tidings academy of the h oly ange l s
s p on s ore d by t h e s c h o o l s i s t e rs of n otre dame
a p ub licat ion fo r alumn ae, pare nts and fr i e nd s
Transforming our Future
wi nt er 20 1 3
all alumnae, parents and friends are cordially invited to attend
the 16th annual
Honoring S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND, ’61, President of Holy Angels, for her 19 years of dedication to AHA
friday, the twenty second of march two thousand and thirteen 6:00pm – cocktails & dinner
rockleigh country club
rockleigh, new jersey
cocktails, dinner, dancing, silent & live auctions, tricky tray, 50/50 raffle and car raffle all proceeds will suppor t an upgrade of the security systems at Holy Angels For more information, contact the Angelic Evening Committee at 201.768.7822 x228.
p r e s i d e n t 's m e s s a g e
NEW Learning Commons
Annual Report to Investors
President’s Message
Faculty News
IN EVERY ISSUE Ten years ago, Sister Claire Bonneau, SSND and her 80-member Planning Committee proposed a prophetic ten-year plan that launched Holy Angels far into the 21st century. With the recent transformation of the library into the Learning Commons, most of the goals of 2012@AHA have been successfully completed. Holy Angels is proud of its achievements over the past ten years. Among these are: • Academic excellence that improves annually • Improved facilities and grounds • Financial stability • Enhanced salary scale and benefits for faculty and staff • Constant enrollment • Highly qualified and experienced administration, faculty and staff • High level of commitment to the AHA philosophy and mission by all constituencies • Strong Board of Trustees I am halfway through my eighth year as President of Holy Angels, for a total of 23 years at AHA as student, teacher and administrator. This will also be my last year as President. For the past 18 months I have been in conversation with Sister Kathleen Cornell, Provincial of the Atlantic-Midwest Province, about this change. This is not a sudden decision for me, but one that has emerged from dialogue and prayer. AHA is more than ready for its next strategic plan and for its next President. What happens next? According to board guidelines, the Provincial Council of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, in concert with the Board of Trustees’ Executive Committee, will form a Search Committee whose members will be representative of the AHA community. The Search Committee, in dialogue with the Board of Trustees, will determine the best process for the search and will assign tasks and establish a timeline for the search. The Board of Trustees, in collaboration with the Provincial Council, will make the final appointment in accordance with Holy Angels’ bylaws. As the search process unfolds, I will inform you of its progress periodically. During this time of transition, the words of Dag Hammarskjold become the prayer of my heart, which I ask you to pray with me, “For all that has been, thanks. For all that will be, yes.” Sincerely,
Spirituality 9 10
Angels Around the Halls
Alumnae News
In Memoriam
tidings V o l u m e V I , n u m b er 2
Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends,
Tara Brunt Director of Development development@holyangels.org Jillane Ferreira Director of Communications ahacommunications@holyangels.org Dorrie Voulgaris Director of Alumnae Relations alumnae@holyangels.org
S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND, ’61 President, Academy of the Holy Angels
angel scholars
National Merit Scholars Seniors Patricia Das and Amanda Fields were named Outstanding Participants in the National Achievement Scholarship Program, having scored in the top three percent of more than 160,00 Black Americans who entered the program by taking the 2011 Preliminary SAT/national Merit Scholarship Qualifying Exam. Seniors Natalie Chew and Julia Mc Ginn (pictured below) were named as SemiFinalists in the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program.
The students pictured above, with AHA President S. Virginia Bobrowski and Principal Jennifer Moran, were honored as Commended Students in the 2013 National Merit速 Scholarship Program. Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2013 competition. Congratulations to Victoria Cavaliere, Liz Choi, Isabella Duffy, Kathryn Fuselier, Neena Joy, Renee Jozanovic, Hannah Lee, Olivia Lofaro and Emily Ryker.
Sister Mary Nonna Dunphy Scholars Each year, six scholarships are awarded to current students, in memory of the foundress of the Academy. These partial scholarships are based on academic excellence, leadership, character, service, an interview with the scholarship committee and an essay. Class of 2013 Finalists: Victoria Cavaliere Renee Jozanovic Semi-Finalists: Natalie Chew Patricia Das Class of 2014 Finalists: Catherine Hahn Jessica McCann Semi-Finalist: Adrianna Bergstein
Class of 2015 Finalists: Meghan Englert Rhea Shah Semi-Finalists: Emily DeRubertis Olivia Guido Breanne Mastromarino Caroline McLaughlin Scholarship Finalists are pictured at left with Selection Committee members Joan Connolly, Gail Fair, S. Virginia and Jennifer Moran.
AP Scholars Holy Angels offers 15 Advanced Placement courses to students in either junior or senior year. All students enrolled in AP classes are required to take the National Exam in that subject area in the spring. In 2011-12, there were 132 students enrolled in AP classes which were made up of 36% of the junior class and 64% of the senior class. They took a total of 270 tests in May. 121 students (92% of those who tested) passed with flying colors. In Art History, Studio Art 2-D, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, US History, Biology, Chemistry and Italian, 100% of the students passed the exam. AP Scholar Awards recognize students who have demonstrated college-level achievement on the exams. AP Scholars with Distinction receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more exams. AP Scholars with Honor receive at least 3.25 on all exams, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more exams. AP Scholars receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams.
Margaret E. Klett Literary Scholarship
AHA is proud to announce that we have once again broken our record for the number of AP Scholars! In 2012, 62 Angels were honored by the College Board for their performance on these rigorous exams.
AP Scholars with Distinction
Mairin Lane ’12 Rebecca Lawlor ’12 Soo Hyun Lee ’12 Gabriela Markolovic ’12 Seton McFarland ’12 Margaret McKee ’12 Maria Nabong ’12 Nora Neus ’12 Regina Palatini ’12 Siobhan Parnow ’12 Alexia Ramirez ’12 Alison Scorese ’12 Karen Singh ’12 Alexa Spatidol ’12
AP Scholars with Honor
Sara Luby ’12 Hayley McGlone ’12 Angela Miguel ’12 Alicia Morejon ’12 Theresa Ra ’13 Emily Ryker ’13 Alexandra Siegel ’12
AP Scholars
Hannah Lee ’13 Yun Jee Lee ’13 Olivia Lofaro ’13 Simone Mahoney ’12 Abigail McEvoy ’13 Julia McGinn ’13 Madeline McGovern ’13 Monica Nolasco ’12 Katerina Rodriguez ’12 Allison Subaldo ’12 Marina Theodorobeakos ’12 Lauren Tweel ’13 Soomin You ’13
Nicole Aparri ’12 Brigit Baines ’12 Jen Birchwale ’12 Ashlyn Brulato ’12 Jane Cruz ’12 Katherine Flood ’12 Kayla Gentile ’12 Shannon Glynn ’12 Amelia Heller ’12 Elizabeth Hickey ’12 Stephanie Hojsak ’12
Elizabeth Aaron ’13 Ava Baksh ’12 Victoria Cavaliere ’13 Jessica Chan ’12 Anna Devine ’12
This scholarship was established in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pakosh (Kathleen Klett Garrett ’68) in memory of her mother, Margaret E. Klett. The recipient this year was Samantha Colavecchio ’13.
Megan Abanto ’12 Alicia Brizzolara ’12 Elizabeth Choi ’13 Ka Wai Chu ’12 Patricia Das ’13 Olivia Dawd ’13 Corinne Day ’13 Kathryn Fuselier ’13 Annemarie Hansen ’12 Jessica Janneck ’12 Neena Joy ’13 Renee Jozanovic ’13
What I did on my Summer Vacation...
Operation Smile officers, seniors Kylie Ambrose, Emily Ryker, Kathryn Fuselier, Corrine Day and Hannah Ciccarelli attended the International Student Leadership Conference with Operation Smile at Georgetown University in August. The theme this year was “Igniting Change.” Students learned about Operation Smile and how they can get involved with this amazing cause. There were over 26 countries represented and around 500 students in attendance from all over the world. Kylie and Emily were accepted into the Executive Leadership Conference as a result of their participation in this event. Emily traveled to India in September and Kylie journeyed to Ethiopia in October on Operation Smile mission trips. Pictured above are seniors Hannah Ciccarelli, Kylie Ambrose and Corinne Day with Ms. Jean Mullooly. Senior Samantha Colavecchio volunteered as a “Retail Activist” twice a week at Housing Works, a chain of thrift stores in the city where proceeds go to benefit people living with HIV/AIDS. She also interned at the Italian American Museum in Little Italy. Freshman Megan Crowley participated in St. John’s teen service week in August, where she assembled back to school supply kits for underprivileged children, visited residents of a nursing home and prepared food for over 100 guests at the Bergen County Housing, Health and Human Services Center in Hackensack. Participants learned firsthand about the issue of homelessness by spending the night in cardboard boxes in a school parking lot. Senior Corinne Day and sophomore Nicole Lugo spent two weeks in San Juan, Puerto Rico this past August, teaching English at Casa De Los Ninos. This is a home where about 20 students, ranging
from ages 5 to 18, go every day after school to receive tutoring and homework help. Students who take part in this program see fabulous results, with over 90% moving on to college after high school. Casa De Los Ninos also feeds the students every day, which for some may be their only meal. Many of the children have rough home lives so Casa is their escape.
in Mahwah, NJ, and a Journalism Investigative Reporting Workshop at Boston University. Stefania felt that these experiences would help her to prepare for college life. She also found time in her busy schedule to volunteer 30 hours at the Lyndhurst Nutrition Center, serving meals to seniors as part of the Meals on Wheels program of Bergen County. Junior Gabby Khoury traveled to Los Angeles, California over the summer, where she interned at a public relations firm called SpinShoppe PR. She learned all about event planning and promoting clients. She commented, “The internship taught me above and beyond anything I expected and I learned so much.”
Junior Alexis Escandon attended the summer program “Inside Architecture and Design” at Virginia Tech. The course, limited to 100 students, provides an incisive introduction into the ways designers think and work. Alexis produced designs and subsequent physical models in both independent and team environments. A structural piece she created that fit within the boundaries of a specific tensile strength requirement was awarded first place. Junior Caren Garcon attended the NSLC conference at the University of Maryland. In addition to performing dissections and working in the laboratory, she enjoyed visiting the sights of our nation’s capital.
Senior Adriana Kranjac shares, “I interned at Capital HQ, a public relations firm in New York City. I worked hands on with Fortune 500 companies, distinguished Wall Street individuals, top government officials and high net worth individuals to help organize National Review’s party at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida in August. Because of the lessons I’ve learned at Holy Angels, I managed to successfully work in a challenging and demanding environment.” Junior Brielle Liotta participated in LeadAmerica’s Medicine & HealthCare Program at Columbia University. She was able to work with cadavers while visiting the Touro College of Medicine, and conducted patient interviews at Mount Sinai Medical Hospital. Brielle loved this opportunity to hear lectures from prominent doctors and meet people from all over the world. Sophomore Breanne Mastromarino volunteered at the Valley Hospital in Ridgewood working in the Laboratory and Pharmacy.
Junior Stefania Kartsounas attended a Communications & Media Career Exploration Summer Camp at Misericordia University in Dallas, PA, a Business Summer Camp at Ramapo College
Junior Jacqueline Morin shadowed doctors at Columbia Presbyterian where she was able to observe several surgeries and see what it’s like to work in a hospital.
Senior Kristen Nicholas studied voice at a month long opera program at the Bel Canto Institute in Florence, Italy. Working with professionals from the Metropolitan Opera and other opera companies from around the world was only part of the benefit for her. She writes, “This experience has opened so many doors for me and made me a stronger person, believing in myself that I can go to a foreign country and meet the most amazing people.” Sophomore Ingrid Noriega turned her own living room into an art studio over the summer with her program Paint for the Children, which offered free art classes to several lucky neighborhood children. Ingrid remarks, “My purpose was to illuminate their minds in creativity, morality, and goal orienting for their future endeavors, providing personal attention to each and every one.” Junior Zanna Paul attended business camp at Ramapo College under the Foundation for Free Enterprise program where she studied many elements of successful management, including how to write a business plan. She then put her newly acquired knowledge to work when she started her own business called Denim by Zanna. She says, “In the beginning this was a hobby but now this is something that I get paid to do. So far I have made a profit of about $400 and I’ve only just begun.” Junior Juliana Perez participated in a National Youth Leadership Conference in Medicine held at St. John’s Campus in Queens, New York. Participants got the chance to visit various medical schools and hospitals and watch real surgeries taking place. Juliana reports that it was a great experience for those looking to go into the medical field. Senior Kaitlyn Policastro writes, “This summer and throughout the year I am interning at Hackensack Hospital in the Tomorrow’s Children Foundation. As an intern I work closely with the child life specialists and entertain the kids in between treatments. Each day I work with kids
of different ages struggling with various forms of cancer. The time spent at the hospital humbles me and reminds me of how fortunate I am.” Senior Hamdah Salhut worked over the summer as a Press Associate for Prana Marketing and Media Relations processing press releases for The New York Times and other local newspapers. She also interned at the Jewish Community Center in Tenafly, NJ, where she helped to run a one week camp for children with cancer and blood disorders. She writes, “This experience might have been one of the most eye opening and life changing.” Senior Ashley Strysko graduated from Cornell’s prestigious Summer College program. Cornell University invites talented high school students to spend time on the Ivy League campus and take official university courses with leading Cornell faculty, earn college credits, get to know students from around the world, and explore majors and career options. Junior Michele Suh went on a medical mission trip to Honduras with a group called KPM. She spent a week in a clinic where she followed physicians and observed various surgeries. In addition, she traveled to some remote villages where she helped the physicians provide medical care to the residents. Michelle also attended the LeadAmerica Medicine & Healthcare Conference at Columbia University this summer, where she completed a challenging academic curriculum and attended workshops in the medical field. Senior Alison Vollmer studied Portuguese at the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth, MA.
AHA students traveled to Italy and Croatia over the summer. They visited Florence, Venice, Rome, Sorento, Capri, Alberobello, and Bari in Italy. In Croatia they saw Dubrovnik, Split, and Zagreb.
12 AHA students, accompanied by faculty members Carol Fay and Kate Chambers, spent a week in the lower ninth ward of New Orleans as a part of Project Homecoming. Pictured above are (Back row): Ms. Fay, Suji Raman, Cailtlin Daniels, Victoria Zayat, Maddie McGovern, Niamh Glynn, Kelly Gilmartin, Samantha Gibney, Elizabeth Aaron, and Mrs. Chambers; Front row: Catherine Hahn, Christine Puma, Emily Longo, and Gabriella Castillo.
Faculty members Nancy Schneberger and Gail Fair led another great Study Abroad program in Germany and Austria in July. Junior Raquel Massoud remarked, “This trip is a perfect example of how our community comes together to do truly amazing things and create memories that will last a lifetime. I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to embark on such a life changing trip.” The photo above shows the group at the Motherhouse in Munich, which they were fortunate to visit again this time around.
faculty news
We Welcome... Mrs. Barbara Burklund ’77 – Development Office
Ms. Jennifer Goodell – Physics
Ms. Terri Caust – Spanish
Mrs. Maryanne Miloscia – Campus Ministry
Mrs. Julia Collins – Finance Office
Mrs. Anna May Thurchak – English
S. Kathleen Dunham – Religious Studies
Ms. Rita Ungaro – College Counseling Office
Ms. Emmalee Egan ’05 – English
Mrs. Kathleen Walsh ’87 – Religious Studies
Ms. Brianna Frabrizio – Mathematics
new dean of students After an extensive search for a new Dean of Students, the AHA Search Committee chose Jean Mullooly. As a graduate of Holy Angels and a member of the faculty over the past 13 years, Ms. Mullooly was more than ready to assume the role of Dean of Students. Her knowledge and love of Holy Angels have grown strong over the years. Her reputation as an excellent teacher of English coupled with her outstanding classroom management are well known. With a deep understanding of the AHA philosophy and a proven commitment to its mission, Ms. Mullooly will succeed in motivating the students to reach the fullness of their potential. Ms. Mullooly received her BA in English from the University of Scranton and will complete her Master’s in Educational Leadership from Montclair State University in the summer of 2013. Congratulations and welcome to AHA’s new Dean of Students!
English teacher Nancy Schneberger was chosen as the 2012 Dodge Poetry Festival School Coordinator for AHA. Mrs. Schneberger coordinated Holy Angels’ participation in High School Student Day in October of this year. The Dodge Festival is the largest poetry event in North America and the only one that programs an entire day for thousands of students who attend.
Farewell to...
Betty Ann O’Rourke – Finance Office
Carolyn Barrett – College Counseling Office
Feast Day Bishop John Flesey presided over Holy Angels’ Feast Day Mass on October 2nd which began with a blessing of the new Learning Commons. The blessing ceremony was simulcast into the auditorium so that all faculty and students could participate. Eucharistic Ministers commissioned that day were Kylie Ambrose, Sara Carpentieri Theresa Fletcher, Brooke Goonetilleke, Tara Hayes, Marissa Heyer, Adriana Kranjac, Katee Lawlor, Teresa Pacelli, Courtney Pfeiffer, Kaitlyn Policastro, Emma Quigley, Jamie Surgent-Nahay, Alexandra Weiss and Courtney Westermann (pictured above right).
holy angels 2012-13 school theme
WItNesSiNg TO uNiTy In A DivIdEd WoRld EM
AHA’s poignant theme logo at left captures this year’s message in living color – “Witnessing to Unity in a Divided World”. Throughout the school year, AHA proclaims this theme in word and deed, and strives to fulfill Christ’s prayer “that all may be one.” In keeping with this theme, the school community joined millions around the world on September 21st for the International Day of Peace. The day began with a special prayer for peace during homeroom. At lunchtime, everyone was invited outside to the Peace Pole to sign the peace pledge, which read, “I support the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2012 and pledge to do all that I can to keep peace in my heart, and share the spirit of peace in my home and within the Holy Angels community beginning today.”
THE Outreach CLUB – In commemoration of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17th, a Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive was held to benefit the Office of Concern in Englewood, NJ. During lunch, students were invited to “stand up against poverty.” They recited the Prayer for the Millennium Goals as their pledge to work towards the eradication of poverty, and signed letters to our presidential candidates, asking them to protect funding for the poor.
In November, Outreach and Campus Ministry held their annual Thanksgiving Drive. This year, $1,250 was collected for Mother Seton Academy, a tuition-free school sponsored by six religious communities to serve the poor in the Baltimore area. S. Peggy Juskelis, SSND, President of Mother Seton Academy, visited AHA on November 20th to show her gratitude and to talk about Mother Seton Academy and its mission.
Trick or Treat for Unicef netted $245. The Halloween Costume Drive collected 82 costumes which were delivered to Jersey Cares to be distributed to children’s shelters. The Halloween Candy Drive brought in six large boxes of Halloween Candy to be delivered to Eva’s Village in Paterson, NJ. The Thanksgiving Turkey Drive gathered 151 turkeys and 20 bags of food for the NJ FoodBank.
angels around the halls aCADEMICS
Sophomore Sophia Cotter wrote a poem while in Ms. Ryan’s English class last year called “Peachy Perfection”. The poem has been accepted for publication and will be published by Eber & Wein Publishing, and printed in a contemporary volume, In My Lifetime.
aTHLETICS Junior Jenn O’Hagan competed in the USAIGC Silver State Gymnastics Competition in Wildwood, New Jersey over Memorial Day Weekend. She won 1st place on Vault, 1st place on the Uneven Bars, 1st place on Balance Beam, 4th place on the Floor Exercise, and 1st place in the All Around. Jenn’s team, Eastern National Academy of Pompton Plains, also took 1st place in the Team Awards.
Seniors Courtney Westermann and Emma Quigley, along with freshman Kelsey Westermann, have been selected by the American Special Children’s Pilgrimage Group to travel to Lourdes, France this coming Easter to assist children and young adults with physical and developmental disabilities to make the pilgrimage. Courtney and Emma have been selected to serve as Youth Leaders on this trip.
forever, learned about new cultures and different countries, and I learned skills that will stay with me and help me overcome problems that I face in life.” Congratulations are also extended to sophomores Fiona Williams and Meghan Englert for being selected as AHA’s HOBY Leadership Representatives for the 2012-13 school year. Sophomore Julia Rondos was selected as AHA’s HOBY Alternate Representative.
Junior Ashlin Twardzik attended the HOBY NJ Leadership Seminar, as well as the HOBY World Leadership Conference in Chicago with six other sophomores from New Jersey and 400 other students from around the world. She writes, “At the HOBY State Conference and World Conference, I think it’s safe to say that I learned more about myself as a leader than I have my whole life. I met friends who I will keep
Attention Parents, Students and Faculty! We love hearing your news, to be shared in AHA’s monthly newsletter and possibly featured in Tidings! Send announcements and photos to Jillane Ferreira at jillane@holyangels.org
Stars in community service and on television! supplies to each of the 138 students at St. Francis of Assisi School in New Mexico.
The AHA Dance Team embarked upon a service initiative, Community Crusade for Kids, over the summer. As part of this project, the girls collected 230 grocery bags for the
Office of Concern in Englewood, sent over 200 fundraising letters on behalf of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and held a car wash to provide backpacks full of school
On the competitive front, the dance team swept all the top awards at the Universal Dance Association Camp in August. They were also the featured team for the season premiere of The Cheering Life on MSG Varsity. The episode aired in October and included interviews with the team members and footage from one of their 8-hour master class workouts that prepared them for the UDA Camp. AHA’s dance team has been ranked nationally for the past ten years and is currently the only high school team from the Northeast to be ranked nationally in two divisions.
Math Mavens
Count them in for competition
Three officers of AHA’s Math Honor Society, Victoria Cavaliere, Theresa Ra and Olivia Dawd, competed for the first time ever in the National Math Competition in Boston, Massachusetts, after winning a $3,000 grant from Mu Alpha Theta National Convention. In addition to participating in the various math competitions, Victoria took fourth place in the “Chalk Talk Competition” in which she gave a seven minute speech on how DNA relates to mathematics.
THE ARTS Junior Raquel Massoud was selected as a vocalist for the Tenafly School of Rock House Band. House Band is a group built of the most dedicated, hard working and talented students at the school. According to the school’s website, “They are invited to play various gigs around New Jersey and New York for benefits, functions, competitions, and for just good old fun.” Besides Raquel’s new role in House Band, she has performed in the school’s regular performance band in shows such as The Best of Heavy Metal and The Best of Queen over the past two years as both a guitarist and vocalist. Junior Ashlin Twardzik and senior Hannah Jang were accepted into the Bergen County Chorus, sponsored by Music Educators of Bergen County, Inc. Almost 500 students from all over Bergen County competed for this highly selective chorus of talented musicians. The participants will learn the music on their own, then attend four long and intensive rehearsals in January, culminating with a concert at Westwood High School. This is the second year in a row that AHA has been represented at this event.
Sophomore Selen Nehrozoglu performed a solo in Children of Eden as part of a musical production staged by Bergen PAC. Selen enjoyed the experience, particularly the opportunity to work with equity artists. Junior Allison Mase performed at the Aspen Music Festival in Colorado, participating in eight orchestra concerts with different conductors and soloists from around the world. Freshman flutist Michelle Lu auditioned for and earned a position in the 2012-2013 Bergen County High School Honors Band. This program is sponsored by the Music Educators of Bergen County. The competition is intense, with over 350 student musicians competing to be part of the band. Michelle was one of only 12 flutists accepted. The Bergen County High School Band will perform at Westwood High School in January.
Freshman Maggie McCarthy was selected as the Young Artist of the Month for September 2012 at The Ridgewood Art Institute. The article pictured above appeared on their website and at the art school.
Pictured at left are the students in Nancy Schneberger’s Creative Writing class at their annual poetry and prose reading at Barnes and Noble bookstore.
he events began on Friday, with alumnae celebrating Foundation Day and taking a trip down memory lane by attending classes or touring the campus. There was a prayer service to honor the SSNDs which also included a presentation by S. Maria Iannuccillo, SSND, newly elected member of the SSND Provincial Council. She elaborated on the theme of the 23rd General Chapter of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, “Witnessing to Unity in a Divided World.” Saturday night’s reunion event began with Mass followed by a welcome reception and an opportunity to tour the campus with a current angel. The presentation of the classes was done at the end of Mass. Sister Virginia Bobrowski ’61, AHA President, led a reflection on years past – remembering the days under the dome in Fort Lee, to the move to Demarest in 1965. In keeping with tradition, the “golden” Angels were presented with yellow roses, recognizing their celebration of more than 50 years since graduation. The class of 1962 joined the golden group this year for the first time. The class of 1987 was also called forward to receive roses in honor of their 25th anniversary. Each class in attendance posed together for a current group shot – photos are available at www.holyangelsalumnae.org. Yearbooks, old photos and even some uniforms were brought out at the class tables as everyone took the opportunity to reconnect and share memories.
We invite you all to the next
Alumnae Weekend including a special reunion of the classes ending in 3 & 8 –
October 25-26, 2013!
Alumnae Weekend
Class Reunions
To view more photos or to order prints, go to
October 19-20, 2012
alumnae association president
eunion weekend 2012 was another great success. Angels from throughout the decades mixed, mingled and reminisced about our Academy days, and a good time was had by all. Those alumnae who graduated in a year ending in 8 or 3 should mark their calendars for next October’s festivities. It is an event that no Angel should miss, so start making plans now! We continue to keep in our prayers our New Jersey Shore Angels and all other alumnae and members of the AHA community who were impacted by Super Storm Sandy. One thing Angels are is resilient, but if there is anything this worldwide network can do for you, please let us know. I wish all of my fellow alumnae a happy and healthy new year. May you enjoy the gifts of peace, joy, love and laughter – especially with fellow Angels – in 2013 and beyond. Sincerely, Patti McGovern Hill ’78
Alumnae Weekend 2013
October 25-26, 2013
Sister Mary Maher ’68 has been re-elected General Superior of the School Sisters of Notre Dame during the 23rd General Chapter of the School Sisters of Notre Dame that met September 19 through October 24 in Ariccia, Italy.
Grace Roe Cooper ’32 shares, “We lost our beloved daughter Joan Cooper Denu in October 2011. Joan graduated with the class of 1958 under the Dome as I did. Wonderful classmates and friends.”
Joan McDonough ’42 writes, “After living in Manhattan for many years, I am back in Fort Lee. Had a career in communications which included a stint on one of the early cable shows as a reporter and doing public relations for several hospitals and health care organizations. In 1987, I graduated from St. Peter’s College in Englewood Cliffs and was hired to be a part-time student advisor. I also took up painting and I work in oil paints doing portraits, landscapes, dogs and flowers.”
Alice O’Connor Miller ’47 is a mother of five (all in their 50s), a grandmother of nine (four out of college, three in college and two in high school), and a greatgrandmother of two. She retired from United Airlines reservations as well as home-ownership and is happily living in the convenience of a condo.
The class of ’48 had its 3rd annual luncheon on June 7, 2012 at the Ramsey Golf & Country Club. Pictured at their
celebration in the photo above are: (Front Row) Mary Braddock Lanni, Midge Martine Kennedy, Margie Prior Bueschen, Adie Ragati Priess; (Back Row) Florence Horgan, Nina Guiliano Cowell, Helen LaBe Higley, Mel Donnelly Dermady, Florence Doyle Brown and Claire Nelson Dale. Sadly, Margie Prior Bueschen died suddenly a week later on June 16th. Margie had attended Academy of the Holy Angels grammar school and three years of high school.
Joyce Senger Sewell ’52 has been in St. Petersburg, FL since 1952. She has eight daughters and 17 grandchildren. Her husband Jerry is a retired DDS and they spend a few months in North Carolina each summer.
Diane Titolo Alexander ’57 was sorry to miss the recent reunion. She now enjoys living part-time as a snow bird in Tucson, AZ enjoying the great winter weather, many outdoor activities and wonderful friends. If you find yourself in that neck of the woods, give her a shout! Alycia Buckman Donovan ’57 wishes everyone in the class of 1957 good health and happiness. She is living in Park Slope, Brooklyn for 23 years. Alycia has three children and seven grandchildren. Maria Santucci Hoernlein ’57 was so sorry to miss reunion. She and her husband, Roger, were in North Carolina to walk with her grandson, Jacob, to help raise money for Von Vilibrand, a rare form of hemophilia. They also just became great-grandparents to Garrison David, son of Nick and Kass Bet and grandson of Diana Hoernlein Bet ’81 and her husband Vic. Mary Delehanty Lally ’57 has four grandchildren, three of them living across the street from her! Mary Ann Jackson Plaza ’57 and husband Vince have relocated back to the north from Florida and are living in Whitehall, PA. They are now within driving distance to three of their four children. They have 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mary Ann was sorry to not be able to come to reunion and sends warm wishes to all.
Katharine Cooke Goodman ’62 shares, “It is hard to believe 50 years have passed since we roamed ‘neath the Dome in our home away from home. That was a line from one of our class’ SSO week songs. Remember the Wednesday for Wilton collections for the SSND Motherhouse? I live 20 minutes from there. My husband, Doug, and I have three daughters and are expecting a sixth grandchild. I teach a weekly interdenominational bible study. A knee replacement sidelined me from golf so I play a lot of duplicate Bridge in sanctioned games. Hope you are all well. Happy 50th!” Maryann Ramsay Kuras ’62 writes, “Hi Everyone in the ’62 class!
I can’t believe I am missing seeing you all but a once in a lifetime family event was planned for that same weekend. All is well in my life. I married and have four children, the last of which just got married. I am a Nursing Administrator at the Monmouth County Health Department. I love my job and love being a nurse.” Donna Caliguire Parton ’62 says, “It doesn’t seem possible that it has been 50 years since I was cheering under the dome. My life has been so enriched having been an Angel. I still live in South Florida and continue to work as an Administrator in an elementary school. My husband, Bob, and I have adopted twins who will be four in November! God Bless us all!” Helen Bianchi Rothgerber ’62 was sorry she couldn’t join her classmates for reunion. She has been married for 43 years to Harry. They have three children, four grandchildren and one on the way in January. Helen taught for over 25 years, then went to Catholic Charities where as Director of Women & Family Services, she directed adoptions, created educational programs for pregnant women in need and provided post-abortion counseling. Helen retired in December 2012 after 15 years. She would love to hear from members of the class of ’62! Roberta McNaughton Troiano ’62 went to Berkeley Secretarial School in NY after graduating from Holy Angels. In 1963, she married Pete, her high school sweetheart. They had three boys, Peter, Christopher and Robert. Sadly, husband Pete died in 1973. In 1976, she married Jerry. He has two girls and they had a boy, Jerry, together. They now have 11 grandchildren. In 1995, when Jerry retired they moved to Anderson, SC. They love it there. Jerry plays golf 5-7 days a week and Roberta is now redecorating their home.
Nancy Schaberg Beringer ’67 was sorry to miss this 45th year Angels gathering which happened to coincide with her 40th wedding anniversary to fellow architect/business partner John. They traveled to Italy spending time in
Lombardy and Venice to renew their commitment to each other and continue to explore the world of architecture together. Kathleen Barlow Dupree ’67 is happily married for almost 40 years and is a mother of four children and grandmother of seven. She has been disabled for five years, but has a fulfilling life enjoying her grandchildren. Kathleen looks forward to husband Stan’s retiring next year. Lenore Grieco Titus ’67 says, “Life has been good! Have two wonderful kids, Gary Jr. and Theresa, a great son-in-law, Jason, and an absolutely perfect granddaughter named Gabriella who is my true joy. Yes, I have been blessed on many levels.”
Joan Gorecki Lasser ’75 has been elected to the Board of Directors to the foundation of SAAGNY, Specialty Advertising Association of Greater New York. Joan is owner and president of Promotional Concepts Incorporated. Her firm specializes in product development and provides logo product solutions for client branding, meetings and events. Joan and fellow angels Cyndi DeGloria McSweeney ’75, Terri Misha Shafer ’75, Cookie Puig Dolan ’75, Kerry Greaney ’75, Patti Buckman Richards ’75 and Colette Feehan Brooks ’75 continue their tradition of angel weekends and get-togethers. No matter where they go, they meet other AHA alumnae and love to share their stories and reminisce.
“It was so great being back at Reunion with the girls I spent four years with... laughing and remembering crazy stories no one could ever understand but us!” –Alkmini Vorvolakos ’02
Since graduation from AHA, Donna Marie Collins Wilson ’77 has received a MS in Nursing/Family Nurse Practitioner with post graduate credit/ certification as a School Nurse/Health Educator from Felician College. She is the proud mom of three amazing children: Ryan (22), Kaitlyn (19) and Conor (15). Donna works at Hackensack University Medical Center.
Cina Franklin Hoyt ’82 lives in Glen Rock, NJ and has been married for 13 years to husband David. They have two daughters Elizabeth (11) and Elena (9). Cina has been practicing law since 1991 and has been with UBS Financial Services Inc. since 1994. She continues to feel connected to Holy Angels since her niece Katie McSherry ’04 is a teacher at AHA.Mary Palmer Taylor ’82 has been happily married to Fitzhugh for 19 years with three great kids: Oliver (14), Campbell (12) and Meg (10). They have lived in San Francisco for the past 14 years.
The class of 1985 had a mini-reunion at Rosa Mexicano on July 20, 2012. Seated L to R are Karen Entricken ’85, Maureen Davis Havlusch ’85, Cathy Balchunas Mascis ’85. Standing from left to right: Sharon Hoernlein Sterling ’85, Pamela Donnelly ’85, Michelle Tracey Sodora ’85, Olenka Wos Kimball ’85, Daniela Marcotti ’85 and Barbara Carletta Chen ’85.
Stacey Antine ’86, founder of HealthBarn USA, is now an author. Appetite for Life came out in September 2012 and is a fun, practical, and proven guide to raising healthy eaters.
Marilynn Melville Halas ’87 has four children: Kathleen (15), Elizabeth (12), Alexandra (9) and George (5). She and husband Stephen founded 4 Sunflowers Media nearly two years ago. Their mission is to support and celebrate families through children’s stories. Their first books, Hello We’re the Fuzzwippers and Fuzzwippers Find Good Listeners, are enjoying rave reviews. Deirdre Spina ’87 writes, “My life is forever blessed with love and strength due to the last 25 years of friendship with Melissa Gilbert ’87, Maryann Gray ’87, Meredith Pinyuh ’87, Enza Ragno ’87 and Nicole Segrich ’87. You are not only my friends, you are my sisters.”
J anice Kelly Savage ’94 and husband Jim have welcomed their second daughter into the world. Hannah Grace Savage was born on May 1, 2012 at 1:50pm. Janice, Jim and Hannah’s big sister, Norah, are all excited about the wonderful new addition to the family. Hannah was christened in September 2012, and fellow AHA alumna, Mai-Linh Lofgren ’94, is Hannah’s Godmother.
Heather Miller ’96 married Peter Shalaida on March 31, 2012 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Tenafly, followed by a reception at Rockleigh Country Club. The Maid of Honor was Ashley Miller ’05 and Marissa Zitka Abruzzo ’95 was a bridesmaid. Vanessa Arteaga Risetto ’96 and husband Michael welcomed Catherine Inin born March 29, 2012 at 5:48am weighing 7lbs 6oz. Catherine’s godmother is Robyn Assile Ziemba ’96.
Danielle Jurasek Wolowitz ’98 and husband Christopher welcomed twin boys Ethan Robert and Aidan John on May 9, 2012. Proud grandmother is Denise Italiano Jurasek ’69.
Meghan Corrigan ’99 recently became engaged to Mr. Gregory Scott, an attorney from Toronto, whom she met in Manhattan. Meghan has also begun a new position as Art Director of The Knot magazine.
Don’t forget! The deadline for Merz Scholarship applications is March 18, 2013.
Ann Marie Madigan Rybak ’99 and Stephen Rybak welcomed their first child, Mia Madigan Rybak, on November 14, 2012.
Vanessa Alvarez ’00 recently became engaged to her boyfriend of over four years, Conrad J. Segelbacher of Stony Point, NY. A wedding is planned for September 2013 in Congers, NY.
Sarah Greenberg ’02 is pictured below with her fellow Angels, both family and friends, at her bridal shower on June 30, 2012. Pictured are: (Standing L to R) Aimee Lallave-Ortega ’02, Teresa Iorio-Greenberg ’74, Carol Iorio-Riley ’67; (Seated L to R) Kathleen Riley ’97, Brooke Lonegan ’05, Katie Lonegan ’02, Sarah Greenberg, Cadence Greenberg ’06, and Jessica O’Hanlon ’02. Sarah married Vicken Astourian in August 2012.
Nicole Simone ’02 was also sorry she couldn’t be at reunion, but it was the weekend of her best friend’s wedding. After graduating from TCNJ, Nicole went to nursing school. She is now an ICU RN at Hackensack University Medical Center and studying to be a Nurse Practitioner. Katie Lonegan ’02 married Kevin Parany o of Little Falls on September 29, 2012 at St. Joseph’s Church in Bogota. A beautiful reception followed at The Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club in Bedminster. Angels in attendance included Maid of Honor Brooke Lonegan ’05, Bridesmaid Sarah Greenberg ’02, Jessica O’Hanlon ’02, Keara O’Hanlon ’02, Danielle McGinty ’02, Cadence Greenberg ’06, Aly Cocchiaro ’05, Jen Hargrave ’02, and Teresa Iorio Greenberg ’74.
Lindsay Nejmeh ’04 married Mark DiMichael on October 30th, 2011 at Saint Elizabeth’s Church in Wyckoff. The two honeymooned in Italy after a beautiful reception with very dear friends and family. Cailin McKinney ’04, Alex Preziosi ’04, Camille Aramini ’04, and Laura Schneider ’04 served as bridesmaids.
Sharon Hakim ’02 was sorry to miss reunion, but she was in Kansas working on her dissertation. Sharon hopes to graduate and move back east in May.
Elizabeth Bennett ’04 wed Tyler Horton on July 14, 2012 at St. Mark’s Church in Sea Girt, NJ. The reception was held at the Lobster Shanty in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. The couple met while both earning their Doctorate of Physical Therapy degrees from Ithaca College. Elizabeth currently practices at JAG Physical Therapy in Hackensack, NJ with a focus on individuals with sport and orthopedic injuries. The wedding party included both Larissa Alaverdian ’04 and Catherine Best ’04 as bridesmaids. Fellow Angels Nicole Cardona ’04 and Nicole Gatti Paniccia ’04 were also in attendance. After spending their honeymoon in Alaska, the couple currently resides in Montclair, NJ.
Jamie McRoberts ’05 recently received a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from NYU and will be working for the NYC Board of Education as a Pediatric Physical Therapist.
“Reunion was a beautiful walk down memory lane. So many fond memories; the AHA culture makes it an opportunity to bond and establish friendships for many future years. I loved my high school years and coming back was a reconfirmation of those feelings.” –Denise DiNoia Ciccarelli ’72
Emily Jameson Dragone ’06 graduated from Fordham University in May 2010. She then enrolled in the Holy Name Hospital School of Nursing to pursue a nursing degree. She married Brad Dragone on December 4, 2010. Emily graduated and became an RN in May of 2012. She is currently a Hospice nurse at the Villa Marie Claire in Saddle River NJ.
got news?
Nina Sinatra ’08 graduated from MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering. She has worked on nanoscale, chemical, and biomaterials engineering projects with the US Army Corps of Engineers, several laboratories at MIT and as a visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Germany. Nina is excited to be going on to Columbia University for a MS/PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, specializing in bioastronautics and tissue engineering.
We love hearing from our alumnae! We want to celebrate with you by sharing your good news and accomplishments with the entire AHA community. Send your news and photos for the next issue of Tidings to alumnae@holyangels.org by March 1, 2013.
Caroline Vigneron ’10 is pursuing a double major in Communication/ Journalism and English Literature with a minor in Peace and Justice Studies at the University of San Diego. This semester she was studying abroad at St. Clare’s International School in Oxford, United Kingdom, where she is taking a seminar on War and Peace in the Middle East under the tutelage of professors from University of Oxford.
Brigid Cash ’12 took the Radio City stage this winter as a member of the Rockettes. Brigid was accepted into the prestigious dance program and performed in Radio City’s annual Christmas Spectacular. Alexandra Pagnozzi ’12 is in her first year at Elon University. She auditioned and was selected as a member of the university’s prestigious all-female a cappella group, Sweet Signatures. Over 80 women auditioned for just seven spots! The group will travel around the country to compete, perform on and off campus, and will record a Christmas album.
We love pictures, and we want you to look good! Photos that are below the acceptable resolution for print will not be published. Here are some tips for sending us digital photos that will look fantastic in print: • Make sure your camera is set to the best photo setting (usually “FINE”) so that your photos will be 300dpi or higher • Do not send photos directly from your phone, as they are automatically sized down to a lower resolution • Please “attach” your photo to the email, just as you would a document. JPEGs are preferred.
Save the Date! Saturday, March 16, 2013 This year, the cast of Into the Woods will be having a special performance for AHA Alumnae and their children (this also includes grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc). This matinee performance will be appropriate for children of all ages.There will be a light lunch prior to the show and immediately following there will be a reception with the cast. Come and meet Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, Jack in the Beanstalk and the princes!
Reservations can be made online at www.holyangelsalumnae.org/woods
soaring angel Jennifer Marsico ’03 is currently a Senior Research Associate for the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) which is a conservative think tank in Washington DC. Jennifer graduated from Drew University in 2007 with a BA in Political Science and a minor in History and Economics. She spent a semester of her junior year serving as an intern for the senator from Florida. In 2008, Jennifer graduated from Georgetown University in an accelerated program with a MA in American Government. While completing her Master’s degree, Jennifer worked at AEI as an intern. She enjoyed her work so much that she applied for a full-time position after the internship was completed. Although AEI focuses on a wide range of
Legacy Mothers We welcome back the following AHA alumnae whose daughters are members of the class of 2016: Mary Veras Ayoub ’84 Diane Carozza ’88 Judith Taylor Creagh ’85 Marlene Godfrey Den Bleyker ’83 Johnna O’Rourke DiPalma ’85 Maureen Reuter Gallo ’80 Andrea McDermott Hyer ’80 Laura Barbieri Longobardi ’84
topics, Jennifer’s role has been mainly in the political corner where she focuses on elections, election reform and government continuity issues. She has worked alongside Newt Gingrich and Norman J. Ornstein, assisting them in research for their books. Jennifer writes for the AEI Enterprise blog and has contributed to outside publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune and Roll Call. Jennifer recently visited AHA to share her experiences with the AP Government class. “You have to put yourself out there all the time,” she explained, “If there is an opportunity for you, do it.” She also advised students to continue honing a strong work ethic. She answered questions from students about the presidential debates, the election and bi-partisan relationships in Congress.
Jennifer left AHA and headed back to Drew University to receive the Young Alumni Award. This award “recognizes alumni who graduated from Drew within the past ten years, and have demonstrated exceptional success in their chosen field, outstanding character, and loyalty to the university.”
Eat Your Way to a Healthy 2013! What’s your New Year’s Resolution? Are you always wondering how you can incorporate better nutrition into your day? Do you have a hard time getting your children to eat their fruits and vegetables? Join us on Saturday, February 16th for workshops that will provide the tools to help you finally achieve your nutritional goals! Information and registration information can be found at www.holyangelsalumnae.org/healthy2013
Patricia Muller McDevitt ’81 MaryKate Ficca Menapace ’90 Patricia Ronan Moser ’87 Mary Lou Donohue Owens ’85 Theresa Chin Rivoir ’78 Geraldine O’Shea Wacker ’88
building the
learning commons
“Mostly, I think my grandmother would be glad to have a comfortable chair near a beautiful window, in a place where her own granddaughter once sat, a lot of good books around her, peace and quiet, and a lovely view full of promise.” – Leslie Cascone Rohrbacher ’86, who donated a lounge chair in the new Learning Commons in memory of her grandmother
2012@AHA Goal: Redesign library as an attractive
teachin g
learnin g
gro win gachievin g
transfor min g our
l i b r a ry
The design of AHA’s new Learning Commons transformed the library from a space that stored books into an innovative research center, simultaneously combining beauty and functionality. Floor to ceiling windows along the west wall of the library open to a panoramic view of the campus and flood the Learning Commons with daylight. Wall to wall carpeting gives the illusion of the campus grass extending itself from the field onto the floor. The gentle, arching curve of the cloud ceiling toward the wall of windows mimics the sky. Students sink into the comfort of lounge chairs for leisure reading or sit at tables wired for electricity. They enjoy areas for quiet study and group learning. The Learning Commons is an oasis, meeting the needs of mind, body and spirit. AHA is so grateful to everyone who has helped make this dream become reality.
and efficient work environment and incorporate current technology
transfor min g our
We thank the following supporters whose generosity demonstrates their commitment to the tradition of excellence at the Academy of the Holy Angels.
st. gabriel ($250,000-$499,999) The Luckow Family (Audrey Spiotto Luckow ’64) (Stefanie Luckow ’02) School Sisters of Notre Dame
st. raphael ($100,000-$249,999) Marie Theurer Fisher ’37 Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Gaglioti (Danielle Larré Gaglioti ’90) Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill (Patti McGovern Hill ’78) Dr. & Dr. W. Norman Scott (Susan Craig Scott ’66) Mr. & Mrs. Mario Spola
seraphim ($50,000-$99,999) The Kazickas Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaBlanc
cherubim ($25,000-$49,999) The Cunniff Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huntington Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mara Roseanne McCauley ’82 The Turk Family
thrones ($10,000-$24,999) Mr. John Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus Diane Oakley ’71
dominions ($5,000-$9,999) Stacey Antine ’86 The Colavecchio Family Mrs. Tara Del Gavio Patricia Geoghegan ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Haws (Geralyn Parent Haws ’82) Jennifer A. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Muscarelle
guardian angels ($1,096-$4,999)
Richard E. Garrity Annie T. Giambalvo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo Raphaela M. Giampiccolo ’80 Dolores Gleason Elizabeth Kress Golub ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorman Marlene H. Zeitler Graffin ’59 Elyse D. Harney ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heck Jennifer A. Henry Chris & Suzanne Heyer Maureen P. Hille ’77 Carmella Martorelli Hollenbach ’62 and Nancy Bernet Bourdon ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Holme Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Hottenrott Dr. Maria Humaran-Abbattista ’87 Madeline Leighton Humiston ’77 Anne Huntington ’03 Frances & Umaru Jalloh Mr. Warren G. Jameson Mr. John J. Judge Paul & Moira Kaley Mr. & Mrs. William Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Khoury Mrs. Catherine Korvin Melissa Krugs-Remole ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Lavin Young & Helena Lee Kaitlin E. Low ’01 Megan A. Low ’03 Richard & Barbara Luscher Sr. Joan Magnetti, RSCJ, ’61 Mr. & Dr. Edward J. Malley (Lisa Raacke Malley ’74) Joan L. Mandella Ralph & Barbara Marchione Linda Sistaro Marciniec ’65 Marybeth Gurski Markland ’88 Tracy & Fred Mastromarino Lisa Mayer ’74 Joan McDonough ’42 Harry & Nicolina Menta Keith Meyers & Maria DeVita Elizabeth M. Mills Switaj ’70 Barbara O’Neil Mingle ’66 Elisabeth Magnus Mitchell ’83 Erin Musich ’03 Vanessa & Joe Nolasco Kevin & Karen Norton Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Anne Ottomanelli Noble ’93 Margie Pacheco ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Gene Pagnozzi Mr. & Mrs Dennis Palatini (Mary Mattessich Palatini ’75) Alicia A. Parent Rita Ragno Paterson ’71 Deirdre Glenn Paul
Mary Amoroso ’70 Dr. & Mrs. Francis Forte Denise Gunter ’82 Mr. & Mrs. William McKee Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mary Lou Sciarrillo ’62 Elaine C. Wraga
archangels (up to $1,095) AHA Faculty & Staff AHA Class of 1986 AHA Class of 1999 Lynn Belmont Aversa ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Sam Ayoub The Joseph Barrett Family Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik ’83 Mrs. Alicia Bergstein The Best Family Theresa Biasi ’72 Virginia Bobrowski, ’61, SSND Kerry A. Brennan ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Brew (Phyllis Gutto Brew ’80) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brizzolara Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bruno Thomas & Tara Brunt Mrs. Maryann Armandi Casella ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Cecere Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Clarke Patricia & Charles Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Colman Mr. & Mrs. Francis Constantinople Barbara Smith Costigan ’68 Patricia Van-Tassel Cromie ’80 Barbara Ehret Crowe ’83 Maria & Michael Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cutolo Irene Daniello ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Donohue Stephanie B. Donohue ’72 Theresa Spola Doyle ’69 Drs. John & Yvonne Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Kathleen & Mark Englert Margaret Fallon Ms. Carol Fay David & Peg Ficca Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Finnegan Ann Daly Ford ’70 Cecelia M. Fox, RSM Mr. & Mrs. Michael Francesco The Fuselier Family Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo (Maureen Gallo ’80) Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Garip
Dr. Florence Pisano ’71 Holly & Joseph Retcho The Retcho, Roux and Carolyn Smith Families Marcella & Ed Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker ’86 Natasha Rosasco ’13 Drs. Sidney & Donna Chirico Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rubino Ahmad H. & Fatin Salhut Catherine J. Schaeder ’79 Pamela M. Schwitter ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Rosemary Ohmann Seghatoleslami ’69 John J. & Mary J. Sheerins Mrs. Eloise B. Sirico Mr. & Mrs. William Sirico Joyce Comeau Smith ’53 Sage Robertory Sonnek ’46 Irene J. Stagg Thomas & Denise Stephens Mary H. Stuart ’57 Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Tracey Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vero Michelle Vialonga ’84 Jerry & Catherine Vollmer Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Kathleen Wall Dr. & Mrs. Edward Winkler Nancy P. Wymer ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Yesilian Makaila Zimick ’07
We gratefully acknowledge the following donors whose support has enabled a lasting legacy of excellence in education at AHA through endowed scholarships. The Amelia and Anthony F.X. Calianese Financial Aid Fund The Rempe Scholarship The Gaglioti-Larré Family Scholarship Ellen and Ralph Merz Scholarship
2011-2012 annual report to investors
thanks to you!
annual fundraising summary for 2011-12 (Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30)
Annual Fund Unrestricted
Annual Fund Restricted
Walk With Angels
Tuition Raffle
Angelic Evening
Beefsteak Dinner
Annual Total
Capital Campaign/Endowment
Overall Total
’09 – ’10
2011-12 annual giving levels AHA Dome Society
$50,000 and up
AHA Leadership Society
SSND Society
Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society
Mother Caroline Society
Sister Nonna Dunphy Society
President’s Council
AHA Women
AHA Associates
Century Club
Angels Club
Up to $124
The list on the following pages contains the names of all who made contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels Annual Fund either in the form of direct gifts or in donated services between July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apology and notify us at 201-768-7822 ext. 224.
percentage of alumnae participation by class
’40 ’41 ’42 ’44 ’45 ’46 ’47 ’48 ’49 ’50 ’51 ’52 ’53 ’54 ’55 ’56 ’57 ’58 ’59 ’60 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 ’65 ’66 ’67 ’68 ’69 ’70 ’71 ’72 ’73 ’74 ’75 ’76 ’77 ’78 ’79 ’80 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11
– – 5% 8% 19% 11% 8% 22% 10% 33% 19% 4% 5% 17% 3% 11% 20% 16% 16% 22% 19% 9% 10% 6% 18% 9% 8% 14% 17% 10% 4% 7% 6% 7% 11% 7% 10% 6% 6% 13% 9% 6% 5% 11% 5% 3% 5% 3% 3% 7% 4% 5% 4% 5% 10% 6% 30% 2% 6% 8% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 6% 4% 3% 4% 1% –
’10 – ’11 4% 2% 6% 9% 16% 12% 4% 17% 10% 25% 22% 2% 3% 15% 9% 16% 17% 14% 21% 17% 25% 9% 11% 8% 15% 16% 10% 8% 16% 8% 10% 11% 8% 5% 8% 11% 10% 10% 7% 12% 9% 5% 5% 11% 3% 10% 6% 3% 4% 5% 4% 5% 7% 5% 7% 7% 3% 3% 5% 4% 7% 3% 5% 2% 2% 6% 5% 2% 3% 1% –
’11 – ’12 4% 3% 13% 9% 13% 16% 30% 28% 8% 18% 23% 9% 9% 15% 5% 9% 23% 14% 17% 14% 24% 20% 14% 8% 14% 13% 12% 11% 14% 6% 8% 14% 7% 6% 7% 11% 16% 9% 5% 12% 7% 12% 5% 10% 4% 5% 14% 4% 4% 4% 5% 7% 4% 3% 5% 5% 7% 1% 13% 5% 4% 7% 4% 1% 2% 3% 7% 1% 2% – 2%
Overall Alumnae Giving was at 10 percent!
Fundraising Categories
recognition of our benefactors AHA Dome Society
School Sisters of Notre Dame AHA Leadership Society
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cunniff Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huntington Mr. &Mrs. Michael Kazickas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luckow Dr. Susan Craig Scott Mr. & Mrs. Mario Spola SSND Society
Anonymous Ms. Patricia Geoghegan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Ms. Roseanne McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus
AHA Women
Dr. Maria Humaran Abbattista Ms. Adrienne Benzoni Mrs. Phyllis Gutto Brew Mrs. Eleanor Quinn Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter Mr. & Mrs. William McKee Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Ms. Mary Lou Sciarrillo Ms. Leslie Whatley Ms. Elaine Wraga
Ms. Stacey Antine Mr. John Barrett S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Dr. Antonia Adamo Bouillette Ms. Elizabeth Cassino Mrs. Barbara Ehret Crowe Dr. Stephanie Bille Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Mark Englert Ms. Peg Fry Fennell Ms. Claire Gareau Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo Ms. Marlene Zeitler Graffin Mrs. Sharon Fagliarone-Hajjar Ms. Catherine Higgins Ms. Jeanine Careri Jackson Mr. & Dr. Umaru Jalloh Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krone Mrs. Judith Comunale Laquidara Mrs. Jean Rapport Lowe Dr. Florence Pisano Mrs. Maureen Phelan Previti Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rivoir Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. John Sheerins Mrs. Colleen Corbett Staff Mrs. Elizabeth Mills Switaj Mrs. Patricia Vandenberg Mr. & Mrs. Gereld Vollmer Ms. Yumiko Yokoi
President’s Council
AHA Associates
Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Haws Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaBlanc Miss Jennifer Moran Navin Brothers Ms. Geraldine Baker Warner Mother Caroline Society
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Colavecchio Mrs. Cathryn Archibald Curia Ms. Kathleen Tigh Detrano Ms. Eileen Dowling Mrs. Lois Gallagher Insetta Family Foundation Ms. Stefanie Luckow Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Ms. Diane Oakley Ms. Ruth Rempe Mrs. Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore Sister Nonna Dunphy Society
AHA Parents’ Guild Ms. Theresa Biasi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Branciforte Mr. & Mrs. Robert Callagee Mrs. Marie Zenorini Canepa Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cecere Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chapel Mrs. Arline Zenorini Conn Mrs. Maureen Lewis Corbett Mrs. Barbara Smith Costigan Ms. Irene Daniello Mrs. Virginia Puig Dolan Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito Dr. & Mrs. Francis Forte Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo Ms. Pamela Gheysen Ms. Eileen Gill Mrs. Katharine Cooke Goodman Mr. & Mrs. John Grifonetti Mr. & Mrs. William Hannon Ms. Genevieve Kacmarcik Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas
Mrs. Jane Loughman Crowley Ms. Patricia Mahaney Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo Mrs. Kathleen Bohnert Davis Ms. Gerda Willenborg Della Valle Mrs. Reena Raggi Denton Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Ms. Alexandra Durbak Mr. & Mrs. Richard Erickson Mrs. Shirley Everett Ms. Katherine Polk Failla Ms. Carol Fay Mrs. Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy Mrs. Janet McNulty Ferrante Ms. Catherine French Mrs. Joan Larsen Friezo Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Garip Mr. Richard Garrity Ms. Carey Wunsch-Giannetti Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gilmartin Mrs. Kathleen Glass Mrs. Dolores Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorman Ms. Regina Hur Gramss Mrs. Elyse Deublein Harney Mrs. Jennifer Hunt Henry Ms. Anne Huntington Mr. Warren Jameson Ms. Nicole Grace Keck Ms. Amy Mc Cabe Kennedy Mrs. Lydia Valitzky Kesler Mrs. Jane Henzi Kiefer Mrs. Lindsay Watson Klitsch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohl Mrs. Catherine Korvin Mrs. Kathleen Scherer Krone Mrs. Wendy-Jane Savona Larre’ Mrs. Catherine Lederhaas Ms. Nicole Aguila Linn Dr. & Mrs. Raphael Longobardi Mrs. Andrea Spola Lupo Mrs. Mary McNulty Maher Ms. Vickie Mak Mrs. Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Ms. Marybeth Gurski Markland Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus Mrs. Dana Dorgan Mc Carren Mrs. Elizabeth Jones McIntyre Mrs. Patricia Clifford McKillip Mrs. Donna Quinn McNeill Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Messina Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mierswa Mrs. Elisabeth Magnus Mitchell Ms. Norma Monty Mrs. Maria Spola Muller Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Murphy Mrs. Jane Morrisroe Naddeo Mrs. Catherine DiDonato Nelson Dr. & Dr. Charles Nnadi Mrs. Anne Ottomanelli Noble Mrs. Edith Lynch O’Brien Mrs. Margaret Feeney O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Scott O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Dr. & Dr. Antonio Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Palatini Ms. Marion Palen Mrs. Rita Ragno Paterson Dr. Dierdre Paul Mrs. Mary Holahan Peebles Dr. Lisset Penton Ms. Adrienne MacLellan Phillips Ms. Janet Maiello Pote Mr. & Ms. Rajan Raman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Regan
Dr. & Mrs. Aldo Khoury Mr. & Mrs. Young Lee Ms. Kaitlin Low Ms. Megan Low Mr. & Mrs. Nick Lugo Mr. & Ms. Ralph Marchione Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marcos Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mellas Mr. & Mrs. Gene Pagnozzi Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Suh The Bartimaeus Foundation, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vero Mr. & Mrs. Edward Winkler Mr. & Mrs. Jack Yesilian
Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Ms. Lynne Belmont Aversa Mr. & Mrs. Hussein Ayoub Mrs. Catherine Schaeder Batterman Ms. Eileen Connor Bernau Mrs. Joan D’Andrea Bertussi Mr. & Mrs. Neil Best Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brizzolara Ms. Carole Brown Mrs. Carolyn Rettberg Browning Mrs. Tara Brunt Mrs. Mary DePalma Burke Dr. & Mrs. David Butler Ms. Jean Butler Dr. Mary Campagnolo Mrs. Maryann Armandi Casella Mrs. Jane Nicolich Chandler Ms. Janet Henry Cogbill Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Colman Ms. Kathleen Connelly Ms. Therese Corcoran Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riggi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser Mrs. Leslie Burke Robertson Mrs. Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Ms. Pamela Schwitter Mrs. Rosemary Ohmann Seghatoleslami Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shahbazian Ms. Joyce Comeau Smith Ms. Pat Smith Ms. Nancy Spiotto Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Strocko Ms. Mary Stuart Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sunden Mrs. Eileen Glavey Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. David Symmonds Mrs. Carolyn Lucia Vioni Ms. Nancy Visocki Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Margaret Stika-Walsh Mrs. Dee Sullivan Yost Century Club
Mrs. Diana Titolo Alexander Mrs. Margaret Kadian-Ames Ms. Elise Kenderian Aronson Dr. Jeanne Pomar Asher Mrs. Christine Stein Baltz Ms. Fortunata Barbara Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barrett Mrs. Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benson Mrs. Alicia Bergstein Ms. Lucille Bertram Ms. Janet Bliss Mrs. Nancy Bernet Bourdon Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill Bread of Life Mrs. Theresa Bianchi Brennan Mr. Michael J. Breslin Jr. Mrs. Patrice Karlson Brierty Mrs. Elaine Blasco Bronner Ms. Mary Ann Buckley Mrs. Mary Beth McGovern Budra Mrs. Amelia Chiccone Calabrese Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Campau Ms. Rosemary Capuzzi Ms. Michele Toth Carr Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cash Mrs. Sheila McCann Cavanagh Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Ciacciarelli Ms. Alyssa Clarke Mrs. Jane McGlew Collen Mrs. Barbara Colacchio Comiskey Mr. & Mrs. Crabbee Ms. Gina M. Damato Mrs. Catherine Jalil Danahy Mrs. Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Ms. Maria DeLuca Ms. Donna Di Michele Mrs. Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Mr. & Mrs. Jack Donohue Mr. & Mrs. James Doyle Ms. Theresa Spola Doyle Ms. Nicole Eiszner Mrs. Rosemary Farrell Ervin Mrs. Gail Fair Mrs. Margaret Fallon Mrs. Maurica Colbert Fedors Ms. Dorothy Fell Ms. Marie Theurer Fisher Mrs. Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Ms. Mary-Ann Guerin Foley Mrs. Ann Daly Ford Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Foster Sister Cecelia Fox, RSM
recognition of our benefactors Mr. & Mrs. Michael Francesco Mrs. Mary Ann Huber Franson Ms. Barbara Fritsche Ms. Malissa Gallini Dr. Margaret-Ann Gartland Mrs. Maryann Manzie Giannella Rev. Elizabeth Kress Golub Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gomez Dr. & Dr. Frank Graham Ms. Carroll Anne Grece Ms. Marcella Lillis Guilford Mrs. Sunda M. DeCotiis Guinta Ms. Nancy Brennan Hansen Ms. Nancy Harkins Mr. & Mrs. William Harkins Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heck Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Heyer Mrs. Cookie Heyer Ms. Sarah Ellen Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Hottenrott Ms. Tara Hurley Mrs. Barbara Braun Ix Mrs. Suzanne Gila Jayson Mrs. Kathleen Keaveney Mrs. Patricia McAtee Kiesel Mrs. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Mrs. Melissa Krugs-Remole Ms. Debra Wise La Rue Mrs. Judith Eremin Lamp Mrs. Rosaleen Mulvey Lane Ms. Aimee Torres Latorre Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Lavin Mrs. Tina Alaimo LoPonte Mrs. Rosemary Leyden Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus Ms. Faith Mahaney Mrs. Mary Ann Markey Mammano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mastromarino Ms. Maryann Mattessich Ms. Maureen McGuirl Ms. Helen McNally Mr. & Mrs. Harry Menta, Jr. Mrs. Denise Carbo Miller Ms. E. Donna McEntee Miller Ms. Maureen Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mills Mrs. Barbara O’Neil Mingle Ms. Ellen Monahan Mrs. Diane Schwitter Montemurro CAPT Jane Morgan Ms. Grace Gallagher Murphy Mrs. Julie Clifford Murray Mrs. Cindy Smith Nelson Ms. Joanna Nicolich Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nolasco Mrs. Francesca LaFiura Noon Mrs. Barbara Burns O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. Bill Patterson Mrs. Maida Murphy Perkins Dr. & Mrs. John Pillitteri Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Dr. Gladys Doherty Pramuk Ms. Patricia Purcell Mrs. Margaret Neville Raymo Ms. Maureen Riordan Ms. Grace Roche Ms. Patricia Romano Mrs. Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Ms. Christina Rubino Ms. Kelly Salmon Ms. Joanne Schaeder Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schmaus Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Mrs. Deborah Soldo Solga Mrs. Sage Robertory Sonnek
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Ms. Juliana Barno Spitzer Dr. Jaqueline Raia St. Germaine Mrs. Irene Stagg Mrs. Carolyn Mullich Stamatakis Ms. Carla Antonelli Sutherland Ms. Leslie Long Tate Mrs. Christine Miller Taylor The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partner Ms. Phyllis Tozzi Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Tracey Ms. Eileen Bannon Trost Ms. Ellen Turk Ms. Jane Vardy Ms. Carla Varriale Dr. Erica A. Vero Mrs. Michelle Greiche Vialonga Ms. Judith Violick Mr. & Mrs. Riccardo Vivona Mrs. Jane Meixner von Schilling Mrs. Kathleen Wall Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams Mrs. Susan Telesco Wohlforth Mrs. Anne Weygant Worthington Mrs. Annita Zalenski Mrs. Robyn Assile Ziemba Angels Club
Mrs. Maria Maisch Abedrabouh, Mrs. Jessey Paul Abraham Ms. Karen Walsh Acacia Mrs. Irene Acalin Mrs. Eileen O’Connor Adler Mrs. Delia Rivardo Adorno S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Mrs. Laura Nigris Anderson Mrs. Marlene Amberger Annarumma Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Annecchino Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mrs. Roberta Rio Arbree Ms. Joanna Calabrese Ariyan Ms. Marilyne Hughes Armstrong Mrs. Maureen Cramer Ash Mrs. Valasie Kolessides August Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Averill Ms. Linda Baboulis Ms. Stacey Ann Bailey Mrs. Susan Hofmann Bailey Ms. Arlene Banks Dr. & Mrs. Paul Barabas Ms. Christina Barbieri Ms. Maria Bargellini Mrs. Frances Carr Barletta Mrs. Margaret Klett Barsalou Mrs. Hut Holahan Beall Ms. Jeanne Marie Beaugard Mrs. Bette Ann Ogden Beck Ms. Ellen Veras Bellet Ms. Elizabeth Bennett Ms. Kristyl Berckes Dr. Susan Tozzi Berry Mrs. Susan Lawson Bigley Ms. Eileen Birmingham Mrs. Mary Herring Blanke Mrs. Mary Sachau Boggio Mrs. Joan Bogner Ms. Caryn Bogush Mr. & Ms. Patrick Boll Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Bolton Ms. Ana Book Mrs. Patricia McAnanly Borzner Mrs. Diane Bosco Ms. Elizabeth Bouvier
Mrs. Elizabeth Pindar Bowling Ms. Kate Branciforte Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Braverman Mrs. Barbara Gallagher Brennan Ms. Kerry Brennan Mrs. Laura Ulrich Brett Ms. Nancy Breuel Mrs. Sherry Molinari Briody Ms. Patricia Broderick Mrs. Florence Doyle Brown Mrs. Regina Ryan Brown Mrs. Ann Carty Bruchansky Ms. Teresa Brusco Mrs. Marjorie Oberdorf Buchta Ms. Geraldine Rendine Burghart Ms. Katherine Burghart Mrs. Augusta Heinzmann Burke Mrs. Letitia LaForgia Burke Ms. Meghan Burke Ms. Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Mrs. Barbara Bennett Burklund Mrs. Sharon Daly Butler Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cabatu Ms. Denise Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Camporeale Mrs. Jacqueline Principe Canney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cantwell Ms. Ann Marie Capuzzi Ms. Virginia O’Shea Carey Mrs. Virginia Campbell Cariello Ms. Diane Carozza Mrs. Marie Tyler Carr Mrs. Kathleen Lane Caslin Mrs. Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Mrs. Dorothy Reside Cavanaugh Ms. Kristen Cebulski Mr. & Mrs. Saverio Cereste Mrs. Kathleen McCloskey Chambers Ms. Linda Chelotti Ms. Angela Christou Mrs. Linda Harrison Ciardiello Mrs. Lindsey Graff Cinque Mrs. Jane Halligan Claesgens Mrs. Anne Therese Colao Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coleman Mrs. Kerry O’Connor Collins Ms. Sarah Collins Mrs. Virginia Garip Comer Mrs. Barbara Leonard Conn S. Lupita Marie Cordero,SSND Mrs. Catherine Smith Costigan Mrs. Katherine Schwarz Cowan Mrs. Nina Giuliano Cowell Dr. Vicki Lucia Cowen Mrs. Gail Moakler Cowser Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Mrs. Patty Van Tassel Cromie Mrs. Jean Fox Csaposs Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Cuba Mrs. Michele Connell Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cullen Mrs. Christine McGoey Cummings Mrs. Bernadette Memoli Cusack Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cutolo Ms. Amy Branchini Dahl Mrs. Sharon Baelis Dail Ms. Claire Nelson Dale Mrs. Mary Hewitt Daly S. Grace D’Amico, SSND Mrs. Katherine Elter Daniello Mrs. Alexandra Kingscote Darigan Ms. Christina De Cesare Mrs. Jovanka De Palma Ms. Jennifer Burke DeCaria Mrs. Barbara Rogers Delacruz Mrs. Maureen Reilly DeLosa Ms. Tina DeLucia
Ms. Denise Loforte DeMaio Mrs. Helen Hoey Demers Mrs. Lucretia Carusona D’Emilio Mr. & Mrs. Scott Den Bleyker Mrs. Margaret Gordon DenBlaker Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Deramo Mrs. Imelda Donnelly Dermady Mrs. Sue DeSimone Mrs. Lorelei Murray Devine Mrs. Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla Ms. Dolores DiBella Mrs. Georgette Costa Dickman Ms. MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Ms. Sharon Discorfano Mrs. Kristine Murray Diverio Ms. Colette Domingues Mrs. Jeanne Collins Donovan Ms. Ann Dorigan Mrs. Mary Alice Cook Dowdell Mrs. Eileen Dowling Ms. Katherine Doyle Dr. & Dr. John Driscoll Ms. Kathleen Dal Lago Driscoll Ms. Kerry Drury Ms. Jane DuBois Ms. Margaret Dugan Mrs. Gail Brinkworth Dughi Mrs. Mary Patrice Bonsignore Dunn Mrs. Susan Stoldt Dunn Mrs. Brooke Roshong Dynes S. Henrice Eckert, SSND Ms. Judith Frasco Edmonds Mrs. Diane Lewandowski English Mrs. Celine Doran Ennis Mrs. Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Mrs. Teresa Santangelo Esoldi Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing Dr. Barbara Fallon Mrs. Arlene Scarpone Fatovic Federated Department Stores Mrs. Maryanne Murphy Fegan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Feldman Mr. & Ms. Richard Ferrara Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Filocco Mrs. Kathleen Hanley Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Finnegan Mrs. Barbara Duffy Fiorito Ms. Mary Wilson Fischbach Dr. Marc Fisher Mrs. Christine Falotico Fitzgerald Mrs. Marion Brown Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary Ann Wershing Flack Mrs. Marlene Muscarelle Flanagan Ms. Michele Gerise Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Florio Mrs. Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Mrs. Monona Hammer Foddai Mr. Joseph Foley, Jr. S. Mary Foley, SSND Dr. Megan O’Reilly Foran Ms. Hilary Forster Mrs. Sofia Diamantides Fredericks Mrs. Mary Devenny Frize Mr. & Mrs. Michael Froehlich Ms. Louise Fuchs Mrs. Roberta Frasca Fulford Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Furci Mr. & Mrs. Larry Galanter Mr. Robert Galbraith Ms. Cara Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Rory Gallagher Ms. Eileen Galleshaw Mr. & Mrs. James Galleshaw Mr. & Mrs. Phil Gardner Dr. Lou Ann Gartner Mrs. Kathleen Devine Gelso Mrs. Joan Jurczak Gentile
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gentile Ms. Michele Scozzafava Gervino Mrs. Annie Giambalvo Mrs. Claudette Robusti Giani Mrs. Jean Smith Gilmour Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin Mrs. Louise Balutis Goldstein Mrs. Ann Marie Gominiak Mrs. Mary Wenthen Gormley Ms. Caroline Graham Mrs. Margaret Rutz Grande Ms. Christine Englert Granese Ms. Tara Greaney Mrs. Marie Bracconeri Greco S. Catherine Green, SSND Mrs. Ellen Stoldt Green Tully Mrs. Caitlin Early Greenberg Mrs. Teresa Iorio Greenberg CDR Jo-Ellen Smith Greene Mrs. Veronica Nowicki Guarinello Ms. Maureen Corbett Gullo Mrs. Margaret-Mary Gibbs Haase Ms. Victoria Haeselbarth Mrs. Megan Petersen-Handeland Dr. Maryellen Leddy Hanley Ms. Dana Assile Hanna S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND Ms. Dana Harencak Ms. Margaret Hart Mrs. Patricia Frei Hart Ms. Lauren Haviland Mrs. Jacqueline Marella Haywood Ms. Theresa Napoletano Hazelton Mrs. Mary Gallagher Heitmann Ms. Maria Isgro Helliesen Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hildenbrand Mrs. Teodula Vergara Hill Ms. Maureen P. Hille Ms. Mary Hines Mr. & Mrs. Juergen Hofheinz Mrs. Ursula Holden-Corr Mrs. Carmela Hollenbach Mr. & Mrs. Eric Holme Mrs. Adele Bubko Holub Ms. Florence Horgan Mrs. Cathy Mulligan Hornyak Mrs. Mary Rizzotti Horoszowski Mrs. Eugenia Paracka Hosbach-Davies Mrs. D.Denise Gallagher Houghton Mrs. Patricia Modrys Hourigan Mr. John Hroncich & Ms. Linda Smith Mrs. Mary Ann Shingelo Hubschman Mrs. Margaux Pena Hufnagel Mrs. Carolyn Hughes-Petrizzo Mrs. Madeline Leighton Humiston Mrs. Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Mrs. Rita Gagliano Hutchins Mrs. Andrea McDermott Hyer Mrs. Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Ms. Ashley Jenkins Mrs. Joan Infosino Johnson Ms. Courtney Joncas Mr. John Judge Mrs. Denise Italiano Jurasek Mrs. Sharon Jureller Ms. Katherine Gorsky-Kallaur Ms. Dahlia Kang Mrs. Eileen McAdams Kearney Ms. Laura Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Bill Keefe S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND Mrs. Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kennedy Mrs. Jo Ann Martucci Klein Mrs. Kathleen Campagnolo Kloeblen Mrs. Joanne Koslo
S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus, Sr. Mrs. Laura Wescott Kraytem Ms. Lina Kraytem Dr. Diane Kvilesz Ms. Sheila Thornton Labita Mrs. Mary Beardsley Land Ms. Dianne LaRocca Ms. Mary Larsen Mrs. Joan Gorecki Lasser Mr. & Mrs. Belisario Lavin Mr. & Mrs. Jacques LeGoff Ms. Susan Liddy Ms. Carol Lombardi Mr. George Luhrsen, Jr. Mrs. Marilyn Myser Luneberg Mrs. Elaine Rizk Lupetin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Luscher Mr. & Dr. Mady Mrs. Connie Dell’Accio Maffeo S. Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Mrs. Patricia Malesardi Mrs. Joanne Green Malone Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mandella Ms. Diana Marcellino Ms. Kathleen Marchi Mrs. Lisa Marciano Mr. Richard Marciano Mrs. Linda Sistaro Marciniec Mrs. Jodie O’Reilly Marinelli Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mariniello Ms. Monica Mariniello Ms. Winifred Zenorini Marion Mrs. Susan Grein Maroney Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Marrero Mrs. Joan O’Brien Masini Mrs. Barbara Tanzola Mason Mrs. Therese Wynne Mastrangelo Ms. Theresa Mathews Ms. Melissa Mattiace Mrs. Barbara Elter Maurer Ms. Lisa Mayer Mrs. Erma Egan McCarthy Mrs. Teresa McCarthy-Surless Ms. Mary Heindel McCrea Ms. Evalyn McDonnaugh Ms. Joan McDonough S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Ms. Margaret McGlynn Mrs. Therese McGovern Ms. Nicole McGuire Mrs. Margaret Alberse McIrvin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney Ms. Ellen McShane Ms. Mary-Michael McTeague Mrs. Barbara Hayes Meinzinger Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Meisten Ms. Jill Belby Mendez Mrs. Janet Calabrese Merrill Mrs. Alice O’Connell Miller Mrs. Lauretta Biasi Miller Ms. Patricia Miney Mrs. Jennifer Berlinghieri Minicus Ms. Erin Donohue Misischia Mrs. Harriet Moran Ms. Megan Moran Ms. Johanna Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moscatt Mr. & Mrs. Eric Moser Ms. Lisa Bocksel Moumdjian Ms. Jean Benzenberg Mullooly Mrs. Florence Mulry Ms. Rosie Rodriguez Munoz Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy Mrs. Mary McCarthy Murphy Ms. Erin Musich Mrs. Mary Naimo
Mr. Anthony Napierski Ms. Kathleen Naughton Ms. Stephanie Nebel Mrs. Anne Marie Thompson Neville Ms. Maria Casella Nierstedt Mrs. Mary Ellen Tucker Nitti Mrs. Marguerite Murphy Nolan Mrs. Tara Nordsvan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Norton Mrs. Colleen Oates Oberg Ms. Mariann O’Connor Ms. Julianne O’Gorman Mrs. Barbara Pickess O’Halloran Ms. Jessica O’Hanlon Mrs. Karen Vanacek Ohly Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith Opel Ms. Margaret Pacheco Ms. Maria Petrone Palmer Mrs. Ileanna Tsarnas Pappas Mrs. Alexis Lanteri Parcells Mrs. Alicia Parent Mrs. Donna Caliguire Parton S. Georganne Pearson, SSND Ms. Patricia Pece PepsiCo, Inc. Radame Jose Perez Mrs. Megan Costa Perna Ms. Virginia Pettinelli Mr. Michael Piane Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pikarsky Ms. Di Ana Pisarri Mrs. Mary Ann Jackson Plaza Mrs. Louise Plentus Ms. Jo-Anne Lynch Pospischil Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pousson Mrs. Catherine Ragati Priess Ms. Anne Dondero Prinn Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Rosemary Powers Purdue Ms. Theresa Anne Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Quinones Ms. Kelly Quirk Mrs. Maureen Hickey Radl Mrs. Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Mrs. Sharon Smith-Raska Ms. Genna Reed Mrs. JoAnn McDermott Reed Mrs. Muriel Cuddy Reeves S. Patricia Tighe Reid RSCJ Ms. Jeanette Myers Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reuter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reuter Ms. Melissa Zilocchi Riccio Mrs. Eleanore Miragliotta Richard Ms. Samantha Riggi Mrs. Carol Iorio Riley Ms. Jeanette Rizzitiello Dr. Joan Rodano Ms. Margaret Begley Roettger Mr. Stephen Rudavsky Jr. Mrs. Pamela Ruschak Mrs. Anne Marie Ryan Ryan Mrs. Ann Marie Madigan Rybak Mr. & Mrs. Ahmad Salhut Ms. Susan Ciampo Sammon Mrs. Maureen O’Brien Sandner Mrs. Janice Zaugg Santa Ms. Elisa Santoro Mrs. Gilda Vita Scerbo Mrs. Nancy Schneberger School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province Mrs. Frances Schaf Schueler Mrs. Barbara Lally Schuierer Mrs. Kathleen Fischer Scopaz
Mrs. Marie Kingscote Scott Mrs. Nancy Sinnott Sen Ms. Leigh Shahbazian Ms. Sandra Shahbazian Mrs. Kathleen Holland Sheridan Mrs. Christin Hartwig Shrump Mrs. Celeste Rinaldi Siconolfi Ms. Karen Wieghaus Sills Mrs. Eloise Sirico Ms. Valerie Sisko Dr. Catherine Costello Skae Ms. Jean Schiller Smedira Mrs. Patricia Mooney Smith Ms. MaryBeth Fox Soutar Ms. Michèle Sovak Mrs. Jean Gorecki Spychalski Ms. Barbara Pratico Squadrito Mrs. Ruth Radics St. Clair Ms. Monica Abels Stabin Mrs. Lisa Stanton-Sereno Mrs. Irene Tighe Stella Ms. Meredith Pinyuh Stewart Mrs. Gloria Kerwin Strehl Mrs. Mariellen Dorney Stuebe Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan Mrs. Lisa Guarino Surless Ms. Sheila Dombal Swartz Ms. Deirdre Sullivan Sweeney Mrs. Suzanne Marnell Sykes Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvester S. Carole Tabano, SSND Mrs. Julia Feehan Tatti Ms. Maria Tessinari Mrs. Debbie Gansler Testi Mrs. Mary Tully Thompson Mrs. Kristina Krasnow Thomson Mrs. Suzanne Jacquett Tramontana Mrs. Roberta Troiano Mrs. Jennifer Trubac Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Turfan Ms. Mary Turk Ms. Danielle Growney Tusa Ms. Linda Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Twardzik Mrs. Betty McGeown Uhlmann Unilever Matching Gift Program Ms. Alexis Vale Mrs. Kathy Lane Van Leuven Dr. Karen Entricken Vardaro Mrs. Jan Martens Vecsi Ms. Jennifer Verdonck Mr. & Mrs. Warren Vincentz Ms. Alkmini Vorvolakos Mr. & Mrs. George Voulgaris Mrs. Agnes Hahn Waide Ms. Kathleen Walsh Ms. Mary Birkhofer Warchot Dr. Maura Watson Mrs. Margaret Hurley Wells Ms. Marianne Von der Osten West Ms. Mary Beth Wetzelberger Mrs. Mary Lou Scarzello Wilbur Ms. Linda Wildermuth Mrs. Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson Mrs. Maureen Cannell Wolfangel Ms. Christine Wraga Mrs. Mary Sheridan Wright Ms. Sheila Wroblewski Ms. Nancy Wymer Ms. Pamela Wynne Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek Mrs. Anahid Torosian Yezekian Ms. Ann Mrkic Zgonena Ms. Makaila Zimick Ms. Gail Zimmermann Mrs. Heidi Thomas Zito
a l u m n a e g i v i n g b y c l a s s (mailable alumnae) Class of ’40
Percentage of Participation: 33% Total Giving: $275.00 Edith Lynch O’Brien Class of ’41
Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $50.00 S. Henrice Eckert, SSND
Class of ’42
Percentage of Participation: 50% Total Giving: $290.00 Joan McDonough Norma Monty
Class of ’44
Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $75.00 Augusta Heinzmann Burke Gilda Vita Scerbo Class of ’45
Percentage of Participation: 27% Total Giving: $1,385.00 Marie Zenorini Canepa Mary Heindel McCrea S. Georganne Pearson, SSND
Class of ’51
Percentage of Participation: 28% Total Giving: $710.00 S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Roberta F. Fulford Margaret Gibbs Haase Eugenia Paracka Hosbach Davies Kathleen Scherer Krone Joan O’Brien Masini Marguerite Murphy Nolan Gladys Doherty Pramuk Class of ’52
Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $210.00 Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Barbara Pickess O’Halloran Betty McGeown Uhlmann Agnes Hahn Waide Class of ’53
Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $555.00 Marlene Muscarelle Flanagan Louise Balutis Goldstein Joyce Comeau Smith Class of ’54
Percentage of Participation: 40% Total Giving: $1,300.00 Arline Zenorini Conn Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla Frances Schaf Schueler Sage Robertory Sonnek
Percentage of Participation: 20% Total Giving: $470.00 Frances Carr Barletta Carole Brown Mary Alice Cook Dowdell Margaret Rutz Grande Ellen Stoldt Green Tully Irene Tighe Stella
Class of ’47
Class of ’55
Class of ’46
Percentage of Participation: 43% Total Giving: $650.00 Anne Billings Brazill Winifred Zenorini Marion Alice O’Connell Miller Margaret Feeney O’Brien S. Patricia Tighe Reid RSCJ Gloria Kerwin Strehl Class of ’48
Percentage of Participation: 33% Total Giving: $670.00 Florence Doyle Brown Dorothy Reside Cavanaugh Nina Giuliano Cowell Claire Marie Dale Imelda Donnelly Dermady Veronica Nowicki Guarinello Elyse Deublein Harney Florence Horgan Catherine Ragati Priess Rosemary Powers Purdue Class of ’49
Percentage of Participation: 11% Total Giving: $400.00 Jean Fox Csaposs Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy Mary Ann Wershing Flack Class of ’50
Percentage of Participation: 26% Total Giving: $4,880.00 Michele Connell Cullen Janet McNulty Ferrante S. Catherine Green, SSND S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND Mary McNulty Maher Erma Egan McCarthy Ruth Rempe Anne W. Worthington
Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $350.00 Fortunata J. Barbara Maryann Manzie Giannella Marie Kingscote Scott Class of ’56
Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $5,685.00 Gerda Theresa Della Valle Arlene Scarpone Fatovic Mary Wilson Fischbach Rosemary Bianchi Fitzpatrick Barbara Braun Ix Marilyn Myser Luneberg Geraldine Baker Warner Class of ’57
Percentage of Participation: 26% Total Giving: $1,950.00 Delia Rivardo Adorno Diana Titolo Alexander Mary Elizabeth Cuba Christine McGoey Cummings Barbara Duffy Fiorito Joan Larsen Friezo Margaret Hart Wendy-Jane Savona Larre’ Catherine Lederhaas Elizabeth Jones McIntyre Mary Ann Jackson Plaza Muriel Cuddy Reeves Mary Stuart Mary Tully Thompson Class of ’58
Percentage of Participation: 16% Total Giving: $1,395.00 Elizabeth Ogden Beck Mary Sachau Boggio Jeanne C. Donovan
Mary Ann Huber Franson Claire I. Gareau D.Denise Gallagher Houghton Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Margaret Alberse McIrvin Lucia Cirino Murphy Cindy Smith Nelson Barbara Pratico Squadrito Mary Jeanne McCarthy Wilson Class of ’59
Percentage of Participation: 22% Total Giving: $1,660.00 Anonymous Roberta Rio Arbree Marilyne Hughes Armstrong Ann Marie Capuzzi Gail Moakler Cowser Alexandra Hope Darigan Marlene H. Zeither Graffin Carroll Anne Anne Grece Marie Bracconeri Greco Patricia Modrys Hourigan Maida Murphy Perkins Anne Dondero Prinn Celeste Rinaldi Siconolfi S. Carole Tabano, SSND Leslie Long Tate Class of ’60
Percentage of Participation: 21% Total Giving: $1,534.00 Marlene Amberger Annarumma Christine Stein Baltz Lucille Bertram Mary Ann Buckley Mary DePalma Burke Sharon Daly Butler Susan Stoldt Dunn Diane Neary Ewing Dorothy M. Fell Adele Bubko Holub Patricia McAtee Kiesel Grace E. Gallagher Murphy Maureen Hickey Radl Class of ’61
Percentage of Participation: 31% Total Giving: $3,235.00 S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Elizabeth Pindar Bowling Theresa Bianchi Brennan Elaine Blasco Bronner Marjorie Oberdorf Buchta Rosemary Capuzzi Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Kerry O’Connor Collins Kathleen Bohnert Davis Marion Brown Fitzgerald Mary-Ann Guerin Foley Teodula Vergara Hill Sarah Ellen Hogan Sister Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Patricia Fongaro Maus Mary Ellen Smith Opel Eleanore Miragliotta Richard Joan C. Rodano Patricia A. Romano Jan Martens Vecsi Judith Violick Carolyn Lucia Vioni Mary Lou Scarzello Wilbur Class of ’62
Percentage of Participation: 32% Total Giving: $5,055.00 Antonia Adamo Bouillette Nancy Bernet Bourdon
Virginia Campbell Cariello Kathleen McCloskey Chambers Barbara Colacchio Comiskey Helen Hoey Demers Rosemary Farrell Ervin Barbara Fritsche Ann Marie Gominiak Katharine Cooke Goodman Carmela Hollenbach Rosemary Leyden Lynch Barbara Tanzola Mason Donna Caliguire Parton Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Mary Lou Sciarrillo Patricia Mooney Smith Monica Abels Stabin Suzanne Marnell Sykes Gail Zimmermann Class of ’63
Percentage of Participation: 24% Total Giving: $4,065.00 Katherine Cowan Vicki Lucia Cowen Jane Loughman Crowley S. Grace D’Amico, SSND Maureen Reilly DeLosa Tina DeLucia Georgette Costa Dickman Jane Henzi Kiefer Elaine Rizk Lupetin Susan Grein Maroney Mary-Michael McTeague Jill Belby Mendez Ellen Monahan Kathleen Fischer Scopaz Margaret Hurley Wells Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore Class of ’64
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $29,380.00 Anonymous Maria DeLuca Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Catherine French Audrey Spiotto Luckow Ellen McShane Lauretta Biasi Miller E. Donna McEntee Miller Barbara Burns O’Hara Margaret Neville Raymo Leslie Burke Robertson Jean Schiller Smedira Dee Sullivan Yost Class of ’65
Percentage of Participation: 19% Total Giving: $15,950.00 Patricia Broderick Elizabeth Walker Campau Linda Harrison Ciardiello Maureen Lewis Corbett Cathryn Archibald Curia Bernadette Memoli Cusack Patricia Geoghegan Claudette Robusti Giani Jo Ann Martucci Klein Diane Kvilesz Connie Dell’Accio Maffeo Linda Sistaro Marciniec Margaret McGlynn Francesca LaFiura Noon Pamela M. Schwitter Nancy M. Spiotto Jane Meixner von Schilling Linda Wildermuth
Class of ’66
Class of ’70
Percentage of Participation: 18% Total Giving: $27,085.00 Jane Halligan Claesgens Janet Henry Cogbill Lucretia Carusona D’Emilio Jane Patricia DuBois Margaret Fry Fennell Margaret-Ann Gartland Suzanne Gila Janet Calabrese Merrill Barbara O’Neil Mingle Marion Palen Susan Craig Scott Kathleen Holland Sheridan Ruth Ellen Radics St. Clair Carolyn Mullich Stamatakis Julia Feehan Tatti
Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $1,600.00 Margaret Klett Barsalou Ann Daly Ford Louise D. Fuchs Tara Greaney Marcella Lillis Guilford Theresa Anne Quinn Joanne T. Schaeder Elizabeth Mills Switaj Nancy G. Visocki Class of ’71
Percentage of Participation: 12% Total Giving: $4,605.00 Arlene Banks Regina Ryan Brown Barbara Rogers Delacruz Nancy Brennan Hansen Denise Carbo Miller Jane Morgan Maria Spola Muller Diane Oakley Margie Pacheco Rita Ragno Paterson Florence Pisano Margaret Begley Roettger Maureen O’Brien Sandner
Class of ’67
Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $2,695.00 Maureen Cramer Ash Adrienne Benzoni Barbara Leonard Conn Ursula Holden-Corr Gail Brinkworth Dughi Mary Wenthen Gormley Christine Englert Granese Patricia Frei Hart Jean Rapport Lowe Barbara Elter Maurer Janice Zaugg Santa Carla Antonelli Sutherland Kathy M. Lane Van Leuven
Class of ’72
Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $3,900.00 Jeanne Marie Beaugard Theresa Biasi Mary Beth McGovern Budra Maryann Armandi Casella Catherine Smith Costigan Stephanie Bille Donohue Maryanne Murphy Fegan Monona Hammer Foddai Mary Gallagher Heitmann Mary Ann Shingelo Hubschman Jeanine Careri Jackson Therese Wynne Mastrangelo Diane Schwitter Montemurro Mary McCarthy Murphy Mary Ellen Tucker Nitti Sherry Beltramini Pincus Patricia Vandenberg
Class of ’68
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $2,950.00 Valasie Kolessides August Barbara Smith Costigan Kathleen Hanley Finnegan Joan Jurczak Gentile Arleen Pancza Graham Jo-Ellen Smith Greene Sunda DeCotiis Guinta Mary Hines Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Maureen McGuirl Maureen Phelan Previti Carol Iorio Riley Class of ’69
Class of ’73
Percentage of Participation: 17% Total Giving: $2,575.00 Patrice Karlson Brierty Geraldine Rendine Burghart Amelia Chiccone Calabrese Marie Tyler Carr Kathleen Connelly Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Reena Raggi Denton Ann Dorigan Theresa Spola Doyle Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Marybeth Schwitter Flynn Lou Ann Gartner Elizabeth Kress Golub Denise Italiano Jurasek Judith Eremin Lamp Mary Ann Markey Mammano Patricia Miney Sharon Smith-Raska Rosemary Ohmann Seghatoleslami Eileen Bannon Trost Highest Overall Participation Highest Financial Participation
Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $2,180.00 Jeanne Pomar Asher Nancy Breuel Katherine Elter Daniello Eleanor Quinn Dunn Jacqueline Marella Haywood Barbara Hayes Meinzinger JoAnn McDermott Reed Deborah Soldo Solga Susan Telesco Wohlforth Class of ’74
Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $900.00 Mary F. Campagnolo MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Maurica Colbert Fedors Teresa Iorio Greenberg Tina Alaimo LoPonte Lisa Mayer Colleen Oates Oberg Nancy Wymer
Highest Increase in Participation
Class of ’75
Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $2,675.00 Susan Tozzi Berry Diane Bosco Jane McGlew Collen Virginia Puig Dolan Sharon Fagliarone-Hajjar Joan Gorecki Lasser Maria Casella Nierstedt Mary Mattessich Palatini Mary Holahan Peebles Jean Gorecki Spychalski Debbie Gansler Testi Class of ’76
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $1,275.00 Lynne Belmont Aversa Linda Baboulis Hut Beall Letitia LaForgia Burke Anne Therese Colao Virginia Garip Comer Kathleen Campagnolo Kloeblen Carol A. Lombardi Joanne Green Malone Grace Roche Lisa Stanton-Sereno Margaret Stika-Walsh Mary Birkhofer Warchot Pamela Wynne Heidi Thomas Zito
Class of ’77
Percentage of Participation: 19% Total Giving: $3,516.00 Ellen Veras Bellet Mary Herring Blanke Barbara Gallagher Brennan Barbara Bennett Burklund Irene Daniello M. Patrice Bonsignore Dunn Kathleen Devine Gelso Maureen P. Hille Madeline Leighton Humiston Nicole Grace Keck Melissa Krugs-Remole Jodie O’Reilly Marinelli Donna McNeill Michelle McCarthy Murphy Karen Vanacek Ohly Janet Maiello Pote Maureen Riordan Elisa Santoro Nancy Sinnott Sen Christine Miller Taylor Kristina Krasnow Thomson Phyllis Tozzi Class of ’78
Percentage of Participation: 10% Total Giving: $21,705.00 Patricia McAnanly Borzner Ann Carty Bruchansky Maria Isgro Helliesen Patti McGovern Hill Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly Lydia Valitzky Kesler Maryann Mattessich Patricia Clifford McKillip Ileanna Tsarnas Pappas Joan Ciampo Piersa Patricia Purcell Theresa Chin Rivoir Barbara Lally Schuierer Mariellen Dorney Stuebe
Class of ’79
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $605.00 Catherine Schaeder Batterman Rita Gagliano Hutchins Laura Wescott Kraytem Kathleen Marchi Virginia Pettinelli Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Sheila Wroblewski Class of ’80
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $8,230.00 Kerry Brennan Phyllis Gutto Brew Mary Kaye Burke-Brown Sheila McCann Cavanagh Patty Van Tassel Cromie Eileen Dowling Celine Doran Ennis Sofia Diamantides Fredericks Maureen Reuter Gallo Pamela Gheysen Raphaela M. Giampiccolo Andrea M. Hyer Maureen Miller Jane Morrisroe Naddeo Joanna M. Nicolich Anne Marie Ryan Ryan Margaret Heaney Saxenian Class of ’81
Percentage of Participation: 9% Total Giving: $955.00 Maria Maisch Abedrabouh Laura Nigris Anderson Susan Lawson Bigley Lorelei Murray Devine Margaret Dugan Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Debra Wise La Rue Rosaleen Mulvey Lane Kathleen A. Naughton Lisa Surless Suzanne Jacquett Tramontana Class of ’82
Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $19,910.00 Eileen O’Connor Adler Margaret Kadian-Ames Jane Nicolich Chandler Mary Hewitt Daly Margaret Gordon DenBlaker Teresa Santangelo Esoldi Denise Jennings Gunter Victoria Haeselbarth Maryellen Leddy Hanley Geralyn Parent Haws Carolyn Hughes-Petrizzo Andrea Spola Lupo Roseanne McCauley Mariann M. O’Connor Debra Scheyer Riggi MaryBeth Fox Soutar Maureen Cannell Wolfangel Rosemarie Yancosek Class of ’83
Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $1,155.00 Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik Barbara Ehret Crowe Marlene Godfrey Den Bleyker Judith Frasco Edmonds
alumnae giving by cl ass Patricia Ebner Goldin Teresa McCarthy-Surless Elisabeth Magnus Mitchell Jean Benzenberg Mullooly Susan Ciampo Sammon Class of ’84
Percentage of Participation: 13% Total Giving: $3,935.00 Anonymous Mary Veras Ayoub Maria Bargellini Laura Ulrich Brett Carolyn Rettberg Browning Jean M. Butler Patricia Mahaney Crowley Eileen Gill Regina Hur Gramss Eileen McAdams Kearney Laura Barbieri Longobardi Jennifer Berlinghieri Minicus Catherine DiDonato Nelson Adrienne MacLellan Phillips Jaqueline Raia St. Germaine Carla Varriale Michelle Greiche Vialonga Class of ’85
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $650.00 Stacey Ann Bailey Jacqueline Principe Canney Kristine Murray Diverio Jennifer Hunt Henry Catherine Costello Skae Karen Entricken Vardaro Class of ’86
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $1,835.00 Stacey Antine Joan D’Andrea Bertussi Cathy Mulligan Hornyak Joan Infosino Johnson Laura Kearney Mary Beardsley Land Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker Yumiko Yokoi Class of ’87
Percentage of Participation: 15% Total Giving: $3,435.00 Maria Humaran Abbattista Karen Walsh Acacia Eileen Birmingham Sherry Molinari Briody Terri Corcoran Sharon Baelis Dail Brooke Roshong Dynes Diane Lewandowski English Katherine Polk Failla Christine Falotico Fitzgerald Michele Flanagan Mary Devenny Frize Theresa Napoletano Hazelton Tara A. Hurley Sheila Thornton Labita Patricia Ronan Moser Maria Petrone Palmer Meredith Pinyuh Stewart Eileen Glavey Sweeney Kathleen Walsh Marianne Von der Osten West
Class of ’88
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $495.00 Karen Sullivan Camporeale Diane Carozza Sharon Discorfano Marybeth Gurski Markland Patricia Pece Sheila Dombal Swartz Class of ’89
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $1,100.00 Michele Toth Carr Katherine Doyle Eileen Galleshaw Mary Rizzotti Horoszowski Dana Dorgan Mc Carren Colleen Corbett Staff
(continued) Class of ’95
Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $475.00 Joanna Calabrese Ariyan Megan O’Reilly Foran Carey Wunsch Giannetti Katherine Gorsky-Kallaur Ellen T. Turk Class of ’96
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $475.00 Jennifer Burke DeCaria Aimee Torres Latorre Megan Costa Perna Melissa Zilocchi-Riccio Robyn Assile Ziemba Class of ’97
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $800.00 Eileen Connor Bernau Amy Mc Cabe Kennedy Valerie Sisko Danielle Growney Tusa Mary Sheridan Wright Ann Mrkic Zgonena
Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $705.00 Jessey Paul Abraham Meghan P. Burke Angela Christou Nicole Eiszner Dianne LaRocca Vickie Mak Monica Mariniello Anahid Torosian Yezekian
Class of ’91
Class of ’98
Class of ’90
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $690.00 Christina Barbieri Kathleen Lane Caslin Denise Loforte DeMaio Michele Scozzafava Gervino Jean Smith Gilmour Dahlia Kang Judith Comunale Laquidara Theresa A. Mathews
Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $250.00 Alexandra Durbak Class of ’99
Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $735.00 Elise Kenderian Aronson Virginia O’Shea Carey Catherine Jalil Danahy Maureen Corbett Gullo Nancy Harkins Lisa Bocksel Moumdjian Di Ana Pisarri Jo-Anne Lynch Pospischil Maria Tessinari
Percentage of Participation: 14% Total Giving: $1,200.00 Lindsey Graff Cinque Amy Branchini Dahl Dolores Di Bella Hilary Forster Megan Petersen-Handeland Dana Assile Hanna Margaux Pena Hufnagel Ashley Jenkins Erin Donohue Misischia Johanna Morrison Julie Clifford Murray Ann Marie Madigan Rybak Christin Hartwig Shrump Karen Wieghaus Sills Juliana Barno Spitzer Mary Turk
Class of ’93
Class of ’00
Class of ’92
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $1,400.00 Susan Hofmann Bailey Elizabeth Cassino Deanna D’Arrigo Anne Marie Thompson Neville Anne Ottomanelli Noble Jeanette Myers Reilly Class of ’94
Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $400.00 Faith M. Mahaney Deirdre Sweeney Erica A. Vero Maura Watson
Percentage of Participation: 6% Total Giving: $475.00 Kristyl M. Berckes Elizabeth Bouvier Katherine Burghart Nicole Aguila Linn Kelly Quirk Jennifer Verdonck Class of ’01
Percentage of Participation: 4% Total Giving: $1,250.00 Caitlin Early Greenberg Kaitlin Elizabeth Low Melissa Mattiace Stephanie Nebel Julianne O’Gorman
Overall Reunion Giving was 14%.
Class of ’02
Percentage of Participation: 8% Total Giving: $2,935.00 Ana Book Christina De Cesare Lindsay Watson Klitsch Stefanie Luckow Nicole McGuire Jessica O’Hanlon Alexis Lanteri Parcells Alkmini Vorvolakos Class of ’03
Percentage of Participation: 5% Total Giving: $1,535.00 Anne Huntington Megan Ann Low Megan Moran Erin Musich Leigh Shahbazian Class of ’04
Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $50.00 Elizabeth Bennett Class of ’05
Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $80.00 Cara Gallagher Genna C. Reed Class of ’06
Percentage of Participation: 3% Total Giving: $255.00 Malissa Gallini Caroline Graham Sandra Shahbazian Class of ’07
Percentage of Participation: 7% Total Giving: $360.00 Caryn Bogush Teresa Brusco Kerry Drury Dana Harencak Mary Larsen Diana Marcellino Jeanette Rizzitiello Kelly Salmon Makaila Zimick Class of ’08
Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $45.00 Kate Branciforte Kathleen Dal Lago Driscoll
Class of ’09
Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $110.00 Kristen Cebulski Sarah Collins Lina Kraytem Class of ’10
Percentage of Participation: 1% Total Giving: $50.00 Ellen Demetrakopoulos Class of ’11
Percentage of Participation: 2% Total Giving: $325.00 Alyssa Clarke Lauren Haviland Samantha Riggi
in honor and memoriam Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request. In Honor of Suzanne Anderson ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser
In Memory of Agnes M. & Joseph B. Feeney Mrs. Margaret Feeney O’Brien ’47
In Memory of Howard McGovern Mrs. Therese McGovern
In Memory of Mary Avila, SSND Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy ’58
In Memory of Marilyn Ferriera Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Ciacciarelli
In Honor of Olivia M. Michael ’12
In Honor of The Ayoub Family Mrs. Mary Veras Ayoub ’84
In Memory of Eleanor G. Foley Mr. Joseph Foley, Jr.
In Memory of Kaiti Fahey Moody ’95
In Memory of Jack & Madeline Belby Ms. Jill Belby Mendez ’63
In Memory of Edward & Gertrude Gallagher Ms. Grace Gallagher Murphy ’60, RN
In Honor of Jennifer Moran
In Memory of Marie Benzoni
In Honor of Rosario Giambalvo
In Honor of Nora K. Neus ’12
In Memory of Edward & Theresa Bianchi
In Memory of Margaret M. Gidez ’42 Mrs. Rosemary Powers Purdue ’48
In Memory of Elizabeth O’Connor Mrs. Eileen O’Connor Adler ’82
In Memory of John P. Bocchi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus, Sr.
In Memory of Erin Gorman ’97 Ms. Nicole Eiszner ’97 Ms. Dianne LaRocca ’97
In Memory of Patricia K. O’Connor Ms. Mariann O’Connor ’82
Ms. Adrienne Benzoni ’67
Mrs. Helen Bianchi Rothgerber ’62
In Memory of Robert Brazill Mrs. Anne Billings Brazill ’47
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo
In Memory of Margaret ’59 and Mary Ann Grece ’57
In Memory of Fred Brunt Mrs. Tara Brunt
Ms. Carroll Anne Grece ’59
In Memory of Margaret Buckle ’59
Ms. Lauren Haviland ’11
Ms. Carroll Anne Grece ’59
In Honor of Michael J. and Susan Haviland In Memory of S. Raymond Head, SSND
In Memory of Muriel Burns ’32
Mrs. Diane Bosco ’75, JD
In Memory of Anna Cali
In Memory of Mary Lou Jannen Dr. & Mrs. John Pillitteri
Mr. & Mrs. Riccardo Vivona
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo
In Memory of Frances Jesuele
In Memory of Teresa Campbell ’32 Ms. Ann Marie Altieri
Mrs. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski ’58, RN
In Memory of Albert & Rosalind Capuzzi Ms. Rosemary Capuzzi ’61
Mrs. Joan Jurczak Gentile ’68
In Memory of Kathleen Cassidy ’59
Mrs. Christine McGoey Cummings ’57
In Memory of Joan Ciampo Ms. Susan Ciampo Sammon ’83
In Memory of John Jurczak
In memory of Mary Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley In Honor of S. Karen Kane, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chapel
Dr. Lisset Penton
Ms. Ellen Turk ’95
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus
In Memory of Mary Margaret O’Leary Ms. Mary Stuart ’57 In Honor of Jo-Anne Pospischil ’92
Mrs. Rosemary Leyden Lynch ’62
In Honor of Katherine M. Prendergast ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mills
In Memory of Eileen Riordan
Ms. Maureen Riordan ’77
In Memory of Kay Smith Mrs. Barbara Smith Costigan ’68 In Memory of S. Ignatius Spencer, SSND Mrs. Jean Fox Csaposs ’49 Mrs. Mary-Louise Burns Fennessy ’49 S. Patricia Tighe Reid ’47 RSCJ In Memory of S. M. Sperata, SSND Ms. Claire Gareau ’58 In Memory of Gaiana Swanson ’81 Mrs. Rosaleen Mulvey Lane ’81
In Memory of Josephine Ciccolini ’39
In Memory of Marilyn Kirschner Mrs. Jane Loughman Crowley ’63 Ms. Tina DeLucia ‘63, Esq.
In Honor of the Class of 1957
In Memory of Mary Kowalski ’60 Mrs. Patricia Fongaro Maus ’61
In Memory of Frances Therese Mrs. Kathleen Corcoran Di Tolla ’46
In Honor of the Class of 1958
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs.Arthur LaFiura Mrs. Francesca LaFiura Noon ’65, RN
In Memory of Dr. Catherine M.Trimarchi-White ’86 Mrs. Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78
In Honor of the Class of 1962
In Memory of Eugene Lupetin Mrs. Elaine Rizk Lupetin ’63 and Mrs. Tara Lupetin O’Connor ’90
In Memory of Joan & Robert Tucker Mrs. Mary Ellen Tucker Nitti ’72
Ms. Fortunata Barbara ’55
Mrs. Catherine Lederhaas ’57 Mrs. Bette Ann Ogden Beck ’58
Mrs. Roberta McNaughton Troiano ’62
In Memory of Maureen Connelly Ms. Kathleen Connelly ’69 In Honor of S. Miriam P. Cummings, SSND Sister Lupita Marie Cordero, SSND
In Honor of Michael & Ann Marie DeLuca
In Honor of Jo-Anne Lynch ’92 and Brian Lynch Mrs. Rosemary Leyden Lynch ’62
In Memory of Harry Lynch Mrs. Edith Lynch O’Brien ’40
In Honor of Eileen & John Dowling
In Memory of Steven Maher School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province
In Memory of Florence L. Doyle
In Memory of Catherine Fell Malloy ’52 Ms. Dorothy Fell ’60
Ms. Maria DeLuca ’64
Ms. Eileen Dowling ’80
Mrs. Florence Doyle Brown ’48
In Honor of S. Michaela Durkin, SSND Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Murphy ’77
In Honor of The Ebner Sisters
Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin ’83
In Honor of Melanie H. Everett ’12 Mrs. Shirley Everett
In Memory of Stella Farrell
In Memory of S. Mary Louise Manning, SSND Mrs. Jane Loughman Crowley ’63 In Memory of Louis W. Marion Mrs. Winifred Zenorini Marion ’47 In Memory of Dolores McCarthy Mrs. Teresa McCarthy-Surless ’83 In Honor of Mary McDonald Fischer ’34 Mrs. Kathleen Fischer Scopaz ’63
Ms. Peg Fry Fennell ’66
In Memory of Sister Francis Theresa Ms. Carole Brown ’54
In Memory of S. Mary Vitoline Wolf, SSND Dr. Florence Pisano ’71 Mr. & Mrs. George Voulgaris In Memory of Edward Woodrow Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cabatu Mr. George Luhrsen, Jr. In Memory of Barbara L.Yetka-Eisenberg ’60 Mrs. Irene Acalin Ms. Marlene Annarumma ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Braverman Mrs. Mary DePalma Burke ’60 Ms. Donna Di Michele Mr. & Mrs. Mark Feldman Dr. Marc Fisher and Staff Mr. & Mrs. Michael Froehlich Ms. Catherine Higgins Ms. Courtney Joncas Ms. Helen Mcnally Mr. Stephen Rudavsky Jr. Ms. Jean Schiller Smedira ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Strocko Ms. Jane Vardy
pa r e n t g i v i n g b y c l a s s Dr. & Mrs. Aldo Khoury Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Lavin Mr. & Mrs. Young Lee Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mellas Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Dr. Dierdre Paul Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Quinones Mr. & Ms. Rajan Raman Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Suh Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Turfan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brizzolara Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cash Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lane Mr. & Mrs. William McKee Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nolasco Mr. & Mrs. Scott O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Gene Pagnozzi Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Palatini Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smith Ms. Leslie Whatley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Callagee Mrs. Shirley Everett Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman Mr. & Mrs. William McKee Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus Mr. & Mrs. Scott O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Gene Pagnozzi AHA Parents’ Guild Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Ryan
Mr. & Dr. Mark Aaron Mr. & Ms. Patrick Boll Mr. & Mrs. Bob Colavecchio Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mr. & Mrs. Larry Galanter Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Heyer Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Philip McGovern, Jr. Dr. & Dr. Antonio Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Mr. & Mrs. Ahmad Salhut Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Tracey Mr. & Mrs. Gereld Vollmer CLASS OF 2014
Walk with Angels
Mr. & Mrs. Hussein Ayoub Ms. Linda Baboulis & Mr. Thomas Kuhn Mrs. Alicia Bergstein Ms. Janet Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Camporeale Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Colman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cunniff Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Robert Florio Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fuselier Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giambalvo Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gilmartin Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas
Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Bolton Mr. & Mrs. Crabbee Mr. & Mrs. Mark Englert Mr. & Mrs. Michael Francesco Mr. & Mrs. John Grifonetti Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Haws Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Hottenrott Mr. & Dr. Umaru Jalloh Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Sang Youp Lee Mr. & Mrs. Nick Lugo Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mastromarino Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr & Mrs. Angelo Messina Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moscatt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riggi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schmaus Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sunden Mr. & Mrs. Jack Yesilian CLASS OF 2016
Mr. & Mrs. Hussein Ayoub Ms. Diane Carozza Mr. & Mrs. Scott Den Bleyker Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hyer Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Lavin Dr. & Mrs. Raphael Longobardi Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mr. & Mrs. Eric Moser Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rivoir
Matching Gift Companies Alterra Bermuda Limited Ameriprise Financial Axa Foundation Bank of America BNY Mellon Becton Dickinson & Company GE Foundation MassMutual Medco Health Solutions New York Life Giving Campaign Oracle Corporation
Pfizer Foundation Pitney Bowes Inc. The Prudential Foundation PSE&G Scripps Networks Sherwin-Williams Foundation TimesSquare Capital Management, LLC Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. Verizon Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation
s t u d e n t p h o n at h o n v o l u n t e e r s Kylie Ambrose ’13 Brigid Boll ’13 Morgan Buckey ’13 Sara Carpentieri ’13 Victoria Cavaliere ’13 Elizabeth Choi ’13 Carrie Chung ’13 Olivia Cieslar ’13 Victoria Civisca ’13 Samantha Colavecchio ’13 Jane Cruz ’12 Patricia Das ’13 Corinne Day ’13 Gabrielle Del Vecchio ’13 Alyssa Dumatol ’12 Amanda Fields ’13 Theresa Fletcher ’13 Kyra Forte ’12 Laura Galanter ’13 Meghan Gallo ’12 Amanda Garcia ’13 Daniella Garzon ’13
Kayla Gentile ’12 Danielle Gherardi ’12 Samantha Gibney ’13 Shannon Glynn ’12 Alexis Gutch ’13 Annemarie Hansen ’12 Amelia Heller ’12 Marissa Heyer ’13 Elizabeth Hickey ’12 Sheila Hill ’13 Jessica Janneck ’12 Neena Joy ’13 Renee Jozanovic ’13 Lauren Kaley ’13 Anna Kohli ’13 Adriana Kranjac ’13 Rebecca Kraus ’12 Marisa Kravatz ’12 Rebecca Lawlor ’12 Emily Longo ’13 Erin Lynch ’13
Gabriela Markolovic ’12 Briana Rae Martinotti ’13 Abigail McEvoy ’13 Madeline McGovern ’13 Bryanna McGowan ’12 Margaret McKee ’12 Reid McLain ’13 Alyce McPartland ’13 Angela Miguel ’12 Alicia Morejon ’12 Noreen Morone ’12 Urmila Nair ’13 Ji Young Nam ’12 Nora Neus ’12 Amanda Palacios ’13 Regina Palatini ’12 Courtney Pfeiffer ’13 Kaitlyn Policastro ’13 Emma Quigley ’13 Theresa Ra ’13 Erica Repetto ’13
Danielle Retcho ’13 Margaret Ritter ’13 Denise Rizzo ’13 Katerina Rodriguez ’12 Christina Russo ’13 Kathryn Ryan ’12 Fatima Sheikh ’12 Alexandra Siegel ’12 Karen Singh ’12 Danielle Slobodin ’12 Brittany Sonera ’12 Laura Spinks ’12 Jamie Surgent-Nahay ’13 Leigh Tracey ’13 Lauren Tweel ’12 Mary Katherine Vigneron ’13 Alisson Vollmer ’13 Amber Wade ’12 Alexandra Weiss ’13 Tammy Wong ’12 Victoria Zayat ’13
tuition raffle Ms. Ahlam Abbasi ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis Abrimian Ms. Nida Arain ’00 Mrs. Samina Arain Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Arthur Mr. & Mrs. Hussein Ayoub Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Bacci Mr. George Ballane Mrs. Hut Holahan Beall ’76 Mrs. Alicia Bergstein Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Binetti Mr. & Mrs. James Bridge Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Browne Mrs. Maryellen Hogan Bryan ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Buquicchio Mr. & Mrs. Fred Burnett Dr. & Mrs. David Butler Mr. Anthony Calianese Mr. & Mrs. Robert Callagee Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cantwell Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carpentieri Mr. & Dr. Denley Chew Mr. & Mrs. Youngho Cho Mr. & Mrs. Dae Choi Mr. & Mrs. John Ciccarelli Ms. Mary Cahill Clarke ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Colavecchio Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Colman Mr. & Dr. Andrew Cooperman Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Ms. Patricia Mahaney Crowley ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cullen Ms. Amy Branchini Dahl ’99 Mr. Patrick Daniello Mrs. Dawn Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Day Mr. & Mrs. David H. DiGiulio Mr. & Mrs. James Drury Mr. & Mrs. Wallace D’Souza Mrs. Eleanor Quinn Dunn ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Englert Mr. & Mrs. Richard Escandon Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Donald Feerick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fellowes
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ferrone Mr. & Mrs. David Ficca Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. John Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Keith Fletcher Mr. Joseph Flood Mrs. Monona Hammer Foddai ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Francesco Mr. & Mrs. Saverio Fuschillo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gaffney Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Garip Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gherardi Ms. Carey Wunsch-Giannetti ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Seamus Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorman Ms. Suzanne Griffin ’78 Mr. & Mrs. John Grifonetti Mr. & Mrs. James Gutch Mr. & Mrs. Brian Halligan Ms. Andrea Hanlon ’82 Mrs. Elyse Deublein Harney ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Haws Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Heyer Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hill Mr. & Mrs. William Holzmann Mrs. Eugenia Paracka Hosbach-Davies ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Hottenrott Ms. Maire O’Dwyer Houston ’91 Mrs. Patricia Napoli Hozer ’57 Mr. John Hroncich & Ms. Linda Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Infante Mrs. Joan Heinzmann Inzerillo ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Jacobus Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Jayson Mr. & Mrs. Kennith Johnson Mrs. Sharon Jureller Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaley Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kartsounas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kazickas Mrs. Anne Marie Gadaleta Kelly ’78 Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kenny Ms. Andrea DiLorenzo Kern ’94
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kersting Mr. Gregory Kinoian Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Mario Kranjac Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kress Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kyriacou Mr. Timothy E. Lane Ms. Aimee Torres Latorre ’96 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lauber Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Loftus Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Luciano Mr. & Mrs. Nick Lugo Mr. & Mrs. Gary Luscher Mr. & Mrs. Kieran Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Bruce MacConchie Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Magnus Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandella Mrs. Kathleen Feulner Marquet ’64 Mrs. Eugenia Maruri Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mastromarino Mrs. Laura Williamson McCafferty ’82 Ms. Roseanne McCauley ’82 Mrs. Therese McGovern Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Harry Menta, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Merkel Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Merkle Mr & Mrs. Angelo Messina Mr. & Dr. Keith Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miguel Mrs. Kerry McMahon Miller ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Minasi Ms. Marie Minasi ’09 Mrs. Harriet Moran Mr. & Mrs. John Morin Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mueger Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Murphy ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Neumann Mr. & Mrs. Deepak Nichani Mr. & Mrs. Francis Nugent Mr. & Mrs. John O’Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Owens Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Palatini
Ms. Ann Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Ms. Donna Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Pincus Mrs. Lourdes Pisarri Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Potter Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Mr. & Ms. Jim Pusch Mr. & Mrs. John Quigley Ms. Patricia Cleary Reid ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Mr. & Mrs. Merrick Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rizzo Dr. & Dr. Sidney Rosenberg Mrs. Judeline Rouzard Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rubino Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Salomone Mr. & Mrs. Bob Sanders Ms. Jennifer Santana ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Santolli Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schmaus Mrs. Jean Lenahan Schuller ’67 Ms. Mary Lou Sciarrillo ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Scot Sedlacek Dr. Lance Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Slepian Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smallman Mr. & Mrs. Carl Solano Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaar Mrs. Tracy Fitzpatrick Spinks Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Spoleti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stephens Mr. Thomas Stinson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Stylianou Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Suh Mrs. Joanne Surgent Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvester Dr. Victor Todisco Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Trisolini Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Turk Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Twardzik Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vigneron Mr. Ernesto Villareal Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Walker Mr. & Mrs. John Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Williams Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Wymer
f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f p a r t i c i p at i o n Mrs. Mariann Annecchino S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND Mrs. Joan Bogner Mrs. Nancy Brizzolara Mrs. Tara Brunt Mrs. Barbara Burklund Mrs. Karen Camporeale Ms. Linda Chelotti Ms. Jennifer Cucchisi Mrs. Jane Cutolo Mrs. Jovanka De Palma Ms. Colette Domingues Mrs. Gail Fair
Dr. Barbara Fallon Ms. Carol Fay Ms. Maureen Ferrara S. Mary Foley, SSND Sister Cecelia Fox, RSM S. Catherine Green, SSND Mrs. Sharon Jureller Mrs. Catherine Korvin Mrs. Laura Kraytem Mrs. Marisel LeGoff Ms. Susan Liddy Dr. Samira Mady
Mrs. Lisa Marciano Mr. Richard Marciano S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Ms. Megan Moran Miss Jennifer Moran Ms. Jean Mullooly Mrs. Mary Naimo Mrs. Tara Nordsvan Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Carmen Quinones Mrs. Pamela Ruschak Mrs. Nancy Schneberger
angelic evening sponsors The Ayoub Family Bergen Catholic High School Customized Mortgage Solutions
Ms. Michèle Sovak Mrs. Kathleen Sylvester S. Carole Tabano, SSND Mrs. Jennifer Trubac Ms. Linda Tuttle Ms. Alexis Vale Ms. Jennifer Verdonck Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Kathleen Wall Ms. Kathleen Walsh Ms. Christine Wraga Ms. Sheila Wroblewski
wa y s t o g i v e Forms a gift can take:
A gift of securities, stocks or bonds entitles the donor to an income tax deduction. A gift of appreciated securities may also reduce capital gains tax liability. To transfer securities, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224.
The simplest form of gift, an outright cash donation qualifies as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Online Giving
Giving is only a click away. Please visit our website, www.holyangelsalumnae.org/annualfund.
A Memorial/Honor gift to the Academy of the Holy Angels is a significant way to honor, recognize or remember a relative, friend or teacher. Walk with Angels
Real Estate
A gift of real estate to the Academy of the Holy Angels provides the donor an income tax benefit as well as reducing capital gains since the market value of appreciated property is deductible.
Secure a permanent place in Holy Angels’ history while helping to ensure its future by purchasing a tax-deductible engraved brick. It is an excellent way to preserve your name or that of a loved one for years to come.
Corporate and Matching Gifts
Many corporations provide resources to supplement the support by employees for charitable institutions. This is a simple and effective way for contributors to increase the value of their gifts. Donors are encouraged to check with their respective employer’s Human Resources department about the availability of this program.
Gifts-in-kind represent non-monetary donations to the Academy of the Holy Angels such as books, equipment and special services.
A bequest is a gift by a will. It can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate, or as a remainder share. Contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels qualify as charitable tax deductions and may help reduce estate tax liability. Your attorney or financial advisor can best provide tax information for your specific situation.
f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f Mrs. Mariann Annecchino Mr. Shirly Arachchigedon Mr. George P. Ballane Mrs. Priscilla K. Bishop Ms. Kathryn Biskup S. Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 Mrs. Joan N. Bogner Mrs. Nancy Brizzolara Mrs. Tara Brunt Mrs. Marie Buckey Mrs. Barbara Burklund ’77 Mrs. Karen Camporeale ’88 Mrs. Jeanette Carrier Mrs. Terri Caust Mrs. Minola Cene Mrs. Kathryn Chambers ’66 Ms. Maryann Chitko Mrs. Julie Collins Mrs. Joan Finn Connelly Mrs. Caridad Corona Mrs. Jennifer L. Cucchisi Mr. Robert Czechowski Mrs. Jovanka De Palma Ms. Colette Domingues S. Kathleen Dunham, SSND Mr. Patrick Dunne Ms. Emmalee Egan ’05 Mrs. Gail Fair Ms. Magda Fama Ms. Carol Fay Ms. Maureen E. Ferrara
Memorial/Honor Gifts
Mrs. Jillane Ferreira S. Mary Foley, SSND S. Cecelia Fox, RSM Ms. Brianna Frabizio Ms. Jennifer Goodell Mrs. Patti Gorsuch S. Catherine Green, SSND Mrs. Gina Hassa Mrs. Sharon H. Jureller Mrs. Jean Kanellopoulos Mrs. Therese M. Kohl Mr. Robert Kopil Mrs. Catherine Korvin Mrs. Laura Kraytem ’79 Mrs. Angela Kunz ’84 Miss Jennifer Lee Mrs. Marisel Le Goff Ms. Susan Liddy Mrs. Jing Loo S. Margaret McGaffney, SSND Dr. Samira Mady Mr. Richard Marciano Mr. John Mattessich Ms. Katharine McSherry ’04 Mr. Thomas Meyers Mrs. MaryAnn Miloscia Mrs. Stella Morales Miss Jennifer Moran Miss Megan Moran ’03 Ms. Jean Mullooly ’83 Mrs. Eileen Musich
For further information and any other inquiries on giving to the Academy of the Holy Angels, please contact the Office of Development at 201-768-7822, ext. 224 or email development@holyangels.org.
board of trustees Mr. Emmanuel Muzac Ms. Mary F. Naimo Mrs. Tara Nordsvan Ms. Andrea Orlando Ms. Patricia Prucnel Ms. Carmen Quinones Ms. Carol Riley Mrs. Pamela A. Ruschak Ms. Bridget Ryan Mrs. Ellen Schiff Mrs. Nancy Schneberger Mr. Robert Shanney Mrs. Casey Sharkey Mrs. Michele Sovak Mrs. Jennifer Sweet Mrs. Kathleen Sylvester S. Carol Tabano, SSND ’59 Mrs. Anna May Thurchak Mrs. Jennifer W. Trubac Mrs. Linda Tuttle Ms. Rita Ungaro Ms. Alexis Vale Ms. Jennifer Verdonck ’00 Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mrs. Kathleen Wall Ms. Nicole Walsh Ms. Kathleen A. Walsh ’87 Mrs. Martha Weinstein Ms. Christine Wraga Ms. Sheila Wroblewski ’79 Ms. Theresa Young
SSND Provincial Council
Kathleen Cornell, SSND Provincial Leader Susan Czaplicki, SSND Paula Dukehart, SSND Charmaine Kroh, SSND Celeste Reinhart, SSND Josephann Wagoner, SSND Trustees
Sharon Slear, SSND Chair Virginia Bobrowski, SSND ’61 Joseph Bonito Joseph Branciforte Edward Chapel Kathleen Cornell, SSND Tara Del Gavio Stephanie Bille Donohue ’72 Loretta Fernandez, RSM Paul Harencak Maria Iannuccillo, SSND Margaret Ellen Mahoney, SSND Edward Malley Jennifer Moran Diana Morejon Reena Raggi ’69 Susan Craig Scott ’66
in memoriam ALUMNAE
Carmela Colacchio
Margie Prior Bueschen ’48
Mother of Barbara Colacchio Comiskey ’62
Suzanne DiPirro ’82
John Dengel
Maureen Murphy
Mother of Carol Murphy Carey ’83
Althea Pierce
Barbara Zeller Discenza ’62 Sister of Diane Zeller ’64
Father of AHA Nurse Marie Buckey and Grandfather of Morgan Buckey ’13
Grandmother of Meghan Pierce ’14 and Janelle Pierce ’16
Maureen Cleary Guzzetti ’66
Sophia Duffy
Bruce V. Scullion
Rose-Marie Hafford ’46 Patrica Ullman Harmon ’63
Sister of Maureen Ullman Kleintop ’66, Kathleen Ullman Nelson ’68, Kristine Ullman Baxter ’71; Aunt of Laura Nelson ’95
Regina Scheffer Keffer ’53 Maureen Marcinek ’60 Linda Resotko Savino ’73 Mary E. Thomas ’71
Mother of Isabella Duffy ’13
Fr. Stephen Feehan
Brother of Julia Feehan Tatti ’66 and Colette Feehan Brooks ’75; Uncle of Catherine Brooks Smith ’99
Margaret Gartland
Mother of AHA Faculty member Kathryn Gartland Chambers ’66; Grandmother of Kathryn Chambers Press ’99
Giuseppe Giampiccolo
Father of Raphaela Giampiccolo ’80
Joseph Koch
Husband of Jean Oliver Koch ’55
Joseph Bozdech
Father of MaryLee Bozdech McGoorty ’83 and Jody Bozdech-Calabrese ’88
Mary Branda
Mother of AHA Registrar Angela Branda Kunz ’84
Richard Brett
Grandfather of Emma Quigley ’13
Kathleen Lenihan
Sister of Christine Lenihan ’82, Maureen Lenihan ’84 and Sheila Lenihan Jordan ’84
Areti Livanos
Grandmother of Chelsea Lawlor ’11 and Katee Lawlor ’13
Anna Marucci
Mother of Bruna Marucci Coveleski ’63
Husband of Janet Dysart Scullion ’53; Father of Diane Scullion Fernandez ’76 and Leslie Scullion Devine ’77
Peggy Sommers
Academy of the Holy Angels has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, NJ 07627 or email at alumnae@holyangels.org.
Mother of Kathy Sommers Moskal ’84 and Peggy Sommers ’86
Are you the
Mary Taylor
recipient of
Mother of Judith Taylor Creagh ’85; Grandmother of Victoria Creagh ’16
Patricia Tuite
Mother of AHA Athletic Director Patti Gorsuch; Grandmother of Kristen Gorsuch ’08
Gerard Van Koolbergen
Father of Francine Van Koolbergen McAloon ’92
Patricia Young
Grandmother of Kailee Healy ’15
Guillaume Vallin
Husband of Tara Payne Vallin ’95
Jane Van Tassel
Mother of Patricia Van Tassel Cromie ’80
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Alumnae News
Memorial Gifts*
Dome Society*
Send us your news and photos to be featured in the next issue of Tidings, by March 1st, 2013!
Holy Angels is very grateful to alumnae and friends who designate AHA as the recipient of memorial gifts in lieu of flowers. Envelopes are available for memorial gifts upon request.
By making a gift through your will or living trust you will provide support for future women leaders. Your gift can be given as a specific amount, as a portion of an estate or as a remainder share.
Email Dorrie Voulgaris at alumnae@holyangels.org
*For more information regarding Memorial Gifts or the Dome Society, contact Tara Brunt at 201.768.7822 x224
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s p o n s ore d by t he school si sters of not r e d a me
there are many ways to support holy angels Annual Fund (unrestricted) Unrestricted gifts provide the essential flexibility to enable Holy Angels to take advantage of opportunities that arise and to meet the demands and challenges of educating students with a competitive edge. Scholarship/Financial Aid
Make every Angel’s dream of attending the Academy a reality! Express support for the school’s future by giving a gift to the Scholarship/Financial Aid Fund. Academic Programs
Academic excellence is of utmost importance and the Academy continues to raise the bar for student success. Gifts made to the Academic Programs support all aspects of the curriculum such as technology, equipment, research materials, books and special programs. Spirituality and Service Programs
The Academy offers programs for spiritual growth of the school community through retreats, religious studies, service programs and school wide Awareness Days. Gifts made to the Spirituality and Service Programs will ensure that the SSND mission continues. Athletic and Activity Programs
A strong and varied extracurricular and athletic program enhances the student experience, whether she participates in one or more of the 60 clubs and activities or on one of the 23 athletic teams. Gifts made to the Athletic and Activity Programs support the physical and social development of Holy Angels students. Fine and Performing Arts Program
Fine and Performing Arts come alive in courses that enrich, enhance and fulfill creative aspirations, while co-curricular programs are exciting, extensive and comprehensive. Gifts to the Fine and Performing Arts Program support our belief that each student has unlimited creative potential and enable students to explore a variety of artistic outlets.