98 and Erin Fitzgerald Dziekan ’98.


Kyla Meisten Daher ’99 has recently become a Registered Nurse and is working in the medical-surgical unit at Hackensack University Medical Center. Dolores Francesca DiBella ’99 and David Michael Schmid were married on July 26, 2009 at the University Parish of St. Joseph in New York City, with a reception at the Central Park Boathouse. In the bridal party were Christina DiBella ’01 and Marielle DiBella ’04 as maids of honor, and Ann Marie Madigan ’99 as a bridesmaid. Many other Angels were in attendance! Among the guests were: Julie Barno ’99, Christin Hartwig ’99, Mary Turk ’99, Dana Assile Hanna ’99, Margaux Peña Hufnagel ’99, Laurie Madigan ’01, Caitlin McDonald ’01, Julie Clifford ’99, Melissa Garville ’99, Marianne Rausch ’99, Johanna

embarked on a road-trip with their dogs through the wilderness of Alaska. You can see her photos online at giselflorez.com.

L to R: Kathleen Marzolla ’99, Molly Breslin ‘99, Stephane Bille Donohue ’72, Brianne Donohue ’09, Erin Donohue Misischia ’99, Erin McCue ’99, Kaitlin Donohue ’04, Peggy Pierce Breslin ’67, Tara Heffernan Kelly ’99, and Pam Wright Bilash ’76

Gisel Figallo-Florez ’99 has been working in her studio in Williamsburg, Brooklyn as a still-life photographer for clients: NY Times Style section, L’Oreal and V magazine. This past summer, she had her work displayed at a show at the Winkleman Gallery in NYC. This past June, she married Nelson Fernando Figallo, a filmmaker and poet. The two then


Gisel and her husband Nelson

Katie Chambers Press ’99 and her husband Jason welcomed a baby boy, Matthew Robert Press, on September 24, 2009. Kate Gartland Chambers ’66 is the proud grandmother! Lea Radick ’99 completed a four-month internship in May 2009 with ClimateWire at E&E Publishing, an online news organization in Washington, DC. Immediately following the internship, she began working for nonprofit Handicap International as a communications officer in Takoma Park, MD. She received an MSJ degree from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism in December 2008 after completing a three-month internship in Cambodia. Michelle Velasquez ’99 married Dionisio Alvarado in June 2009. They have a beautiful daughter, Marilyn Irene. Michelle graduated from Boston University in 2003 and has been working for Kaplan for the past 3 years. She is currently the pre-college account manager for Kaplan Test Prep & Admissions in NYC. Katie and Matthew Press


Victoria Aquino ’00 married Jonathan Shaw on June 27, 2009 at Trinity Episcopal Church in Cliffside Park, NJ. Fellow Angels who attended the wedding included Maid of Honor and sister of the bride, Patricia Aquino ’97 and bridesmaid Diana Maquieira ’00. Diana fulfilled a promise she made while both girls were attending AHA by playing the piano for Victoria’s walk down the aisle. Other angels in attendance were Jenny Lynn Sinno ’00 and Lisette Maquieira ’04.

Jade Post ’00 married Christopher Green on January 17, 2009 in Medford, NJ. Jade and Chris are pictured below with Jade’s parents, June & Andrew McBain, and sisters, Remy (’09) and Brittney McBain.

Over the next four years she will be researching leadership, non-formal education, service-learning, and community development. Erin Malkiewicz ’02 graduated from the New England School of Law in Boston, MA in May with a Juris Doctor. She is currently working in Jersey City, NJ as a judicial clerk. In June, she became engaged to a fellow law school graduate, Michael Peters. They are planning a January 2011 wedding. Kelly Gawlik ’02 and Jessica O’Neill ’02 will be bridesmaids.


Kendra Mara ’03 was recently promoted to Director of Community Involvement at Animal Haven Inc., a nonprofit organization that finds homes for abandoned cats and dogs, and provides behavior intervention when needed to improve chances of adoption. Kendra runs the Volunteer and Community Outreach programs and manages all web affairs. Jaclyn Lapes ’03 married John Warren, III on September 5, 2009.

’04 Kimberly Sica ’00 is proud to announce her engagement to Anthony La Spada of River Vale, NJ. Anthony is a graduate of Pascack Valley High School ’00 and Monmouth University ’04. The two were neighbors growing up and started dating after college – yes, she’s going to marry the boy next door! A September 2010 wedding is planned.


Sharon Hakim ’02 just enrolled in the PhD program in Community Psychology at Wichita State University in Kansas.

KaPo Chu ’04 graduated from Boston University in 2008 and is pursuing a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering at Rutgers University. Her current research is on the biomechanics of acupuncture. Jennifer Meier ’04 married Gregory Toole on July 19, 2009. The ceremony took place at St. Andrew’s Church in Westwood, NJ, where her parents and grandparents also were married. The reception was at Valleybrook Golf Club in River Vale, NJ. Danielle Cusmano ’04 was maid of honor; also in attendance was Lori Verbitski ’06.



Meghan Azzaro ’05 graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington this May with a BS in Marine Biology and a minor in Psychology. After graduation, Meghan, her sister Shannon ’09 and their parents went to Italy for two weeks. She is currently in the Master of Arts Teaching program at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck. Jamie McRoberts ’05 graduated from Loyola College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Physical Therapy at NYU.


Cory Blank ’06 graduated from Ramapo College a year early and is currently working in the Meadowlands on an environmental project. Caroline Graham ’06 was named to the Dean’s List for the Spring semester at the College of the Holy Cross. She is majoring in Political Science and Co-President of the College Democrats. Cadence Greenberg ’06 received the Guido Cavalcanti Award for excellence in Italian from the NYU College of Arts and Science (May 2009). Cadence has been accepted into NYU Graduate School as an Italian Studies major and will move to Italy in June 2010 to pursue her graduate degree. Alex Kittle ’06 spent the spring semester in Germany through the Tufts University study abroad program. She traveled extensively throughout Europe during her time there.


Deirdre Brennan ’07, Maeve Flanagan ’07, Margaret Dudasik ’09 and Bernadette Flanagan ’09, members of Girsa, an all girl Irish traditional music group, were featured in an article in the Wall Street Journal on July 14, 2009.

2008-2009 annual report to investors


years strong!

annual fundraising summary for 2008-09 (Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30)

Fundraising Categories


Annual Fund Unrestricted


Annual Fund Restricted


Walk With Angels


Tuition Raffle




Angelic Evening


Beefsteak Dinner




Annual Total


Capital Campaign/Endowment


Overall Total


2008-09 annual giving levels AHA Dome Society

$50,000 and up

AHA Leadership Society


SSND Society


Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society


Mother Caroline Society


Sister Nonna Dunphy Society


President’s Council


AHA Women


AHA Associates


Century Club


Angels Club

Up to $124

The list on the following pages contains the names of all who made contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels Annual Fund either in the form of direct gifts or in donated services between July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apology and notify us at 201-768-7822 ext. 224.


percentage of alumnae participation by class

’06 – ’07 ’34 ’36 ’37 ’40 ’42 ’43 ’44 ’45 ’46 ’47 ’48 ’49 ’50 ’51 ’52 ’54 ’55 ’56 ’57 ’58 ’59 ’60 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 ’65 ’66 ’67 ’68 ’69 ’70 ’71 ’72 ’73 ’74 ’75 ’76 ’77 ’78 ’79 ’80 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09

4% – – 4% – – 12% 19% 4% 13% 17% 8% 17% 16% 6% 14% 5% 10% 30% 8% 7% 11% 14% 8% 5% 8% 8% 9% 13% 10% 9% 5% 7% 9% 6% 7% 5% 6% 15% 4% 4% 7% 4% 10% 4% 9% 2% 7% 9% 4% 2% 3% 4% 2% 2% 4% 2% 37% 4% 3% 3% 4% 2% 5% 1% 1% 2% 7% – – –

’07 – ’08 4% – 5% 3% 4% – 5% 13% 4% 10% 18% 7% 19% 13% 2% 11% 5% 13% 19% 19% 7% 13% 15% 6% 11% 8% 10% 12% 10% 17% 15% 9% 6% 6% 13% 11% 9% 9% 12% 12% 4% 13% 9% 8% 11% 8% 6% 5% 7% 9% 3% 4% 4% 5% 8% 4% 4% 9% 5% 4% 5% 3% 1% 4% 4% 1% 2% 7% 6% 1% –

’08 – ’09 5% 7% – 4% 5% 4% 12% 21% 4% 8% 17% 11% 19% 11% 4% 20% 5% 11% 19% 16% 20% 15% 17% 9% 10% 10% 14% 10% 8% 12% 19% 3% 5% 5% 10% 10% 10% 9% 9% 4% 7% 10% 8% 9% 5% 13% 3% 5% 5% 6% 8% 3% 5% 6% 5% 5% 6% 9% 4% 2% 7% 2% 2% 5% 1% 3% 2% 7% 5% 5% 1%

recognition of our benefactors AHA Dome Society

Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Mario Spola AHA Leadership Society

Catholic Sisters of Reparation of the Congregation of Mary Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hill Ms. Roseanne McCauley Ms. Diane Oakley School Sisters of Notre Dame

SSND Society

Insetta Family Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kazickas Ms. Maria Vecchiotti Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society

Mr. Joseph Bonito & Ms. Renee Creange Ms. Patricia Geoghegan Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huntington Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Muscarelle Mr. & Mrs. John Lane Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mara Mrs. Kathy Ullmann Nelson Mr. & Mrs. James Picarillo Ms. Ruth Rempe Mother Caroline Society

Mr. John Barrett Ms. Eileen Dowling Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman The Phelan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Turk Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vigneron Dr. Zayas & Dr. Downey Sister Nonna Dunphy Society

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bruno Dr. & Mrs. K. York Chynn Mrs. Cathryn Archibald Curia Mr. & Dr. Edward Donohue Mrs. Eleanor Quinn Dunn Mrs. Geralyn Parent Haws Mrs. Audrey J. Luckow Miss Jennifer Moran Mrs. Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore President’s Council

Hon. Donna Baboulis & Gary Gyscek Mrs. Maureen Fennessy Bousa Mrs. Marie Zenorini Canepa Mr. & Mrs. Francis Constantinople Mrs. Barbara Smith Costigan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony de Nicola Mrs. Virginia Puig Dolan Ms. Madeleine Dowling Mr. William Hannon Mrs. Suzanne Wilz Klein Mr. & Mrs. Donald Low Ms. Stefanie Luckow Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Mrs. Cindy Smith Nelson Ms. Kristina Miller Olsen Ms. Mary Lou Sciarrillo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Varettoni Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Williams AHA Women

Anonymous Ms. Adrienne Benzoni Ms. Theresa Biasi

Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus Mrs. Dana Dorgan Mc Carren Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Medel Mrs. Marykate Ficca Menapace Mr. & Dr. Julio Morejon Ms. Kathleen Naughton Ms. Kathy Naughton Dr. & Dr. Charles Nnadi Mrs. Laura Cassino Norman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oates Mrs. Patricia Cooney O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Dr. & Dr. Antonio Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Paul Palmeri Parents’ Guild Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Pincus Mrs. Maureen Phelan Previti Ms. Marilu Garcia Pulanco Mr. & Mrs. Michael Regan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riggi, Jr. Mrs. Leslie Burke Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Schiavone Mr. & Mrs. John Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schoenster Dr. Susan Craig Scott Mrs. Rosemary Ohmann Seghatoleslami Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shahbazian Mrs. Casey Pascale Smith Ms. Nancy Spiotto Ms. Linda Tuttle Ms. Maribel Unanue Vega World Supply, Inc. Mrs. Carolyn Lucia Vioni Ms. Nancy Visocki Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Mary Sheridan Wright

Mrs. Elizabeth DeGloria Bourque Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Branciforte Mrs. Phyllis Gutto Brew Ms. Elizabeth Cassino Ms. Maria Cirino Ms. Patricia Coleine Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mrs. Barbara Ehret Crowe Ms. Patricia Mahaney Crowley Dr. & Mrs. Charles D’Agati Ms. Kathleen Tigh Detrano Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Guenther Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter Mrs. Sharon Fagliarone- Hajjar Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Heath Ms. Nicole Grace Keck Ms. Lea Kemezis Mrs. Kristin Redmond Kohout Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krone Mrs. Jean Rapport Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marcos Mrs. Dana Licameli Martinotti Mr. & Mrs. Sean McNamara Mrs. Mary Holahan Peebles Ms. Adrienne MacLellan Phillips Ms. Janet Maiello Pote Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Quinones Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Spink Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Vuolo AHA Associates

Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Acebal Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bautista Dr. Angie Papandrikos Bayiokos Mrs. Eileen Holahan Beall Mrs. Joan D’Andrea Bertussi S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Mrs. Mary DePalma Burke Dr. & Mrs. David Butler Ms. Jean Butler Mr. Denley Chew & Dr. Karen Wu Ms. Mary Cahill Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Mrs. Bruna Marucci Coveleski Mrs. Rebecca Moran Day Mrs. Reena Raggi Denton Mrs. Kathleen McNicholas Entwistle Mr. Robert Everett & Dr. Elaine Alicakos Ms. Katherine Polk Failla Dr. & Mrs. Francis Forte Mr. John Foye Mrs. Joan Larsen Friezo Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glicini Mr. & Mrs. Adolfo Gonzalez Ms. Regina Hur Gramss Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Grasso Mrs. Elizabeth Farley Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. Walter Janneck Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jentile Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Judge Mrs. Sharon Rogers Kitley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohl Mrs. Judith Comunale Laquidara Mr. & Mrs. John Larre’ Mr. & Ms. Andrew Lavers Ms. Teresa Leary Mrs. Maryellen Lennon Ms. Patricia Rosenkranz Levins Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Liguori Mrs. Laura Barbieri Longobardi Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus Mrs. Mary McNulty Maher

Century Club

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Allen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Alstete Dr. Africa Pitta Alvarez-McLeod Mrs. Margaret Kadian- Ames Mrs. Suzanne Rittereiser Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aparri Ms. Elise Kenderian Aronson Dr. Jeanne Pomar Asher B & M Complete Flooring Inc. Ms. Amy Barabas Ms. Fortunata Barbara Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benson Ms. Lucille Bertram Mrs. Ann Erpenbeck Bottelli Dr. Matilda Bruno Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brunt Ms. Karen Sullivan Camporeale Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cantwell Ms. Rosemary Capuzzi Ms. Michele Toth Carr Ms. Cathleen Carris Ms. Colleen Carris Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cash Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cavaliere Mrs. Dorothy Reside Cavanaugh Ms. Michele Cerullo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chaffiotte Mrs. Jane Nicolich Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Ciacciarelli Ms. Arlene W. Clinkscale Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Colgary Ms. Kathleen Connelly Ms. Patricia Contino S. Francis Miriam Conway, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cotter Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Cuba


Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. John Damato Mrs. Katherine Elter Daniello Mrs. Alexandra Kingscote Darigan Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo Mr. & Mrs. Alex Demetrakopoulos Ms. Maria DiClemente Mr. & Mrs. David H. DiGiulio Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiLorenzo Ms. Elizabeth Garvey Doll Mr. James Doyle Ms. Eileen Lennon Duff Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Espejo Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kress Mrs. Maurica Colbert Fedors Ms. Margaret Fry Fennell Ms. Tracy Fennell Mrs. Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy Mrs. Janet McNulty Ferrante Ms. Susan Roth Fischer Mrs. Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Mrs. Mary Ann Huber Franson Ms. Barbara Fritsche Ms. Claire Gareau Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Germinario Mrs. Maryann Manzie Giannella Mr. & Mrs. James Glenn Rev. Elizabeth Kress Golub Ms. Denise Gourmos Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Greenan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Greene Mrs. Sunda DeCotiis Guinta Mr. & Mrs. William Harkins Dr. Alison Hartigan Ms. Pamela Salerno Hassan Mrs. Mary Gallagher Heitmann Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hill Ms. Sarah Ellen Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Donald Holinka Ms. Tara Hurley Mrs. Joan Heinzmann Inzerillo Mrs. Patricia McAtee Kiesel Mrs. Mary Frances Kingsley Mrs. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. George Krone Ms. Linda Landry Mr. & Mrs. Ralph LaRocca Mrs. Joan Gorecki Lasser Mrs. Mary Pat Purcell Leon Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lieblich Mrs. Mary Ann Markey Mammano Ms. Anna Marie Mascolo Ms. Maryann Mattessich Mrs. Kathryn Farrell McAllister Mrs. Patricia Muller McDevitt Ms. Maureen McGuirl Mrs. Susan Gerrie McKee Mrs. Patricia Clifford McKillip Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Ms. Tracy McLaughlin Mrs. Barbara Hayes Meinzinger Ms. Ellen Monahan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Montemurro Mrs. Ann McCabe Moran Mrs. Harriet Moran Mr. & Mrs. James Mulligan Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Murphy Mrs. Catherine DiDonato Nelson Ms. Joanna Nicolich Mrs. Anne Ottomanelli Noble Mrs. Francesca LaFiura Noon Mrs. Margaret Feeney O’Brien Mrs. Barbara Burns O’Hara

recognition of our benefactors Mrs. Rita Ragno Paterson Dr. & Mrs. Michael Perlman Mr. & Mrs. Martin Petraitis III Mr. & Mrs. Glen Pfeiffer Dr. & Mrs. John Pillitteri Deacon & Mrs. James Puliatte Mrs. Margaret Neville Raymo Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Rice Ms. Mary Riley Ms. Angelina Rispoli Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser Ms. Patricia Romano Mrs. Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Mrs. Margaret Heaney Saxenian Ms. Joanne Schaeder Ms. Pamela Schwitter Mrs. Nancy Canning Shalhoub Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sica Ms. Jean Schiller Smedira Mrs. Christine Walker Spedding Mrs. Colleen Corbett Staff Mr. Thomas Stinson Ms. Mary Stuart Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Thompson Dr. Victor Todisco Ms. Margaret Twomey Ms. Judith Violick Dr. Elizabeth Waraksa Mrs. Margaret Hurley Wells Ms. Linda Wildermuth Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams Mr. & Mrs. Edward Winkler Mrs. Susan Telesco Wohlforth Ms. Pamela A. Wynne Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek Ms. Barbara Yetka-Eisenberg Ms. Yumiko Yokoi Mr. & Mrs. Inchol Yon Mrs. Melody Zima Mrs. Christine Daley Zubrick Angels Club

Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Mr. & Mrs. Alex Acevedo Mrs. Delia Rivardo Adorno Mrs. Diana Titolo Alexander Ms. Alexa Allen Mr. & Mrs. Guy Amoresano Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Anderson Mrs. Barbara Nachtigal Annan Ms. Frances Aquino Ms. Jacqueline Arbegast Mrs. Roberta Rio Arbree Ms. Joanne Archer Dr. & Mrs. Edward Aversa Mrs. Jeanne Pirnat Aversa Ms. Linda Baboulis Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Bacci Mrs. Susan Hofmann Bailey Ms. Dana Baines Mrs. Virginia Cuffe Balestier Ms. Christina Barbieri Ms. Maria Bargellini Mrs. Frances Carr Barletta Ms. Juliana Barno Mrs. Catherine Schaeder Batterman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Baum Mr. J. Mark Beamis Mr. & Mrs. James Beattie Mrs. Bette Ann Ogden Beck Mrs. Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik Mrs. Elizabeth Varrichio Bender Mrs. Lee Contrucci Berchem Ms. Kristyl Berckes

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Berckes Dr. Susan Tozzi Berry Mr. & Mrs. Neil Best Jr. Mrs. Susan Lawson Bigley Mrs. Joan Peppler Blake Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bochis Ms. Susan Bolanos Ms. Murielle Boncoeur Mrs. Vicki Bozzo Bonica Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bonjuklian S. Claire Bonneau, SSND Ms. Ana Book Mrs. Antonia Adamo Bouillette Ms. Kerri Wasik Bowman Ms. Kate Branciforte Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill Ms. Mary Breslin Mr. & Mrs. James Bridge Ms. Patricia Broderick Mrs. Florence Doyle Brown Mrs. Carolyn Rettberg Browning Mrs. Ann Carty Bruchansky Mr. & Mrs. Gustave J. Brunet Mrs. Cheryl Bruno Mrs. Cecelia Smith Brutosky Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Buquicchio Mrs. Barbara King Burd Mrs. Augusta Heinzmann Burke Mrs. Letitia LaForgia Burke Ms. Meghan Burke Ms. Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Mr. & Mrs. Fred Burnett Ms. Kerry Oates Butkera Mrs. Sharon Daly Butler Mrs. Amelia Chiccone Calabrese Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Campau Ms. Cristina Campion Mr. & Mrs. Victor Cannillo Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Carbillas Ms. Virginia O’Shea Carey Mrs. Dorothy Nelson Carletta Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carpentieri Mrs. Mary Knox Carroll Ms. Jennifer Terraciano Cassedy Mrs. Kathleen McGoey Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Jose Castillo Mrs. Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Mr. & Mrs. David Caulfield Ms. Gina Cavallo Ms. Gracemarie Cirino Ms. Eleanor Clements Ms. Julie Clifford Ms. Janet Henry Cogbill Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coleman Mrs. Jane McGlew Collen Mrs. Kerry O’Connor Collins Ms. Lisa Comunale Ms. Laura Connolly Ms. Catherine Cooney Ms. Carmela Cordasco Ms. Shara Corrigan Ms. Janis Cortese-Tollis Mr. Thomas Coulouris Mrs. Katherine Schwarz Cowan Mrs. Gail Moakler Cowser Mr. & Mrs. Edward Craviolo Mrs. Patty Van Tassel Cromie Mrs. Michele Connell Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cullen Mrs. Christine McGoey Cummings Ms. Patricia Cummings Dr. Catherine Curley Mrs. Suzanne Smith Curtis Ms. Kyla Meisten Daher Ms. Amy Branchini Dahl


Mrs. Sharon Baelis Dail Ms. Angelina Dal Lago Ms. Claire Nelson Dale Mrs. Rosemarie D’Alessandro S. Grace D’Amico, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Albert De Fino Mrs. Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Mr. & Mrs. Gerald DeBenedictis Mr. & Mrs. Noel DeLeon Mr. & Mrs. Louis Della Torre Ms. Gerda Willenborg Della Valle Mrs. Maureen Reilly DeLosa Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeLuca Ms. Tina DeLucia Ms. Denise Loforte DeMaio Mrs. Jovanka DePalma Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dermady Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeRosa Mr. & Mrs. Tim DeRosa Desserts of Distinction Mrs. Judith Boschetti Devaney Ms. MaryDoreen DiGiacomo S. Joan Dineen , SSND Mr. & Mrs. Douglas DiPaola Mrs. Kristine Murray Diverio Dr. & Mrs. Robert Doidge Mrs. Jeanne Collins Donovan Ms. Ann Dorigan Mrs. Mary Alice Cook Dowdell Ms. Katherine Doyle Ms. Kimberly Doyle Ms. Theresa Spola Doyle Dr. & Dr. John Driscoll Ms. Jane P. DuBois Dr. Michael Dugan Mrs. Mary Patrice Bonsignore Dunn Ms. Claire Dunphy Ms. Alexandra Durbak Mrs. Brooke Roshong Dynes Ms. Judith Frasco Edmonds Mrs. Liane Sullivan Egle Mrs. Diane Lewandowski English Mr. & Mrs. Joe Ennis Mrs. Rosemary Farrell Ervin Mrs. Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing Mrs. Marybeth Wallace Fahey Ms. Gail Fair Ms. Patricia Fanning Dr. & Mrs. Linsy Farris Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fata Dr. & Dr. Michael G. Faust Ms. Dorothy Fell Mrs. Frances Gormley Fennessy Mrs. Susan DePhillips Fernandez Mrs. Marianne Ferrario Mrs. Mary Alice Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick Mrs. Mary Ann Wershing Flack Mrs. Sandra Wright Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Flanagan Ms. Stephanie Flores Mrs. Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Ms. Mary-Ann Guerin Foley Mrs. Megan O’Reilly Foran Mrs. Ellen Tarbous Foster Mrs. Suzanne Griffin Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frasca Mrs. Roberta Frasca Fulford Mr. & Mrs. Shinji Furuta Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mrs. JoAnne Donnelly Galdo Ms. Eileen Galleshaw Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo Ms. Laura Ganley


Mrs. Marilyn A. Gansler Mrs. Margaret Bergonzi Gargiulo Margaret-Ann Gartland Dr. Lou Ann Gartner Mr. & Mrs. Luis Garzon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Geffert Mrs. Jennifer Carcich Geissler Mrs. Joan Jurczak Gentile Mrs. Barbara LoRusso Gentiluomo Mr. & Mrs. Carl Germer Mrs. Maria Germinario Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gherardi Dr. & Mrs. John Giannelli Mrs. Barbara Napolitano Gibbons Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gibney Mr. & Mrs. Steven Giuliano The Goldstein Family S. Rita Goodman, SSND Mr. Jeffrey Goria Ms. Patricia Gorman Ms. Katherine Gorsky-Kallaur Ms. Nancy Oettinger Grace Dr. Arlene Pancza Graham Ms. Caroline Graham Ms. Caroll Grece S. Catherine Green, SSND Ms. Janet Green Mrs. Ellen Stoldt Green Tully CDR Jo-Ellen Smith Greene Dr. Margaret Grimes Mr. & Mrs. Allen Gross Ms. Nicki Gross Ms. Maureen Corbett Gullo Mrs. Janine Makhoul Gulya Mrs. Margaret-Mary Gibbs Haase Mr. & Mrs. Karl Hack Ms. Sharon Hakim Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hall Ms. Tara Hane Mr. & Mrs. David Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harencak Elisa A. Hayes Ms. Casy Hayes-Pinolini Mrs. Carla Bacigalupo Healy Ms. Jayme Hennessy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Heyer Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hickey Ms. Lindsay Hill Ms. Mary Hines Mr. & Mrs. Edward Holiat Ms. Laurie Holinka Mr. & Mrs. Eric Holme Ms. Florence Horgan Mrs. Mary Rizzotti Horoszowski Mrs. Nancy Mahoney Hourigan Mrs. Patricia Modrys Hourigan John Hroncich & Linda Smith Mrs. Joan Catarcio Hubertus Mrs. Madeline Leighton Humiston Mrs. Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Ms. Andrea McDermott Hyer Mr. & Mrs. Francis Imbriale Mr. & Mrs. J. Bradley Ivie Mrs. Barbara Braun Ix Mr. & Mrs. Warren Jameson Mrs. Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jansson Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Jara Mrs. Suzanne Gila Jayson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jerkovich Mr. & Mrs. Kennith Johnson Mrs. Joan Infosino Johnson Mrs. Margaret Stanzione Julian Ms. Marie Jungerman Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kailas

recognition of our benefactors Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mrs. Arlene Whited Kalinowski Ms. Dahlia Kang Dr. Heidi Eigenrauch Karpen Mr. & Mrs. Mark Keane Ms. Margaret Keane Mrs. Eileen McAdams Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kearns Ms. Sinead Keegan Ms. Siobhan Keegan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kenny Ms. Ann Kilmartin Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner Mr. & Mrs. John Kittle Mrs. Stacie Kivlehan-Gray Mr. & Mrs. Les Klein Mrs. Dorothy Miller Klemm Ms. Kaitlyn Kloeblen Mrs. Felicia Marotti Klug Mrs. Jean Oliver Koch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Koeppel Mr. & Mrs. Larry Korman Mr. & Mrs. Awsaf Kraytem Ms. Diane Kvilesz Ms. Julianne La Fond Hammond Mrs. Celeste Alia Lafferty Ms. Cynthia Lamme Mrs. Judith Eremin Lamp Mrs. Rachel Cutri Lanava Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Langan Dr. Maria Lania-Howarth Dr. Salvatore Laraia Ms. Carol LaRocca Ms. Sarah Lavers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lawlor Mr. Robert Leonard and Ms. Linda Bayreuther Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lichtenberger Mrs. Patricia Leonard Lindahl Mrs. Charlotte Lobaton Ms. Carol Lombardi Ms. Ellen Lombardi Ms. Carreen Winters Longo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LoPonte Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lorello Mrs. Monique LaRovere Losson Mrs. Suzanne Loughran LCDR Abigail Hausmann Love Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Luby Mrs. Marilyn Myser Luneberg Mrs. Regina Ivory Lupo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Luppino Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lynch Mrs. Eileen Feeney Lynch

Ms. Susan Madden Ms. Ann Marie Madigan Mrs. Connie Dell’Accio Maffeo Mrs. Laura Hugerich Magliocchetti Mr. & Mrs. James Magner S. Joan Magnetti , RSCJ Mrs. Phyllis Bramley Magnone Ms. Faith Mahaney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mahoney Ms. Tara Mahoney Mrs. Alyssa Alia Malanga Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Malesardi Mr. & Dr. Edward Malley Mrs. Kristen Deramo Manning Ms. Beth Mannix Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Marchione Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mariniello Ms. Monica Mariniello Ms. Adriana Marino Ms. Marybeth Gurski Markland Ms. Kathleen Feulner Marquet Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Marrero Mrs. Beth Soracco Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Marzorati Mrs. Barbara Tanzola Mason Ms. Karen Mastrofilipo Mrs. Dorothy Napolitano Mastropaolo Ms. Theresa Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Scott Maurer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maurer Ms. Lisa Mayer Ms. Winifred Mayol Mrs. Kathleen Byrne McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCann Mrs. Erma Egan McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Surless Mr. & Mrs. Noel McCaul Mrs. Katherine Schwenke McCormick Ms. Mary Heindel McCrea Ms. Kristin McCue Mrs. Kimberly Troester McDaniels Ms. Joan McDonough S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Ms. Danielle McGinty Mr. & Mrs. James McGlone Ms. Margaret McGlynn Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Jones McIntyre Mrs. Margaret Alberse McIrvin Ms. Carolyn McKenna Ms. Cailin McKinney Ms. Kyle McKinney Mrs. Donna Quinn McNeill Mr. & Mrs. Liam McPartland Ms. Ellen McShane



Mr. & Mrs. Brian McSherry Mrs. Cynthia DeGloria McSweeney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Meehan Mrs. Jane Marie McAuliffe Meisner Ms. Jill Belby Mendez Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Mesilas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mierswa Mrs. Lesley Roselli Migliorato Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miguel Mr. & Mrs. Raul Millan Mrs. Denise Carbo Miller Ms. E. Donna McEntee Miller Mrs. Lauretta Biasi Miller Mrs. Pamela Van de Weghe Miller Mrs. Rosemarie De Vivo Miller Ms. Gloria Milne Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Minasi Ms. Maureen Miney Ms. Patricia Miney Ms. Noelle Mironis Ms. Nicole Delli Carri Mohr Mr. & Mrs. Robert Molke Mr. & Mrs. Russell Monico Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Monsalve Mr. & Mrs. Neil Monteleone Mrs. Nancy Gunn Moore Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moran Ms. Kelly Moran Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morelli Ms. Christina Morrow Ms. Ann Mrkic Zgonena Mrs. Elaine Marino Muldowney Ms. Grace Gallagher Murphy Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy Mrs. Mary McCarthy Murphy Mrs. Mary Ann Steinke Mustaccio Mrs. Joann Byrne Nahmias Mr. & Mrs. Narendran Nair Mr. Anthony Napierski Ms. Una Neary Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus Mrs. Marguerite Murphy Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nolasco Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Norton Ms. Fiona Oates Ms. Jacqueline Oates Mrs. Colleen Oates Oberg Mrs. Edith Lynch O’Brien Mrs. Judith Brown O’Brien Ms. Sandra Corso Obuchowski Ms. Mariann O’Connor Mrs. Karen Vanacek Ohly Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oldfield Ms. Rebecca Kennedy Oleszkiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Paul Onderdonk

Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith Opel Ms. Eileen O’Shea Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Owens Mrs. Margaret Pacheco Ms. Harriet Paganessi Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Palatini Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Palestro Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Palombo Dr. Chonghyo Park & Dr. Mooyeon Oh-Park Park Ridge Police Pistol Association Mr. A. Lavers & Ms. S. Parker Ms. Kathy Partus Pascack Hills Junior Wrestling Club Ms. Janetta Pascaru Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pasquali Ms. Frances Passamonte Mrs. Nellie Passamonte Mrs. Maida Murphy Perkins Dr. Nadja Peter Ms. Megan Petersen-Handeland Mrs. Jean Dennerlein Petro Mr. Michael Piane Ms. Mary Ann Picinic Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Mrs. Elaine Dylewski Pietrusiak Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pikarsky Mrs. Celeste Santaniello- Pillari Dr. Pamela Pinto Mrs. Joan Margiotta Pirone Mrs. Barbara Scrofani Pisano Mrs. Lourdes Pisarri Mr. & Mrs. John Policastro Mrs. Frances Gorman Pollak Ms. Eva Poneros Ms. Jo-Anne Lynch Pospischil Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Potter Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pousson Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Ms. Julie Powers Ms. Kathryn Chambers Press Ms. Anne Dondero Prinn Ms. Patricia Prucnel Donna Pucciani Mr. & Mrs. John Quinn Ms. Theresa Anne Quinn Mrs. Maureen Hickey Radl Mrs. Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Ms. Eleno Ramos Mr. & Mrs. Richard Raska Ms. Genna Reed Mr. & Mrs. Jay Reed Mrs. JoAnn McDermott Reed Mrs. Muriel Cuddy Reeves Mrs. Michele McGuire Repetto

recognition of our benefactors Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Ressa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reuter Ms. Melissa Zilocchi Riccio Ms. Nancy Richard Ms. Lucy Maria Richardson Ms. Jeanette Rizzitiello Mr. Joseph Rizzitiello Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rizzo Dr. Joan Rodano Ms. Anne Ronan Dr. & Dr. Howard Rosas Ms. Ginny Vnenchak Rosen Dr. & Dr. Chirico/ Rosenberg Mrs. Jeanine Yandoli Rossi Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rothfritz Mrs. Ellen Mawhinney Ruja Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Ryan Mrs. Bernadette Napoleone Salemme Mr. & Mrs. Benedetto Salerno Ms. Kelly Salmon Mrs. Rose Salmon Mrs. Wendy Glaser- Salter Ms. Susan Ciampo Sammon Mrs. Maureen O’Brien Sandner Mrs. Ashleigh Young Santamaria Mr. & Mrs. Fulvio Santana Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Santolli Mr. & Mrs. Kayed Santoro-Lafi Ms. Maryann Mattessich Saric Mrs. Linda Resotko Savino Ms. MaryAnn Sawka-Lobaton Mrs. Gilda Vita Scerbo Ms. Patricia Schaeder Mr. John Schmelz Ms. Emily Schmitt Mrs. Lauren DePaul Schreiber Mrs. Frances Schaf Schueler

Mrs. Jean Lenahan Schuller Mrs. Mildred Maltz Schumacher Mrs. Mary-Aileen Harkins Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schweitzer Ms. Michelle Scrofani Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Seier Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Serell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sesink-Clee Mr. & Mrs. S. Scott Shafer Ms. Leigh Shahbazian Ms. Sandra Shahbazian Ms. Nancy Antonacci Shaich Mrs. Amy Wright Sharkey Mrs. Joyce Toomey Sharkey Mrs. Dianne Fuchs Shatwell Mrs. Kathleen Abel Shea Sr. Mary Shea, OP Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sheehan Ms. Agnes Shehada Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shepp Mrs. Ann Winters Shershin Ms. Kimberly Sica Ms. Jana Sico Mrs. Celeste Rinaldi Siconolfi Mrs. Christine Barry Sielicki Mr. Joseph Silecchia Mr. & Mrs. William Sims Ms. Adrianna Stipanov Skibola Ms. Christina Skursky Mr. & Mrs. Michael Slepian Mr. & Mrs. Robert Slobodin Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Smith Mrs. June Ohlandt Sokolich Ms. Alyssa Slezak Solow Mrs. Margaret McKenna Somerset Mrs. Mary Cron Sorrenti Ms. Maura Lamadore Spignesi


Mr. & Mrs. John Spola Mrs. Jean Gorecki Spychalski Mr. & Mrs. Vincent St. Angelo Mrs. Ruth Radics St. Clair Dr. Jaqueline Raia St. Germaine Giuseppe Staiano and Sara Tricamo Mrs. Carolyn Mullich Stamatakis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Strattner Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Strysko Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan Ms. Deirdre Sullivan Mrs. Lisa Guarino Surless Ms. Carla Antonelli Sutherland Mrs. Patricia Byrnes Sutton Mrs. Eileen Glavey Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. David Symmonds Ms. Jennifer Telling Mr. & Mrs. Rene Tenazas Ms. Maria Tessinari Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Testi Ms. Barbara Lintermann Thibadeau Ms. Grace Thompson Ms. Patricia Head Timmerman Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Tolomeo Ms. Carol Toomey Mrs. Suzanne Jacquett Tramontana Mrs. Christine Camerlengo Trocki Ms. Eileen Bannon Trost Mrs. Patricia Sherman Tyl Mrs. Eileen Toomey Van Horn Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan Van Leer Mrs. Kathy Lane Van Leuven Mrs. Karen Entricken Vardaro Ms. Carla Varriale Ms. Jennifer Velcek Mrs. Joan Harrington Venditti Dr. Erica Vero Ms. Marie Vidal

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Vignone Mrs. Jane Meixner von Schilling Mrs. Patricia Rumore Voorhees Mr. & Mrs. George Voulgaris Dr. & Dr. Mark Wade Ms. Mary Birkhofer Warchot Ms. Elizabeth Warnock Mrs. Mary Alice Butler Warwick Dr. Maura Watson Ms. Sharon Discorfano Webster Dr. Julia Wershing Ms. Leslie Whatley Mr. & Mrs. William Widmer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams Ms. Victoria A. Williams Mrs. Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson S. Mary Vitoline Wolf, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Wymer Mrs. Jane Schmid Young Mr. Mario Zanotti Mrs. Robyn Assile Ziemba Ms. Barbara Goodman Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wood Mrs. Mary V. LaHiff Woods Ms. Wendy Schwamb Worden Ms. Nancy P. Wymer Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek Mr. & Mrs. Inchol Yon Mr. & Mrs. Yuhas Ms. Ann Mrkic Zgonena Mrs. Robyn Assile Ziemba Ms. Makaila Zimick Ms. Barbara R. Zimmerman Ms. Gail Anne Zimmermann Mrs. Heidi Thomas Zito Mrs. Christine Daley Zubrick


to the following Reunion classes!

Class of ’84 Highest Financial Participation ($4,980) Class of ’54 Highest overall class participation (35%) Class of ’59 Highest increase in participation (+13%)

Soccer Angels pose alongside the newly donated scoreboard


a l u m n a e g i v i n g b y c l a s s (mailable alumnae) Class of ’34

Percentage of Participation: 100% Total giving: $25 Mary Alice McDonald Fischer Class of ’36

Percentage of Participation: 33% Total giving: $25 Mary Knox Carroll Class of ’40

Percentage of Participation: 33% Total Giving: $100 Edith Lynch O’Brien Class of ’42

Percentage of Participation: 25% Total Giving: $50 Joan McDonough Class Of ’43 Percentage of Participation: 33% Total Giving: $25 Marie C. Jungerman Class Of ’44

Percentage of Participation: 21% Total Giving: $105 Augusta Heinzmann Burke Gilda Vita Scerbo Mildred Maltz Schumacher

Class Of ’45

Percentage of Participation: 50% Total Giving: $1,150 Marie Zenorini Canepa Margaret Stanzione Julian Eileen Feeney Lynch Mary Heindel McCrea Ann Winters Shershin Class Of ’46

Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $50 Frances Schaf Schueler

Class Of ’47

Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $175 Anne Billings Brazill Margaret Feeney O’Brien Class Of ’48

Percentage of Participation: 23% Total Giving: $340 Florence Doyle Brown Dorothy Reside Cavanaugh Claire Nelson Dale Imelda Donnelly Dermady S. Joan Dineen, SSND Florence Horgan Class Of ’49

Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $610 Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy Mary Ann Wershing Flack Joan Heinzmann Inzerillo Mary Riley Class Of ’50

Percentage of Participation: 28% Total Giving: $9,120 Michele Connell Cullen Claire Dunphy Janet McNulty Ferrante S. Rita Goodman, SSND Mary McNulty Maher Erma Egan McCarthy Ruth Rempe June Ohlandt Sokolich Julia Wershing Class Of ’51

Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $390 Roberta Frasca Fulford Margaret-Mary Gibbs Haase

Kathleen Scherer Krone Marguerite Murphy Nolan Class Of ’52 Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $100 Virginia Balestier Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Class Of ’54

Percentage of Participation: 26% Total Giving: $360 Jeanne Pirnat Aversa Frances Carr Barletta Mary Alice Cook Dowdell Ellen Stoldt Green Tully Nancy Mahoney Hourigan Dorothy Miller Klemm Phyllis Bramley Magnone Elizabeth Sullivan Van Leer

Class Of ’55

Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $350 Fortunata Barbara Maryann Manzie Giannella Jean Oliver Koch

Class Of ’56

Percentage of Participation: 18% Total Giving: $720 Ann Erpenbeck Bottelli Gerda Willenborg Della Valle Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Sandra Wright Flanagan Barbara Braun Ix Marilyn Myser Luneberg Ann McCabe Moran Nancy Canning Shalhoub

Class Of ’57

Percentage of Participation: 24% Total Giving: $1,365 Delia Rivardo Adorno Diana Titolo Alexander Mary Elizabeth Stroub Cuba Christine McGoey Cummings Joan Larsen Friezo Wendy-Jane Savona Larre’ Elizabeth Jones McIntyre Elaine Dylewski Pietrusiak Muriel Cuddy Reeves Mary Stuart Mary Tully Thompson Mary Alice Butler Warwick

Class Of ’58

Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $2,045 Bette Ann Ogden Beck Dorothy Nelson Carletta Jeanne Collins Donovan Mary Ann Huber Franson Claire Gareau Arlene Whited Kalinowski Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Abigail Hausmann Love Margaret Alberse McIrvin Lucia Cirino Murphy Cindy Smith Nelson Barbara Scrofani Pisano Margaret Twomey Mary McCarthy Wilson

Class Of ’59

Percentage of Participation: 26% Total Giving: $2,170 Anonymous Roberta Rio Arbree Kathleen McGoey Cassidy Gail Moakler Cowser Alexandra Kingscote Darigan Judith Boschetti Devaney Susan Roth Fischer

Barbara LoRusso Gentiluomo Caroll Grece Patricia Modrys Hourigan Jane Marie McAuliffe Meisner Maida Murphy Perkins Anne Dondero Prinn Angelina Rispoli Celeste Rinaldi Siconolfi Margaret McKenna Somerset S. Carole Tabano, SSND Class Of ’60

Percentage of Participation: 23% Total Giving: $1,599 Barbara Nachtigal Annan Lee Contrucci Berchem Lucille Bertram Mary DePalma Burke Sharon Daly Butler Gracemarie Cirino Diane Neary Ewing Dorothy Fell Carla Bacigalupo Healy Patricia McAtee Kiesel Anna Marie Mascolo Grace Gallagher Murphy Maureen Hickey Radl Barbara Yetka-Eisenberg

Class Of ’61

Percentage of Participation: 24% Total Giving: $1,791 S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Rosemary Capuzzi Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Kerry O’Connor Collins Mary-Ann Guerin Foley Sarellen Hogan S. Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Patricia Fongaro Maus Elaine Marino Muldowney Mary Ellen Smith Opel Joan Rodano Patricia Romano Michelle Scrofani Christine Walker Spedding Judith Violick Carolyn Lucia Vioni

Class Of ’62

Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $2,225 Antonia Adamo Bouillette Patricia Coleine Rosemary Farrell Ervin Barbara Fritsche Barbara Tanzola Mason Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Mary Lou Sciarrillo Patricia Rumore Voorhees Elizabeth Warnock Class Of ’63 Percentage of Participation: 18% Total Giving: $3,495 Bruna Marucci Coveleski Katherine Schwarz Cowan S. Grace D’Amico, SSND Maureen Reilly DeLosa Tina DeLucia Kathleen Tigh Detrano Elizabeth Garvey Doll Katherine Schwenke McCormick Jill Belby Mendez Ellen Monahan Margaret Hurley Wells Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore


Class Of ’64 Percentage of Participation: 16% Total Giving: $2,950 Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Patricia Leonard Lindahl Audrey Spiotto Luckow Kathleen Feulner Marquet Susan Gerrie McKee Ellen McShane Lauretta Biasi Miller E. Donna McEntee Miller Maureen Miney Barbara Burns O’Hara Joan Margiotta Pirone Margaret Neville Raymo Leslie Burke Robertson Jean Schiller Smedira Eileen Toomey Van Horn Class Of ’65 Percentage of Participation: 20% Total Giving: $8,055 Patricia Broderick Elizabeth Walker Campau Cathryn Archibald Curia Patricia Geoghegan Diane Kvilesz Julianne La Fond Hammond Connie Dell’Accio Maffeo Margaret McGlynn Lesley Roselli Migliorato Francesca LaFiura Noon Sandra Corso Obuchowski Pamela Schwitter Joyce Toomey Sharkey S. Mary Shea, OP Margaret Hogan Sheehan Nancy Spiotto Jane Meixner von Schilling Linda Wildermuth Christine Daley Zubrick Class Of ’66

Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $1,305 Janet Henry Cogbill Jane DuBois Margaret Fry Fennell Margaret-Ann Gartland Suzanne Gila Jayson Sharon Rogers Kitley Felicia Marotti Klug Donna Pucciani Susan Craig Scott Ruth Radics St. Clair Carolyn Mullich Stamatakis Patricia Byrnes Sutton Class Of ’67 Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $1,625 Adrienne Benzoni Margaret Grimes Jean Rapport Lowe Barbara Elter Maurer Christina Morrow Jean Lenahan Schuller Carla Antonelli Sutherland Kathy Lane Van Leuven Jane Schmid Young Class Of ’68 Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $7,195 Barbara King Burd Barbara Smith Costigan Joan Jurczak Gentile Arleen Pancza Graham Jo-Ellen Smith Greene

alumnae giving by cl ass Sunda DeCotiis Guinta Mary Hines Beth Soracco Marshall Maureen McGuirl Pamela Van de Weghe Miller Kathy Ullmann Nelson Maureen Phelan Previti Ginny Vnenchak Rosen Patricia Sherman Tyl Class Of ’69 Percentage of Participation: 23% Total Giving: $2,645 Joan Peppler Blake Amelia Chiccone Calabrese Kathleen Connelly Suzanne Smith Curtis Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Reena Raggi Denton Ann Dorigan Theresa Spola Doyle Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Lou Ann Gartner Elizabeth Kress Golub Judith Eremin Lamp Patricia Rosenkranz Levins Regina Ivory Lupo Mary Ann Markey Mammano Patricia Miney Mary Ann Steinke Mustaccio Judith Brown O’Brien Patricia Cooney O’Connor Frances Gorman Pollak Sharon Smith- Raska Ellen Mawhinney Ruja Patricia Schaeder Rosemary Ohmann Seghatoleslami Christine Camerlengo Trocki Eileen Bannon Trost Joan Harrington Venditti Class Of ’70 Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $700 Frances Aquino Barbara Scanlon Johnson Theresa Anne Quinn Joanne Schaeder Nancy Visocki Class Of ’71 Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $23,575 Carmela Cordasco Patricia Fanning Lea Kemezis Mary Frances Kingsley Denise Carbo Miller Diane Oakley Margaret Pacheco Rita Ragno Paterson Maureen O’Brien Sandner Class Of ’72 Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $3,175 Theresa Biasi Stephanie Bille Donohue Mary Gallagher Heitmann Diane Schwitter Montemurro Mary McCarthy Murphy Sherry Beltramini Pincus Class Of ’73 Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $12,700 Jeanne Pomar Asher Katherine Elter Daniello Eleanor Quinn Dunn Patricia Gorman Celeste Alia Lafferty


Mary Pat Purcell Leon Kathleen Byrne McCabe Barbara Hayes Meinzinger Celeste Santaniello- Pillari JoAnn McDermott Reed Linda Resotko Savino Dianne Fuchs Shatwell Maria Vecchiotti Susan Telesco Wohlforth Class Of ’74 Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $2,030 Africa Pitta Alvarez-McLeod Donna Baboulis Vicki Bozzo Bonica MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Maurica Colbert Fedors Frances Gormley Fennessy Jayme Hennessy Maria Lania-Howarth Carol LaRocca Tina Alaimo LoPonte Lisa Raacke Malley Lisa Mayer Colleen Oates Oberg Bernadette Napoleone Salemme Class Of ’75 Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $3,350 Susan Tozzi Berry Jane McGlew Collen Virginia Puig Dolan JoAnne Donnelly Galdo Margaret Bergonzi Gargiulo Sharon Fagliarone- Hajjar Claire O’Connell Keane Joan Gorecki Lasser Karen Franklin McSherry Cynthia DeGloria McSweeney Rosemarie De Vivo Miller Mary Mattessich Palatini Mary Holahan Peebles Jean Gorecki Spychalski Deborah Gansler Testi Class Of ’76 Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $1,115 Linda Baboulis Eileen Holahan Beall Letitia LaForgia Burke Margaret Keane Carol Lombardi Ellen Lombardi Kimberly Troester McDaniels Julie Powers Michele McGuire Repetto Mary Cron Sorrenti Patricia Head Timmerman Mary Birkhofer Warchot Pamela Wynne Class Of ’77 Percentage of Participation: 11% Total Giving: $1,900 Mary Patrice Bonsignore Dunn Nancy Oettinger Grace Joan Catarcio Hubertus Madeline Leighton Humiston Nicole Grace Keck Alyssa Alia Malanga Donna Quinn McNeill Michelle McCarthy Murphy Karen Vanacek Ohly Janet Maiello Pote Nancy Antonacci Shaich Barbara Lintermann Thibadeau

Class Of ’78 Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $21,075 Ann Carty Bruchansky Suzanne Griffin Frankel Patti McGovern Hill Maryann Mattessich Patricia Clifford McKillip Joan Ciampo Piersa Amy Wright Sharkey Class Of ’79 Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $1,950 Catherine Schaeder Batterman Elizabeth DeGloria Bourque Maureen Fennessy Bousa Susan DePhillips Fernandez Laura Wescott Kraytem Tracy McLaughlin Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Anne Ronan Maryann Mattessich Saric Class Of ’80 Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $4,535 Elizabeth Varrichio Bender Phyllis Gutto Brew Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Patricia Contino Patty Van Tassel Cromie Eileen Dowling Liane Sullivan Egle Maureen Reuter Gallo Raphaela Giampiccolo Janet Green Andrea McDermott Hyer Carolyn McKenna Joanna Nicolich Anne Marie Ryan Ryan Margaret Heaney Saxenian Class Of ’81 Percentage of Participation: 11% Total Giving: $1,755 Susan Lawson Bigley Mary Breslin Cecelia Smith Brutosky Maria A. Cirino Mary McDermott DiGiulio Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Patricia Muller McDevitt Kathy Naughton Lisa Guarino Surless Carol Toomey Suzanne Jacquett Tramontana Maribel Unanue Class Of ’82 Percentage of Participation: 11% Total Giving: $23,805 Margaret Kadian- Ames Jane Nicolich Chandler Marybeth Wallace Fahey Denise Jennings Gunter Geralyn Parent Haws Monique LaRovere Losson Dana Licameli Martinotti Dorothy Napolitano Mastropaolo Roseanne McCauley Mariann O’Connor Jean Dennerlein Petro Debra Scheyer Riggi Jeanine Yandoli Rossi Rosemarie Yancosek


Class Of ’83 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $1,435 Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik Matilda Bruno Barbara Ehret Crowe Judith Frasco Edmonds Kathleen McNicholas Entwistle Barbara Napolitano Gibbons Teresa McCarthy-Surless Susan Ciampo Sammon Class Of ’84 Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $4,980 Maria Bargellini Carolyn Rettberg Browning Kerry Oates Butkera Jean Butler Mary Cahill Clarke Patricia Mahaney Crowley Catherine Curley Rebecca Moran Day Regina Hur Gramss Heidi Eigenrauch Karpen Eileen McAdams Kearney Maura Gidez Kilner Laura Barbieri Longobardi Catherine DiDonato Nelson Kristina Ann Olsen Kimberly Mann Palmeri Adrienne MacLellan Phillips Wendy Glaser-Salter Charlotte Fletcher Santolli Jaqueline Raia St. Germaine Carla Varriale Class Of ’85 Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $1,200 Kristine Murray Diverio Madeleine Dowling Mary Lou Donohue Owens Eva Poneros Karen Entricken Vardaro Class Of ’86 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $1,975 Joan D’Andrea Bertussi Joan Infosino Johnson Suzanne Wilz Klein Carreen Winters Longo Una Neary Nadja Peter Christine Barry Sielicki Yumiko Yokoi Class Of ’87 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $770 Sharon Baelis Dail Brooke Roshong Dynes Diane Lewandowski English Katherine Polk Failla Tara Hurley Rachel Cutri Lanava Nancy Gunn Moore Eileen Glavey Sweeney Class Of ’88 Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $1,750 Suzanne Rittereiser Anderson Kerri Wasik Bowman Karen Sullivan Camporeale Tracy Fennell Pamela Salerno Hassan Marybeth Gurski Markland Laura Cassino Norman Marilu Garcia Pulanco Casey Pascale Smith Sharon Discorfano Webster

Class Of ’89 Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $1,125 Angie Papandrikos Bayiokos Michele Toth Carr Jennifer Terraciano Cassedy Katherine Doyle Eileen Galleshaw Mary Rizzotti Horoszowski Stacie Kivlehan-Gray Kristen Deramo Manning Dana Dorgan Mc Carren Nicole Delli Carri Mohr Ashleigh Young Santamaria Colleen Corbett Staff Class Of ’90 Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $800 Marykate Ficca Menapace Ann Mrkic Zgonena Mary-Aileen Harkins Schwarz Marie Vidal Mary Sheridan Wright Class Of ’91 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $420 Christina J. Barbieri Susan Bolanos Denise Loforte DeMaio Jennifer Carcich Geissler Dahlia Kang Judith Comunale Laquidara Theresa Mathews Pamela Pinto Class Of ’92 Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $405 Elise Kenderian Aronson Virginia O’Shea Carey Shara Corrigan Maureen Corbett Gullo Joann Byrne Nahmias Jo-Anne Lynch Pospischil Kathleen Shea Maria Tessinari Class Of ‘93 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $1,100 Susan Hofmann Bailey Elizabeth Cassino Michele Cerullo Deanna D’Arrigo

Siobhan Keegan Anne Ottomanelli Noble Jennifer Velcek Class Of ’94 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $475 Amy Barabas Lisa Comunale Faith Mahaney Lauren DePaul Schreiber Deirdre Sullivan Erica Vero Maura Watson Class Of ’95 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $742 Megan O’Reilly Foran Katherine Gorsky-Kallaur Denise Gourmos Janine Makhoul Gulya Sinead Keegan Kathryn Farrell McAllister Maura Lamadore Spignesi Elizabeth Waraksa Class Of ’96 Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $1,330 Kimberly Doyle Eileen Lennon Duff Ellen Tarbous Foster Laura Ganley Elizabeth Farley Hartnett Kristin Redmond Kohout Rebecca Kennedy Oleszkiewicz Melissa Zilocchi Riccio Victoria Williams Robyn Ziemba Class Of ’97 Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $110 Meghan Burke Monica Mariniello Kristin McCue Alyssa Slezak Solow Class Of ’98 Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $300 Alexandra Durbak Alison Hartigan Laura Hugerich Magliocchetti

Class Of ’99 Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $420 Juliana Barno Julie Clifford Laura Connolly Kyla Meisten Daher Amy Branchini Dahl Ann Marie Madigan Jacqueline Oates Megan M. Petersen-Handeland Kathryn Chambers Press Class Of ’00 Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $100 Kristyl Berckes Emily Schmitt Kimberly Sica Class Of ’01 Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $45 Agnes Shehada Adrianna Stipanov Skibola Class Of ’02 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $1,146 Ana Book Stephanie Flores Sharon Hakim Stefanie Luckow Tara Mahoney Danielle McGinty Class Of ’03 Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $75 Leigh Shahbazian Class Of ’04 Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $320 Colleen Carris Cailin McKinney Jana Sico Christina Skursky Jennifer Telling Class Of ’05 Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $50 Alexa Allen Genna Reed

Class Of ’06 Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $305 Dana Baines Cristina Campion Cathleen Carris Gina Cavallo Angelina Dal Lago Caroline Graham Sandra Shahbazian Class Of ’07 Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $200 Nicki Gross Laurie Holinka Sarah Lavers Kyle McKinney Kelly Moran Jeanette Rizzitiello Kelly Salmon Class Of ’08 Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $255 Kate Branciforte Tara Hane Lindsay Hill Kaitlyn Kloeblen Noelle Mironis Fiona Oates Grace Thompson Class Of ’09 Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $100 Casy Hayes-Pinolini

s t u d e n t p h o n at h o n v o l u n t e e r s Kimberlee-Kanesha Benjamin ’10 Christie Chacko ’09 Victoria Dumeng ’09 Kaya Furuta ’09 Nicole Graziano ’09 Suzana Markolovic ’09 Camille Menendez ’09 Becky Testi ’09 Alyssa Antropow ’09 Talin Bahgdadlian ’09 Heather Burke ’09 Renee Colouris ’10 Analisa Cotter ’09 Alex Creange ’10 Kelly Cunningham ’10 Megan DeTura ’09 Francesca DiPaola ’10 Brianne Donohue ’09

Margaret Dudasik ’09 Michelle Galeazzi ’09 Caitlin Gallagher ’10 Emily Giannelli ’10 Natasha Gonzalez ’09 Emily Grasso ’09 Katrina Hayes ’09 Jackie Heath ’10 Samantha Hunt ’10 Soo Jo ’10 Amanda Keanna ’10 Jennifer Krajewski ’09 Rose Lauricella ’10 Katey Lawlor ’09 Kathleen Lieblich ’09 Emily Liguori ’10 Amanda Loh ’09 Victoria Lorenzo ’09

Anna Markolovic ’10 Courtney Mastrangelo ’10 Kerrin Meseck ’10 Emma Meyers ’09 Elizabeth Mierswa ’09 Marie Minasi ’09 Katie Moran ’10 Amanda Morejon ’09 Sabrina Mullin ’09 Bridget Muzyczyn ’09 Liz Norton ’10 Nicole Onderdonk ’10 Amy Park ’10 Sherin Pathickal ’10 Sibil Pathickal ’09 Lauren Pincus ’10 Casey Pioli ’09 Veronica Polce ’09


Katie Prendergast ’10 Liz Quinones ’10 Anna Reuter ’09 Deborah Robertson ’09 Danielle Ruberto ’09 Kate Russo ’10 Chelsea Schwerzler ’10 Anna Shaker ’09 Serafina Spink ’09 Amanda Surless ’09 Katie Sylvester ’10 Catherine Tobin ’09 Jillian Tullo ’09 Caroline Vigneron ’10 Stacey Ward ’09 Caitlin Wood ’10 Christina Yasay ’10

in honor and memoriam Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request. In Honor of The Five Alberse

In Memory of Mr. Joseph Downey

In Memory of Sister Irmengard Melchnor

In Memory of Carmel & Anthony Alia

In Memory of Mrs. Margaret Powers Gidez ’42

In Memory of Elizabeth S. and Robert P. Miller

In Memory of Thomas Gilchrist

In Memory of Albert S. Moran

In Memory of Ms. Erin Gorman ’97

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Neary

Mrs. Margaret Alberse McIrvin ’58

Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaBlanc

Celeste Alia Lafferty ’73 Mrs. Alyssa Alia Malanga ’77

Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner ’84

In Honor of Mrs. Suzanne Rittereiser Anderson ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser

In Memory of Arthur and May Bartels

Ms. Joanne Archer

Mrs. Marilyn A. Gansler

Ms. Kristin McCue ’97 Ms. Alyssa Slezak Solow ’97

In Memory of Cecile Begin, SSND

In Memory of Ms. Mary Hennessy ’63

In Memory of Marie Benzoni

In Memory of Mrs. Margaret Holahan

Ms. Angelina Rispoli ’59

Ms. Jayme Hennessy ’74

Ms. Adrienne Benzoni ’67

Ms. Elizabeth Warnock ’62

Ms. Kristina Miller Olsen ’84

Mrs. Rebecca Moran Day ’84 Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing ’60

In Memory of Mrs. Joan Dylewski Oliveau ’54 Mrs. Elaine Dylewski Pietrusiak ’57

In Memory of Mrs. Rita Pancza

Arleen Pancza Graham ’68, PhD Ms. Caroline Graham ’06

In Honor of Mrs.Vivian Bergonzi

Mrs. Margaret Bergonzi Gargiulo ’75

Mrs. Eileen Holahan Beall ’76 Mrs. Mary Holahan Peebles ’75 Dr. Elizabeth Waraksa ’95

In Memory of Edward & Theresa Bianchi

In Honor of Soon Jung Hur

Mrs. Helen Bianchi Rothgerber ’62

Ms. Regina Hur Gramss ’84

In Memory of S. Alicia Ruane, SSND

In Honor of Mrs. Joan Bogner

In Honor of Ms. Devon Ivie ’11

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Marzorati

In Memory of S. Mary Petra Schaf ’48

In Memory of Mrs. Carol Kirvan Caskey ’54

In Memory of Frances Jesuele

Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan Van Leer ’54

Mrs. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski ’58, RN

In Honor of Mary Schwitter

In Memory of Maurice & Lillian Colbert

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. John Jurczak

Mrs. Maurica Colbert Fedors ’74

Mrs. Joan Jurczak Gentile ’68

Of In Memory of Cynthia A. Shanney

In Memory of Rocco J. Corso

In Memory of S. Mary Killigrew, SSND

Ms. Sandra Corso Obuchowski ’65

Ms. Claire Gareau ’58

In Memory of Mrs. Geraldine Credidio

In Honor of Marilyn Kirshner

Mr. Joseph Silecchia

Ms. Tina DeLucia ’63, Esq.

In Memory of Annabelle Daley

In Memory of Mrs. Joy Camerlengo Kolodzej ’66

In Memory of Joseph G. DeGloria

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Anderson B & M Complete Flooring Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Baum Mr. J. Mark Beamis Mrs. Elizabeth DeGloria Bourque ’79 Ms. Eleanor Clements Ms. Lisa Comunale ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald DeBenedictis Dr. & Mrs. Robert Doidge Mrs. Virginia Puig Dolan ’75 Ms. Patricia Fanning ’71 The Goldstein Family Mr. & Mrs. Les Klein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Koeppel Mrs. Joan Gorecki Lasser ’75 Mr. Robert Leonard and Ms. Linda Bayreuther Mr. & Mrs. Sean McNamara Mr. John Schmelz Mr. & Mrs. S. Scott Shafer The Phelan Foundation Vega World Supply, Inc.

In Memory of Mrs. Mary Fongaro Kowalski ’60 Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus ’61

In Memory of Mrs. Anita Boylan Dorgan ’32

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hill

Mrs. Dana Dorgan Mc Carren ’89, Esq.

In Honor of Eileen & John Dowling Ms. Eileen Dowling ’80

In Memory of Mr. John Dowling

Ms. Julie Powers ’76

Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo ’80, Esq. Mrs. Frances Schaf Schueler ’46 Ms. Pamela Schwitter ’65

Mr. Joseph Silecchia

In Memory of S. Norice Sullivan, SSND Ms. Barbara Fritsche ’62

Mrs. Christine Camerlengo Trocki ’69 Mr. Mario Zanotti

Mrs. Christine Daley Zubrick ’65

In Memory of Hugh T. Powers

In Memory of Jeanne Marie LaBlanc Ms. Danielle McGinty ’02

In Memory of Mr. Joseph Lewandowski Mrs. Diane Lewandowski English ’87

In Memory of German M. Lobaton Mrs. Charlotte Lobaton

In Memory of Euro Loffredo Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Spink

In Memory of Timothy Love

LCDR Abigail Hausmann Love ’58, USN (Ret.)

In Honor of Ms. Simone Mahoney ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mahoney

In Memory of Peter & Louise Marotti Mrs. Felicia Marotti Klug ’66

In Honor of Ms. Bertha Mawhinney Mrs. Ellen Mawhinney Ruja ’69

In Memory of Howard McGovern In Memory of Ms. Mary McGlone ’85 Mr. & Mrs. James McGlone

In Memory of Helen McKenna Ms. Carolyn McKenna ’80

In Memory of Ms. Gaiana Swanson ’81 Ms. Jacqueline Arbegast Mr. & Mrs. James Beattie Ms. Mary Breslin ’81, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Geffert Ms. Cynthia Lamme Ms. Linda Landry Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lynch Ms. Susan Madden Ms. Beth Mannix Ms. Adriana Marino Ms. Kathleen Naughton Ms. Kathy Naughton ’81 Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Palombo Park Ridge Police Pistol Association Mr. & Mrs. Martin Petraitis III Mr. & Mrs. Richard Strattner Mr. & Mrs. William Widmer

In Honor of Ms. Jennifer Testi ’07 Mrs. Debbie Gansler Testi ’75

In Honor of Ms. Rebecca Testi ’09 Mrs. Debbie Gansler Testi ’75

In Memory of Stewart M. Walker

Mrs. Christine Walker Spedding ’61

In Honor of Ms. Stacey Ward ’09 Ms. Arlene W. Clinkscale

In Memory of George Yancosek Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek ’82

In Memory of Linda York

Mrs. Sharon Rogers Kitley ’66

In Memory of Catherine Zenorini

Ms. Madeleine Dowling ’85

Mrs. Marie Zenorini Canepa ’45

m at c h i n g g i f t c o m p a n i e s ACE INA Foundation American International Group, Inc. Bank of America Becton Dickinson & Company Benjamin Moore & Company Coach Computer Associates Financial Security Assurance

Freddie Mac Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Kraft Max Bermuda LTD. Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Mobil Morgan Stanley

Oracle Corporation Pfizer Foundation Pitney Bowes Inc. The Prudential Foundation PSE&G Reckitt Benckiser Schering-Plough Foundation T. Rowe Price Associates


The Bank of New York Foundation The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership UBS Foundation USA Unilever Verizon

pa r e n t g i v i n g b y c l a s s CLASS OF 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bautista Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Colgary Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cotter Dr. & Mrs. Charles D’Agati Mr. & Mrs. Noel DeLeon Mr. & Dr. Edward Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fata Mr. & Mrs. Steven Giuliano Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glicini Mr. & Mrs. Adolfo Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Grasso Mr. & Mrs. Kennith Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Awsaf Kraytem Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lawlor Mrs. Maryellen Lennon Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lieblich Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LoPonte Mrs. Suzanne Loughran Mr. & Dr. Edward Malley Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mierswa Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Minasi Mr. & Dr. Julio Morejon Dr. & Dr. Howard Rosas Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Spink Mr. & Mrs. Michael Surless Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Testi Mr. & Mrs. Inchol Yon CLASS OF 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Alstete Ms. Janis Cortese-Tollis Mr. Thomas Coulouris Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Albert De Fino Mr. & Mrs. Alex Demetrakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Douglas DiPaola Dr. & Dr. Michael G. Faust Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Flanagan Mr. John Foye Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman Dr. & Mrs. John Giannelli Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Heath Mr. & Mrs. Mark Keane Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Larry Korman Mr. & Ms. Andrew Lavers Ms. Teresa Leary Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Liguori Mr. & Mrs. James Magner Ms. Karen Mastrofilipo Mr. & Mrs. Noel McCaul

Mr. & Mrs. Brian McSherry Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Monsalve Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moran Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Norton Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Onderdonk Dr. Chonghyo Park & Dr. Mooyeon Oh-Park Ms. Janetta Pascaru Dr. & Mrs. Michael Perlman Mr. & Mrs. James Picarillo Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Quinones Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Rice Ms. Lucy Maria Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Santolli Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Vincent St. Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Vuolo CLASS OF 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Alex Acevedo Mr. & Mrs. Guy Amoresano Dr. & Mrs. Edward Aversa Hon. Donna Baboulis & Mr. Gary Gyscek Mr. & Mrs. James Bridge Mr. & Mrs. Gustave J. Brunet Mr. & Mrs. Fred Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Victor Cannillo Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Carbillas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chaffiotte Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Day Mr. & Mrs. Joe Ennis Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kress Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fata Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Germinario Mr. John Hroncich & Ms. Linda Smith Mr. & Mrs. J. Bradley Ivie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jerkovich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lorello Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Luppino Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCann Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Raul Millan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Molke Mr. & Mrs. Russell Monico Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morelli Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nolasco Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oates Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oldfield Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Owens Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Palestro

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pasquali Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Dr. & Mrs. John Pillitteri Mr. & Mrs. John Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riggi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Rene Tenazas Dr. Victor Todisco Ms. Maribel Unanue Mr. & Mrs. Robert Varettoni Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Williams CLASS OF 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aparri Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Bacci Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Buquicchio Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carpentieri Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cash Mr. & Mrs. David Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. Edward Craviolo Mr. & Mrs. John Damato Mr. & Mrs. Noel DeLeon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeLuca Mr. & Mrs. Tim DeRosa Ms. Maria DiClemente Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Espejo Mr. Robert Everett & Dr. Elaine Alicakos Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gherardi Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hall Mr. & Mrs. David Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Walter Janneck Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jansson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Judge Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Langan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lawlor Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lichtenberger Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Luby Mr. & Dr. Edward Malley Mr. & Mrs. James McGlone Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miguel Mr. & Dr. Julio Morejon Mr. & Mrs. James Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nolasco Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Palatini Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Ressa Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rothfritz Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Benedetto Salerno Mr. & Mrs. Fulvio Santana Ms. MaryAnn Sawka-Lobaton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schoenster

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Seier Mr. & Mrs. Robert Slobodin Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Vignone Ms. Leslie Whatley CLASS OF 2013

Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bochis Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cantwell Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carpentieri Mr. & Mrs. Jose Castillo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cavaliere Mr. Denley Chew & Dr. Karen Wu Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Day Mr. & Mrs. David H. DiGiulio Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mr. & Mrs. Luis Garzon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gibney Mr. & Mrs. James Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Karl Hack Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Heyer Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Larry Korman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Longo Mrs. Suzanne Loughran Mr. & Mrs. Brian Martinotti Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Mr. & Mrs. Liam McPartland Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Mesilas Mr. & Mrs. Neil Monteleone Mr. & Mrs. Narendran Nair Dr. & Dr. Antonio Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Glen Pfeiffer Mr. & Mrs. John Policastro Mr. & Mrs. David Repetto Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Dr. & Dr. Chirico/ Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Kayed Santoro-Lafi Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sesink-Clee Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shepp Mr. & Mrs. William Sims Mr. & Mrs. Michael Slepian Mr. Giuseppe Staiano and Ms. Sara Tricamo Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Strysko Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Wymer

wa l k w i t h a n g e l s Anonymous Albert Bautista Anthony Bruno

Class 0f 1958 Bruna Coveleski Richard E. Glicini

Andrew M. Heath Parents’ Guild S. Carole Tabano, SSND ’59

f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f p a r t i c i p at i o n Anonymous S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61 SSND Mrs. Tara Brunt Ms. Karen Sullivan Camporeale ’88

Mrs. Jovanka DePalma Ms. Gail Fair S. Catherine Green ’50, SSND Mrs. Therese Kohl

Mrs. Laura Wescott Kraytem ’79 S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Miss Jennifer Moran Ms. Kathy Partus


Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Carmen Quinones Ms. Linda Tuttle Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris

wa y s t o g i v e Annual Fund

Forms a gift can take:

Corporate and Matching Gifts

Each year, the Academy of the Holy Angels relies on the generosity of its alumnae, current and past parents, grandparents and friends to make contributions that stretch tuition beyond necessity to enhancement and bolster the quality that is synonymous with AHA.


Scholarship/Financial Aid

Giving is only a click away. Please visit our website, www.holyangelsalumnae.org/giving.

Many corporations provide resources to supplement the support by employees for charitable institutions. This is a simple and effective way for contributors to increase the value of their gifts. Donors are encouraged to check with their respective employer’s Human Resources department about the availability of this program.

Gifts made to the Academy’s scholarship funds are important expressions of support for the school’s future. Contributions made to the Annual Fund can be restricted towards financial aid. Memorial/Honor Gifts

A Memorial/Honor gift to the Academy of the Holy Angels is a significant way to honor, recognize or remember a relative, friend or teacher.

The simplest form of gift, an outright cash donation qualifies as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Online Giving

Bequests Securities

A gift of securities, stocks or bonds entitles the donor to an income tax deduction. A gift of appreciated securities may also reduce capital gains tax liability. To transfer securities, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224.

A bequest is a gift by a will. It can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate, or as a remainder share. Contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels qualify as charitable tax deductions and may help reduce estate tax liability. Your attorney or financial advisor can best provide tax information for your specific situation.

Real Estate

Walk with Angels

Secure a permanent place in Holy Angels’ history while helping to ensure its future by purchasing a tax-deductible engraved brick. It is an excellent way to preserve your name or that of a loved one for years to come.

A gift of real estate to the Academy of the Holy Angels provides the donor an income tax benefit as well as reducing capital gains since the market value of appreciated property is deductible.

For further information and any other inquiries on giving to the Academy of the Holy Angels, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224 or email development@holyangels.org.


Gifts-in-kind represent non-monetary donations to the Academy of the Holy Angels such as books, equipment and special services.

f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f Buddy Ajalat Mariann Annecchino Shirly Arachchigedon Christina Astorino George Ballane Carolyn Barrett Priscilla Bishop Virginia Bobrowski, SSND, ’61 Joan Bogner Nancy Brizzolara Tara Brunt Marie Buckey Barbara Burklund ’77 Karen Camporeale ’88 Eileen Casey, SSND Minola Cene Ferit Cene Kathryn Chambers ’66 Jillane Chiandusse Maryann Chitko Joan Finn Connelly Jennifer Cucchisi Robert Czeckowski Kathleen Czepiel Patricia Daly ’58 Jovanka De Palma Kirstin Dickens ’00 Colette Domingues Jackie Dorney Patrick Dunne

Gail Fair Barbara Fallon Carol Fay Maureen Ferrara Mary Foley, SSND Elaine Geelan Patti Gorsuch Casey Gray Catherine Green, SSND, ’50 Michael Haddad Katherine Hillman ’73 Karen Kane, SSND Jean Kanellopoulos Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND Therese Kohl Robert Kopil Catherine Korvin Laura Kraytem ’79 Erwin Lara Jennifer Lee Marisel Le Goff Mary Lennon, SSND Susan Liddy Jing Loo Samira Mady Margaret McGaffney, SSND Katharine Mc Sherry ’04 John Mattessich Mike Mikhaiel Stella Morales

board of trustees Jennifer Moran Jean Mullooly ’83 Eileen Musich Mary Naimo Tara Nordsvan Margaux Pena-Hufnagel ’99 Louise Plentus Patricia Prucnel Carmen Quinones Pamela Ruschak Ellen Schiff Nancy Schneberger Paula Schweitzer Robert Shanney Kathleen Sylvester Carole Tabano, SSND, ’59 Kaitlyn Tremble Jennifer Trubac Linda Tuttle Alexis Vale Jennifer Verdonck ’00 Dorrie Voulgaris Kathleen Wall Martha Weinstein SheilaWroblewski ’79 Jennifer Wrocklage Theresa Young


SSND Provincial Council

Kathleen Cornell, SSND Provincial Leader Barbara Bowers, SSND Mary Ellen Dougherty, SSND Joan Doyle, SSND Paula Dukehart, SSND Peggy Juskelis, SSND Eileen Shea, SSND Trustees

Miriam Patrick Cummings, SSND Chair Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 Joseph Bonito Kathleen Cornell, SSND Tara Del Gavio M. Kelly Downey Paul Harencak Eileen Huntington Michael Kazickas Robert LaBlanc Margaret Ellen Mahoney, SSND JoAnn Mara Jennifer Moran Diane Oakley ’71 Susan Craig Scott ’66 Hugh Turk

in memoriam Maddelena (Victoria) DeNardo

Clement Mascolo

William Toomey

Mother of Judy DeNardo ’84

Brother of Anna Marie Mascolo ’60

Father of Carol Toomey ’81

Sister of Ginger Martens Purcell ’50, Susan

Marjorie Eckmayer

Sally McCrea

Andrew Vigneron

Martens Jennings ’58, Jan Martens Vecsi

Mother of Susan Eckmayer Novak ’67

Daughter of Mary Heindel McCrea ’45

Grandfather of Kelly Vigneron ’05, Caroline

’61 and the late June Martens Schreiber ’51

and Janice Eckmayer Van der Have ’71

Mary Ann Duffy DeVito ’72

Joseph Ettore

Mother of Laura Meyersburg Schliem ’88

Nilesh Virani

Father of the late Anne Ettore ’71, Uncle

and Kate Meyersburg ’93

Father of Simone Virani ’10

Robert Migliorato

Margaret Watson

Husband of Lesley Roselli Migliorato ’65

Mother of Patricia Watson Andrews ’64,

ALUMNAE Betty Martens Brockway ’53

Karen Longuet ’66 Florence Mannix Mori ’32 Cornelia Siano Snidero ’51 Anne Ellen Butler Wigmore ’54 Sister of Mary Alice Butler Warwick ’57

Anne Winberry ’73 Sister of Mary Winberry McGauley ’67

of Janet Cooney ’66, Patricia Cooney O’Connor ’69 and Kathy Cooney Wiener ’74 Great-Uncle of Samantha Wiener ’05, Allison Wiener ’08 and Lauren Wiener ’11

James Gagliano Father of Rita Gagliano Hutchins ’79

Ophelia Tina Giorgio Mother of Joanne Giorgio Chapleau ’88

Victor Herlinsky

Margaret Meyersburg

Anne Murphy Mother of the late Patricia Murphy ’71

Alfred Neri Father of Gina Neri Hayes ’86

Lola Palczewski

Bob Arnold

Mary Hibner

Husband of Anne Haviland Arnold ’54

Mother of Ann Hibner-Koblitz ’69

Donald Bernhardt

Anne Hitscherich

Father of Cory Bernhardt Stefansson ’81

Mother of Barbara Hitscherich Wieghaus

Thomas Pirsos

’71 and Grandmother of Karen Wieghaus

Husband of Former AHA Staff Member

Sills ’99 and Kristen Weighaus Quinn ’99

Debbie Pirsos

Eugene Hitscherich

Corinne Polak

Father of Barbara Hitscherich Wieghaus

Mother of Lisa Polak Whitehead ’88

and Jeannette Brizich Speer ’65

Robert Bossong

’71 and Grandfather of Karen Wieghaus

Mother of Barbara Palczewski Waters ’80

Mildred Petrizzo Mother of Rosalind Petrizzo Mala ’67

Father of Ann-Marie Bossong ’85

Sills ’99 and Kristen Weighaus Quinn ’99

Geraldine Powers

Nicholas Bovino

Joseph Holl

and Julie Powers ’76

Father of Laurie Bovino-Galitsis ’81

Charles Brizzolara Father-in-law of AHA Faculty member Nancy Brizzolara and Grandfather of Alicia Brizzolara ’12

John Byrne Father of Kathleen Byrne McCabe ’73 and Eileen Byrne Buente ’79

Edward J. Carratura, Sr.

Father of Karen Holl Palumbo ’87

William Isgro Father of Maria Isgro Helliesen ’78

Mary Kemezis

Grandfather of Susan Piersa ’11

Anne Colao Mother of Anne Colao ’76

Robert Corring Father of Janet Corring Corry ’73

Craig DeFelice Father of Chelsea DeFelice ’10

Grandfather of Katie Malley ’07, Rita Malley ’09 and Caroline Malley ’12

Mother of June Ruggiero ’98

Andrew Kenny

Mary C. Ryan

Husband of Jean O’Connor Kenny ’65

Mother of Pamela Ryan Alusick ’77

Father of Julie LaBarbera Lynch ’65,

Susan Ciampo Sammon ’83 and

Father of Lisa Raacke-Malley ’74 and

Kemezis Faulk ’70 and Lea Kemezis ’71

and Theresa J. Carratura ’79

Father of Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78 and

Fred Raacke

Kaoru Ruggiero

Father of Mary Carratura Carroll ’76

Anthony Ciampo

Mother of Geraldine Powers Hopkins ’71

Mother of Jane Kemezis Weilert ’68, Anne

Mario LaBarbera

and Anne Marie Ryan Ryan ’80 and Grandmother of Ellen Ryan ’09

Jane LaBarbera ’69 and Jennifer

Albert Schaffer

LaBarbera ’71 Grandfather of Kelly

Father of Catherine Schaffer Kirby ’78

Lynch ’85 and Meghan Lynch ’96

Michael Lari

Charles Whelan Father of Kathleen Whelan Scapp ’84, Maureen Whelan ’86 and Colleen Whelan ’88

Father of Margaret Neville Raymo ’64

Father of Donna Herlinsky MacPhee ’85

Mother of Cheryl Brizich Burghardt ’64

Margaret Watson Garella ’75

John Neville


Angelina Brizich

Vigneron ’10 and Mary Kate Vigneron ’13

Catherine Swords Sister of Mary Ann Swords Greene ’91, Kerry

Father of Annette Lari ’98

Swords ’92 and Tara Swords Rowan ’91

Ruth Leidig

Virginia Tanzola

Mother of Regina Leidig Dorin ’71

Mother of Barbara Tanzola Mason ’62

Mary Malley

Anthony Thomas

Mother of Kathryn Malley Otis ’59

Father of Mary Thomas ’71

Charles Martin

Josephine Tomasini

Father of Kimberly Martin Johnson ’91

Mother of Juanita Tomasini Fierro ’53


Academy of the Holy Angels has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, NJ 07627 or email at alumnae@holyangels.org.


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Do you know a future Angel? Any interested students should contact our Admissions Office at admissions@holyangels.org to receive an application and to make an Angel for the Day appointment. For further information and calendar of events please visit our website!

UPCOMING 2010 DATES TO REMEMBER: Legacy Mothers We welcome back the following AHA alumnae whose daughters are members of the class of 2013: Rebecca Moran Day ’84 Mary McDermott DeGiulio ’81 Patricia McGovern Hill ’78 Careen Winters Longo ’86 Dana Licameli Martinotti ’82 Marijean McAuliffe O’Donnell ’79 Michele Repetto ’76 Margaret Heaney Saxenian ’80

February 22 Merz Scholarship Deadline February 25 The Annual Dinner for Alumnae Mothers March 5-7 Spring Musical – Beauty & the Beast March 7 Annual Alumnae & Daughters’ Tea March 19 Angelic Evening March 26 1st Annual Arts Hall of Fame Induction

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