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tidings academy of the h oly ange l s

s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame

a p ub licat ion fo r alumn ae, pare nts and fr i e nd s

Another Record-Breaking Year for the Angels

fa l l 20 1 3

all alumnae, parents and friends are cordially invited to attend

the 17th annual

friday, the twenty eighth of march two thousand and fourteen rockleigh country club


rockleigh, new jersey

delicious food & cocktails, dancing, silent & live auctions, tricky tray and 50/50 raffle all proceeds will suppor t the ongoing upgrades to the security system at Holy Angels For more information, contact the Angelic Evening Committee at 201.768.7822 x228


p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e

Volume VIi, number 2


Thanksgiving season is the perfect time for sending you this Annual Report edition of Tidings. Just a quick glance of the names of nearly 1,000 generous donors fills my heart with gratitude for all that Academy of the Holy Angels has been for the past 134 years and will be far into the future. Your contributions are clear evidence of your ongoing support of the mission of Holy Angels. Our Angels prove daily that the mission is alive and well. In my brief time here, I have become impressed by their wholesome commitment to academics, service, athletics and co-curricular activities, and all around spirit. When I see them supporting Holy Angels at the constant stream of fall events – New Parent Reception, Open House, Back to School Night, Angel for a Day – I am deeply grateful for their gracious and generous sharing of their time and talents. There is also much going on behind the scenes to assure that we maintain the highest quality education that is the hallmark of AHA. The Board of Trustees will be embarking on a strategic and financial planning process to lead us into the next decade. In addition, we are preparing for our seven year evaluation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Holy Angels is one of a select group of high performing schools in a pilot program entitled Sustaining Excellence. It is a quite demanding protocol and its successful completion will make us even stronger. Of course, your input into these processes is vital. Know that surveys will be coming your way in the late fall and in the spring. I ask you to make a priority of completing them in a timely manner. The Board of Trustees is also actively engaged in a search process for the next president of Holy Angels. My appointment last May was as interim president for one year. While I am not a member of the search committee, I have committed to support the process in any appropriate way and to work to assure the smooth transition of the next president. I ask for your prayers for blessings on this process. In the words of Blessed Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger, founder of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, “God has helped wondrously until now; neither will God abandon us in the future.” (Letter #5032) Gratefully,

Annual Report to Investors

IN EVERY ISSUE 3 President’s Message 6

Faculty News

Spirituality 7 8

Angels Around the Halls


Alumnae News


In Memoriam

Office of Development


Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends,


AP Scholars

Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Ferreira Director of Communications jillane@holyangels.org Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org Barbara Burklund Development Associate bburklund@holyangels.org

S. Patricia Murphy, SSND President, Academy of the Holy Angels

Trish Murphy Web and Social Media Content Manager tmurphy@holyangels.org


angel scholars

National Merit Scholars

Hispanic Scholars The four seniors pictured below were named Hispanic Scholars by The National Hispanic Recognition Program. Pictured with S. Patricia and Jennifer Moran are Adrianna Bergstein, Elle Infante, Danielle Pavon and Kiara Quinones.

The students pictured above, with AHA President S. Patricia Murphy and Principal Jennifer Moran, were honored as Commended Students in the 2014 National Merit速 Scholarship Program. Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2014 competition. Congratulations to Seoyeon Cho, Lily Cunniff, Amanda Kelly, Anne Loftus, Jessica McCann, Dylan McLaughlin, Morgan Mellas and Kira Pusch. Special congratulations to seniors Adrianna Bergstein and Lydon Kersting, who reached Semi-Finalist status.

Sister Mary Nonna Dunphy Scholars Each year, six scholarships are awarded to current students, in memory of the foundress of the Academy. These partial scholarships are based on academic excellence, leadership, character, service, an interview with the scholarship committee and an essay. Class of 2014 Finalists: Adrianna Bergstein Lydon Kersting Semi-Finalists: Catherine Hahn Elizabeth Kolodka Jessica McCann Class of 2015 Finalists: Anne Haws Fiona Williams Semi-Finalists: Emily DeRubertis Meghan Englert


Class of 2016 Finalists: Kelly Mandella Erin McNamara Semi-Finalists: Emily Loftus Michelle McDevitt All scholarship Finalists and Semi-Finalists are pictured at left with Principal Jennifer Moran and President S. Patricia Murphy.

AP Scholars Holy Angels offers 15 Advanced Placement courses to students in either junior or senior year. All students enrolled in AP classes are required to take the National Exam in that subject area in the spring. In 2012-13, there were 172 students enrolled in AP classes which were made up of 55% of the junior class and 69% of the senior class. They took a total of 346 tests in May. 159 students (93% of those who tested) passed with flying colors. Every student in AP US History, Spanish and Studio Art 2-D excelled on the tests, and an impressive 92% of the students in Biology, Chemistry, Art History, English Language, English Composition, Government and Studio Art attained passing scores. AP Scholar Awards recognize students who have demonstrated college-level achievement on the exams. AP Scholars with Distinction receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more exams. AP Scholars with Honor receive at least 3.25 on all exams, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more exams. AP Scholars receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams.

Margaret E. Klett Literary Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pakosh (Kathleen Klett Garrett ’68) in memory of her mother, Margaret E. Klett. The recipient this year was Alana Spendley ’14.

AHA is proud to announce that we have once again broken our record for the number of AP Scholars! In 2013, 69 Angels were honored by the College Board for their performance on these rigorous exams.

AP Scholars with Distinction

Laura Galanter ’13 Neena Joy ’13 Renee Jozanovic ’13 Hanna Lee ’13 Olivia Lofaro ’13 Abigail McEvoy ’13 Julia McGinn ’13 Madeline McGovern ’13 Theresa Ra ’13 Emily Ryker ’13 Soomin You ’13

AP Scholars with Honor

Eleni Kyriacou ’13 Yun Jee Lee ’13 Dylann McLaughlin ’14 Rachanne Nabong ’13 Sarah Qureshi ’14 Shani Strand ’13 Jamie Surgent-Nahay ’13

AP Scholars

Melissa Kinoian ’13 Anne Loftus ’14 Erin Lynch ’13 Jacqueline Mandella ’14 Effie Mathew ’14 Regina Mathew ’14 Jessica McCann ’14 Kelly Mulligan ’14 Judie Park ’14 Danielle Pavon ’14 Kira Pusch ’14 Kayla Quigley ’14 Sujatha Raman ’14 Stacie Rinda ’14 Margaret Ritter ’13 Christina Sivulka ’14 Julie Spaar ’14 Allison Vollmer ’13

Elizabeth Aaron ’13 Victoria Cavaliere ’13 Natalie Chew ’13 Elizabeth Choi ’13 Patricia Das ’13 Olivia Dawd ’13 Corrine Day ’13 Isabella Duffy ’13 Kathryn Fuselier ’13

Elena Aversa ’14 Adrianna Bergstein ’14 Korrine Dizon ’13 Amanda Fields ’13 Samantha Gibney ’13 Adrianna Kranjac ’13

Raquel Alavarado Rojas ’13 Morgan Buckey ’13 Seoyeon Cho ’14 Emma Conn ’13 Lily Cunniff ’14 Caitlin Daniels ’14 Emma DiBernardo ’14 Katherine Drury ’14 Christen Duff ’14 Alyssa Gentile ’14 Catherine Hahn ’14 Marissa Heyer ’13 Sheila Hill ’13 Rachel Hudspeth ’14 Elle Infante ’14 Ah Young Jeon ’14 Amanda Kelly ’14 Lydon Kersting ’14


faculty news

We Welcome...

College Counselor Jennifer Trubac and husband Tom welcomed their first child, Brendan Thomas, on August 1, 2013. He weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces and measured 19.5 inches long.

College Counselor Rita Ungaro married Matthew Goff on August 9, 2013 at Sacred Heart Church in Suffern, New York.

Ms. Lisa Betti – World Languages Mr. James Dykes – Social Studies Mrs. Kerry Miller ’72 – College Counseling Office Mrs. Trish Murphy – Communications Office Mrs. Nicole Gatti Paniccia ’04 – English Ms. Erica Pritchard – Science

This past summer, AHA Performing Arts Chairperson Katie McSherry ’04 traveled across the pond to complete her Master’s degree in Educational Theatre from New York University. She spent a month living and studying in London, primarily at the Rose Buford College of Performing Arts, where she studied Theatre for Young Audiences. While there, she attended a three day International Drama Conference in nearby Greenwich. Katie then traveled to Dublin, Ireland, where she lived on the Trinity College campus for over a month. It was there that she studied and taught lessons on Applied Theatre to the college community. The trip culminated with her travels to Belfast in Northern Ireland where she completed a project called Trouble with the community – this illustrated the use of theatre as a tool for understanding and learning from the past.

AHA Faculty member and Operation Smile Moderator Laura Kraytem ’79 traveled to Amaan, Jordan from June 26th–July 6th as a participant on a medical mission for Operation Smile. While there, 250 patients were pre-screened and 75 surgeries were performed. Mrs. Kraytem shares, “It is hard to put into words all my feelings for the children, the local Jordanians and the Operation Smile Medical Team. In such a volatile place, love was in the air and it didn’t have boundaries. It was infectious and crossed borders. ‘Hamdillah!’ – which translates to, Thanks be to God!”

We Bid Farewell and Good Luck to Mrs. Therese Kohl of the Science Department! 6


Senior Alana Spendley wrote the following essay as her submission for AHA’s Klett Scholarship. Her beautiful and poignant reflection about this year’s school theme is shared below in its entirety: Blessed Theresa’s words “love cannot wait” find active meaning here at Holy Angels. The entire community is committed to service, and the school has prodigious faith in its students’ ability to achieve great things and make a difference. As a result, acts of love are a common occurrence in the halls, classrooms and beyond. The community of Holy Angels enacts love with urgency. It seems that every week, there is a jeans’ pass, bake sale, or fundraiser to help those in need. Students are constantly reminded of their own strength and their obligation to use that strength to make a difference in the world. Teachers do not focus on what can be done someday, or what others can do, but rather what we can do now, in the Holy Angels community. By smiling at someone in the hallway, or helping a classmate in a particularly difficult subject, or simply engaging a shy girl in a conversation, students at Holy Angels reach out to one another in the spirit of love. The girls here feel empowered to participate actively in the school community, which is imbued with values of compassion and love. AHA students dismiss passivity; rather, they choose to act on their passions in solidarity with others.

I have personally felt the effects of Blessed Theresa’s teachings at Holy Angels. As a freshman, I was extremely shy. However, I began to notice right away that an energy for service and a passion for fostering talent permeated the hallways. AHA, I quickly realized, is a community of do-ers, of people who do not wait for a better world, but attempt to create it. I began to join more clubs and discovered the things that I was passionate about; as a judge on the debate team, as a writer for Chips and Blueprint, and as a member of Equality Now, I began to integrate myself into a loving community. One of the only clubs I signed up for in freshman year was my activity period – Writer’s Society. I had always felt afraid to share my work, but as I slowly came out of my shell, I realized that my apprehension was unfounded. I did not have fear being myself, because my classmates always showed me respect and positivity. If someone critiqued my work, it was only because she wanted me to get better. Now I am co-president of Writer’s Society, and I am elated at the prospect of creating that type of welcoming environment for others. I consider myself truly lucky to have the opportunity to encourage the voices of others. Furthermore, this year Writer’s Society will begin to contribute to a charity called “Girls Write Now” which encourages underprivileged girls to write and undertake other literary endeavors in support of their personal growth. Being surrounded by the overwhelming support of others has given me confidence, and I hope that I can support others in turn. I believe that the teachings of Blessed Theresa live and prosper in the Holy Angels community. Students and faculty alike actively work to live out principles of love, fulfilling the theme “love cannot wait.” Surrounded by such an environment, I look for ways to live out Blessed Theresa’s values in my own life. At AHA, love is truly present.

LOVE cannot wait 7

SERVICE Twelve students from AHA traveled on a service trip to St. Peter the Apostle School and the Shrine of St. John Neumann in Philadelphia at the end of July, to spread the mission of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Accompanied by Mrs. Sylvester and Mrs. Miloscia, the girls worked hard on various projects to prepare the school for the upcoming year. They also spent time exploring how the two schools could continue their relationship in the coming year, and pledged to make this service experience the first of many, noting that it was not only about the service but also about the relationship that was being built and the experience of SSND community.

For the past few summers, AHA has sent a team to New Orleans to participate in the Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts. This year’s team did the same work, but in their own backyard. Eight students, accompanied by AHA Faculty members Ms. Caust, Mrs. Chambers, Ms. Cucchisi, Miss Fay, Mrs. Miloscia, Miss Moran and Mrs. Sylvester, spent a week in July working with the organization Rebuilding Together. This organization spearheads rebuilding projects in Little Ferry and Moonachie, NJ, areas severely affected by Hurricane Sandy. Rebuilding Together gives preference to the elderly and to families who have been displaced from their homes. Professionals did the electrical, carpentry and plumbing work and the AHA team assisted by scraping, taping, priming and painting.

angels around the halls aCADEMICS Senior Lily Cunniff and junior Alexandra Alfonso traveled to Beijing, China as a part of the All-American Model United Nations Team. Lily won Best Delegate for her role representing Japan in the Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and Alexandra won Best Delegate for her role representing Kuwait in the UN Development Program (UNDP). Freshman Donnie Lee participated in an internship program at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, where she worked in the Department of Surgery’s Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery. As an observer, she was on hand for more than 10 surgeries and had the opportunity to interact with many patients. Donnie feels this experience really helped her get closer to her dream of pursuing a medical career.

Junior Breanne Mastromarino attended the Georgetown University Summer Medical Institute for High School Students. The program covered topics including gross anatomy, cancer, infectious diseases, cardiovascular physiology, biomedical ethics and forensics. Hands-on highlights of the experience included working with a patient simulator, learning how to

perform vital signs, analyzing cadavers, and learning how to suture. Participants also visited the National Museum of Health and Medicine, as well as the Shock Trauma Center at the University of Maryland. Breanne also continued her volunteer work at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, and plans to continue helping out there until she goes to college.

Senior Jasmine McGlashan spent a month studying abroad at La Universidad de Salamanca, which is located just west of Madrid, Spain. Jasmine took courses for college credit in Spanish language and culture. Senior Meghan Pierce participated in the Lead America Engineering Conference at Olin College of Engineering, where she took classes in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Auto/ Acoustic Engineering. The program enabled her to develop her leadership skills, take on new tasks and “think like a true engineer.” Senior Veronica Pirog spent a week at Rutgers University participating in The Academy at Rutgers for Girls in Engineering and Technology (TARGET) program. She joined two other students in the civil engineering group to complete a senior lab under the mentorship of a graduate student at


the university. The group constructed an eight foot concrete beam and used destructive testing to learn about laboratory techniques and basic engineering principles.

LEADERSHIP Sophomore Stephanie Albert attended the National Young Leaders State Conference in Tarrytown, NY, which was a three day event aimed at developing leadership and communication skills. Junior Ashley Harrison traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the National Young Leaders Conference (NYLC). The focus of NYLC is to develop leadership skills. Next year, Ashley hopes to attend the Global Young Leaders Conference which attracts participants from all over the world. Junior Jacklyn Miller attended a 10-day National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina, where she was given an opportunity to learn more about the medical community through visits to leading hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities dedicated to the care and treatment of patients. She spent time at Duke University, UNC Chapel Hill, and Wake Forest University medical centers and hospitals. The experience furthered Jackie’s interest in following in the footsteps of her father in becoming a doctor. Freshman Olivia Martin went on her third Outward Bound adventure this summer. Outward Bound is an international outdoor leadership program offering courses in wilderness and urban settings. Olivia completed this course in Redmond, Oregon, where she teamed up with nine other high school students from around the country. The group spent two weeks

Special Summer Edition! camping,

hiking, white water rafting and mountain climbing, and learning wilderness survival skills. She is pictured rappelling near the Deschutes River in Redmond, Oregon.

helping hands

commitment blossomed into something far beyond that, as Irene now feels she would like to pursue this work as a career path.

refilling water pitchers, and aiding the nurses on the floor.

Senior Katelyn Colman traveled to the Democratic Republic of Congo in June as a part of Operation Smile’s Team Kinshasa 2013. The group, which was made of an international representation of medical professionals and volunteers, screened over 300 patients and performed more than 115 surgeries during Katelyn’s time there. Katelyn’s job as a student volunteer was to educate the patients and their families on topics such as oral hygiene and proper hand washing. In addition to seeing the patients through their surgeries, Katelyn also enjoyed playing with the children and amusing them during what could be a frightening time.

Junior Eva Gurian traveled to Italy with Marist College to participate in a pre-college fashion and design program for two weeks. The group she traveled with was housed in Florence, took classes Monday-Thursday and spent weekends traveling to places like Pisa and Cinque Terre.

Senior Judie Park traveled to Ukraine where she did volunteer work in an orphanage and wrote a research paper on Ukraine’s relationship with Russia and the European Union. Senior Andrea Cho went to Panama on a mission trip with a group of volunteers from local community churches. While there, she performed a variety of tasks such as painting churches and houses and helping at pineapple and chicken farms. Senior Saarah D’Souza traveled to Mumbai, India where she spent three weeks volunteering at a school for mentally disabled children. She tutored students from ages 13-18 in math, English and cooking. Junior Irene Havlusch volunteered at Camp Sunshine in Ridgewood, NJ. What began as a means of fulfilling her 20 hour community service

Senior Michelle Suh traveled to Sorokdo, an island in Korea which is occupied primarily by people afflicted with leprosy. She volunteered for a month, working both in the main hospital and in the local villages where she helped people with daily chores, cleaning, laundry and cooking. Junior Tasha Tombo volunteered for seven weeks at New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center where she worked on a medical surgical unit. She helped out by feeding patients,



Senior Emily Sedlacek worked as an intern for the Surflight Theater in Long Beach Island, NJ, for their productions of South Pacific and Les Miserables. Often appearing on stage here at AHA, Emily wanted to see what it was like behind the scenes and learn different skills in the technical theater world. For the production of South Pacific, she was in charge of the light board, attending every performance (sometimes twice a day!) For Les Miserables, she worked as part of the backstage crew and was there to prep the shows, move props on and off the stage, and help the actors in any way she could. Junior Megan Stagg went to an ‘acting for film’ camp in Disney World for a week. She acted in four short films which were all student directed and produced. She reports having met people from Hong Kong, Haiti, Malta, Peru, Puerto Rico and all over the U.S. Attention current parents, students and faculty! We love hearing your news, to be shared in AHA’s monthly newsletter and possibly featured in Tidings! Send announcements and photos to news@holyangels.org

alumnae association president


e’re back in the swing of a new school year and a time of much excitement and change at Holy Angels! With the departure of our beloved S. Virginia Bobrowski, Holy Angels is in good hands with S. Patricia Murphy, SSND, as our interim school president. S. Patricia has hit the ground running and we are sure to continue to keep pace and even exceed expectations with another energetic and savvy businesswoman at the helm. Over the past 40 years, I have seen much change and development on campus, as I have worn many different hats here at Holy Angels. First as a student, then as an alumna, more recently as a parent (and now a parent of two alumnae), and even a short stint as the JV lacrosse coach. This year brings change for me as well, with my new position as a member of the Holy Angels Board of Trustees. The five years that I have held this post as President of the Alumnae Association have been rewarding and extremely fulfilling for me. I have enjoyed reconnecting with so many of you and reminiscing about our days at the Academy. While much has changed and indeed improved over the years, the sisterhood that united us as students is still felt here decades later. As I use this year to transition into my new role on the Board, I look forward to drawing on all of my previous roles at Holy Angels to continue to guide my input and direct my efforts for the benefit of all Angels – past, present and future. Thank you for your continued support of our alma mater. Please consider getting involved in our Angels Advantage mentoring program. We would love to give some current Angels the opportunity to shadow an alumna at work for a day, or even just a few hours. This is a great way for our current students to identify potential career paths and benefit from an Angel-to-Angel connection! Simply contact Dorrie Voulgaris at alumnae@holyangels.org to volunteer. By the time this reaches you, we will have had our Reunion Weekend. I hope you had the chance to strengthen your connection with other Angels in attendance. The fall and winter are great times to venture back to AHA. Besides reunion, why not catch a basketball game or school production, or take a tour of the new Learning Commons? If you’re in the neighborhood, please stop in. We always love to welcome back our Angels! Best wishes for many happy returns to the Academy! Patti McGovern Hill ’78



’Since48their first gathering in 2010, a small

group from the 40 graduates of the Class of 1948 so enjoyed getting together that they’ve now met every year since. This year they also celebrated their 65th anniversary,

when they met in May at the Ramsey Country Club in Ramsey, NJ. Pictured in the photo at left are (Front L to R): Emma Crocetti Yazmajian, Helen La Be Higley, Mel Donnelly Dermady; (Middle L to R): Florence Horgan, Midge Martine Kennedy, Claire Nelson Dale; (Top L to R): Sister Joan Dineen, Mary Braddock Lanni, Florence Doyle Brown. Unable to attend and very missed were regulars Addie Ragati Priess, Elyse Deublein Harney and Nina Guiliano Cowell.


Margaret Theysohn Wood ’70 has been married for 41 years to John R. Wood. They have two daughters, Anne Marie and Lee, and two grandchildren, Nathan (6) and Natalie (4).



Angel classmates from the Class of 1977 recently had a mini-reunion in Hoboken at the home of Jane Dunleavy. Pictured with Jane are Kathie Mulroe, Mary Dougherty, Nancy Sinnott Sen and Michelle McCarthy Murphy.


Sisters Beth Damato-Pantano ’92 and Jill Damato Aller ’95 celebrated the end of summer with their husbands, Ross Pantano and Brad Aller, and their beautiful children. Cousins Ashton Aller (4), Future Angel Gianna Pantano (5), Dillon Aller (2) and Thomas Pantano (2) just can’t get enough of each other!



On August 17, 2013, Stephanie Lieblich ’98 married David Maher. Stephanie was recently named Vice President of Marketing for Saks Fifth Avenue at its New York Store. She began her career at Grey Worldwide, one of the ten largest advertising agencies in the world, as an Assistant Account Executive, before joining Bloomingdale’s in 2004 as a Senior Account Executive, and eventually moving up to Director of Account Services in 2007. In 2009, she

was promoted to the Director of Internet Marketing for bloomingdales.com, before assuming her most recent role as the Regional Director of Public Relations and Special Events for the Northeast Region in March 2011. Stephanie is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross with a BA in Political Science. Pictured below in the column at left are (L to R): Kathleen Lieblich ’09, David Maher, Stephanie Lieblich Maher ’98 and bridesmaid MaryEllen Conforti.


Sarah Greenberg Astourian ’02 and husband Vicken (Bergen Catholic ’06) welcomed their first daughter, Teny Marie, on August 8, 2013. She weighed 6lb 13oz and was 19 inches long. A long legacy of Angels in the family are excited to welcome this new addition: grandmother Teresa Iorio Greenberg ’74, aunt Cadence Greenberg ’06, great aunt Rosemary Iorio Monte ’64, great aunt Carol Iorio Riley ’68 and cousin Kathleen Riley ’96. Teny is pictured below wearing some AHA gear that was a gift from Megan Davidson ’02.


Tara Driggs Hopfenspirger ’04 and Kurt Hopfenspirger were married on June 15, 2013 at St. Luke’s Church in Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ. The reception was held at Preakness Hills Country Club in Wayne, NJ and the couple honeymooned in St. Lucia. The couple is pictured above with maids of honor Maria Alexis Bendaña ’04, Michele Mezzina ’04 and Jacqueline Stephens ’04. Katharine McSherry ’04 served as the cantor for the Mass ceremony and numerous other Angels were in attendance to join in the celebration, including: Cassandra Lynn Bendaña ’10, Emily Ann Bendaña ’02, Carol Ann Laria-Bendaña ’70, Kaitlyn Zydel ’06 and Erin Hayes ’03. Jennifer Telling ’04 completed her PhD in Geophysics at Georgia Tech in August 2013. Two days later (on her birthday), she got engaged to Shahin Mehrabanzad, an engineer at Delta and another Georgia Tech alumnus.


Lindsay Hill ’08 has been an avid animal lover all her life, training dogs as a hobby for more than 10 years. She has worked for the American Kennel Club and has since gone on to create her own business, Hilltop Dog Training LLC, offering training, boarding and pet care services in the New Jersey area. She is experienced in training various breeds and mixed breeds and was nationally ranked as the 2012 #1 Rally Obedience Team in the USA with her Labrador retriever, Tess. She uses positive training methods and is a Full Member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.

The deadline for nominations for the Arts Hall of Fame is January 1, 2014



Kathleen Lieblich ’09 graduated from Sacred Heart University in May 2013 with a BS in Exercise Science. She was awarded Resident Assistant (RA) of the year (2012-2013) at Sacred Heart and was an RA for two years, and this past year was a Senior Resident Success Advisor (SRSA). Kathleen has been awarded a full master’s program graduate assistantship at Sacred Heart University. This two year program starts in September 2013 and ends in September 2015 when she will graduate with a MS in Healthcare Informatics.


Renee Coulouris ’10 recently began an internship at the United Nations in New York City working in the General Assembly.


Madeline McGovern ’13 is in her first year at the University of Notre Dame and has been named a Hesburgh-Yusko Scholar. Twenty-five high school seniors from across the U.S. and six other countries have been chosen as members of the fourth class of the University of

Notre Dame’s Hesburgh-Yusko Scholars Program, a comprehensive undergraduate merit scholarship and enrichment initiative. Selected from a pool of more than 900 applicants, the scholars embody the program’s vision of leadership, scholarship, personal integrity and social responsibility. Each student will receive an annual award of $25,000 during their undergraduate tenure. The program will include several fully funded summer enrichment experiences, seminars and service-learning projects, in addition to academic advising, career preparation, alumni mentoring and networking.

Don’t forget!

The deadline for Merz Scholarship applications is March 17, 2014

got news? We love hearing from our alumnae! We want to celebrate with you by sharing your good news and accomplishments with the entire AHA community. Send your news and photos for the next issue of Tidings to alumnae@holyangels.org by April 1, 2014. We love pictures, and we want you to look good! Photos that are below the acceptable resolution for print will not be published. Here are some tips for sending us digital photos that will look fantastic in print: • Make sure your camera is set to the best photo setting (usually “FINE”) so that your photos will be 300dpi or higher • Do not send photos directly from your phone, as they are automatically sized down to a lower resolution • Please “attach” your photo to the email, just as you would a document. JPEGs are preferred.

Save the Date! TEA PARTY 2014

SUNDAY, March 23, 2014 at noon A perfect afternoon to spend with your daughter, granddaughter, niece or cousin! This event is geared toward girls in grades K-8. Tea and a light lunch will be served. Reservations can be made online at www.holyangelsalumnae.org/seussical

Immediately following the tea will be a matinee performance of AHA’s spring musical Seussical.


SOARING ANGEL bias, meets the needs of the audience, structure has a logical progression of ideas, and the composition has a good flow so that it is clear and readable. Once all the chapters have been completed, the final book draft is submitted for copy editing and peer review.

people from across the spectrum of disciplines. Recently, she invited a Rabbi from Wayne, NJ, to come to Holy Angels as a guest speaker during the Judaism unit in her class, illustrating how her work in publishing has been a great asset for her classes.

Kathleen really enjoys her role as editor, and being part-time at AHA allows her to continue this role. She says, “While nearly every project has at least one frustrating moment, I enjoy the process of helping authors shape their books. Each book is different and requires different skills. I have been editing for a long time and have received positive feedback from the authors, the managing editor and editorial director of the publishing houses for whom I’ve worked. I feel like I help authors improve their work.”

Kathleen shares, “I have great memories of being a student here, and many of the friends I had in high school remain my closest friends to this day, but I never expected to come back to Holy Angels as a teacher. While much has changed (the uniforms, the technology, the campus itself ), much remains the same. The school still has a commitment to high academic standards, a strong faith foundation, and a great spirit of camaraderie among the students. My return was serendipitous, but I feel like I am where I am supposed to be right now.”

AHA faculty member Kathleen Walsh ’87 works as a freelance development editor for Anselm Academic Press, in addition to teaching in the Religion department at Holy Angels. Anselm is the college/ academic arm of Saint Mary’s Press in Winona, MN. Her role includes working with the author or authors throughout the composition process. After the proposed book is approved and the overview of the book’s contents and a table of contents are created, Kathleen begins a dialogue with the author as he or she drafts each chapter.

Her most recent published project was the book World Religions in Dialogue, which involved nine authors from across four religions. Although Kathleen is not listed in the credits, the book’s foreword recognizes her as being “a rock in the maelstrom.” Her work on this book in particular has been of great help and has provided a great resource as she teaches World Religions at Holy Angels. When the class poses a question that she cannot answer, she knows that she has a group of scholars from this project that she can rely upon for answers.

Kathleen provides feedback for the author by commenting on whether there is accuracy of the content, a tone free of

Kathleen’s role in the editing world has kept her in contact with an array of very interesting and accomplished

Legacy Mothers We welcome back the following AHA alumnae whose daughters are members of the class of 2017: Mary Jo Varrichio Armen ’88

Ann DeAngelo DeAngelo ’83

Belkis Alonso-Ortiz ’89

Jacqueline Principe Canney ’85

Stacie Kivlehan-Gray ’89

Pauline Theofanis Poulos ’84

Rita Nichols Danylchuk ’79

Sheila Thornton Labita ’87

Colleen Corbett Staff ’89



Your gift supported these areas of Holy Angels and more... Financial Aid & Scholarships



of AHA students receive

financial assistance of AHA students receive

academic scholarships

Athletics & Activities New uniforms Gym banners

Tennis court nets Tournament fees AWARDS

Field storage sheds Outdoor hydration unit

Plus, supplies for over 60 clubs and activities!

Fine & Performing Arts

Academics College Coordinator

position created to improve our relationships with major universities

New Italian and Spanish


purchased and integrated into the curriculum

new computers in our mac lab Museum Trips ART SUPPLIES SCANNERS/COLOR PRINTER Acoustic panels in auditorium

Faculty provided with Growth Mindset books for professional development, in preparation for Middle States

New History

Honor Society


Spirituality & Service Kairos Retreat

Service Day location sites expanded

Awareness Day speakers

Eucharistic Minister training

...and so much more!

NEW SECURITY PROCEDURES IN PLACE AT AHA The monies raised at Angelic Evening 2013 assisted Holy Angels in making some dramatic changes to the campus entry points and the visitor policy. This past spring and over the summer the following projects were completed: a comprehensive security assessment of the campus, reconfiguration of the main entrance with a new visitor entryway, installation of new security doors throughout campus, and an upgrade of ID cards for students/ faculty with video surveillance both in and outside of the buildings. During school hours, all visitors, whether parents, college representatives, guest speakers or alumnae will now have to present identification and provide a cell phone number as they check in with the main office. Although parents can be admitted


at the Attendance Office entrance for pick-ups or drop-offs, all visitors are reminded that they must park in the designated spots in the front of the building. These procedures have been put in place to maintain the highest control during the school day and to ensure that the building is secure. The new ID card enables faculty/students to maneuver through the various parts of the campus. Students and faculty are expected to wear their school ID card and lanyard during the school day. For students, this is now considered a part of their uniform. As Dean Jean Mullooly has shared with students and faculty, “with security comes inconvenience, but our utmost priority is the safety of our students.�

2012-2013 annual report to investors

ANGELS FLY HIGHER thanks to you...

annual fundraising summary for 2012-13 (Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30)

2012-13 annual giving levels AHA Dome Society

$50,000 and up

AHA Leadership Society


SSND Society


Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society


Mother Caroline Society


Sister Nonna Dunphy Society


President’s Council


AHA Women


AHA Associates


Century Club


Angels Club

Up to $124

The list on the following pages contains the names of all who made contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels Annual Fund either in the form of direct gifts or in donated services between July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apology and notify us at 201-768-7822 ext. 224.


percentage of alumnae participation by class

’10 – ’11

2012-2013 $214,162 $215,349 $3,870 $1,525 $2,380 $3,620 $1,750 $28,600 $471,256 $97,247 $22,500 $119,747 $591,003 $250,665 $841,668

’40 ’41 ’42 ’44 ’45 ’46 ’47 ’48 ’49 ’50 ’51 ’52 ’53 ’54 ’55 ’56 ’57 ’58 ’59 ’60 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 ’65 ’66 ’67 ’68 ’69 ’70 ’71 ’72 ’73 ’74 ’75 ’76 ’77 ’78 ’79 ’80 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11

4% 2% 6% 9% 16% 12% 4% 17% 10% 25% 22% 2% 3% 15% 9% 16% 17% 14% 21% 17% 25% 9% 11% 8% 15% 16% 10% 8% 16% 8% 10% 11% 8% 5% 8% 11% 10% 10% 7% 12% 9% 5% 5% 11% 3% 10% 6% 3% 4% 5% 4% 5% 7% 5% 7% 7% 3% 3% 5% 4% 7% 3% 5% 2% 2% 6% 5% 2% 3% 1% –

’11 – ’12 4% 3% 13% 9% 13% 16% 30% 28% 8% 18% 23% 9% 9% 15% 5% 9% 23% 14% 17% 14% 24% 20% 14% 8% 14% 13% 12% 11% 14% 6% 8% 14% 7% 6% 7% 11% 16% 9% 5% 12% 7% 12% 5% 10% 4% 5% 14% 4% 4% 4% 5% 7% 4% 3% 5% 5% 7% 1% 13% 5% 4% 7% 4% 1% 2% 3% 7% 1% 2% – 2%

’12 – ’13 4% 3% – 10% 8% 8% 9% 29% 5% 18% 23% 7% 9% 13% 5% 9% 19% 17% 15% 13% 17% 9% 13% 8% 12% 16% 8% 11% 12% 6% 8% 7% 12% 6% 8% 6% 11% 13% 6% 10% 6% 6% 9% 8% 5% 5% 7% 8% 5% 4% 4% 3% 8% 5% 4% 5% 4% 2% 6% 3% 2% 4% 6% 1% 2% 6% 4% 5% 1% – 1%

Overall Alumnae Giving was at 9 percent

Fundraising Categories Annual Fund Unrestricted Annual Fund Restricted Academic Programs Spirituality & Service Programs Athletics & Activities Programs Fine & Performing Arts Programs Walk With Angels Tuition Raffle Subtotal Angelic Evening Beefsteak Dinner Subtotal Annual Total Capital Campaign/Endowment Overall Total

recognition of our benefactors AHA Dome Society

Anonymous Anonymous School Sisters of Notre Dame AHA Leadership Society

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luckow Dr. Susan Craig Scott Mr. & Mrs. Mario Spola SSND Society

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society

Ms. Patricia Geoghegan Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huntington Ms. Roseanne McCauley Mrs. Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker Mr. William Sheridan Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Turk Mother Caroline Society

Anonymous Ms. Adrienne Benzoni Mr. & Mrs. Bob Colavecchio Ms. Kathleen Tigh Detrano Mr. & Mrs. Richard DiBernardo Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo Ms. Stefanie Luckow Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Maron Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Ms. Diane Oakley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pizza Ms. Ruth Rempe Sister Nonna Dunphy Society

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Englert Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter Mr. & Mrs. William Hannon Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Haws Mr. & Ms. Ralph Marchione Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mellas Miss Jennifer Moran Mrs. Theresa Chin Rivoir Ms. Elaine Wraga Ms. Darlene Yankowski Zona President’s Council

Mr. John Barrett Mrs. Maureen Fennessy Bousa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Branciforte Mrs. Phyllis Gutto Brew Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chapel Mrs. Maureen Lewis Corbett Mrs. Barbara Smith Costigan Mrs. Cathryn Archibald Curia Mrs. Tara Del Gavio Mrs. Virginia Puig Dolan Ms. Eileen Dowling Ms. Madeleine Dowling Ms. Pamela Gheysen Mrs. Louise Fiocchi Gunderson Mr. & Mrs. Tae Ha Kang

Ms. Nicole Grace Keck Dr. & Mrs. Aldo Khoury Mr. & Mrs. Nick Lugo Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Mr. & Mrs. James Mulligan Ms. Mary Lou Sciarrillo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stephens Ms. Geraldine Baker Warner Mrs. Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore AHA Women

Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Dr. Maria Humaran Abbattista Ms. Deirdre Facendola Altobell Ms. Theresa Biasi Dr. Antonia Adamo Bouillette Dr. & Mrs. David Butler Dr. Mary Campagnolo Ms. Elizabeth Cassino Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cecere Mrs. Kathryn Gartland Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Costa Mrs. Barbara Ehret Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cucchisi Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cunniff Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dalvano Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Daniello Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo Dr. Stephanie Bille Donohue Mrs. Eleanor Quinn Dunn Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito Ms. Margaret Fry Fennell Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Ms. Claire Gareau Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo Mr. & Mrs. Chris Giancarlo Mrs. Dolores Gleason Rev. Elizabeth Kress Golub Ms. Marlene Zeitler Graffin Mrs. Sharon Fagliarone-Hajjar Ms. Katherine Dillon Jones Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mrs. Jane Henzi Kiefer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krone Mrs. Jean Rapport Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Messina Ms. Ellen Monahan Mrs. Maureen Phelan Previti Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Quinones Hon. Reena Raggi Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. William Sirico Mrs. Colleen Corbett Staff Ms. Mary Stuart Mrs. Elizabeth Mills Switaj Mrs. Patricia Vandenberg Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vero AHA Associates

Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Acebal AHA Parents’ Guild Ms. Elise Kenderian Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Hussein Ayoub Mrs. Joan D’Andrea Bertussi S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Bread of Life Ms. Carole Brown


Mrs. Carolyn Rettberg Browning Mrs. Mary DePalma Burke Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Campau Mrs. Marie Zenorini Canepa Ms. Frances Capizzi Ms. Michele Toth Carr Ms. Michele Cerullo Mrs. Jane Nicolich Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Ciacciarelli Ms. Patricia Mahaney Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cullen Mrs. Rita Nichols Danylchuk Mrs. Kathleen Bohnert Davis Ms. Gerda Willenborg Della Valle Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Mr. & Mrs. Richard Erickson Hon. Katherine Polk Failla Mr. & Mrs. James Farrell Mrs. Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fitzpatrick Mrs. Joan Larsen Friezo Mr. & Mrs. John Gazda Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gilmartin Ms. Kathleen Glass Dr. Mara Gobovic Ms. Regina Hur Gramss Ms. Nancy Brennan Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Paul Imbarrato Ms. Christina Karas Mrs. Kathleen Keaveney Mrs. Lydia Valitzky Kesler Mrs. Kathleen Scherer Krone Mrs. Rosaleen Mulvey Lane Mrs. Judith Comunale Laquidara Ms. Nicole Aguila Linn Ms. Maribel Becker Lowry Mrs. Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Ms. Marybeth Gurski Markland Mrs. Maureen Henry Martindale Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus Mrs. Dana Dorgan Mc Carren Ms. Maureen McGuirl Mrs. Elizabeth Jones McIntyre Mrs. Patricia Clifford McKillip Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Menapace Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mierswa Mrs. Elisabeth Magnus Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. David Mudrick Mrs. Maria Spola Muller Ms. Jean Benzenberg Mullooly Mrs. Jane Morrisroe Naddeo Mrs. Catherine DiDonato Nelson Mrs. Anne Ottomanelli Noble Mrs. Barbara White Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Norton Mr. David O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Paul Palmeri Mrs. Mary Holahan Peebles Ms. Adrienne MacLellan Phillips Dr. Clement Price Ms. Marilu Garcia Pulanco Mr. & Ms. Rajan Raman Mrs. Margaret Neville Raymo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Regan Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser Mrs. Leslie Burke Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saxenian

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shahbazian Mr. & Mrs. John Sheerins Ms. Joyce Comeau Smith Mrs. Joanne Surgent Mr. & Mrs. David Symmonds Mrs. Carolyn Lucia Vioni Ms. Nancy Visocki Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Margaret Stika-Walsh Mrs. Susan Telesco Wohlforth Ms. Elizabeth Yenko Mr. & Mrs. Jack Yesilian Mrs. Dee Sullivan Yost Mr. David Zehler Mrs. Robyn Assile Ziemba Century Club

Ms. Ahlam Abbasi Anonymous Dr. Jeanne Pomar Asher Mrs. Valasie Kolessides August Ms. Stacey Ann Bailey Mrs. Christine Stein Baltz Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barber Mrs. Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik Mrs. Patricia O’Hara Belby Ms. Lucille Bertram Ms. Janet Bliss Ms. Ana Book Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill Mrs. Theresa Bianchi Brennan Mrs. Sherry Molinari Briody Mrs. Elaine Blasco Bronner Ms. Kathleen Browning Mrs. Tara Brunt Ms. Jean Butler Ms. Maggie Cahill Ms. Rosemary Capuzzi Mrs. Linda Harrison Ciardiello Ms. Janet Henry Cogbill Ms. Mary MacIsaac Coleman Mrs. Jane McGlew Collen Mrs. Arline Zenorini Conn Ms. Kathleen Connelly Ms. Patricia Contino Mr. Richard Conway Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mrs. Jane Loughman Crowley Ms. Amy Branchini Dahl Mrs. Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Mrs. Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Doyle Ms. Theresa Spola Doyle Ms. Alexandra Durbak Ms. Nicole Eiszner Mrs. Rosemary Farrell Ervin Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing Mrs. Gail Fair Ms. Margaret Feerick Ms. Dorothy Fell Mrs. Janet McNulty Ferrante Ms. Susan Roth Fischer Mrs. Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Mrs. Marlene Muscarelle Flanagan Mr. Joseph Foley Jr. Ms. Mary-Ann Guerin Foley Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Foster Mrs. Mary Ann Huber Franson

recognition of our benefactors Ms. Barbara Fritsche Mrs. JoAnne Donnelly Galdo Ms. Malissa Gallini Mr. Richard Garrity Mr. & Mrs. Luis Garzon Mrs. Maryann Manzie Giannella Ms. Carey Wunsch-Giannetti Dr. Arleen Pancza Graham Ms. Caroline Graham Ms. Tara Greaney Ms. Carroll Anne Grece Mr. Peter Greco Mrs. Sunda M. DeCotiis Guinta Mrs. Marilynn Melville Halas Mr. & Mrs. William Harkins Mrs. Elyse Deublein Harney Ms. Antoinette Heyer Ms. Sarah Ellen Hogan Mrs. D.Denise Gallagher Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurley Mrs. Andrea McDermott Hyer Mrs. Barbara Braun Ix Mrs. Suzanne Gila Jayson Mrs. Sharon Jureller Ms. Siobhan Keegan Ms. Christina Kelly Ms. Amy Mc Cabe Kennedy Mrs. Patricia McAtee Kiesel Mrs. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Mrs. Judith Eremin Lamp Ms. Aimee Torres Latorre Mrs. Mary Pat Purcell Leon Mrs. Laura Barbieri Longobardi Mrs. Tina Alaimo LoPonte Ms. Sharon Scully Machrone S. Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus Mrs. Mary McNulty Maher Mrs. Mary Ann Markey Mammano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Ms. Maryann Mattessich Ms. Evalyn McDonnaugh Mr. & Mrs. William McKee Mrs. Donna Quinn McNeill Mrs. Denise Carbo Miller Ms. E. Donna McEntee Miller Ms. Maureen Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mills Mrs. Barbara O’Neil Mingle Mrs. Diane Schwitter Montemurro Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Moore Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Moraitis Ms. Jane Morgan Ms. Erica Mulligan Ms. Kathleen Mulroe Mrs. Julie Clifford Murray Mrs. Joann Byrne Nahmias Mr. Mehmet & Dr. Binur Nehrozoglu Mrs. Cindy Smith Nelson Ms. Joanna Nicolich Mrs. Edith Lynch O’Brien Mrs. Margaret Feeney O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mrs. Barbara Burns O’Hara Mrs. Rita Ragno Paterson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Patterson Mrs. Sherry Beltramini Pincus Mrs. Louise Plentus Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Raia

Ms. Maureen Riordan Ms. Jeanette Rizzitiello Dr. Patrice Roberts Ms. Patricia Romano Mrs. Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schmaus Ms. Pamela Schwitter Ms. Leigh Shahbazian Ms. Valerie Sisko Dr. Catherine Costello Skae Ms. Theresa A. Smith Mrs. Deborah Soldo Solga Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Spoleti Ms. Alicia Izquierdo St. Pierre Mrs. Carolyn Mullich Stamatakis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sunden Ms. Carla Antonelli Sutherland Ms. Ellen Turk Dr. Karen Entricken Vardaro Ms. Carla Varriale Mr. Anthony Vasys Dr. Erica A. Vero Ms. Judith Violick Mrs. Jane Meixner von Schilling Mrs. Margaret Hurley Wells Mr. & Mrs. Edward Winkler Mrs. Anne Weygant Worthington Mrs. Mary Sheridan Wright Mrs. Annita Zalenski Angels Club

Ms. Valerie Abel Mrs. Tara-Anne Harkins Adams Mrs. Delia Rivardo Adorno S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Mrs. Diana Titolo Alexander Mrs. Rosemary Gottuso Amendola Ms. Nancy Angelica Mrs. Marlene Amberger Annarumma Anonymous Mrs. Frances Cunneen Antonacchio Mr. & Mrs. Mark Aprahamian Mrs. Roberta Rio Arbree Mrs. Anne Haviland Arnold Ms. Kristyl Berckes Asakiewicz Mr. Thomas Kuhn & Ms. Linda Baboulis Ms. Arlene Banks Dr. & Mrs. Paul Barabas Ms. Fortunata Barbara Ms. Christina Barbieri Ms. Maria Bargellini Mrs. Frances Carr Barletta Mrs. Eileen Brennan Barry Mrs. Hut Holahan Beall Ms. Jeanne Marie Beaugard Mrs. Bette Ann Ogden Beck Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benson Mrs. Lee Contrucci Berchem Dr. Susan Tozzi Berry Mr. & Mrs. Neil Best, Jr. Mrs. Antoinette Pavlu Beyer Mrs. Sally Casper Binder Ms. Coryn Blank Mrs. Mary Herring Blanke Ms. Amanda Witt Bogertman Mrs. Joan Bogner Mrs. Vicki Bozzo Bonica



Mrs. Michelle-Anne Zuniga Bors Mrs. Patricia McAnanly Borzner Mrs. Diane Bosco Mrs. Ann Erpenbeck Bottelli Ms. Elizabeth Bouvier Dr. Karen DeSimone Bradley Ms. Kate Branciforte Mrs. Barbara Gallagher Brennan Ms. Rory Breslin Ms. Nancy Breuel Mrs. Patrice Karlson Brierty Ms. Patricia Broderick Mrs. Florence Doyle Brown Mrs. Ann Carty Bruchansky Ms. Geraldine Rendine Burghart Mrs. Augusta Heinzmann Burke Ms. Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Ms. Sandrine Caloz Ms. Nancy Campanozzi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cantwell Ms. Ann Marie Capuzzi Mrs. Virginia Campbell Cariello Dr. & Mrs. Charles Carozza Mrs. Marie Tyler Carr Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Carroll Mrs. Kathleen Lane Caslin Mrs. Moira Head Cassidy Mrs. Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Mrs. Dorothy Reside Cavanaugh Ms. Kristen Cebulski Mrs. Rae Cecere Mrs. Kathleen McCloskey Chambers Ms. Angela Christou Ms. Daniella Ciacciarelli Mrs. Ann Marie Aslanian Cicala Ms. Gracemarie Cirino Mrs. Jane Halligan Claesgens Ms. Anne Collins Mrs. Joanne Henderson Collins Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Ms. Sarah Collins Mrs. Virginia Garip Comer Ms. Lisa Comunale Mrs. Tara Lupetin Connor Mrs. Jo-Ann Vassallo Cooley Ms. Carmela Cordasco Mrs. Ursula Holden-Corr Mr. & Mrs. Leo Corrigan Mrs. Catherine Smith Costigan Mrs. Katherine Schwarz Cowan Mrs. Gail Moakler Cowser Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Cuba Mrs. Michele Connell Cullen Mrs. Christine McGoey Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham Dr. Catherine Curley Ms. Kyla Meisten Daher Mrs. Sharon Baelis Dail Ms. Claire Nelson Dale Mrs. Alexandra Kingscote Darigan Ms. Christina D’Arrigo Mrs. Jovanka De Palma Mrs. Megan Moran Delasandro Mrs. Maureen Reilly DeLosa Ms. Tina DeLucia Mrs. Adaline Quinn DeMarrais Mrs. Lucretia Carusona D’Emilio Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Deramo Mrs. Imelda Donnelly Dermady

Mrs. Sue DeSimone Mrs. Lorelei Murray Devine Mrs. Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla Mrs. Dorothy Zenorini Dian Mrs. Georgette Costa Dickman Ms. Janine Guarino Diez Ms. MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Ms. Kathleen DiGiulio S. Joan Dineen, SSND Ms. Sharon Discorfano Mrs. Kristine Murray Diverio Mrs. Mary Alice Cook Dowdell Mrs. Eileen Dowling Mrs. Donna Romano Doyle Ms. Katherine Doyle Drs. John and Yvonne Driscoll Ms. Kerry Drury Ms. Jane DuBois Mrs. Gail Brinkworth Dughi Mrs. Mary Patrice Bonsignore Dunn Mrs. Susan Stoldt Dunn Ms. Katrina Durbak S. Michaela Durkin, SSND Ms. Kathleen Eagan S. Henrice Eckert, SSND Mrs. Liane Sullivan Egle Ms. Megan Emmich Mrs. Diane Lewandowski English Mrs. Kathleen McNicholas Entwistle Mrs. Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Mrs. Teresa Santangelo Esoldi Mr. Robert Everett & Dr. Elaine Alicakos Mrs. Arlene Scarpone Fatovic Mrs. Maurica Colbert Fedors Ms. Seton Alves Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Norberto Fernandez Mrs. Susan DePhillips Fernandez Ms. Melanie Filocco Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Finnegan Mrs. Barbara Duffy Fiorito Ms. Mary Wilson Fischbach Mrs. Christine Falotico Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary Ann Wershing Flack Ms. Michele Gerise Flanagan Mrs. Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Dr. Megan O’Reilly Foran Mrs. Ann Daly Ford Ms. Beth Forman Mr. & Mrs. Edward Frenzel Ms. Louise Fuchs Mrs. Roberta Frasca Fulford Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Furci Mr. & Mrs. Larry Galanter Mr. Robert Galbraith Ms. Cara Gallagher Mrs. Grace Guthy Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Rory Gallagher Mrs. Joan Gasparovic Gambeski Dr. Margaret-Ann Gartland Dr. Lou Ann Gartner Mrs. Kathleen Devine Gelso Mrs. Joan Jurczak Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gentile Ms. Michele Scozzafava Gervino Mrs. Claudette Robusti Giani Mrs. Joanne Quinn Glaeser Mrs. Karen Dorney Godfrey Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin Mrs. Louise Balutis Goldstein

Ms. Mary Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorman Mrs. Margaret Rutz Grande Mrs. Mariann Lawrence Granrath Mrs. Marie Bracconeri Greco S. Catherine Green, SSND Ms. Janet Green Mrs. Caitlin Early Greenberg Ms. Jo-Ellen Smith Greene Ms. Jeanmarie Orso Grey Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grommisch Ms. Marcella Lillis Guilford Ms. Maureen Corbett Gullo Mrs. Margaret-Mary Gibbs Haase Ms. Victoria Haeselbarth Mrs. Margot Hahn Ms. Marisa Hall Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hall Mrs. Megan Petersen-Handeland S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND Ms. Dana Harencak Dr. Suzanne Bogaczyk Hartigan Mrs. Colleen Lindsell Hauser Ms. Marjorie Fisher Hausmann Ms. Lauren Haviland Mrs. Jacqueline Marella Haywood Mrs. Carla Bacigalupo Healy Ms. Maria Isgro Helliesen Ms. Carol Hile Mrs. Margaret Neeser Hillman Ms. Mary Hines Mrs. Patricia Brown Hoffmann Ms. Diane O’Brien Holcomb Ms. Frances Hopkins Mrs. Pamela Rizzo Hopper Ms. Florence Horgan Ms. Elizabeth Bennett Horton Mrs. Eugenia Paracka Hosbach-Davies Mrs. Patricia Modrys Hourigan Mr. John Hroncich & Ms. Linda Smith Mrs. Lynn Leighton Humiston Mrs. Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Mrs. Joan Ward Hunnewell Mrs. Rita Gagliano Hutchins Immaculate Heart Academy Mrs. Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jentile Mrs. Joan Infosino Johnson Ms. Cynthia Jalil Kaney Ms. Holly Kaplansky Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas Ms. Laura Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Bill Keefe S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND Mrs. Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kennedy Mrs. Ellen Fagan Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kenny Mrs. Maria Schoepe Keogh Ms. Alice Kestenbaum Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner Mrs. Jo Ann Martucci Klein Mrs. Lindsay Watson Klitsch Mrs. Kathleen Campagnolo Kloeblen Mrs. Felicia Marotti Klug Mrs. Joanne Koslo S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND

Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith Opel Mrs. Arlene Senackerib O’Rourke Ms. Harriet Paganessi Mrs. Mary Mattessich Palatini Mr. & Mrs. Michael Palazzoto Dr. Alexis Lanteri Parcells Mrs. Alicia Parent Mrs. Domenica Fedele Parisi Mr. A. Lavers & Ms. S. Parker Ms. Patricia Pece Ms. Mariette Mulder Perdigao Mrs. Megan Costa Perna Mr. Michael Piane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Piersa Mrs. Elaine Dylewski Pietrusiak Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pikarsky Mrs. Joan Margiotta Pirone Mrs. Mary Ann Jackson Plaza Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pousson Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Mrs. Ellen Melli Powley Mrs. Maryann Murphy Prendergast Mrs. Catherine Ragati Priess Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Rosemary Powers Purdue Ms. Theresa Anne Quinn Mrs. Kathleen Rosenkranz Radcliffe Mrs. Elise Guasti Radick Mrs. Maureen Hickey Radl Mrs. Sharon Smith-Raska Ms. Genna Reed Mrs. JoAnn McDermott Reed Mrs. Muriel Cuddy Reeves Mrs. Amy Cavanagh Rego Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Hottenrott Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reuter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reuter Ms. Melissa Zilocchi Riccio Ms. Angelina Rispoli Ms. Nancy Mackle Robilotta Dr. Joan Rodano Ms. Margaret Begley Roettger Mrs. Anne Marie Ryan Ryan Ms. Kelly Salmon Ms. Rose Salmon Mrs. Lisa Mulhare Sanderson Mrs. Maureen O’Brien Sandner Ms. Sherry Sansone Mrs. Ashleigh Young Santamaria Ms. Jennifer Santana Mrs. Gilda Vita Scerbo Ms. Joanne Schaeder Ms. Linda Schleicher-Dilks Mrs. Lauren DePaul Schreiber Mrs. Barbara Lally Schuierer Mrs. Jean Lenahan Schuller Mrs. Mary-Aileen Harkins Schwarz Mrs. Nancy Sinnott Sen Ms. Sandra Shahbazian Ms. Kerryn Lynch Shaughnessy S. Mary Shea, OP Mrs. Margaret Hogan Sheehan Mrs. Kathleen Holland Sheridan Ms. Maria Mordvinov Shuler Mrs. Celeste Rinaldi Siconolfi Mrs. Christine Barry Sielicki Ms. Karen Wieghaus Sills Ms. Elizabeth Purcell Simons

Mrs. Laura Wescott Kraytem Dr. Diane Kvilesz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Labita Mrs. Mary Beardsley Land Ms. Dianne LaRocca Mrs. Joan Gorecki Lasser Mr. & Mrs. Belisario Lavin Mrs. Anne Bernero Leonard Ms. Carol Lombardi Mrs. Nancy Lorenzo Mrs. Elaine Rizk Lupetin Mr. & Mrs. Gary Luscher Mrs. Patricia Malesardi Ms. Katherine Malley Mrs. Lia Bizarro Mancuso Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mandella Ms. Kendra Mara Ms. Kathleen Marchi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mariniello Ms. Monica Mariniello Mr. & Mrs. Djuro Markolovic Mrs. Susan Grein Maroney Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Marrero Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mase Mrs. Joan O’Brien Masini Ms. Theresa Mathews Mrs. Barbara Elter Maurer Ms. Lisa Mayer Mrs. Kathleen Callahan Mays Mrs. Eileen Galleshaw McCarthy Mrs. Erma Egan McCarthy Ms. Mary Heindel McCrea Mr. & Mrs. Donald McDermott S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Ms. Margaret McGlynn Mrs. Therese McGovern Mrs. Margaret Alberse McIrvin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney Ms. Ellen McShane Mrs. Barbara Hayes Meinzinger Mrs. Jane Marie McAuliffe Meisner Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Meisten Ms. Jill Belby Mendez Mrs. Maryanne Miloscia Ms. Patricia Miney Mrs. Jennifer Berlinghieri Minicus Ms. Erin Donohue Misischia Mrs. Florence Mulry Ms. Rosie Rodriguez Munoz Ms. Grace Gallagher Murphy Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy Mrs. Mary McCarthy Murphy Mr. Anthony Napierski Ms. Kathleen Naughton Mrs. Jeanne Lescroart Naylon Mrs. Joan Cangialosi Nelson Ms. Maria Casella Nierstedt Mrs. Marguerite Murphy Nolan Mrs. Colleen Oates Oberg Ms. Eileen Dennehy O’Connell Mrs. Madeline Fay O’Connor Ms. Mariann O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Scott O’Connor Mrs. Kathleen Imperatore O’Dowd Ms. Julianne O’Gorman Mrs. Barbara Pickess O’Halloran Mrs. Karen Vanacek Ohly Ms. Lisa Olsen


Mrs. Eloise Sirico Mrs. Karen Swasey Slater Ms. Jennifer McNamara Sledge Mrs. Christine Gadino Slocumb Ms. Jean Schiller Smedira Mrs. Jean Fattori Smith Ms. Loretta Snack Mrs. Mary Ellen Weidmann Snow Ms. Laurel Snyder Mrs. Mary Cron Sorrenti Ms. Juliana Barno Spitzer Mrs. Jean Gorecki Spychalski Ms. Barbara Pratico Squadrito Mrs. Ruth Radics St. Clair Ms. Jo Ann Stabile Mrs. Irene Stagg Mrs. Barbara Dunn Starrett Ms. Victoria Stivala Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan Mrs. Patricia Byrnes Sutton Ms. Sheila Dombal Swartz Ms. Deirdre Sullivan Sweeney S. Carole Tabano, SSND Ms. Jacqueline Flynn Tarnowski Mrs. Julia Feehan Tatti Mrs. Jacqueline Sullivan Tesoriero Mrs. Mary Tully Thompson Mrs. Lois Studley Thomsen Mrs. Kristina Krasnow Thomson Mrs. Arlene Rossotti Tiscornia Mrs. Kristine Kour Tomesch Ms. Catherine Kissinger Toomey Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Tracey Mrs. Suzanne Jacquett Tramontana Ms. Eileen Bannon Trost Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Turfan Ms. Linda Tuttle Mrs. Patricia Sherman Tyl Ms. Alexis Vale Ms. Colette Obzejta Varano Ms. Stephanie Vassallo Ms. Cori Yozzo Verdino Mr. & Mrs. Riccardo Vivona Mr. & Mrs. George Voulgaris Mrs. Meeghan Burke Wagner Mrs. Agnes Hahn Waide Mrs. Kathleen Wall Ms. Mary Birkhofer Warchot Ms. Mary Beth Wetzelberger Ms. Leslie Whatley Ms. Julie Santoli-White Ms. Linda Wildermuth Ms. Victoria A. Williams Mrs. Kathy Neumann Wills Mrs. Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson Ms. Michele Hurley Wright Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek Ms. Yumiko Yokoi Mr. & Mrs. Gary Zimick Ms. Gail Zimmermann

a l u m n a e g i v i n g b y c l a s s (mailable alumnae) Class of ’40

Percentage of Participation: 33% Total Giving: $150.00 Edith Lynch O’Brien

Class of ’41

Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $50.00 S. Henrice Eckert, SSND

Class of ’44

Percentage of Participation: 18% Total Giving: $100.00 Augusta Heinzmann Burke Gilda Vita Scerbo

Class of ’45

Percentage of Participation: 20% Total Giving: $350.00 Marie Zenorini Canepa Mary Heindel McCrea Class of ’46

Percentage of Participation: 22% Total Giving: $175.00 Arline Zenorini Conn Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla

Class of ’47

Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $300.00 Anne Billings Brazill Margaret Feeney O’Brien

Class of ’48

Percentage of Participation: 35% Total Giving: $495.00 Florence Doyle Brown Dorothy Reside Cavanaugh Claire Marie Dale Imelda Donnelly Dermady Dorothy Zenorini Dian S. Joan Dineen, SSND Elyse Deublein Harney Florence Horgan Catherine Ragati Priess Rosemary Powers Purdue

Class of ’49

Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $350.00 Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy Mary Ann Wershing Flack

Class of ’50

Percentage of Participation: 27% Total Giving: $3,175.00 Michele Connell Cullen Janet McNulty Ferrante S. Catherine Green, SSND S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND Mary McNulty Maher Erma Egan McCarthy Ruth Rempe Anne W. Worthington Class of ’51

Percentage of Participation: 29% Total Giving: $635.00 S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Roberta F. Fulford Grace Guthy Gallagher Margaret Gibbs Haase Eugenia Paracka Hosbach Davies Kathleen Scherer Krone Joan O’Brien Masini Marguerite Murphy Nolan

Class of ’52

Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $225.00 Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Barbara Pickess O’Halloran Agnes Hahn Waide

Class of ’53

Percentage of Participation: 18% Total Giving: $385.00 Marlene Muscarelle Flanagan Louise Balutis Goldstein Joyce Comeau Smith

Class of ’54

Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $335.00 Anne Haviland Arnold Frances Carr Barletta Carole Brown Mary Alice Cook Dowdell Margaret Rutz Grande

Class of ’55

Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $400.00 Fortunata J. Barbara Joanne Henderson Collins Maryann Manzie Giannella

Class of ’56

Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $1,770.00 Ann Erpenbeck Bottelli Gerda Theresa Della Valle Arlene Scarpone Fatovic Mary Wilson Fischbach Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Barbara Braun Ix Geraldine Baker Warner

Class of ’57

Percentage of Participation: 22% Total Giving: $1,250.00 Delia Rivardo Adorno Diana Titolo Alexander Mary Elizabeth Cuba Christine McGoey Cummings Adaline Quinn DeMarrais Barbara Duffy Fiorito Joan Larsen Friezo Elaine Dylewski Pietrusiak Mary Ann Jackson Plaza Muriel Cuddy Reeves Mary Stuart Mary Tully Thompson Class of ’58

Percentage of Participation: 19% Total Giving: $1,445.00 Rosemary Gottuso Amendola Elizabeth Ogden Beck Mary Ann Huber Franson Claire I. Gareau D.Denise Gallagher Houghton Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Margaret Alberse McIrvin Lucia Cirino Murphy Cindy Smith Nelson Barbara Pratico Squadrito Lois Studley Thomsen Arlene Rossotti Tiscornia Catherine Kissinger Toomey Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson

Class of ’59

Percentage of Participation: 20% Total Giving: $1,400.00 Roberta Rio Arbree Ann Marie Capuzzi Gail Moakler Cowser Alexandra Hope Darigan Susan Roth Fischer Marlene H. Zeither Graffin Carroll Anne Anne Grece Marie Bracconeri Greco Patricia Modrys Hourigan Jane Marie McAuliffe Meisner Angelina Rispoli Celeste Rinaldi Siconolfi S. Carole Tabano SSND Class of ’60

Percentage of Participation: 19% Total Giving: $1,095.00 Marlene Amberger Annarumma Christine Stein Baltz Lee Contrucci Berchem Mary DePalma Burke Gracemarie Cirino Susan Stoldt Dunn Diane Neary Ewing Dorothy M. Fell Carla Bacigalupo Healy Patricia McAtee Kiesel Grace E. Gallagher Murphy Maureen Hickey Radl Class of ’61

Percentage of Participation: 22% Total Giving: $2,260.00 S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Theresa Bianchi Brennan Elaine Blasco Bronner Rosemary Capuzzi Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Kathleen Bohnert Davis Mary-Ann Guerin Foley Mariann Lawrence Granrath Sarah Ellen Hogan Sister Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Patricia Fongaro Maus Mary Ellen Smith Opel Joan C. Rodano Patricia A. Romano Judith Violick Carolyn Lucia Vioni Class of ’62

Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $2,300.00 Frances Cunneen Antonacchio Antonia Adamo Bouillette Virginia Campbell Cariello Kathleen McCloskey Chambers Rosemary Farrell Ervin Barbara Fritsche Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Mary Lou Sciarrillo Gail Zimmermann

Class of ’63

Percentage of Participation: 21% Total Giving: $5,875.00 Valerie Abel Katherine Cowan Jane Loughman Crowley Maureen Reilly DeLosa Tina DeLucia Mary Kathleen Tigh Detrano Georgette Costa


Jane Henzi Kiefer Elaine Rizk Lupetin Susan Grein Maroney Jill Belby Mendez Ellen Monahan Madeline Fay O’Connor Domenica Fedele Parisi Margaret Hurley Wells Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore Class of ’64

Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $30,115.00 Anonymous Patricia O’Hara Belby Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Louise Fiocchi Gunderson Audrey Spiotto Luckow Ellen McShane E. Donna McEntee Miller Barbara Burns O’Hara Joan Margiotta Pirone Margaret Neville Raymo Leslie Burke Robertson Jean Schiller Smedira Dee Sullivan Yost

Class of ’65

Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $8,030.00 Patricia Broderick Elizabeth Walker Campau Linda Harrison Ciardiello Maureen Lewis Corbett Cathryn Archibald Curia Patricia Geoghegan Claudette Robusti Giani Jo Ann Martucci Klein Diane Kvilesz Margaret McGlynn Pamela M. Schwitter Sr. Mary Shea, OP Peggy Hogan Sheehan Jane Meixner von Schilling Linda Wildermuth Class of ’66

Percentage of Participation: 22% Total Giving: $29,671.20 Antoinette Pavlu Beyer Kathryn Gartland Chambers Jane Halligan Claesgens Janet Henry Cogbill Lucretia Carusona D’Emilio Jane Patricia DuBois Margaret Fry Fennell Margaret-Ann Gartland Suzanne Gila Jayson Felicia Marotti Klug Sharon Scully Machrone Barbara O’Neil Mingle Susan Craig Scott Kathleen Holland Sheridan Ruth Ellen Radics St. Clair Carolyn Mullich Stamatakis Patricia Byrnes Sutton Julia Feehan Tatti

Class of ’67

Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $4,050.00 Adrienne Benzoni Ursula Holden-Corr Gail Brinkworth Dughi Jean Rapport Lowe Barbara Elter Maurer

Kathleen Imperatore O’Dowd Jean Lenahan Schuller Carla Antonelli Sutherland Kristine Kour Tomesch Class of ’68

Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $2,950.00 Valasie Kolessides August Barbara Smith Costigan Joan Jurczak Gentile Arleen Pancza Graham Jo-Ellen Smith Greene Sunda DeCotiis Guinta Mary Hines Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Maureen McGuirl Maureen Phelan Previti Elise Guasti Radick Patrice Roberts Patricia Sherman Tyl

Class of ’69

Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $2,425.00 Patrice Karlson Brierty Geraldine Rendine Burghart Marie Tyler Carr Kathleen Connelly Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Theresa Spola Doyle Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Lou Ann Gartner Elizabeth Kress Golub Christina Kelly Judith Eremin Lamp Mary Ann Markey Mammano Patricia Miney Reena Raggi Denton Sharon Smith Raska Barbara Dunn Starrett Eileen Bannon Trost

Class of ’70

Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $1,350.00 Ann Daly Ford Louise D. Fuchs Joanne Quinn Glaeser Tara Greaney Marcella Lillis Guilford Theresa Anne Quinn Joanne T. Schaeder Elizabeth Mills Switaj Nancy G. Visocki Class of ’71

Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $3,815.00 Arlene Banks Carmela Cordasco Nancy Brennan Hansen Denise Carbo Miller Jane Morgan Maria Spola Muller Jeanne Lescroart Naylon Diane Oakley Rita Ragno Paterson Margaret Begley Roettger Maureen O’Brien Sandner Jean Fattori Smith Victoria Stivala Highest Overall Participation Highest Financial Participation

Class of ’72

Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $2,605.00 Jeanne Marie Beaugard Theresa Biasi Catherine Smith Costigan Stephanie Bille Donohue Diane Schwitter Montemurro Mary McCarthy Murphy Mariette Mulder Perdigao Sherry A. Beltramini Pincus Patricia Vandenberg

Class of ’73

Percentage of Participation: 16% Total Giving: $1,815.00 Jeanne Pomar Asher Eileen Brennan Barry Nancy Breuel Eleanor Quinn Dunn Mary Gorman Colleen Lindsell Hauser Jacqueline Marella Haywood Pamela Rizzo Hopper Cynthia Jalil Kaney Mary Pat Purcell Leon Barbara Hayes Meinzinger Joan Cangialosi Nelson JoAnn McDermott Reed Deborah Soldo Solga Jacqueline Sullivan Tesoriero Susan Telesco Wohlforth Class of ’74

Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $970.00 Vicki Bozzo Bonica Mary F. Campagnolo MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Maurica Colbert Fedors Patricia Brown Hoffmann Tina Alaimo LoPonte Lisa Mayer Colleen Oates Oberg

Class of ’75

Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $2 ,775.00 Susan Tozzi Berry Diane Bosco Maggie Cahill Jane McGlew Collen Virginia Puig Dolan JoAnne Donnelly Galdo Sharon Fagliarone Hajjar Joan Gorecki Lasser Maria Casella Nierstedt Mary Mattessich Palatini Mary Holahan Peebles Jean Gorecki Spychalski Class of ’76

Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $840.00 Linda Baboulis Hut Beall Virginia Garip Comer Kathleen Campagnolo Kloeblen Carol A. Lombardi Mary Ellen Weidmann Snow Mary Cron Sorrenti Margaret Stika-Walsh Mary Birkhofer Warchot

Class of ’77

Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $2,115.00 Mary Herring Blanke Barbara Gallagher Brennan Moira Head Cassidy Anne Collins M. Patrice Bonsignore Dunn Kathleen Devine Gelso Lynn Leighton Humiston Nicole Grace Keck Kathleen Callahan Mays Donna McNeill Kathleen Mulroe Karen Vanacek Ohly Maureen Riordan Nancy Sinnott Sen Kristina Krasnow Thomson Class of ’78

Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $27,775.00 Patricia McAnanly Borzner Ann Carty Bruchansky Donna Romano Doyle Jeanmarie Orso Grey Maria Isgro Helliesen Patti McGovern Hill Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly Ellen Fagan Kenny Lydia Valitzky Kesler Anne Bernero Leonard Maryann Mattessich Patricia Clifford McKillip Joan Ciampo Piersa Theresa Chin Rivoir Lisa Mulhare Sanderson Barbara Lally Schuierer Elizabeth Purcell Simons Jo Ann Stabile Stephanie Vassallo Meeghan Burke Wagner Kathy Neumann Wills Class of ’79

Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $1,530.00 Maureen Fennessy Bousa Rita Nichols Danylchuk Susan DePhillips Joan Gasparovic Gambeski Rita Gagliano Hutchins Laura Wescott Kraytem Kathleen Marchi Ellen Melli Powley Class of ’80

Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $6,775.00 Phyllis Gutto Brew Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Patricia Contino Eileen Dowling Liane Sullivan Egle Pamela Gheysen Raphaela M. Giampiccolo Janet E. Green Andrea M. Hyer Maureen Miller Jane Morrisroe Naddeo Joanna M. Nicolich Anne Marie Ryan Ryan Margaret Heaney Saxenian

Highest Increase in Participation


Class of ’81

Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $1,100.00 Karen E. DeSimone Lorelei Murray Devine Margaret Neeser Hillman Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Rosaleen Mulvey Lane Kathleen A. Naughton Arlene Senackerib O’Rourke Kathleen Rosenkranz Radcliffe Suzanne Jacquett Tramontana

Class of ’82

Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $9,030.00 Jane Nicolich Chandler Denise Jennings Gunter Victoria Haeselbarth Geralyn Parent Haws Diane O’Brien Holcomb Maria Schoepe Keogh Roseanne McCauley Mariann M. O’Connor Rosemarie Yancosek

Class of ’83

Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $4,695.00 Deirdre Facendola Altobell Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik Ann Marie Aslanian Cicala Barbara Ehret Crowe Janine Guarino Diez Kathleen McNicholas Entwistle Patricia Ebner Goldin Joan Ward Hunnewell Lia Bizarro Mancuso Maureen Henry Martindale Elisabeth Magnus Mitchell Jean Benzenberg Mullooly Lisa Olsen Maryann Murphy Prendergast Jacqueline Flynn Tarnowski Darlene Yankowski Zona

Class of ’84

Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $2,715.00 Mary Veras Ayoub Maria Bargellini Carolyn Rettberg Browning Jean M. Butler Patricia Mahaney Crowley Catherine Curley Regina Hur Gramss Maura Gidez Kilner Laura Barbieri Longobardi Jennifer Berlinghieri Minicus Catherine DiDonato Nelson Kimberly Mann Palmeri Adrienne MacLellan Phillips Carla Varriale

Class of ’85

Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $2,250.00 Stacey Ann Bailey Kristine Murray Diverio Madeleine Dowling Katherine Dillon Jones Christina Karas Catherine Costello Skae Karen Entricken Vardaro

alumnae giving by cl ass Class of ’86

Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $5,500.00 Joan D’Andrea Bertussi Joan Infosino Laura Kearney Mary Beardsley Land Nancy Mackle Robilotta Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker Christine Barry Sielicki Christine Gadino Slocumb Yumiko Yokoi

Class of ’87

Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $1,775.00 Maria Humaran Abbattista Sherry Molinari Briody Mary MacIsaac Coleman Sharon Baelis Dail Diane Lewandowski English Katherine Polk Failla Christine Falotico Fitzgerald Michele Flanagan Marilynn Melville Halas Tara A. Hurley Sheila Thornton Labita

Class of ’88

Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $1,040.00 Tara-Anne Harkins Adams Kathleen Browning Jo-Ann Vassallo Cooley Sharon Discorfano Marybeth Gurski Markland Patricia Pece Marilu V. Pulanco Maria Mordvinov Shuler Jennifer McNamara Sledge Sheila Dombal Swartz Cori Yozzo Verdino Michele Hurley Wright

Class of ’89

Class of ’91

Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $365.00 Christina Barbieri Kathleen Lane Caslin Tara Lupetin Connor Michele Scozzafava Gervino Judith Comunale Laquidara Theresa A. Mathews

Class of ’98

Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $241.00 Amanda Witt Bogertman Alexandra Durbak Linda Schleicher-Dilks

Class of ’99

Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $500.00 Elise Kenderian Aronson Maureen Corbett Gullo Suzanne Bogaczyk Hartigan Joann Byrne Nahmias

Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $475.00 Kyla Meisten Daher Amy Branchini Dahl Megan Petersen-Handeland Erin Donohue Misischia Julie Clifford Murray Karen Wieghaus Sills Juliana Barno Spitzer

Class of ’93

Class of ’00

Class of ’92

Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $2,570.00 Ahlam Abbasi Sandrine Caloz Nancy Campanozzi Elizabeth Cassino Michele Cerullo Deanna D’Arrigo Siobhan Keegan Anne Ottomanelli Noble Karen Swasey Slater Alicia Izquierdo St. Pierre Elizabeth Yenko

Class of ’94

Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $775.00 Lisa Comunale Christina D’Arrigo Mara Gobovic Lauren DePaul Schreiber Kerryn Lynch Shaughnessy Theresa A. Smith Deirdre Sweeney Erica A. Vero

Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $1,475.00 Michele Toth Carr Katherine Doyle Seton Alves Feeney Maribel Becker Lowry Dana Dorgan Mc Carren Ashleigh Young Santamaria Colleen Corbett Staff

Class of ’95

Class of ’90

Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $540.00 Aimee Torres Latorre Megan Costa Perna Melissa Zilocchi-Riccio Julie Santoli-White Victoria A. Williams Robyn Assile Ziemba

Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $1,075.00 Amy Mc Cabe Kennedy MaryKate Ficca Menapace Barbara White Nolan Mary-Aileen Harkins Schwarz Valerie Sisko Mary Sheridan Wright


Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $455.00 Megan O’Reilly Foran Carey Wunsch Giannetti Rosie Rodriguez Munoz Eileen Dennehy O’Connell Ellen T. Turk

Class of ’96

Class of ’97

Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $300.00 Rory Breslin Angela Christou Nicole Eiszner Dianne LaRocca Monica Mariniello

Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $390.00 Kristyl Berckes Asakiewicz Elizabeth Bouvier Katrina Durbak Nicole Aguila Linn Class of ’01

Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $150.00 Caitlin Early Greenberg Julianne O’Gorman

Class of ’07

Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $325.00 Kerry Elizabeth Drury Dana Harencak Katherine Malley Jeanette Rizzitiello Kelly Salmon

Class of ’08

Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $359.00 Nancy Angelica Kate Branciforte Daniella Ciacciarelli Kathleen DiGiulio Melanie Filocco Marisa Hall Erica Mulligan

Class of ’09

Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $100.00 Kristen Cebulski Sarah Collins

Class of ’11

Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $25.00 Lauren Haviland

Class of ’02

Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $2,680.00 Ana Book Lindsay Watson Klitsch Stefanie Luckow Alexis Lanteri Parcells

Class of ’03

Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $445.00 Sally Casper Binder Megan Moran Delasandro Kendra Mara Amy Cavanagh Rego Sherry Sansone Leigh Shahbazian Colette Obzejta Varano

Class of ’04

Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $50.00 Elizabeth Bennett Horton

Class of ’05

Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $80.00 Cara Gallagher Genna C. Reed

Class of ’06

Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $430.00 Coryn Blank Megan Emmich Malissa Gallini Caroline Graham Jennifer Santana Sandra Shahbazian


Overall Reunion Giving was 12%

in honor and memoriam Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request. In Honor of Samantha A. Acebal

In Honor of The Ebner Sisters

In Memory of Mary Kowalski ’60

In Honor of the AHA Fathers’ Club

In Honor of Zoe O. Esposito

In Honor of Susan Liddy

In Honor of Suzanne Anderson ’88

In Honor of Patricia Fanning

In Memory of Eugene Lupetin

In Honor of Marie Benzoni

In Honor of S. Mary Jeanine Foy, SSND

Mrs. Tara Lupetin Connor ’91 Mrs. Elaine Rizk Lupetin ’63

In Memory of Edward and Theresa Bianchi

In Memory of Dominic Gadaleta

Mrs. Jane Loughman Crowley ’63

In Honor of S.Virginia Bobrowski ’61, SSND

In Memory of Anita Garinger

Ms. Kendra Mara ’03

In Memory of Peg Gartland

Ms. Alice Kestenbaum

In Honor of Daniella N. Garzon ’13

Mrs. Jacqueline Marella Haywood ’73

In Memory of Marc A. Giambalvo

Mrs. Felicia Marotti Klug ’66

In Memory of Giuseppe Giampiccolo

Ms. Elizabeth Bennett Horton ’04

In Memory of Margaret M. Gidez ’42

Mrs. Jo Ann Martucci Klein ’65

In Honor of Jeanette Gorecki

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mase

In Memory of Erin Gorman ’97

S. Felician and Mrs. Helen Toomey Onorato Ms. Carol Lombardi ’76

In Memory of Margaret ’59

In Memory of Kathryn A. Moody ’95

Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Acebal

Mrs. Valasie Kolessides August ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser Ms. Adrienne Benzoni ’67

Mrs. Helen Bianchi Rothgerber ’62 Mrs. Tara Brunt Ms. Patricia Mahaney Crowley ’84 Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huntington Ms. Kathleen Marchi ’79 Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris

In Memory of Robert Brazill

Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill ’47

In Memory of Geraldine Brennan Ms. Nancy Brennan Hansen ’71

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Browning, Jr. Ms. Kathleen Browning ’88

In Memory of Helen Cahill Ms. Maggie Cahill ’75

In Memory of Andrew Capizzi

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barber Ms. Frances Capizzi Mr. Robert Capizzi Mrs. Megan Moran Delasandro ’03 Ms. Kathleen Eagan Ms. Beth Forman Ms. Carol Hile Ms. Frances Hopkins Immaculate Heart Academy Ms. Holly Kaplansky Mr. David O’Brien Dr. Clement Price Ms. Loretta Snack Ms. Laurel Snyder

In Honor of Anthony V. Cappella Ms. Stacey Ann Bailey ’85

In Memory of Kathleen McGoey Cassidy ’59 Mrs. Christine McGoey Cummings ’57

In Honor of the Class of 1958

Mrs. Bette Ann Ogden Beck ’58

In Honor of the Class of 1963 Ms. Jill Belby Mendez ’63

In Honor of the Class of 1983

Ms. Darlene Yankowski Zona ’83

In Honor of the Class of 1984,

especially Delia Welby Willsey ’84 Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner ’84

In Memory of Lillian and Howard Comeau Ms. Joyce Comeau Smith ’53

In Honor of Harriet Corrigan ’50, SSJ Mrs. Erma Egan McCarthy ’50

In Memory of Johanna Curley Dr. Catherine Curley ’84

In Memory of Christine DesVergers Mrs. Madeline Fay O’Connor ’63

In Memory of Leonard Dian

Mrs. Dorothy Zenorini Dian ’48

In Memory of Anita Dorgan

Mrs. Dana Dorgan Mc Carren ’89

In Memory of John P. Dowling Ms. Madeleine Dowling ’85

In Memory of Florence L. Doyle Mrs. Florence Doyle Brown ’48

In Memory of Sophia Rubis-Duffy

Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin ’83 Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito

Mrs. Maureen Henry Martindale ’83 Mrs. Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker ’86 Mrs. Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly ’78 Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter ’82 Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Garzon

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo

Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo ’80

Mrs. Rosemary Powers Purdue ’48 Mrs. Jean Gorecki Spychalski ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorman

and Mary Anne ‘57 Grece Ms. Carroll Anne Grece ’59

Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus ’61

Mrs. Maureen Henry Martindale ’83

In Honor of S. Mary Louise Manning, SSND In Honor of JoAnn Mara In Honor of Ralph and Barbara Marchione In Memory of Phyllis Marella

In Memory of Peter & Louise Marotti In Memory of Elizabeth Quinn Martin ’42 In Memory of Ann & Joseph Anthony Martucci, Sr. In honor of Allison Mase ’13 In honor of Miss Kirschner, S. Germaine, S. Roberta,

Dr. Megan O’Reilly Foran ’95

In Honor of Sydney C. Moraitis ’16

In Memory of Peter Guasti

Mr. Anthony Vasys

In Memory of Maureen Guzzetti ’66

Ms. Maria Mordvinov Shuler ’88

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Haviland

and Kenneth O’Connor Ms. Mariann O’Connor ’82

In Memory of S. M. Helene, SSND

In Memory of Andrew O’Gara, F.S.C.

In Memory of Geraldine Powers Hopkins ’71

In Memory of Maureen Rogers ’73

Mrs. Elise Guasti Radick ’68 Mrs. Joan Margiotta Pirone ’64 Ms. Lauren Haviland ’11

Ms. Sharon Scully Machrone ’66

Ms. Margaret Begley Roettger ’71 Mrs. Jean Fattori Smith ’71

In Memory of Susan Mordvinov

In Memory of Patricia K. O’Connor

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Doyle

Ms. Cynthia Jalil Kaney ’73

In Memory of Michael Romano

In Honor of S. M. Ignaius, SSND

Mrs. Donna Romano Doyle ’78

In Memory of Jill Imperatore

Mrs. Kathleen Rosenkranz Radcliffe ’81

In Memory of Frances Jesuele

Ms. Michele Scozzafava Gervino ’91

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. John Jurcczak

Ms. Jo Ann Stabile ’78

In Memory of Richard Kahlenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stephens

In Memory of Mary Kaley

Dr. Karen DeSimone Bradley ’81

In Honor of S. Karen Kane, SSND

Mrs. Denise Carbo Miller ’71

In Memory of Chris A. Karas

Mrs. Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla ’46

In Honor of Ella Jane Schwarz Keegan ’49

Mrs. Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78

In Honor of S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND

Ms. Nancy Visocki ’70

In Memory of Leona V. Kelly

Mrs. Mary Alice Cook Dowdell ’54

In Memory of Miss Marilyn Kirschner

Mrs. Frances Cunneen Antonacchi ’62

In Memory of Joy Camerlengo Kolodzej ’66

Ms. Amanda Witt Bogertman ’98

Mrs. Anne Weygant Worthington ’50 Mrs. Kathleen Imperatore O’Dowd ’67 Mrs. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski ’58 Mrs. Joan Jurczak Gentile ’68 Ms. Katherine Doyle ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley

In Memory of Anthony J. Rosenkranz In Honor of Anthony Scozzafava In Memory of Joseph Shalhoub In Honor of Danielle Stephens ’15

In Memory of S. Norice Sullivan, SSND In Memory of Mary M.Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Ms. Christina Karas ’85

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Giancarlo

Rev. Elizabeth Kress Golub ’69 Ms. Christina Kelly ’69

Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo ’93

Mrs. Jane Halligan Claesgens ’66

AHA Parents’ Guild


In Memory of S. Frances Therese, SSND In Memory of Catherine M.Trimarchi-White ’86 In Honor of Gloria Visocki In Memory of Patricia Wallace Widland ’54 In Memory of Patricia Cunneen Winship ‘67 In Memory of Martha V. Witt

In Memory of S. Mary Vitoline Wolf, SSND Mr. & Mrs. George Voulgaris

In Memory of George Yancosek Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek ’82

pa r e n t g i v i n g b y c l a s s CLASS OF 2013


Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Mr. & Mrs. Bob Colavecchio Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mr. & Mrs. Larry Galanter Mr. & Mrs. Luis Garzon Mr. & Mrs. Chris Giancarlo Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mase Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Spoleti Mrs. Joanne Surgent Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Tracey

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Daniello Mr. & Mrs. Mark Englert Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Haws Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Hottenrott Mr. & Mrs. Tae Ha Kang Mr. & Mrs. Nick Lugo Mr. & Mrs. Gary Luscher Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Messina Mr. Keith Meyers & Dr. Maria DeVita Mr. Mehmet & Dr. Binur Nehrozoglu Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schmaus Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Jack Yesilian



Mr. & Mrs. Hussein Ayoub Ms. Linda Baboulis & Mr. Thomas Kuhn Ms. Janet Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cunniff Mr. & Mrs. Richard DiBernardo Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gilmartin Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas Dr. & Mrs. Aldo Khoury Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mellas Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Quinones Mr. & Ms. Rajan Raman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. William Sirico Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Turfan

Mr. & Mrs. Hussein Ayoub Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dalvano Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Doyle Mr. & Mrs. James Farrell Mr. & Mrs. John Gazda Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grommisch Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hyer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Imbarrato Dr. & Mrs. Raphael Longobardi Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Menapace Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Moraitis Mr. & Mrs. David Mudrick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rivoir

WALK WITH ANGELS Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hill Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Miss Jennifer Moran Mrs. Joanne Surgent The Parents’ Guild

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES ACE INA Foundation Ameriprise Financial Axa Foundation Bank of America Becton Dickinson & Company Deutsche Bank North America Experian GE Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation Merck Company Foundation Oracle Corporation


Ms. Janet Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Daniello Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Danylchuk Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Labita Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Maron Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pizza Mr. & Mrs. Michael Staff

Pfizer Foundation Pitney Bowes Inc. PSE&G RBC Foundation USA The Bank of New York TimesSquare Capital Management, LLC Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. United Way of New York City Verizon W. P. Carey Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation

s t u d e n t p h o n at h o n v o l u n t e e r s Kylie Ambrose ’13 Elena Aversa ’14 Anastasiya Bazalyuk ’14 Ava Bertone ’14 Brigid Boll ’13 Morgan Buckey ’13 Carina Camporeale ’14 Victoria Cavaliere ’13 Chung Eun Chae ’14 Andrea Cho ’14 Elizabeth Choi ’13 Carrie Chung ’13 Olivia Cieslar ’13 Emma Conn ’13 Caitlin Daniels ’14 Patricia Das ’13 Gabrielle Del Vecchio ’13 Gabrielle DeParis ’14 Katherine Drury ’14 Saarah D’Souza ’14 Zoe Esposito ’14 Amanda Fellowes ’14 Theresa Fletcher ’13

Grace Fuselier ’14 Kathryn Fuselier ’13 Caren Garcon ’14 Laura Galanter ’13 Daniella Garzon ’13 Alyssa Gentile ’14 Nicole Giambalvo ’14 Samantha Gibney ’13 Brooke Goonetilleke ’13 Niamh Glynn ’14 Alexis Gutch ’13 Catherine Hahn ’14 Brigid Hayes ’14 Clarissa Hernandez ’14 Marissa Heyer ’13 Rachel Hudspeth ’14 Elle Infante ’14 Neena Joy ’13 Lauren Kaley ’13 Lydon Kersting ’14 Melissa Kinoian ’14 Anna Kohli ’13 Emily Kolodka ’14

Adriana Kranjac ’13 Mairead Kress ’14 Jae Eun Lee ’14 Anne Loftus ’14 Toni Luciano ’14 Erin Lynch ’13 Jacqueline Mandella ’14 Briana Rae Martinotti ’13 Effie Mathew ’14 Abigail McEvoy ’13 Jasmine McGlashan ’14 Madeline McGovern ’13 Reid McLain ’13 Nina McLaughlin ’14 Morgan Mellas ’14 Kelly Mulligan ’14 Urmila Nair ’13 Danielle Pavon ’14 Meghan Pierce ’14 Alison Pimpinella ’14 Veronica Pirog ’14 Emma Quigley ’13 Kayla Quigley ’14


Kiara Quinones ’14 Sarah Qureshi ’14 Theresa Ra ’13 Sujatha Raman ’14 Erica Repetto ’13 Krystyna Resavy ’14 Danielle Retcho ’13 Margaret Ritter ’13 Christina Rubino ’14 Caroline Santolli ’14 Emily Sedlacek ’14 Margaret Sheehan ’14 Kristen Sherlock ’14 Christina Sirico ’14 Christina Sivulka ’14 Michelle Suh ’14 Isabella Theodorobeakos ’14 Julia Toolen ’14 Leigh Tracey ’13 Mary Katherine Vigneron ’13 Alisson Vollmer ’13 Alexandra Weiss ’13 Victoria Zayat ’13

tuition raffle Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis Abrimian Ms. Bernarda Alarcon-Setti Mr. & Mrs. Guy Amoresano Mr. & Mrs. Michael Andreassi Cseh Mrs. Jenny Aquije Quispe Mr. and Mrs. Chris Armen Mr. & Mrs. Boro Atanasoska Mr. George Ballane Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barrett Mrs. Nadine Behrens Mr. & Mrs. Alan Belthoff Mrs. Alicia Bergstein Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bertone Mrs. Joan D’Andrea Bertussi ’86 Mr. & Mrs. John Bott Mr. & Mrs. Neil Brandmaier Mrs. Theresa Bianchi Brennan ’61 Mrs. Maryellen Hogan Bryan ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Fred Burnett Mr. Anthony Calianese Dr. Mary Campagnolo ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Camporeale Mr. Brian Canavan Dr. & Mrs. Charles Carozza Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carpentieri Mrs. Jeannette Carrier Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cawley Mr. Samuel Cerone Mr. & Dr. Denley Chew Mr. & Mrs. Dae Choi Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Ciacciarelli Ms. Mary Cahill Clarke ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Colman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Connors Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Conti Mr. & Dr. Andrew Cooperman Dr. Vicki Lucia Cowen ’63 Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mr. & Mrs. Rob Cristofoletti Ms. Patricia Mahaney Crowley ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Ashley-James Cruickshank Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cunniff Ms. Jennifer Cuttone Ms. Amy Branchini Dahl ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dalvano Mr. & Mrs. Michael Daly Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Daniello Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Danylchuk Ms. Tanya Daouphars Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Day Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeBellis Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence DeParis Mr. & Mrs. Dennis DeRocher Mrs. Jane DeSimone Ms. Kathleen Tigh Detrano ’63 Dr. & Mrs. Jerome DiBella Mr. & Mrs. Daniel DiIenno

Mr. & Mrs. John Dillon Jr. Mrs. Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo ’64 Mrs. Virginia Kent Dorris ’78 Dr. & Mrs. Sergio Dragone Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Mr. Paul Duffy Mrs. Diane Dynes Mr. & Mrs. Donald Elisano Mr. & Mrs. Richard Emmich Mr. & Mrs. Mark Englert Mr. & Mrs. Richard Escandon Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fellowes Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Fernandez Mrs. Peg Ficca Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. John Fletcher Ms. Janice Karboska Fortunato ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Francesco Ms. Shena Fraser Mr. & Mrs. James Galleshaw Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo Mr. & Mrs. John Gazda Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo Ms. Carey Wunsch-Giannetti ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Seamus Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Good, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gray Ms. Suzanne Griffin ’78 Mr. & Mrs. John Grifonetti Mr. & Mrs. Allen Gross Mr. & Mrs. John Guido Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hairston Ms. Margaret Hart ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Haws Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Ms. Maureen P. Hille, Esq. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. William Holzmann Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Hottenrott Ms. Charlene Hutchinson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hyer Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Infante Mrs. Joan Heinzmann Inzerillo ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jozanovic Mrs. Sharon Jureller Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kahrer Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas Mrs. Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly Mrs. Katherine Valitzky Kelly ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kersting Mrs. Lydia Valitzky Kesler ’78 Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner ’84 Mr. Gregory Kinoian

Mrs. Maria Kirrane-McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Josef Kohler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kress Mr. Paul Krisan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Labita Mrs. Therese Birch LaFond ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Igor Lakoseljac Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lallos Mrs. Rosaleen Mulvey Lane ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Laufeld Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Levy Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lim Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Loftus Mrs. Monique LaRovere Losson ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Luscher Mr. & Mrs. Kieran Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Bruce MacConchie Mr. & Mrs. Adam MacNeill Mr. Stephen & Dr. Marie Madonna Mr. & Mrs. James Magner Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mandato Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Maron Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Martinez Ms. Kirsten Martinko Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maruri Ms. Anna Marie Mascolo ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mastromarino Mrs. Laura Williamson McCafferty ’82 Mr. & Dr. John McCann Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McCarten Ms. Roseanne McCauley ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Ms. Maureen McGuirl ’68 Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Mr. & Mrs. Ron Merkel Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Merkle Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Messina Mr. Keith Meyers & Dr. Maria DeVita Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Miceli Mrs. Kerry McMahon Miller ’72 Mrs. Maryanne Miloscia Mr. & Mrs. Eric Moser Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mottley Mr. & Mrs. Sean Moynihan Mr. & Mrs. David Mudrick Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mueger Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano Mr. Eric Nedelkoff Mr. & Mrs. Deepak Nichani Mr. & Mrs. Francis Nugent Mrs. Edith Lynch O’Brien ’40 Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mrs. Barbara Pickess O’Halloran ’52

Dr. Johanna Olcyk & Dr. John Merriam Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ottomanelli Mr. Gene Pagnozzi Mrs. Mary Mattessich Palatini ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Palmeri Mr. & Mrs. Rich Palumbo Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Passano Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Pena Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Pereira Ms. Ann Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Ms. Jeannette Polanco Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Mr. Vincente Puig Ms. Patricia Purcell ’78 Mr. James Pusch & Ms. Lisa Yamasacki Mr. & Mrs. John Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Mr. & Mrs. Merrick Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. John Ritter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rivoir Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Romano Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rubino Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Mr. & Dr. Steven Saccoliti Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Salomone Ms. Jela Maretic Sango ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Schulkin Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Schwab Mr. & Dr. Fred Schwanwede Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Ms. Theresa Silvestri Mrs. Theresa Pellegrino Simon ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smallman Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Mr. & Mrs. Michael Staff Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stagg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Harry Stylianou Mrs. Joanne Surgent Mrs. Janine Dobbs Sweeney ’84 Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvester Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Toolen Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Turk Ms. Mary Turk ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Twardzik Mr. & Mrs. Erick Valdes Mr. & Mrs. James VanGoor Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wacker Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Weir Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Williams Ms. Susanne Yurasits ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Zayas Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Zayat Mr. & Mrs. Gary Zimick Mr. & Mrs. Hector Zuluaga

f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f p a r t i c i p at i o n S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Mrs. Joan Bogner Mrs. Tara Brunt Mrs. Kathryn Chambers Mrs. Megan Delasandro Mrs. Jovanka De Palma

Mrs. Gail Fair S. Catherine Green, SSND Mrs. Sharon Jureller Mrs. Laura Kraytem S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Mrs. Marianne Miloscia

Miss Jennifer Moran Ms. Jean Mullooly Ms. Pat Prucnel Mrs. Carmen Quinones S. Carole Tabano, SSND Ms. Linda Tuttle

Ms. Alexis Vale Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Kathleen Wall

The Lugo Family The McGowan Family The Morejon Family

School Sisters of Notre Dame, Atlantic Midwest Province TD Bank

angelic evening sponsors Angel Sponsors Bergen Catholic High School The Moser Family

Halo Sponsors The Brandmaier Family Faith Environmental Inc. Key Bank


wa y s t o g i v e Forms a gift can take:



A gift of securities, stocks or bonds entitles the donor to an income tax deduction. A gift of appreciated securities may also reduce capital gains tax liability. To transfer securities, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224.

The simplest form of gift, an outright cash donation qualifies as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Online Giving

Giving is only a click away. Please visit our website, www.holyangelsalumnae.org/annualfund.

A Memorial/Honor gift to the Academy of the Holy Angels is a significant way to honor, recognize or remember a relative, friend or teacher. Walk with Angels

Real Estate

A gift of real estate to the Academy of the Holy Angels provides the donor an income tax benefit as well as reducing capital gains since the market value of appreciated property is deductible.

Secure a permanent place in Holy Angels’ history while helping to ensure its future by purchasing a tax-deductible engraved brick. It is an excellent way to preserve your name or that of a loved one for years to come.

Corporate and Matching Gifts


Many corporations provide resources to supplement the support by employees for charitable institutions. This is a simple and effective way for contributors to increase the value of their gifts. Donors are encouraged to check with their respective employer’s Human Resources department about the availability of this program.

Gifts-in-kind represent non-monetary donations to the Academy of the Holy Angels such as books, equipment and special services.


A bequest is a gift by a will. It can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate, or as a remainder share. Contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels qualify as charitable tax deductions and may help reduce estate tax liability. Your attorney or financial advisor can best provide tax information for your specific situation.

f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f Mrs. Mariann Annecchino Mr. Shirly Arachchigedon Ms. Colleen Bachmann Mr. George Ballane Ms. Lisa Betti Mrs. Priscilla Bishop Ms. Kathryn Biskup Mrs. Joan Bogner Mrs. Nancy Brizzolara Mrs. Tara Brunt Mrs. Marie Buckey Mrs. Barbara Burklund ’77 Mrs. Karen Camporeale ’88 Mrs. Jeannette Carrier Mrs. Terri Caust Mrs. Manola Cene Mrs. Kathryn Chambers ’66 Ms. Maryann Chitko Mrs. Julia Collins Mrs. Joan Finn Connelly Ms. Jennifer Cucchisi Mr. Patrick Curran Mr. Robert Czechowski Ms. Patricia Daly ’58 Mrs. Jovanka De Palma Mrs. Tracy DeBellis Mrs. Megan Delasandro ’03 Mr. Peter DeVries Ms. Colette Domingues S. Kathleen Dunham, SSND Mr. Patrick Dunne Mr. James Dykes Ms. Emmalee Egan ’05 Mrs. Gail Fair Dr. Barbara Fallon Ms. Magda Fama

Memorial/Honor Gifts

Ms. Carol Fay Ms. Maureen Ferrara Mrs. Jillane Ferreira S. Mary Foley, SSND S. Cecelia Fox, RSM Ms. Brianna Frabizio Ms. Jennifer Goodell Mrs. Patti Gorsuch S. Catherine Green ’50, SSND Mrs. Gina Hassa Ms. Teresa Iskenderian ’08 Mrs. Sharon Jureller Mr. Robert Kopil Mrs. Catherine Korvin Mrs. Laura Kraytem ’79 Mrs. Angela Kunz ’84 Ms. Jennifer Lee Mrs. Marisel LeGoff Mrs. Jessica Leto ’02 Ms. Susan Liddy Mr. Sean Liddy Mrs. Jing Loo Dr. Samira Mady Mr. Richard Marciano Mrs. Lisa Marciano Mr. John Mattessich S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Ms. Katie McSherry ’04 Mr. Thomas Meyers Mrs. Kerry Miller ’72 Mrs. Maryanne Miloscia Mrs. Luz Stella Morales Miss Jennifer Moran Ms. Jean Mullooly ’83 S. Patricia Murphy, SSND Mrs. Trish Murphy

For further information and any other inquiries on giving to the Academy of the Holy Angels, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224 or email development@holyangels.org.

board of trustees Mrs. Eileen Musich Ms. Mary Naimo Mrs. Tara Nordsvan Ms. Andrea Orlando Ms. Elizabeth Paccione Ms. Nicole Gatti Paniccia ’04 Ms. Erica Pritchard Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Carmen Quinones Ms. Carol Riley Mrs. Pamela Ruschak Ms. Bridget Ryan Mrs. Ellen Schiff Mrs. Nancy Schneberger Mr. Howard Schuman Mr. Robert Shanney Mrs. Casey Sharkey Ms. Michèle Sovak Mrs. Jennifer Sweet Mrs. Kathleen Sylvester S. Carole Tabano ’59, SSND Mrs. Anna May Thurchak Mrs. Jennifer Trubac Ms. Linda Tuttle Ms. Rita Goff Ms. Alexis Vale Ms. Jennifer Verdonck ’00 Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Kathleen Wall Ms. Nicole Walsh Mrs. Kathleen Walsh ’87 Dr. Martha Weinstein Ms. Christine Wraga Ms. Sheila Wroblewski ’79 Ms. Theresa Young


SSND Provincial Council

Kathleen Cornell, SSND Provincial Leader Susan Czaplicki, SSND Paula Dukehart, SSND Maria Iannuccillo, SSND Charmaine Kroh, SSND Celeste Reinhart, SSND Josephann Wagoner, SSND Trustees

Sharon Slear, SSND Chair Joseph Bonito Joseph Branciforte Edward Chapel Kathleen Cornell, SSND Tara Del Gavio Stephanie Bille Donohue ’72 Loretta Fernandez, RSM Patricia McGovern Hill ’78 Maria Iannuccillo, SSND Thomas Kohli Margaret Ellen Mahoney, SSND Edward Malley Jennifer Moran Diana Morejon Patricia Murphy, SSND Reena Raggi ’69 Susan Craig Scott ’66

in memoriam ALUMNAE

Kathleen Barrett Gulyas ’68 Sister of Emily Barrett ’78, Ann Marie Barrett ’81 and Elizabeth Barrett Noto ’82


Joseph Bozdech

Jean Mulligan Mother of Erin Mulligan ’86 and Aunt of Mary Mulligan Dattilo ’82, Cathy Mulligan Hornyak ’86 and Krista Mulligan Ciarletta ’89

Robert Murphy Brother of Kathleen Murphy Kadlac ’64

Father of MaryLee Bozdech McGoorty ’83 and Jody Bozdech-Calabrese ’88

Father of Rosie Rodriguez Munoz ’95

Alice Barbara Aouad

Catherine Schmitt

Mother of AHA Faculty member Samira Mady and Grandmother of Leila Mady ’03 and Rana Mady ’03

Arthur Borin Father of Suzanne Borin Alfano ’88

Maximo Rodriguez

Mother of Noreen Schmitt ’92

Dr. Louis Sciarrillo Jr. Brother of Mary Lou Sciarillo ’62

Richard Van Valkenburgh

Aunt of Sadiya Ramos ’16

Husband of Linda LaForgia Van Valkenburgh ’77 and brother-in-law of Letitia LaForgia Burke ’76

Rosemarie McCauley

William Yale

Carmen Cortes

Mother of Roseanne McCauley ’82

Grandfather of Jessica Yale ’17

Edith Yancosek Mother of Rosemarie Yancosek ’82

Academy of the Holy Angels has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, NJ 07627 or email at alumnae@holyangels.org.

Memorial Gifts* Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request.


Dome Society* By making a gift through your will or living trust you will provide support for future women leaders. Your gift can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate or as a remainder share.

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Alumnae News Send us your news and photos to be featured in the next issue of Tidings, by April 1st, 2014! Email Dorrie Voulgaris at alumnae@holyangels.org

* For more information regarding Memorial Gifts or the Dome Society, contact Tara Brunt at 201.768.7822 x224

upcoming events December





May 2, 2014 Spring Concert 7:30pm

December 13, 2013 Christmas Gala Concert 7:30pm January 25, 2014 Father/Daughter Mass & Dinner 5pm January 27, 2014 Class of 2018 Accepted Student Reception 6:30pm January 31, 2014 Grandparents’ Day for 9th & 11th graders

February 1, 2014 Registration for Class of 2018 March 21-23, 2014 Spring Musical - Seussical March 28, 2014 Angelic Evening


April 4, 2014 Talent Show

May 1, 2014 Mother/Daughter Fashion Show

May 28, 2014 Baccalaureate Ceremony 7pm


June 1, 2014 Graduation 10am

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s p o n s ore d by t he school si sters of not r e d a me

there are many ways to support holy angels Annual Fund (unrestricted) Unrestricted gifts provide the essential flexibility to enable Holy Angels to take advantage of opportunities that arise and to meet the demands and challenges of educating students with a competitive edge. Scholarship/Financial Aid

Make every Angel’s dream of attending the Academy a reality! Express support for the school’s future by giving a gift to the Scholarship/Financial Aid Fund. Academic Programs

Academic excellence is of utmost importance and the Academy continues to raise the bar for student success. Gifts made to the Academic Programs support all aspects of the curriculum such as technology, equipment, research materials, books and special programs. Spirituality and Service Programs

The Academy offers programs for spiritual growth of the school community through retreats, religious studies, service programs and school wide Awareness Days. Gifts made to the Spirituality and Service Programs will ensure that the SSND mission continues. Athletic and Activity Programs

A strong and varied extracurricular and athletic program enhances the student experience, whether she participates in one or more of the 60 clubs and activities or on one of the 21 athletic teams. Gifts made to the Athletic and Activity Programs support the physical and social development of Holy Angels students. Fine and Performing Arts Programs

Fine and Performing Arts come alive in courses that enrich, enhance and fulfill creative aspirations, while co-curricular programs are exciting, extensive and comprehensive. Gifts to the Fine and Performing Arts Programs support our belief that each student has unlimited creative potential and enable students to explore a variety of artistic outlets.


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