Landrum - June 2013

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June 2013 inside this



Principal’s Message Assistant Principal’s Message Information for Parents Start Fast Finish Strong PTO News And More...


Letter From The Principal


ear Families, It is always surprising to me how quickly a school year can pass. It seems just yesterday, students arrived at our door to walk their schedules for the first time. Now, they’ve departed for their summer vacations and I am reminded of how much we accomplish in such a short period of time. During the year, I watched our students grow and learn, as well as develop in maturity and confidence. After two years as the principal here, I continue to be impressed by the self-confidence of the students and the commitment of the teachers and families who support them. The combination of great teachers, supportive parents and amazing children truly sets Landrum Middle School apart and makes this a remarkably special place. To date, our writing and algebra scores have arrived. Our students performed very well in these measures; thus, I feel confident that the remaining FCAT scores will prove to be just as impressive. Congratulations to both the students and teachers for their hard work in making this a most successful year! As the remaining scores arrive, we will continue to analyze the data in order to review our efforts, to set new goals and to establish new areas of focus for next year. As you are enjoying your summer, please encourage your child to engage in a problem or project based learning activity. Problem and project based learning activities incorporate many learning skills within a meaningful context. I also would encourage our students to continue reading. The summer learning recommendations are posted on the school website and students who complete these activities will be rewarded through the Positive Behavior Support program we have in place at school. As we transfer our current website to a new website, there may be days when we are in transition. Please be patient as we work through this and know that we will be making corrections and improvements often. Important dates, events and school news will be posted in a timely manner and we will be posting information on the school website throughout the summer. I would like to extend many thanks to our amazing PTO board and members of our SAC! PTO Board members are listed in this newsletter. The members of our board coordinate many worthwhile projects. I would especially like to thank our PTO President, Trisha Heffner, for her dedicated volunteerism, benefitting all of the teachers and students at Landrum. I would also like to thank Laurie Stanton, our SAC Chair, for keeping our parents informed and supporting the teachers through the acquisition of materials and professional development. As we begin a new year, please keep in mind that the greatest support our PTO and SAC have is YOU! Please consider showing your support through PTO membership and joining us for SAC meetings next year. Finally, I would also like to express my sincerest gratitude to all of the students and staff who participated in after school clubs and activities. Many of our teachers and support staff sponsored activity clubs, sports and academic tutoring sessions and many of our students took advantage of these opportunities. I believe this is one of the reasons our students are so successful! Thank you again for a wonderful year. I wish you all a safe and relaxing summer. Sincerely, Mrs. Harrison

Principal Emily Harrison Assistant Principal Debra Allred Curriculum Resource Coordinator Cindy Leeber Administrative Secretary Susan Painter Maintenance Coordinator Brett Butler Cafeteria Manager Katie Ade Deans Sherri Anthony Chris Wetjen Front Desk Diane Melnyk Computer Operator/Attendance Barbara Cervantez Athletic Coordinator Mary Pastori Guidance Valerie Golden Liza White Guidance Secretary Dana Chapman

Volume 6 Issue 5 Landrum Middle School 230 Landrum Lane Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 Phone 904/547-8410 Fax 904/547-8415 Website: To download a PDF version of this newsletter, go to schools/landrum/landrum.php


Lion’s Pride

Landrum Middle School

Assistant Principal’s Message

Assistant Principal’s Message

Curriculum Corner

As we end the 2012-2013 school year, we are already preparing for 2013-2014. Next year Landrum will operate on a block schedule and will have additional elective choices for our students. Landrum Middle School personnel will be relocated to Ponte Vedra High School from June 17-July 25. Administration will be available to meet with parents in person or by phone at Ponte Vedra High School throughout the summer. All schools will be closed on Fridays through August 2nd. Landrum’s school phone number, 547-8410, will be routed to Ponte Vedra High School. We appreciate Ponte Vedra’s administration for welcoming us back to their facility this summer. Prior to June 17, please contact our guidance department with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your student. This school year has been an outstanding year for our students and staff. Landrum is a place of academic rigor and numerous afterschool clubs and sports teams. None of this would be possible without the support of our Landrum parents and families. Thanks for all you do for our students and staff and have a relaxing, adventurous summer!

I cannot believe that we are closing the doors to another successful school year already. As we look toward next year, our students and teachers will be asked to continue moving forward with our Common Core implementation, as well as to navigate through the nuances of block schedule. Implementing Common Core means students and teachers will be held to much higher standards as the level of rigor, text complexity, evidence-based writing, and standards of mathmatical practice increase. The leadership team has been extremely proactive in planning how to best prepare for these challenges and we have participated in many training sessions designed to meet these needs. Teachers are focused on learning new ways to keep students actively engaged in the longer class periods, adding multiple strategies that will get students up and moving with meaningful collaboration to their wealth of best practices. Teachers have also visited several schools that are already using a block schedule and have returned with an incredible level of excitement and enthusiasm. In July, we are taking teams of teachers to the Common Core Summer Institute and a workshop on developing Professional Learning Communities that we know will help prepare us to deliver the outstanding level of academic rigor for which Landrum is known. Have a safe and relaxing summer and we look forward to seeing you back in August.

Debra Allred Assistant Principal

Cindy Leeber Curriculum Resource Coordinator

‘Lion’s Pride” June 2013 Published Five Times Per Year Landrum Middle School 230 Landrum Lane Ponte Vedra, FL 32082 Issue #5

Important Dates

June 10 Summer Hours change to 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., closed on Fridays. June 17 LMS moves to PVHS July 1-3 All St. Johns County schools will be closed July 29 LMS moves back to Landrum Lane August 1 Schedule Pick Up: 6th Grade 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 7th Grade 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 8th Grade 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Check Website for any changes in dates) August 5 Office hours change back to 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. August 6 Start Fast Finish Strong 6th Grade Girls – 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (Form on website) August 7 Start Fast Finish Strong 6th Grade Boys – 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (Form on website) August 15 6th Grade Orientation, 5:00-6:30 p.m. August 16 7th Grade Orientation 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. 8th Grade Orientation 10:00 – 12:00 noon August 19 First Day of School! September 12 6th Grade Open House 6-7:30 p.m. September 17 7th & 8th Grade Open House 6-7:30 p.m.

Lion’s Pride

Landrum Middle School

Information for Parents

Volunteer Approval If you are a parent of an incoming sixth grader from either Ocean Palms or PVPV/Rawlings and are already cleared as a volunteer at one of those schools, please email Ms. Chapman at with your first, middle and last name along with your birth date and the school where you are cleared. Ms. Chapman will add Landrum to your list of schools so you will be ready to volunteer in the fall. If you are not cleared, please go to the Landrum website at www., and on the left side, click on “volunteer application”. There is a brief on-line application form to fill out. We look forward to seeing you at Landrum.

Notice of Immunization Requirement and Physicals Students entering the 7th grade will need to receive the TDAP immunization before starting school in the fall. Just a friendly reminder that summer is the perfect time to update those immunization records and physical forms. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cervantez at 547-8406 or email her at

If You Have an Address/Phone Number Change Over Summer or are Moving Away… If your address or telephone number change over the summer, please email Ms. Cervantez at with your new information so we can be sure you receive any information mailed out during the summer. If you are moving or NOT RETURNING TO LANDRUM in the Fall (with the exception of our 8th graders moving on to high school), please notify Ms. Chapman in our Guidance Department at chapmad@ or call 904/547-8417. This will help us to HELP YOU when we get requests for records. Thank you for your support.


Ride With Pride The anti-bullying program implemented this year, “Ride with Pride,” was a huge success. The bus drivers recognized a total of 6 students per quarter per bus which totaled 126 students being nominated for rewards and prizes for their exemplary behavior which included being punctual, respectful, initiating kindness toward others, dependable, and empathetic. These nominations yielded a PBS card which allowed the students to have sweet treats in the cafeteria for lunch or use the PBS cards in the school store for supplies or gifts. Beyond that, the student’s names were also placed in a drawing for larger prizes which included, a Kindle, TV, penny skateboard, laptop, and a $50.00 APP store gift certificate. This incentive program was successful due to the bus drivers and the students working together to achieve a positive environment on the bus. We are so grateful and thankful for all of their efforts and collaboration during the Ride with Pride program. We are looking forward to continuing this program next year. Dean Anthony


Lion’s Pride

Landrum Middle School

Start Fast Finish Strong Start Fast Finish Strong

When: August 6th Girls 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. August 7th Boys 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. Parents drop students off at the front of the school by 8:30 a.m.; parents pick students up at front of school at 11:30 a.m. Parents do not attend the program with students. Start Fast Finish Strong is a rising 6th grade transition program for boys and girls at Landrum Middle School. This program is a one day session designed to help students with the transition from elementary school to middle school as they prepare for a successful secondary education. Your child must be enrolled for 6th grade at Landrum Middle School in order to attend. Topics Covered by LMS Staff: • Overview of academic program • School tour • Combination locks • P.E. and locker room • Time management • Organizational and study skills • Electives and extra-curricular activities • Character building and P.B.S. • Pizza lunch provided Location: Landrum Middle School Fee: $30.00 (to cover personnel to administer program and supplies) Questions: Email Dana Chapman at Forms may be printed from our school website: and returned to Landrum Middle School at 230 Landrum Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082.

Lion’s Pride

Landrum Middle School

PTO News & Summer


Thank You Parents/PTO We wish to thank all the parents and volunteers who dedicated their time to Landrum this school year. Your talents, effort and endless hours spent organizing events and planning fundraisers are greatly appreciated. We would not be able to offer our students all we do without the partnership of our wonderful PTO!

PTO News I would like to thank the 2012-13 PTO Executive Board for their service and commitment to Landrum. An enormous amount of time and effort is required to make sure all of the planned events are implemented throughout the school year, and I truly appreciate our Board members: Donna McDonough, Sheila Tabassian, Mary Swan, Tricia Cannan, Holly Udell, Cathy Battreall, Vanesa Beattie, and Sandy Calvin. With that being said, I would like to welcome the 2013-14 Board: President: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trisha Heffner Vice-President: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sheila Tabassian Vice-President: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Doug Soncrant Recording Secretary: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Swan Treasurer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paige Robbins Treasurer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JoAnn Wendell Communications: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vanesa Beattie HR Liaison/Basket Coordinator: . . . . . . . . .Cara Spaulding Business Partner Coordinator: . . . . . . . . . .Katie Reasoner General Fundraising: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kaajal Rijsinghani/Maggie Costello I will remain as President one additional year. I would like to encourage all parents to choose an area of interest and get involved! We are open to new ideas and have a new approach to our fundraising goals which will be detailed at Orientation. We need everyone’s support and assistance to make events which build community and to support our children and staff at Landrum. Thank you for all that have volunteered in any capacity this year. You are appreciated! Have a wonderful summer! Trisha Heffner

Thank you to all who purchased Players Championship tickets through the “Chip in for Youth” program. We raised over $2400 for PTO through ticket sales!!

Summer Reading ALL summer reading and other summer activities are listed on the Landrum website under “Summer 2013 Resources”.

Summer Goal Setting Camp This is a new camp and will be advertised on the school website for incoming 7th and 8th graders. Date and details will be posted soon!

Landrum Summer Hours and Location The summer office hours for Landrum will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday starting June 10th. Landrum summer personnel will be housed at Ponte Vedra High School beginning Monday, June 17th and will not return to Landrum until Monday, July 29th. Schools will be closed on Fridays from June 10th through August 1st. Our phone number will remain the same 904/547-8410. All St. Johns County Schools will be closed the week of July 1st.


Lion’s Pride

Landrum Middle School

Box Tops & Supply List Box Tops

Parents -- Please do all of your on line shopping through the Box Tops for Education website at and select Landrum as your school to support. Every time you shop, our school will receive money! Feel free to share this incredible opportunity with friends, family and neighbors. It’s a win-win; all their on line shopping will earn money for our school, and you’ll be amazed at all of the companies participating.

Alice B. Landrum Middle School 2013-2014 School Supply List Students in all grade levels will need the following general supplies: To be given to the homeroom teacher: Student Supplies Kleenex (2 boxes) 1) Loose leaf paper (3 packages) Hand Sanitizer (1) 2) Colored Pencils (10—24 pack) Bandaids-Latex-free (1) 3) Mechanical pencils (20) 4) Ink Pens (Red, Blue, and Black - 3 each) To be given to the Math teacher: 5) Expo markers (4 pack) Skinny Expo Markers (5) 6) 4 Function Calculator (no scientific/graph) 7) Highlighters (4) To be given to the Science teacher: 8) Index cards-lined (1) Paper towel (1) 9) Earbuds( for computer lab days) (1) 10) Key or pin drive (2gb or more) 11) Graphing Paper (1) any size In addition to the list above, students will also need the following supplies specific to their grade. 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 1) Zippered Binder with 1) Zippered Binder with expandable 1) Composition Books (3) expandable file (Staples, file (Staples, Office Depot, Office any color Office Depot, Office Max) sometimes called a “Case-it”. 2) 1-inch Binder (4) Max) sometimes called a 2) Composition Books (3) any color “Case-it”. 3) 1-inch Binder (4) 2) Dividers for 5 classes During the first few days of school individual teachers may ask for a few items specialized for their courses (example - art students may need a certain type of sketch pad). This information will be provided directly from the classroom teachers. Also, please, if possible, do not buy notebook paper in spirals. Loose leaf paper works best. Thank you! **PE - Students enrolled in PE will need a single subject notebook (1), a PE uniform, and $5.00 for a locker rental fee.

Lion’s Pride

Landrum Middle School

2013-2014 Calendar

Board Approved January 8, 2013

Mon. Tue. - Fri. Mon. Mon. Fri. Thu. Fri. Mon. Wed. - Fri. Fri. Mon.-Fri. Mon. Tue. Mon. Mon. Mon. Tue. - Wed. Thu. Fri. Mon.-Fri. Mon. Fri. Tue.-Fri. Mon. Fri.-Sat. Thu. Fri.

Aug. 12, 2013 Aug. 13 - 16, 2013 Aug. 19, 2013 Sep. 2, 2013 Sep. 13, 2013 Oct. 24, 2013 Oct. 25, 2013 Nov. 11, 2013 Nov. 27-29, 2013 Dec. 20, 2013 Dec. 23, 2013-Jan. 3, 2014 Jan. 6, 2014 Jan. 7, 2014 Jan. 20, 2014 Feb. 3, 2014 Feb. 17, 2014 Feb. 25 - 26, 2014 Mar. 13, 2014 Mar. 14, 2014 Mar. 17-21, 2014 Mar. 24, 2014 Apr. 18, 2014 Apr. 22- 25, 2014 May 26, 2014 May 30 and 31, 2014 June 5, 2014 June 6, 2014

Optional Teacher Planning Day Teacher Pre-Planning Students Report to Class Labor Day- Student/Teacher Holiday Teacher Inservice Day - Student Holiday  First Quarter Ends Teacher Planning Day-Student Holiday  Veterans Day - Student/Teacher Holiday  Thanksgiving Break - Student/Teacher Holiday (Nov 27) Second Quarter/First Semester Ends (Friday Dec 20*) Winter Break - Student/Teacher Holiday Teacher Planning Day-Student Holiday  Classes Resume for Students/Second Semester Begins Martin Luther King Day - Student/Teacher Holiday  Teacher Inservice Day - Student Holiday  Presidents Day - Student/Teacher Holiday  FCAT Writing (Grades 4,8 & 10) Third Quarter Ends Teacher Planning Day-Student Holiday  Spring Break - Student/Teacher Holiday Classes Resume for Students Student/Teacher Holiday FCAT Testing (Reading, Math & Science) Memorial Day - Student/Teacher Holiday Graduations (Schools/Locations TBD) Last Day for Students* Last Day for Teachers - Teacher Planning Day

*ALL Schools will be dismissed 1 hour early on Dec 20, 2013 and June 5, 2014 All Schools participate in a weekly early release on Wednesday: Elementary @1:50, Middle @1:00, High @ 2:45 Interims Issued: September 18, 2013 November 20, 2013 February 7, 2014 April 25, 2014

Report Cards: October 31, 2013 January 10, 2014 March 27, 2014 June 6, 2014

 Denotes hurricane make-up days Optional planning day may “Flex” for any Planning Day or Post Planning day as pre-approved by Principal

CHARACTER COUNTS! In St. Johns County Pillars of the Month August - All Pillars September - Fairness October - Responsibility November - Citizenship December - All Pillars January - Respect February - Caring March - Trustworthiness April - All Pillars May - Citizenship (Emphasis on Patriotism)


Lion’s Roar Mailing List The Lion’s Roar is a school newsletter sent to the email addresses of Landrum families with information on upcoming school events and programs, as well as information on district events and community outreach programs. If you are not currently receiving the Roar and would like to, please visit the Landrum website at www.lms.stjohns.k12. and click on the Newsletter link on the left side of the screen. For additional information, please contact Charron Umlauf at

Landrum Middle School 230 Landrum Lane LANDRUM MIDDLE SCHOOL Ponte Verde, FLNEWSLETTER 32082 PARENT

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