Enochs High School Newsletter

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F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L The Administration, Faculty and staff want to say an enthusiastic welcome to new students and returning students alike. Our theme this year is Culture Trumps Strategy, Every Time. As many of you know at Enochs High School students are academically strong and Teachers educate at a high level of rigor. However, both of these facts mean very little without a caring group of people who work together as a team. Parents you are a big part of this team, and we hope to provide you the information you need though newsletters, social media, and parent meetings to participate in your child’s education each and every day. We encourage you to begin as a volunteer on our campus as well as using Power-School to get up to the moment information regarding grades and attendance, follow the link on our school website. Recently you received an email that included a survey link; the “We Survey” was provided to staff, students and parents to report on the perceived climate at Enochs High School. We are interested in your opinions in order to improve teaching and learning at Enoch. Survey results will be shared with you at a later date. The new state assessments will be part of the junior’s program this year. Last year the junior class piloted the new Smarter Balanced Assessment for the state of California. This year juniors will take the new assessment during a testing window in April and May. The results from the new assessments are completely different than the results from the CST of years past, so please do not try to compare these two results. Enochs Teachers are preparing students for these new assessments, English teachers are utilizing the computers for all benchmark assessments, The math, Social science, science departments are utilizing common core strategies in lessons and on tests. As a schoolwide movement all teachers are using a literacy strategy called close reading. For more information on the SBAC assessments go to smarterbalanced.org. We welcome you to join us on campus as a volunteer, if you have time and are willing to serve on one of many committees please contact Mr. Michael Shroyer at 550-3404.


From The Curriculum & Instruction Office

Parent Concerns: The Enoch’s Administrative policy is to have the parent communicate their concerns with the staff member first. If after communicating with the staff member, the concern is not resolved, parents would involve an administrator. Collaboration days: Many parents have been inquired about the increased number of minimum days. Due to education moving to the new Common Core standards and new Smarter Balance assessment, there is an increased need for teachers to be able to collaborate in order to plan and receive training for these changes. This year Enochs has 15 collaboration days.

Collaboration/Early Release Wednesday’s School is dismissed at 12:48 September 24 October 8 October 22 November 5 December 3 January 14 January 28

February 25 March 11 March 25 April 15 April 29 May 13

From Assistant Principal Michael Shroyer The Supervision Office is busy ensuring a safe environment for all students. Please contact our office for any concerns or questions you may have regarding; parking, safety, conduct code, or discipline interventions. Below we have listed a few areas of concern we need your help on. Thank you for your cooperation as we all work together. • • • • • • • • • •

Use caution during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Do not use the Veterinarian’s private lot for dropping and picking up. Remind students who walk to use the bridge across Sylvan. Speed Limit 5 MPH DO NOT drop off in round-about ONLY drop off after the “Student Drop Off” sign When picking up in the front of the school please only make 2 rows of cars deep and pull as far forward as possible NO parking in “Red Zones” NO smoking Handicap spaces are ONLY for vehicles with Handicap Placards/Plates

The 2013-14 school year was the inaugural year for the Enochs Care Center. This year, 2014-2015, we have combined our Health Office with the Care Center to provide a complete center for our students. Everyone is welcome, supports will be provided by Peer Resource Students, Volunteer Counselors, Student Assistant Specialist, Teachers, School Psychologist, Administrators and Resource Clerical support. The hours of operation for the Enochs Care Center are Monday—Friday, 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Our primary goal for the Enochs Care Center (ECC) is to provide the supports needed to ensure all students have an equal opportunity to learn and succeed in school. The ECC framework helps increase student achievement by accomplishing two objectives: • Identify and address barriers to learning in a systemic manner by linking school resources with those in the home and the community. • Provide interventions and support to students, families, teachers and staff.

Important Dates For 1st Semester September 24................................Collaboration Day/Early Release – 12:48 pm October 8..........................................Collaboration Day/Early Release – 12:48 pm October 10........................................End of 1st Quarter October 22.......................................Collaboration Day/Early Release – 12:48 pm November 5.....................................Collaboration Day/Early Release – 12:48 pm November 10...................................Student Non-attendance Day – No School November 11....................................Veteran’s Day – No School November 26..................................Minimum Day – 7th period out at 12:48 pm; 8th period out at 1:31 pm November 27 & 28.......................Thanksgiving Holiday – No School December 3....................................Collaboration Day/Early Release – 12:48 pm December 17 – 19..........................1st Semester Finals December 22 – January 9........Winter Break – No School

Senior News Senior Parent Meeting

There will be an important meeting for senior parents on Wednesday, October 15th at 6:00 pm in the EHS Multi-Purpose Room. Topics covered will include: Graduation, 3rd and 4th Qtr. senior eligibility requirements, Grad Bash and senior trip.


Graduate Services www.gradservicesltd.com will be on campus November 19th and 20th to take orders for cap and gowns, graduation announcements, class rings, etc. Seniors will be receiving order packets in their government classes in early November.


The Forensic Biotechnology Program Has Been Busy! by Dave Menshew, Enochs Science Teacher Our students ended last year with some very impressive statistics. For example, 100% of our seniors graduated, many being awarded scholarships and honors along the way. Associate Principal Derek Pendley conducted a three year study of the Forensic Biotech Program’s impact on California Standards Testing and Reporting (STAR) scores and found that the number of students in the program achieving advanced and proficient on the STAR tests was 78%. This compares to 59% of the non-program students here at Enochs. District wide 46% of the students are advanced and proficient and 47% of the students statewide achieve this level of performance. The 11th and 12th graders led more public science outreaches than ever before by making three elementary school visits serving well over 1200 students and parents. They also visited a middle school, presenting forensic lessons to all of the A track 8th graders. Our students then went on to be included in the CSU Stanislaus Science Saturday event where hundreds of students and parents enjoyed three rooms of “zombies” who taught several core science concepts. Visitors learned about virus structure, blood spatter patterns, disease transmission, and optics while walking through a post-apocalyptic world worthy of a movie set. Our students were invited by the California Department of Education (CDE) to represent the Career Technical Education division by hosting an exhibit at the 2014 California State Fair. Hundreds of fair-goers visited the display of forensic concepts and enjoyed interacting with the team of 10 young ladies who volunteered to work it. Enochs staff were present, but all decisions on design and execution of the display were done by these amazing young ladies. When difficulties arose with one of the activities, they problem solved and made the outcome better than was planned. The CDE sent the school high praise for the work of this team and asked that they return the following year. The program has had impact beyond Modesto in other ways. For example, staff were invited to Sacramento by the CDE and the Educational Testing Service to have input on the new Next Generation Science Standards assessments, serving with state officials and developing recommendations for the design of future exams to replace the STAR tests. We have had the program featured in multiple national publications as the staff has written articles appearing September through November 2014. We expect this year to be another great one!

3 ‘Eagle Expressions’ September 2014 Published Four Times Per Year Modesto City Schools 426 Locust Street Modesto, California 95351-2699 Issue 4


From the Counseling Office Welcome back to school. We are in full swing for the 2014-15 school year and your children are working on getting their ‘ticket’ to High School Graduation. At Enochs High School, we are working together to provide a quality education to all students while providing opportunity for students to make great memories . Here are a few reminders to help make this a successful year. Due to our enrollment and LCAP funds, Enochs High School will be adding a new counselor very soon. At this time, our counselors are working on providing guidance and support to all students at Enochs and will continue to do so until we find our newest team member. More information will come via the Enochs Website when the new counselor arrives. Please continue to contact the counseling office with any questions or concerns as usual. Enochs High School prides itself on working with students and families to support education. It is important that you communicate with the school if you have any concerns. We are always willing to work with families to help their children find success in school. We have several resources and support students’ success. Finally, September is ‘Attendance Awareness Month’. I want to remind families how important it is for your child to be in school and on time every single day. Students who attend school regularly and are in class on time are far more successful overall than students who miss class or are tardy. Attendance guidelines are very strict for our students and if your child is not in school this could mean an unexcused absence or tardy on your child’s attendance record. Please review the Modesto City Schools Conduct Code or contact the attendance office for more details if you have any questions. Thank you very much for all that you do! We all appreciate working with parents and families to make students successful. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Jenny Solis, Assistant Principal, Pupil Services Solis.j@monet.k12.ca.us (209) 550-3403



Buy Your Yearbook! Senior Yearbook Pictures Shoob Photography is our Official Senior Photographer (4640 Spyres Way, Modesto, 567-0748). We are impressed with their high quality and commitment to customer satisfaction. While the decision to choose a senior photographer is entirely yours, Shoob Photography offers excellent studio portrait packages for families and follows the exact yearbook specifications for all yearbook portraits. Call to schedule your appointment soon. If you wish to have ONLY a yearbook portrait taken Senior Tribute Ads There is limited space for senior ads in the 2015 Wingspan Yearbook. If you would like to purchase an ad, we urge you to act quickly to secure your senior’s space. Call yearbook adviser, Tamra McCarthy, at 550-3410 x5079 and leave your name (PARENT), your student’s name (FIRST AND LAST), ad size and phone number. All messages will be processed and returned in the order they are received to schedule available ad appointments.

Renaissance Program EHS Renaissance program serves as a catalyst for positive change on our campus. James C. Enochs High School has academic and attendance rewards and recognition that motivate students to excel. Students appreciate the positive recognition that our Renaissance program provides. Please be a part of keeping this program strong with your contribution in the following ways: Personal Donations to EHS Renaissance (please write checks to EHS Renaissance with attached form below), and the donation of a silent auction basket or gift card by the end of October to Renaissance (attention: Mrs. Galvan, Room L-216).

Enochs Care Center Medications Students may not carry or self-administer medications during school hours (including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and Asthma Inhalers) without written consent from their medical care provider and parent. Medication must be sent in the prescription bottle or the original sealed container. Medications cannot be brought to school and kept in lockers, purses, backpacks or pockets. Forms to administer or carry medication at school are available in the Care Center. The Physician’s instructions need to include the name of the medication, reason for taking, the amount, and the frequency. The form needs to be dated and signed annually.

Medical Concerns

Students: If you received a 3.75-4.0 GPA all of 2013-2014 school year then you qualify for the Altius Volans Academic Pin or Block Letter award. Please fill out an application and attach your transcript and they are due by Thursday, November 20th in Room L-216. Applications are available on the school website and in the office.

If your child has any physical or emotional/social issues that the school should be aware of such as diabetes, scoliosis, heart problems, asthma, allergies, anxiety, grief, depression or peer relationship concerns, please notify the Care Center. The Enochs Care Center has trained Student Assistant Specialists, peer mentoring, as well as many more resources to support student’s mental/ emotional health. Please fill out a Care Center consent form to be on file so that the Care Center can assist when/if the need arises. Students may pick up the consent form in the Care Center. We are here to help students succeed! You may contact the Care Center at Enochs by phone at 550-3400, ext. 2123.



Girls Tennis

Day Date Thu. Sept. 18 Tues. Sept. 23 Thu. Sept. 25 Tues. Sept. 30 Thu. Oct. 2 Tues. Oct. 7 Thu. Oct. 9 Tues. Oct. 14 Thu. Oct. 16 Tues. Oct. 21 Thu. Oct. 23 Tues. Oct. 28 Thu. Oct. 30 Tues. Nov. 4 Mon. Nov. 10 Fri. Nov. 14

Opponent Location Time Downey Home 3:30 Modesto Modesto 3:30 Gregori Home 3:30 BYE Davis Home 3:30 Johansen Johansen 3:30 Beyer Beyer 3:30 Downey Downey 3:30 Modesto Home 3:30 Gregori Home 3:30 BYE MMC Singles Tournament TBA TBA MMC Doubles Tournament TBA TBA 1-CIF Section Team Tournament TBA TBA 2-CIF Section Singles Tournament TBA TBA CIF Section Singles Tournament TBA TBA

Cross Country Day Wed. Sat. Wed. Fri. Sat. Sat. Sat.

Date Oct. 1 Oct. 4 Oct. 15 Oct. 31 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 29

Opponent League Meet #2 Artichoke Invitational League Meet #3 Conference League Meet CIF Sub-Section Meet CIF Section Meet CIF State Meet

Location TBA Half Moon Bay TBA TBA Angels Camp Willow Hill, Folsom Woodland Park

Time 3:30-5:30 8:00am 3:30-5:30 TBA TBA TBA TBA

Sports 2014/2015 Eligibility 1.

In order to participate in a sport, all students must have a 2.0 GPA with no more than one F. The GPA that determines eligibility is as follows: • Fall Sports - 4th quarter GPA of previous school year for 10th -12th grades only. All 9th graders are eligible for the 1st quarter. • Winter Sports - 1st quarter GPA of current school year. • Spring Sports - 1st semester GPA of current school year. 2. All school debts must be paid. For questions contact: Randy Rubio, Athletic Director – Rubio.R@monet.k12.ca.us


Boys Soccer Day Date Thu. Sept. 18 Tues. Sept. 23 Thu. Sept. 25 Tues. Sept. 30 Thu. Oct. 2 Tues. Oct. 7 Thu. Oct. 9 Tues. Oct. 14 Thu. Oct. 16 Tues. Oct. 21 Thu. Oct. 23 Thu. Oct. 30 Tues. Nov. 4 Thu. Nov. 6 Wed. Nov. 12 Sat. Nov. 15

Day Date Fri. Sept. 19 Fri. Sept. 26 Fri. Oct. 3 Fri. Oct. 10 Fri. Oct. 17 Fri. Oct. 24 Fri. Oct. 31 Fri. Nov. 7 Fri. Nov. 14 Fri. Nov. 21 Fri. Nov. 28 Sat. Dec. 6

Opponent Location Time Johansen Home 3:30 Beyer Home 3:30 Downey Home 3:30 Modesto Modesto 3:30 Gregori Gregori 3:30 Bye Davis Home 3:30 Johansen Johansen 3:30 Beyer Beyer 3:30 Downey Downey 3:30 Modesto Bye Enochs 3:30 First Round TBA TBA Second Round TBA TBA Third Round TBA TBA Division 1 Final TBA TBA

Opponent Location Johansen Muni (H) Downey Muni (A) Modesto Dryden (A) Beyer Creekside (A) Gregori Creekside (A) Bye Sierra Tournament Manteca Davis Dryden (H) Johansen Dryden (A) Downey Dryden (H) MMC Tournament TBA CIF South Sectional TBA CIF Masters Tourney The Reserve @Spanos Nor-Cal Tournament TBA

Location Merced Downey (A) Gregori (H) Downey (H) Johansen (H) Johansen (A) Gregori (A)

Time 5:15/7:30 3:30/5:15/7:30 3:30/5:15/7:30 3:30/5:15/7:30 3:30/5:15/7:30 3:30/5:15/7:30 3:30/5:15/7:30




Girls Golf Day Date Thu. Sept. 18 Tues. Sept. 23 Thu. Sept. 25 Tues. Sept. 30 Thu. Oct. 2 Tues. Oct. 7 Wed. Oct. 8 Tues. Oct. 9 Thu. Oct. 14 Tues. Oct. 16 Thu. Oct. 21 Mon. Oct. 27 Mon. Nov. 3 Mon. Nov. 10

Opponent Merced Davis Johansen Beyer (Homecoming) Downey (Senior Night) Modesto Gregori BYE Playoff Round 1 Playoff Round 2 Playoff Semi Finals Section Championship

Time 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 TBA 3:00 3:00 3:00 TBA TBA TBA TBA

Day Date Tues. Sept. 23 Thu. Sept. 25 Sat. Sept. 27 Tues. Sept. 30 Thu. Oct. 2 Tues. Oct. 7 Thu. Oct. 9 Sat. Oct. 11 Tues. Oct. 14 Thu. Oct. 16 Fri/Sat Oct. 17/18 Tues. Oct. 21 Thu. Oct. 23 Tues. Oct. 28 Thu. Oct. 30

Opponent Location Time Johansen Home 4:00/5:00/6:00 Beyer Beyer 4:00/5:00/6:00 Stockton Classic Tourney (JV) TBA TBA Downey Home 4:00/5:00/6:00 Modesto Modesto 4:00/5:00/6:00 Gregori Gregori 4:00/5:00/6:00 BYE Dougherty Valley Tourney (V) TBA TBA Davis Home 4:00/5:00/6:00 Johansen Johansen 4:00/5:00/6:00 Stockton Classic Tourney (V) TBA TBA Beyer Beyer 4:00/5:00/6:00 Downey Downey 4:00/5:00/6:00 Modesto Home 4:00/5:00/6:00 Gregori Home 4:00/5:00/6:00



EHS Instrumental Music and Guard Program Marching Band and Guard Marching Band season is in full swing and we currently have 94 members. Fall is a very busy time of year for our marching band and guard members. These talented students will not only be playing at all home football games and participating in both the Modesto Veteran’s Day Parade and Holiday Parade, but will also be competing in WBA competitions in Fresno on Oct. 11th, at Chabot College on Oct. 25th, and at James Logan High School on Nov. 15th. The marching band season will conclude with State Championships in Fresno on Nov. 22-23.

Jazz Band: Our Jazz Band consists of 32 members who make up two different Jazz Bands. These talented students will perform at both the Fall Dinner Concert and Holiday Concert and Dessert Auction. They will also participate in the Veteran’s Day festivities by playing at Applebee’s on Sisk Rd. following the Modesto Veteran’s Day Parade, as well as attending the Delta College Jazz Festival on Dec. 6th.

Concert Band: Our concert band consists of 100 members and will perform at the Fall Dinner Concert and the Holiday Concert and Dessert Auction.

Orchestra: Our Orchestra currently has 35 members. The Orchestra will also perform at the Fall Dinner Concert and Holiday Concert and Dessert Auction, as well as attending open rehearsal with the San Francisco Symphony on Oct. 22nd.

Important Dates: Oct. 2 Fall Dinner Concert Oct. 14 Band Booster Meeting @ 6:30pm Oct. 22 Cool Hand Luke’s Drive-thru Chicken Dinner Fundraiser Nov. 8 Band Booster Pancake Breakfast & Holiday Boutique Nov. 12 Band Booster Meeting @ 6:30 pm Dec 9 Band Booster Meeting @ 6:30 pm Dec. 11 Holiday Concert & Dessert Auction

Get Enochs High School’s Newsmagazine Delivered To Your Home! The Eagle’s Eye has a limited amount of newsmagazines that go out to students and parents. To make sure you get a copy— subscribe now by bring your form to SOAR. Subscribing to the Eagle’s Eye, Enochs High School’s newsmagazine, will help you keep in touch with what is happening at school. You will also learn about issues which impact your teen. The Eagle’s Eye is a student publication. This is your chance to stay informed with the events happening at Enochs High School. Yes! I’d like a subscription to the Eagle Eye, the student newspaper at Enochs High School. This includes four to five editions, plus the special senior edition mailed to your home.

Eagles Eye Subscription Form Yes, I’d like all editions of the Eagle’s Eye and the senior edition mailed to my home. Please print ___________________________________________________ Full year – $12 Name ________________________________________________ No. and Street _________________________ _________ _________________________ City State Zip Code If you change your address during the year, please email eagleseye@monet.k12. ca.us. Newspapers will not be forwarded.



Library/Bookroom Notes

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Library/Bookroom Hours The library is open from 7:15 to 3 pm every school day. We generally do not close for lunch, but if there are classes in the library, it may be closed during the lunch periods. We try to keep the library open as much as possible in order to help students complete their work. The library is focused on helping students achieve at a high academic level, so we enforce a few of the following important rules: 1. Computers are for school-related work only. 2. Do not move or disconnect equipment 3. No food or beverages allowed in the library 4. Be quiet during your visit to the library, so not to disturb others studying.

Lost Textbooks Students are responsible for every book they check out. Once a book is in their possession, they are responsible for it whether is it lost or stolen. Books should never be left in a classroom. Teachers cannot be responsible for their students’ books. We also do not notify or return lost and found books to students. When campus supervisors and custodians return lost books to the library/bookroom, they are checked in. If you think you have lost a textbook or library book, check your library account online. To do this, follow these simple steps: 1.

Log onto a computer at school and click on the Enochs Library Search on the desktop. From home, go to the Enochs website and access the catalog from the Library Media Center page. The EHS Library Catalog is accessed through a button in the center top of the page.

2. Log into the catalog program using your student ID and computer password (the same way you log onto the computers at school). The login button is in the upper right corner of the screen. 3. Go to the My Info tab and see what books are checked out to you. If you don’t see the book on your account, it has been checked in. If a textbook has been returned/checked in to the bookroom, students may checkout another. If the book has not been returned, students will be allowed to check out another textbook, but we will note on your account that you checked out a second book because you misplaced your first book. At the end of the year, if the 1st book is not returned, the book will be marked lost and you will receive a debt letter asking for payment. Student’s library/textbook account will show a fee. Students must pay for all lost textbooks and library materials. Debts must be cleared before the following S.O.A.R. Orientation. All students with un-cleared debts will have to come on MAKEUP SOAR DAYS. Please contact Julie Gonzalez regarding books and/or debts by phone, (209) 550-3410 ext. 2015, or e-mail Gonzalez.j@ mcs4kids.com.

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