tidings academy of the h oly ange l s
s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame
a p ub licat ion fo r alumn ae, pare nts and fr i e nd s
s p r in g 20 1 1
Alumnae Weekend
Including a reunion celebration for the classes ending in 1 & 6! Featured on the cover of this issue of Tidings is AHA’s annual trip to Honduras. For the past five years, a group of our students has volunteered to spend their February break exercising their social justice muscles by serving the needs of the poor in collaboration with SSnDs, working in Honduras. This is AHA’s philosophy in action, “...education at the Academy empowers each young woman to reach the fullness of her potential...so that she, in turn, may share her gifts with others.” The Annual Report boasts of an increase in overall alumnae giving from 8% in 2008-2009 to a record high of 10% in 2009-2010. That 2% increase is equivalent to a 25% jump in alumnae giving over the past year. Reunion classes can take credit for bumping up participation with 13% of their classmates contributing to the Annual Fund last year.
october 21, 2011 foundation Day at AHA
october 22, 2011 alumnae celebration
• Join us for a special community gathering • Celebrate the SSNDs’ contribution to Holy Angels • Attend a class
• Mass & Dinner • Special recognition for reunion classes • Tours of the building
Thank you to everyone who has been giving faithfully and generously to the Annual Fund for many years. If you happen to be among those who have yet to give, I encourage you to become a first-time donor. With each first-time donor added to the list, we will achieve our ambitious goal to raise alumnae giving to 18%. my graduating class, the class of 1961, marks its 50th anniversary this year. To each one of you and to all who are members of the reunion classes ending in “1” and “6”, please join us for Alumnae Weekend scheduled for october 21-22, 2011 here at AHA. each year, more and more alumnae come together for this wonderful event and leave feeling grateful for the education and friendships they received in Fort lee and Demarest. Sincerely,
President’s message
Angel Athletes
Angels in the Arts
Angels Around the Halls
Alumnae news
In memoriam
tidings V o l u m e I V, n u m b e R 3
Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Chiandusse Director of Communications ahacommunications@holyangels.org
S. Virginia bobrowski, SSnD, ’61 President, Academy of the Holy Angels
Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org
For more information, visit www.holyangelsalumnae.org 2
Annual Report to Investors
Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends,
Save theDate
Honduras 2011
October 21–22, 2011
p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e
angel athletes
The fencing team had a rough start this year, losing three of the first four matches. but that was not reflective of the season to come: at the prestigious early season state-wide Santelli Team Tournament, the saber squad placed 10th, epee placed 11th, and foil placed 20th, putting Holy Angels tied for 8th out of 45 teams participating. They then won their next 7 meets in a row, with only one loss to the 1st place team in the state, and ending with 3 more wins. The season ended with a league record of 8-4. At the Holy Angels Invitational Tournament, the epee squad placed 1st, sabre placed 2nd and foil placed 4th, giving Holy Angels 2nd place overall. Individually, Gianna Puzzo placed 1st in epee, ericka Persson placed 2nd in sabre and Jennifer navatto placed 4th in sabre. At the state-qualifying District 4 Tournament, the epee and sabre squads placed 2nd, while foil came in 3rd. This gave the team an overall 2nd place, qualifying all 3 squads and the team overall for the state tournament. ericka Persson and Gianna Puzzo took 2nd in their weapons to qualify individually. At the State Squads Tournament, sabre took 8th, epee came in14th and foil, 15th. At the Individuals, ericka Persson placed 11th and Gianna Puzzo placed 19th. In the State Sweet 16 Team Tournament, Holy Angels placed 6th in the state, with a final meet record of 11 wins and 5 losses.
The basketball season ended with an impressive 25-7 record. The Angels placed 2nd in the Joe Poli Christmas Tournament, 2nd in the big north united Division, 2nd in the bergen County Tournament, and 2nd in north Parochial A State Tournament. Although four championships eluded the team this season, they played with heart, energy and effort every time they took the floor. The Angels rose to every occasion and when they needed to step up and be counted as one of the best in bergen County, they did. Coach Sue liddy says, “This one of the best teams and the nicest group of players I have ever had the pleasure of coaching.”
Winter Track & Field
State Sectional Champions!
The 2010-2011 winter track and field season was a very successful one despite the horrendous weather the girls had to endure. our girls were not able to use the track for almost the entire season, but they persevered by running on the sidewalks, in the parking lot, in the halls and anywhere else that wasn’t covered in snow. The runners overcame all the obstacles of this winter with a positive attitude and determination. The jumpers, throwers and vaulters also did their very best, despite the restrictions put on them by the weather.
Bowling The bowling Team had another great season, finishing with 10 wins and 4 losses. Team captains maura oates and Danielle Flood led the team by keeping them loose and ready. The Angels finished in 2nd place in the very competitive united Division. They finished in 4th place at the bergen County Tournament. At the State Sectional Tournament the Angels won the Group II title, bowling a season high series of 2500. That win qualified AHA for the nJ State Finals held at Carolier lanes in north brunswick. Sophomore morgan buckey qualified for the individual title by shooting a season high series of 582. The Angels competed at the state finals and gained some valuable experience for next year. Congratulations Angels on another wonderful season and gaining another banner for the gym!
The top performers of the season were Jen molke and maureen Crimmins. Jen, along with Amanda Garcia and megan byrne, medaled in the state group meet. other top performers were Kelsey burnett in the hurdles and Katie buquicchio, Kelsley broomfield, Cynthia Angulo and Jen bridge in the sprints. The 4x1600 team of Amanda Garcia, Jen molke, maureen Crimmins and Ashley Strysko won the counties in the relay event. Courtney burnett was novice champion at the county meet for the 800 meter. Finally, our top freshmen were Kristen Sherlock and maggie Sheehan who competed admirably in many different Varsity events.
angels in the arts
Spring Musical – Kiss Me Kate
Angel Talent Show
Kiss Me Kate featured music and lyrics by Cole Porter. The scene was set as a present day theatrical troupe presented Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. but in this play within a play, the drama built more off stage than on, and the result was a delightful comedy. The AHA production was the directorial debut of Katie mcSherry ’04 with student director Kat Dominguez ’11. The cast included Christine byrne ’11 as lilli/Kate, Alison Scorese ’12 as lois/bianca, nicole Deluca ’12 as Hattie, Anthony Antoniou (St. Joseph Regional) as Fred/Petruchio, Jacob Williams (emerson HS) as bill/lucentio and David bowers (bergen Catholic) as Paul.
The 2011 Talent Show was a great success! There were many eclectic acts including girls belting broadway ballads and pop hits, a traditional Columbian dance with a Shakira twist, and a beautifully crafted modern dance number. boys from the local area lent their talents, and a group number – a surprise preview of the Spring musical “Kiss me Kate” – brought the house down.
Arts Hall of Fame The Angels & Crusaders Annual Music Mixer This year over 80 student musicians participated in the AHA/bC music mixer. members of the bergen Catholic Jazz ensemble, under the direction of mr. Peter Furlan, and the Holy Angels Jazz ensemble and orchestra, directed by mrs. mariann Annecchino, met at the Academy of the Holy Angels on Tuesday, April 12 for an afternoon and evening of musical collaboration and social interaction. The event marked the close of music In our Schools month and the celebration of national Jazz Appreciation month.
The induction into the AHA Arts Hall of Fame will take place on may 24, 2011 at the Angels in the Arts Annual Recognition Dinner. The Arts Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who have enhanced the Holy Angels Fine and Performing Arts programs and exemplify the highest standards of ethical conduct and moral character. In short, nominees must be a positive role model, worthy of being emulated by current and future students. The inductees for this year are former Rockette and choreographer lynn Sullivan bowers ’78 and Fine Arts Chairperson eileen Casey, SSnD. look for full coverage in our next issue of Tidings!
Arts Hall of Fame Inductees lynn Sullivan bowers ’78 (l) S. eileen Casey (R).
cover story
Honduras 2011
communion mass
The 50th Annual Father/ Daughter liturgy was celebrated on February 12th, followed by a dinner. The event was attended by over 145 fathers and daughters. Pictured at right, Gianna Puzzo blesses her dad, Patrick Puzzo, as all of the girls participating in the liturgy also blessed their fathers.
communion mass
RECONCILIATION service on march 21st, the Holy Angels community gathered for a Reconciliation service. The theme of the service was “I will love you forever and for always” and featured a PowerPoint presentation on the book Mama, Do You Love Me? by barbara Josse. Faculty member laura Kraytem gave a moving reflection on God’s unconditional love and our call to love unconditionally as well. Following the prayer service there were 23 priests available to hear confessions.
During the February break, eight AHA students ventured to Honduras to volunteer with SSNDsponsored educational and support organizations. Those who participated were juniors Amber Wade, Brittany Sonera and Katie Ryan and sophomores Theresa Ra, Kathryn Fuselier, Kylie Ambrose, Natasha Rosasco and Carrie Chung. They were accompanied by AHA faculty members Carol Fay and Kate Chambers. The group did volunteer work at the following sites:
Lent 2011–Pray, Fast, Give The season of lent began with Ash Wednesday prayer and distribution of ashes. As part of their lenten sacrifice, the angels participated in Fast Fridays, where they “skipped the treat so others may eat”. They also collected funds for operation Rice bowl during homeroom each day, as well as having their own rice bowls at home. At the end of the lenten season, $1,500 had been collected – the most successful operation Rice bowl effort thus far. In another act of giving, a cereal drive to benefit the office of Concern in englewood, new Jersey netted over 300 boxes of cereal.
“One of the greatest services that we can do for others, for one another, is just to love. Mother Teresa once said that ‘being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty, than the person who has nothing to eat.’ Service is about being open to the people we serve, and showing them we care not just through our actions, but also through the way we feel about our actions. I challenge you, today and afterwards, to serve with the intention of genuinely loving someone, not because you benefit in any tangible way, but because it brings joy to both of you when you do so.”
Live-in center for school-age children whose families could not care for them, or for those without families
Live-in center for pre-school children who are nutritionally compromised – most return to their families once they regain their health
orphanage for children from kindergarten through high school
Time was also spent at two other locations. At Instituto notre Dame, an SSnD-sponsored high school, the AHA students spent the day touring the school and attending classes with their host students. one evening the
students from the Instituto hosted a cultural evening for the group which included a presentation about their school. The other visit was to the Guarataro Foundation, a neighborhood project which provided meals and
provides tutoring for students from kindergarten through high school
tutoring to the children of local families. The group was able to see the foundation’s impact on the community when they witnessed young people being trained in the art of glassmaking, which would give them trade skills for future employment. They observed the making of glass beads for jewelry and other items such as plates, necklaces and rosary beads. The AHA group did have some time for sightseeing. They spent time at the Carribbean beach at Telamar, shopped in the local handmade crafts marketplace in San Pedro Sula and visited the Pulhapanzak Waterfall.
“The trip to Honduras changes your outlook on life. I guarantee you will laugh, cry and fall in love with every person that you meet.” –Kylie Ambrose ’13
–Sarah owens ’11, nHS President
faculty corner
angels around the halls ACADEMICS Stephanie Hosjak has been selected as a finalist into the Governor’s School in the Sciences at Drew University. Nora Neus was recently featured in the newsletter of Crow Canyon Archeological Center, where she attended archeology camp last year. Nora started a program called Dig It! to teach 2nd and 3rd graders about archeology and Native Americans. Crow Canyon is one of the premier archeological centers in the country, and their newsletter has a very large readership.
HELPING HANDS Darcy Baboulis-Gyscek and Elizabeth Blumer were presented with the Student Volunteer of the Year Award for 2010 by Spectrum for Living of River Vale, NJ, as well as the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. They each dedicated more than 100
Pentel Art Award
hours planning activities and providing recreation and socialization activities for Spectrum’s special needs adult residents.
LEADERSHIP Sophomore Ashley D. Strysko and Senior Caroline Hroncich were awarded Girl Scout Gold Awards, the highest honor bestowed on a Girl Scout. Freshman Alexis Escandon recently achieved the Girl Scout Silver award. In recognition of each girl’s accomplishment, they were presented with their award at ceremonies in their respective towns.
THE ARTS Six student musician ambassadors recently entertained the Franciscan Sisters at their convent on Knickerbocker Road in Tenafly. The concert was planned and coordinated by Nora Neus, and was beautifully executed by Nora, Jennifer Chae, Monica Dayson, Emma DiBernardo, Soo Hyun Lee (all members of AHA’s “Flute Salad”) and pianist Kathryn Fuselier. Many thanks as well as blessings were given to these girls for the gift of music they brought on a beautiful spring day.
Muriel Mack Burns ’32, devoted alumna and AHA faculty member, passed away on March 15, 2011. during her years as a student, she enjoyed the arts, student government and athletics. she was the sophomore class President and during her senior year, Muriel was a guard for the Varsity basketball team. After receiving degrees from Panzer College (now Montclair state) and
Freshmen Michelle Suh and Hannah Lee recently auditioned for the New Jersey Music Education Association (NJMEA) All-State Orchestra. Both girls competed with the best musicians throughout the state and placed in the violin section of the 2011 All-State Orchestra. This means our girls are the best of the best in New Jersey!
Muriel’s family has asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Holy Angels in her memory. Please use the envelope provided in this issue and be sure to mark it as such.
neW DirecTOr OF aDMissiOns
Angel artist receives special recognition Freshman Meghan Valentine has received a Pentel Art Award for her painting “delicate Beauty”. Her work will be included in the 41st international Children’s Art Exhibition 2011. This is a wonderful honor for Meghan as an artist and AHA student. Of 200,000 entries sent in from around the world, 1,000 from the Us alone, only 122 Us students received recognition from Pentel, 24 of them designated as Pentel Awards. The art was judged in Japan, and Meghan will be receiving a beautiful certificate from Hiroshi nozaki, President of the Foundation for Art Education, Japan.
meghan is pictured at left with her Pentel Art Award. Her award winning painting, “Delicate beauty”, is pictured to the right.
nYU, she married and had a daughter, Barbara. Barbara continued the AHA legacy and graduated in 1964. Muriel returned to Holy Angels as a teacher in 1953 and remained until 1968. during her tenure, she taught English, speech, Early European History, Health, Physical Education and drivers Ed. she coached the Basketball team from 1961 to 1968. Muriel also served as the Cheerleading coach. AHA was honored to induct her into the AHA Athletic Hall of Fame in 2008 as our inaugural inductee.
cOngraTulaTiOns to s. carole Tabano ’59, World language faculty member, for celebrating her 50th Jubilee this spring.
We are excited to announce the appointment of Michèle sovak as director of Admissions for Academy of the Holy Angels, effective March 7, 2011. Michèle came to AHA after having spent time at KPMg as their national Recruiting specialist and at Pace University as an Admission & transfer Counselor. Many will also remember Michèle’s time here in the classroom teaching English. she came to Holy Angels in 2002 as a part-time teacher and by 2003 became full-time and also the moderator of student Council. Michèle was also the moderator of the senior prom. in 2006, she left AHA on maternity leave when she gave birth to her twin daughters sarah and Madison. she returned to the classroom in september of 2010 and is now eager to begin this new AHA chapter. Principal Jennifer Moran says, “Michèle embodies the values and spirit of Holy Angels. Her past experience in college placement and
recruitment, her performance both in the classroom and as moderator of activities such as student Council confirms our belief that she will make a wonderful contribution to keeping our school community vibrant and strong.”
alumnae association president
s we welcome this year’s long-awaited spring season, much continues to happen at our alma mater. Among other things, the students recently hosted their grandparents at the annual Grandparents Day celebration. This new tradition continues our efforts to strengthen the AHA bond through the generations. In addition, the mother-Daughter Fashion Show event, which has been brought back by some of our legacy moms, was another sell-out and a great send off for our senior class models. This year we had over 430 in attendance, including current students and their moms, as well as faculty, alumnae and friends of Holy Angels. AHA’s annual fund drive is underway, and you may have received a phone call from one of our Angel Ambassadors during the recent phonathon. These current Angels enjoyed speaking with many of you, and reported much positive feedback. Those of you that attended our recent alumnae letter signing night enjoyed a fun evening of reminiscing, as well as signing letters to former classmates. We are hoping to boost our alumnae participation numbers in this effort, so any gift, no matter the size, would be greatly appreciated and will help provide today’s Angels with the same quality education that we received. The Alumnae Association is preparing to welcome the class of 2011 into our ranks, and as we do we are reminded of this special angelic bond that connects us all. Please stay in touch. Sincerely, Patti mcGovern Hill ’78
To Sip Darjeeling at Dawn, by Donna Pucciani ’66 , is an intriguing poetic journey through diverse existential moments.
’95 Melissa Morin Sutley ’02 and husband Jeffrey welcomed a baby boy August 12, 2010, Jeffrey Frank Sutley Jr.
Nancy Wymer ’74 writes, “The Wymer family is proud that a second generation of Wymers have become Angels – Jessica Wymer, Class of 2013”.
“lunch Table” friends are pictured at their annual holiday get together. l to R: Meredith Forster ’95, Meg Durante ’95, Kathy McAndrew ’95, Joanna Calabrese Ariyan ’95, and Sinead Keegan ’95. unable to attend, and very much missed, were Laura Santos ’95 and Elizabeth Waraksa ’95.
’89 ’65
Pat Jund Keegan ’65 and husband Jim celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in Hawaii. They are pictured on their way to see the lava flow coming from the Kilauea volcano on The big Island. Pat is proudly wearing her Holy Angels baseball cap. Jane Meixner von Schilling ’65 retired in 2003 from Hewlett-Packard after 20 years in Sales and International marketing of Chemical laboratory Instruments. She is happily married and living in Scottsdale, AZ.
Minda Allarde Alena ’89 is a mother of two, William (5) & emily (3). She is currently living in the Princeton area and is an active volunteer and stay-at-home-mom.
Jackie Faillace ’94 was married on June 5th, 2010 to mike Anglim. Lauren DePaul Schreiber ’94 announces the arrival of Caroline August Schreiber, born october 26, 2010. She joins big sister Katie (5) and big brother Jack (3). At a recent playdate, the daughters of Sheri Avella Dennehy ’94, Sabrina (5) and Josalyn (2), got to hang out with their best buddies and meet new baby Caroline.
Cindy del Rosario-Tapan ’95 and husband ed welcomed son Kali Crisanto, born September 8, 2010, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces and measuring 21 inches in length. His name, Kali, means “hawk” in Tagalog, and is also a type of Filipino martial art. Kali joins his big sister, Amihan (4).
Jessica O’Neill Leto ’02 and husband ben welcomed son ben Vincent on December 14, 2010. He weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces and was 19.5 inches. Jessica says “ben is the absolute greatest blessing we have ever received and we feel like the luckiest parents to have such a good little man in the house. We are so proud to introduce him to the Holy Angels community and share as he grows!” Jessica is currently the Varsity Tennis coach at the Academy and is excited for another great season in the fall.
Joanna Calabrese Ariyan ’95, husband Gregory, and big sister Grace welcomed olivia Rose on november 9, 2010.
Aimee Torres Latorre ’96 recently launched empowering Resolutions, a company dedicated to empowering household employers to create a peaceful and productive environment in their home as they hire and manage domestic staff. Visit www.empoweringresolutions.com.
Sally L. Casper ’03 was married to Daniel S. binder on August 7, 2010. Angels in attendance were mother of the bride Margaret Lee Casper ’76, maid of Honor Lisa Giovanniello ’03 bridesmaid Alexandra Hiben ’03, Jo Anne Barrameda ’03, Jennifer Bertolini ’03, Lindsey Clark ’03, Ashley Gargiulo ’03, Jessica Pallatta ’10, Theza Mateo ’03 and Pia Yasay ’03. The couple resides in oakland, nJ. Sally is currently finishing her mS in biology and will be graduating from montclair State university in may 2011 and will be starting her mA in educational leadership this summer. She is currently a high school biology teacher and head cheerleading coach at Glen Rock High School. Colleen Marie Loeffelman ’03 married matthew Aaron Salsberry on April 20th 2008. Angels in attendance were sisters of the bride, Nicole Loeffelman ’99 and Keri Loeffelman ’00, as well as Jessica Mault ’00.
Susan Criscuolo ’04, her sister Sara Criscuolo ’06, and their father Robert ran the Walt Disney World marathon in orlando, Florida. It was their dad’s fourth marathon, Sara’s second and Susan’s fourth.
Coryn Blank ’06 became engaged to Christopher lombardi. The two met during her first year at Ramapo College. The couple is planning a summer 2012 wedding. Stacey Cha ’06 will be attending nYu College of Dentistry this August and will be part of the graduating class of 2015. Stacy will be fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a dentist. Caroline Graham ’06, who is enrolled in the mA program in election and Campaign management at Fordham university, received a first place Pollie Award in the student category from the American Association of Political Consultants in Washington in march. The awards recognize campaign ads written and produced by graduate students as part of their course work.
Kerry Drury ’07 is graduating from Holy Cross and recently received news that she was awarded a Fulbright full research grant to Australia. Kerry will begin work in August at the ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in melbourne, Australia, where she will be investigating the role of a protein called e-cadherin that is involved in cell adhesion in epithelial cells as it relates to colon cancer. Kerry writes, “I am very excited about this opportunity, and know that I would not have reached this point without the education and encouragement I received at Holy Angels!”
Helen Janiszewski ’08 is currently studying geophysics and completed a research internship at lamont Doherty earth observatory which focused on seismic imaging. She presented her summer project at the AGu national meeting in San Francisco last December, and in mid-may she will be attending the earthscope national meeting in Austin to present her Rutgers research.
“Holy Angels shaped me into the person I have become, and so have the friends I made here. Seniors, you may be afraid that you will lose touch with your Holy Angels friends when you go away to college. I promise, you won’t. I don’t know exactly what it is about this place, but the bonds that are formed here are profoundly strong. Maybe it’s because of the environment - a great mix of intellectual curiosity, a caring and supportive environment, goodhumored, open-minded, and, of course, passionate women. In the years since we graduated, my friends and I have supported each other through difficult times and thankfully celebrated many, many more great times. We challenge each other, but also hold each other –Sinead Keegan ’95 accountable.” AHA Catholic Schools Week Assembly
This summer, Helen will be attending a five week field camp in Turkey for her major, where she will learn geologic mapping techniques in the north Anatolian Fault Zone. Erin Mack ’08 was awarded the 200 Club of bergen County Distinguished Service Award. erin witnessed a six-car crash that occurred in front of her vehicle and bravely sprang into action. erin has been a member of the Tri-boro Ambulance Corp as a volunteer and attended to many of the injured parties.
Ashley Cha ’10 continues to row as part of the Division I Rutgers Women’s Crew team. Abigail Luhn ’10 is currently in her first year at the College of the Holy Cross and completed her first semester with a 4.0 GPA and was named to the Dean’s list.
COMING THIS SUMMER in the next Tidings
2009-2010 annual report to investors
Transformations happen every day.... talk about a transformation. if you had met Lauren as a 9th grader and then again at graduation you may have said, “That’s not the same girl.” The confident student, having her diploma presented by her Holy Angels Legacy mother, sherry Beltramini Pincus ’72, would have never occurred to you to be anything less. Once described as “shockingly shy,” Lauren flourished at the Academy of the Holy Angels and became the type of student who seemed to be everywhere and was always a powerful presence. You could find her running on the track with the championship team, spending her free time comforting hospice patients, or organizing a meeting for the science national Honor society, a club which she happened to have founded. Lauren is as well-rounded as they come and has now taken her transformed self to Middlebury College, where we know she continues to make a difference, both within herself and in the world around her.
thanks to all of you... –Class of 2011 Commencement Ceremony –Arts Hall of Fame Induction –Angelic evening event Coverage –And more exciting Angel news!
Lauren Pincus Class of 2010
annual fundraising summary for 2009-10
recognition of our benefactors
(Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30)
Annual Fund Unrestricted
Annual Fund Restricted
Walk With Angels
Tuition Raffle
Angelic Evening
Beefsteak Dinner
Annual Total
Capital Campaign/Endowment
Overall Total
2009-10 annual giving levels AHA Dome Society
$50,000 and up
AHA Leadership Society
SSND Society
Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society
Mother Caroline Society
Sister Nonna Dunphy Society
President’s Council
AHA Women
AHA Associates
Century Club
Angels Club
Up to $124
The list on the following pages contains the names of all who made contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels Annual Fund either in the form of direct gifts or in donated services between July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apology and notify us at 201-768-7822 ext. 224.
percentage of alumnae participation by class
Fundraising Categories
’34 ’36 ’37 ’40 ’42 ’43 ’44 ’45 ’46 ’47 ’48 ’49 ’50 ’51 ’52 ’53 ’54 ’55 ’56 ’57 ’58 ’59 ’60 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 ’65 ’66 ’67 ’68 ’69 ’70 ’71 ’72 ’73 ’74 ’75 ’76 ’77 ’78 ’79 ’80 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10
4% – 5% 3% 4% – 5% 13% 4% 10% 18% 7% 19% 13% 2% – 11% 5% 13% 19% 19% 7% 13% 15% 6% 11% 8% 10% 12% 10% 17% 15% 9% 6% 6% 13% 11% 9% 9% 12% 12% 4% 13% 9% 8% 11% 8% 6% 5% 7% 9% 3% 4% 4% 5% 8% 4% 4% 9% 5% 4% 5% 3% 1% 4% 4% 1% 2% 7% 6% 1% – –
’08 – ’09 5% 7% – 4% 5% 4% 12% 21% 4% 8% 17% 11% 19% 11% 4% – 20% 5% 11% 19% 16% 20% 15% 17% 9% 10% 10% 14% 10% 8% 12% 19% 3% 5% 5% 10% 10% 10% 9% 9% 4% 7% 10% 8% 9% 5% 13% 3% 5% 5% 6% 8% 3% 5% 6% 5% 5% 6% 9% 4% 2% 7% 2% 2% 5% 1% 3% 2% 7% 5% 5% 1% –
’09 – ’10 – – 5% – 5% – 8% 19% 11% 8% 22% 10% 33% 19% 4% 5% 17% 3% 11% 20% 16% 16% 22% 19% 9% 10% 6% 18% 9% 8% 14% 17% 10% 4% 7% 6% 7% 11% 7% 10% 6% 6% 13% 9% 6% 5% 11% 5% 3% 5% 3% 3% 7% 4% 5% 4% 5% 10% 6% 30% 2% 6% 8% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 6% 4% 3% 4% 1%
Overall Alumnae Giving was at a record 10 percent!
’07 – ’08
AHA Dome Society
Ms. Marie Theurer Fisher School Sisters of Notre Dame Mr. & Mrs. Mario Spola AHA Leadership Society
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Dr. Susan Craig Scott
SSND Society
Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Gaglioti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kazickas Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society
Ms. Madeleine Dowling Ms. Patricia Geoghegan Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huntington Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mara Ms. Ruth Rempe Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Turk Ms. Geraldine Baker Warner Mother Caroline Society
Mr. John Barrett Mrs. Cathryn Archibald Curia Ms. Kathleen Tigh Detrano Ms. Eileen Dowling Insetta Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luckow Ms. Roseanne McCauley Ms. Diane Oakley
Sister Nonna Dunphy Society
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman Ms. Margaret Gorman Mrs. Geralyn Parent Haws Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Miss Jennifer Moran AHA Parents’ Guild Ms. Mary Lou Sciarrillo President’s Council
Ms. Adrienne Benzoni Mrs. Maureen Fennessy Bousa Mrs. Virginia Puig Dolan Mrs. Eleanor Quinn Dunn Ms. Pamela Gheysen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorman Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter Mr. William Hannon Mr. & Mrs. Donald Low Ms. Stefanie Luckow Mr. & Ms. Ralph Marchione Ms. Lisa Mayer Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Ms. Marybeth Calianese O’Connor Ms. Nancy Antonacci Shaich Ms. Joyce Comeau Smith Ms. Maribel Unanue Mr. & Mrs. Robert Varettoni Mrs. Anne Marie Whittemore Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Williams Dr. Zayas & Dr. Downey AHA Women
Ms. Stacey Antine Ms. Theresa Biasi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Branciforte Mrs. Phyllis Gutto Brew
Mr. & Dr. Julio Morejon Ms. Denise Fischetti Morreale Ms. Gertrude Muller Mrs. Maria Spola Muller Mrs. Jane Morrisroe Naddeo Mrs. Catherine DiDonato Nelson Dr. & Dr. Antonio Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Paul Palmeri Mrs. Mary Holahan Peebles Mrs. Maureen Phelan Previti Ms. Marilu Garcia Pulanco Mr. & Mrs. Michael Regan Ms. Marcia Ribalta Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riggi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rittereiser Mr. & Mrs. John Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shahbazian Mrs. Casey Pascale Smith Ms. Nancy Spiotto Mrs. Kathleen Pomar Stapleton Mr. & Mrs. David Symmonds Mrs. Ellen Troester Tizio Ms. Carol Toomey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Villanella Mrs. Carolyn Lucia Vioni Ms. Nancy Visocki Mr. & Mrs. Gereld Vollmer Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Patricia Dolan Wellenbach Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wright Mrs. Dee Sullivan Yost
Dr. Mary Campagnolo Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Camporeale Ms. Elizabeth Cassino Mrs. Kathryn Gartland Chambers Mrs. Barbara Smith Costigan Mrs. Linda Higgins Crivella Mrs. Barbara Ehret Crowe Ms. Katherine Dillon Ms. Patricia Farrell-Bueb Ms. Margaret Fry Fennell Mrs. Kathleen Klett Garrett Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo Ms. Marlene Zeitler Graffin Ms. Allison Growney Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krone Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Liguori Mrs. Jean Rapport Lowe Mrs. Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marcos Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Norton Ms. Janet Maiello Pote Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sullivan Mrs. Patricia Vandenberg Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vero AHA Associates
Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Dr. Maria Abbattista Ms. Amy Barabas Ms. Fortunata Barbara Dr. Angie Papandrikos Bayiokos Mrs. Joan D’Andrea Bertussi S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Mr. & Mrs. James Bronner Mrs. Mary DePalma Burke Mrs. Barbara Bennett Burklund Mrs. Marie Zenorini Canepa Ms. Kathleen Connelly Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham Mrs. Rebecca Moran Day Ms. Patricia Dignam Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Entwistle Mr. & Mrs. Richard Erickson Mr. Robert Everett & Dr. Elaine Alicakos Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing Ms. Katherine Polk Failla Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Finnegan Mrs. Leesa Flanagan Ms. Catherine French Mrs. Joan Larsen Friezo Ms. Claire Gareau Rev. Elizabeth Kress Golub Ms. Regina Hur Gramss Dr. Margaret Grimes Ms. Carole Brown Haines Mrs. Sharon Fagliarone- Hajjar Mrs. Elizabeth Farley Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Heath Mrs. Jane Henzi Kiefer Mrs. Anne Marie Galoardi Lander Mrs. Judith Comunale Laquidara Mrs. Wendy-Jane Savona Larre’ Mrs. Jessica O’Neill Leto Mrs. Laura Barbieri Longobardi Mrs. Mary McNulty Maher Ms. Anna Marie Mascolo Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus Mrs. Dana Dorgan Mc Carren, Esq. Mrs. Patricia Muller McDevitt Ms. Maureen McGuirl Mrs. Barbara Hayes Meinzinger
Century Club
Mr. Buddy Ajalat Dr. Africa Pitta Alvarez-McLeod, MD Mrs. Maria Aprile Ms. Elise Kenderian Aronson Dr. Jeanne Pomar Asher Mrs. Valasie Kolessides August Ms. Marcia Bobrowski Babcock Mrs. Christine Stein Baltz Mrs. Eileen Holahan Beall Ms. Lucille Bertram Ms. Lisa Germer Bice Ms. Rita Bolger-Cima Bread of Life Mrs. Theresa Bianchi Brennan Ms. Mary Breslin, Esq. Mrs. Laura Ulrich Brett Mrs. Patrice Karlson Brierty Mrs. Elaine Blasco Bronner Mrs. Carolyn Dunphey Brown Mr. & Mrs. Mark Browning Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brunt Mrs. Cathleen Smyth Burke Ms. Jean Butler Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Calabrese Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Campau Ms. Rosemary Capuzzi Mrs. Dorothy Nelson Carletta Mrs. Jane Nicolich Chandler Dr. Donna Chirico Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Ciacciarelli Ms. Janet Henry Cogbill Mrs. Jane McGlew Collen Ms. Patricia Mahaney Crowley Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo Mrs. Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Mr. & Mrs. Tom DeFelice Mrs. Reena Raggi Denton Mrs. Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Mrs. Mary Carroll Dolan Mr. & Mrs. James Doyle Mrs. Eileen Eschbacher Ms. Dorothy Fell
Ms. Tracy Fennell Mrs. Mary-Louise Fennessy Mrs. Janet McNulty Ferrante Ms. Claire Finn Mrs. Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Dr. & Mrs. Francis Forte Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Foster Mrs. Mary Ann Huber Franson Ms. Barbara Fritsche Mr. & Mrs. Rory Gallagher Mrs. Denise McGraw Gentile Mrs. Maryann Manzie Giannella Mr. & Mrs. James Gleason Ms. Frances Gormley Mr. & Mrs. William Harkins Ms. Maria Isgro Helliesen Ms. Jayme Hennessy Ms. Antoinette Heyer Ms. Sarah Ellen Hogan Mrs. Nancy Mahoney Hourigan Mrs. Patricia Modrys Hourigan Ms. Tara Hurley Mrs. Barbara Braun Ix Mrs. Daniela Kelly Ms. Amy Mc Cabe Kennedy Mrs. Patricia McAtee Kiesel Mrs. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Mrs. Kathleen Scherer Krone Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kruklinski Mrs. Judith Eremin Lamp Ms. Denise Gourmos Magid Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus Ms. Faith Mahaney Mrs. Mary Madigan Maher Mrs. Deborah Mahoney Mr. Kevin F. Mahoney Mrs. Mary Ann Markey Mammano Mrs. Beth Soracco Marshall Ms. Maryann Mattessich Ms. Virginia Matus-Glenn, PhD Mrs. Teresa McGovern Mr. & Mrs. William McKee Ms. Tracy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Brian McSherry Mrs. Rosemarie De Vivo Miller Mrs. Barbara O’Neil Mingle Ms. Ellen Monahan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Montemurro Mrs. Ann McCabe Moran Mrs. Eileen Mulvihill Ms. Grace Gallagher Murphy Mrs. Joann Byrne Nahmias Ms. Joanna Nicolich Mrs. Anne Ottomanelli Noble Mrs. Francesca LaFiura Noon Ms. Eileen Dennehy O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mrs. Barbara Burns O’Hara Dr. Chonghyo Park & Dr. Mooyeon Oh-Park Mrs. Rita Ragno Paterson Dr. & Mrs. John Pillitteri Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Victor Polce Deacon & Mrs. James Puliatte Mrs. Margaret Neville Raymo Ms. Corinne Reynoso Mrs. Jeanne Rovegno Riley Ms. Andrea Romagnino Ms. Patricia Romano Dr. & Dr. Sidney Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Mrs. Margaret Heaney Saxenian Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Ms. Joanne Schaeder
recognition of our benefactors Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Schiavone Mrs. Mary-Aileen Harkins Schwarz Ms. Pamela Schwitter Mr. & Mrs. Saied Seghatoleslami Mrs. Nancy Sinnott Sen Mrs. Nancy Canning Shalhoub Ms. Theresa A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Spoleti Dr. Jaqueline St. Germaine Mrs. Colleen Corbett Staff Ms. Mary Stuart Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tandy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Testi Dr. Victor Todisco Ms. Eileen Bannon Trost Ms. Margaret Twomey Ms. Judith Violick Mrs. Jane Meixner von Schilling Mrs. Margaret Stika- Walsh Dr. Elizabeth Waraksa Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams Mr. & Mrs. Edward Winkler Mrs. Susan Wohlforth Ms. Carey Wunsch-Giannetti Ms. Barbara Yetka-Eisenberg Mrs. Annita Zalenski Ms. Gail Zimmermann Angels Club
Mrs. Jessey Paul Abraham Mrs. Delia Rivardo Adorno S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Mrs. Diana Titolo Alexander Mrs. Margaret Kadian- Ames Ms. Anne Angelica Mrs. Marlene Amberger Annarumma Anonymous Ms. Patricia Aquino Mrs. Roberta Rio Arbree Ms. Marilyne Hughes Armstrong Mrs. Anne Haviland Arnold Mrs. Maureen Cramer Ash Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Averill Mrs. Jeanne Pirnat Aversa Ms. Kimberly Monahan Ayers Ms. Linda Baboulis Mrs. Jacqueline Hickey Bagley Mrs. Susan Hofmann Bailey Ms. Dana Baines Ms. Maria Bargellini Mrs. Frances Carr Barletta Ms. Juliana Barno Mrs. Margaret Klett Barsalou Ms. Jeanne Marie Beaugard Mrs. Bette Ann Ogden Beck Mr. & Mrs. David Bednarcik Mrs. Elizabeth Varrichio Bender Ms. Elizabeth Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bennett Mrs. Lee Contrucci Berchem Ms. Kristyl Berckes Dr. Susan Tozzi Berry Ms. Annette Bertulfo Mr. & Mrs. Neil Best, Jr. Mrs. Susan Lawson Bigley Mrs. Joan Peppler Blake Ms. Ana Book Dr. Antonia Adamo Bouillette Ms. Elizabeth Bouvier Dr. Karen DeSimone Bradley Ms. Kate Branciforte Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill Mr. Michael J. Breslin, Jr. Ms. Patricia Broderick Mrs. Florence Doyle Brown
Mrs. Ann Carty Bruchansky Mrs. Elaine Maurer Bumiller Mrs. Augusta Heinzmann Burke Mrs. Letitia LaForgia Burke Ms. Meghan Burke Ms. Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jack Caloz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cantwell Mrs. Ellen Merletto Capo Ms. Ann Marie Capuzzi Mrs. Marie Tyler Carr Ms. Cathleen Carris Mrs. Ann Weber Carroll S. Eileen Casey, SSND Mrs. Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Mrs. Dorothy Reside Cavanaugh Ms. Kristen Cebulski Mr. & Mrs. Saverio Cereste Ms. Angela Christou Ms. Andrea Cibelli Ms. Gracemarie Cirino Mrs. Jane Halligan Claesgens Ms. Marianne Clarke Ms. Mary Cahill Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coleman Mrs. Kerry O’Connor Collins Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Mrs. Arline Zenorini Conn Mrs. Catherine Cooney Mrs. Nan Portway Cooney Ms. Dorian Warner Corcoran Ms. Therese Corcoran Mrs. Katherine Schwarz Cowan Mrs. Gail Moakler Cowser Mrs. Judith Taylor Creagh Ms. Jennifer Credidio Mrs. Canice Cristofoletti Mrs. Jane Loughman Crowley Mrs. Jean Fox Csaposs Mrs. Michele Connell Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cullen Mr. & Mrs. William Cummings Ms. Tara Curran Mrs. Bernadette Memoli Cusack Ms. Kathleen Czepiel Mrs. Sharon Baelis Dail Ms. Claire Nelson Dale Mrs. Donna Mackin D’Aloisio Ms. Patricia Daly Mrs. Katherine Elter Daniello Mrs. Alexandra Kingscote Darigan Ms. Christina D’Arrigo Mrs. Kathleen Bohnert Davis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas De Luca Mrs. Mirtha Del Giudice Ms. Gerda Willenborg Della Valle Mrs. Maureen Reilly DeLosa Ms. Denise Loforte DeMaio Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeMarrais Mrs. Imelda Donnelly Dermady Mrs. Judith Boschetti Devaney Mrs. Lorelei Murray Devine Mrs. Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla Ms. Maria DiClemente Ms. MaryDoreen DiGiacomo S. Joan Dineen, SSND Mrs. Kristine Murray Diverio Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dolan Ms. Carol Pavlu Donahue Mr. & Dr. Edward Donohue Mrs. Jeanne Collins Donovan Ms. Ann Dorigan Mrs. Eileen Dowling Ms. Katherine Doyle Ms. Theresa Spola Doyle
Ms. Kerry Drury Ms. Jane DuBois Ms. Eileen Lennon Duff Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dunn Mrs. Susan Stoldt Dunn Ms. Claire Dunphy Ms. Alexandra Durbak Mrs. Brooke Roshong Dynes Mrs. Mary Echeveria Ms. Nicole Eiszner Mrs. Patricia Pierce Englert Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey English Mrs. Celine Doran Ennis Mrs. Rosemary Farrell Ervin Mrs. Pamela Donnelly Esterbrook Mrs. Shirley Everett Mrs. Gail Fair Dr.& Mrs. R. Linsy Farris Ms. Ann Fattori Mrs. Susan DePhillips Fernandez Mrs. Marianne Ferrario Ms. Melanie Filocco Mrs. Kathleen Hanley Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary Ann Wershing Flack Mrs. Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Ms. Moira Flynn Ms. Mary-Ann Guerin Foley Dr. Megan O’Reilly Foran Mrs. Ann Daly Ford Ms. Louise Fuchs Mrs. Roberta Frasca Fulford Ms. Michelle Gaeta Mr. Robert Galbraith Ms. Cara Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. James Galleshaw Mrs. Susan Kraus Gallitano Ms. Laura Ganley Ms. Margaret-Ann Gartland, PhD Dr. Lou Ann Gartner Ms. Melissa Garville Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Geffert Mrs. Kathleen Devine Gelso Mr. & Mrs. Carl Germer Ms. Michele Scozzafava Gervino Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gherardi Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gherardi Mrs. Linda Lala Giarraputo Mrs. Barbara Napolitano Gibbons Ms. Jillian Giliberto Mr. & Mrs. James Gilmour Mrs. Joanne Quinn Glaeser Dr. Michelle Glasgow Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin Mrs. Ann Marie Gominiak Ms. Kimberly Gonzalez S. Rita Goodman, SSND Mr. Kevin Gorman Ms. Lindsey Graff Dr. & Dr. Graham Ms. Caroline Graham Ms. Claire Grainger-Valvano Ms. Kerry Greaney Ms. Tara Greaney Ms. Carroll Grece Mrs. Marie Bracconeri Greco S. Catherine Green, SSND Ms. Janet Green Ms. Jo-Ellen Smith Greene Mrs. Carole Cuneo Guerra Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guinta Ms. Maureen Corbett Gullo Mrs. Janine Makhoul Gulya Mrs. Margaret-Mary Gibbs Haase Ms. Victoria Haeselbarth
Ms. Sharon Hakim Ms. Eileen Boron Haley Mrs. Kathleen Houle Hannan S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND Ms. Dana Harencak Mrs. Elyse Deublein Harney Ms. Melissa Piraneo Harniman Dr. Suzanne Bogaczyk Hartigan Mrs. Jacqueline Haywood Ms. Mary Becker Highland Ms. Maureen P. Hille Ms. Mary Hines Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hofmann Mr. & Mrs. Eric Holme Ms. Florence Horgan Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hornyak Mrs. Eugenia Paracka Hosbach-Davies Mr. John Hroncich & Ms.Linda Smith Mrs. Mary Ann Shingelo Hubschman Mrs. Margaux Pena Hufnagel Mr. & Mrs. K. Mark Humiston Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Humiston Mrs. Rita Gagliano Hutchins Ms. Andrea McDermott Hyer Mr. & Mrs. Warren Jameson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jamieson, Esq. Mrs. Joan Infosino Johnson Mrs. Arlene Whited Kalinowski Ms. Dahlia Kang Ms. Kristen McGregor Kasper Mrs. Eileen Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kearns Ms. Sinead Keegan Ms. Siobhan Keegan S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kennedy Mrs. Jean O’Connor Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Richard Killeen Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner Ms. Rosalyn Kim Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Klein Mrs. Felicia Marotti Klug Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohl Mrs. Catherine Korvin S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND Ms. Alida Kratnoff Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Awsaf Kraytem Ms. Lina Kraytem Dr. Diane Kvilesz Ms. Meghan Galligan LaBruno Ms. Kyle Clare Lagatol Ms. Cynthia Lamme Mrs. Mary Beardsley Land Mrs. Rosaleen Mulvey Lane Ms. Ruth Lane Ms. Carol LaRocca Ms. Dianne LaRocca Mrs. Joan Gorecki Lasser Ms. Christine Frediani Levine Mrs. Laura Brunn Lewis Ms. Kathleen Lieblich Ms. Chan-Bene Lin Ms. Carol Lombardi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LoPonte Ms.Abigail Hausmann Love Mrs. Eileen Feeney Lynch Ms. Enzina Maceri Mrs. Connie Dell’Accio Maffeo Mrs. Laura Hugerich Magliocchetti S. Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Mrs. Anne Magnus Mr. Stephen Magnus Ms. Sarahfaye Mahon Mrs. Patricia Malesardi
Ms. Rita Malley Mrs. Kristen Manning Ms. Alison Marchione Ms. Monica Mariniello Mrs. Marianne Hirschfeld Marlow Ms. Mariela Marrero Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Marrero Ms. Renata Martins Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Marzorati Mrs. Joan O’Brien Masini Mrs. Barbara Tanzola Mason Ms. Theresa Mathews Mrs. Barbara Elter Maurer Mrs. Kathryn Farrell McAllister Mrs. Eileen Kringle McAuley Mrs. Erma Egan McCarthy Ms. Susan Fitzgerald McCarthy Mrs. Katherine McCormick Ms. Mary Heindel McCrea Ms. Kristin McCue Ms. Joan McDonough S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Dr. Lynne Kalavsky McGee Ms. Shannon McGee Ms. Margaret McGlynn Mrs. Elizabeth Jones McIntyre Mrs. Margaret Alberse McIrvin Ms. Cailin McKinney Ms. Kyle McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mrs. Donna Quinn McNeill Ms. Mary McTeague Mrs. Jane Marie McAuliffe Meisner Ms. Jill Belby Mendez Ms. Suzanne Pappageorge Meneilly Mrs. Lesley Roselli Migliorato Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miguel Mrs. Denise Carbo Miller Mrs. Lauretta Biasi Miller Mrs. Pamela Van de Weghe Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ted Milo Ms. Patricia Miney Mrs. Jennifer Berlinghieri Minicus Ms. Maura Glavey Monohan Mrs. Harriet Moran Ms. Jane Morgan Ms. Rosie Rodriguez Munoz Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy Mrs. Mary McCarthy Murphy Ms. Mary Anne Murray Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Muscarelle Mr. Anthony Napierski Ms. Kathy Naughton Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Navatto Ms. Stephanie Nebel Mrs. Diane Nedelkoff
Ms. Dana Gaeckle Nieder Mrs. Marguerite Murphy Nolan Mrs. Susan Eckmayer Novak Ms. Joann Bagliere Novello Mrs. Kathleen Toomb Oakes Ms. Jacqueline Oates Mrs. Colleen Oates Oberg Mrs. Anne Gaspar O’Brien Ms. Sandra Corso Obuchowski Ms. Mariann O’Connor Mrs. Donna Maria O’Donnell Mrs. Barbara Pickess O’Halloran Mrs. Karen Vanacek Ohly Ms. Rebecca Kennedy Oleszkiewicz Ms. Lisa Olsen Mrs. Ida O’Neill Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith Opel Ms. Jeanmarie Orso Mrs. Margaret Pacheco Ms. Harriet Paganessi Mrs. Mary Mattessich Palatini Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palombo Mrs. Diane Cassino Parks Mrs. Ann Ritter Parola Mrs. Donna Caliguire Parton S. Georganne Pearson, SSND Ms. Patricia Pece Ms. Jaclyn Cocchiola Perna Mrs. Megan Petersen-Handeland Ms. Tracy Petro Mrs. Eileen Weber Phillips Mrs. June Hesselgren Phillips Mrs. Elaine Dylewski Pietrusiak Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pikarsky Ms. Kristine Pizzelanti Mrs. Louise Plentus Ms. Eva Poneros, Esq. Ms. Jo-Anne Lynch Pospischil Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pousson Mrs. Patricia Powers Mrs. Ellen Melli Powley Ms. Kathryn Chambers Press Mrs. Catherine Ragati Priess Ms. Patricia Prucnel Ms. Theresa Anne Quinn Ms. Kelly Quirk Mrs. Maureen Hickey Radl Mrs. Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Mr. & Mrs. Richard Raska Ms. Genna Reed Mrs. JoAnn McDermott Reed Mrs. Muriel Cuddy Reeves S. Patricia Tighe Reid, RSCJ Mr. Richard Reuter and Ms. Catherine Mark Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reuter Mr. & Ms. Philip Riccio
Mrs. Patricia Buckman Richards Ms. Kathleen Riley Ms. Vanessa Arteaga Rissetto Mrs. Leslie Burke Robertson Ms. Alexis Robinson Ms. Gina Roccanova Dr. Joan Rodano Mrs. Tara Mittler Rohwetter Ms. Anne Ronan, Esq. Ms. Ginny Vnenchak Rosen Mrs. Carla Spadola Rosner Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Ryan Ms. Ellen Ryan Ms. Allison Kane Sabo Mrs. Bernadette Napoleone Salemme Mr. & Mrs. Ahmad Salhut Ms. Kelly Salmon Ms. Rose Salmon Ms. Janet Salvatori Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Samuel Ms. Jennifer Santana Ms. Elizabeth Garramone Santos Mrs. Gilda Vita Scerbo Ms. Patricia Schaeder Ms. Linda Schleicher-Dilks Ms. Emily Schmitt Mrs. Frances Schaf Schueler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schuh Ms. Maria Schweitzer Mrs. Kathleen Fischer Scopaz Ms. Jennifer Serna Ms. Leigh Shahbazian Ms. Sandra Shahbazian Mrs. Joyce Toomey Sharkey Mrs. Kathleen Abel Shea Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sheehan Ms. Agnes Shehada Mrs. Ann Winters Shershin Mr. Joseph Silecchia Ms. Karen Wieghaus Sills, Esq. Mrs. Mary Lou Clarkin Simmons Ms. Stephanie Sinon Ms. Valerie Sisko Ms. Adrianna Stipanov Skibola Ms. Jean Schiller Smedira Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Smith Mrs. June Ohlandt Sokolich Ms. Alyssa Slezak Solow Ms. Maura Lamadore Spignesi Ms. Barbara Pratico Squadrito Mrs. Ruth Radics St. Clair Ms. Stephanie Stancato-Nguyen Ms. Barbara Lynn Starrett Mrs. Judith McCue Struble Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan Mrs. Lisa Guarino Surless Ms. Deirdre Sullivan Sweeney
Mrs. Roberta Swenson-Milano Ms. Lindsay Essig Swiatkowski Mr. & Mrs. William Swords Ms. Kathleen Sylvester S. Carole Tabano, SSND Ms. Leslie Long Tate Mrs. Julia Feehan Tatti Ms. Jennifer Telling Ms. Jennifer Testi Ms. Rebecca Testi The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership The Sunshine Club of AHA Mr. & Mrs. Edward Thompson Mrs. Mary Tully Thompson Mrs. Kristina Krasnow Thomson Ms. Sarah Tierney Mrs. Kristine Kour Tomesch Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Tracey Mrs. Suzanne Tramontana Mrs. Maren Ferro Tripolitsiotis Mrs. Joanne Benzoni Tuohy Ms. Ellen Turk Ms. Danielle Growney Tusa Mrs. Susan Rue Tutino Mrs. Patricia Sherman Tyl Ms. Alexis Vale Mrs. Marianne Mathews Van Demark Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan Van Leer Mrs. Kathy Lane Van Leuven Mrs. Marie Murphy Veling Ms. Jann Vendetti Dr. Erica Vero S. Veronica Visceglia, SSND S. Stephania Walczak, SSND Ms. Mary Birkhofer Warchot Mrs. Mary Alice Butler Warwick Mrs. Janine Posa Webb Mrs. Margaret Hurley Wells Dr. Julia Wershing Ms. Mary Beth Wetzelberger Mrs. Marilyn Whited Mrs. Barbara Ward Wilson Mrs. Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson Mrs. Suzanne McCue Winge S. Mary Vitoline Wolf, SSND Mrs. Anne Weygant Worthington Ms. Eileen Wynne Ms. Pamela Wynne Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek Mr. Mario Zanotti Mrs. Anne Krone Zapata Ms. Ann Mrkic Zgonena Mrs. Robyn Assile Ziemba Mrs. Heidi Thomas Zito
a l u m n a e g i v i n g b y c l a s s (mailable alumnae) Class of ’37 Dome Society Total Giving: $153,545 Marie Theurer Fisher Class of ’42 Percentage of Participation: 25% Total Giving: $35 Joan M. McDonough Class of ’44
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $75 Augusta Heinzmann Burke Gilda Vita Scerbo Class of ’45
Percentage of Participation: 42% Total Giving: $640 Marie Zenorini Canepa Eileen Feeney Lynch Mary Heindel McCrea S. Georganne Pearson, SSND Ann Winters Shershin Class of ’46
Percentage of Participation: 33% Total Giving: $200 Arline Zenorini Conn Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla Frances Schaf Schueler
Class of ’47 Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $100 Anne Billings Brazill S. Patricia Tighe Reid RSCJ Class of ’48
Percentage of Participation: 27% Total Giving: $430 Florence Doyle Brown Dorothy Reside Cavanaugh Claire Nelson Dale Imelda Donnelly Dermady S. Joan Dineen, SSND Elyse Deublein Harney Florence Horgan Catherine Ragati Priess
Class of ’49 Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $290 Jean Fox Csaposs Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy Mary Ann Wershing Flack Marie Ann Murphy Veling Class of ’50
Percentage of Participation: 49% Total Giving: $7,455 Michele Connell Cullen Claire Dunphy Janet McNulty Ferrante Claire C. Finn S. Catherine Green, SSND S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND Mary McNulty Maher Mary Madigan Maher Erma Egan McCarthy Gertrude Muller June Hesselgren Phillips Ruth Rempe June Ohlandt Sokolich S. Stephania Walczak, SSND Julia Wershing Anne Weygant Worthington
Class of ’51 Percentage of Participation: 25% Total Giving: $565 S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Roberta Frasca Fulford Margaret-Mary Gibbs Haase Eugenia Paracka Hosbach-Davies Kathleen Scherer Krone Joan O’Brien Masini Marguerite Murphy Nolan Class of ’52
Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $125 Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Barbara Pickess O’Halloran
Class of ’53
Percentage of Participation: 11% Total Giving: $1,025 Alida Kratnoff Joyce Comeau. Smith
Class of ’54
Percentage of Participation: 23% Total Giving: $740 Anne Haviland Arnold Jeanne Pirnat Aversa Frances Carr Barletta Mary Carroll Dolan Carole Brown Haines Nancy Mahoney Hourigan Elizabeth Sullivan Van Leer
Class of ’55 Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $450 Fortunata Barbara Maryann Manzie Giannella Class of ’56
Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $5,750 Elaine Maurer Bumiller Gerda Theresa Della Valle Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Carole Cuneo Guerra Barbara Braun Ix Ann McCabe Moran Nancy Canning Shalhoub Ginger Baker Warner Class of ’57
Percentage of Participation: 27% Total Giving: $1,105 Delia Rivardo Adorno Diana Titolo Alexander Christine McGoey Cummings Adaline Quinn DeMarrais Joan Larsen Friezo Wendy-Jane Savona Larré Elizabeth Jones McIntyre Elaine Dylewski Pietrusiak Muriel Cuddy Reeves Judith McCue Struble Mary Stuart Mary Tully Thompson Mary Alice Butler Warwick
Class of ’58
Percentage of Participation: 18% Total Giving: $1,180 Elizabeth Ogden Beck Dorothy Nelson Carletta Patricia Daly Jeanne Collins Donovan Mary Ann Huber Franson Claire Gareau
Denise McGraw Gentile Arlene Whited Kalinowski Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Abigail Hausmann Love Margaret Alberse McIrvin Lucia Cirino Murphy Barbara Pratico Squadrito Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson Class of ’59
Percentage of Participation: 21% Total Giving: $1,550 Roberta Rio Arbree Marilyne Hughes Armstrong Cathleen Smyth Burke Ann Marie Capuzzi Gail Moakler Cowser Alexandra Hope Darigan Judith Boschetti Devaney Marlene Zeither Graffin Carroll Anne Grece Marie Bracconeri Greco Patricia Modrys Hourigan Jane Marie McAuliffe Meisner S. Carole Tabano, SSND Leslie Long Tate
Class of ’60
Percentage of Participation: 32% Total Giving: $2,414 Marlene Amberger Annarumma Jacqueline Hickey Bagley Christine Stein Baltz Lee Contrucci Berchem Lucille Bertram Mary DePalma Burke Ann Weber Carroll Gracemarie Cirino Susan Stoldt Dunn Diane Neary Ewing Dorothy Fell Kathleen Houle Hannan Patricia McAtee Kiesel Anna Marie Mascolo Grace Gallagher Murphy Eileen Weber Phillips Maureen Hickey Radl Andrea Romagnino S. Veronica Visceglia, SSND Suzanne McCue Winge Barbara Yetka-Eisenberg
Class of ’61 Percentage of Participation: 28% Total Giving: $2,240 S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Theresa Bianchi Brennan Elaine Blasco Bronner Rosemary Capuzzi Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Kerry O’Connor Collins Kathleen Bohnert Davis Carol Pavlu Donahue Mary-Ann Guerin Foley Sarah Ellen Hogan Anne Marie Galoardi Lander S. Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Patricia Fongaro Maus Mary Ellen Smith Opel Joan Rodano Patricia A. Romano Judith Violick Carolyn Lucia Vioni
Class of ’62 Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $2,775 Antonia Adamo Bouillette Rosemary Farrell Ervin Barbara Fritsche Ann Marie Gominiak Barbara Tanzola Mason Donna Caliguire Parton Mary Lou Sciarrillo Marilyn Whited Gail Zimmermann Class of ’63 Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $4,475 Katherine Schwarz Cowan Jane Loughman Crowley Maureen Reilly DeLosa Kathleen Tigh Detrano Jane Henzi Kiefer Katherine Schwenke McCormick Mary McTeague Jill Belby Mendez Ellen Monahan Kathleen Fischer Scopaz Margaret Hurley Wells Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore Class of ’64
Percentage of Participation: 11% Total Giving: $3,900 Anonymous Beth DiLorenzo Catherine French Audrey Luckow Lauretta Biasi Miller Barbara Burns O’Hara Margaret Neville Raymo Leslie Burke Robertson Jean Schiller Smedira Dee Sullivan Yost Class of ’65 Percentage of Participation: 25% Total Giving: $10,775 Marcia Bobrowski Babcock Patricia Broderick Elizabeth Walker Campau Cathryn Archibald Curia Bernadette Memoli Cusack Patricia Farrell Bueb Susan Kraus Gallitano Patricia Geoghegan Jean O’Connor Kenny Diane Kvilesz Connie Dell’Accio Maffeo Virginia Matus-Glenn Margaret McGlynn Lesley Roselli Migliorato Francesca LaFiura Noon Joann Bagliere Novello Anne Gaspar O’Brien Sandra Corso Obuchowski Jeanne Rovegno Riley Pamela Schwitter Joyce Toomey Sharkey Margaret Hogan Sheehan Nancy Spiotto Jane Meixner von Schilling Class of ’66
Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $26,675 Kathryn Gartland Chambers Jane Halligan Claesgens
John Henry Cogbill Jane DuBois Margaret Fry Fennell Margaret-Ann Gartland Felicia Marotti Klug Barbara O’Neil Mingle Susan Craig Scott Ruth Radics St. Clair Julia Feehan Tatti Class of ’67
Percentage of Participation: 11% Total Giving: $2,025 Maureen Cramer Ash Adrienne Benzoni Margaret Grimes Jean Rapport Lowe Barbara Elter Maurer Lynne Kalavsky McGee Susan Eckmayer Novak Kristine Kour Tomesch Kathy Lane Van Leuven
Class of ’68
Percentage of Participation: 18% Total Giving: $3,270 Valasie Kolessides August Barbara Smith Costigan Patricia Dignam Kathleen Hanley Finnegan Kathleen Klett Garrett Arleen Pancza Graham Jo-Ellen Smith Greene Sunda DeCotiis Guinta Mary Hines Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Beth Soracco Marshall Pamela Van de Weghe Miller Eileen F. Mulvihill Maureen Phelan Previti Ginny Vnenchak Rosen Patricia Sherman Tyl
Class of ’69
Percentage of Participation: 21% Total Giving: $2,710 Joan Peppler Blake Patrice Karlson Brierty Amelia Chiccone Calabrese Ellen Merletto Capo Marie Tyler Carr Marianne Clarke Kathleen Connelly Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Reena Raggi Denton Ann Dorigan Theresa Spola Doyle Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Lou Ann Gartner Elizabeth Kress Golub Judith Eremin Lamp Mary Ann Markey Mammano Patricia Miney Kathleen Toomb Oakes Sharon Smith Raska Janet Salvatori Patricia Schaeder Rosemary Ohmann Seghatoleslami Barbara Dunn Starrett Eileen Bannon Trost Class of ’70
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $1,500 Margaret Klett Barsalou Linda Higgins Crivella
Donna Mackin D’Aloisio Patricia Pierce Englert Moira Flynn Ann Daly Ford Louise Fuchs Joanne Quinn Glaeser Tara Greaney Theresa Anne Quinn Carla Spadola Rosner Joanne Schaeder Mary Louise Clarkin Simmons Nancy Visocki Class of ’71
Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $3,150 Denise Carbo Miller Jane Morgan Maria Spola Muller Diane Oakley Margie Pacheco Rita Ragno Paterson Joanne Benzoni Tuohy
Mary Mattessich Palatini Mary Holahan Peebles Patricia Buckman Richards Debbie Gansler Testi Patricia Dolan Wellenbach Class of ’76
Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $885 Linda Baboulis Eileen Holahan Beall Letitia LaForgia Burke Canice Rauch Cristofoletti Carol Lombardi Ellen Troester Tizio Margaret Stika Walsh Mary Birkhofer Warchot Pamela Wynne Heidi Thomas Zito
Class of ’77
Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $1,700 Kimberly Monahan Ayers Jeanne Marie Beaugard Theresa Biasi Stephanie Bille Donohue Mary Ann Shingelo Hubschman Diane Schwitter Montemurro Mary McCarthy Murphy Sherry Beltramini Pincus Patricia Vandenberg
Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $2,525 Barbara Bennett Burklund Mary Patrice Bonsignore Dunn Kathleen Devine Gelso Maureen Hille Madeline Leighton Humiston Donna Quinn McNeill Karen Vanacek Ohly Ann Ritter Parola Janet Maiello Pote Patricia Powers Nancy Sinnott Sen Nancy Antonacci Shaich Kristina Krasnow Thomson
Class of ’73
Class of ’78
Class of ’72
Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $1,775 Jeanne Pomar Asher Katherine Elter Daniello Eleanor Quinn Dunn Jacqueline Marella Haywood Barbara Hayes Meinzinger JoAnn McDermott Reed Susan Rae Tutino Susan Telesco Wohlforth
Class of ’74
Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $2,355 Africa Pitta Alvarez-McLeod Mary Campagnolo MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Fran Gormley Jayme Hennessy Carol LaRocca Tina Alaimo LoPonte Lisa A. Mayer Colleen Oates Oberg Bernadette Napoleone Salemme Class of ’75
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $3,050 Susan Tozzi Berry Rita Bolger-Cima Jane McGlew Collen Virginia Puig Dolan Kerry Greaney Sharon Fagliarone Hajjar Eileen Boron Haley Daniela Lodes Kelly Joan Gorecki Lasser Karen Franklin McSherry Rosemarie De Vivo Miller
Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $24,800 Ann Carty Bruchansky Ann Fattori Maria Isgro Helliesen Patti McGovern Hill Maryann Mattessich Donna Maria Massimo O’Donnell Jeanmarie Orso Elizabeth Garramone Santos Marianne Mathews Van Demark
Class of ’79
Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $1,525 Maureen Fennessy Bousa Susan DePhillips Fernandez Rita Gagliano Hutchins Laura Wescott Kraytem Tracy McLaughlin Ellen Melli Powley Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Anne Ronan
Class of ’80 Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $6,035 Elizabeth Varrichio Bender Phyllis Gutto Brew Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Nan Portway Cooney Dorian Warner Corcoran Eileen Dowling Celine Doran Ennis Pamela Gheysen Raphaela Giampiccolo Claire Grainger-Valvano Janet Green
Mary Becker Highland Andrea McDermott Hyer Eileen Kringle McAuley Jane Morrisroe Naddeo Joanna Nicolich Anne Marie Ryan Ryan Margaret Heaney Saxenian Kathleen Pomar Stapleton Class of ’81
Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $2,475 Susan Lawson Bigley Karen DeSimone Bradley Mary Breslin Lorelei Murray- Devine Jean Marie DeGioia Jamieson Rosaleen Mulvey Lane Patricia Muller McDevitt Kathy Naughton Tara Mittler Rohwetter Lisa Guarino Surless Carol Toomey Suzanne Jacquett Tramontana Maribel Unanue Barbara Ward Wilson
Class of ’82
Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $5,710 Margaret Kadian-Ames Jane Nicolich Chandler Denise Jennings Gunter Victoria Haeselbarth Geralyn Parent Haws Marianne Hirschfeld Marlow Roseanne McCauley Mariann O’Connor Debra Scheyer Riggi Rosemarie Yancosek
Class of ’83 Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $1,270 Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik Carolyn Dunphey Brown Barbara Ehret Crowe Kathleen McNicholas Entwistle Barbara Napolitano Gibbons Patricia Ebner Goldin Laura Brunn Lewis Lisa Olsen Class of ’84
Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $3,635 Maria Bargellini Laura Ulrich Brett Carolyn Rettberg Browning Jean Butler Mary Cahill Clarke Patricia Mahaney Crowley Rebecca Moran Day Regina Hur Gramss Eileen McAdams Kearney Maura Gidez Kilner Laura Barbieri Longobardi Susan Fitzgerald McCarthy Jennifer Berlinghieri Minicus Denise Fischetti-Morreale Catherine DiDonato Nelson Marybeth Calianese O’Connor Kimberly Mann Palmeri Jaqueline Raia St. Germaine
alumnae giving by cl ass Class of ’85
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $5,255 Judith Taylor Creagh Kristine Murray Diverio Madeleine Dowling Pamela Donnelly Esterbrook Linda Lala Giarraputo Eva Poneros Gina Roccanova
Class of ’86
Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $975 Stacey Antine Joan D’Andrea Bertussi Lisa Germer Bice Cathy Mulligan Hornyak Joan Infosino Johnson Mary Beardsley Land
Class of ’87
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $970 Maria Humaran Abbattista Therese Corcoran Sharon Baelis Dail Brooke Roshong Dynes Diane Lewandowski English Katherine Polk Failla Christine Falotico Fitzgerald Tara Hurley
Class of ’88 Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $680 Tracy Fennell Diane Carozza Nedelkoff Patricia Pece Marilu Garcia Pulanco Casey Pascale Smith Class of ’89
Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $800 Angie Papandrikos-Bayiokos Katherine Doyle Kristen Deramo Manning Dana Dorgan Mc Carren Colleen Corbett Staff
Class of ’90
Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $10,835 Danielle Larré Gaglioti Melissa Piraneo Harniman Kristen McGregor Kasper Amy McCabe Kennedy Mary-Aileen Harkins Schwarz Valerie Sisko Roberta Swenson-Milano Danielle Growney Tusa Mary Sheridan Wright Ann Mrkic Zgonena Class of ’91
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $420 Denise Loforte DeMaio Michele Scozzafava Gervino Jean Smith Gilmour Dahlia Kang Judith Comunale Laquidara Theresa Mathews Janine Posa Webb
Class of ’92
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $665 Elise Kenderian Aronson
Maureen Corbett Gullo Suzanne Bogaczyk Hartigan Joann Byrne Nahmias Jo-Anne Lynch Pospischil Kathleen Abel Shea Colleen Glavey Tandy Class of ’93
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $1,425 Susan Hofmann Bailey Elizabeth Cassino Deanna D’Arrigo Allison Growney Siobhan Keegan Anne Ottomanelli Noble Class of ’94
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $775 Amy Barabas Jennifer Credidio Christina D’Arrigo Faith Mahaney Theresa Smith Deirdre Sullivan Sweeney Erica Vero Class of ’95
Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $1,127 Megan O’Reilly Foran Janine Makhoul Gulya Sinead Keegan Denise Gourmos Magid Kathryn Farrell McAllister Maura Glavey Monohan Rosie Rodriguez Munoz Eileen Dennehy O’Connell Diane Cassino Parks Maura Lamadore Spignesi Ellen Turk Elizabeth Waraksa Carey Wunsch-Giannetti
Class of ’96 Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $725 Eileen Lennon Duff Laura Ganley Elizabeth Farley Hartnett Rebecca Kennedy Oleszkiewicz Melissa Zilocchi-Riccio Vanessa Arteaga Rissetto Robyn Assile Ziemba Class of ’97
Percentage of Participation: 32% Total Giving: $1,568* Jessey Paul Abraham Patricia Aquino Annette Bertulfo Meghan Burke Angela Christou Andrea Cibelli Tara Curran Nicole Eiszner Michelle Gaeta Kimberly Gonzalez Meghan Galligan LaBruno Kyle Clare Lagatol Chan-Bene Lin Enzina Maceri Sarahfaye Mahon Monica Mariniello Renata Martins Kristin McCue Suzanne Pappageorge Meneilly
in honor and memoriam
(continued) Dana Gaeckle Nieder Tracy Petro Corinne Reynoso Kathleen Riley Alexis Robinson Allison Kane Sabo Jennifer Serna Alyssa Slezak Solow Stephanie Stancato-Nguyen Lindsay Essig Swiatkowski Sarah Tierney Maren Ferro Tripolitsiotis Jann Vendetti Anne Krone Zapata *All donations were made in memory of Erin Gorman ’97 Class of ’98
Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $105 Alexandra Durbak Laura Hugerich Magliocchetti Linda Schleicher-Dilks
Class of ’99
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $310 Juliana Barno Lindsey Graff Margaux Pena Hufnagel Jacqueline Oates Megan Petersen-Handeland Kathryn Chambers Press Karen Wieghaus Sills
Class of ’00
Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $425 Kristyl Berckes Elizabeth Bouvier Jillian Giliberto Michelle Glasgow Rosalyn Kim Mary Anne Murray Jaclyn Cocchiola Perna Kristine Pizzelanti Kelly Quirk Emily Schmitt
Class of ’03
Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $150 Leigh Shahbazian Stephanie Sinon Class of ’04 Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $95 Elizabeth Bennett Cailin McKinney Jennifer Telling Class of ’05 Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $170 Cara Gallagher Shannon McGee Genna Reed Class of ’06
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $195 Dana Baines Cathleen Carris Caroline Graham Sharon Hakim Jennifer Santana Sandra Shahbazian
Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request. In Honor of Suzanne Rittereiser Anderson ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser In Memory of Robert Arnold
Mrs. Mary Alice Butler Warwick ’57
Mrs. Kathleen Pomar Stapleton ’80
In Honor of Kathryn Sarah Chambers Press ’99 Mrs. Kathryn Gartland Chambers ’66
In Memory of Ann M. Ray
In Memory of Jack & Madeline Belby
In Memory of Mary Fongaro Kowalski ’60 Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus ’61
In Memory of Mary E. Riley ’49
In Memory of Marie Benzoni Ms. Adrienne Benzoni ’67
In Memory of Alison Land
In Memory of William J. Rodano
In Memory of Alice M. Billings
In Memory of Joseph Lewandowski
Mrs. Diane Lewandowski English ’87
In Memory of S. Alicia Ruane, SSND Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo ’80, Esq.
In Memory of Father James Boyce, O.CARM.
In Memory of Timothy Love
In Memory of Janet S. Salvatori
In Memory of Anne Cahill
In Honor of Simone Mahoney ’12
In Honor of Mario & Theresa Spola
In Memory of Jay Camerlengo Mrs. Jane Halligan Claesgens ’66
In Memory of Stephanie Makhoul
In Memory of S. Norice Sullivan, SSND
In Memory of Joseph Capo Mrs. Ellen Merletto Capo ’69
In Memory of Catherine Fell Malloy
Ms. Jill Belby Mendez ’63
Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill ’47 Mr. Joseph Silecchia
Ms. Mary Cahill Clarke ’84
Mrs. Kathleen Klett Garrett ’68
Ms. Kathleen Lieblich ’09
LCDR Abigail Hausmann Love ’58, USN (Ret) Mrs. Deborah Mahoney
Mrs. Janine Makhoul Gulya ’95
Mrs. Margaret Pacheco ’71 Mrs. Marie Murphy Veling ’49 Dr. Joan Rodano ’61, EdD
Ms. Janet Salvatori ’69
Mrs. Maria Spola Muller ’71
Ms. Barbara Fritsche ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $140 Kerry Drury Dana Harencak Alison Marchione Kyle McKinney Kelly Salmon Jennifer Testi
In Memory of Maureen Connelly
In Memory of Mary Louise Manning
In Memory of Rocco J. Corso Ms. Sandra Corso Obuchowski ’65
Mrs. Cathleen Smyth Burke ‘’59 Mrs. Jane Loughman Crowley ’63
In Memory of Gaiana Swanson ’81 Mr. Michael J. Breslin Jr. LLC Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dolan Ms. Cynthia Lamme Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palombo
In Memory of Barbara Romagnino Marrazzo, ’60
In Memory of Sister Theodora
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Klein
In Memory of Mildred & Edwin Maurer
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Tabano Sister Carole Tabano ’59, SSND
Class of ’08
In Honor of Anna M. Devine Mr. & Mrs. Ted Milo
Mrs. Elaine Maurer Bumiller ’56
In Memory of Margaret D. McCarthy
In Memory of Edwin A.Thaler
In Memory of Howard McGovern
In Memory of Frances Therese
In Memory of David McGregor
In Memory of William and Jeanne Toomey
In Memory of Albert S. Moran
In Honor of Catherine ’08
Class of ’07
Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $80 Anne Angelica Kate Branciforte Melanie Filocco Mariela Marrero
Class of ’09
Ms. Kathleen Connelly ’69
In Memory of Joseph Gil DeGloria
In Memory of John Dowling
Ms. Eileen Dowling ’80
In Honor of Sister Henrice Eckert, SSND Sister Carole Tabano ’59, SSND
In Memory of Adrian J. Everett
Mrs. Marianne Ferrario
Class of ’02
Class of ’10
Mrs. Karen Franklin McSherry ’75
Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $50 Kathleen Sylvester
to the following Reunion classes!
Overall reunion giving was a record 13% Class of ’90 Highest Financial Participation ($10,735) Class of ’50 Highest overall class participation (46%) Highest increase in participation (+17%)
In Memory of Francis Pomar
In Memory of John C. Klett III
Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $100 Stephanie Nebel Maria Schweitzer Agnes Shehada Adrianna Stipanov-Skibola
Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $1,330 Ana Book Jessica O’Neill Leto Stefanie Luckow
Ms. Carol Lombardi ’76 Ms. Elizabeth Garramone Santos ’78 Dr. Erica A. Vero ’94 Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris
In Memory of Mary Avila, SSND Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy ’58
Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $160 Kristen Cebulski Lina Kraytem Kathleen Lieblich Rita Malley Ellen Ryan Rebecca Testi
Class of ’01
In Memory of Miss Marilyn Kirschner
Mrs. Shirley Everett
In Memory of Gerard J. Ferrario In Honor of Mary McDonald Fischer ’34 Mrs. Kathleen Fischer Scopaz ’63
In Memory of Dorothy Wecsey Franklin In Memory of Margaret Powers Gidez ’42
Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner ’84
In Memory of Marylynn Schlosser Gigante ’54 Mrs. Eugenia Paracka Hosbach-Davies
In Memory of Marjorie Glasgow Dr. Michelle Glasgow ’00, MD
In Memory of William G. Isgro Ms. Maria Isgro Helliesen ’78
In Honor of Devon Ivie ’11
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Marzorati
In Memory of Richard Kahlenberg Ms. Katherine Doyle ’89 Dr. Erica A. Vero, ’94
Ms. Dorothy Fell ’60
Ms. Andrea Romagnino ’60
Mr. & Mrs. James Galleshaw Mrs. Teresa McGovern
Ms. Kristen McGregor Kasper ’90 Mrs. Rebecca Moran Day ’84
In Memory of Loraine Moran Mrs. Catherine Korvin
In Honor of Boska Mrkic
Ms. Ann Mrkic Zgonena ’90
In Memory of Edward & Anne Neary
Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing ’60
In Honor of S. M. Helenann Nelson, SSND Mrs. Dorothy Nelson Carletta ’58
In Honor of Jessica O’Hagan Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan
In Honor of Mary Jeremias O’Leary Ms. Mary Stuart ‘57
In Memory of Joan Dylewski Oliveau ’54 Mrs. Elaine Dylewski Pietrusiak ’57
In Memory of Lillian Olsen Ms. Lisa Olsen ’83
In Memory of Claudia Ceci Phaup ’90 Ms. Valerie Sisko ’90
Mrs. Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy ’49
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Germer
Mrs. Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla ’46 Ms. Carol Toomey ’81
& Madeline ’11 Varettoni Mr. & Mrs. Robert Varettoni
In Memory of Emma Violick Ms. Judith Violick ’61
In Memory of Stewart and Elizabeth Walker Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Campau ’65
In Memory of Emil & Louise Weber Mrs. Ann Weber Carroll ’60
In Memory of Bud Williams Ms. Leslie Long Tate ’59
In Memory of Nancy Wilson ’58, Mary Liz
Goodman Garrahan ’58 & Patricia A. Martin ’56 Ms. Margaret Twomey ’58
In Memory of Nancy Wilson ’58
Ms. Claire Gareau ’58 Mrs. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski ’58, Ms. Alida Kratnoff ’53 Mrs. Anne Magnus Mr. Stephen Magnus Mrs. Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson ’58
In Memory of George Yancosek Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek ’82
In Memory of Andrew Kenny
Mrs. Jean O’Connor Kenny ’65
pa r e n t g i v i n g b y c l a s s
tuition raffle
class OF 2010
Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Mr. & Mrs. Alex Acevedo Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Angley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aparri Ms. Frances Aquino ’70, LCSW BCD Ms. Lisha Arino ’05 Dr. & Mrs. Edward Aversa Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Bacci Mrs. Alicia Bergstein Mr. & Ms. Louis Bilka Mr. Albert Birchwale Mr. & Ms. Patrick Boll Joseph & Margaret Boyle Joseph & Catherine Branciforte Mr. & Mrs. Steven Branda Mr. & Mrs. James Bridge Mr. & Mrs. George Bruno Ms. Jane Bucco ’73 Mr. & Mrs. James Burke Mr. & Mrs. Fred Burnett Mrs. Carol Buyck Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Victor Cannillo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Caporale Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Carbillas Dorothy Nelson Carletta Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carpentieri Mrs. Marie Tyler Carr ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cash Mr. & Ms. Robert Castro Mr. & Mrs. Dickens Charles Mr. & Dr. Denley Chew Mr. & Mrs. Michael Civisca Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Clarke Ms. Mary Cahill Clarke ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Colavecchio Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Connor Ms. Janet Cooney ’66 Ms. Theresa Cowan-Mc Cleary Mrs. Christine Volpe Crawford ’65 Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Patricia Mahaney Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cunniff Dr. Medina Dadurian Mrs. Dawn Daniels Rebecca Moran Day Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dayson Mr. & Mrs. T. De Luca Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeBellis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Degenaars Mr. & Mrs. Noel DeLeon Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeRosa Mr. & Mrs. James DeTura Ms. Maria DiClemente Mrs. Mary McDermott DiGiulio ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DiPasquale Ms. Cherry Dizon Dr. Stephanie Bille Donohue ’72
Mr. & Mrs. James Bronner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Heath Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Liguori Mr. & Mrs. Brian McSherry Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Norton Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Dr. Chonghyo Park & Dr. Mooyeon Oh-Park Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Villanella class OF 2011
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyle Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins John Hroncich & Linda Smith Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Navatto Dr. & Mrs. John Pillitteri Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riggi,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sullivan Dr. Victor Todisco Ms. Maribel Unanue Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Williams
class OF 2012
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas De Luca Ms. Maria DiClemente Mr. Robert Everett & Dr. Elaine Alicakos Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gherardi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lane Mr. & Mrs. William McKee Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miguel Mr. & Dr. Julio Morejon Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Palatini Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan
Walk with Angels Mr. & Mrs. James Bronner Linda Higgins Crivella ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham Leesa C. Flanagan Lisa Mayer ’74 Parents’ Guild Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Villanella
class OF 2013
Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Dr. Donna Chirico Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Day Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Dr. & Dr. Antonio Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Dr. & Dr. Sidney Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Ahmad Salhut Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Samuel Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Spoleti Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Tracey Mr. & Mrs. Gereld Vollmer
Matching Gift Companies Alliance Bernstein Bank of America Becton Dickinson & Company Computer Associates GE Foundation Max Bermuda LTD. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc Morgan Stanley Pfizer Foundation
class OF 2014
Ms. Linda Baboulis & Mr. Thomas Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Camporeale Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rudloff
Pitney Bowes Inc. PSE&G Sprint Foundation The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership TimesSquare Capital Management LLC UBS Foundation USA Verizon Wells Fargo Educational
s t u d e n t p h o n at h o n v o l u n t e e r s Elissa Acevedo ’11 Mary Rose Amoresano ’11 Danielle Annecchino ’11 Julia Aversa ’11 Darcy Baboulis-Gyseck ’11 Emily Becker ’11 Kimberlee Benjamin ’10 Elizabeth Bentivegna ’11 Kelsley Broomfield ’11 Courtney Burnett ’11 Kelsey Burnett ’11 Christine Byrne ’11 Mary Callagee ’11 Dominiquea Castronovo ’10 Stephanie Chan ’10 Nikita Chothani ’10 Dana Christenson ’11 Briana Ciccarino ’11
Allysa Cicca ’11 Alex Creange ’10 Maureen Crimmins ’11 Kelly Cunningham ’10 Francesca DiPaola ’10 Erin Ennis ’11 Alyssa Giammarella ’11 Emily Gianelli ’10 Kelly Hayes ’11 Jackie Heath ’10 Devon Ivie ’11 Jaclyn Jerkovich ’11 Soo Joo ’10 Maura Keane ’11 Amanda Keanna ’10 Domnique Kilmartin ’11 Olivia Kolodka ’11 Christine LaStella ’10
Jenna Lee ’10 Abigail Luhn ’10 Nina Luppino ’11 Anna Markolovic ’10 Courtney Mastrangelo ’10 Lily McLaughlin ’11 Claire McSherry ’10 Kerrin Meseck ’10 Jennifer Molke ’11 Jennifer Monsalve ’10 Katie Moran ’10 Ryan Ashley Moran ’11 Claire Murphy ’11 Jennifer Navatto ’11 Solena Nehme ’11 Victoria Oggioni ’11 Nicole Onderdonk ’10 Sarah Owens ’11
Sherinrose Palatty ’11 Amy Park ’10 Sherin Pathickal ’10 Nicole Pepe ’11 Cinthya Pereira ’11 Susan Piersa ’11 Kristen Pillitteri ’11 Lauren Pincus ’10 Katie Prendergast ’10 Kyra Pullen ’11 Liz Quinones ’10 Brianna Santolli ’10 Chelsea Schwerzler ’10 Theresa Sedlacek ’10 Katie Sylvester ’10 Samantha Terranova ’10 Caroline Vigneron ’10 Christina Yasay ’10
Ms. Kimberly Doyle ’96 Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Mr. & Mrs. Richard DuBee Mr. & Mrs. Sean Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Richard Escandon Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito Patricia B. Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fellowes Marianne E. Ferrario Mr. & Mrs. Alan Fields Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. John Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Flood Mr. & Mrs. Robert Florio Dr. & Mrs. Francis Forte Ms. Christina Foye Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mrs. Lois Gallagher Mrs. Maureen Reuter Gallo ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Ernst Garcon Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Garip Mr. & Mrs. Luis Garzon Mr. Joseph E. Gassib, Sr. Ms. Kathleen Geelan The Germinario Family Daniel & Donna Gherardi Raphaela M. Giampiccolo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gibney Mr. & Mrs. James Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Seamus Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Karl Hack Mr. & Mrs. Odd Hagman Mr. & Mrs. Brian Halligan Geralyn Parent Haws Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Heyer Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hildenbrand Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Mrs. Joan Heinzmann Inzerillo ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Jacobus Ms. Ellen Jerkovich Mrs. Barbara Scanlon Johnson ’70 Mrs. Lola Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Judge Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kailas Paul & Moira Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas Mr. & Mrs. James Keane Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kersting Dr. & Mrs. Khamis Khamis Mr. & Mrs. John Kittle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mrs. Rosaleen Mulvey Lane ’81 Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Laraia, MD Mr. Lavers & Mrs. Parker
Mrs. Mary Pat Purcell Leon ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Loftus Donald & Kerry Low Mrs. Nora Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Martinez Anna Marie Mascolo Mrs. Theresa Azelby Matsen ’78 Mr. & Dr. John McCann Roseanne McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Sean McFarland Mr. & Mrs. James McGlone Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGlone Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William McKee Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Ronald & Elizabeth Miguel Mr. & Mrs. Raul Millan JoAnn & Ted Milo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Minasi Mr. Michael Monaco Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moran, Jr. Harriet Moran Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. James Mulligan Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Murphy ’77 Mrs. Marie Cannella Murtagh ’82 Ms. Una Neary ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Neumann Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus Mr. & Mrs. Stamos Nicholas Anne Ottomanelli Noble Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nolasco Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oates Mrs. Edith Lynch O’Brien ’40 Mrs. Patricia Cooney O’Connor ’69 John & Josephine O’Hagan Dr. & Dr. John Merriam Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oldfield Marcia Ribalta, MD Mary Mattessich Palatini Paul & Kimberly Palmeri Mrs. Anna Cancelliere Pappas ’52 Mrs. Nellie Passamonte Mr. & Mrs. Bill Patterson Ms. Diana Pecoraro ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Pereira Dr. & Mrs. Michael Perlman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Persson Dr. Debra De-Four Pierce Mrs. Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78 Dr. & Mrs. John Pillitteri Sherry A. Beltramini Pincus & Sheldon H. Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Polizzi Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Potter Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell
Deacon & Mrs. James J. Puliatte Ms. Patricia Purcell ’78 Mr. & Mrs. John Quigley Theresa Anne Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Khalid Qureshi Mr. & Mrs. Sung Chan Ra Holly & Joseph Retcho Ms. Nancy Lyden Richard Ms. Lucy Maria Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rizzo Dr. & Dr. Sidney Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rothfritz Mrs. Judeline Rouzard Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rubino Mrs. Rosemarie Adamiak Russo ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Ahmad & Fatin Salhut Mr. & Mrs. Fulvio Santana Mrs. Charlotte Fletcher Santolli ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Mr. & Mrs. Carl Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Schuh Mrs. Jean Lenahan Schuller ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Serell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sesink-Clee Ms. Nancy Antonacci Shaich ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Sherlock Mr. & Mrs. John Morrison Mr. & Mrs. George Sivulka Mr. & Mrs. Robert Slobodin Ms. Dari Sonera Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Mr. & Mrs. Edward Craviolo Donna & Carmelo Spoleti Ms. Patricia Aalders Stanton ’73 Mrs. Barbara Dunn Starrett ’69 Rev. Peter Strand & Lorna McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Suh Peggy & Chris Sullivan Mrs. Joanne Surgent Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Taranto Mr. & Mrs. Rene Tenazas Victor Todisco, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Toolen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Twardzik Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vigneron Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Vignone Mrs. Regina Toth Wackermann ’86 Dr. & Dr. Mark Wade Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Ward Mrs. Kathleen Cooney Weiner ’74 Mr. & Mrs. John Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Ted Widman Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Wymer Mr. & Mrs. William Zink
f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f p a r t i c i p at i o n Mr. Buddy Ajalat S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61, SSND Mrs. Tara Brunt S. Eileen Casey, SSND Mrs. Kathryn Gartland Chambers Ms. Kathleen Czepiel
Ms. Patricia Daly ’58 Mrs. Gail Fair S. Catherine Green ’50, SSND Margaux Peña Hufnagel ’99 S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND Mrs. Catherine Korvin
Mrs. Laura Wescott Kraytem ’79 Mrs. Jessica O’Neill Leto ’02 S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Miss Jennifer Moran Mrs. Louise Plentus Ms. Patricia Prucnel
S. Carole Tabano ’59, SSND The Sunshine Club of AHA Ms. Alexis Vale Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris
wa y s t o g i v e
in memoriam
Annual Fund
Forms a gift can take:
Corporate and Matching Gifts
Each year, the Academy of the Holy Angels relies on the generosity of its alumnae, current and past parents, grandparents and friends to make contributions that stretch tuition beyond necessity to enhancement and bolster the quality that is synonymous with AHA.
Many corporations provide resources to supplement the support by employees for charitable institutions. This is a simple and effective way for contributors to increase the value of their gifts. Donors are encouraged to check with their respective employer’s Human Resources department about the availability of this program.
Scholarship/Financial Aid
Gifts made to the Academy’s scholarship funds are important expressions of support for the school’s future. Contributions made to the Annual Fund can be restricted towards financial aid. Memorial/Honor Gifts
A Memorial/Honor gift to the Academy of the Holy Angels is a significant way to honor, recognize or remember a relative, friend or teacher. Walk with Angels
Secure a permanent place in Holy Angels’ history while helping to ensure its future by purchasing a tax-deductible engraved brick. It is an excellent way to preserve your name or that of a loved one for years to come.
The simplest form of gift, an outright cash donation qualifies as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Online Giving
Giving is only a click away. Please visit our website, www.holyangelsalumnae.org/giving.
A gift of securities, stocks or bonds entitles the donor to an income tax deduction. A gift of appreciated securities may also reduce capital gains tax liability. To transfer securities, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224.
Muriel Mack Burns ’32 Mother of Barbara Burns O’Hara ’64
Mary Elizabeth Prather DeChard ’45 Marie Theurer Fisher ’37 Joanne McCullough Mitchell ’51
Bequests Securities
A bequest is a gift by a will. It can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate, or as a remainder share. Contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels qualify as charitable tax deductions and may help reduce estate tax liability. Your attorney or financial advisor can best provide tax information for your specific situation.
Mary Sause ’69 Sister of Mary Therese Sause Stukey ’71
FAMILY & FRIENDS Margaret Abel Mother of Valerie Abel ’63
Real Estate
Roxanne Bellina
A gift of real estate to the Academy of the Holy Angels provides the donor an income tax benefit as well as reducing capital gains since the market value of appreciated property is deductible.
Mother of Christine Bellina ’05
For further information and any other inquiries on giving to the Academy of the Holy Angels, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224 or email development@holyangels.org.
Robert Bonanno Brother of Marie Therese Bonanno Murphy ’75 and Elizabeth Bonanno Pitts ’77
Joseph Braun Father of Barbara Braun Millett ’94 and Brother of Barbara Braun IX ’56, Marilyn Braun Harrison ’59, Kathleen Braun Kavanaugh ’66
Gifts-in-kind represent non-monetary donations to the Academy of the Holy Angels such as books, equipment and special services.
Ann Breuel
f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f Mrs. Mariann Annecchino Mr. Shirly Arachchigedon Mr. George P. Ballane Mrs. Carolyn Barrett Mrs. Priscilla K. Bishop S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Mrs. Joan Bogner Mrs. Nancy Brizzolara Mrs. Tara Brunt Mrs. Marie Buckey Mrs. Barbara Burklund Mrs. Karen Camporeale S. Eileen Casey, SSND Mrs. Manola Cene Mr. Ferit Cene Mrs. Kathryn Chambers Ms. Linda Chelotti Ms. Jillane Chiandusse Ms. Maryann Chitko Mrs. Joan Finn Connelly Mrs. Jennifer L. Cucchisi Mr. Robert Czechowski Ms. Kathleen L. Czepiel Mrs. Jovanka De Palma Ms. Colette Domingues Mrs. Jackie Dorney Mr. Patrick Dunne Mrs. Gail Fair Dr. Barbara Fallon Ms. Carol Fay
Ms. Maureen E. Ferrara S. Mary Foley, SSND S. Cecelia Fox, RSM Mrs. Elaine Geelan Mrs. Patti Gorsuch S. Catherine Green, SSND Ms. Carrie Heimann Mrs. Katherine Hillman Mrs. Sharon Jureller S. Karen Kane, SSND Mrs. Jean Kanellopoulos Mrs. Therese Kohl Mr. Robert Kopil Mrs. Catherine Korvin Mrs. Laura Kraytem Mrs. Angela Kunz Miss Jennifer Lee Mrs. Marisel Le Goff Ms. Susan Liddy Mrs. Jing Loo S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Dr. Samira Mady Mr. John Mattessich Ms. Katharine McSherry Mr. Thomas Meyers Mrs. Stella Morales Ms. Jennifer Moran Miss Megan Moran Ms. Jean Mullooly Mrs. Eileen Musich
board of trustees Ms. Mary Naimo Mrs. Tara Nordsvan Ms. Andrea Orlando Mrs. Betty Ann O’Rourke Ms. Patricia Prucnel Ms. Carmen Quinones Ms. Carol Riley Mrs. Pamela Ruschak Mr. Joshua Ryor Mrs. Ellen Schiff Mrs. Nancy Schneberger Ms. Paula Schweitzer Mr. Robert Shanney Mrs. Casey Sharkey Mrs. Michele Sovak Mrs. Kathleen Sylvester S. Carol Tabano, SSND Mrs. AnnaMay Thurchak Mrs. Jennifer W. Trubac Mrs. Linda Tuttle Ms. Alexis Vale Ms. Jennifer Verdonck Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Kathleen Wall Dr. Martha Weinstein Ms. Christine Wraga Ms. Sheila Wroblewski Ms. Theresa Young
SSND Provincial Council
Kathleen Cornell, SSND Provincial Leader Barbara Bowers, SSND Mary Ellen Dougherty, SSND Joan Doyle, SSND Paula Dukehart, SSND Peggy Juskelis, SSND Eileen Shea, SSND
Mother of Nancy Breuel ’73 and Eileen Breuel Langseder ’74
John Buckley Father of Kathleen Buckley ’79 and Uncle of Roseann Browne McCarthy ’68 and Noreen Browne McGowan ’77
Marilyn Canale Mother of Sharon Canale Eltz ’98
Alexander A. Cella
Miriam Patrick Cummings, SSND Chair Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 Joseph Bonito Joseph Branciforte Edward Chapel Kathleen Cornell, SSND Tara Del Gavio Stephanie Bille Donohue ’72 Paul Harencak Eileen Huntington Michael Kazickas Robert LaBlanc Margaret Ellen Mahoney, SSND Jennifer Moran Susan Craig Scott ’66 Hugh Turk
Husband of Noreen Browne McGowan ’77 and Brother-in-law of Roseann Browne McCarthy ’68
Louis D’Andrea Father of Adriana D’Andrea ’84
Julius Del Monaco Father of Amy Del Monaco Saffioti ’90
Michael Eisenberg
Kathleen O’Rourke
Husband of Barbara Yetka-Eisenberg ’60
Silvia Epperly
Mother-in-law of AHA staff member Betty Ann O’Rourke
Mother of Silvia Epperly ’65
Ellen Parker
John Funesti
Mother of Mary Parker Morris ’69, Mother-in Law of Laura DeMola Parker ’74 and Grandmother of Caroline Morris Miller ’00
Father of Julie Funesti Esch ’80
Thomas Gannon Husband of Mary Hayes Gannon ’59
Hilda Garate Mother of Anna Garate ’85
Mark Garroni Brother of Anne Garroni Cosini ’74
Richard Powers Father of Elizabeth Powers Moore ‘76, Patricia Powers ‘77, Eileen Powers ‘78, Kathleen Powers Hales ‘78 and Mary Ann Powers Turner ‘81
Mother of Joanne Quinn Glaeser ’70
Grandmother of AHA Athletic Trainer Carrie Ann Heimann
Husband of Barbara Curran Klages ’56
Anthony Rizzo Marian Ross Mother of Jeanne Ross ’74
Frederick Kohli Grandfather of Elizabeth Kohli ’05 and Anna Kohli ’13
Robert Salomone Father of Emily Salomone Johnson ’96
Catherine Lillis
Helen Scanlon
Mother of Marcella Lillis Guilford ’70
Mother of Patricia Scanlon ’70 and Denise Scanlon ’77
Armin Lovi Father of Theresa Lovi Harryman ’83
Daniel Comiskey
Philip McGovern Grandfather of Madeline McGovern ’13
Charles Sundstrom Grandfather of Ally Siegel ’12
Hans Van Leer Husband of Elizabeth Sullivan Van Leer ’54
Donald Walther Father of Patricia Walther Keery ’82 and Kathleen Walther O’Hea ’87
recipient of
Father of Linda Righini Hespe ’67
Husband of Denise Monaghan Rizzo ’79
John Klages
Academy of the Holy Angels has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, NJ 07627 or email at alumnae@holyangels.org.
Mother of Chris Reveri Incontro ’68
Eugene F. Righini
Ann Heimann
Salem ’66 is also survived by a sister, Mary Ellen Salem Washienko ’64.
Are you the
Evelyn Reveri
Madeline Quinn
Josephine Mazzarella
Brother of Carol Conroy Malkowski ’65 and Peggy Conroy Kelly ’75
Catherine McGuire Aunt of AHA Faculty Member Joan Connelly and Megan Connelly ’09
Mother of Joyce Mazzarella Coopersmith ’67
John Conroy Trustees
Michael McGowan
Mother of Susan Craig Scott ’66
Grandfather of Elizabeth Hughes ’06
Father of Kathie Comiskey Sanders ’82
Lorraine Craig
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Alumnae News
Memorial Gifts*
Dome Society*
Send us your news and photos to be featured in the next issue of Tidings, by June 24th, 2011!
Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request.
By making a gift through your will or living trust you will provide support for future women leaders. Your gift can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate or as a remainder share.
Email Dorrie Voulgaris at alumnae@holyangels.org
*For more information regarding Memorial Gifts or the Dome Society, contact Tara Brunt at 201.768.7822 x224
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s p o n s ore d by t he school si sters of notr e d a me W e n e e d yo u r s u ppo rt
to co n t i n u e to p r e pa r e w o m e n l e a d e r s f o r t h e f u t u r e . Your contribution to the a c a d e m y o f t h e h o ly a n g e l s Annual Fund strengthens the Academy’s long-standing commitment to excellence, community and leadership. Your gift helps each young woman reach the fullness of her potential so that she, in turn, will share her gifts with others. Your contribution meets present needs and prepares for the future with hope. You allow us to continue the educational mission that began in Fort Lee over 130 years ago and flourishes in Demarest today. H e l p u s c o n t i n u e th e t r a d i t i o n .
annual fund 2010 - 2011