Make Writing A Way of Life at Home Provide a suitable place. It is important for a child to have a good place to write (i.e. desk or table with a smooth flat surface, and good lighting.) If possible, have your students type his/her writing assignments to prepare for computer-based writing requirements. Encourage frequent writing. Frequency is important to develop the habit of writing. (Thank you notes, grocery lists, diary or travel journal, letters to family, etc.) Be helpful, but don’t YOU write it (or edit it). Pen/pencil or keyboard should always be controlled by your child. Most helpful is asking questions. Meeting a writing deadline, taking responsibility for a finished product and feeling ownership of it are important parts of writing well. Respond with praise for what is done correctly. Focus on the ideas, content and words chosen first. Is it descriptive? Thoughtful? Interesting? Focused? Be specific. The willingness to write is often fragile and your attitude is vital. Let your child see YOU write. Show them writing isn’t done just in school. Share your own writing. Talk through your process. Click here to download a copy to copy and paste: A%20Way%20of%20Life%20at%20Home.docx?hpt_click_ts=1460744389983