Belle Terre Elementary School Newsletter

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December 2016 Volume 1

Issue 4

Belle Terre Elementary School 5545 Belle Terre Parkway Palm Coast, FL 32137

386-447-1500 Dr. T. C. Culver Principal

Ms. Katrina Townsend Assistant Principal

Mrs. Jessica DeFord

Assistant Principal

“The Paw Print” Issue #4 December 2016 Published Four Times Per Year Belle Terre Elementary School 5545 Belle Terre Parkway Palm Coast, FL 32137

Greetings from the Top Bobcat Hello Bobcat Families! I am hoping your children are having a successful year of academic achievement while also having fun and treating each other with respect and kindness. This is the Bobcat Way. As you know, at BTES, “Excellence is the Norm, not the Exception,” and this expectation is for each of us. I am proud of our students and their many endeavors. Because of our wonderful students, their families, the supportive community, and dedicated staff, BTES has been named a Five Star School by Dr. C shows his true colors the State of Florida. The Florida Department of for the Character Walk! Education website notes this information about the Five Star Award: The Five Star School Award was created by the Commissioner’s Community Involvement Council and is presented annually to those schools that have shown evidence of exemplary community involvement. In order to earn Five Star School recognition, a school must show documentation that it has achieved 100 percent of the established criteria in the following categories: business partnerships, family involvement, volunteerism, student community service, and school advisory councils. Schools must also earn a grade of “C” or above, or school improvement rating of “maintaining or improving” for the year of nomination. In this season of thankfulness, we are thankful for our wonderful business partners who make so many activities possible, for our involved families who complete the team with the learner and school, for our many committed volunteers and mentors, for our students who provide service to our school and community, and our School Advisory Council and Parent Teacher Organization who offer support and guidance. We are honored to be a Five Star School. Which set of legs at the “Walk a Mile” event belong to the Top Bobcat?

...continues on next page


Principal’s Message continues... Character Education

BTES celebrates one character trait each month. Students are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect each day. Upcoming traits are December – Kindness, January – Responsibility, February – Honesty, and March – Tolerance.

School Rule Because "Excellence is the Norm, not the Exception," we will not do anything to take away from our learning or the learning of others.

Belle Terre has also received other recognitions recently. First, our school Bobcat Force walked in the “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event to raise funds for and awareness of domestic violence. We had the largest school team. The Force was the largest group to walk/run the Pink Army 5k/Support Walk for breast cancer. The United Way awarded BTES for being the “Top Giving Elementary School” for 2015-16. I am privileged to lead a school where the staff spends long hours beyond their workday preparing for student learning yet still finds time and is willing to give back to a community that is so generous to us. A quote I share with my team is “Students won’t care what you know until they know that you care.” We love you, and we care! We are having a great year Bobcats! Dr. Terence Culver Principal

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Counselor’s Corner 3 Eight Actions ALL Parents Can Take to Help Eliminate Bullying Here are 8 steps you can take to help address bullying (modified from 1. Talk with and listen to your kids—everyday. Spend a few minutes every day asking open ended questions about who they spend time with at school and in the neighborhood, what they do in between classes and at recess, who they have lunch with, or what happens on the way to and from school. If your children feel comfortable talking to you about their peers before they’re involved in a bullying event, they’ll be much more likely to get you involved after. 2. Spend time at your child’s school. Whether you can volunteer once a week or once a month, you can make a real difference just by being present. Be sure to coordinate your on-campus volunteer time with your child’s teacher and/or principal. 3. Be a good example of kindness and leadership. Your kids learn a lot about power relationships from watching you. When you get angry at a waiter, a sales clerk, another driver on the road, or even your child, you have a great opportunity to model effective communication techniques. Don’t blow it by blowing your top! Any time you speak to another person in a mean or abusive way, you’re teaching your child that bullying is OK. 4. Learn the signs. It is important for parents and teachers to learn to recognize possible signs of being victimized, such as frequent loss of personal belongings, complaints of headaches or stomachaches, avoiding recess or school activities, and getting to school very late or very early. If you suspect that a child might be being bullied, talk with the child’s teacher or school counselor. 5. Create healthy anti-bullying habits early. Help develop anti-bullying and anti-victimization habits early in your children—as early as preschool and kindergarten. Coach your children on what not to do—hitting, pushing, teasing, “saying na-na-na-na-na,” or being mean to others. Help your child to focus on how such actions might feel to the child on the receiving end (e.g., “How do you think you would feel if that happened to you?”). Such strategies can enhance empathy for others. Equally if not more importantly, teach your children what to do—kindness, empathy, fair play, and turn-taking are critical skills for good peer relations. Children also need to learn how to say “no” firmly if they experience or witness bullying behavior. 6. Establish household rules about bullying. Your children need to hear from you explicitly that it’s not normal, OK, or tolerable for them to bully, to be bullied, or to stand by and just watch other kids be bullied. Make sure they know that if they are bullied physically, verbally, or socially (at school, by a sibling, in your neighborhood, or online) it’s safe and important for them to tell you about it—and that you will help. They also need to know just what bullying is (many children do not know that they are bullying others), and that such behavior is harmful to others and not acceptable. You can help your children find positive ways to exert their personal power, status, and leadership at school.

Counselor’s Corner Heather Smith Grades KG, 1 & 2 ext. 1111 Vickie Kandour Grades 3 & 4 ext. 1107 Lindsey Ward Grades 5 & 6 ext. 1109

7. Teach your child how to be a good witness or positive bystander. Research shows that kids who witness bullying feel powerless and seldom intervene. However, kids who take action can have a powerful and positive effect on the situation. Although it’s never a child’s responsibility to put him or herself in danger, kids can often effectively diffuse a bullying situation by yelling, “Stop! You’re bullying” or “Hey, that’s not cool.” Kids can also help each other by providing support to the victim, not giving extra attention to the bully, and/ or reporting what they witnessed to an adult. 8. Teach your child about cyber bullying. Children often do not realize what cyber bullying is. Cyber bullying includes sending mean, rude, vulgar, or threatening messages or images; posting sensitive, private information about another person; pretending to be someone else in order to make that person look bad; and intentionally excluding someone from an online group. These acts are as harmful as physical violence and must not be tolerated. Teach your children about online posting: if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face or you would not feel comfortable having your parents see it—don’t post it (or take it down now).

4 Club News Girls on the Run

Future Problem Solvers

Girls on the Run has been preparing for their 5k on December 3rd. Good luck to all the girls as they finish their Fall season. Thank you to their coaches: Sharon Carll, Kim Collaro, Heather Foss, Susan Grego, and Anna McNerney

The Future Problem Solvers are off to a great start this year! We have an eager group of 3rd-6th graders ready to apply their critical thinking skills in real-world situations and scenarios. With the help of middle and high school problem solvers, students are learning the 6-step writing process to participate in a mock competition this year!

BTES Brick Builders

Ms. Wood and Mrs. Menendez are leading the Play 60 Club. This club is offered to second and third grade students. It started Monday, November 7th and runs through December 21st. This club meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:154:15. During this 60 minutes of play, students will participate in field games, walk/run, and will have the opportunity to track their miles. Students may register anytime during the 6-week program.

The BTES Brick Builders are looking forward to learning from Master Builders at Legoland in December. December also brings the beginning of their annual Home Builders competition. Jason DeLorenzo, President of the Home Builders Association, will be presenting blueprints and how to plan to build a house. Stay tuned for more information on when and where you can see their amazing building creations!

Creative Writing Club Wow! This year is flying by at record speed! Our writers have been meeting every other Tuesday to share their talents and put their thoughts to paper. It is pretty amazing seeing their imaginations come to life! We have writers of all types: short stories, poems, and even graphic novels! It is never too late to join our club. See Mrs. Cooke or Mrs. Irving if you would like to become a part of the magic that is the BTES Creative Writing Club.

Play 60 Club

Falcontech Logan Winfree completed the first Vex Robot of the 2016-2017 Falcontech school year.

Choir After School choirs are busy auditioning and learning parts, songs, and solos for the upcoming Christmas musical, “The Lights on Jingle Bell Hill.” Stage crew is working overtime on the amazing set for this production. Be sure to put this date, Thursday, December 15th, aside to come out see this fun musical!!

Be an “Upstander,” Not a “Bystander” An “Upstander” is someone who recognizes when something is wrong and acts to make it right. When an Upstander sees or hears about someone being bullied, they speak up. Being an Upstander is being a hero: we are standing up for what is right and doing our best to help support and protect someone who is being hurt. ( Ways to be an Upstander (from • • • • • • • • • •

Don’t laugh Don’t encourage the bully in any way Stay at a safe distance and help the target get away Don’t become an “audience” for the bully Reach out in friendship Help the victim in any way you can Support the victim in private If you notice someone being isolated from others, invite them to join you Include the victim in some of your activities Tell an adult

Kindergarten We are off to a great year in kindergarten! Our newest Bobcats have done a great job adjusting to our daily routines. In November, our Kinder Bobcats will be exploring, analyzing, and comparing twodimensional and three-dimensional shapes. They will be honoring our Veteran’s and learning the importance of national holidays. They will also be comparing children and families of today with those of the Pilgrims and Native Americans on the First Thanksgiving.

First Grade What an exciting way to start our year! First grade has been very busy. We have integrated engineering and technology by using the Osmo and Qubits. The Observer interviewed Mrs. Oke for her use of the Osmo in her classroom. The inventor of Qubits came to introduce us to this engaging STEM activity. We have also been learning about the life cycles of plants, most recently the pumpkin, while participating in our annual Pumpkin Patch. Ms. Kerry, Mr. Drumm, and Ms. Fales were visited by a veteran speaker in honor of Veterans’ Day. We listened to USA facts, history, learned symbols, listened to past time stories, and thanked him for his hard work, dedication, and service. All of our first graders will be visiting a Pioneer Settlement in November for our field trip. We are all excited about this adventure.

Grade Level Spotlights


Second Grade In October, all second grade classes participated in the second grade Parade of Characters. The students looked great in their costumes. Classes are learning about the human body and created skeletal system diagrams that are displayed down the second grade hallway. During the month of November, second grade classes will enjoy presentations from the Georgia Aquarium Conservation Outreach program. Students in Mrs. Emling’s class ran a voting precinct for all second graders on voting day, November 8th. Students participated in a mock election and chose from the Presidential Ballot for Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump or write in candidate (Other). They chose from the Game Ballot for Animal Jam, Minecraft, Prodigy, or Soccer. They chose a Favorite Pet from Parrot, Pig, Pug Dog, or Weiner Dog. Ms. Wood and Mrs. Menendez are leading the Play 60 Club for second and third graders. Mrs. Ledrich’s class will visit Princess Place biology students from Matanzas High School. Students will participate in activities such as scavenger hunts and science experiments while learning about the life cycles of plants and animals. This will be a monthly trip, partially funded by a grant from the Flagler County Education Foundation, as well as a grant from Florida Agriculture in the Classroom. In Mrs. Altman’s Discovery Learning class, students are working on video storyboards. Mrs. Gerlach’s class has found a way to be physically active in the classroom while still working on academics. The children have access to a compact elliptical machine and a pedal exerciser. The students are able to use these two machines throughout the day without distracting the class since both pieces of equipment are small enough to fit under a counter or table. The students seem to be enjoying the use of these machines and are hoping for one or two more pieces to be added to the classroom. If you happen to have one of these pieces of equipment that you aren’t using, donations are always happily accepted!

Third-Grade News Third-grade is selling smencils daily as a fund-raiser to offset the cost of activities and events later in the year. Major Neil McCoppin, a 26-year veteran of the Marine Corps, spoke to the 3rd grade students on Wednesday, November 9th about Veteran’s Day. He is a very engaging speaker, and we loved his visit! The 3rd grade students will go on a field trip to Linear Park to participate in the environmental educational outreach/school program “CHIRP” (Children Helping in Resource Protection) on January 24th and 26th. The classes will be split up among the two days. More information will follow!

Fourth Grade The fourth grade classes are excited about their field trip to St. Augustine. The students have been learning about the history of Florida and the significance of the Nation’s oldest city. While in St. Augustine, the students visited the Castillo de San Marcos, the Old Jail, and took a guided tour of St. Augustine on a trolley.

6 Grade Level Spotlights Fifth Grade Fifth grade sponsored the October Dance where everyone—friends and families alike-- had a great time! We have some exciting learning happening daily on all four teams. Ms. Smith-Meck’s intern, Ms. Hannah Pritchard, graduates in December, and rumor has it she is joining the staff of the best elementary school in Florida, BTES!

Sixth Grade Our team would like to welcome its newest member, Mr. Jackson. We are lucky to have him, and he is fitting right in to the Bobcat family! Mrs. Pease and Ms. Apanavicius are holding a “Think Tank” every Wednesday after school for their students. Please see one of them for more information. Mrs. Cooke’s classroom successfully hatched four of our chicken eggs. After a month, we were sad to say goodbye to Sweet Potato, Rainbow Jenna Lee, Pillsbury, and Flower. We are sure that they are happier in their new homes! In November, some of our classrooms were lucky enough to have a visit from local veterans through the Veterans in the Classroom program. What an honor it was to hear their stories! Sixth grade will be hosting a dance for all students on December 16th. Strap on your dancing shoes and be sure to join us! Look for a flyer in early December with more information. Our End of Quarter Bash to celebrate the end of the second quarter will be December 22nd. We will be drawing to give away two Kindle Fires to eligible students at the Bash! To be eligible students must meet all of the following criteria: ZERO unexcused absences, 4 or less missing assignments, ZERO referrals, 2 or less behavioral steps, and must be present to win.

Physical Education

Stuff Bus If your child is in need of school supplies, hygiene products, and/or school uniforms due to financial hardship, contact your child’s school counselor to see how the district’s Stuff Bus program can help. Please also contact us if you’d like to make any donations to our Stuff Bus supply closet.

Greetings everyone. As we reached the end of the first quarter, we looked back to see that we have accomplished quite a lot. We have already completed units in Dance, Archery, Field Games, and Cardio Fitness among others. Many of the classes are finishing up the first of two rounds of Physical Fitness Testing using the Fitness Gram testing program. We are all looking forward to the cooler weather and the opportunities to do more rigorous outside activities. Just a reminder…we really want to emphasize the importance of wearing athletic footwear to Physical Education. This is for the safety and comfort of your child. It is now “fashion boot” season. If you are going to have your child wear fashion boots to school, please send their sneakers in their backpack. They can change their shoes for PE and back into their boots when PE is over. Your Belle Terre Elementary Physical Education Team: Coach Bowker, Coach Drosdick, Coach Lagocki, and Coach McCoppin

7 ASD/ESE October went by very fast. It had its down time, the Hurricane Matthew, fun time, the school’s Fall Festival, and Halloween. On October 28, 2016, the ESE: Autism and PI Department made a Lollipop Tree out of pegboard and joined one of the biggest fundraisers in school, the Fall Festival! Teachers and paraprofessionals worked as a team to take turns in manning the booth and giving out prizes. We also joined the Pink Army on October 30, 2016 at Flagler Hospital. Our walk was intended to honor and celebrate life like one of our very own PI Teacher, Mercedes Brunelle, who survived cancer. One of the paraprofessionals, Stephanie Belgrave, volunteered to create pink tutus for the ASD staff who had the courage to wear them during the walk.

BTES at the Pink Army Walk

Ms. Cullings, Ms. Meade and Ms. Townsend at the Fall Festival.

On October 31st, we celebrated our annual Trick or Treat. The celebration was in collaboration with the ESE service providers like the Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Behavior Specialists, ASD/PI Teachers, and Paraprofessionals. We started the morning with a group picture where we all wore puzzle pieces with hats, watched the character parade, and ended the day with the “Trick or Treat” in our hallways. It was indeed a good day for all of our kiddos! Thanks to all who made this possible.

Students ready for Trick or Treating

FCPS 2016-17 School Calendar

Teachers and staff Character Walk.




Flagler County School District

Belle Terre Elementary School 5545 Belle Terre Parkway Palm Coast, FL 32137

Curriculum Spotlight What Is Discovery Learning, or “DL?” Discovery Learning is a designated time in our academic day at BTES where each student, in all grades, recieves targeted instruction in a specific area of need. This need can be remediation, additional on-grade-level practice, or enrichment in ELA and/or Math/ iRecs. The student’s placement is determined using current data, as well as standardized test scores, and is very flexible based on the student’s current need. To accommodate the needs of all students, the students often transition into another classroom in their grade level hallway to receive this targeted instruction, then return back to their homeroom class to complete their day. If you have any further questions regarding DL, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher. Florida Standards Assessments Florida Department of Education

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