Destin Middle School Newsletter

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From the Desk of the Principal

SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 Volume 17 • Issue 4

Dear Marlin Family, On behalf of the staff at Destin Middle School, I am happy to welcome you to the 2019-20 school year. I am honored to lead a school with a great tradition, tremendous academic success, and that continually produces outstanding students, it is important to me that everyone who steps through our doors—teachers, students and parents—are excited to be here! This attitude enables us to meet the challenges of academic excellence in a positive, enjoyable and nurturing environment. Additionally, I embrace the task of continuing to ensure that our students are prepared with the necessary tools to be productive citizens as they enter the next chapter of their lives moving toward high school and postsecondary education. Together we can insure that every student receives the quality education needed to be successful in the future. I encourage parents to be an active part of your child’s education. As parents, you have the greatest impact on your child’s success. We recognize that in order to be successful, our children need support from both the home and school. To the students; enjoy this year! Your time here at DMS will be exciting and filled with many opportunities. Let’s have a great school year! Go Marlins! Mr. Meyer Principal

School Uniform Shirts

Remember, all students are required to wear uniform shirts on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week. Order forms for DMS uniform shirts are available from the PE department. The Destin Middle School Phys. Ed Dept. sells DMS uniform dress code shirts. Order forms are available in the front office or student services. PE uniforms will be manditory for grades 6-8th. You may purchase the PE uniforms from Coach Griffiths. For more information please contact Coach Griffiths at 850-833-7655 or you may email him at The Eagles Nest offers easy ordering at On-line orders will be delivered to DMS campus for pick up. For your convenience in store shopping is available at the Eagles Nest located in the Publix Shopping Center in Niceville, on Hwy 20. For more information or directions to the store, please call (850) 279-4775.

Okaloosa County School District 120 Lowery Place Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548

Notes from the Resource Officer Okaloosa County Sheriff Department

Technology is pretty cool. It lets you connect with friends in lots of fun ways. But not everyone uses it for the right reasons. Some people use the internet, cell phones or other technology to try to hurt others. This is a type of bullying called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying occurs when someone sends hurtful messages online or by cell phone. It can take many forms, such as writing rude comments, spreading rumors, and posting embarrassing pictures. Cyber bullies can use e-mail or instant messages, blogs or chat rooms, text or photo messages, or any other form of electronic communication. Your children can discourage cyber bullying by giving personal information (name, e-mail address, cell phone number, name of school) to only friends. If they receive nasty e-mails or text messages, they should not respond. Replying just gives the cyber bully the satisfaction of having upset their target. A good thing to do is simply to log off the computer or turn off the cell phone. Children should tell an adult if they experience cyber bullying. Problems can be reported to your Internet provider, school authorities, and law enforcement.

For the Parents, Staff, Students & Community of Destin Middle School To download a PDF version of this newsletter, go to

2 Destin Middle School Calendar

Hook, Line & Thinker Mailed September 13, 2019 Published Four Times Per Year Okaloosa School District 120 Lowery Place SE Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 Issue # 4

*All dates and times are subject to change September 13, 2019 Progress Reports go home September 20, 2019 Fall Picture Day October 3, 2019 SAC Meeting – Media Center – 7:30 a.m. October 11, 2019 End of First Grading Period October 14, 2019 Teacher Work Day/Student Holiday November 7, 2019 SAC Meeting – Media Center – 7:30 a.m. November 11, 2019 Veterans Day Holiday TBA 6th Grade Health Screening November 18, 2019. Progress Reports go home November 25-29, 2019 Thanksgiving Holiday December 19, 2019 End of First Semester/Second Grading Period December 20, 2019 – January 3, 2020 Winter Break Holidays January 6, 2020 Teacher Work Day/Student Holiday January 7, 2020 Student’s First Day Back to School after Winter Break January 20, 2020 Martin Luther King Holiday February 6, 2020 SAC Meeting – Media Center – 7:30 a.m. February 7, 2020 Progress Reports go home February 17, 2020 Presidents’ Day Holiday March 5, 2020 SAC Meeting – Media Center – 7:30 a.m. March 12, 2020 End of 3rd Grading Period March 13-20, 2020 Spring Break Holidays March 23, 2020 Teacher Work Day/Student Holiday March 24, 2020 Student’s First Day Back to School after Spring Break April 2, 2020 SAC Meeting – Media Center – 7:30 a.m. May 1, 2020 Progress Reports go home May 25, 2020 Memorial Day May 29, 2020 End of Second Semester/Fourth Grading Period May 29, 2020 Last Day for Students May 3129, 2020 Report Cards go home – Grade 5 June 4, 2020 Last Day for Teachers Pep Rally dates will be announced at a later date.

Grades On-Line with “Parent Portal”

1. Go to 2. Go to “Parent Portal” (scroll down, look for orange box titled “Parent Portal”). 3. Use your child’s school ID number for the username. Parents can find the student ID number on your child’s report card or progress report. The last 4 digits of the username is (student ID number) the PIN. Follow directions on “Parent Portal” for various parent options, including sign-up for automatic email notification of grades by the “Parent Portal” program.

3 Media Center News

Can’t wait to have the students come in to get acquainted and start checking out books. Take the bite out of research projects by using on-line databases from the Media Center web page Two favorites are Proquest and Thompson-Gale, both of which can be accessed with the password and user name Okaloosa. Please come visit any time… our doors are open from 7:30-3:00. “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” Jacqueline Kennedy

Adopt-A-Class Program

YES! I would like to be involved in the education of our future leaders by supporting Destin Middle School. You can make a tax-deductible contribution of $250.00 to be credited to a classroom at Destin Middle School. You may select a specific teacher/classroom if you would like. Be a proud partner in education and participate in the Destin Middle School Adopt-A-Class program. Please contact Elissa Torre at 833-7655 for more information. Thank you for supporting tomorrow’s leaders!

Cell Phone Reminder

Cell phones will be put away and are not permitted to be used by students at school. Any phone that is visible and/or turned on will be confiscated and sent to Administration in the student services. • If a parent is bringing lunch for their child, it MUST be dropped off in the front office by 11:25am. This is for all four lunches. • If a parent brings a lunch for their child after 11:25am, they will need to sign in (which will require a driver’s license if they are not already in our system) and take it to the cafeteria to drop off. We will not contact the student in class or bring the lunch to the cafeteria. Lastly, the Front Office will not sign for any outside food deliveries this year.

4 Parents, Establish a Solid Home-Study Routine

OCSD Attendance Policy

Encouraging and supporting this vital daily activity will improve your student’s attitude and performance at school and instill a work ethic that endures for a lifetime. 1. SET A SCHEDULE: Establish a regular timeslot for this important daily activity. Seek your child’s agreement and commitment to reserve this time each day for homework and study. Encourage this discipline. In many ways, it’s his/her job and should be an important part of the daily routine. Your support and involvement in your student’s home-study effort makes a huge difference in the high school experience. 2. CREATE THE ENVIRONMENT: Students can be easily distracted. Create an atmosphere conducive for concentration. Minimizing social media/ phone access, loud music, and other detractors will improve effectiveness and retention. If you notice distractions or deterrents, suggest possible remedies. Having a defined study area works with some students but not all. The most important factor is the discipline of doing it every day. 3. OBSERVE AND ENGAGE: Psychologists suggest that it takes three weeks to break or establish a habit. When school resumes, commit three weeks to observing your students daily routine. Make good homework practices a habit for both of you. Your daily assistance and attitude toward school have a huge impact on your child’s success.

Okaloosa School Board Policy requires each school to notify the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of a child who accumulates five (5) absences (excused or unexcused) during a semester. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the number of absences your child has accumulated since the start of the semester and to reiterate the attendance policy for Okaloosa County Schools. The following is the attendance policy for the Okaloosa County School District concerning absences five (5) days or greater: • Students will have five (5) school days including the day they return, to bring in written verification for an excused absence. The absence will be considered unexcused if the school does not receive written verification for the excused absence within that time frame. • After the fifth (5th) absence, but before the eighth (8th) absence (excused or unexcused) per semester, the parent or legal guardian will be notified of the absences in writing. • For every absence after the 9th (excused or unexcused), in any class during a semester, the student must have a note from a doctor or official agency in order for those absences to be excused. A middle school student enrolled in a high school course can still pass the course if, at the end of the semester, he/she passes a comprehensive exam and earns a passing grade. • After the 15th absence, no make-up work will be allowed. The student can still pass the class if at the end of the semester he/she has a passing grade. A middle school student enrolled in a high school course can still pass the course if, at the end of the semester, he/she passes a comprehensive exam and earns a passing grade. The student’s parent or legal guardian can appeal to the school’s attendance review committee for permission to make up work. Each absence after 15 days must be appealed by the parent or guardian within 5 days after the absence. In order for a student to be considered for make-up work, the reason for the absence must be due to an insurmountable or extraordinary situation or event that placed an undue hardship on the student. No consideration will be made of an appeal without the student and parent/guardian present. If you have any questions concerning your child’s attendance, please phone Destin Middle School at (850) 833-7655 and ask for the attendance office.


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5 2019-2020 Fall Sports

Sixth Grade Health Screening

The Okaloosa School District is committed to promoting VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE and protecting your child’s health. In partnership with PSA DATE HOME VISITOR TIME Healthcare Inc., trained Health Technicians, LPNs, and RNs Sept. 10 - Tues Liza Jackson Destin 4:30 p.m. Sept. 17 - Tues St. Mary’s Destin 4:30 p.m. work with students every day to provide health related education, Sept. 19 – Thurs Destin Lewis 5:00 p.m. perform health related assessments, and provide emergent care as Sept. 20 – Fri Baker Destin 4:30/5:30 p.m. needed. This team of nurses will be providing health screenings Sept. 24 – Tues Meigs Destin 4:30/5:30 p.m. for 6th - grade students at Destin Middle School. Date to be Sept. 26– Thurs Lewis Destin 4:30 p.m. announced. Florida Statute 402.32 of the School Health Act Oct. 3 – Thurs Destin Baker 4:30 p.m. requires these screenings. The screenings are designed to detect Oct. 8 – Tues Destin St. Mary’s health problems that could affect your child’s learning and/or Oct. 10- Thurs Destin Liza Jackson 4:00 p.m. growth. The routine screenings provided include: FOOTBALL SCHEDULE • Vision - using the Snellen chart DATE HOME VISITOR PLACE TIME • Hearing – using Audiometer Sept. 12 – Thurs Pryor Destin Choctaw HS 6:30 p.m. • Scoliosis - frequently called “Curvature of the Spine” and Sept. 19 – Thurs Destin Lewis Destin MS 6:30 p.m. is done by visual inspection Sept. 26 – Thurs Baker Destin Baker School 6:30 p.m. • Body Mass Index - through weighing and measuring Oct. 3 - Thurs Destin Freeport Destin MS 6:30 p.m. These screenings will be performed by Oct. 10– Thurs Play-offs Class 1A semifinals TBD 6:30 p.m. trained nurses and will not harm your child in Oct. 17 –Thurs Finals Class 1A Finals TBD 6:30 p.m. any way. If your child does not pass any part of CROSS COUNTRY SCHEDULE the screening, you will be notified in writing. DATE HOME VISITOR TIME PLACE Please note that all of your child’s health Sept. 11 – Wed Destin MS Meigs, Lewis 4:30 p.m. Destin MS information will remain confidential. If you Sept. 18 – Wed ECMS Pryor, Destin, Freeport 4:30 p.m. ECMS do not want your child to participate in this Sept. 25 – Wed Walton Ruckel, Destin, Pryor, ECMS 4:30 p.m. Walton screening program, please notify the school Oct. 2 – Wed Destin Liza Jackson, St. Mary’s 4:30 p.m. Destin in writing as soon as possible. The screening is Oct. 9 – Wed Shoal River Pryor, Destin, Ruckel, St. Mary’s 4:30 p.m. Shoal River provided at no charge. If you have any questions Oct. 15 – Tues Pryor Conference Championship Meet 4:30 p.m. FWB about the screenings, please speak to the school Oct. 16 (Rain Date) Golf Course health room. Dates are subject to change All interested student athletes must have a 2.0 grade point average for the previous nine weeks, and must have the required paperwork on file with the school (Ms. Nichols in the office) in order to participate in tryouts. Required paperwork includes physical, parent release / permission form, and MSAC rules compliance form. Required information can be picked up at Destin Middle School student services office or online at All documents must be completely filled out and notarized (notary services are available in the school office). Players should bring proper tryout clothes (shorts, t-shirt, shoes or cleats, shin guards, etc.) during the tryout days. Duffle bags can be kept in the storage rooms next to the boys and girls locker rooms. These doors will be open at 8:15 until 9:00 each day during tryout week.

Flu Mist Clinic

Destin Middle School’s Flu Mist Clinic day has been scheduled for Oct. 23, 2019 at 11:45 a.m. Please return your child’s consent form to the office by Sep. 30, 2019 to ensure time to process your consent.

6 8th Grade News

The 8th grade is off to a 1st place Start! All 8th Grade Teachers have commented on how well this year’s 8th graders have taken on the leadership role of the school. There are high expectations for these Marlins with good reason! Just as a heads up…we will be seeing the Poe Plays at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center on November 1st. Permission forms will be distributed as the time gets closer…so PLEASE don’t schedule orthodontist appointments for this day and feel free to join in the fun as a Chaperone! I am also delighted to report that I was able to add a couple to my 8th grade helping “Parental Marlins” List. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to help out and be a part of your child’s last year of Middle School. You will get to help set up for our Sparkle Dance, “officiate” Marlin Olympics, and help set up with the Aloha Ceremony at the end of the year. Please email me if you would like to be added to the list! Mr. Tuthill

Destin Middle School is a HERO School…

HERO encourages positive student behavior choices. When students demonstrate HERO behaviors, they may earn points toward exciting incentives. We invite students and parents to register your own HERO account so we may keep the lines of communication between home and school open.

HERO STUDENT Account Registration!

*EVERY student needs to register. Register your student FIRST and then yourself. Step 1: Go to the website Step 2: Click “Students” Step 3: Click “Create an Account” Step 4: Enter student email and use the same password used for their computer access. Click create user.

continued on next page

7 HERO STUDENT Account Registration!


Step 5: Click “Close”, followed by “Add Student”

Step 6: Click “No”

Parent Account Registration

To set-up a parent account so you can be notified of your student progress. To register, follow these easy steps: 1. Go to you must do this through the website not the app. 2. Select the parent button 3. Click “Create an Account” (and enter a PERSONAL/HOME EMAIL ADDRESS) 4. Enter your name and email address, choose a password, and click “Create user” 5. Click “Add Student” 6. Choose “No” to add your student using their ID Number, Date of Birth, and Last Name

Download the app on your phone to receive daily progress on your child.

¡Registro de cuenta de padre comenzar 8/15/2019

Step 7: Enter information required and click “Add Student” DONE!

It’s Time to Join Builder’s Club!!!

Builder’s Club, sponsored by Kiwanis, is a club for any 5th and 6th grade student at Destin Middle School. Builder’s Club is focused on participating in service projects to help our school and community. We meet at 8:10 on Tuesday mornings in Room 140 with our community sponsor, Ms. Martin; and our school sponsor, Ms. Giraldo. Come join us for a great time! BEGINNING DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED

Configurar una cuenta principal para que pueda recibir una notificación del progreso de su estudiante. Para registrarse, siga estos pasos: 1. Ir a 2. Seleccione el botón “Parents” 3. Haga clic en “Create An Account” (e ingrese una DIRECCIÓN DE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO PERSONAL/HOGAR) 4. Ingrese su nombre y su dirección de correo electrónico, elija una contraseña, y haga clic en “Create user” 5. Haga clic en “Add Student” 6. Elija “No” para agregar a su estudiante usando su número de identificación, fecha de nacimiento y apellido.

Descargue la aplicación en su teléfono para recibir el progreso diario de su hijo.

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Okaloosa School District Destin Middle School 4608 Legendary Marina Drive Destin, FL 32541

To Addressee or Current Resident

8 2019-2020 School Year Meal Prices: Elementary & Secondary Breakfast: $1.80 Adult Breakfast: $2.25 Elementary & Secondary Lunch: $2.70 Adult Lunch: $4.00 Free & Reduced Lunch Applications: Applications are available in English and Spanish at all schools. Parents need to turn in one (1) application per household. Free and Reduced meal applications are available online at the district’s nutrition website: Entering applications online is quick, easy and more accurate than filling out a paper application. The website is totally secure. There is no fee for using the Myschoolapps website to submit your application. You will need to provide certain information during the application process. Examples: Household Members Names and Income, SNAP/TANF Case Numbers, Social Security Numbers, Student ID Number, etc. When you have all this information together, Go to the Food Service district web page at and then click the Apply for Lunch Online link or go to: Pay for lunch on line: Parents can add money to lunch accounts on line, receive notifications about account balances and stay up to date with student spending. Go to and create an account. The site accepts credit cards as payment. Once an online payment is made, money is added to your student’s account within 24 hours. The payment amount and a small transaction fee are charged to your credit card. The information needed to add a student to your account is: school district, school name, student identification number, street address, student date of birth, and a valid e-mail address. If you have any questions about lunch prices, free and reduced lunch applications, or on-line payments please contact Food Services at 301-3020.

Academy Publishing School Newsletter Program ™ 800-644-3541

2019-2020 Lunch Information

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