Lely High School Newsletter

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Lely High School 1 Lely High School Blvd. Naples, FL 34113

www.lhs.collierschools.com Principal Jen Bledsoe Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction Jessie Garcia Assistant Principal of Attendance & Discipline Chuck Indelicato Assistant Principal Israel Lopez Athletic Director William Mottola Student Services Laura Cox, A – Ce/Gifted Alissa Schneider, Ch-Gomez Donald Gilmore, Gonzalez-Martin Jackie Thompson-Fresenius, Martinez-Roc Beth Colman, Director of Student Services, Rod-Z

JULY 2021 Volume 4 Issue 2

From The Desk Of The Principal

Hello, Trojan family! I am Jennifer Bledsoe, and I am so very honored and excited to be your principal next year. As a much needed and welldeserved summer begins, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am a graduate of Lely High School and began my Collier County teaching career here at Lely, as well. So, this truly feels like coming home to me. I have been the principal at Manatee Middle School for the last 4 years and have served in other capacities in CCPS for 19 years. It has been remarkable to watch Lely High School flourish under the leadership of Ms. Keegan, her leadership team, and staff. I look forward to contributing to the many successes of LHS. I hope everyone has a restful summer. I cannot wait to see you all in the fall. Once a Trojan, always a Trojan! Principal Bledsoe

Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction

As this school year comes to an end I would like to thank all of our students, parents and staff for their hard work and perseverance. This school year certainly came with its challenges, however, each of our trojans showed grit, determination and what it truly means to be a trojan. During our graduation this year, one of our graduates reminded us of the significance of being a Trojan, please find below a little history on our school mascot compliments of Elizabeth Mann: “Our Trojan mascot was not just assigned to our school. The meaning behind our mascot is based on an ancient story: The Trojan War. In Greek mythology, the Trojan War was a war between the Greeks and the people of Troy. When the Trojan prince had abducted the Queen of Sparta, the King of Sparta enlisted help from the greatest and strongest Greek heroes. With magical strength, and luck provided by the Gods, the odds were in the favor of the Greeks. To make a very long story short: the people of Troy had no chance in beating such immeasurable odds. Yet by surprise, the war against the Greeks and Trojans was not an easy one. The people of Troy did not care what their chances of winning were: they defended their home. The war had gone on for nine years. And the entirety of the nine years, the people of Troy never backed down. For nine years, the Greeks worked to demolish Troy. But, the city of Troy had stayed astill. And the Trojans refused to give up. In the end, the Greeks may have taken over the city of Troybut they failed to take away the spirit of the Trojans. Our Trojan mascot is a reminder that we, the class of 2021, will live our lives, in the same manner, the people of Troy did. That we live our lives, strong-willed, determined, hard-working, and with the strength to never give up.” Have a wonderful summer Trojans, we will see you next school year and remember: “We Are Lely” To download a PDF version of this newsletter, go to http://academypublishing.com/schools/lely/lely.php

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Career and Technical Education

Students from Lely’s Career and Technical Education Academies were busy getting ready for College and Careers after high school this year by passing many different Industry Certification exams. Students in the NAF Engineering Academy took the MTA - Intro to Programming Using Python and Autodesk Certified user - Fusion 360. Students in the NAF Information Technology Academy passed Industry certifications in Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premier Pro) Microsoft (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and CIW Internet Business Associate. The NAF Academy of Health Science students were able to become Certified Patient Care Technicians and Certified Medical Administrative Assistants. Students in the Aviation Academy which are dual enrollment classes with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University received FAA Private Pilot Licenses and Unmanned Aircraft Licenses. Students in the Criminal Justice Academy passed NOCTI Criminal Justice Industry Certification. Lely’s Entrepreneurship class recently competed in the CCPS district competition. The students did extremely well with the group Drone Sight LLC earning honorable mention. The students

in the group are running a Drone Photography company, https:// www.dronesightswfl.com/.The group submitted an application to participate in the IncubatorEDU National High School Pitch competition and are waiting to hear back. The Engineering Academy participated The VEX Robotics – In the Zone Competition. The Robotics competition, is a competition that the Engineering Club along with students from the Engineering classes have been preparing for. Members of the club have dedicated time in building and programming a robot from scratch in hopes of meeting the objectives of the competition, but also having fun.

This school year has been unlike any other school year and like always the students at Lely High School have persevered and done great things. Looking forward to another great school year. See you in August!

Math Department


Greetings from the math department! We hope everyone enjoys the summer vacation. Please be sure to check out the Gear Up math activities located in Canvas. This will help to ensure you are ready to be successful in August. The math department wishes Mrs. Richardson the best of luck with her pursuit of her nursing degree. We will miss her greatly!

World Languages, Fine Arts, and Music Department

All the world’s a stage and you could be one of its players. We are offering theater classes in the fall. Whether you like to be on the stage or behind the scenes: costume, make-up, props, lights, sound, etc – we want you to join in on the fun. Contact your guidance counselor about getting theater added to your schedule. We’ll see you in August when the curtain rises.




4433 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES FL 34112 | (239) 775-2150

Trojan Tribune July 2021 Published Four Times Per Year Lely High School 1 Lely High School Blvd. Naples, FL 34113 Issue 2

A few spots are left!

We need you! Advertise in the Trojan Tribune! This is a wonderful way for your company to get community recognition and exposure, and at the same time help support your local schools!

Jessie Garcia

garciy2@collierschools.com Lely High School

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In Lely High JROTC you will learn to: Appreciate the ethical values that underlie good citizenship. Citizenship, taught through a study of history and government, demonstrates the importance of commitment and strengthens your character and resolve as you grow. You will learn to make ethical decisions based on core values. Develop leadership potential and learn to live and work cooperatively with others. Teamwork and leadership, within teams and groups, are essential to the smooth operation of any organization. You will develop leadership skills so you can work in a team. Community service, drills, challenges, and other competitions make learning teamwork and leadership challenging and fun. Think logically and communicate effectively both orally and through writing. You will learn important skills in writing, reading, and test-taking that will allow you to excel in your classes outside of JROTC. You will learn basic problem-solving, financial planning, and conflict resolution; life skills that will help you live in the modern world. Appreciate the importance of physical fitness in maintaining good health. Fitness, wellness, and good nutrition are necessary to perform as a citizen and a leader. JROTC will teach you what needs to be done to become fit and to maintain that fitness. Instruction will be provided on how your brain functions, how you can maximize your learning and effectiveness, and how to avoid pitfalls such as substance abuses. Understand ways to resist negative peer pressure and support others. It is one thing to know how to make better choices for yourself, and another to teach others to do the same. Through service learning you will be able to help others to develop the positive strategies you have learned that will enhance their quality of life. Develop mental management abilities. You will be able to assess your skills and learn to make more logical, positive decisions and choices. You will learn how to set goals and develop an action plan that will help you to achieve those goals. As you become a better citizen, a better leader, and a better team member your self-esteem will increase. Your “Can Do” attitude will show beyond JROTC. Become familiar with military history as it relates to America’s culture and with the history, purpose, and structure of the military services. Learn not only about important events in our history, but also about their effect on our society. Discover the role the military services play in supporting the nation. Understand the importance of high school graduation to a successful future. Develop the means and motivation to graduate from high school and to pursue a meaningful life. Learn about college and other advanced educational and employment opportunities. You will learn about the many varied opportunities that are available to you upon graduation. The foundation and competency skills required to work effectively are ingrained throughout the curriculum

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JROTC News...continued

Come Join Us Next Year!!!!! Our desire is for all cadets and their families to experience through the JROTC program. If you have please call Chief Warrant Officer Michael Harp at harpm@collierschools.com for all 10-12 graders or MSG email at SantiaLa@collierschools.com.

enjoy a positive learning any question or concerns (377-4253) or email at Santiago at (377-2051) or

5 LHS Trojans

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6 Helping Your Teen Get the Most Out of High School

From NEA and National Parent Teacher Association Parents want their children to do well in high school but sometimes it is a challenge to figure out how to support them. High school is a time when parent involvement is critical; teens need your help even if they don’t realize it. Following are some hints on how to help your teen get the most out of high school.

Help Your Child Show Up At School With A Good Attitude And Ready To Learn

Studies indicate that showing up is important but not sufficient for school success. Physical and mental states are important factors in getting the most from school. • Keep tabs on school attendance. Check report card attendance reports. If you suspect a problem, immediately call the school. Do not encourage your child to skip school for special trips or activities not related to school such as a family vacation or an outing with friends. That makes school seem less important than having fun. • Make sure your teen gets plenty of sleep. Recent studies show that teenagers need nine or more hours of sleep nightly and that students earning As and Bs generally are getting to bed earlier than students with lower grades. • Don’t accept the “I’m never gonna use this after high school” excuse for not working hard in a particular class. For example, algebra may not be everybody’s favorite subject, but studies show that courses like algebra are critically important in college acceptance decisions and achievement. • If you have a senior, beware of “senior slump.” Recent reports indicate that stu- dents may consider the last year of high school a waste of time. However, students who waste their senior year are often unprepared for college-level work even if they took challenging courses during their earlier high school years.

Help Organize Time And Materials • • • •

Just because students are in high school does not guarantee they are all prepared to do high school work, especially long-term projects, on their own. Help your teen keep an assignment calendar with dates for long-term projects as well as daily homework. Review the calendar at the beginning of the week to plan how time will be used and make allowances for other activities such as sports and clubs. Help your teen divide long-term assignments into smaller tasks and develop a timeline for when tasks should be finished in order to have the entire assignment completed on time. Make sure there is a place for quiet study away from the television and telephone along with a place to keep school materials, including materials necessary for long-term assignments.

Take An Interest • • • • •

Studies show that parent involvement drops dramatically as students move from elementary school into middle and high school. Yet given the complexities of today’s high schools, this is a time when many students are most in need of parental support and involvement. You might not understand a subject such as physics or early American literature but you can still listen to your teen talk about what is happening in class. Also listen to what is happening outside of class. Listen to what your teen is trying to say without immediately judging or offering advice. Encourage your teen to join a club or sport at school. Outside activities are educational and often increase students’ interest in school. Help your teens put their concerns or problems into words and encourage them to try and figure out possible solutions or coping strategies. Try to find at least one teacher with whom you can communicate regularly for updates or advice on your teen’s general well-being in high school. The ultimate goal is to help students become self-sufficient managers of their time and resources in order to get the most out of high school. They may need your help even if they don’t realize it. Help them to develop habits and strategies for greater achievement while encouraging them to take increasing responsibility for their work.

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First Day of School

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021


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Inside This Issue

News from Curriculum & Instruction Career and Technical Education Math Department

World languages, Fine Arts & Music Department JROTC News And More...

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