tidings academy of the h oly ange l s
s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame
a pu b lic ati on fo r alumn ae, par e nts and fr i e nd s
s um m er 20 1 1
Have you ever had a Flute Salad? Nora has the recipe. As founder and conductor of this musical ensemble, she arranges performances all over Bergen County and beyond. But music isn’t the only thing Nora digs. Her love of archaeology has taken her to Crow Canyon, Colorado, where she has unearthed artifacts over a thousand years old. This experience prompted her to start Dig It, a program for middle school students. Nora is always finding ways to inspire others, but don’t argue with this angel – her skills in debate have earned her the recognition as top debater in the county. Nora’s passion for learning was ignited at Holy Angels and continues to burn brightly in all of her endeavors.
FLY HIGHER Academy of the Holy Angels 315 Hillside Avenue Demarest NJ 07627 phone 201.768.7822 S p o n s o r e d by t h e S c h o o l S i s t e r s of N ot r e D a m e
OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 2nd, 11am www.holyangels.org/afh
Use your smartphone to see more Angels!
p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e
From cover to cover, this summer edition of Tidings highlights Angels reaching the fullness of their potential spiritually, morally, intellectually, socially and physically. The class of 2011 merits front page news. Aptly dubbed as “sent from heaven” by Principal Jennifer Moran, over the past four years they have grown into their conferred nickname by exceeding both personal and public expectations. They epitomize the AHA slogan, “Angels Fly Higher,” as they prepare to attend top tier colleges throughout the United States. Angelic Evening 2011 attracted 250 guests and netted over $111,000. Grandparents’ Day achieved a record attendance, despite being limited to the freshman and junior classes. Kiss Me Kate, our spring musical, brought the house down with sold-out performances. The Mother-Daughter Fashion Show filled the ballroom with more than 400 attendees and featured elegant seniors strutting down the runway in magnificent prom fashions. The spring sports program boasts of several major achievements. The track team earned the title of North Jersey Girls Track Team of the Year. The golf team captured the Big North Division 2 Championship. Several seniors signed letters of intent for college sports’ scholarships. All of the details can be found on the Angel Athletes spread! Inside the auditorium, the annual spring concert showcased the extraordinary musical talents of our students, while just outside, the Angels’ accomplished art works were on display for all to see. That evening, the Tuition Raffle drawing also took place, and Grace DeLeon was the lucky winner of $10,000. As you page through Tidings, enjoy every picture, read every word and rejoice with all the good news of Holy Angels. I pray that God may renew us with the warmth and beauty of these summer months, protect our comings and goings and gift us with new life. Sincerely,
2011 Sent from Heaven Commencement Ceremony
Angels Advantage: Alumnae Paying it Forward
Angel Athletes
Angels in the Arts
Angels Around the Halls
17 32
Alumnae News In Memoriam
tidings V o l u m e V, n u m b e r 1
Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends,
Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Chiandusse Director of Communications ahacommunications@holyangels.org
S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 President, Academy of the Holy Angels
Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org
graduation & baccalaureate
Commencement 2011 As is tradition at AHA, graduation festivities began on Wednesday night, June 1st, with the Baccalaureate Mass and awards ceremony. The class of 2011 proved that Angels do fly higher! Their mean SAT scores were the 2nd highest in Academy history with 593 in Critical Reading, 579 in Math and 606 in Writing. The class earned scholarship monies that totaled $10 million and the total number of community service hours during their 4 years was 27,000. Facing a very competitive college admission process,
the 2011 Angels take great pride in their acceptances to the top-tier colleges and universities throughout the nation, which include Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, UPenn and Notre Dame. The 131st Commencement Exercises of the Academy were held for the first time on a Sunday. The families and friends of the graduates gathered on the beautiful Field of Angel Dreams on June 5th. The invocation was given by Lily McLaughlin. The senior
“We should push ourselves to do the things that we wouldn’t have had the courage to do before. If AHA has taught us one thing throughout these four years, it’s that our potential is one of our greatest assets, and that we will never live to ‘the fullness of our potential’ unless we’re unafraid to take some risks.” –Sarah Owens ’11
commencement speaker was Sarah Owens and the senior response was given by Kaitlin Saar. The closing prayer was led by Danielle Flood. Dr. Catherine Costello Skae, M.D. ’85 shared her AHA memories with the class and described where her wings have taken her. The vocal ensemble, led by Mrs. Lisa Marciano, sang “For Good” from Wicked. The instrumental ensemble, directed by Mrs. Mariann Annecchino, accompanied the class in the singing of the Alma Mater.
Baccalaureate Celebration
Angel Colleges
Class of 2011 Angels are headed to...
Legacy Mothers & Daughters AHA gives special recognition to the families who have continued the Holy Angels legacy. Pictured from left to right are mothers and daughters Kathleen Cooney Wiener ’74 and Lauren Wiener ’11, Debra Scheyer Riggi ’82 and Samantha Riggi ’11, Maribel Unanue ’81 and Courtney McVicar ’11, Ann DiFiore Stratton ’76 and Danielle Stratton ’11, Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78 and Susan Piersa ’11, Mary Lou Donohue Owens ’85 and Sarah Owens ’11, and Victoria Yako ’11. Not pictured are Michelle Langella ’89,Donna Baboulis ’74 and Darcy Baboulis-Gyscek ’11.
American University Arizona State University Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Carnegie Mellon University Clemson University College of Charleston College of the Holy Cross Cornell University Dominican College Drexel University Elon University Fairfield University Fordham University Gordon College Hofstra University Iona College LaSalle University Loyola University Mar yland Marist College Mar ymount University Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Miami University Middlebur y College Montclair State University Mount St. Mar y College Muhlenberg College New Jersey Institute of Technology New York University Northeastern University Oberlin College Ohio State University Pepperdine University Polytechnic University of New York University Princeton University Providence College Quinnipiac University Ramapo College of NJ Roger William College Rowan University Rutgers, The State University of NJ Salve Regina University Sarah Lawrence College Seton Hall University St. John’s University St. Joseph’s University St. Peter’s College Stevens Institute of Technology Swarthmore College Syracuse University Temple University The Catholic University of America The College of New Jersey The George Washington University The Johns Hopkins University The Pennsylvania State University The University of North Carolina at Charlotte The University of Rhode Island The University of Scranton Tulane University Union College University of Buffalo University of Cincinnati University of Connecticut University of Delaware University of Notre Dame University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania University of Richmond University of the Sciences in Philadelphia University of South Carolina University of Tampa University of Virginia Villanova University Wake Forest University West Virginia University William Paterson University
angel athletes north jersey girls track team of the year The Angels’ 2011 spring track season was the most successful in school history. The team won their first County Seat Invitational and North Non-Public A titles, as well as their third straight Bergen County Relays Division B title, finishing the season ranked second by the Bergen Record in the North Jersey Top 25 and earning the title of North Jersey Girls Track Team of the Year!
Sesink-Clee in the javelin, Amanda Fields in the triple jump, and the team of Kelsley Broomfield, Kelsey Burnett, Hanna Jansson and Amanda Garcia in the 4x400 relay. “This is the best team in the history of Holy Angels,” exclaimed Coach Howard Schuman. “It was a dream season, just a great year.” Three seniors have signed letters of intent for track/cross country college scholarships. Jennifer Molke signed with UNC Charlotte, Maureen Crimmins will be heading to Fairfield University, and Emily Dunne to Elon University.
Individually, the team was led by school record breakers Alex Eckert in the pole vault and high hurdles, Kelsey Burnett in intermediate hurdles, Maureen Crimmins in the 1600, Lisa
Dreams Kasheema Besley ’11 signed her letter of intent with the University of Buffalo, where she will play basketball on an athletic scholarship.
A ‘Diamond’ in the Rough
Golf’s Heavy Hitters
Even with all the rain, this softball season just seemed to fly by. The team was very young this year, with only one senior, but the new additions really gave a boost, along with the veterans who were the mainstay. The team improved on last year’s record by 4 games in one of the toughest conferences in the state. Team leader and senior Dominique Kilmartin received the Big North Conference Student-Athlete Award. With the return of so many young players, next year promises to be an even better season, and the girls and coaches all look forward to it with a lot of optimism!
Newly crowned Big North Division 2 ‘Coach of the Year’, Patrick Dunne, led the Holy Angels golf team to another impeccable season. Their final record was 16-1 and they were 8-0 in the division to capture the Big North Division 2 championship. The Angels finished 2nd in the BCWCA tournament at Rockleigh and 2nd in the Big North League tournament at River Vale Country Club. They qualified for the State Northern Sectional Tournament at Stanton Ridge Country Club. Although playing well in very difficult conditions, the team did not make it to the State Finals. However, they are now even more motivated to swing into the next season and exceed this year’s amazing record.
Lacrosse Team Sticks Together Holy Angels’ lacrosse team finished the season with an 11-8 record and participated in both the county and state tournaments. Fourteen different players contributed goals throughout the season. The defense worked as a cohesive unit, holding opponents to an average of under 10 goals. The Angels were led by three great senior captains: Kaitlyn Saar, Katie Vincentz and Erin Ennis, as well as seniors Caroline Hroncich, Melanie Boyle, and Lily McLaughlin. Juniors Melanie Everett and Caroline Malley also received recognition within the county and league. The many contributing underclassmen gave the team depth and bring great promise for next season.
angels in the arts Spring Serenade The Annual Spring Concert showcased the many facets of the Angels’ musical talents. Taking place on Friday, May 20th, the production included performances by the Academy Chorus, Handbell Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble and the newly formed Flute Salad. The girls performed many crowd favorites, including selections from Wicked, Glee and The Little Mermaid. The Jazz Ensemble rocked out the night to popular music from the Beatles and even Metallica! The evening’s crescendo included a display of confetti, highlighting the Orchestra’s patriotic rendition of John Philip Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever. The Academy Chorus and Vocal Ensemble are under the direction of Mrs. Lisa Marciano, accompanied on the piano by Mr. Richard Fusilli. The Orchestra, Handbells and Jazz Ensemble are directed by Mrs. Mariann Annecchino. Flute Salad was founded and is led by junior Nora Neus.
In the Spotlight – Theatre Awards 2011 Metropolitan High School Theatre Awards (presented by the Helen HayEs Youth Theatre)
Student Art Exhibits
Outstanding Instrumentalist Nora Neus (Flute) – Kiss Me Kate
Outstanding Actress in a Leading Role Christine Byrne (Lilli Vanessi/Katharine) Outstanding Featured Ensemble Group (Female Quartet) Katherine Fuselier, Katie Flood, Alexandra Ann Pagnozzi, Lily Cunniff Outstanding Duet – “Wunderbar” Christine Byrne (Lili) and Tony Antoniou (Fred)
S. Eileen Casey guides the student artists in displaying their work for the Spring Art Show.
Outstanding Lobby Display Mrs. Laurie Gibney
Outstanding Graphic Design David Bowers, Samantha Collavecchio and Mary Sullivan Technical Merit Award Victoria Oggioni – Lighting and Prop Director; Alison Kress – Producer; Katherine Dominguez – Student Director
The Academy offers a wide variety of Art courses, each one featured in its own exhibit.
2011 Rising Star Awards (presented by the Paper Mill Playhouse)
Student Achievement Award Katherine Dominguez – Student Director Victoria Oggioni – Student Properties Designer/Creator/Lighting Director
The subject of flowers always blossoms into beautiful results for the Painting class.
angels around the halls ACADEMICS
Congratulations to the following girls who received
Book Awards: George Washington University School of Engineering & Applied Science Medal Jane Cruz Rockland Electric Scientific Achievement Award Alison Scorese
University of Rochester Xerox Award for Innovation & Information Technology Shannon Glynn
Saint Michael’s College Book Award for Scholarship and Service Monica Nolasco
University of Rochester George Eastman Young Leaders Award Gabriela Markolovic
Stonehill College Alexa Spatidol
University of Rochester Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award Soo Lee
The Rensselaer (RPI) Medal Stephanie Hojsak University of Pennsylvania Book Award Margaret McKee University of Rochester Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Award Karen Singh
US Military Academy, West Point Danielle Gherardi Wellesley College Book Award Seton McFarland Wesleyan University Book Award Lauren Tweel
Thirty one Angels from the class of 2011 received the President’s Award for Academic Excellence. This recognition is awarded annually and is received from the President of the United States and the US Secretary of Education. It recognizes students who have achieved outstanding academic excellence. To be eligible to receive this award, a senior must have a 7th semester cumulative, weighted average of 90% or higher, a SAT I Critical Reasoning (CR) and Math (M) achievement combined score greater than or equal to 1300, or an ACT Composite score greater than or equal to 29. The recipients were: Elissa Acevedo, Mary Rose Amoresano, Julia Aversa, Elizabeth Bentivegna, Melanie Boyle, Alexandra Brunet, Olivia Capotorto, Jaimie Lynn DiBernardo, Charlotte Droescher, Erin Ennis, Alyssa Giammarella, Caroline Hroncich, Hye-Jin Jeon, Dominique Kilmartin, Chae Jeong Kim, Olivia Kolodka, Lily McLaughlin, Claire Murphy, Jennifer Navatto, Victoria Oggioni, Sarah Owens, Lea Palacios, Susan Piersa, Gianna Puzzo, Maura Quinn, Hannah Robertson, Danielle Stratton, Mary Sullivan, Vanessa Tenazas, Madeleine Varettoni and Shafaq Zia. Daniella Garzon was accepted into the 2011 University of Connecticut’s Explore Engineering E2 Summer Enrichment Program, as well as the 2011 Cornell Catalyst Academy.
LEADERSHIP Regina Palatini, a rising senior, was chosen to attend the Congressional Academy for American History and Civics in Washington, DC. this summer. This two-week program selected two students from each of the 50 states and was funded by a grant from the US Department of Education. The Congressional Academy included class instruction and curriculum-related visits to Monticello, Gettysburg, Philadelphia and numerous historical sites in Washington, DC. Regina will receive three undergraduate credits in Political Science.
HELPING HANDS Briana Ciccarino was this year’s recipient of the College Counseling Office’s Caring Award. Rising sophomores Lauren Donovan, Alyssa Gentile and Christina Sirico of Troop #330 were recently awarded the Girl Scout Silver Award. For their Silver Award project, they collected backpacks and school supplies to be distributed through the Helping Hand Food Pantry to the less fortunate in their own community.
THE ARTS Danielle Annecchino was the recipient of the DeBaun Music Scholarship from Stevens Institute of Technology, where she will be studying Chemical Engineering in the fall. She was also recognized by the United States Achievement Academy as a student of excellence in the Fine Arts.
Elizabeth Bentivegna shares her prose at a creative writing event at Barnes & Noble
BREAKING NEWS! 51% of all Holy Angels juniors and seniors (134 students) were enrolled in at least one AP course in 2010-11. They took a total of 278 AP exams this May. 89.6 % of those exams were passed with flying
colors. In fact, 24% received the highest score of 5 and 35% received a 4. All 39 students who took the English Language and Composition exam passed, as did all 17 AP Chemistry students.
Congratulations to all of our valiant teachers and students in the rigorous AP program at Holy Angels, who overcame a loss of six instructional days because of snow closures.
AP Five-Year School Score Summary (2011)
1 19
faculty & staff news
We bid farewell and good luck to...
Kathleen Czepiel was a Spanish teacher at AHA for ten years. Because of her fluency and determination to speak Spanish throughout her classroom, her students developed an excellent ear for the language. We are grateful to Kathleen not only for her efforts in the classroom but for all she has done as moderator of trips to Spain and administrator of the National Spanish exams.
Sister Eileen Casey, SSND, Art Department Chairperson, is retiring to become a full time painter. Sister “I”, as we all love to call her, helped shape the artistic vision and growth of countless students over her 20 years at AHA. She embraced this year’s challenge to enhance the Arts program at Holy Angels, providing the leadership that will one day make the Academy a magnet for the Arts.
We also bid farewell to Carrie Heimann, our athletic trainer, who kept athletes safe and introduced the program to test for and treat possible concussions.
¡felicitaciones! S. Carole Tabano ’59 has been chosen by the National Executive Board of the Spanish National Honor Society for the coveted Martin Fierro Award. S. Carole was also invited to attend the National Conference this past year in Washington DC. She has been the moderator of AHA’s Spanish National Honor Society for over 15 years.
We are very excited to announce that the Academy of the Holy Angels will sponsor a competitive dance team next year! This group was formerly known as the Don Bosco Dance Team. Coach Jenny Sweet will head this exciting new venture at AHA. Ms. Sweet has her MA in Dance from NYU. She is a veteran UDA staff member with over eight years of experience running national camps, judging competitions and choreographing for the most recognized collegiate programs. Currently, Ms. Sweet is Co-Director of the Dance Department of the Cicely Tyson School of the Fine and Performing Arts, located in East Orange. There is also happy news for all those juniors and seniors interested in cheerleading. The Bergen Catholic Squad has invited Holy Angels upperclassmen to join them next year. We are extremely grateful to the Administration and Athletic Departments of Bergen Catholic and IHA for their generosity in extending this invitation. Holy Angels will sponsor a cheer squad for 9th and 10th graders and this squad will cheer for the Holy Angels basketball team. S. Virginia, Miss Moran and S. Karen are very grateful for the input and the patience of all involved, and look forward to an exciting season for our dancers and cheerleaders next year!
on the cover
College Counselor Joan Bogner sat down with us to talk about the new Angels Advantage program, an exciting new venture which provides mentoring opportunities for our students by connecting them with Holy Angels alumnae and parents. The Angels Advantage program provides students with opportunities to shadow or work alongside professionals in a variety of career settings within the New York metropolitan area. These career mentors are drawn from present and past parents and Academy alumnae.
career testing to experiential learning. The students will receive realistic views of a career path and job expectations. This shadowing experience will enable them to substantiate and enhance their college applications, resumÊs and e-portfolios. The program directs students to a clearer path in choosing a major or a career direction prior to their first semester of college. During this externship, a student can gain practical knowledge, get an insider’s view and cultivate her dreams through on-the-job practice. The Academy boasts so many successful graduates – women who have accomplished so much in a wide variety of fields. This program is a natural next step. Connecting the present Angels with alumnae strengthens their bond and provides wonderful transition for students into the Angel Network. This partnership is invaluable, and expectations are not burdensome to the mentors.
The commitment is just one or two days, although some can be one to two hour informational meetings. The shadowing date and time are at the discretion of the mentor. Typically, the dates during a school holiday week or summer months are best.
If you are interested in sponsoring a student extern please register your information for the program. Simply go to www.holyangelsalumnae.org/ angelsadvantage.You will need to activate your AHA community account. If you need assistance, please contact Dorrie Voulgaris at alumnae@holyangels.org for your ID number. Any questions about the program can be directed to our Externship Coordinator, Joan Bogner, in the College Counseling Office at jbogner@holyangels.org.
As the college admission process becomes more competitive, the impetus for this program is to give the Academy students an advantage. They are taken beyond the traditional
spirituality Service Day Service Day resumed on May 12th this year, after last year’s cancellation due to excessive snow days. The Angels visited over 15 sites across Northern New Jersey to lend their support and helping hands.
Sophomore Lock-In
Easter Liturgy | Grandparents’ Day Due to the overwhelming response to this annual event, in which grandparents are encouraged to spend the day at the Academy, invitations are now extended to freshman and junior grandparents only. This enables AHA to accommodate everyone in a safe and comfortable manner. It was a wonderful turnout this year, with grandparents enjoying the Easter liturgy as well as attending classes. Rev. Thomas Wisniewski presided over the Mass.
Sophomores Renee Jozanovic, Eleni Kyriacou, Korinne Dizon, Megan O’Donnell and Brigid Boll worked in collaboration with Campus Ministry to arrange a Sophomore Lock-In. The planning took place over a period of five months, with numerous lunch meetings and after school get-togethers. The overnight retreat took place from 8:00pm to 8:00am, April 15th-April 16th. The night was filled with bonding activities for the class of 2013 and included emotional talks and small group discussions that provoked sharing on topics like self esteem, relationships, prayer, and forgiveness. It was a well executed night which resulted in a lot of positive feedback. Attendee Abby McEvoy reflects, “The night was a success because I actually got to connect with a lot of girls whom I really had never interacted with before.”
a ng el ic e ve ning 2 0 1 1
The 14th Annual Angelic Evening was celebrated on March 25th at the Rockleigh Country Club in Rockleigh NJ. A big thank you to our tireless and dedicated Event Chair, Giovanna Germinario, and her many volunteers for making this event a huge success, netting $111,425.00! Guests enjoyed fine cuisine and bidding in the silent and live auctions. There was much excitement over bidding on dance lessons from the illustrious Dancing with the Stars’ Tony Dovolani, and two dancers from his studio were even on hand to entertain the evening’s guests. The night’s big winners were Holly Slepian (50/50) and Donald & Florence Tweel (Car Raffle). Please save the date for next year’s Angelic Evening – Friday, March 23, 2012 – sure to be another fabulous time!
alumnae association president
s another school year ends, the Holy Angels Alumnae Association welcomes 132 new members from the class of 2011. Please join me in welcoming them to their new rank of AHA alumnae, and wishing them all the best in all their college and future endeavors.
Looking to the fall, please be sure to plan on attending this year’s Alumnae Weekend. The date has been set for October 21st and 22nd, 2011. Not only are we celebrating the classes ending in ’1 and ’6, but we also will be recognizing the classes of ’59 and ’79, who celebrate special birthdays this year. All classes are invited, as Alumnae Weekend has become a great “Girls Night Out” for all former Angels. So mark your calendars, and get ready for a fun-filled weekend of laughs and memories. I look forward to seeing you all there! Best wishes for a happy and healthy summer, Patti McGovern Hill ’78
Maureen King Fitzgerald ’61 writes that she has 3 children and 4 grandchildren, ages 7, 5, 4 and 2 – “God’s little gift for getting older! I love my job - still working at NBC News for the Executive Producer of Dateline.”
Jacqueline Rinaldi Dawson Altschuler ’63 has just completed her second year as Manager of the Naples Bridge Center in Naples, FL. All AHA alumnae are welcome to visit the Center for great hospitality and duplicate bridge. Mary Beth Finnegan Hubbard ’76 , Lynn Sullivan Bowers ’78 and Ann Marie Gadaleta Kelly ’78 celebrating at the Arts Hall of Fame Induction
Catherine Ragati Priess ’48 shares, “I became a Great-grandmother to a beautiful baby girl, Brynn Parks, in February.”
Elaine Maurer Bumiller ’56 writes, “Last year we spent 2½ weeks in China. It was great! We just celebrated 50 years of marriage.”
Sister Mary Shea ’65, OP writes, “I am starting my 23rd year as administrator of Villa St. Dominic, a small retreat house overlooking the Hudson River. Hi to all of my classmates.”
In March 2010, Sharon Scully Machrone ’66 married Jerry Simonoff in Williamsburg, VA.
Christine Englert Granese ’67 spent 6 years in Honduras with her husband Richard. She also worked with Comprome, just like the AHA students did on a recent trip. Christine and Richard came home 8½ years ago with 3 children, siblings from Honduras, and they go back every year.
Valasie Kolessides August ’68 is proud to announce that her eldest grandchild, Andrew August, graduated with first honors from Gonzaga College High School on June 5th. He received The Director’s Award for Excellence in instrumental music, among many other honors. He will be attending The Butler School of Music at The University of Texas at Austin. Valasie says “I am over the moon for him as only a YiaYia can be!”
Class of 1985 members Cathy Mascis, Adele Seco Boras, Olenka Wos Kimball, Michelle Tracey Sodora, and Daniela Marcotti Levine got together for Christmas 2010 (pictured below).
Margo Klett Barsalou ’70 shared in the special day of her daughter Marguerite as she married Erland Modesto, Jr. on April 9, 2011. The wedding took place at St. Martha’s Catholic Church in Kingwood, TX. A reception followed at the Kingwood Country Club. Marguerite is a Market Analyst for JTI International in Teaneck, NJ and her husband is an Attorney with the firm Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett in New York City. The couple resides in Fort Lee, NJ.
Teresa Alasio ’85, along with husband Emmanuel and big brother Nicolas, is thrilled to announce the birth of Sebastian Thomas Chesnais on March 17, 2011, in New York City.
Lea Sampietro Martone ’92 and her husband Jason announced the birth of their second child, Lucas Jason, on October 6, 2010. Andrew is his proud big brother.
’93 Below is a photo from the baby shower of Terry Alasio, held at Maggianos Restaurant in Hackensack. From top left are Daniela Marcotti Levine, Dawn Moore, Adele Seco Boras, Maureen Davis Havlusch, Karen Entricken, and bottom left – Michelle Tracey Sodora and expectant mom Terry, all members of the Class of ’85.
Melissa Wagner Albrecht ’93 and husband Gary are pleased to announce the arrival of their third son, John Robert. He was born June 30, 2010 and joins big brothers Matthew and Luke.
Melissa Fruhbeis Cornish ’95 and her husband, Chris, welcomed their second child, Hope Catherine on April 19, 2011. Born in Charlotte, North Carolina, Hope weighed 7 lbs, 12 oz and measured 20 inches long. Proud big brother, Will, is now 2. Gisele Daigneault Manole ’95, husband Frank (Don Bosco ’94) and big brother Charlie are pleased to announce the arrival of future angel Elise Camille, born on March 11, 2011. Elise’s godmother is her aunt and AHA alumna Justine Daigneault ’98.
’86 Maureen Davis Havlusch ’85 is very proud that her daughter, Irene, will be starting Holy Angels in the fall. Irene joins not only her mom but also her grandmother Kathleen Bohnert Davis ’61. Maureen’s son, Max, will be a senior at St. Joseph’s Regional High School and she encourages folks to come out to cheer on Max and the Green Knights Football team this fall!
Lynn Ann Casey ’86 shared that her company, Arc Aspicio, was recently selected by Inc. Magazine and Winning Workplaces as a Top Small Workplace winner. This prestigious award recognizes exemplary small businesses and their workplace practices that foster innovation and job creation. The company was also honored with being one of the Virginia Fantastic 50 and received the 2010 Small Business Achievement Award from the Department of Homeland Security. Gerri Cecere Cristantiello ’86 married high school sweetheart Carmen 22 years ago and has 2 boys, 7 & 3. Gerri started a trade association management business in 2003 which has been growing and keeps her very busy!
Heather E. Muller ’96 married Donald J. Schnaars at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Tenafly, NJ on July 10, 2010. Heather is currently a principal at Saint Agnes School in Clark, NJ. Donald works in the Information Technology department for the NY Jets. They reside in Bloomingdale, NJ.
Pictured at right is future Angel Payton Grace Wilson, daughter of Cheryl Maurer Wilson ’96, granddaughter of Barbara Elter Maurer ’67 and niece of Krista Maurer Alantzas ’92.
’99 Lucas & Andrew Martone
Luke, John and Matthew Albrecht
Juliana Barno ’99 married Robert Spitzer on May 8, 2010. The couple met while attending Seton Hall Law School and both presently practice in New Jersey. There were several Angels in attendance to help the couple celebrate at the Florentine Gardens in River Vale: Julie Clifford Murray ’99, Mary Turk ’99, Christin Hartwig ’99, Marianne Rausch ’99, Margaux Peña Hufnagel ’99, Melissa Garville ’99, Sheila Monaghan ’00, Ann Marie Madigan Rybak ’99, Eileen Monaghan DeLucia ’00, Dana Assile Hanna ’99 , Dolores DiBella ’99 and Johanna Morrison ’99.
Amy Branchini Dahl ’99 and husband Keith are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Emma Frances, on February 23, 2011. Megan Boggia Voytus ’99 and husband Joe are happy to announce the birth of their son, Lucas Roman, on February 10, 2011. Both moms are hopeful that the pair will be future prom king and queen of AHA class of 2029! Hope Catherine Cornish
On May 12, Laura Connolly ’99 became one of the first recipients of a MPS in Homeland Security from Tulane University in New Orleans, LA. She is hoping to combine this degree with her MBA and work in the counter-terrorism field of government.
Aunt and Godmother Justine ’98 with baby Elise Camille and big brother Charlie
got news? Send your news and photos for the next issue of Tidings to Dorrie Voulgaris at alumnae@holyangels.org by October 1st, 2011!
Emily Schmitt ’00 and Brady Dennis were married on April 9, 2011 in Washington DC. Tamara Fowls ’00 was a bridesmaid and Melissa Zangoglia Wetherbee ’00 sang at the ceremony. Other angels in attendance included Theodora Angelos ’00, Elisa Abayhan Toturgul ’00, Charleen Barila ’00, Jessica DeSanta ’00, Katrina Durbak ’00, Rosalyn Kim ’00, and Emma Meyers ’09. Emily and Brady live in Washington DC, where Emily is a research analyst for the US Department of Health and Human Services and Brady is a staff writer for The Washington Post.
Sarah Drabick Wojcik ’01 and husband Jeff have one daughter, Zoe Jane, born January 15, 2010, and are expecting another in December 2011.
Emily Schmitt surrounded by her Angel classmates at her April wedding.
On January 21, 2011, Erin Malkiewicz ’02 married Mike Peters at The Venetian in Garfield, New Jersey. The two met in law school in Boston and returned to New Jersey in 2009. They now live in Westfield with their two dogs. Erin practices medical malpractice defense with a law firm in Union County.
Katharine Lonegan ’02 became engaged to Kevin Parany, of Little Falls, NJ. Kevin proposed to Katie in front of Cinderella’s Castle in Walt Disney World. The couple is planning a Spring 2013 wedding.
The nomination deadline for the Arts Hall of Fame is January 1, 2012. Form is available online at holyangelsalumnae.org
Daryl Baboulis-Gyscek ’04 is currently a screenwriter in Miami and doing some great things! One of her films was featured at the Paramount Studios in Hollywood and her sister Darcy ’11 was selected by the director as an actress in the film. Both Daryl and Darcy attended the premiere this past May. Jessica Holman ’04 has recently interned at the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in acute care, while pursuing a Master of Education degree from the University of Virginia in Speech-Language Pathology. This fall, she will be at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond. Jessica will be completing her Masters in December 2011 and hopes to work with children in a medical setting. Alison Kearns ’04 married CPT Jesse Sheehan on January 1, 2011. They are living in Tacoma, WA.
Lisha Arino ’05 graduated from Seton Hall University in 2009 with a degree in Diplomacy & International Relations. She is now working on her MA in Journalism from the City University of New York. She interned at WNYC Radio this past semester, where she created local content for All Things Considered, The Takeaway and WNYC’s news blog. This summer, she is at The Local – Fort Greene/Clinton Hill, a New York Times hyperlocal news blog. Natalie Ciccone ’05 was just inducted to the Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Honors Society. She is currently serving as the Vice President of the American Pharmacist Association at Palm Beach Atlantic University. She was also the Vice President of the Christian Pharmacist’s Fellowship International, Class President and acted as delegate at the Florida Pharmacy Association meeting as well as at the American Pharmacist Association annual meeting. Natalie has also volunteered with the Open Airways Program, teaching elementary school children how to properly control their asthma.
Dana Baboulis-Gyseck ’06 has accepted a job for Right Management in NYC as an analyst. Marybeth Navarra ’06 just completed a rewarding ten months of community service with the Americorps’ organization, City Year. She worked in a middle school in the South Bronx, NY where she never thought she would learn so much in just one year. She highly recommends that high school and college graduates between the ages of 17-24 give a year of service. For more information, visit www.cityyear.org.
Brielle Colby ’07 graduated early from The Pennsylvania State University with a BA in Journalism and a Minor in Political Science. She is currently stationed in Peru as a Youth Development Facilitator in the Peace Corps for the next 27 months. Brielle writes, “Why the Peace Corps? Why not! I have had the itch to travel and serve since Holy Angels gave me an opportunity to experience Austria and Honduras. I promised myself after finishing college I would give the Corps more than just a second thought. So, here I am in Peru on the first leg of a wonderful journey! Training is intense, filled with advanced Spanish classes and culture immersion and yes, at times I do miss the comforts of home [a hot shower would be nice!] but I have come to love my host family and the Peruvian people.” Kelly Salmon ’07 graduated magna cum laude from The College of New Jersey with departmental honors in Biology. Starting in the fall, she will be pursuing a PhD in the Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Program at Dartmouth College.
“I have had the itch to travel and serve since Holy Angels gave me an opportunity to experience Austria and Honduras.” –Brielle Colby ’07
Krissi Gorsuch ’08 currently attends Fairfield University and is a member of the rowing team. She and her teammate combined for a first-place finish in all three of their races at the Dad Vail Regatta in Philadelphia in May. They captured the gold medal at this very prestigious and oldest regatta in the country. This was the first gold ever for Fairfield! Krissi was also given the award of Most Valuable Rower this year at Fairfield.
Krissi Gorsuch (center) poses with her medal.
Catherine Menta ’09 was recently chosen to be the first member of New York Yankees’ first baseman Mark Teixeira’s Dream Team. The charity as a whole has helped at-risk youth in Harlem discover their athletic talents as well as aided their success in school for the past 20 years. For more info visit www.dreamteam25.org.
Class of ’59 and ’79 Birthday Celebrations! Saturday October 22, 2011 Academy of the Holy Angels
Save the Date! A Legacy family celebrates Graduation 2011. Pictured from L to R: Linda Baboulis ’76, Jacqueline Baboulis-Kuhn ’14, Dana BaboulisGyscek ’06, Darcy Baboulis-Gyscek ’11, Donna J. Baboulis ’74, Daryl Baboulis-Gyscek ’04 and Danielle Cordani Porreca ’88.
lost reunion angels 1941 Mildred Corocoran Anglin Augusta Aristy Ida Simmen Boyhan Rita Brannigan Ann McCurry Buckholz Evelyn Erbeck Mary Dilger Finn Bette Finneran Manette Ford Nancy Fritz Lillian Feibel Goodyear Mary Gorman Joan Harmon Helen Foley Hawkins Robin Kelley Barbara Kennedy Lillian Lo Galbo Mary Cavanagh Lynch Mary Nicholson Madden Virginia Brown Morley Grace Dillon Murphy Rose Chiri Muscio Marion Murphy Neiman Margaret Harter O’Brien Madeline O’Connell Jeanne Paquet Betty Perron Madeline Quatrano Jane McManus Shristman Anne Adlon Smith Gloria Perazzo Tyndall Alice Tyndall Eileen van Bemmel Patricia Wells Mary Winters Audrey Schmieder Wright
1951 Nancy Lonergan Giamporcaro Agnes Hoar Hughes Nora Madigan Joan Jelm Murray Florence Senger Rose Jeanette Brennan Sketo Ann Yocum Squire
Katherine Shanahan Ryan Ruth Smith Lois Bonica Sommers Barbara Mathe Sothern Mary Anne Glennon Taufen Marilyn Tibesart Eileen Newton Tranz Eileen Ciliberti Von Wallmenich
1956 Arlene Aluisi Joyce Beck Georgette Phelan Bosch Mary Jane Buckley Jean Novotny Chappelle Priscilla Chasmar Frances Christen Cheski Doris Clayton Roberta Demmerer Diane Dickel Pauline Gareau Elinor Suarez Grasso Mary Anne Grumbach Elizabeth Fell Hansen Margaret Donnelly Hopp Bonnie Komsa Patricia Freeman Lehmann Patricia Martin Rose-Marie Weibel Merz Joan McCaffrey Monia Joan Nebbia Harriet Pepin Janet Harris Phelan Patricia McCormack Schmitt Patricia Griffin Steck Kathryn Wallace Bernice Zacchino
1946 Dorothy Altman Madeline Bersch Margaret Gorman Bruno Betty Mullen Cosgrove Mary Croghan Jean Ericson Madeline Birsch Frey Inez Garcia Joan Gray Rose-Marie Hafford Ann Coltiletti Healy Lillian DeGiglio Huber Jacqueline Limerick Lorrayne Pearson Rosemary Seifried Mary Sullivan Mary Lou Connell Towey Frances Pickess Woods
1961 Margaret Cunningham Pamela Schwab Dalton Victoria Noli de Mendez Joan Maisano Dennehy Jane Mauer DiIorio Joann Ferrara Barbara Moran Franklin Cathleen McNally Gill Catherine Goebel Barbara O’Connor Greve Susan Slattery Herles Lita Vergara Hill Andrea Nardelli Hudson Dolores LaHiff Kelly Elvera Buono Kucic Barbara LaBarba Dianne Hughes Liptak Kathryn Bennett Mencken Patricia Paradin Nancy Sedlacek Poznanski
1966 Patricia McCarthy Breslin Christine Chorney Sue Gariano Linda Billies Garrett Mary Ellen Gill Janet Randon Heidemann Kathleen Braun Kavanaugh Lorraine Messina Kennagh Linda Klebe Damaris Kourakos Linda Maestu Lavery Rose Luvera Janet Maryansky Patricia Ege McGee Jeanette Mignocchi Virginia Restivo Morgan Ann Muldowney Kathy O’Connor Mary Ann O’Leary Clare Pomar O’Neill Elena Oliveri Patricia Broom Olsen Kathy Porwoll Mary Downey Raichel Frances Hansen Schmieder Patricia Schweighofer Donna Sticco Christina Stoddart Stile Joanne Trecartin Christine von Dohln Patricia Goodwin Wrightsman 1971 Jeanne Masar Abrahamsen Marianne Alberse Diane Auresto Carol Barkauskas Susan Bertone Lucy Finnegan Boyle Virginia Broderick Vivian Chen Chen Maria Colicci Joyce Coppola Michelle Mancini Delicate Diane Dempsey Mary DiPaola Mary Ehrhard Doreen McIntyre Esparza Annice Fillhart
Jodee Tolomeo Fink Maria Fiuza Deborah Garrity Susan Steinke Gilboy Valerie Glesnes Judith Greene Mary Beth Greene Linda Hart Lois Hasslock Margaret Restivo Imbornone Frances Higgins Jacobs Nancy Jones Rosemary Kemp Janet King Patricia Lane Linda LaPaz Maryanne Lapinski Kathleen Blaszczak Liszka Susan MacDonald Ellen Malloy June Mancuso Lesley Marshall Doreen Massarelli Carol McLaughlin Deirdre Meehan Linda Melillo Diana Mudafort Kathleen Collins Palazza Janet Baron Peterson Barbara Plantz Nancy Quinn Claire Ramundo Kathleen Rauth Nancy Reid Jean Fattori Reinig Janet Rutkousky Kathleen Enright Ryan Rosemary Scoleri Barbara Russo Sprouls Catherine Sullivan Sarah McGough Thirlwall Joan Clark Trulock Julie Vanderhoven Betty Williams Deborah Zeleny 1976 Jo Anderson Aimee Andrade Jeanne Beckerle Kathy Bisbe Elizabeth Bonacci Marirose Bowen Leah Cologero Brenner Rosa Brusco Mary Anne Delaney Maryann Dunleavy Sally Emerson Maryanne Ford
It’s time for the class reunion and we’ve lost touch with the following Angels. We would love to reconnect with these alumnae. If you are in contact with any of these classmates, please encourage them to contact the Office of Alumnae Relations at 201.768.7822 x211 or alumnae@holyangels.org. Maureen Greene Louisa Gutierrez Margaret McKenna Hammill Casey Hennessy Margaret Oates Korczak Annamarie Koster Ellene Long Patricia Cavalier Lynch Frances Mahon Joanmarie Mooney Elizabeth Powers Moore Laurie Balbo Moran Cathy Oxton-Blasevick Judy Rothwell Jane Dougherty Schell Jill Schmied Anne Schmitt Michelle Simonetti Maureen DeLaney Syms Catherine Franklin Talon Karen Tooman Mary Fiorio Valetutti Alycia Bracken Weigley Barbara Wynne 1981 Eileen Andriola Margaret August Ann Marie Barrett Barbara Baselice Catherine Carroll Patricia Carson Jeannie Collins Patricia Consoli Jean Costin Mary Jo Croonquist Clare Davies Jackie Illonardo Della Torre Victoria Doll Grace Duffy Margaret Dugan Bronwyn Deer Fischer Maureen Flynn Frances Young Fuchs Viviane deCordier Giangola Mary Beth Grunstra Valerie Haynes Patricia D’Anna Hill Dina Hroncich Yuki Ikuno Naomi Kimura Laura LaBelle Olga Liriano Luanne Marrazzo Catherine Contey Matthews Vivian Mikelis Lisa Morrow
Karen Murphy Carla Olla Andrea Panzarino Helen Dougherty Perkowski Maria Pyrros Linda Giusto Rabeiro Cathy Rodriguez Chris Rodriguez Kathy Bardsley Roughan Bernadette Sobrino Mary Pat Forrester Spekhardt Anne Dougherty Storer Patricia Stumpp Sheila Reardon Wilcox Patricia Zortman 1986 Maria Aiosa Elena Amdeo Sheila Andres Allison Brown Nancy Brutus Maria Cologero Noreen Donnellon Karen Dottino Susan Begley Fitter Janine Genua Jeanette Kelly Gibbons Valerie Hanssen Katherine Hiemer Michelle Kelly Michelle Landers Jill Langer Lori LoPresti Gina Lucibello Dianna Marrazzo Nancy McCarthy Tracey Miller Maura Monaghan Laura Morrison Holly Nardi Carolyn O’Brien Deirdre O’Connell Kelly Phillips Penelope Posa Reardon Valerie Jordan Reece Danielle Moretti Rodriguez Marisa Rodriguez Kathleen Purcell Ronollo Ivka Curko Rudenjak Laurel Sheridan Christine Gadino Thero Deirdre Walsh Donna Maguire Ward Loreena White Mai Witham Carolyn Yedwab
1991 Stacey Armstrong Keri Discepolo Bassuk Julie Scarpaci Blauvelt Marianne Calabrese Jennifer Babbino Costantino Christina Enriquez Clare Fahy Deirdre Gregg Sabrina Hague Maire O’Dwyer Houston Kerri Hurley Melissa Kelley Kerry Kelly Susan Lee Linda Lim Melba Nagy Melissa De Bonis Rothe Jamie Shirley Kathleen Shorter Amy Teter Jennifer Thurber Sonia Vasquez Chanena Velastegui Hope Voto Dierdre Longergan Wenzel Marife Enriquez Woods
COMING soon in the next
Highlights from Alumnae Weekend!
1996 Jean Ahn Jennifer Preziosi Fidler Maura Henninger Sharyn McCarthy Christine McSweeny Jessica Montalvo Jennifer Breton Rementer Emily Salomone 2001 Kristie Mulligan Duncan Nicole Gaine Jessica Gonzalez Brianne Mulhearn Sheryl Nicolosi Cristin Wallace Brooke Ward
Regional Alumnae Events from Florida to California!
2006 Jumana Jaloudi Sang Eun Park
Annual Report to Investors
Merz Scholarships The Ellen and Ralph Merz Scholarship Program annually awards scholarships to graduates of Holy Angels. The scholarship covers partial tuition for one year in an undergraduate or graduate program, provided a minimum 3.0 average in studies is maintained. Ellen Merz, an educator, raised as a ward of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the Academy of the Holy Angels in Fort Lee, endowed a scholarship fund in 1984 to be used by graduates of the Academy. All graduates who are currently enrolled in a college or university or graduates who are planning to return to formal study in the next school year are eligible.
We are proud to announce the 2011 Merz Scholarship Recipients: Stacey Cha ’06 Stacey graduated from Rutgers University in 2010 with a BA in Biological Sciences. She is fulfilling a lifelong dream of becoming a dentist as she begins her Doctorate at Tufts University School of Dentistry this fall. Stacey was an active member of the Catholic Student Association during her time at Rutgers and served as Chair of the spiritual committee and as a retreat leader. She had the opportunity to travel with the Catholic Student Association on a service trip to Tanzania, Africa in 2009. She also performed and choreographed with the Rutgers Performing Dance Company. “Holy Angels provided me with opportunities and fueled my love for the sciences. After this discovery and realizing my ability to do well in the sciences, I decided to pursue dentistry. It will give me the skills necessary to help people in a greater way.” Caitlin Early ’01 Caitlin graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2005 with a BA in Political Science. While there, she was a resident assistant as well as the manager of the women’s basketball team. After graduation, she spent two years as an International volunteer with Holy Cross Associates in Santiago, Chile. Caitlin coordinated various activities such as tutoring and afterschool programs, cooking for Meals on Wheels, and supervising and planning activities for summer camps in rural communities. Caitlin is currently pursuing a Master of Social Work at the University of California in Berkley. She has been working as a paralegal for a family immigration attorney in San Francisco, assisting families through the court process and acting as translator. “During my four years at Holy Angels, I was challenged to live out the tenets of Catholic social teaching through service to others. As a student at AHA, I was involved in volunteer projects that exposed me to diverse groups like inner city children, senior citizens and the sick. These formative experiences shaped my world view; they gave me insight into working with people from different backgrounds than my own.” Mary McSherry Giambona ’76 Mary graduated in 1980 with a BA in Art Education from Caldwell College. She completed her MS in Education from Dominican College in 2009 and is currently completing certification to become a teacher of students with disabilities. Mary has worked in various schools during her career and most recently has been a preschool teacher at Concordia Learning Center at St. Joseph’s School for the Blind in Jersey City. Prior to this, Mary taught Art at the Highpoint School of Bergen County to emotionally disturbed high school students. “I value the importance of education and appreciate this opportunity.” Katherine Romano Hillman ’73 Kathy graduated from Bergen Community College in December 2008 with an Associate’s degree in Nursing and is currently enrolled in the RN to BSN program at Ramapo College. She was recently inducted into Ramapo College’s Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau – International Nursing Honor Society. Kathy has been a vital member of the AHA College Counseling Office since 1999 as the Office Administrative Assistant. “As a graduate and employee of the Academy, I continue to receive support in various ways. My ties to this community are strong and unbreakable. Holy Angels continues to educate me in many ways and for this I am grateful.” Emily Schumacher Marchiano ’05 Emily graduated summa cum laude from Fordham University in 2010 with a BA in Natural Sciences. During her time at Fordham and then beyond, Emily has worked in the lab as a technician at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Weill Cornell Medical College and as a research teaching specialist at UMDNJ at the Center of Emerging and Reemerging Pathogens. She has also volunteered at New York Presbyterian Hospital in the Child Life Services department, organizing activities for the pediatric inpatient unit. Emily will begin her first year of medical school this fall at UMDNJ. “Long before I walked into AHA I knew that I had an interest in the sciences and that they would be a focal point of my academic life and ultimately the cornerstone of my career. However, it was during those formative years at AHA that I was given the confidence as a woman to believe that I could be successful in this field.”
Suzana Markolovic ’09 Suzana is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Chemical Biology with a minor in Spanish at Cornell University. She has had opportunities to assist graduate students in the labs, gaining valuable research experience. Suzana is a member of Cornell’s Catholic community as a Eucharistic Minister and Sacristan. She has also been a peer advisor for the College of Arts & Sciences. She balances this while running on the Division 1 women’s cross-country and track and field teams at Cornell. “Holy Angels has taught me to appreciate the opportunities I have and to use these gifts to harness my intelligence to make a positive difference in our world. There is no doubt that Holy Angels shaped me intellectually and it greatly prepared me for the rigorous demands of an Ivy League school.” Alana Mihovics ’06 Alana graduated from Stonehill College in 2010 with a BA in English and Foreign Languages and a minor in Psychology. She was a founding member and Vice President of Stonehill’s STAND [Students Taking Action Now: Darfur] chapter. Alana spent time assisting fellow students and faculty as a writing consultant on campus and then as a teaching assistant for an English Survey course. She is currently pursuing her law degree at Pace University Law School. She has interned in the NY State court system and serves as a volunteer for the Rockland Family shelter providing phone counseling and accompaniment to local hospitals and police departments as a rape crisis counselor and for cases of domestic violence. “AHA provided the cornerstone for my future successes through the emphasis on discipline and hard work as well as looking out for others. I believe that it was at AHA where I developed the desire to have a career helping people who have been dealt a less fortunate hand than others.” Mary Rizzo ’10 Mary is currently at St. John’s University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Television and Film Studies. She is an active member of the university’s campus ministry by serving as lector and eucharistic minister. She has also volunteered at Cliffside Rehabilitation & Residential Health Center in Flushing, NY, transporting residents from rooms to activities and assisting with games. Mary has been working with Chase Wilson Productions since 2008. She has been a production assistant and co-produced the voice overs for “Sticks & Stones”, an educational film about cyber bullying and harassment, used by many schools and law enforcement officials. “I like to give back to the world that has given me so much and regardless of whether I am busy or not, I will always make time to give others even just a little of what I have received.” Emily Wallace ’04 Emily graduated from The Catholic University of America in 2008 with a BA in Social Work, Theology and Religious Studies. During her time at Catholic University, she was a team leader on a mission to Jamaica during her spring breaks in 2006 & 2007, where she tutored the young people in English and Math, visited the elderly and worked to replenish supplies as well as paint the facilities. With diploma in hand, Emily joined the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and traveled to Tanzania, Africa. From December 2008 to December 2010 she was a full-time teacher working with grades 3-5 and assisted the school’s administration in revising its vision, motto and mission. She also served as Language Department Chairperson. Emily will be attending the University of Pennsylvania to get her MS in International Educational Development. She recently returned to Tanzania for a short visit prior to the start of her classes. “Holy Angels did not just prepare me academically; it was where I started to understand what my faith meant for me as an individual, and I began to see how it was practical in my life.”
How do I apply? • Download an application at holyangelsalumnae.org/ merzscholar and submit it by March 4, 2012. • Outline your goals. Explain how your college study will guide your future. Indicate any influence AHA had in directing you toward this goal. Include any service performed in your community and/or church, as well as relevant job experiences you might have had within the past five years. • Submit three written references (must be academic/professional in nature). • Attach a copy of your resumé. • Include the most recent Federal Income Tax Return that you have filed (if you are a dependent, you must include your parents’ return).
special alumnae events Legacy Mothers Dinner Each year, alumnae whose daughters either currently attend or have attended the Academy are invited to gather and celebrate this very special connection. The invitation is also extended to those whose daughters will be joining AHA in the fall. This year’s dinner was held on May 10, 2011 at Andiamos Restaurant. The Legacy Mothers shared stories about their own experiences at AHA, as well as their daughters’. It is always a fun night filled with reminiscing and laughter.
Joining together for this special night were Kathleen Bohnert Davis ’61, Johnna O’Rourke DiPalma ’85, Maureen Reuter Gallo ’80, Maureen Davis Havlusch ’85, Geralyn Parent Haws ’82, Teresa Iorio Greenberg ’74, Patti McGovern Hill ’78, Patricia Edone Irizarry ’75, Claire O’Connell Keane ’75, Lisa Raacke Malley ’74, Sharon Cummings Oeste ’74, Mary Mattesich Palatini ’75, Renee Norfleet Ramirez ’85, Margaret Heaney Saxenian ’80, AHA President S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61 and Director of Alumnae Relations, Dorrie Voulgaris.
Annual Alumnae Mother/Daughter Tea This sold out event was held on Sunday, April 3rd and immediately after, the group attended AHA’s Spring Musical Kiss Me Kate. In attendance were alumnae with their daughters, granddaughters, nieces, goddaughters and cousins. In addition to the Tea and lunch, there was a game of Tea Bingo. Cast members came in prior to the show to meet the young 5 guests and took time to pose for photos.
Annual Fund Letter Signing On May 5th a group of Alumnae gathered at AHA to sign letters to their classmates for this year’s annual fund. The response was wonderful and four decades of Angels were represented. We will do this again next year – if you are available to join us, please contact Patti McGovern Hill ’78 at pattihill@optonline.net. This year’s attendees were: Mary Veras Ayoub ’84, S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61, Eileen
Alumnae Association Induction 2011
Lennon Duff ’96, Patti McGovern Hill ’78, Diane Schwitter Montemurro ’72, Vanessa Arteaga Rissetto ’96, Susan Craig Scott ’66, Anne Marie Ryan Ryan ’80, Pam Schwitter ’65, Robyn Assile Ziemba ’96 and Kristin Malley Zimny ’86. Those who also signed letters but could not attend were: Kate Gartland Chambers ’66, Maureen Corbett Gullo ’92, Kathleen Callahan Mays ’77, Colleen Corbett Staff ’89 and S. Carole Tabano ’59.
Angel Network The Angel Network is a sub-committee of the Alumnae Association and is open to all AHA alumnae. The group focuses on networking events, professional development and will most importantly provide mentoring and internship opportunities for current or recently graduated Angels. And the best part is that your involvement can be as small or as big as you choose – you can either be here in the New Jersey area or as far away as California!
Kelly Salmon ’07 visited science classes at Holy Angels to discuss her latest research. Linda Salem Burtis ’64 (pictured top right) spoke with the Angels over Africa club about her recent climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Maya Saoud ’06, Elizabeth Grefrath ’04 and Susanne Murray Byrne ’91 served as session speakers on Awareness Day. Mia Alpos Petrou ’94 was the guest speaker at the Math Honor Society Induction. Alexandra Durbak ’98 addressed the World Language Honor Societies at their induction (pictured at left). Julia Tolentino ’06, past NHS President, spoke at the National Honor Society Induction.
Soaring Angel On her own graduation day, Catherine Costello Skae ’85 left Holy Angels with two diplomas in hand. That weekend she not only graduated from the Academy, but from St. Thomas Aquinas College with a BS in Psychology, magna cum laude at that! Catherine was featured on the Today Show and the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson as well as in major newspapers throughout the country. She did not stop there. Catherine began her postgraduate studies at Columbia University and then onto SUNY Buffalo where she attended the School of Medicine and Biological Sciences and attained a Doctorate of Medicine. Catherine completed her residency at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx and went on to be Chief Resident. Today she is the Director of the Pediatric Residency Program at Montefiore. She also wears many other hats as Project Director for the Children’s Hospital’s Pain Services, Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Pediatrics, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and an attending Pediatrician. Catherine and her husband John have two children. She was the graduation speaker this year and truly proved to the class of 2011 that Angels do fly higher!
prom sCENE
juniors and seniors shine on their big night out • prom season 2011
girls’ night out at the mother-daughter fashion show, april 2011
celebrating culture at the
angels in the Arts
dinner dance
& hall of fame induction 29
Arts Hall of Fame
Lynn Sullivan Bowers ’78 The days spent in navy and maroon afforded Lynn Sullivan Bowers ’78 the opportunity to solidify her career plans in dance. She was a member of the Modern Dance Club for all four years at AHA and was the president in her junior and senior years. Lynn, along with her sister Liane ’80, choreographed many of the group’s dance numbers. The group met once a week and prepared for the Annual Spring Show and liturgical performances. They danced at several liturgies and enjoyed expressing this special kind of prayer. Lynn’s other school activities included French Club for all four years and Echoes as typing editor in her senior year.
Lynn has appeared on Broadway, TV, and in theatre. Her resumé includes the original David Merrick production of 42nd Street and the original 1982 film Annie. She was a member of the legendary Radio City Rockettes for 19 years. She had the opportunity to dance with stars such as Ginger Rogers, Peter Allen, Paula Abdul, Whoopi Goldberg and Tommy Tune. Her TV appearances include Late Show with David Letterman, NBC’s Today Show, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, All My Children, Ryan’s Hope, Law & Order and a Super Bowl Half-Time Show featuring Michael Jackson. Media profiles include Ladies Home Journal, People magazine and Parade magazine. As the Rockette dance captain for the Christmas Spectacular, Lynn trained over 80 Rockettes each season. She got her start in choreography by assisting big names like Randy Skinner, Joe Layton and Robert Longbottom. Lynn has choreographed several productions of 42nd Street which included the show on the Norwegian Cruise Lines. As a choreographer for Radio City, Lynn was responsible for staging the Rockettes’ TV appearances on shows such as ABC’s Good Morning America, NBC’s Today Show, the tree lighting at Rockefeller Center and the Presidential Inaugural Event.
She even had the opportunity to teach New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani, as well as the cast of HBO’s The Sopranos, to kick with the Rockettes!
Lynn was also one of the original instructors and artistic advisors for Radio City’s Rockette Experience. She is the only woman in Radio City history to have held all of the following positions within the organization: Rockette, Rockette Swing, Dance Captain, Company Manager, Choreographer and Manager of Rockette
Operations for Madison Square Garden. As Manager of Rockette Operations she managed over 200 Rockettes each season. In 2006, Lynn and her husband John traveled to China to adopt their daughter, Samantha, who is now a thriving five year old and also a wonderful dancer. With the big picture in mind, Lynn’s teaching career now includes the fitness world as well as dance. She found new opportunities and certifications in yoga, cardio dance, senior fitness and Zumba. She continues to teach master classes in tap, theatre dance and audition technique for NYC’s Broadway Dance Center and Rutgers University’s Mason Gross School of the Arts.
Eileen Casey, SSND Sister Eileen Casey began her undergraduate studies at Hunter College in New York City and then completed her BA in History at the College of Notre Dame in Maryland. She began her teaching career at St. Leo’s in Irvington, NJ as a 6th & 7th grade teacher. She received an MA in
American History from Seton Hall University while teaching at Bishop Kearney HS in Rochester, NY where she taught American History, AP History, American Concepts, Humanities and Life Drawing. She pursued her love of art by taking undergraduate art classes at both Nazareth College and Rochester Institute of Technology. Sister Eileen then continued her studies with classes at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. She came to Holy Angels in 1980, teaching a combination of history and art classes. In 1984, she took time to concentrate on her studies and focus on her artwork. She took non-credit courses during the summer at the Art Students League in NYC and in 1986 she received her MA from NYU. Her “One Woman Shows”, which showcased her artwork, took place in the years 1983-1986. One show at the Demarest Library displayed two dozen of her watercolor pieces featuring flowers. In 1984 the American Association of University Women showcased her work in acrylics, oils and serigraphy at the show “Ten Year Retrospective”. At the completion of her degree at NYU, her paintings were in the Master’s Show “Windows” at the Loeb Gallery in New York City. In 1988, Sister “I” returned to the Academy as the Art Department Chairperson and teacher. Over the years she has taught AP Art History, AP Studio Art, Honors Studio Art, Color and Design, Graphic Arts, Painting and Drawing. She has also run activities such as Drawing from the Model and Life Drawing in an effort to give students who could not fit art into their schedule a chance to express themselves. Sister “I” has spent the years painting alongside her students as our very own artist in residence. Her work can be found in offices and hallways throughout the campus. In April 2009 Sister Eileen celebrated her 50th Jubilee as an SSND. This June she retired from teaching, but assures us that it will not be from art, as she will be focusing all of her time on painting.
calendar of events Regional Gatherings
AHA Upcoming Events
October 25-31 California
October 2
San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego
Open House
November 5
Athletic Hall of Fame Induction
November 8-14 Florida
November 12-13
Fort Myers Tampa Orlando Jacksonville
Fall Drama Twelve Angry Women
December 9 Christmas Gala
October 21–22, 2011
Alumnae Weekend Including a reunion celebration for the classes ending in 1 & 6!
Please join us! october 21, 2011 foundation Day at AHA
october 22, 2011 alumnae celebration
• Join us for a special community gathering • Celebrate the SSNDs’ sponsorship of Holy Angels • Attend classes
• Mass & Dinner • Special recognition for reunion classes • Tours of the building
For more information, visit www.holyangelsalumnae.org 31
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s p o n s ore o re d by t h e school si sters of notre d a me
in memoriam ALUMNAE
Edmund Feldmeth
Veronica Pastorini
Father of Jeanine Feldmeth ’98
Mother of Gail Pastorini Scullion ’56
Mary Creaden ’74
Daniel Fierro
Susumu Saito
Husband of Rosemarie Viale Fierro ’55
Father of Maia Saito ‘06
Jeanne Messmer Donovan ’43
Regina Fletcher
George Soldo
Mother of former AHA Staff member
Father of Debbie Soldo Solga ’73 and
Louise Plentus and Grandmother to
Grandfather of Ashley Solga ’05
Lydia Ponsi Anderson ’35
Mother of Alison Donovan Novack ’68 and Sister of the late Doris Messmer ’47
Patricia Mallory ’66
Laura Plentus ’04
William Swords
Susan Flood
Father of Mary Ann Swords Greene
Mother of Katherine Flood ’12
’91 , Kerry Swords ’92 and Tara
Theodore Alexander
George Kaim
Grandfather-in-law of AHA faculty
Husband of Joan Gallina Kaim ’57
member Michele Sovak
Beverly Klim
Maria Appice
Mother of Toni Anne Klim Lisante ’90
Grandmother of Gabriella Appice ’11
Joseph Marolda
Jean Beaugard
Grandfather of Stephanie Hojsak ’12
Mother of Janet Beaugard ’69, Jeanne
Barbara O’Keefe
Beaugard ’72 and Claire Beaugard ’79
Daisy Carrillo
Mother of Patricia O’Keefe Elgarhi ’78 and Theresa O’Keefe ’81
Mother of Emma Carrillo ’07
Sean O’Neill
Joan Ciampo
Father of Kaitlin O’Neill ’03
Mother of Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78
Joanne Ognibene
and Susan Ciampo Sammon ’83 and Grandmother of Susan Piersa ’11 and Catherine Piersa ’15
Mother of Lainie Ognibene ’86
Grace Pappagallo Mother of Mariann Pappagallo ’75
Swords Rowan ’92
Elaine Totaro Grandmother of Amanda Garcia ’13
Michael Varga Father of Ann Varga Gallagher ’82
Academy of the Holy Angels has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, NJ 07627 or email at alumnae@holyangels.org.
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