Summer Tidings 2010

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tidings academy of the h oly ange l s

s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame

a pu b lic ati on fo r alumn ae, par e nts and fr i e nd s

s um m er 20 1 0



Academy of the Holy Angels 315 Hillside Avenue Demarest NJ 07627 phone 201.768.7822 S p o n s o r e d by t h e S c h o o l S i s t e r s of N ot r e D a m e

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 3rd, 11am

contents ON THE COVER

Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends, From cover to cover, this summer issue of Tidings is bursting with the good news of AHA! Graduation is front page news as the culmination of four years of hard work and with the promise of continued growth and fulfillment, the Class of 2010 enters top tier colleges throughout the country. During the spring, the athletic teams moved outdoors, capturing several major championships in track and field as well as in golf. Beauty and the Beast moved from Broadway to Hillside Avenue for sold-out performances. AHA’s chorus and orchestra delighted a full-house to one of its finest spring concerts. Upon returning from Easter vacation, grandparents joined their granddaughters for the celebration of the Easter liturgy and accompanied them from class to class. Angelic Evening 2010 attracted 250 guests to an evening of exquisite dining and exciting bidding on both silent and live auction items. On May 26th, Fort Lee graduates Gloria Monty O’Byrne ’38 and Norma Monty ’42 became the first inductees to Holy Angels newly established Arts Hall of Fame. Alumnae from the NJ-NY-CT areas traveled to Wilton, CT in April to the School Sisters of Notre Dame’s Villa Notre Dame for Sunday liturgy, breakfast, conversation and reminiscing with one another and with many sisters who taught or attended Holy Angels over the past 50 years. More than 400 mothers and daughters attended this year’s highly successful Mother-Daughter Fashion Show while enjoying the high fashions modeled by members of the senior class. As you close the cover of this summer issue of Tidings, you are invited to return to Holy Angels for Alumnae Weekend 2010, scheduled for the weekend of October 22-23. Please come. It would be so good to see you. Sincerely,


Farewell to the Perfect 10 Commencement Ceremony


Shalom Network The SSND Vision in Action


Behind the Scenes The Making of our Commercial


Angel Athletes


Angels in the Arts


Angels Around the Halls


Faculty Corner

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Alumnae News In Memoriam

tidings V o l u m e I V, n u mb e r 1


As a student at the Academy of the Holy Angels, Katie didn’t hesitate to share her knowledge with her classmates – she was a peer tutor. She traveled abroad with her class to Italy and Greece, and was a permanent name on the AHA principal’s list, not to mention a National Merit Scholarship Finalist. She cheered her heart out on the Don Bosco Cheerleading team. As a 2010 graduate, Katie continues to transform the world with her academic excellence and will do so at her next destination – Duke University.

p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e

Tara Brunt Director of Development Jillane Chiandusse Director of Communications

S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 President, Academy of the Holy Angels

Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations


graduation & baccalaureate Baccalaureate Ceremony

Commencement 2010 Graduation festivities began on Thursday night, June 3rd, with the Baccalaureate Mass and awards ceremony. This year’s celebration was highlighted by the breaking of many school records: the class of 2010 proudly shattered the previous mean SAT scores with Critical Reading, 607, Math, 590 and Writing, 627; scholarship monies totaled $15 million and the total number of community service hours during their 4 years was 29,484. The class also can boast that they were accepted to 48% of the top-tier colleges and universities throughout the nation, which include

Boston College, Brown University, Colgate University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Duke University, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University, Notre Dame University and University of Pennsylvania. The 130th Commencement Exercises of the Academy were held on Saturday, June 5, 2010 and took place on the beautiful Field of Angel Dreams. The invocation was given by Caroline Vigneron. The senior commencement speaker was Katherine Prendergast and


the senior response was given by Mary Rizzo. The closing prayer was led by Emily Giannelli. Diane Oakley ’71 MBA, AHA Board Member, inspired the class with a moving speech. The vocal ensemble, led by Mr. Buddy Ajalat, sang Seasons of Love. The instrumental ensemble, directed by Mariann Annecchino, accompanied the class in the singing of the Alma Mater.

Angel Colleges

“No matter where we go or what we do, we will all have the strength and courage to do great things… because of Holy Angels and what we have learned. May you always remember where you have been, look forward to where you are going and always live for today.” –Mary Rizzo ’10

Legacy Mothers & Daughters AHA gives special recognition to the families who have continued the Holy Angels legacy: Pictured from left to right are mothers and daughters Lori Grosso Salvia ’84 and Christina Salvia ’10, Charlotte Fletcher Santolli ’84 and Brianna Santolli ’10, Diane Manzi Gawlik ’73 and Kristen Gawlik ’10, Claire O’Connell Keane ’75 and Caitlyn Keane ’10, Karen Franklin McSherry ’75 and Claire McSherry ’10, Carol Ann Laraia Bendana ’70 and Cassandra Bendana ’10, Sherry Beltramini Pincus ’72 and Lauren Pincus ’10, Sheila Wroblewski ’79 and Chelsea Schwerzler ’10, Veronica Brodeck Morris ’64 and Catherine Morris ’10.


Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Colgate University College of the Holy Cross Colorado State University Columbia University Cornell University DeSales University Drew University Drexel University Duke University Fairfield University Fashion Institute of Technology Fordham University Franciscan University of Steubenville Georgetown University Iona College Ithaca College Loyola University Mar yland Lycoming College Manhattanville College Marist College Mar ymount Manhattan College Mar ywood University Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Middlebur y College Montclair State University Mount St. Mar y’s University New Jersey City University New York University Northeastern University Pace University Providence College Quinnipiac University Ramapo College of NJ Rider University Roanoke College Rowan University Rutgers, The State University of NJ Sacred Heart University School of Visual Arts Seton Hall University Simmons College St. John’s University St. Thomas Aquinas College Stevens Institute of Technology The Catholic University of America The College of St. Rose The George Washington University The Johns Hopkins University The Julliard School The New School University The Pennsylvania State University SUNY – New Paltz SUNY – Oneonta The University of North Carolina at Charlotte The University of Scranton The University of Southern California University of Mar yland University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Richmond University of San Diego Villanova University Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Wesleyan University Worcester Polytechnic Institute

angel athletes winning streak continues for track team The 2010 spring track season at Holy Angels was a huge success. Ninety seven girls came out for the team – the most in Angels history. This included forty one freshmen. The team won the Bergen County Relay Championship for the second year in a row, after never having won it in previous seasons. The girls also won the Season Opener Relays and the Comet Relays. They were 2nd in the League, 3rd in the County Individuals and 3rd in the State Sectionals. The freshmen team was nothing short of sensational. They were undefeated, winning the Freshman County Championship All Groups by twenty five points. This was without two of their top girls who were running in the states at the time.

Individually, the track team was led by junior Emily Dunne, who won the Bergen County Meet of Champions and the State Sectionals in the 3200M. Freshman Amanda Fields was spectacular all season, finishing 2nd or 3rd in the Triple Jump and Long Jump in every big meet. Caitlin Gallagher was 2nd in the State Sectional in the discus and placed in 3 events in that meet. Caitlin, Emily and Lauren Pincus broke school records in the shot put, 3200M and javelin respectively. Junior Maureen Crimmins was 3rd in the Meet of Champions in the 1600M. Other top performers were Daniella Pascaru, Lisa Sesink-Clee, Ashley Strysko, Alexandra Eckert, Kelsley Broomfield, Katie Buquicchio, Cynthia Angulo, Seton McFarland and Jennifer Bridge. Sophomore Amber Wade was outstanding in the weights. The future is very bright!

Softball Team Toughs it Out

Great Season for Golf

It was apparent very early on that the new league, the NBIAL, was going to be a tough challenge for the Angels. Graduation had left them with a skeleton crew, but everyone was pleasantly surprised with the young players this season. They were playing against seasoned veterans who were much bigger and stronger. Being young and inexperienced, runs were hard to come by, but they wound up scoring more than they thought they ever could. Although they had their moments of doubt and discouragement they never quit. This is a testament to them, the game they love and their commitment to one another.

Holy Angels won the league title (their first year in the NBIAL Girls League) with a perfect 12-0 league record and a 20-4 overall record. They finished 2nd in the Bergen County tournament and 5th in the state qualifying tournament (just missing qualifying for the state finals). Terry Ra finished 2nd Team All-County, and All-County Honorable Mentions went to Erica Repetto and Soo Hyun Lee. The team was led by senior team captains Abigail Luhn and Heather Fuhrman.

A Promising Outlook for Lacrosse


The Holy Angels lacrosse team finished with a 10-9 record and played in the state tournament. There were 12 different players who contributed goals and their defense was extremely cohesive, which held their opponents to an average of under 10 goals. The team was led by two great seniors, Caitlyn Keane and Kate Russo. Caitlyn was honored with 2nd Team All-Division, and Kate was honored with 1st Team All-County, 1st Team All-League, and 1st Team All-Division. Kaitlyn Saar, Melanie Everett, Caroline Malley, and Caroline Hroncich also received recognition within the county, league, and division. There were many underclassmen who contributed to creating a team with depth, leaving them with great promise for next season.

The McGovern family posed in front of the newly dedicated scoreboard, in honor of their husband, father and grandfather Howard McGovern. A dedication ceremony took place on the Field of Angel Dreams in May, to honor the father of Mary Beth McGovern Budra ’72 and Patty McGovern Hill ’78, grandfather of Lindsay Hill ’08 and Sheila Hill ’13.

Bergen Record Accolades Coach of the Decade – Golf Patrick Dunne Players of the Decade – Fencing Saber: Kathryn Palazzoto (2009) Epee: Martyna Urbanowicz (2007) Foil: Dana Baines (2006) Players of the Decade – Basketball Tayler Wejnert (2007) Melissa Czorniewy (2004) Player of the Decade – Lacrosse Christie Fredericks (2009) Congratulations Angels!



angels in the arts Spring Concert

Spring Musical

On Friday, May 21, the Annual Spring Concert showcased the many musically talented Angels. The concert included performances by the Academy Chorus, Handbell Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Orchestra, and Jazz Ensemble. The evening’s selections included Strauss’ Radetsky March, the spiritual Elijah Rock by Jester Hairston, music from Pirates of the Carribean, an Irving Berlin Medley, The Beatles’ Can’t Buy Me Love, Simon and Garfunkel’s The Sound of Silence and The Beach Boys’ Good Vibrations. The concert also included Broadway showtunes from Rent and a medley from Mamma Mia, Wicked, Billy Elliot, Hairspray and Jersey Boys. The Academy Chorus and Vocal Ensemble are under the direction of Mr. Buddy Ajalat accompanied on the piano by Mr. Richard Fusilli. The Orchestra, Handbells and Jazz Ensemble are directed by Mrs. Mariann Annecchino.

Beauty and the Beast, adapted for the stage by Linda Woolverton and Alan Menken with lyrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, is a tale as old as time. The story is woven around the theme of transformation through the power of love as Belle and the Beast discover that inner beauty is reflected in their outer beauty. The AHA production was directed by Sister Rebecca Tayag, SSND with assistant director Katie McSherry ’04. The cast included Claire McSherry ’10 as Belle, Michael Anthony Antoniou (St. Joseph’s Regional) as the Beast, Richard Spitaletta (St. Joseph’s Regional) as Gaston, Caroline Vigneron ’10 as Mrs. Potts, Michael Ferrucci (Ramsey HS) as Lumiére, Christine Byrne ’11 as Cogsworth, Darcy Baboulis-Gyscek ’11 as Madame De La Grande Bouche, Robert Johnson (Bergen Catholic) as Le Fou, Jessica O’Hagan ’10 as Babette and Nicole Bruno ’10 as Chip. Once again, the AHA spring musical was recognized with nominations in both the 2010 Metropolitan High School Theater Awards and the Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Awards.

More from our Budding Artists...

Angels & Crusaders Mix it Up Musically Drawing by Soo Hyun Lee featured at the 2010 Art Show

The AHA Student Commons and Auditorium were once again filled with music and camaraderie at the Bergen Catholic and Holy Angels Music Mixer. The afternoon included a rehearsal/workshop session for the combined groups, followed by dinner and dessert provided by members of Angels in the Arts and the Bergen Catholic Music Parents, during which student musicians could relax and socialize. The evening concluded with a joint performance by the BC/AHA Orchestra, directed by Mrs. Annecchino and the BC/AHA Jazz Ensembles, directed by Mr. Peter Furlan.

Above are two students in Ms. Jennifer Lee’s Painting class showing off their artistic skills in bloom.



Painting by Isabelle Mapa displayed at the 2010 Art Show

angels around the halls


ACADEMICS Shafaq Zia was accepted to the United Nations’ Summer Program sponsored by Drew University, following a rigorous selection process. This unique opportunity is open to rising seniors and college students and will allow Shafaq to earn 4 college credits while gaining a better appreciation for the United Nations’ history, its current challenges and the political dynamics that affect its procedures and decision making.

LEADERSHIP Kristen Gawlik was selected as one of the awardees for this year’s Pro-life Youth Award. She was nominated by Ms. Kristy Mancinelli of New Hope, who shared that “Kristen’s outstanding work in the promotion of the Gospel of life and living example to her fellow youth is truly appreciated”. Caroline Hroncich was awarded the Girl Scout Gold Award. Lauren Tweel attended the prestigious HOBY Leadership Conference this past Spring.

HELPING HANDS Alex Brunet was awarded the Bergen County Caring Award for her volunteer work with Hearts Hands Healing and Horses for Heroes. Hearts Hands Healing is committed to improving the quality of life of individuals with special needs, and Horses for Heroes focuses on helping war veterans. Both programs enhance a person’s physical and emotional well-being through a variety of equine-assisted activities.


Mission to Pampanga, Philippines

to the following girls who received

Book Awards: Bryn Mawr Book Award: Dominique Kilmartin

Dartmouth Book Award: Sarah Owens Fairfield Book Award: Courtney Burnett Holy Cross Book Prize: Lily McLaughlin

University of Rochester Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Award: Liz Bentivegna

George Washington Homer Pace (Business) Medal: University School of Engineering Award: Madeline Varettoni Sheeba Paul Rensselaer (RPI) Medal: University of Rochester Melanie Boyle Xerox Award: Vanessa Tenazas St. Michael’s College Book Award: University of Rochester Briana Ciccarino George Eastman Young Leaders Award: U. Penn Exceptional Gabriella Appice Academics Book Award: Susan Piersa University of Rochester Bausch & Lomb Wellesley Book Award: Honorary Science Award: Julia Aversa Elissa Acevedo Wesleyan University Award: West Point Award: Jennifer Navatto Danielle Stratton Stonehill College Award: Melissa Lorello


Story by Melanie Boyle ’11 Thinking about my time spent in the Philippines always brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. From the moment we landed in Manila, I knew the weeks ahead would be incredible. As we met team members and saw more of the city and the mission site, it began to feel like home...a home that is over 8,000 miles away. The moment the mission really began for me was the first day of screening. It was everything I had imagined it to be. We handed out crayons to some of the patients and started taking pictures with them. I was amazed to see that they were just as excited to take pictures with us as we were to take pictures with them. One of the reporters wanted a picture of us with some of the kids and Jollibee, the Filipino version of Ronald McDonald. The photograph started off with just a few kids, but soon more came. Parents kept bringing their kids up to us, so they could be in the picture as well. As more kids came up to join the

group, the more excited they were to get their picture taken. That’s when it hit me – how often do they get a chance to do this? How often do people want to take pictures of these children and give them toys to play with? Some of the older patients walked around with scarves around their faces or tried to cover their mouths with their hands. After surgery, they would never have to do this again. They will go back to school, socialize with friends, and take advantage of the life they have been given. Soon after screening began, I learned that “Melanie” was a very popular name in the Philippines, so I instantly had dozens of new friends. Whenever I was walking around, I heard people start shouting “Melanie!” Sometimes they wanted new crayons or bubbles, but more often than not, they just wanted to say hi.

Later in the week, familiar faces would come up to us and say that their children had surgery. They were so happy, and their happiness was infectious. I was lucky enough to really get to know the kids during surgery week. Vinancio was one of the sweetest little boys I have ever met. He had a deep belly laugh for such a little guy. When he was waiting outside the operating room, he grabbed a couple of toy cars, and we just rolled them back and forth until it was time for him to go. I saw him the next day and was amazed by the transformation that had taken place. He can now live his life to the fullest. His life will never be the same, and by getting to know him, I feel like I have been given a sneak preview of the future joys in his life. My short time spent in the Philippines was the most inspiring experience of my life. The families I met have changed my life forever. Even though they were faced with great hardship, there was still so much joy and compassion in their lives. Like any parent, they all wanted the best for their children. But wanting the best for their child meant great sacrifice as well. We heard the story about a mother who was hesitant about taking her daughter to surgery because it would force her husband to stay home from work to watch her other children. If he stayed home from work, they would not be able to eat that day. So many other families are faced with similar situations, but by sending medical teams all over the world, we have eased some of their burdens. The families have all become a part of my life. I will always remember their contagious smiles and open hearts. After the 21-hour journey home, all I want to do is go back.

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Shalom Network

faculty & staff news

on the cover

the ssnd vision in action at holy angels

To act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with you, our God –Micah 6:8 Shalom, an international network

Ms. Pat Daly ’58 retires after 22 years as teacher of religious studies and mathematics as well as homeroom teacher. Maybe because she is an alumna and an Angel herself, she has embodied the Holy Angels’ spirit fully and given of herself without measure. Generations of students have been through her classroom, 216. Miss Jennifer Moran, Principal, states “I never feared entrusting freshmen to her care, knowing she grasped the Holy Angels’ way of formation. She helped so many young women become the people God was calling them to be. She was a master teacher who always ran a student centered classroom. In the technology revolution, she was determined not to be left behind, mastering the new learning management system and everything in between.” We are thrilled that we will see Pat often in the new school year as one of the Academy’s substitute teachers.

Mr. Buddy Ajalat has decided to retire after 12 years at Holy Angels. Buddy’s legacy includes the rebuilding of the choral program into a magnificent performing arts group; the redesign of graduation requirements to include two years of fine and performing arts; the strengthening of courses such as Humanities, Vocal Musicianship and Theater Arts; the introduction of two honor societies, Tri M and National Thespians, which put our artists on the same plane as other academic subjects; a delightful annual Talent Show and two superb concerts. It is, however, the intangibles which his students will recall forever. Buddy taught them the value of discipline, commitment and hard work. He instilled in them a love for the arts. In many cases, his Humanities course was the first exposure students had to the culture of the ages. He taught them to depend on one another and to respect the contribution of each person. His enthusiasm and interest in his work never flagged. He will be missed by all in the Holy Angels community, but most of all by his beloved Chorus which is his living masterpiece.

Please take time to view the latest Middle States update, by visiting middlestatesupdate

After serving as Director of Finance for the past 12 years, Sister Mary Lennon, SSND will be leaving Holy Angels to become the treasurer of the Atlantic-Midwest Province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Saying that we will miss her is an understatement of exponential proportions. The quality of her work is overshadowed by the beauty of her person. Everyone who knows her has been touched by her quiet, gentle and generous way of being. Regardless of the financial demands of the day, Sister Mary always takes the time to ask, “How are you?” and then stays to listen with an open mind and open heart. In the midst of serious decisions, she is a compass of wisdom pointing in the direction of justice and mercy. We thank her for giving of herself so freely and so well over this dozen of years and we ask God’s blessing for her as she continues to serve with love.

We also bid farewell to Erwin Lara, Mathematics teacher, and Kaitlyn Tremble, our Athletic Trainer.


formed by the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1992, assists its members to take actions which lead to reconciliation, solidarity with the oppressed, promotion of human dignity, and care of the Earth. At Holy Angels, the Shalom vision is consciously woven throughout numerous extracurricular activities as well as into the curriculum itself. These efforts include both outreach and changing social structures for justice and peace. The issues covered have focused on topics such as human trafficking, the environment, homelessness, hunger and global awareness. The AHA Shalom group has sponsored service trips to Honduras and New Orleans, giving students service opportunities and a chance to network with sisters and students of other SSND sponsored ministries. School-wide attention has been given to the six “actions for justice” that have been designated by Shalom, for our participation. Our peace pole on campus stands as a reminder of the Academy’s commitment to the call to solidarity in working toward peace, justice, and the integrity of creation. The Shalom efforts are coordinated by Campus Ministry in conjunction with the Mission Integration Coordinator and Religious Studies Department Chairperson.

International Day of Prayer for Peace

In September, the school community was invited to gather at our Peace Pole and sign the online We Must Disarm Declaration. Everyone received a prayer card with the Shalom peace prayer which the school community recited together. Students and faculty were invited to sign the International Day of Peace Pledge for Peace, making a commitment to being a peacemaker “Right Here, Right Now.”

Faculty were invited to find ways to incorporate the theme of the day into their classes. Many teachers began individual classes praying for peace. Several began classes with guided meditation, centering exercise for creating inner peace, or with a peace song. Teachers also used a variety of the suggested websites with students in class, or showed one of the suggested videos. Posters were hung in the hallways and classes wrote their own peace pledges.

Stand Up Against Poverty

In October, the AHA community joined with the School Sisters of Notre Dame, all of their institutions and people around the world to “Stand Up Against Poverty”. It is a way for us to take action in the struggle against poverty and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Last year, nearly 117 million people stood up to demand that world leaders keep their promises to end poverty and inequality. Holy Angels was invited to be in solidarity with those who struggle to fulfill their basic needs in three ways. First, students were asked to participate in the “Meat the Challenge” canned food collection. Then at lunchtime everyone was asked to stand and take a pledge to speak up and act for the basic human rights of all people, especially those who struggle for the basic necessities. After the pledge all were invited to sign a petition to their state senators about a bill that would update the way the U.S. determines and gives foreign aid with more effectiveness and that would reach those who most needed the help.


Int’l Woman’s Day

These events were not restricted to one day, but as a celebration during the entire month of March. Teachers used the following ways to incorporate activities as a celebration of women into their classrooms: a prayer was read for the beginning of Women’s History Month as the morning prayer for the whole school community; the History Society prepared a daily quiz on women in history; in Campus Ministry, our Junior Retreat focused on Leadership skills through the lens of SSNDs, particularly as seen in the life of Mother Caroline. Through skits presented on the life of Mother Caroline, witness talks by students, and small group sharing, students came away with a greater appreciation of Mother Caroline as a woman who made a difference through her faith, courage and leadership, as well as an affirmation of their own gifts for leadership as young women who carry her spirit. Prayers were said during Human Rights Day in December, Global Action Week in April and World Environment Day in June. To honor Human Rights Day, Just Angels sold Fair Trade Chocolate during lunch periods and students were asked to write postcards for Amnesty International.

faculty corner



tudents in world language classes don’t need a passport to explore the different cultures of the world – the AHA World Languages Department seeks to create an environment in which the students are motivated to learn, and one in which they are challenged to improve language fluency as citizens of the world. The Department Chairperson and French instructor Dr. Samira Mady says, “I believe the Middle States objective, set in 2006 to improve oral communicative skills, made a difference in the way our students perceived learning and acquiring a language. They are more aware of developing their speaking skills, instead of memorizing grammar rules and words out of context.” Employing the recommendations from last year’s course evaluations, instructors have integrated a speaking component to every lesson. For example, students write and read aloud accounts from their daily journals. Grammar exercises are spoken aloud and scored for oral fluency as well as correctness. Oral communicative skills now account for 25% of the quarter average. S. Carole Tabano, SSND shares,“This year has been very special, as I witnessed so much growth with my students in Spanish IV-Honors, High Honors and AP. They lost some of the fear of speaking another language and took risks to communicate even when it was not perfect.”

a second language beginning at the sophomore level. Because many students enter AHA at different levels of familiarity with the languages offered, accelerated studies are possible. The curriculum’s integration of the New Jersey standards, the offering of National Language exams in all languages, and the Advanced Placement program allow faculty and students to measure success and program development on a national level.


Current offerings are in the romance languages: French, Italian and Spanish, with the possibility of German if there is an interest. The classical Latin is also offered, and instructor Robert Kopil says, “If you understand Latin you can very easily learn French, Italian, German, Russian, Romanian, Spanish – any European language. Latin has given me the ability to speak all of these languages. It will give my students the basis to do the same.” The World Language Department requires that students study the same language for three years with an additional elective year, and the possibility of pursuing


The use of the digital language lab enables group interaction as well as individualized student responses which are all monitored by the teacher. During the 2009-2010 year, there was a five percentage point increase in the number of students eligible for enrollment in AP courses in French, Latin and Spanish. Sadly, the AP Board decided to cancel the Italian AP Program. However, undeterred, AHA now offers students college credit through the Fairleigh Dickinson Middle College Program. Italian instructor Linda Tuttle says, “This course is conducted entirely in Italian and therefore exceeds the recent American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages recommendation of


using the target language 90% of the time in the classroom. The students learn to speak by speaking.” The academic excellence of the students is greatly promoted, recognized and rewarded at the local and national levels by different language associations and organizations, such as National Honor Societies for the various languages and professional associations for language teachers. S. Carole explains, “we reap the fruit of our efforts when graduates return to tell us how well prepared they feel on the college level. It thrills me to hear how many are studying Spanish as a minor to meet the challenges of today’s world.” Multicultural awareness and service learning opportunities are also emphasized through trips to Europe and activities and events organized by different clubs, whose goals are not only to learn more about cultural diversity, but also to reach out to the world through charitable actions. Summer trips to France, Spain, Italy and Greece are both enriching and popular. This year, the French Fête highlighted the cultural diversity of different French speaking countries from North Africa and the Middle East with good food and folk dancing. The “French Connection AHA-ASB Help a Child Project”, which started in 2001, continues to help the Association Saint Basile raise educational financial aid for underprivileged children in Lebanon. Celebramos La Vida was a huge success as a community builder and fundraiser. This year’s event raised $6,000 for Honduras, all while students enjoyed the event – laughing, singing, dancing and eating! The Italian Carnavale and the Spanish Tertulia are other cultural events in which the students enjoy themselves while reaching out to the world through charitable actions.

Prom Dress Drive AHA held a prom dress collection to benefit the young women at King Prep School in Newark, NJ. This is a newly formed school dedicated to helping youth who are economically disadvantaged. They will be graduating their first senior class next spring and wanted to begin preparations by collecting prom dresses, shoes and accessories. A special thank you to Marijean O’Donnell, mother of Megan O’Donnell ’13, who coordinated the efforts. Current students as well as alumnae participated – and collected over sixty prom dresses!

Eucharistic Ministers This year’s Eucharistic Minister training was led by Mrs. Kathy Sylvester and S. Peggy McGaffney, SSND. Many girls apply yearly for the 20 Eucharistic Minister positions. Those chosen spent their first few hours of summer vacation in retreat and training to prepare for this ministry. The picture above shows the girls making bread as part of the process.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Halos for Haiti campaign!

Easter Liturgy | Grandparents’ Day Annually, grandparents or those in the lives of students that act as grandparents are invited to attend the Easter Liturgy and classes. During the Easter Liturgy, the AHA community raised their hands in blessing over all the grandparents present. We had a record number of over 200 grandparents in attendance this year. Rev. Robert G. Laferrera from St. Mary’s Dumont was the presider.

Dr. Mady summarizes, “The World Languages Department offers, and the students deliver. They are learning and sharing their gifts with others. That is what education is all about!”


Arts Hall of Fame Gloria Monty O’Byrne

’38 used her experiences under the dome in Fort Lee as a springboard to her future successes. She was involved in the drama club, the Gay Pretenders, all four years and was named president in her senior year. Gloria also sang with the Glee Club. A classmate remarked in the 1937 edition of Echoes, “How many classes have been brightened by the Photo courtesy of Monmouth University spontaneous wit of Gloria Montemuro.” Gloria was just 16 when she graduated from Holy Angels. She went on to pursue a degree at the University of Iowa. She received a Master’s degree in drama from Columbia University. In 1952, Gloria married Robert O’Byrne and the two opened their own acting company in New York City. Gloria worked as a producer/director of Broadway, Off-Broadway and Summer Stock productions. In 1950, she was hired as an Associate Director for the CBS soap The First Hundred Years. A year later, she became the first woman to ever be hired as a Director of TV daytime drama for Love of Life. She went on to direct both CBS’ Secret Storm and NBC’s Bright Promise. In 1978, Gloria took the reigns as Executive Producer of the daytime drama General Hospital, which at the time was 4 weeks away from cancellation. In addition to Executive Producer she also directed and wrote storylines which took the soap from the ratings’ basement to the number one spot, where it would remain for the next 7 years, and resulted in an estimated $100 million for the network. In 1981, General Hospital had the highest ratings in daytime history (30 million viewers) with the wedding of Luke & Laura. When asked to reflect on her career, Gloria said, “I think my best talent was directing. I’m basically a director; that’s what made it for me at General Hospital.” In 1987 Gloria left General Hospital and began work in film and TV movies. Gloria won two Emmys when General Hospital was named Outstanding Drama Series in 1981 and 1984. She was named by People magazine as one of the 50 Most Interesting People in the World and was the inspiration for the soap producer character in the film Tootsie. In 1997, Gloria was named chairperson of the NJ Film Commission, and in 1998 was inducted into the Soap Opera Hall of Fame. On March 30, 2006 Gloria passed away after a valiant fight with cancer. She is remembered by the actors she cast during her tenure. John Stamos (GH’s Blackie) recalls, “She really changed the face of soap operas. She would block a scene and she would always want

Gloria Monty O’Byrne ’38 and Norma Monty ’42

movement. We would start a scene standing and she’d say, ‘Why don’t you blast out of the door?’ I think she introduced fast pacing to daytime.” Tony Geary (GH’s Luke) was quoted as saying, “It is difficult to express what Gloria meant to me. She was the guardian angel of my career. She taught me to believe in myself as an actor in a profound way. She literally handed me a lifetime of work in the form of one character.”

During her years at AHA, Norma Monty ’42 rounded out her

education with a wide variety of activities. She also served as president of the Gay Pretenders in her senior year, after four years of participation. She began her acting career in sophomore year with a role in The Rise of Silas Lapham, and by junior year had the role of Rip himself in the drama Rip Van Winkle. Norma acted in two dramas her senior year with roles in Quality Street and The Taming of the Shrew. She also produced and directed a series of skits that were performed for the student body. She was a member of the Glee Club for four years. Her involvement on campus however was not restricted to the arts. She was on the staff of Echoes 1942. She was the secretary of Le Cercle Francais (French Club). She joined the Athletic Association, Sodality, Camera Club, Chemistry Club and was on the Executive Board of the School Spirit Organization.

Norma pursued her Bachelor’s degree at the College of St. Elizabeth and received a Master’s with honors from Columbia University. She completed 75 Doctoral credits at New York University in TV and Film Drama. Norma also attained Doctoral credits for Curriculum Development & Supervision at both Columbia University and Rutgers University. Norma’s path to success began in New York City when she became a copy editor at Denhard, Pfeiffer and Wells. She then became a teacher of English on the high school level and was the English Department chairperson at Middletown HS in NJ for 19 years. During her tenure, the school opened its first TV studio, implemented a film production course, integrated the Humanities course with English, and introduced Creative Writing and Journalism. She published her curriculum initiatives in the English Journal. Norma then moved on to Edison Twp School district where she wrote and guided curriculum development for grades 7-12 and was responsible for the supervision of 150 teachers in six secondary schools. After resigning from a very successful career in education, Norma joined her sister Gloria in California on the set of General Hospital as a writer. She would eventually become the Head Writer for the hit daytime series where she remained for ten years. Norma also served as Assistant Producer as well as Associate Producer. The writing team was recognized with three Emmy nominations for writing. Norma and Gloria together created the characters Luke & Laura and Anna & Duke that kept viewers captivated and coming back for more every afternoon. Norma especially remembers the day that John Stamos came in for a casting call. She saw real potential and convinced them to cast him as Blackie. Norma is so proud of that moment and how that one decision catapulted him to success.

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alumnae association president


nother school year has been completed, and 125 more Angels have graduated. Please join me in welcoming the Class of 2010 to the ranks of AHA alumnae. We just keep getting bigger and better every year! Alumnae weekend 2010 is set for October 22nd and 23rd. Be sure to mark your calendar and plan on attending. Please see the ad in this issue for further details. These events are open to all alumnae, not just the classes ending in 5 and 0, so I hope to see you there! This year we have continued the newly begun tradition of honoring several alumnae at both the Athletic Hall of Fame (Sr. Carole Tabano ’59, and Patty Powers ’77), as well as the Arts Hall of Fame (Gloria Monty O’Byrne ’38, and Norma Monty ’42). These graduates are all well-deserving recipients and are worthy of being emulated by current and future students. Both of these events proved to be extremely enjoyable, and enabled some of our alumnae to connect with our current Angels. Don’t hesitate to nominate other Angel athletes and artists. Nominations for the upcoming Athletic Hall of Fame are due September 1st. I also want to thank those of you who contributed to the AHA Community Cookbook. They are available for purchase, so be sure to get yours. They make a nice addition to anyone’s kitchen – Angel or not. Enjoy the rest of summer, and I truly hope to see many of you at Alumnae Weekend in October! Sincerely, Patti McGovern Hill ’78



to give it a try! Maribeth Kingscote Scott ’55 and Anne Brady Arden ’55 celebrated their birthdays during Anne’s visit to Maribeth’s home in Sarasota, FL. Anne is a former resident of Florida and now lives in Oregon.


Grace Gallagher Murphy ’60 is now a grandmother of three: Timothy Jake (6), Emory Grace (3) and Caroline Quinn (3 weeks old). She is still working full-time and happy that she can. She loves travel and says she needs more time in each day.

’61 Maribeth Kingscote Scott ’55 & Anne Brady Arden ’55


Clementine Marnell Delaney ’55 shares that she has six children, 17 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She continues to work as a realtor while recently completing her 200-hour Teacher Training Certificate in Yoga. She is now teaching five classes a week. She says that she loves every minute of it and that she would encourage others

S. Joan Magnetti ’61 completed her role as Head Mistress in June 2009 and has since moved with other RSCJ to Bedford. In July 2010, Joan will become the Executive Director of Inner City Schools for the Diocese of Bridgeport.


For the fourth year in a row, Louise Gunderson ’64 has been recognized by Barron’s as one of the Top 100 Women Financial Advisors in the country, ranking number 19 overall and the top female at Merrill Lynch in New York.


Kathleen Murphy-Kadlac ’64 has made the permanent move to Chattanooga, TN with her husband and her 88 year old dad. They are anxious for three of their four children and five grandkids to visit them this summer. Kathy’s youngest son is celebrating his 11th year as Chief Steward onboard the Military Transport Ship Cape Jacob and enjoying his life in Saipan as part-owner of Godfather’s Bar.


Donna Pucciani ’66 has a fourth book of poetry scheduled for publication in 2011, entitled To Sip Darjeeling at Dawn. Recently, she has been the featured poet in the journal Italian Americana, has been nominated a third time for the Pushcart Prize, and has published poetry in the US, UK, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Australia. She is active in the Chicago area poetry scene as a workshop leader, contest judge, reader and Vice President of the Poets’ Club of Chicago.

Nominations for the Athletic Hall of Fame are due by September 1, 2010.Visit our website for more info: www.


S W E N Chelsea Schwerzler ’10 and her mom, AHA faculty member Sheila Wroblewski ’79


Jan Zaugg Santa ’67 and husband Fred welcomed twin grandchildren Drew Thomas and Camryn Rose on June 28, 2009. The twins are the children of Jan and Fred’s eldest son Brian and his wife Christine who also have a daughter Ava (3). Brian is a Connecticut State Trooper. Jan’s younger son Travis works in marketing research. Both sons served in the military and were deployed to Afghanistan. Thankfully they have completed their military commitment. Jan is working as a respiratory therapist for Genesis Healthcare in the nursing home environment.


Jo-Ellen Smith Greene ’68 and her husband continue to reintroduce a rare breed of cattle back to the Northeast. They are on their 6th year and their calves are now throughout NY, PA and MA. They are doing their small part to ensure genetic diversity of the food supply. Jo-Ellen says, “Little did I know growing up 10 minutes from the George Washington Bridge in Leonia, I would end up a farmer! Holy Angels, then the Navy for 22 years and now this – I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”


Reena Raggi Denton ’69 continues to serve as a U.S. Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circiut in New York. She lost husband David Denton to brain cancer a few years ago. Her son, David Denton, Jr. is about to start his third year in law school at Harvard. Janet Salvatori ’69 writes, “my mother Marie Salvatori and my husband Robert Kershaw are deceased. I am living in Vermont totally involved in animal care and nature and thankful to God everyday for everything in my life.”


Donna Mackin D’Alonsio ’70 is still working as a school administrator at Youth Consultation Services. Her son Matt is married and her daughter Megan is in school.




Katherine Dillon ’85 was married on July 31, 2010 to Andrew Jones in Edinburgh, Scotland.


Judy Cosy Mankowski ’86 welcomed David Krzyzstof Mankowski to her family at 11:17am on May 2, 2010. He joins big sisters Gabriella, Caitlin and Bridget, and big brothers Sean and Benjamin.

Jeanine Careri Jackson ’72 recently had a special exhibition of portrait samples from private collections as well as landscapes in New Canaan, CT. “Every day, natural poses often offer the most memorable subjects,” states Jeanine, who is rarely without her camera and sketchbook to capture such The Swinger: Portrait of Eric Z. moments. Founder (c) Jeanine C. Jackson 2010 and President Emerita of the Connecticut Society of Portrait Artists, she is also on the Board of Directors of the Greenwich Arts Council and is the CT Ambassador for The Portrait Society of America. Jeanine recently completed a portrait of CT Lt. Governor and gubernatorial candidate, Michael Fedele as well as a series of America’s Cup Yachts. For more information visit her website:


Class of 1985 GIRLS NIGHT OUT April 2010 • Granita Grill • Westwood, NJ

Kathleen Devine Gelso ’77 has been married to Charles Gelso for 26 years and has three children: ages 22, 20 & 14. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Nursing at Misericordia University. Tricia Dolan Wellenbach ’77 writes, “I live in Bryn Mawr, PA with my husband Andy and my two sons: Matthew, a PH candidate at Brown, and Jeffrey, a sophomore at Bucknell. I have my own management consulting company focused on healthcare and non-profits.”


Kathleen Browning ’88 and husband Matt Dvorak renewed their vows with Monsignor Martin McDonnell at St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church in Hawthorne NJ. Their daughter, Catherine (12), was junior bridesmaid, and their son, Thomas (5) was ring bearer (a job which he took very seriously).

David Krzyzstof Mankowsk


Standing L to R: Karen Bradler LoSchiavo, Adele Seco Boras, Karen Entricken Vardaro, Teresa Alasio, Dawn Moore & Olenka Wos Kimball. Seated L to R: Annette Cantarella, Pam Gallagher, Sharon Hornlein, Cathy Balchunas Mascis, Michele Tracy, Pam Donnelly & Rose Mary Claudio McCotter.


Dana Dorgan McCarren ’89 and husband Mark are happy to announce the birth of their son, Connor Reilly, on April 20, 2010. He joins older sister Keira Danielle (3). The family currently resides in Ridgewood, NJ.


Anne Ottomanelli Noble ’93 and her husband James welcomed their fourth child, Beatrice Elizabeth Noble on October 29, 2009. Older sister Josie (6) was especially happy to have a baby sister join the family. Older brothers Sonny (3) and Benny (2) loved the combined visiting/trick-or-treating at the hospital. Beatrice’s early arrival came the day after the family moved from Bogota to Demarest. They are all happily adjusting to their new home and town, and absolutely love it there! Erika Ryan Oelkers ’93 and husband Tom welcomed their second daughter Juliet Ryan on January 6, 2010. Juliet joins big sister Camryn (4). Erika and Tom will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary in October. She is working at HSBC as a Private Banker in their Manhattan office.

Connor & Keira McCarren


Keri Vecchione Cogdill ’94 and her husband have been married since 2003 and just welcomed their second child, Aiden Joseph on May 15, 2010. He joins his older brother, Reilly Joshua (3). Kerri is currently the Human Resources Director at Sesame Workshop and her husband, Joshua, is the Vice Principal at Randolph Twp High School. Alessandra Gregory ’94 married Patrick Barrett on September 12, 2009 at People’s State Forest in Barkhamsted, CT. Angels in attendance were sister/maid-of-honor Siobhan Gregory ’96, cousin Christina Stoddart Stile ’66, and Jennifer Credidio ’94, Kara Della Torre Barone ’94, Kristen Coviello LaGrange ’94 and Keri Vecchione Cogdill ’94. Janice Kelly Savage ’94 missed the event for the best reason - the birth of her beautiful daughter Norah Kelly Savage!


Beatrice Elizabeth No


Aiden & Reilly Cogdill




Suzette DelGuidice-Garcia ’95 and husband, Pablo, welcomed their second son Andrés Alessandro on November 23, 2009. He joins big brother Max (2). They live in Old Tappan, NJ and Suzette still practices as a CPA at a hedge fund in Manhattan and Pablo as a CPA at his own accounting firm. Suzette also owns a custom invitation design studio, Couture Paper Designs. Her work was recently featured in In Touch Weekly and Star magazines. Meredith Forster ’95 received her Master of Education degree in Arts in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Meredith has been the Education Program Manager at the Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture since 2004. Beth Getlik ’95 was featured on as a Bergen County teacher making a difference. She is currently working at Waldwick HS as a teacher of Vocal Music and Drama coach. Beth encourages her students to outreach to the community by inviting senior citizens to productions and also providing music for their events. She also works with other departments and chooses music that reflects what is being taught so that students get a full experience of different cultures. Gisèle Daigneault Manole ’95 and husband Frank (Don Bosco ’94) welcomed Charles Leo “Charlie” Manole on September 24, 2009. Noelle Daigneault ’93 is Charlie’s godmother. Maura Glavey Monohan ’95 and her husband welcomed a baby boy on March 9, 2010, Brennan Dennis Monohan.


Michelle Holme ’96 was recently able to see two of the guitars she painted for Bruce Springsteen on display at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They are part of the Springsteen special exhibit, From Asbury Park to the Promised Land: The Life and Music of Bruce Springsteen. Michelle Press Tzoulafis ’96 and her husband Achilles welcomed daughter Zoe on April 8, 2010.

Elijah Jaz-Lynde

Andrés Garcia

Charlie Manole

Christina Jocher ’97 was married to Jason Aiello on May 30, 2010 at Saint Joseph’s Church in Demarest. The reception was held at The Manor in West Orange, NJ. Christina is employed with Lord Abbett in Jersey City and Jason is employed at Stone & Youngberg, LLC in NYC. The couple currently resides in Fort Lee. Members of the bridal party and guests include Holy Angels alumnae Aline Tabibian ’97, Nicole ImbrialeYampolsky ’97, Christina Jocher ’97, Samantha Pahlck Ricart ’96 and Vanessa Arteaga Rissetto ’96.

William Lothian

Christina Jocher & Angel friends


Melinda Jaz ’97 and her husband Matt are the overjoyed parents of their first son Elijah Gray Jaz-Lynde who was born on August 14, 2009. Now nearly 10 months old, sweet Elijah is the love of their lives. Lisa Russo Lothian ’97 and her husband Josh welcomed their first baby, William Leonardo, to the world on February 3, 2010. He is a happy, healthy active baby boy. The family lives on Nantucket Island, MA and work in a family business, Killen Real Estate.

Brennan Monohan


Linda Schleicher-Dilks ’98 just bought a house with her partner, George, in New Orleans. The photo at left was taken during the Mardi Gras festivities.

On April 10, 2010, after climbing through the darkness of night, Jay Breslin, along with his daughters, Colleen ’96, Rory ’97 and Molly ’99, reached the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. The trip was definitely a family bonding experience. They were then detained for almost a week in various African airports on return because of the volcano in Iceland. L to R: Colleen ’96, Jay, Rory ’97 & Molly ’99 Zoe Tzoulafis


Nikko Yampolsky

Nicole Imbriale-Yampolsky ’97 and her husband Ilya were overjoyed at the birth of their baby boy Nikko Santino on September 8, 2009. They currently live in River Vale and are treasuring every moment with their little angel.

Linda Schleicher-Dilks and George



Dana Assile ’99 married Robert Hanna, Jr. on October 3, 2009. A big thank you to Julie Clifford Murray ’99 for introducing them to each other! Angels in attendance were matron of honor Robyn Assile Ziemba ’96, Lisa Gonzalez Anselmo ’99, Juliana Barno ’99, Dolores DiBella ’99, Laura Ganley ’99, Melissa Garville ’99, Christin Hartwig ’99, Margaux Peña Hufnagel ’99, Johanna Morrison ’99, Julie Clifford Murray ’99, Marianne Rausch ’99, Vanessa Arteaga Rissetto ’96 and Ann Marie Madigan Rybak ’99. Hilary Forster ’99 received her Master of Public Policy degree from the Georgetown Public Policy Institute in May 2010. Hilary, who also earned her undergraduate degree (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) at Georgetown, has been selected as a Presidential Management Fellow and has accepted an appointment at the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, DC. Hilary currently resides in Alexandria, Virginia, with her sister Meredith ’95. Ann Marie Madigan ’99 and Stephen Rybak were married on October 31, 2009 at Tappan Hill in Tarrytown NY. Laurie Madigan ’01 was maid of honor. Angels in attendance included Dolores DiBella ’99, Mary Turk ’99, Julie Barno ’99, Christin Hartwig ’99, Margaux Peña Hufnagel ’99, Christina DiBella ’01, Marielle DiBella ’04, Julie Clifford ’99, Melissa Garville ’99, Marianne Rausch ’99, Johanna Morrison ’99 and Dana Assile Hanna ’99. Ann and Steve currently live in New York City with their French bulldog, Rooney.




Diane Oakley ’71 delivered the commencement address to the Class of 2010


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Ciara Agresti ’00 graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology in May 2004, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Biology. She was then awarded an academic assistantship to conduct her thesis research for a Master’s of Science in Chemical Biology, which she received in May 2006. Currently, she is a Research Scientist at Merck & Co., and is applying to several Ph.D. programs to continue her research efforts in the field of Microbiology. Jessica DeSanta ’00 has recently been awarded a full scholarship covering all tuition, living expenses and fees to pursue Ph.D. studies in English at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Since graduation from AHA, Jessica graduated cum laude from Connecticut College with a double major in English/Music, received an English Master’s with honors from St. Andrews, and has worked as an editor in the publishing world, as a market representative for the Steinway piano corporation, and most recently as a teacher of English at IHA. Jade Post Green ’00 and her husband eR Chris welcomed a baby ose Gre girl, Charlee Rose, on May en 9, 2010. Charlee’s aunts Remy McBain ’09 and Brittney couldn’t be

happier. Jade and Chris currently reside in Mt. Holly, NJ. Beth Timpone ’00 will wed Anthony Manzella on July 22, 2011. Beth graduated from The College of New Jersey in 2004 and then received her Master’s in Science and Technology from Ramapo College. She currently teaches Technology Education in the Pascack Valley Regional High School District. Anthony is a 1999 graduate from Jefferson High School and a 2005 graduate of William Paterson University. He received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from UMDNJ in 2009. He currently works as a physical therapist in Bergen County, NJ.


Magen Coleman ’02 received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Chemistry from the University of Missouri in May 2010. Magen’s doctoral dissertation is titled Radioanalytical Multi-elemental Analysis: New Methodology and Archaeometric Applications. Magen recently began a two year post-doctoral research fellowship at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Jeanine Dargis ’02 spent last winter working on farms in Chile, and starting this September will be working as a full-time cheese making apprentice at Surfing Goat Dairy in Kula, Hawaii. In the meantime she will be tending to her organic garden in Northampton, MA. Meghen DeSanta ’02 has just completed the first year of a twoyear Master’s degree in Medical Anthropology at Boston University. Since graduation from AHA, Meghen graduated summa cum laude from Connecticut College with a double major in Anthropology and Human Development and has been a parent-coordinator for the non-profit agency Adoptions With Love in Newton, MA for three years. Meghen will conduct independent research this summer in infertility studies.



Erin Musich ’03 is currently a fifth grade teacher at the Maywood Avenue School in Maywood. She was featured in an article in the Community News for her use of blogging in the curriculum. She used this technology to encourage her students to express themselves and improve their writing skills. Jena Tiernan ’03 graduated from Columbia Law School on May 14, 2010 as a James Kent Scholar and Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. She will be working at the Kings County District Attorney’s Office this fall.


Elizabeth Grefrath ’04 is engaged to Joshua Sessions. She is a 2008 graduate of Columbia University. Her sister, Victoria Grefrath ’07, will be the maid of honor, and Jana Sico ’04 will serve as a bridesmaid. Elizabeth has worked at the Columbia University Oral History Research Office in various roles since 2004. She now directs the Rule of Law Oral History Project, which focuses on civil and human rights abuses in the post-9/11 United States and the history of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. She also has also worked for the Alliance for the Arts, the International Rescue Committee, the Network for Peace through Dialogue, and The Public Theater. Joshua writes under his pen name, Joshua Furst, and his works of fiction include the acclaimed novel The Sabotage Café. He teaches writing at Columbia University and The New School for Social Research. The couple will wed in October 2010 in NYC.

Leslie Price ’04 was recently promoted to the Manager of Annual and Planned Giving within the Development Department of Continuum Health Partners, a nonprofit hospital system in New York City that comprises five historically distinguished hospitals. Leslie was originally hired as their Coordinator of Major Gifts after graduating from the University of Delaware in 2008. In May 2010, Leslie received her Certificate in Fundraising from New York University.


Brooke Lonegan ’05 has been working for the past year in Florence, Italy with Fairfield University’s study abroad program in Florence as Program Assistant, overseeing over 300 study abroad students to date. She began her work in 2009 and will remain until August 2010. Pictured below is Brooke (R) and her sister Katie ’02 in front of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence.


Jennifer Santana ’06 just graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physician Assistant Studies from Wagner College. She is currently working on a dual Master’s degree in Science and Physician Assistant Studies at Wagner College.

got news? Send your news and photos for the next issue of Tidings to Dorrie Voulgaris at by October 1st, 2010!

Angel tv star!


As a freelance graphic designer, Juliana Frankovich ’07 was a featured on this season of NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice for the second year in a row. Juliana designed directly with both the men’s and women’s teams on two of the show’s challenges in which the celebrities work to win money for their individually selected charities. Juliana was seen on-screen in the Harry Potter episode working with the women’s team alongside Sharon Osbourne, Summer Sanders and Cindy Lauper.

Angel Network The Angel Network is a sub-committee of the Alumnae Association and is open to all AHA alumnae. The group focuses on networking events, professional development and will most importantly provide mentoring and internship opportunities for current or recently graduated Angels. And the best part is that your involvement can be as small or as big as you choose – you can either be here in the New Jersey area or as far away as California!

Karina Villanueva ’05 will be pursuing a Master’s of Public Health degree program at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health this fall. She graduated from New York University in May 2009.

Meghan Mullooly ’05 was the speaker at the World Language Honor Societies Induction Ceremony. She is pictured above with her mom, AHA faculty member Jean Benzenberg Mullooly ’83 and S. Virginia.


Catherine Perna ’05 addressed the inductees to the National Honor Society at the evening ceremony. She is pictured above with NHS President Caitlin Gallagher ’10 and S. Virginia.


Merz Scholarships The Ellen and Ralph Merz Scholarship Program annually awards scholarships to graduates of Holy Angels. The scholarship covers partial tuition for one year in an undergraduate or graduate program, provided a minimum 3.0 average in studies is maintained. Ellen Merz, an educator, raised as a ward of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the Academy of the Holy Angels in Fort Lee, endowed a scholarship fund in 1984 to be used by graduates of the Academy. All graduates who are currently enrolled in a college or university or graduates who are planning to return to formal study in the next school year are eligible.

We are proud to announce the 2010 Merz Scholarship Recipients: Mary Abraham ’04 graduated from Union College in 2008 with a BS in Biology and Sociology and at the same time, also received her MBA in Health Administration from the Union Graduate College of Union University. She is currently at Albany Medical College and plans to graduate in May 2012 with an MD. She has been active in Albany Medical College’s Operation Smile chapter by serving as Secretary and helping to raise money for a mission that was held in Guatemala. Mary has also served as the President of the American Medical Student Association chapter at Albany Medical College and has been involved in a wide variety of volunteer activities helping those with disabilities lead a more active lifestyle. “If I did not have the courage to believe in myself, to this extent I thank Holy Angels and the education I received which ultimately empowered me to be a service-leader. Holy Angels’ education lies at the cornerstone of my strength, to which I continue to aspire and make broad changes in the current healthcare landscape and blaze a new trail.” Katherine Romano Hillman ’73 graduated from Bergen Community College in December 2008 with an Associate’s degree in Nursing and is currently enrolled in the RN to BSN program at Ramapo College. She has been a volunteer during the past two summers at the Mother/Baby unit at Valley Hospital in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit, assisting nurses and transporting patients. Kathy has been a vital member of the AHA College Counseling Office since 1999 as the Office Administrative Assistant. “AHA has been there to support me in many ways since graduation in 1973. When I needed to find a direction for myself to fulfill my dreams AHA provided me with the strength and determination to succeed. Without my ties to AHA I would not have been able to accomplish what I have done to date and what I intend to do with my future.” Mairead Fisher ’04 graduated from Syracuse University in 2008 with a BS in Retail Management and Consumer Studies and a minor in Marketing. She spent her junior year studying at Syracuse’s campus in Madrid, Spain. She began her career in the fashion industry in NYC but found that her true calling was to be a teacher. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree at City College of New York in Childhood Special Education. She has been working at The Children’s Institute as a one-to-one aide for an autistic student and has also been the Assistant Dance Coach for the Don Bosco Pom Squad. “One of the greatest lessons I learned at Holy Angels ws the development of a belief system comprised of dignity, courage and a commitment to strive to help others. I am hoping to teach my students how to achieve their goals and recognize their desired paths as Holy Angels has done for me.” Erin Mack ’08 is currently attending Villanova University, majoring in Political Science and pursuing a certificate in International Relations, all while undertaking a full course load of pre-med classes. She is enrolled in the Honors Program and her plans include medical school and then actively pursuing a career in International Health. Erin was active at AHA and continues to do the same on the college level – Villanova Model UN, Varsity Rowing Team and Volunteer EMT. Erin has also been an campaign intern for Senate candidate Joe Sestak. “Both Holy Angels and my family instilled in me a value for service, to both community and country. This value is interwoven into the very fabric of my life. The path I am following is a unique combination of interests that I first discovered at Holy Angels and which I continue to build upon at Villanova every day. A path that is as unique for me as I am to the world.” Ellen Cooke Porcelli ’67 is currently pursuing a BA in Special Education at Western Governor’s University and anticipates completing her degree in May 2011. She has had an amazing journey since AHA graduation in 1967. She has worked as fashion buyer, environmental planner and is now a paraprofessional at Elkton High School working with special needs students. Ellen has also volunteered in her parish as a catechist and as the Religious Education Coordinator. “Holy Angels has given me a lifelong love of learning and an insatiable curiosity about how the world works. The example set by my teachers, most memorably S. Concepta, S. Norice, S. Evelyn, S. Noreen and dear S. Paul, also taught me the joy of sharing knowledge. ‘And he (she) would gladly learn and gladly teach’ not only has guided my life, but was an invaluable lesson learned, where else, in S. Evelyn’s British Literature class.”


Jennifer Shukaitis ’96 graduated cum laude with a BA in Spanish Language and Literature from Columbia University in 2004. Immediately after graduation, she went on to complete an immersion program in Spanish at the Don Quijote Language Institute in Guanajuato, Mexico. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Health from New York University with an anticipated May 2011 graduation. Jennifer has been working for the NJ Community Development Corporation in Paterson where she is Program Director of Housing First Initiatives. Her work entails managing the daily activities of an apartment building for homeless and mentally ill adults. She is also responsible for identifying individuals in need of housing and securing grants to enable the continuation of services for the residents. She has also worked with Homestudies and Adoption Placement Services as an Assistant Program Coordinator, as well as Americorps National Civilian Community Corps as a member and team leader. “Although I have been fortunate to be in a position to help people, these experiences have also allowed me to see what far-reaching problems still exist. I hope to work to improve health care policy for vunerable populations so that they might improve their chances of living a healthy, fulfilling life. Attaining my Master’s degree will be a superb first step in applying my passions and experience towards a career in public health that I find timely and of utmost importance.” Cristin Colella Toscano ’90 began working at Holy Name Hospital while studying at Rutgers as Admissions Registrar and then Staffing Coordinator. She graduated from Rutger’s University in 1994 with a Bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in History. She then began her career at Bayada Nurses working her way up from Client Services Manager, to Director to now Division Director. She is now pursuing a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration from Seton Hall University and anticipates graduating in February 2012. Cristin has been actively involved in the St. Francis of Assisi Home School Association in Haskell, NJ where she has volunteered for fundraising efforts for the last 14 years. She also chaired the car raffle which raised nearly $10,000 for the school and children. She also volunteers at the Westchester ALS walk. “My years at Holy Angels instilled the values, ethics and compassion needed to succeed in my career. Every day I am challenged to work with a spirit of universal faith, hope and love as we care for patients which can be challenging and rewarding at the same time. The rigorous curriculum, encouragement to be involved in the community and the balance of academics and activities that I received at Holy Angels provided me with a foundation needed to begin my career.” Mary Zenorini ’69 graduated in 2008 from Marylhurst University with a Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Gerontology, Psychology & Communications) – “Dying Well: Life’s Final Journey.” This was after many years with a successful career in business and then as caretaker of her aging parents. Mary was inspired to study gerontology because of her parents; being with them during their final years was a profound and moving experience. Mary is now pursuing a Master’s degree in Social Work from Portland State University and anticipates a June 2011 graduation. She has also volunteered at the Hospice of the Gorge since 2005 and has given numerous presentations educating the public and professionals about Alzheimer’s disease. She was employed by the Oregon Health Sciences University in the Layton Aging and Alzheimer’s Research Center where she helped create educational materials and general administrative support. Mary was recognized in 2009 by the United Way as Volunteer of the Year for her work at the hospice and received the Kawase Scholarship which enabled her to travel to Nicaragua as part of the Portland State University’s program that offers services to the elderly in semi-rural locations. “I am very grateful for the academic instruction and the moral and social training that I received at Holy Angels. I particularly value: the English classes with S. Norice and S. Jeremiah where there was an emphasis on writing and grammar; S. Louis Bertrand’s library science class; S. Concepta for my appreciation and abilities in Spanish; the academic discipline instilled by all of my instructors and the general inquisitive inquiry for learning. Without this high standard of academic preparation, I don’t believe that I could have achieved as much in my life as I have.”


How do I apply? • Download an application at merzscholar and submit it by March 4, 2011. • Outline your goals. Please explain how your college study will guide your future. Please also indicate any influence AHA had in directing you toward this goal. Include any service performed in your community and/or church, as well as relevant job experiences you might have had within the past five years. • Submit three written references (must be academic/professional in nature). • Attach a copy of your resumé. • Include the most recent Federal Income Tax Return that you have filed (if you are a dependent, you must include your parents’ return).

Lights, Camera, Action! The Making of our New Commercial

special alumnae events She was employed by the State of Massachusetts as a Social Worker, living in Boston for five years. Upon her passing on August 14, 2008, Erin left behind her devoted parents, two loving brothers, many aunts, uncles, cousins, and cherished friends from every stage of her life.

After graduation, Erin Gorman ’97 earned her undergraduate degree from Providence College and a graduate degree in Social Work from Boston University.

On May 22, 2010, A Toast to An Angel was held at AHA. Members of the class of 1997 gathered to remember and celebrate Erin’s life. Through raffle drawings and donations, a total of $4,937 was raised, both at the event and from those who were not able to attend. The monies collected will be used to benefit more than one future angel and cover the cost of the required Tablet PC computer. The members of 1997 in attendance were: Patricia

Alumnae Association Induction 2010

Aquino, Annette Bertulfo, Angela Christou, Tara Curran, Nicole Eiszner, Christine Frediani Levine, Kim Gonzalez, Meghan Galligan LaBruno, Kyle Clare Lagatol, Dianne LaRocca, Enzina Maceri, Sarahfaye Mahon,Monica Mariniello, Suzanne Papageorge Meneilly, Stephanie Stancato Nguyen, Dana Gaeckle Nieder, Corinne Reynoso, Kathleen Riley, Alexis Robinson, Allison Kane Sabo, Alyssa Slezak Solow and Anne Krone Zapata. Also in attendance were Erin’s brother Kevin Gorman, AHA President S. Virginia Bobrowski, AHA faculty member S. Catherine Green and Director of Alumnae Relations Dorrie Voulgaris.

Gathering of Connecticut Area Angels Wilton, CT • April 25, 2010


In attendance were: Fortunata Barbara ’55, AHA President S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Former AHA President S. Claire Bonneau, Mary Patrice Bonsignore Dunn ’77, Mary-Anne Guerin Foley ’61, Catherine Green ’50, Melissa Piraneo Harniman ’90, Jeanine Careri Jackson ’72, Marie Jungerman ’43, Jane Henzi Kiefer ’63, Jean Benzenberg Muloolly ’83, Michelle McCarthy Murphy ’77, S. Justine Nutz ’55, Patricia Jo Vita Pflug ’65, Maren Ferro Tripolitsiotis ’97 and Director of Alumnae Relations Dorrie Voulgaris.


In June, we were very excited to begin production on our first TV commercial, which will premiere this fall. Our Angel actresses impressed the production staff with their enthusiasm and professionalism. The spot will air on Cablevision over the next few months on such networks as ABC Family, Nickelodeon, ESPN2, Food Network, Bravo, TLC and many other favorites! Check out our website in September to see the spot online – and look for us on TV too!


Sports Dinners

Mother/Daughter Fashion Show

Arts Appreciation Dinner



a ng el ic e ve ning 2 0 1 0

in memoriam ALUMNAE

Anne Dennison

Michael Troop

Mother of Patricia Dennison Brady ’69

Husband of Donna Famularo Troop ’74

Sister of the late Justina Frasca Muller ’34,

Jean Franco

Frank Vecchiotti

the late Emma Frasca Billington ’41, Mary

Mother of Deborah Franco Pasquino ’71

Father of Maria Vecchiotti ’73

Agatha Frasca Billington ’37

Patricia Frasca Dukehart ’45 and Roberta Frasca Fulford ’51

Eileen Kilgallen Cianci ’71 Stephanie Hirsch ’88 Claudia Ceci Phaup ’90 Mary Jane Poland ’87 Adele Thaler ’42

Theresa Gallagher Grandmother of Caitlin Gallagher ’10

John Gibbons Husband of Mary Jude Barnes Gibbons ’66

Claire Kilkenny Mother of Kathleen Kilkenny Brodie ’65

John C. Klett III Brother of Kathleen Klett Garrett ’68

The 13th Annual Angelic Evening was celebrated on March 19th at the Rockleigh Country Club in Rockleigh NJ. Thanks to the amazing and creative efforts of event chair Giovanna Germinario and her many volunteers for making this event a tremendous success! Guests enjoyed fine cuisine and bidding in the silent and live auctions – tickets to see Taylor Swift were a coveted prize, as well as various vacation packages throughout the country. Please save the date for next year’s Angelic Evening – Friday, March 25, 2011!

FAMILY & FRIENDS Carmine Acerno Father of Roselle Acerno Kalosieh ’65 and Grandfather of Jeanne Kalosieh ’96

Henri Beaugard Father of Janet Beaugard ’69, Jeanne Beaugard ’72 and Claire Beaugard Massaro ’79

Christopher Brandle Son of Mary Clare Gheysen Brandle ’83

Joseph Catarcio Father of Joan Catarcio Hubertus ’77

Tony Cucchisi Grandfather of AHA Faculty member Jennifer Cucchisi

Consiglia D’Alessandro Mother of Linda D’Alessandro Atkinson ’86

Rose Daniello Mother of Irene Daniello ’77


Anna Martucci Mother of Jo Ann Martucci Klein ’65

Father of Joanne Misha ’71 and Terri Misha Shafer ’75

Loraine Moran Mother of Jennifer Moran, AHA Principal

Blanche Rogers Mother of Carol Rogers Beaugard ’57

Rose Ann Romano Mother of AHA staff member Kathy Romano Hillman ’73

Mary Ruschak

The AHA community was deeply saddened by the tragic death of former faculty member Debra Shanley in April. Prayer services were held for faculty, current students and alumnae. To celebrate Deb’s life, the current AHA faculty created a scholarship in her name, and it was awarded at this year’s Baccalaureate ceremony.

Mother-in-law of AHA Faculty member Pamela Ruschak

Gloria Scudese Grandmother of Jessica DeSanta ’00 and Meghen DeSanta ’02


Are you the

and Margaret Klett Barsalou ’70

Rudolph Misha

Academy of the Holy Angels has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, NJ 07627 or email at

Correction from the Spring 2010 issue of Tidings: Sheila Lawlor was the grandmother of Chelsea Lawlor ’11 and Katee Lawlor ’13

recipient of


READERS: The Post Office does not forward Tidings. Postal regulations require the school to pay for every copy not deliverable as addressed. Please notify us directly of any changes of address, giving both the new and old address. PARENTS: If this publication is addressed to your daughter and she no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Alumnae Office at 201-768-7822 x211.

Alumnae News

Memorial Gifts*

Dome Society*

Send us your news and photos to be featured in the next issue of Tidings, by October 1st, 2010!

Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request.

By making a gift through your will or living trust you will provide support for future women leaders. Your gift can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate or as a remainder share.

Email Dorrie Voulgaris at

*For more information regarding Memorial Gifts or the Dome Society, contact Tara Brunt at 201.768.7822 x224



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s p o n s ore o re d by t h e school si sters of notre d a me

October 22–23, 2010

Alumnae Weekend Including a reunion celebration for the classes ending in 0 & 5!

Please join us! october 22, 2010 foundation Day at AHA

october 23, 2010 alumnae celebration

• Join us for a special community gathering • Celebrate the SSNDs’ sponsorship of Holy Angels • Attend classes

• Mass & Dinner • Special recognition for reunion classes • Tours of the building

For more information, visit

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