Dixie Hollins High School Newsletter

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For the parents, students, staff & community of Dixie Hollins High School

Pinellas County School Board Chairperson Peggy L. O’Shea Vice Chairperson Terry Krassner Janet R. Clark Carol J. Cook Rene Flowers Linda S. Lerner Ken Peluso Administration

Principal Robert C. Florio Assistant Principals Luke Kademoff Lisa Sinatra Mary J. Taylor Eric Zebley Counselors

Cynthia Burnett Jennifer Figliozzi David Singer Susan Stone Superintendent Of Schools

Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. Area III Superintendent

Robert Poth

To download a PDF version of this newsletter, go to http://academypublishing.com/schools/ dixiehollins/dixiehollins.php

Principal’s Message

May 2016 Volume 17 • Issue 4

Dear Parents & Community of Dixie Hollins High School As we make the final steps in our journey to the end of the school year we are thrilled by our accomplishments, yet understand we have many more steps on our journey to greatness – becoming the best public high school in the state of Florida. A school community is a vibrant and rich community with many different people from many different backgrounds, reflective of the mosaic of the world in which we live. In life, as in school, we have trials and tribulations setbacks and accomplishments. This school year was all of that and more. I have learned that our school is a place where any student from any background can come and be joyfully welcomed and find interest in the variety of classes, activities and events that we offer. I have learned we have a vibrant alumni community who cares deeply about our school and is invested in our success. I have learned that our strength is in our diversity. I have learned to appreciate this school and love its people. And I know I want to continue to work, strive, fight, advocate, push and pull for the wellbeing of this school, its students and community. • Our academy magnet programs continue to grow and thrive. We have received more initial applications in our Culinary, Arts and Entertainment and Cambridge programs than ever before. We will have over 700 students on our campus in one of these programs for the 2016/17 school year • Remember we have a shortened summer this year. Teachers will return to school on August 1 and students will return for the first day on Wednesday August 10. The last day of school will be Thursday May 25, 2017. • Our JROTC program continues to be a beacon of pride and accomplishment. For the 3rd time in five years, our Drill Team won the district championship! They also defeated 32 other schools in an invitational at Brandon HS winning the championship! Competing against over 100 schools in the Florida State Drill Meet our cadets took 2nd in Female Armed Platoon commanded by Chynnel Price and Nicolas Garcia took 5th in Male Individual Exhibition • Our Drama Department took their one act, The Crimson Hotel – The American Premier, to State Competition and performed in front of thousands of adoring patrons. • Our Wrestling team took second in our District, in one of the toughest districts in state, qualified for Regionals and took five wrestlers to states. Senior Captain Brandon Nevitt was runner up in the 180 pound division. continued on page 2...

2 Principal’s Message Continues... • •

Coach Nick Spataro was voted Coach of the Year by his peers! Aldo Ortiz was our very first Academy of Arts and Entertainment student to win a scriptwriting award, taking an Honorable Mention at the 2016 Scholastics Southeastern US writing awards. Lyndsie Zimmerman’s film “Why She Left Me” was accepted into the Sunscreen Film Competition – where she competed with college students. And for the third straight year we have won the National Scholastic Awards! Ryan Molter won gold for filmmaking, and Stephani Hyde and Justin Pentith won Gold for photography. These three students will represent our Academy and school at New York City’s Carnegie Hall this Mayl!!! • We are expanding our Culinary Arts Academy – adding a restaurant and two additional teaching classrooms ready for the beginning of next school year. • We have received approval to reconstruct our Academy of Arts and Entertainment building, which will allow the facility to catch up to the artistry and magic that is created there daily • Adult Education portables have been moved to the back (Western) part of our campus. This will allow us to fully secure our campus daily and better monitor foot traffic in and out. This will also allow us to construct a state of the art multi-practice field on our campus for our sports teams and PE classes. • We are in the process of turning the area by our softball field into a park. It will be named Alumni Park in honor of our great students of the past and serve as a bridge from our rich history to our present. The Class of 1965 has donated a commemorative plaque and funds that will be used to purchase a tree in their class’s name. We will add a beach volley ball court in the park and add picnic tables for students’ and staff’s enjoyment. • I want to especially thank the time, service and commitment of teachers that will be retiring this year. ○○ Donna Morgen – has taught ESE and Math at Dixie Hollins for over 14 years – has been in education for over 35 years. She has single handedly helped hundreds of students pass the PERT test and thus graduate from high school ○○ Jeannie Wallace – English Teacher and Media Specialist for 30 years at Dixie Hollins High School ○○ Cynthia Hanley – over 35 years of teaching in Math and Art – which has been at Dixie Hollins ○○ Lynn Keiser – PE, Drivers Ed teacher for over 37 years – our softball coach for 26 years! ○○ Teresa Myrick our Senior DMT – who has spent her entire illustrious career of 43 years here at Dixie Hollins High School – She is Rebel Strong! That is over 175 years of dedication, devotion and experience to our school, students and education – Thank you for your service! We wish you the best of health, luck and happiness • Our bell schedule will stay the same for next year – there is a one page Blue/White calendar on that contains every day of the year, including teacher training days, vacation days and the days for each quarter that is posted on our website for your convenience. • We will not be offering GradPoint during the regular school day next year. We will be utilizing Adult Education for credit recovery and grade forgiveness purposes. • Our areas of growth are in attendance and graduation. It all starts with attendance. Collectively – our community needs to stress the importance of education, attending school and graduating. We will re-double our efforts and do everything we can to enhance our school, facilities, programs and curriculum to make our school attractive for all of our students. Thank you for your continued support of our endeavors. Thank you for trusting your student’s education and future with us. We honor that relationship. See you at the top!

Payments to School At this time all payments to the school must be by cash or money order. The bookkeeping office is unable to make change, please bring the exact amount.

Student Activities Supervision of students on school grounds is provided only from 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after a school activity is scheduled or actually begins or ends, whichever period is longer. Parents should not expect supervision before or after these time periods.

Parent Input Pinellas County Schools welcomes input of parents regarding the job performance of district employees. A Parent Input Form is available for parents to give input regarding teacher performance. Also available is a Parent/ Teacher Input Form for input regarding administrative performance. Each form requires a signature. A copy of the form will be shared with the employee. Forms are available in the school office.

Media Center The media center requests that all books be returned by May 14. It will then be closed to do inventory for the rest of the year. Seniors who have outstanding fines or overdue books will be placed on the obligation list.

Final Grades and Report Cards Final grades and exams will be posted in Portal Wednesday June 15th. We will not be mailing home report cards , parents may come to Student Services and pick up a hard copy with a photo ID.

3 Senior Information • •

Student Literacy Team News

Senior Class Sponsor: Mrs. Jennifer Sinphay, sinphayj@pcsb. org or Mrs. Crystal Rockne, rocknec@pcsb.org . Please feel free to contact with any Senior or graduation related questions. Grad Fees: $90. Cash Only. These fees are due by the close of business on Thursday, May 5th. Caps and Gowns are going to be distributed following the senior breakfast on Friday, May 13th . Fees and obligations must be taken care of by then in order to receive cap and gown at that time. NO EXCEPTIONS Graduation Student Participation Guidelines: All student obligations must be cleared by the close of school on Friday, May 29th . This date must be strictly adhered to so that all necessary arrangements can be made for graduation ceremony. Please contact Mrs. Sinphay or Mrs. Rockne if you have any questions.

W.O.R@D has been busy this semester. In January we participated in Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida by distributing Free Little Libraries to 18 lucky teachers around the school and gave away dozens of donated books to our students. In February, ten of our students hosted and attended the District Literacy Conference at the Largo Library. We had teen spoken word poets perform, a presentation about literacy efforts at each school, a published author speak, and an adult spoken word poet give a workshop. Also in February, Poets Align, our spoken word poetry team, performed at two middle schools – Pinellas Park and Morgan Fitzgerald. They continued to have weekly poetry jams at lunch. Twelve poets also performed at the March 31 4940 Expo. The book club finished their last book for the year in March. Next year’s first book will be Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman. April was National Poetry Month. Our poets performed at Barnes and Noble on April 9 as a fundraiser for the literacy club. On April 14 we held our 6th annual On Point! Poetry Slam. 1st place: Katrina Beaucage; 2nd place, Mallory Rambler; 3rd place, Thayer Tymon. Our top two poets will compete in the district literacy slam on May 24 at the Largo Cultural Center, which is a free event and open to the public. Our club president, Mallory Rambler, was asked to speak at the district’s kick off breakfast for the summer reading program. She did an excellent job and as a result, will be working with the summer reading program this year. Elections for next year’s club will be held May 25. Any student who is interested in joining the literacy club for next year should see Mrs. Wallace in the media center.

Graduation frequently asked questions: When and where to report: To be announced once we receive the information – will be distributed to seniors and will be posted on our website. • Guests: Guests with disabilities who may not be able to walk the distance from the parking lots may be dropped off at Gate 4, drivers will then need to find parking in one of the adjacent lots. Tropicana will NOT have wheelchairs available so please provide your own if necessary.

Parking The cost to park is $10. There are numerous parking lots within walking distance of the field. You may also use street parking that has pay meters. Remember there is a graduation ceremony before ours.

Dress Code •

Boys: Wear a white or light colored shirt with a dark tie, dark socks, dark shoes and dark trousers (flip flops are not acceptable). • Girls: Wear a full light colored outfit (dress) and light colored shoes under their white gown (flip flops are not acceptable). • Please note: Shorts are not permitted. Flowers and jewelry are not to be worn on graduation gowns and each student will be checked for appropriate attire and appearance. All purses, cell phones, cameras and any other electronic devices will be collected, tagged and returned to you after the ceremony. It is recommended that graduates leave purses and electronic devices with a family member. You will not participate in the ceremony if you are in violation of the dress code.

Yearbooks Yearbooks are selling out fast. Don’t wait until the last minute. See Mrs. Zemaitis in Room 322 to purchase. Cost $80.00, cash only.

Football News • •

PDQ Family Night Fundraiser – Monday, May 16th, beginning at 4 pm 4601 Park Blvd Football Spring Classic vs. Hudson – May 26th, Hudson High School - 7 pm Tickets Approx. $6 • Football Conditioning – June 6 – July 22nd (All football players) Monday thru Thursday 7:30 am – 11:30 am • Football Practice will begin August 1st 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm • Any questions please contact Coach Wheeler, wheelers@pcsb.org or leave message at 547-7876 ext 2080 ** Pick up and drop off location for football players is at the football stadium


Cambridge News

Congratulations to Cambridge C/O 2015-2016! Oh the places they will go! From as far North as University of Massachusetts to as far South as Florida International University and all the places in between. Our program graduates will be recognized during The Dixie Program Celebration Ceremony on May 26, 2016 at SPC Seminole Campus at 7 p.m. Bull (USF) Gator (UF) Knight (UCF) Riley Anderson Martin Carr Abedullah Abdel Latif Zoe Basheska Hony Keooudom Stephanie Anagnos PJ Maharatboutdy Marielisa Rivera Arianna Kongsine Samuel Pontello Angelina Tran Dante Lovullo Robert Watson Nole (FSU) Titan (SPC) Warrior (SWU) Jaclyn Even Nicole Anderson Bedford Fleuriot Gabrielius Garmus Reigha Clark Dorin Muchitello Dayana Gonzalez Wildcat (UNH) Marcus Navales Gessica Sammaciccia Joseph Shaver Panther (FIU) Triton (Eckerd) Wildcat (J&W) Danielle Morris Kassandra Englmann Ashley Scott

Dual Enrollment Dixie continues to offer dual enrollment courses to students on the Dixie campus as well as the various SPC campuses. Students must have college readiness qualifying test scores, a 3.0 gpa, and acceptable attendance. All paperwork must be turned in by June 1 to be eligible for fall classes. Please see your child’s counselor for additional information and the paperwork.

Bright Futures and State of Florida Financial Aid Opportunities Seniors must complete an application at www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org to be considered for any scholarships through the State of Florida. Community Service paperwork toward Bright Future’s must be completed and turned into Mrs. Sinatra by May 27th.

Scholarships Please visit www.pcsb.org for a list of scholarship opportunities. The link is found under Financial Aid and Scholarships through the student tab. Scholarship criteria varies and may be based on need, academic merit, community involvement, athletics etc. All students are encouraged to begin looking at scholarship sites throughout their high school career.

You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers Who soar to high heights. – Dr. Seuss

October 19, 2016 The PSAT will be offered in October. All grade 9 and 10 students are automatically registered to take the test for free. Special Education students and 504 students interested in accommodations must return the letter given to them to have signed by their parent/guardian to the guidance office. Then the request, along with the paperwork, can be submitted to the College Board before the end of the school year by the guidance counselor. The College Board determines eligibility for accommodations through their process. Rising juniors must register separately through the guidance office. The fee, as a junior, to take the PSAT is $15.00. This test is a National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test for juniors and they are highly encouraged to participate. This is also a great practice tool for the SAT, a college entrance test which students usually take the first time during their junior year.

Course Request Proof Sheets Students will be given a copy of their course requests for fall in May. Students are to review and sign their sheets, and make any notes of changes. Schedules will not be changed in the fall unless there is a mistake on their schedule. A student changing their mind about a course does not necessitate a schedule change.

Credit Recovery Summer credit recovery is offered through Dixie Hollins Adult Education. Failed academic courses can be made up through grad point, an online credit recovery program. The summer program begins June 8 and continues through July 14, on days Monday through Thursday. The lab hours are 8 am-noon and 4-8 pm. Important Note: NCAA will NOT accept credit recovered through the grad point credit recovery program for student athletes.

Greetings from the Rebel Battalion! The Battalion activities are coming to an end as the school year is almost over. States, our last Drill meet took place on Saturday April 16th. All of the hard work put in at practice every week paid off and it showed at States. The Female Armed regulation platoon, commanded by Chynnel Price took second place overall! Cadet Nicolas Garcia took fifth place in his exhibition solo. The whole drill team has represented Dixie very well throughout the year. Another event we participate in was Military Ball. That event took place on March 18, 2016. Vincent Pease and Danielle Morris were announced King and Queen for the year of 2015-2016. The next event that took place was Awards night. Awards night happened on April 20, 2016 and the purpose of it was to recognize cadets for all of their hard work and dedication that was put in to our community and the JROTC program. Awards night also recognizes our Booster club members who put countless amount of hours and support in making everything in this program possible. Each year at Awards night, the new leadership for the following school year is announced and the outgoing leadership relinquishes their responsibility. Congratulations to our first semester Battalion Commander Shannon Silk and Second semester Brittany Sekot. Another congratulations goes to our new Command Sergeant Major Kaitlin Hempstead and Battalion XO Dalton Busch! As we say goodbye to our seniors and old leadership, we look forward to the accomplishments that next year’s battalion is going to achieve. Every year, the Rebel Battalion keeps improving. This year’s rebel battalion has set high expectations for next year but we know that they will achieve it and go above and beyond! Go Rebels!

2016-2017 Calendar Pinellas County Schools Wednesday, August 10 All schools open. All Pre-k and postsecondary schools’ classes begin. Monday, September 5 Labor Day Holiday - schools closed for staff and students. Tuesday, October 11 End of first quarter. Wednesday, October 12(a) Non-student day for 198- and 235-day instructional personnel. Monday, November 21(a) - Thanksgiving Holidays - schools closed for staff and students. Friday, November 25 Friday, December 16 End of first semester. Monday, December 19 - Winter Holidays - schools closed for staff and students. Friday, December 30, 2016 Monday, January 2, 2017 Non-student day for 198- and 235-day instructional personnel. Tuesday, January 3 Second semester begins. Monday, January 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday - schools closed for staff and students. Monday, February 20 Non-student day for 198- and 235-day instructional personnel. Friday, March 10 End of third quarter. Monday, March 13 Spring Holidays - schools closed for staff and student. Friday, March 17 Monday, March 20 Non-student day for 198- and 235-day instructional personnel. Tuesday, March 21 Schools reopen. Classes resume. Friday, April 14 Non-student day/non-work day for 198-day instructional personnel. Thursday, May 25 Last day for all students (with the exception of Adult students at the Postsecondary Centers). Friday, May 26 Non-student day/last day for 198-day instructional personnel. Monday, June 5 Four-day work week begins. (a)Hurricane make-up days * Professional development days, teacher planning days and trade days will be determined by District, PCTA, and Professional Development collaborative agreement and will be posted on the 2016-17 Staff Calendar.


For The Parents, Students, Staff and Community Of Dixie Hollins High School

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Orlando, FL Permit #2346

Pinellas County Schools-Area III Dixie Hollins High School 4940 62 Street North St. Petersburg, Florida 33709 727-547-7876


Academy Publishing School Newsletter Program ™ 800-644-3541

Performing Arts

Academy of Entertainment

Sweeney Todd

Academy of Entertainment Arts students win Gold! We have some exciting news from the AEA. For the third straight year, we have won national Scholastic Awards. Actually we won three. Stephanie Hyde and Justin Pentith both won Gold for photography. Ryan Molter won gold for filmmaking. The students will be flown to NYC to Carnegie Hall for the red carpet awards show. It is extremely challenging to get gold at the national level. And Dixie AEA got three. In fact there were over 320,000 submissions nationwide. Very exciting. AEA students accepted in Gasparilla International Film Festival! AEA had six student films get accepted into the Gasparilla International Film Festival. This is a very difficult film competition to get accepted into. The students are: 1. Lyndsie Zimmerman for What She Left Me 2. Aaron Gauger, Dante Luvollo, Trey Thompson, Alexis Westmoreland, and Sidney Wright for Could be Worse 3. Haley Anderson, Chandon Addis, Crystal Miller, and Arianna Wright for My Little Warrior 4. Gage McCann, Dylan Maczis, and Tyler Majewski for Pitch Day 5. Thomas Ernst, Sabrina Schultz, Sidney Wright and Alexandra Stimens for Cut! 6. Nathaniel Cleveland, Mikaela-Rose Piotrowski, Lyndsie Zimmerman, Gabbi Guzman, and Phil Dvorak for Like Me AEA Student Film Accepted into the Sunscreen Film Festival! Lyndsie Zimmerman’s film “What She Left Me” was accepted into the Sunscreen Film Competition. Sunscreen has a student category that is only open to college students. Her film was entered into the professional short film competition and she placed!

The Demon Barber of Fleet Street May 19-21 at 7 pm in the Dixie Theatre Dixie Hollins High School’s theatre department is proud to present the dark and witty tale of London, love, murder, and revenge in “Sweeney Todd”. An infamous tale, Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber, returns to 19th century London seeking vengeance against the lecherous judge who framed him and ravaged his young wife. The road to revenge leads Todd to Mrs. Lovett, a resourceful proprietress of a failing pie shop, above which he opens a new barber practice. Mrs. Lovett’s luck sharply shifts when Todd’s thirst for blood inspires the integration of an ingredient into her meat pies that has the people of London lining up, and the carnage has only just begun! Under the captivating direction of Mr. Christopher Clark and the entrancing musical direction of Mr. Matthew Clear, this show is sure to be the highlight of the season. Show dates are May 19-21 at 7:00pm in the Dixie Theatre. Tickets are $10.00. This show is (PG-13).

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