Brunswick High School Newsletter

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For The Parents, Staff, Students & Community of Brunswick High School

Principal’s Message Happy Summer Break to Students and Parents! Before you know it, alarms will be set to go off EARLY for the start of the school year! Until then, I hope everyone is enjoying summer and has taken time to relax and have fun with family and friends. Improvements to our heating and cooling system have been in progress most of the summer, and we are looking forward to more consistent temperatures within the building. Construction is always messy but the custodial staff has been quite busy cleaning and getting the school ready for another year. We have a few staff changes. Mr. Gary Brennan is joining our social studies department. He has recently served as president of the Frederick County Teachers Association but is excited about coming back to the classroom and getting into U.S. History again. Ms. Tracy Easterday, our new special education chairperson, has recently served as counselor and chair at the SUCCESS program for FCPS. Leslee Cramer, art, is coming from Urbana Middle but wanted to return to the high school level. Ceramics is her favorite art medium. Mrs. Lois Jarman from Catoctin High School joins our world languages department and will be teaching Spanish and Latin. Mr. Tom Graff joins us in the English/theater departments. He recently taught at Windsor Knolls Middle School and part of his summer time in NYC doing professional learning on Broadway. Mrs. Karen Haughwout, recently on leave, has taught math in Frederick County for a number of years. She will be with us in the fall semester. Mr. Michael Moore and Mr. Christopher Banks join our team of special education instructional assistants. Their skills will be a great addition to an excellent department. We continue to use more and more technology in the classroom that allows students to connect to instruction from home. All students have access to Google Apps for Education (GAFE), which is a set of web-based applications hosted by Google but managed by FCPS. GAFE is one way we prepare students to use digital tools as they prepare for college and careers. GAFE can provide a platform that allows students to securely store files that can be accessed and edited from a variety of locations using virtually any device. We, as a staff, have a commitment to the success of each student. No tools or technology can replace the dynamic instruction and positive interactions between students and educators. It is important that each student attends every day and makes each day count. You, as students, need to take time to mentally prepare for your success this year. Set academic goals, practice habits for success, get involved and contribute to making BHS the best school in FCPS. Reminder: Our 9th grade orientation is 6-6:30 on August 19, followed by our Back to School Night from 6:30-7:45. With Excellence in all we do at BHS, Nancy Doll, principal

ISSUE 4 volume 5

101 Cummings Drive Brunswick, MD 21716 Phone: 240-236-8600


Important Phone Numbers ADMINISTRATION Nancy Doll, principal Nancy Boyenton, Assistant Principal Amanda McGrath, Assistant Principal

Motto and Mission

Motto: EXCELLENCE IN ALL WE DO AT BHS MISSION STATEMENT: A climate of high expectations exists in our school. We provide a quality education, which features a variety of programs for all students, enabling them to achieve success regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic status. We provide curricular and extracurricular experiences for all students to develop academically, physically, emotionally, culturally, and vocationally. We recognize that these experiences will help prepare students to attain success in a changing pluralistic society.

SCHOOL COUNSELORS Terri Tuckey Rhonda Starmer STUDENT SUPPORT SPECIALIST Roger Dawson ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Jon Jarrett CONTACT INFO. Main Office 240-236-8600 FAX 240-236-8601

Attendance Office Reminders

All students are expected to be in their first period classes by 7:30. Classes begin immediately. Morning announcements will be made later in the day.

Late Arrival

Any student who arrives after 7:30 must report directly to the Attendance Office, sign in and get an admit slip. Students must have a note explaining why they are late in order to be excused. The note should include the parent’s signature and phone number.

Early Dismissal

If a student needs to leave school before the end of the day, a written note for permission to do so must be submitted to the Attendance Office on the day for which the request is made. The note must include the student’s first and last name, reason for leaving, time of departure, parent signature and phone number.

ATTENDANCE 24-236-8554 COUNSELING OFFICE 240-236-8619


If a student is seeing a medical professional, a written verification from the care provider should be submitted.

All absence notes should be turned in within 2 days of the child’s return to school.

Excused Absences

Vacation/College Visits


Absences for family trips or college visits will be excused and notes should be turned in at least 5 days before the absence will occur. Students who take trips with their parents may be excused no more than twice during a year for a combined maximum of five days. Visits to prospective colleges are excused up to four days per year.

Attention Parents If you have moved, please remember to bring in proof of residency, change of address and telephone number to the Counseling Office. Proof of residency is a utility bill: electric, water, cable. A telephone bill will not be accepted. Grades will be accessed through the Home Access Center this year; Pinnacle is no longer used. Student Hours: Please be advised that the building does not open until 7:00 a.m. to students. Students cannot remain in the building after 2:20 unless they are supervised by a staff member. Attendance Notes: Please be sure to include your child’s first and last name on the notes. All notes require a parent signature.

Meal Prices Breakfast: $1.70 Reduced Breakfast: .30 Lunch: 2.40 Reduced Lunch: .40

B.E.L.L. Program Continues For The 2015-16 School Year

Milk: .60

The Brunswick Extended Learning Lab will be open again this year. After school tutoring will be available on Tuesdays (English and other subjects) and Wednesdays (Math and other subjects), from 2:30-4:00 p.m. in the Media Center. The purpose of the B.E.L.L. tutoring program is to decrease achievement gaps in identified populations. The staff provides a nurturing environment and is dedicated to meeting the needs of all students who attend. Please take advantage of this opportunity; don’t let your grades fall! Students will be bringing home bookmarks with the dates or check the BHS website. Free snacks and special bus transportation are available.

Be an APEX student!

Begin to plan now to be an APEX student! If you are taking honors classes in English, science and social studies, consider applying for the APEX program in the spring. Students follow a comprehensive curriculum combining accelerated honors-level and intensive advanced placement level course work. The course of study provides students with a broad, general background that prepares them for AP course work. APEX scholars who meet or exceed six AP courses receive recognition at graduation and on their high school transcripts. You must complete a minimum of 6 AP courses with a final grade of C or better and must take a minimum of 4 AP exams from the College Board with a 3 or better score prior to your senior year. Start your academic path to be recognized as an APEX scholar!


‘Brunswick Connector’ August 2015 Published Four Times Per Year Brunswick High School 101 Cummings Dr. Brunswick, MD 21716 Issue #4

Important Dates Dates

SAT Dates

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: AUGUST 24, 2015 College and Career Readiness for Parents of Seniors: September 16, 7 p.m. Media Center HOMECOMING WEEK: October 12-16, Dance: October 17, 8-11 p.m. Financial Aid Night: November 18, 7 p.m. Media Center GRADUATION: JUNE 1, 10:00 a.m.

For information or to register go to:





October 3, 2015

September 3, 2015

November 7, 2015

October 9, 2015

December 5, 2015

November 5, 2015

January 23, 2016

December 28, 2015

March 5, 2016 (redesigned SAT)

February 5, 2016

May 7, 2016

April 8, 2016

June 4, 2016

May 5, 2016


The PSAT is designed to determine readiness towards college, provide access to scholarships and practice for the SAT. It will be given on October 14, to any 10th and 11th grade students wishing to take it. Juniors who take the PSAT are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Program.



For information or to register go to: TEST DATE


September 12, 2015

August 7, 2015

October 24, 2015

September 18, 2015

December 12, 2015

November 6, 2015

February 6, 2016

January 8, 2016

April 9, 2016

March 4, 2016

June 11, 2016

May 6, 2016

Always bring calculators, #2 pencils and a snack. Leave your cell phone at home!

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Railroader Connections

Railroader Connections is a specified block of time within the school day that provides an opportunity for students to make up work, complete assignments, receive intervention/support/ academic tutoring and participate in AP/SAT study groups and clubs. During this time, we will also have our Pledge of Allegiance, announcements, hand out any papers that need to come home, schedule college visits when possible, take care of registration/scheduling, assemblies and interim/report card distributions. Each student will be assigned to a teacher and groups will have between 16-20 students. Students are expected to work on school-related activities during this time period. These could include: academic tutoring, studying, group and/or enrichment projects, HSA intervention, make up work/quizzes/tests/labs, counseling/counseling groups, access to computers and the media center. This is NOT a time for cell phones, music, sleeping, etc. Teachers will hold students accountable for their behavior and use of time, help them with monitoring grades, and request students they need to see for academic assistance.

Visitor Passes

When you visit the school during the school day or after school for a conference, please be sure to sign in at the Main Office and pick up a Visitor’s Badge. The visitor badges help us to determine who has permission to be in the building. If you want to see a teacher, please let the office staff determine if the teacher is available. We do not want to disrupt instruction. As a courtesy, teachers should be given 24 hours’ notice of the need for a conference. Many thanks for your cooperation in keeping our building safe and secure.

We have a few new courses this year!

Forensic Science will be offered for the first time in the spring semester. It is a laboratory based elective which brings together many sciences around the principles of preserving and examining evidence and developing leads in the context of civil and/or crime proceedings. Forensic methodologies, identification of human and non-human evidence, along with the proper collection and handling of evidence at the crime scene will be explored. This is a great STEM course. American Popular Music will also be offered for the first time in the spring semester. Students will study the history and development of American music: folk, jazz, musicals, country western, rock and roll and light classics. They will gain a better understanding of music from the historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives. Returning courses that were not offered last year: Athletic Coaching (fall) and Sports Medicine (spring). A.P. Physics 1 and 2, and Accounting 1.



19 East Potomac St. Brunswick, MD 21716 301-834-8000



4014 J Mountville Rd. Jefferson, MD 21755 301-473-4111


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Nancy Doll Brunswick HS 240-236-8600

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Brunswick HS

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