tidings winter 2021
academy of the holy angels
tidings | winter 2021
S. Charmaine Krohe, SSND, Provincial Leader S. Paula Dukehart, SSND S. Mary Fitzgerald, SSND S. Nancy Gilchriest, SSND S. Margaret Malone, SSND S. Mary Roy Weiss, SSND BOARD OF TRUSTEES
Raphaela Giampiccolo, Esq. ’80, Chair Mark Albert Emily Bendaña McHale ’02 Noreen Best Rita Nichols Danylchuk ’79 Melinda A. Hanlon, President Peter Hill S. Sharon Kanis, SSND, Provincial Council Liaison Thomas Kohli S. Charmaine Krohe, SSND S. Mary Maher, SSND ’68 Margaret Heaney Saxenian ’80
Mrs. Melinda Hanlon President Mrs. Jean Miller ’83 Principal Mrs. Andréa Beyer Dean of Students Mrs. Carmen Quiñones Academic Dean Ms. Traci Koval Middle School Dean FACULTY AND STAFF
Mr. Nadeem Akhter Mrs. Nadine Behrens Ms. Ava Bertone ’14 Ms. Lisa Betti Ms. Kathryn Biskup Mr. Jonathan Blevis Mrs. Emmalee Brizzolara ’05 Ms. Patricia Brussel Mrs. Marie Buckey Mrs. Jennifer Bullis Ms. Barbara Burklund ’77 Ms. Jennifer Carlin
Mrs. Jeannette Carrier Ms. Sarah Chalmers Mrs. Joan Connelly Ms. Jennifer Crusco Ms. Jennifer Cucchisi Mrs. Christine DeGennaro Mrs. Megan Delasandro ’03 Mrs. Jovanka DePalma Mrs. Stephanie Dowling ’08 Mrs. Mary Driscoll Mr. Patrick Dunne Mr. James Dykes Ms. Gail Fair Ms. Carol Fay Mrs. Jillane Ferreira S. Mary Foley, SSND Ms. Vanessa Formoso Ms. Shabina Gillani Mrs. Rita Goff Mrs. Patti Gorsuch Ms. Gamma Hammond Dr. Gretchen Hannoush Mr. Sean Hickey Ms. Danielle Holmes ’03 Mr. Francis Hunter Mr. David Infante Ms. Rachel Jackiewicz
Mrs. Sharon Jureller Mrs. Nancy Kelly ’86 Mrs. Diana Kinney Mrs. Catherine Korvin Mrs. Laura Kraytem ’79 Mrs. Angela Kunz ’84 Mrs. Alyssa Lane Ms. Jennifer Lee Ms. Marisel LeGoff Ms. Keri Letourneau Ms. Susan Liddy Mrs. Jing Loo Dr. Samira Mady Mr. Dan Mahoney Mrs. Erin McGee ’92 Mrs. Michèle McGovern Mrs. Katharine McSherry-Collins ’04 Mr. Luis Mendoza Mrs. Carolyn Miller Mrs. Maryanne Miloscia Ms. Beatriz Montez Mrs. Andrew Monticello Ms. Gloria Morose Ms. Erin Musich ’03 Mrs. Lori Navalny Mrs. Tara Nordsvan
Ms. Andréa Palacio Ms. Christine Paladino Mrs. Effie Panos Ms. Linda Payonzeck Mrs. Brianna Portuesi Ms. Pauline Poulos ’84 Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Regina Radoslovich ’71 Ms. Carol Riley Mrs. Krystal Reilly Mrs. Pamela Ruschak Ms. AnneMarie Ryan ’80 Ms. Donna Ryan Mr. Andrew Sanchez Mrs. Nancy Schneberger Mrs. Ellen Schiff Mr. Robert Shanney Ms. Alexia Stabile ’11 Mr. Michael Statile Mrs. Kathleen Sylvester Ms. Carmín Torres-Fontanez Mrs. Anna May Thurchak Mrs. Jennifer Trubac Mr. Dennis Van Dunk Mrs. Kathleen Walsh ’87 Ms. Brianne Wolman Ms. Sheila Wroblewski ’79
E D I TO R S Patricia Brussel
Director of Advancement
Communications Team Jillane Ferreira
Jennifer Crusco
Dear Friends, I hope this issue of Tidings find you and your families staying safe and well. The last many months have challenged all of us to adapt and find new paths as we continue to respond to the needs of our times. At the Academy of the Holy Angels, we have not just persevered; we have triumphed as we continue to look forward with great hope and faith. Throughout the last year, I have often reflected on the life and times of Mother Caroline Friess, SSND. Sent to America in 1847 by Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger to carry out the mission of the SSNDs in North America, she perceptively read the signs of her times and risked innovative responses to serve the needs of her new world. Mother Caroline lived by her words, “Go to your work courageously.” I am so proud of how our school community has embraced this sentiment and found new roads to success for our students. As you explore these pages you will share in our school’s extraordinary efforts to meet the signs of our times with courageous and innovative responses. In our classrooms, on the athletic fields, and of course in our social justice efforts and service projects, today’s Angels continue to amaze us with their accomplishments. Be sure to read about our new AHA Middle School. At a time when some schools face uncertain futures, Holy Angels is looking ahead and responding to the needs of our families with the addition of grades six, seven and eight this past fall. These young women have brought a new energy to our campus and we are excited to welcome them to Holy Angels. Our theme for the current school year comes of course from the words of Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger, “Love is the sign through which the world should be convinced we believe in Jesus.” I believe this message is two-fold; first we are reminded of our heritage as a Catholic school sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame and steeped in their charism and belief that the world can be changed by the transformation of persons. Second, we must remember how our decisions, words, and actions impact not only ourselves but also the lives of those we encounter and serve. I hope and pray that we all can embrace Blessed Theresa’s words as we respond to the needs of our new world. Wishing you and your families a happy and healthy 2022!
Melinda A. Hanlon, Ed.S. President
tidings | winter 2021
a d m i n istr a tio n Melinda Hanlon, President president@holyangels.org
Jean Miller, Principal
Carmen Quiñones, Dean of Academics cquinones@holyangels.org
Andréa Beyer, Dean of Students dean@holyangels.org
Traci Koval, Middle School Dean tkoval@holyangels.org
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AHA Middle School
Graduation 2021
Spirituality & Service
Faculty News
Annual Report
Alumnae News
In Memoriam
tidings | winter 2021
a h a m idd l e s c h oo l
Holy Angels Opens Middle School as 2021-22 Year Begins Holy Angels ushered in the 2021-22 academic year by welcoming the new AHA Middle School’s first students. As AHA opened on September 10, AHA Middle School Dean Traci Koval personally greeted each student in Grades 6-8 at the door to Kelleher Hall. Miss Koval quickly put students at ease, calling all the girls by their first names. AHA Middle School Office Manager and Grade 6-12 Transportation Coordinator Carolyn Miller assisted the new Angels with the check-in process. Parents took commemorative photos at the door, and faculty and staff members helped the new Angels get situated in their homerooms. The opening of the middle school renews the Academy’s commitment to educate young girls. The School Sisters of Notre Dame founded the Academy in 1879 to provide education to young women. In 1890, the Academy was incorporated as “Institute of Holy Angels: Collegiate
Institute for Young Ladies and Preparatory School for Little Girls.” The preparatory school was still in operation when AHA moved from Fort Lee to Demarest in 1965, although the lower school was being phased out so the school’s leaders could focus on expanding the upper school. The curriculum at the new middle school is designed to help young girls gain a solid foundation for success in high school and a moral compass in the SSND tradition. Members of the AHA Middle School faculty and staff include: Shibina Gillani, sixth grade homeroom and English; Mary Driscoll, seventh grade homeroom and math; Linda Payonzeck, eighth grade homeroom, science, and religion; Sarah Chalmers, social studies, theater, and technology; Frank Hunter, Latin; Alexia Stabile, Italian; Gamma Hammond, French; Vanesa Formoso, Spanish; Erin McGee, physical education and health; Kathryn Biskup, art; Dan Mahoney and Andrew Monticello, music; Nancy Kelly, school nurse; and Michael Statile, academic counselor.
The Holy Angels community hosted a memorable Feast Day celebration in honor of the Academy’s 142nd anniversary. Bishop Michael Saporito presided at the October 1 Liturgy at the high school and provided a special blessing for the new AHA Middle School, which opened to Grades 6-8 on September 10, 2021. AHA President Melinda Hanlon welcomed Bishop Saporito. Honored guests included S. Sharon Slear, SSND, and S. Margaret Ellen Mahoney, SSND, both of whom were visitors from Notre Dame of Maryland. S. Sharon recently concluded nine years as chair of the AHA Board of Trustees. The new chair, Raphaela Giampiccolo, also attended the blessing, as did AHA Middle School Dean Traci Koval, AHA Principal Jean Miller, Dean of Academics Carmen Quiñones, and Dean of Students Andréa Beyer.
“May your work enlighten you,” he told the newest Angels. He predicted that, one day, the current middle schoolers would proudly tell others they were the first students to attend the new school.
tidings | winter 2021
Bishop Saporito Blesses AHA Middle School on Feast Day
The service included readings by faculty members and students, and music provided by AHA seniors Myra Bocage, Caitlin Neville, and Arielle Maravilla. AHA’s maintenance crew moved a piano outdoors for the COVID conscious ceremony. Feast Day commemorates the October 2, 1879 signing of the deed for AHA’s original campus in Fort Lee. Sister Mary Nonna Dunphy, SSND, signed the document on the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, and the Academy took its name from the holiday.
The Bishop’s message focused on the importance of light. He noted that, when someone begins to study a certain subject, he or she begins in darkness. Teachers enlighten their students.
tidings | winter 2021
g r a d u a tio n
AHA’s 141st Class Will Continue Studies at Bard,Yale, & Beyond The 129 members of the Academy of the Holy Angels Class of 2021 concluded their high school years on June 4. AHA’s 141st graduating class gathered on the school field, and sat with their families to observe health and safety protocols. As a class, the graduates dedicated 16,646 service hours beyond AHA, and amassed more than $11.5 million in scholarships. These alumnae now attend well-regarded colleges and universities, including Bard, Brown, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Rutgers, Vanderbilt, and Yale. “I hope you’ve learned that you can make a difference, choose a less traditional path, and that change can be a good thing. May these be the lessons you take from the last year,” AHA President Melinda Hanlon said. “I hope you know what smart and amazing women you are.” Madison Oaten delivered the opening prayer. Oaten is a member of multiple honor societies and was active with the golf, tennis, and debate teams. She helped lead AHA’s morning prayers in person and via video.
Brigid Miller was named Commencement Speaker (AHA’s top honor) for maintaining the highest average in her class. Miller is a National Merit® Scholarship Finalist, and an Advanced Placement Scholar of Distinction. She is a member of the National Honor Society and the art, math, Spanish, and science national honor societies. During her years at AHA, she was an Angel Ambassador, an AHA Diversity Council member, Student Council representative, debate judge, managing editor of the AHA Voice, and
contributor to the AHA blog. Miller also participated in the Perry Outreach, a hands-on program for women who are interested in engineering and medicine. During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, this active volunteer organized the purchase and delivery of lunches to staff at assisted living facilities. As a senior, Miller became a Eucharistic Minister and served as president of Project Greenhouse, a student group that grows produce in AHA’s greenhouse and delivers it to a local food bank. She earned AHA’s Mother Caroline Scholarship and Nonna Dunphy Scholarship. She was selected for the University of Notre Dame Leadership Seminars, and received the Dartmouth College Book Award. Miller noted that Angels display resilience, respectfulness, intelligence, and selflessness. Even during the atypical circumstances caused by the pandemic, Miller said she and her class retained their bonds and kept AHA traditions alive. She noted the importance of using one’s talents and voice to impact society and speak up for others. Miller now attends the University of Notre Dame. Isabelle Egan was Second in Merit. Her achievements include earning the 2021 NJSIAA Scholar Athlete Award. As a bowler, she was named First Team All-League. She finished first in the 2019 BNC Bowling Tournament, and contributed to her team’s county and state sectional championships. She also helped the AHA Softball Team become State Sectional Finalists. She is a member of the National Honor Society and the art, science, math, and
Alexandra Durbak (AHA ’98) was the alumna speaker. Durbak attended Bryn Mawr College and received her bachelor’s degree in political science. She later earned her master’s in business administration from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires. This former member of AHA’s Amnesty International Club now serves on the Amnesty National USA Board of Directors. She is an executive with Eisai, where she works to improve the lives of those with Alzheimer’s disease. “Happiness (that is) based on a goal is fleeting,” Durbak noted. She urged the Angels to find happiness everywhere, including within nature, service projects, and the kindness of others. Olivia Martinez delivered the senior response at her classmates’ request. Martinez was a key member of AHA’s acclaimed varsity dance team, which has won multiple national titles. She was also active with Girl Rising, Student Council, and the Black & Hispanic Cultural Society. Martinez observed that the bonds within her class remain unshaken, even though the seniors could not be together until April 2021. She noted the commitment of the faculty as the students moved from in-person classes to online and hybrid instruction. Martinez revealed that she enjoyed AHA’s all-girl advantage so much that she decided to continue the experience at Barnard. She expressed her appreciation for AHA’s growth mindset education, noting that, when failure occurs, “It’s what you do afterward that defines you.”
Legacy Families Karen Sullivan Camporeale ’88 Julianna Camporeale ’21 Jacqueline Principe Canney ’85 Lauren Canney ’21 Kathleen Glavey Gallahue ’90 Caitlin Gallahue ’21
tidings | winter 2021
Italian honor societies. She earned the Coccia Foundation Italian Studies Award and won the American Mathematics Competition. She participated in the Yale Young Global Scholars program, the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar, the NYU Pre-Medical Exposure Program, and the UN Day of the Girl. She has volunteered in Costa Rica and at Spectrum for Living. She now studies at Georgetown.
Jennifer A. Henry ’85 Catherine Henry ’21 Sheila Thornton Labita ’87 Julia Labita ’21 Una McBreen Miller ’86 Brigid Miller ’21 Adriana Wos-Mysliwiec ’88 Antonia Mysliwiec ’21 Linda Perillo Zazzali ’85 Valentina Zazzali ’21 Grandmother Catherine Roberts Ulshoefer ’64 Elizabeth Ulshoefer ’21 Gwyneth Ulshoefer ’21
After singing the “Alma Mater” and tossing their caps, the new graduates lingered on the field, visiting with their cherished sisters well after the ceremony concluded.
tidings | winter 2021
a n g e l s i n t h e a rts International Competitors Bring Home Grand Prizes
Lee also captured first and fourth place in the American Art Awards for her paintings “Forbidden Still Life” and “Left Behind,” and fifth place for “Eyes of the Beholder.” This Angel’s art, photography, and poetry helped her earn two Gold Keys, a Silver Key, and three Honorable Mentions (respectively) in the Scholastic Art & Writing Competition. She plans to major in fine art during her college years.
Many hours of practice and preparation are yielding rich rewards for cellist Chelsie Lim and violinist Nayoun “Blaire” Kim. Both members of the Class of 2022 earned Grand Prizes in competition.
Ouyang Wins National Gold Medal for Film & Animation
Lim received Grand Prize and First Place in Division III of the Semi-Annual Philadelphia International Music Festival Virtual Concerto Competition. She performed the first movement of the Dvorak “Concerto in B minor, Op. 104.” Kim earned the Camerata Artists International Competition’s Junior Group II Grand Prize for her extraordinary performance of Wieniawski’s “Violin Concerto No. 1 in F# minor, first movement.” Junior Group II is for musicians who range in age from 15 to 17.
Surrealist Finishes First in Congressional Art Awards & American Art Awards Surrealist Gian Lee (AHA ’22) is building an impressive collection of awards, including first place accolades in both the American Art Awards and the Congressional Art Awards in District 9. Her painting, “Left Behind,” garnered first place in the Congressional Art Awards, and has been on exhibit at the U.S. Capitol. This piece was inspired by Lee’s grandfather, who has Alzheimer’s disease. Her work depicts a man sitting in a peaceful, lonely, setting to demonstrate how her grandfather is physically present, but his mental state has changed.
A teen artist who takes her cue from societal issues has become a national gold medalist in the 2021 Scholastic Art & Writing Competition. AHA’s Jiayi “Stella” Ouyang (AHA ’23) was recognized for “Connecting Through Boundaries,” her video about the struggle against racism. She was honored for exceptional work in film and animation. Ouyang reached the national competition by earning two Gold Keys, one for “Connecting Through Boundaries” and one for her piece “Look to the Light.” She also brought home a Silver Key for “Time to Heal,” a creation inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Brannigan’s Short Story Draws Positive Attention Caitlin Brannigan (AHA ’21) earned the New Jersey Governor’s Award in Arts Education for her short story, “Calamity of Freedom.” She advanced to the Governor’s competition after finishing first in the contest sponsored by the New Jersey Council of Teachers of English. She received a medallion and a keepsake invitation to the virtual award ceremony on June 26, 2020. Her biography and winning story were featured on the NJ Governor’s Award in Arts Education’s website.
This work also earned her a Silver Key in the Scholastic Art & Writing Competition. Her fictional piece concerns a world that exists after the extinction of humanity. The protagonists are two robots who are searching for remnants of human civilization among the ruins of New York City.
AHA Cellist Earns Seat in the 2021-22 All-State Orchestra Music is a vital part of life for cellist Cecilia Yun, who earned a seat in the 2021-22 All-State Orchestra. This member of the Class of 2023 ranked tenth out of more than 50 of New Jersey’s high school cellists who participated in the competitive online audition process. In 2020, Yun was named to the New Jersey State Music Educators Association’s Honors Orchestra. She has also performed with the Camerata Youth Orchestra and the New Jersey Regional Orchestra. She plays for the AHA Orchestra and the Select Strings ensemble. She has already earned multiple Presidential Volunteer Service Gold Awards.
Valeria Gonzalez Earns Honorable Mention from Paper Mill Playhouse Valeria Gonzalez, star of AHA’s 2021 virtual production of “Sister Act,” earned an Honorable Mention in the Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Awards. She was recognized in the Outstanding Solo Performance by an Actress category. She recorded all of her songs in a home studio. Gonzalez (AHA ’21) was a charming, funny, likeable Deloris Van Cartier, who entertained without the energy of a live audience or in-person interaction with other performers. She now attends NYU, where she studies recorded music at the Clive Davis Institute.
Additional Accolades Angels who have earned awards in the regional Scholastic Art & Writing Competition include Elise Tao, who won a Gold Key for her critical essay and three Honorable Mentions for her poetry. Natasha Dhanrajani earned a Silver Key in the writing event, and Julia Fernandez received a Silver Key in art.
tidings | winter 2021
Varsity Dancers Earn Fifth Title; JV Wins First UDA Championship In April of 2021, AHA’s quest for a fifth national title in small varsity hip-hop came to fruition in Orlando, as the dominant dancers reclaimed the number one spot they held in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. The junior varsity team also topped the Universal Dance Association’s leader board, executing a pom routine that earned the squad its first national title. Varsity backed up its championship by finishing second in pom, and JV took second in hip-hop. These hard-earned wins followed the teams’ sweep of first place awards in state competition. AHA Head Coach Jenny Sweet and Coaches Alyssa Aponte (AHA ’12) and Kristen DePeri (AHA ’09) are delighted with the success of their program. AHA’s varsity champs included Carmela Alessio, Natasha Vafiadis, Olivia Martinez, Giselle Martin, Katie Fragola, Valeria Pernicone, Bridget Ryan, Noelle Wacker, Tamara Kim, Ella Cho, Hannah Kim, and Arwen Parmelee. The JV titlists included Kaitlin Grifonetti, Ani Gueyikian, Kate Gorohovsky, Lydia Schmidhauser, Jordyn Wynn, Caelyn Lindsay, Isabella McMahon, Maggie Yu, Maggie Danahy, Juliet Gelineau, Alexandra Nicholas, and Olivia Leys.
Dancers Sign With College Teams A few weeks after reclaiming their national title, four varsity dancers from the Class of 2021 became members of some of the nation’s best collegiate dance teams. This year’s recruits are Carmela Alessio, University of Central Florida; Tamara Kim, Vanderbilt; Giselle Martin, Rutgers University; and Valeria Pernicone, Villanova. Alessio is a member the National Honor Society, and the science, math, and social studies honor societies. She qualified for the state DECA competition, and was selected to attend Sister Kathleen Cornell’s leadership seminar at AHA.
Kim established the non-profit Save Your Planet, which focuses on clean energy and sustainable living. She is a Commended Scholar and a member of the National Honor Society and the art, math, science, and business honor societies. She and teammate Emily Nam finished first in the DECA state competition. Martin has been active with Fiesta4Hope’s service work in Puerto Rico, and attended the UN International Day of the Girl. Her academic achievements led to her induction to the National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, and National Art Honor Society.
Pernicone is a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Science National Honor Society, and Rho Kappa. She attended the 2019 UN International Day of the Girl, and became a Eucharistic Minister in 2020. AHA varsity dancers who previously signed with well-regarded teams include: Sahar Ali-Jenkins (’19) and Kaitlyn Lack (’19), Rutgers University; Natalie Quinn (’19), The Ohio State University; and Sophia Costa (’20), University of Mississippi.
tidings | winter 2021
at h l eti c s Three AHA Athletes Ratify Contracts on National Signing Day Lacrosse luminary Emily Danahy, tennis star Brooke Hess, and soccer standout Caelan McHugh inked letters of intent with Siena College, Dartmouth, and the University of Rhode Island on National Signing Day 2021. Danahy’s invitation to play for a college team represented the attainment of the goal she set for herself when she was in fourth grade. She plans to play attack for Siena as she begins her study of psychology. Danahy, who is AHA LAX Team captain, has been named First Team All-League, Second Team All-County, First Team All-Non Public A NJ.com, Player of the Year American Conference NJ.com, Second Team All-North Jersey Bergen Record, and Most Valuable Player. She is also captain of the AHA Varsity Basketball Team. Hess is captain of AHA’s varsity tennis team, a role she has held for the past two years. She has won two county titles at second singles, First Team All-League, First Team All-County, Finalist
June Sports Celebration Holy Angels honored its top athletes at a June 15 online celebration. Allison Bart brought home the prestigious Angel Award for her contributions to the Academy’s varsity basketball, soccer, and softball programs, and for demonstrating leadership and spirit. Bowler and softball player Isabelle Egan received the NJSIAA Student Athlete Award and a Big North Award for her academic and athletic accomplishments. Big North Awards also went to scholar athletes Ashley Thompson, gymnastics and track; Mary Flahive, pole vaulting; Julia Macaluso, soccer and track; and Julianna Camporeale, soccer. Gymnastics sensation Faith Furletti earned multiple honors, including a $1,000 PAA scholarship, and a $500 scholarship from the Bergen County Women Coaches Association for earning the most AllCounty awards in the past four years. This All-State gymnast also had her uniform retired during the awards presentation. Allison Bart and Ciara Donegan received the BCWCA Multi-sport Award. Donegan also earned a PAA scholarship.
for NorthJersey.com Girl’s Tennis Player of the Year, First Team All Non-Public, First Singles Third Team All-Flight, First Team All North Jersey, and First Team All-State. Hess will join her sister Ashley (AHA ’19) on the Dartmouth Tennis Team. McHugh started playing soccer for her local recreation league at age four. Three years later, she joined her first travel team. She is now captain of the AHA Soccer Team, where she plays outside midfield. She earned First Team All-League in the Big North Conference as a junior and again as a senior. McHugh also shares her athletic talents with AHA’s varsity basketball and varsity track teams. She plans to study communications at URI.
MVP awards went to Isabella Westervelt and Isabelle Egan, softball; Emily Danahy, lacrosse; Samantha Han and Amelia Shen, golf; and Eliza Hoover and Ciara Donegan, track.
TENNIS The AHA Varsity Tennis Team finished 11-2, and JV posted a record of 8-2. AHA’s varsity players won the Bergen County Tournament, with Brooke Hess capturing the Second Singles crown, and the pair of Emma Coughlin and Jackie Arbogast winning the Second Doubles championship. The Angels reached the semifinals of the State Team Tournament, losing a heartbreaker to Pingry, 3-2. Individually, Brooke Hess and Erin Ha made it to the State Singles Semifinals, and faced each other for the right to move on to the finals. Erin Ha was the victor, and ultimately became state runner-up.
Erin Ha Is National Champ In late November 2021, Ha played her way to a win in the USTA National Girls’ 16 Indoor Singles Championship. Ha started playing tennis with her father at seven years of age, and started lessons and tournaments
a few years later. She shared that she particularly likes the idea that many people can play tennis, since success is not linked to a player’s age, size, or height.
Dunne & Furletti Fêted at YMCA Banquet Varsity Golf and Bowling Coach Patrick Dunne and noted gymnast Faith Furletti have been honored by the Greater Bergen County YMCA. Dunne received the Special Achievement Award in Coaching. In addition to mentoring several fine bowlers and golfers, Dunne is a long-time member of the AHA Social Studies Department. Furletti (AHA ’21) was recognized as a top female high school student athlete. She is an All-State gymnast and has earned the most All-County awards in her sport over her high school career.
National Merit® Program Honorees Recognized
Senior Ria Jani (Class of 2022) earned the distinction of becoming a National Merit® Scholarship Semifinalist. Jani is one of approximately 16,000 high school seniors from across the nation who are eligible to compete for one of 7,500 scholarships that will be awarded in the spring of 2022. The Academy of the Holy Angels congratulates the newest National Merit® Scholarship Program honorees, including National Merit® Scholarship Semifinalist Ria Jani, several Commended Students, and the outstanding Angels who were named to the National African-American Recognition Program and the National Hispanic Recognition Program. Each student’s achievement was based on her excellent performance on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit® Scholarship Qualifying Test. “Congratulations to all our honorees,” AHA Principal Jean Miller stated. “It takes a tremendous amount of consistent effort and application in order to earn scores that are worthy of recognition. I know that, for these students, this is just the beginning of many successful and impressive milestones that they will continue to achieve in their academic careers.”
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a c a de m i c s
The Academy’s Commended Students are Isabella Dail, Brooke Hess, Elizabeth Kim, Katherine Merriam, Madeline Risbud, Grace Sawyer, and Grace Watson. Seniors Zeida Ben-Fredj Lopez, Adriana Santos, and Isabella Troche earned honors in both the National Hispanic Recognition Program and the National African-American Recognition Program. Senior Holly Foothorap and junior Suzanna Odusote are also National African-American Recognition Program honorees. AHA’s National Hispanic Recognition honorees include seniors Jacqueline Hoffman, Jordan Kotch, Samantha Shah, and Briana Uddo; and juniors Giselle Acosta, Sophie Cossio, Isabella Novo, and Isabel Stein.
Academy Names 2022 HOBY Representatives, Alternate Kate Hynes is involved in varsity gymnastics and cross-country, and now serves as sophomore class president. She belongs to DECA, Forensics Club, Book Club, and the Gaelic Cultural Society, and contributes to the AHA literary magazine. She sang with the choir as a freshman, and has participated in several theatrical productions at AHA and beyond. She is a camp counselor and is active in her parish, where she plays the handbells and served as a drama program volunteer. Kate Hynes and Elise Tao have been chosen to represent the Academy of the Holy Angels at the 2022 Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference. Sarah David was named an alternate. AHA College Counselor Jennifer Trubac said the selection process was extremely competitive since the Class of 2024 submitted the highest number of HOBY applications in recent years.
Elise Tao is the founder of Synthesis Publications, an online literary and art magazine. She has attended several writing workshops, including Columbia’s journalism and nonfiction course. Her work has appeared in “Sole Magazine” and “Teen Ink.” Tao writes for the “AHA Voice,” and is a member of AHA’s Writers’ Society. She recently won a Gold Key and three Honorable Mentions in the Scholastic Art & Writing Competition. This Angel is also founder and president of Angel Mathletes,
AHA’s competitive math team. She recently became a state qualifier with AHA’s DECA team, and is an award-winning Model UN team member. Tao is working toward her Girl Scout Gold Award. She is sophomore vice president of the AHA Student Council. Sarah David recently attended a nine-day 2021 National Youth Leadership Forum, where she explored a variety of medical fields. She is a member of the French Honor Society, and is active with Angels in Anatomy and Outreach Club. As a member of DECA, she recently finished second in the Restaurant Virtual Business Challenge Northeast. This scholar athlete plays for the AHA Varsity Soccer Team, where she earned Second Team All-League honors as a freshman. She has been playing club soccer since she was in seventh grade, and has participated in spring track at AHA. David is a soccer coach at her local community center.
tidings | winter 2021
s p irit u a l it y & ser v i c e Senior Learns Benefits of Blending Service & Recycling
Solidarity with Haiti Club Advances SSND Goal AHA’s new Solidarity with Haiti Club is advancing Beyond Borders’ programs in Haiti, and encouraging the Academy’s other clubs and organizations to join the effort. Solidarity for Haiti recently initiated a series of fundraisers by hosting “Hats for Haiti.” Students, faculty, and staff made donations to Beyond Borders in exchange for the privilege of wearing a hat to school on a designated day. The school-wide program honors the SSND Atlantic-Midwest Province’s commitments to the dignity of life and the care of all creation, and the specific focus area of promoting sustainable development in Haiti. Janella Osbourne, a member of the Class of 2022, was the driving force behind the new club. The group received a tremendous kickstart on Foundation Day 2021, when Sister Limétèze Pierre-Gilles, SSND, met with the club’s members and moderator. Limétèze, who was born in Haiti, also addressed the entire student body regarding her work as an executive board member for Beyond Borders.
Moderator Kathleen Sylvester, who is an SSND associate and director of campus ministry, attended the meeting with Osbourne, Amelia Blanco, Stephanie Chan, Sophia Chounoune, Elena DeBari, Angelina Ferolie, Natalia Gonzalez, Jennifer Haemmerle, Thandiwe Laba, and Zuleima Noriega. As they discussed their plans, Limétèze pointed out that God does not ask how many people you help. “Do what you can with care and love,” she advised the club. Beyond Borders teaches people to feed their families by learning to grow and tend their own vegetables and animals. The organization also assists with water catchment systems, which sustain Haitian communities and allow children to attend school, rather than walk for hours in search of potable water. S. Limétèze also showed a video about a woman who overcame child slavery with Beyond Borders’ help. The featured individual noted that some Haitian families send their children away from home, a decision that sometimes leads to exploitation.
Students Help Outreach Organizations Fill Shelves, Feed Families Hundreds of local families are now benefitting from a Diaper and Toiletry Drive sponsored by the AHA Campus Ministry Department. This effort is particularly important since diapers and toiletries are essential items that are not covered by state or federal assistance programs.
Holly Foothorap has a new appreciation for the value of a plastic bottle. During a 10-day service trip to the Dominican Republic, this Academy of the Holy Angels senior (Class of ’22) repurposed these ubiquitous recyclables to construct a durable home for a local family. Foothorap spent several days in a small village, where she and her team constructed a home for a single mother and her children. The volunteers worked together as part of a Global Leadership Adventures crew. “The house was framed using wood planks laid out in squares,” Foothorap explained. “One side of the frame would already be covered with chicken wire, while the inside would just have pieces of wire reaching across from block to block. Basically, this layout allowed us to stack plastic bottles into the frame of the house without them falling out. We stacked bottles sideways and upright with the goal of trying to fit each one in just the right place so it would fully insulate the wall of the house.” Student volunteers covered the bottlefilled walls with cement, and added a metal roof to the new house. Now that she has witnessed how volunteers can make a difference, Foothorap said she would like to find a way to continue to work within the DR’s smaller villages.
AHA Welcomes New Academic Dean Carmen Quiñones, Holy Angels’ highly-regarded Spanish language teacher, became academic dean on July 1, 2021. Quiñones took the reins from Francesca Tambone-Puzio, the first person to hold the post. Tambone-Puzio defined the dean’s role, which she held from the fall of 2016 until her retirement in June of 2021.
Quiñones joined the Holy Angels faculty in September 2005. In addition to teaching Spanish, she moderated the Spanish National Honor Society and Asian Cultural Society, where she organized an annual event to showcase students’ cultures through music, fashion, and cuisine. She sponsored educational excursions to Spain and France, and spearheaded a mission trip to Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. Quiñones has served as Middle States chairperson and as a member of the IDEAL Council.
AHA’s new dean is a graduate of Walton High School in the Bronx and Columbia University, where she earned a bachelor’s degree and the Herman Ausubel History Award. Quiñones later received a master’s in education from Saint Peter’s University. In 1997, she returned to Walton High as a member of the history department’s faculty.
Tambone-Puzio was born in Taranto, Italy. She and her family moved to the U.S. when Tambone-Puzio was 16. She earned her high school diploma at Pascack Hills, and continued her education at Seton Hall, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in pre-med biology/modern languages, a master’s degree in education, and a
Patricia Brussel Joins AHA as Advancement Director Patricia Brussel has joined AHA as the director of advancement and alumnae relations. Before coming to Holy Angels, Brussel was director of development at Alpine Learning Group. She previously served as regional director of the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation’s northern regional office. Brussel succeeds Dorrie Voulgaris. Voulgaris, who enjoyed a 29-year career at Holy Angels, began as a mathematics teacher. She later served as registrar, director of admissions, and director of alumnae relations. Voulgaris had been director of advancement and alumnae relations since 2015.
master’s in Catholic school leadership and administration. She is known for her ability to recognize and foster other people’s gifts.
tidings | winter 2021
f ac u lt y n e w s
Her many responsibilities included oversight of the music and theater programs, and the dance teams. She led the program for international students, and the Middle States planning and accreditation process. In 2022, TambonePuzio will be inducted into the Bergen Catholic High School Hall of Fame. She invested 29 years at BC, where she was the first woman to serve as assistant principal.
Mariann Annecchino Retires; Andrew Monticello Steps In Mariann Annecchino has retired from her post as instrumental music director at the Academy after 21 years. Her last day included a final “pop up” concert in the Student Commons. This educator’s varied responsibilities included directing the AHA Orchestra and Handbell Choir. She also led the Select Strings and Jazz Ensemble, both of which she established. She also taught humanities, music appreciation, instrumental music lessons, and had been adviser to Tri-M, a national music honor society. Every March, she brought Music in Our Schools Month® programs to every corner of Holy Angels. Annecchino received her bachelor’s degree in music education, summa cum laude, from Jersey City State College (now New Jersey City University). She studied music at Columbia, Hart College of Music, and Westminster Choir College. Andrew Monticello, the newest member of the AHA Performing Arts Department, stepped in for Annecchino on November 8. Monticello is music teacher and orchestra conductor. He also teaches general music at AHA Middle School, an introduction to music at the high school,
and humanities. He teaches and conducts the AHA Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, and Select Strings. When he is not at AHA, Monticello is director of music at the church of Saint Mary in Closter. Monticello earned his bachelor’s degree at Montclair State University. Before coming to AHA, he was an orchestra and choir teacher at The Village School. Most recently, he taught music at DePaul Catholic High School. His professional development includes participation in a master class in conducting with Gerard Schwarz. He was also accepted as a fellow to a conducting workshop with the Baltimore Chamber Orchestra.
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a n n u a l re p ort Dear Friends of AHA, On behalf of the Academy of the Holy Angels, I am proud to welcome you to our 2020-2021 Annual Report. In this our 142nd year, we remain committed to the mission of the School Sisters of Notre Dame to transform our world through education of our students. As we continue to navigate unprecedented challenges, our school community has grown and flourished. Our faculty and staff strive each day to provide our Angels with an extraordinary educational experience. Our theme for this year, “Love is the sign through which the world should be convinced we believe in Jesus,” comes from the words of our foundress Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger. Your gifts to AHA reflect these signs and your example inspires our students to lead and to serve. The generous support of our benefactors helps us to maintain our innovative academic programs and exceptional learning opportunities. At Holy Angels, we can look forward to the future with great hope because of the foundation you provide to us. May God bless you for your generosity and keep you and your families safe. Wishing you many blessings in the coming year,
Melinda A. Hanlon, Ed.S. President
Annual Fund Unrestricted Annual Fund Restricted Academic Programs Spirituality & Service Programs Fine & Performing Arts Programs Athletics & Activities Memorial Fund Annual Giving Subtotal Legacy of Excellence Campaign Endowment/Scholarships Capital Giving Subtotal Angelic Evening/Angelic Winter’s Eve PAA AHA 5K AITA Tricky Tray Art Auction Events Subtotal OVERALL TOTAL
$202,321.97 $312,715.30 $31,330.00 $635.00 $6,091.20 $2,825.00 $11,961.00 $567,879.47 $82,553.70 $82,191.32 $164,745.02 $63,079.63 $12,750.16 $7,470.55 $2,446.00 $85,746.34 $818,370.83
Tuition Donors 20-21 The vision of the School Sisters of Notre Dame teaches us that education means enabling persons to reach the fullness of their potential. The following benefactor, through her extraordinary gifts of scholarship, allows us to transform the lives of our students.
Mrs. Theresa Spola
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office of advancement Patricia Brussel Director of Advancement and Alumnae Relations Barbara Bennett Burklund ’77 Assistant Director of Advancement – Events Regina Caruso Radoslovich ’71 Assistant Director of Advancement – Gifts The lists on the following pages contain the names of all who made contributions to the Academy of the Holy Angels Annual Fund either in the form of direct gifts or in donated services between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apology and notify us at 201-768-7822 ext 211.
S tudent P rofile
Danielle Holmes Is AHA’s first Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Danielle Holmes (AHA ’03) has taken on the role of the Academy of the Holy Angels’ first director of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Holmes returned to her alma mater on February 1, 2021. This director’s post was established as part of AHA’s commitment to promoting greater equity and inclusion within the Academy. Holmes’ appointment also facilitates AHA’s Middle States goal to foster cultural proficiency at Holy Angels. As the first person to step into the new directorship, Holmes is rapidly building the post by taking a closer look at student, faculty, and staff needs. “Some things you can make happen quickly, and some things not yet. They may take more time,” she noted. “Sometimes you’re looking to be the person you may have needed when you were in school.
“It’s OK to make a mistake. It’s what you do afterward,” Holmes said, adding that it’s important for people to be accountable and responsible. Holmes hails from New York City, and later moved to Hackensack. Following her graduation from AHA, Holmes earned a bachelor’s degree in finance at Rider University. She then received her master’s in organizational leadership with a focus on higher education from Rider University. Holmes is now pursuing a doctorate in educational leadership at Saint Peter’s University. The new director began her career at McDaniel College, where she specialized in student conduct, crisis response, and foundational work in the area of diversity. At Stevens Institute of Technology, Holmes handled housing, crisis response, conflict resolution, and diversity assessment. Her many responsibilities included evaluating Student Affairs documents, including internship applications and surveys, for inclusive language.
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R E C O GN I T I O N O F O U R B E N E FAC T O R S AHA Dome Society Mario & Theresa Spola Family Foundation School Sisters of Notre Dame
AHA Leadership Society
Mr. & Mrs. Baljit Dail Estate of Ann McCabe Moran Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mr. & Mrs. David Orlofsky
SSND Society
Ms. Eileen Dowling Mr. Keith Harney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harney Mr. Paul Harney Mrs. Elise Harney Morris Insetta Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Kuskin
Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society
AHA Parents’ Guild Mrs. Susan Franco Barnitt Bergen Catholic High School Mr. & Mrs. Neil Best, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Canney Mr. Raymond Cywinski Mrs. Eleanor Quinn Dunn Mr. & Mrs. John A. Flahive Ms. Patricia Geoghegan Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huntington Jos. L. Muscarelle Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Anne Marie Theysohn Lennox Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Danny O’Shea Peter & Joyce Uddo Family Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Romano Mr. Peter Serpico Ms. Geraldine Baker Warner
Mother Caroline Society
Anonymous Mr. John Angelone Mr. & Mrs. David Bednarcik Ms. Adrienne Benzoni Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Branciforte, Sr. Mr. Stephen De Groat Ms. Kathleen Tigh Detrano Mrs. Joan Larsen Friezo Mr. & Mrs. William Hannon Mr. & Mrs. Adam Hawkinson Lexington Independents Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luckow Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Marinuzzi Ms. Roseanne McCauley Ms. Jean Benzenberg Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neus Mrs. Patricia Cooney O’Connor Ms. Diane Oakley Mr. & Mrs. John Spola Ms. Nancy Visocki Mr. Joseph Wraga
Sister Nonna Dunphy Society Anonymous Chris A. Karas Foundation ConnectOne Bank Mrs. Sharon Yetka Discavage Mrs. Virginia Puig Dolan Ms. Pamela Gheysen Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hanlon Mrs. Stephanie Lenahan Dr. & Mrs. Peter Luongo Mrs. Michèle McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mellas Ms. Ellen Monahan Miss Jennifer Moran Ms. Nicole Onderdonk Vanas Construction Company
President’s Council
Ms. Deirdre Facendola Altobell Mrs. Maureen Fennessy Bousa Mr. Kenneth Brown Ms. Elizabeth Cassino Company K Building Fund Ms. Patricia Contino Ms. Therese Corcoran Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo & Mr. Geoffrey Butler Dr. & Mrs. David Deramo Ms. Madeleine Dowling Mrs. Kathleen McNicholas Entwistle Mrs. Candace Soukup Fagan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman Mrs. Danielle Larré Gaglioti Rev. Elizabeth Kress Golub Mrs. Louise Fiocchi Gunderson Ms. Mary Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Won Hur Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kelly Ms. Rebecca Kennedy Mrs. Judith Eremin Lamp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mara Mr. & Ms. Ralph Marchione Ms. Maureen McGuirl Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc. Mrs. Maureen Phelan Previti PSE&G Hon. Reena Raggi Mr. & Mrs. Jignesh Raval Ms. Darlene Spence Ms. Mary Stuart Mrs. Elizabeth Mills Switaj Mr. & Mrs. Brett Terjanian Mr. & Mrs. Erick Valdes Ms. Keri Oggero Walsh Mrs. Anne Marie Whittemore
AHA Women
Anonymous Dr. Maria Abbattista Mrs. Barbara Altenbach Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Amador Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benson Ms. Theresa Biasi Drs. Warren & Melanie Boardman Dr. Antonia Adamo Bouillette Mrs. Elizabeth Best-Bradford Mrs. Phyllis Gutto Brew Dr. & Mrs. David Butler Mr. & Mrs. Neil Callahan Dr. Mary Campagnolo Canon USA
2020- 21 annual giving levels AHA Dome Society......................................... $50,000 and up AHA Leadership Society............................. $20,000-$49,999 SSND Society............................................... $10,000-$19,999 Blessed Mother Theresa of Jesus Society.......... $5,000-$9,999 Mother Caroline Society................................. $2,500-$4,999 Sister Nonna Dunphy Society.......................... $1,500-$2,499 President’s Council.......................................... $1,000-$1,499 AHA Women......................................................... $500-$999 AHA Associates ....................................................$250-$499 Century Club............................................................. $125-$249 Angels Club............................................................... Up to $124 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Casali Drs. Nancy Eng & KC Chang Mr. & Mrs. Doojin Chung Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Cifelli Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Corcoran Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cossio Ms. Barbara Smith Costigan Mrs. Linda Higgins Crivella Mr. & Mrs. John Cunningham Ms. Cathryn Archibald Curia Ms. Ellen Marston Darwish Ms. Emily Schmitt Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeSanta Di Cara Rubino Architects Mr. & Mrs. James Donohue Estate of Frances R. Hans Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing Hon. Katherine Polk Failla Ms. Margaret Fry Fennell Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Foster Ms. Catherine French Ms. Caroline Graham Mrs. Maryann Molinaro Guadagno Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guy Dr. Gretchen & Dr. Peter Hannoush Mr. & Mrs. Michael Henry Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kahrer Mrs. Nicole Grace Keck Mrs. Lydia Valitzky Kesler Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kotch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krone Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Leonard Mr. & Mrs. David Lovatt Mrs. Jean Rapport Lowe Mr. & Ms. James Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Vince Maimone Malesardi, Quackenbush, Swift & Company LLC Mrs. Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Ms. Jeanette Rizzitiello Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Mark Marino Mrs. Barbara Tanzola Mason Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Robert McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mierswa Mrs. Caroline Morris Miller Mr. & Mrs. William Miller Ms. Joanne Misha Ms. Breanne Morley Mrs. Maria Spola Muller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murray Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Olivier Mr. Alex Orlando
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Panepinto Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Raia Ricoh USA, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rivoir Mrs. Maureen Kelly Rutigliano Ms. Blaire Rzempoluch Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sapka Sylvia Picard Schmitt & John P. Schmitt Ms. Carol Schumacher Mr. & Mrs. Michael Staff Mrs. Norah Sullivan Ms. Carla Antonelli Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. David Symmonds Mr. & Mrs. John Tenaglia Mrs. Kristine Kour Tomesch Dr. Diane Hamel Triolo United Way of Monmouth & Ocean Counties Mr. & Mrs. Robert Varettoni Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Vergona Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wacker Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. Ms. Mary Sheridan Wright Hon. Karen Boylan & Mr. John Young Mr. & Mrs. John Ziemba Mr. & Mrs. George Zilvetti
AHA Associates
Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adamo Mr. & Mrs. Paul Amato AmazonSmile Ms. Theodora Angelos Ms. Stacey Antine Dr. Jeanne Pomar Asher Azelis Americas, LLC Mrs. Christine Stein Baltz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barone Mr. John Barrett Barrington Press Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Battaglia Mrs. Catherine Schaeder Batterman
Consecutive Giving 5+ years 10+ years 15+ years 20+ years 25+ years
Mr. & Mrs. David Pellegrino Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ponti Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Prana Marketing & Media Relations Ms. Kathryn Chambers Press Ms. Theresa Ann Quinn Mr. & Mrs. William Raftery Mr. & Mrs. Michael Regan Mrs. Ellen Ricciardi Mrs. Leslie Burke Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Ryan Ms. Donna Ryan Ms. Kathryn Ryan Mr. Martin Ryan Mrs. Kathie Comiskey Sanders Mr. & Ms. Nicola Santoro Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saxenian Ms. Pamela Schwitter Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shahbazian Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheehan Ms. Valerie Sisko Ms. Nancy Spiotto Ms. Juliana Barno Spitzer Mr. & Mrs. Lee Swearer Ms. Angelina Thomas Dr. Mariliza LaCap-Tong & Dr. Darren Tong Ms. Elisa Abayhan Toturgul Drs. Elizabeth & Mauricio Velasco Dr. Erica Vero Ms. Judith Violick Mrs. Carolyn Lucia Vioni Mrs. Margaret Stika Walsh Mrs. Janine Posa Webb Mr. & Mrs. M. Lloyd Williams Mrs. Carey Wunsch-Giannetti Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yale Mrs. Dee Sullivan Yost Ms. Makaila Zimick Zimick Brothers Cleaning Service
Century Club
Anonymous Mrs. Jessey Paul Abraham Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alexander Dr. Joseph Petriello & Ms. Loredana Altamura Ms. Nancy Angelica Mrs. Barbara Nachtigal Annan Barnes & Noble Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Battaglia Mrs. Eileen Holahan Beall Ms. Bette Ann Ogden Beck Ms. Lucille Bertram Mr. & Mrs. Albert Blanco Ms. Nancy Frasco Boitnott Ms. Elizabeth Bouvier Ms. Kate Branciforte Mr. & Mrs. Neil Brandmaier Mrs. Mary Beth McGovern Budra Ms. Jean Butler Ms. Rosemary Capuzzi Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Cariello Mrs. Sheila McCann Cavanagh Mrs. Jane Nicolich Chandler Mrs. Joanne Henderson Collins Mr. & Mrs. Charles Colombo Mrs. Tara Lupetin Connor Ms. Karla Cordero Mr. & Mrs. Frank Covino Mr. & Mrs. John Crimmins Ms. Jennifer Crusco Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Danylchuk Dr. Mary Elisabeth Dean, Ph.D. Mrs. Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Mrs. Camille Ciccarelli Defranco
Mrs. Maureen Reilly DeLosa Ms. Denise Loforte DeMaio PINK Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Deramo Ms. Dolores DiBella Dr. Stephanie Bille Donohue Mrs. Eileen Dowling Mr. & Mrs. Dan Driscoll Ms. Jacqueline Dugan Ms. Margaret Dugan Ms. Katrina Durbak Mrs. Gail Fair Ms. Seton Alves Feeney Ms. Dorothy Fell Mrs. Janet McNulty Ferrante Mrs. Mary Ann Wershing Flack Mr. & Mrs. Robert Foothorap Dr. Margaret-Ann Gartland Dr. Miguelina German Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gibney Mr. & Mrs. Brian Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Donald Grignon Mrs. Dana Assile Hanna Ms. Maura Henninger Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Harper Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Herera Ms. Maureen P. Hille Ms. Ann Angier Hirsch Rev. & Mrs. Donald Hoover Mrs. Joan Catarcio Hubertus Mrs. Margaux Peña Hufnagel Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kahrer Ms. Siobhan Keegan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keller Mrs. Patricia McAtee Kiesel Ms. Rosalyn Kim Ms. Renee Koch Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kress Mrs. Aimee Torres Latorre Mr. & Mrs. Harold Laufeld Mr. & Mrs. Patrice Leys Ms. Marcella Lillis Mrs. Elaine Rizk Lupetin Dr. Sarahfaye Mahon Mrs. Mary Ann Markey Mammano Mrs. Barbara Mariniello Mr. & Mrs. Steven Mattiace Mrs. Therese McGovern Ms. Lily McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McPherson Mrs. Barbara Hayes Meinzinger Ms. Gabriella Messina Mrs. Rosemarie De Vivo Miller Mrs. Diane Schwitter Montemurro Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Moore Ms. Marian Mosley Mrs. Julie Clifford Murray Mrs. Joann Byrne Nahmias Ms. Stephanie Nebel Mrs. Barbara Burns O’Hara Ms. Amara McKerahan O’Neill Mrs. Mary Holahan Peebles Mr. & Mrs. John Pesanello Ms. Janet Maiello Pote Capt. & Mrs. Nicholas Presti Mrs. Regina Caruso Radoslovich Dr. & Mrs. Enzo Ragucci Dr. Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser Ms. Marlenis Rivera Ms. Patricia Romano Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roque Mrs. Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rubino Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan Mrs. Ann Marie Madigan Rybak Dr. Mary Catherine Santos Mr. Patrick Schmitt
Mr. & Ms. Paul Shen Mrs. Kathleen Holland Sheridan Mrs. Christin Hartwig Shrump Drs. Apexa & Nilesh Shukla Mrs. Terry Salcedo Silvia Dr. Catherine Costello Skae & Mr. John Skae Ms. Carol Cocozza Skotnicki Mr. & Mrs. Don Smith Mrs. Diana Popstefanov Strlovski Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvester Mrs. Mary Tully Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tomasella Ms. Mary Turk Ms. Carla Varriale-Barker Mrs. Johanna Morrison Volpi Mrs. Jane Meixner von Schilling Ms. Kathleen Daly Voorhis Mrs. Joanette Milazzo Weiss Dr. Julia Wershing Mr. & Mrs. Edward Winkler Mrs. Susan Telesco Wohlforth Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek Mr. & Mrs. Keith Yoo Mr. Jay Youn & Ms. Dorhee Kim Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Zayat
a n n ua l r e p o rt | 2021
Mr. Matthew Beckett Mrs. Joan D’Andrea Bertussi Mrs. Elizabeth Pindar Bowling Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Campau Mrs. Jennifer Carlin Ms. Kelly Quirk Ceperly Chirico & Calabro, LLC Ms. Julia Collins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Connors Ms. Janet Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Coppola Mrs. Christine McGoey Cummings Ms. Gina Damato Mr. & Mrs. Jason Danahy Mr. & Mrs. John Darmanin Mr. & Mrs. Mark David Mr. & Mrs. Jay Day Mr. Tim De Santa Ms. Gerda Willenborg Della Valle Ms. Tina DeLucia Ms. Patricia Same Dignam Mrs. Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Downes Ms. Theresa Spola Doyle Ms. Alexandra Durbak Ms. Rosemary Ervin Ms. Tracy Fennell Mrs. Susan DePhillips Fernandez Mrs. Ann Daly Ford Ms. Tamara Fowls Ms. Barbara Fritsche Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo Mrs. Margaret Bergonzi Gargiulo Ms. Maria Giotis Mrs. Katharine Cooke Goodman Dr. Arleen Pancza Graham Ms. Carroll Anne Grece Mr. & Mrs. John Grifonetti Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gruber Mrs. Elyse Deublein Harney Mrs. Tara Nugent Harrington Ms. Tara Hurley Dr. Maureen Barry Iannace Mrs. Katherine Dillon Jones Mrs. Sharon Jureller Mrs. Joanne Misko Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Jack Karamanoukian Ms. Jacklyn Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kim Mrs. Kathleen Campagnolo Kloeblen KPMG, LLP Dr. Diane Kvilesz Ms. Anne Marie Galoardi Lander Mr. & Mrs. Steven Laux Mrs. Jessica O’Neill Leto Ms. Patricia Rosenkranz Levins Mrs. Donna Herlinsky MacPhee Sister Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Mrs. Mary McNulty Maher Mrs. Dana Dorgan McCarren Mrs. Denise Carbo Miller Mr. & Mrs. Larry Miloscia The Morgan Family Mr. & Mrs. Terence Moriarty Dr. Leila Mureebe Ms. Joanna Nicolich Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Norton Mrs. Margaret Feeney O’Brien Mrs. Anne Ottomanelli & Dr. James Noble Ms. Mary Mattessich Palatini Mr. & Mrs. Gary Palikowski Mr. & Mrs. Paul Palmeri Mr. Jean-Pierre Pelchat
Angels Club
Anonymous (15) Mrs. Theresa Abel Mr. Anthony Acosta Ms. Janet Addeo Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Adorno Dr. & Mrs. Augustine Akalonu S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Mrs. Gloria Albert Mr. & Mrs. Mark Albert Ms. Mary Alcaro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alessio Mrs. Melissa Diaz Allred Mrs. Denise Angelos Mr. Steven Aqualina Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Arbogast Ms. Valasie Kolessides August Mrs. Kate Giella Augusto Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Bacolod Ms. Jennifer Holme Bagley Ms. Fortunata Barbara Ms. Christina Barbieri Ms. Ellen Barrett Mr. Andrew Bass Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bauer Ms. Victoria Beall Mr. & Mrs. Richard Behrens Ms. Sylvia Bello Mrs. Lisa Cecere Benigno Mrs. Nancy Schaberg Beringer Mrs. Lisa Germer Bice Ms. Robin Bigelli Mrs. Sally Casper Binder Mrs. Mary Herring Blanke Ms. Margaret Bocage Mrs. Claudia Bogris S. Claire Bonneau, SSND Ms. Ana Book Ms. Marisa Mele Borghi Ms. Susan Mawhinney Brignola Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brizzolara Mrs. Elaine Blasco Bronner Ms. Kelly Bronner Ms. Carole Brown Mrs. Florence Doyle Brown Mrs. Ann Carty Bruchansky Ms. Hilary Forster Bruck Mrs. Marie Buckey Mrs. Letitia LaForgia Burke Ms. Barbara Bennett Burklund Mr. & Mrs. Michael Byrne
a n n ua l r e p o rt | 2021
Mr. & Mrs. David Cafasso Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Callaghan Mrs. Marie Zenorini Canepa Mr. Marc Capezzone Mr. & Mrs. Bob Capozzi Ms. Michele Toth Carr Mrs. Jeanette Carrier Mrs. Jeanne Burke Cass Mrs. Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Mrs. Theresa Cerullo Dr. & Mrs. Richard Chan Mrs. Angela Christou Chatzopoulos Mr. & Mrs. William Cho Ms. Daniella Ciacciarelli Ms. Gracemarie Cirino Ms. Marianne Clarke Ms. Carol Clavir Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Coleman Ms. Eileen Collins Mrs. Bernadette Piane Comstock Mrs. Leigh Shahbazian Connelly Mrs. Jackie Conniff Mrs. Erin Kearns Conrad Ms. Baylee-Rose Cooper Mr. & Mrs. John Cooper Dr. Amanda Porro Corallo Mrs. Maureen Lewis Corbett Mr. & Mrs. Carl Costanza Ms. Alyssa Cressotti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Crimmins Mrs. Jean Fox Csaposs Ms. Siobhan Cummings Mrs. Janie Cutolo S. Grace D’Amico, SSND Mrs. Lucretia Carusona D’Emilio Ms. Claire Nelson Dale Mrs. Patricia Nolan Daly Ms. Jennifer Burke DeCaria Mrs. Jo-Ann Cahill Delfino Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DellaCroce Ms. Maria DeLuca Mrs. Eileen Monaghan DeLucia Ms. Jennifer Van Blarcom & Mr. James DeLuise Ms. Cristina Helvacian Demirdjian Mr. & Mrs. John Dennehy Mr. Peter DeVries Mrs. Georgette Costa Dickman Ms. MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Ms. Kathleen DiGiulio Mrs. Jean DiGrande Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Diverio Mr. & Mrs. William Dodds Mrs. Patricia Belisonzi Dodge Mrs. Christine Doherty Ms. Judith Domanski Ms. Jenny Villa-Dominguez & Mr. Juan Carlos Dominguez Ms. Carol Pavlu Donahue Ms. Stephanie Gibney Dowling S. Diane Driscoll, SSJ Ms. Jane DuBois Mrs. Gail Brinkworth Dughi S. Kathleen Dunham, SSND Ms. Kristina Dunham
Consecutive Giving 5+ years 10+ years 15+ years 20+ years
25+ years
S. Michaela Durkin, SSND Ms. Liane Sullivan Egle Mrs. Barbara Lee Endres Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Enriquez Mrs. Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Ms. Pamela Donnelly Esterbrook The Etre Family Mr. & Ms. John Farah Dr. R. Linsy Farris Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Favaro Ms. Stacey Feeney Ms. Elia Migenes-Figueroa & Mr. Orlando Figueroa Ms. Mary Wilson Fischbach S. Mary Fitzgerald, SSND Mrs. Sandra Wright Flanagan Mrs. Susan Flanagan Mrs. Susan Criscuolo Foerster S. Mary Foley, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Vito Fragola Mr. & Mrs. Philip Fusco Ms. Elizabeth Gaerlan Ms. Danielle Gaier Mrs. JoAnne Galdo Mrs. Denise Casagrande Galiatsatos Ms. Cara Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Gee Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gelineau Mrs. Joan Jurczak Gentile Mrs. Claudette Robusti Giani Mrs. Joanne Quinn Glaeser Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin Ms. Natasha Gonzalez Mr. Paul Goodale Ms. Carolyn Goodman Mrs. Sheila Gorman Mrs. Mary Wenthen Gormley Mr. & Mrs. Dinos Gourmos Dr. Neil Goyal & Dr. Jennifer DiPace Ms. Margaret Buckley Graham Mrs. Regina Hur Gramss Ms. Tara Greaney Ms. Cynthia Greco Mrs. Teresa Iorio Greenberg Mrs. Karen Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gross Ms. Bernarda Gomez & Mr. Oscar Guilamo Mrs. Maureen Corbett Gullo Mrs. Janine Makhoul Gulya Ms. Victoria Haeselbarth Ms. Pamela Hajjar Mr. & Mrs. Brian Halligan S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND Mrs. Katherine Russo Harper Mrs. Jacqueline Marella Haywood Mrs. Carla Bacigalupo Healy Ms. Jacqueline Heath Mrs. David Heiger Mrs. Edith Heiger Ms. Kathleen Mills Heisey Mr. Kenneth Herdman Mr. Mike Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hess Mr. Robert Hetzer Mrs. Helen La Be Higley Mrs. Margaret Neeser Hillman Ms. Florence Horgan Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett Horton Mr. & Mrs. Irving Huang Ms. Tiffany Huang Mrs. Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hynes
Mrs. Margaret Restivo Imbornone Ms. Christine Ingraham Ms. Jeanine Careri Jackson Mrs. Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Ms. Angela Cucco Jenkins Mrs. Margaret Stanzione Julian Mrs. Denise Italiano Jurasek Ms. Christina Karas Mr. & Mrs. Elias Karlis Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Karlis Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kearns Ms. Amy McCabe Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kennedy Mr. Boniface Kiamue Mrs. Jane Henzi Kiefer Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner Mr. & Mrs. David Kim Miss Jae Eun Kim Mrs. Barbara Curran Klages Mr. Bart Klim Ms. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND Ms. Kate Krauss Ms. Larissa Kravanja Mrs. Kimberly Sica La Spada Mrs. Sue Cassedy LaBar Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lamond Mrs. Mary Beardsley Land Ms. Mairin Lane Mr. & Mrs. Michael Langan Ms. Mary Helen Larsen Mrs. Christina Wang Lee Mr. & Mrs. Robert LeHane Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lindsay Mr. Anthony LoBiondo Mrs. Dana Russo Luppino Ms. Sharon Scully Machrone Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Madonna Mrs. Laura Hugerich Magliocchetti Mr. Dan Mahoney Mrs. Patricia Malesardi Ms. Caroline Malley Mrs. Linda Sistaro Marciniec Mr. & Mrs. Djuro Markolovic Mrs. Susan Grein Maroney Ms. Catherine Marotta Mr. & Ms. Dario Martinez Dr. Kristy Ahrlich Mascarenhas Mrs. Therese Wynne Mastrangelo Mrs. Barbara Elter Maurer Ms. Lisa Mayer Ms. Kathryn Farrell McAllister Mrs. Eileen Kringle McAuley Mrs. Eileen Galleshaw McCarthy Mrs. Michele McCorry Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McDermott Mr. William McDonald Mr. & Mrs. James McGlone Ms. Vanessa Ciaravino McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney Mrs. Christine McKnight Ms. Regina McNamara Ms. Mary-Michael McTeague Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Meisten Mr. & Mrs. James Melia Mrs. Marian Valitzky Mellin Mrs. Melissa Mattiace Mendes Ms. Camille Menendez Mr. Harry Menta, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Meredith Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Messina Mrs. Alessandra Preziosi Michener Mrs. Lesley Roselli Migliorato Ms. Brigid Miller Mrs. Jillian Giliberto Miller Ms. Lauretta Biasi Miller Ms. Patricia Miney
Ms. Barbara O’Neil Mingle Ms. Sabrina Mullin Mrs. Eileen Scanlan Mulvihill Ms. Sheri Muro Ms. Grace Gallagher Murphy Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy Mrs. Mary McCarthy Murphy Ms. Michelle McCarthy Murphy S. Patricia Murphy, SSND Ms. Corinne Cerrati Myslinski Mr. Edgar Nardini New York Life Insurance Company Mrs. Noelle Letcher Newhouse Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Nicasio Dr. & Mrs. John Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. Jens Nielsen Mrs. Marguerite Murphy Nolan Mrs. Francesca LaFiura Noon Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nordsvan Ms. Danielle Norris S. Margaret Mary O’Brien, SSND Mrs. Eileen Dennehy O’Connell Mrs. Kathleen Toomb Oakes Dr. Tracy Scheller-Oaten & Mr. David Oaten Mrs. Colleen Oates Oberg Ms. Claire-Voe Ocampo Mrs. Karen Vanacek Ohly Mrs. Marilena Truncellito Ojeda Ms. Lisa Olsen Ms. Laura Orologio Ms. Patricia Pace Ms. Margaret Pacheco Ms. Stephanie Sinon Pandya Mrs. Effie Panos Mr. & Mrs. Albert Paquet Ms. Kathia Pardo Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Parlamis Ms. Joanna Penta Mrs. Jaclyn Cocchiola Perna Mr. & Mrs. Randal Pernicone Mrs. Meghan Boswell Peters Ms. Shannon Peters Ms. Erin Peterson Mrs. Erasmia Alpos Petrou Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piersa Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pikarsky Dr. Lauren Pincus Mrs. Kelly Hannon Potter Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pousson Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Nancy Pupke Mrs. Maureen Miller Putnam Mrs. Kathleen Rosenkranz Radcliffe Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Radtke Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Recine Ms. Kristin Redmond Mrs. JoAnn McDermott Reed Mrs. Muriel Cuddy Reeves Ms. Patricia Cleary Reid Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Retcho Ms. Catherine Mark & Mr. Larry Reuter Ms. Elizabeth Reynoso Ms. Melissa Zilocchi Riccio Ms. Caleigh Rice Ms. Suzana Saric Rice Ms. Keri Rigoli Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Riley Mrs. Beverle Rivera Dr. Joan C. Rodano Ms. Andrea Rodriguez Ms. Margaret Begley Roettger Ms. Andrea Romagnino Ms. Ginny Vnenchak Rosen Ms. Maria Bargellini Rotondo Mrs. Linda Retcho Roux
S. Mary Shea, OP Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shea Mrs. Margaret Hogan Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Sean Sheehan Ms. Katie Arscott Sheil Mrs. Cornelia Shea Sheppard Mrs. Terry Showalter Mr. & Mrs. Martin Smith Ms. Michele Smith Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Solages Ms. Brittany Sonera Ms. Nancy Torre Spagnuolo Ms. Jennie Gavin & Mr. Ronald Speed Ms. Barbara Pratico Squadrito Mrs. Ruth Radics St. Clair Ms. Carolyn Mullich Stamatakis Mrs. Virginia Broderick Stawicki Mr. & Ms. Alex Stein Ms. Lisa Stein Mrs. Rose Suchoff Mr. & Ms. Kang Sung Ms. Sheila Dombal Swartz Mrs. Jennifer Sweet
Ms. Jan Marose Swiszcz Mr. & Mrs. Charles Syby Mrs. Suzanne Marnell Sykes Mrs. Francesca Tambone-Puzio Mrs. Maria Schweitzer Tatham Mrs. Mary Dempsey Tierney Ms. Miriam Tomaselli Mrs. Cristin Colella Toscano Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Toscano Ms. Eileen Bannon Trost Ms. Ellen Turk Ms. Maureen Turk Mrs. Susan Rue Tutino Ms. Linda Tuttle Ms. Jennifer McNamara & Mr. Michael Ulshoefer Ms. Christine Vanni Mr. Andres Vaska S. Veronica Visceglia, SSND Mrs. Suzanne Voulgaris Mrs. Regina Toth Wackerman Dr. Mayra Suero-Wade & Dr. Mark Wade Mrs. Kathleen Wall
Mrs. Susan Holahan Waraksa Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Watson Ms. Natalie Weaver Ms. Mary Beth Wetzelberger Ms. Katherine Whalen Mrs. Melanie Williams Ms. Margaret Theysohn Wood Mrs. Susan Banks Woodard Ms. Sheila Wroblewski Ms. Yumiko Yokoi Ms. Faith Youn Ms. Dorhee Kim & Mr. Jay Youn Mrs. Lauren Wiener Zambas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zitman Ms. Margaret Zoch Mrs. Sandra Shahbazian-Zucconi S. John Vianney Zullo, SSND
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Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ruiz Mrs. Ellen Mawhinney Ruja Ms. Lauren Russo Mrs. Margaret Cichewicz Russo Mrs. Maria DeSimone Russo Ms. Carol Barkauskas Rutan Ms. Ellen Ryan Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Mr. Theodore Rzempoluch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Saggese Dr. & Mrs. Sharad Sahu Mr. Gus Saliba & Ms. Lisa Noroian Ms. Rose Salmon Mrs. Maureen O’Brien Sandner Ms. Elizabeth Garramone Santos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sapontzis Ms. Janet Schlaier Mr. & Mrs. Carl Schmidhauser Mrs. Heather Muller Schnaars Mrs. Barbara Lally Schuierer Mrs. Kathleen Fischer Scopaz Mrs. Nancy Canning Shalhoub Ms. Dianne Fuchs Shatwell
M ission To empower each student to define and achieve the fullness of her own potential. Students are called to be leaders who recognize the dignity of all persons and promote justice and peace and care of all of God’s creation.
Sister Mary Maher, Luckow Family Honored at Angelic Evening The Academy of the Holy Angels recognized S. Mary Maher, SSND (AHA ’68), and the Luckow family at the May 2021 Angelic Evening Gala. The event, which had been on pause since 2020, was held at the Edgewood Country Club in River Vale, New Jersey. Proceeds from Angelic Evening will fund renovations to the Academy’s auditorium. AHA President Melinda Hanlon opened the event by presenting the Luckows with AHA’s Legacy Award. Recipients include Audrey Spiotto (AHA ’64) and Robert Luckow, and Stefanie Luckow (AHA ’02) and Adam Hawkinson. This award is a tribute to members of the AHA community whose contributions reflect the charism of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and make a lasting impact on the Academy and the people it serves. S. Mary Maher, who received the AHA Distinguished Alumna Award, has served as School Sisters of Notre Dame General Superior, and now serves on the AHA Board of Trustees, was recognized for her extraordinary loyalty, commitment, dedication, and service to the advancement of AHA. S. Mary made many memories as an Angel. Some of her favorite moments took place while she worked behind the scenes in the auditorium with the AHA Drama Club. She honored SSND Foundress Blessed Mother Theresa by establishing the Gerhardinger Fund, an international financial resource for non-ministerial costs. The fund, S. Mary noted, is part of holding all in common, as the SSND Constitution requires.
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ALUMNA E G I V I NG B Y CLA S S CLASS OF 1945 Class Participation: 33%
Marie Zenorini Canepa Margaret Stanzione Julian CLASS OF 1947 Class Participation: 17%
Margaret Feeney O’Brien CLASS OF 1948 Class Participation: 28%
Florence Doyle Brown Claire Nelson Dale Elyse Deublein Harney Helen La Be Higley Florence Horgan CLASS OF 1949 Class Participation: 9%
Jean Fox Csaposs Mary Ann Wershing Flack CLASS OF 1950 Class Participation: 19%
Janet McNulty Ferrante S. Madeline Mary Hanson, SSND S. Gertrude Marie Kramer, SSND Mary McNulty Maher Julia M. Wershing CLASS OF 1951 Class Participation: 17%
S. Mary Noel Albers, SSND Mary Elisabeth Dean Barbara Lee Endres Marguerite Murphy Nolan CLASS OF 1952 Class Participation: 10%
Margaret Buckley Graham Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Cornelia Mary Sheppard CLASS OF 1954 Class Participation: 7%
Anonymous Carole Brown
CLASS OF 1955 Class Participation: 8%
Fortunata Barbara Joanne Henderson Collins S. Margaret Mary O’Brien, SSND CLASS OF 1956 Class Participation: 12%
Gerda Willenborg Della Valle Mary Wilson Fischbach Sandra Wright Flanagan Diane LaFond Insetta
Barbara Curran Klages Nancy Canning Shalhoub Ginger Baker Warner CLASS OF 1957 Class Participation: 17%
Delia Rivardo Adorno Diana Titolo Alexander Ellen Barrett Christine McGoey Cummings Joan Larsen Friezo Muriel Cuddy Reeves Mary Stuart Mary Tully Thompson CLASS OF 1958 Class Participation: 6%
Elizabeth Ogden Beck Patricia Jesuele Kowalski Lucia Cirino Murphy Barbara Pratico Squadrito CLASS OF 1959 Class Participation: 3%
Carroll Anne Grece Maureen Kelly Rutigliano CLASS OF 1960 Class Participation: 16%
Barbara Nachtigal Annan Christine Stein Baltz Lucille Bertram Gracemarie Cirino Diane Neary Ewing Dorothy M. Fell Carla Bacigalupo Healy Patricia McAtee Kiesel Grace Gallagher Murphy Andrea L. Romagnino Mary Dempsey Tierney S. Veronica Visceglia, SSND CLASS OF 1961 Class Participation: 17%
Anonymous Sylvia Bello Elizabeth Pindar Bowling Elaine Blasco Bronner Rosemary Capuzzi Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Carol Pavlu Donahue S. Mary Fitzgerald, SSND Anne Marie Galoardi Lander Sister Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Joan C. Rodano Patricia Romano Judith Violick Carolyn Lucia Vioni
CLASS OF 1962 Class Participation: 12%
Antonia Adamo Bouillette Virginia Campbell Cariello Patricia Nolan Daly Rosemary Farrell Ervin Barbara Fritsche Katharine Cooke Goodman Barbara Tanzola Mason Helen Bianchi Rothgerber Suzanne Marnell Sykes CLASS OF 1963 Class Participation: 13%
S. Grace D’Amico, SSND Maureen Reilly DeLosa Tina DeLucia Kathleen Tigh Detrano Georgette Costa Dickman Jane Henzi Kiefer Elaine Rizk Lupetin Susan Grein Maroney Mary-Michael McTeague Ellen Nora Monahan Kathleen Fischer Scopaz Anne Marie Grimes Whittemore S. John Vianney Zullo, SSND CLASS OF 1964 Class Participation: 10%
Anonymous Maria DeLuca Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Sharon Yetka Discavage Catherine French Louise Fiocchi Gunderson Audrey Spiotto Luckow Lauretta Biasi Miller Barbara Burns O’Hara Leslie Burke Robertson Kathleen Daly Voorhis Dee Sullivan Yost CLASS OF 1965 Class Participation: 18%
Elizabeth Walker Campau Maureen Lewis Corbett Cathryn Archibald Curia Candace Soukup Fagan Patricia Geoghegan Claudette Robusti Giani Maryann Molinaro Marcello Mary Hogan Diane Kvilesz Linda Sistaro Marciniec Lesley Roselli Migliorato Francesca LaFiura Noon Margaret Cichewicz Russo Pamela Schwitter
S. Mary Shea, OP Peggy Hogan Sheehan Nancy M. Spiotto Jane Meixner von Schilling Joanette Milazzo Weiss Susan Banks Woodard CLASS OF 1966 Class Participation: 11%
Janet Cooney Lucretia Carusona D’Emilio Jane DuBois Margaret Fry Fennell Margaret-Ann Gartland Sharon Scully Machrone Barbara O’Neil Mingle Kathleen Holland Sheridan Ruth Ellen Radics St. Clair Carolyn Mullich Stamatakis Susan Holahan Waraksa CLASS OF 1967 Class Participation: 9%
Adrienne Benzoni Nancy Schaberg Beringer Susan Mawhinney Brignola Gail Brinkworth Dughi Mary Wenthen Gormley Jean Rapport Lowe Barbara Elter Maurer Carla Antonelli Sutherland Kristine Kour Tomesch CLASS OF 1968 Class Participation: 12%
Valasie Kolessides August Barbara Smith Costigan Patricia I. Dignam Joan Jurczak Gentile Arleen Pancza Graham Anne Marie Theysohn Lennox Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Maureen McGuirl Eileen F. Mulvihill Maureen Phelan Previti Carol Iorio Riley Ginny Vnenchak Rosen CLASS OF 1969 Class Participation: 11%
Marianne Clarke Eileen Wynne DeBartolo Theresa Spola Doyle Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Elizabeth Kress Golub Denise Italiano Jurasek Judith Eremin Lamp Patricia Rosenkranz Levins Mary Ann Markey Mammano Patricia Miney Patricia Cooney O’Connor
CLASS OF 1970 Class Participation: 9%
Linda Higgins Crivella Patricia Belisonzi Dodge Ann Daly Ford Joanne Quinn Glaeser Tara Greaney Marcella Lillis Theresa Anne Quinn Janet-Lynn Schlaier Carol Cocozza Skotnicki Elizabeth Mills Switaj Nancy Visocki Margaret Theysohn Wood CLASS OF 1971 Class Participation: 10%
Anonymous Margaret Restivo Imbornone Kate Krauss Catherine Marotta Denise Carbo Miller Joanne Misha Maria Spola Muller Diane Oakley Margie Pacheco Regina Caruso Radoslovich Margaret Begley Roettger Carol Barkauskas Rutan Maureen O’Brien Sandner Virginia Broderick Stawicki CLASS OF 1972 Class Participation: 7%
Theresa Biasi Mary Beth McGovern Budra Stephanie Bille Donohue Jeanine Careri Jackson Therese Wynne Mastrangelo Diane Schwitter Montemurro Mary McCarthy Murphy CLASS OF 1973 Class Participation: 8%
Janet Addeo Jeanne Pomar Asher Eleanor Quinn Dunn Jacqueline Marella Haywood Barbara Hayes Meinzinger JoAnn McDermott Reed Dianne Fuchs Shatwell Susan Rue Tutino Susan Telesco Wohlforth CLASS OF 1974 Class Participation: 5%
Mary F. Campagnolo MaryDoreen DiGiacomo
Teresa Iorio Greenberg Kathleen Mills Heisey Lisa Mayer Colleen Oates Oberg Carol Schumacher CLASS OF 1975 Class Participation: 6%
Virginia Puig Dolan JoAnne Donnelly Galdo Margaret Bergonzi Gargiulo Rosemarie De Vivo Miller Mary Mattessich Palatini Mary Holahan Peebles Linda Retcho Roux Terry Salcedo Silvia CLASS OF 1976 Class Participation: 3%
Hut Holahan Beall Letitia LaForgia Burke Kathleen Campagnolo Kloeblen Margaret Stika Walsh CLASS OF 1977 Class Participation: 8%
Mary Herring Blanke Barbara Bennett Burklund Cynthia Greco Maureen P. Hille Joan Catarcio Hubertus Nicole Grace Keck Michelle McCarthy Murphy Karen Vanacek Ohly Janet Maiello Pote CLASS OF 1978 Class Participation: 5%
Ann Carty Bruchansky Patti McGovern Hill Lydia Valitzky Kesler Joan Ciampo Piersa Theresa Chin Rivoir Elizabeth Garramone Santos Mary Catherine Santos Barbara Lally Schuierer CLASS OF 1979 Class Participation: 6%
Catherine Schaeder Batterman Nancy Frasco Boitnott Maureen Fennessy Bousa Rita Nichols Danylchuk Jo-Ann Cahill Delfino Susan DePhillips Fernandez Kimberly Gheysen Raiford Sheila Wroblewski CLASS OF 1980 Class Participation: 12%
Susan Franco Barnitt Phyllis Gutto Brew Jeanne Burke Cass
Sheila McCann Cavanagh Patricia Contino Eileen Dowling Liane Sullivan Egle Maureen Reuter Gallo Pamela Gheysen Raphaela M. Giampiccolo Eileen Kringle McAuley Marian Valitzky Mellin Joanna Nicolich AnneMarie Ryan Margaret Heaney Saxenian Nancy Torre Spagnuolo CLASS OF 1981 Class Participation: 5%
Anonymous Margaret Dugan Margaret Neeser Hillman Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Sue Cassedy LaBar Kathleen Rosenkranz Radcliffe Maria DeSimone Russo CLASS OF 1982 Class Participation: 5%
Jane Nicolich Chandler Denise Jennings Gunter Victoria Haeselbarth Roseanne McCauley Marilena Truncellito Ojeda Kathie Comiskey Sanders Rosemarie Yancosek CLASS OF 1983 Class Participation: 6%
Deirdre Facendola Altobell Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik Kathleen McNicholas Entwistle Patricia Ebner Goldin Renee M. Koch Jean Benzenberg Miller Noelle Letcher Newhouse Lisa Olsen Maureen Miller Putnam CLASS OF 1984 Class Participation: 3%
Jean Butler Maura Gidez Kilner Kimberly Mann Palmeri Maria Bargellini Rotondo Carla Varriale-Barker CLASS OF 1985 Class Participation: 7%
Jacqueline Principe Canney Kristine Murray Diverio Madeleine Dowling Pamela Donnelly Esterbrook Jennifer A. Henry Katherine Dillon Jones Joanne Misko Kaplan
Christina Karas Donna Herlinsky MacPhee Catherine Costello Skae CLASS OF 1986 Class Participation: 9%
Stacey Antine Joan D’Andrea Bertussi Lisa Germer Bice Maura Slattery Corcoran Karla Cordero Christine Doherty Mary Beardsley Land Regina McNamara Una McBreen Miller Breanne Morley Leila Mureebe Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker Regina Toth Wackerman Yumiko Yokoi
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Kathleen Toomb Oakes Reena Raggi Ellen Mawhinney Ruja Eileen Bannon Trost
CLASS OF 1987 Class Participation: 4%
Maria Humaran Abbattista Therese Corcoran Robyn Antonelli Crimmins Sharon Baelis Dail Katherine Polk Failla Tara A. Hurley CLASS OF 1988 Class Participation: 3%
Tracy Fennell Casey Pascale Smith Sheila Dombal Swartz Geraldine O’Shea Wacker CLASS OF 1989 Class Participation: 5%
Melissa O’Neill Battaglia Michele Toth Carr Seton Alves Feeney Regina Hur Gramss Dana Dorgan McCarren Eileen Galleshaw McCarthy Michele Smith Colleen Corbett Staff CLASS OF 1990 Class Participation: 9%
Anonymous (3) Danielle Larre’ Gaglioti Miguelina German Maureen Barry Iannace Amy Mc Cabe Kennedy Christina Wang Lee Elizabeth Reynoso Valerie Sisko Cristin Colella Toscano Keri Oggero Walsh Mary Sheridan Wright
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CLASS OF 1991 Class Participation: 6%
Christina J. Barbieri Dorothy Kim Cho Tara Lupetin Connor Denise Loforte DeMaio Ann Angier Hirsch Danielle DeMaria Orlofsky Sandy Kim Sung Stephanie Vassallo Janine Posa Webb CLASS OF 1992 Class Participation: 3%
Loredana Altamura Catherine Jalil Danahy Maureen Corbett Gullo Joann Byrne Nahmias CLASS OF 1993 Class Participation: 5%
Elizabeth Cassino Deanna D’Arrigo Siobhan Keegan Michele Cerullo McCorry Amara McKerahan O’Neill Anne Ottomanelli Noble CLASS OF 1994 Class Participation: 5%
Bernadette Piane Comstock Camille Ciccarelli Defranco Sheri Avella Dennehy Elizabeth Gaerlan Mendoza Erasmia Alpos Petrou Kelly Hannon Potter Jane Jalil Smith Erica Vero CLASS OF 1995 Class Participation: 8%
Marisa Mele Borghi Janine Makhoul Gulya Stephanie Sapaskis Karlis Kathryn Farrell McAllister Eileen Dennehy O’Connell Joanne Benedetti Parlamis Miriam Tomaselli Ellen Turk Elizabeth De La Riva Velasco Carey Wunsch Giannetti CLASS OF 1996 Class Participation: 9%
Amanda Porro Corallo Jennifer Burke DeCaria Maura Henninger Hardy Rebecca Kennedy Aimee Torres Latorre Kristin Redmond Melissa Zilocchi Riccio Heather Muller Schnaars Victoria Williams Robyn Assile Ziemba
CLASS OF 1997 Class Participation: 3%
Jessey Paul Abraham Angela Christou Chatzopoulos Sarahfaye Mahon CLASS OF 1998 Class Participation: 3%
Alexandra Durbak Laura Hugerich Magliocchetti Kristy Ahrlich Mascarenhas Danielle Norris CLASS OF 1999 Class Participation: 12%
Hilary Forster Bruck Dolores DiBella Dana Assile Hanna Margaux Peña Hufnagel Julie Clifford Murray Marianne Rausch Nardozzi Kathryn Chambers Press Patricia Cleary Reid Ann Marie Madigan Rybak Christin Hartwig Shrump Juliana Barno Spitzer Diane Hamel Triolo Mary Turk Johanna Morrison Volpi CLASS OF 2000 Class Participation: 20%
Anonymous Theodora Angelos Kate Giella Augusto Jennifer Holme Bagley Lisa Cecere Benigno Elizabeth Bouvier Kelly Quirk Ceperly Erin Kearns Conrad Eileen Monaghan DeLucia Emily Schmitt Dennis Kristina Dunham Katrina Durbak Susan Criscuolo Foerster Tamara Fowls Tara Nugent Harrington Rosalyn B. Kim Kimberly Sica La Spada Dana Russo Luppino Jillian Giliberto Miller Caroline Morris Miller Jaclyn Cocchiola Perna Kathryn Ryan Katie Arscott Sheil Elisa Abayhan Toturgul CLASS OF 2001 Class Participation: 3%
Melissa Mattiace Mendes Corinne Cerrati Myslinski Stephanie Nebel Maria Schweitzer Tatham
CLASS OF 2002 Class Participation: 4%
Ana Book Cristina Helvacian Demirdjian Stefanie Luckow Hawkinson Jessica O’Neill Leto CLASS OF 2003 Class Participation: 4%
Sally Casper Binder Leigh Shahbazian Connelly Angela Cucco Jenkins Claire-Voe Ocampo Stephanie Sinon Pandya CLASS OF 2004 Class Participation: 3%
Alyssa Cressotti Maria Giotis Elizabeth Bennett Horton Alessandra Preziosi Michener CLASS OF 2005 Class Participation: 2%
Anonymous Cara Gallagher Vanessa Ciaravino McGovern CLASS OF 2006 Class Participation: 5%
Denise Casagrande Galiatsatos Caroline Graham Meghan Boswell Peters Maureen Turk Sandra Shahbazian Zucconi CLASS OF 2007 Class Participation: 5%
Melissa Diaz Allred Mary Helen Larsen Jeanette Rizzitiello Suzana Saric Rice Makaila Zimick
CLASS OF 2008 Class Participation: 5%
Nancy Angelica Elizabeth Best-Bradford Kate Branciforte Daniella Ciacciarelli Ellen Marston Darwish Kathleen DiGiulio Stephanie Gibney Dowling CLASS OF 2009 Class Participation: 4%
Natasha Gonzalez Camille Menendez Sabrina Mullin Nellie Ryan Diana Popstefanov Strlovski
CLASS OF 2010 Class Participation: 5%
Kelly Bronner Katherine Russo Harper Jacqueline Heath Nicole Onderdonk Lauren Pincus Caleigh Rice CLASS OF 2011 Class Participation: 2%
Lily McLaughlin Lauren Wiener Zambas CLASS OF 2012 Class Participation: 2%
Mairin Lane Caroline Malley Brittany Sonera
CLASS OF 2013 Class Participation: 1%
CLASS OF 2014 Class Participation: 1%
Jae Eun Kim
CLASS OF 2015 Class Participation: 1%
Gabriella Messina
Class of 2018 Class Participation: 2%
Radhika Shulka Anya Skae
CLASS OF 2019 Class Participation: 1%
Jacklyn Kelly
CLASS OF 2020 Class Participation: 1%
Baylee-Rose Cooper
As we celebrate our 142nd year, we are grateful to the School Sisters of Notre Dame for their financial contribution as well as their support and continued sponsorship of the Academy of the Holy Angels.
30+ Years Mrs. Phyllis Gutto Brew Mrs. Stephanie Rivardo Castrovinci Ms. MaryDoreen DiGiacomo Ms. Eileen Dowling Ms. Barbara Fritsche Ms. Patricia Geoghegan Ms. Raphaela Giampiccolo Sister Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Mrs. Barbara Hayes Meinzinger Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy Mrs. Mary McCarthy Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pikarsky Mrs. JoAnn McDermott Reed Mario & Theresa Spola Family Foundation Ms. Mary Stuart Ms. Nancy Visocki 25+ Years Mr. & Mrs. David Bednarcik Mrs. Florence Doyle Brown Mrs. Marie Zenorini Canepa Ms. Barbara Smith Costigan Mrs. Maureen Reilly DeLosa Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Diverio Dr. Stephanie Bille Donohue Ms. Margaret Fry Fennell Mrs. Patricia McAtee Kiesel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krone Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luckow Miss Jennifer Moran Ms. Pamela Schwitter Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris 20+ Years Ms. Fortunata Barbara Mr. John Barrett Ms. Adrienne Benzoni Ms. Elizabeth Cassino Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuhrman Mrs. Jean Marie DiGioia Jamieson Mrs. Mary McNulty Maher Mrs. Patricia Malesardi Mrs. Karen Vanacek Ohly Ms. Melissa Zilocchi Riccio Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shahbazian
15+ Years Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Adorno Ms. Lucille Bertram Ms. Theresa Biasi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Branciforte, Sr. Ms. Rosemary Capuzzi Mrs. Leigh Shahbazian Connelly Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo & Mr. Geoffrey Butler Mr. & Mrs. Baljit Dail Mrs. Beth Oldfield DiLorenzo Mrs. Gail Fair Ms. Dorothy Fell Mrs. Joan Larsen Friezo Dr. Arleen Pancza Graham Ms. Caroline Graham Mr. & Mrs. Adam Hawkinson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hill Mrs. Maureen O’Halloran Humiston Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kearns Mrs. Judith Eremin Lamp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney Mrs. Marguerite Murphy Nolan Mrs. Colleen Oates Oberg Mr. & Mrs. Michael Regan Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser Ms. Patricia Romano School Sisters of Notre Dame Ms. Judith Violick Mrs. Carolyn Lucia Vioni Mrs. Anne Marie Whittemore Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek Mr. & Mrs. John Ziemba 10+ Years Dr. Maria Abbattista Dr. Antonia Adamo Bouillette Ms. Elizabeth Bouvier Ms. Kate Branciforte Mrs. Ann Carty Bruchansky Dr. Mary Campagnolo Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Cariello Ms. Michele Toth Carr Mrs. Christine McGoey Cummings Ms. Cathryn Archibald Curia Ms. Claire Nelson Dale Ms. Gerda Willenborg Della Valle Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Deramo Ms. Kathleen Tigh Detrano Mrs. Virginia Puig Dolan
Mrs. Gail Brinkworth Dughi Ms. Alexandra Durbak Ms. Rosemary Ervin Mrs. Eileen McMahon Eschbacher Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Foster Ms. Pamela Gheysen Rev. Elizabeth Kress Golub Mrs. Sheila Gorman Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter Mrs. Jacqueline Marella Haywood Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett Horton Ms. Tara Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kennedy Ms. Amy McCabe Kennedy Mrs. Lydia Valitzky Kesler Mrs. Jane Henzi Kiefer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kohli Mrs. Mary Beardsley Land Mrs. Mary Ann Markey Mammano Mrs. Pamela Filipowicz Mansager Mrs. Susan Grein Maroney Mrs. Eileen Galleshaw McCarthy Ms. Roseanne McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mellas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mierswa Ms. Jean Benzenberg Miller Ms. Barbara O’Neil Mingle Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Norton Mrs. Anne Ottomanelli & Dr. James Noble Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Powell Ms. Catherine Mark & Mr. Larry Reuter Mrs. Leslie Burke Robertson Mrs. Maureen O’Brien Sandner Dr. Catherine Costello Skae & Mr. John Skae Ms. Juliana Barno Spitzer Ms. Carla Antonelli Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. David Symmonds Ms. Linda Tuttle Mrs. Suzanne Voulgaris Mrs. Margaret Stika Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Edward Winkler
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Co n se c u ti v e D o n ors
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P a re n t g i v i n g b y c l a ss CLASS OF 2021
Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Amador Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Bacolod Drs. Warren & Melanie Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Neil Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Canney Mr. & Mrs. John Darmanin Mr. & Mrs. William Dodds Ms. Jenny Villa-Dominguez & Mr. Juan Carlos Dominguez Mr. & Mrs. Dan Driscoll Ms. Elia Migenes-Figueroa & Mr. Orlando Figueroa Mr. & Mrs. John A. Flahive Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. John Grifonetti Mr. & Mrs. Michael Henry Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Herera Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kim Mr. & Mrs. Steven Laux Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. David Lovatt Mr. & Ms. James Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Mark Marino Mr. & Mrs. Edward Meredith Mr. & Mrs. William Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murray Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Nicasio Dr. Tracy Scheller-Oaten & Mr. David Oaten Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Olivier Mr. & Mrs. David Pellegrino Mr. & Ms. Frank Polise Capt. & Mrs. Nicholas Presti Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ramos Mr. & Mrs. Jignesh Raval Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shea Mr. & Mrs. Sean Sheehan Ms. Jennifer McNamara & Mr. Michael Ulshoefer Hon. Karen Boylan & Mr. John Young
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Arbogast Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Bacolod Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Battaglia Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bauer Ms. Margaret Bocage Drs. Nancy Eng & KC Chang Mr. & Mrs. William Cho Mr. & Mrs. Peter Coleman M Mr. & Mrs. Baljit Dail Mr. & Mrs. Jason Danahy Mr. & Mrs. Jay Day Mr. & Mrs. James Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Robert Foothorap Mr. & Mrs. Brian Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hess Rev. & Mrs. Donald Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kotch Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Marinuzzi Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morgan Mrs. Anne Ottomanelli & Dr. James Noble Ms. Keri Rigoli Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Romano Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rubino Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Sawyer Mr. & Ms. Kang Sung Mr. & Mrs. Lee Swearer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Syby Mr. & Mrs. John Tenaglia Mr. & Mrs. Brett Terjanian Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Toscano Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Vergona Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Watson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yale
CLASS OF 2023 Mr. Anthony Acosta Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Battaglia Ms. Victoria Beall Drs. Warren & Melanie Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Cifelli Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cossio Mr. & Mrs. Carl Costanza Mr. & Mrs. John Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. David Deramo
We love to hear from our alumnae! Please share your good news and accomplishments with the entire AHA community. Send your news and photos for the next issue of Tidings to alumnae@holyangels.org. High resolution photos only please.
Ms. Jacqueline Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Favaro Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Dr. Neil Goyal & Dr. Jennifer DiPace Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guy Mr. Robert Hetzer Mr. & Mrs. Won Hur Mr. & Mrs. Robert McMahon Dr. Tracy Scheller-Oaten & Mr. David Oaten Mr. & Mrs. David Orlofsky Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ponti Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Radtke Ms. Blaire Rzempoluch Dr. & Mrs. Sharad Sahu Mr. & Ms. Nicola Santoro Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sapka Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sapontzis Mr. & Ms. Paul Shen Mr. & Ms. Alex Stein Ms. Angelina Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tomasella Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wacker Mr. Jay Youn & Ms. Dorhee Kim
CLASS OF 2024 Dr. & Mrs. Augustine Akalonu Dr. & Mrs. Richard Chan Mr. & Mrs. Doojin Chung Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Corcoran Mr. & Mrs. Frank Covino Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo & Mr. Geoffrey Butler Mr. & Mrs. Jason Danahy Mr. & Mrs. Mark David Ms. Jennifer Van Blarcom & Mr. James DeLuise Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Gee Ms. Bernarda Gomez & Mr. Oscar Guilamo Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Harper Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hynes Mr. & Mrs. Jack Karamanoukian Mr. & Mrs. Elias Karlis
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Karlis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keller Mr. Boniface Kiamue Mr. & Mrs. David Kim Mr. & Mrs. Michael Langan Mr. & Mrs. Patrice Leys Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Vince Maimone Mr. & Mrs. James Melia Mr. & Mrs. Gary Palikowski Mr. & Mrs. Albert Paquet Dr. & Mrs. Enzo Ragucci Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roque Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ruiz Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Sawyer Ms. Lisa Scott Mr. Peter Serpico Mr. & Mrs. Martin Smith Ms. Jennie Gavin & Mr. Ronald Speed Dr. Mariliza LaCap-Tong & Dr. Darren Tong Dr. Elizabeth & Mauricio Velasco Mr. & Mrs. Keith Yoo
CLASS OF 2025 Dr. Joseph Petriello & Ms. Loredana Altamura Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Amador Mr. & Mrs. Peter Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cossio Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Crimmins Mr. & Mrs. Baljit Dail Mr. & Mrs. John Darmanin Ms. Elia Migenes-Figueroa & Mr. Orlando Figueroa Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gross Mrs. Maureen Corbett Gullo Mr. & Mrs. Jack Karamanoukian Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Karlis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Parlamis Ms. Keri Rigoli Mr. & Ms. Kang Sung Mr. & Mrs. John Tenaglia
Stay in touch! Kindly keep our Alumnae Office informed of your current address, email and phone number so you will receive invitations, emails, and more. Visit www.holyangels.org/alumnae-update to confirm your information today, or call 201-768-7822 ext 273.
Applied Materials Foundation Bank of America Matching Gifts The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership Barings, LLC CDK Global Chubb Charitable Foundation Consolidated Edison Company of NY The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation Gartner Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs MasterCard International, Inc. Novartis US Foundation Pfizer Foundation Salesforce.org UBS Foundation USA Matching Gift Program
Faculty & Staff gifts Mrs. Nadine Behrens Mrs. Sally Casper Binder ’03 Mrs. Marie Buckey Ms. Barbara Bennett Burklund ’77 Mrs. Jennifer Carlin Mrs. Jeanette Carrier Ms. Julia Collins Ms. Jennifer Crusco Mr. Peter DeVries Ms. Stephanie Gibney Dowling ’08 Mrs. Gail Fair S. Mary Foley, SSND Mrs. Melinda Hanlon Dr. Gretchen Hannoush Mrs. Sharon Jureller Mr. Dan Mahoney
Mrs. Michèle McGovern Mrs. Jean Benzenberg Miller ’83 Mrs. Maryanne Miloscia Mrs. Tara Nordsvan Mrs. Effie Panos Ms. Patricia Prucnel Mrs. Regina Caruso Radoslovich ’71 Mrs. AnneMarie Ryan ’80 Ms. Donna Ryan Mrs. Kathleen Sylvester Mrs. Francesca Tambone-Puzio Ms. Dorrie Voulgaris Ms. Sheila Wroblewski ’79
a n n ua l r e p o rt | 2021
Matching gift companies
S tudent P rofile myra bocage Myra, a highly-regarded pianist, is a multi-time medalist in the New York State School Music Association honors performance auditions, where she has earned several perfect scores for her outstanding musicianship. Each year she participates in this event, Myra has been invited to play in the Gold Recital, the highest level possible. At the Academy, Myra plays for the AHA Jazz Ensemble and Music Makers, the group that performs for school liturgies and events. She has entertained visitors by playing ragtime selections on the piano at a recent AHA Spring Open House. For the past 10 years, Myra has also used her piano performances to help raise funds for Rockland Helping Hands, an organization that assists individuals who are homeless. She is also involved in a church-sponsored project that distributes food to people in need. This busy Angel is a member of the AHA Handbell Choir, and sings alto for the AHA Choir and Seraphima, the Academy’s audition-only a cappella ensemble. She regularly shares her talents during Music in Our Schools Month®. Myra is a member of Tri-M, the national music honor society for students who demonstrate exemplary scholarship, leadership, character, and musicianship. In 2020, Myra played a medley of Christmas songs for Tri-M’s virtual outreach concert, which was shared with local senior citizens and the School Sisters of Notre Dame, AHA’s foundresses and sponsors.
Myra is also a member of the National Honor Society and the Spanish National Honor Society, which recognizes students for excellent work in their studies of the Spanish language. This student also communicates via American Sign Language. She is regularly named to the Principal’s List/Honor Roll for her outstanding grade point average. In her capacity as an Angel Ambassador, she leads campus tours for prospective students and their families, and offers her insider’s insights into life as an Angel.
FU N FAC TS : • You might spot Myra reading novels from Lois Lowry’s “The Giver” series. • Memorable Vacation Spot: Myra enjoyed visiting Haiti on her first cruise. The people were warm and friendly, and there were plenty of great giveaways. • Cafeteria Favorites: The “famous” AHA cookies and Fun Food Fridays.
“I feel that I have made so many lasting bonds and friendships with so many people in this school that I don’t think I could ever have at any other school. This community really means so much to me, and I have never been more thankful to be a part of it than I am now. Being a senior, I really am sad that it’s my last year with my classmates, but I want to try and make these last few months as memorable as possible.”
a n n ua l r e p o rt | 2021
TRIBUTE GIFTS In Memory of S. Mary Adria, SSND Mrs. Margaret Cichewicz Russo ’65 In Honor of Stephanie Albert ’16 Mrs. Gloria Albert In Honor of Ellie Anderson ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser In Memory of Joseph & Ida Antonelli Ms. Carla Antonelli Sutherland ’67 In Memory of S. Mary Avila, SSND Mrs. Lucia Cirino Murphy ’58 In Memory of Patricia Barry Dr. Maureen Barry Iannace ’90 In Memory of Marie Benzoni Ms. Adrienne Benzoni ’67 In Memory of Vivian Bergonzi Azelis Americas, LLC Mrs. Claudia Bogris Mr. Marc Capezzone Mr. & Mrs. Bob Capozzi Mrs. Jackie Conniff Mrs. Jo-Ann Cahill Delfino ’79 Mrs. Jean DiGrande Mr. & Mrs. Albert Etre Mrs. Susan Flanagan Mrs. Margaret Bergonzi Gargiulo ’75 Mr. Paul Goodale Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gruber Mr. & Mrs. David Heiger Mrs. Edith Heiger Mr. Jean-Pierre Pelchat Mrs. Joanna Penta Mrs. Nancy Pupke Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Recine Mrs. Beverle J. Rivera Mrs. Terry Showalter Ms. Nancy Torre Spagnuolo ’80 Ms. Lisa Stein Mrs. Rose Suchoff Mr. Andres Vaska Ms. Katherine Whalen In Memory of Colette Feeney Brooks ’75 Mrs. Virginia Puig Dolan ’75 In Memory of Jerry Brown Mr. & Mrs. Neil Callahan In Memory of S. Claude Burns, SSND Mrs. Christine McAndrais Doherty ’86 Ms. Breanne Morley ’86 Dr. Leila Mureebe ’86 Mrs. Regina Toth Wackerman ’86 In Memory of Carolyn Byrne ’09 Ms. Camille Menendez ’09
In Memory of Mary E. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. David Bednarcik
In Memory of Karen Sullivan Camporeale ’88 Anonymous (2) Mr. John Angelone Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lamond Mrs. Norah Sullivan
Ms. Katie Arscott Sheil ’00 Ms. Elisa Abayhan Torturgul ’00 Mrs. Melissa Zangoglia Wetherbee ’00
In Honor of the Class of 2021 Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Romano
In Memory of John Dowling Ms. Eileen Dowling ’80
In Memory of Doris Cooney Mrs. Patricia Cooney O’Connor ’69
In Honor of Elizabeth Ebner ’78 Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin ’83
In Memory of Thomas Cooney Mrs. Patricia Cooney O’Connor ’69
In Honor of S. Henrice Eckert ’41, SSND Ms. Barbara Smith Costigan ’68
In Memory of Marie Crowe Ms. Jennifer Van Blarcom & Mr. James DeLuise
In Memory of Theresa Edone ’89 Mr. Raymond Cywinski
In Honor of Kyla Meisten Daher ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Meisten In Memory of S. Mary Serafine Della Croce ’49, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Della Croce In Honor of Lizabeth DeRuchie Ms. Ellen Marston Darwish ’08 In Memory of Jessica DeSanta ’00 Anonymous (4) Ms. Mary Alcaro Mrs. Denise Angelos Ms. Theodora Angelos ’00 Mrs. Kate Giella Augusto ’00 Ms. Jennifer Holme Bagley ’00 Mrs. Lisa Cecere Benigno ’00 Ms. Elizabeth Bouvier ’00 Mr. Kenneth Brown Mrs. Kelly Quirk Ceperly ’00 Mrs. Erin Kearns Conrad ’00 Mrs. Emily Schmitt Dennis ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeSanta Mr. Tim DeSanta Mrs. Eileen Monaghan DeLucia ’00 Ms. Kristina Dunham ’00 Ms. Alexandra Durbak ’98 Ms. Katrina Durbak ’00 Mrs. Susan Criscuolo Foerster ’00 Ms. Tamara Fowls ’00 Ms. Danielle Gaier Ms. Rosalyn Kim ’00 Ms. Larissa Kravanja Mrs. Kimberly Sica La Spada ’00 Mrs. Dana Russo Luppino ’00 Mrs. Christine McKnight Mrs. Caroline Morris Miller ’00 Mrs. Jillian Giliberto Miller ’00 Mrs. Jaclyn Cocchiola Perna ’00 Ms. Shannon Peters Ms. Kathryn Ryan ’00 Sylvia Picard Schmitt & John P. Schmitt Mr. Patrick Schmitt
In Memory of S. Catherine di Ricci, SSND S. Gertrude Marie Kramer ’50, SSND
In Honor of Christina Gallo ’16 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gallo In Memory of Anita Garinger Mrs. Denise Jennings Gunter ’82 In Memory of Melissa Garville ’99 Ms. Hilary Forster Bruck ’99 Ms. Dolores DiBella ’99 Mrs. Dana Assile Hanna ’99 Mrs. Margaux Peña Hufnagel ’99 Mrs. Julie Clifford Murray ’99 Mrs. Marianne Rausch Nardozzi ’99 Mrs. Ann Marie Madigan Rybak ’99 Mrs. Christin Hartwig Shrump ’99 Mrs. Julia Barno Spitzer ’99 Miss Mary Turk ’99 Mrs. Johanna Morrison Volpi ’99 In Memory of Margaret Powers Gidez ’42 Mrs. Maura Gidez Kilner ’84 In Memory of S. Catherine Green ’50, SSND S. Kathleen Dunham, SSND S. Gertrude Marie Kramer ’50, SSND In Honor of Elyse Deublein Harney ’48 Mrs. Elyse Harney-Morris Mr. Keith Harney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harney Mr. Paul Harney In Memory of Colleen Finnegan Hautau ’63 Mrs. Georgette Costa Dickman ’63 In Memory of Sheila Heslin Mrs. Marie Buckey In Memory of Sarah Ellen Hogan ’61 Ms. Mary Hogan ’65 In Memory of Frances Jesuele Ms. Patricia Jesuele Kowalski ’58
In Memory of Therese McGovern Mrs. Mary Beth McGovern Budra ’72
In Memory of Marie Keegan Ms. Siobhan Keegan ’93
In Honor of Maureen McSpirit ’83 Estate of Frances R. Hans
In Honor of S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND Ms. Mary Stuart ’57
In Memory of Richard Meltzer Mrs. Sharon Yetka Discavage ’64
In Memory of Marilyn Kirschner Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo ’93 & Mr. Geoffrey Butler Ms. Sharon Scully Machrone ’66 Mrs. Kristine Kour Tomesch ’67 In Memory of Wendy-Jane Savona Larre’ ’57 Mrs. Diana Titolo Alexander ’57
In Memory of Richard Mik Mrs. Linda Sistaro Marciniec ’65 In Memory of Gertrude I. and Gerard E. Mills Mrs. Elizabeth Mills Switaj ’70 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Neary Mrs. Diane Neary Ewing ’60
In Memory of Mildred Maltz Schumacher ’44 Ms. Carol Schumacher ’74 In Honor of Katryn Ebner Seliskar ’87 Mrs. Patricia Ebner Goldin ’83 In Honor of Radhika Shukla ’18 Drs. Apex & Nilesh Shukla In Memory of Evelyn and John Sisko Ms. Valerie Sisko ’90 In Memory of Josephine Soukup Mrs. Candace Soukup Fagan ’65 In Memory of Christine Walker Spedding ’61 Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Campau ’65
In Honor of Carol Laux ’21 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Laux
In Memory of Eileen O’Shea-Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Danny O’Shea
In Memory of Madelaine Loh ’09 Ms. Camille Menendez ’09
In Memory of Elise Guasti Radick ’68 Ms. Patricia Same Dignam ’68
In Memory of Gaiana Swanson ’81 Anonymous
In Honor of Olivia Luongo ’17 Dr. & Mrs. Peter Luongo
In Honor of Gretchen Radtke ’23 Anonymous
In Honor of S. Carole Tabano ’59, SSND Mrs. Rosemary Ervin ’62
In Honor of Sophia Luongo ’20 Dr. & Mrs. Peter Luongo
In Memory of James P. Ray Ms. Margaret Pacheco ’71
In Memory of Thomas and Gloria Visocki Ms. Nancy Visocki ’70
In Memory of Eugene Lupetin Mrs. Tara Lupetin Connor ’91 Mrs. Elaine Rizk Lupetin ’63
In Honor of Suzanne Rittereiser ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rittereiser
In Memory of George Voulgaris Mr. & Mrs. Donald Grignon
In Memory of Anthony J. Rosenkranz Mrs. Kathleen Rosenkranz Radcliffe ’81
In Memory of Robert C. Williams Mrs. Melanie Williams
In Memory of Maureen Kelly Rutigliano ’59 Mr. Andrew Bass
In Memory of Elaine C. Wraga Mr. Joseph Wraga
In Memory of Elizabeth Quinn Martin ’42 Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett Horton ’04 In Memory of Joan O’Brien Masini ’51 Mrs. Maureen O’Brien Sandner ’71 In Memory of Betty Mawhinney Mrs. Ellen Mawhinney Ruja ’69 In Honor of Hayley McGlone ’12 Mr. & Mrs. James McGlone
In Honor of The School Sisters of Notre Dame S. Diane Driscoll, SSJ
a n n ua l r e p o rt | 2021
In Memory of Virginia Kavanagh ’90 Angels Sisters from the AHA Class of 1990
In Honor of Theresa Spola Mrs. Maria Spola Muller ’71
In Memory of George & Edith Yancosek Ms. Rosemarie Yancosek ’82 In Memory of George Yetka Mrs. Sharon Yetka Discavage ’64
w ay s to g i v e Cash
The simplest form of gift, an outright cash donation, qualifies as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.
Recurring Gifts
Recurring gifts provide Holy Angels with steady, reliable funding to continue our mission through your monthly/ quarterly or annual gift to the Academy. To register for the program, please go to www.holyangels.org/annualfund and choose the recurring option.
Corporate and Matching Gifts
Double your impact! Many corporations provide resources to supplement the support by employees for charitable institutions. Please visit doublethedonation.com/holyangels to see if your employer participates.
Online Giving
Giving is only a click away at www.holyangels.org/annualfund
A gift of securities, stocks, and bonds entitles the donor to an income tax deduction, and may also reduce capital gains tax liability.
Planned Giving
Your planned gift will allow us to empower future generations of young women and will contribute to the sustainability of our mission and programs. Please visit www.holyangels.giftplans.org
a n n ua l r e p o rt | 2021
v o l u n teers We are so grateful to our dedicated volunteers who give selflessly of their time and talent. Thank you for making Holy Angels a better place! Amani Abdel-Dayem Stephanie Albert ’16 Melissa O’Neill Battaglia ’89 Christina Bauer David Bednarcik Mary Frances Byrne Bednarcik ’83 Christina Chan Heidi Chung Viorica Cifelli Kevin Corcoran Maura Slattery Corcoran ’86 Deanna D’Arrigo ‘93 Sharon Baelis Dail ‘87 Cathy Jalil Danahy ‘92 Stephanie David Kathy O’Shea Deiser ’90 Jennifer DiPace Katherine Dodds Jennifer Driscoll Janice Fernandez Kerry Ann Flahive Margaret Fowler
Patricia Frassa Kevin Freeburn Mary Gallagher Jennie Galvin Erin Gelineau Bernadette Geraghty Elizabeth Giannantonio Carmen Gonzalez-Pichardo Krisann Guy Calvin Harper Christa Harper Charles Keller Debra Keller Ellen Kim Diane Kvilesz Miliko Laba Mariliza LaCap-Tong Brenda Laux Alexandra Leys Yu-Shi Lin Crystal Lindsay Anna Angeka Lupinacci-McMahon
Jana Maimone Tamara Malakeh-Roque Linda Marinuzzi Tara McCann Kathleen McDermott Julie Melia Carrie Meredith Carolyn Miller Marian Mosley Noelia Naham Chandra Mika Nakamura Anne Marie Thompson Neville ’93 Sonia Ortiz Silvana Paquet Maria Pawlikowski Pauline Pellegrino Rosita Presti Keri Rigoli Joanne Romano Darren Rosen Rosemary Ruiz Blaire Rzempoluch
Radhika Sahu Kristen Santoro Jesse Sawyer Karen Sawyer Luisa Serrano Kelly Shea Kathleen Swearer Kimberly Terjanian Angela Thomas Julia Tomasella Dayna Tripodi Jennifer Van Blarcom Elizabeth De La Riva Velasco ’95 Angela Vergona Jenny Villa-Dominguez Alicia Vonderhorst Geraldine O’Shea Wacker ’88 Maryellen Yale Robin Assile Ziemba ’96
Luigi Meats The Market Basket Mary & Maud Custom Wreaths Ms. Cecelia McGlew Mr. & Mrs. James Melia Ms. Erin Musich & Mr. John Hatcher Mr. & Mrs. Steven Naham Organizing with Ease, LLC Ms. Anne Ottomanelli & Dr. James Noble Ms. Azmeena Pasha Mr. & Mrs. Randal Pernicone Plated by D Mr. Bill Potkulksi Capt. & Mrs. Nicholas Presti Ring Home Security Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Romano Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roque Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Ms. Blaire Rzempoluch Dr. & Mrs. Sharad Sahu
Mr. Joseph Sanzari Sassy Dog Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schneberger Schoolberries, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shahbazian Mrs. Sandra ShahbazianZucconi & Mr. Anthony Zucconi St. Joseph Reg. High School St. Peter’s Prep Stone & Rail Suka Jewelry Terrie O’Connor Realtors Tons of Toys Total Wine & More, River Edge Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tripodi Visentini Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wacker Mrs. Meaghan Williams Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yale Ms. Dorhee Kim & Mr. Jay Youn Mr. & Mrs. John Ziemba
g i f ts i n k i n d
AHA Dance Teams AHA Fine Arts Students AHA Instrumental Performance Students AHA Parents’ Guild AHA Theater Department Students AHA Vocal Performance Students Amazing Lash Studio American Dream Mall Dr. Edward Aversa Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Battaglia Bergen Catholic High School Bradford Renaissance Portraits Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brannigan Mr. Nunzio Campanile Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Canney CGI Holistic Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Raul Chavez Mr. & Mrs. Doojin Chung Mr. & Mrs. Peter Coleman
Ms. Jane McGlew Collen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Corcoran CycleBar of Closter Ms. Deanna D’Arrigo & Mr. Geoffrey Butler Don Bosco Preparatory Mr. & Mrs. Dan Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ferolie The Fig Leaf S. Mary Foley, SSND Mr. & Mrs. Gary Giannantonio Godwin Nails & Spa Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guy Hair Trendz Designs Herff Jones, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Yoon Kim Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kontzamanis Mr. & Mrs. Jongseo Lee Mr. & Mrs. Patrice Leys Ms. Susan Liddy Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lindsay Lisa Ferrante Studio
As we celebrate our 142nd anniversary, we are SOLID…STRONG…and LOOKING TOWARD THE FUTURE
C apital Campaign - Phase II – $5.0 Million Creating a State-of-the-Art-Performance Space
a n n ua l r e p o rt | 2021
c a p it a l c a m p a i g n
Our theatre is original to the opening of our Demarest campus in 1965. Now, over 55 years later, we seek to create a new state-of-the art performance space through the complete renovation of every dimension of AHA’s auditorium and music wing. This project will benefit all of our students and provide a contemporary facility for performing arts, assemblies, alumnae and parent gatherings, and school liturgies. • Up-to-the-minute stage with high tech and specialized audio and light system • Sacristy for school liturgies • Stage curtain • Renovated music corridor, including choral and instrumental rooms • Practice rooms • New air conditioning • Renovated AHA School Store • Complete renovation and redesign of audience space including new seating for 745 in lower level and balcony
Contact Director of Advancement and Alumnae Relations Patricia Brussel at 201-338-8524 to learn about the new performance space or for information about naming opportunities and other ways you can support these important updates.
S tudent P rofile “The Academy has pushed me to grow, not only as a student, but also as a teammate, friend, and sister. Everyone here wants to succeed and is supportive of each other.” Hannah is a Universal Dance Association All-American, three-time UDA Pin-It-Forward Award recipient, and a national champion with the AHA Varsity Dance Team, which she now serves as co-captain. This talented Angel is also a custom clothing entrepreneur, an outstanding scholar, and
compassionate volunteer. Each month, Hannah donates a portion of her proceeds from her business, 5/15 Collection, to different causes, including UNICEF, Saint Joseph’s Home, and Heart of Dinner. This last organization combats food insecurity and isolation within New York’s elderly Asian-American community. Hannah is pursuing a nursing externship through AHA’s Angels Advantage Program, and recently completed Columbia University’s program for young entrepreneurs.
tidings | winter 2021
a l u m n a e a sso c i a tio n p reside n t My Dear Angel Sisters,
Patricia Brussel. Patricia succeeds Dorrie Voulgaris, who tirelessly served AHA for 29 years. Our new director has seamlessly taken on her new role, and we’re thrilled to be working together. Look out for correspondence from her office as events unfold.
I hope this issue of Tidings finds you well and filled with hope that we will soon get back to “normal life.” Holy Angels has certainly exceeded expectations with an impressive start to the 2021-2022 school year. In September, all Angels and staff were thrilled to return to in-person learning after being on a hybrid schedule last year. Once again, the halls are filled with excitement and cheerfulness. September brought an exciting addition: the new AHA Middle School! The January 2021 announcement of the new school brought a flood of applications from future Angels eager to start their AHA journey early. Currently at capacity, the middle school educates girls in Grades 6-8 in the recently renovated S. Genevieve Kelleher Hall. Traci Koval, the middle school dean, runs a flawless operation with her team of teachers, most of whom are solely dedicated to the middle school. As the parent of an AHA eighth grader, I can attest to the academic, spiritual, and social foundation the middle school provides. The whole experience is a gift, and we look forward to seeing the success of our youngest Angels as they move forward to high school. This fall, we welcomed Director of Advancement & Alumnae
As you may know, we completed Phase 1 of the auditorium renovation before the pandemic. Phase 2 will involve fundraising to update the lighting, sound, and seating. Auditorium chair commemorations are still available. A plaque will be placed on the armrest of each seat to honor or memorialize a loved one. Please email alumnae@holyangels.org for details. This issue also includes the annual report, which highlights those who generously contributed to the Annual Fund. Your support is the love, faith, and hope that allow AHA to provide young women with the wings they need to soar. Lastly, if you’re currently not connected to AHA via social media, we would love to see you online! Warmest Regards, Robyn Assile Ziemba ’96
alumnae N E W S
Classmates from 1948 have been close over the years getting together in-person whenever possible. The pandemic was not going to stop them! They started meeting weekly on zoom. The participants are: Florence Horgan ’48, Helen LaBe Higley ’48, Claire Nelson Dale ’48, Marguerite Martine Kennedy ’48, Elyse Deublein Harney ’48 & Mary Braddock Lanni ’48.
’66 Virginia (Ginny) Restivo Morgan ’66 let us know that she is retired & living on the beautiful Gulf Coast of Florida.
’70 30
Tara Greaney ’70 recently had her book “Montessori at Home” published. She has more than 40 years of experience in early childhood education. Tara is the head of
school at Morningside Montessori School & served as director of the Early Program at The Caedmon School, the first Montessori school in New York City. She is also a founding faculty member at the West Side Montessori School Teacher Education Program.
’75 The NJ State Police featured Cynthia DeGloria McSweeney ’75 as part of their celebration of women’s history month. Cynthia has worked for the NJ State Police for almost 39 years in their crime lab. She shares, “I am always grateful for the strength & confidence the Academy gave me & for S. Jeanine & S. Anthony for their pushing me on the scientific path.”
’76 Fifteen years ago, Maria TsarnasAntokas ’76 moved from New Jersey to Maryland & transitioned from a career in banking to teaching. She is now chairperson of the Entrepreneurship Signature Program at The Bullis School. She also took her own advice & founded
a start-up called Atalanta Publishing that helps authors self-publish their poetry & books. Maria shares, “I’m truly enjoying being an entrepreneur & teaching budding students interested in business & economics.”
’77 Michelle McCarthy Murphy ’77 recently started a new job. Michelle joined Mercy High School in Middletown, CT as Senior Director of Advancement. The school has approximately 400 female students and is located in Middletown, CT. Michelle previously worked at Malta House of Care, Inc., Kingswood Oxford School and Northwest Catholic High School.
Jean Benzenberg Miller ’83 added another title to her resume: Grandma. Jean welcomed Cael Nelson Mullooly to the family on October 5, 2021. Proud aunt is Meghan Mullooly Cubertson ’05.
Leslie Cascone Rohrbacker ’86 has been awarded a 2021 Oncon Icon Award & named one of the top 100 Human Resources Professionals by OnConferences. Leslie is the Chief Human Resources Officer for Fragomen. The Oncon Icon awards recognize the top HR professionals in the world & finalists are voted on by their peers to determine the winners.
Jennifer Riley bought AHA hats from the AHA Bookstore. She had them expedited to her home in Pennsylvania for a mini reunion. Pictured left to right: Jennifer Williams Riley, Ann Dolan McGovern, Jennifer Terraciano Cassedy, Kathleen Hurley Ryan, Lisa Amabile MacDonald, Kathleen Wallace Thompson, Colleen O’Leary Sotiryadis, Keri Murray Mottola. Jennifer reported that they had a wonderful time celebrating their 50th birthdays, telling old stories about the “fun bunch” and had so many laughs.
Over the summer, Teresa Everett Normann, Julia Geffert Rimas, Michelle Muano Weir, Susan Nicolich Savino & Theresa Pellegrino Simon met at the Jersey shore to celebrate their 50th birthdays. They have been friends since they were 15 years old…lunch table friends for 35 years.
honeymoon to Hawaii, they reside in Saddle River, NJ. They have three grown children between them: Isabella Napolitano ’19, Jack (23 years old), & Daniel (22 years old).
’93 Nicole Alasio Martone ’93 was promoted to Vice President of Operations for Associa Community Management Corporation of NJ after serving as the branch’s Director of Operations & Community Director. She also earned her PCAM (Professional Community Association Manager) designation in 2019, which is the highest designation available with CAI (Community Associations Institute), in the property management industry. She has participated in a number of industry webinars & serves on CAI Editorial Committee for 2020 & 2021.
’97 The Art Institute of Chicago has named Irene Sunwoo ’97 as the John H. Bryan Chair & Curator, Architecture & Design. Previously, Irene was the Curator of the Arthur Ross Architecture Gallery & Director of Exhibitions at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation. She received a BA in Art History from New York University, an MA from the Bard Graduate Center, an MA from the Architectural Association, & a PhD from the Princeton University School of Architecture.
’01 Laurie Madigan Coppola ’01 announced the birth of her son. Luke Dominic Coppola was born on October 28, 2021.
Kendra Mara ’03 married Ryan J. Roman of Butler, PA on July 4th, 2021. The couple hosted a vintage Americana state fair-themed wedding at Pinerock Farms in Champion, PA. Kendra was blessed to have her best friend of 20 years, Nicole Harencak Pecoraro ’03 stand by her side as Matron of Honor. Other angels in attendance included Dana Harencak Heinold ’07 & Beth Martel ’03. Kendra currently works as a psychotherapist at a group practice in Seven Fields, PA & husband Ryan manages his own business as a financial advisor.
’04 Stephanie Ringelstein Colangelo ’04 and her husband Mathew Colangelo became parents recently. They welcomed Logan Matthew to the family on November 1, 2021. Logan weighed in at 6 pounds 7 ounces and was 20 inches long.
’91 Stephanie Vassallo Lenahan ’91 & David Lenahan were married on August 21, 2021. After their
Kathleen had Andrew David Fritch on June 4, 2021. All are healthy & happy Angel Boys! Kathleen shared, “We are all so grateful & feel so blessed to have gone on this journey together being Angels together & being best friends for 35 years.”
tidings | winter 2021
Kathleen Marzolla Fritch ’99, Erin McCue Cooney’99 & Molly Breslin Cavanaugh ’99 all had baby boys in 2021! Erin had Callan James Cooney on February 11, 2021; Molly had Ronan Pierce Cavanaugh on March 9, 2021 &
Lauren Maurer Geerlof ’05 & her family, husband Tom, & daughters Emma & Hallie welcomed Hannah Scarlet into this world on September 30, 2021. Christina Burke Kubissa ’05 & her husband Noah are happy to announce the birth their son, Parker Jules (at left), on August 10, 2020. Big sister, Sadie, is so in love!
tidings | winter 2021
On Tuesday, October 13, 2021, Rita Cirillo May ’05 & husband, Richard, welcomed son, Leonardo James. The family is over the moon in love, especially, big brother Richie. Vanessa Ciaravino McGovern ’05 & husband, Joe, welcomed their first child, Jack Joseph on September 15, 2020. He tipped the scales at 9 pounds 8 ounces & was 21 inches long. The family currently resides in Ho-HoKus. Kathleen Anne Kohl ’05 married James Bothwell Quay on April 17, 2021 in a ceremony officiated by Fr. James Harlan at The Church of Bethesda-By-TheSea in Palm Beach, Florida. A reception at the Everglades Club followed. The couple, both class of ’09 graduates of Colgate University, reconnected over a decade later in Austin, Texas where they presently reside.
’07 Kyle McKinney Cryster ’07 welcomed their second child, a little boy, Thomas James on October 27, 2021. Tommy can’t wait to run around with big sister, Cecilia.
Zarig Baghdadlian ’08 a GIA certified gemologist and second generation jeweler, launched her eponymous jewelry line, ZARIG, to create fine pieces for all occasions. She holds degrees in fashion merchandising from LIM College in New York, and master’s degrees in art, law, and business through Christie’s in London. She previously worked for her family’s company, HB Group. She traveled the world to source gems and work with leading craftsman. A portion of her company’s proceeds are donated to organizations that advocate for female artists and artisans.
Rosie Spano Lambert ’08 & husband, Alexander, welcomed their third son, Evan Joseph, “EJ,” on October 15, 2021. EJ weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 21inches long. Big brothers, Chase & Max can’t wait to show EJ the ropes.
female Director of Rehabilitation in her company. Natalia said, “If it were not for my education & growth as a leader at AHA, I know this would not be possible. Angels fly higher!” Stefanie Mastbeth Trento ’09 & her husband, Angelo, are blessed to share the news that Aubrianna Marina was born on October 12, 2021 at Jersey Shore Medical Center at 11:29PM. She weighed in at 7 pounds 6 ounces & was 19 inches long.
’10 Maureen McNulty ’08 married George Layng on September 3, 2021. Michelle Greaux ’08 & Erin van der Have Moore ’08 were bridesmaids. Also in attendance were Christine Montemurro Barrett ’08, Tara Ryan ’08, Fiona Oates ’08 & Tara Driggs Hopfenspirger ’04.
Christine Montemurro ’08, daughter of Diane Schwitter Montemurro ’72 & Arthur Montemurro, married Joseph Barrett on November 2, 2019 at St. Aedan’s Church in Jersey City. Following the Mass, the couple hosted a reception at the Liberty House. Maggie Montemurro ’06 served as maid of honor. Fiona Oates ’08 & Kate Zitelli ’08 were bridesmaids. Other Angels at the celebration were Michelle Greaux ’08, Tara Ryan ’08 & Maureen McNulty ’08. Christine’s aunts Pam Schwitter ’65, Jan Halder ’67, Marybeth Flynn ’69 & cousin Elizabeth Halder Willkomm ’96 celebrated along with friends Janet Beaugard ’69, Jeanne Beaugard ’72, & Sharon Smith-Raska ’69. Christine and Joe honeymooned in Hawaii and are enjoying their new home in Weymouth, MA.
’09 Natalia Fidelus ’09 advised us that she put in many months of working COVID units as an occupational therapist in several nursing homes in NY over the last 18 months. She became the youngest
After the pandemic had put the original plans on hold, finally, on November 14, 2020, Emily Ligouri ’10 married Andrew Creedon in an intimate ceremony in Montauk, NY with their immediate family present. The couple looks forward to having a larger celebration with family & friends at another time. Daniella Pascaru Durso ’10 & husband, Joe, welcomed their first child, a daughter, Gianna Rose, on October 14, 2021. Gianna weighed in at 6 pounds 14 ounces & was 20.5 inches long.
’11 Cinthya Pereira ’11 received a master of management degree in hospitality from Cornell University in December 2020.
’12 Jennifer Birchwale ’12 recently graduated with a Ph.D.in Clinical Psychology with Health Emphasis from Yeshiva University’s Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology. Dr. Birchwale’s dissertation examined food addictive behaviors in bariatric seeking
’16 Patricia Krisan ’16 graduated from the United States Naval Academy in May with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science. Following graduation & commissioning, Patricia is attending US Naval Pilot Training in Pensacola, FL.
’17 Ariela Pizza ’17 @arielalauren is Miss Bergen County 2022. In June 2021, she represented the title of Miss Ramapo Valley, won the preliminary talent award, and placed fourth runner up at Miss New Jersey. She enjoys serving her community, inspiring the next
generation, and sharing her love for music and creativity. Pizza sings at the Lillian Booth Actors Fund Home and teaches a Zoom after-school program for the Boys & Girls Club. She was just cast as Sister Mary Robert in “Sister Act,” her first professional show. She received her bachelor’s degree in musical theater from the Manhattan School of Music, and is working toward an MBA. She shared that the Miss America Organization allowed her to take on new endeavors to reach her goals. Melanie Welch ’17 was selected to wear No. 19 in a Boston College lacrosse game. Annually, one player is selected to wear 19 in honor of Welles Crowther. Crowther, a graduate of Boston College & former lacrosse player, lost his life rescuing others on Sept. 11, 2001. Crowther’s selflessness & courage inspired people around the world as he wore his trademark red bandana.
Carole Tabano Marks 60 Years as School Sister of Notre Dame Carole Tabano, SSND, (AHA ’59) celebrated her 60th Jubilee as a School Sister of Notre Dame on May 1, 2021. The Zoom/livestream event reached viewers in Italy, England, Canada, and the United States. S. Carole was honored to give the opening address. “Sisters, we have all experienced some type of storms, fears, and losses during our journey as SSNDs, but we have also known the wonderful joys, the religious experiences, the ‘WOW’ moments, and the unconditional love, forgiveness, and embrace of our God as we journeyed to this day of Jubilee,” S. Carole stated. “Our losses of sister Jubilarians, the sufferings endured during the pandemic, the challenges and transitions that have been part of our lives have not been easy, and yet we are here today as signs and witnesses of God’s love.” S. Carole entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the Holy Angels Chapel in Fort Lee after her 1959 graduation from Holy Angels. As an Angel, she played softball, served as co-captain of the varsity basketball team, and belonged to the Athletic Association Board. She is now a member of the AHA Athletic Hall of Fame. She also participated in the theater program, was active with the Sodality of Our Blessed Mother, and wrote for the newspaper. S. Carole’s celebration continued May 2 at an early morning Mass at the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River. S. Carole’s long-time friend, S. Henrice Eckert, SSND,
Each year, a player who embodies these characteristics is selected for the honor. Melanie shared, “Wearing 19 was one of the greatest honors & one of the greatest accomplishments I’ve had because I didn’t expect it.”
tidings | winter 2021
patients in the New York City Area. She is currently serving as a practitioner & Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy.
Mrs. Brianne Wolman, Social Studies Teacher, is happy & blessed to share that Andrew Scott Wolman arrived at 6:49 pm on Sunday, September 12. He came in at a fighting weight of 8 pounds 2 ounces & was 20 inches long. Mom & baby are doing well. Big sister Sarah is very excited.
worked with their parish to arrange for the jubilarian to renew her vows and receive a special blessing from Presentation’s pastor, Father Bob Stagg, and celebrant Monsignor Ed Ciuba. Music Director Ed Ginter chose a bilingual (Spanish/English) version of “I Say Yes, My Lord,” an apt reminder of S. Carole’s 58-year teaching career. In 1961, when S. Carole finished her training in Baltimore and went to teach in the mountain village of Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico, she did not realize she had uttered the words, “Digo sí, Señor.” At the time, she did not speak a word of Spanish. She quickly set to work teaching herself, and learned her new language so well that she spent many years helping others follow suit. S. Carole received her undergraduate degree at Seton Hall University and a master’s degree in Spanish at Iona College. In the late 1980s, S. Carole began teaching at Holy Angels, which had moved to Demarest in 1965. By the time she retired in 2019, she had invested 30 years teaching all levels of Spanish.
tidings | winter 2021
i n m e m ori a m SSND S. Grace D’Amico, SSND ’63 former AHA faculty member
Vincent Fochesato
Gerard Arellano
Raymond Harvier
Mother of Ann Marie Albano Gelay ’82
S. Vincenza Gagliostro, SSND ’59
Husband of Lorna Bautista Arellano ’01 & Brother-in-law of Lucille Bautista Austria ’94
S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND
Walter Asche
former AHA faculty member
S. Jean McLoughlin, SSND former AHA faculty member
Father of Renee Fochesato McCue ’81 Brother of Nancy Harvier Forrester ’87
Chung Do Hee
Father of Eileen Asche ’90
Grandmother of AHA faculty member Jennifer Lee
Odette Assile
Sheila Heslin
S. Mary Joannene Merendino, SSND former AHA faculty member
Grandmother of Robyn Assile Ziemba ’96 & Dana Assile Hanna ’99 & Great-Grandmother of Leyla Ziemba ’26
S. Yvonne Nadeau, SSND ’47
Dorothy Bartella
Barbara Hunter
Frank Bergonzi
J. Jeffrey
S. Lorraine Quinn, SSND ’51 former AHA faculty member
Mother of Pam Rushack AHA Faculty member
Mary Knox Carroll ’36
Father of Janice Bergonzi Constantino ’73, Margaret Bergonzi Gargiulo ’75, Kathy Bergonzi Recine ’80 and Linda Bergonzi King ’82
Joan McDonough ’42
Jeanette Blevis
Carol Knoeppel Callahan ’50
Grandmother of AHA faculty member Jonathan Blevis
Janet Dougherty Chalke ’50
Evelyn Bock
Juanita Tomasini Fierro ’53 Dorothy Miller Klemm ’54 Linda Lee Hoegberg Gunning ‘55 Dale Price Berian ’56 Karen Corrigan ’56 Dorothy Lilburn Muller ’58 Cindy Smith Nelson Bornstein ’58 Doris Drason Lacorte ’58 Carolyn Pomerenke ’58 Maureen Kelly Rutigliano ’59 Leslie Long Tate ’59 Teodula ‘Lita’ Vergara Hill ’61 Susan Duffy McAlear ’61
Grandmother of Alison Bock ‘02
Ellen Marie Bonanno
Mother of Marie Therese Bonanno Murphy ’75 & Elizabeth Bonanno Pitts ’77
William Borrows
Husband of Loretta Broeker Borrows ’70
John Breen
Brother of Mary Breen Batterson ’79
Marcella Campagnolo
Mother of Mary Campagnolo ’74 & Kathleen Campagnolo Kloeblen ’76
Father of Lori-Ann Castronuovo ’89
Valerie Glesnes-Anderson ’71 Kristine Ullmann Baxter ’71
John F. Cooke, Jr.
Paula Brennan Cornine ’83 Suzanne Lambert Ruley ’86 Virginia Kavanagh ’90 Melissa Garville ’99 Dominique Carlesimo ’08 FAMILY & FRIENDS Abdulkarim Al-Wazzan
Father of Noor Al-Wazzan ’22
Malak Al-Wazzan
Grandmother of Noor Al-Wazzan ’22
Gertrude Mills
Mother of Elizabeth Mills Switaj ’70, Mary Ellen Mills Barton ’71 & Kathleen Mills Heisey ’74 & former AHA Parents’ Guild President
Brother-in-law of AHA faculty member AnneMarie Ryan ’80 & Pamela Ryan Alusick ’77
John Moakler
Michael Kailas
Ed Moss
Father of Elisa Kailas ’08
Garrett Kaufman
Father of Susana Kaufman Burke ’84
Daniel Kemp
Brother of Rosemary Kemp ’71 & the late Katherine Kemp Miller ’75
Theodore Kotch
Grandfather of Jordan Kotch ’22
Peter Labita
Grandfather of Victoria ’17 & Julia ’21 & Father-in-law of Sheila Thornton Labita ’87
Brother of Gail Moakler Cowser ’59 Uncle of AHA faculty member Jennifer Cucchisi & Drew Mount ’16
Anthony Napierski
Father of Justine Napierski ’90
Joseph Napoli
Husband of Loretta Spiaggia Napoli ’64 & Grandfather of Beatrice Gee ’24 & Lily Gee ’24
Dennis Nash
Father of Pamela Nash ’85, Jennifer Nash ’88, Kristina Nash ’92 & Denise Nash Downing ’95
James Neary
John LaFond
Husband of Therese Birch LaFond ’57
Father of Una Neary ’86, Ann-Marie Neary Bergwall ’89 & Eileen Neary Bowers ’91
John LaMarca
Francis Nichols
Thomas Oelkers
Mother of Pamela Censullo ’70 & Elisa Censullo Wallace ’72
Sister of Patricia Quinn Bailey ’79
Husband of Henrietta De Muccio Mik ’65
Father of Carol Laraia Bendana ’70 & Laura Laraia Orbe ’73 & Grandfather of Lauren Orbe White ’98, Emily Bendana ’02, Maria Bendana Williams ’04, Cassandra Bendana ’10 & Hannah Ciccarelli ’13
Hazel Censullo
Mary Jean Quinn ’79
Richard Mik
Salvatore Laraia
Pamela Senkier Scott ’62
Lydia Diaz Kirchner ’73
Mother of Jessica Mercurio Mezhberg ’10
Patricia Carrier
James Castronuovo
Margaret Grumme ’73
Dianne Mercurio
Father of Kathleen Lane Caslin ’91, Maureen Lane ’94, Eileen Lane Grisewood ’01
Cathleen McNally Gill ’61
Ellen McGuire ’71
Mother of AHA faculty member Frank Hunter
Father of Karleen McSherry ’71, Mary McSherry Giambona ’76, Teresa McSherry ’78, Ann Mc Sherry ’80, Cecilia McSherry ’83, Father-in-law of Karen Franklin McSherry ’75 & Grandfather of Katie McSherry Collins ’04 & Claire McSherry ’10
Mother of Diane Carozza ’88 & Debra Carozza ’90 & Grandmother of Amanda Nedelkoff ’16 & Sofia Nedelkoff ’19
Rose Carozza
Sister of Kathleen Duffy Lawrence ’59
Sister of Patti Ullmann Harmon ’63 (RIP), Maureen Ullmann Kleintop ’66 & Kathy Ullmann Nelson ’68 & Aunt of Laura Nelson ’95
Mother of AHA staff member Eileen Musich & Grandmother of AHA staff member Erin Musich ’03
John McSherry
Father of AHA Board Member, Rita Nichols Danylchuk ’79, Margaret Nichols Degand ’80 & Linda Nichols Marino ’89 & Grandfather of Jessica Danylchuk ’17 & Samantha Danylchuk ’19
Mother-in-Law of AHA staff member Jeanette Carrier
Former AHA faculty member
Betty Lou Albano
Brother of Mary Cooke ’63, Lillian Cooke ’63 & Ellen Cooke Porcelli ’67
Nicolas Costantini
Husband of Georgeanne Phillips LaMarca ’54
Edward Lane
Marion LaRocca
Husband of Erika Ryan Oelkers ’93
Thomas Piersa
Wife of Joan Ciampo Piersa ’78, Susan Piersa ’11 & Catherine Piersa ‘15
Carmel Quinn
Mother of Carol LaRocca ’74 & Grandmother of Carly LaRocca ’04 & Noelle LaRocca ’07
Mother of Jane Fuller ’72
Joan Latham
Father of Barbara Ritola ’88 & Andrea Ritola Battaglia ’93
Mother of Laurie Latham Holt ’83 & Susan Latham ’85
Thomas Lee
Angelo Ritola
Tom Re
Grandfather of AHA faculty member Stephanie Gibney Dowling ’08
Father of Angela Costantini ’81
Father of Margaret Lee Casper ’76 & Grandfather of Sally Casper Binder ’03
William Cummings
Michele Leon
Mother of Alexa ’17
Grandmother of Shannon Furletti ’19 & Faith Furletti ’21
Ralph Lombardi
Audrey McDermott
Husband of Christine McGoey Cummings ’57, Grandfather of Ava Deramo ’23 & Brother-inlaw of Kathleen McGoey Cassidy ’59 (RIP)
Raymond Dabak
Father of Lauren Dabak Troche ’95
Robert Ebner
Brother of Elizabeth Ebner ’78, Patricia Ebner Goldin ’83, & Katryn Ebner Seliskar ’87
Thomas Fallon
Father of Angela Fallon Parrish ’92, Caroline Fallon ’94 & Dawn Fallon ’97
George Farley
Father of Carolyn Farley Barrows ’90 & Elizabeth Farley Hartnett ’96
Joseph Ferrie
Father of Patricia Ferrie Widra ’80 & Mary Ann Ferrie ’81
Father of Loretta Lombardi Ward ’81
Matthew Malkiewicz
Father of Erin Malkiewicz Peters ’02
Mary Ellen Marks
Former AHA Coach & Mother of Carolyn Marks Malone ’04
Therese McGovern
Mother of Mary Beth McGovern Budra ’72 & Patti McGovern Hill ’78 & Grandmother of Lindsay Hill ‘08 & Sheila Hill ’13
Eamon McKenna
Father of Carolyn McKenna ’80
Mildred McNeil
Mother of Jaime McNeil Bergen ’94
Elizabeth Redding
Mother of Joann McDermott Reed ’73 & former AHA faculty member
Giulio Rosasco
Father of Donna Rosasco Fouch ’81 & Grandfather of Natasha Rosasco ’13
Adib Roumie
Father of Christianne Roumie ’90 & Pauline Roumie Chandler ’95
Maria Santangelo
Mother of Teresa Santangelo Esoldi ’82 & Grandmother of Juliana Esoldi ’18 & Diana Esoldi ’20
Margarita Granja Santos
Mother of Gena Santos Rodsan ’80
Nancy Serpico
Mother of Lana Serpico ’24
Joan Simunovich
Mother of Mary Jo Simunovich ’81
Robert Slobodin
Father of Danielle Slobodin Havlusch ’12
Martha Spillane
Sister of Mary Spillane Luscombe ’88
tidings | winter 2021
i n m e m ori a m Remembering S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND
Rose Supple
Aunt of AHA faculty member Sue Liddy
Elizabeth Sylvester
Mother-in-law of AHA Campus Minister Kathleen Sylvester & Grandmother of Kathleen Sylvester Huy ’10
Kevin Tennant
Father of Katherine Tennant Peters ’99
Henry Trepicchio
Father of Lynn Trepicchio ’80
Mary Trepicchio
Mother of Mary Elizabeth Trepicchio Dowd ’74
Robert H. Troester
Father of Kimberly Troester McDaniels ‘76 & Ellen Troester Tizio ’76
Carmen Unanue
Mother of Mari Unanue ’76, Mary Ann Unanue Quiñones ’77 (RIP), Mimi Unanue Guggenheim ’78 & Maribel Unanue ’81 & Danielle Norris ’98, Caroline Wright ’03, Ashley Norris ’06 & Courtney Norris McVicar ’11
Michael and Xenia Valitzky
Parents of Natasha Valitzky Lanie ’77, Lydia Valitzky Kesler ’78, Marian Valitzky Mellin ’80 & Katherine Valitzky Kelly ’82
Connor Vazquez
Brother of Kristina Vazquez ’03
Marie Von Urff
Grandmother of Micaela Maron ’17 & Erin Maron ‘19
Cecelia Weidmann
Mother of Doreen Weidman Stickney ’69, Cecelia Weidmann Landin ’71 & Mary Ellen Weidmann Snow ’76 & Grandmother of Ashley Snow ’01
George Wymer
Father of Phyllis Wymer ’68 (RIP) & Nancy Wymer ’74 & Grandfather of Jessica Wymer ’13
Walter Zuccaro
Father of Alane Zuccaro Biagiotti ’78 & Renee Zuccaro Sansevere ’79
Correction from last issue:
Brendan Thornton
Father of Sheila Thornton Labita ’87 & Grandfather of Victoria Labita ’17 & Julia Labita ’21
AHA has made every effort to verify the accuracy of the data contained herein. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention for subsequent correction. Submissions for In Memoriam should be sent to the Office of Alumnae Relations: 315 Hillside Avenue, Demarest, New Jersey 07627 or by email to alumnae@holyangels.org.
S. Genevieve Marie Kelleher, SSND, passed away on October 24, 2021, the 188th anniversary of the founding of her congregation, the School Sisters of Notre Dame. S. Genevieve was 97. S. Genevieve is highly regarded for her 63 years of contributions to the young women who passed through AHA during her tenure. S. Genevieve, who was active at AHA between 1948 (when the campus was in Fort Lee) and 2011, is the longest-serving SSND at Holy Angels. She taught English, French, religion, biology, and history, and logged time as school librarian. She also worked in the Academy’s Finance Office. Born Mary Kelleher in Chelsea, Massachusetts, S. Genevieve attended Immaculate Conception Grammar School and graduated from Girls Catholic High School, both of which were run by the School Sisters. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English and history from Emmanuel College in 1945. The same year, she “received the bonnet” in the Malden convent chapel, traveled to Baltimore for her candidature, and began teaching at Notre Dame Preparatory School.
“I can see no starting point in my religious vocation,” she wrote. “It was a steady growth rather than a sudden light. It grew and was nurtured during high school and college days by the example of my teachers and by the excellent opportunities given me for spiritual advancement.” S. Genevieve taught at Saint John School in Maryland for a year before she was sent to the Academy of the Holy Angels in Fort Lee. She remained at AHA for 11 years. Before she returned, S. Genevieve taught in New Hampshire and upstate New York, and earned an M.A. in English from Seton Hall. In 1967, S. Genevieve resumed her work at AHA, which had moved to Demarest in 1965. During the summers, she studied library science at Simmons College, and earned her master’s in 1969. S. Genevieve bookended a sabbatical by serving as assistant librarian at Epiphany School in Cliffside Park and Saint John School in Bergenfield. She returned to the AHA Finance Office in 2000 and remained there until 2011, when she moved to Villa Notre Dame in Wilton. She was a resident of Ozanam Hall, Queens, New York, at the time of her passing. In 2017, AHA renovated the convent where S. Genevieve had lived, and renamed the building Sister Genevieve Kelleher Hall. S. Genevieve was the guest of honor at the October 2, 2017 dedication. Once home to 40 SSNDs, the 20,000 square foot building was reimagined several times. On September 10, 2021, the first floor became home to the new AHA Middle School.
tidings | winter 2021
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M ark your ca lenda rs a nd Save t h es e New reunion Dates ! Saturday – May 21, 2022
Saturday, October 1, 2022
For all Golden (50+) Reunions and Silver (25 year) Reunions that were postponed.
For all graduating classes ending in 2’s & 7’s, as well as those that were postponed:
(Noon – 4:00PM)
Golden Reunions are those celebrating 50 or more years from the classes of
1975, 1976, 1980, 1981, 1985, 1986,
1940, 1941, 1945, 1946, 1950, 1951, 1955, 1956,
2010, 2011, 2015, and 2016
1990, 1991, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006,
1960, 1961, 1965, 1966, 1970, 1971, 1995, and 1996
Information will be mailed out before each reunion.