tidings academy of the h oly ange l s
s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame
a pu b lic ati on fo r alumn ae, par e nts and fr i e nd s
s um m er 20 1 2
Congratulations to the Class of 2012
“Go Make A Difference.” Kathryn plays this song on the piano at every community prayer gathering at AHA. But they are also words she lives by every day. Not only has Kathryn made a difference in the Holy Angels community, but she has also begun to make a difference in the world. As the Founder and President of Knitwits, she teaches classmates how to knit squares to be assembled into blankets for AIDS patients in Africa. She’s traveled to Honduras and Beijing, China on mission trips, transcending the language barrier with her kindness. Kathryn does all of this while still finding the time and energy to maintain Principal’s List every quarter and membership in three National Honor Societies. Visit AHA and discover how you can make a difference!
FLY HIGHER Academy of the Holy Angels 315 Hillside Avenue Demarest, NJ 07627 phone 201.768.7822 S p o n s o r e d by t h e S c h o o l S i s t e r s of N ot r e D a m e
Sunday, September 30th at 11am www.holyangels.org/afh
Use your smartphone to see more Angels!
p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e
Class of 2012 Commencement Ceremony
A Mission of Love: Farewell to Sister Karen
“Good news sets us free,” (Maura Eichner, SSND) and AHA has good news to proclaim. Congratulations to the Class of 2012 for achieving all times highs: • 45% of the graduates received acceptances from Tier 1 colleges (most competitive) • The class qualified for over $13,000,000 in scholarships and grants • Their SAT mean composite was 1828 • They logged 24,000 hours of community service Fittingly, their great class spirit matched their amazing accomplishments. We congratulate them for reaching the fullness of their potential as we hope and pray that they will continue to stretch their wings and fly higher during their promising college years. The renovation of the library is on track to be completed by mid-August. The new design will transform the library from a space that stores books to an innovative research center and learning commons, simultaneously combining beauty and functionality. Floor to ceiling windows along the west wall of the library will open to a panoramic view of the campus and flood the Learning Commons with daylight. Wall to wall carpeting will give the illusion of the campus grass extending itself from the field onto the floor. The gentle, arching curve of the cloud ceiling toward the wall of windows will mimic the sky. Students will sink into the comfort of lounge chairs for leisure reading or sit at tables wired for electricity and data. They will enjoy places for quiet study and group learning. The Learning Commons will be an oasis for learning, meeting the needs of mind, body and spirit. We will dedicate the Learning Commons on the Academy’s feast day of the Guardian Angels, Tuesday, October 2nd. Circle the date and join us to thank the many generous benefactors who have made this dream of a Learning Commons come true. Thanks to the increased number of alumnae, parents and friends donating this year to the Annual Fund, AHA can boast of a 20% increase in revenue. This translates into educational enhancements, financial aid and capital improvements that we can extend to our Angels. Your generosity “sets us free” to do good for Holy Angels. Gratefully,
Angel Athletes
Angels in the Arts
Angels Around the Halls
Spirituality 15 19 32
Alumnae News In Memoriam
tidings Volume Vi, number 1
Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends,
Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Ferreira Director of Communications ahacommunications@holyangels.org Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org
S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 President, Academy of the Holy Angels
graduation & baccalaureate
Commencement 2012 AHA’s Commencement Ceremony took place on June 3rd. Principal Jennifer Moran proudly summarized the accomplishments of the class of 2012: “Holy Angels just graduated a class of 129 extraordinary young women whose legacy of achievements and gifts of spirit will not be forgotten. Academically, they have exceeded every previous class in SAT means: Critical Reading 610, Math 590 and Writing 628. No wonder their college acceptances were so impressive. In spite of this year being the most competitive ever in college admissions, they gained entry into top tier schools like Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Notre Dame, Georgetown and the University of Virginia. Scholarships and grants totaling over $13 million were awarded to these hardworking, dedicated students. Everyone in our school community is proud of their efforts as we are of their achievements. After four years of fruitless search for a class tagline it all becomes clear: ‘The Class of 2012 – Dozen get any better!’ They are a treasure; we will miss them greatly.”
Baccalaureate Celebration
Angel Colleges
Class of 2012 Angels are headed to...
Legacy Mothers & Daughters AHA gives special recognition to the families who have continued the Holy Angels legacy. Pictured from left to right are mothers and daughters Alexia Ramirez ’12 and Renee Norfleet Ramirez ’85, Mairin Lane ’12 and Rosaleen Mulvey Lane ’81, Meghan Gallo ’12 and Maureen Reuter Gallo ’80, Caroline Malley ’12 and Lisa Raacke Malley ’74, Regina Palatini ’12 and Mary Mattessich Palatini ’75.
Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Auburn University Barnard College of Columbia University Binghamton University, SUNY Boston College Boston University Brown University Colgate University College of the Holy Cross Columbia University Cornell University Drew University Elon University Emerson College Fairfield University Fordham University Franklin & Marshall College Georgetown University Gettysburg College Hamilton College Har vard College Hofstra University Ithaca College Johns Hopkins University Lehigh University Loyola University Mar yland Manhattan College Manhattan School of Music Marist College Michigan State University Monmouth University Muhlenberg College New York University Northeastern University Northwestern University Oklahoma City University Pratt Institute Providence College Quinnipiac University Ramapo College of NJ Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute Rhode Island College Rollins College Rutgers, The State University of NJ Saint Joseph’s University School of the Art Institute of Chicago Seton Hall University Stevens Institute of Technology Stonehill College State University of New York at New Paltz The Catholic University of America The College of New Jersey The George Washington University The Ohio State University Trinity College Tufts University Union College United States Coast Guard Academy University of California, Los Angeles University of Connecticut University of Florida University of Notre Dame University of San Diego University of South Carolina University of Southern California University of Tampa University of Virginia Villanova University Virginia Polytechnic Institute
angel athletes Angel golf 3-peats undefeated division record Finishing the season undefeated in their division for the third year in a row, the Angels were the Big North Division 3 Champs. The regular season brought big wins against IHA and Ridgewood, and the Angels finished with a 17-3 league record. They also dominated the Big North Conference Tournament, taking home the first place win, and then went on to place second at the Bergen County Tournament. After qualifying for the NJ State Sectional Tournament, the Angels finished in fourth place and earned a trip to the NJ State Finals at Trump National Golf Club in Colts Neck. There they finished fifth in the state, placing one spot ahead of league rival IHA. This year’s golf team enjoyed its finest season in school history, with five girls earning 1st Team All-League, and four placing 2nd Team All-County.
THANK YOU COACH! After 22 years, Jim McCarthy is ending his coaching career at AHA. As cross country coach (1996-2011), Jim led the team to five league championships, four county championships and two state championships and was named Cross Country Coach of the Year in 2006. As assistant coach for the Varsity basketball team, he was there when four of the teams won the county championships. He was also the JV basketball coach and freshmen basketball coach. Jim has also been the spring track coach and an assistant coach for the softball team.
Spring Track
It was another rough season for the Angels, as their Big North Conference schedule presented heavy challenges. The division was intense, with opponents that would vie for the county and state tournaments. Coach Liddy feels confident, however, that the team is solid and that next year’s season will be much better. Liddy explains, “We have to come out hot early in the season and prove ourselves. The challenge is to become a .500 team in 2013. I know this group returning will be up to that challenge.” Four Angels garnered 2nd Team All-League awards and hope to fulfill Coach Liddy’s prediction for next year.
The spring track team came out blazing once again, winning the Season Opener Relays, the Highlander Relays and the Bergen County Relays for the fourth consecutive year. They were the number one relay team in North Jersey. In individual races they placed second in the County Championships, and second in the State Sectionals. Amanda Fields was chosen as the Bergen Record “Athlete of the Week” for her performance in the County Relays. She was also chosen as the Outstanding Field Event Athlete at the Bergen County Meet of Champions, with a school record-breaking jump of 38 feet in the triple jump. She also broke the school record this year in the long jump. Ashley Strysko won the 3200 at the Bergen County Meet of Champions and broke the school record in the 3200 and 1600 meter races. Lisa Sesink-Clee broke the school record in the javelin and Alex Eckert broke the school record in the pole vault. Alex also set a State Sectional record in the pole vault, while winning that event. But it doesn’t end there – the Angels also won the Big North Conference Championship Meet and their 4x100 team finished second in the section at the prestigious Penn Relays.
LAX FOR MAX 2012 Angels Band Together On and Off the Field Great individual and team accomplishments led the Varsity lacrosse team to a second place American North Divisional League record of 6-1and an overall record of 12-8. Five of eight losses were by only one goal, making this season a constant nailbiter. Two thrilling double overtime games against league rival Pascack Valley highlighted the season, along with personal victories, with Caroline Malley scoring her
100th career goal against Old Tappan and Melanie Everett scoring her 150th career goal against The Ranney School. Most commendable, though, was the team’s support of the Everett family as it confronted Melanie’s twin brother Max’s emergency surgeries for a benign brain tumor. Throughout this season and during the Everett family’s time of need, each and every player on the team learned
lessons for a lifetime – that nothing is more precious than life, and that together they really can accomplish anything. Their team slogan for the year was LAX for MAX 2012! The Angels proudly announce that four girls made 1st Team All-League and two freshmen scored 2nd Team All-League honors.
angels in the arts Angel Artists’ Inaugural Induction into National Art Honor Society
On May 2, for the first time at AHA, thirty juniors and seniors were inducted into the National Art Honor Society. A reception and art show followed the induction. Family members, including parents and grandparents, as well as friends, Principal Jennifer Moran, faculty and classmates, attended to celebrate and bless the honored artists. Students received their membership certificates and a golden pin shaped like an artist’s palette after reading the Oath of Allegiance to the NAHS. Each girl pledged to help create a more beautiful world through art and to always seek to create and never destroy. The moderators for NAHS are the Art Department faculty: Ms. Jennifer Lee, Ms. Christine Wraga and Ms. Kathryn Biskup. Pictured at left are newly inducted members of the National Art Honor Society as they take their oath against a backdrop of a mural painted by Angel artists of the past.
Something for Everyone at the Spring Concert AHA’s musical program affords students with opportunities to perform in a variety of ensembles. With so many gifted musicians, the concerts are always entertaining and fun. The talented Angels once again wowed the crowd at the Spring Concert. The Handbell Choir concluded their always impressive set with their take on “The Phantom of the Opera,” leading into a dramatic Coldplay medley from the Vocal Ensemble. The Jazz Band picked up the tempo with popular tunes like “Born this Way” and “Come, Sail Away,” while the Academy Chorus ended a beautiful set with a crowd favorite from Wicked, “Defying Gravity.” The Academy Orchestra’s performance included selections from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and student conductor Gabriella DiClementi led them on “March of the Siamese Children” from The King and I.
An exhilarating and fast-paced rock musical, Footloose, hit the AHA stage this spring to rave reviews. Footloose is the story of a city boy who moves to a small farming town where dancing is strictly prohibited. A heartfelt story emerges of a father longing for the son he lost and of a young man aching for the father that walked out on him. Footloose celebrates the wisdom of listening to the young people and guiding them with a warm heart and open mind. Katie McSherry ’04 directed this AHA hit with student directors Katie Flood ’12, Genesis Vega ’13 and Meghan Valentine ’14. AHA alumnae were also involved, with Jacqueline Stephens ’04 as choreographer and Marisa Hall ’08 as costume coordinator. Let’s hear it for the cast: Ren played by Brendan Rooney (SJR ’12), Ariel played by Nicole DeLuca ’12, Reverend Moore played by Jacob Williams (Emerson HS ’12), Ethel played by Katerina Rodriguez ’12, Vi played by Brigid Boll ’13, Rusty played by Alex Pagnozzi ’12 and of course the talented ensemble! The production received several nominations from the 2012 Metropolitan High School Theatre Awards, presented by the Helen Hayes Youth Theatre. AHA congratulates Nicole DeLuca, Alexandra Ann Pagnozzi, Kathia Cubas and Esther Lauture on their nomination for Outstanding Featured
Ensemble Group, for their roles as Ariel, Rusty, Wendy Jo and Urleen. We also applaud Brendan Rooney on his nomination for Outstanding Actor in a Lead Role. The Angels were nominated for Outstanding Lobby Display, designed by the team of Elizabeth Bilka, Victoria Cavaliere, Ivetty Estepan, Natalie Freay, Grace Fuselier, Alyssa Gentile, Annie Loftus, Katharine Rodriguez and Christina Sirico. Senior Alex Pagnozzi (right) was nominated by the Paper Mill Playhouse for Outstanding Performance in a Featured Role, for her portrayal of Rusty. This is the first time an AHA student has been singled out by Paper Mill.
angels around the halls ACADEMICS We are excited to announce that our school’s literary magazine, Blueprint, was selected to receive the rank of “Excellent” in the 2011 National Council of Teachers of English Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines. A total of 391 schools entered the 2011 program. The NCTE’s program recognizes students, teachers and schools for producing excellent literary magazines. The program’s mission is to encourage all schools to develop literary magazines, seeking excellence in writing and school-wide participation in production. Congratulations to Student Editors Ashlee Morel and Samantha Colavecchio and Faculty Advisor Jean Mullooly for all of their hard work. AHA’s French III Honors class participated in a creative writing contest organized by the French National Honor Society. Junior Shelsie Lindor was announced a winner. Her writing has been published in the spring bulletin of the Societe Honoraire de Francais, Volume 39. She also received a monetary award offered by the American Association of Teachers of French. Shelsie is pictured at right.
Congratulations to the following girls who received 2012 Junior College Book Awards & Medals: Isabella Duffy – Bryn Mawr College President’s Book Award Natalie Chew – College of the Holy Cross Book Prize Emily Ryker – Dartmouth College Book Award Victoria Zayat – Fairfield University Book Award Eunice Lee – George Washington University Alumni Book Award Renee Jozanovic – Rockland Electric Scientific Achievement Award Victoria Cavaliere – Saint Michael’s College Book Award Erica Repetto – Stonehill College Soomin Yoo – The Rensselaer Medal Madeline McGovern – UPenn Book Award Olivia Lofaro – University of Rochester Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Award Lauren Kaley – University of Rochester Xerox Award for Innovation & Information Technology Elizabeth Aaron – Univeristy of Rochester George Eastman Young Leaders Award Patricia Das – University of Rochester Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award Kathryn Fuselier – US Military Academy West Point Olivia Dawd – Wellesley College Book Award Laura Galanter – Wesleyan University Book Award
Juliette Holzmann ’15 was recently awarded the iModules scholarship. iModules provides technology solutions and services to help organizations like Holy Angels to achieve their missions and build meaningful relationships through member engagement and online communication. Ten scholarships were awarded nationally.
THE ARTS As part of the Musical Theatre curriculum, the girls in Katie McSherry’s class have been learning about the different ways that musicals are created, including a lesson focusing on how popular movies are turned into Broadway musicals. Ryan Emmons, part of the production team for Ghost the Musical, came in to speak to the lucky class. After watching the movie Ghost, students wrote down questions that they had about turning such a powerful movie into a stage production. Mr. Emmons played some of the music from the show to demonstrate how key moments in the movie were translated almost word for word into the musical score. The students eagerly asked questions and when class was over, many expressed a great interest in seeing the show for themselves. They were thrilled to have someone who is “in the biz” come in to work with them. Alice Nam ’12 recently submitted artwork into a contest and won the honor of having it published on the cover of Kids’ Guide Magazine. Attention Parents, Students and Faculty! We love hearing your news, to be shared in AHA’s monthly newsletter and possibly featured in Tidings! Send announcements and photos to Jillane Ferreira at jillane@holyangels.org
first grades and participated in several events with the children. There were deep emotional attachments formed on both sides, as evidenced by the many tears on the day of departure.
LEADERSHIP Daniella N. Garzon ’13 was accepted into the 2012 LEAD Engineering program. LEAD received over 400 applications and only 30 students were selected for the program. LEAD’s mission is to engage youth of diverse backgrounds to convert high potential into high achievement and responsible leadership. Anna Kohli ’13 was recently awarded the Girl Scout Gold Award. The Gold Award required completion of three interest projects and one focus book. Anna earned the Gold Leadership Award (30 hours) and the Girl Scout Career Award (40 hours). The culmination was a Gold Award Project consisting of over 80 hours. Anna’s final project benefited Camp Acorn, which is a camp for young adults and children with special needs and disabilities. The camp needed craft kits and various supplies such as paper towels, cleaning products and paint brushes. To obtain supplies, Anna organized a garage sale and a bake sale. She held jewelry classes for younger Girl Scout troops and taught them about the camp; their admission being the supplies that the camp needed. Anna created and packaged over 450 craft kits for the campers to use at their weekly program throughout the past year. She organized a party for the campers and recruited 12 teenage volunteers to assist her. Anna is a member of Ambassador Troop 981 in Oradell and received her award at a town wide ceremony on May 21. Juniors Corinne Day, Kylie Ambrose and Adriana Kranjac were chosen as the AHA Nominees for the Bergen County Junior Commission on the Status of Women Program (COSW). The COSW was founded in 1975 as a bridge between government and
community to study the needs of women and to promote the expansion of women’s rights and empowerment. This Commission was established in 2000 to offer young women the opportunity to become involved with these and other issues. The nominees from Holy Angels will be charged with performing community service projects of their choosing or researching a topic relevant to their peers and their one-year term will culminate with a program report on that subject.
Samantha Castro, Angela Miguel, Adrianna Bergstein and Raquel Cannon went on a service trip to New Mexico over the Easter break with Carmel United, a youth group comprised of high school students from the parishes of St. Therese of Lisieux in Cresskill and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Tenafly. During this time the girls lived and worked at St. Francis of Assisi School, located in Gallup, New Mexico. The school serves predominantly low-income Native American children from pre-K to fifth grade. The girls helped build two playgrounds for the school, served as class assistants for the kindergarten and
1 19
Over 75 Colleges and Universities visited Holy Angels for the College Counseling Office’s Annual Spring College Fair. AHA parents and students from all grade levels were afforded the wonderful opportunity to meet with College Admissions Officers representing institutions throughout the United States. Our graduating seniors are looking forward to attending many of these institutions and joining their fellow AHA Alumnae!
faculty & staff news Three Faculty members recently welcomed new babies into the world. Congratulations to the new parents!
farewell to...
AHA Director of Communications Jillane Chiandusse married Dennis Ferreira on May 12, 2012 at Haverstraw Bay County Park in West Haverstraw, NY. Their reception took place just next door at the Hudson Water Club. Jillane and Dennis met three years ago while playing in a co-ed kickball league in Hoboken, NJ. After a great honeymoon in Turks and Caicos, they now reside in New City, NY with their dog, Scrabble.
Tara Nordsvan gave birth to triplet boys on December 21, 2011. Connor weighed 2.65lbs, Sean was 2.95lbs and Eamon was 2.76lbs. Connor and Sean are identical and Eamon is fraternal. Tara and her husband Marty believe that it is due to all of the prayers and love, especially from the Holy Angels community, that they have grown to their now healthy weights!
Angel Babies
Jackie Dorney Development Office
Proud parents Casey Sharkey and husband Jack welcomed Sloane Alison on June 21 who was 8lbs 3oz, and measured 20in long. Proud grandmother is Joyce Toomey Sharkey ’65.
Thomas Meyers and his wife Lauren welcomed Charles Ignatius Meyers on June 5. He weighed 10lbs 10.5oz and was 21.5in long.
Elaine Geelan has retired after giving twenty-one years of service to Holy Angels math students. Her knowledge of Calculus provided generations of students with the skills they needed to succeed on the AP Calculus exam. As a sophomore homeroom moderator for many years, she organized the sophomore semi-formal and anchored the Principal’s Advisory Committee.
Kathy Hillman College Counseling Office Josh Ryor Science Alice Thor-Pianfetti World Language
We send you out... E
on a mission of love
deed. Disrespect was never tolerated. Consequences matched both the levity and gravity of violations. Benching was her stroke of genius as a deterrent for dress code infractions. Though she had to notice external violations of conduct, Sister Karen also saw into the heart. She had an instinctive awareness for students burdened with either academic or personal problems, keeping a watchful eye on them and an open door for them.
ight years ago, Sister Karen Kane left Kolbe Cathedral, an inner-city Catholic high school whose students and faculty she loved, to serve as Dean of Students at the Academy of the Holy Angels. As she drove from Bridgeport to Demarest, she worried if she would be accepted by the AHA community. She questioned her ability to move from an inner-city, multicultural environment to a middle class, suburban, high powered college preparatory high school. Prior to Sister Karen’s arrival at AHA, four deans had served consecutively over the previous five years.
Two years ago, Sister Karen initiated the Kindness Award, which has become the most prestigious honor a student can receive at Holy Angels. Kindness epitomizes the gift she gives and inspires in others. Kindness is the foundation of all her relationships and relationships are the heart and soul of who she is and why she has been so incredibly effective at Holy Angels. This year Sister Karen leaves Holy Angels to serve as Dean of Students at the Institute of Notre Dame in downtown Baltimore. She leaves as she came: worried if she will be accepted at IND; full of love for the faculty, students and parents at Holy Angels; grateful for the eight years of service she has poured out for us. That we will miss her is a given. Over the past eight years she has earned the respect, admiration and trust of all the members of the AHA family. She has engendered an atmosphere of integrity and kindness throughout the school. She has been AHA’s moral compass. Her leaving is our heartache. Her legacy is our gift. Thank you, Sister Karen.
Keenly aware of the need for consistency and fairness in the exercise of discipline, Sister Karen immediately addressed student behaviors that violated the AHA code of conduct. She quickly earned the nickname “Mean Dean.” Yet, within four months of her arrival, the girls responded to her insistence to be their better selves. They learned that their actions had consequences. They shifted from being laissez-faire towards the rules and regulations, to being more responsible. They began to understand the cause and effect relationship between good behavior and the building of community. Regardless of repeated mistakes, they knew that Sister Karen would not equate them with their misdeeds. By the end of her first year at Holy Angels, Sister Karen had won over the student body by developing within them a sense of respect for each other that manifested itself in right actions. As the “Mean Dean” transformed them, they experienced her as trusting, caring, fair, consistent and always presuming the good within each of them.
“...and know that we’ll be with you always...until the end of the world.”
Faculty welcomed Sister Karen’s wisdom, common sense and straightforwardness. Parents applauded her mantra that their daughters be responsible for their actions, whether in word or
a ng el ic e ve ning 2 0 1 2
The 16th Annual Angelic Evening was celebrated on March 23rd at the Rockleigh Country Club in Rockleigh, NJ. Event Chair Holly Retcho and her many dedicated volunteers worked tirelessly to make this event a huge success. A big thank you for all of their hard work and to the many generous bidders who helped AHA net over $100,000 that night! In addition to bidding in the silent and live auctions, guests enjoyed fine cuisine and, new this year, a packed dance floor! The 50/50 raffle’s final impressive tally was $13,987 and the lucky winner was Genevieve Kacmarcik. The car raffle was won by Mary Palatini who will be driving around in her new 2012 VW Jetta. Be sure to mark your calendar – the next Angelic Evening will be Friday, March 22, 2013.
spirituality Service Day 2012 Anna Kohli ’13 addressed the student body during the prayer service prior to the start of Service Day: “Today is Service Day – a long-standing tradition here at Holy Angels. Service defines who we are as the Holy Angels community. Our school philosophy states that we are called to ‘take responsibility to care for the earth and to work toward justice and peace for all peoples.’ In the spirit of the School Sisters of Notre Dame we are sent into the broader community to share our talents and ‘gifts toward building the earth.’ Like Blessed Theresa of Jesus, it is our job to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ who thought of others before himself. As God’s children, we now carry on his message and mission of love. I have learned so much about myself, others, and the world from my service and how rewarding it is to make a difference. So whatever you do today, whether it’s helping at a food bank, cleaning up the environment, or caring for young children, remember your experience. You are making a difference for God’s people and for the Earth.”
One group of students traveled to Bright Side Manor in Teaneck, NJ, where they spent the day working on art projects and socializing with elderly residents. This is just one of the many sites throughout NJ and NY that the Angels visited.
Awareness Day – Living in Solidarity with Earth The purpose of Awareness Day is to educate AHA students about current environmental issues, foster appreciation for the natural world and promote actions that protect and preserve our ecosystems. At the keynote session, Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark, Director of Sisters of Saint Joseph Earth Center in Chestnut Hill, PA,
Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk CT’s presentation on “Alien Creatures in our Backyards.”
presented “Saving Our Home: Catholics and Climate Change.” Following the address, students attended workshops that ranged from “How to be an Everyday Environmentalist” to “The Changing Climate: A Bird’s Perspective” and “Water, Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink: The Story of Bottled Water.”
“You Can Be Gorgeous and Green,” a session about environmentally friendly beauty products.
Presenters included guest speakers from local nature centers and environmental organizations, as well as AHA students and faculty members. Prior to the day, students worked with Mrs. Kate Chambers, AHA Mission Integration Coordinator, to create art out of the recyclables found in the AHA trash.
“Endangered NJ,” a presentation from the Tenafly Nature Center about animals in danger of extinction.
“So, to all of the AHA community, I thank you. To my fellow Angels, study. The final exam that tests what we’ve learned from each other is life. Go out into the world fearless and confident, remembering that anything you do has been inspired by those who surround you today – those who love you. Our time is endless.” Stephanie Hojsak ’12 - Senior Commencement Speaker 2012
October 19–20, 2012
Alumnae Weekend Including a reunion celebration for the classes ending in 2 & 7!
Please join us! october 19, 2012 foundation Day at AHA
october 20, 2012 alumnae celebration
• Join us for a special community gathering • Celebrate the SSNDs’ contribution to Holy Angels • Attend a class
• Mass & Dinner • Special recognition for reunion classes • Tours of the building
For more information, visit www.holyangelsalumnae.org 18
alumnae association president
ith the switching of their tassels on June 3rd at the Academy’s graduation ceremony, the Class of 2012 transitioned from students to Holy Angels alumnae. Please join me in congratulating them and welcoming them to “the club.” Our very own Maeve McArdle Vinci, from the class of 1978, addressed the graduates with a heartfelt and inspiring speech. This milestone marks a phase of much growth and change for our new graduates, much like the Holy Angels library which is being transformed into a gorgeous new state-of-the-art Learning Commons. Be sure to stop in and check it out if you are in the area. Also, don’t forget to mark your calendar for October 19th and 20th. This year’s Alumnae Weekend promises to be another fun and memorable one. While we will be celebrating the classes of ’2 and ’7, we will also be recognizing all AHA alumnae, so don’t miss it! I hope to see you there. Patti McGovern Hill ’78
As a student on the Fort Lee campus, Marion Kozler O’Hara ’47 boarded there for two years. She recently sent in an update that she is married with six children (one boy and five girls) and six grandchildren.
Mary Ann Buckley ’60, Diane Neary Ewing ’60, Eileen Weber Phillips ’60, Mary Gildea Cashman ’60 and Judy Murphy O’Reilly ’60 recently met up for lunch in Spring Lake, NJ. They are pictured below.
Maida Murphy Perkins ’59 says that she is a proud grandmother of two college graduates. Her granddaughter, Gabrielle, graduated magna cum laude from Georgia Southern University Honors College and her grandson, Randall, graduated from the United States Naval Academy. She also shared that her two other grandsons are studying at the United States Air Force Academy.
Maeve McArdle Vinci ’78 spoke at this year’s Commencement Ceremony. She inspired the Angels by sharing lessons she learned at AHA and how they made her the person she is today. Maeve is truly a fighter who not only beat cancer, but battles every day to advocate for children and adults with autism and other special needs.
Adele Bubko Holub ’60 shares, “In 1975 my company moved me out to Southern California to work as a sales representative. I traveled throughout the South and Southwest. I now work part-time as a buyer at the Welk Resort and I’m enjoying it immensely. We now live in San Diego.”
Rosemary Leyden Lynch ’62 writes, “My husband Joe and I retired to the Jersey Shore seven years ago. We have been gifted with our granddaughter Maeve and our expected next grandchild. We reside in Heritage Point, Barnegat, NJ.” NBC News in San Diego recently did a feature on the San Diego Splash (80+ age division/senior women’s basketball). Until recently, Mary Lou Sciarrillo ’62 had been coaching this amazing team of women. The full story and video can be found on www.nbcsandiego.com.
Louise Fiocchi Gunderson ’64, with UBS Financial Services in New York, has been recognized once again by Barron’s in the June 4, 2012 issue as one of the Top 100 Women Financial Advisors in 2012. This list was compiled from more than 400 candidates nominated by their firms. The rankings are based on assets under management, revenue generated for an advisor’s firm and quality of practice.
Pat Jund Keegan ’65 and husband Jim just became grandparents for the first time. Thomas Elliot Keegan was born April 4th.
Janice Zaugg Santa ’67 is working in Respiratory Care. She is “Gramma” to three wonderful grandbabies. She shares, “I have fond memories of AHA. I hope to be able to attend our 45th reunion – can you believe it?!”
Last year, Africa P. Alvarez-McLeod ’74 was elected Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. She is also the Medical Director of the Cobb County HIV/TB Clinics in Marietta, GA.
Diane Bosco ’75 writes, “My daughter Jenna is interning at the Flea Theater in downtown NYC after graduating from NYU in 2011. My daughter Emma is headed to Rutgers, New Brunswick, to study Linguistics and Biology. My husband Jim is a Controller at RR Donnelly in West Caldwell. I volunteer as a fifth grade Catechist in Teaneck at St. Anastasia and at the Center for Food Action.”
’78 Jo Ann Martucci Klein ’65 and husband Hank will celebrate their 40th anniversary in October and are currently living in Florida. Jo Ann graduated Fairleigh Dickinson University cum laude in May 1987 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management & Marketing and Math. Jo Ann has been on long term disability since a 1994 car accident in which her car went over the Hackensack Bridge and down 60 feet. Today, she continues to do daily water and physical therapy, trying to get back her muscle coordination. Jo Ann is also writing an autobiography. In 2001, she was named to “Who’s Who in the World.”
Anne Marie Gadaleta-Kelly ’78 shares a photo of her four children. She reports that her second eldest son Alexander graduated this year from Don Bosco Prep. Alex will be attending the University of Maryland in the fall. Her eldest son Kevin, who also graduated from DBP, is a junior at Loyola University, Maryland.
Sharon Discorfano ’88 has been living in Tucson in the beautiful foothills of the Catalina Mountains with her husband Seth and their canine kids. In recent years, Sharon has been getting more involved in animal advocacy, and this interest led her to the field of animal law. In May 2012, she received a JD from the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona. While there, Sharon served as Co-Director of the Animal Legal Defense Fund student chapter and as Student Representative on the Executive Council of the Animal Law Section of the State Bar of Arizona. She worked in Washington DC as a Legal Intern for Compassion Over Killing and for the past few years, has been working with the Humane Society of the United States on its Cage-Free Campus campaign, encouraging universities to make the switch from using battery-cage eggs to cage-free.
Eileen Galleshaw ’89 married John McCarthy on March 10, 2012 at St. Agnes church in NYC. This is the same church that her parents were married in 44 years ago as well as her grandmother 71 years ago.
Dana Dorgan McCarren ’89 and husband Mark are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Kelly Aurora, who was born on April 25, 2012, weighing 8lbs and measuring 20 inches in length. Big siblings Keira and Connor are excited to welcome this new addition to the family.
Ford Motor Company Insurance Operations. Kristine graduated from Villanova University with a BS in Accounting and is a Paralegal with Winne, Dooley & Bole, PC in Paramus, NJ. They reside in Glen Rock.
Kathleen Villamaria Barrameda ’96 and husband Raul welcomed daughter Arianna Kristen on March 7, 2012.
Timothy James Shea
Alison Fee Crane ’91, was named one of the 2011 Attorneys of the Year by The Recorder, Northern California’s pre-eminent legal newspaper, for her defense of the accused in a highly publicized civil assault case. Alison is a partner at Bledsoe, Cathcart, Diestel, Pedersen and Treppa, LLP in San Francisco.
Kathleen Abel Shea ’92 welcomed second son, Timothy James on July 13, 2011. He joins big brother Jackson (3).
Kristine Bresnee ’94 wed Bryan Morieko (Don Bosco ’92) on October 22, 2011 at the Grand Harbor Beach Club in Vero Beach, Florida. The couple first met and dated back in 1991 after they were set up at a Don Bosco dance by fellow angel Anne Marie Giordano ’94 who was a guest of honor at the wedding! Bryan earned his BS in Business Administration from Merrimack College and is employed by
Kaitlyn Marie Schnaars
Anna Krueger Allen ’97 and husband Peter welcomed son Theodore Raymond on December 9, 2012. Anna says, “We’re all really enjoying him, especially his big sister Stephanie.”
Arianna Kristen Barrameda
Aimee Torres Latorre ’96 and husband Alex welcomed Emma Alejandra on March 3, 2012. Emma weighed 7lbs 12oz, and joins big sister, Sara (3). Heather Muller Schnaars ’96 and husband Donald welcomed their first child into the world on March 7, 2012. Kaitlyn Marie weighed 5lbs 12oz and was 19 1/4 inches long. Robyn Assile Ziemba ’96 and Amy Branchini Dahl ’99, both Registered Dieticians, graduated together in May 2012 from NYU Steinhardt, with MS degrees in Clinical Nutrition.
Sara & Emma Alejandra Latorre
Theodore Raymond Allen
Jann Vendetti ’97 and husband Gene Kwon are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter Corinne Soon-Young Vendetti-Kwon on March 3, 2012.
Amanda Witt-Bogertman ’98 graduated from Lawrence Memorial/Regis College School of Nursing and completed her boards. She is now a licensed Registered Nurse in Massachusetts.
Katie Tennant ’99 welcomed baby girl Mikayla Elizabeth Peters on February 9, 2012. She weighed 9lbs 0.4oz and was 22 inches long. Katie says, “We look forward to her following in the footsteps of my mother, Marilyn Murray Tennant ’69 and my Godmother, Jacquie Gariano Caffrey ’69, as an Angel in the future.”
Lisa Petrucci Jerdan ’01 and husband Dustin welcomed with great joy their son, Jace Paul. He was born on April 24, 2012 weighing 6lbs and 1oz, 19.75 inches long.
Laura Hugerich Magliocchetti ’98 and husband Larry welcomed Phillip Joseph on April 30, 2012. He joins big sister Mary (6) and big brother Lawrence (4).
In January 2012, Dolores DiBella ’99 accepted a position as Assistant Counsel for the National Football League, where she manages intellectual property and commercial litigation for the league and its member clubs. Megan Petersen Handeland ’99 and husband Kenneth welcomed a baby boy, Kristian Aidan, on April 11, 2012.
Several Angels came out to celebrate the bridal shower of Katie Lonegan ’02 on May 20th. Katie is set to wed Kevin Parany of Little Falls on September 29th. Pictured from left: Jen Hargrave ’05, Aly Cocchiaro ’05, Teresa Iorio Greenberg ’74, Sarah Greenberg ’02, Katie Lonegan ’02, Brooke Lonegan ’05, Danielle McGinty ’02, Jessica O’Hanlon ’02, and Cadence Greenberg ’06.
Jennifer Marsico ’03 is now a Senior Research Associate at the American Enterprise Institute, focusing on campaigns and elections, election reform, and government continuity issues. She has made several radio and television appearances related to this year’s primary and general elections. Jennifer was a researcher for Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein’s new book It’s Even Worse Than It Looks, which has made the New York Times bestseller list. Additionally, Jennifer just found out that she will be receiving Drew University’s Young Alumni Achievement Award at this fall’s Homecoming. This award recognizes a graduate from the past ten years who has “demonstrated exceptional success in their chosen field, outstanding character, and loyalty to Drew.” Leigh Shahbazian ’03 recently graduated from Seton Hall University with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree and is now working for a pediatric long term care facility with medically fragile children. Leigh ran into classmate Leila Mady ’03 at the 2011 NYC Marathon. Both were guides for athletes with disabilities in the race with Achilles International. What a small world!
got news?
We love hearing from our alumnae! We want to celebrate with you by sharing your good news and accomplishments with the entire AHA community. Send your news and photos for the next issue of Tidings to alumnae@holyangels.org by October 1, 2012. We love pictures, and we want you to look good! Photos that are below the acceptable resolution for print will not be published. Here are some tips for sending us digital photos that will look fantastic in print: •M ake sure your camera is set to the best photo setting (usually “FINE”) so that your photos will be 300dpi or higher •D o not send photos directly from your phone, as they are automatically sized down to a lower resolution •P lease “attach” your photo to the email, just as you would a document. JPEGs are preferred.
Jo h
nson ’09
Daryl BaboulisGyscek ’04 is currently pursuing an MFA at the University of Miami. Her film, Aurora, which highlights the horrific reality of human trafficking in the United States, swept top awards in all categories at the Canes Film Festival in Miami, including “Best Film” out of approximately 100 films submitted. Individually, Daryl won “Best Producer.” Although she tends to be a screenwriter, this was a new adventure for Daryl to take on the role of Executive Producer. Aurora will be featured at the Paramount Studios in Hollywood, CA. This summer, Daryl will be working at Dolphin Digital Media in Miami.
Rita Cirillo ’05 recently became engaged to Dr. Richard May (Don Bosco ’04) and the wedding is planned for August 2, 2014 at St. Ann’s Church in Hoboken, NJ. The two have been dating for 10 years. Rita was named most likely to marry her high school sweetheart in Echoes 2005!
Helen Janiszewski ’08 graduated from Rutgers University with a double major in Geology and Physics and a double minor in Mathematics and Russian. She has decided to attend Columbia University next year and will be in the PhD program for Geophysics where she was accepted as a Dean’s Fellow. Helen also received a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. She says, “I can’t tell you how thankful I am for the preparation I received at AHA, and especially for all your help in allowing me to advance my math studies beyond the normal curriculum. I do not think I could have enjoyed this level of success if it were not for that.” Kate Raiti-Palazzolo ’08 graduated summa cum laude from SUNY Binghamton with a BA in Chemistry. She will be continuing her education at the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biological Sciences as she pursues her medical degree. Alyda Stabile ’08 graduated summa cum laude from Seton Hall University with a BS in Biology and a minor in Italian. In August she will begin pursuing her medical degree at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
In April, Nicole Johnson ’09, a junior Special Education major at James Madison University, participated in the JMU Relay for Life. Nicole was the top fundraiser for her team, Gamma Sigma Sigma, and ran in honor of her mom, Barbara Scanlon
Johnson ’70, a twelve year cancer survivor. Victoria Lorenzo ’09 and Rachel Pincus ’09 studied abroad in Paris and Veronica Polce ’09 came to visit for spring break. They are pictured below at Notre Dame Cathedral.
Katharine Capozzi ’10 has just completed her sophomore year at SUNY Oneonta. She has attained Dean’s List in the fall 2010, spring and fall 2011. Lauren Pincus ’10, a sophomore at Middlebury College, finished 9th overall in the women’s javelin throw at the NCAA Division III 2012 Outdoor Track & Field Championships in Claremont, California in May.
Sarah Owens ’11 spent time this summer in Peru working with the Foundation for the International Medical Relief of Children. Find out more about it on her blog, meanwhileinperu.wordpress.com
Stephanie Sinon ’03 married Sameer Pandya on April 21, 2012 at St. Joseph’s Church in Oradell. The two honeymooned in Hawaii and couldn’t be happier! Pictured L to R: Genevieve Lee ’02, Diana Tang Gardere ’02, Carly Harrington ’03, Katrina Guillermo ’03, Andrea Bernardo ’05, Nikki Rodriguez ’03, Maria Fatima Torres ’03, Claire-Voe Ocampo ’03, Stephanie Sinon Pandya ’03, Maria Theza Mateo ’03, Deanna Martire Hallberg ’03, Lexie Parente Faustino ’03, Kathleen Villamaria Barrameda ’96, Solaida Mamsaang ’92 and a couple of potential future Angels in the front: Gianna & Isabella Faustino, daughters of Lexie Parente Faustino ’03.
Arts Hall of Fame
documentary, narrative and avantgarde films. She has also served as a judge in film competitions and at festivals. Maria has made a number of client-sponsored films, commercial film projects and has freelanced on films for other independent filmmakers. The two major projects that she is most proud of are the documentary “Green Streets” and her architectural design of Wolf Hill Lodge.“Green Streets,” is a 90 minute L to R: Jeanine Careri Jackson, Maria DeLuca and Kelly Moore documentary. The film won international acclaim and aired on Maria DeLuca ’64 PBS’s national series “POV: The American In the 1964 Echoes yearbook, the caption Documentary.” In promoting the film, next to Maria DeLuca’s name read, “ardent POV stated, “Maria DeLuca’s ‘Green artist...kinetic energy...discussion repercussions Streets’ charts the spontaneous emergence ...future with figures.” Little did the class of community gardens in NYC and how know that Maria would continue to live they’ve nourished neighbor pride, racial up to those simple phrases. After graduation, tolerance and a budding sense of hope she attended Caldwell College and for enthusiastic gardeners in the urban attained a BA in English with a teaching jungle.” The Smithsonian has permanently certificate. Maria did her graduate studies archived the film’s original negative in at New York University and the University climate-controlled conditions. The film of Iowa; her combined credits in Film and has been nationally and internationally English, including poetry in the University shown in numerous film festivals, of Iowa Writers’ Workshop yielded an MA museums and universities, including in English, plus 26 graduate credits. She New York City’s Museum of Modern Art later studied architectural drafting in a and the American Film Institute at brief tutorial at the Yestermorrow Design/ Washington’s Kennedy Center. Build School in Vermont. Maria has been a Visiting Artist and Associate Professor at Maria not only films and edits her documentaries, but is also responsible the University of Iowa where she taught advanced film production courses and was for distribution across the globe. Her films have been released in England, Germany, in charge of the school’s prestigious film production division. She has also taught at Canada, Italy, France, Ireland, Latvia, Russia and Hong Kong. She has also Caldwell College and at Northern Valley been awarded multiple grants from the Regional HS in Demarest. National Endowment for the Arts and Maria’s true calling has been to create the New York State Council on the Arts. artistic works that convey her vision and In recent years, Maria has been expressing “voice.” For her, this drive led to making her creative vision in architectural design. art as an independent filmmaker and She designed and supervised the construction architectural designer. For over 40 years, of Wolf Hill Lodge in upstate New York. Maria has put her stamp on more than 50
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Professionals have highly praised her design. Helen Wells, a former SoHo designer showroom and gallery owner raves, “A life’s work! A perfect blend of traditional and modern.” Shim Sutcliffe Architects in Toronto exclaims,“In perfect harmony with its natural surroundings! It would have been criminal to design a less beautiful house for this site.” Maria did not miss the opportunity and filmed during construction; she is currently editing her new film “Building Wolf Hill.” Another project Maria has been working on is “Native Immigrant” which in a sense is a digital family tree. She has been collecting and archiving materials and conducting interviews with family members from all over the United States, Italy, France and Australia. In 1991, Caldwell College bestowed the prestigious Veritas Award on Maria. This award was established to celebrate the professional excellence of its alumni. In 2010, Maria was invited back when a tribute wall was created to honor past recipients. Maria is married to Giacomo Vieste, award-winning creative director/ editor/producer of major film trailers through their company Giaronomo Productions. The two divide their time between Manhattan and Wolf Hill Lodge in the Catskills which they share with their five Siberian huskies.
Jeanine Careri Jackson ’72 During her high school years, Jeanine Careri Jackson ’72 explored her creativity in activities such as Blueprint, Art Club and as the photography editor for Echoes. She credits these experiences as the beginning of her fine art training. After medical studies in Florence, Italy (where she lived for eight years), she trained in classical portraiture and landscape art at Silvermine School in New Canaan, CT for three years under Master George Passantino. She attended the School for Visual Arts and the National Academy of Art in NYC, as well as atelier workshops with many of today’s greatest portrait painters including Richard Whitney, Igor Babailov, Michael
The Academy of the Holy Angels Fine & Performing Arts Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who have enhanced the Holy Angel’s program either as an artist, performer or contributor. Nominees must exemplify the highest standards of ethical conduct and moral character. In short, nominees must be a positive role model, worthy of being emulated by current and future students. Del Priore, Daniel Greene, Samuel Adoquei, Marvin Mattelson, Everett Raymond Kinstler, Mary Minifie, Laurel Stern Boeck, Robert Anderson and John Howard Sanden. Jeanine is the Founder and President Emerita of the Connecticut Society of Portrait Artists. Established in February of 2002, this educational non-profit organization serves local portrait artists and patrons. It is nationally recognized for its high-quality exhibitions and workshops with prestigious faculty and 100 professional members. The Portrait Society of America named Jeanine Connecticut Ambassador in 2004. In the spring of 2005, she joined the winter faculty of the Cape Coral Art League in Florida. The Greenwich Arts Council elected Jeanine to their Board of Directors in June of 2009. She is an elected artistmember of the oldest continuing arts organization in America, The Salmagundi Club in NYC. Jeanine describes her work as “Spirit Paintings.” Her classical portraits and landscapes have contemporary impressionist flair. They grace both private and public collections and continue to garner awards including the prestigious Biennale of Florence invitation. She has been featured in numerous arts magazines and publications including Who’s Who in American Art, Signature Magazine, Artis, Stamford Magazine, and NYArts Magazine. Jeanine has had the honor of painting notable portraits for former Connecticut Lt. Governor Michael Fedele, Newtown First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, Retired USCG Captain John McConnell, Commodore Susan Fisher, Ralph Giorgio, Gillian Pierce, The Neidharts and George Passantino. “Art, Science and Spirit” – integrating a successful art career with lifetime interests in wellness and spiritual studies, Jeanine is also a Certified NutraMetrix® Medical Marketing Consultant, a Transitions Lifestyle® Coach, and is a Certified Avatar® Master. She holds a BA in Philosophy, received Catechist of the Year recognition
by the Archdiocese of Newark, and has taught at the Ethical Culture Society. Jeanine is an avid sailor and currently resides in Old Greenwich, CT and West Palm Beach, FL. Please visit her website: www.jeaninejackson.com
Jeanine generously donated a beautiful painting to the Academy. She is pictured presenting it to S. Virginia Bobrowski.
Kelly Moore ’03 Each year, it was on the soccer field that Kelly Moore ’03 would begin her fall semester at AHA. But soon after, she would move into the darkness of the backstage area of the auditorium to start her work on Stage Crew. Little did Kelly know that this would be on-the-job training for her career. Ms. Chitko fondly recalls that Kelly was fearless. She would build scaffolding and then begin to climb it so she could hang backdrops or change light bulbs – she got right to work and never looked back. Even in the early years of stage crew, others remember her as an utmost professional. She was the person who made all AHA productions run smoothly and through it all Kelly still maintained a great sense of humor. Kelly graduated from Fordham University in 2007 with a BA in Communications. She was awarded the coveted Fechteleher Award. This award is given annually to the senior who has made significant contributions to theatre at Fordham, either through acting, producing or playwriting. During the years at the university, Kelly
was part of two theater groups, Mimes and Mummers and Fordham Experimental Theater (FET). She was President of FET for a year and produced all the shows during that time. She was also Stage Manager for several shows at Fordham that included Midsummer Night’s Dream, On The Town, Footloose, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Book of Liz, The Fantasticks, The Last Five Years, and Noises Off. When she was not stage managing, she helped build sets, assisted with tech and would run the lights for each show. With this wealth of experience, Kelly landed a job as Production Manager at The Mint Theater for their production of The Fifth Column. She has since worked as an Assistant Production Manager for the International Association for Jazz Education Conference in Toronto; the Hyundai Press Event at the NY Auto Show as an Assistant Production Coordinator; as an Assistant Production Manager for the production of Hair at the Public Theater in New York; at United Palace Theater as a Production Assistant for The Bernstein Mass Project with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park for the 2008 season as Assistant Head of Operations and Facilities. In recent years, Kelly has been an Assistant Production Manager for IMCD Lighting where she has worked the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. During the summers of 2009-2011, she was an Assistant Technical Supervisor for the Midsummer Night Swing Festival and Out of Doors Festival at Lincoln Center. Kelly is currently working at one of New York’s most beloved theater companies, the New York Shakespeare Festival as the Production Administrator.
The nomination deadline for the Arts Hall of Fame is January 1, 2013. Form is available online at holyangelsalumnae.org
Merz Scholarships The Ellen and Ralph Merz Scholarship Program annually awards scholarships to graduates of Holy Angels. The scholarship covers partial tuition for one year in an undergraduate or graduate program, provided a minimum 3.0 average in studies is maintained. Ellen Merz, an educator, raised as a ward of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the Academy of the Holy Angels in Fort Lee, endowed a scholarship fund in 1984 to be used by graduates of the Academy. All graduates who are currently enrolled in a college or university or graduates who are planning to return to formal study in the next school year are eligible. We are proud to announce the 2012 Merz Scholarship Recipients: Katherine Burghart ’00 Katherine graduated from the University of Scranton in 2004 with a BA in Counseling and Human Services. She has been working for the non-profit organization Family Intervention Services since September 2004. She began as a case manager for Kid Connection and is currently a Foster Care Specialist as a member of the Foster Care Unit where she evaluates and counsels foster parents and serves as a resource for them. Katie has also volunteered in the Mahwah Youth Sports Program as a coach for the girls’ basketball team. Currently, she is pursuing a Master’s in Social Work from Rutgers University. “My strongest desire is to be part of positive change for my clients. To instill in them a sense of knowing that they are not alone and that they are valued. Ultimately, I want to pass along the knowledge and lessons that I have been taught. Holy Angels is where I learned to be a proud,
smart, confident woman; the importance of team work; and to push myself mentally, emotionally and physically.” Sharon Hakim ’02 Sharon graduated magna cum laude from Hamilton College in 2006 with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Religious Studies. While at Hamilton, she took part in a study abroad program through the School for International Training in Apia, Samoa. After graduation, Sharon joined the United States Peace Corps and was a non-governmental organization advisor in Singerei, Moldova from 2006-2008. It was during this time that Sharon learned about Community Psychology which is public health psychology. Her interest led her to a doctoral program at Wichita State University where she completed a Master’s in Psychology in 2011 and will attain a doctorate degree in 2013. She is currently working as a consultant with the Wichita Health and Wellness Coalition where she assists in drafting policy-level changes, addressing issues raised and steering the process to resolution. “Holy Angels taught me the value of servicelearning; that an experience in the real world can be more educational than reading about something in a text book or discussing it in a classroom. At Holy Angels I learned and was encouraged to convert my values into action.” Maureen Davis Havlusch ’85 Maureen graduated from Seton Hall University in 1990 with a BA in English. In 2002, she became a Language Arts teacher in the NJ Youth Corps Alternative Education Program in Paterson, NJ where she works with at-risk students. She also oversees the semester-long community service projects in which her students participate. Maureen has also been a dedicated President of the SJR Touchdown Club – a parent organization that supports the St. Joseph Regional HS football program where her son has been a player over the past four years. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree from New Jersey City University in Urban Education with specialties in Leadership and Language Arts Reading. “I feel so blessed to have benefited from 12 years of education under the wisdom and guidance of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. At Holy Angels I found a community of educators and classmates who all shared a profound understanding that education is the key to everything positive in life. At AHA, I became convinced that the most beneficial thing one can
do to help another human being in need is to empower that person to improve their own situation and lift themselves up. It is this firm belief in the transformative power of education that motivated me to pursue a career in urban education reform and graduate degrees in educating at-risk urban youth.” Laura Kearney ’86 Laura graduated from Trinity College in 1990 with a BA in Art History. She has been a freelance writer and editor since 1998 and most recently has worked at the Wisconsin Historical Society Press as a developmental editor. In a recent career shift, Laura has decided to pursue a Master’s of Social Work degree. She has been working at a Salvation Army homeless shelter and volunteering as a mentor to children in transitional housing in DC and NYC. She has also been a Big Sister through the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program in Madison, WI. For several summers, Laura has been involved with the Madison Area Pantry Food Gardens, where vegetables are grown and harvested for the area food pantries. This summer, she plans to create a garden at the Salvation Army shelter where she previously worked. Her career goal is to become a provider of mental health services for low-income children and adolescents. “It was as a student in AHA’s Social Action Committee that I first participated in projects that allowed me to engage with those less fortunate. The strong traditions in Catholic faith of social justice and service to others have led me to make this career change.” Suzana Markolovic ’09 Suzana is currently pursuing a BA in Chemistry and Chemical Biology with a minor in Education and Spanish at Cornell University. She is an undergraduate researcher in the chemistry department and has shifted her focus from a career in the area of research to teaching. Suzana is the co-chair of the Social Committee of the Leadership Team of the Cornell Catholic Community. She continues her studies and activities while running on the Division 1 women’s cross-country and track and field teams at Cornell. This summer, Suzana will be a teaching intern at Choate Rosemary Hall where she will be teaching math and chemistry, coaching in the afternoons and overseeing dormitory activities. “Holy Angels continues even today to help me reach the fullness of my potential as a child of God and has no doubt directed me toward my
gifts. It is with these gifts that I would like to help build the future of science and math education and continue the mission of AHA by helping my students reach the fullness of their potential.” Rita Palladino ’05 Rita graduated from Ramapo College with a BA in Psychology in 2011. She is currently pursuing a Physical Therapist Assistant degree from Orange Community College. Rita has had hands-on experience at both the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC and Excel Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Waldwick, NJ. She is also active in St. Paul’s parish in Ramsey, NJ in running the confirmation program that serves approximately 400 students in grades 9 and 10. “Holy Angels molded me into the woman I am today and I am so proud to tell people that I attended high school at such an amazing place. I live my life saying that everything happens for a reason and I am grateful for those experiences and the chance to help others.” Mary Rizzo ’10 Mary is currently at St. John’s University pursuing a BS degree in Television and Film Studies. This spring she was studying in Rome with the global studies program of St. John’s. When on campus, Mary is an active member of the university’s campus ministry by serving as lector and eucharistic minister. Since 2008, Mary has worked with Chase Wilson Productions in their Educational Division as an Operations Manager. During her years at AHA, Mary co-produced the voiceovers for Sticks & Stones, an educational film about cyber bullying and harassment, used by many schools and law enforcement officials. Mary was recently accepted into the simple living program at the university where she will be expected to give back with 70 hours of community service per semester. “Holy Angels taught me discipline, hard work and generosity. I learned to give back and to appreciate the things that I have and that is the reason why I try to do as much service as possible.” Nicole Simone ’02 Nicole graduated from The College of New Jersey in 2006 with a BA in Psychology. She then went on to Bergen Community College and received an AAS degree in Nursing. Nicole has been working as a Registered Nurse at Hackensack University Medical Center for over three years. She began her
career in the pulmonary step down unit and is now working in the coronary care unit. She also volunteers her time at St. Joseph’s hospital in their clinic. Nicole’s goal is to become a Nurse Practitioner and to also teach Nursing on the college level. She is currently pursuing a MS degree in Nursing at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. “I have been inspired by so many teachers throughout my years of schooling; it was especially during my years at Holy Angels that I had thought about becoming an educator. Being around such strong willed, educated women at AHA made me realize I could do anything I wanted to if I set my mind to it. I was lucky enough to be able to combine two things I love – educating and nursing.” Maeve McArdle Vinci ’78 In 1978, Maeve completed a certificate program in Travel Services and began her career in the hospitality industry. After raising her son and the loss of her job, she began to explore career options. She decided to return to school and graduated from Bergen Community College with an AAS degree in 2011. In 2006, Maeve began working as a Teacher’s Assistant in Tenafly Public Schools. With her experience raising her autistic son, Maeve continues to offer support and assistance to families dealing with autism for the first time. She has become an advocate not only for her son, but for others as well. She has been instrumental in securing transportation for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder to their day treatment program. Maeve recently enrolled in St. Peter’s College and is pursuing a Bachelor’s of Professional Studies. “At Holy Angels we were surrounded by strong women. We learned leadership by example and we learned to speak up because our opinions mattered. I wish every young woman could have that experience. By working with special needs children and adults, I feel that I have transformed their world as much as they have transformed mine.”
The application deadline for Merz Scholarships is March 18, 2013.
How do I apply? • Download an application at holyangelsalumnae.org/ merzscholar • Outline your goals. Explain how your college study will guide your future in education or a field where education plays a significant (or important) role. Please also indicate what influence AHA had (if any) in directing you toward this goal. Include any service performed in your community and/or church, as well as relevant job experiences you might have had within the past five years. • Submit three written references (must be academic/professional in nature). • Attach a copy of your resumé. • Include the most recent Federal Income Tax Return that you have filed (if you are a dependent, you must include your parents’ return).
special alumnae events Annual Alumnae Mother/Daughter Tea The Annual Mother/Daughter Alumnae Tea sold out once again! The event started with a light lunch and of course tea and was followed by a tea presentation by AHA mom Susan Fletcher. The attendees then made their way to the AHA Auditorium for the
afternoon performance of Footloose. A special thank you to Susan and her daughter Holly ’15 for their help in making this day extra special. Save the date! Next year’s Tea will be on March 17, 2013 and will include tickets to Into the Woods. Maya, daughter of Lauren DeLucia ’95 was sitting pretty at the Mother/ Daughter Tea Party.
Legacy Mothers Dinner The Annual Alumnae Mother’s Dinner took place on April 24. This event brings together alumnae whose daughters have attended, are currently attending or will begin at AHA in the fall. This year the dinner took place at Lieto’s Italian Ristorante in New Milford, NJ.
Pictured at left are (Back Row L to R): Rosaleen Mulvey Lane ’81, Patti McGovern Hill ’78, Renee Norfleet Ramirez ’85, Lisa Raacke Malley ’74, Claire O’Connell Keane ’75, Johnna O’Rourke DiPalma ’85, Geralyn Parent Haws ’82, S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Marykate Ficca Menapace ’90, Rebecca Moran Day ’84 (Front Row L to R): Maureen Davis Havlusch ’85, Mary Ellen Weidmann Snow ’76 , Margaret Heaney Saxenian ’80 and Judith Taylor Creagh ’85.
Alumnae Association Induction 2012 5 new school colors as they were inducted into the AHA Alumnae Association. Graduating Angels proudly wore their
Camille Menendez ’09 met with the MEDS group of AHA during an activity period and shared the research that she has been doing at Ramapo College and the paper that she recently published: “QGRS-H Preditor: a web server for predicting homologous quadruplex forming G-rich sequence motifs in nucleotide sequences.”
Angel Network The Angel Network is a sub-committee of the Alumnae Association and is open to all AHA alumnae. The group focuses on networking events, professional development and will most importantly provide mentoring and internship opportunities for current or recently graduated Angels. And the best part is that your involvement can be as small or as big as you choose – you can either be here in the New Jersey area or as far away as California!
Dr. Jenna Stuebe ’05 spoke at AHA’s National Honor Society Induction ceremony on April 26. The World Language Honor Societies Induction Ceremony took place in March. Guest speaker S. Carole Tabano ’59 and Spanish teacher for 24 years at AHA, is pictured with Jennifer Moran and S. Virginia.
34 new members were inducted into Mu Alpha Theta, the National Math Honor Society, in March. The key note speaker at the induction ceremony was fellow Mu Alpha Theta member Elizabeth Switaj ’70. Mrs. Switaj spoke about her long career in mathematics related fields and her current position with Planned Retirement Consultants & Administrators, Inc., which was opened by Mrs. Switaj’s husband.
Liz Geelan Steever ’95, a Digital Media Consultant, spoke with the communications class about her experiences over the years and gave some very helpful internship, job hunting and resumé advice.
Alumnae Career Workshops for Women Navigating Today’s Job Market A two-workshop series took place in March and was sponsored by the AHA Alumnae Association, in the hopes of engaging women in a process to align personal and career goals with viable options and strategies for success. Attendees were women who were at a crossroads and either considering a career change, re-entering the job market, exploring new directions in second adulthood or just in the midst of a job search and having no luck. The presenter for both workshops was Diane Lang, MA. Diane is a therapist, educator and life coach and has dedicated her career to
helping people turn their lives around. She has also conducted seminars on postpartum depression, striving for balance versus having it all, and practical tips on interviewing, networking and dressing for success. She is the author of Baby Steps: the Path from Motherhood to Career. In the first session, “What Kind of Smart are You?”, attendees learned how to create balance, relieve anxiety and find happiness by finding their strengths and true purpose/ passion. They took a personality test and also discovered their best style of learning and how
to focus on those strengths for creating balance and enjoying life. Session 2, “Branding Yourself for Today’s Job Market: From Resumés to Interviews,” addressed the resumé writing process and creating one that is appealing to employers. Participants were given concrete examples of how to revise their resumé so that it speaks to their strengths and will help create their personal brand. They also learned interview techniques and how to effectively use social media in their job search.
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sophomore, junior & senior angels dance the night away • prom season 2012
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s p o n s ore o re d by t h e school si sters of notre d a me
in memoriam ALUMNAE Norma Monty ’42
Lawrence Guarinello Husband of Veronica Nowicki Guarinello ’48, Father of Mary Guarinello
Kathryn Fahey Moody ’95
Venizelos ’81, Grandfather of Katie
Jeanne Seeliger ’64
MaryAnn Nowicki Kreush ’51 and Uncle
Aunt of Tara Seeliger ’00
of Cynthia Kreush Fochesato ’79, Loretta
Anne Yocum Squier ’51 Joan Callahan Stewart ’47
Guarinello ’00, Brother-in-law of
Kreush ’80, and Patricia Kreush ’81.
Sean Heslin Brother of AHA staff member Eileen Musich and Uncle of Erin Musich ’03
FAMILY & FRIENDS Theodore Alexander Grandfather-in-law of AHA staff member Michèle Sovak
Joseph Birchwale Brother of Jennifer Birchwale ’12
Lorraine Cava Grandmother of Lauren Tweel ’12
John Cooke Father of Lillian Cooke ’63, Mary Cooke ’63 & Ellen Cooke Porcelli ’67
Rose Daniello Grandmother of Christina Daniello ’15
Roseann Dugan Mother of Margaret Dugan ’81
Mary Dunne Wife of AHA Faculty member and Coach Patrick Dunne
Timothy Keating Father of Margaret Keating ’83
Ralph L. Kennedy Grandfather of Rebecca Kennedy Oleszkiewicz ’96
Everett F. Lang, Jr. Husband of Frances Biasi Lang ’66
Glenn G. Marinelli Husband of Jodie O’Reilly Marinelli ’77
Antonia Morin Great-grandmother of Dominique Elisano ’14
Louis Nasif Father of Lori Nasif ’93
David Pflug Husband of Patricia Vita Pfug ’65
Kathleen Tria Mother of Darlene Tria Feliconeo ’83
Norma Monty ’42 died on July 3, 2012 in Reno, NV. She received a BA from the College of St. Elizabeth and an MA from Columbia University with honors. She also received 75 doctoral units at the Film Institute of New York University. Norma began her career as an English teacher and served as an English Department Chairperson for 19 years. She left the teaching profession and moved to California to become the Associate Producer of the television soap opera General Hospital. She later advanced to the position of Head Writer and received three Emmy nominations for Best Written Soap Opera. Norma received numerous honors during her lifetime. In 2010, she and her late sister Gloria Monty O’Byrne ’38 were the first inductees into AHA’s Arts Hall of Fame. Monmouth University also honored her for the design and structure of their television film studio, and she received the Humanities Achievement Award from the College of St. Elizabeth.
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