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tidings academy of the h oly ange l s

s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame

a p ub licat ion fo r alumn ae, pare nts and fr i e nd s

s p r in g 20 1 4

Legacy families carry on the Angels tradition

d et a i l s o n pa g e 1 4

October 24–25, 2014

Alumnae Weekend Including a reunion celebration for the classes ending in 4 & 9!

Save theDate october 24, 2014 foundation Day at AHA

october 25, 2014 alumnae celebration

• Join us for a special community gathering • Celebrate the SSNDs’ contribution to Holy Angels • Attend a class

• Mass & Dinner • Special recognition for reunion classes • Tours of the building

For more information, visit www.holyangelsalumnae.org 2


p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e

Volume VIi, number 3


Angels Speak at the UN


TURF Campaign

Reunion Weekend 2013 22


While it may sound like a cliché, it does seem like only yesterday that I was writing my initial letter in Tidings. Much of what I wrote in that letter has come to pass and I want to take this opportunity to share an update in three areas. As you know, the Board of Trustees completed their search for a new president and Holy Angels will welcome Mrs. Melinda Hanlon to assume that role on July 1. In the meantime, Mrs. Hanlon has been coming to school regularly and meeting with key personnel as she prepares for her new role. I know that when you meet her, you will be as grateful as I am for her service here. Thanks to your input, the Board also completed its strategic planning process and will move into its implementation in the next school year. Of course, there will be more opportunities for your involvement. An immediate response to concerns over athletic opportunities for our Angels is the installation of a turf field. I encourage you to read the centerfold of Tidings to learn about this project and your potential contribution to it. The third update is that our Middle States evaluation is proceeding smoothly. Our foundational documents have been updated, our proposal on developing a growth mindset for all in the AHA community has been accepted and a committee of faculty, parents and students are diligently planning implementation strategies. I know our alumnae were pleased with the announcement that Karen Sullivan Camporeale ’88 has generously agreed to serve as president of the Alumnae Association. Karen brings much enthusiasm to her role. The school community is blessed that Karen is an esteemed faculty member as well as the mother of a class of 2014 Angel. Of course, I cannot write this without extending great gratitude to Karen’s predecessor for five years, Patti McGovern Hill ’78. The most important message of this letter is to thank you for all of your support of me and Holy Angels in this transition year. Holy Angels has been a great gift to me and one for which I will always be grateful. I have taken the liberty to edit Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger’s blessing for you: Herewith I solemnly commend you to the most Holy Trinity. May God, the Father, care for you all and keep you steadfast and faithful in your holy vocation! May God, the Son, be the way you walk, the truth you follow and the life you lead! May the Holy Spirit preserve you in love and grace! May Mary, the mother of divine grace, take you all into her loving, maternal heart and stand by you in life and in death! Gratefully,


Angel Athletes


Angels in the Arts

Spirituality 10 11

Faculty News


Angels Around the Halls

16 27

Alumnae News In Memoriam

Office of Development


Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends,

Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Ferreira Director of Communications jillane@holyangels.org Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org Barbara Burklund Development Associate bburklund@holyangels.org Trish Murphy Web and Social Media Content Manager tmurphy@holyangels.org

S. Patricia Murphy, SSND President, Academy of the Holy Angels


angel athletes

Cross Country

9 straight County Championships It was another impressive season for Angels cross country. The team won the Bergen County Group B Championship for the ninth straight year, with the ninth fastest team performance in the course history. They were also crowned Big North League Champions and were the

only team from North Jersey ever to win the Shore Coaches Championship – an amazing feat! The team finished 2nd in the Bergen Meet of Champions and 2nd in the Non-Public State Championship. Individually, senior Lydon Kersting was the Big North Champion.

Volleyball Bergen County continues to be the best county for girl’s volleyball. The Angels season was a rebuilding one, as they had graduated five seniors and were plagued by player injuries and line up changes. A tremendous win against top 10 team Northern Highlands helped launch AHA into the county and state tournaments, and propelled them to the 15th seed in the Bergen County Tournament and the 5th seed in the Non-Public group in the state tournament. These rankings were above teams with better records due to the strength of the Angels’ schedule and the respect that the program has earned throughout the state. The season ended with a record of 8-17. But regardless of the outcomes in the tournaments, the players’ performances against the top-ranked teams in the state validated the Angels’ place in the county and forced their opponents to continue to take them seriously.


Tennis The Angels have once again shown that they are a top contender in the league. They finished with a record of 20-3 overall and 6-0 in their division. They had their strongest county tournament yet, finishing 4th overall. After losing the first match of the season to county champs Ramapo High School, the Angels ran a 15-game winning streak including a huge 4-1 win over previously undefeated Northern Highlands. After four straight years of playing in the state final, the team took away their first North Non-Public A Championship, beating Kent Place 3-2. The Angels ended the season by suffering a loss in the Group A State Championship to Pingry. However, Coach Jessica O’Neill Leto ’02 explains, “This was more than we ever expected this season. It was a goal to get to the states, but it has been 19 years since we’ve gotten this far, and to be there with a team of the caliber of Pingry was an adventure for us.” The team made an impressive jump in The Record’s standings from #12 to the #3 spot and made the overall New Jersey top 20 list.

Soccer The soccer Angels compete in the Big North Conference, which is an extremely competitive division. Their entire schedule this season was filled with very challenging teams who rank at the top nationally and on the state level. Even so, the Angels finished their season with a record of 5-13-2. Two of their biggest wins came against Pascack Valley (winning 2-1) and division rival Paramus Catholic (winning 5-3). Plagued with injuries and illness, the Angels placed 17th in the county tournament and 6th in the Non-Public A division of the state tournament.


angel athletes

Winter Track There are countless accolades to share about the 2013-2014 winter track team. They won the North Jersey Championship Meet at Fairleigh Dickinson University, where the distance medley team broke the winter track school record. The 4x800 team of senior Niamh Glynn, juniors Kirsten Judge and Eva Gurian and sophomore Grace Jansson won the league championship, broke the school record and qualified for the Championship of

America race at the Spring Penn Relays. Individually, senior Lydon Kersting qualified for the National Championship Meet in New York City and placed 11th overall in the 3200m. Lydon was the county champ in the 3200m as well as the league champion in the 100m and the 3200m. She now holds the school record for the 3200m. In February Lydon was named Female Athlete of the Week by The Record. Senior Maggie Sheehan was honored as the top all-around athlete in the league.

Bowling Trifecta! This season, the bowling team achieved the triple-crown: winning the county tournament for the first time ever, winning the United Division of the Big North Conference for the second straight year, and capturing their fourth consecutive state sectional title. The Angels finished with a league record of 14-1 and were recognized by The Record as Team of the Year. “This was definitely the best Holy Angels team

ever, without a doubt,” said Coach Patrick Dunne, “We’d won the state sectional title several times, and last year was our first time winning the division. But to win the county on top of that was fantastic.” In other bowling news, AHA faculty, students and friends gathered at Bowler City in Hackensack in February for the annual Mary Dunne Memorial Bowling

County Champions! 6

Tournament. The event raised $1,590 and everyone had a great time. There was even some friendly competition amongst faculty members with Religious Studies teacher Kathleen Walsh coming out the winner with a score of 221! The bowling team trophy went to senior Clarissa Hernandez with a score of 200.

Fencing The Holy Angels fencing team persevered this season despite some minor setbacks early on. In the prestigious state-wide Santelli Tournament, the foil squad placed 14th, sabre 12th and epee 30th, for an overall 15th place out of 46 teams. At the first ever county tournament, held at Holy Angels, the team placed 3rd, missing 1st by just one bout, and 2nd by only one touch. At the state qualifying district tournament, the sabre and foil squads both took 2nd place, and the epee squad took 1st, thus combining to win the District Championship. This qualified all three squads and the overall team, as well as three individuals, for the state tournament where foil and sabre both placed 13th and epee placed 11th. In the state Sweet 16 tournament, the Angels finished 9th. They ended the season with a record of 11-3, earning them the Bergen/Passaic League Division 2 Championship.

Basketball This season, the Varsity basketball team chose a shirt with a quote on it that read, “It is not how we start; it is how we finish.” No truer words could have been spoken about this team. Their grit and hard work paid off by season’s end. The Angels started out with one win and four losses, but finished with five more wins and just two losses. The last game was a heartbreaking one point loss to IHA in the state tournament. Coach Liddy reflects, “I am very proud of what this team accomplished this season. We came together as a team and played with our heart, hands, heads and feet. We finished with 10 wins and 17 losses, but the run at the end was well worth it.”


angels in the arts Celebrating Music in our Schools broke out into spontaneous song! Other selections included The Hallelujah Chorus by Handel, Danse Bacchanale by Saint Saens, Folk Songs from Somerset by Vaughan Williams and a medley from Les Miserables.

March and April were busy months for the members of AHA’s Music Department. The Academy Orchestra visited St. Therese School in Cresskill to perform an Educational Outreach Assembly. This was an interactive program and the elementary students became part of the performance when the younger students were invited to “sit in” with the orchestra for the grand finale, a medley from The Sound of Music. The children

March was also “Music In Our Schools Month” and the halls of Holy Angels were filled with music throughout the entire month. The “Random Acts of Music” ranged from a drum circle to Celtic flute on St. Patrick’s day. The lunchtime crowd took part in weekly “Guess Which Instrument Our Faculty/Staff Members Played?”

quiz and every week there were winners at both lunch periods. Symphony chocolate bars for the winners, of course! Pictured below are Sihyun Lyu, Yoon Sun Hong, Camilla Castillo, Elizabeth Bilka and Niamh Glynn who visited AHA’s convent offices and performed Allegro by W.A. Mozart.

The AHA Dance Team Continues to Impress The AHA Dance teams started off the competition season with eight first place trophies. They competed in January at the Ramapo College Cheer and Dance Invitational, where both the Varsity and JV teams took 1st place in the Pom and Hip Hop categories. They again placed 1st in these categories at the UDA Battle of the Northeast Dance Championship in South Brunswick, NJ. The teams scored decisive victories over teams from several states and were praised for their mastery of both Pom and Hip Hop and for their choreography. In February, they traveled to the 2014 National Dance Team Championship (NDTC) at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. The Varsity Team took 3rd place in Hop Hop and 12th place in Pom. The Junior Varsity Team took 6th place in Hop Hop and 8th place in Pom.


AHA was thrilled to learn that the Angels received 45 awards in this year’s Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. All Gold Key recipients (listed below) advanced to the national portion of the award, where Brooke Trisolini won a Gold Medal for Photography and Alana Spendley won a Silver Medal for Poetry. In addition, they had their work exhibited at the Montclair Art Museum and Caldwell College. Two seniors, Stella Choi and Meghan Valentine, received regional recognition for their entire body of work, with a Gold and Silver Key respectively for their portfolios. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition is the oldest and most prestigious competition for teen artists in the United States. Over 255,000 works were submitted by talented students from across the nation and the winners represent the top 1% of these submissions. Winners were invited to attend a national ceremony at Carnegie Hall in June.

Brooke Trisolini – National Gold Medal Winner

Andrea Cho

Carina Camporeale


Anna Abrimian: One Gold Key Carina Camporeale: One Gold Key; one Honorable Mention Andrea Cho: Two Gold Keys and one Silver Key Jessica Cho: One Honorable Mention Stella Choi: Three Gold Keys (one for her portfolio); four Silver Keys and two Honorable Mentions Katelyn Colman: One Honorable Mention Sophia Cotter: One Gold Key Alexis Escandon: One Gold Key Kiera Feldner: One Gold Key Annette Lee: One Gold Key and two Honorable Mentions Jenny Lee: Two Silver Keys and four Honorable Mentions Angelica Pasquali: One Silver Key and one Honorable Mention Julia Spaar: One Honorable Mention Mella Tesshome: One Silver Key Brooke Trisolini: One Gold Key; One National Gold Medal, Photography Meghan Valentine: One Gold Key; two Silver Keys (one for her portfolio) and four Honorable Mentions Kerianne Villareal: One Gold Key and one Honorable Mention

Meghan Valentine

Stella Choi


Victoria Cabalas: One Silver Key; one Honorable Mention Ruby Kang: One Silver Key Alana Spendley: One Gold Key; One National Silver Medal, Poetry Carolina Zulaga: One Honorable Mention


Sophia Cotter

on the cover


AHA Students Chosen to Speak at the UN Angels share their work at the Commission on the Status of Women Conference For students at AHA, the annual Super Bowl in February was about more than football; it was also about continuing to raise awareness about the tragedy of human trafficking. The idea for this initiative began back in October when students and faculty members Jennifer Cucchisi, Carol Fay and Magda Fama attended a summit at Caldwell College called “Not on Our Turf ” which focused on the issue of sex-trafficking during events such as the Super Bowl. The attendees had the opportunity to interact with students and educators from other schools and authority figures to discuss ways to bring awareness back to their schools and help the victims. The Angels returned ready to put their knowledge into action by organizing a clothing drive for victims of sex trafficking in New York, offering daily prayers for the victims during a week in November, sharing facts and information over the school PA, and signing petitions addressed to legislators and to the commissioner of the NFL. A raffle raised $400 for the LifeWay Network, which was used to purchase winter comforters for victims staying with the organization.

Seniors Jasmine McGlashan, Julianna Perez, Karen Suter and Noel Khamis were so moved by the experience at the summit that they produced a powerful video on the subject for their International Studies class. The video circulated quickly on YouTube and was featured in an SSND newsletter. What had begun as an assignment in Ms. Cucchisi’s International Studies class culminated with an invitation by S. Eileen Reilly, SSND to the Commission on the Status of Women Conference that was held at the United Nations in March. Jasmine and Julianna were invited to speak for the group and had the opportunity to address a session and to present their video. Ms. Cucchisi expressed her excitement by noting that “they were the only student group invited to speak at this particular UN session, thus, needless to say, this was

a tremendous honor for the girls and we are so very proud of them.” For Jasmine, “The experience was surreal, as a member of AHA’s Model UN. I couldn’t believe that I was really speaking at the United Nations. It really showed me that this is what I want to pursue in the future. I feel so blessed to say that at 17 years old, I did this.”

St. Peter the Apostle School visits Holy Angels “Love could not wait” in March, when the AHA community welcomed 77 eager elementary school students and staff from St. Peter the Apostle School in Philadelphia for a performance of Seussical The Musical. St. Peter’s is also an SSND sponsored school. They were accompanied by their principal, S. Rose Federici, and numerous parents and staff members. This day was made possible through the combined efforts and generosity

of many in the Holy Angels community. Student Council, Outreach and the Drama Club organized a pizza welcome party and made sure that everyone felt at home. The cast and crew of Seussical delighted the entire audience with an amazing show. Transportation for the group was made possible by donations from many AHA parents, faculty members and Angels in the Arts.

LOVE cannot wait 10

faculty news Woman of Faith, Woman of Action Carol Fay has been with AHA for thirty eight years and currently serves as the Religious Studies chairperson. She also moderates and directs AHA’s liturgical music group, Music Makers. Carol has accompanied Angels to Honduras for a service immersion trip as well as multiple service trips to help rebuild New Orleans. This past summer, Carol organized a group of students and faculty to work with Rebuilding it Together Bergen County. They spent time in Moonachie, a town hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. One common thread in all of Carol’s work is asking the students to “process and pray about how people of faith can and should respond not only to the needs of the moment, but the systemic injustices that allow these things to happen.” Carol has worked with Catholic Relief Services where she had the opportunity to travel twice to Ghana. From this experience, she has developed a retreat for AHA sophomores introducing them to the continent of Africa from the perspective of catholic teaching. This summer, Carol will again team up with CRS, but this time in the US. She plans to take Angels with her to Baltimore where they will spend a week working on a service project, visiting Catholic Relief Services headquarters to learn how to effectively advocate with Congressional representatives and then to Washington, DC to meet with Congressional representatives and/or their aides.

Director of Communications Jillane Ferreira and her husband Dennis welcomed their son, Nixon Francis, on November 20, 2013. Nixon weighed 9 pounds, 3.8 ounces and measured 22 inches long. He joins his Labradoodle big sister, Scrabble, who is just smitten with the newest member of her pack.

Carol was recently recognized for her dedication to work for Justice and Peace by The Newark Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women when she was honored as this year’s Woman of Faith, Woman of Action. Each year the NACCW honors a Catholic woman who exemplifies the values of Catholic Social Teaching and a commitment to the works of mercy and justice. She is pictured above in the center, along with NACCW President D. Jean Schneider and Most Rev. Bernard Hebda, Coadjutor Archbishop of Newark.

Congratulations to English Department Chairperson Nancy Schneberger, who was awarded a grant by the National Endowment for the Humanities to study in Vienna this summer. The focus of her research will be the musical genius of Mozart as examined through the lens of the city of Vienna. Nancy can then put her increased knowledge to good use when she and Gail Fair once again offer the AHA summer humanities study program in Austria and Germany.


Faculty member Megan Moran Delasandro ’03 and her husband Joe welcomed Jack Thomas Delasandro on March 12, 2014. Jack weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 21 inches long.

angels around the halls ACADEMICS

aTHLETICS Freshman fencer Olympia Peters followed up her February Gold Medal team win at the 2014 United States Junior Olympic Fencing Competition by winning a bronze medal at the National American Cup competition in Memphis.

Junior Meghan Englert, pictured below, was awarded The Rockland Electric Achievement Award for Women in Science. Meghan received the award for her outstanding grades in all science courses, her superior skills in lab work, and her generosity in sharing her knowledge and gifts with others.

Holy Angels Model UN Team traveled to Boston to participate in the annual Harvard Model UN Conference. Senior Lily Cunniff was awarded an Honorable Mention in her historic committee, set in the French Revolution. Lily was also awarded the highest honor of Best Delegate at a Model UN Conference in Budapest, Hungary, for her assignment as Minister of Justice for Sweden. The conference was attended by 400 students from 20 different countries.

The Art Club hosted a very successful fundraiser for the benefit of the creative arts therapy program at the Tomorrow’s Children Foundation (TCF) at Hackensack University Medical Center. The Art Club Postcard and Bake Sale featured 183 miniature works of art created by students and faculty, as well as baked holiday treats. A total of $606 was raised for this program in a single day, which was used to purchase art supplies for TCF. Sophomore flutist Michelle Lu earned a position in the Region I High School Band and freshman violinist June Chung earned a position in the first violin section of the Region I High School Orchestra. These honors ensembles are sponsored by the New Jersey Music Educators Association. Hundreds of exceptional students from the North Jersey region go through a rigorous audition process to earn a place in the regional groups. June and Michelle are two of a very small number of students who have earned this honor. June was also accepted into the first violin section of the New Jersey All-State High School Orchestra.

THE ARTS Senior Alana Spendley continues to receive accolades for her excellence in writing. She was awarded the Gold Medal for Poetry in the New Jersey Council of Teachers of English 2014 High School Writing Contest. The selection of award recipients is highly competitive, and those honored are selected by statewide and national sponsoring organizations.


Congratulations to the AHA members of the Bergen Catholic Varsity Cheer Team, as well as the Holy Angels Cheer Team, who competed at The Big North Championship in February. Bergen Catholic Varsity Cheer took 2nd place and the Holy Angels Cheer Team took 3rd. Pictured below are members of the BC Varsity Team: (L to R) Tiffani Youngblood, Jordan Pena, Caroline Santolli, Erica Dolce, Toni Luciano, Nicole Van Goor, Deirdre Gaffney, and Stephanie Mazzacca.

The AHA Cheer Team placed first in the JV All-American Division at the Hackensack Cheer Challenge in January. The team is pictured below proudly displaying the trophy they were awarded at the event.


HELPING HANDS Junior Jackie Schulkin, animal rights activist and founder of AHA’s Angels For Animals, has been busy advocating on many levels for the proper treatment of animals. She recently attended Humane Lobby Day at the New Jersey State House in Trenton, where she had the opportunity to meet legislators and their respective chiefs of staff and encourage them to support humane laws. She also had the opportunity to meet District 40 Senator Kevin J. O’Toole with whom she is pictured below. She writes, “This was a great learning experience for me and I am elated to have given animals another voice. It also gave me great ideas to propose at Holy Angels and bring to Angels for Animals.”

WCBS radio reporter Sean Adams recently visited Holy Angels to interview seniors Annie Loftus and Ashlin Twardzik about their participation in JOY, AHA’s singing group dedicated to entertaining senior citizens at local nursing homes and assisted living facilities. According to Annie, they get as much joy as they give, noting that she enjoys talking with the residents after her performances as much as she delights in singing their favorite classic songs from the big band era. “Music is the universal language,” says Ashlin, who shared that she has seen its impact many times on the audience. On occasion, she noted, residents have become emotional because the music transports them back in time to their youth. “They tell us about what it was like when they were our age and how they liked going to dances and going out on dates. And it always warms my heart when I hear how I remind them of their grandchild.”

NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARS Congratulations to seniors Adrianna Bergstein and

Sophomores Ciara Rhodes and Samantha Pereira were chosen to receive a scholarship to attend The Advanced Space Camp Academy at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama in July. Every year the Newark Archdiocese selects six Catholic high school students from many qualified applicants to receive this honor.

For the second year in a row, AHA’s Go Green Club was recognized in the Bergen Sustainability Institute Student Challenge. Seniors Katelyn Colman and Katherine Drury, pictured above, won 1st place in this year’s challenge, which was to create a model playground using found, reused, repurposed and recycled items.

got news? Attention current parents, students and faculty! We love hearing your news, to be shared in AHA’s monthly newsletter and possibly featured in Tidings! Send announcements and photos to news@holyangels.org

Lydon Kersting who were named as Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship competition. They were selected from among the 16,000 semi-finalists who were named by the College Board in the fall. Finalists are eligible for consideration for National Merit Scholarships offered in 2014.


TURF transforming


renewing the f ield at AHA

Many new enhancements have been made over the past ten years to fulfill the goals specified in AHA’s strategic plan. Improving our facilities helps to promote each student’s participation in the life of the school and contributes to the overall quality of the AHA experience. We are now excited to announce that an extensive renovation of the Academy’s 13 year old grass athletic field has been approved by the Board of Trustees and the SSNDs. The installation of a turf field would be an immediate upgrade and is “shovel ready” to be completed before the 2014-2015 school year. This is a transformation for the future that will enable more months of field usage throughout the year, and will be utilized by every student. We need your help to make this happen! Please consider a gift that will enable AHA to provide a facility that supports the excellence that is the hallmark of Holy Angels.

THE current AHA Athletic Complex Constructed thirteen years ago in 2001 Six lane track and field facilities – Championship teams Tennis Courts – Winning teams Grass field for Lacrosse, Soccer and Softball Low utilization of grass field due to wet conditions/poor grass

AHA is the ONLY Catholic High School in Bergen County without a Synthetic Turf Field.

turf field advantages 365 Day Availability Physical Fitness and Gym classes Varsity and JV Sports Full Schedule of Home Games Summer Camps for Aspiring Athletes Minimal Maintenance No Herbicides or Watering Costs Estimated 15 Year Life

Please use the enclosed envelope to submit your gift to this project. For questions about this campaign or to submit a gift by phone, please contact the Development Office at 201.768.7822 x224.

alumnae association president


am so humbled to be addressing you in this issue of Tidings as President of the Holy Angels Alumnae Association. I currently wear three other hats at AHA: a proud graduate of the class of ’88, a legacy mother of the soon to be alumna Carina ’14 (and hope to have another angel coming through the ranks in a few more years), and a faculty member. For the past 6 years, I have been lucky enough to teach computer applications and business electives to our current Angels. Since coming back to teach, I have been blessed with experiencing AHA in a whole new light. Not only is it a place of unsurpassed learning that molds our girls into strong, confident young women, but it is a place filled with warmth, caring and goodness. It is my hope that we can embrace and support these young women as they move on from AHA, showing them that regardless of the campus you graduated from, we are all connected. My first order of duty as President was a most pleasurable one, as I was able to witness and lead our class of 2014 as they were inducted into the Alumnae Association. It is so important for our Angels to know that they are part of a network that spans over 135 years. Less than one week later, I also partook in the alumnae legacy dinner, where alumnae mothers of past, current and future Angels met, conversed, reminisced and dined at Fresh and Fancy Farms in New Milford. Alumnae Weekend is scheduled for October 24-25. The weekend is full of great activities, from mass to tours to a wonderful dinner and party. Please make every effort to attend – make a girls’ weekend out of it! We would love to do more events with our alumnae, so any ideas you have, please forward them to us. I look forward to meeting and talking with so many of you. Sincerely, Karen Sullivan Camporeale ’88



Marguerite (Midge) Martine Kennedy ’48 and several classmates have gotten together for a luncheon over the past few years. If anyone has not joined them in the past and would like to, please try to do so the next time. Midge is enjoying life in SC!

’53 The Newark Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women honored Religious Studies teacher Carol Fay with this year’s Woman of Faith, Woman of Action Award. Also in attendance at the luncheon were (L to R) Margaret Doyle ’57, Carol Fay, Florence Horgan ’48 and Florence Doyle Brown ’48.

Mary Purcell Popp ’53 shares, “Sixty years, wow! Wonderful memories of fun time & friends made. Very sad to lose friends and classmates. Marvelous to see the beauty of the Demarest campus and the wonderful curriculum and activities offered to the students of today. After AHA, I pursued a career in nursing – medical surgery, industrial, office, school, biofeedback, chemotherapy & pre-admission testing, and assessment planning. I retired in 1997. Purchased a condo in Stuart, FL in 2004 and eventually moved here in 2009 with my husband of 54 years.” Joyce Comeau Smith ’53 is currently tutoring seminarians in English at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University. She has five children and twelve grandkids.



We apologize to Elizabeth Jones McIntyre ’57 who was not acknowledged in our listing for the class of 1957 in the Annual Report. The class total for 2012-13 was $2500 and the participation at 24%.


Joyce Torre Anton ’58 is happy and busy as a substitute teacher and doing police work in Glen Rock, NJ. She is the proud mom of son Ken (financial investor) and daughter Dawn (banking), and grandmother of Stephen and Faith.


Patricia Johnsen Eitner ’63 is retired and living in La Conner, WA with her husband Rich. She is a grandmother of eight. Ellen Monahan ’63 has retired as VP of Company Planning for a major manufacturer in Winston-Salem, NC. She spent 10 years facilitating strategic plans for local and regional non-profit organizations. In recent years, she has been making chocolate truffles as a fundraiser for senior charities and just won a blue ribbon!

Maureen Mostyn-Brown ’63 just retired from education in June after over 40 years in various positions in several states. Her oldest daughter, Megan, is a published playwright and a blog writer, and her youngest is a trapeze artist with the Club Med Circus. Domenica Fedele Parisi ’63 and husband Frank celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on December 7. They have two sons, Rocco and Vincent, and two grandchildren, Frankie (20) and Bianca (16). Margaret Hurley Wells ’63 retired from nursing after 43 years and has moved from NJ to Nashville, TN. Both of her children and their families live there. Margaret loves the Southern hospitality and warm weather.


Maureen Lewis Corbett ’65 shares, “I am proud to say that in addition to my daughters Colleen Corbett Staff ’89 and Maureen Corbett Gullo ’92, I now have a granddaughter Katherine Staff ’17 who is a freshman attending the Academy.”

has been working part-time, volunteering and traveling. Her daughter, Chloe (28), lives in NYC and works for an investment firm. Susan has been widowed for the past 12 years, but was blessed to be married to Buff Wohlforth (Bergen Catholic ’72) for 21 years.



The class of 1976 had a mini reunion at Bella Campania in Hillsdale in October. Pictured are: (standing L to R) Ellen Harold Monaghan ’76, Nancy Baselice ’76, Mari Unanue ’76, Beth Appio ’76, Ginny Garip Comer ’76, Pam Wynne ’76, Mary Ellen Weidemann Snow ’76, Kim Troester McDaniels ’76, (sitting L to R) Ellen Troester Tizio ’76, Maria Granato Pellicone ’76, Julie Powers ’76, Margaret DeVries Gering ’76, Diane Slattery Barbera ’76 and Joanne Porawski Martorelli ’76.

’83 On March 2, a group of six alumnae from the class of 1965 gathered at Lieto’s Restaurant in New Milford to celebrate MaryAnn Molinaro Marcello’s father Mike’s 98th birthday! Pictured L to R: Roselle Acerno Kalosieh ’65, Joanette Milazzo Weiss ’65, Pam Schwitter ’65, MaryAnn Molinaro Marcello ’65, Diane Kvilesz ’65, Silvia Epperly ’65 with Mike Molinaro.


Gina Tortora Lifrieri ’73 is blessed with two grandchildren, Ava (8) and Anthony (5). Susan Telesco Wohlforth ’73 has lived in Greenwich, CT since 1982. She

11, and reside in Westwood, NJ.” Maureen McSpirit ’83 recently added a second branch of her real estate agency, McSpirit & Beckett Real Estate to a location in Dumont, NJ. The agency was founded in 2006 in Tenafly, NJ. Athena Vardakis Nicholas ’83 is the co-founder of REED Academy, a private non-profit school for individuals with autism. REED just celebrated its 10th anniversary.

Veronica DiTursi Egan ’83 writes, “Greetings from the beautiful Ozarks in Missouri! This year, my husband Ron and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary and our daughter Carly’s 12th birthday. Time sure does fly! It was our 30th reunion and it seems like yesterday when we graduated. Hope your lives are blessed with happiness, health and love! Happy 30th, Sisters!” Bernadette Woodward Fasano ’83 shares, “Hard to believe that we graduated 30 years ago from this wonderful high school. Some of my fondest memories were spent here at AHA. I am lucky enough to still have so many wonderful friends that I love so dearly and met here 30 years ago. I have been married for 21 years, have three beautiful daughters ages 20, 18 and


Carreen Winters Longo ’86 was a guest speaker on CNN’s Reliable Sources on March 30. She discussed the Malaysian Airlines’ handling of the loss of flight 370. Careen is the Executive Vice President at MWW Group. To see her full interview, go to http://reliablesources. blogs.cnn.com/2014/03/30/flight370-managing-the-message/


Mary Jo Varrichio Armen ’88 has written a book called Jesus in Jeans, a spiritual memoir. It has been published by Tate Publishing.


Nancy Campanozzi ’93 shares, “Wish I could have made the trip up to NJ for the reunion. I love seeing all the exciting things going on at AHA in Tidings! Angels do fly higher!” Deanna D’Arrigo ’93 writes, “Seems like just yesterday we were in blue docksiders and hanging out in the cafeteria during frees. 20 years have flown by! AHA is a special place!” Patricia Regan Vezza ’93 and husband Michael welcomed Daniel Regan Vezza on July 12, 2013.


Melissa Fruhbeis Cornish ’95 and her husband Chris welcomed Julia Anne on October 21, 2013 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Baby Julia weighed 8lb 2oz and measured 21.5 inches. She joins proud big brother, Will, and big sister, Hope.


Kristine Bresnee Morieko ’94 and husband Bryan (Don Bosco Prep ’92) are thrilled and excited to announce the arrival of twins, Madeline Grace and Brayden Rodger on August 14, 2013. Many thanks to the AHA classmates who were supportive during the pregnancy and subsequent NICU stay. Both babies are home, healthy and thriving! Lynn Byrne ’94 married Michael Garrity on August 31, 2013 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Tenafly, NJ. Joann Byrne Nahmias ’92 was Matron of Honor. Fellow classmates Jane Jalil Smith ’94 and Kelly Hannon Potter ’94 were also in attendance. Lynn and Mike currently live in Houston, TX and are expecting their first child this June.

Megan O’Reilly Foran ’95 and husband Michael joyfully announce the birth of their son, Liam Michael Foran, born at Martin Army Community Hospital, Ft. Benning, Georgia on November 27, 2013 at 12:17am. Liam weighed 8lbs 11oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. Sharing in the joy of his birth is big sister Erin Maeve.

On April 20, 2013, Sinead Keegan ’95 and Brian Foley were married at the Church of Saint Francis Xavier in Manhattan. Siobhan Keegan ’93 was the Matron of Honor. Bridesmaids were fellow Angels Joanna Calabrese Ariyan ’95, Meg Durante ’95, Elizabeth Waraksa ’95 and Ellen Turk ’95. Other Angels in attendance included Laura Santos ’95, Kathy McAndrew Love ’95, Meredith Forster ’95, Abigail Chua ’95, Brenda Daly Jamieson ’93, Elizabeth Cassino ’93, Michele Cerullo ’93, Deanna D’Arrigo ’93 and Caitlin McCaul ’09, Sinead’s cousin. Sinead works at the Center for Economic Opportunity, an anti-poverty innovation fund within the Office of the Mayor of New York City;


Brian is a Managing Director in the NYC office of Macquarie Group, an Australian bank. Lauren Luppino Rodriguez ’95 and husband Alex are excited to announce that their daughter, Grace Marie, has a new little sister! Natalie Jean was born on January 30, 2014. Lauren Dabak Troche ’95 and husband welcomed Isabel Rose who was born on July 9, 2013. She joins big brothers, Michael and Vincent and big sister, Evelyn. They currently reside in Waxhaw, NC. Diana Valencia ’95 has been named one of the 50 top Influential People for 2013 by HispanicBusiness.com. She is currently the Senior Vice President, Multicultural Communications for Porter Novelli. Previous to that, Diana worked at Univision Interactive Media in New York.


Laura Ganley ’96 is engaged to Thomas Jerome Enright, III. The two met in London where they both work and reside.

Vanessa Arteaga Risetto ’96 and husband Michael welcomed son Rocco John on January 28, 2014. He joins big sister Catherine. Shannon Morris ’96 married Nicholas Cevasco on July 19, 2013 at St. John the Evangelist in Leonia, NJ. Angel classmate Jennifer Jalil Feliciano ’96 was Matron of Honor and Sarah Burch ’96 was a Bridesmaid. Other Angels in attendance were Sharyn McCarthy Milano ’96, Colleen Breslin ’96 and Jennifer Burke DeCaria ’96. Jennifer Roes ’96 was named Morristown Medical Center’s Labor & Delivery Nurse of the Year for 2013. Michelle Press Tzoulafis ’96 and her husband Achilles welcomed their second daughter, Sydney, on September 1, 2013. Her daughter Zoe is a proud big sister!


Christina Jocher Aiello ’97, her husband Jason, and big sister Alexa Cate are delighted to announce the arrival of Alana Brooke on February 26, 2014. She weighed 6 pounds and 14 ounces, and she measured 20 inches long.



On September 14, 2013, Meghan Corrigan ’99 married Gregory Scott at Sacred Heart Church in Haworth, NJ. The reception followed at White Beeches Golf & Country Club in Haworth. The Maid of Honor was Jackie Oates ’99. Other Angels in attendance were AnneMarie Nemecek ’99 and Christina Bazaz Brightly ’63 (a 12-year Angel). Among the guests were retired AHA faculty member Dr. James Haddad and his wife Carol. Meghan is the Art Director for XO Group/the knot magazine. Gregory is an attorney with Morgan Stanley.

Nicole Di Lorenzo ’01 married Gary Dragona at the Estate at Florentine Garden’s in River Vale, NJ on September 7th, 2013. Angels in attendance at the wedding were (L to R) Catherine Amin ’01, Nicole Di Lorenzo ’01, Jennifer Sullivan ’01 (Bridesmaid), Andrea Cheung ’01, Sally Dunn ’01 (Maid of Honor) and Kristy Ahrlich ’98.



Kristen Balsamo Kleinbach ’01 and husband Kris welcomed their daughter, Samantha Patricia, on October 1, 2013. She weighed 5lbs 13ozs and was 19 3/4 inches long. Samantha has already attended some AHA bowling events to support the Angels.

Amanda Witt Bogertman ’98 and husband Will welcomed their first child, Ezekiel Clay. He was born December 29th, 2013, weighing 9lbs 2oz and 21.5in tall.


Megan Paige Davidson ’02 married Andre Barcellos Hund, on November 25, 2013 in a private beach ceremony in Captiva, Florida. The couple met while backpacking in New Zealand in 2011. Megan graduated with a Music Industry degree from Northeastern University in Boston, and is presently working for RoyaltyShare, a division of Sony Music. Alkmini Vorvolakos ’02 married Kerry O’Brien on December 7, 2013 at Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church in Washington Heights, NY. The reception was held at The Metropolitan Building in Long Island City, NY. Angels Brielle Senft ’02 and Elaina Christakis ’03 were in attendance. The couple honeymooned in Costa Rica.


Jo Anne Barrameda ’03 was married to Gareth McCusker at Capitale in NYC on May 18, 2012. They recently celebrated the birth of their son Tristan on March 10, 2014. Jo Anne is a public relations executive for Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Sally Casper Binder ’03 and her husband Daniel welcomed their first child, Megan Rose, to the world on November 18, 2013 at 9:27am. Megan’s proud grandmother is Margaret Lee Casper ’76 and proud godmother is Lisa Giovanniello ’03.

Erin Musich ’03 was featured on Philly’s local CBS station’s website when they covered the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation Bloggers’ Tour. Check out Erin’s travel blog, The World Wanderer – theworldwanderer.net. Stephanie Sinon Pandya ’03 and husband Sameer welcomed their son Raiyan Sinon at 10:57pm on March 27 at 7lb 6oz and 21 inches.


’05 Carlene Harrington ’03 married Matthew Purzycki, whom she met at Governor’s school in 2002. The wedding took place at Our Light Church in Cherry Hill, NJ and a reception followed at Clarks Landing Yacht Club in Delran, NJ. Five fellow Angels attended the wedding: Stephanie Sinon Pandya ’03, Risako Arcari ’16, Kathy Ventry Sabella ’66, Carolyn Donadio Harrington ’75, Mother of the Bride, and Kathleen Oates-Nies ’75, the bride’s godmother.

honeymooned in St. Lucia. Angels in attendance included Maid of Honor Caroline Cleaver ’07, Bridesmaid Stephanie Garbarini ’05 and Jeannette Symmonds ’05. The couple met while studying at Muhlenberg College, where Maria graduated with BS degrees in Chemistry and Music. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Chemistry (Cosmetic Science) at Fairleigh Dickinson University and working as a Chemist at Genealogy, LLC in Elmwood Park, NJ. Michael graduated with a BA in Political Science and Philosophy, and is a Client Relationship Manager at CT Corporation in New York City. The couple currently resides in Englewood, NJ with their spoiled Australian Shepherd, Lucas.

Catherine Perna Saum ’05 and her sister Erin Perna ’07 have opened a new boutique in Wyckoff, NJ called “All is Well.” The shop focuses on selling items for cancer patients like head scarves and lotions, but also unique gifts such as jewelry and items for the home, many locally produced or handmade. Proceeds from the sales go to the foundation by the same name that supports local families battling cancer.

Maria Ruppert ’05 married Michael Malkowski on December 7, 2013 at St. Anthony’s Church in Hawthorne, NJ. The reception was held at the Crystal Plaza in Livingston, NJ and the couple


Lauren Petrocelli ’06 and Nicholas Adamucci, Esq. were married at Immaculate Conception Church in Norwood, NJ on June 7, 2013. The reception was held at the Tarrytown House Estate in Tarrytown, NY. Other Angels in attendance were Amanda Petrocelli ’05 and Katie Hubschman ’06. Lauren currently works as an ABA therapist for children with special needs at the Institute of Professional Practice in Norwalk, CT, and is working on receiving her Master’s in Mental Health Counseling. Nicholas is an attorney at his firm, Adamucci LLC. Lauren and Nicholas reside in Stamford, CT.


Amanda Becker ’08 graduated from Boston College with a double major in Elementary Education and English, and a minor in Special Education. She is currently in a Master’s program at Columbia University’s Teachers College. Additionally, she is a second year teacher in the Englewood Cliffs school district as a 4th grade Special Education teacher. Meghan Harley ’08 is currently a second year dental student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Danielle Tasca ’08 graduated from Adelphi University in 2012 and landed a job at Good Day NY on Fox as a News Assistant. During college she took advantage of study abroad programs in the Dominican Republic, China and Egypt. She also had great internship experiences at Estee Lauder, The Howard Stern Show on Sirius XM and at MSNBC where she covered the 2012 Democratic National Convention.


Spotted at AHA Zumbathon 2013: Cassie Faulborn ’09 and Jessica O’Hagan ’10 with Kristen Cebulski ’09 who coaches the JV Dance Team.

Claire Quinn ’09 is currently in Nicaragua working with the Peace Corps as an Environmental Education volunteer. For the next two years, she will be teaching environmental science classes in elementary schools, training teachers on environmental topics and putting in gardens/tree nurseries. In addition, Claire will be matched up with AHA’s International Studies class as a World Wise Schools volunteer.


Elise Chaffiotte ’11 is a member of the University of Scranton Equestrian Team. She qualified for the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association zone 3 “Battle in the Saddle” tournament. This tournament was held at Valley Forge Military Academy in Wayne, PA. Elise was one of four from her region selected for this November show. She placed seventh in her class and she was on the show’s champion team. Lauren Haviland ’11 has been accepted into the “Bike and Build” program for the summer of 2014. The organization funds projects planned and executed by young adults ages 20-24. In May, they will be leaving for a cross-country bike trip from North Carolina to San Diego. Various times a week, they will stop and work on a Habitat for Humanity build using the money they fundraised. Each rider is responsible to raise $4,500, which directly funds the housing projects that they will work on throughout the trip. Caroline Hroncich ’11, a junior at Villanova, spent the fall semester in Rome on an internship with the Vatican News Service.


Samantha Gibney ’13 is currently in her first year at Villanova. She spent her spring break doing service in Athens, Georgia where she tutored students and ‘built’ or maintained homes in the area with Sister Margarita Martin at the Oasis Católico Santa Rafaela. Melanie Lockett ’13 and her fellow teammates on the University of Pennsylvania Basketball Team won the Ivy League Championship. This win gained them a berth in March madness.

Casey Perez ’13 was selected as New Jersey City University’s Athlete of the week in March. Casey is an outfielder on the school’s softball team.

got news? We love hearing from our alumnae! We want to celebrate with you by sharing your good news and accomplishments with the entire AHA community. Send your news and photos for the next issue of Tidings to alumnae@holyangels.org by June 30, 2014. We love pictures, and we want you to look good! Photos that are below the acceptable resolution for print will not be published. Here are some tips for sending us digital photos that will look fantastic in print: • Make sure your camera is set to the best photo setting (usually “FINE”) so that your photos will be 300dpi or higher • Do not send photos directly from your phone, as they are automatically sized down to a lower resolution • Please “attach” your photo to the email, just as you would a document. JPEGs are preferred.

Photo courtesy of UPENN


Photo courtesy of NJCU


he events began on Friday, with alumnae celebrating Foundation Day and taking a trip down memory lane by attending classes or touring the campus. There was a prayer service to honor the SSNDs which also included a presentation by S. Patricia Murphy, SSND, AHA President, on how vital the SSND mission is today. Saturday night’s reunion event began with the annual Alumnae Mass followed by a welcome reception and an opportunity to tour the campus with a current Angel. The presentation of the classes was done at the end of mass. Sister Carole Tabano ’59 led a memorable reflection on years past and arrived on stage as if transported from the Fort Lee campus after a basketball game. In keeping with tradition, the “golden” Angels were presented with yellow roses, recognizing their celebration of more than 50 years since graduation. The class of 1963 joined the golden group this year for the first time. The class of 1988 was also called forward to receive roses in honor of their 25th anniversary. Each class posed together for a current group shot – photos are available at www.holyangelsalumnae.org/aw2013. The rest of the evening was filled with the opportunity to reconnect and share memories and catch up with old and new friends.

We invite you all to the next

Alumnae Weekend including a special reunion of the classes ending in 4 & 9 –

October 24-25, 2014!

Alumnae Weekend

Class Reunions

To view more photos or to order prints, go to

October 25-26, 2013


Special Events at AHA Beefsteak Dinner

grandparents’ day

JUNIOR RING ceremony

in the Fall of 2013 father/daughter event

senior halloween party


Kathleen Powers Groh ’60, Regina Gonzalez Perron ’93 & the 1995 Basketball Team The Academy of the Holy Angels Athletic Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who have enhanced the Holy Angels program either as an athlete, coach or contributor. Nominees must exemplify the highest standards of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and moral character. In short, nominees must be a positive role model, worthy of being emulated by current and future students. Although Hurricane Sandy delayed this ceremony for a year, the excitement of honoring these worthy recipients had not waned. KATHLEEN POWERS GROH ’60 It was under the dome in Fort Lee that Kathleen’s passion for athletics was fostered and her leadership skills fine-tuned. She began her AHA basketball career on the Varsity team in her sophomore year (something very rare back then) and by senior year was named co-captain. Kathie also served as President of the Athletic Association in her senior year. After graduation, Kathie attended Merrimack College’s Business Program and then went on to Caldwell College. She married Jack Groh and they raised their three children– daughter Susan, class of ’81, and sons John and Tom. She continued her involvement in athletics by supporting her children as team mother, manager and avid fan from elementary school through high school. One of Kathie’s most important accomplishments was being named the first female Chairperson of the River Edge Recreation Commission where it was under her direction that the River Edge Run was established. It was one of the first of its kind in Bergen County and has grown into a highly anticipated event each year. Unfortunately, Kathleen was not able to join us for the induction ceremony due to her recent move to Florida.

Regina (center) with coaches Jim McCarthy and Mary Harkins

REGINA GONZALEZ PERRON ’93 During her four years at AHA, Regina set the pace as she ran on the newly formed cross country and spring track teams. In

The 1995 Basketball Team

the fall of 1992, Regina won the prestigious Bergen County Meet of Champions individual title and tied for 4th in the group meet. She was the first to do so in AHA history and had a record run that season of 19 minutes, 34 seconds. Regina held that record until last September, when current senior Lydon Kersting set a new AHA record of 19 minutes, 26 seconds. During her time at AHA, Regina earned All-State and All-County recogniton, as well as The Record’s Athlete of the Week. She ended her AHA career by receiving the coveted Angel Award at the last sports banquet. Regina then went on to Georgetown University where she continued her running career in Division 1 cross country, indoor track and outdoor track. She was awarded All-American Honors for the 5,000 meters in indoor track and for the 10,000 meters in outdoor track. She graduated in 1997 with a Bachelor’s degree in International Business. In 2000, Regina graduated from Seton Hall School of Law. She is currently working as an attorney in Flemington, NJ. 1995 BASKETBALL TEAM Lauren DeLucia ’95, Allison Higgins ’95, Maura Lamadore Spignesi ’95, Lisa Resto ’95, Colleen Breslin ’96, Jillian DePaul ’96, Kimberly Doyle ’96, Elizabeth Farley Hartnett ’96, Paola Incitti ’96, Heather Miller Shalaida ’96, Shannon Morris Cevasco ’96, Heather


Senn ’96, Mary McDermott Fierabend ’97 and coaches Sue Liddy, Eric DiCola and JR Dinallo – The 1995 Basketball team will forever have a place in Holy Angels history as the first team to ever win the Bergen County Tournament. They beat Pascack Valley on that February afternoon in 1995 with a nail biting final score of 3533 after knocking off two-time defending champion Ridgewood and number three Bogota in the previous rounds. The Record reporter covering the game stated, “For the Holy Angels girls basketball team, a collective heartbeat proved to be as invaluable as a prodigious offense or a stalwart defense. It proved to be the deciding factor in a championship run as the Angels captured their first Bergen County tournament title Sunday. The players are such close friends, they feel like family. Put them on a basketball court and they’re a model of communication. And their feisty and physical style of play leaves many opponents with bells ringing in their heads.” This amazing group of young women went on to pursue a wide range of career paths, ranging from Nurse Practitioner, Director of Guidance, Teacher, Psychologist, Financial Manager, Trial Attorney and that most important role of full-time mom. In addition, many are involved as leaders for charitable organizations in their communities and some also find the time to coach young athletes.

in memoriam ALUMNAE Judene Maron Baglieri ’85 Aunt of Micaela Maron ’17 Frances Balmert Benson ’44

Josephine DiPaolo

Lorraine Riordan-Mooney

Mother of Jean DiPaolo ’96

Mother of Morgan Mooney ’08

Rocco DiPaolo

Joan Moran

Father of Jean DiPaolo ’96

Grandmother of AHA Faculty member Megan Moran Delasandro ’03

Sister of Mary Balmert Farmer ’44

Donal Duff

Patricia Broderick ’65

Grandfather of Megan Duff ’04 and Christen Duff ’14

Michael John Mulroe

Adaline Quinn DeMarrais ’57

Louis Ferrara

Charles Nehrbass

Roberta Frasca Fulford ’51

Father of AHA Faculty member Mary Naimo

Grandfather of Stephanie Albert ’16

Sister of the late Agatha Frasca Billington ’37, late Justina Frasca Muller ’34, late Emma Frasca Billington ’41 and late Mary Patricia Frasca Dukehart ’45

Veronica Nowicki Guarinello ’48 Mother of Mary Guarinello Venizelos ’81, Grandmother of Katie Guarinello ’00, Sister of MaryAnn Nowicki Kreush ’51 and Aunt of Cynthia Kreush Fochesato ’79, Loretta Kreush ’80 and Patricia Kreush ’81

FAMILY & FRIENDS Charles Albers Brother of S. Mary Noel Albers ’51

Tony Battifarano Father of Melissa Battifarano ’96

Frank Bina Grandfather of Nicole Harencak ’03 and Dana Harencak ’07

Debra Fitzpatrick

Grandmother of Jennifer Trawinski ’99 and Carolyn Trawinski ’03

Margaret Freeman

Richard Neumann

Grandmother of Anne Loftus ’14 and Emily Loftus ’16

Grandfather of Katherine Neumann ’14

Robert Gajarsky Husband of Marie Caulfield Gajarsky ’58

Joseph Generelli Father of Vanessa Generelli ’04 and Uncle of Caitlin Early Greenberg ’01

Grandmother of Zoe Cockinos ’16

Maryann Collins Mother of Donna Collins Wilson ’77

Joey David Cooke Grandson of Vicky McMenimin Cook ’68 and Grandnephew of Kay McMenimen ’69

Carlos Cubas Grandfather of Kathia Cubas ’14

2006 as the AHA Main Office Manager and Transportation

Juan Samayoa

years, Alexis worked tirelessly

Husband of Maryann Liddy Johnson ’81 and Brother of Deirdre Spina ’87 and Brother-In-Law to AHA Faculty member Susan Liddy

Father of Gloria Samayoa ’94

to assist families to find

Charles Smith

transportation solutions.

Edward Kahrer

Francisca Briones Lacza

Father of Sharon Smith-Raska ’69 and Beverly Smith Collins ’73 and Grandfather of Brynn Smith-Raska ’04

Giovannina Vazzona Grandmother of Danielle Gazda ’16

Guiseppe Vecchione Grandfather of Alexa Vecchione ’16

Jacqueline Vigneron

Grandmother of Solaida Mamsaang ’92, Kathleen Villamaria Barrameda ’96, Genevieve Lee ’02 and Stephanie Sinon Pandya ’03

Grandmother of Kelly Vigneron ’05, Caroline Vigneron ’10 and Mary Kate Vigneron ’13

James Latham

George Yanakas

Father of Laurie Latham Holt ’83

Great Uncle of Jacqueline Ferreri ’14

Eun Jung Shin

Mary Young

Mother of Jenny Lee ’14

Anthony Maltese Brother of Kristen Maltese Krusen ’83

Delia Maurice Aunt of AHA Faculty member Sheila Wroblewski ’79 and Chelsea Schwerzler ’10

Heidi Medina

Grandmother of Caitlin Daniels ’14

Rosalie DiMauro

George Miceli

Mother of Camille DiMauro Giacomelli ’77

came to the Academy in

Robert Johnson

Mother of Alyssa Joy Medina Tumbokon ’93

Kathleen Daniels

on November 12, 2013. She

Coordinator. Over the eight

Grandmother of AHA Coach Jessica O’Neill Leto ’02

Helen Cockinos

Grandfather of Nathelie Elisano ’04, Elyse Elisano ’06, Alexandra Pagnozzi ’12, Daniela Pagnozzi ‘17

Vale passed away suddenly

Walter Paradisi

Kathleen Brodowski

Mother of Judith Cavallo Libonati ’59

Gene Pagnozzi, Sr.

AHA Staff member Alexis

Father of Fiorella Paradisi ’00

Evelyn Kasa

Helen Cavallo

Father of Barbara O’Neil Mingle ’66

Great Uncle of Olivia Guido ’15

Grandfather of Kristen Kahrer ’16

Mother of Elizabeth Bulwicz Gurliaccio ‘86 and Marybeth Bulwicz Mernin ’89

James O’Neil

James Guido

Dulce Breithaupt

Elizabeth Bulwicz

Herta Nelson

Mother of Tara Fitzpatrick ’98

Aunt of Tessa Breithaupt ’14 Mother of Diana Brodowski ’04, Laura Brodowski ’06 and Kristen Brodowski ’09

Father of Kathleen Mulroe ’77

Uncle of Lauren Miceli ’15

Grandmother of Deirdre Gaffney ’14

Academy of the Holy Angels has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, NJ 07627 or email at alumnae@holyangels.org.



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