Principals Message

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Principals Message Topics: Having a list of six things you can say with pride about your school can serve a principal in many ways. As new parents come to visit your school to see if it meets their expectations, those six pride statements can be great conversation starters. I had committed my six statements to memory but, if it's helpful, I recommend carrying an index card with the six statements on it. When you are at meetings of civic and community groups, that card will come in handy when community members ask about your school. The more you use those statements, the easier it is to recall them when the time is right. You might also display the six statements on large posters in high-traffic areas of your school such as the office area, the media center, the cafeteria, and gym. Include one or two of the statements -- or all six of them if you have space -- in each issue of your school newsletter. Those six statements will change from year to year as you achieve success in new areas. You might even seek input from members of your school family as to what those statements should be. To learn more about school-community relations, or to purchase a copy of The Administrator's Guide to School-Community Relations, go to the Eye On Education Web site. This e-interview with George Pawlas is part of the Education World Wire Side Chat series. Click here to see other articles in the series. - See more at:

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