Governor Thomas Johnson High School Newsletter

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A Publication for the Parents, Students, Staff & Community of Governor Thomas Johnson High School



July 2015 August (forthcoming) 2015 at 7:00 pm.

Volume 9 Issue 1

MISSED PHONE CALLS FROM GTJHS If you have a missed phone call from TJHS, you should receive a voicemail stating specifically which staff member called and their extension, and the purpose of the call. Whenever a parent receives a call from the school it will always originate from the main number (240) 236-8200.

GRADUATION 2016 –TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Seniors are advised that the following dates have been set for graduation related activities. Attendance is required at all of these functions for any senior planning to march in the graduation ceremony. May 25 Practice 11:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. May 26 Senior Awards Ceremony 3:00 p.m (Seniors arrive at 2:00 p.m.) May 27 Practice 11:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. May 31, 2016 Graduation 7:00 p.m. (Knott Arena at the PNC Sports Complex on the campus of Mount St. Mary’s University)

Governor Thomas Johnson High School 1501 N. Market St. Frederick, MD 21701 240-236-8200 240-236-8201 fax Principal Jet Reid Assistant Principals


Stephanie Bittner

Students are responsible for clearing their lockers of all personal possessions prior to leaving school on their last day of attendance. After students leave on the last day of school, all lockers are cleaned out and all personal property of students is held in a designated location for approximately one week and then given to a charitable organization. In unusual circumstances, when we have been notified that a student cannot be present on the last day, we obtain the student’s possessions from the locker and hold them for a parent to pick up at an agreed upon time. However, long term storage is not possible. This procedure applies to all items in “lost and found” and all unclaimed cell phones, musical players of all kinds, electronic games and calculators. All items will be disposed of on June 30.

Michelle Gilmore

SUMMER SAFE AND SANE MEETINGS The first meeting will be Tuesday, June 9th at 7:00pm at TJ room 1137. Junior parents will need to be at this meeting to take over the information from the recently graduated senior parents. The July meeting will be Tuesday, July 14th at 7:00pm in the dining area of Wegmans; and the August meeting will be Tuesday, August 11th at 7:00pm in the dining area of Wegmans. To download a PDF version of this newsletter, go to

Daniel Lippy Mark Smith

Patriot Connection July 2015 Published Five Times Per Year Governor Thomas Johnson High School 1501 N. Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 Volume 9 Issue 1



The Governor Thomas Johnson High School community educates all students to become caring, respectful, responsible citizens and family members.


Fostering Self-Assurance Striving for Success

VISITOR PASSES When you visit the school during the school day, please be sure to sign in and pick up a Visitor’s Badge. The visitor badges help us to determine who has permission to be in the building. If you want to see a teacher, please let the office staff determine if the teacher is available. We don’t want to disrupt instruction. Many thanks for your cooperation in respecting instructional time and helping us to keep our building safe and secure.

SUMMER HOURS FCPS observes special hours in the summer-Monday through Thursday, 7:30-5:00. This began the week of June 22nd and ends the week of August 10th. If you need someone in particular, please call ahead to be certain that they will be here on that day. A guidance counselor is available most days (between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.) as well. Please call ahead to make an appointment.

STUDENT HOURS – BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL Please be advised that, in the morning, the building is not open until 7:00AM. Students arriving before that time will be required to remain outside. In the afternoon, students may not remain in the building beyond 2:20 pm unless under the direct supervision of a staff member.

HOMEWORK REQUESTS Please remember that teachers are given the courtesy of 48 hours notice for homework requests. Therefore, requests for homework should not be made for absences of less than 5 days.

ATTENDANCE INFORMATION Parents are asked to include your student’s first and last name (not son or daughter) and to sign the absentee note when asking that your child be excused from school. Notes cannot be accepted without a parent’s signature. Please note that there is no code for “emergency or family emergency.” Notes should indicate the nature of the emergency, such as: family illness, pipes burst, loss of power, etc. Thank you for helping us to code absences correctly!

ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES Students are expected to be in their first block class at 7:30 am and are considered “late” to school/class any time after 7:30. All exterior doors will be locked at 7:25 am (gym, science, and tech wings). The door at the front of the building (Market Street side) will remain open until 7:30. Teachers will also close classroom doors at 7:30. Any student still in the hallway after 7:30 must report directly to the Attendance office to receive an admit slip (with appropriate note to excuse the absence) or consequences. Students will be permitted to enter class after 7:30 with a signed form (admit slip or consequence form). Consequences range from a warning to Saturday School.


EARLY DISMISSAL FROM TJHS HEALTH ROOM A student who becomes ill during the day and needs to be assessed should get a pass from his/her teacher to report to the Health Room. It is the responsibility of the student to know the locations of his/her parents and phone numbers where parents can be contacted. When necessary our health technicians will contact a parent to pick up their child.

ATTENDANCE OFFICE REMINDERS Late Arrival • Any student who arrives to school after the 7:30 a.m. must report directly to the Attendance Office for an admit slip. Students must have a note explaining the reason for being tardy. The note must give the student’s first and last name, the date, the reason for being late, parent/ guardian signature and contact phone number. • In cases where the late arrival is due to a professional or legal appointment, verification from the professional must be presented upon arrival to school. Early Dismissal • If a student must leave school before the end of the day, a written note for permission to do so must be submitted to the Attendance Office by 7:25 a.m. on the day for which the request is made. • This note must contain the student’s first and last name, reason for leaving, if they will be returning, parent/guardian signature and contact phone number. If the reason for dismissal is a medical, professional or legal appointment, verification for the appointment must be presented upon return to school. • If a note for early dismissal is not sent with the student, please call as early as possible in advance. Without advance notice you can expect a 15 minute wait. A note or advance phone call can save you valuable time. Absent from School • Students absent from school must present a written excuse within two school days from a parent/guardian. The note must give the student’s first and last name, the date and the reason for the absence, parent signature and contact phone number. If there is written verification that a medical professional saw the student in connection with the absence, the parent is encouraged to submit it with written the excuse. The note must be turned into the Attendance Office before 7:25am. Vacation/College Visits • Absences for family trips or college visits will be excused but only with prior administrative approval. • Students must bring a note containing the dates of absences and the explanation of a family trip or college visit to the attendance office at least 7 days before the absence will occur.

Governor Thomas Johnson High School Patricia Sampson

Advertise in the Patriot Connection!

This is a wonderful way for your company to get community recognition and exposure, and at the same time help support your local schools!


FCPS COMPUTER POLICIES FCPS policies for student use of computer labs, including the library computer lab, are as follows: • Students MUST be supervised by their teacher. • Students CANNOT check email. • Students CANNOT download anything onto the computer. • Students MUST have the signed Acceptable Use Regulation form (in their planner) visible when using a computer. • Students can use the Internet for teacher-supervised research.

TUTORING BUSES FIND OUT FIRST We have a TJ-based version of Find Out First. You can automatically receive announcements from TJ via your email. To signup, visit our website at and click on the Find Out First envelope. You can listen to our morning announcements online. Go to TJ’s website, and click on “News & Events”.

Tutoring buses are provided on Tuesday and Thursday most weeks throughout the school year. These buses leave TJ at 3:40 pm and take students to central drop-off points throughout the TJ feeder. This service is free of charge and allows students to remain after school for tutoring only. Every student must present a voucher prior to boarding the bus. Students without a voucher will have to indicate with whom they stayed after school and parents will be contacted if the reason cannot be verified. The Spring schedule is included in this newsletter. For more information and routes, please call the school.

UNDERAGE DRINKING AND DRUG USE To report an underage party where alcohol or drugs may be served to youth under 21 years of age, please call the Party Tip Hot line at 301-600-1318. Your tip is confidential. You may save the life of a friend or a child you love. This message is part of the Frederick County Teen Safe Driving Initiative and the Combating Underage Drinking Program.

GRADES ONLINE? Again this year, we will offer parents online access to their child’s grades in all classes. Teachers are expected to update the information at a minimum of every 10 days. A computer is available in the Counseling Office for any parent who does not have access elsewhere. Frederick County Public Libraries also offer access and assistance. Passwords will be given to students the first week of school.


FRESHMAN ORIENTATION GTJHS: SAVE THE DATE! August 11, 2015 Students 10:00 am to 11:30 pm

FALL 2015 ONLINE LEARNING Frederick County Virtual School COURSE REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW FOR VOS (Virtual Outside of School) Description: VOS is designed for students who are independent learners and have consistent access to the Internet and a computer outside of school. Online courses are the primary source of learning, and most courses are taught at the honors level. Students are required to attend face-to-face sessions about once each month for the duration of the course. Exams are proctored by the course teacher or an approved proctor at each school site.

Parents’ Meeting with the principal, 10:15 am Look for follow up and reminders this summer. Contact Ms. Remus at 240-236-8270 or at Or Ms. Reich at 240-236-8302 or at

Who can attend VOS? Currently enrolled FCPS students in grades 9-12. Dates: Starts September 1-3, Ends December 18 Time: See VOS Master Schedule of required meetings dates and times Place: Governor Thomas Johnson MIDDLE School Cost: $50 standard/$25 reduced/$0 (free) based on student’s documented Free and Reduced-Price Meals status with FCPS Students will receive a confirmation email and directions for making electronic payment prior to the first session. Registration: Sign up EARLY to reserve a spot in the course you want to take. Students MUST register through the school counselor. The latest date for registration is Monday, August 24 at 12 NOON. The VOS Program does not accept walk-ins. Final course offerings will depend on sufficient student enrollment, teacher availability and overall program needs. Attendance: These courses use a Blended-Learning Model: Students must report for face-to-face sessions. Attendance expectations are in the 2015.2016 VOS Registration Packet. PLEASE VISIT to download the Registration Packet for program information and requirements, the schedule and the PreRegistration Form.

ATTENTION ALL RISING JUNIOR & SENIORS At the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year, any junior or senior with a weighted GPA of 3.5 or higher will be invited to apply to join the National Honor Society. Grades are not the only criteria for admission. Applicants are also judged based on their involvement in service and leadership activities. If you think you will be applying to NHS next year and know that you are lacking in one of these areas then be sure to use this summer as an opportunity to get more involved. Contact Mrs. Fowler at or Mrs. Case at with questions.


Thomas Johnson High School Boosters Sponsors

2015 PATRIOTS YOUTH CAMP July 13—July 16, 2015 5:30—8:00 pm For Grade 2 to 9 in the Fall of 2015 At Governor Thomas Johnson High School

Camp Philosophy/Message The Patriot Youth Camp is designed and committed to making you a better player. Our camp is designed to provide each player with a football environment that is both challenging and fun. The curriculum is designed for all ages and skill levels. Our highly qualified staff will teach each player the necessary skills needed to be suc-cessful in the upcoming season while also having fun! Camp Information Dates: July 13—July 16, 2015 Times: 5:30 pm—8:00 pm Site: Governor Thomas Johnson High School Cost: $25 per player $20 for each additional family member Who: Football Players entering Grades 2—9 in Fall 2015 Directions: Go to Governor Thomas Johnson High School; 1501 N. Market St. Frederick, MD 21701 Camp parking at the stadium What to Bring: Football Cleats Sneakers Water Bottle Sun Block Camp Highlights • Free Patriot Youth Camp T-Shirt • Invitations for coaches and parents to watch training • Instruction and Evaluation by High School coaches

Disclaimer This camp is sponsored by the Thomas Johnson High School Patriots Boosters, Inc. These materials are neither sponsored by nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Frederick County, the Superintendent, or this school.


Youth Patriots Camp Registration

Emergency Information

Name: ________________________________________

Player Name: ____________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________

Birthday (M/D/Y): _________________________________________

City: ________________ State: _____ Zip: ____________

Insurance Co: ___________________________________________

Phone: ________________________________________

Policy/Group#: ___________________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________ (All camp communication will be via email)

Family Physician: _________________________________________

School: ________________________________________

Medical Information

Grade (Aug 2015): ________________________________

Allergic reactions: ________________________________________

Birthdate: ______________________________________

T-shirt Size:

Medication presently taking: _________________________________

Adult S M L XL

Youth S M L XL

Youth Patriots Camp Registration Include Check or Money Order Payable to: Thomas Johnson High School Boosters Mail registration for and check to: Coach Smith c/o TJHSPB 1501 N. Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 Cancellation/Refund Policy: Fees will be refunded only if notified be-fore the start of the camp. Once the camp begins, there are no refunds. Youth Patriot Camp reserves the right to cancel the camp if less than 25 players have registered for the camp as of July 10, 2015. Governor Thomas Johnson High School Coach Jeremiah Smith 1501 North Market Street Frederick, Maryland 21701 Phone: 240-236-8294 Cell: 301-514-4887 E-mail:

A few spots are left! We need you!


__________________________________________________ Past Illness or other useful information in the event treatment is necessary:



In case of emergency, I authorize treatment by the camp trainer and/or staff and/or my family physician and/or any medical facility. _____________________________________________________ (Parent Signature) I hereby authorize staff of the Patriot Youth Camp to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. I hereby waive and release Patriots Youth Camp staff from any and all liabilities for any injuries or illnesses incurred while at camp. I have no knowledge of any physical impairment that would be affected by the above named campers participation in the camp program. _____________________________________________________ (Parent Signature)

Advertise in the Patriot Connection! This is a wonderful way for your company to get community recognition and exposure, and at the same time help support your local schools!

Patricia Sampson

Govenor Thomas Johnson High School

Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Frederick, MD Permit #32

Frederick County Board of Education 33 Thomas Johnson Drive Governor Thomas Johnson High School Frederick, MD 21701 Return Service Requested




Meet the Coaches Night for Fall Sports will be held on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 6:30pm in the auditorium.

XC boys and girls will start practice August 11th at 7am-9am (please meet by the big tree by the tennis courts. They are to wear running shoes, shorts/shirt and bring lots of water as well as completed athletic packet/physical/athletic fee.)

CHEERLEADER TRYOUTS Friday August 14th at 4pm-6 pm Saturday August 15th at 8am-11am Monday August 17th at 4pm-6pm





Field hockey tryouts will be August 12th-15th from 8-11 am. Bring all equipment each day (stick, shin guards, mouthguard, water).

Girls Soccer Tryouts: • August 11, 9-11 a.m. Time Trials - TJHS Track. Bring Athletic Packet and running shoes. • August 12, 9-11 a.m. Tryouts - TJHS Practice Field. Bring cleats, shin guards, and water.




Football Tryouts are August 12 - JV/Varsity 2:00pm - 8:00pm & Freshmen 4:00pm - 8:00pm


JV and Varsity volleyball tryouts will be on August 13th, 14th and 15th from 3pm-5pm.

Academy Publishing School Newsletter Program ™ 800-644-3541


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