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tidings academy of the h oly ange l s

s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame

a pu b lic ati on fo r alumn ae, par e nts and fr i e nd s

The Class of 2013 Graduates

s um m er 20 1 3

En Garde! AHA senior Rachel knows how to take a stance in the fencing circuit. As an A strip fencer, she led her squad to place 15th in the state, received the Most Valuable Fencer Award and made the Bergen-Passaic County Fencing League’s All-League Team. She is a dedicated scholar athlete, maintaining Principal’s list while taking three AP classes. Rachel also takes a stance for those in need. In November, she participated in a medical mission to the Philippines with Operation Smile, where she educated children and their families on important health topics and was blessed with the opportunity to witness several cleft lip and cleft palate surgeries. This amazing service opportunity solidified Rachel’s commitment to the fields of medicine and science and she hopes to pursue pediatric oncology in the future. Visit Holy Angels and find your stance!

Use your smartphone to see more Angels!



HIGHER Academy of the Holy Angels 315 Hillside Ave • Demarest, NJ 07627 Admissions phone 201.768.7161


Sunday, October 6th at 11am www.holyangels.org/afh

S p o ns o r e d by th e School Sisters of N o t r e D a m e


p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e


Class of 2013 Commencement Ceremony


S. Virginia Departs AHA

Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends,

Like my esteemed predecessor, S. Virginia Bobrowski, I am a School Sister of Notre Dame who was formed in the spirit of SSND from elementary school through college. A graduate of the Institute of Notre Dame and what is now Notre Dame of Maryland University, both in Baltimore, I went on to receive an MA in American Studies from Fairfield University in Connecticut and a certificate in Pastoral Theology from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College in Indiana. My journey as an SSND has taken me down several roads. My first several decades in ministry found me in formal education back and forth between Maryland and Florida. Beginning as a middle school teacher, I moved into secondary school, teaching social studies and religion and directing a social service (volunteer) program before moving into administration, first as an Assistant Principal and then as a Principal. The next several decades found me in congregational service in Baltimore. I became the founding Director of our province-based Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Office and served on the leadership team of my province. I left Baltimore to serve as Director of the SSND North American Coordinating Center in Milwaukee. My congregational service provided me a wonderful opportunity to participate in SSND international meetings and to expand my global vision by visiting with SSNDs in Europe, Asia, Africa Central and South America. My journey continues where it began in formal education. I trust that the lessons learned on the roads have prepared my mind and heart for the stop at Holy Angels where, “Working in a collaborative style, the President’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the Roman Catholic identity and the SSND mission ideals are reflected in the Academy’s philosophy and programs.” I am confident that I can count on your prayers and concrete support as I do my best to earn my wings at Holy Angels. Gratefully,


Angel Athletes


Angels in the Arts


Angels Around the Halls

Spirituality 15 17 28

Alumnae News In Memoriam

Special photography credits: Careen Winters Longo – Graduation photos Trish Mellas – Athletics photos, pages 6-7 Kelly Wenz – Into the Woods photos, page 9

tidings V o l u m e V ii , n u m b e r 1


A few months ago when I was invited to “come and see” the Academy of the Holy Angels, my Provincial Council believed I would want to stay – and they were right. What I saw at Holy Angels was a school imbued with excellence grounded in the values and traditions of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. In my conversations with school administrators I experienced a passion for the ministry of Holy Angels, a joy in serving and a commitment to embrace the future of the school. I write to you today with deep appreciation for the opportunity to serve as interim President of the Academy of the Holy Angels.

Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Ferreira Director of Communications jillane@holyangels.org Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org

S. Patricia Murphy, SSND Interim President, Academy of the Holy Angels


graduation & baccalaureate

Commencement 2013 On June 2, 2013, Academy of the Holy Angels graduated a class of 133 young women. Principal Jennifer Moran proudly proclaimed their accomplishments: “These young women are truly destined to change the world through the transformation of persons. They, themselves, have been transformed in many ways by their time at Holy Angels. I have dubbed them ‘Lucky 13’, but their success had nothing to do with luck. Academically, when they entered in 2009, just 28% were placed in a high honors class. As seniors, 70% of the class were enrolled in and took at least one AP exam. This striking intellectual growth is the product of their consistent hard work, interaction with challenging courses and positive relationships with many dedicated teachers over four years.

Their SAT means of 587 Critical Reading, 575 Math and 610 Writing helped them gain entrance into the best colleges and universities in America and beyond. Scholarships and grants totaling $13,146,258 will ease the parents’ burden in paying for the next round of their education. The Class of 2013 gave an astonishing 24,071 hours of service outside of school. Their compassionate hearts impelled them into action during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. They planned and initiated the first Holy Angels Kairos Retreat, which put thirty seniors on God’s time and made a lasting impact on all concerned. They are a class made up of many unique individuals, who always managed to ‘Witness to Unity in a Divided World.’ They will be missed!”


Baccalaureate Celebration

Angel Colleges

Class of 2013 Angels are headed to...

Legacy Families Abound in 2013 AHA gives special recognition to the families who have continued the Holy Angels legacy. Pictured from left to right are mothers and daughters: Mary McDermott DiGiulio ’81, Jacqueline DiGiulio ’13, Patti McGovern Hill ’78, Sheila Hill ’13, Rebecca Moran Day ’84, Corinne Day ’13, Dana Licameli Martinotti ’82, Briana Rae Martinotti ’13, Emily Longo ’13, Carreen Winters Longo ’86, Erica Repetto ’13, Michele McGuire Repetto ’76, Lauren Saxenian ’13, Margaret Heaney Saxenian ’80, granddaughter Emma Conn ’13, grandmother Arline Zenorini Conn ’46, Megan O’Donnell ’13, Marijean McAuliffe O’Donnell ’79. Not pictured: grandmother Ella Schwarz Keegan ’49 and granddaughter Emma Giancarlo ’13.


American University Babson College Bard College Barnard College Binghamton University, SUNY Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Bucknell Univesity Carnegie Mellon University College of the Holy Cross Cornell University Dickinson College Drexel University Fairfield University Fairleigh Dickinson University Fordham University Franklin & Marshall College Georgetown University Gettysburg College Har vard College Hofstra University Iona College James Madison University Lehigh University Loyola University Mar yland Manhattan College Marist College Massachusetts Institute of Technology Miami University Montclair State University New Jersey City University New York University Northeastern University Nyack College Oberlin College Pace University Parsons – The New School for Design Providence College Purdue University Quinnipiac University Ramapo College of NJ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rutgers, The State University of NJ Sacred Heart University Saint Joseph’s University Santa Clara University Springfield College St. Bonaventure University St. John’s University SUNY at New Paltz Stonehill College Stony Brook University Syracuse University The College of New Jersey The George Washington University The Julliard School The University of Pennsylvania The University of Scranton The University of Southern California The University of Tampa The University of Vermont Tufts University University at Albany, SUNY University of California at Los Angeles University of Connecticut University of Delaware University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Michigan University of New Haven University of Notre Dame University of Washington Vanderbilt University Villanova University Wagner College Wesleyan University

angel athletes Spring Track breaks records and continues to win big The 2013 spring track team was very successful, winning the Season Opener Relays, the County Seat Invitational and the Big North Championship Meet. They finished third in the County Relays, second in the County Championship, second in the State Sectionals and fourth at the State Group Meet. The team also had success at the Penn Relays, placing fourth in the 4x100 and 4x400 relays. Individually, the team was led by Lisa Sesink-Clee, who was the state, county and league champ in the javelin and shotput. She also won the County Group Championship in the high jump. She was named Outstanding Field Athlete at the Bergen Meet of Champions, and was chosen as Athlete of the Week by the Bergen Record. She was nationally ranked in the javelin. Amanda Fields was the Outstanding Female Field Athlete at the County Relays, as well as the league champ at the Big North Championship Meet in the long jump and triple jump. She was also the county champ in the triple jump. Lydon Kersting was the league champ in the 3200m and now holds the Holy Angels school record. Ashley Strysko broke the school record in the 1600m. Mary Watters placed second in the league, county, Bergen Meet of Champions, State Sectionals and the State Group Meet in the 3200m. AHA’s top sprinter and hurdler, Kristen Sherlock, was the league champ in the intermediate hurdles. Maggie Sheehan was the top middle distance runner, excelling in the 800m. The top freshmen were Holly Slepian, league frosh champ in three events, Sarah Laufeld, top frosh sprinter, Grace Jansson, frosh league champ in the 1600m and 3200m, and Abby Rivoir, frosh champ in the high jump.

Remembering Coach capizzi On June 2, 2013 the Holy Angels community suffered the tragic loss of beloved Assistant Track Coach Andrew Capizzi. He was not only a dedicated coach, but an avid runner and triathlete. The news of his death was devastating to the Angels track and cross-country teams. The team members wore red ribbons in the days that followed in honor of Andrew. Senior Briana Martonotti, co-captain of the Holy Angels track team, explains the significance of the color red: “The meets were so crowded, he was worried we wouldn’t be able to find him, so he wore a red visor so we could always see him in the crowd if we needed him for anything”. Head coach Howard Schuman remembers coach Capizzi with fondness, “He really cared about the girls and did a great job as a coach. He was early to practice and the last one to leave. He was mature and responsible beyond his years,” said Schuman. “We miss him terribly.”


golf: division champs for the fourth consecutive YEAR! The Holy Angels golf team finished the season with an overall record of 16 wins and just three losses. The Angels won their division for the fourth straight year with a division record of 7-0. They finished second in the Big North Tournament and fourth in the Bergen County Tournament. The Angels qualified for the State Sectional Tournament but failed to finish in the top four, and therefor did not qualify for the state finals. However, for the first time in Holy Angels golf history, an individual, Sandrine Yesilian, qualified for the state finals which was played at the Cherry Valley Country Club in Skillman, NJ. Yesilian is pictured at right.

Lacrosse – Division Champs!

Softball Team Shapes Up

The 2013 lacrosse season was one for the history books. For only the second time in school history, Varsity lacrosse secured a division title, adding the year 2013 to the banner that hangs in the gym. With an overall record of 13 wins and 4 losses (with 3 of those 4 losses coming in the last seconds of tied games) the Varsity team exceeded all expectations and created many special moments on the field.

At the beginning of the softball season, the Angels came up with four goals: be competitive, become eligible for the county tournament, become eligible for the states, and try to attain a .500 record for the season. They accomplished all but the .500 record.

For the majority of the season, the team had no substitutes and all 12 players played every minute of every game. In an aggressive and intense running sport such as lacrosse, this effort, week in and week out over the course of three months, was unbelievable and showed what Angel lacrosse players are made of: “pure heart, pure determination and pure focus”.


The defense and pitching kept games close with a chance to win in just about every matchup. They brought home a county tournament win, and only lost by one run in the state tournament. The final season record was 9 wins and 18 losses. This record does not speak of the effort and determination this team put into the season. They played with pride for their school, the team and each other. In fact, Coach Sue Liddy feels this was one of the best teams that Angels softball has had in a long time.

angels in the arts Studio Art I studies

Installation Sculpture Juniors in the Studio Art I Honors course recently focused on the art of Installation Sculpture. Installation Sculpture involves creating a 3-D work of art that incorporates the surrounding space and provides a sensory experience for the viewer. The class created two exhibits, which they called The Beginning and The End. The Beginning is pictured at left, and a closeup of The End is pictured at right. The course is taught by Ms. Christine Wraga.

Hitting the Right Notes at the Spring Concert AHA’s musical program affords students opportunities to perform in a variety of ensembles. The talented Angels once again wowed the crowd at the Spring Concert with their many gifts. The Handbell Choir performed three selections which included the Academy Award winning song Colors of the Wind. The Jazz Quintet set the Blue Mood, playing the piece by Andy Clark, and concluded with Hot Hot Hot. The Vocal Ensemble performed Happy Together as well as a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace. The Academy Orchestra transitioned from classical works to a modern medley from the musical Wicked. The evening concluded with the Academy Chorus gracing the audience with popular hits like Stevie Nicks’ Landslide and Phil Collins’ You’ll Be in My Heart. It is always an impressive show, led by Mariann Annecchino, Director of Instrumental Music, and Lisa Marciano, Choral Director.


Sondheim’s Into the Woods blends the well-known fairytales of Cinderella, Rapunzel, Jack and the Beanstalk and Little Red Riding Hood with the tale of the Baker and his wife who so desperately want a child. The witch has cursed the baker and his wife, and to break the spell, they must interact with each of the fairytale characters and perform various tasks. Although they break the spell in the end, they learn a hard lesson about the consequences of greed and gluttony. Katie McSherry ’04 directed along with student directors Genesis Vega ’13 and Gaby DeParis ’14. Kathryn Fuselier ’13 was the student musical director. Alumna Jackie Stephens ’04 was the choreographer. The cast of characters included the Baker, played by Daniel Rodriguez (SJR ’15), Brigid Boll ’13 as Baker’s wife, Cinderella played by Emily Sedlacek ’14, Jack played by Allen Marchioni (SJR ’14), Kelly Glenn ’13 was Little Red, Sydney Peterson-Quinn ’15 as Rapunzel, and the witch, played by Lily Cunniff ’14.

Award Winners! AHA received three Paper Mill Rising Star Award Nominations for this performance. The production was nominated for Outstanding Achievement in Graphic Design (Meghan Valentine) and Outstanding Achievement in Lobby Display (Lobby Design Crew - Grace Fuselier and Alyssa Gentile). Alan Marchioni, who is a senior at St. Josephs Regional High School, received an Honorable Mention in Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role. Meghan won the award for Graphic Design, and attended the 2013 Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Awards at Paper Mill Playhouse on June 4th. The Angels were also nominated for, and winners of, Metropolitan High School Theatre Awards. They won the award for Outstanding Achievement in Lobby Design (Grace Fuselier and Alyssa Gentile) and Meghan Valentine was nominated for Outstanding Achievement in Graphic Design.

L to R: Grace Fuselier, Alyssa Gentile and Meghan Valentine


angels around the halls Christen Duff – Saint Anselm College Book Award


Julia Toolen – Stonehill College

Juniors Katelyn Colman and Katherine Drury of AHA’s Go Green club won first prize for a business plan they submitted to the Bergen Community College Sustainability Institute’s First Annual Student Challenge. They are pictured below with the light fixture they constructed from used water bottles.

Elle Infante – UPenn Book Award Jacqueline Mandella – University of Rochester Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Award

emphasizes science, technology, engineering and math skills that are integral to preparing the next generation of space scientists and explorers. Participants earn one hour of freshman level science credit for their successful completion of the program. Congratulations to the following girls who received 2013 Junior College Book Awards and Medals:

Junior Kira Pusch was awarded The Rockland Electric Achievement Award for Women in Science. Kira received the award for her outstanding grades in all science courses, her volunteerism in the chemistry lab, and her generosity in tutoring younger students and her peers. Kira is pictured below with Science Department Chair Nancy Brizzolara.

Alyssa Gentile – Bryn Mawr College President’s Book Award

Emily Sedlacek – College of the Holy

Cross Book Prize

Katelyn Coleman – Dartmouth College Book Award Kayla Quigley – Fairfield University Book Award Adrianna Bergstein – George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science Medal Jessica McCann – The Rensselaer

(RPI) Medal

Sophomore Jenny Quispe has been awarded a scholarship to attend the Advanced Space Academy 2013 Summer Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. This intensive five day program


Allison Pereira – University of Rochester Xerox Award for Innovation & Information Technology Catherine Hahn – Univeristy of Rochester George Eastman Young Leaders Award Lydon Kersting – University of Rochester Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award Emily Kolodka – Wesleyan University Book Award The first Rho Kappa National History Honor Society induction was held at AHA in April. The following girls (pictured below) were inducted as the charter members: Elizabeth Aaron, Alexis Abuhadba, Kylie Ambrose, Cynthia Angulo-Pichardo, Natalie Chew, Alice Cordero, Gabrielle Del Vecchio, Kathryn Fuselier, Renee Jozanovic, Laura Galanter, Adriana Kranjac, Alaine Lim, Abigal McEvoy, Madeline McGovern, Danielle Retcho, Erica Repetto, Catherine Rizzo, Denise Rizzo, Margaret Ritter, Christina Russo, Lauren Saxenian and Jamie Surgent-Nahay.

Sophomore Alexandra Alfonso and junior Lily Cunniff were both awarded an Honorable Mention for their work representing Lebanon in the Disarmament and International Security Committee at this year’s Harvard Model United Nations Conference held in Boston, MA. In recognition of their achievement, Alexandra and Lily were invited to apply for a place on the All-American Model United Nation team with College Apprentice and they were recently notified of their acceptance onto the team. The team, which is comprised of students recognized as the best Model UN delegates in the United States, will be traveling to Beijing, China in the first week of August to compete at the international WEMUN Conference. They are pictured with Ms.Theresa Young, Moderator of AHA’s Model UN team.

LEADERSHIP Senior Corinne Day was recently inducted into The Bergen County Commission on the Status of Women. The COSW studies the needs of women and promotes the expansion of women’s rights in such areas as domestic violence, child care and elder care. Each year the COSW invites Bergen County high schools to nominate young women from their junior class to serve on it.

Attention Parents, Students and Faculty! We love hearing your news, to be shared in AHA’s monthly newsletter and possibly featured in Tidings! Send announcements and photos to Jillane Ferreira at jillane@holyangels.org

HELPING HANDS AHA’s Varsity lacrosse team recently turned a negative into a positive by coming together to coach a team of physically challenged baseball players in May. What began as an effort to make amends for receiving a minor misconduct yellow card in one of their recent games, became a labor of love for the team, as each of the girls was able to work individually with the young players on the baseball field. Christina Russo reflected, “I realized that being handicapped does not mean that they cannot do the things that everyone else does, it just means that they do them a little differently. The kids were so happy to have us there and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw their smiling faces after catching a ball or making a good pass”.

Members of Mrs. Nancy Schneberger’s Creative Writing class recently shared some of their original poetry and prose at a reading held at Barnes & Noble Bookstore in Paramus.

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Two sophomores were recognized by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers in the Scholastic Arts & Writing Awards competition. Katherine Koh won a Silver Key Award for her poem Dana. She also won Honorable Mention for her poem The Recycling Buddhist. Eva Gurian was awarded a Silver Key Award for her poems From Home and From the Heart. More than 230,000 works were submitted to the nationwide contest in 2013, and only the top 40% receive recognition.

faculty & staff news con gr at u l at ion s to

S. Catherine Green ’50, SSND, who celebrated her 60th Jubilee S. Virginia Bobrowski ’61, SSND, who celebrated her 50th Jubilee Jenna Fusco from The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising recently visited the combined Art classes of Ms. Christine Wraga and Ms. Katherine Biskup to discuss the many educational avenues and career paths for students pursuing a career in art.

Jennifer Verdonck ’00, Assistant Director of Admissions, married Bill Elbert on December 8, 2012 at the Margate Community Church in Margate, NJ. A Victorian winter wonderland reception followed at The Carriage House in Galloway, NJ, which featured Christmas carolers, falling snow, and a visit from Santa Claus. The couple honeymooned in the rainforest of Belize. Highlights from Jennifer and Bill’s wedding can be seen in the summer issue of 201 Bride and an upcoming issue of Bridal Guide.

Faculty member and coach Megan Moran ’03 married Joseph Delasandro on May 4, 2013 at St. Joseph’s Parish in Oradell.

AHA’s science students were given an amazing opportunity recently to learn about the capabilities of an electron microscope. Bob Sommerville, General Manager of Angstrom Scientific Inc., a nanotechnology marketing company, spent the day demonstrating the ways in which an electron microscope is used in the laboratory. Mrs. Schneberger’s Creative Writing class recently welcomed author and poet Joan Cusack Handler to class for a discussion on her recently published memoir, Joan the Tall, and on the writing process in general.

Holocaust survivor Mrs. Hanna Weschler recently honored Holy Angels with a visit to several classes where she shared her experiences and memories of life in a concentration camp during the Nazi regime. She visited Mrs. Naimo’s Psychology and Ms. Cucchisi’s International Studies and World History classes, as well Ms. Fay’s Death and Dying class.

Ryan Emmons, Assistant Director of the NY production of Matilda, visited Ms. McSherry’s Musical Theatre class to share his experiences and to discuss the theatrical process. He graciously answered many questions from the class. Emmons is also the Director of his own theatre company, No. 11 Productions, in NYC.


For all that has been, thanks. E

ight years ago, S. Virginia Bobrowski received a phone call that would forever change her course and the history of the Academy. AHA was in need of a new president and the SSND Provincial Leader reached out to S. Virginia and asked her to step in as interim president while a search was made for a new administrator. She graciously said yes and would leave her beloved Boston where she had worked in a parish for twenty-five years. S. Virginia has been the spiritual compass for the Academy, guiding with her actions and words. AHA Alumnae President Patti Hill ’78 recalls, “Many of us knew her as S. Anthony when she taught Chemistry at the Academy. Having an alumna and a past faculty member at the helm as President, who so successfully navigated the school through a major Capital Campaign at a time of much challenge and change, in her wonderfully calm and confident manner, was truly a gift from God.” In celebration of her dedication and tireless work, the AHA community gathered to honor her at the Annual Angelic Evening in March 2013. The evening gave an opportunity for the entire AHA community of parents, alumnae, Board of Trustees, faculty, staff and administration to thank S. Virginia and wish her well. Faculty and staff threw a surprise 50’s party for her at their end of the year meeting, complete with costumes, characters and a stroll down memory lane. We all wish S. Virginia the best as her journey continues.

When she arrived at AHA back in 2005 she realized quickly that there was much work to be done to accomplish the remaining goals of the 2012@AHA strategic plan. After prayerful consideration, she decided to remain as president the following year and begin the work of setting a blueprint for the next seven years so that the goals would be met. The eight years at the helm of the Academy have been filled with joy and confidence for all who have worked with her. Principal Jennifer Moran says, “It is difficult to remember the way the gym looked and functioned without electronic bleachers. The way the cafeteria was with its Fort Lee tables before morphing into the stately commons and the most remarkable of all, the decrepit library’s rebirth as the elegant and functional Learning Commons. This is her brick and mortar legacy, but the Academy’s true inheritance comes from her spirituality, the manner in which she imparted the SSND charism to each of us, with love and in prayer.”

For all that will be...yes.

–DA G H A M m ars k jol d


a ng el ic e ve ning 2 0 1 3

On March 22, 2013, the 17th Annual Angelic Evening was held at the Rockleigh Country Club in Rockleigh, NJ. Event Chair Holly Retcho and her many dedicated volunteers worked tirelessly to make this event a huge success. A big thank you for all of their hard work and to the many generous bidders who helped AHA net over $97,000 that night! This year, at the event, S. Virginia Bobrowski, AHA President, was honored for her many years of service to Holy Angels. In addition to the live and silent auction, guests also took a chance on the annual raffles. The 50/50 Raffle’s lucky winner, Antonio Gines, took home an impressive $12,275. The person who will be driving around in the new 2013 Jetta is lucky winner Donal Duff. Be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s event on March 28, 2014.


spirituality Service Day 2013 On May 17, the entire AHA school community of students, faculty and administration gave a day of service in their continued commitment to share their gifts with others. The locations covered this year were located in Bergen, Passaic, Hudson and Rockland counties and as far as the Jersey Shore and Philadelphia! Creating habits of mind and heart grounded in the gospel values of love, compassion and respect for the dignity and self-worth of others is the essence of a Holy Angels’ education. At AHA, the school community is fortunate to have the opportunity to fulfill this mandate.


October 25–26, 2013

Alumnae Weekend Including a reunion celebration for the classes ending in 3 & 8!

Save theDate october 25, 2013 foundation Day at AHA

october 26, 2013 alumnae celebration

• Join us for a special community gathering • Celebrate the SSNDs’ contribution to Holy Angels • Attend a class

• Mass & Dinner • Special recognition for reunion classes • Tours of the building

For more information, visit www.holyangelsalumnae.org 16

alumnae association president


ast month, 133 Angels transitioned to alumnae at the 133rd commencement exercises which took place June 2nd on the Demarest campus. Please join me in welcoming them to our ranks of AHA alumnae! This one was particularly poignant for me, as it was the graduation of my youngest daughter – a bittersweet moment for sure. This year’s graduation speaker, Dr. Africa Alvarez-McLeod ’74, gave a spirited and inspiring talk, and imparted the graduates with a powerful message about not being afraid to fail, as persistence is the mother of success. Africa’s words were memorable for both their delivery and content. Looking forward, plans are well underway for this year’s Reunion Weekend on October 25th-26th. Please be sure to mark your calendar, as it promises to be another fun-filled event with plenty of opportunities for reminiscing and reconnecting. While we will be celebrating the classes ending in ’3 and ’8, the weekend is set up to recognize all AHA alumnae, so don’t miss it! I hope to see you there. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention the end of an era at AHA with the coming sabbatical of S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND. S. Virginia made her mark on Holy Angels and paved the way for today’s Angels to fly ever higher. Once an Angel, always an Angel! Patti McGovern Hill ’78




Helen Bianchi Rothgerber ’62 and husband proudly announce the birth of their fifth grandchild, Bronte Catherine Rothgerber on January 3, 2013 to son Hank and daughter-in-law Andrea in their hometown of Louisville, KY. They are both retired and are enjoying grandchildren Charlie (10), Henry (8), Annemarie (7) and Louie (5), the children of their daughter Jessica and husband Ben.

’64 Class of ’60 classmates: Ann Buckley, Sharon Daly Butler, Mary DePalma Burke, Judy Murphy O’Reilly, Diane Neary Ewing, Mary Gildea Cashman, and Eileen Weber Phillips, after contacting classmate Sr. Veronica Visceglia in FL by phone, gathered for their annual picture at the Black Trumpet in Spring Lake, NJ.


Louise Fiocchi Gunderson ’64 has been serving as a member of the 14 person UBS Financial Advisor Advisory Council (FAAC). The mission of the FAAC is to foster the partnership between financial advisors nationwide and senior management to ensure UBS is the most client-focused and advisor-centric wealth management firm in the United States. Recently, Louise was elected to serve as Co-Chair of the Council and was once again named as one of the Top 100 Female Advisors in Barrons.

Congratulations to S. Madeleine Hanson ’50, SSND who celebrated her 60th anniversary of joining the SSNDs in May.



Donna Pucciani ’66 recently published her fifth collection of poems, Hanging Like Hope on the Equinox. The collection explores the strength and fragility of life and moves through journeys both geographic and spiritual.


Gail Brinkworth Dughi ’67 and her husband are celebrating their 40th anniversary this summer. She sings in the Choral-Aires Chorus of Sweet Adelines International and as 2012 regional champions they will compete in the International Competition in Honolulu in November 2013.


Patrice Roberts ’68 is currently a professor for the graduate program for international educators at SUNY Buffalo.




Elizabeth Kress Golub ’69 writes, “Now that our children are launched, my husband Dave and I are enjoying traveling to new places. My latest adventure was zip-lining in Costa Rica. Not bad for a 62-year-old grandma!”


Dianne Fuchs Shatwell ’73 welcomed her fourth grandchild, Victoria Ann Kempf on July 2, 2012.


Mary Campagnolo ’74 writes, “I had a challenging and rewarding year as President of the Medical Society of New Jersey.” Mary is only the third woman to hold the position since its inception in 1766! She received the Professionally Accomplished Award from Rutger’s School of Business in Camden at the school’s 25th anniversary celebration in April. Mary continues to practice family medicine and geriatrics in Burlington County, NJ. She recently accepted the positions of Medical Director for Graduate Medical Education and Medical Director for VirtuaCare Accountable Care Organization at Virtua Health.


Donna Tozzi Cavanagh ’79 announced that her fourth humor book (this one is actually written by her dogs) was recently published. The book, written by dogs for dogs, A Canine’s Guide to the Good Life, is a short tutorial for dogs on how to rule their roosts and features dogs from Philly to Hollywood. It is available on amazon.com and a portion of royalties benefits the SPCA.


Kelly Hannon Potter ’94 and husband John, welcomed a son, Gavin Christopher, on January 3, 2013. He joins his proud big sister (and future Angel) Sophia.


Katherine Polk Failla ’87 shares, “After 13 years of rewarding work as a federal prosecutor in Manhattan, I was confirmed this past March by the Senate as a United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York.”


Nicole Phillips ’90 and her husband Felix Lopez welcomed their twin sons, Conor and Aidan, on January 6, 2013.


Lea Sampietro Martone ’92 and husband Jason welcomed their third little boy, Matthew Vincent on April 8, 2013. He joins big brothers Andrew (4) and Lucas (2).

Gavin Christopher Potter

Jane Jalil Smith ’94 and husband DJ welcomed future Angel, Goldie Therese, to the world on February 26, 2013. All the Angels in her family love cutie Goldie very much – proud Aunt Cathy Jalil Danahy ’92, Great-Aunts Cindy Jalil Kaney ’73 and Sylvia Jalil-Gutierrez ’71 and cousins Rebecca Jalil Burns ’93 and Jenny Jalil Feliciano ’96.


Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78 shares, “I am proud to have two daughters who made Holy Angels part of their lives. My daughter Susan graduated from AHA in 2011 and is currently at Boston University. My daughter Catherine is currently a sophomore at AHA. The legacy continues!”

Goldie Therese Smith

Lucas, Andrew and Matthew Martone


Submit your news and photos to Tidings by September 20, 2013!

Tala Caroline Tapan


Cindy del Rosario-Tapan ’95 and husband Ed welcomed their third child, Tala Caroline, on March 26, 2013. Tala translates to “goddess of the stars” in Tagalog. She joins big sister Amihan (6) and big brother Kali (2).


Linda Schleicher-Dilks ’98 is still living in New Orleans. She writes, “Recently I thought about all those Angels who came to help in the aftermath of Katrina and hope all past and present Angels fared well with Sandy.”

providing the best intensive, in-person programs available to help women craft healthy, happy, and sustainable careers and lives. Simone is also Senior Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton, where she helped build their cyber threat intelligence business and is committed to helping companies realize the greater potential for their businesses when more women have seats at the table. She has a BA and MA from Georgetown University, is pursuing a JD at Catholic University, and currently resides in Washington, DC.


Dr. Magen Coleman ’02 married Dr. Beau Ballard in Los Alamos, New Mexico on October 5, 2012. They are both research fellows at the Los Alamos National Lab.

Margaux Peña Hufnagel ’99 and husband Jim welcomed James Anthony Hufnagel on March 16, 2013, weighing 8lb 4oz and measuring 21” long.

’05 ’00

Nicole Aguila Linn ’00 and husband Michael welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Emma Grace, on November 26, 2012. Simone Petrella ’00 launched a women-focused training organization called Bossed Up, which focuses on

Malissa Gallini ’06 is currently serving in her 2nd deployment to Afghanistan. She is an executive officer for the Headquarters of the 8th Engineering Battalion, and will remain until March 2014. Her parents asked that we share her address if you would like to send her a note: 1LT Malisa Gallini, HHC 8th ENBN, FOB SHANK, APO AE 09364. Elizabeth Hughes ’06 graduated from Keene State College in Keene, New Hampshire, in 2010 with a BA in Graphic Design. Elizabeth is the lead graphic designer for SmartDoc Technologies, based in Iselin, NJ. A mobile application she developed for Sotheby’s International Realty was recently chosen by Adobe as “App of the Week”. Elizabeth’s current projects have recently been in mobile app development, web design and interactive form design. In addition, she is a junior instructor of Adobe InDesign Publishing Suite. She currently resides in Jersey City, NJ.



James Anthony Hufnagel


Giselle Gastell ’05 writes, “I have recently released my first single and EP both titled Mienteme. The single is already playing on 93.1 in NYC as well as other stations across the nation and in Italy.” All songs were co-written by Giselle and are available on iTunes and Amazon. Follow her on Twitter/Instagram @gisellegastell and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ Giselle.Gastell. Giselle loves her angels and appreciates the constant support! Her album cover is pictured at right.


Lauren Alexandria Cruz ’07 recently graduated from Rutgers Business School with an MBA in Finance and Pharmaceutical Management. In 2011, she received a BS in Finance and Marketing from Seton Hall University. Lauren has accepted a position as a Financial Analyst with Johnson & Johnson. Dana Harencak ’07 is currently pursuing a Master’s in Speech Language Pathology at William Paterson University.


In May, Alyssa Antropow ’09 graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology with both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Chemistry. While there, she participated in drug discovery research on campus and an internship in the pharmaceutical industry at Hoffman-La Roche. Alyssa is entering the PhD program at MIT for Organic Chemistry this fall.



Angel Bridesmaids at the wedding of Megan Moran ’03 were (L to R) Cheryl Keane Khanukayev ’03, Colette Obzejta Varano ’03 (Matron of Honor), Jennifer Dominguez ’03, Christine Casagrande ’03 and Kaitlin O’Neill ’03. Cathleen Titus Freeman ’03, Alexis Parente-Faustino ’03 and Victoria Handy Corbo ’97 were also in attendance.

got news?

We love hearing from our alumnae! We want to celebrate with you by sharing your good news and accomplishments with the entire AHA community. Send your news and photos for the next issue of Tidings to alumnae@holyangels.org by September 20, 2013. We love pictures, and we want you to look good! Photos that are below the acceptable resolution for print will not be published. Here are some tips for sending us digital photos that will look fantastic in print:

Angels in attendance at the wedding of Jennifer Verdonck ’00 included (L to R) Angela Kunz ’84, Natalie Cordero ’04, Michele McInerney ’07 (Maid of Honor), Fiorella Paradisi ’00 (Bridesmaid), and Karen Camporeale ’88.

•M ake sure your camera is set to the best photo setting (usually “FINE”) so that your photos will be 300dpi or higher •D o not send photos directly from your phone, as they are automatically sized down to a lower resolution •P lease “attach” your photo to the email, just as you would a document. JPEGs are preferred.

Greetings from Paris! As a freshwoman at Holy Angels in 1969, I took French I with Mrs. Rosemary Overstreet as my instructor. She was an intelligent, soft-spoken, dedicated, accomplished and passionate teacher, and truly demonstrated her love for the French language, people and culture every day in class. She told every young woman in her class that if we held the belief strong enough throughout our lives, we’d someday visit the beautiful country of France. Although I thought it highly unlikely for me, I nevertheless never forgot her words, and did dream of visiting France, Paris in particular, someday. In April 2013, with Mrs. Overstreet’s words still ringing in my ears, my husband, our son, and my dad all visited France. Mrs. Overstreet’s words of encouragement from 43 years ago were surely the seed of a dream which she so delicately planted! I don’t know where Mrs. Overstreet is today, but wherever she is, I say “Thank you!” Angels, listen carefully while sitting in those classrooms…seeds are planted every day! Au revoir! Jackie Marella Haywood ’73



May 22,

michelle holme ’96

Hall of Fame

Over the years, Michelle has garnered two Grammy nominations and won the 2012 Grammy for Art Direction for Bruce Springsteen’s Darkness on the Edge of Town box set. She has also been very fortunate to have her work published in several magazines, including PRINT and Photo District News.

Michelle Holme was an academic Angels superstar – she graduated first in her class, gave the commencement address and was inducted into the National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society and the Spanish Honor Society. She was also involved in a wide range of activities: Stage Crew, Instrumental Ensemble, History Society, L to R: Michelle Edgar, Michelle Holme Conflict Management and was a contributor to The Raven – AHA’s journal of opinion. She began her art design career as the Art Co-Editor of the yearbook, creating lead pages for the different sections of Echoes and was voted Class Artist by her classmates in the senior polls. After Holy Angels, Michelle attended the University of Pennsylvania with a plan to major in Molecular Biology. However, after a graphic design internship with MSNBC in her freshman year, those plans changed. Michelle graduated magna cum laude with a double major in Fine Arts and Communications. While at UPenn, she had internships at a variety of companies, from Sundance to Sony, and it was at Sony Online Entertainment where she secured her first job as a graphic artist with Sony Music. Since starting with Sony twelve years ago, Michelle has worked her way up to Associate Creative Director and has even been able to take on additional clients at her own design studio. She has worked closely with a diverse roster of artists and companies, creating compelling visuals and unique brand strategies for each. Some of these clients include Bruce Springsteen, Jay-Z, the NY Yankees, John Legend, The Roots, Aerosmith, The Fray, MTV and the Barclays Center. Michelle is directly involved with every aspect of imaging and branding. She has even painted one-of-a-kind, customized guitars for Bruce Springsteen, some of which are now on display in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH.

michelle edgar ’00 Michelle Edgar began formal training in classical piano at age five. While at AHA, she was inducted into the Spanish Honor Society and voted Class Musician by her classmates in the senior polls. Michelle was involved with Outreach, Conflict Management and Tomorrow’s Children. During her four years, she balanced her academics and extracurricular life with her piano studies at the Manhattan School of Music. Michelle continued her training as a concert pianist at Northwestern University and graduated with a BA in Journalism. Early in her career, Michelle worked for Vanity Fair, Women’s Wear Daily and OK! magazines. She became the Director of Brand Partnerships at Warner Bros. Records in May of 2011, where she developed partnerships for artists with franchises and commercial brands. She

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has worked with a diverse roster of artists including The Black Keys, Kimbra, Michael Bublé, Josh Groban and Common. Michelle forged music partnerships with brands such as Bing, Southern Comfort, Coca Cola, Pepsi and Jeep. Michelle recently accepted a new position with Red Light Management in Los Angeles as the VP of Business Development. She will continue to develop brand partnerships for over 200 artists including Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, Dave Matthews and Lionel Richie. In addition she will work on tour and festival sponsorships, endorsements, licensing and new product development. As a fan of all music, from classical to hip-hop, Michelle dreamed of an organization that would provide audiences with a unique, inclusive way to experience music in all its hues and flavors. This became a reality when she founded the non-profit Music Unites. This organization is dedicated to bringing music education to underprivileged children in underfunded school systems. The mission is to transform inner-city landscapes by empowering urban youth through music by offering an opportunity for musicians (both established and emerging) to perform in a variety of venues and act as mentors. The latest initiative, Music Unites Five Borough Youth Choir Campaign, aims to launch after-school youth choir programs in all five boroughs of New York City. The Sundance Channel is currently filming a documentary called Dream School where Music Unites’ Artist Ambassador, Swizz Beatz, will be teaching a group of high school dropouts about the power of music.

The nomination deadline for the Arts Hall of Fame is January 1, 2014. Form is available online at holyangelsalumnae.org


Merz Scholarships The Ellen and Ralph Merz Scholarship Program annually awards scholarships to graduates of Holy Angels. The scholarship covers partial tuition for one year in an undergraduate or graduate program, provided a minimum 3.0 average in studies is maintained. Ellen Merz, an educator, raised as a ward of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the Academy of the Holy Angels in Fort Lee, endowed a scholarship fund in 1984 to be used by graduates of the Academy. All graduates who are currently enrolled in a college or university or graduates who are planning to return to formal study in the next school year are eligible. The scholarship is intended for those pursuing a degree in education or field where education plays a significant (or important) role.

We are proud to announce the 2013 Merz Scholarship Recipients: Kathleen DiGiulio ’08 Kathleen graduated from Lehigh University in 2012 with a BA in Political Science with a concentration in Africana Studies. During her college years, she was a copy editor for the Lehigh Review and volunteered at the Bethlehem Area Public Library as an intern. After graduation, she remained at Lehigh to serve on the Summer Reading Program Committee. She is currently a volunteer for Project Literacy and works at the Bergen Volunteer Medical Initiative. Kathleen will begin her studies towards a Master’s degree in Library Information Science at Rutgers University in the fall of 2013.

“Since graduating from Holy Angels in 2008, I have often drawn from the foundation I built there – I am a

better-spoken and overall more confident person directly because of my experiences at the Academy. I spent a summer volunteering at the Bethlehem Public Library and the experience was one of the most satisfying I have ever had – the interaction with patrons, from helping them find books to assisting them in filling out online job applications, made me feel truly useful – like I was doing good unto the world. I am chasing that feeling.” Megan Emmich ’06 Megan graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in 2010 with a BA in Biology and a minor in French. During her college years, Megan was active on campus as a member of the French Club (President in her senior year), the Purple Key Society, was a Multicultural Peer Educator and Admissions tour guide. She traveled abroad to Mexico on a service trip one summer and spent a semester studying at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. Currently, Megan is working at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston as a Sarcoma Clinical Research Coordinator where she is working with a team as they conduct over ten clinical trials. She collects data, manages patient clinical information and works with each family on an individual basis. In the fall of 2013, Megan will begin her studies at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine as she pursues her DO.

“I am so appreciative and proud to be a part of AHA as an institution that educates strong, independent women, with teachers that inspire and foster young women’s talents. It was early in my years at AHA when I realized that my education would not only take me far, but also to places I wanted to go. Once again, the institution that molded me to be a strong woman for others inspired and allowed me to reflect on one of my most favorite lessons – to understand and learn with one’s head and one’s heart.” Caitlin Gallagher ’10 Caitlin has just completed her junior year at Georgetown University, where she is majoring in American Studies with minors in Education and Justice & Inquiry. She has been active on the Georgetown campus on


the Division I Varsity Women’s Rowing Team and as a class committee member for the university’s student association. Off campus, Caitlin has served as a DC Reads tutor, assisted immigrant high school students with college applications and essay writing, and tutored Algebra and Geometry at Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School. In the fall of 2012, Caitlin spent the semester studying at the University of Edinburgh in the UK. She is currently teaching in a fourth grade classroom each Friday and enjoys the experience she is gaining from her mentor teachers.

“My passion for the field of education and for community service developed and strengthened while I was a student at Academy of the Holy Angels. I was educated, challenged and transformed. I was encouraged to become a motivated, intelligent and independent young woman who is compassionate and dedicated to service.” Maureen Kelly ’07 Maureen graduated from Iona College in May 2011 with a BA in Speech-Language Pathology. During her college years, she found her calling and hopes to work with autistic children in the future. Currently, Maureen is pursuing an MS in SpeechLanguage Pathology at Long Island University in Brooklyn. She is also working part-time for Good Talking People which offers speech and language services to children of all ages.

“At AHA I learned something invaluable, that one never stops learning and there is a lesson to be learned from every life experience we encounter. These lessons can be harnessed, so that no obstacles prevent us from accomplishing our dreams.” Suzanne Lambert Ruley ’86 Suzanne graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a BFA in Studio Art, with a focus on Painting and Drawing and a minor in Music. She then pursued a MA in Arts Administration from Goucher College in Baltimore, MD. She currently works as a Grants Manager for Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, FL where she writes all grants for the organization, but especially those that support arts education. Suzanne is also a volunteer on the Board of the Clearwater Arts

Alliance. She is pursuing a Certificate of Fund Raising Management from the Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center at Rollins College.

“While at AHA I learned the importance of arts education. It is important for me to advocate for arts education because, from my experience, I can attest to how arts education can turn a child’s life around one way or another.” Jennifer Meier Toole ’04 Jennifer graduated summa cum laude from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a BA in Communication Studies and minors in Filmmaking, Computer Graphic Design and Advertising. She then continued her studies at Florida State University in Tallahassee where she attained a MA in Media & Communication Studies. Jennifer is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Communications at Florida State University with a focus on environmental and health behavior. She has been an active member of the department as an instructor as well as coordinating and assisting in the creation of a public speaking program. Jennifer has been a mentor and trainer for all new teaching assistants across campus and has had the opportunity to also teach them about being an engaging professor. She has also been a volunteer guest lecturer in various departments covering the topics of public speaking, the effects of advertising on body image and how to conduct research effectively.

“William Arthur Ward, a scholar and teacher once said, ‘The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.’ It was those great teachers at Holy Angels that inspired me and helped me find the path as a professor. It is not simply teaching from the textbook…rather, being a teacher also means caring about your students, instilling a sense of values and inspiring them to pursue their dreams.”

Jennifer Verdonck ’00 Jennifer graduated magna cum laude from Montclair State University with a BFA in Acting and a minor in Musical Theatre. During her time on campus, she assisted in the directing of The Rivals and Parade, and to this day is the only student at the university who was Director of a musical production in her final project. Jennifer has worked at the NY Musical Theatre Festival and in the Macy’s Parade & Entertainment Group. At Macy’s, Jennifer was a flower show docent, a member of the Santaland event staff, was the spokeswoman and hostess for the Macy’s Parade National Tour and Production and Marketing Assistant. Currently, Jennifer is the Assistant Director of Admissions at Holy Angels where she visits local elementary schools, assists with the Angel for the Day program, Open Houses and Summerfare. Jennifer is able to share her love of the arts when she teaches AHA’s annual Summerfare course in Theater. She is pursuing a MA in Arts Development & Program Management at the University of Denver.

“I owe Holy Angels a great deal in my development as a patron of the arts. It was here that I was given the opportunity not only to perform, but to help direct and choreograph all of the productions, all while learning the particulars of building a new theatre program. Holy Angels empowered me to reach the fullness of my creativity so that I may pass that spark on to a new generation of artists.”

Are you continuing your education? The application deadline for Merz Scholarships is March 17, 2014.


How do I apply? • Download an application at holyangelsalumnae.org/ merzscholar • Outline your goals. Explain how your college study will guide your future in education or a field where education plays a significant (or important) role. Please also indicate what influence AHA had (if any) in directing you toward this goal. Include any service performed in your community and/or church, as well as relevant job experiences you might have had within the past five years. • Submit three written references (must be academic/professional in nature). • Attach a copy of your resumé. • Include the most recent Federal Income Tax Return that you have filed (if you are a dependent, you must include your parents’ return).

special alumnae events Special Sneak Peek Performance

Legacy Mothers Dinner

for Children of Alumnae

On Saturday, March 16, the cast of Into the Woods held a special performance for AHA alumnae and their children (this also included grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc). Lunch was served followed by a reception and meet and greet with the cast. Attendees snacked on chocolate “gold coins,” licorice “bean stalks” and “magic” jelly beans, and toured the show’s award-winning lobby display. The children met Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, Jack and the Beanstalk, the princes and more. The cast even posed for photos and signed autographs! The Annual Alumnae Mothers Dinner took place on May 7. This event brings together alumnae whose daughters have attended, are currently attending, or will begin at AHA in the fall. This year the dinner took place at Buon Gusto Restaurant in Closter, NJ. Pictured are (Back Row L to R): Patti McGovern Hill ’78, Arlene Pancza Graham ’68, Daniela Lodes Kelly ’75, Karen Franklin McSherry ’75, Maureen Davis Havlusch ’85, Lisa Raacke Malley ’74, Laura Barbieri Longobardi ’84, Geralyn Parent Haws ’82, Maureen Reuter Gallo ’80, Rosaleen Mulvey Lane ’81; (Middle Row L to R): Kathleen Bohnert Davis ’61, Colleen Corbett Staff ’89, Margaret Heaney Saxenian ’80, Claire O’Connell Keane ’75, Sheila Thornton Labita ’87; (Front Row L to R): Renee Norfleet Ramirez ’85, Mary Lou Donohue Owens ’85, Mariellen Dorney Stuebe ’78 and Jenna Stuebe ’05.

Save the Date! 5

On Saturday, November 2, the 2013 Induction into the AHA Athletic Hall of Fame will take place, after a delay due to Hurricane Sandy last year! The AHA Parents’ Athletic Association cordially invites you to attend this very special evening, which is a part of AHA’s Annual Beefsteak. The inductees are Kathleen Powers Groh ’60 (former AHA basketball player), Regina Gonzales Perron ’93 (former AHA cross country & track runner) and the 1995 Basketball Team. You won’t want to miss this special night!

Kathleen Powers Groh

1995 Basketball Team

Regina Gonzales Perron


Angel Network The Angel Network is a sub-committee of the Alumnae Association and is open to all AHA alumnae. The group focuses on networking events, professional development and will most importantly provide mentoring and internship opportunities for current or recently graduated Angels. And the best part is that your involvement can be as small or as big as you choose – you can either be here in the New Jersey area or as far away as California!

Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker ’86 donated monies for a scholarship in memory of S. Jeanine Foy, SSND to the highest performing science graduate of the Class of 2013. Leslie shares, “S. Jeanine did so much to prepare the young women of AHA for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.” Patricia Das ’13 was the recipient and will begin her studies at MIT in the fall.

top 1% of the university’s class of 2013. They are chosen not only for their academic achievements, but for intellectual drive, leadership and their inclination to give back to society. The events of the weekend honored not only the scholars, but the high school teachers who made important contributions to these students’ lives. Cornell will be awarding a one-time scholarship of $4,000 in Nancy Brizzolara’s name for a student with financial need from either Holy Angels or in the NJ area.

Other alumnae that recently served as guest speakers are Jackie Heath ’10 (top L), who spoke at the Science Honor Society Induction, Maria Giotis ’04 (top R), guest speaker at the Math Honor Society Induction, Katie Riley ’97, who spoke at the World Language Honor Societies Induction (and is pictured above with Principal Jennifer Moran, Dean Jean Mullooly and World Language Chair Samira Mady), and Nina Sinatra ’08, who spoke at the National Honor Society Induction.

AHA Science Department Chair Nancy Brizzolara attended the Merrill Presidential Scholars Event at Cornell University with Suzana Markolovic ’09, who was being honored. There are only 32 Merrill Presidential Scholars, which represent the The 2013 Commencement speaker, Dr. Africa Pitta Alvarez-McLeod ’74, truly embodies the AHA philosophy and shares her gifts with others daily in her work with the Cobb County Board of Health in Marietta, GA. Africa’s focus is as an infectious disease consultant, as she oversees the HIV and TB clinics. She also teaches nursing, medical and pharmaceutical students as they rotate through the clinics. After graduating from AHA, she attended the University of Buenos Aires Medical School in

Anna Maria Shaker ’09 visited the International Studies class on May 13 to talk about her experiences during her years at Fordham University. She also discussed her thesis and the Fulbright Grant that she was awarded, which will take her to Morocco to teach English.


angel Argentina. In 1993, she attained her Master’s in Public Health from Columbia University. In 2011, she was elected as a Fellow of the Infectious Diseases of America. Africa shares, “I truly love what I do for a living. I have a passion for serving the underserved, shunned and forgotten people of society. I wanted to be a doctor precisely to help those in real need. I chose Infectious Diseases as my specialty, but I soon realized that HIV was the disease that would define my


generation of doctors. I had a clear choice to confront it even though it was a time full of fear, ignorance and death. I would not be able to face myself or my children if I had turned away from it. I am richer for it today.”

prom sCENE

sophomore, junior & senior angels dance the night away • prom season 2013


angels in the Arts

dinner dance

& hall of fame induction

girls’ night out | mother-daughter fashion show 2013


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s p o n s ore o re d by t h e school si sters of notre d a me

in memoriam ALUMNAE


Carol Noeding Alberque ’52

Jerry August

Sister Mary St. John Castello ’44, OP S. Rosemary Delaney ’46, SSND Helen Foley Hawkins ’41 Sister of the late Grace Foley Horgan ’42

Husband of Valasie Kolessides August ’68

Andrew Capizzi AHA Track Coach

Josephine Casey Mother of Sharon Casey ’77 and Aunt of

Eugene Handy Father of Victoria Handy Corbo ’96

James MacIsaac Father of Molly MacIsaac Coleman ’87 and Suann MacIsaac ’88

Michael Romano Father of Donna Romano Doyle ’78

AHA faculty member Sheila Wroblewski

William Schwitter

Grandmother of Julie Heyboer ’11

’79 and Chelsea Schwerzler ’10

Father of Pam Schwitter ’65, Jan Halder

Geraldine Powers Hopkins ’71

Mary DeVries

Eleanor VanBemmel Heyboer ’36

Sister of Julie Powers ’76

S. Margaret Mary Keegan ’50, SSND

Mother of Ann DeVries ’73 and Margaret DeVries Gering ’76

Frank Downs

’67, Marybeth Schwitter Flynn ’69, Diane Schwitter Montemurro ’72 and Grandfather of Elizabeth Halder Willkomm ’96, Mary Montemurro ’06 and Christine Montemurro ’08

Connie Dell’Accio Maffeo ’65

Husband of Charlotte Costa Downs ’58

John Sisko

Grace Massaro Matt ’35

Ralph Farrier

Father of Valerie Sisko ’90

Sister of the late Marie Massaro

Father of AHA faculty member

Schroeder ’39

Colette Domingues

Eileen McCarthy Mott ’68 Alice Decker Reilly ’28 S. Julianne Spiess ’50, SSND

Robert Feliconio Husband of Diane Tria Feliconio ’83

Frank Franklin Father of Karen Franklin McSherry ’75,

Pat Summerall Father of Sue Summerall Wiles ’75

Joseph Unanue Father of Mari Unanue ’76, the late Mary Ann Unanue Quinones ’77, Mimi Unanue Guggenheim ’78, Maribel Unanue ’81 and Grandfather of Danielle Norris ’98, Caroline

S. Ruth Stahl ’48, SSND

Terri Franklin-Bond ’77, Rosemarie

Ann Marie Pace Troyano ’75

and Grandfather of AHA faculty member

Courtney McVicar ’11

Katie McSherry ’04 and Claire McSherry ’10

Philip Young

James Gandolfini

Father of AHA faculty member

Audrey Schmieder Wright ’41

Franklin’81, Francine Franklin Hoyt ’82

Son of the late AHA staff member Santa Gandolfini

Norris Wright ’03, Ashley Norris ’06 and

Theresa Young


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