Lawton Chiles High School Newsletter

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Leon County Schools does not discriminate against any person on the basis of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, age, or disability.

Leon County Schools – Affirmative Action – Equal Opportunity Employer – 850-487-7105 Mr. Jackie Pons – Superintendent of Schools

School Board Members: Maggie Lewis-Butler, Board Chair DeeDee Rasmussen, Board Vice Chair Georgia ‘Joy’ Bowen Dee Crumpler Alva Striplin Carlton DiSalvo, Student Member

7200 Lawton Chiles Lane Tallahassee, FL 32312

Mr. Joseph L. Burgess Principal

Ms. Calli Pickens AP Curriculum

Mr. Jeff Lightfoot AP Attendance

Mr. John P. Swope AP Discipline

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From The Principal

Welcome Freshmen and Returning Students!! Welcome to the 2015 - 2016 school year.

It is my continued honor and privilege to serve as your principal. I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you of our administration team, who bring a wealth of talent and experience to our outstanding staff. Ms. Calli Pickens will continue to be the Assistant Principal for Curriculum, Mr. J.P. Swope continues as our Assistant Principal for Discipline, and Mr. Jeff Lightfoot continues as the Assistant Principal for Attendance and Facilities. Coach Mike Eto is our Athletic Director, Mr. Mike Lassiter is our Dean of Students, and Mr. Aaron Clark is our Testing Coordinator.


Lawton Chiles High School


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Chiles Orientation is on Friday, August 14th, at 8:30 A.M. in the Auditorium located just to the east of the Clock Tower (the large building right in the middle between the main office and the gym). This program is designed primarily for the freshmen class and any other new students to the school. Maps will be provided, and everyone is encouraged to tour the school after the program. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend also. The information provided will be useful as you and your child begin your high school career with us. Please note that the campus will be closed at 10:00am for a mandatory faculty and staff meeting. The next four years will be an exciting time for students as well as for parents. We want our parents involved every step of the way! PLEASE NOTE: School will begin at 7:30 A.M. on Monday August 17, students should report to their Homeroom Teacher (a listing of students and their homerooms will be located on the auditorium doors) where they will receive their class schedule and other very important information (staff will be on hand to assist students to their homeroom). Please see the bell schedule on page two. Bus transportation will run before 1st period and after 6th period and we will continue to have one lunch. Joseph L. Burgess Principal

Mr. Mike Eto Athletic Director

Mr. Michael Lassiter Dean of Students

To download a PDF version of this newsletter, go to

‘WOLF Prints’ August 2015 Published Six Times Per Year Leon County District Schools 2757 W Pensacola Street Tallahassee, FL 32304 Issue # 6

Volume 11 Issue 6

Bell Schedule for MONDAY, AUGUST 17th 07:30 - 08:30 am 08:40 - 09:15 am 09:20 - 09:55 am 10:00 - 10:35 am 10:40 - 11:15 am 11:15 - 12:15 pm 12:20 - 01:00 pm 01:05 - 01:50 pm

HOMEROOM (1 hour) 1st PERIOD (35 min) 2nd PERIOD (35 min) 3rd PERIOD (35 min) 4th PERIOD (35 min) LUNCH 5th PERIOD (40 min) 6th PERIOD (45 min)

Calendar of Events! August 10 Teachers Report August 14 New Student Orientation (8:30am in the auditorium) August 17 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL (All students report to their homerooms at 7:30am) Sept. 7 Labor Day – NO SCHOOL Sept. 21 High School Open House



Important Information About Schedule Changes Each year student schedules are created from their course request form. With a school the size of Chiles, creating student schedules is an extensive and lengthy process requiring hours and hours of diligent work by the scheduling team. The faculty and staff are hired based on the courses requested by students slated to attend Chiles High School. In addition, based on student choices teachers attend summer training opportunities. Schedule changes may be made for the following reasons: • Remediation requirements according to state law • Transcript review • Incomplete schedule registration form • Schedule conflicts Schedule changes will not be made for the following reasons: • Parents requesting certain teachers • Student has changed his/her mind about elective classes • Order of classes • Student requests to lighten his/her academic load (excluding level changes-see below) It is our mission to ensure that students are enrolled in academic classes that reflect their ability levels. To accomplish this, the Chiles Administration may allow a level change. Level changes are only made under the following conditions: • The student has completed all class assignments • There is a teacher recommendation for a level change • The student has sought help from various sources (teacher, tutoring, etc.)

Attention: Parents of Seniors! During the first week of school, seniors will receive an important document that lists all the estimated senior fees and senior events that will occur during this year. Parents and seniors will also be able to access this document on the Chiles senior web page.

A Message from Student Affairs on Dress Code The Student Affairs Office of Lawton Chiles High School respects the rights of each student’s style of dress and/or grooming and understands that it may reflect individual preference. However, such preferences are required to fall within the guidelines of the rules and policies of the District and Chiles High School. Student attire and good grooming is expected to promote a positive, safe, and healthy environment within the school. This essential factor is a substantial contributor to the maintenance of an effective learning atmosphere. Please review the dress code policy below. LAWTON CHILES HIGH SCHOOL DRESS CODE Dress Code • All students are expected to dress appropriately for school. Students who are in violation of the dress code will be disciplined. NOTE: Mr. Swope or designee shall make the final determination concerning questions regarding the appropriateness of dress and grooming for school-sponsored functions. • Shirts, tops, blouses, jackets must cover all aspects of the bosom, chest, back and sides with straps at least 1-inch wide on each shoulder. Cleavage should not be visible. Tube tops, halters, or spaghetti straps are not permitted as a primary top. Students must not show excessive armpit area when wearing sleeveless shirts. Sheer and/or tight clothing are not appropriate for school dress. If a jacket or other covering is worn over the top, the shirt, blouse, or dress underneath must meet the dress code. Jackets and sweaters may not be used for the purpose of covering inappropriate attire. • Skirts, dresses and/or shorts, must reach mid-thigh length when in standing position. All dresses must have straps (at least 1-inch wide on each shoulder). Short-shorts and mini-skirts may not be worn. • Pants should fit appropriately, without sagging, and hide all undergarments (basketball shorts, underwear, boxers, other shorts, etc.). (Florida’s Sagging Pants Law requires school boards to adopt dress codes barring clothes that “expose underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner.”) Pants may not be ripped or torn above the knee. Leggings/jeggings are not allowed to be worn at school. • Pajamas are not allowed to be worn at school. Underwear (boxers, briefs, bras or bra straps, bandeaus, etc.) must not be exposed at any time. • Shoes are required and must be safe for school activities. Bedroom shoes and house slippers are not permitted. • Hats or any head covering and sunglasses (male & female) may be worn outside. They are not allowed in the hallways, classrooms or offices. • Attire and jewelry must not be sexually suggestive or feature crude or vulgar commercial lettering, printing, or drawings which would be offensive or insensitive to those on the Chiles High School campus. They may not depict drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or be indicative of gang membership. (Leon County School Board Policy 3.06) • Accommodations will be made for medical, cultural, and/or religious reasons. • Failure to follow the dress code will result in the following consequences: 1st Offense: The student will be issued a warning and will be given proper change of clothing to wear for the remainder of the school day. 2nd Offense: The student will be issued a lunch detention and the parent will be notified. The student will be given proper change of clothing to wear for the remainder of the school day. 3rd Offense: The student will be issued a Saturday School and the parent will be notified. The student will be given proper change of clothing to wear for the remainder of the school day. 4th Offense: The parent will be notified and the student will be assigned Out of School Suspension. Continued violations of the dress code will result in suspension from school, with the number of days increasing with each offense.



What You Will Find in Bookbags During the First Week Parents should be on the lookout for a variety of papers and handbooks that will be given out during the first week of school. These are important, and we don’t want you to miss them. If your child does not bring them home, check the bottom of his/her book bag; they were given out! Contact the school if you have any questions. Items include, but are not limited to: 1. Student Accident Insurance Forms – Some parents mistakenly believe that the schools carry medical insurance for accidents that occur at school. However, this is not true. The student accident insurance program is a low-cost way for parents to defray medical or dental expenses resulting from accidents to their child while at school. If parents already have medical or dental insurance, this coverage can help fill–in the gaps that are often left by a deductible, limitations, and exclusions to insurance. If parents have no other medical insurance, these accident policies provide primary coverage. If you would like to read the student accident insurance brochure please contact Ms. Laurienzo or Ms. Keith for an application and/or brochure. All insurance has certain limitations and exclusions. 2. Free and Reduced Lunch Form – These forms are available in the Student Affairs office and in the cafeteria. Many students do not want to pick up a form even if they are eligible for free or reduced meals. It is imperative that parents receive the form and get it completed as soon as possible in order for services to be offered. Please contact Ms. Keith in Student Affairs if you know you are eligible but your child did not bring home a form. We will ensure that one is given to your child very discreetly and without embarrassment.

Helpful Hints The first day of school will require only pencil (or pen) and paper. Avoid buying notebooks and folders until your child has been given all of the requirements for each class. Teachers will give out this information along with their class rules and grading policies, so please wait until you hear from them. Lockers will be assigned during the first week in homeroom classes. Hall lockers and PE lockers come equipped with a combination lock that is the property of the school. Rental fees for PE locks are $1, and hall locks are $5 for the year. There are several pay telephones available for student use before school, between classes, during lunchtime and after school. They are located under the clock tower and on the front of the gymnasium. In the case of an emergency students may come to the main office and use the phone on the wall outside the Student Activities Office. Arrangements for after school pickups should be made before coming to school. With almost 2000 students on campus, the office receptionist cannot take phone messages and deliver them to the classroom for students. A general announcement at the end of the school day will be made for any last minute situations, changes in extra-curricular events, etc. In case of an emergency, please ask to speak with one of the Administrators or the Principal’s Secretary, and it will be handled from those offices.

School Supply Shopping? Please mention Chiles High when shopping at Target of Office Depot! If you have a Target credit card, you can designate Chiles High to receive 1% back on your store purchases – just give them our ID# 113794. Likewise, when shopping at Office Depot, simply ask them to enter the Chiles High ID# 70024036 and we will receive 5% back for supplies!

A few spots are left! We need you!

Advertise in the Wolf Prints! This is a wonderful way for your company to get community recognition and exposure, and at the same time help support your local schools!

Valerie Witters

Lawton Chiles High School


Important Information from Our Attendance Office!

Attendance Basics

Leon County’s attendance policy is distributed to each student the first week of school. Students are expected to attend every class, every day, on time, prepared to work with the appropriate attitude. The school maintains records of all student attendance, including absences, tardiness and early dismissals. The teachers’ online records are the official record that determines the number of absences for each student. Students attending an administratively recognized school function will be considered present for attendance purposes.

Absences: The policies for high school attendance allow a maximum of three absences per nine week grading period. Absences may be excused for illnesses, medical care, medical appointments, legal reasons or death in the family. Documentation from the family or medical care provider may be used to excuse these absences. Absences for religious holidays, higher education visits, or other educational experiences must be arranged before the days away from school occur. Leon County Schools publishes a list of approved religious holidays and provides a form to request permission to be absent for observance of these special days. Higher education visits must be prearranged with the institution of interest and must be preapproved by the administration one week before the absence followed by the submission of appropriate documentation from the higher education institution. Other educational experiences such as work during legislative sessions, appropriate extended family trips, etc. must be preapproved by the administration a minimum of one week before the absence. Additional documentation may be required upon return from the absences. Unexcused Absences: An unexcused absence is any absence which has not been properly documented under guidelines stated above. Students will receive a failing grade for any class that has four or more unexcused absences per nine week grading period. Absences totaling ten or more for any semester require documentation from medical or legal sources to be excused. Documenting Absences: Absences should be documented the day the student returns to school. Notes should be hand delivered to the attendance office, attached to an email or faxed (488-1821). Documentation provided after five school days of the return to school could lead to discipline action for the student. This could be detention (before school, lunch or after school) Saturday school, work detail or other administrative assignment. Signing Out: Students who leave campus before the end of the day must be signed out by the approved adult through the attendance office. Parents must be contacted by phone by the attendance office staff in order for students to sign themselves out. Leaving campus without signing out is considered “skipping” and the absences are recorded as “unexcused”. Students who do not return from lunch are considered “skipping” and the absences are recorded as “unexcused”. Appeals: Students who have unexcused absences that result in attendance failures may appeal to have the earned grade restored. Students are to contact the attendance office to request an appeal. Tardy / Late: Students are marked tardy if they report for class after the tardy bell rings. Being marked tardy four times in one class for a nine week grading period will result in an unexcused absence. Reporting to class ten minutes or more after the tardy bell rings results in the student being marked “late” which is the equivalent of an unexcused absence. Senior Skip Days: “Senior skip days” do not exist. Students who are absent on any student-initiated skip day will be considered “skipping” and the absence will be recorded as “unexcused”. Hall Passes: When students are outside the classroom during a class period, they are required to have a hall pass from their teacher showing where they are being sent with the time and date clearly marked. Students are not allowed to use electronic devices, be at the snack machine, or the parking lots during class time.

4 OR MORE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES = ATTENDANCE FAILURE • ATTENDANCE FAILURE = “F” ON REPORT CARD • 4 TARDIES (up to 10 minutes late) = 1 UNEXCUSED ABSENCE • 1 LATE TO CLASS (10 or more minutes late) = 1 UNEXCUSED ABSENCE • Students are expected to attend every class, every day, on time. • Students must be signed out by an approved adult when leaving school for any reason. • Parents must be contacted by phone in order for students to sign themselves out. • Students are considered skipping if they leave school without signing out. • Signing out does not excuse an absence. • A written excuse is required for all absences no more than 5 days after the absence. • An excuse must include the student’s full name, grade, date/periods absent, and the reason for the absence. • S e n d m e d i c a l d o c u m e n t a t i o n f o r appointments/hospitalizations, parent note for other illnesses, and documentation of higher education visits and funerals. • Parents are limited to writing 10 excuses in a semester. Documentation from medical or legal sources is required after the 10 absences. • An administratively excused absence requires a Pre-Arranged Absence Form* completed and approved a minimum of one week in advance. (For: higher-education visits, other educational experiences, work in legislature, etc.). • A religious holiday absence requires a Religious Holiday Exemption Request Form* completed and approved one week in advance for days on the Leon County Schools approved list. • Attendance forms may be found on the Chiles website (select Academics, then Attendance, then the needed form) or picked up in the Attendance Office. Attendance Contact: Lynda Lewis, Phone: # 488-1756 Extension 245 Fax: # 488-1821 E-Mail: LEWISL2@LEONSCHOOLS.NET • See the official attendance policy for further details.

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School Advisory Council (SAC) PARENT APPLICATION FORM CHILES HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 Membership on the School Advisory Council consists of the following persons: • 1 Principal • 4 Teachers (to include 1 Guidance Counselor, 1 Site Facilitator and 2 classroom teachers) • 1 Support Staff Member—Elected by the Support Staff • 2 Business Partners—Selected from the Partners in Excellence Program • 4 Students (Elected from SGA with one from each grade level) • 16 P arents –elected by the parents who have children attending CHS The parent members shall serve for 2 years. Please complete the following information and return to the Main Office if you are interested in serving on the 2015-2016 School Advisory Council. Elections, if needed, will be held in early September, and the names of those chosen will be printed in the following newsletter. As always, every meeting is open to anyone so even if you are not elected to the Council, your presence at the meetings is always welcome. SAC NOMINATION FORM NAME: ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ ZIP_______________ HOME PHONE: _________________________________ WORK PHONE:___________________ CELL PHONE: __________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: ________________________________________________________________________ CHILDREN ATTENDING CHILES HIGH SCHOOL:

NAME ________________________________________________ GRADE LEVEL________

NAME ________________________________________________ GRADE LEVEL________

Parking Passes (Grades 9-12) Off Campus Lunch Passes (Juniors & Seniors Only!) • •

All financial obligations MUST be cleared before any student will be issued either a Parking Pass or Off Campus Pass Student MUST have a 2.0 un-weighted GPA minimum during the preceding 9-week grading period to get either pass!

A listserv has been sent out to notify you of specific dates and times when parking and off campus passes are ready to be picked up from Ms. Keith in the Student Affairs office. Leon County School Board policy states that the high school campuses are CLOSED at lunchtime and all students must remain on campus through the school day. If you want to allow your Junior or Senior to leave campus during lunch break, they must complete the Off Campus Lunch Pass paperwork found on the Chiles website (under Student Life). Please be aware that this form does require a notarized parent signature UNLESS it is signed in our office in the presence of one of our employees and identification is presented. Students MAY NOT leave campus during lunch until the Off Campus ID Card has been issued. Passes will not be issued during the first week of school for safety reasons. Old ID cards are not acceptable. The Administration will be checking for the new ID cards beginning the first day of school--- no card, no go!



Moved or Planning to Move??

The Chiles PTO extends a warm welcome to our new and returning families! Our first PTO meeting of the year is on September 14th at noon in the upstairs conference room of the admin building. Come get involved!

We have a number of report cards/test scores that were returned to us due to incorrect addresses; if you did not receive your student’s final report card this may be why. You will need to provide proof of residence in order to pick it up. Please remember if you have moved or are planning on moving you need to notify the registrar and provide proof of residence for your new address. PROOF OF RESIDENCE AS DEFINED BY THE COUNTY Reasonable proof of the primary residence must include one of the following documents; homestead exemption, mortgage deed, a lease or rental agreement of property tax record; and at least one other form of appropriate documentation which can be a driver’s license, voter registration card, electric bill or insurance bill. These can be faxed, mailed or brought in to the registrar – BUT THEY CANNOT BE DROPPED OFF AT THE FRONT DESK – our Registrar must be able to verify that the documents are in compliance with LCS Policy. Neither Leon County school mail nor Chiles’ mail is forwarded, it will be returned to sender. Any forms that are filled out at the beginning of school do not automatically update your address; you MUST provide proof of residence as described above to the registrar in order for the change of address to be entered into the computer. Please make sure we have your correct address and phone number on file so that we can get in touch with you as needed.

2015-2016 Chiles High School PTO Executive Board: • Jessica Oyster - Chair • Julie Eberhardt - Secretary • Michele Reynolds - Treasurer • Christy Treadwell - Teacher Appreciation Chair • Julie Harrington - Grounds and Facilities Chair

We are looking to fill some open spots on the PTO Board.

***Business Partner Coordinator - FABULOUS opportunity for someone with local business connections and good networking skills. Works closely with local businesses to secure guest speakers, donations, deals, and services for the school. No experience necessary, training is provided by the County. ***Volunteer Coordinator - (SO much easier than elementary or middle school, I promise!!!) Helps connect willing volunteers to teachers and staff that need help in the classroom/library/front office and reports volunteer hours to the county. No experience necessary, training is provided by the County. ***Student Encouragement Chair - helps plan and organize a few events sprinkled throughout the school year to reward our hardworking students. Works closely with the Business Partner Coordinator to get the most bang for our buck! Great opportunity for a caring parent to get involved with fun activities.

If you are interested in helping out, email!

The PTO is excited to offer discounts for senior and yearbook ads through our Booster Program! Below are the prices for the packages, and envelopes for payment are located in the lobby of the admin building. Email with any questions! Chiles High PTO Booster Levels Silver Booster: • $10 - $99: CHS Car Magnet & Yearbook Gold Booster: • $100: Magnet & Yearbook • $155: Magnet & Yearbook & Business Card Ad in Yearbook • $185: Magnet & Yearbook & Quarter Page Ad in Yearbook • $250: Magnet & Yearbook & Half Page Ad in Yearbook • $350: Magnet & Yearbook & Whole Page Ad in Yearbook

Guidance News The Guidance Department is composed of five counselors, our secretary, Mrs. Cindy Fisher and our Registrar, Mrs. Jeanne Tucker. Mrs. Fisher will assist in scheduling appointments for students, parents, community resources and college representatives. Our counselors will be working with students based on a yet to be determined criteria. Students will receive logon and password information for our online grade book system, Pinpoint, when it becomes available from our district. Please make sure that you ask your student for that information so that you can have access to his/her progress through the Pinpoint system. All students will receive an Interim Progress Report during the mid-point of each nine week grading period. The student is charged with delivering the progress report to his/her parent/guardian. The Progress Report dates as well as the Report Card dates will be listed in the next newsletter. Please be on the lookout for those. We recommend that you sign-up for our online ListServe. This will give you the most up to date information about Chiles High School. For the most up-to-date information about the Bright Futures Scholarship Programs please refer to their website at Additional information will be forthcoming in the next newsletter and via ListServe. Scholarship Opportunities Reminder Please remember there are scholarship opportunities posted throughout the year in the scholarship drawer in Guidance and the list of scholarships is also available online through the guidance website under the Guidance tab. Please contact Mrs. Garner in Guidance if you have any questions regarding a scholarship opportunity!


Drama News! The Drama Club, for all Chiles’ students interested in being a part of a large social group that is involved with our productions, holding workshops, seeing plays together, hosting school events, and raising money for Relay for Life and Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS, and more will hold their first meeting September 1 from 2:00-3:30 in the Chiles auditorium. We will be providing information about all of our plans for the year, doing a theatre tour, talking about auditions for the fall play, and playing theatre games. You do not need to be in a drama class to be a member of drama club. Hope to see you there! Auditions for the fall play, a modern version of The Birds by Aristophanes, adapted by Don Zolidis will be held September 14-16 in the Chiles Auditorium. Needed are about 20 students to play a variety of comedic parts. Go to the Chiles Theatre website at for more information. Drama students enrolled in a drama or technical theatre classes are eligible to go to District and State Thespian Festival. Returning students have already started working on acting and technical events to be ready to audition for Ms. O in mid October for a place on the team! Freshmen and new students are encouraged to try out for the team. Go to for information and rules about specific events. The District Festival is held in Niceville in January, and State is in Tampa in March. For a complete calendar of drama events, and more information about all things Chiles Theatre related, go to Class and play information will be available as school begins.

Orchestra Chiles Orchestra members and their teacher are set to welcome new members in a few days as we begin another exciting new year. Please make plans to bring your instrument on the first day of class as we WILL be playing. If you have a problem with your instrument that has cropped up over the summer, please contact Mr. Miller the week before classes so he can assist. If you have any questions or simply want to say “hello,” don’t hesitate in the slightest to contact Mr. Chris Miller at See you all soon​!

MU ALPHA THETA News The Chiles Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society is ready to take on the 2015-2016 school year! Fresh from the National MAΘ Convention held from July 19-24 in Salt Lake City, we begin recruiting right as school starts. All students who are currently in Geometry Honors or above with a 3.0 unweighted GPA in math are welcome to join. We have both competitive and non-competitive memberships. Our competition schedule is packed indeed: TBA FSU Competition TBA Rickards Invitational December 12 Chiles Mini Mu January 15-16 Vero Beach Statewide January 30 Pensacola State College Regional February 13 Chiles Regional February 26-27 Tampa Sickles Statewide TBA NWFSC Math Bowl March 12 Pensacola Escambia Regional April 14-17 State Convention @ Orlando July 8-15 National Convention @ St. Louis, MO We look forward to preparing for these competitions and to another year of Chiles MAΘ dominance in the region, state, and nation! If you are interested in joining MAΘ, see your math teacher or Mr. Friedlander once school begins. Cynthia Wang MAΘ Secretary


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Not valid with any other offers.

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Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Tallahassee, Florida Permit No. 155 Leon County District Schools Lawton Chiles High School 7200 Lawton Chiles Lane Tallahassee, FL 32312 Return Service Requested


Reserve your copy of the 2016 WolfPack Yearbook today and save $10!! Yearbooks are currently on sale for $75. This summer price will only be good until August 28, so be sure to order soon and save! Use the order form on the Chiles website to order through the school or order online at https:// Seniors and Senior Parents Senior ads for the 2016 yearbook are now available! Reserve early! You can send in pictures/messages later. The prices are listed in the order form on the Chiles website. Order through the school or online at https://www. **NOTE: If ordering online, please submit an ad order form to the school and write your online confirmation number in the appropriate line at the bottom of the form. This will help us track your purchase! Early Bird Combo for Ads! Save even more when you purchase your ad, yearbook, and accessories together over the summer! Information is provided on the attached ad order form. Order through the school with the order form on the Chiles website or order online at https://

ATHLETICS Chiles High Athletic Contact information Sport Athletic Director: Assistant Athletic Director: Baseball Girls Basketball Boys Basketball Cheerleading Cross Country Dance Flag Football Football Girls Golf Boys Golf Boys Lacrosse Girls Soccer Boys Soccer Softball Track and Field Swim & Dive Tennis Girls Volleyball Girls Weightlifting Boys Weightlifting Wrestling Sand Volleyball

Coach Mike Eto Amy Sherry Dick Steed Terral Upchurch John Langlois Gayla Sanders Scott Gowan Jennifer Drawdy Stan Goldstein Garrett Jahn Lori Nevin Brad Jackson Chris Anders TBA Bryan Wilkinson Aaron Clark Scott Gowan Gerry Norris Owen Long Kaitlin Diluzio Philip Browning Garrett Jahn James Marschka Kaitlin Diluzio

Email Address Tryout Date (850)-488-1756 ext. 210 (850)488-1756 18-Jan 19-Oct 26-Oct 12-Oct 3-Aug 28-Apr 15-Feb 3-Aug 3-Aug 3-Aug 18-Jan  6-Oct 12-Oct 11-Jan 18-Jan 3-Aug 11-Jan 3-Aug 19-Oct 18-Jan 9-Nov 3/21/2016

Academy Publishing School Newsletter Program ™ 800-644-3541

Back to School Sale: Yearbooks and Senior Ads!

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