tidings academy of the h oly ange l s
s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame
a p ub licat ion fo r alumn ae, pare nts and fr i e nd s
fa l l 20 1 1
all alumnae, parents and friends are cordially invited to attend
the 15th annual
friday, the twenty third of march two thousand and twelve 6:00pm – cocktails & dinner
rockleigh country club
rockleigh, new jersey
silent & live auctions, tricky tray, 50/50 raffle and car raffle all proceeds to benefit the NEW Learning Commons at AHA
For more information, contact the Angelic Evening Committee at 201.768.7822 x225.
p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e
oly Angels H Declared Peace Site
Alumnae Weekend 2011
Annual Report to Investors
Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends, In the beginning of October, AHA celebrated its 132nd birthday, and towards the end of the month, the New Jersey Peace Action dedicated Holy Angels as a Peace Site and honored the School Sisters of Notre Dame as Peacemakers. Peace be with you. “And with your spirit.” Three members of the Class of 1961 grace the cover of Tidings: Helen Toomey Onorato, Eleanor Miragliotta Richard and myself. Thirty-six classmates of the Class of 1961 gathered to celebrate their 50th anniversary of graduation. And what a great time they had! Enjoy the pictures of the 200 graduates who returned to Demarest for Reunion 2011. As you leaf through this issue of Tidings, you will be impressed by the significant accomplishments of our students as scholars and as generous leaders who make a difference in the world as learners and disciples.
President’s Message
Faculty News
Angels Around the Halls
Alumnae News
Alumnae gatherings in California and Florida united angels across many decades. In La Jolla, CA the graduates spanned 64 years, from the Class of 1946 to the Class of 2010. ”Once an angel, always an angel.” How happy they are to come together and remember with love and joy the years they spent at Holy Angels.
Over the past three years, participation in the Annual Fund has increased by 1% each year, which is the envy of any Director of Development. Overall alumnae giving is now at 10%. That you give each year is a gift that keeps giving, providing Holy Angels with additional resources to fulfill its mission. Thank you!
tidings V o l u m e V, n u m b e r 2
In April of 2012, the dream of Transforming Our Library begins to become a reality. The last page of Tidings gives you a glimpse of the dramatic and aesthetic changes designed for what will be called the Learning Commons. Students will bask in an environment that will be simultaneously beautiful and functional. They will have places for quiet study and group learning. The library will become an oasis for learning, thanks to all of you.
In Memoriam
Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Chiandusse Director of Communications ahacommunications@holyangels.org
Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org
S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND, ’61 President, Academy of the Holy Angels
angel scholars
National Merit Scholars
The students pictured at left were honored in the 2012 National Merit® Scholarship Program. Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2012 competition. National Merit Commended Students: Jessica Chan Katherine Flood Stephanie Hojsak Maria Nabong Nora Neus Alison Scorese Alexa Spatidol
The girls pictured at right were recognized as Scholars in the National Hispanic Recognition Program. They were selected from a pool of over 200,000. Students with GPAs of 3.5 or higher are designated as Scholars. National Hispanic Recognition Scholars Katerina Rodriquez • Bryanna MacGowan • Alexia Ramirez
Sister Mary Nonna Dunphy Scholars Each year, six scholarships are awarded to current students, in memory of the foundress of the Academy. These partial scholarships are based on academic excellence, leadership, character, service, an interview with the scholarship committee and an essay. Class of 2012 Finalists: Maria Nabong Karen Singh Semi-Finalists: Stephanie Hojsak Rebecca Lawlor Class of 2013 Finalists: Kathyrn Fuselier Renee Jozanovic Scholarship Finalists pictured above.
Semi-Finalists: Victoria Cavaliere Natalie Chew Patricia Das Erica Repetto Class of 2014 Finalists: Adrianna Bergstein Lydon Kersting Semi-Finalists: Catherine Hahn Jessica McCann
AP Scholars Holy Angels offers 15 AP (Advanced Placement) courses to students in either junior or senior year. All students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes at Holy Angels are required to take the National Exam in that subject area in the spring. As was featured in the last issue of Tidings, 51% of all Holy Angels juniors and seniors (134 students) were enrolled in at least one AP course in 2010-11. They took a total of 278 AP exams this May. 89.6 % of those exams were passed with flying colors. 24% received the highest score of 5 and 35% received a 4. All 39 students who took the English Language and Composition exam passed, as did all 17 AP Chemistry students.
Margaret E. Klett Literary Scholarship
AHA is proud to announce that we had a record 58 AP Scholars in 2011! This is an increase of fourteen students from our former record of 44 scholars in 2010.
AP Scholars with Distinction Elissa Acevedo ’11 Julia Aversa ’11 Elizabeth Bentivegna ’11 Melanie Boyle ’11 Jennifer Bridge ’11 Jaimie DiBernardo ’11 Erin Ennis ’11 Sarah Owens ’11 Susan Piersa ’11 Vanessa Tenazas ’11
AP Scholars with Honor
This scholarship was established in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pakosh (Kathleen Klett Garrett ’68) in memory of her mother, Margaret E. Klett. It is awarded annually in October on the Feast of the Guardian Angels. The recipient this year was Stephanie Hojsak ’12 (pictured above with Principal Jennifer Moran and President S. Virginia Bobrowski).
Ashlyn Brulato ’12 Olivia Capotorto ’11 Katherine Dominguez ’11 Dominique Kilmartin ’11 Olivia Kolodka ’11 Soo Hyun Lee ’12 Jennifer Navato ’11 Solena Nehme ’11 Mary Sullivan ’11 Madeleine Varettoni ’11
AP Scholars Nicole Appari ’12 Gabriella Appice ’11 Brigit Baines ’12 Jennifer Birchwale ’12 Christine Byrne ’11 Jessica Chan ’12 Katherine Flood ’12 Kayla Gentile ’12 Alyssa Giammarella ’11 Shannon Glynn ’12 Amelia Heller ’12 Elizabeth Hickey ’12 Stephanie Hojsak ’12 Casroline Hroncich ’11 Jessica Janneck ’12 Hye Jin Jeon ’11 Alison Kress ’11 Mairin Lane ’12 Rebecca Lawlor ’12 Sara Luby ’12 Gabriela Markolovic ’12 Seton McFarland ’12 Margaret McKee ’12 Lily McLaughlin ’11 Angela Miguel ’12 Claire Murphy ’11 Nora Neus ’12 Lea Palacios ’11 Regina Palatini ’12 Siobhan Parnow ’12 Alexia Ramirez ’12 Hannah Robertson ’11 Karen Singh ’12 Alexa Spatidol ’12 Danielle Stratton ’11 Lauren Tweel ’12 Shafaq Zia ’11
What I did on my Summer Vacation... In August, Adrianna Bergstein ’14 traveled to Spain with her parish youth group. They spent the first week as pilgrims on the Way of St. James, El Camino de Santiago, in the northwest of Spain. They walked 100km, but were able to take time along the way to reflect and pray. This intensely spiritual experience culminated at the Catedral de Santiago de Compostela, which houses the remains of St. James. The group received the Compostela, which is the certificate awarded only to those who successfully complete the pilgrimage. Adrianna’s second week was spent in Madrid participating in World Youth Day with over a million young people from all over the world. “It was amazing to see how we all bonded, how we celebrated each other’s countries and how we united to welcome Pope Benedict. This was an unbelievable journey, physically exhausting but emotionally rewarding.”
Shannon Glynn ’12 took part in a research study at Montefiore Children’s Hospital. She collected data for a study that consisted of interviewing parents with young children in the hospital and assisting them in filling out surveys about their child’s development. Shannon then recorded the surveys and “scored” them to check if there were any possible risks for developmental delay in the child. If there was a risk she then referred the child to a social worker.
Jackie Mandella ’14 went to Mali, Africa with the organization buildOn, where she helped build the foundation of a school house for the small local village of Bafaga. With the generosity of the families in her home parish of St. Margaret’s in Pearl River, she was able to deliver 14 huge boxes of school supplies, books and toys. “If there is one thing that I gained from this incredible experience and that will stay with me is to be appreciative and grateful for the gifts I have. It is not the material things that give such happiness but the relationships and people that are most important. I feel so grateful and blessed that I was able to have this amazing experience.”
Maggie McKee ’12 completed her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. Her project involved creating a history program for the children of Oradell. She created a walking tour of the ten historic sites in the town which was geared to children in grades 2-5 (a brochure of the tour is available through the Oradell Library). In conjunction with the walking tour, Maggie collected over 120 books for the children of Sacred Heart School in Jersey City. Books were collected as the “price of admission” to take the walking tour.
Lisa Sesink-Clee ’13 was introduced to the director of an orphanage for the children of AIDS victims called Nkosi’s Haven during her sophomore year. Lisa discovered that there is a dire need for bare essentials, most importantly bed linens for the residents. By the time she left for South Africa in mid-July she had raised almost $1,800. Her work at the orphanage varied: helping with lunch preparation, making beds, cleaning, and performing general household chores. She also assisted by picking the children up from school, feeding them lunch and then helping them with school work. “All in all, the week I spent was very interesting and I realized how lucky I really am.” Fatima Sheikh ’12 returned with her father to his native land of Kenya. Her family opened a feeding center in Mombasa in the heart of Kiruwitu Village. They are determined to make a change for the better in the daily lives of those in the village. While there, Fatima spent days making soup, serving, cleaning and gaining new friends in the process. She plans to return annually in the hopes of expanding this effort to create more feeding centers throughout Kenya. Amber Wade ’12 embarked on yet another humanitarian mission trip, her fifth thus far. After previous mission trips to the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Honduras, Amber headed to London, England for a mission trip through the Cambridge College Leadership Program. After returning from London, Amber headed to the Dominican Republic again to distribute dental and medical supplies and additional funds to help the poor.
Nearly 800 students from 23 countries worldwide traveled to Beijing from August 1-7 for Operation Smile’s 20th annual student conference. The Angels in attendance learned firsthand how to enhance their knowledge of global cultures, strengthen their character, and develop into future philanthropic leaders. Students heard from a dynamic group of speakers from around the world – world renowned athletes, philanthropists such as Maggie Doyne (founder of Blinknow.org), and martial arts superstar and long-time Operation Smile supporter, actor Jackie Chan. The Angels are pictured above with Kathy Soracco Magee ’63 and club moderator Jean Mullooly ’83.
Another group of Angels visited Madrid, Toledo and Barcelona to see museums, cathedrals, the Royal Palace, and the beach in Barcelona. They even visited a bullring, where six fights were scheduled. However, faculty member Carmen Quinones shares, “After just one bullfight the girls refused to see any more – they found it barbaric!” The group is pictured above at Parque Retiro in Madrid.
New Orleans AHA’s annual service trip to New Orleans took place in June 2011. Faculty members Carol Fay and Kate Chambers ’66 chaperoned the trip and worked with the Angels to build homes for those in need. Participating this
year were: Jennifer Birchwale, Meredith Dwyer, Adriana Kranjac, Seton McFarland, Ashlee Morel, Denise Rizzo, Kristina Signore, Allie Spatidol, Allison Sublado and Samantha Weber. On a separate service trip to New Orleans, Alicia Brizzolara, Sara Luby and Bryanna McGowan returned for the second year, accompanied by first-time visitor Alicia Morejon. Faculty member Nancy Brizzolara and parent Sonia McGowan chaperoned the trip for this group
who were so eager to return a second time. The students paid for the trip with earnings they made doing presentations to area organizations about their original trip.
faculty news
We Welcome... Kathryn Biskup – Art
Richard Marciano – English
Nicole Catalano – Athletic Trainer/Health
Bridget Ryan – English
Magda Fama – Spanish
Alice Thor-Pianfetti – Spanish
Educator of the Year! AHA English teacher and Operation Smile moderator Jean Mullooly ’83 was honored by Operation Smile as “Educator of the Year” for her dedicated service to both young people and the mission of the organization. The Educator of the Year award is given to an educator who has devoted his or her time, effort, and knowledge to supporting their cause by spreading awareness and aiding an Operation Smile Student Club. The recipient should be an enthusiastic, ambitious, and caring individual who has contributed infinite resources to Operation Smile and his or her students. This year’s ceremony took place in China. Jean is pictured with a group of children awaiting surgery.
Holy Angels’ instrumental music teacher Mariann Annecchino, along with Dr. Carol Shansky (a professional flutist and professor of Flute at Iona College) and Diane Lang (violinist with the Orchestra of St. Peter by the Sea) recently played a Beethoven trio during Shop for a Cause sponsored by Macy’s. A portion of sales made during Shop for a Cause was donated to a variety of charitable causes.
On October 17th, a poet from the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Program conducted three poetry seminars for AHA English classes. The visiting poet, Patrick Phillips, is currently a fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. His first book, Chattahoochee, won the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, and his second book, Boy, was published in 2008. He has received support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Fulbright Commission, and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and his poems have appeared in many magazines, including Poetry, Ploughshares, and The Nation. Patrick led a discussion focusing on two poems about fathers, and offered students a writing prompt so that they could compose a poem. Students were thoroughly engaged in the discussion, especially when he invited them to ask questions about his work, the life of a poet, and publishing. The students admired his honesty and his enthusiasm for his profession.
angels around the halls Christine Wraga’s Studio Art class recently completed an interesting assignment in combining individual perspectives. Each student was given one square of a photograph and asked to paint that portion of a city scene. When put together, everyone was amazed to see a complete painting emerge. Pictured below are the proud students standing beside their “master pieces” which have become the talk of the hallways!
HELPING HANDS Jacqueline Ferreri was recently awarded a Parish Youth Award from the Archdiocese of Newark’s Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry. The award is given in recognition of outstanding service to family, community, school and parish.
LEADERSHIP Sophomores Elle Infante and Ashlin Twardzik were selected as the AHA HOBY Leadership Representatives for the 2011-12 school year. Christina Sivulka was selected as the HOBY Alternate Representative. Founded in 1958, HOBY’s mission is to inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service and innovation.
Kelly Glenn had a lead role as Mrs. Mayor in Seussical for the Garage Theater Group in June. She also recently performed in James and the Giant Peach, her third performance in New York City for ITheatrics Broadway Youth Group. Hannah Jang and Alison Scorese were recently accepted into the prestigious All-County Chorus. Hannah received the 5th highest score out of all the first sopranos. Almost 500 students from Bergen County auditioned.
Angels Reach Out
AHA teams support local charities The Varsity soccer team, several moms and one dad walked in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Central Park on Sunday, October 16th. The team this year was called Angels Helping Angels (AHA). The girls put their hearts into this 5 mile event and were truly enthusiastic about participating and making a difference. The team poses (at left) in Central Park. The Holy Angels Dance Team volunteered on Saturday, September 10th at the Annual Dumont Day 5K Run. The girls kicked off the day’s festivities with a dance performance that was enjoyed by all. They then distributed water, gave cheers of encouragement and shared their bright smiles to each runner as they entered the final stretch of the run. Proceeds from the event supported the “Dumont Cares Fund”. The team is pictured (at left) on race day.
Feast Day 2011 Fr. Gerald Hahn of St. Anthony’s in Northvale led the mass in which Eucharistic Ministers were commissioned: Nicole Aparri, Jennifer Birchwale, Alicia Brizzolara, Natalie Carpentieri, Tara DeRosa, Gabriella DiClemente, Alyssa Dumatol, Stephanie Espejo, Meghan Gallo, Kayla Gentile, Danielle Gherardi, Molly Judge, Kristi Kenny, Emily Langan, Brianna McGowan, Margaret McKee, Olivia Michael, Maria Nabong, Regina Palatini and Stephanie Santana (pictured above).
October 17th marked International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Students and faculty once again stood up for the millennium goals during both lunch periods, uniting with others worldwide for “The World We Want 2015” campaign. Letters to congresspersons were also available for all to sign.
From November 4-7, six students and the two AHA Campus Ministers (Korinne Dizon, Renee Jozanovic, Eleni Kyriacou, Megan O’Donnell, Emma Quigley, Erica Repetto, S. Peggy McGaffney, SSND and Mrs. Sylvester) attended the Kairos 70 retreat given by Notre Dame High School in Lawrenceville, NJ. This experience was made possible by the generosity of the Zenorini Spiritual Fund. Having experienced the retreat first-hand, the students and Campus Ministers will now work to bring Kairos to AHA in the 2012-2013 school year. The ultimate goal of Kairos is that the sense of connection to God, family and friends that teens experience during the retreat will flow into all aspects of their lives.
THE Outreach CLUB and Campus Ministry again
sponsored a Thanksgiving Drive in support of an SSND ministry. This year the recipient of the $1,355 raised was St. Peter the Apostle School in Philadelphia, PA, an inner city elementary school with a 163 year heritage of SSND presence.
Throughout its 163 year history, St. Peter the Apostle School has adapted to the changing circumstances of the area, and currently reaches out to the Hispanic community. Under SSND leadership, the school continues to be a strong educational organization in the SSND tradition.
Trick or Treat for Unicef netted $586, a record for our school. The Cereal Drive collected 350 cereal boxes to be donated to the Office of Concern in Englewood. The Halloween Candy Drive brought in six large boxes of Halloween Candy to be delivered to Eva’s Village in Paterson. The Thanksgiving Turkey Drive gathered 203 turkeys for the NJ FoodBank.
on the cover
holy angels
is declared a peace site justice and seeking peace through justice. Using these criteria, Holy Angels fosters peace in so many meaningful ways and has done so for many years.
On October 21, New Jersey Peace Action, a chapter of the National Peace Action Network, dedicated the Academy of the Holy Angels as a Peace Site and honored the School Sisters of Notre Dame as Peacemakers.
At the day’s assembly, Mrs. Peggy Monges of New Jersey Peace Action presented a certificate to the school’s Administration. Sister Eileen Reilly, the representative for SSND’s NGO at the United Nations, delivered a presentation explaining the many connections between the work of the UN and the SSNDs. In particular, both organizations support the UN’s millennium goal to provide universal primary education for all children by 2015. Also at the assembly, students described the many ways in which the Holy Angels community fosters peace in school and beyond. School Sisters of Notre Dame from the tri-state area took the stage to
Peace Sites are places where groups congregate, socialize, work, and study to bring about peace. They are places where educational programs and plans for peace are initiated, reinforced and expanded. They can be religious or humanist institutions, peace centers, community centers, schools, colleges, offices, and businesses. Peace Sites foster but are not limited to the following: protecting the environment, promoting intercultural understanding and celebrating cultural differences, seeking peace within individuals and in relationships with others, reaching out in service to others, working towards world law with
renew their vows and bless all those present, using a prayer written by Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger. To close the assembly, students and faculty read the expression “Let Peace Prevail on Earth” in the 12 languages inscribed on the school’s Peace Pole, and as they do each year, students signed a pledge to promote peace throughout our world.
“We are united by something more than common interests in academics, extracurricular activities, or clubs. Love is the bond that unites us, and there truly is a place at the table for all, at Holy Angels.” –Lydon Kersting ’14
he events began on Friday, with alumnae celebrating Foundation Day and taking a trip down memory lane by attending classes. There was a prayer service to honor the SSNDs which also included a presentation by S. Eileen Reilly, SSND who highlighted the SSNDs’ commitment to reaching the millennium goals throughout the world. Saturday night’s reunion event began with Mass followed by a welcome reception and an opportunity to tour the campus. The presentation of the classes was done at the end of Mass. Sister Virginia Bobrowski ’61, AHA President, who was celebrating her 50th reunion along with her class, led a reflection on years past – remembering the days under the dome in Fort Lee, to the move to Demarest in 1965. In keeping with tradition, the “golden” Angels were presented with yellow roses, recognizing their celebration of more than 50 years since graduation. The class of 1961 joined the golden group this year for the first time. The class of 1986 was also called forward in honor of their 25th anniversary. Each class in attendance posed together for a current group shot. Old photos were brought out as everyone took the opportunity to reconnect and share memories. When dessert was served, everyone gathered to sing “Happy Birthday” to the classes of ’59 and ’79 who were on hand to celebrate their 70th and 50th birthdays!
We invite you all to the next
Alumnae Weekend including a special reunion of the classes ending in 2 & 7 –
October 19-20, 2012!
Alumnae Weekend
Class Reunions
To view more photos or to order prints, go to
October 21-22, 2011
alumnae association president
t has been a busy fall at the Academy, and many of our alumnae have come back for some great events. October 21st and 22nd marked Alumnae Weekend, which saw the largest crowd in recent years. Please make plans to attend next year’s event. It’s a wonderful weekend that serves to reconnect so many Angels through the decades, and it always gets rave reviews. November 5th also saw the return of many Angels to campus to celebrate the induction of Carroll Anne Grece ’59, Kathleen Melli ’91 and Dr. John Driscoll AP ’83 and ’89, into the AHA Athletic Hall of Fame. It was a great night that enabled some of our current students to rub elbows with these “legends” who are such wonderful examples and role models. The AHA annual fund drive is underway, so don’t be surprised if you get a friendly phone call from one of our Angel Ambassadors during the phonathon. Special thanks to all of our faithful donors. As we look to increase alumnae participation in this effort, we are hoping that those of you who have yet to give will join our donor list by becoming first-time donors. Any gift, no matter the size, will be greatly appreciated. This campaign aims to help provide today’s Angels with the same quality education that we received. It’s also a great opportunity for us to say “thank you” for all that Holy Angels has done for us. Warm wishes for a wonderful New Year! Sincerely, Patti McGovern Hill ’78
The Class of 1959 digs into their “70th” birthday cake!
Elizabeth Oates Regan ’41 writes, “Good health and many more years to the remaining girls of the class of 1941. Have had a wonderful life with my four children.”
Maribeth Kingscote Scott ’55 writes, “I was so pleased to see the AHA students reaching out to those in Honduras. I have been going to Nicaragua for the past 6
years, so I know how difficult the work can be and how rewarding. I come back from every trip saying I have everything I need – how blessed I am.”
Elaine Maurer Bumiller ’56 shares, “George and I have been married for 50 years this month. Our four children are married and we have 10 grandchildren. The oldest grandson is getting married in June 2012. Our youngest granddaughter is 7 years old. They are all a joy!” Dorothy DeCecio Kauter ’56 writes, “Life is good. I remain grateful to those dear women who gave so much of their time and energy to my 10 years as a student and developing young adult at AHA in Fort Lee!” Ann McCabe Moran ’56 was on a 34-day cruise around South America from October 19–November 25 with her sister-in-law. She was thinking of her classmates on October 21 when she was in Valparaiso, Chile and on October 22 when she was at sea on the way to Puerto Montt. Ginger Baker Warner ’56 says, “Sorry not to make the reunion as I loved seeing everyone for our 50th. I was out of the country with friends, but hope to make visits to NYC this year and would love to catch up!”
Judy Cavallo Libonati ’59 writes, “It’s hard to believe that we are 70 years old! Sorry I couldn’t make the party, but I wish everyone a very happy birthday and hope you enjoyed the party at AHA.” Maida Murphy Perkins ’59 says, “I have 6 grandchildren. The eldest is a senior at the United States Naval Academy. My only granddaughter is a senior at Georgia Southern University and will finish in three years. Two of my other grandsons are at the United States Air Force Academy, one a freshman and the other a sophomore. The two youngest grandsons are at James River High School in Richmond and Benedictine Military School. I began this year on a three week trip to India with friends. It was the trip of a lifetime and I fell in love with the people and country. I’m sorry I was unable to attend the dinner.” Anne Dondero Prinn ’59 shares, “It was wonderful to see everyone at our last reunion and I would have enjoyed seeing you all for our birthday, however, I was visiting my sister AHA class of ’62. Since our last reunion my mother has passed away at age 94 – she was the Mother’s Guild person who presided at our senior year fashion show.”
Beth Pindar Bowling ’61 writes, “My post AHA story includes an enduring happy marriage to my senior prom date, Bill, and our surviving parenthood. We have four caring and interesting children (Bill, Maria, Suzanne and Jasmine) and are reaping the joys of grandchildren (Annabel, 5, Jack, 4 and Charlie, 3). And for balance, I am retired from an ER career that was front seat at the circus of life. Can’t believe it has been 50 years!” Mary Ripple Jepsen ’61 says, “I am enjoying retirement. However, I loved my years working as a school nurse. There is nothing like being around children to make one happy! I married Bill 40 years ago and we have five children and four grandchildren. We both enjoy travel and have been to places I never thought I would see!” Sister Joan Magnetti ’61 shares, “After 32 years as headmistress in two Sacred Heart Schools, Princeton and Greenwich, I am now Executive Director for six inner city Catholic elementary schools for the Diocese of Bridgeport.” Susan Duffy McAlear ’61 writes, “Have been happily married for 39 years! Blessed with three grandchildren – Meghan (12), Abby (16 mo) and Christian (6 weeks). I am still working. Started my career as a pediatric nurse. Retired from NY Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University as a manager of pediatrics and Chief of Staff for Clinical Trials Office in 2009, after 28 years. Suddenly found myself being recruited for a non-profit organization in the South Bronx – Urban Health Plan.” Eleanore Miragliotta Richard ’61 has been married for 38 years to Tom Richard. They have two married daughters, Kristin & Erin, and two grandsons. Eleanore retired from teaching in June 2005 to babysit for grandsons Daniel and Brandon. Joan Rodano ’61 shares, “Sorry I could not attend because I was moving into a new house. I am the assistant professor in the Communications department at College of Southern Nevada. I also counsel students in elementary schools in Clark County. My new husband David and I have been happily married
for two years. We travel extensively to Europe. My grandson Zil is now 13 and a wonderful guy!” Michelle Scrofani ’61 went to Junior Colleges in North Carolina and PA and worked for doctors in Englewood for five years and then in OB-Gyn at Columbia Presbyterian in NY for 25 years. She retired in 1991 and then worked for BMW of North America in Woodcliff Lake from 19942007, and has been retired since. She has been living in Mahwah since 1992. Carolyn Lucia Vioni ’61 writes, “The wedding of a dear friend’s son kept me from the reunion. You were in my thoughts on the 22nd. I have 3 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Ron went back to work in 2009 opening his own money management firm. I take ballet and golf lessons as well as cook and entertain. Things I never thought I would be doing at our age! Life is good and I am grateful.”
“I remain grateful to those dear women who gave so much of their time and energy to my 10 years as a student and developing young adult at AHA!” –Dorothy DeCecio Kauter ’56
In the world of senior women’s basketball, Mary Lou Sciarrillo ’62 coached the San Diego Splash to a gold medal at the 2011 National Senior Games held this year in Houston, Texas. San Diego Splash represented California in the 80+ age division and competed against teams from Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mexico.“They are a dynasty,” says Mary Lou, “and they will be the reigning national champs until the 2013 National Senior Games when they defend their title in Cleveland, Ohio.”
Mary Conlon ’66 is a retired LPN, mother of two grown sons and grandmother of two granddaughters, 16 & 14 years old.
Catherine Marotta ’71 is a partner at a CPA firm based in NJ. She is still happily married to Neil Westerduin. Her five daughters, Rachel, Catherine, Jackie, Nikkie and Kristen are doing well. Rachel is out of college and navigating the job market. Catherine will graduate from Franklin & Marshall College in the spring. Jackie is a sophomore at Manhattan School of Music in NYC. Nikkie is a sophomore and Kristen is a freshman at Saddle River Day School. Peggy Begley Roettger ’71 has been married for 23 years to Walter who is the President Emeritus of Lyon College and a consultant in higher education. They have one son, Daniel, a junior at Johns Hopkins and a Woodrow Wilson scholar. Peggy & Walter are semiretired and loving life in Little Rock with two dogs and four cats. Peggy volunteers from time to time at the Clinton Library.
HEY ANGELS! We want to see YOU in the next issue of Tidings! Send in your news by February 1 to alumnae@ holyangels.org
Virginia Curry ’72 has been blogging and is featured on the Association for Research into Crimes Against Art website. You can view her blog: From the FBI to Etruscan Archaeological Sites at http://art-crime.blogspot.com/2011/10/ virginia-curry-from-fbi-to-etruscan.html. Joanne Carenza O’Malley ’72 writes that her youngest son John and his beautiful bride Sheri celebrated their 1st anniversary on October 29th. Joanne recently retired from her position as Municipal Court Administrator of the Central Municipal Court of Bergen County located at the Justice Center in Hackensack. She has since moved to Jackson and is enjoying stress-free living.
Deirdre Doyle Tolhurst ’74 and husband Tuck celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows this past April. Deirdre is also pleased to announce that her first children’s book, A Christmas I Remember, will be released this winter. It can be found on her website www.deirdretolhurst.com or at www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore.
Carol Lombardi ’76 writes, “To my classmates – ‘The Spirit of ’76’ – best wishes on the occasion of our 35th anniversary reunion!”
from the class of 1971) for our 30 year reunion. But travel plans interfered and the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Punta Cana called and, well, there I sat on the beach sipping a daiquiri. But I was thinking of all of you and wishing you well. Send me lots of pictures! Luv ya all!”
Cathy Lessieu Hughes ’78 writes, “You never know where you’ll find an Angel! My husband and I were visiting our daughter, Emily, at college for her Sorority’s Parent Weekend last month, and I met another Angel, Kim Ayers Monahan ’72. Both of our daughters are members of Alpha Phi at the University of Texas at Austin. Having headed south after graduation, I don’t run into many alumnae, so it was fun to meet a Longhorn Angel!”
Rita Gagliano Hutchins ’79 writes, “Sorry to miss the special day – Happy 50th Angels!” Clare Sherlock ’79 says, “I’d love to have come to the AHA birthday bash but as it happened I was in California by way of England celebrating my big 5-0 with family and friends. Hi to all for me, hope you had a great time, and happy birthday!”
Joan Connell Bohan ’81 is the proud mother of twin boys, age 5 – Sean and Liam. Joan has been in critical care nursing for twenty-five years and recently started a new venture as a certified school nurse in the Northvale public schools. Joanne Carducci Deutsch ’81 writes, “Sorry I could not attend. I live in South Florida now. I have three children and two had college parents’ weekend the same weekend as reunion.” Mary Jo Simunovich ’81 says, “I regret that I was not able to join all of you (and our sisters
Carla Varriale ’84 writes, “I spoke at the inaugural bar association event at the Orange County Bar Associate Entertainment, Sports and Marketing Law section on August 22, 2011 with David S. Cohen, Esq. of the California Angels.”
Geraldina Cecere Cristantiello ’86 shares, “After being involved for many years in the non-profit world, I began my own company in 2001 in association management. I work out of my private office next to my home. In 2004, we were blessed with a baby boy who is now 7 and he has a younger brother who is 3. On September 2nd we celebrated 22 years of marriage.” Christine Barry Sielicki ’86 says, “I can’t believe it’s been 25 years since we graduated. I always think fondly of my years at Holy Angels and I hope I can find such a great high school for my daughter here in Michigan. My best to all of you!” Lisa Vioni ’86 says, “I live between Longboat Key, FL and Vancouver, Canada with my husband, Rob Arthurs, and our three year old son, Logan. I am the founder and CEO of two internet companies, Hedge Connection and Leebug.com that I run with Rob.” Mary Berlinghieri Willi ’86 writes, “I graduated from the University of Scranton in 1990. Taught middle school and high school math for 19 years. I married in March 2008. I am now on leave from Union Catholic HS to care for my two children, Rocco (2 ½ ) and Lucia (1).”
Seton Alves ’89 was married to James Feeney on August 13, 2010 at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Montclair, NJ. The reception was held at The Park Savoy in Florham Park, NJ. Since receiving a Master’s degree in Social Work with a Law minor from Columbia University, Seton has practiced as a clinical social worker licensed in both New York and New Jersey. For several years, she was employed as the coordinator of a preventive mental health program for adolescents in New York City and currently holds a position as a school social worker in the Oakland Public Schools. Her husband, Jim, received a Master’s degree in business administration from Montclair State University and is currently a vice president, sales manager with the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York. The Feeneys currently reside in Verona where Seton enjoys helping Jim craft homemade soap. The couple is also actively involved in their parish. Jim is a member of the choir, and Seton is involved as a lector at Mass and in the religious education program. In February 2011, the couple travelled to Italy with their parish, and Jim had the opportunity to sing with the choir at Mass at the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome and at the Basilica of St Francis in Assisi.
Jennifer A. Saiz ’92 graduated from Rutgers in 1997 with an Environmental Engineering degree and got her MBA in 2003 from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. She is currently Head of Property Strategy and Delivery for Commonwealth Bank of Australia. To view her latest completed project, please visit http://www.commbank.com.au/ about-us/our-company/sustainability/ourapproach/sustainability-environment.aspx.
Classmates from the class of 1995 got together at Patricia Thompson Vega’s house in late June before Maura Glavey Monohan ’95 and Megan Reilly Foran ’95 moved to IL and GA, respectively. The picture above shows Trish holding baby Kelly Vega, Maura, Megan, and Danielle Francini Spring ’95, in the final weeks of pregnancy with Catherine Spring! In the picture below are Maggie (Danielle’s daughter), Kerryn (Maura’s daughter), Avery (Patricia’s daughter) and Erin (Megan’s daughter).
Alison Fuller McGovern ’94 and husband Patrick are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kellan James, on August 1st, 2011. Baby Kellan is pictured above.
Jennifer DeLucia Garofolo ’91 and husband Craig were blessed with the birth of Alexa Victoria on May 18th. Their daughter Gianna is thrilled with becoming a big sister! Jennifer has taken an extended maternity leave and has enjoyed being home with both of the girls.
Donna Papaleo ’95 presented at the 2011 NJEA Convention on November 10th. She obtained her Doctorate of Audiology in 2009. Donna’s current interest is in wellness and its effect on hearing loss. She is pictured below.
Elizabeth Waraksa ’95 married Jacco Dieleman on August 1, 2011 in Santa Barbara, CA. The couple, both Egyptologists, met at an annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt. Jacco is Associate Professor of Egyptology at UCLA and Elizabeth is Lecturer in Egyptology at Loyola Marymount University. They reside in Los Angeles.
Rebecca Kennedy Oleszkiewicz ’96 writes, “We have only recently moved abroad again, and are not yet returning for a visit stateside. So sorry to have missed the reunion celebration!” Melissa Zillochi Riccio ’96 and husband Phil are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Teresa Marie on August 31, 2011. Teresa joins big sister and brother, Mia and Dominick.
Anahid Torosian Yezekian ’97 and husband, Edward, welcomed daughter Eva Anjelica on September 1, 2011. Big brother Eddie loves his new baby sister.
Class of 1996 Angels had a playdate their children. In attendance were Nicole Faillace Dextraze ’96 with her twin boys Jack and Justin (2) and baby Christian (4 months old), Jamie Aliano Klouda ’96 with Bella (6), Juliana (4) and Cole (2), and Kimberly Hannon Watson ’96 with Kallie (3) and Ethan (2 months). Another Class of 1996 group gathered at the bridal shower of Sharyn McCarthy ’96. In attendance were: Cheryl Maurer Wilson ’96, Jennifer Burke DeCaria ’96, Nancy Kelly Fiore ’96, Lindsay Steinberg Grady ’96, Sarah Burch Mathews ’96, Shannon Morris ’96, Victoria Handy Corbo ’96 and Jennifer Jalil ’96.
Maren Ferro Tripolitsiotis ’97 and husband Matthew welcomed daughter Mia Angelina on March 9, 2011. She joins big brother Joey, who will be 5 in November.
Caitlin Early Greenberg ’01 writes, “So sorry I was not able to attend our 10 year reunion. It would have been great to catch up and see how everyone is doing and the direction each woman’s life has taken over these past 10 years. I am currently living in California and working towards my Master’s in Social Work at UC Berkeley. I was married last year and both Lauren Valacer ’01 and Megan Monahan ’01 were in attendance. Best wishes all!” Lisa Petrucci Jerdan ’01 is living in New Jersey with her husband Dustin and bulldog Booger. She works for Gap Inc. on Banana Republic accessories. Sheila Longo ’01 moved to Seattle this summer after 10 years in Boston. She is a mechanical engineer in consumer product design.
Sarah Greenberg ’02 and Jessica O’Hanlon ’02 enjoyed a going away brunch for Megan Davidson ’02 as she prepared to spend a year abroad in New Zealand. Sarah is living in Brooklyn and working to provide international experience to youth. Jessica remains in NJ advocating for women’s health and equality.
Stephanie Sinon ’03 became engaged this past February to Sameer Pandya. The two met at Cornell in 2003 and have been best friends ever since! The wedding is planned for April 2012. Stephanie graduated from Cornell with a BS in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering in 2007 and has been working at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Manhattan. Pictured with Stephanie are some fellow Angels from the day she got engaged. From left to right: Maria Fatima Torres ’03, Maria Theza Mateo ’03, Stephanie Sinon ’03, Andrea Bernardo ’05 and Katrina Guillermo ’03.
Elizabeth Grefrath ’04 left the Columbia Center for Oral History in July 2011 to take a position at the National Headquarters of the American Civil Liberties Union, focusing primarily on the ACLU’s work in the U.S. Supreme Court. On a personal note, she will celebrate the first anniversary of her marriage to the novelist Joshua Furst on October 16. The wedding party included Victoria Grefrath ’07 as maid of honor and Jana Sico ’04 as a bridesmaid.
Alessa Caridi Conn ’04 was married to Jared Samuel Woodrey on April 30, 2011. They were married at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Ridgewood, NJ. Alessa, a 2008 graduate of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) met Jared, a 2009 University of Chicago graduate totally by happenstance. Alessa was working as a full time fit model in New York City, when Jared was taking a long weekend visiting the MOMA and MET from Washington, DC. Jared proposed stateside on a riverbank in Niagara Fall National Park. The next year was filled with wedding planning, and commuting to and from Okinawa as Jared, a 1st Lt for the United States Marines Corps, was moved and stationed in Japan 5 days after he proposed. Alessa’s bridesmaids included her two sisters Hannah Marie Conn ’08 and Emma Isabella Conn ’13 and her fellow AHA classmate Alison Donnelly ’04. Also in attendance were many other family members and fellow AHA graduates: bride’s grandmother, Arline ZenoriniConn ’46, Marie Zenorini Canepa ’45, Catherine Conn ’70, Lisa Conn ’73, Susan Conn Wrobel ’75, Rosina Caridi Paprota ’57, Carmella Caridi Pavliv ’73 and Elisa Caridi ’74. Currently, Alessa and Jared live in the beautiful seaside town of Chatan in Okinawa, Japan; they look forward to the next two years of exploring the South Pacific as newlyweds. Helena Franco ’04 just began medical school at UMDNJ–New Jersey Medical School. She graduated from Fordham University in 2008 and has spent some time traveling in Spain and throughout Europe. For the past two years, she has worked at NY Orthopedics, a private orthopedic practice affiliated with Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC.
Erin Lackey ’04 is now working as the Creative Director at Jugular Communications in NYC. She specializes in writing & designing websites and developing & maintaining corporate social media pages.
Brooke Lonegan ’05 recently completed a Master of Arts in Management and Leadership at Webster Graduate School in London, UK, and will be returning to the US at Christmas. Angel classmates came over to visit Brooke and included Jennifer Hargrave ’05, Cadence Greenberg ’06 and Alyson Cocchiaro ’05 (pictured below).
Malissa Gallini ’06 graduated from West Point in 2010. She is currently serving in Afghanistan as a 2nd Lt. in the US Army and platoon leader. Her platoon is leading the way by clearing the roads and villages of IEDs for the troops traveling through. Please pray for the speedy safe return of Malissa and all of our troops!
Lauren Alexandria Cruz ’07 graduated from Seton Hall University in May 2011 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and Marketing. Lauren is currently pursuing an MBA degree in Finance and Pharmaceutical Management at the Rutgers Business School.
’1 1
Briana Ciccarino ’11 took part in the pre-fall orientation program S.O.S, Student Orientation to Service, at Loyola University Maryland. Only 13 students were selected to learn what it is like to experience homelessness in inner city Baltimore for three days. Briana says, “The best part was the genuine conversations each of us had with people we had never met before. It was truly powerful. Everyone has a different story, and it’s amazing how much we can have in common with strangers.”
Legacy Mothers We welcome back the following AHA alumnae whose daughters are members of the class of 2015: Sandra Russo Bischoff ’85 Maureen Davis Havlusch ’85 Geralyn Parent Haws ’82 Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78 Margaret Heaney Saxenian ’80 Susanna Bazzarelli Teixeira ’94 Wendy Schwamb Worden ’84
Linda Perillo Zazzali ’85
March 5 Merz Scholarship Deadline March 16-18 Spring Musical – Footloose March 18 Annual Alumnae & Daughter’s Tea March 23 Angelic Evening
Connect with us on: twitter.com/AngelsAlumnae twitter.com/HolyAngelsNJ facebook.com/AcademyoftheHolyAngels linkedin.com
May 4 Spring Concert May 21 Class of 2012 Alumnae Association Induction
angels are ever ywhere In an effort to reach alumnae scattered across the country, AHA President S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61 and Director of Alumnae Dorrie Voulgaris, continue to travel to the regions outside of NJ/NY that have a strong population of Angels. Each meeting brought decades of Angels together to reconnect, and reinforced the strong bond that ties all AHA graduates.
There are 150 Angels that call the state of California home and three regional gatherings were held. On Wednesday, October 26, Angels gathered in San Francisco at Mangia Tutti Restaurant. On Saturday, October 29, lunch was held in La Jolla outside of San Diego at Café Milano. On Sunday, October 30, the last meetup took place in Altadena outside of Los Angeles at the home of Mary Anne Tay Donaldson ’64. We especially want to thank Mary Anne and her sister Virginia for the delicious lunch they prepared. We also want to thank Mary Lou Sciarrillo for her warm hospitality and chauffeuring of S. Virginia and Dorrie to our Southern California events!
Far left photo taken in San Francisco. From L to R: Caitlin Early Greenberg ’01, Arlene Banks ’71, S.Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Maria Isabel Santos ’02, Dorrie Voulgaris, Margaux Pena Hufnagel ’99, Colleen Finnegan Hautau ’63, Maureen Miller ’80 and Barbara Dunn Starrett ’69 (not pictured: Barbara Ward Wilson ’81 and Yumiko Yokoi ’86) Center photo taken in San Diego. From L to R: Mary Lou Sciarrillo ’62, Kathleen Nelson Kelly ’49, Andrea Ferentinos ’66, S.Virginia Bobrowski ’61,Virginia Kiernan Peerbolte ’82, Sage Robertory Sonnek ’46, Elizabeth Kowalski ’10 and Caroline Vigneron ’10 Far right photo taken in Los Angeles. From L to R:Virginia Tay ’64, S.Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Mary Anne Tay Donaldson ’64 and Mary Lou Sciarrillo ’62 (not pictured: Christine Casagrande ’03, Marie Schnackenberg Dunbar ’64, Jann Vendetti ’97, Elizabeth Waraksa ’95,Valerie Finn Woodard ’64)
There are almost 250 angels who live year-round in the state of Florida. We held four meetups across the state. On Wednesday, November 8, a group of Angels met at BB’s restaurant in Jacksonville. On Thursday, November 9, another group met at Maggiano’s in Orlando. A Tea was held on Friday, November 11 at the home of Georgette Bergeron Ingraham ’68 in New Port Richey outside of Tampa. Heartfelt thanks to her for her warm hospitality. On Sunday, November 13, Leslie Burke Robertson ’64 hosted a gathering at her home. We are so grateful to Leslie. Top left photo taken in Jacksonville. Front L to R: Sue Summerall Wiles ’75, Carol Zingone ’83, Diane LaFond Insetta ’56. Back L to R: S.Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Bernadette Memoli Cusack ’65 and Dorrie Voulgaris Top right photo taken in Orlando. Front L to R: Sybil Krugs Kreslins ’74, Linda Harrison Ciardiello ’65, Melissa KrugsRemole ’77, S.Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Rose Scalia McCoy ’64. Back L to R: Leslie Long Tate ’59, Dorrie Voulgaris and Christina McCoy Wickenhiser ’85
Bottom left photo taken in Tampa. Front L to R: Barbara Tanzola Mason ’62, Kathleen Tigh Detrano ’63, S.Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Georgette Bergeron Ingraham ’68, Joan Marie Atkinson Brennan ’66 and S.Veronica Visceglia ’60, SSND
* Facebook groups have been formed for both regions – AHA California Alumnae and AHA Florida Alumnae.
Bottom right photo taken in Fort Myers. L to R: Patricia Neary Baumann ’68, Elaine Hoffman Middelstaedt ’65, S.Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Katherine Schwarz Cowan ’63, Doreen Weidmann Stickney ’69 and Leslie Burke Robertson ’64.
Carroll Anne Grece ’59, Kathleen Melli ’91 & Dr. John M. Driscoll The Academy of the Holy Angels Athletic Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who have enhanced the Holy Angels program either as an athlete, coach or contributor. Nominees must exemplify the highest standards of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and moral character. In short, nominees must be a positive role model, worthy of being emulated by current and future students.
n November 5, 2011 there were three new inductees into the Athletic Hall of Fame: Carroll Anne Grece ’59, Kathleen Melli ’91 and Dr. John M. Driscoll.
nder the dome in Fort Lee, Carroll Anne Grece ’59 was on the Varsity basketball team and in her senior year was named co-captain. She was also on the softball team. Her involvement around campus was not strictly athletic – Carroll Anne was a member of Sodality, Glee Club and was on the board of the Athletic Association. After graduation from AHA, Carroll Anne attended Pace University and earned a BS in Biology. She then attended Columbia University and received a certificate in Physical Therapy. In 1982, she attained a MPS in Health Services Administration from The New School for Social Research in New York. Carroll Anne has been a licensed Physical Therapist since 1967 in New York and New Jersey. She is currently at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York at the Cystic Fibrosis Center as the Research Coordinator. Carroll Anne played softball in the Bergen County Softball league for seven years and was named most valuable player in 1955 with a .650 batting average. She was on the Bergen County Team Tennis League’s championship team in 1979. She played for the Teaneck recreation women’s softball team and led them to the championship in 1974 and 1975. In 1995, she was on the Maywood Tennis Club Tennis Team that won the championship and held the best record for women. Carroll Anne has been a member of the USTA Tennis League in 1985, 1986 and 2010. She has played tennis competitively for 40 years, swims over a mile a week and cycles 5 days a week on a stationary bike.
L to R: Carroll Anne Grece ’59, Dr. John M. Driscoll & Kathleen Melli ’91
uring her four years at AHA, Kathleen Melli ’91 had much success on the Varsity tennis team. Each year, they were crowned league champions. In 1990, the team won the coveted Parochial A North Championship title. Throughout the years, Kathleen was recognized for her athletic success by being named 1st team all-county as well as 1st team all-league. Off the court, Kathleen was involved in Student Council and served as Vice President her senior year. She was the voice heard over the PA each morning.
Kathleen went on to the College of the Holy Cross and received a Bachelor’s degree in 1995. She then attended Fordham Law School and graduated in 1998. She went on to Columbia University and graduated in 2002. Kathleen is licensed to practice law in New Jersey, Connecticut and Washington DC. In November 2010, Kathleen launched Labs for Luv, an organization that donates Labrador retrievers to those affected by cancer. Kathleen still plays tennis but is more involved with golf. She is on the board of the Women’s Metropolitan Golf Association and plays in tournaments throughout the tri-state area. Kathleen has run four NYC marathons and has climbed the Empire State Building twice – on the inside that is!
r. John M. Driscoll, MD, retired as Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at Columbia University and Director of Pediatric Medical Services at Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of NY Presbyterian Hospital in 2008. He enjoyed a 40 year career at Columbia University beginning as a Pediatric Resident in 1967 and rising through the academic ranks. Some of his career highlights include pioneering innovative treatments of respiratory distress in premature, pre-term and full-term infants. Over the years, he has been recognized for his leadership in building Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital to its ranking as a preeminent children’s hospital in the nation. John’s leadership was not limited to his medical practice. He took a very active role as parent of his two Angels – Anne ’83 and Margaret ’89, serving as AHA Parents’ Guild President. In 1986, he was instrumental in the founding of the Parents’ Athletic Association. Under his direction, the first Angel Award was given to an exceptional student athlete in 1989. John is married to Dr. Yvonne Driscoll and they have six grown children and twelve grandchildren.
2010-2011 annual report to investors
thanks to all of you...
annual fundraising summary for 2010-11 (Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30)
Annual Fund Unrestricted
Annual Fund Restricted
Walk With Angels
Tuition Raffle
Angelic Evening
Beefsteak Dinner
Annual Total
Capital Campaign/Endowment
Overall Total
2010-11 annual giving levels AHA Dome Society
$50,000 and up
AHA Leadership Society
SSND Society
Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society
Mother Caroline Society
Sister Nonna Dunphy Society
President’s Council
AHA Women
AHA Associates
Century Club
Angels Club
Up to $124
The list on the following pages contains the names of all who made contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels Annual Fund either in the form of direct gifts or in donated services between July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apology and notify us at 201-768-7822 ext. 224.
percentage of alumnae participation by class
Fundraising Categories
’32 ’34 ’36 ’37 ’40 ’41 ’42 ’43 ’44 ’45 ’46 ’47 ’48 ’49 ’50 ’51 ’52 ’53 ’54 ’55 ’56 ’57 ’58 ’59 ’60 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 ’65 ’66 ’67 ’68 ’69 ’70 ’71 ’72 ’73 ’74 ’75 ’76 ’77 ’78 ’79 ’80 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10
– 5% 7% – 4% – 5% 4% 12% 21% 4% 8% 17% 11% 19% 11% 4% – 20% 5% 11% 19% 16% 20% 15% 17% 9% 10% 10% 14% 10% 8% 12% 19% 3% 5% 5% 10% 10% 10% 9% 9% 4% 7% 10% 8% 9% 5% 13% 3% 5% 5% 6% 8% 3% 5% 6% 5% 5% 6% 9% 4% 2% 7% 2% 2% 5% 1% 3% 2% 7% 5% 5% 1% –
’09 – ’10 – – – 5% – – 5% – 8% 19% 11% 8% 22% 10% 33% 19% 4% 5% 17% 3% 11% 20% 16% 16% 22% 19% 9% 10% 6% 18% 9% 8% 14% 17% 10% 4% 7% 6% 7% 11% 7% 10% 6% 6% 13% 9% 6% 5% 11% 5% 3% 5% 3% 3% 7% 4% 5% 4% 5% 10% 6% 30% 2% 6% 8% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 6% 4% 3% 4% 1%
’10 – ’11 11% – – – 4% 2% 6% – 9% 16% 12% 4% 17% 10% 25% 22% 2% 3% 15% 9% 16% 17% 14% 21% 17% 25% 9% 11% 8% 15% 16% 10% 8% 16% 8% 10% 11% 8% 5% 8% 11% 10% 10% 7% 12% 9% 5% 5% 11% 3% 10% 6% 3% 4% 5% 4% 5% 7% 5% 7% 7% 3% 3% 5% 4% 7% 3% 5% 2% 2% 6% 5% 2% 3% 1%
Overall Alumnae Giving was at 10 percent!
’08 – ’09
recognition of our benefactors AHA Dome Society
Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huntington Mr. & Mrs. Mario Spola
Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Ms. Norma Monty Mr. & Mrs. Peter Murphy Ms. Una Neary Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Mr. & Mrs. Robert Varettoni Ms. Leslie Whatley Mrs. Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore
SSND Society
AHA Women
Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Gaglioti Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luckow School Sisters of Notre Dame AHA Leadership Society
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Germinario, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kazickas Dr. Susan Craig Scott Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society
Ms. Madeleine Dowling Ms. Patricia Geoghegan Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mara Ms. Diane Oakley Ms. Ruth Rempe Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Turk
Mother Caroline Society
Ms. Mary Amoroso Mr. John Barrett Ms. Kathleen Tigh Detrano Ms. Eileen Dowling Dr. Claire Gaudiani Insetta Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Ms. Helen Ann Pubylski Ms. Mary Lou Sciarrillo Sister Nonna Dunphy Society
AHA Angels In The Arts Ms. Adrienne Benzoni Mrs. Cathryn Archibald Curia Mrs. Tara Del Gavio Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman Mrs. Margaret Cosgrove Gryson Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter Mrs. Geralyn Parent Haws Ms. Stefanie Luckow Miss Jennifer Moran Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus Mrs. Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker President’s Council
Ms. Stacey Antine Ms. Theresa Biasi Mrs. Maureen Fennessy Bousa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Branciforte Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chapel Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mrs. Virginia Puig Dolan Mr. & Ms. Richard Ferrara Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Garville Ms. Pamela Gheysen Mr. Peter Greco Mr. & Mrs. William Hannon Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Donald Low Mr. & Ms. Ralph Marchione Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marcos Dr. & Mrs. Bryan Massoud Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mellas
Dr. Maria Humaran Abbattista Dr. Antonia Adamo Bouillette Mrs. Phyllis Gutto Brew Mrs. Amelia Chiccone Calabrese Ms. Elizabeth Cassino Mrs. Kathryn Gartland Chambers Mrs. Barbara Smith Costigan Mrs. Barbara Ehret Crowe Mr. Robert Everett & Dr. Elaine Alicakos Ms. Patricia Farrell-Bueb Ms. Margaret Fry Fennell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo Ms. Fran Gormley Ms. Marlene Zeitler Graffin Dr. Margaret Grimes Ms. Carole Brown Haines Mrs. Sharon Fagliarone-Hajjar John Hroncich & Linda Smith Jewish Communal Fund Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mrs. Jane Henzi Kiefer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohl Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krone Mrs. Anne Marie Galoardi Lander Ms. Barbara Anne Latsos Mrs. Jean Rapport Lowe Mr. & Dr. Edward Malley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mierswa Dr. & Dr. Antonio Palacios Mr. & Mrs. John Pope Mrs. Maureen Phelan Previti Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schoenster Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sullivan Ms. Maribel Unanue Mrs. Patricia Vandenberg Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vero AHA Associates
Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Academy of the Holy Angels Staff Anonymous Dr. Angie Papandrikos Bayiokos Mrs. Joan D’Andrea Bertussi S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Mrs. Ann Erpenbeck Bottelli Mrs. Carolyn Rettberg Browning Mrs. Mary DePalma Burke Dr. & Mrs. David Butler Dr. Mary Campagnolo Mrs. Marie Zenorini Canepa Ms. Ann Marie Capuzzi Ms. Rosemary Capuzzi Mrs. Lynn Ann Casey Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Ciacciarelli Mr. & Mrs. Bob Colavecchio Ms. Kathleen Connelly Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo Mrs. Kathleen Bohnert Davis Ms. Gerda Willenborg Della Valle Mrs. Reena Raggi Denton Dr. Stephanie Bille Donohue
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Finnegan Ms. Catherine French Mrs. Joan Larsen Friezo Mr. & Mrs. Philip Fusco Dr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gallo Ms. Claire Gareau Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gilmartin Mrs. Kathleen Glass Mrs. Dolores Gleason Rev. Elizabeth Kress Golub Ms. Regina Hur Gramss Ms. Mary Ellen McNierney Hannigan Ms. Antoinette Heyer Ms. Sarah Ellen Hogan Mrs. Suzanne Gila Jayson Ms. Amy Mc Cabe Kennedy Mrs. Sharon Rogers Kitley Mrs. Judith Eremin Lamp Mrs. Judith Comunale Laquidara Mrs. Wendy-Jane Savona Larré Mrs. Mary McNulty Maher Mrs. Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Ms. Marybeth Gurski Markland Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus Mrs. Dana Dorgan Mc Carren Mrs. Patricia Muller McDevitt Mrs. Patricia Clifford McKillip Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Mrs. Maria Spola Muller Mrs. Jane Morrisroe Naddeo Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Navatto Mrs. Catherine DiDonato Nelson Ms. Nora Neus Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Norton Ms. Rebecca Kennedy Oleszkiewicz Dr. & Mrs. William Osborn Ms. Marion Palen AHA Parents’ Guild Mrs. Mary Holahan Peebles Dr. Lisset Penton Ms. Adrienne MacLellan Phillips Ms. Janet Maiello Pote Ms. Marilu Garcia Pulanco Mr. & Ms. Rajan Raman Mrs. Margaret Neville Raymo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Regan Mrs. Debra Scheyer Riggi Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser Mrs. Theresa Chin Rivoir Dr. & Dr. Sidney Rosenberg Mrs. Margaret Heaney Saxenian Mr. & Mrs. John Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shahbazian Mrs. Casey Pascale Smith Ms. Joyce Comeau Smith Mrs. Colleen Corbett Staff Mrs. Eileen Glavey Sweeney Mrs. Elizabeth Mills Switaj Mr. & Mrs. David Symmonds Mrs. Ellen Troester Tizio Mrs. Carolyn Lucia Vioni Ms. Lisa Vioni Ms. Nancy Visocki Mr. & Mrs. Gereld Vollmer Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Margaret Stika- Walsh Mrs. Dee Sullivan Yost Mr. & Mrs. William Zink Century Club
Ms. Corinne Allarde Anonymous
Dr. Jeanne Pomar Asher Ms. Stacey Ann Bailey Mrs. Christine Stein Baltz Ms. Amy Barabas Ms. Fortunata Barbara Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benson Ms. Lucille Bertram Ms. Janet Bliss Bread of Life Mrs. Theresa Bianchi Brennan Mrs. Elaine Blasco Bronner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brunt Ms. Mary Ann Buckley Ms. Michele Toth Carr Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cash Mrs. Jane Nicolich Chandler Ms. Janet Henry Cogbill Mrs. Jane McGlew Collen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Mrs. Arline Zenorini Conn Ms. Therese Corcoran Mrs. Linda Higgins Crivella Ms. Patricia Mahaney Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham Ms. Gina M. Damato Mrs. Alexandra Kingscote Darigan Mrs. Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Mrs. Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Mrs. Mary Carroll Dolan Mrs. Eileen Dowling Mr. & Mrs. James Doyle Ms. Katherine Doyle Ms. Elizabeth Duffy Mrs. Rosemary Farrell Ervin Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing Mrs. Janice O’Connor Feeley Ms. Dorothy Fell Mrs. Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy Mrs. Janet McNulty Ferrante Mrs. Marianne Ferrario Ms. Susan Roth Fischer Mrs. Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Dr. & Mrs. Francis Forte Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Foster Mrs. Mary Ann Huber Franson Ms. Barbara Fritsche Ms. Margaret-Ann Gartland Mr. & Mrs. Luis Garzon Mrs. Denise McGraw Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Germinario Mrs. Maryann Manzie Giannella Ms. Jillian Giliberto Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilroy Dr. & Dr. Frank Graham Mrs. Sunda DeCotiis Guinta Ms. Nancy Brennan Hansen Mr. & Mrs. William Harkins Mrs. Elyse Deublein Harney Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Heyer Mrs. Cookie Heyer Mrs. Margaret Neeser Hillman Mrs. Eileen Huntington Mrs. Barbara Braun Ix Mrs. Lydia Valitzky Kesler Mrs. Patricia McAtee Kiesel Mrs. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Mrs. Kathleen Scherer Krone Ms. Aimee Torres Latorre Mrs. Charlotte Lobaton Mr. & Mrs. William Loftus Mrs. Laura Barbieri Longobardi Ms. Kaitlin Low Ms. Megan Low Ms. Sharon Scully Machrone Ms. Denise Gourmos Magid
recognition of our benefactors Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus Mrs. Deborah Mahoney Mrs. Mary Ann Markey Mammano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mrs. Maureen Ryan Manousos Ms. Anna Marie Mascolo Ms. Maryann Mattessich Mrs. Natalie Mazzacca Mrs. Susan Duffy McAlear Mr. & Dr. John McCann Ms. Tracy McLaughlin Mrs. Donna Quinn McNeill Mrs. Karen Franklin McSherry Mrs. Barbara Hayes Meinzinger Mrs. Marykate Ficca Menapace Mrs. Janet Calabrese Merrill Mrs. Denise Carbo Miller Ms. E. Donna McEntee Miller Ms. Maureen Miller Ms. Ellen Monahan Mrs. Ann McCabe Moran Ms. Jane Morgan Ms. Gertrude Muller Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Muscarelle Mrs. Cindy Smith Nelson Ms. Joanna Nicolich Ms. Susan Nicolich Mrs. Anne Ottomanelli Noble Mrs. Francesca LaFiura Noon Mrs. Colleen Oates Oberg Mrs. Edith Lynch O’Brien Ms. Mariann O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mrs. Barbara Burns O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. Gene Pagnozzi Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pasquali Mrs. Rita Ragno Paterson Mrs. Maida Murphy Perkins Dr. & Mrs. John Pillitteri Mrs. Sherry Beltramini Pincus Ms. Kathryn Chambers Press Deacon & Mrs. James Puliatte Ms. Theresa Anne Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ramundo Mrs. Leslie Burke Robertson Ms. Grace Roche Ms. Patricia Romano Mrs. Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Mrs. Argia Rubino Mrs. Maureen Kelly Rutigliano Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Ms. Joanne Schaeder Ms. Pamela Schwitter Mrs. Nancy Canning Shalhoub Ms. Stephanie Sinon Ms. Theresa A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Spola Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Spoleti Dr. Jaqueline Raia St. Germaine Ms. Mary Stuart Mrs. Michelle Greiche Vialonga Ms. Judith Violick Mrs. Jane Meixner von Schilling Dr. Elizabeth Waraksa Ms. Linda Wildermuth Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams Mr. & Mrs. Edward Winkler Ms. Carey Wunsch-Giannetti Ms. Nancy Wymer Ms. Pamela Wynne Ms. Barbara Yetka-Eisenberg Ms. Yumiko Yokoi Mrs. Annita Zalenski Mrs. Robyn Assile Ziemba
Angels Club
Mrs. Delia Rivardo Adorno Dr. Kristy Ahrlich S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Mrs. Minda Allarde Alena Mrs. Diana Titolo Alexander Ms. Anne Angelica Mrs. Marlene Amberger Annarumma Anonymous Mrs. Roberta Rio Arbree Ms. Marilyne Hughes Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Averill Ms. Kimberly Monahan Ayers Ms. Linda Baboulis Mrs. Susan Hofmann Bailey Ms. Dana Baines Dr. & Mrs. Paul Barabas Ms. Christina Barbieri Ms. Maria Bargellini Mrs. Frances Carr Barletta Ms. Mary Barrett Mrs. Catherine Schaeder Batterman Mrs. Bette Ann Ogden Beck Mrs. Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik S. Valeria Belanger, SSND Mrs. Elizabeth Varrichio Bender Mrs. Suzanne Mourad Bergoffen Dr. Susan Tozzi Berry Ms. Catherine Best Mr. & Mrs. Neil Best Jr. Mrs. Antoinette Pavlu Beyer Mrs. Anne Schreck Biegen Ms. Patricia Billings Ms. Coryn Blank Ms. Amanda Witt Bogertman Ms. Ana Book Ms. Elizabeth Bouvier Mrs. Lynn Sullivan Bowers Ms. Kate Branciforte Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill Mr. Michael J. Breslin Jr. Mrs. Laura Ulrich Brett Ms. Nancy Breuel Mrs. Patrice Karlson Brierty Mrs. Sherry Molinari Briody Mrs. Nancy Brizzolara Ms. Patricia Broderick Mrs. Mary Brophy Mrs. Carolyn Dunphey Brown Mrs. Florence Doyle Brown Mrs. Ann Carty Bruchansky Mrs. Cecelia Smith Brutosky Mrs. Mary Beth McGovern Budra Mrs. Elaine Maurer Bumiller Mrs. Augusta Heinzmann Burke Mr. & Mrs. John Burke Ms. Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Ms. Jean Butler Ms. Denise Campbell Mrs. Teresa Muller Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cantwell Ms. Virginia O’Shea Carey Ms. Cathleen Carris Mrs. Mary Gildea Cashman Mrs. Kathleen Lane Caslin Mrs. Moira Head Cassidy Mrs. Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Ms. Kristen Cebulski Ms. Samantha Cerone Ms. Michele Cerullo Dr. Penelope Chang Mrs. Edith Chapman Mrs. Jenny Chiapparino Mrs. Linda Harrison Ciardiello Ms. Mary Cahill Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Colgary Ms. Kathleen Collins Ms. Sarah Collins Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Colman Mrs. Virginia Garip Comer Mrs. Barbara Leonard Conn Mrs. Katherine Schwarz Cowan Mrs. Gail Moakler Cowser Mrs. Geraldina Cecere Cristantiello Mrs. Patty Van Tassel Cromie Mrs. Jean Fox Csaposs Mrs. Michele Connell Cullen Mrs. Christine McGoey Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cunniff Dr. Catherine Curley Ms. Amy Branchini Dahl Mrs. Sharon Baelis Dail Mrs. Donna Mackin D’Aloisio Ms. Irene Daniello Mrs. Katherine Elter Daniello Mr. & Mrs. Thomas De Luca Mrs. Barbara Rogers Delacruz Mrs. Maureen Reilly DeLosa Ms. Denise Loforte DeMaio Ms. Ellen Demetrakopoulos Mrs. Marlene Godfrey Den Bleyker Mrs. Imelda Donnelly Dermady Mrs. Judith Boschetti Devaney Mrs. Lorelei Murray Devine Mrs. Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla Ms. Jenice Diaz Ms. MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Ms. Sharon Discorfano Mrs. Kristine Murray Diverio Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dolan Ms. Carol Pavlu Donahue Mrs. Jeanne Collins Donovan Ms. Ann Dorigan Ms. Theresa Spola Doyle Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Ms. Kerry Drury Ms. Jane DuBois Ms. Eileen Lennon Duff Mrs. Gail Brinkworth Dughi Mrs. Mary Patrice Bonsignore Dunn Mrs. Susan Stoldt Dunn Ms. Claire Dunphy Ms. Alexandra Durbak Ms. Katrina Durbak Ms. Erin Fitzgerald Dziekan S. Henrice Eckert, SSND Ms. Judith Frasco Edmonds Mrs. Diane Lewandowski English Ms. Samantha Erickson Mrs. Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Mrs. Pamela Donnelly Esterbrook Mrs. Shirley Everett Mrs. Gail Fair Mrs. Margaret Fallon Dr. R. Linsy Farris Mr. & Mrs. Norberto Fernandez Ms. Melanie Filocco Mrs. Kathleen Hanley Finnegan Mrs. Barbara Duffy Fiorito Ms. Mary Wilson Fischbach Ms. Sheila Fischer Kiernan Ms. Marie Theurer Fisher Mrs. Christine Falotico Fitzgerald Ms. Kelly Fitzgerald Ms. Maureen King Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary Ann Wershing Flack Ms. Michele Gerise Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Florio Mrs. Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Ms. Moira Flynn
Dr. Megan O’Reilly Foran Mrs. Jessica DiFiore Forton Ms. Louise Fuchs Mrs. Roberta Frasca Fulford Mr. & Mrs. Philip Fusco Mr. Robert Galbraith Mrs. JoAnne Donnelly Galdo Ms. Aileen O’Halloran Gallagher Ms. Cara Gallagher Mrs. Lois Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Rory Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. James Galleshaw Mrs. Joan Gasparovic Gambeski Dr. Lou Ann Gartner Mrs. Kathleen Devine Gelso Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Carl Germer Ms. Michele Scozzafava Gervino Mrs. Annie Giambalvo Mrs. Karen Dorney Godfrey Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin Mrs. Ann Marie Gominiak Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorman Mrs. Joan Fleming Grace Ms. Caroline Graham Mrs. Margaret Rutz Grande Ms. Christine Englert Granese Mrs. Mariann Lawrence Granrath Ms. Tara Greaney Ms. Carroll Anne Grece Mrs. Marie Bracconeri Greco S. Catherine Green, SSND Ms. Janet Green Mrs. Caitlin Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gross Mrs. Margaret-Mary Gibbs Haase Hackensack University Medical Center S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND Ms. Dana Harencak Ms. Nicole Harencak Dr. Suzanne Bogaczyk Hartigan Ms. Marjorie Fisher Hausmann Mrs. Jacqueline Marella Haywood Mrs. Mary Gallagher Heitmann Ms. Maria Isgro Helliesen Mr. Kenneth Herdman Ms. Mary Becker Highland Ms. Maureen P. Hille Ms. Mary Hines Mr. & Mrs. Edward Holiat Mr. & Mrs. Eric Holme Mrs. Adele Bubko Holub Ms. Florence Horgan Mrs. Candace Snell Horman Mrs. Eugenia Paracka Hosbach-Davies Mrs. Nancy Mahoney Hourigan Mrs. Patricia Modrys Hourigan Mrs. Mary Ann Shingelo Hubschman Mrs. Madeline Leighton Humiston Mrs. Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Mrs. Rita Gagliano Hutchins Ms. Andrea McDermott Hyer Mrs. Joan Heinzmann Inzerillo Ms. Jeanine Careri Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Warren Jameson Mrs. Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Mrs. Mary Ripple Jepsen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Joerger Mrs. Joan Infosino Johnson Mrs. Kathleen Airo Jones Mrs. Sharon Jureller Mrs. Arlene Whited Kalinowski Ms. Laura Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kearns Mrs. Patricia Jund Keegan
Ms. Sinead Keegan S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND Mrs. Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly Ms. Christina Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kennedy Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner Mrs. Jo Ann Martucci Klein Mrs. Kathleen Campagnolo Kloeblen Mrs. Felicia Marotti Klug Mrs. Catherine Korvin Mrs. Joanne Koslo S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus, Sr. Mrs. Helene Intermaggio Krause Mrs. Laura Wescott Kraytem Ms. Lina Kraytem Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kruklinski Ms. Diane Kvilesz Ms. Debra Wise La Rue Ms. Sheila Thornton Labita Mrs. Mary Beardsley Land Ms. Cecelia Weidmann Landin Ms. Eileen Gilmore Lanza Ms. Dianne LaRocca Ms. Mary Larsen Mrs. Joan Gorecki Lasser Mr. & Mrs. Belisario Lavin Mrs. Jeanne Fitzgerald Lawton Mrs. Grace Magee Lewin Dr. Christie Malayil Lincoln Ms. Carol Lombardi Mrs. Tina Alaimo LoPonte Mrs. Marilyn Myser Luneberg Mrs. Connie Dell’Accio Maffeo S. Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Mrs. Patricia Malesardi Mrs. Joanne Green Malone Mrs. Maryann Molinaro Marcello Ms. Alison Marchione Mrs. Linda Sistaro Marciniec Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mariniello Ms. Monica Mariniello Mrs. Susan Grein Maroney Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Marrero Ms. Linda Masincup Mrs. Joan O’Brien Masini Mrs. Therese Wynne Mastrangelo Ms. Theresa Mathews Mrs. Barbara Elter Maurer Ms. Lisa Mayer Ms. Catherine Mayher Mr. Richard Mayher Ms. Sheila McAnanly Mrs. Kathleen Byrne McCabe Mrs. Erma Egan McCarthy Ms. Mary Heindel McCrea Mrs. Kimberly Troester McDaniels Mr. & Mrs. Sean McFarland S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Mr. & Mrs. James McGlone Ms. Margaret McGlynn Mrs. Therese McGovern Mrs. Elizabeth Jones McIntyre
Ms. Rosemarie McIntyre Mrs. Margaret Alberse McIrvin Ms. Cailin McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney Mrs. Karen Payne McMillin Ms. Karleen McSherry Mrs. Jane Marie McAuliffe Meisner Ms. Jill Belby Mendez Ms. Barbara Mento Ms. Emma Meyers Mrs. Lauretta Biasi Miller Mrs. Rosemarie De Vivo Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ted Milo Ms. Patricia Miney Mrs. Barbara O’Neil Mingle Mrs. Jennifer Berlinghieri Minicus Mrs. Diane Schwitter Montemurro Mrs. Harriet Moran Ms. Megan Moran Mrs. Maria Osso Morin Mrs. Elaine Marino Muldowney Mr. & Mrs. James Mulligan Mrs. Florence Mulry Ms. Rosie Rodriguez Munoz Mrs. Barbara Hansen Murphy Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy Mrs. Mary McCarthy Murphy Ms. Erin Musich Mrs. Joann Byrne Nahmias Ms. Mary Naimo Mr. Anthony Napierski Ms. Stephanie Nebel Mrs. Susan Giagiari Negrotto Mrs. Marcia McGuirl Nelson Dr. Margaret Greene- Nelson Mrs. Eileen Johnson Nieranowski Ms. Maria Casella Nierstedt Mrs. Marguerite Murphy Nolan Mrs. Anne Gaspar O’Brien Ms. Lois Odabash Mrs. Donna Maria Massimo O’Donnell Mrs. Kathleen Imperatore O’Dowd Mrs. Karen Vanacek Ohly Ms. Lisa Olsen Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith Opel Mrs. Arlene Senackerib O’Rourke Ms. Margaret Pacheco Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Palatini Mrs. Cecilia Hogan Pappas Mr. A. Lavers & Ms. S. Parker S. Georganne Pearson, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Larry Peele Mrs. Megan Petersen-Handeland Mrs. June Hesselgren Phillips Mrs. Joan Ciampo Piersa Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pikarsky Mrs. Frances Gorman Pollak S. Julianna Poole, SSND Ms. Jo-Anne Lynch Pospischil Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pousson Mrs. Ellen Melli Powley Ms. Leslie Price Mrs. Catherine Ragati Priess
Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Rosemary Powers Purdue Mrs. Maureen Boley Pyle Ms. Kelly Quirk Mrs. Kathleen Rosenkranz- Radcliffe Mrs. Maureen Hickey Radl Mrs. Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Mr. & Mrs. Richard Raska Ms. Genna Reed Mrs. JoAnn McDermott Reed Mrs. Muriel Cuddy Reeves Ms. Jeanette Myers Reilly Mrs. Clara Resavy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reuter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reuter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rhodes Ms. Melissa Zilocchi Riccio Ms. Angelina Rispoli Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Rispoli Mrs. Cathy Lynn Murolo Roberti Ms. Nancy Mackle Robilotta Dr. Joan Rodano Ms. Margaret Begley Roettger Ms. Natasha Rosasco Mrs. Anne Marie Ryan Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryker Ms. Kelly Salmon Ms. Rose Salmon Ms. Janet Salvatori Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Samuel Mrs. Maureen O’Brien Sandner Ms. Julie Santoli-White Ms. Brittany Scancarella Mrs. Gilda Vita Scerbo Ms. Emily Schmitt Mrs. Lauren DePaul Schreiber Mrs. Frances Schaf Schueler Mrs. Barbara Lally Schuierer Mrs. Jean Lenahan Schuller Mrs. Mary-Aileen Harkins Schwarz Ms. Maria Schweitzer Mrs. Kathleen Fischer Scopaz Mrs. Marie Kingscote Scott Ms. Michelle Scrofani Mrs. Gail Pastorini Scullion Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Mrs. Rosemary Ohmann Seghatoleslami Mrs. Nancy Sinnott Sen Ms. Leigh Shahbazian Ms. Sandra Shahbazian Mrs. Dianne Fuchs Shatwell Sr. Mary Shea, OP Ms. Margaret Sheehan Ms. Agnes Shehada Mrs. Celeste Rinaldi Siconolfi Mrs. Christine Barry Sielicki Mr. Joseph Silecchia Ms. Karen Wieghaus Sills Ms. Elizabeth Purcell Simons Ms. Valerie Sisko Ms. Adrianna Stipanov Skibola Ms. Jean Schiller Smedira Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Smith
Ms. Maura Lamadore Spignesi Ms. Juliana Barno Spitzer Mrs. Ruth Radics St. Clair Mr. & Mrs. William Stahl Mrs. Lisa Stanton-Sereno Ms. Victoria Stivala Mrs. Judith McCue Struble Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan Mrs. Regina Sibilia Sullivan Mrs. Lisa Guarino Surless Ms. Carla Antonelli Sutherland Ms. Deirdre Sullivan Sweeney Mrs. Suzanne Marnell Sykes S. Carole Tabano, SSND Mrs. Colleen Glavey Tandy Mrs. Julia Feehan Tatti Mrs. Mary Tully Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Tolomeo Ms. Phyllis Tozzi Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Tracey Mrs. Suzanne Jacquett Tramontana Mrs. Maren Ferro Tripolitsiotis Ms. Eileen Bannon Trost Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Turfan Ms. Ellen Turk Ms. Maureen Turk Ms. Danielle Growney Tusa Mrs. Susan Rue Tutino Ms. Linda Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Twardzik Ms. Alexis Vale Mrs. Marianne Mathews Van Demark Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan Van Leer Mrs. Kathy Lane Van Leuven Ms. Carla Varriale Mrs. Joan Harrington Venditti Dr. Erica A. Vero Mr. & Mrs. Warren Vincentz S. Veronica Visceglia, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Riccardo Vivona Mrs. Kathleen Wall Ms. Mary Birkhofer Warchot Mrs. Mary Jane McCrea- Watson Dr. Maura Watson Mrs. Margaret Hurley Wells Dr. Julia Wershing Ms. Mary Beth Wetzelberger Ms. Victoria A. Williams Mrs. Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson Ms. Sarah Drabick Wojcik S. Mary Vitoline Wolf, SSND Mrs. Susan Banks Woodard Ms. Valerie Finn Woodard Mrs. Wendy Schwamb Worden Mrs. Anne Weygant Worthington Mrs. Mary Sheridan Wright Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek Ms. Makaila Zimick Ms. Gail Zimmermann Mrs. Heidi Thomas Zito
a l u m n a e g i v i n g b y c l a s s (mailable alumnae) Class of 1932 Percentage of Participation: 33% Total Giving: $50.00 Teresa Muller Campbell Class of 1940
Percentage of Participation: 33% Total Giving: $125.00 Edith Lynch O’Brien Class of 1941
Percentage of Participation: 16% Total Giving: $50.00 S. Henrice Eckert, SSND Class of 1942
Percentage of Participation: 25% Total Giving: $1,000.00 Norma Monty Class of 1944 Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $75.00 Augusta Heinzmann Burke Gilda Vita Scerbo Class of 1945
Percentage of Participation: 36% Total Giving: $420.00 Marie Zenorini Canepa Mary Heindel McCrea S. Georganne Pearson, SSND S. Julianna Poole, SSND Class of 1946
Percentage of Participation: 33% Total Giving: $400.00 Arline Zenorini Conn Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla Frances Schaf Schueler Class of 1947
Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $100.00 Anne Billings Brazill Class of 1948
Percentage of Participation: 20% Total Giving: $345.00 Florence Doyle Brown Imelda Donnelly Dermady Elyse Deublein Harney Florence Horgan Catherine Ragati Priess Rosemary Powers Purdue Class of 1949 Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $390.00 Jean Fox Csaposs Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy Mary Ann Wershing Flack Joan Heinzmann Inzerillo Class of 1950
Percentage of Participation: 37% Total Giving: $11,029.44 Michele Connell Cullen Claire Dunphy Janet McNulty Ferrante S. Catherine Green, SSND S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND Mary McNulty Maher Erma Egan McCarthy Gertrude Muller June E. Phillips Ruth Rempe Julia M. Wershing Anne W. Worthington
Class of 1951 Percentage of Participation: 29% Total Giving: $625.00 S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Roberta F. Fulford Joan Fleming Grace Margaret Gibbs Haase Eugenia Paracka Hosbach Davies Kathleen Scherer Krone Joan O’Brien Masini Marguerite Murphy Nolan Class of 1952 Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $50.00 Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Class of 1953 Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $350.00 Joyce Comeau Smith Class of 1954
Percentage of Participation: 19% Total Giving: $970.00 Frances Carr Barletta Mary Carroll Dolan Margaret Rutz Grande Carole Brown Nancy Mahoney Hourigan Elizabeth Sullivan Van Leer Class of 1955
Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $550.00 Fortunata J. Barbara Aileen O’Halloran Gallagher Maryann Manzie Giannella Marjorie Fisher Hausmann Marie Kingscote Scott Class of 1956
Percentage of Participation: 25% Total Giving: $1,325.00 Anne Schreck Biegen Ann Erpenbeck Bottelli Elaine Maurer Bumiller Gerda Theresa Della Valle Mary Wilson Fischbach Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Barbara Braun Ix Marilyn Myser Luneberg Ann McCabe Moran Gail Pastorini Scullion Nancy Canning Shalhoub Margaret Sheehan Class of 1957
Percentage of Participation: 22% Total Giving: $1,035.00 Delia Rivardo Adorno Diana Titolo Alexander Christine McGoey Cummings Barbara Duffy Fiorito Joan Larsen Friezo Wendy-Jane Savona Larre’ Elizabeth Jones McIntyre Muriel Cuddy Reeves Judith McCue Struble Mary Stuart Mary Tully Thompson Class of 1958 Percentage of Participation: 16% Total Giving: $1,185.00 Elizabeth Ogden Beck Jeanne C. Donovan Mary Ann Huber Franson Claire I. Gareau
Denise McGraw Gentile Arlene Whited Kalinowski Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Margaret Alberse McIrvin Lucia Cirino Murphy Barbara Hansen Murphy Cindy Smith Nelson Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson Class of 1959
Percentage of Participation: 27% Total Giving: $2,045.00 Anonymous Roberta Rio Arbree Marilyne Hughes Armstrong Ann Marie Capuzzi Gail Moakler Cowser Alexandra Hope Darigan Judith Boschetti Devaney Susan Roth Fischer Marlene H. Zeither Graffin Carroll Anne Anne Grece Marie Bracconeri Greco Patricia Modrys Hourigan Jane Marie McAuliffe Meisner Maida Murphy Perkins Angelina Rispoli Maureen Kelly Rutigliano Celeste Rinaldi Siconolfi S. Carole Tabano, SSND
Class of 1960 Percentage of Participation: 27% Total Giving: $2,239.00 Marlene Amberger Annarumma Christine Stein Baltz Lucille Bertram Patricia Billings Mary Ann Buckley Mary DePalma Burke Mary Gildea Cashman Susan Stoldt Dunn Diane Neary Ewing Dorothy M. Fell Adele Bubko Holub Patricia McAtee Kiesel Anna Marie Mascolo Cecilia Hogan Pappas Maureen Hickey Radl S. Veronica Visceglia, SSND Valerie Finn Woodard Barbara Yetka-Eisenberg Class of 1961 Percentage of Participation: 32% Total Giving: $5,785.00 S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Theresa Bianchi Brennan Elaine Blasco Bronner Rosemary Capuzzi Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Kathleen Bohnert Davis Carol A. Donahue Maureen King Fitzgerald Mariann Lawrence Granrath Sarah Ellen Hogan Mary Ripple Jepsen Anne Marie Galoardi Lander Grace Magee Lewin Sister Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Patricia Fongaro Maus Susan Duffy McAlear Elaine Marino Muldowney Mary Ellen Smith Opel Helen Ann Pubylski Joan C. Rodano Patricia A. Romano
Michelle Scrofani Judith Violick Carolyn Lucia Vioni Class of 1962
Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $6,835.00 Dr. Antonia Adamo Bouillette Rosemary Farrell Ervin Barbara Fritsche Claire Gaudiani Ann Marie Gominiak Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Mary Lou Sciarrillo Suzanne Marnell Sykes Gail Zimmermann Class of 1963 Percentage of Participation: 19% Total Giving: $4,900.00 Katherine Cowan Vicki Lucia Cowen Maureen Reilly DeLosa Kathleen Tigh Detrano Candace Snell Horman Jane Henzi Kiefer Susan Grein Maroney Jill Belby Mendez Ellen Monahan Kathleen Fischer Scopaz Nancy Stoldt Walsh Margaret Hurley Wells Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore Class of 1964 Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $129,080.00 Anonymous Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Catherine French Kathleen Airo Jones Audrey Spiotto Luckow Lauretta Biasi Miller E. Donna McEntee Miller Barbara Burns O’Hara Margaret Neville Raymo Leslie Burke Robertson Jean Schiller Smedira Dee Sullivan Yost Class of 1965
Percentage of Participation: 21% Total Giving: $8,210.00 Patricia Broderick Linda Harrison Ciardiello Cathryn Archibald Curia Patricia Farrell Bueb Patricia Geoghegan Patricia Jund Keegan Jo Ann Martucci Klein Helene Intermaggio Krause Diane Kvilesz Connie Dell’Accio Maffeo Maryann Molinaro Marcello Linda Sistaro Marciniec Margaret McGlynn Francesca LaFiura Noon Anne Gaspar O’Brien Pamela M. Schwitter Sister Mary Shea, OP Jane Meixner von Schilling Linda Wildermuth Susan Banks Woodard Class of 1966 Percentage of Participation: 22% Total Giving: $3,345.00 Antoinette Pavlu Beyer
Kathryn Gartland Chambers John Henry Cogbill Jane Patricia DuBois Janice O’Connor Feeley Margaret Fry Fennell Margaret-Ann Gartland Karen Dorney Godfrey Suzanne Gila Jayson Sharon Rogers Kitley Felicia Marotti Klug Sharon Scully Machrone Janet Calabrese Merrill Barbara O’Neil Mingle Eileen Johnson Nieranowski Marion Palen Susan Craig Scott Ruth Ellen Radics St. Clair Julia Feehan Tatti Class of 1967 Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $3,100.00 Adrienne Benzoni Barbara Leonard Conn Gail Brinkworth Dughi Christine Englert Granese Margaret M. Grimes Jean Rapport Lowe Barbara Elter Maurer Susan Giagiari Negrotto Kathleen Imperatore O’Dowd Jean Lenahan Schuller Carla Antonelli Sutherland Kathy M. Lane Van Leuven Class of 1968 Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $1,966.00 Valasie Kolessides August Mary Barrett Barbara Smith Costigan Kathleen Hanley Finnegan Arleen Pancza Graham Sunda DeCotiis Guinta Mary Hines Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Maureen Phelan Previti Class of 1969 Percentage of Participation: 20% Total Giving: $2,875.00 Patrice Karlson Brierty Amelia Chiccone Calabrese Marie Tyler Carr Kathleen Connelly Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Reena Raggi Denton Ann Dorigan Theresa Spola Doyle Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Lou Ann Gartner Elizabeth Kress Golub Christina Kelly Judith Eremin Lamp Mary Ann Markey Mammano Patricia Miney Margaret Greene Nelson Frances Gorman Pollak Maureen Boley Pyle Sharon Smith Raska Janet S. Salvatori Rosemary Ohmann Seghatoleslami Eileen Bannon Trost Joan Harrington Venditti
Class of 1970 Percentage of Participation: 11% Total Giving: $3,570.00 Mary Amoroso Linda Higgins Crivella Donna Mary Mackin D’Aloisio Moira Flynn Louise D. Fuchs Tara Greaney Rosemarie McIntyre Theresa Anne Quinn Joanne T. Schaeder Elizabeth Mills Switaj Nancy G. Visocki Class of 1971 Percentage of Participation: 16% Total Giving: $6,230.00 Barbara Rogers Delacruz Nancy Brennan Hansen Cecelia Weidmann Landin Jeanne Fitzgerald Lawton Karleen McSherry Barbara Mento Denise Carbo Miller Jane Morgan Maria Spola Muller Marcia McGuirl Nelson Diane Oakley Margie Pacheco Rita Ragno Paterson Margaret Begley Roettger Maureen O’Brien Sandner Victoria Stivala Regina Sibilia Sullivan Class of 1972
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $2,675.00 Kimberly Monahan Ayers Theresa Biasi Mary Beth McGovern Budra Stephanie Bille Donohue Laura Massar Ford Mary Gallagher Heitmann Mary Ann Shingelo Hubschman Jeanine Careri Jackson Therese Wynne Mastrangelo Diane Schwitter Montemurro Mary McCarthy Murphy Sherry Beltramini Pincus Patricia Vandenberg Class of 1973 Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $1,162.50 Jeanne Pomar Asher Nancy Breuel Jane Bucco Katherine Elter Daniello Jacqueline Marella Haywood Maureen Ryan Manousos Kathleen Byrne McCabe Barbara Hayes Meinzinger JoAnn McDermott Reed Dianne Fuchs Shatwell Susan Rue Tutino Class of 1974 Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $1,800.00 Mary F. Campagnolo MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Fran Gormley Tina Alaimo LoPonte Lisa Raacke Malley Lisa Mayer
Colleen Oates Oberg Nancy Wymer Class of 1975 Percentage of Participation: 11% Total Giving: $2,650.00 Susan Tozzi Berry Jane McGlew Collen Virginia Puig Dolan JoAnne Donnelly Galdo Sharon Fagliarone-Hajjar Daniela Lodes Kelly Joan Gorecki Lasser Karen Franklin McSherry Rosemarie De Vivo Miller Maria Casella Nierstedt Mary Mattessich Palatini Mary Holahan Peebles Class of 1976 Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $1,685.00 Linda Baboulis Hut Beall Virginia Garip Comer Kathleen Campagnolo Kloeblen Carol A. Lombardi Joanne Green Malone Kimberly Troester McDaniels Susan Nicolich Grace Roche Lisa Stanton-Sereno Ellen Troester Tizio Margaret Stika- Walsh Mary Birkhofer Warchot Pamela Wynne Susanne Yurasits Heidi Thomas Zito Class of 1977 Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $1,222.00 Moira Head Cassidy Irene Daniello M. Patrice Bonsignore Dunn Kathleen Devine Gelso Maureen P. Hille Madeline Leighton Humiston Donna McNeill Michelle McCarthy Murphy Karen Vanacek Ohly Janet Maiello Pote Nancy Sinnott Sen Nancy Antonacci Shaich Phyllis Tozzi Class of 1978
Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $12,255.00 Suzanne Mourad Bergoffen Lynn Sullivan Bowers Ann Carty Bruchansky Maria Isgro Helliesen Patti McGovern Hill Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly Lydia Valitzky Kesler Maryann Mattessich Patricia Clifford McKillip Donna Maria Massimo O’Donnell Joan Ciampo Piersa Patricia Purcell Theresa Chin Rivoir Barbara Lally Schuierer Elizabeth Purcell Simons Marianne Mathews Van Demark
Class of 1979 Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $600.00 Catherine Schaeder Batterman Joan Gasparovic Gambeski Rita Gagliano Hutchins Laura Wescott Kraytem Tracy McLaughlin Colleen Oates Merkel Ellen Melli Powley Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Denise Monaghan Rizzo Class of 1980 Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $6,546.67 Elizabeth Varrichio Bender Phyllis Gutto Brew Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Patty Van Tassel Cromie Eileen Dowling Maureen Reuter Gallo Pamela Gheysen Raphaela M. Giampiccolo Janet E. Green Mary Ellen McNierney Hannigan Mary Becker Highland Andrea M. Hyer Maureen Miller Jane Morrisroe Naddeo Joanna M. Nicolich Anne Marie Ryan Ryan Margaret Heaney Saxenian Mary Jane McCrea- Watson Class of 1981 Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $1,785.00 Cecelia Smith Brutosky Lorelei Murray-Devine Donna Rosasco Fouch Margaret Neeser Hillman Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Debra Wise La Rue Rosaleen Mulvey Lane Sheila McAnanly Patricia Muller McDevitt Arlene Senackerib O’Rourke Kathleen Rosenkranz- Radcliffe Lisa Surless Suzanne Jacquett Tramontana Maribel Unanue Class of 1982
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $4,075.00 Jane Nicolich Chandler Denise Jennings Gunter Geralyn Parent Haws Dana Licameli Martinotti Roseanne McCauley Mariann M. O’Connor Debra Scheyer Riggi Rosemarie Yancosek Class of 1983 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $1,080.00 Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik Carolyn Dunphey Brown Barbara Ehret Crowe Marlene Godfrey Den Bleyker Judith Frasco Edmonds Patricia Ebner Goldin Karen Payne McMillin Lisa Olsen
alumnae giving by cl ass Class of 1984
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $2,735.00 Maria Bargellini Laura Ulrich Brett Carolyn Rettberg Browning Jean M. Butler Mary Cahill Clarke Patricia Mahaney Crowley Catherine Curley Rebecca Moran Day Regina Hur Gramss Maura Gidez Kilner Laura Barbieri Longobardi Jennifer Berlinghieri Minicus Maria Osso Morin Catherine DiDonato Nelson Adrienne MacLellan Phillips Jaqueline St. Germaine Carla Varriale Michelle Greiche Vialonga Wendy Schwamb Worden Class of 1985 Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $5,375.00 Stacey Ann Bailey Sandra Russo Bischoff Kristine Murray Diverio Madeleine Dowling Pamela Donnelly Esterbrook Class of 1986 Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $4,875.00 Stacey Antine Joan D’Andrea Bertussi Lynn Ann Casey Penelope Chang Geraldina Cecere Cristantiello Joan Infosino Johnson Laura Kearney Mary Beardsley Eileen Gilmore Lanza Una Neary Cathy Lynn Murolo Roberti Nancy Mackle Robilotta Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker Christine Barry Sielicki Lisa Vioni Yumiko Yokoi Class of 1987 Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $1,310.00 Maria Humaran Abbattista Sherry Molinari Briody Terri Corcoran Sharon Baelis Dail Diane Lewandowski English Christine Falotico Fitzgerald Michele Flanagan Sheila Thornton Labita Eileen Glavey Sweeney Class of 1988 Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $975.00 Sharon Discorfano Marybeth Gurski Markland Marilu V. Pulanco Casey Pascale Smith Class of 1989 Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $1,125.00 Angie Papandrikos Bayiokos Michele Toth Carr Katherine Doyle
Dana Dorgan McCarren Colleen Corbett Staff Class of 1990 Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $100,950.00 Sheila Fischer Kiernan Danielle Larré Gaglioti Amy Mc Cabe Kennedy Marykate Ficca Menapace Mary-Aileen Harkins Schwarz Valerie Sisko Danielle Growney Tusa Mary Sheridan Wright Class of 1991 Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $520.00 Christina Barbieri Kathleen Lane Caslin Denise Loforte DeMaio Michele Scozzafava Gervino Judith Comunale Laquidara Theresa A. Mathews Stephanie Vassallo Napolitano Class of 1992 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $375.00 Virginia O’Shea Carey Jessica DiFiore Forton Suzanne Bogaczyk Hartigan Joann Byrne Nahmias Jo-Anne Lynch Pospischil Colleen Glavey Tandy Class of 1993
Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $1,375.00 Susan Hofmann Bailey Elizabeth Cassino Michele Cerullo Deanna D’Arrigo Elizabeth Duffy Allison Growney Christie Malayil Lincoln Anne Ottomanelli Noble Jeanette Myers Reilly Class of 1994 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $900.00 Amy Barabas Andrea DiLorenzo Kern Lauren DePaul Schreiber Theresa A. Smith Deirdre Sweeney Erica A. Vero Maura Watson Class of 1995
Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $820.00 Kathleen Collins Megan O’Reilly Foran Carey Wunsch Giannetti Sinead Keegan Denise Gourmos Magid Rosie Rodriguez Munoz Maura Lamadore Spignesi Ellen T. Turk Elizabeth A. Waraksa Class of 1996
Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $875.00 Kimberly Doyle Eileen Lennon Duff Aimee Torres Latorre
(continued) Rebecca Kennedy Oleszkiewicz Melissa Zilocchi- Riccio Julie Santoli White Victoria A. Williams Robyn Assile Ziemba Class of 1997
Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $190.00 Dianne LaRocca Monica Mariniello Maren Ferro Tripolitsiotis
Class of 1998 Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $210.00 Kristy Ahrlich Amanda Witt Bogertman Alexandra Durbak Erin Fitzgerald Dziekan Class of 1999 Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $550.00 Corinne Allarde Amy Branchini Dahl Megan Petersen-Handeland Kathryn Chambers Press Karen Wieghaus Sills Juliana Barno Spitzer Class of 2000 Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $335.00 Elizabeth Bouvier Katrina Durbak Jillian Giliberto Kelly Quirk Emily Schmitt Class of 2001 Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $365.00 Samantha Cerone Jenice Diaz Caitlin Early Greenberg Kaitlin Low Stephanie Nebel Maria Schweitzer Agnes Shehada Adrianna Stipanov Skibola Sarah Drabick Wojcik Class of 2002 Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $1,570.00 Ana Book Kelly Fitzgerald Stefanie Luckow Class of 2003
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $450.00 Nicole Harencak Megan Low Megan Moran Erin Musich Leigh Shahbazian Stephanie Sinon Class of 2004 Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $175.00 Catherine Best Cailin McKinney Leslie Price
Class of 2005
Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $130.00 Samantha Erickson Cara Gallagher Genna C. Reed Class of 2006 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $220.00 Dana H. Baines Coryn Blank Cathleen Carris Caroline Graham Sandra Shahbazian Maureen Turk Class of 2007
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $190.00 Kerry Elizabeth Drury Dana Harencak Mary Larsen Alison Marchione Kelly Salmon Brittany Scancarella Makaila Zimick Class of 2008
Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $60.00 Nancy Angelica Kate Branciforte Melanie Filocco Class of 2009 Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $135.00 Kristen Cebulski Sarah Collins Lina Kraytem Emma Meyers Class of 2010 Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $50.00 Ellen Demetrakopoulos
Congratulations to the following reunion classes!
Overall reunion giving was at a new record of 14% Class of ’71
Highest Financial Participation ($6,230)
Class of ’46
Highest overall class participation (33%)
Class of ’41
Highest increase in participation (+17%)
in honor and memoriam Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request. In Honor of The Five Alberse
Mrs. Margaret Alberse McIrvin ’58 In Memory of Sister Mary Avila, SSND Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy ’58 In Memory of Thomas J. Barrett Ms. Mary Barrett ’68 In Memory of Sister Cecile Begin,SSND Ms. Angelina Rispoli ’59 In Memory of Jack & Madeline Belby Ms. Jill Belby Mendez ’63 In Memory of Marie Benzoni Ms. Adrienne Benzoni ’67 In Memory of Anne & George Billings Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill ‘47 In Honor of Patricia A. Billings ’60 Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill ’47 In Memory of Muriel Mack Burns ’32 Ms. Denise Campbell Mrs. Teresa Muller Campbell ’32 Hackensack University Medical Center Mr. & Mrs. Robert Joerger Ms. Linda Masincup Ms. Catherine Mayher Mr. Richard Mayher Dr. & Mrs. William Osborn Mr. & Mrs. Larry Peele Mrs. Margaret Neville Raymo ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Riccardo Vivona In Memory of Audrey & John Byrne Mrs. Kathleen Byrne McCabe ’73 In Memory of Frank Byrne Mrs. Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik ’83 In Memory of Albert & Rosalind Capuzzi Ms. Rosemary Capuzzi ’61 In Honor of Sister Eileen Casey, SSND Ms. Carey Wunsch Giannetti ’95 In Honor of the Class of 1959 Mrs. Marie Bracconeri Greco ’59 In Honor of the Class of 1961 Mrs. Kathleen Bohnert Davis ’61 In Honor of the Class of 1965 Mrs. Susan Banks Woodard ’65
In Honor and Memory of
the Class of 1976 Academy Teachers Ms. Carol Lombardi ’76 In Honor of the Class of 1996 Reunion Ms. Rebecca Kennedy Oleszkiewicz ’96 In Honor of Jaclyn E. Cunningham ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham In Honor of Kelly Cunningham ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham In Memory of William Della Valle Ms. Gerda Willenborg Della Valle ’56 In Memory of John Dowling Ms. Eileen Dowling ’80 In Honor of The Ebner Sisters Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin ’83 In Honor of Sister Henrice Eckert ’41 S. Carole Tabano ’59, SSND In Honor of Melanie H. Everett ’12 Mrs. Shirley Everett In Honor of Alexandra Fernandez ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Norberto Fernandez In Memory of Grace Fitzgerald Mrs. Jeanne Fitzgerald Lawton ’71
In Memory of Dorothy Wecsey Franklin Mrs. Karen Franklin McSherry ’75 In Honor of Grace C. Fuselier ’14 Dr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier In Honor of Kathryn M. Fuselier ’13 Dr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier In Memory of Dominic Gadaleta Mrs. Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly ’78 In Memory of Anita Garinger Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter ’82 In Honor of Daniella N. Garzon ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Garzon In Memory of Marc A. Giambalvo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo In Memory of Margaret M. Powers Gidez ’42 Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner ’84 In Memory of Elaine J. Gilligan Mrs. Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy ’49 In Memory of Sister Rita Goodman, SSND ’50 Mrs. Erma Egan McCarthy ’50 In Memory of Erin Gorman ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorman In Memory of Virginia Gorman Mrs. Frances Gorman Pollak ’69 In Memory of Mary Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ramundo In Memory of Marilyn Kirschner Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo ’93 In Memory of Bill & Pat Klein Mrs. Jo Ann Martucci Klein ’65 In Memory of Mary Fongaro Kowalski ’60 Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus ’61 In Honor of Emily Kruklinski ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kruklinski In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur LaFiura Mrs. Francesca LaFiura Noon ’65, RN In Memory of Patricia A. Lehner Mrs. Kathleen Imperatore O’Dowd ’67 In Memory of Joseph Lewandowski Mrs. Diane Lewandowski English ’87 In Memory of German Lobaton Mrs. Charlotte Lobaton In Memory of Ann Mackle Ms. Nancy Mackle Robilotta ’86 In Memory of Kevin F. Mahoney Mrs. Deborah Mahoney In Memory of Catherine Fell Malloy ’52 Ms. Dorothy Fell ’60 In Memory of Phyllis Marella Mrs. Jacqueline Marella Haywood ’73 In Memory of Ann & Joseph Martucci Mrs. Jo Ann Martucci Klein ’65 In Memory of Mildred & Edwin Maurer Mrs. Elaine Maurer Bumiller ’56 In Memory of Irene M. Mayer Ms. Lisa Mayer ’74 In Memory of Oreslo A. Mazzacca Mrs. Natalie Mazzacca In Honor of Olivia M. Michael ’12 Dr. Lisset Penton In Memory of Vincent Naddeo Mr. & Mrs. John Spola In Memory of Edward & Anne Neary Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing ’60
In Memory of Eileen V. Neary Ms. Una Neary ’86 In Honor of Michael Neus Jewish Communal Fund In Memory of Gloria Monty O’Byrne ’38 Ms. Norma Monty ’42 In Memory of Patricia L. Kelly O’Connor Ms. Mariann O’Connor ’82 In Memory of Patricia K. O’Connor Ms. Mariann O’Connor ’82 In Memory of S. Mary Margaret O’Leary, SSND Ms. Mary Stuart ’57 In Memory of Marion O. Palen Ms. Marion Palen ’66, Esq. In Memory of Adam F. Pubylski Ms. Helen Ann Pubylski ’61 In Honor of Helen Pubylski Ms. Helen Ann Pubylski ’61 In Honor of Gianna G. Puzzo ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Rispoli In Memory of Andrea L. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rhodes In Memory of Josephine Rispoli Mr. Joseph Silecchia In Honor of Kathleen Rosenkranz Mrs. Kathleen Rosenkranz Radcliffe ’81 In Memory of Robert & Marie Salvatori Ms. Janet Salvatori ’69 In Memory of Noreen Smith Duffy Mrs. Susan Duffy McAlear ’61 In Memory of Ignatius Spencer Mrs. Jean Fox Csaposs ’49 In Memory of S. Norice Sullivan, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus In Memory of Gaiana Swanson ’81 Mr. Michael J. Breslin Jr. LLC Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dolan In Memory of Sister Theodora Mrs. Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy ’49 In Honor of 50th Jubilee for S. Carole Tabano ’59, SSND S. Henrice Eckert ’41, SSND S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND In Memory of Vincent Tabano S. Carole Tabano ’59, SSND In Honor of Erica A.Vero ’94 Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vero In Honor of Kathleen C.Vincentz ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Vincentz In Honor of Carina L.Vero Vora ’91 Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vero In Memory of Stephen Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams In Memory of Nancy Wilson ’58 Ms. Patricia Billings ’60 Ms. Mary Wilson Fischbach ’56 In Memory of Martha V. Witt Ms. Amanda Witt Bogertman ’98 In Memory of Phyllis Frances Wymer, ’68 Ms. Nancy Wymer ’74 In Memory of George Yancosek Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek ’82
pa r e n t g i v i n g b y c l a s s Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryker Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Samuel Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Spoleti Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Tracey Mr. & Mrs. Gereld Vollmer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyle Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Germinario John Hroncich & Linda Smith Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Navatto Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pasquali Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Dr. & Mrs. John Pillitteri Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riggi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sullivan Ms. Maribel Unanue Mr. & Mrs. Warren Vincentz CLASS OF 2012
Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Mr. & Mrs. Bob Colavecchio Mr. & Mrs. Luis Garzon Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Heyer Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Dr. & Dr. Antonio Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Dr. & Dr. Sidney Rosenberg
Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mrs. Eileen Huntington Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Navatto Ms. Nora Neus ’12 AHA Parents’ Guild Dr. Susan Craig Scott ’66
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brizzolara Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cash Mr. & Mrs. Thomas De Luca Mr. Robert Everett & Dr. Elaine Alicakos Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus, Sr. Mr. & Dr. Edward Malley Mr. & Mrs. Sean McFarland Mr. & Mrs. James McGlone Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus Mr. & Mrs. Gene Pagnozzi Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Palatini Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schoenster Ms. Leslie Whatley CLASS OF 2013
Walk with Angels
Ms. Linda Baboulis & Mr. Thomas Kuhn Ms. Janet Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Colman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cunniff Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Philip Fusco Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gilmartin Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Dr. & Mrs. Bryan Massoud Mr. & Dr. John McCann Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mellas Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mr. & Mrs. John Pope Mr. & Ms. Rajan Raman Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Turfan
Matching Gift Companies
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Haws Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus, Sr. Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pasquali Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riggi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Mr. & Mrs. John Worden
ACE INA Foundation Aetna Foundation Ameriprise Financial Bank of America Becton Dickinson & Company Deutsche Bank North America GE Foundation J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation MassMutual MBIA Insurance Corporation New York Life Giving Campaign Pfizer Foundation
Pitney Bowes Inc. The Prudential Foundation PSE&G Scripps Networks The Bank of New York Mellon, The Henry Luce Foundation TimesSquare Capital Management Unilever United Way of New York City Verizon Wells Fargo Educational
s t u d e n t p h o n at h o n v o l u n t e e r s Elissa Acevedo ’11 Annabel S. Alfonseca ’12 Julia Aversa ’11 Ava Baksh ’12 Brigit Baines ’12 Emily Becker ’11 Elizabeth Bentivegna ’11 Alicia Brizzolara ’12 Courtney Burnett ’11 Kelsey Burnett ’11 Christine Byrne ’11 Natalie Carpentieri ’12 Jessica Chan ’12 Dana Christenson ’11 Briana Ciccarino ’11 Allisa Ciccia ’11 Maureen Crimmins ’11 Jane Cruz ’12 Alyssa Dumatol ’12 Erin Ennis ’11 Kyra Forte ’12
Meghan Gallo ’12 Kayla Gentile ’12 Danielle Gherardi ’12 Alyssa Giammarella ’11 Shannon Glynn ’12 Annemarie Hansen ’12 Kelly Hayes ’11 Amelia Heller ’12 Elizabeth Hickey ’12 Stephanie Hojsak ’12 Jessica Janneck ’12 Hanna Jansson ’12 Jackie Jerkovich ’11 Maura Keane ’11 Dominique Kilmartin ’11 Rebecca Kraus ’12 Marisa Kravatz ’12 Mairin Lane ’12 Rebecca Lawlor ’12 Nina Luppino ’11 Caroline Malley ’12
Gabriela Markolovic ’12 Bryanna McGowan ’12 Margaret McKee ’12 Angela Miguel ’12 Jen Molke ’11 Ryan Ashley Moran ’11 Alicia Morejon ’12 Noreen Morone ’12 Claire Murphy ’11 Alice Nam ’12 Jennifer Navatto ’11 Solena Nehme ’11 Nora Neus ’12 Victoria Oggioni ’11 Regina Palatini ’12 Sherin Palatty ’11 Grace Pasquali ’11 Nicole Pepe ’11 Susan Piersa ’11 Kyra Pullen ’11 Maura Quinn ’11
Hannah Robertson ’11 Katerina Rodriguez ’12 Katie Ryan ’12 Kaitlyn Saar ’11 Stephanie Santana ’12 Fatima Sheikh ’12 Alexandra Siegel ’12 Karen Singh ’12 Danielle Slobodin ’12 Brittany Sonera ’12 Allie Spatidol ’12 Laura Spinks ‘12 Jackie Stinson ’11 Vanessa Tenazas ’11 Marina Theodorobeakos ’12 Lauren Tweel ’12 Amber Wade ’12 Lauren Wiener ’11 Tammy Wong ’12
tuition raffle Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Mr. & Mrs. Guy Amoresano Mr. & Mrs. Frank Andriuolo Mr. & Mrs. Walter Angulo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anzilotti Valasie Kolessides August Dr. & Mrs. Edward Aversa Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Bacci Mr. George Ballane Fortunata J. Barbara Mrs. Hut Beall ’76 Mr. & Ms. James Bentivegna Mrs. Alicia Bergstein Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Bernal Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bertone Mrs. Joan D’Andrea Bertussi ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bilka Mrs. Sandra Russo Bischoff ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bochis Mr. & Ms. Patrick Boll Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Branciforte Mr. & Mrs. Steven Branda Ms. Jane Bucco ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Buchanan Mr. Anthony Calianese Mr. & Mrs. James Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cantwell Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Carbillas Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carpentieri Mrs. Marie Tyler Carr ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Carroll Mrs. & Mr. Lillian Carter Mr. & Ms. Robert Castro Mr. & Dr. Denley Chew Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Chung Mr. & Mrs. Bob Colavecchio Mrs. Jane Collins Mrs. Arline Zenorini Conn ’46 Ms. Kathleen Cooperman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Costello Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cotter Dr. Vicki Lucia Cowen ’63 Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mrs. Patricia Mahaney Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cunning Dr. Medina Dadurian Ms. Amy Branchini Dahl ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Daniello Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dawson Mrs. Rebecca Moran Day ’84 Mr. & Mrs. T. De Luca Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeBellis Mr. & Mrs. Noel DeLeon Ms. Maria DiClemente Ms. Sharon Discorfano ’88 Ms. Cherry Dizon Mr. & Mrs. James Donovan Mr. & Mrs. James Donovan
Ms. Kimberly Doyle ’96 Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Mr. & Mrs. Wallace D’Souza Mr. & Mrs. Donal Duff Dr. & Mrs. Frantz Duffoo Mr. & Mrs. Donald Elisano Mr. & Mrs. Mark Englert Mr. & Mrs. Richard Escandon Mr. & Mrs. Philip Farrelly Mr. & Mrs. Donald Feerick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fellowes Mrs. Janet McNulty Ferrante ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Alan Fields Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick Mrs. Leesa Flanagan Mr. Joseph Flood Mrs. Laura Massar Ford ’72 Mrs. Donna Rosasco Fouch ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Fusco Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mr. & Mrs. James Galleshaw Mrs. Maureen Reuter Gallo ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Ernst Garcon Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Garip Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gherardi Ms. Raphaela M. Giampiccolo ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gibney Mr. & Mrs. Seamus Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goerg Mr. & Mrs. Martin Goonetilleke Ms. Allison Growney ’93 Ms. Carole Brown Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hall Mr. & Mrs. Brian Halligan Mr. & Mrs. David Hansen Ms. Audrey Harrison Mrs. Geralyn Parent Haws ’82 Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes Mr. Matthew S. Healey Mr. & Mrs. Scott Heller Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Heyer Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Hottenrott Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Infante Mrs. Joan Heinzmann Inzerillo ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Santhosh Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Jacobus Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Judge Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kazickas Mrs. Daniela Lodes Kelly ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kenny Ms. Andrea DiLorenzo Kern ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kersting Mrs. Lydia Valitzky Kesler ’78 Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner ’84
Mr. Gregory Kinoian Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Mario Kranjac Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kress Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kyriacou Mrs. Rosaleen Mulvey Lane ’81 Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Laraia Mr. & Mrs. Christos Latsos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lawlor Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Liguori Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Lim Mr. & Mrs. Nino Liotta Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Loftus Mr. & Mrs. Donald Low Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Luby Mr. & Mrs. Nick Lugo Mr. & Mrs. Gary Luscher Mr. & Mrs. Kieran Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Mabasa Mr. & Mrs. James Magner Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus, Jr. Mr. & Dr. Edward Malley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mara Mrs. Dana Licameli Martinotti ’82 Mrs. Eugenia Maruri Ms. Anna Marie Mascolo ’60 Mr. & Dr. John McCann Ms. Roseanne McCauley ’82 Mr. & Mrs. James McGlone Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Mrs. Therese McGovern Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Mr. & Mrs. Tim McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Meehan Mrs. Colleen Oates Merkel ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Merkle Mr. Angelo Messina Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Mr. & Mrs. D. Nicholas Miceli Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miguel Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Moore Mrs. Ann McCabe Moran ’56 Ms. Harriet Moran Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mueger Mr. & Mrs. Bernd Murawski Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Murphy ’77 Mrs. Stephanie Vassallo Napolitano ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Neumann Mr. & Mrs. William Nicolini Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nolasco Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Noriega Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah O’Shea Mr. & Mrs. Gene Pagnozzi Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Palatini Mr. & Mrs. Michael Palazzoto Ms. Marion Palen ’66
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Palumbo Mr. & Mrs. Charles Parnow Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Peterman Ms. Ann Peterson Mrs. Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78 Ms. Donna Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon H. Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Polizzi Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Potter Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Ms. Patricia Purcell ’78 Mr. & Ms. Jim Pusch Mr. & Mrs. John Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Quimson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Dr. & Dr. Fred Rezvani Mrs. Theresa Chin Rivoir ’78 Mrs. Denise Monaghan Rizzo ’79 Dr. & Dr. Sidney Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rubino Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Saar Mr. & Mrs. Fulvio Santana Mrs. Margaret Heaney Saxenian ’80 Ms. Mary Lou Sciarrillo ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Serell Ms. Nancy Antonacci Shaich ’77 Mr. & Mrs. William Sirico Mr. & Mrs. George Sivulka Mr. Scott Skura Mr. & Mrs. Michael Slepian Mr. & Mrs. Robert Slobodin Ms. Joyce Comeau Smith ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stephens Rev. Peter Strand & Lorna McKenzie Mrs. Joanne Surgent Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvester Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Taranto Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Toolen Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tweel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vigneron Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Vignone Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Villareal Mr. & Mrs. Warren Vincentz Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Viscardi Mr. & Mrs. Edward Walker Mrs. Nancy Stoldt Walsh ’63 Mr. & Mrs. John Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Williams Ms. Carey Wunsch-Giannetti Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Wymer Ms. Susanne Yurasits ’76 Ms. Esthefani Zighami
f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f p a r t i c i p at i o n Mr. George Ballane S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61, SSND Mrs. Nancy Brizzolara Mrs. Tara Brunt Mrs. Kathryn Chambers ’66 Mrs. Gail K. Fair
Mrs. Maureen E. Ferrara S. Catherine Green ’50, SSND Ms. Sharon Jureller S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND Mrs. Catherine Korvin Mrs. Laura Kraytem ’79
S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Miss Jennifer Moran Ms. Megan Moran ’03 Mrs. Mary F. Naimo Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Kathleen Sylvester
S. Carole Tabano ’59, SSND Mrs. Linda Tuttle Ms. Alexis Vale Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Kathleen Wall
wa y s t o g i v e Annual Fund
Forms a gift can take:
Corporate and Matching Gifts
Each year, the Academy of the Holy Angels relies on the generosity of its alumnae, current and past parents, grandparents and friends to make contributions that stretch tuition beyond necessity to enhancement and bolster the quality that is synonymous with AHA.
Scholarship/Financial Aid
Giving is only a click away. Please visit our website, www.holyangelsalumnae.org/giving.
Many corporations provide resources to supplement the support by employees for charitable institutions. This is a simple and effective way for contributors to increase the value of their gifts. Donors are encouraged to check with their respective employer’s Human Resources department about the availability of this program.
Gifts made to the Academy’s scholarship funds are important expressions of support for the school’s future. Contributions made to the Annual Fund can be restricted towards financial aid. Memorial/Honor Gifts
A Memorial/Honor gift to the Academy of the Holy Angels is a significant way to honor, recognize or remember a relative, friend or teacher.
The simplest form of gift, an outright cash donation qualifies as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Online Giving
Bequests Securities
A gift of securities, stocks or bonds entitles the donor to an income tax deduction. A gift of appreciated securities may also reduce capital gains tax liability. To transfer securities, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224.
A bequest is a gift by a will. It can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate, or as a remainder share. Contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels qualify as charitable tax deductions and may help reduce estate tax liability. Your attorney or financial advisor can best provide tax information for your specific situation.
Real Estate
Walk with Angels
Secure a permanent place in Holy Angels’ history while helping to ensure its future by purchasing a tax-deductible engraved brick. It is an excellent way to preserve your name or that of a loved one for years to come.
A gift of real estate to the Academy of the Holy Angels provides the donor an income tax benefit as well as reducing capital gains since the market value of appreciated property is deductible.
For further information and any other inquiries on giving to the Academy of the Holy Angels, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224 or email development@holyangels.org.
Gifts-in-kind represent non-monetary donations to the Academy of the Holy Angels such as books, equipment and special services.
f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f Mrs. Mariann Annecchino Mr. Shirly Arachchigedon Mr. George P. Ballane Mrs. Carolyn Barrett Mrs. Priscilla K. Bishop Ms. Kathryn Biskup S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND, ’61 Mrs. Joan N. Bogner Mrs. Nancy Brizzolara Mrs. Tara Brunt Mrs. Marie Buckey Mrs. Barbara Burklund ’77 Mrs. Karen Camporeale ’88 Mrs. Jeanette Carrier Ms. Nicole Catalano Mrs. Minola Cene Mr. Ferit Cene Mrs. Kathryn Chambers ’66 Ms. Linda Chelotti Ms. Jillane Chiandusse Ms. Maryann Chitko Mrs. Joan Finn Connelly Mrs. Jennifer L. Cucchisi Mr. Robert Czechowski Mrs. Jovanka De Palma Ms. Colette Domingues Mrs. Jackie Dorney Mr. Patrick Dunne Mrs. Gail Fair Mrs. Barbara Fallon Ms. Magda Fama
Ms. Carol Fay Ms. Maureen E. Ferrara S. Mary Foley, SSND S. Cecelia Fox, RSM Mrs. Elaine Geelan Mrs. Patti Gorsuch S. Catherine Green, SSND Mrs. Katherine Hillman ’73 Mrs. Sharon H. Jureller S. Karen Kane, SSND Mrs. Jean Kanellopoulos Mrs. Therese M. Kohl Mr. Robert Kopil Mrs. Catherine Korvin Mrs. Laura Kraytem ’79 Mrs. Angela Kunz ’84 Miss Jennifer Lee Mrs. Marisel Le Goff Ms. Susan Liddy Mrs. Jing Loo S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Dr. Samira Mady Mr. Richard Marciano Mr. John Mattessich Ms. Katharine McSherry ’04 Mr. Thomas Meyers Mrs. Stella Morales Miss Jennifer Moran Miss Megan Moran ’03 Ms. Jean Mullooly ’83 Mrs. Eileen Musich
board of trustees Ms. Mary F. Naimo Mrs. Tara Nordsvan Ms. Andrea Orlando Mrs. Betty Ann O’Rourke Mrs. Alice Pianfetti-Thor Ms. Patricia Prucnel Ms. Carmen Quinones Ms. Carol Riley Mrs. Pamela A. Ruschak Ms. Bridget Ryan Mr. Joshua Ryor Mrs. Ellen Schiff Mrs. Nancy Schneberger Mr. Robert Shanney Mrs. Casey Sharkey Mrs. Michele Sovak Mrs. Jennifer Sweet Mrs. Kathleen Sylvester S. Carol Tabano, SSND, ’59 Mrs. Jennifer W. Trubac Mrs. Linda Tuttle Ms. Alexis Vale Ms. Jennifer Verdonck ’00 Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Kathleen Wall Mrs. Martha Weinstein Mrs. Tammy Weis Ms. Christine Wraga Ms. Sheila Wroblewski ’79 Ms. Theresa Young
SSND Provincial Council
Kathleen Cornell, SSND Provincial Leader Barbara Bowers, SSND Mary Ellen Dougherty, SSND Joan Doyle, SSND Paula Dukehart, SSND Peggy Juskelis, SSND Eileen Shea, SSND Trustees
Sharon Slear, SSND Chair Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 Joseph Bonito Joseph Branciforte Edward Chapel Kathleen Cornell, SSND Tara Del Gavio Stephanie Bille Donohue ’72 Paul Harencak Eileen Huntington Michael Kazickas Robert LaBlanc Margaret Ellen Mahoney, SSND Jennifer Moran Susan Craig Scott ’66 Hugh Turk
in memoriam ALUMNAE
Marie Carroll
Leonard Principe
Mary Johnson Abrams ’52
Mother of Maryann Carroll Baron ’65 and Grandmother of Julianne Baron ‘08
Father of Jacqueline Principe Canney ’85 and Nicolle Principe Fiore ’87
Josephine Pitaressi Ciccolini ’39
Kathleen Carty
Betty Prokop
Carolyn O’Toole Cook ’50
Mother of Ann Carty Bruchansky ’78 and Eileen Carty Kenah ’83
Grandmother of Erin Dubee ’12
Gloria DeMarco ’45 Joan Cooper Denu ‘55
Charles Cocchiaro
Matthew Reardon
Father of Alyson Cocchiaro ’05
Father of Sheila Reardon Wilcox ’81 and Pamela Reardon Korzonowski ’82
Joseph Cordani
Helen Riccardi
Sister of Sharon Yetka Discavage ’64
Father of Danielle Cordani Porreca ’88
Mother of Rachel Riccardi Addonizio ’77
Millicent (Denise) Kopp ’55
Ellie De Leo
Donna Seranoff
Mother of Janet De Leo DeFlora ’64
Aunt of Ashlyn Brulato ’12
Barbara Yetka Eisenberg ’60
Marilyn Lombardo ’47 Joan Alberque McGovern ’42 Sister of the late Sandra Alberque Parte-Catlin ’50 and Madelyn Alberque Regan ’61, Sister-in-law of Sister Mary Alice McGovern OP ’51, Niece of Mary Alberque Tigh ’38, Cousin of Margaret Gibbs Haase ’51, Kathleen Tigh Detrano ’63 and Barbara Tigh Puceta ’65.
Carolyn Rooney Rojack ’47
Margaret Dombroski
Jerzy Wos
Grandmother of Katherine Dombroski ’14
Father of Aleksandra Wos Kimball ’85 and Adriana Wos-Mysliwiec ’88
Ulrich Grabe Grandfather of Karli Grabe ’12
Gloria Kahler
Jean Lynch
Theodore Baboulis Father of Donna Baboulis ’74 and Linda Baboulis ’76 and Grandfather of Danielle Cordani Porreca ’88, Daryl Baboulis-Gyscek ’04 , Dana BaboulisGyscek ’06, Darcy Baboulis-Gyscek ’11 and Jaqueline Baboulis-Kuhn ’14
Louis Bilka Father of Elizabeth Bilka ’14
Ann Branda Grandmother of Priscilla Branda ’13
Father of Anne-Marie Heverin ’90
Patrick Attanasie Father of Kathryn Attanasie Andreazza ’77
recipient of
James Heverin
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Sister-in-law of AHA Faculty member Kathleen Sylvester and Aunt of Katie Sylvester ’10
Anthony Meehan Brother of Alice Meehan Settele ’83
Joseph Mule Father of Anne Marie Mule ’87
Francis Parent Father of Geralyn Parent Haws ’82 and Grandfather of Anne Haws ’15
Nancy Porrino Mother of Joanne Porrino Mournet ’73
Frederick Brunt Father-in-law of AHA Director of Development Tara Brunt
Are you the
Michael Greco Husband of Marie Bracconeri Greco ’59
Former AHA School Nurse and Mother of Margaret Kahler O’Rourke ’66
Academy of the Holy Angels has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, NJ 07627 or email at alumnae@holyangels.org.
Olivia Reekie passed away on September 22, 2011. She came to the Academy in 1988 as Main Office Secretary and over the years was promoted to Main Office Manager. Many will remember her as the first person they met when entering Holy Angels. Olivia retired in June 2006.
PARENTS: If this publication is addressed to your daughter and she no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Alumnae Office at 201-768-7822 x211 or by email at alumnae@holyangels.org.
Alumnae News
Memorial Gifts*
Dome Society*
Send us your news and photos to be featured in the next issue of Tidings, by February 1st, 2012!
Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request.
By making a gift through your will or living trust you will provide support for future women leaders. Your gift can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate or as a remainder share.
Email Dorrie Voulgaris at alumnae@holyangels.org
*For more information regarding Memorial Gifts or the Dome Society, contact Tara Brunt at 201.768.7822 x224
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s p o n s ore d by t he school si sters of notr e d a me
transfor min g our
l i brary
Our library is the center of academic life at AHA. Your support will help transform the library/media center into an attractive and efficient research and technology space – the new Learning Commons. The transformation will include: • A state-of-the-art research center • The integration of information technologies with teaching, learning and research • Multi-purpose space for classes and meetings • Comfortable and inviting areas for quiet study
Your participation makes all the difference. Your gift will make this dream come true in the spring of 2012!
For more information visit www.holyangels.org/transformingourfuture