I n s p i r i n g F u t u r e L e a d e r s i n GRA d e s 6 - 1 2
W e lc o m e t o H o ly A n g e l s ! Our vibrant educational community was established in 1879 by the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Over time, the Academy has adapted to meet the needs of each generation, while remaining true to the SSND mission to guide each student to reach the fullness of her potential. Holy Angels is rooted in Catholic tradition, yet serves a diverse student body where all are welcome. Angels succeed in the classroom and beyond. Students explore new and uncharted educational opportunities, participate in clubs and activities, study abroad, and share their unique gifts with others. AHA fosters spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical growth by offering a first-rate education in a nurturing environment. Equal importance is placed on academic excellence, character, moral integrity, and service. We look forward to meeting you in person.
Th e All - Gi r l A d v a n t a g e AHA’s all-girl educational setting encourages exploration, innovation, and aspiration while promoting leadership and healthy competition. The Academy’s educators consider each student’s personality, interests, abilities, and learning styles. AHA is a proud member of the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools (NCGS), an organization that serves pre-K–Grade 12 girls’ schools (independent, public, charter, and religiously affiliated) through advocacy, research, professional development, and networking.” (Source: ncgs.org) The NCGS reports that 87% of students in all-girl schools feel supported by other students (compared with 73% of girls who attend coed schools). In addition, NCGS reports that 95% of students in all-girl schools feel supported by their teachers (compared with 84% of girls in a coed environment).
S t u d e n t s wh o a t t e n d g i r l s ’ s c h o o l s : • Express their ideas, and feel they are respected when they do • Interact with peer role models and women mentors, who allow them to see possibilities for themselves • Help close the gender gap in many careers, including STEM • Learn to lead – AHA graduates say they feel confident in their mostly-male college classes and careers.
Academics AHA’S core curriculums are tailor made to foster a love of learning while empowering
girls to find their voice and share their gifts and talents with others. Included in our rotational eight day schedule is community time, which allows students to balance academic pursuits with social and spiritual needs. Each day, students participate in one or more of the following: prayer service/Mass, club/activity meetings, extra help/office hours with teachers, wellness activities, and study hall/free time.
SAMP L E COURSE O F STUD I ES , Gra d es 6-9 RelIGIOUS STUDIES E n g l is h S o c i a l S tudi e s M at h e m ati c s Science W or l d La n gu a g e Art/M usi c & Com p ut e r A p p l i c atio n s PE/H e a lt h
Middle School provides young women in
High School students select classes from a wide
Grades 6, 7, and 8 with leadership opportunities
variety of academic disciplines and electives to
that foster collaboration and personal growth.
complement their personal interests and strengths.
Students will receive an individually designed
Angels are encouraged to experience personal
educational program. They will define themselves
growth through academic challenges. AHA offers
and their potential as they pursue familiar interests
four academic levels, including College Preparatory,
and explore new educational pathways.
Honors, High Honors, and Advanced Placement.
S a m p l e H I G H SC H OO L El e c t i v e s WoMEN OF FAITH Ethical Issues in Today’s World Digital Design Journalism Photography Painting Environmental Science PSYCHOLOGY Humanities Abroad
S t u d e n t L if e From events that are steeped in tradition to clubs that represent our ever-changing world, life outside the classroom encourages inspiration, service, faith, and fun!
Awareness day Students engage in discussions and workshops that address contemporary topics ranging from personal health to global issues. Dynamic speakers from the local community, area service agencies, and environmental groups contribute to this important day. Big Sister / Little Sister Program Each new Angel is paired with a Big Sister who helps smooth her transition to AHA by guiding her through her first year. Homeroom meetings and Big/Little Sister events strengthen the bond of sisterhood. Service Day Honoring AHA’s commitment to Catholic social teaching, the entire Holy Angels community (students, faculty, and staff) spends a day giving service at more than a dozen locations from food banks to toddler day care centers, nursing homes, and environmental centers. International Week This annual celebration explores and celebrates diversity within the school community. Faculty, staff, and students and their families share various aspects of their cultures, including music, dance, recipes, and cultural garments. Grandparents’ Day Held in tandem with the Easter Liturgy, Grandparents’ Day is a favorite Academy tradition. Students and their grandparents attend Mass, enjoy light refreshments, and spend part of the school day together.
SAMP L E C L U B S & ACT I V I T I ES Debate AHA Voice Newspaper Model UN Echoes Yearbook Student Council Outreach Service Club Angel Ambassadors Black & Hispanic Cultural Society Operation Smile Blueprint Literary Magazine
OUTS I DE OUR H A L L S Learning at AHA happens beyond classroom walls. Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of local, national and international experiences and service missions that broaden their world view, test their language skills and immerse them in architecture, art, music and literature. Arizona Border Bespoke program at Oxford University Service to Puerto Rico Nazareth House – West Virginia St. Peters in Philadelphia Cultural Immersion Trips to Europe Operation Smile Service Trips
F I NE AND PER F ORM I NG ARTS The Arts Program is founded on the belief that each student at the Academy has unlimited creative potential. All students are encouraged to explore and develop skills in a variety of artistic outlets including theater, fine art, vocal and instrumental music, and dance.
Mi d d l e S c h o o l , J V a n d Va r s i ty D a n c e T e a m Our award-winning and nationally recognized Dance Team offers a comprehensive dance study in a variety of genres including Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Pom, and Hip Hop. The Angels have won countless State Championships as well as the National Title in consecutive years at the National Dance Team Championship in Orlando, Florida. The team has been recognized as a top all-around dance program in the country, exemplifying community service, outstanding academic achievement, and spirit raising activities.
Theater Productions (MS/HS) Vocal Choirs (MS/HS) Instrumental Lessons (MS/HS) Jazz Ensemble (HS) Academy Orchestra (HS) Handbell Choirs (MS/HS) Fine Arts Shows (HS)
*High School Accolades include: Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Paper Mill Playhouse Awards Metropolitan High School Theater Awards
Students will focus on learning physical skills and sportsmanship as well as provide opportunities for team competitions. Our Middle School Athletic Director will oversee the implementation of our sports program and seek athletic and league opportunities for our students based on shared interests.
Our athletic program encourages the development of the whole person. Caring coaches provide not only exceptional opportunities for student-athletes to experience the very best of interscholastic athletics, but also the tools they need to grow in spirit and in fitness. Competition is intense, and so is the desire for fair play and integrity with a strong commitment to uphold the ideals of sportsmanship and team work.
AHA’s athletic programs allow students at every level to develop essential skills in a wide range of sports as they build physical fitness, discover the value of healthy competition, and achieve success as individuals and team members.
soccer (V, JV)
Basketball (V, JV)
golf (V, JV)
volleyball (V, JV)
Bowling (V, JV)
lacrosse (V)
Cross-Country (V, jV)
outdoor track (V, JV)
gymnastics (V)
softball (V)
tennis (V, JV) Fencing (V, JV)
Plus, Cheer Partnerships with Bergen Catholic and St. Joseph’s! *Sports listed above are for High School only.
Admissions process The Application Process
Transfer Students
Students interested in applying to the Middle School or High School must follow the steps to begin the application process for their entering grade.
Applicants to Grades 7, 8 and 10 are routinely considered as long as there are spots available and a curriculum match. Students applying to Grades 11 or 12 may be considered on a case-by-case basis and only where there are genuine extenuating circumstances.
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Create an account to access the Applicant Portal Submit the AHA Admissions Application Upload School Transcripts and Standardized Test Scores
Additional grade-specific steps will appear in the Applicant Portal Checklist after submitting the appropriate application. Applicants will not be reviewed until all steps in the online application process are complete. We do not accept email or hard copies of documents.
International Students (Non-U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Permanent Resident)
In addition to the standard steps in the application process, all international applicants are required to submit English language proficiency test scores from the TOEFL Junior (Middle School) or TOEFL (High School).
fi n a n c i a l f a c t s Middle School, Grades 6-8
New Registration Fee: $500 (non-refundable) Return Registration Fee: $250 Tuition: $9,000 Technology Fee: $475 (includes Chromebook lease for academic year) Parent Association Fee: $50 Graduation Fee: $125 (Grade 8) High School, Grades 9-12
New Registration Fee: $700 (non-refundable) Return Registration Fee: $350 Tuition: $20,320 Technology Fee: $850 (does not include tablet purchase) Parents Guild Fee: $50 Capital Maintenance Fee: $500 Graduation Fee: $300 (Seniors) PLEASE NOTE: Holy Angels does not charge any pay to play fees to participate in athletics. Financial Aid: A financial aid application is available online at the time of application. Financial assistance is administered through FACTS Grant & Aid and the evaluation of the Academy’s Financial Aid Committee. Parents must reapply each year. Technology Program All students in Grades 6-8 lease a Chromebook and new students in Grades 9-12 purchase a tablet though AHA. Scholarships, Awards & Discounts: Please visit www.holyangels.org for detailed information.
High School Entrance Exam - Learn more at www.ssat.org
A d m i s s i o n s Ti m e li n e 2021-2022 September 1:
Online Applications Open October 3:
Open House
October 27 & November 17:
Information Sessions December 1: January 14:
Application Deadlines
Decision Notifications
February 12:
Registration Deadlines
ACADEMY CAMPUS Two Chapels Ideal for Small Gatherings Student Commons Staffed by Our Professional Chef Learning Commons (Library) with Cutting-edge Research Assistance All-new Digital Design Mac Lab & Art Studios Full-size Gym & Athletic Complex with Turf Field and all-weather track
Student-managed Greenhouse and Garden Five Newly Resurfaced Tennis Courts Unanue Digital World Language Lab Up-to-the-Minute STREAM & Science Labs 800-seat Auditorium Dedicated Choral & Music Rooms
Our Campus The beauty and serenity of the Academy’s -acre campus in Demarest, NJ, contribute to its college-like atmosphere and support its educational mission. The Academy’s proximity to metropolitan New York provides convenient access to the many cultural and educational resources of the area. All of this and more add up to an experience that empowers young women to lead in academics, arts, athletics, spirituality, and service. Transportation AHA has a student body of close to 600. Current students travel from over 125 towns in NJ (Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris and Passaic counties) and NY (Manhattan, Bronx, Orange and Rockland counties). The Academy's international students hail from China, Korea, Trinidad, the United Kingdom, and more. First established in NYC prior to Fort Lee, the Academy takes great pride in its Manhattan roots. Just a 22-minute ride from the Upper West Side, AHA is easily accessible from the entire Tri-State area. All Roads Lead to Holy Angels… Busing is available from most towns. Contact your local board of education for further information. Visit our website at holyangels.org/admissions/transportation for a full explanation of all important transportation details. For other questions, please contact AHA's Transportation Coordinator at 201.768.7822 x200.
T r a n s f o r m i n g the world through education since 1879.
315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, New Jersey 07627 201.768.7822 | www.holyangels.org | admissions@holyangels.org by th e o f