Parent Student Communication

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Guidance News By: Sheryl Jones Ways to communicate better with your student Parents I know we all get frustrated with our children at one time or another and sometimes we forget positive praise goes a long way to motivate kids. Here are some ideas to help encourage your student in a more positive manner: 1. “I believe in you.” Instilling confidence in your child can improve a child’s self-worth and importance. 2. “I won’t give up on you.” Give support and strength to your children. 3. “How can I help you succeed?” Make education a priority in the home and give your child the tools to be successful. 4. “I have time for you.” We often forget that our children need us especially during the teenage years. It’s important to be there for them and just spend time together. 5. “Not right now but we can talk later.” If this phrase is used, be sure to go back later and see just how you can help your child or what their needs are. 6. “Let’s work together.” Work together on homework, doing projects, practicing sports, musical instruments or listening to a speech. 7. “Thank You!” Words we can never hear often enough. 8. “What if.” Try something different to make an impact on your child’s life. 9. “I’m listening.” Are you really listening? 10. “What is best?” Am I always doing what is best for my child? Sometimes the best is not always what you want but is bet for your child. 11. “I realize you did not get elected, make the team, get an A, etc.” Our children are always going to “fail” at something. We have to allow them to fail so they can grow. Encourage alternate activities when this happens. Just a few concluding remarks: . Even if you aren’t the best at something enjoy the experience. . Encourage your child to thank the adults around him regularly; teachers, coaches and other friends and adults. . Work hard and do your best at whatever you attempt. Remind yourself and your child we don’t always get what we want. Adversity can build character, change for improvement and open our eyes to a new way of being successful. Click here to download: ?hpt_click_ts=1455051659759

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