Fact sheet 2015-16

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15 ~ 16

 by the    o f  

fact sheet

          process Academy of the Holy Angels is an educational community of faith empowering young women to lead in a pluralistic world. Our vibrant school community is characterized not only by academic excellence, but also by diversity. Holy Angels seeks to enroll students who are highly motivated and eager to succeed in a rigorous college preparatory program. Candidates for admission are considered on the basis of the following: the student’s academic performance as reflected on her report card and standardized test scores, and campus visit. c a l e n da r

September 1

COOP Admission Exam Application and 9th Grade Record Form available online at coopexam.org

September 21

Angel for the Day Begins

October 4

Open House – Presentations at :  and :00 

November 2 Mini Open House –

Presentation at 6:30 

November 6

Cooperative Admission Examination Administered (NJ & Rockland County) *NYC students may take TACHS exam

November 24

AHA Admission Application & Fee Due

December 4

Ninth Grade Record Form Due must be sent directly from current school

January 14

Decision Letters Mailed

February 6

Registration Day for Class of 20

February 29

Angel for the Day begins for Class of 21

April 20 Mini Open House –

Presentation at 6:30  April 30

Placement Testing for acceleration in Mathematics and World Language

May 11

Class of 20 Family BBQ

May 13

Last Day for Angel for the Day

June Summerfare classes begin

for girls

entering grades  ‒ 9

 of   Hillside Avenue Demarest, NJ   --    --  admissions@holyangels.org

  -  The Roman Catholic elementary and secondary schools of the Archdiocese of Newark admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. These do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of the educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. The above policy is in keeping with Internal Revenue Procedure -, and is in accordance with Section  and  of the Administrative Manual of the Archdiocese of Newark.

Applicants to the Ninth Grade are required to do the following: 1 Take the Cooperative Admission Exam and list Holy Angels

as 1st or 2nd choice school (www.coopexam.org). NYC students may take the TACHS exam (www.tachsinfo.com). Out of state and International students may take the SSAT (www.ssat.org). 2 Be an Angel for the Day. 3 Complete the AHA Application and submit with $20 fee. Find the application at www.holyangels.org/admissions 4 Submit the Ninth Grade Applicant Record Form to current school prior to end of 1st marking period. Students who apply after the November Cooperative Admissions testing deadline must contact Holy Angels to set up a testing appointment. The charge for late testing is 85.. Students who begin this process after January must apply for the waiting pool. Transfer Applications are accepted for students entering the 9th and 10th grade only, during the September and January semesters. Transfer applicants must do the following: 1 Complete the AHA Transfer Application and send with a . fee to Holy Angels Admissions Office. Application is available online at www.holyangels.org/admissions 2 Be an Angel for the Day. 3 Send three recommendations from current teachers (English, Math and one other). Recommendation forms must be downloaded at www.holyangels.org/admissions 4 Give the Transcript Release form to current school. Angel for the Day

All students applying to the Academy are required to be an Angel for the Day. This is an invaluable opportunity for young women to experience Holy Angels by attending classes, meeting students and faculty and participating in activities and clubs. What better way to discover why you belong at Holy Angels! Since the number of students per day is limited, you are requested to make an appointment online at www.holyangels.org/admissions at least three business days in advance. Angel for the Day lasts from 7:45  to : . The months of September – January are reserved for eighth graders and transfer applicants. Girls in grade 7 are welcomed during the months of March – May. Dates are posted online. Special AFD programs for NYC students are offered in the fall and spring. Complimentary transportation is provided. Please contact Admissions at 201-768-7822 x216 for details. Summerfare

Make new friends, learn new things, and spread your wings in an exciting and challenging new atmosphere. Summerfare at Holy Angels is a unique experience in the arts, academics, communications, crafts, sports & technology. The program is offered to girls entering grades  ‒ 9.

  Tuition and Fees for 2015 – 2016

Tuition Technology Fee Non-Refundable Registration Fee


6,050  

When looking at a high school, the primary focus should be on finding the school that best matches your educational goals. However, for most people, cost and financing options are also important considerations. The primary responsibility for educational financing belongs with the family. Tuition Payment Plan

FACTS Tuition Payment Plan offers monthly, quarterly or semi-annual payments of tuition. Tuition if paid in full by July  is discounted by 5.

Average cost of uniform is . Spring / Fall (optional)

Light blue kilt skirt White/blue short sleeve polo shirt with AHA logo White knee socks Uniform shoes Winter

Dark gray/gray & blue plaid wool skirt White short/long sleeve polo shirt with AHA logo Maroon/blue socks Uniform shoes Navy wool blazer with AHA crest Maroon/blue pullover sweater (optional) White turtleneck with AHA logo (optional) Gray pants (optional)

Financial Grants

A financial aid packet is available at time of application. Financial assistance is administered through the Private School Aid Service of Lakewood, Ohio and the evaluation of the Academy’s Financial Aid Committee. Parents must reapply each year. For more information please contact the Finance Office --  .

The Tablet…

It’s a laptop. It’s a notebook and pen. It’s a powerful PC with Windows 8.1, Microsoft Office, Wireless Internet access and more…


Mother Caroline Scholarship This scholarship is named in honor of Mother Caroline Friess, SSND who led the School Sisters of Notre Dame to the United States in . This -year full or partial scholarship is for students entering grade 9 who have demonstrated excellence on their entrance exam. Students who are awarded the scholarship must maintain a yearly weighted average of % in order to renew this scholarship for the following year.


Sister Mary Nonna Dunphy Scholarship Each year six scholarships are awarded to current students, in memory of the foundress of the Academy. These partial scholarships are based on academic excellence, leadership, character, service and an interview with the scholarship committee.


No matter where students are – at their desks, in the hallway or at home – the Tablet allows them to take handwritten notes and with the tap of the screen convert them to text. Cut and paste and use an on-screen highlighter to create personal study guides.

Write on the screen with the stylus pen or type using the Keyboard. Take tests and quizzes electronically and keep a record of academic progress. Use the electronic filing system and never lose papers again!


A majority of student textbooks are on state loan, and many textbooks are also available as online versions. Consumables are available in our online bookstore. An average book bill is 300.

Tablet PC – Laptop Program

All ninth grade students will be required to purchase a Windows 8.1 Tablet PC through Holy Angels. The approximate cost will be $1,800.00 if paying by check and $1,875.00 if paying by credit card.


Stay organized with the Haiku Learning Management System & Microsoft OneNote. If students can’t be in class, their assignments and homework can be placed in the dropbox. Stay in touch with teachers via e-mail. Let your ideas flow! Maintain an electronic portfolio of master works to wow those colleges!

a new way of learning

 Class Schedule


A rotational 8-day schedule allows students to choose classes from a wide variety of academic areas. Students are placed in four levels: College Preparatory, Honors, High Honors and Advanced Placement.

Holy Angels is privileged to have a staff of religious and lay personnel who actively seek to foster the academic, spiritual and social growth of each student. The faculty hold degrees ranging from the B.A. to the Ph.D. and 78% of them have or are pursuing advanced degrees with an average of  years of experience at Holy Angels.

Sample Ninth Grade Course of Studies: 1 Religion I 2 English I 3 World History 4 Mathematics (Algebra I or Geometry) 5 Biology 6 World Language (French, Italian, Latin or Spanish) 7 Art/Music and Computer Applications 8 PE/Health

Teaching Faculty 48

College Counselors


Campus Ministers  Faculty-Student Ratio Average Class Size



The College Counseling Office

Class of 2015 Academic Profile

100% of those who applied were enrolled in a four-year college or university and awarded over 18 million in scholarships and grants. They scored a composite of 1776 (584 CR, 586 M, 606 WR).   11 ‒ 15 National Merit Semi-Finalists & Finalists National Hispanic Scholars National Achievement Scholars Advanced Placement – Scholars, Honors & Distinction University Book Awards & Medals President’s Award for Educational Excellence


Technology Coordinators

40 15 2 273 86 237

The CCO serves as a resource helping students achieve their full potential and plan their futures. Using the comprehensive Holy Angels College Counseling Guide as a road map, students, parents and college counselors chart the journey to success. Students meet one on one with their college counselors to select their courses, evaluate academic progress or to plan for the college application process.

Angels Advantage Externship Program

This program provides students with opportunities to shadow or work along side professionals in a variety of career settings within the New York Metropolitan Area. These career mentors are drawn from present and past parents, and Academy alumnae.

How We Rank Among National, State and County Schools

The Academy ranks above the National and the State of New Jersey SAT means. Within the State of NJ, AHA also ranks above NJ Religiously Affiliated, Independent, and Public Schools means.

SAT Mean Comparisons – Class of 2014

CR Math WR Composite

Academy of the Holy Angels Nationwide - National State of New Jersey State of New Jersey (females)

607 497 501 497

594 513 523 509

620 2101 / 1821 487 1010 / 1497 502 1024 / 1526 506 1006 / 1512

New Jersey Religiously Affiliated Schools New Jersey Independent Schools New Jersey Public Schools

525 585 496

530 595 521

526 586 497

1055 / 1581 1180 / 1766 1017 / 1514

 Religious Studies

4 Years

World Language

3 Years

God's Revelation in Scripture

Christian Lifestyles

French I – H & CP

Italian I – H & CP

Prayer: SSND Charism & Spirituality Death & Dying

Latin I – CP

Spanish I – H & CP

Morality: Life in Christ

Search for Meaning

French II – H & CP

Italian II – H & CP

Who is Jesus Christ?


Latin II – H

Spanish II – H & CP

Catholic Social Teaching

Women of Faith

French III – H & CP

Italian III – H & CP

Sacraments: Encounters with Jesus

World Religions

Latin III – HH

Spanish III – HH, H & CP

French IV – H & CP

Italian IV – H & CP

Latin IV – HH

Spanish IV – HH, H & CP

Ethical Issues


4 Years

French V – AP

Italian V – AP

English I – HH, H & CP

Journalism I & II

Latin Vergil V – AP

Spanish V – AP

English II – HH, H & CP


English III – HH, H & CP


English IV – AP, H & CP

Physical Education

4 years

Creative Writing

Physical Education I–IV

Health I & II

Sports Medicine

Social Studies

3 Years

World History – HH, H & CP

U.S. History I – HH, H & CP

Technology/Business 1 Semester

U.S. History II – AP, H & CP

Global Awareness

Computer Applications

Digital Design

Psychology Sociology

Financial Management

Principles of Business

International Studies – H

Principles of Accounting – H


Government & Politics – AP

Fine & Performing Arts 2 Years Mathematics

3 Years

Art I & II

Music Appreciation

Algebra I – HH, H & CP

Geometry – HH, H & CP


Music Theory

Algebra II – HH, H & CP

Pre-Calculus – HH, H & CP

Photography I & II

Musical Theater

Statistics & Probability CP

Calculus – AB AP, HH & CP

Graphic Arts

Theater Arts I & II

Statistics AP

Computer Science

Color & Design

Classical Humanities – H

Art History – AP

Instrumental Lessons


3 Years

Studio Art I – H

Humanities Abroad – H

Biology – AP, H & CP

Environmental Science – H

Studio Art II – H

Instrumental Ensemble

Physics – AP, HH, H & CP

Anatomy – H & CP

Studio Art: 2D Design/Drawing – AP Academy Orchestra

Chemistry – AP, HH, H & CP

Organic Chemistry – H


online courses Engineering for Sustainability

Engineering Principles

Community Service

20 Hours


The Academy sponsors 12 National Honor Society Chapters:

indicates inclusion in our STREAM program

• National Honor Society • Mu Alpha Theta (National Mathematics Honor Society) • Thespian Honor Society (Performing Arts) • National Science Honor Society • Societa Onoraria Italica (Italian Language) • Societas Latina Honoris (Latin Language) • Societe Honoraire de Francais (French Language) • Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica (Spanish Language) • Tri-M Honor Society (Music) • Rho Kappa (National Social Studies Honor Society) • NBEA (National Business Honor Society) • National Art Honor Society

  Angels Abroad


The world becomes a classroom without walls as Holy Angels’ students travel to Europe, Asia, South America and beyond. These trips afford an opportunity for students to practice conversational skills, engage in service missions, or to simply be immersed in architecture, art, music and literature. Angel Ambassadors

A select group of sophomores, juniors and seniors who represent the Academy at Open Houses, High School Fairs, elementary school visits and all major school functions. Formal training is held each year during the summer and students actively help in preparing to welcome prospective angels. Awareness Day

Regular classes are put aside one day a year as students attend workshops on a variety of topics of concern to today’s youth. Each Awareness Day helps to raise consciousness and increase the commitment of Holy Angels to build the earth in a positive way. Big Sister / Little Sister Program

To ensure that the transition to the Academy is smooth, each new angel is given a Big Sister who guides her through the first year. Monthly homeroom meetings and quarterly big/little sister events strengthen the bond of sisterhood. Service Day

To express the commitment to Catholic social teaching, the entire Holy Angels’ community (students, faculty and staff ) spends a day giving service at more than a dozen locations from food banks to toddler day care centers, nursing homes to environmental centers. fine and performing arts

Talents are showcased annually in the Fall Drama, Spring Musical, Christmas Gala, Spring Concert and Talent Show, providing plenty of opportunities for our performers. The nationally ranked AHA Dance Team reaches great heights with sheer athleticism and balletic grace. Various celebrations throughout the year also allow students to proudly perform cultural dances and songs. AHA Dance Team: Over 20 State Championships! National Dance Team Championship: 2nd place 2015, 3rd place 2014; NJ State Hip Hop Champions 2012–2015; NJ State Pom Champions 2014 & 2015 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: 43 Awards & Honors 2015, including 3 National Awards and 1 American Visions Award; 44 Awards & Honors 2014, including 1 National Award Paper Mill Playhouse Awards: 2 Rising Star Nominations and 5 Honorable Mentions 2015; 1 Rising Star Award, 2 Rising Star Nominations and 1 Honorable Mention 2013 Metropolitan High School Theatre Awards: 1 Metro Award and 9 Metro Award Nominations 2015; 8 Metro Award Nominations 2014

Varsity Basketball JV Basketball Freshmen Basketball Bowling Cross-Country Bergen Catholic Varsity Cheer Team St. Joseph's Cheer Team

Fencing Golf Gymnastics Varsity Lacrosse Varsity Softball JV Softball Varsity Soccer

JV Soccer Varsity Tennis JV Tennis Spring Track Winter Track Varsity Volleyball JV Volleyball

Basketball: 5 Time Bergen County Champions; County and State Finalists 2011; Bergen County Tournament, Round of 8 2012; Bergen County Tournament Semi-finalists 2013; State Finalists 2013 Bowling: League, County and State Sectional Champions 2014; State Sectional Champions 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014; Bergen Record Team of the Year, 2013 & 2014 Cross Country: Bergen Record Team of the Year 2010; Bergen County Champions 2010; Bergen County Group B Champions 2011–2014 Fencing: Bergen Record Team of the Year 2015; Bergen County Champions 2015; League and State District Champions 2014; BPFL Division Champs & State Finalists 2010; Placed 13 in the State Championships 2012 Golf: Big North Divisional Champions 2011–2013; Big North Tournament Champions 2012; Placed 5th in the State Tournament of Champions 2012 Coach of the Decade – Patrick Dunne State Individual Champion 2015 – Kelly Sim

Lacrosse: League Champions 2009, 2013 & 2014 Spring Track & Field: League Champions 2015; Bergen Record Team of the Year 2011; State Sectional, Bergen County Relay Champions 2011 & 2012 Tennis: State Champions 2014; Big North Divisional Champions 2010-2014; North Non-Public A State Finalists 2011 & 2012 Volleyball: North Non-Public A State Semi-Finalists 2011; State Sectional Champions 2012

The Academy also offers more than 60 clubs and activities during and after the school day. Here is a sampling: Academy Chorus Academy Orchestra Academy Handbell Choir Angels Over Africa Asian Cultural Alliance Black & Hispanic Cultural Society Blueprint – Literary Magazine Campus Ministry The AHA Voice – Newspaper Debate Team Echoes – Yearbook Go Green Environmental Club French Club Hellenic Society History Society

Instrumental Ensemble Intramural Sports International Thespian Society Italian Club Just Angels M.E.D.S. Model United Nations Music Makers Operation Smile Outreach S.A.D.D. Spanish Club Stage Crew Student Council Tomorrow’s Children

academy  ampus Our Campus

The beauty and serenity of the Academy’s -acre campus in Demarest, NJ contribute to its college-like atmosphere and supports its educational mission. The Academy’s proximity to metropolitan New York provides convenient access to the many cultural and educational resources of the area. All of this and more add up to an experience that empowers young women to lead in academics, arts, athletics, spirituality and service.


Two Chapels Learning Commons Digital Design Mac Lab Outdoor Athletic Complex with Turf Field Art Studios Joseph and Carmen Unanue Digital World Language Lab Spola Science Center Luckow Technology Network Three Additional Fully-Equipped Science Labs Computerized Fitness Center Gymnasium 800-seat Auditorium Choral and Music Rooms Student Commons / Dining Hall Teacher Technology Training Center Solar Powered Greenhouse


Academy of the Holy Angels has a student body of over 600. Current students travel from over 125 towns in NJ (Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Monmouth, Morris and Passaic Counties), NY (Manhattan, Bronx,

Orange and Rockland Counties) and CT (New Haven County). See list below for towns. The Academy's International students hail from China, Korea, Trinidad, the United Kingdom and more. Airmont Allendale Alpine Bardonia Belleville Bergenfield Blauvelt Bloomfield Bogota Bronx Carlstadt Cedar Grove Chester Chestnut Ridge Cliffside Park Clifton Closter Congers Cresskill Demarest Dumont East Rutherford Edgewater Elmwood Park Emerson

Englewood Englewood Cliffs Fair Lawn Fort Lee Franklin Lakes Garfield Garnerville Glen Ridge Glen Rock Hackensack Harrington Park Hasbrouck Hts Haworth Hawthorne Hillsdale Ho Ho Kus Hoboken Jersey City Kearny Leonia Little Ferry Livingston Lodi Lyndhurst Mahwah

First established in NYC prior to Fort Lee, the Academy takes great pride in its Manhattan roots. Just a 22-minute ride from the Upper West Side, AHA is easily accessible from the entire Tri-State area. Maywood Midland Park Montclair Montebello Montvale Montville Moonachie Nanuet New City New Hempstead New Milford New Windsor New York City North Arlington North Bergen North Haledon Northvale Norwood Nutley Nyack Oakland Old Tappan Oradell Orangeburg Palisades

Palisades Park Paramus Park Ridge Passaic Pearl River Pine Brook Pomona Ramsey Ridgefield Ridgefield Park Ridgewood Ringwood River Edge River Vale Rochelle Park Rutherford Saddle River Secaucus Sparta Spring Lake Spring Valley Stony Point Tappan Teaneck Tenafly

Tomkins Cove Tuxedo Park Union City Upper Saddle River Valley Cottage Verona Waldwick Washington Twp Waterbury, CT Wayne Weehawken Wesley Hills West Caldwell West New York West Nyack West Orange Westwood Woodcliff Lake Wood-Ridge Wyckoff

All Roads lead to Holy Angels…

Busing is available from most towns. Contact your local Board of Education for further information. For assistance with busing from your area, please contact AHA's Transportation Coordinator at 201.768.7822 x200.

 


Graduates have been admitted to colleges and universities in more than 40 States, which include 75% of the Most Competitive Schools in the US. Graduates enrolled: 32% Catholic - 45% Private - 22% Public Schools - 1% Other/Special Schools *Enrolled 15 Graduates Adelphi University Albany College of Pharmacy Albright University Auburn University American University* American University of Rome American University of Paris Arizona State University Art Institute of Boston Babson College Bard College Barnard College of Columbia U Baylor University Bennington College Bentley College Bergen Community College Boston College* Boston University* Brandeis University Brown University Bryn Mawr College* Bryant University Bucknell University Cabrini College Caldwell College Carnegie Mellon University* Case Western Reserve University* Central Connecticut State U Claremont McKenna College Clark University Clemson University Colby College Colgate University College of Charleston* College of Saint Rose College of the Holy Cross Columbia University Connecticut College Cornell University* CUNYs Dartmouth College DeSales University* Dickinson College Dominican College* Drew University Drexel University* Duke University Duquesne University East Carolina University East Stroudsburg University Elizabethtown College Elon University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U Emerson College* Emory University* Fairfield University* Fairleigh Dickinson University Fashion Institute of Technology Florida Institute of Technology Florida State University Fordham University* Franciscan University of Steubenville Franklin and Marshall College* George Mason University

Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Gettysburg College Gonzaga University Goucher College Hamilton College Harvard University High Point University* Hobart & William Smith College* Hofstra University Indiana University Iona College* Iowa State University Ithaca College James Madison University Johns Hopkins University Johnson and Wales University King’s College La Salle University, PA Laboratory Institute of Merchandising Lafayette College* Lehigh University* LeMoyne University Long Island University Loyola University of Chicago Loyola Marymount University Loyola University, Maryland* Loyola University, LA Manhattan College* Manhattan School of Music Manhattanville College Marist College* Marquette University Maryland Institute College of Art Marymount Manhattan College Marymount University Marywood University Massachusetts College of Pharmacy McGill University Merrimack College Miami University of Ohio Michigan State University Middlebury College MIT Monmouth University Montclair State University Mount Holyoke College Mount St Mary College, NY Mount St Mary’s University, MD Muhlenberg College New Jersey City University NJIT* NYIT New York University* Northeastern University* Northwestern University Oberlin College Pace University Parsons School of Design Penn State University* Pepperdine University Philadelphia University Princeton University

Pratt Institute of Technology Providence College* Purdue University Quinnipiac University* Ramapo College of New Jersey* Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rhode Island School of Design Rice University Richard Stockton University Rider University Rochester Institute of Technology Roger Williams University Rollins College Rowan University Rutgers University* Sacred Heart University* Salve Regina University* Santa Clara University Sarah Lawrence College Savannah College of Art and Design School of the Art Institute of Chicago School of Visual Arts Seton Hall University Siena College Smith College Southern Connecticut State U Springfield College St. Bonaventure University St John’s University* Saint Joseph’s University, PA* St. Louis University St Michael’s College, VT St. Olaf College St. Peter’s College St. Thomas Aquinas College Stanford University Stevens Institute of Technology* Stonehill College Stony Brook University SUNYs* Susquehanna University Swarthmore College Sweet Briar College Syracuse University* Temple University* The Catholic University of America* The College of New Jersey* The College of William & Mary The George Washington University* The Julliard School The Ohio State University* The University of St. Andrews* Towson University Trinity College Tufts University Tulane University* Union College University of Arizona UC - Berkeley UCLA* US Coast Guard Academy United States Military Academy United States Naval Academy Universidad CEU San Pablo*

Reference: Barron’s Profiles of American Colleges

University at Buffalo University of Alabama University of California (San Diego) University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Connecticut University of Dallas University of Dayton University of Delaware* University of Florida University of Illinois University of Mary Washington University of Maryland University of Massachusetts University of Miami* University of Michigan-Ann Arbor* University of Minnesota University of Missouri University of New Hampshire University of New Haven University of North Carolina University of Notre Dame* University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania* University of Pittsburgh University of Rhode Island University of Richmond University of Rochester University of San Diego University of San Francisco University of Scranton* University of South Carolina* University of Southern California University of Tampa University of Texas University of the Sciences University of Vermont University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin Vanderbilt University Vassar College* Villanova University* Virginia Polytechnic U Virginia Wesleyan University Wake Forest University* Washington College* Washington & Lee University Washington University in St. Louis Wellesley College Wentworth Institute of Technology Wesleyan University West Chester University* Westminster Choir College West Virginia University Wheaton College* Williams College William Paterson University Wilkes University Worcester Polytechnic Yale University*

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