Eating breakfast is a must for high school students

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EATING BREAKFAST IS A MUST FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS High School students are very active youth involved in attending and maintaining rigorous academic success in 6 periods of courses daily, participating in Clubs, being active members on sports teams, holding part-time jobs afterschool and on weekends, and studying several hours during the evenings. Recognizing how busy and active our student body is, huge benefits exist when high school students get in the habit of eating breakfast daily. During these first few months of school, four separate, isolated situations have occurred with four female students who have fainted or nearly fainted while sitting in their morning classes. In each case, the girls have discussed feeling weak, shaking, feeling like they are going to pass out, and appearing very pale upon the arrival of administration. In each case, a similarity has been expressed by the girls regarding their morning activity prior to arriving to school: breakfast was not eaten. A granola bar and a cold bottle of water were immediately offered to each girl; these items were accepted and consumed by the weak students. These unusual cases of fainting were the reflection piece that got some of the staff thinking about the common factor of missing breakfast on the given day/s of the fainting episodes. We have all heard with frequency, the statement that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day. “The “Food and Nutrition Service” states that feeling tired/lethargic in the morning and experiencing difficulty concentrating during the day, can be remedied by eating breakfast regularly. Eating breakfast can result in improved grades, increased concentration, and can result in decreased rates of tardiness and absences. Let us point out to you some of the noted BEST breakfast choices to consider: • Toast with Peanut Butter • A piece of Fruit with Toast • Cereal with Milk • Granola Bar with a Glass of 100% Fruit Juice Breakfast eaters do have better diets, consuming more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. An article in the 2014 Consumer Reports stated 5 good reasons to eat in the morning: 1. It may protect your heart Researchers found that those who didn’t eat a morning meal were 27% more likely to develop heart disease than those who did. 2. It might lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes A morning meal may help you avoid fluctuating glucose levels, which can lead to diabetes. 3. It gets you moving The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition noted that people who ate breakfast were more physically active during the morning than those who didn’t.

4. It might give you a mental edge Research shows that eating breakfast on a consistent basis might improve memory, attention, the clear processing of information, improve creativity, and improve learning. 5. It just might keep your weight down Studies go back and forth on this issue, however, what is true, is that eating a balanced breakfast will add toward the reduction of snacking throughout the morning hours which can reduce the intake of unwanted calories contributing to weight gains. Eating a nutritious breakfast can certainly add to being more alert and can benefit a student’s ability to feel less fatigued and less weak. Students: Remember to eat breakfast daily; it truly is an important meal to practice eating regularly. Parents: Remind your high school child to make time to eat breakfast daily. Some students report that they get their breakfast ready the night before by placing cereal in a bowl with the milk ready to pour or placing a granola bar on the counter ready to grab with a juice box to go. These are ideas to use to avoid “beating the clock” which often results in missing breakfast.

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